HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-7-28, Page 88 T*nneoAT, July 28, 1858. THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. Clearing Sale STIL.L GOING ON 1 LIVELY SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK: FINS IMP(fRTED OINOHAMS, regular I. sad 3/k., going at 10e FANCY MUSLIN$, regular 15c., going at loo SPECIAL LINK'S FANCY DRESS GOODS, double width, regular .c, going at Ibo. Just the tibig for Childreu's Dresses. CLEARING PARASOLS AT. LESS THAN (308T. HOSIERY -Special Henna -tort Dye -11 pain for 24c. LADIES' CAPES, • few left, going at your own prion. -. VEIWN(, LACES, RIBBONS, BELTS. Come and see what the Cheap Store can do for yo... THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THZ THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE -- THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THEE E THE THE mar BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BENT BK13T HUNT BENT BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST EMIT BEST BEST BEbT BEST BEBT- BwESST BRIT Bey BEST BEET BEET 18 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL IS THE BEST 18 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL 18 THE REST 18 THE CHEAPEST AND THE 810RttL 18 THE BEST. IS THE CHEAPEST AND THIS SIGNAL I8 THE BEST I8 THE CHEAPEST ANI) TIIE SIGNAL I8 THE BEST 18 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL 1S -THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE HEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST rTHE 1lftdfT 'THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST' THE BEST THE BERT, THE HEST THE HEST THE BEST THE BEST THE REST TBE BE8T THE BEST THE BEST THE HEST THE REST 18 THE CHEAPEST AND TUE SIGNAL 18 THE BEET 18 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL 18 THE BEST 1S THE CHEAPEST AND THE SmNAL I8 THE BEST 18 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL 18 THE BEST 18 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL' IS THE BEST 18 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL 18 THE BEST) THE SI ,INAL• oNZY A YELJILR IN ADVANCE! BOOM THE WEEKLY MAnwc1 REPORT 11111111=16 eedrh&. tar1R Atte wife of P. J. .ef • eta Oonesrmi. Jut Sall Wheat July 75 o 0 PRICE - On Saturday. Julyare. the wife of 0 75 to 016 84. Berge Pries, of a delightr. Sloe, family. per owl 2 65 to 3 65 Lour, patent, pr owl 7 00 to l N DIED. Ikea., toy 16 OS rola 00 D_MD la Celbrrbalm go ss, s• Sunday malaR. July O50I' As. e A 0 .. 10 Yat ..071 14th, 11190, !saris• Dodd. relict of the late P.as, a book. 066 M 6 16 Tbemus Dodd, amid rl yam. HAY. .goo* OS a 600 •.._. pewee ..bosh . ,.........-..-.. 0 M te u a5 Rutter, Wood resh ea0sebd• mise ........... .. 0 pts 0 ie Wim '••••....... 0 00 le 1 M Peds •-••_••••••• 600 6. 700 Pelt. W ' 0 90 m 016 Lam -tare ^- 0 25W 010 Live Live5 r to 5 50 Hama. ...... 01to01 Hca, per lb......... 0 Is0 to o l4 meets.w t 16.......... 6 10 to 0 11 D1'tas.d I1oof, e quarter 3 00 to 5 00 or De.d Beef. er . hied 6 ro to 650 Balee.Pa/ 61166 •y too:/0 NEWS OF THE DISTRICT. From our own Correspondents there le rse.rmeu.. Sore 1 W Ceases be reesd Haywire lalas-New..1' Die tawveyageeYns Yep.Md Pao Ifo tltmma4 CARLOW. (1466 N.r from last week.' R M. Year mad Allis daughter Floreaoa -spent kw weak is Namlltcn, the guest of kis brother, Rev. Jobe Yo.or. Mho M. Reberaros is *vending her bolt Mys ender the parental roof. The death .1 Oacre Morro has out • gleam ever the whole seigbborbood, as he was a great favorite with all with whom be Mme in 0051.06. Mrs. F. W. M.D..S(h s.d children hove Ree. M spend • temple of weeks with the lady's •1.6pr, Mn. Goo. Whltusy, Wood - stook. W. had quite • little blase 1s oar village ens day Int week. D. R. Caaniewham's dw.11mt hones wee harped 6o the ground. Mr. sod Mn. Petr (Iowans. of Erma r, are •poodiet their holiday with Mrs flim. Young, r. Mw Wlgglus spent a couple of days visit log friends hers last week. BENMILLER. Tvmner, July 26th. ROMOVAI. OF Parr prowl -The peat tilt., w6loh 6.e been bops for .tray yeas, ewer eines the mail ngyt.e w.. *tublbbe 1 la this village, at the .id H.Smlllr Hetet bundle/. le shortly Se be removed to Med. hill's sews, at the otter of the 2ed ooa- esnehs, by order .t the Peetmaster Genote( • M Ottawa The 'beare will he smelt ep- by these asks( the *Aloe free the oesesutaa sed the enters pert ut M'wvhkp, sad was bresgas Omni. ro- es a eseeo esely•slimed paltiew o1 w6waym1 d•.4.r the early .pe sg Tawe Gledhill is t• be the ■-w se • d he M altrg se the est. ses-ad-set styr city* boa tiler t be y .1 eiteg Her M•ltety's ery. e A yM Lspwrfwe• pewl6oe. ( airs Cssenmy-Aorls( slit.. or Mae ear teweehtn f.th.a, • mew al `61ee0-ep bee twaus pews' at the above eael' Mr1, ad sings she trews have hero maned wad the walks levelled .1, w oboe(e for t h. bear has bake. ghee. TM Daisy costly a.oMte sow sheer to toed advantage, flea thea rimed from N. road that asse- nt= esmaa.ry dein see hell' the reeab"w N Wm a6 Wag 1''e Seem sad boot kept rami WADI Bread r thus.sassy. Veer l.sebeva w.rlavprdw ham mei is•pely ean1I It •• Pew Wesel t ole y," heat the mea6r M boalM l (lags of wen IS y..n meow'''. Ste0/M W las Lbs Jen. Swam% etttl.tt two rrw ill m lase Womdfip trent *wet 30 fees la WOW aria wend imR NW grained Vaal. .1 tttlwsg, woo eeggoeiive si cis. o. tee emapes ear - piked leelllia• ea 1NY.. 06 eattem IS paid h thew aialhartty towards teepee* Ma* Oetfl's woes - 66S l 1!e seder. • CID lea ve a as Merl6 gwill my 1. s.ie r m 6. p ~' MA - .W places for weeds or overgrown with bram bly. It neem. to be nobody's busi..ea to at tend to the beaatifyiag of burial lots, hear the dirps0•hls stats that they are kept in all ever the croaty sed we will feel amply repaid if this artiels may hats the effect of awakening a deers on the part o1 those in charge to mates cheese ie 16e pr.se,t order of things. All honor, thee, to the members of the 1 olbor.t. oow.oil ; they show by their sotion that they ars • pro- rr.aiv* body of men •-'d may other town- ships follow their example. ASHf•1ELD. Bttr*n', July 23rd, 1898. Dees Sonata - F•0010e.d find • few lig. area tabun from the tel' .in seaewment roll for the years 1857 and 1898 which might Mot 'stere•% to yon, readers. Amount o1 sensm.ot in theear 1897, $1,698,930: it the year 1898, in 696,130 : No. of vereem@ ma roll in 1897, 3,449 ; 1• 1898, 3,366 ; No. of oatW in the year 1897, 7,244 ; 1e 1898, 7,200; No. of .heap • 1897, 3,825 ; i. 1898, 4,001 ; No. of hogs In the year 1897, 1,991 ; In 1898, 3,743 ; No. of horses is the year 1897, 1,791 ; ra 1898, 1,111. Athtield e.au.tl masts os the 13th day of August for the 6l•atselles or ha.toos.. W. 8n0=east. Tiwasate cloth. CHURCH NOTES. At the listen ohyeah, tiedertehto.,..h:p, - - M....keels Naire, of town, lass Sunday' 1] evealo( wave a report of the mast meaty •0 Christie& Evde•vor oo.vemlles .t Wino - MittrnittrnirrriMtintrtM The --iommercial Atmosphere Clem sing The change, that have taken place and thore that are likely to happen ere lung will tend to the improvement of the Dry Gouda business in Goderieh. Businesses sold at fifty omits on the dollar with good- will nil are hardly expected to be in the race, while others.. which went up like a rocket and down like a stick found their level even sooner than pre- dicted. In eighteen months there will be about four stores of any pretentions 'selling Dry Goods here, and then the people will confluence to enjoy what other towns of this size do, viz., City Service, Greater Var- iety, City Prices. se-1ella1e1.1 Wf wo IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT1 During the Next 3 Weeks we bay, ,determined to close the balance of the Snow- den (Berlin) Stock at 50 cents on the $; also. reduce to Oue-half. the Stock of Fancy Goods, Stamped Lin; ens, Imported Wool Embroidery, Silks, Table Covers &c. The Variety is of such dimensions that we cannot well quote prices. We believe our deo citha.,Bargain. Giver*. will stand by us during the progress ,of this Sale with- out a price list. The Stock is so arranged that you can see at once what is offered at 25 per cent. reduction and what will be sold at 50 cents ori the,:. 'o. REMEMBER - the Bale is fdr twenty days, but do not delay too long There are hundreds of strangers in and adjacent to the town, lovers of Fancy Work, who will not be slow to take advantage of this opportunity. Corse ; you will save money. We will make room for our New Fall Gads. It will be a case of satisfaction all around. R. B. SMITH, C. W. ANDREWS, Manager. ham. Muria( Ne service a tela wee tea• itered by W. W. Shedden, alto of Gods riob, Knox church Sunday .o6001 will bare its picnic at Menesetung Park es 1rfN ny ofter - noon. Mau. ►sopa" Mounted Ibir Wales of bar position u organist of Knox oharoh Sunday morning (tet. A picnic at Bayfield boa the program of hire Epworth League of North-st. Methodist. oharoh for Tuesday, Asir. 9th. On Sunday sternum loot a number of the ONO engaged is the work of building the sow elevator were preset, by 'penial invita- • ties. to hear a innate prepared for the w oasiou by the pastor .1 Nortb.at. M.NmdM. ohuroh,Rev Jasper Wilson. Aeappropriate disc,urse was delivered from the text : "Is not this the oarpesasr'' -Mark et., 3 W. 1; Evens, • Moatre•1 student who is engaged to furthering the missionary scheme known u '• %hs fetwerd movsmeot,'' wits in town Abu week. He addressed the Epworth leagues of V'otort•-et. Methodist churoh and North et. Methodist obarch on Monday end Tuesday sysninge,respsotively, to the 'literate of the movement 'the sod soughs to he achieved by " the forward movement " is the evagel ir,.rlon of the world in the present genera floe, Rice's Pure Balt for table or dairy, ' OR CUSTOM WORK FO REPAIRING FOR THE SLATER FOR 1 E t3:ST IN BOOTS SHOES give SHA THE PRAt. Being t thorough works shoddy goods, and we do not buy , to sell as Ent elan lines. ki4n We bee the LAIL1,mes white,P a y ape. " SHOE CO'S GOODS, and as they are splend.,.34.1t' good titters, and of the latest styles, you should give than a . Te npega 'the highest ge Lust year t Man team o the Queen's stage was 0 range, the A, feature Intr.' highest poestt Inc was bar the three 6th* 1 pored en by sellers of • 0110, or bankrupt stooks -a call. Climes : Gia Send.y Mab R Nelmas trseelled 66 allies .ad ewdtrted lyes aer.lee., while was • pretty IOW dsy'. work a.aetdrler the day. Sealer* : Woo (Ibis` Debi*, .later .1 Ms. W. 1). Height, bmvr"bev. moat week ler fierema.y, when aborts M per6ea W mast..l .d.eawe.. Sealant : W hIM oN Mvpelrg the mise .seal.a{g.. W. K. Coaster ate Vita as oeylee•- eat eos1d6mt. A dog lei est at 6 .., rod, in melded • k tk at Me yew, ke loot his b•b•:wo oed Ia8. IPrsJsag 6M W6 arm. z WAD. FARMERS, LOOK HERE. 1 treat 500 toes of good Timothy Hay, NM year's an, b Euhalue ger Apple Bamds. Barrels 6. 6s delivered darts( July end Ast.at. Hey 4o be pressed daring 1. Fan and W.5tr months. b'ermete M the Helalty el Ood.riob, sow 4 rhe time for you to ep.oabts. Barrels this Fall will be to you s Road as gold. A. this h • soap eller, it will he told opal only until the 8th of August, so nom •ud or or write at ono*, and thereby wars • sasrket los your surplus Ray. MOP Aire asara.NE•., Near O. T. it. SWAMI. Opposit.Torslan F..tery. A Beady carload of 2, 24 amid 3-15 t.BA IN TIL/ last arrived. 3 CHAS. BATES. t Still a -whin olleclederele -----At-Wroxeter, Ju- ly 1* F. Dunbar, of Stratford, won eas- ily the two profes- sio^. 1 races. He was mounted on a "Mc- Cready" Pink Flyer, which was loaned him the day before. To win races and en- joy cycling, ride the " McCready." They run easy. T c Henderson Bicycle Co., i[dmltedt 130DB2RICF3- FUNERAL NOTICE . W. CORNS .indertaker & Embalmer SUCCESSOR TO A. B. CORNELL N. R. -Our C g Reduced is eviler 7e h,p.p64.r demand for Meidr6e Primed lYarwlA Closing Cash Sale --oF- Boots and Shoes Owing to continued illness, and as I am advised the physicians to seek a more suitable climate, I hays by terminad to close out my Boot and Shoe trade in Code• rich, and for the next Bix Weeks all Footwear will be sold AT COST. The stock is new and first clans, all having been per. chased during the past nine months. This is a Genuine Clearing Sale. as I am closing out my business in Goderich for the reasons stated. M. E. McNAUGHTON J. MoNAUGHTON, Manager. ANOTHER NEW, Cll e J. IIAIIPEII, ADDITION _ to our Lfrge IJV *g6 PRACTICAL PLUMBER f' of HOT WATER FITTER S1. 07T S Baths, Closets, Bevins, Balers, Sinks, Hydrants, We have addled Sewer Connections, the world-wide known Pipe Drain Work, Happy Thought mad Radiant Horne - W• have u.1. tyiedral is Godri.k al tkese sail all the.t6 0. geet Hoek'. Mania W• laadl. aiei-- i moods of the followI.g hew. firma . Gurney Foundry Co. Gurney -Tilden Co. Burrow, Stewart & Milne Clare Bros. V)L you the oboios el goods from lire of de sad most popular eskers is Cvseda Let as ?iynre on your ?Wablag, Beating. Tr ghing and Painting fLEEL SHEPHARD PROPERLY DONE AT PR1cit3 THAT KNOCK OOHPITI1TTflON •NDWATe. a*Yet m7 prices. CHAS. J. HARPER. WE MAKB Sewer and Culvert Pipes Aa ares Deus 1111116 110. geeseageneWRITR FOR PRIM'S. THE 0N1 RI0 SEWER PIPE Co 006 Ar1QA10R YT. ... ••evetry AT •.1.o • NTC The Kensington Vulture Co. 11181 Iio C( 011 WANT p / c DR-Y..G mM AN0 BASWOOD r lards r sine 1 quantities. They w she 1 the s.ark.a for Green Elm and Black Ash. READY MADE CLOTHING ._-...MY OWN MAKE -.._- An rhst-oV•s Seeds, red wen mad. tap, wm 6e meld at remarkably law pens to result out sea A mus nwaetawt et New Rede ter Wier sad Swum wear. CALL AND Cls g1E, H. DUNLOP weetat Tenor. seat Bask MI.hW. WHY DO WE SELL GOODEAP? TO DO BUSINESS OURSELVES, AND GIVE BARGAINS TO YOU. WE HAVE ONE OF TU LARGEST AND BEST STOOKS OF W S T ,A . TR Ready Made Clothing r'ORNlek Of RANT rtTRI.T AND SQUAB& 711■ PRACTICAL aro. MAN. ARD e0Lt AOQtT sea TIM LLT MOOS, t3ODIDRZpB_ eo.W.Thomsan's spot 80101?HIIB TO THINK LBOIJT If you had ae important we before Overt, yee'd empty • 416111 A6tsm., : 14 yes wore diupwat.ly Dl. said read ler the bis Baehr is tem ; If yea weal a Mayo's. retell bar • "Crescent" FROM GEO. W. THOMSON. Fn, 666 mama rea•.e UNA you'd employ • that dem A6teresy ..r • reed 1)040..': they knew Mei, Waiasa. You rfak your We riding a poor maehlne. Why ? J »I ZIT]i L' xM1Y , N S lam," t i leCready f" "Common Sena" and "Karon." Karon. " All Ot,ANMITIED AND HIGH GRADE. Agent for Clanade's favorite Piano "THE WORKWITH," and the " GODIR/08 ORGAN." v General Dry Goods ever open- out in Goderich --- New, Choice and Seasonable ---which we are selling so that buyer and seller will alike be benefitted. We are not doing business for our health, but on square trade principles, and that is why we offer the public the biggest. dollar's worth for the dollar. We want the dollar and big dollar's worth. they want the We are after the nimble dollar every time, and you should be after the biggest and best value. ESTATE OF JADES A. REID, CfF10, W. THOMSON. THE SQUARE. WI GODEJY/CH.