HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-8-4, Page 1TSB BET 1S THE CB1tA1'EWr Aro TILE SIGNAL l8 THE BMW. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR 1N ADVANCE e rt "17c FIFTY-FIRST YEAR, -26$5 TO *DVIMT1SZRIE. Notice of changes must be bat at thie Once not later than Saturday noon The Copy for changes meet be left not later than Mon illy noon. Oaauol Advertisements accepted so to noun Wednesday of snob week. Publfle No11s. NOTI sibg of I ANNUAL - ll OSNERAe Y o< the wSlbsMM - Il0o. of g...t•gt randier, U o►j ne14.1ted. will he bold se sudor. the Ittrestb dry of neguat. ISIS. at 3 odock m., to the amore et the Company. in the Town of Oo4. tch. W. 1L RO8i11TBON. illemeterr. Uodertuh. AMA. 111111. OM It --- oT10E. Nesto the van ihst will M the 1 Vesv1.os • eel author !stag the el 1 «Gads nob to anti of or lirnt 0y. T Mc sot nam M • N tierces. ftp ei the sum of Arty hoIts•e[the gut mefp,.a in the said oom tear by the a. madter mob upuree's er tatoe ,s MMI Ncm elny b- eonereob. sod exwm ute all aesesr7 lasted the BM /west. UM fitAl4ROW & PMODUSOOT. ysd,4t Solloltors fox the Town or Oodertcb. r1VAKE NOTICE. - ALL BIM CLE 1 Moe are hereby e•uti nod against riding many et the width t1 town of Godrwk. Aa w toe by .* g.vero- 1 reg .wy..� p,. cDlsd a0.erdtog 10 IswWMM)_ Mir qty OsaEdml�___MPOUN. Nedmtrb. My 1 1� T� N OTICL. TO D15P4teg1Twa..... Slit will rectum and nthe lamest ea dsa awl � 14 mikes* per wt, from sod atter the tint of Jam,. nett. LUANe. Leese es A 1 .e.artty Dentines to be made at arched ere and • half per eget. titer .1. 1677U IIORA('K HORTON. Wtintl.a WANTID AT THE HAMILTON -8T. �. seem Setter end MOP fortask. W. J. MORROW. Prep. WANTED TO RENT -FROM W- inter X'- tsbr$ Mesa e, for Mme M Mx ta1.th0. furnished home. Must be warm and have all modern oen.enleace'. apply to MftB.IAT TRILL Lost. LOOT • BNB' HTS TEMPLAR r tee8048+Mora to C. A. RU & an 11018. d18recei•ve reward. !IGFs Nye Or TO Sant. FUR BALI-iA/T 14. CUNC((�KK$ km empty to ins sto t es Yi premises. or 1 dress ._Mi O _!Q F 111 RENT. -THAT !ARM OF Mt t. ensoesel•. M ecliberee are cleared sad 1. • Two sang,,are In hau. Nom oag and 1a seg a• tm0gat ant Ter rRaNK B LLO a. bee OR BALK AT A BARI:AIIs.-THAT I_fromix tee fro d the lots 3 edisil ONm e. en • Nod gravel reed. 1•"reship of ColMese. t� IseseI state mta fie a Ibs.M wee or hard wood bush lems`1eg. Well watered by 88Tfeg cee1seh Geed eeelmet. begs 1rtok house eel Meg harp. Per tame a0d Mrtiosbn their to J. H. KILLIAN. or M J. B. WHITELY, MM 8zseatme. eledrleb, Ont. iount. THo LE A. ,ING N3]WSPAPS'R OP GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA : , 1 t • -t TO SECURE THE BENT RESULTS YLACE YOUR £DVKK'r1$1N0 -. JI/Na us THE SIGN A 1. UODINVOlrk•lHer. D. M°GlLLICUDDY, ' EDITOR. AROUND TOWN. CtwW u.0 01•T - W • regret that oorree- poodenoe from Uuagw000, Laotians, Due - lop. W hlteohuroh nod other pointe, and • quantity of local saws, are ueavoid.bly orowdsd out this *wk. A PIWMOTI0N - Jolts Militia, on of ►hs onerestia G T. K. asset u this .tease, is steadily adv.udag in the U.T.R. section. Hs. now tweet o1 the .yebowt et ldeghre- vUls, beteg promoted thereto from 8t. George, where he had boss for toms years. A Reunion. -- A number of the members .1 the corp of Cadet T.mpbre whiab exist- ed in Godoriob seven or eight years •go visited thew former metals, George Ste- wart, at Benmillsr Mosd.y evenmw I•at Tne boy" wan hoseiIbly monied by their leder of the old Mem and May sad merry were the rem,nhtssnm kr'eykt te mind by the ,.union Tut Las, Tuomu TATLoo.-Tbe re- n table of the late Thomas 'Taylor. wile deed on Tuesday of 1Mt week. were se Them day takes to Brussels loot kgan.et. A serene wee Oen doomed atthegmens of Jan Straub, Kest street. whelk, lioheed hod resided, by Rev. R m. Godfh. Demand was • retard farmer, and wee one of the pioneers of Gray township. He bed rewind Oho age of seventy-two years. A Vglows P.MroIL-Rev. Ur. Hamil- ton, of Motherwell. bee been in town during the week, patting la • few plasmas% holidays as the gosh of tete coo, Nev. Jas. Romhllos. He was .t the Knox march S 8. pionio at Yesesetur Park, Friday las, and enjoyed himself M well as the most vosthful, el - bough it is Inst • sbsrt time stew he oder bra'ed this crash saniv.reary of Itis pastor- ate at Motherwell. Perth realty. U. B. CONSUL CHILTON AT Hoeg AHAIN. -11. IL CAilree, the well-k.owc represent M.o of the United Stetas to this dietrlat,kas ,.touted Isom 1Mw ala. -Naw-York- L8 Ji pleasing to be ebb to record that kis visit to the Jackson yaniterlum, .t llesi0le, beet resulted is his restoration to health and Chet be is again able to oocupy himself in the p.rfrm•oos of hie manila' dodos ON A U. S. Cntlnea -Tom ...7hIItoa, sen of toe United States wend at Gderich, wbo at the outbreak of the war with Spain vol sn t.ered fr. serene is Goole Sam's navy, is oa the orais r Yankee end has been under 8ro on several vacuities. The Yankee wee so of the ships detailed to make the ors• templatd attack ,tpon Spats under Admiral Watery, buten thugs look sow It may not he s•osw•ry to arry the war across the A►Isoli. Ctn.i.wl.tTZ 1tNTITI'Tk HOARD. -1'18. trus- tee .f the Collegiate festinate held their regular metnog on Tburedy last, Key. 1).. *Jr. is the chair. It was ordered that the .000unts for statue bl.skbosrde. 130 ; ea. tress ez•mtn•tion expenses. $118 85. and depertme•tal .xamioatioa e1ww. $77.62, be mid. It wee resolved that the tense tenant he asked M levy $2,500 ler the per - pease of the school fa the warren year. Maar THA,. HUNT. -Ms Canadian Feral - tan Jeureal has the M say of the Keowog- ton Loewy : Yr. Mates, or *18. KsMng- eem Psesneri toe; 13edrs.h apeakisa te to writer meetly, @aid that be bad neer 10 he twenty hers' .zperie me in furniture man.frwteriog been se busy throughout the spr.a( and early rummer, and he mays mail orders me .till osmium in as regularly as the trains. They are busy getting oat • lot of new onetime in bedroom suttee tor the fall Made. FOR 8A18 OR TO MOIL -FOR sib er M the rest. ttwo star Mike lost- yg• the weer el BeIU..I• Read .ad 1I.��•.�y�lee fartheroutan •p lo- ity to X. S W KLL on the premises. 'DOR BALK OR TO RKNT-FOR SALK ie er M tent the dwdlleg en 14e10oe.1. .t �r�sm�t e•esN•d by t. ehewn. Ihewn.LL ranine Odea •it drawlog room. diming ram, poser ..d Mabee. sad has . llbr.ry. amber K elegem nate*. mid • 00.4 cellar. Tare % half s ane of .ed %•.forsnt? planted week Arabs wed fruit teemend an excellent lawn. Apply M P. BYIRTH. se the me- O S*LN-•L(yM e0 AND 70 4. tteeYlsm•s1 Scorner Is W Tows 0( Oede ieb, ape• *blob I wrest • aloe dwell - 10.4010 th 8.s/e.1r.1NS Awtr he OAMIROX uHOLT 1 HOLYEa VALUABLI4 TOWN PROPERTY TOR e&LR•-TM irrl•k wepenes the Aver .ad lake t eoerh .te A. Marl rsettl esti.. Made Oho of the mad vslsb. sad Mortise b N*.. ninth dam igWL=t{ YrAhe i rpresses l t The tweetevor frame L T18 kneflpRbow esd adehMg sa t . tr.mAs 4rbssJTens- sad terms of payment rirAncnabte. N MY to YARROW R P80t >wu Soberest". Godr.h. pee• Mltoatlon. Vrhomet. BY W ANT aD-TU 'LEARN THS satnsmtr balsa ore• hem u to 17 years or a•gge�., wise has Mme the eatreae0 ate. preagrea. ApN► at Ta. S1MAL Garbe WAlaNTED-YOUNG YEN AN�bD soviets. hull ena ee�en_Yar T. 6. NEWS TretMwoy, formerly of Oedema, its. bees pumping out the mines. 1t L said that the appear•ow of the property now le very promfstog ; there is much more or. remals- tnq ho the huh than was ever taken oat of Meat, sad the prospeill ore that with modern .,ppltenoee they oas be worked profitably. Mi .14AL SolIITY. - -Many of our fond- est@ are probably not aware Hat we have • wusfael .008.87 ho town which . doing good work in .soouragLsg Inusioai matters. Al ready they have leen enco.edol in putting the town band In good shape, and it was through the .bort. and wterprtw of the °oslmitme that Goderieh a short Mme show had an opportunity of listening to the cele- brated Das Godfrey'. Wad. The Dom elt. tee scold beenooaragd l their labors, and toe resident* of town should respond Meet - fully to the mann, on of the good work whet they are galled en by the members. Asa Karr Rani. -B a%ini & Rhyme, t0 addttioo to local work, ahem to have their heads burly 1.11 ..1114e. Saturday night Mr. Rhyme returned from Lanham, weer6 he had hem engaged to auperintesd• ung the placing of • plate glass frost In oh of the places of business in the •Utas.. He bed also been to ;St. lila.., where the mune work o0 the saw P',...11 rias March has hose oompleted,..01o•yraeg.0feete for patting on the roof. TW week he woo at Leadssboro, getting rhino right for the woodwork of the new Methodist -ohuroh uow to ooures of root.@ is that enterpris- ing village. ViN)TgD THIS Hotoi or Rini..-rridey. of last week Mr. and Yrs. K Henderson. Yro. K,IteyMlds, Mies Claire Reynolds and Me Mimes Griffis went to Clinton and runt, 1111--11111 Sofa at ltsfttgs.' Tbey--..prea titemsehee as hobo eery rota alehed with the manor in skit& OM walla of the inmates aro attended to, and asanimoaely vote that Governor French &a4 Mrs French are thoroughly up in their work as .uprtetendente. Um, of tee ..It - on told THE SIDNAI. that it *OA not MOW wiry te go to Guelph to es* s model fro. M the lend in .enseotion with the Hoose of Refuge wee celtivated to the highest oowh, sod was riving rood Mersa. Knot I'NI'RCH S. 8. first.. - Friday last the 000001 Monte ho oo0nwtion w1118 Ks.. ohuroh 8.8. was held an Mepwtuag Pork, sad was • decided •uooem. The weather was good, attendee*, large. and oommimtriat .xoelleot in quality sod quaa- 11ty. JO -as -you pb.es was the order of the day, and the dement of formality was sllm- mated treat the day'. dense. As • result @Anita and Andrea had • good tune lhsoogho.1. (Joe of the lmaisrse of the day was • baseball monk, esd some new mater- ial for J ohs Nara. fires sine wee dieoovred during the rase. Timers were se se0ldeoW M mer the b•raco•y of tee easen t.ol, tt esd w 1 H!s: 'A*, W*s1441(e w47 MTRAT/ORlin Nsw I'ITY HALL -Ito Fri- day bat the ratepayers of Stratford dsoi led by tots whether they eboold have an en- tirely New city hall or one re000strooted from the old edifies, which was partly de eyed by 6re some time tee. They de- cided 1e favor of the former plan. The so- madel modems for the work are K. A Canny end J. L. Yenags, the former of whew . well thews M • entnoter le (Hdedcb. The omasum of their Moder . 527,787. INvelpmw CAMP I'Icnw.-A pieta° seder the sespw of beerier Camp, No, 54, 8.0.8., win be held s the beautiful groanda of A. P. Melees, Huron Read, Friday, Amg. 6. Games sad roost, with the Miniageso4e5 of 1he bagpipe., will he the order .f the day. Rin will be ready to money all who may steed. Thom hying Oa the West odds of Square will meet at Collegiate Institute owner, and Unseal the Rut side at Kafir church metier. the Ant lode to start at 3:30 P.m. ebrp. Purnsn i IN AN ELIVATOR -Messrs Col- borne & Barrows have jest pat an elevator of the latest and Inset improved maks Into their .tor.heaos, and haus added • number of other I.prevemeote for the tense la esd shipping ot amain, so that the least pos- sible delay w181 he experienced. The pre - pr eton have saoeeeded in working up • large olientele amongst the fernier' of this neighborhood. sad have earned • reputation for ega•rwde•ling..0oed to none in West- e rn Ontario. There . co doubt that their Invest roterpr.o *81 p .uoowfuL RRtntrs PRO•rier• Ar Rance Minas A letter bas been received at the Bursae of Mei. s Toronto reepeotiog Brace mines, ,s the smith thea of Lvk. Superior, wh.h are beim horsed by Lord Douglas at Hawlek. A hag of forty nes, ander :