HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-8-25, Page 1IRE
etructed gra
to beadle alt
possible later
will be .ria
• lie. gage
10 68.
OTmale op. will
me to Mem n
rens for dent.
is TB )0,:rr.
�rrj1• t
Notice of ohangei meet be kit .t thla
Moe not later than Idaturday
noon. The top] tor changes
noted be lett not later than Mon
clef �B�O�W,tL, °egad AdverUU.ments
�P"- a. to noon Wednesday of
seek week.
PibUs 140111...
Tee roost seeedne of the ebateboMdete of
the Reed •re� Bleycle Co.. Limited will be
yd ai the omw tit the Company on Limited,
IitnL t[b next at A Wo ock r � W. -Ahl
eh sag• gtu, fig tleeeremet.
_. tilt _ ... .
OTICE ---- - _
Natty u here* t�hat yy,Iiwtiw wW
he made to then Ia(Irlatare for the
Preview of • •n • epeeist wt author -
.y rarest Cite Tows el Me Town of dodo
rich W guarantee ihe or debentures tit
ibe 1Ooderloh Elevator awdTesselt Com NoyLoo,
of eh) and
eted 40440 . in item to
a sum
e0rlp(luo for modal stook in the said mon
gaol by the said Toao, aid ter sooh purpose
$ all nese nary by-laws and enter into
_ emcee all noomear7 oontrects.
Dated the led •ugoot. IMtL
Mit emialu0 u tor the Tows of ffiiod(.'rch.
_ /� )woes la•. and Lavestmeott
le p , nsnl�sal after the int 01
emote, oeitl0os ee he made
g!S. Marl • half per omit. Iat.rg4
" :••
WORTH* 4IbTRH $rldl14aVO 1T.
predate more. Ratter and Cgs toe
Cash. W. J. MORROW. Prop.
For HMO or To Root.
t ThatDwell bnMk brae situate on
lot u. O.Of Oador4cb, with ono r
tn. sores Of11M'cM. mte It require.
Thrs b a ter 11111. 011101 adder .1. boom
This i0 • •oereyf M*Y*kle prope-tf tor gerae0-
lag and fruit �wwtar Good orchard on
promisee Sea clay cad suitable ter the man.
uterine of 4A11k. Term to salt purchaser.
Amply m prouder to Ono. McHAaos, r to
W r Carrow, Issuros0. •seat• Weelet.
desbstle property. the tares oldie late.
clomp Merritt Lot 4 Coe. W. W. D.. Col-
borne. emanate et t00 Ace.%. well tenet.
well watered. free erre all o01001 weeds and
1■ . high mete of otltivttloo. Then le • min
tenable true hates with woodshed e.d
goad berm and las. The orobesd 4
planted with amble Nati pears.
cherries sad psdobos sou the garde mutates
different reristles et currants. review mad
mare. 1t W mover bra rested. ler fr-
th.r ptrtMalsre applya the premises r 1
l e to MA8. GEORE YORlt1It. 1.
L Alli FUR BALL -111T 14.�i1L4G88-
1' des 1. R•yfiali four melee frees
eed.siel. ren apply he JAMES
g $U eSTOOON, E. en premien. MIS
H0118 L FOIL BBN -THAT 004*.
bitable and nravm4.at home en Stat
M., rear the Esterase lb.gry. teelnt7T WPM -
pied br Mesa terlsen. I 1 gestates .41 nous
Iwo thaws with *.•fetal. 00.1 Mem send
other oita11wsK. =dare. 0.are mean et
E. W HarlltMs gt f em
I$ agree ea He 1. oeseessll• to ('olberne
toweled,. el ares ere Mind and la •
rood mete el wIdvMloa Two acres are le
orlho.d, rhino
esaWsat hoot. Hou. and
farm hot Mlowss re gat-e4a and to rood nom.
dation. Iamesing lomat will h... the
ppMr1.liege of dela[ fail ,eeoghlog after
harv..t, /5r tether ptnetle0etrs arty to
PRANK &1.L ttWe. box i.LimewsL !�
• d la the ,the term of the ate
lay Id new 3 Cahn YM/E0 . m • geed gravel and
nom IN 00,0o m m pod mate of culti-
vates.. Mabee. toosh rsws�1is�. o scree f hard wv000dd
ksag ,lIwatered 4 brook house and
d)t lt4lls(dy colors apply
te 1HITELI). r ta
mfu sanoute 1. Oodes4b. 0.4.
name, 1■ the Towa of
tiederloh. sem
r erected • arm dwe0-
D.td tib Rertemb.r, 1ir
p�pW . CAMS/tuff. HOLT • HOLMS0.
od.t.o alt
*Path et Lo.$kerie Robert Gibbons.
Kz-eh•rt8 Gibbose died at the homestead
Friday emote/ leas .t 8 o'olook, to his 87th
year. For month. be bad been wing down
Wee grade. and about • week ago was
forced to take to hie bed, where grodushy
the physteal maohirery moved .lower and
d ower i. Be working, until, Boldly, tired
Nature oe..ed to struggle, and the (;rand
01d Man of Huron one of that hand of
mowers who did eo much tor the
port of Canada -rested Irom his tabors.
Hebei Gibbons war dead Hie paving
takes •way the 1101 of • quartette of pion-
eers whose names for over half • malady
had been licked together in the progress
and esttlemect of Western Hume -John
Mons, William Young, Charles Otrvin,ani
cow Robert Gibbous. The death of the
" Uld 8beri8," as he wee familiarly called,
reneges Irom 7slrlee +rowse o1 -Me earth-
ed figures that ever laced hardship and woo
• oomp•ton. w the Huron 'Treat. H• w.
.. houor•ble nen ; hie word ion. hie bead
he soared •II that was net upright and of
Rood repute ; he stood eteadl•.ly hoe hie
friends end W. 01y0r 10.1404000 to en op•
meant ; he w. respected by all who km.
him .ad loved by his mtam•ites ; be W.
largo hearted and brood minded generous
Mike m mind and heart. He leaves behind
him a memory which will ca10ai• green in
the hears of these who knew the .tardy,
honest, truthful pioneer politician. and
esteemed him because he had proved blm-
self to lo worthy of their esteem. The
1ser.i M nd•y att.r000u'Mu witty I •
tended, thea• ..ryioe befog performed by Rev.
J. A. Anderma. Am',orst Chime present
from outside mine -acre : Ben. Gibbons, 01
Detroit, sod John Gentles. of Kincardine,
bath nephew. of the deemed. '1 he p.11-
hearsrs were: Judge M•0.oc,Sarrog.teClerk
MoDo01ld, County Clerk Ltne, County
l'r...are, Rola.. ex•O•olr Dto1.o. 0.d
County lt)terttjy. Lewis. Three damlh ter'
survive, Bre. R. Neyoolds, sr., Mn Hor•oe
Horton and Mr.. Mary Hey., who hare the
mapper y of the public in the lose of an al-
Iwttou•te father.
Cho river gad 1 eli.LE- -The eft occupiee ed overlook',"
are A. Ks.Daarlt �r�., Master is tel,
One et the tweet valuable sad dad. pra-
partles le .ewe.
i The two -Morey frame dwelling hoose on
Routh street tat 4laiely Miami's/ the Brit-
ish Beaaige HNmI..•t dreaest 000.Nd 67
Mr. Andrew Waddell
.t, The dwelling house end dloin ing travels
neer the 0. T. it et.ttes• formerly oeeepled
by the rte Judge Toms.
Priem sad Wrote d mens rea.tades 10
7441 S.beltmo. Godrbh.
:BItua>iIOOs Vetoed.
440[4.. (tae f 00 1/ to Y
Yeas d age. who bas pared 55015005
.jam. preferred. A pNJ / at 81egAi
[l.w lest
wotaes..r eider sees It still yang In
"bitt,, d aadsu�d eh�ersot.r, im d mimeo,
rib. loos ..4 tWeir.00. o•a gad eesplo7
meet la • good arse, with N) par meth and
upw.M d� to abtllt7• REV. T. 8.
LyrR(;0TT, Torero.
The lets Robert 0,bboe., ex -sheriff of the
only of Huroo, belonged to an old Haree-
ms/hem Monty (of England), where his
lather, William (Abboas, end hu megaton
for .ver.l generation, were bore, though
be himself dates his birth to Glasgow, Soot -
lend, December 24th, 1811. his father w.
an iaoentoue manhmit cad w. eegK.d for
years in tanning. fleshing and littmv up
mecbtnery. The maiden limos of the Sher -
48's mother w. Manistee M. Mel/maid,
who w. bora in S,otlend. 1• .lune, 1820,
Me family loft the old world for Canada,
landeg at Qu•heo io August. and tattled on
land m the county of Lenora About four
hundred persons ams out oo the same vee
eel from tel•row, Pooh head of s family
mend oo. ho.dred atom. ot land
from the Government, so rendition that
they .soupy and improv it. Robert aided
his father In cliermg • farm there. in 1827
he went with the (.oily to Potsdam, St
L•wrems• Co.. New York where he spent
Bye years to trhoor tin tot, and where be
received most of h. eztnostles. On leaving
bre on May 16th, 1832, be reached (lode -
nob, walkes* all the way (real Toronto. •
distance of 136 settee. The place then con -
Mimed about 250 tah,hitoote, and he h.
wee it expand into its present Import•...
When Mr. (abode reached here he het but
• few dollars left, but be had the wealth of
a sound eoo0litati., two Mons. already
toil -hardened, and • disposition to use them
to good Advantage. After working • law
.moths .t tardus, he opened •
mem+ bop, and for sixteen years wait •
hotelier and tattl. buyer, to which he
termed himself • veto ensrgetto bu,i.en
auto Alter • short time he again tuned
his attention 6o farming and cook raising,
whiob he e.tiaued for many years. When
**rebellion broke out he went into the
militia as • sergeant, end retired it M.rob,
1838, m lieutenant. la 1867 Mr. Gibbons
was sleeted to the Ontario L.w1/litur., to
represent South Huroo : loot his meet fierier
the mooed session ; Was re elected 1a 1871,
n ervier./ two..elees, and in November, 1873.
r.dred end .o.pted the shrievalty of t6•
ewly, which p.itlon he bold till about •
yeas age. 'Daklog • most stfoient anJ
obliging ofhor. to pobtio0 he was • Rs-
farmer, and stent mash time end money for
the Meat of theme's and in disseminating
the prtooiples of the party. Mr. Gibbons
has doge an oatmeal amount el work he the
town and crusty municipalities Common -
our in the 44.1rtot oueuil In 1848 he served
as reeve for nearly twenty years, and
wardeu ehlrteen years in 1oom.loa, first in
the united emptie of Hares and Brims,
thea us Hare alone. He was sleeted
mayor in 1853.4.5. and his labors in town
and county- have Mee ot great value 'to the
ommaoity. Ie 1868 he was sleeted a.em-
her of the Board of Agrloaltere and Arts til
Ontario and *erred is that position for nine
years. H. wee vise-peesldent in 1873, end
president in 1874, end his .ddrem the latter
year was ordered te be printed in pamphlet
form and was widely distributed. He was
as Wherein of the Presbyterian ohuroh and
wag one of the mese liberal supporters of
Kwon obureb, and has also •.std many
heaon of worship is the county as well se
in the tows. H. was twice married : 8nt
in November. 1835, ee Jane Wilma, of Cum-
brlead, England, who did in May, 1873.
Maytag five obildr.n, one of whom did
shortly afterward., another. the only .00,
dying Ib February, 1879 Hie mooed mar-
riage took pl•ee In Jane, 1874, to Ali.
Roddy, also from Ragland. Owing to the
infirmities of see omiar upon him he
pl0eed his re.ig.aIiav of the .brevity in
the banls of the Government le November,
1896. (M Jan. 1. 1897. the resignatle was
aooeptd, sad after that date he retired te
private life to .pond the dom of a long and
mi.rgetio wear In the quietness of the old
am work bled talkie" Dad writing len
hours dour kr elz ears a week and w111 be
19.4.1 w116 dellen weekly. Addr..
wow IDSAB iia, Tweets. _
bright men far yagaUM0 r prw0,,est.
LatilW eo1.lt for Omade t As eaorolope.dla
lee (109010/," la 1.. teem gmoottee volumes. J�ti 00..7's11,0es
Mrdw he has mode hu beau* there •
success and that he u setist*d ea to the
wl•dom of lair venture. W• sader•t•ud
that Yr. Aohoso.'■ friends are N give tem
• forewdl supper •t Craig's hotel Chu
(Thursday) ..swing.
Ti*. KATI ruts 1898. -Th• municipal
tlaanoe oomml1.• has decided to rear -
mend to the council that • rate of 26 nails
o,, the dollar be Melee agate this year.
Unless • @prole' meeting be called. the
0o0hoil will not meet until the first Friday
of September.
CHILDitoN'e ADORERS- -- Mrs. Thorsley,
of Lowden, will address • 0u•s meetiog of
the e14Udren at 9 o'olek Friday 10.0win5 to
the T.spsemee Hall. It is desired that
Mn, T(o.atey,+ho is • wavelet friend of
the o4444rese,stoy be nail reeeived_Y.M511
are therefore requested b see that the at-
tendee*, is large.
AT Tuz POINT 'Asst. -The followleg are
the rest arrivals eit the pepalor `Summer
ream* From Detroit t- 1S. T. Mrgtea
and three 06lldre), H. B. Anthony, Mr. and
Mn. C. W. Kestriok, Mester Hobert,
Mastro Waken, Mies Edo•. Mir Hales,
Mw Barter, Mees Matthews, Mester Claes.
HorUI, Mies Ago. HeUL Galt :- Mr•.
Sheldon, Mw Joolphlae, Master Harold,
Mier Prosy. - Utillia •- MW Hardy,
Mfr Kate Hardy. Hamilton :-Wes Duf-
field. Windsor A. J. Arnold.
�- Tata GuiytT,IV,Wt!•
weir-Ptt. -T b.-3it•utork of the Great
Naulw0Nsrn Fair hay. beim down looking
MOO the show grenade, and have decided
on some 11eoreary repairs in preperatice ler
the cornier .zhibettos. The town, whiob
owns t6e ground., a to be .ked to rooks
an .ddl6ioo to the poultry house and to ex-
tend the ptoket fence on both sides of the
ham..tretob of the rues teaok, so e• to re-
move any danger to speototers while aped.
0001este are oo. Other repent will be
made by the Ar.ietion.
Firu•IALLy '• Sio " --- Th. K'beard lhe
Review is one ahead of us by the nublio5ao0
of the following item : " The inhabited'
,.1 Godriob were highly honored last week
whir the following dutt..goi.hed Idlss and
gentieme5 paid their town • brief wait :
Sir Charles Rivers - W ilsoo. Lady Rivers.
Wilms, Mies P•ao.lote. denehter of the
British ambassador .n W.hiogtos, Meseta.
Charles Hays, general menager of the Greed
Trunk, end Sid M•loolme. of New West-
minster. They all expressed themselves as
Doing thoroughly pleased with the b•anNfol
eircelar tows."
ABROAD. -oar the 000.eio0 o1 the reeeot
emit of the G. T. R. officials to Goderioh,
Mies Pano.fote, decanter of the Brittle
. mb.eodor at W.hiotttoe, who was •
member of the party, expressed • desire for
some news et the town. A. M.D. Allots,
• rt during their
m Id M t
who ecce pan party
stay here, promised that ab. Mould hays
some, and • Few day ago be seat off to her
a 00111064mi of news and moveoire of tie
tows. see a sirU.r .Ilentioa to Sir (bodes.
Riven Wilson. The views are tee work el
oar local photographers, whioh means that
they are well steamed.
A t W 'Tem
Y 11° fhtmblM t11aN ,
Eledeerwaetes YMfsed far Tome
IR.d•et. w:11 mese the Threats Oen11.rv0
dev terve.
1Eareaemr`r' eei0as. too u..Nr
mats aim OBUTE.
OmisW M� O--wh11b 1.yri.
Tee will many thine§ at thereat North
but non will w sothlua
weber re*6bs Mel menu that are sow .
y bgp ager int .sash the medium
psoff oar.. J.
!t 11ilM guile Is/11st sal Tari 11f
Nets art.
8cg00L Orirtpo.-The Public Salam*
w111 re -mess 05 Thursday. Sept. 1.. Pappe-
w to attend es the 8ra day to anomie *r
.es*, eta
O. 0. I. Or tptwo.-Th. Collegiate keel
tate *411 rearm ea Thursday, Sept. 1st,
with • fell .tae d 111E Masher.. PrsaIpil
"Kraal maw that ete marks of the repent
exams hem set bio rerrrly from the dlvird, edit he
sent fie am teem es they
'10 Om HIM • 8vr0-th►. -J. T. Asha -
am imam& M MM h` family withT 4. 00
Marden, Mes11telme lefty le lese heshems ren par Mimes
padeareirye sue tlr b homer. OWL*
eke year r mere with* he W emelt is
Men or Vie DAY. -ID t1. " Mem of the
Coy,'' renes The Globe thus rebus to the
member for West Huron In the Legislature :
J. '1. Garro*, Q C., whom speech. on the
roestitotieo•l goestione before th, Legiel••
ore have been among the best delivered
alters, and huge indeed, been admirable,
h. been 0 member of the House since the
1 election of 1890 H• w. born at
Chippewa, in the county of Welland, March
11, 184,3. He was eda.ted 1n the Common
e choes of Waterloo and Huroe ouoties and
in the (:odrich High Sobool. He w.
Reeve of Onderioh for geese _years. and has
filled the Phos of Warden of Hama.
of dry wether had kns 4.ken, and the
day went not oe good ler pisaokise as moat
of the exosrsions have had this seaseo.
01500laer• of the West Huron 1 M484)lte
Uolo.. Messrs. Oratory and C,ourtioe, have
8.shed their work of 4•tlinv the probl-
bttloo forces to this .kiting in readiness for
the approaohlog plebiscite. The last meet-
ing was held at Beomiller on Fr*dey night
1avt. Yr. Gregory left eo Saturday for his
home at Rester end Mr. Gourtioe hos re-
sumed his work as school-eereher at the
Nile. West Huroo 1 .. been thoroughly
(organised, and with the distribution of pro-
hibition litrature end the poblto disoarloo
to oome the problbtdoe esnttmeot in the
riding should be pretty well brought out
by the time polies day arrives. The or-
gmdzery have had obtare. M .,.. ho,
but Mr. Gregory stats that the prospects
are etuelleDt, and that We. Hiroo will
in all probability give • larger majority for
prohibition t\an it ever gone for any tem •
periiiiiiiiteidielle-lathe pea.
Nps Cov*r 1.0.F.- The insW101100 of
the new .ort of the Indepeodeet Order of
Foresters took piece is the hall over Tug
21111NAL offl. m Wedseulay ev21121 el 10.1
week. The members of the old asset of the
Order In town mat previously and d••ided b
0.algsiD$*5 at o0. with the new mart,
which thereupon took the gams and 0uml,er
of the old court, (iodrtte, No. 2b3 Toe
d11tft0Hd'k iiff afeitheelOthb�RttlAir
cog Devl,, 8. Chap and T. G. Davey, P. S.
Treat. The following were esrulled en Mit-
oses :-C. D. Wm. l'roudtoot ; phykians,
Drs, Memos and Hunter ; C. R . F. F.
Lawrie. ; P. C. R , P. Holt ; V. C. R ,
W. A. Roes ; R. S , Jas. Yates : F. 8 , W.
A. H Cuff ; trona , John Gbit ; shop., J.
W., Fattener . a`4, 1V,,� hf. Prondlwt
P. J. thews S. B., trossa. Newton;
.I. 33 , Hy. Hayden ; auditors, W. J. Dew•
eller, F. J. Pridhom. After the ioebll.tloe,
addresses were riven by Loth supreme otti
err., and it was &waded to hold the meet-
irgs on the Irk Tuesday of mob mouth,
THK FATAL Atx 1oLNT AT B1.rrH -Fur
cher particulars in regard to the death of
Wet Cooper, of Cowen, on Tuesday of Me
week, .re to die effect that Mr. 0.open w.
.t work on 1) B McKionon's new home at
Blyth, end was steadier on • w•8old tbirty
feet •leove the ground whes b• stepped ea •
Meek which .obi not have been secure.
The plank tipped and Mr. Cooper fell to
the ground, reoeivl.g such interim that be
died in • few mentos. Mr. Cooper w.
.bout sixty yesro of •g• and w. one of
('itotou'a prominent oltizene. For many
years he was • member of the town munch.
He built many of ('llntode harems blocks
sad was well known . • emu iater in tie
surrounding 5001try. He hod nine child-
ren, all of whose, with hie wife, survive
'tor of 1'be
him. John A. Cooper
s thed
Canadian Magazine : Charles. now of Win-
nipeg, w. at oma Nene an employee of to .
Oodrieh Cs,; 1Gsea is 00 004, r.
r4.ite '4 e*ts 1(:7ntv:e.4y ; Albert
a the well-known Thwart). League works.
Mrs. John Arw.trorw, .,t Octane, Califon
ulo, le a daughter. and there are four other
girls at home. Deceased w. • man of
simple and unostentatious life, • member of
the Methodist ohuroh end • strong fri•md
of the temper0Do• ..gee. The funeral took
Dime on 'Thursday afternoon and w. Farre
ly attended. The sudden death has .and
genera sorrow to Clinton .ad the neighbor-
hood, where M. Cooper was widely known
an. blrbly re•$ected.
Cort.. Home FROM TUR WAR. --Mr.
Lyme Ins resolved another letter tram his
son Paine. of Admiral 8smemoo's flagship
New Turk. At the time of writing, the
till 8 Santiago de Cubs
New Y11rk was still o �• t
sad it ma met koowo whether she was to
M ase l **Apes or to he called boas. Is
00 5gsw. a the °oration of hostilities
between the *atrial" nations the latter
.busses has teen adopted, .ed our former
Oderieb bey wee one of those who petd-
otpstd in the bit rival demonstration o8
the port of New York last wee.. He is ex-
p'otad to reach hie home bre sort week
to his letter were enolo.ed two phloem of
cloth -ore rd, one yellow --oat from the
flag of the Spartan Admiral Crver� s ship,
the Crwmbel Colon.
CONCERT AND MEDAL 00,1,011. - An event
i■ oonaeetloo with the ouoty W. ( . T. U.
ooavention white sneer la Gdrteh this
seek will be so entertainment in Vetere
Opera House on Friday evening. Ma.
Lara Acheson and Miss Kea Acheson, o1
town, Mr. Petty. • tenor ergot of Strat-
ford, cad Mr. Johaston, baritone, of the
game city, will assist to the program Five
trained eioetiontste will compete for the
1)emorest silver medal. The jdr. will be
Messrs :straw and Colborne and Rev Jas-
per Wilson. After the preiestatlon of the
medal to Lite e.00essfnl oestestam0 by His
Honor Judge Memos. hire. Tbreley, of
Landon, will ens • brief •ddro.. Adel/t-
e en, 20 meta ; ehildr.e ander 12. 10 Dene.
The .overt will .mmemoe 0.t N o'clock.
W.C.T.1I. CONN mem.; -Huron County
W. C. T. D. Convention will open Ise first
. Mise to -day at 2 r r Then will he a
platform meeting to the evsmg. After
greetiege extended end reepeeded to, Rev.
Jasper Wilson will make • ter minutes
speech. when Mrs. May Thorul.y, of L.oa•
des,Provloaal President of tae W.C.T. U.,
will give one of hr earnest and praotfeal
addresses. Judge Iloyl• and Rev. Jas. A.
Madmen hays 000eeeted to give brief
.46, ... in favor of prehibeti.. 1)n 00
eras N lid Leath Mr. 1ie101., well be an.
ohl. to oonttibe. 6e the m..4.l pars. Hie
plass will be ably filled by Will Sad.
dart. Mrs Campbell, of town, and Mrs.
Brittle, of Seafrth, will .Ire cel. with the
..sic. MU5 Aedrawe wilt set se accompan-
ies. Silver aelledien at the dor.
fearful of some ....lens hitch In the pr000.d-
hies. decoded to meek elsewber• • haven in
which to weather the expelled gals. Ad
oordmgly, to the silent watches of the Dight
• hasty emberkation war medal through the
porthole of an upper sooty o14smber. and,
be•tiag d•.4 up against the wind, the shot.
ter •t • friend'. .bode In St Patrick's ward
of time town was made. Meantime, their de-
parture bad baso discovered and word dte-
p•taled to intercept the rua•wOy ce0ple-
la some way their retreat became known
and an .8tom of the law war instructed to
keep his watchful eye upon the refugees.
But despite the wall of •igtlaow around
and about, pilot Cupid -lily dog -Mead •
loophole through which a sorsa wag made.
the w•toben eluded, and with remarkable
45.1 .1oh en .dept in the epitome of indis-
soluble bonds wee found and the (stsfut
deed war done, making them moa and wife.
This done, the weak of seorsoy war tooted
eside and the world no longer needed spew
to perm the vet. The stormiog,ol an alleged
(tardisa end Modred trifles had yet to be
encountered, but the bar 000e oroa.d,whot
matter for • whiff or two, with that dare -mil
of • muter -seaman, Cupid. at the helm. The
two in one have mom taken • northward
our. oo the home tack, and the world can
cot but wish them e sale pommel through
*b• Charybdis of an irate guardian's foaming
fury and the Scylla of Iib'. un.rtainty.
Tile CU•UTAutlt•A AsettinLiYY...--WWll�(5-
Chautauqua A.emb'.y project-oo tar •
imet Y t\s year is concerned. The Mit
day showed that • good attendance oeld
0,1 be,had on .mount of the look of suit.
able means of conveying people ea Means -
tang Park. A gams of hsseb•11 took pl..
on Wedne•dey afternoon between two pines
of Goderioh players, the battery of the
vt0rertens team being 1) Str.iton and Sid
Malomson, and that of Gm losing nine
Fred. Shannon and Joe Docle. The soon
wee 12 to 11 to the evening the Mario'
Band was out Dad gave some tele:alone
The portions of the program whiob have
naw been owned out have beeo given 10
the West-st. rink. Oo Thursday Prof.
Zoelloer organised • oleos for vocal lnstruo-
teon, and • number of young Iodise end
ge0tlem. take duly practice A children's
close also wee in training for a onoert last
night in which they were to take • proms•
mit pert. On Saturday Dr. Augusta Stowe
(fallen, of Toronto. • well-known schema
of the extension of the franchise to wom•o,
gave an address on "Good Government,"
and found an opportunity for dwelling upoo
her t•vortte theme.
-The exooreiooilto from Wingham and
Myth last Friday were favored with • fine
day for their outing : i, foot, the number
o.1 wet days this moms hes been so near
zero that it would hays been difficult for
any of the ezoanioo parties that have valt-
.ad us sic. the and of .lune to strike upon
any but • fair day. The exoureion on Fri-
day was .odooeed by Wlogbom's eater•
prising orpe of firefighters. The special
v' arrived at 10:50
cat conveying the •uibon
o ey r
•.r The Blyth band and the uniformed
get brirado of Weediest farmed b lige Pod
marched to the Square, the bud playing
on the way down ; • few minutes 1hereett r
the orowd was so well scattered that one
would hardly have notiod the presence of
the exsunlooute 10 town wither iookiw
for them. At the lake • goodly number
amused themselves in the many different
ways •vatleble. Ti*. air. City of London
was la port and made two tripe on the lake,
the B1yt\ band loroshien mesa on the
boat During the day bootell end .eons
matelots tame o8 between players of Blyth
and (.odrioh, the scores of which may be
found is our sports oelgmo. After supper
the Blyeb band -- • very ordltable musical
organi.ttloe-played seven selections up
'owe, and wended Meir way to the station
jet is time to omeh the outgoing train.
whioh left .berth after 8.30 o'olook. There
were aloe rarer on the train, bet they
were not well filled ; Ply about 360 people
mese oe the e..rWa.
RAILWAY Norm. - Reinert MDL...
e&1,/ed awe 11an of 1M11 tor Great RnMu
M y TM Kes.Agtnm toothy
*114 ° two shakes el fanitom to the
W04 MM week, ens tie Manitoba .ed the
.IYK M the Trrltrte..... A Imre eember
gf Aiken still take ad.antop of the rs
6md Uttar -day to Monday rotes to thea
paMt.... A Rang d G. T. R. ea.gnph
mew was hero the past week ovrh•ellue
the resmem7's fists 1m this locality .Ship-
ppe5nr. of farm predate alike Rood a. of the
Inver nss%geld 101..o ear whisk leaves
tide Mellen every •101,056. Meads• wen -
leg .. T►ere will be very sheep rates M
the Tomato far the year eagle tam (W)
far 1145 nears trip, geed for the entire
period el the exblhlds..... Andrews Brea
R O.. mads a .hlps..e el hem he Oa,ll.g•
wed yesterday. ,, .iA usage Moeda* wheel
w15M =_yegi__
1b. '8s slaw 400
qualified far the peitiee as neat poem ' I te the 000lrMatJm her docent *asks for
1 Coat remembrance Dos
has loon Coale under las dlutatorshlp. They their t»•utltul end generous gIfl ; 60 assure
them o her coos
Mi.. 1)AtIN ;- We, the members of SI.
.1001555 ohuroh, desire to unite in express-
ing to you the unfeigned revret with *64014
each and •I1 of us have removed the tldmge
of your Intended departure, thereby sever -
mg those happy relations which hav• exist-
ed between us for so many years, and de.-
priviog us of your n00samg, patient and
dinntereeted services is oonneotieo with the
ohuroh sod Sandey school. Not only to w,
but to the oomenuntty in general your ob-
esooe w111 constitute a severely telt lose.
and nowhere metre so thea In the houses of
the sick sod destitute. Your long and
futhf01 ervtoa to 000neouen with every
dep•rta,ent of ohuroh work, your untiring
patience and generous eylomat hybsy•eased
for you M• high regard of all who have hem
glhllegd to ►wan you. and now, that yen
'M11sl�iavis* M would wasaly eased t. yea., -
bur lied wishes for you long aced om.is's8
b.wwlaess and prosperity, trrayia/ tare
4'i1- i . richest bleisearmay reef upon ye.
While we cannot adeuu.tely thank you for
,111 your g.udo•se we would ark your sooept-
sem of this brief med imperfect record of
our gratitude, and the a000mpaoying gift,
to the hops that each tokens .1 4eaenl es-
teem, humble though they be, inlay some-
times serve to remind you of the affeotionote
regard In vibioh you will ever be held by
the members of St. Georges eo0greg•tier.
Signed on behalirof the congregation. Mak
Turnbull. tte4twi. Philip Holt and Erne..
Heaton, ohuroh wardens. Godriob, Out.,
August 1166,'1898
Pier with tes,•rk•ble precision some of the
most intricate and latest selections. The
organization is tempered of yeu0g men with
good social •tendm4, which was quits de-
mrntbl• by their manner. W[th their Im-
maculate white uniform and Deily beadvear
they present • very pleasing appearance.
The tiouth•mptoo Musical Soiety Band de-
serve great prate, shoo. Although not cul•
termed they meant • that appeoran00 and
play excellently. Withal the day spout
with our loke•Ide neighbors was of • very
agreeable nature. and we trust that the •1.11
will be repeated epos other 000•sions."
The Kinwrdioe Reporter, in Its report of
the day. eye of the Godetloh band : • To•ir
selections were of • high 100si.1 order and
their appeareore on parade etch their beau -
Wei white uniforms eau equal In beauty to
• hat elan military taro -out " Our bre..
1.11 team also comes to for • meed of pm'w
from The Reporter. Altogether, it lanes,
11 the boys had behaved themselves. �m
BUILIONu Nur.. Toe ones• on E.t
street whioh 1 Sleeker paroh.sd from
Mr. Gram Is undergoing • general ovrhan6
fig and rsoovotloo. Mr. Staleker is one of
those who believe that " what is worth
doing s worth defog well,' and he is super
n house •000rdin
oats.dieg the work on hs R
to his belief. The briok-work and lathing
no A. B (Cornell's two houses opposite the
(; T. R. elation have been .mesmioed. Oa
Ak. Dead'. atria too. Werke work m
It.bt. Sh.rw's two-story brick house is
going on. Mr. Sharman will oscopy the
house himself whet 1t is in readiness, whlob
will be to three or tour weeks. Brook street
has three new houses -Harry Reed'• brick
veneer, next Edw. ArmsW'os 's, which is
approaching °ompbtlon ; George Haber.
frame dwslliog, into whiob the owner moved
this week, and (•lam. Mu.oiogi' frame
houee at the ooro•r ot Albert street, which
when oompleted will be 000apied by George
Beckett. These hover aro ill one story
and a h11. Goldthorpe's two frame houses
et 0embri0 rood are not yet oompleted.
The lathing of Strateen'. solid brick two-
etery house on Nelson .trees is fleshed.
Jamieson Reid did the 10.1011 and brick
work on this boom and Clan. M,,n.i,,n has
the carpentering. On Trani/or-et Stephen
Stotbrs' •bones is being oompleted. The
brickwork is half done. and work in the in -
Wrier is going on. This is a brick veneer,
two stories and • good attic,. The from. of
home oo the Heron
O. W. T600aoo's new h
road, between Britannia read and Piotoa
,street, s op and shows the floe proportions
• the building. The house is of • different
design tom that of my of the other houses
in mums of emotion and will be • splendid
.44114.. to the residences to that Dart of
the Iowa. That locality, iodised, is being
greatly improved. Arms the road James
(irr,ek is oemumeeiog the emotion of •
brick twortory dwelling, and luta near, oe
the se.ti.uation of Pince street, ,Toho
K holt is building two two-story hems
homes. The plasterers nommence work this
week on Allen 1). M•I. no's house on Elgin
• yens. 1'6s is soother tomalley whioh is
being rapidly built up. Some improvements
have been made at W. Aohesoo A: Sen'.
store. A new stairway landtog has been
built and the position of the stairway al-
tered, ,lying additional room on the atoned
- The (lderloh people who visited Kincar-
dine on the oivlo holiday appear to have
woo golden opinions from the people of the
northern town. The Klstardtne Review
has • wry .ppreetativt arterials upon the
visit. It gays : •• Oe Wednesday Kto.r-
dine presented • gale appearance. It was
o ccasioned by the arrival of • large gentile -
gest of Odrioh oiteens per "City of Lon-
don" with their hssehall Mae and the
Monne Hand, also another o0tingenI from
Sopthamptea wbo arrived per eohooner
Koltgs " towed by a tug. They oleo ltd
a braise bend sod • Meehan nine who were
going to ery oo.l0siooa with the (idricb-
nes. Alar quartering themselves at the
different hobs and replenshing themselves,
everybody sauntered down to Lakeview
Park to view the .mics barbell ..lch.
Shona) afar 3 o'elook the game started,
with lir. Braes 0.s umpire it wee Dos of
the ol•1reat (move ever played oo thin or
any ether diamond within the meaty. The
Southampton aggregation without doubt
know how to play ball, teen hitter, was
strong, the fiddles ezo•Ilest and the batting
wiry gee.). Mr. A1..k threw seven Innings
with great mooed and established a god
mon. He was relieved by Dandies on the
slab* leeine*. The latter a •whirl weed and
okra steeliest b11 le any pealtles en the
dwsssed. Keary tndivlds1 a..her .t the
9..tb-sapt•n tine played ezesll•.tly, bet
0.40rf.44, with Mesas. M00•.5.., 8hme-
s•es Beberteon Brea.. Smell end Tilt, was
the mps.teg team and whet meld Keene-
d. bet simply suffer defeat ! The
(Iej.ieli boys, we understand, bays not had
reenter praetees of late, hat sevrtheiess
obey play hall teem the " drop of the hat."
Shames on left field play as pretty and
•t1111atN0. • game ae re wool(' wale to see.
Tb erg* was 2 to 5 in fever of Odrlote.
The Gdetieb Marine Read le, without
donde. Pse of the Weser r4anl*M4one fa
Western ()Maria The band is eeSMolle.i
by 11 magical moiety ~opened of *teem et
the Mira eke evidently take an Mare Is
Ole gasp, iii Freak Sol* ae tender hie
wowed k[ewtf ti 64 • g0Nl.man Well
Ise.. Father West wont to Clinton on
Sunday to attend to the spiritual needs of
hit psr4htoeere tears.
The Salvation Army will hold harvest
festival oelubr•tloo, to the buraske from
the 27th to the 30th inst.
J. E. Millyard will supply for Rev 4'. 0.
(Omens in the Auburn Methodist ohuroh
during the latter's • imeos.
vee next Wedsr-
rroo. of t6.
AN INTSRurrtnu RrxoRD.-We have had
the privilege of l.klag ever • newspaper
slip which ie carefully treaserd I,y Ms.
H►m11Wo as s re.rd of • memorable meet
in the 111e of her father. the late Hugh
Hamilton. It is dated July 6th, 1866, and
ie as .mount. of he parting with hia pupils
in the Bohol i. whioh he ta.bt for twenty-
lwe years - a period remarkably long for
these times, mad still more 1 mow
that teething h. I.eome to p wrest an ex -
teat • eteopine-etooe to some other canine.
The school was that of union school motion
No. if, Downie and Elliot, and Me report o1
the farewell meeting e0000ld • column of
The Stntfrd items. Addresses azprr•
sive of "certitude for Mr. Hamilton's leas
my/1m and of reg.. at hie retirement
(which, it was stated, was In oensequeaee
al ladies health) were preeeo1sd to him by
the trusts•, of the °ebeei. by the female
eshol•rs and by the boy. Yr. Remittal
made Feeling replies. TM departiog meek-
er also received a number of •poreprlse
elf*. from hte pupils ea tokens of the •eg-
stea.t. regard la wide\ they held •' the old
master." The °h•Irm•s et the meeting
Ina Mr. Gourley who le his address moo -
timed that he had had tee hese! of intro.
diming Mr. Hamilton to the 'Awl twenty-
two year. before. Another ,pester was
Mr. Pearson. who pvs.nted the address
from the trustees. The preserve of the
latter patlemam sad of • Pse of Mr. Gear -
le., who is sow deceased, at the 4.ees.l
last week is evitlmins el the .rear held
whioh Mr. Hamilton had apse the memories
of the people among warm he fibred se
' A flair TNA, POM P IN TOR NIOttT."-
1'bt the armee of time love le not always
Ulm ante • mirrored sea. we remedy the .le-
reeme of .mootho os, was eleerly demon -
g rated the past week by • Btde spied*
wash *as emoted 114N Nt4l• sur any
✓ ete. An esense0ed maple from KIoe•r.
thee, heat oe ma y, fmt4 either der
*ow of .„deet 22111/emadlosb tno5t. ,e
Rev. Jasper Wilson
day to attend the Ge
lfethediet purob a
Next 8uud•y •
Methodist obare6'
preaoh oo the sobj
The topic for next Tuesday •vpiag in
Victoria street Epworth League to •• Coin
to Church.' It will be taken by Mi.
ele% of NIL
T145mes,-gwmi1114d do V4.s.2I. SUVA stare&
both morning mind •vo1n1 to large tonere-
Rev. Jasper Wilson, Rev. Wm. 1odwin
and J. H. Millisa. from this town, attended
the Methodist diatriot meeting .4 Holmss-
•ille on Tueeday.
Mies Millie Campbell le taking the pleas
of Mi. Chute as organist in forth -at.
Methrdh[ obunh during the latter's ab-
sence on vacation.
The Epworth Leeg00 of Bethel M•Ihod-
lst ohuroh, Colborne township, have had
cords Maud with the topice to be discussed,
and the leaden 111 the discussions, at their
meetings of the live month• August to De.
comber, inclusive. The subjects Gower •
wide rasp, and that some thought was
taken to the making up of lh• images's
program i. •hown by the witting mart of
the two meetings preview to plebiscite
day for the oasaderotion of questions re-
lating to prohibition, The l.,•5ue meets
Frid.y evening at 8 o'clock. '1'h•
eWioen n : Hoo. pr eeid ot Kew. M. J.
Wilson, B. A., pastor of the obureb ; er.ot-
dese, Albert Allis ; vice president, Henry
S.yder : 2.d vine president, Mi. A. For-
or/Maas ; 3rd vita prearlant. Katie Blake
4th nag president, William 8.e•m; more -
tory and oar. eeortary, Carty Souder:
treasurer, Susie Alli,, ; organist, Faintly
The financial meeting of the Goderioh
dietriot of the M•thodi•t Church was held
•i Holmesville on Tuesday. -I he meeting
opened at 10:30 A. r. ; Rev. W. Rigsby,
pr•aldeo6 of the Cootersooe, 000upied t8•
ob•ir, and Kev. Wm. Godweoweave/reedy.
Arrangem.ta were mode for missionary
an0I1*10ry seri-loge and for the •doosttoo•I
meetings. The .mount of 4210 was .ked
of the district to help meet the floating d.bt
of Alma Ladies' College of Sr. Thomas It
was distributed over the different oirouit• of
the district and prsotitally mourned. •
d ight demur heiog .xpre•eed by two or
three oiroutta. The collections for the (ien•
oral (:oefeeoce fend were paid In to the
o or.tar1 end also the minis.re' per.ohal
subscriptions to the ntperannvatioO fund.
In the evening a wd6stteadd plebuotte
meeting was bald in the oburoh, where
forestal addresses were given by Rays. W.
Rigsby and Jasper Wilson. M.A.
10ton• .51.55
6 .W. Godwin will
" Gamiest '
Hire Pre Balt for table or dairy.
I have reed.ed • carload o1 British Col-
umbia shingles, whiob 1 •m prep•tsd to seU
at prime to suit. F. smarm
Wanted. 200 tube ohoioe dairy batter,
143. Also 50 owe eggs weekly. 0. E.
It1... Wlog ham.
a yogr navesYa- '
Mr(1 f' •Nr n1/ onk(dly 1,y `Jmitbwith
A C'so. Headquarters for gloves -Porno's
and all best makes, from 41 up, warranted.
Yates' Hook Ston a complete .took of
*noel hooks, exercise hooks, scribblers and
subol supplies, •11 at primes to suit the
times. Blotters and rulers given sway ani
ochol books tar school opening:. Re sun to
sell belore purchasing elsewhere. JAN=
i' ATI'..
COAT. ! CoAL. !-Having purchased Mar
oal business of D. C. Stnch•n. and
having made very eatid•otory stem/temente
w ith extensive coal dealers, I will be pre-
pared at all times to samoly oastomen with
the renowned Lehigh Valley Coal in •11
sires at the lowest mash prim. F HARLOW
CH.AB SALE - Two tea ore bargain daps
Chu 'reek at J. W. Broderick's oheap eslli.R
out •.lo of boots, shoe, .od reedymlde
olothiog ; and next week the store will be
for m day
or Lwo• when eo the b.l•am
of the stook will be marked down. Every
article will be reduced in price. Wait for
4h• blr h•rvune The sale will motions
for tea day.. J. W. BsODgsl.
D ew Cyoloramo, Jerusalem on the day of
Cruoifixion ie drawing large numbers of
visitors daily, who all •xpre.a themselves ea
erectly ple.ed with the magnificent and
inetrtatly thew. Everybody aoirg to To-
ronto •iiould avail themselves of the oppor•
malty of seeing "Jerusalem" 01 the Cyolo•
rams. Open duly from 8 A. M. t0 7 P. r.
Prt.. of •dmu.ioo, •du1., 25 o.ot. ;
ohnldreo, uoder lb years, 10 oenb. Nsit
southwest .r. Front snit Vork•etr.
Sr. Gipson's Younis Poor's.--Tbe Yoaog
People's Gdld reeentiy org•oizd In o00-
nwLion with St. Geores'e uhuroh hell Its
first meeting in the sehool tom on Monday
mentor last. The ottendanoe was large mid
e nthmiotlo. Atter • few words from the
reotor,pointiog out the object of the amoeba
tioo, oto., the following otB.re were 00-
oouood elected : President, Geoffrey' Holt ;
vi. -president, MI. Mabel Butson ; Peers•
tory, Mise Ins Tomei ; tresanrer, Arthur
Neftel ; orvanbts, Mies E. Ty• and Peal
Turnbull. 1t was dwidd to hold fortnight•
ly me•tiors, alternately • business and hien
ary meetlev. The latter is to be held on
Sept. 13th in the Bohol room. With the
present members- numbering thirty-two -
many of whom have • taste for mmlo. elo-
cution. .to., profitable and entertaining
evening.' may be looked for. Saab • society
to 000ection with the ohuroh has for some
time been thought of. with • view of draw -
mg out the gifts of the young people an.,
dirwtter them in weeks beoetloial to them
selves end others. Now that it existe,tbere
s every hope ot such erne being realix•d.
Rev. Andrew Meldrum, D.U., Again att-
empted the pulpit of Knox obureb Suod•y
evening mad ally upheld hie reputation as
an eloquent end feroefal expounder of Sorip-
ttwe. Hs keen reasoning and powerful ds-
livery 000eot hot commend an andieooe.
Old truths are ereeented anew, end the hear.
. r gees away with some fresh problem upon
whiob to ponder. 1)r. Meldrum has many
warm friends here and will be cordially oral
mated on any future °omelet. A feature
of the musket part of the .reloe was the
solo, "Over the line," by Mies Minnie
Strsohan, who excelled herself, were it pus-
sible, In Ito rendl1on. At the °lose of the
tervle* the pastor, Rev. l.. A. Anderson,
R. A., extended on behalf of the congress -
tier a hearty expression of thanks for the
able and eloquent di/courses whin Dr.
Meldrum had so kindly gives. DA Mel-
drum made . fooling ..pee., le the mune
of whleh he stated 16.1, while now an Am -
mean attires on the ether side and brioging
up • faintly of young Americans, he had re-
paired the ?oedema of .11 that wee good
ea hies right in this tow., and the hearts
of himself [ad family were largely in
The directors of the Great Northwestern
promise some fine speeding 0ont.5te at, the
fall show. (load induoem•nta are offend In
the prize ILC.
We recti. that " Ned'' (farrow made •
rood showing in the bowling touro•ment as
N,•gsrm on -the -Lake last week. In the
emcee• tingles series he got into the .sml-
tloals, and was beaten by only one point by
the man who wen the championship.
The mutest for the pipe presented to the
bowlers by R. N Williams has been
narrowed down to two players, M.ne.
):hot and Shephard, who *111 pplay e( when
both are in prime °audition. The epupeti-
time to the seeselati05 uineles N NEB a•
1 L. secretary el the bewlirg slab le le
receipt of the following kindly letter feel\ a
Detroit ',ottoman who spent several *511b
in town
(lderioh, Ang. 23rd., 1898.
To The Oderloh Bowling Club,
Ooderlob, Out,
1)KAR SORO,- C take too• opportunity, be-
fore departing from your hospitable town,
to most heartily thank the God.rtoh bowl-
ine club and ita members for the 000rteelee
extended to me during my brief sojourn
with you. The pleasure of my holiday has
been greatly eoh•noed by my pleasant
meetings with the bowlers oo their prem.
I hope that in the futon Detroit .tial Gods -
rich bowlers and curlers will often meet in
friendly rivalry. Three oheers for the
bowlers ot Goderioh ! I should be Bled per-
sonally to meet any of you in Detroit et any
time, and of course the Detroit mrlMer
oluh, on Forest Ave., Detroit (marSe,entb•s. ), s always ready teRae s greet-
ing W curlers My address i. 48 Moffat
Building, or 290 Lincoln Ave. Wishing
you all prorpertt.y and happiness, I 0m,
Ycan gratefully. 1 [t orAn 1)Av1zA.
Mr. Davie., who left on Tuesday, promisee
to try to bring from Detroit next year •
ountber et bowlers sutbotent to make two or
three rink', to stay here during Chu semen
and play with the (lod.rioh bowlers. The
members of the (lderf.h °lob are naturally
mach gratified with Mr. Davies' expression
of the pleeaur• whiob hs association with
them bee afforded to him, and will be only
too glad to welcome him and his fellow-
bowlen whenever they may Dome.
40*407 address' was p1.5.01d to bliss S.
Mavis by Gm meter en behalf of St Oeorp's
eo0Rngation on the eve of her departure
fer'M.tre•I. The address. whioh was neat
ly enerav54 and framed, wee ooeompanid
by • puree oont•imtng the ram o1 fifty del -
hare. A. • faithful teacher ter mons years
la heath ohneh sod Snof.y whirl herr Ines
w81 be felt by a large nireihs of warn friends.
Mee Daws to replying/ to the address re
marked that whatever site INA teres enabled
M4efesth.Mural had thee tobar •week
et lows whir* had brought • reflex htrsoima
to mereCI. She &sslree the rester M Pavey
• 11Meeteee M5mivey.
••So*a AND:ewAR'sen untenable, minima
and nen-poleemoas remedy ler the mire of
lamer, Cartilaginous Moors, Sore Throat
and • variety of skin dimmer. It tares
tanner in my part of the body when the
liquid tan resoh It. Send for otroatar Rlv-
Ing Metro/minae how to apply the liquid.
Sold at 600 per pint and 30e per half pint
Wlagham : doh. Leslie and family, of
Winnipeg, ors here this week Matta( Mr.
lathe'. parents. Mr. L. generally makes
heavy purchases of formltnre from the fee -
toffee when he visite Wlo4h•m •nnntlly,
4R his W .ape4 Meda
LRE. 1. 9odari0, Monday. A o . Fled, the
wife of Ohas, L.. tows. of • daughter.
000440044 lea Ooertelr, ens 1T6einy, Awed
mu. use Osbert Gibbons, ,pd 1 taws