HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-7-28, Page 7V.
U6a Ck:aW3N�Y
"Why do you oray this N stet Why
you torment tum? Why tempt me lu
mutat". heart less waft Yes, heartless.
)a know this thing Dan never Ds.
is knew -who Metter? -that between
steeds the bur of your uufllled prom-
) to your•eoasiu, Beryl Leyosster.
know that all the world ldwks on
st as settled. Yuu have kuuw• the
1 through. You must have known, and
it toe come N ase Sud press me to be
lar wits Yoe. ball pledged to soother
Drone, ono ask me to help you break
At pledge by wiuning from me ate
her, because you think you can do
rte mr as you will.
you hold me for a child, • toy, •
laythiug, to be used for • season and
era aside. You know your strength
ith me. You think because
do 1 have
lade leo love duo be, for, heaven m•
lade me hate yon, 1
rip me, 1 know not what I think or
rl, .
may or du, where you are. But
help you
le I will not do -1 will play that girl fates. Go tot her. She
ill make you happier than I ever can.
kit_uot love that make. happiness
list conies far more readily from the'
sy eoutent of even flowing, placid
"There's s0 little in '11,' yes kuow.
Only two letters --1 mud *wilier."
"I stere. You would rather 1 learned
it from the other, then. I can sok ber."
"I never said there was anything to
ask, please.,"
"Do you know that Beryl has bed
letters from the manor?' stoked Mrs, De
Witt, changing ber line suddenly, Irrl-
Wad at Ills .loth Yllh MT!
"How urn It I haven't Igen her edam
they cane."
"Your mother has written to her."
This was said as though with epectal
gigu iflcsuce.
"The dear mother! She. has the best
heart In the world," be replied.
"But she doesn't like the second let-
ter of that lietle 'it.' " And she thought
his eyes with a ohalleuge in her own.
••It sbe how a fault, 1 am afraid she's
too fond of the find letter. I've had my
o-.vn way all buy life," he answered, re-
gurutug her look Hud omilmg.
She wade a pretty gesture of irrita-
"You're more teau provoking today,
Magog. At blue time you didn't keep
secrets from me."
"There ATV eeme Secrets that s1-aai
worth keeping from buy one, little wom-
an," be replied. Tben be changed his
manner end tole completely, and lay-
ing a hand eu her shoulder said earuemt-
ly and kindly: "Dou't worry; wait.
I'm only fencing."
"1 know that, you great -boy," she
answered. "Bat I want .te know more."
"All right I nuderatand. Well,
Bern t r be sard',-bilikingoff IW titlt>i r
ant tone, as his cousin came out and
-joined them, "1 bear you have lelterse‘
home." .
The girl started -slightly at this, and
yet smelly calm lad rather cold ea -
tures flushed eomewbat, al if Die words
had come embarrassing reference known
in herself.
"Yee, I have had one from the moth-
er." The two always spoke of Lady
Beryl be
net wool or lag
corayon.Inla.Wfe:" 11•si
frieudehip. You end 1 are best- apart
com�pA love me now. You will
her in time.
happier with her. You and 1 are two'
wmpeet clouds, better apart. With es
life ran only be • full heaven or a reg-
teg bell. I am afraid of you." And she
seemed to cower before him. "Your
wends scorch me. (io tawny, or let me Mrs Ile Witt, looking with a hear, � s n• Jamar
ga. Let 11wrlever meet a • - It ytye' quick lance at the baronet and snr-
th k of what it V g "It is better ,he should know right
then, with an effort, recover his salt ter and addrrseed and stamped the en-
velope. "She knows 1 doh j• alter easi-
ly, and it will pave the way for our
lie strolled out of the hotel to amok*
'ilbh6eInmyskull. She'su lin leden.0w"
Aud with the' oowpliulrutary shaft
at Mrs Ile Witt be took his mother's
letter oat of the euveloiie and read it
Yr 1)sararr J -You are a g,wd eon
and will nut, 1 know, have forgotten the sub-
ject of our last conversation. 1 write to refer
1WNissase 1 twee, wary Saadi w Au) sorrow --
sot that I ant rurprlod, 'Leigh -that time
Ceawsk•7 has et, timed her vont to Torquay ail
sum r1L Yue woe and Reale
ahoy will see euthiut to this but a eon -
deuw unlearnt you unfortuuat'•ly and 1t •
pleasure, but I eta look at It with very differ -
sot eyes. Yon th you kuuw women In ern-
en:l .,:,.1 Mice (ewwhay 1n particular. Yen
a'v ..lwnejr WAYLAY' Hint oily mistake, lett 1*
taker a woman W know • • union. and 1 have
n ot bved W years to the world for ...thing;
• e 1 have not .o btlpted wy Instincts as DAIS"
W Iw able w road my own sez. 1 have warned
you to beware of Lula Craws/lay. She (o nut
at till what she appears. Sow outlaw of a rank,
Iwai stock, and she promisee w do credit b
her wooing. Her father, u you know, was
one of the worst and wort unscrupulous of
mon, and, as for her wether, she was soma
woman from southern Europe whom the man
puked up in some of has disreputable weeder -
togs. The girl berw•lt lues ewmpletely befouled
beeritupid ole: aunt by battering her ridicu-
lous wartime and playi05 on her silly fade.
just as die has fuelod nearly every one who
has come near her. bow Is, of tours", a Weari-
ful creature. So L a rattleimake, and both are
about equally harmless*. She can fool every
man on w 1.wu she pliers te use her ryes, 110-
(050 taw o t-e.utlful, and no wan could ever
yet unu••rrtaled a is titlful 'woman without
marrying hen. if you want to know tits
value of beauty, ask wen wk have lovely
wives, or girls who have lovely mothers. 1
urge you, thin, Jaffray, not to take Ih1s beau-
tiful, dange'r'ous creature on truel. I do nut
knew how ftaa�r,.� you have gone with her. 1 am
ted at luart*Len 1 thi0k Chet you are to love
with her, but 1 sicken with fuer at the thought
of] our ever making her your wife.
Remember oleo that yes are really bowel Is`
honor to another woman. Your father wished
that you slotlld marry your°imat0 BeryL Her
lather desires 11 above all Maga, and you
know that It is the dearest wtah of my heart.
More than this, you have acted up to now u
'af you meant w marry beryl. and 1n that way
uu have went her he•ari.. gory l keen you with
her whole heart, JsR ray, and you have led her
to du so. 1 know this well enough, and she is
the truest and purest it good women. 1 have
often talked with her about the time when
she would be your wife, and I have onwwnt-
ten to her • letter totting her moon of what 1
Maw rid here, and [tint 1 look on you as al -
AR oyes Center Hero Frees. 111•141114•14
504 lo-verlbed.
Inventions %Menge eenditione. Out'e
any high burn was 'a white elephant.
Next the harpoon fork rauning up to a
traek agder the roof peak made Is eiicht
sn t seeutikl t f the model taro. 'thee
canoe the inveutiou of the hay sliug,
that final perflation iu twluadiug of
hay. With the ding came the problem
of 1vavte of power, of tune. in hoietiug
th-, drafts over the great beam or "tie''
that iu all old barer connects the tope
of tbo poets at the upper suds. Nut only
waii`tltere prodigiuux N's.: to of enei!y
Old ti ie in hoisting three great drafts
of hay to the peak before mulling in,
but when it was dropped from the
height, if at all green. it might peck so
solidly as to "mowburu" at that place.
Next fonowell"Ibe "'open center" Laru,
and today there is no barn built by tip
_.,..,. iUMUS IN THE SOIL.
Tb. Principal Source .f Nitrogen sad •
Cosaerver of Moister..
Oue of toe w•.tht iulpa'rtaut tlemeutl
of roil fertility is the-jwrttally decom-
posed animal and vegetable. subettusees
aergauio matters which are kuevvu as.
tintura The Importance of ntatutuitiit.g
a enpply of humus in the soil is route
photo by a ragout A 71etse' bal'eeiu jp
which the following statements occur!
It baa beeu ahowu that a detliue in
fertility is not eietrely tpe reoalt tit the
removal from the soil of the erw•utial
t. rtthziug owgtitueutr-uttregt 11, phis•
phorit acid, potash or lime -bet is duo
to many Darer W • lost of bulimia. The
lots of humus is due to a variety of
duxes, our ,ug which are (1) the eon•
tiuuous • growth 0u a soil of • crop
u-hlpr*Itlo ed: out r. tura tale ?edible to
the roil, , (2) systems, of culnvutiou
which leave the bare soil exposed to the
lotion of tf etygeu of the air, such as
611 11111041r fallowing and fall plowing,
and (8) fiord Orta
lave et metits $ by the Min:tesrta ats-
tion have shown that there ere serious
loot -s of humus trent all' theater
but that prt,bltbly the greatest dunitic
iu fertility iu the rails of that region
was due to contivanir grain crimping.
It was found that roils so cropped were
to mazy cases abundantly supplied with
nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash
and were not benefited by applications
of fertilizers containing them, sub-
aioneu 1nik1kgre had been a decided
decrease iu the amount t>� humus w tic
the tains t:uut:tiuetl. and thio ptedonbterd-
ly accounted for the obeerv'ed dex:line in
their productive pawn.
Ileums is not only the principal
,Dome -a lam= to the -soil, bet it in-
fluences to $ unarktd nsteut the %vada-
Lle potash and pheuephorle acid. Iluulus
forming materials, like goon manure-
twat bariyurd manure, have the power.
when they decompose in the acid, of
e%)imb:wipe with the potash and_ghgfe.
phorio acid of the.sril and thus convert-
ing thin into 'Tains whtth aro'-r'eedify
utilized by plants
Thd influence of the lose of humus
apelt_tha physical p,rw 'rtiee of tie• soil
iM folie ao important pr eta t?.rat up'in
ter chemical, properties. The retentive
power of -soils for water end for fertiliz-
ers declines rlpidly witir a deeras iu
its. Menus content. It is well establish
.._51. d_l .gltdcon`
" -Mew cams saint rams. .
Walcate r "the motuer, ry tog to data Luylders with a do across the
motherless- _. _- -._ - _ -reedy pi,,ised w marry her, end 1 have .ak.d center of iii say' an Ohio Farmer cotta•
"Is anything up at' the rsOar!'biir lbw to give you this tetter' knowing ins Don- spoudent hi illustrating. and describing
tante and my wishes. eel follows a cominott and tterier111p ap-
a.ked, noticing her a ouoern. I am wring ill your reel Interests, m7 run, sort of !ratan, ing the
"No. Everything is just i it woo ...din teat .ii. 1 do net hemete to take • plloablepowwow
when we lett a week ago. The mother ver, unuaual slop. Your loving wodh•r, I advuntages of open center, simplicity
6wuuuus tletto a. 1 and great strength:
hag not been very well; worried the Sir Jaffrey had -Er -Um '(m11i%tverml "'T havo a iTd-that themederutera
toys She arks n e give you trig let I y p no tie &creel it This is true,
ter." The fiat on her Cheeks deepened timer with abort, char exclamations yet not
somewhat am she held out to him a let- while readiug the letter, but when be just an accurate way of stating the
had&li.bed he rat four or five minutes
in close thought Theu he wrote bu re -
ter and met his eyes, looking et her
with direct and rather searching in -
Inds. The barn unto ,d course have a
tie to hold the thrust of the rafters, else
_ ' would spread laud the roof gag. Real -
1t will "Fle bolter m a The tee;Jrea ".e-
While he opened the envelope. Bstryl Ity We disappoint
more that bitter u fl , at t, as ahowu in the cut. From
turned to Mea De Witt. - 7'•s eaonut reoeIva with 1,. re the only woman
"Do you know the news? Mrs. Qill- d the world t tan pus.,bl, ruarry-Lula Cr$W- hero rho struih to taken by the standing
yeas is going borne-touigbt, I think, or shay. were .he as bete, se you piunl her I I brace, b, to the dart tics, 0 C. 1Vitb
first thing tomorrow." would choose no olkwr w, man for my wife.' this arrangement the, building is quite"
"No, I hadn't Beard it," answered It fs neo Lie w altar my ehwce. I am wwutg r solid as though the ties, c c, were
home wmorrw to tar 7•u •boat u. Yuan continuous.' Perhaps I should have stat-
ed that the Heeler' hay carrier has the
faculty of gripping the rope at any de -
tared height and taking the hod in
Whenever it g
mow door or height of hay i° the. Mew
Thus it is readily teen hew convenient
It is not to have the tie, c, crow the
f the traveling draft of hay that
bet infinitely moved, 000*01ou* of nnth- vary bed soul fe the world. What i. It was the orbits et Oa life, but he may per
ing save the wild thumping cf bis hrt:rt That is a mincidenoe. I am going home
against his ribs and of the mad, boil -boldly, looking the aafli-coltief Intl to
daring thought that sbe loved him. tonight. We must travel' togetheredf the face, making his decision firmly aid -
"Let me go in, Sir Jaffrey, please," that can be arranged." ' holding to it With the tenacity of Its
(food," ezclaimed lir, De Witt; race.
said Lola h. r whole manner changed, "very good and very natural. Magog. Two things be regretted deeply -his
you have inherited all your mother's mother's groundless prejudice against
oodnees of heart Sud have deieloped Ill d the Dore licatiou about Ileryl-
with it all your own powers of acting. ay amtima of thorn etieued him by so
0011000 1►F r,tH�; SEA. Backache
The Worst Omen .r 111 Leek on Buena ` Berlin Lady Tells
Skip 6e.w t. U.. cat Th. wasp How t0 Got Rid of Si
Wig aesae. owl New L'oturt awake 1•a11e-
have any pity In you, m
is to burn as I barn with this love Prised to sec him start and flush end •• he muttered es be folded the let
which you have kindled and to know
that I can never -wait t 1 =mad. Oh,
why. why did 1 ever see yon?" She
stepped suddenly and stood pressing
her hands to her face.
Si! Jaffray stood by her, lmm
possession. -
The dear mother?" he 'exclaimed,
folding up the letter with a care and
precision which to the keen eyes watch-
ovable, ing him were overdone. She u the
and think.
rMaeat Wok reline lite.
Doan's Kidner Pii}s
The Remedy.
Hen t be go down rs Rho sue In s • p•
may not bit mere superstitious by neinul Mra. Eliza Reitz, (o Wellington St,
repo their fellows, but water
that wonderful Berlin, Ont., say:., " For ten yea++ i have
reponse of o.Ly ami w lt, r the .ln&)••st In• - chem afflicted with kidney and back trots -
Intoof n uq•st'rlmus tint ore lr wugitlfled, Mel autlorilrg greatly from dizziness, nen.
!tit( an moan. That mertucre o1 the olden netlssees. weak eyeatght, loss 01 sleep,
thou Invested the ata with ruiw•rnaturai ,gam appetite, and an almost constant
p)wtrs twit tulsunden.t•••n1 its i::rs„agu4l• Bred, weak feeling. In Iebna�r' last 1
not surprising, sheets modern science. and . got a box of Duaq'e Kidney Ills and
the watt eltlightawd uudcn.tnndiug.fall received so much, benefit from them that
to :exeunt for its Iwtittytj *apr4as. ThtlI I continued their use until 1 had taken
ls when steer(*) Wel settling on the)•uwc three boxes'is all, and was completely
head of a Otto at to eauew a l.tnic amot let cured. They removed every vestige of
the crew, not a 'nen of whom ivou1.1 Hary pain, dizziness and nervousness, and eo-
n, harm the stranger guest for ,felr of staled me to get restful sleep; so that
ghipwn%•L olid death. from being a sick woman I am now
lint the wort 1logle( of a ship Is a eat. • strong and well again,"
,turieasof the 111 luck brought on shipbar:b Doen's Kidney Pills are the best remedy Is
by N tent have become history The eat' Drupy liackochetor niir.vel�uaea mertl•1n the
Of the *wall) sloop of onto the 1{ea)u•;i, the Unna, and all Kidney and Bladder !oversee.
legit detailed for special ditty in the serve.", Sold by druggists; or oat by mol on receipt
-Wtheatia el Panama.
• . Sf ldrieet, cents r b.. 0th bones for cway
Rbi"�Oadi:Kidney P111 CCo.. Toronto, Uni
selves fanomt. by the p•reirten•y with
which they ceuwd disaster. '1'Im, first otic --
war w..-htnrr her face on deck- when she Ml.cHAlt ler INSTITUTE.
suddenly di -al pond ns if she haul been ODs:HH•H )(Et'NA\ICS' INRTITUTI
All as[ihteeele tool two days later the ILA LIBRARY AND HEADING NOON, ow.
sailor whop Ire the was fell overboard u ILA furAt and Square (Mande).
Sud ryas droli'n`•d. urea from Ito a ern., and from 11010 oult
sic months titter the Romeo anchored r10 VOL'!+ iN LIBRARY.
oft the coast of Callao. and a new eat wise ABOUT•
found. liut one day an Auta'rlean who Leading [kitty, Weekly and Illustrated Papers,
. IHrg.tlnte, ac .
aalll aqd huwoalck dame on board to suer A BT ox lT �l.a _
his eteintn'.t.en, and the ca unmet Greeting tree use of Library and Reading
the tdup's rad an soniLar she taw 111 Mt _ K"m
ecnuoL•+:;t and mewing ter IT IMtaw•rroit AI,yllcsilui, for mrmnenhtp •.aeNe�- --
ala wuUIl • 1 0 overboard, but the Ul,rarla'• to room.
men jumped to the rescue an qo t ,up n. t.'e'I»•RNK,
is hi h ale ngh to clear the
lilacs be quite below its level.
chat •boot Mas- Villfets? Going borne? faced it. like !1l things, re.alnfely and When we built our barn. our carpen-
ter waa quite ttlaiions for fear some-
thing would give way and the thing
wreck itself. I had no fears, yet 1
watched it curiously when tirst we be-
gan to lift rho bey. 1 Ina barn takes in
hay at the.eod, from ot:tside, so that it
g eau e p l is not tied teeether abe,ve at this end.
all welt control Wo often healed up its much es 1,1x)4
'"0„.„,u Mauna".bss-nid.luwping bit.! This little surprise visit of year" wi11;,i rswel'Kl.a tt[rr°•%ierstdtirlrom hu par ponndfa of bay`at a draft, and Dot the
iie bit inch detfFht, Mee lovedee b•M — -laid-resolve. les, of gieiieu war
rice aV steady a• 17 could. I under• g
stand now. You ore right- I will do Yoe with her, talking over all your He'had drifted into the present -tele- I anywhere noted, although 1 watch. u
what you wish, and till then I will Dot Plans witb the frank innocence of tions with his co11siu. 11 had Leen the I it core closely.
ay a word more." childhood, and it will be so pleasant to wish of others that he should marry her, I Our Vrlr•d the Toed.
He stood back and let her pass with- travel with -dear Mrs Villyers." i and he had acquiesced fu the plan be. I We have friends in the Toad.
out another word, watching her with A dry little smile passed over Ste cause no one ei,w bad ever touched his I shape of tools end lizards. Toads are
barring eiyea till the last hem of her Jaffray'% face. beast Be bad liked" ber in the balm.
• you are •keen thought reader," be unruffled way in which ber nature had 11be greatest insect destroyers of ell.
and the scat Lrooli;am appealed to him cud bad always •d- .They lead all the other friends in this
dues disappeared respect. Tho the other
PeetTien says that
of the be ter !mat in the room
"What plot are you two hatching mllr d her.
Then be turned his face to the light, ?" sited Beryl, looking from one oParis market gardeners appreciate this
and • stile of proud triumph lighted It But he tali now os if there had never fact bitter thou American fannies, aur
as he stood and gazed at the sea, and the ether. "1 hoped yon were going to been a thought of love toward her in all
stay," she began to Sir Jaffray, but bis heart.toads are regular articles of trade. A
she woods, and the landscape, thatugh then checked herself. Now his feelings were • mizture of gardener will purchase them • end pot
Arcing nothing, lost in the thought that „I had interdtol to stop, Beryl," he them iu the hotbeds to keep down the
he had won her, • queen swung women tear and hope -feat lest Mie mother was inteecte in the early spring aud swnwer.
said, looking at her steadily, "but I am right and lest Beryl might feel some- lu *Cloth heEarcarr a few common hap-
eompelled to go home to gee the mother thin of that derolatiou and misery
•iter this letter, bolding I'll
it np. '• if obi b the thought of losing Lola sag- bonds will prove to to worth their
you wish it, of You know I always like o do whategelded to him end hope that his mother wefrom the sht in mall flies fold. They r thytl t e
was wrong. Beryl was so (700 and gen- green
you wish it possible. The mother known able a soul, had bee•u each • stare& fat cutworms and the reps is
to." friend and dear cermpauion in the poet greeting potato beetle. Tiles
. v...,.
Beryl .o rarely showed her feelings and had taken finch a strong interest in are likewise goal insect
that the deep scarlet blush which now ill than concerned him that be WO. pro they aro wore timid
rushed over her tate, of her g it a vivid ioondly grieved at the thought of bring- lees likely to remain in
ted from the recta t>! her rich brow
save for the light in her epee.
As the pawed the touched him attain,
sod he drew hack as if afraid of losing
DO' c r leers
tarn 't u cent.+ well stock.•tl witu h°utu*
Soil, with a liberal remount et bume.
err capable of more effecter ly with
ttw(tiug drought than similar soil
with less humus.
Bir Jaffray wag still on the eerie:die
smoking and day dreaming, attar hi%
interview with Lola, when Mrs. De
Witt and ber Conlin Beryl returned to
the hotel from the walk on wblch be
ought to bave accompanied them, and
the former surprised hint nn the baleony
and before be Goold ciente. Her shrewd
iuotinrte scented mischief.
"By yearned, Magog?" she said. Etre
generally had a put Demo for her male
intimates as a sort of compromise be-
tween theChrietiinandlulrnamee. This
was diallers in reference 10 tee baronet'e
great alae and strength. "I thought come
time waw witb you -Mrs, Villyers, of
eooree"-this dryly -"and bad perhaps
etnpprd your comiug with as."
"No; I think she's in her rooms some-
where, " be answerd, poking at her.
"She's a sweet old lady, I think, for
an innocent, and I certainly do thick
mite's the molt innocent growth I ever
eget-for a woman. She's so fond of
dear Lola too, I wonder where she ds.
They're the sweetest pair I know."
"I think no end of Mrs. Villyer,"
said Sir Jaffray.
"Of course; we ■11 do. She's rch no
obliging soul, too-comiuR ell ti.. 17.
from her comfortable home, and jest lu
please Lola. I hope I ghell he ate good
to my young people when I'm her age,"
"Oneram't thint i! 7011 server bei'.,
her ege,•''b•: auswv:ed; ,^:Ping•
"Yondrne't seem to tbiuk 1;1 me event
AS I am, judging by this alien). nu,"
n : w the retort, prompted by jt a l000y
end helped with re flesh (i ber brown
But Bit Jaffray wasn't looting •t
her and missed ilia, ted bis smlwer
wan lament:.bly oommonplsoe.
"That'. all you know."
"Why did■'t yno come Dila after
noon, .tblmis apt. J ,.bald you would?
1 t':u know vary wall that Hider the cis
cuteetaneas Beryl plt any rate had a
. right to impost yea."
"TO% perhaps she had. I'm afraid
ss. I's sorry." His r(wrtpaniou's Words
' had tadMsd blas of what Lola had
mid, and be felt enmity.
Afraid sol You are not generally
mon afraid to do white you ought to do
than what you Dight not.' This war
said rather sbasply. "Why didn't yod
" (wiser'
"Beryl bad yeas. and 7+s. bad Daryl. "
he asswasd With provoking slowness.11 (.And yea WV.
"*salt. el omsrM" he rst•reed,
lhs gat apo leo, sad eked Mil blowsy.
"14wetil s wkp' yea *said wast o
MIS whet yea've be.. ddfg."
"TbM Weald be dlMealt (rest reit
"MI tea. tsealdm't ins" And heilseSsf
dawn e1 Ysa good k eemindv
' Maar" dna t yea Nit talo el own 111.•
$b .jf _teeopd Led for safb keeping. But the eedereh. Hoch neine.
she was ern dacha When the Aiuerk:an
111- H11I11,3i _Y
stranger canoe the hest day. and this time AN ENGLISH SENATOR.
the eat juniper' into the water and war
drowned, and the Amerh•nn tlsitor did Ilorltle. of ■Nerhsaalaa
on the ship Iwft.n:aklyllgLt the next ua'n7t da 0 Mie 1s )aM• ties _
Ing,- Nothing would persuade the ere*., - .._..._ _.
Into a belief that the tine disaster ons net To be thoroughly informed shoat dill
the .veuseePt hotter•. personality and movements of evartbs--.
lint the end Was not yet. - Alter it long hoe -the skternment• supplies the 1111101-),-
whlch are ezartllued dolly by Ma
calcar the orate hInto the harbor n, ls's lle registers, d all landlord who allows a
Talcahuano, and here Dna of the once, pollee, 7
ho.v:er lt}tisubi'Rtiyietus titan the not, guest to remain even -for. • night to his
'Attained a tlue kitten., which no' kindly house without filling up the Menke urakeel
to nil on Want and grew to be a great let, hluiaelf liable to It heavy lino. 1'he blanks
being No. a -of the ship'ecnte and an ire Include such questions as name, residence,
pneveutrdt upon it. pnderrs)r•it occupation, last halting place, intended
But one morning tit as .NJ a killed duration of stay in Monaco and Intended
herself 1u a load ries, atter a rat Tile ,wan destination. So when Oe'orge appe'al'ed
yva wjW the black euxert•d_FZoetk. In his hand 1
the captain of the etsrl watch alt'• strew tt`bath%'1risVt�"'-Iiaslap.cl.rkaw�tld
after IitIlnl .a10, "Been, I feel lout," olid explain that here as In moat Eunipean
staggered against tlu' bulwarks. Heflin, hotels it is nut ran-twit/try for a guest to go
he could be helped ho died. Melding le. 1, near the °Mee unless he charas to. The
throat with loth halide and allying with - regiut'r is brought to his room -the hills,
I'M lust health, "All thnmtltd here." the meals, 1t he likes, and the landlord.
There was never another oat taken un I too, If he 1e rung for.
board of the 1{e•etaes `I "All right, (gorge," I told elm. "Don't
Spanish minors On certedn days of the I bother ere with the thing. You r'nlater
week or uiou"th lay aloft at onset and bolt me under any enure and oocupatl
the *heaves and pine of the bl.w•ks to delve I think would be suitable. .,1 ant not In the
the devil out if the gear, and the noise tboy least particular "
ltinke is a horrid din.' This ls sold M have He went to the mnntelplce with the
originated in an order )given which re- book and a leant pencil, and his ezpresslon
sulcal in disaster. A certulu Spanish
showed that he with going through a ss -
squadron that had he'en midterm' r 011e van+ mental struggle. When 1t was over.
time was surprised bytheenmity and erntbl he brought tote the book to .e. "whorl/
not make sail and ...cape, as all the block- '.' dat'll do, soh."
wen rusted and list -leas.
In his anxiety to make hie countryman -
as grand as
against Sstarting out on • voyager has no oonlle-R t trappear the tables npnpossible
lme, for he rather
dao, that being the day on which Colum rgtlwt•nxl mem "the Hon. Q. W.Ingram;
bus tanned on 1,19 voyage of diecovury. ,residence, Waahingtm; occupation, Untl-
English and Anti•rban 'tailors will net ed Stats senator; last stopping place,
sell en that day If they can help it. They Parte; Intended stay In Monaco, two
would cdnsider the whole trip htiai.geul weeks; intended destination, Cairo,
Egypt." Fine as 1t looked, such false pr
by such a leglunhig. o-
A sneeze at sea would h0:,dro the ehlp tellers might lead to awkward complicit -
unless It happpenad to turn to the right, tions, and kt�+ nixto find soma
when iI brtnga OMIT- 'Met. eau,.. tie trlend n•,ri*tenni yet?" I maked. - -..
fnith to odd numiavx, and naval Runner,
carry nut this bi•lict in the number of
tenet' thry fire • salute.
Whistling for wind Is another favorite
aup•rtfti•n of the: neon I'e•fore,he nwst.
This is atrickwhen ship% one 1'1111un%1,
as •'whl4lo* rash hid tetnp•ets Hair ' A
"enpful of wind" or "a bagful" usually
The phantom s7i11t PO often seen by nav-
teeters Is not purely the apparition of roe
maitre, bort a ntlrnge, suna•thlryr al1110et
its wonl•rful, but not of the eupernatnral
The horseshoe is still a popular rontri
button by !tailors to the fctieh of towel
Welt. A dist ingulehwl pre.'deut is g00e11
for this. Inn! N.•Iw•u Iwlleocd in the luck
of the horseshoe and had one nalltt1 t.• the
mast of his shlp V ktury
A peculiar •uprwtltt(n 1. that If women
an, taken on Gourd a voyaging ship emir
dieutter will follow. 'ride may he the
reason why no government ship Is allowed
to carry women passengers Seailors, tug,,
prefer n ship that ham a teaenline name
or is called after some manor 11 geogrnph-
teal. A line of st•auaers will often employ
a certain .election of names to (he exeda-
siotr of all (Ahern. The Cunard et.v15
end all their names with "Ia." Captains
are quite ew .wgwerstitluus as their crow.,
though of tetter education, and that may
amount for the names of sailing vows•Ie
being Went teal with that of wife 07 sweet
heart. Certain n0111w are known in the
history of nautical nomenclature as hoi-
dooa They have been painted over , and
other nettles substituted, but bad luck at
tended the ship, and not even reonitrttc
thin saved it. Then, tf the 1111011111111151 10
feminine, the crew want something they
are familiar with. Ono olid tar who was
toed the name of • new ship was the Au-
mrora said:
Why don't they lenvo Petry to the
navy folk and etlek to the Susannnhs and
Mary Ano. and .beutlmna of my days Au
meal How Is a plain able Altman to an
ewer a hall with such a mouthful as that
behind Ms tee•thf" •
Sellars cling to their eu`Jietwtltions with
a tenacity worthy of a better mega l'os
*Illy it le, more from cuauuu rather than
front an actual belief In their efficacy Th.
man at the wheel will tell you tbnt he
cannot etre straight 1f there Is n .roes
eyed passenger on board, and he repeats a
charm of words to annul the evil
ret. Peter! Rt. P.terl Pray give as • charm
Against the had eye that would du use harm.
-Chicago Ttme0e-Floral('
• Never Took the Hint.
Jackson -Well, what did your wife say
In you when you got home so late taut
night? Yon know yon went afraid she'd
Fatrletgh-My wife's a Jewel. She
didn't said a bit. In reek she didn't avec
tatkre to where I bad boon or what hal do-
me; ante is lllt tracetle t10 dower
at the piano and began to play Sud stn`.
I tell you she's one in ten thousand.
Jackson -Whet did she sing?
Falrleigh-"Tell Me the 014 Ord
Mort. "---CbIr•ro News
-A Myatertoue orchard !feel.
What etu1mer (•rt ev: u gall, whit condi
tie::, favor it, it hat will cure it, an
proiilewa yet unsolved, according tai t:
recent report iron! the Utab `711111on,
wlich lays: Almost sure death to n
tree, without cure it peereutivocstep
poecd to be highly contagious, crown
gall , is brn,tug Due of our wore:
orchard troubles The galla do 1::0
damagrt^-the hooch-thtan:11-tkeRPP;
and pear am oftrlttinexhadly effected.
and other traits, the raspberry offpetelal
• tug sorrow to her. snakes aro good '1Darret
bale downward •s the rise and matte Hewimbed utdeeol that heconld have their special tondnete fax
an excuse and went indoors hastily, I Mid the whole thiug before her an he it trop meible for the two
snrpriled both her companions, and ea -Moet often done with other and leaser saute garden, and of the
pedally Mrs. De Witt, who
did not see I puzzl s and just bave talked it out are to be preferred for tbi
anything in the baronets words 10 Dietl like friends..clause it and did not nnderstaud the q He missed the help which the girl
reference in them. I had often been to him, and be was
"Where saw we all this afternoon, I thinking of this as be sauntered on to
Magog?" she mato]in perplexity. the veranda at the end of his stroll and
"Where we were
not lout week and sew, her sitting there alone, just in the
shall not be Gni with
he answered corner and iu the chair where Lola bad
se onsly and with a .mile. 1 sat 111 the eltermou.
Ara you turniug sphinx?" she ask -
He went to hear Sud sat down In one
of the ',reeky bus' et chairs near her
"Well, walking about to think.
Jaffray," she said plesasrtly, "after
the old habits?"
"Yes. I wag thinking ni . et my go-
ing off tomorrow. I'm got:.,( to see the
mother, you know."
"I thought so from what you said
ed, a little irritably.
"No, I'm only the soothsayer, wait-
ing to see whet I ought to nay and act-
ing on instructions" And with Dist he
went into tba hoose. clever Mies
If I don't read.that very
Loll's band in this, may I never flirt
again!" exclaimed litre. De Witt to her-
self as Senn as she was left alone. "thio today," replied Beryl quite calmly.
I'll find out from her whit "What train do you go by? Shall you
afternoon, •1 I have to ask thea question ,some haat"point baulk."
Meanwhile Sir Jaffrey had gone to
aced over again and ,newer the letter
from his mother, sod he ensconced 1.. m -
self in a corner of the smoking room,
"I wish she hadn't gone so son," he
said -be wsen't thinking of bis mother
then, however. "It makes b l okiva, it
I if
ww following her; 7
enn't be that -it can't be that; ahoin
earnest and means to part altogc r
The bare thought of i:.s filled hint with
a fevsrieh fear. "Wish 1.l knocked thea
bnsineea about Beryl on tLt' bend bel„re
T spare. Parr Wale- -g1212...rites. was
Beryl -"I wish I'd cava -bot
the good of wishing? I never had a
ghost of an idea that I'd got mob pas-
gon i� but111,et moLola.to think
that new. 1 eneldull marry her feeling
.s I do. i wish -oh, what an tuft n'.:1
nnisande it Is when year people .et re
work matchmaking! And use's so help
less -worse than if there was • regular
understanding. I could ge N her thea
and not with the truth, but I ain't re
it ds without motoring a ise000eit d ses
enough to ,name that she's is love
with Ili& 1 bogs i1 baan't gels so far
as tb•t I wish I'd never -pad, I hope
she won't feel as I should feel if things
west wrong DOW with Lnia Weeder
why the ,,other W se down em her. ion-
eughtw't to have velem such • letter
IS tilts Elbe woaldllY If she'd known.
Shelia* an ttRht wipe ill. d /arrow.
at p I M der quietlyditsgala !e• beried
that that bitty
To be continued.
Th. Vera of t•. a
Deep plowing is general!
ed iD a Maar beet culture. on TNs
the subeoll is very porous it .Iatare t 10
loosened up with the subsoil loa8aespoa'e
proper preparation of the 2.11 ri thus
s most important feature of rugaJlantts-
CROWN (151.1..
IT. •Ore sometimes attacked. The name
Oast gall auggoatr the nature of ter
ise•se. At the crown of the tit e, he
rootand truck, rough gall-lik..
gs, varying from the size of a
e to that of a man's fist, c)usti
the disease. When there galla en -
e the tree, the flow of sap .tope and
',suite. The gulls aro ofteutime
e4 other parts of the rad system.
they do tench damage, thoagl
to the Affected tree Piny not occni
frn:nd in such places If the
on au unimportant rent, th.
• rut off and the tree saved
.general gall bearing trees will
to be oon.iNit-d to the brush pile,
10 be burned. .
ederieh boy
The writer
whit L
reselling has done 0o much to encourage
'cooling (shoplifting) as tandem depdit-
meet stores and their method*. The prat)
tem pre.ented is a difficult one with
which to deal, but while merchants have
a right to display their goods, the pnnlle
,.1•to haw right* and flutist* 1n the matter.
if a blinker damped hie oash on tablas
outatde hie desk ritlinge and let people
handle 1t at will, he would not got much
twentieth', whew he ee•upiataed that 11.
hod boon stoles. And 1t be continued the
prantlos beeas.e their lasses ware men
thou utast by the inorealad profits whleh
die pis 11101ted In, as is the mase
with the d.paallses$ stores, there would
ha amok jack. 1M.N* claim that he had
no right to sm1* prate by any teethed
which tended ICI Maass% the pahlle. is
short It may he Idrly maintained that 11
e a prune duty of every Hittites to exnr.
des re•enmhls dlltg.'nrs In safeguarding
bis own property. and teat. If ha negleeta
Ole he b.nome s, In • rni•anre, a menses
N .e0Mty.
Pres Trade 1. Iawr.e$.
• man tram the mintry *prated to • re-
spseteble solIetor for legal advieet. After
detalllsg the e1r•nmatrnces of the cage be
wee whs.If h. Med stated the fade ezact-
lyst occurred
N�a�gggll� gni" rtjottstd oke impalement.
plain trolls
Yea ii N the to
to it y
Yon etours tt"-
N ewero.
s.. I
"iT 1.
MEAL RRRT-ONR 1.Itlr Dannaat.R.
culture The ant, teem a report of th.
Cannell station, ahem the ideal teal.
e/ Ager L5*de m'1 t e""
a perms att.sltl. It also represents 1
leas dewlrshle form of feet which tuna
he dee to a alibied] so bard or other , r.i:
dittoes sr unfavorable that the root ha
grown Innerly neer or' above the surface
rdt the wound.
Ag;rhealinrrl Brevities.
Lima beans are a very p)p°lar crop
for prntlt with New Jersey market gar-
Peach Orehards.
While in the past peach orchards
bave been used for two or three years
for other crops in the future the rale
will be one crop at a time, and that is
now the rule of the most pncoeesfal
growers. Peach growing is exhaustive
upon the land, and fertllizors will soon
be required. For potash the beet source
is wood ashes. Pbotphorie acid will al-
io be needed when they baftn hearing
and can be obtained from raw, ground
bone. It fed a well halanueed ration,
rich in potash and phoephorio acid, and
less rich in nitrogen, the trees will keep
np their growth throughout the seamen
and will be harder than if they rip. ii
their growth early from lank of food or
water and then iu the tall mime a lett
growth. -J, H. Hale in American Ag-
How W Grow Oster Wallowa.
A Kentncki•n's method of grnwint
willow* with profit given in Country
Gentleman, is: Select • deep. rich soil,
molet and low, but not tax, wed -"made
lewd," If poesihle. Break Gen inches deep
is fall and harrow thoroughly. Plant
5. soon as frost 1s out of ground slips ten
Inches long, ten inches apart rows
three fent apart, shoving .lips down
with padded baud. Cultivate as soon as
ground is dry enough, repeating throngh
seaann. H1ipit will grow three to flee feet
high. Some growers oat them first year
Better plan is to watt two mason@ ane
let rafts strengthen. Even then the fret
patting is of little market value. The
third year's Drop should be the first
market amp
As ladles slsg.r.
The Itegum Ahntad°e, • triremes pt the
royal house of 1)elhl, U pnssrused of • ro -
and beautiful inessnaontralto voles. This
lady 10 the (Lanett*, of Nawab Reed
Ahmed All of Deihl, the first of the In
Man royalty to many an English lady.
Tie ellmats of India Ming unsalted to
her eonetitation, the nawah brought his
wife to tingledIn pelmet thee Raga= Ahro
e In Ken
OWwas bags Is 1541 Her muskrat train
bas bens isifinind ender the tort pfea
aWOM'1 " diel 1n the Rsldelbrr
Mem M the Rnnhsebnis ss.
111sdss-ist�re Is Milan, under l,ispertl,
OA Peg* lady Mrs D. Psdt1L Atket
y --
"Nu Bah," add (Merge. "Tse jest goon
SO h15 room now, .ah." •
"Very well, then," I told him. "Yon
need not trouble him. This de.orlptton
you have written will avower for ben very .
nicely, and I will put my own nine and
'pedigree' beneath 1t," which I did, and
.the nay young EugUahman received the
greatest honor of his life by being made
for the moment an American and a sere
alar. -New York Times.
Professor Witmer Care His Audi..o. an
isampl. of It.
Professor Lightner Witmer of the Unl-
verelty of Pennsylvania was a participator
in • eyn,awiatum um "Heaton Versus In -
.tinct" before the Contemporary club
Ills •ddre•so was mainly devoted to oxen-
plltying the faculty of Instinct In the low-
er animals as well as In man, furnishing
numerous Instances and Illustrations In
support of his views. The proftsaor is m
slow and deliberate speaker, rid bis man-
ner 1* serious, riot to say solemn. At one
period of hie dlscouree he mode a longer
pewee than usual, and then, with addi-
tional deliberateness end sorteusneas, be -
gen the relation of a story.
IID told how he had walked out one even-
ing with a young Indy-his sweetheart, •
and with poetical feeling and artletle
phrte.e dewerlled the Inane and beauty of
the evening and the sympathy of mutual
happlm•oit and love that each experienced
In the seelety of the other. In this strain
the professor continued for quite s time
There was absolute silence to the -room_
The then looked at the speaker quizzically,
.as much as to say' "Jove) Men's guA
pluck to tell an audience like this his lop
affalrl" while the women, who were nu-
merous, kept their gaze fixed on him with
unennctaled Interest and ezpeeeteney.
"And n(ter a time, the pro ease wont
nn, "we ant down to rest on the trunk of
A fallen tree, and my th sir love climbed up
-on my knee and petal Ii-hing herself so-
surely 1n my lap put ler tittle arms around
tuy neck and, drawing down my head nn -
til iter 11weet fee° r-ated against mine,
maid"- The professor pr..eni and glanced
wlowly from the auditors on his right to
A Freak.
"We desire," sayp he Wiese of the Jam
villa Oasette, "to call attention tothe face
that we, our wife and eIdet bey have ed -
Red, headlined and git out this paper aU
through thecae stirring times without once
calling the Spenlerds dons. We think our
record 1s unparalleled. "-Clneinnatl In-
three on his left Thcro was general ez- '
petency among them all now. The men
looked puzzled and ibis wowed sat open
mouthed and intent "Hr tweet face
rested against nine, es'd,'Uncle, is the
noon really made of g 'n cheese,' " The
andien.w ler a munpe:,t -e•a. astonished In-
to absolute rigidity by t ills nnlooked foe
denouement anti then broke Int) merry
laughter as they began t0 comprehend
bow the professor had played on them.
"That," he went on, "v..v • story told ma
by a certain profeseor, and I think you
will now underwent what smeaby
instinctive reasoning.", -Philadelphia
_Timer. .._ _ .-..
Rs Ow 1.115 i>s•l•
" Ever notion how • man may try to be ID
trethful that no one will hello. bum?"
"Many a tim.. There Y a Dalton toe
laasanes. Re holier! efwe 0esswing his Mai about ergot
the. Wits, sew baby tMI M metals& tamale
mad 11 muscles. "-Indianapolis eieeemi
r. Woo tale About It. ___.
B.• -Am I the east man you win
she. --You are the first taco who didn't
auk me that question the firs% time Dna• -- -
btdtned me. You have waited almost m
reek.--Clocinn.tt Enquirer.
Plot Proper.
C 11sP-1s. Mrn. Smith Int
Servant -1 don't know
Caller -Can you Revertant foe m.?
Servant -No; that 1s the horl..mdd's
•Work, and she's out -Detroit Journal.
Good IUsnsa.
"talks, an doer 7.r know that my broth-
er, 'nor, W eoe had his hair eaI for Yin
An ewe ed -Pthic n Tips.