HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-8-4, Page 88 TavaMDAT, Jely 28, 1888, Clearing Sale t --- STILL , GOING ON LIVELY SPECiTLS FOR TIHS WEEK: FIN IMPORTED OINUHAMS, regular 15 and 20v., going at 10u FANCY MUSLIMS, 6eialar 15c., going at 106. SPECIAL LINES FANCY DRESS GOODS, doable width, regular ?Se , going M 15e. Just the thing for Children'a Dresses CLEARING PARASOL/3 AT LESS THAN COST. HOSIERY --Specie/ Hertasdoif Dye -2 pairs fol 25o. LADIES' CAPES, a few left, going at your own price. VEILING, LACES, RIBBONS, BELTS. Come and see what the Cheap Store can do for you. SMITFfBRDS. IV CO. COMING ANt QOMG. J. W. Peerse, ot Hampton, WV *WM Mw Rete K.Iliolt i visiting at Yrter% HIIL H. J. D. Cooke, W Heosall, was in tows ties week. Yr_neneM, of eMfwN, visited Gods - week. R. Shane, of Mel•ootho., le the guest of hie .sole, 8. Slone,, Mrs. W. T. 1 s'tee and two children, of Toronto, are visiting in town. __. Ma. B..w.H,• readmit of tows far many yaws, W Trmmved to Brantford. Mn. Lang, of Woodstock, returned home ss Tuesday after • visit 1s town. Sam'I ('ex went to Blyth oo Tweeds, to visit bb ds.gbser, Mrs. Westoby. 17ss Messes Morton, of Hamilton, sr rived at Meowsaog 1'ark on Friday. Robert Mottos, of Ayr, and his eon, tiny. an the assts of 8. Sloan., Hsmiltoo et. Rev. C. A. Sssger, M A , of Tomato, ar- rivd I. tow. en Tuesday on or boltday visit. Miss Mary Stewart. of St. Msry'e, is visiting at tin teatdeaoe 03 W03. Barrow.. Mn. K R. Farrow end two children, of Ostaws, are vWt'sg at the rildece ot A. Farrow. v14111ag hes trued., to. Mises Rubes, for Jima weeks pail, left tee h., hems Taeedny asg.i.a I•01. Frank Hal., who kid been spending his holidays in town, returned to his home in Hamilton, Mosdsy Ines. Miss Flereaos Bali left cm Wedassd.y Morning to spend pert ot her iU.eser veer tie. in Toronto •.d Montreal. lir. Corley, of Windsor, Isfb sal week atter • abort holiday visit to Gad.nuh. Mrs. Carley and oblldren remain here fur some time. C. K. El.ert.. of New York Pity, isepend• tag some time hen with fits moths and Hs tar, sad is delighted with l.odenoh as a holiday resort Thomas Meidliouddy. of the Bureau of industries, Toroeto, left for hie home Stator. daylast after an enioyabte vutt of two weeks' dmottos. J. d6 rAmignememiT,ft(lwrvkwaresxpert .d to organize the various subdivisions of W&weaoeb sad Colborne for the prohibition ple Insane next week. N. MacMaroky, B.A , of Mors, • former teacher in the Goderich Collagist' Institute, passed through Goderich oo a wheeling trip lot week and emus Tug SIGNAL • call. Mrs Treth.w•y left last week to loin her husband, Captain Treth.w•y, who is .bout to mak• a trip through the dietriot south of Lake Superior to inspect some Dopper min... Y. W. Curry, B.A., who is holidaying at Band Bend, wu le tow. on Tuesday. Mr. Curry was o. 1he eta' of Goderich High tiohnol some rets aro ted is sew teaching at Niagara Fall Guelph Mweary : fleas. Ms011lionddy pawed through col Saturday after a vi'o1lon of two we. ke at his former hem. in 1.0de- ri.b. Mr. M (.illicaddy is in the Depart. neat of Agriculture at Toronto. T.(i.Dsv y returoed to Ln.do. Friday Mek thrum his star here he was .uooessf.l la rotting th• names of between thirty and mp tllaat. ler initiation to • sow b F. erktelywfl be in,Wated ds Ma. 171 . Amos Cox hes left the employ of McGill .D livery, Grant & Co. and intends to go on Mrs. Hopkins hos gone to Paterson, N. J., to take • of Irsining u nurse in the heraiMi Ij Miss. M. Wilkinson left town. 1Vedassday energise to vies Montreal and other pointe es the Se. Lawrence. Miss Forster, of Kingsville,, u the guestel Ma (Rev) J. Wilma, of Notch -se. Methodic parenting. Mr. and Mee, Geo, Acheson lett fee Clow Inneaa. N \' , WdenedrlpyN esbutollisy i son ad • taw anis., -.•+ ... _ . Mrs Meer, of Cltfospo. who hos ham Gala Day and Een1 in the His1ory of Gotlerioh ONLY IRCUS TO VISIT CANADA IN 1898. WALTER L. RAILWA MAI NIS MAMO0TSTUPEID0EATION SHOWS WZLL HIB IT 1T H GODERIC Saturday, August 13th A BIG SHOW. You A MORAL. SHOW. A GOOD VHIItC. AN ALL -FEATURE NHOW. will be (on%hired when you nee it that r -inures. am not all siik.•. Conducted nt honorable lutein.. principle. =Win r tf'if`11eiw MONSTER MENAGERIE AVIARY AND REAL ROMAN HIPPODROME All limier new, •hsolntely waterproof tent.. 81111 THE B1'KCIAL FEATURES—RARE Ki.RPHANT; .msftruit.r'('4O'1n iatiarl., horn May 96th, 1898, while the circus was en rotate to Pot.t., ills, Ps ; height, 36 inches ; weight, 918 pourwle ; to he ween Ih MAiN'S *meter Metittgeries, Mending Weide it. ,nnthuw. FLOCK OF GF. NUINR.-,AFRICAN OSTRiCIIF:S. THE ONLY SACRED WHITE CAMEL---- ALPO A CIA NT CAMF:L. A nROVF, (1F CAMEi.tt AND RLF.PTTANTS. A otnpltetenbtiklnm'. Monwgerie heade.I by the Roby kleluh.nt, Holy Shetland Ponies, Ratty Linna,'Raby (•..mel, Baby Ositrich just hatched in fact s conipkte ltahi- • M Hundreds of the moat beautiful Horssa in the works exhibitor' FRES.. MAiN'S $10,000 Performing Menagerie . Elephants, Limns, lioarhnnnd., I'nm.s, Iso n t parr',, Panthers, performing in atwrl Tarred mune at one time. e THE SIGNAL : GODERICIT -ONTARIO. The Commercial. Atmosphere C1eaiing......_. The changes that have taken place and tho.e that are likely to happen ere long will tend to the improvement of the Dry Goods business in Goderich. Bulini: es sold at fifty Dents on the dollar with good- will nil are hardly expected to be in the race, while others whl h'-w►etir u "lilts a rocket and down like a stick found their level even sooner than pre - dieted. In eighteen months there will be about four stores of any pretentious selling Dry Goods here, and then the people will commence to enjoy what other towns of this size do, viz., City Service, (,rester Var- iety, City Prices. _111.11• .s IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT During the Next 3 Weeks --have determined to close the balance of the Snow- den (Berlin) Stock at 50 cents on the $ ; also. reduce to One -Half the Stock of Fancy Goods, Stamped Lin; ens, Itnported Wool Embroidery, Silks, Table Covers, &c. The. Variety is sof eaeh dimtn+sions-•that we cannot well quote pricoa We believe our record as Bargain Givers will stand by us during the progress of this Sale with- out a price list. The Stock is so arranged that you can see at once what is offered at 25 per cent. reduction and what !till he_ Bold.at. SO cents on Wtti;. REMEMBER the Sale is for twenty days, but do not delay too long There are hundreds of strangers in and adjacent to the town, lovers of Fancy Work, who will not be slow to take advantage of this opportunity. Come ; you will save money. ,e will make room for our New Fall Goods. It will be a case of satisfaction all around. R. B. SMITH. $. V.Y. ANDREWS, Manager. 77 - BLACKBERRY BLACKBERRY COMPOUND Hess remedyls the sssskes for Pampa, ('Dile, Iharrbnr a. Summer ('om- salata, ata Immadiatels mutes*. eptodiy cure.. does not oouatipete. Keep it in the House - it may save a life. 15c. -5 for OL -'Prado supplied. All KINDS OF INSECTICIDES: Try our own (bison holy Paper. it pieces in an envelope for to. heat value of a11. Reseal attention to American Toilet Aril ole.. Lime Juice, beet of Summer drinks. W... S'.o. and 50c. PRESCRIPTION WORK A GREAT EVENT Canada's Great EXPOSITION W Industrial Fair TORONTO, Aug. Zllh to Sept. IN108 New and Wonderful Attrac- tions, aaeeIUns Alt ✓ revteas Tears. The Cuba-Amerlean War amnia( caval and .ulteaey etetlsrs the Latest Invention■ and Novelties; h em alt parte et Me Merle. Eatrlin el mlWts oaks Amulet!, Cheap Macomber from averywbses. For Prise 1MM Entry_ forint iMMISMes and all earsiinisn,',derma-_...__— J..1.111TNnew, IL J. HILI, 510-35 President, Manager. Tssosto, At Wroxete-, Ju- ly 1st, F. Dunbar, of Stratford, won eas- ily the two profes- sional races. He was mounted on a "Mc- Cready" Pink Flyer, which was loaned him the day before. To win races and en- joy cycling, ride the " McCready." They run easy. Boots and Shoes GENERAL CLEARINC SALE EVERYTHING TO BE SOIL AT COST This is no bogus sale, as owing to continued ill health I have determined to sell at coat price until the 26th of August, to clear out the stock. The entire stock is MAW, and customers will find it to their advantage to purchase their Footwear now, as the goods cannot last long at the figures I am selling them at. 4 M. E. McNAUGHTON.,. J. McNAUGHTON, Manager, ANOTHER NEW ADDITION to our Large Lane of STOVES We have added the world-wide known Happy Thought Radiant Home W.eli iesisi111MOTity vita oT these and all the ether lines et Bank's Skov.. We handle also the goods of the following Lrg. firma . Gurney Foundry Co. Gurney -Tilden Co. Burrow, Stewart & Milne Clare Bros. Uhler you the choice of goods from eve of UM Witten sad most popular makers ha Ossetia. . tint as hears on your P1n,mbing, Tasting.. Troaghiag sal sainting .SHEPHAAU Welitew,Mfs oar ares care. and provide • service worthy of up to - dem pretwtseat tharw+ery. Boal arrangements for testiest the purity of Drop, etc., on Huron County. Personal atte.tion to this work at all sour.. Attention to our boldness • speoislty. OUR CHARGES are in ro way Worsened by the superiority of our ssrvioe. Yon pay softies for commie - woes or extravagant expenses here -that's not our way. Try us and be oo.viaoed. Everything u represented or Money Befufnd eed. BEDFORD BLOCK. W. C. GOODE, Chemist, rZ 1111Q,,tFtENI'Uk A /0_.)6 DELIGHTFULCIGAR That Makes of bell One soh°t►pes it d-AAyyRAy A Cy ONTREAL. "--istltplT AND PLATFORM. Thos. McGilltouddy, formerly of this journal. but sow of Toronto, bas been spending his vacation in town, vultlo5 rel- atives, and while West filled a pulpit and lectors engoement at Clinton. The papers of that town are cordial to their oommenta oo the work of our former townemas,' as will be seen by the following axtraots : News -Record : Mr. Thos. Mo(3ilhoaddy makes no pretence to oratory, but is an en• tettalniag and cenvinoing speaker, sad hie visit to Clinton will be remembered Ey those who had the pleasure of bearing him preach last t(ondsy in the Baptist church or his lecture in the mate plate the followiog eve- ning. His style Is conversational, and there le that in the ring of his mellow coign sod m whioh onnviaoee the hearer of his sinoert•y and earnestoese. A. was expected from the title " Homely Pimple," Mt Mo- (3illlo.ddy'. lecture was illustrated l y humor and aderoed by wit. TM New Era toys: " On Sunday last Thos Mo(3illionddy, Toronto, preached morning and evening In the Heptlet skpnb, hie text M the morning being " As many as touched were made perfeoby whsle,' *i Iln.$f thought being the power of a tees*, and 15 la so esadtferatlo0 te say that 33 was an ero.edingly able and thourhtfsl penmen. fell of power and inspiratlen,and ewe Nadel. eked to strengthen and anemones teary fol. lower of the Muter. In the .vented 1*. carmen was rd • n•,•tial obametw, hand.. th. text, "Then. therefore, ender* hardiness ea a good Mldlet of ,Issue Christ." The eve Wag address, though well handled, leaked he pathos that cbaraoteriss4 Me eeernieg .tjsoi, hat both were really geed asd prrdlt.hle termone, approdatad by lees M. en. •• Tom " Is an old Hurts Seedier heel mod obiroh winks*, sad has d.vgl.ped greatly In the years that flay NS. i..ed Dos his rssldenos in eb• ess.0y, ad ho a bide spleen .f wslielsy for Me esu, wawa ahilittes h the . Os Meetly Webs ho taco s endows es "Now* Ai'Ml.e N eider hire I .a. wbfsb soca ahnsl'l4sJ wsbtgN le-madamtare Use ks 4 y • leak e( ted lobs, bit Masses est, wMollag the addnda tie. ONLY HORSILyBACK RIDING PONY. thie town. BOURA•S RAND borl*sgtw•l ley MAiN't(iold Clowns.~tIGRANDeMTR.;h:'1'ver aeonilt'.4RNIA' AI. es will knave the circus ground* 9:30 and return 11 • re when a grand FREE EX 111111 Iwo win take plana. Alen a FI4KK KXRIRTTT(11 at 6:30 p m , no show greens's. N Ushers at sok performers H .-y.-hs and )shy ,wrri• me checked at outside stands near • ands seam antrMmea. Keane. rates nn all Railroad* and egeamMel. Lite.. k Afternoon and Evening Perfnrmanree Irioally nun phte, rain ,w ONE 50c. TICEET ADYITS TO ALL. Children, 4 yaws of age and under 12, 25 cents. wtaMred reserved mate •Ill ad.nw.ww, ticket. rm .sir .I P.wtwr'. 21...1.481214 eft .Sow day, nrmss.nein` 9• le, at same sin.... al 'to. 1 i. k a t wagon Deere span at 1 awl 7e m. 1'erforaeanee.i..gese 2 and R p e►. Moodiest Mdmta. 1ty WAI.Tl,R 1. NAME "TREAT WILITAR1 RANI/ cmw beer prevent. to took performative. NEM moral boa oases" woe fa see Mme lay bee malted M. esaM lr* sleet of od/stinal weber imam 1 FUNERAL 80 A. W. CORNELL Jndertaker & Embalmer SUCCESSOR TO A. B. CORNELL N. B.- our Chartres Amer fere. Greatly Redeord is order to sweet the popular drawing for Moderate Priced "aerate. eis WANT DRY ELM AND BASWOOD la large or ma 1 gmsatltlss. They are .ileo 1 the market tar Green Elm and Black Ash. CHAS. J. RA' :11 AND HOT WATER FiTTEI Baths, Closets, Basins, Boilers, Sinks, Sinks, Hydrants, Sewer Connections, Pipe and Drain Work, PROPERLYa NS AT PIt1C5B THAT OCK OOM'FI ON ENDWAYS. tie.' tor prima CHAS. J. HARPER. PRACTICAL PLUMBER WE MAKE Sewer and Culvert Pipes AY Mese Orem a Is. te ea Ie. Mae Cwa.esteme, W1tfTL FOR /R101*. THE ONTARIO SEWER PIPE o0 OOf A►1eLalos SY. 0.. eaavasyAysteam :0iriONTC Iili Oni!1 pII 1 1 1 i READY MADE OLOTEING --- MY OWN MAKE be said at nnnarltaldy tow pram se Mme est ea A dee esso thea$ et New Wends ler SWIM sad Bummer weer, CALL AND mai alt He DUNLOP wsstw 7.150, .at Beek Me.tros3. the barber to abed ere proteotlon to the new elevator. (Metall : The Idiot, David Brindley, for some time an inmate of the House of Refuge, has been taken N the Willie asylum. Miss Mary Haywood, of Exeter North, Mr. W adet,of Grand Beed, were reowt- Iy jotsad In wedlock at Stratford by Roo. L4m. Me1)oaogh, of chat.Ity, Ready Made Clothing THE WEEKLY MAttntt REPORT G DS CHEAP? TO DO BUSINESS OURSELVES, AND GIVE BARGAINS TO YOU. WE HAVE ONE OF THE LARGEST AND BEST STOOKS OF Fall Wheat Geo tCa, Ans 3. ball 3.15 family. 0a5 to073 . le:< per .wt ! 6f to f 50 toe.00 to 0 neuter — t 00 to MIS s n0No 1810 no OeOats. ty f6 b rr poen 9 bosh.. ..............—. tis te 16 pziotitoo 10te 00 bosh to Vizfroth unmake* i moa...:' 10 o Saar Rides, ? SI to Pelts sate 1 to limb&lea 0 m to Live eta 6 36 to Daces. " How. We ib - 0 si tle e fore 1 p to ..,=tar humph IPM ttoo 11 II M do 26 tt .0 11 11 60 We are no AND General Dry Goods ever opened out in Goderich --- New, Choice and Seasonable ---which we are selling so that buyer and seller will alike be benefitted. doing business for our health, but on square trade principles, and that is why we offer the_ public the biggest dollar's worth for the dollar. We want the dollar and they want the big dollar's worth. EAT WANTED. FARMERS, LOOK NENE. 1 wast 600 toes of geed Timothy Hay, this Tees's enc, Is Eztge far Apple Words. RMt i t• be delivered daring July aced ra.1 $1: me.lho.egP rpg,eai th. *Malty .f Od.rteb. new Is the Mme ter you le op.esIse. RaNeis this Fan will b. te yen as geed as vdd. Aa MN lea sop .lar. It will beheld epee •sly .•ti1 the Rib M A ngaet, ea .men sod M er write et mos. sed tbeeoey neer. • Market far your sarplee Ray. saw Acs aelafeate.w t Near O, T. R Staten. Oppal* F.rsfeeee Tam? • A Army oarbad ef 2, 24 ad 3 -is. scants 011.1 lest arrgmed. b CHAS. BATES. 1 M We are after the nimble dollar every time, pna you should be after the biggest and beet value. THE SQUAREESTATE OF JADES A. Mil 1101 i e 1