HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-7-28, Page 6mete.
• -The M11111.1PUffible of Walagn`.
The United Has No "stemma
or Bowbording ',peen Ports
Th• erlsure of the Canary
I.lend• NO Pert of the War
Program - War News
1.. U•reral.
Washington, July 2o. -A .lgnlflant
statement was ninth' W the,A.ruoleted
Press by a gentleman In a position to
apak with knowledge and nuthortty as
to the plans of the Adminb.tratmn with
reference to figure Wier uperatems. In
substance the Statement Wax as follows•
"Coluu.ulere Watepn, In .pn>reuding to
---Otte Spanish pe inizelo as sown re the
Porto Rican ezpwtitlon is gotten under
way, 1• not to buten el she clues on the
Spanish const. No such Idea of boinbnrd-
meIt ut the coast is entertained. While
there may be other incidental purposes,
the main mission of Watson Maw take
cure of Admiral Cawani s newt. The
1008011/004 ot- this flat, nod the fan
and apprehension. canned by reports .000 -
corning It, are to be slopped for all
111li under tan lrrizornt
located by Walton and finally met and
• ` LL an(+tgal.
The telt oneaMeilialtrllideliged In tri
1p the Canary basil is utterly without
foundation. This Uoverntuent hue no
Piano Se take these islands. and lora not.
want them.-
" LeepIW popular expectation that
Porto Moo operations will be followed
Itbmedlriely bI aailun appear Htlra s.
It can be aid that Havana Kill not -be
�/Backed while yellow fever wwildlife=dlife
aL Th1s U atrisla."..-
Tb. Internal Condition of *pan Make.
It Almost Imperative That the
War Should Drag On.
London, July 98. -The New York
Pate °orrespondent cables his taper r
follows: Peace rumors oome from every
quarter, but Here Is a solid opinion,
e specially to official quartets, that to a squall. Me\alll clung to the bat
sWamshlp company, one of the bidders,
h.e engaged lawyers to contest the
validity of the ountract, and they haw
notified Secretary Alger that proceedings
will be begpn at once to dissolve the
ountract. Tim coatouttoD$ ere:
1. That the contract is illegal.
9. That It ti eggdn*t public pollt>♦r.
8. It gives aa. Spam, ships and mew
10 arm them. ---
4 11 oo apels Undo Sam to MUM
cooyuy to protect an enemy's ships
against himself.
Slaw►hep companies here will cern
him to fight the ase.
3 w�
Ileeesee er eke Reuters inetw... the
AWerleree M4 teen..
Madrid. July 26. -The news of friction
between Ainerl:ant and. insurgents In
Cuba U revolved here with great a01s-
faction, and thew who hope for pesos
with honor regard It with joyful andel-
potion. Dupuy 1)e Lome declared yestes•
day that no such opportunity for peace
negotiations as the Garcia Shafter spilt
has occurred eines the loss of Calver•'.
seemed* MANS Oats
HOW *s -mac Conference
j iitJini AN Regarded
Dedra to He ret by renal Conoee•bas
-Uncle Seas red the Atmmstle
'where., the Allem Labor
Lew., tb• noodle. Prlrllege,
raising nights. Reel•ro-
elly or Trade, Cts
Ottawa, July 26.-A oorrPmponduut a[
the Buffalo Express telegraphs the follow-
ing to hie paper -
The British Ooverument and the
OOyernlnetlt of the Unitel States have
finally decided upon the subjects which
are to acute up fur oousldoratlou at the
approaching conference at Quebec Thal
are aa follows: ._._ .._,.
Fur weals fn Behring Sea and the
Madrid, July 25.-A telegram from N44rtb•1',clfo.
Havana reports that the insurgents ,The Atlantlo and Paclno coast fi heries
attacked littera, near Srnllago de Cuba, and fisheries In Inland waters contiguous
and that the garrison, after a severe to the frontier.
fighi. evart:ktl the place. Many of the Delimitation of the Alaska -Canadian
insurgent• were killed. 'the despatch boundary.
also reports that a force of Americans Transportation of merchandise In t end
landed at Ualamalatos (Tayabeuo.i) and througb the Untied States and Canada.
Invested Tunas de Lar., and the warships Allen labor laws.
AA "(Ta1iri- lar ow The mining richer 01 otttsens of one
Senor Saguia. the Premier, aye that country within toe territory of the
_bet ell the _14°°1 inall�11.d In the rap-- other,
ltulatlon of :Ethane, agreed to surrender.-Ssgtp00lf7 b[ tradt• - "
Navel ,..soli at -the lake.. -
Other subject• are described of miner
importance, extent provisions for the
oonveyanoe of otffods of one country
through the territory of the other.
Eight of them subjects are to be
classed as outatanding matters to dispute.
between both countries, to which ere
added the latter points and tn. question
of reciprocity.
.Wb.. the 14$414 Steam 1s mat
interested in Is tie .seting industry In
Behring See. If Canada agrees to tell
out 11. interest 40 the United States, and
withdraw 11. fur•dul netting fleet. the
American commissioners wUl doubt:ma
be willing to accede something substantial
In return. In regard to the Atlantic
fisheries. the most, probably, that Canada
could consent nto would bo go retain the
three -tulle limit as at present, hitt to
extend to the United States full freedom
Anrettair4assuidtall pare sod paesieae
nipples, Balt and whatever they might
desire In addition to the privilege of
exporting their catch In bond. In other
words, the American fl.hernlen wonld
have all the advantage" that the Cana-
dlnn fishermen would have except that
the territory within the three-mile limit
would be reserves[ for Canada.
Americans now obtain in Canada all
the mining rights that a Canadian can
hold, so that sone) concessions will be
looked for from the United States, whose
laws prevent aliens holding clalm4, etc.
In respect to the bonding prlvllsgcs
and the alien labor lawn, both countries
aro about equally Interested, and both
aro anxious for'an ionic -able settlement.
As for the Alaska boundary, the grins
thing might be said. although wltb the
present rush to the Klondike .and the
efforts made to oevelop that region,
Canada -la looking for come concewlone,
whieh might well be given in return for
ounoesAions to be acceded by Canada In
connection with the Atlantic and Poclfo
A. to naval reseal. on the lakes, then
cannot pos.IWv be any very auriettedlffur-
ence of opinion, nor will there he any
genre- TnAglow r,rneert mlr-'to- convey -
persons In custody at °Mom of one-
muntry through the territory of the
The whole queutlbn then narrows
Heel( down to this
How much can Canada get In the way
of a better trade arrangement with the
United States If she withdraws her sealing
fleet from Behring Sen? Something
substnntbnl to the Canadian Matter 1n
the way of tree hay or free barley will be
necessary even a. a political &reunion,
before the Canadian e,Inminioners amid I
accede to putting a stop to its scaling
industry. Canada might also give free
coal for free lumber. It all this be
a000mpllshed, It Is not only about as
much a, is looked for in °WWcird quarters,
but is oertulnly thought to be about 011
that ought to he proceed for, because the
United States Senate probnbly would
throw out any extensive reciprocity
The conference will nit at Quebec, but
the treaty. It such a consummation scan I
be reached, will be signed In' Ottawa.
ExtmMve arrangements are now on 'foot
to give. the American commissioners a
goal tine. Nothing will he wanting in
the program to entertain them during
their stay at 18. Ancient Capital nor
atter having reached Ottawa. The con- ,
fennel) Is expected to last fully three
Tlreagleset Lite Dominion - rear la Rani-
. Yb. lakes Port ELOIWI*oy
------ -*toolbar Vitiates. ...-
Wlnnlpeg. Mnn., July 25. -Two boys
belonging to W it:mime, armed Jack and
Henry Chambers. wen cleansed totur-
4.7 morning while boating at dbal
Two Mu Drowned.
Dauphin, July 13 -Word has lust
been received of the browning on Lake
Winnipegosis, Thursday afternoon, of
John c. a Janles Padfield of
Rigby. The parties had gone for a all
with H. C. Rosa, and the boat capsized
� !_ ■111 1 s• i wes••41 .6"1ter +
w g 'g m'' I never rose. Ross and Padfield e0008ored
Besides fon Calm, national , pride to make the shore, but the latter's
stands In the way of pores: and there is strength felled and he went down. Flow
also a oonvletlon that wbon things aro et managed to reach shore.
the worst dynastic Kuroneirlll interfetts.
It Is .lube eio0mlvable that not a few
of those nam the throne are Impatient Port Elgin Boy Drowsed.
for the thunder of Watson's guns and -Port Elgin, Ont., July 26.-A ad
the news that hr has occupied the drowning accident exerted Saturday
Canaries. Who Cher right or wrong, this afternoon In the Sa,geen Elver near
is the view of the situation taken In the here. Young Edward :Miele about 14
most weighty quarter. here, end upon it, years of age, a son of Mr. Andrew Sh1e1*,
the British Government areshaping their - hoelkeeper bete, was drowned. The
immediate and especially their naval body 'Was recovered Sunday morning
policy. In their eyes there Is a corner of after dragging the river.
the globe which may, In r few weeks or
months hence, become even more inflame i ,preweed while nathleg,
mettle than the for east la M present... }
that corner is In the Mediterranean. Carieiota Place, July 71G=Boyd
Nobody can ay what wllrhappen Ins Kitmle, the 13 -year-old son of W. W.
Spain or Italy or Austria, lefties the year Kibble, C.1'. R. ticket agent here. was
Is out, especially If the American -IIsi drowned while bathlng� in the Mlsslsslppl
should tipped In the. Mediterranean.! River at .1130 Saturday afternoon. The
Another disturbing element U the 4)047 was recovered after being In the
German Emperor's approaching stet to water about 241 minutes, but all effort.
Palestine, r (lilt which • in London Is to reewre lite proved 101110.
associated with the Kaiser's deslro to
Ond 1n Asia Minor land which rermmniej Ru.h F.r• *teeing.
Ludy colonize without • [wring to ba l.-- Sseern Bridge. (8n , July 25.-4A bush
."�._. tterrnnrli 'tite',e.-mid -ether enema eet04--•-410w. .4.eteed.---.Astir.4.tt,�i4M/6--14-salioar
bleed make the M.,ilterrauean a subject southwest of this place, yusteidlny,but the
of the ltrltish M1rilstry's most watchful wind went down when the fire hall
are Just now. reached within 600 yarde of Stickle,
This is the chief explanation why the Dyruent & Son's lumber yard. at this
Admiralty hue taken the otherwise Ines• place, and they were saved from dostruo-
pilcable decision to strengthen British ' tion. Assistance has arrived from Allen -
squadrons within easy reach of home at dale. The Ore le still burning.
the expense of the China .luadron, by
replacing the two powerful vessels
Narcissus and Immortalise on the China
station by rho .econdclau cruisers
Charytxlls and Cambrian.
1 have tried to ascertain the probable •
action of England in the event of the
European power* attempting to take the
regulation of the future of the Philip -
Once out of the hands of the United
Hidroa. The reply made la that It depends 1,
entirely upon the exact proposals of the
Europeen powers. The expectation 1..
that An,eria w111 show no desire far
more then a naval lase In the Phlllp•
plea, to enable her to watch her coin
mere' to the cut. and that this deer°
probably will be found not incempatlide
with the rim. oil Russia, (lemony a d
No trace Is dlsoovcrabhe of England's
desire for the l'hllfppinea herself or for
an Anglo•Amerlran prohectora4o lewd
Salisbury le firmly of the opinion that
• Euglond has more' than enough In rho
way of territory and .phetee of interest
In tem emit.
was working the drop hammer, got
aught In the belting and was carried
around In Ihn shelling, being killed. The
remains, whleb were much mangled,
were interred Sunday. Mi. Kelley was a
married man and about 40 years of age.
Th''. Rowdy esteem Y'olaaherw
Sault Ste. Marie Mich., July 96. -
The motions of the P.aasylvRta volueu
leers while guarding the looks have
thoroughly disgusted the oanal officials.
Charges embodying 4bele outrageous
pyooeatmgs on the streets and looks have
been forwarded to Col. Lydoeker by
General Supt. Ftlpley, aoouwpanfed by •
request for the removal of 418 troops
frost the anal 14 not from Fort Brady.
1s will be strange It several court-martials
are not instituted when matters • 5
thoroughly aired.
Earthquake la Chllt
Valparaiso, Chill, July 25.-A violent
"book of earthquake lasting • minute
was telt Wet night at Concepcion, capital
of the Chili/an province of that name, and
M Talanuane, on the Ilay of Concepcion
and .Igb1 tulles distant from Concepcion -
City. Many houses were destroyed and
the telegraph and 0i0otrlo wires were
severed. The inhabitant'.rifled
and fled from their homes, a the
bight In the open air. Another severe
aback was expetlenC d bday.
liege- Canadians shot fee Ira Greet
Wiese. net 11 was etheallefility a
f3Mlsy Camp. lair "Ott -brat- Ozofl8, "
69th Battalion, and Pb. Swaine, 14th
llattelton, made stares in the Queer's
Prize, second adage, 600 yt1TQ11, Which
ti -le eao1`.1e 40 "hlttlBgt-"--
In the Armotlrer's Company Tense
alltnpetitton Sergi. Simpson, 10th Bas-
tion, secured 10th prom, winning 40
shlllinge. Lieut. Gilchrist. ,Lt B.F.A.,
In seventeenth place, wun 20 1lllinga.
I.istt. 011ehrlst, let B.F.A., 1n the
Alexander Martin, carried 44 --the Arse
-prize, a Martin's best quality match
side, .2613 calibre, with a full .et d
sights, In a lather ewre, price 1090
1441., given by Alexander Martin of
Glasgow. Capt. Hutcheson, 48rd Bat-
talion, to sixth place, won 40 8811110gs.
Col. -Sergi. Blair, 57th Battalion,
eleventh place, 1 •td Sergi. Armstrong.
10th Battalion, twelfth pleat, each won
10 shlllinga.
Lieut. Rose. 1344 Battalion, secured
18th plane In the Steward. Sergi. Simp-
son, 10th Battalion, 21st place, and
Lieut. Hobe-tson, 30th place, each win -
AP 44tts. Vic. bravisesk-Ostir
Battalion. le a tie with five competitors
for 35th place. The suoreseful ons wins
12 shillings.
In the Perinet et File, pie. MOVlttle
came third, winning 83 shillings. Capt
Hutcheson, 43rd llattallon, In 0th place,
wins 69 ',billings. Lieut. Gilchrist, let
B.F.A., 21st plate, Lieut. Rose, 11144
Battalion, Orth place, and Sergt. Spencer,
13th Battalion, 644th place. Koch wins
20 shillings.
The Canadian team, through lack of
preparation, failed to make a creditable
showing in the oompetitton for the
McKinnon Challenge Cup. Five teams
competed, the Canadians securing fourth
phew. The ta..t'a firing was a highly
uaaytisfaotey ahhlbiti..u. One memtzl�
tined uefore the word of command.
For the 4J....'s Prise.
Five Canadians were ga14114 d to shoot
in the final stege of the queen's Prize.
Following are their •core.:
At the 800 ycrio range. 10 Nif1►=
R:alr, Col.-arrgr, nth Batt 41
Broadbent. $.rgt., 5th Batt ... 14
Hayboree At. A•'rg4, lath Batt_ ' 10
Inst., -Lfeet . lath Salt monism. 41
Blmpsa. Trent., loth Rett . ... 43
r da.t 4,07, y uriltir ra55' * er ,
Rlalr. Col..$,rgt., 37th talc
Broadbent. !.1444., 3th Batt • 37
Hnyhuret, St.- Itergt., 4.18 Batt • 14
' Me. tient.. 13th )411
8,wpenn, k rgt., tree Ratt... .... .....3;t
FEEDING telt: 11tNURT.
4,000 Well and 1,800 Mick rprnlard.
L1.ing on American rood.
W'n.hington, 11.1'., July 26. -The War
Department he. received the following
front (len. Shaffer:
Santiago de tuba. July 23. 18014, 6.25
p.m. Adjutant -General. Washington:
Colonel of Engineers, Spanieh army.
ham jndd arrived from Guantanamo. He
heard iron the French Consul there that
Santiago had ,urrenderud and that they
had been included. Not reediting It, he
wee sent here to verify the fact. Tiny
will toe very glad to accept the terms of
Ifurronder. Very .hurt of rations and I
than have to begin feeling them at
once. He Celle me there are 6,000 mon a4
that place. Am now feeding 4,001 won
prisoners here, and 1,800 sick In hoepIWl.
Bigot 2,00(1 men In tomorrow from San
Lille and Palms. WiII send an officer to-
morrow or next day with one of Gen.
Toral'e to receive enrr.nder at Uuantan-
•mo. and then to Sages and Harsocia to
retrive anrremier teen. Think the
number of prlwoner. will 4.e folly rep to
the nehmen, 02,00144 M 93,1400.-4h,fWr,
Major General Cmnm.nding.
Attack on Manila 1mp•nding.
Iwondon, July 26.-A special despatch
from Madrid say. that cern An u.tin,
Captain General of the l'Mllnpinos, hes
gT4Y11n. �"the Goy •r r lent _ern
blas: �F}}e'e
"The AIne,tMne• are m'dont to attar*
.. M1M11M. Greve npn4. are Imperxllne "
The aHwatiee Most sootteeacs
London, July 26. -The Medrld merge
pendent of stip ()however says the condi-
Oen of the Government le now meat
/fiftieth and that the enthnrltls• ere
devoting all 'heir attention to preventing
a revolution and eafegnarding the
iM 0,44 14PANUN 441045111444141.
saal•h C..paar Net 4. Have the Treats
peltate.% Jolt •4184.1 • Fight.
New Turk. July 8s. -The lettered
gay. AIthengh the conked for nerrying
MO Flemish prl.omere leek to Ap•In has
•ppaireetly Man awmrdnl to the !'ipanlsh
Trani Allende Cempany. hy Secretary
mow. the ether td~11 Are 4,04 dfiprrae
se let It go without • light. George
Owed l•ov& rep..wnung en Engllab
Napinee Prisoners Have Been
Moved to Prevent Escape.
A11 the Pd....es Mew slaty Mr Triol
The Debseetses A..e.em That
They, Wee, Ave Meaty-silee.1
Sympathy Manifested f■
Favor of the Youngest
I'rl.oner, Penton.
Naming., July 26. -The Pinkerton
detectives employed on the Lank robbery
came yesterday announced that their
work had been completed and that they
were reedy at any time for the prelimin-
ary lnveitlgatlon. 1t ts clammed hy the
defence that the primonen' have always
been prepared to face the charge •genet
them, and eo the re opening of the rem
only awaits the order of the acting
Crown official. That official is at preseut
out of town, and ads he w141 be away
until 'Tuesday the two prisoners, Pontos
and Mackie, for whom bail hu been
granted, will 1e format to remain In jail
tor a few days more. it Is nee/entry that
Mr. Herrington shell Inquire Into the
'efficiency of the /curettes offered before
their bonds are armopted. In the cage er
poeton, especially, no difficulty has been
euooantered In scouring nattiest to the
ball bonds. Mr. Porter, the ex -t ller'm
counsel, Saturday received a cell from
One of the mat wealthy reeldentm of
Belleville, and wan told that the ball
berme were not to be lathed nnl.w• they
bore the v4ltor'e name, and, if necessary,
he would willingly give bonds for the
entire sum -64,09o. This 1s an Indica
Bon of theeeling in favor of the
7twinge•t prisoner, a feeling which,
anemic as It wall at the Inst trial. has
been -greatly Intonalfl.d mince then.
I)nring the pail few dey, too, the sand•
meet against the I'Inkerton men hna,
through the efforts of .trung Mende ,1f
the defence, been vastly Inureaasl. So
much sympathy has gone nut fir the two
prisoners', who, if they JIM Innoo'nt men,
e i r 1 t until the
a lett, Ih
_ lapL _
! lw fie
ft ofp 1 i �n� There 1wTfl
loe the tt n
left for the Institution whieh hem lea the
gi .M? part orf 11@14,414x1 forever.
Penton, with the other prls.ner
the jail, changed eeli. Solenl•y 'A Ste
order of the Sheriff. In outer that •
*meth of each cell might be mad., sad
any pce.thle attempt Man escape .eight
be (migrated.
The following llst hes not seen print.
before. It Is Interesting in tht light of
prevent events:
What wr. MAIM,
1114,670 In Dominion Rank btlle.
11074 In Dominion of camels hens,
pee In Merehents' Renk bills
111 lin In hills of Montreal one Com
mere. Ilan k ■
toe° In tela of other hems of canoe%
time In 6111. of I7. S. of America and
National Hanka,
119,452 48 In gold coin of 17. S. and
Graft 43441.14.
4144 Cawad!s'e" onus.
Total rash, (I01.m►4.4A
110,001 new bill•, le.. the signet -rim of
Mr. llamas, pro. Mahler
I At the 011e slle mop --
Blair. ('ol.-ltergt. ... 24
Broadhurst. Seng( tr2
Rayher.t. Ataff-Keret. 2
Remo, tient.. . ... . .... ..a
-' 34
Simpson. S
... �
} ergi.. ..... .......,. El
New Post -Omer• Opined.
The following new poototlleen have
been opened In Ontario: Geneva Take,
Algoma, Glendower ire -opened), Adding-
ton, Gordon Bay and Mora Myer
(summer officers). Mnskoka tau Yen
sickle, Hantlings. The 4ollowheg change.
In name have taken place: (Gordon Boy
to Barnewtale, Hnerom River. Nem, 4.
1)serhnok. Three °Race helve been
closed: Agerton, Halton Cnnnty; Loch
Garry, Glengarry. During the month of
M.y the withdrawals from the pnatolllne
etvfngs banks totalled 44537,957 and the
deposit@ 11415,771. The balance st the
credit of depositor.' ,urount nu May 31
was $311, 702,09.2. a. ngalnst 188,842.3:42 at
the beginning of the month, a derreose
of 5139,849. The depomita In She Govern-
ment savings hanks for June amounted
to 1194,902 and the wltlxlrawnls to
1279.632, the balance due depox.Itov11 d
the beglnntne of the month being 115,•
271,54144 and at the end of the month
614,15R,9111, w derrreee of 684,672.
A Divorce to Mo" Applied roe.
Notice to given 1n the Canada Gaset.
that Abrnhnm Armeterg, now of Mon
treat, and who formerly was an optician
on /One etrooI, 'l'ormtn, w111 apply at
the next emotion of Parliament fore hill
ant tIlerITMA from hie wife, bottle Hurrinn,
now residing at Toronto, on the ground
of signory.
(•eeeel.elneer oetleli: - --
oaesiniseloner Ogllrle of Iasi Ithilish'
_ l.f' Llai RIg1►{!9I.,t.p 444
• eonple fit day;. wlih ens r.
Leland before setting oat on h4* joeriley.
ler. t ,ear Impen•e3.
Fergus, Ont.. July 14. -The condition
of Mr John ('nig, Y.P.Y., le enme-
what Improved.
Trow ny.l 1e the Neth.
Dremho, July 26. -Mr.' Wllllnm
•Tamlrenn, i well known farmer ei d n
premien: mender of the )'resteteri it
(ihuneh 01 Drenthe, was drowned at.
Wolverton In the River Nttb S„te.rday
night while lathing. lie reet4ed with hie
aged mother, for whom much sympathy
is felt.
WHIZ Lin t0 Ir1At1.
Meng, 44.11., 1 ..etre h, lh• R•11 erg and
Intently 14 Wed.
oseenylae, July 14 - A •ad fatality
nre.vr,d heves Setnad.v afternoon in the
enrrswge, ha'dwer, and Melt work. of
Uenrgs 011114, when ('wwgc Kelley, who
Lieut. Pales, 3rd . Lancashire Regi-
ment. with a snore '01 327, won the
Queen's )'rize.
Slimmed Pp, the acorn of the Cana
deans competing an 411 etegee sin d
14 •3
I0 51It% "
RI.Ir 906 41 37 '24 :e'1
Broadhurst 214 44 37 32 3221
Hayhurst ................ A9 34 26 4943
Rom ... -err- ' 41 A6 54 AIA
8lmpsoe . 43 33 33 3144
the highest po chic score wee 843.
Last year four sz ',u.bera of the Cana•
Man team .ro,lpetrt In the flnal stage of
the Queen's prise Shooting to the final
stage wan only at moo and 4410 yards
range, the 1,444) yarin range being •
feature tntrodan'.l this year. The
htgheat pooalhle r4 --.re was 330 Follow-
ing was lass year's team's sanding at
sae three staple' --- ,
• I
white. Cale[ -7 ire 1114 444 195
nary, COr$5-2 1)7 117 115 1t,
Row, Lieut... 94 112 92 241
Belt, sego.: et 112 85 :2n
'in the "Heap," open to all omnera,
Capt. Hutcheson, 4ar,1 Battalion,
seenred 9th place. winning 40 shllling..
L4.nt. Row, 1n 17th place, won 20 shill-
ings. ' 4
Sprgt. Bro•dhnr.t, 5th Battalion, to
the "Corperatlon of the City of London"
mateh, open only to Indian and colonial
volunteer, came fleet, winning 123.
Sergt. Armstrong emend third place
and L.leut. Rats come fourth.
In the Wingate rupld firing nompetl•
tion, Pip. Swain°, 14th Battalion,
seenred 9th place, his winning. being 35
In the "Burt," Capt. Hutcheson, bath
place, Pte. McVltth24th place, Ltent.
Robertson, 99th place, and Lieut. Rosa,
Owe,40tOwe, each won 3R .h1111nge.
r'e 9 o
•am a. 1' iA F
.es.rerr aI the .i heat Market Fleetnae
,c ebos for the Poet W eek -1k.
tot, Calcar {Donativma.
Manilas' levealsg, Jai ta.
• week's tide -ago wbent maAet"Ir>Ii
bee. alerted by ,eu•lderrom Irregulara4a.
bu' It ua. Urea cooed) cuaracter.s,•d uy
da Weeuu ut 1taa:4Y. 41.1 WAAL11 481
price ut July .hest, rue' the megeue1 l
04 the b.y.t ewb.r rod Derrwbrr 0p.10a0
are wily quarter of 5 ,Mutt adw,e lbw. ut
.mss. tiaturdsy. Tee resent for Otis cat
ultlou of lu.egsis cru') guttru at. The
Sect of the Wetter is lain Our ,torr. ut wd
w'hret It 1180 *i•.4 are at a very ba vwa,
walla hu ghat rise to a 5410141 ureuauu
104 crab %torrl and the user by dv......,
Aug as for toe later wptluus, Ilrey sale
cut dac.lued, 0■ lu 44114 vl 4411 (4143 crop
48.4.4uuus It *r. .14.4104 Lucy .cold.
eat the wkyfurr ut Bus Its tart 4._1,4140..••
of sew wester', wheat to wyrket ha80 b.eu
e. yet Tight, (..91004 wkd'tue wtta ..1•40
lain tar. la c.u*Ideraliou of the c.inte-
stuc• teat Awrrlcau re,rnea err .0 fwd 7
depleted It la thought by some the. in.
hosiers way 1.441 heck their grata to sum*
extent fir rouse time In ,-core.
Llv.•rp.wl her followed We load of Culea,u•
and though the Ju'y .1118,1.' u.e cawed o1•
w utrt8lug Ilke 2d per scutal during 1...+
week, the later options .mutate at *bout
last Saturday'• alut�
• ti& W
lug are tie441 f te4ay ut
IMpettaut metres : 0
cask.. July. All(, Sept,
Cbk.gu .:.5.... iu 144)4 w no L. , 7 •
Now York ... .... u 9244 .... 971
1111w*atee ... 0 tole
St. Louts .... 0 73 0 74h. u lin 0 (11.4
Toledo ........ 0 78484 6 7414 u 71.8e u e0
Detroit u 7484 "u Ts» 0 70 0 044,4
butch, No, 1
Northernit 103 ••
.L.Wulb, No, 1 h ,
baNbard . 1.r8417.:4-..
•••••0 iW
Tweet°. arts A .,•t' :+... .L...
a •••••e tm� Gaga ,, aalR Predisaa. .
Flour -11011. Straight rolhea In IsMiels,
..J4elia freights, airs quutril AL tl W AU/Li.
Wham-NowWh-\ow Outsold at lac
MAI ue er at twilit and *rat pq.u.s. u-141
buyers oarrnug un,uod 44h, "Id red ,(lu
ter 75e to 7L.L.. fnvgine and No. 1
bud 311.14ulul nuc lu 4410 afloat at Fort
WUm --�w
Gail %%bite quoted at 'i6c wt.t.
a 7 --\curio( Wong cud proms swot
(fuck wheat-Prkr.•• need/al,
Bran -hats at et.:*) to W west7pf-ning111
at 511 'inst.
Core- Cau,dlau, 34c west and Me es
track here
Pas -quoted erouud 52r. high freight*.
,•.Innenl .'fir 1..1+ 4 rolled 4,11- u• u.,gs
a track at Termite. $3.41. 1n hide. $J.II __
T.re.0. St. Lew rews'e Market.
44,. rpt. .1 1:ow produce were larger as
I. 411.1 w Ile
e .alar.
!ors os.ds 'e elle.. wheat Heid' at Tr)e
er bushel. '
Oats 14.047: • o bushels .•••41 at Sec W
A Chleet0 Woman rl.lted Heflin, Ont.,
Looking for %Mort Trato.
Berlin, Ont Tat7 e7.-
Tho years ago,
When our new orrfit Mattes wee built,
.rheas Appeased la flan -.an artlal 1+1 tn.
Immo of Albert Tran, who serursl the
contract for eeenery pwln*eng and her
hewn here mere fir Inca ever Moran. Hying
with a family mei known In town.
Yesterday a lady rlgning herself Mrs.
Trate reglm1.nsl at the Amari an Hotel.
end it was .con learnt that her nll/calml
w... to t1oe np her remnant hnehand.
She intim. he loft her In Chlragn three
yrwrn age with two children, end since
h,• oontrlhntod m.thtng toward', her
.rapport, but on the contrary frequently
caked far money. Mrs. Taste has sett.
fled herself that her hmband hew Ivan
false to her, sand wayo she will return to
,lora home and have )nthing farther to do
with hlm.
Tr1.E4{tAPHic Rohrer*.
A hall et0rm swept a long Melly ewe
melee wide In the %Almaden d3.trlet last
Jemw Noble s rrel.len,e, with content.
was totally de.trnynl hy an at Cypr0..
River. Man 4.am 51,245).
The Caw of • Weioderfat Mit llt•4. tq
14. IAA* Ittll Nye.
James Whitcomb Riley tell. • quaint
story of his fernier lecturing partner,
Bill Nye. It was the opectng of their
jolut season. They had both been ruetl-
oatiug during the vacation Aud were
brown as berries. Nye looked much like
an (Othello in his sunburued make zip,
and leggy suggested to hint the applies -
doe of wade "liquid white, " a weaned°
much *if eete l by flog gentler sal of the
Nye wilt tor the preparation. and
never haviug toed anything Of the kind
before he tilled the palm of h1. boo..
with it and carefully smeared it over
his countenance. Thera was no mirror
in his primitire dreaaiug room, and
Riley was beautifying himself on the
ether side of the stage.
The "liquid white" drip out some -
whet like whitewash, and whoa N
appeared before the audience he was a
sight to behold. His head hooked like
frosted top piece un a welding cake.
His face, white as the driven snow, was
expresaionleese and blank. The audience
shrieked, and wbeu he came off from
his first selection they demanded his
reappearance). He obliged thew to howls
of laughter. Agsiu he Made his exit,
and again was redemalded by the up-
roarious audience.
Believing he had made a hit, ho was
,bunt 3.4 Iri2turn to 1Le tt.go_w'hei hq
was caught by the arm by Mrs. Nye,
who cried, "William Edgar Nye, what
have you got on your f.msPa - -
"Nothing -bet 44. -....4 esAleakill.
my dear. "
"Expcgliddlestl :R
fright," cried his wife, and leading
him to where there was a pieced broken
looking glean showed him 1.10 bea
looked. •'
Nye was mortified, and catching.
sight of Riley, just about going rm the
stage. he would have undoubtedly fol-
lowed him on and been revcuged but
for the intervention of Mrs Nye.
His herd was scraped, °Limbed and
washed, and his next selection was read I
aithout "a hand" from the audience.
Moreover, the story is a fact and wit a
press agoet't )m,Jetiaa.-Detroit Free
Because of acrvoulsss, A
heart trouble, etc. Lot.arof peoply lepjuK
have t0 Sit and 1008 en while hy,
Vl$0I.w. friends have all the enjoyment
�st ,gad robust body,
their Dr, %Pealthard',
ng' back health, .trength,
and energy to even the weak•
t of suffering humankind,
I h... half a grow of empty 10111 es upon
p.:1g!eve_ Overrlbing my nei�bb.as and
ff end. would teU me to try would to
straight away ti the drug store and pur-
chase. I was In • terrible coaditon (rum
dyspepsia and liver troubles and was get i lag
worse all 48. time. I was so discouraged
buying 00g't..dtdae and the other and re.
wiring no benefit that I was about genii
Up all hope ur ever getting better, when my
husband brought ms hum• a hos of 1h
Ward's BIOO4 and Nerve Plus, wb4418 b. said
had been highly recommended to hint, 1
begat arta em at Mira, White, t0 m4 treat
surprise. I fthelt better In • very short time
alio continued them for about two weeks
Mors which cured me entirely. I ban not
the least sign of dyspepsia or liver asarli ublq
sew. aad bareoleggalasd.•l puundede
Siguedagir1 L. GAUNTLBY,
ilgg Stc� Y«li, Uu.
Dr. Ward's Blood lied Nerve Pills are sold
•t so runts per Ooa, S bo... aur h o,, a4
drugg tats, ar willed 0a receipt of Tyrice by
The Dr. Ward Co , ,n Vittoria Bt., Toronto,
Book 01 information free.
11'M Armies of taro,, Maw Various Rids
Regulating It.
The restrict ire °auditions at present in
force with regard to the marriage of
officers in the Russian army forbid this
privilege Wider any circumstance in the
case of officers under the age of 23. Be-
tween the ager of 23 and 28 years the
dot of an o^' -er's wife must amount to
aenm repreeenting the minimum in-
come of 950 ruble. yearly.
Ou cornparilxn of these condition@
with those regulating the same question
in other European armies it may be
noted that in the Austria -Hungarian
-army the .amber of officers authorized
to contract marriage is limited by a fix-
ed proportion assigned to each. grade,
and, these totals being reached, all fur-
-ther marriages must be deterred peud-
thg the oo. 'trrence a vacancies in the
married establishments
The Itali1ayn army regulations, which
fix the inooldi;4f" Lbe fiancee at a mini-
mum of from 1,200 *o-4,000 lire, would
apipea• 4o-hl►-ino.s--.Atit�aal-fY•-1b114t
operation. Italian ofcvn, however, ap-
ply a some(: hat liberal interpretation to
this law, with the result that the num-
ber of marriages occurring under actual
provisions does not exceed more than an
eighth of the total number, seven -
eighths of the officers beiug united un-
der the 000ditions of the religious cere-
mony only, and thug expo.ing then:
selves to all the inconveniences which
attend a marriage not recognised by
civil law.
Similar disabilities would now ap-
pear to be incurred by Riordan offices,
and suggestions have been made by the
prose in Russia that a general revision
of the law is becoming necessary. The
question 1a assuming some importance
from the fact that Russian officerp,
reachiug a total number of nearly 40,-
000, represent one of the most impor-
tent cla4sms in the state. -Brooklyn (Ju-
/•v Isw for sea ss t0 Ig per tea for
sold a* 854e. per to 17 per cwt.
Dawe ,n,'
t.tl^r s (err at Vic to 17e. 1118 some f.• c
,nes a In.. ter bNk gears 41 the to l p,•r
lie ruler
Fags, •411(41y t.rw 1ald, at 13e• t. ((4.- le•r
oozes. 3rd case lads at •lout 13, iter
chickens sold fres 40e to 1.:c per pair.
I0" ka'a.*d al NM to 73e per pair.
Poulton. sew. were plentiful and" cheap-
eir at gee to lee per bushel.
Fagg-_. •plata resat. Market.
East Bu4.4., N.Y., 'Jay 2:, -earth alta
.Apra 'all t•. neigt.wl tln.ugh w..k the el-
c•pta fit two load. of Casaba •rocket',
which were beta over for its; Mona y'
trade. Yeah •rel mire( -coffering, b'Kht.
li.sr84 t.. retie' clow. Witt pr'iemt=earfall7
easy to lower hood ter ddieemed yes fie]i.-
Hegw--Receipt, vey too Ale: t'e. )iartet
ruled lower from the *tart, ILL at :h•- Alr-
etlllr there els a ',Orly ac:.ve drmsiel.
Gael to deem portiere. 444.05
pr me 44,40. Me.. 64 01 to 54.e6; Mired pa k.
ere, 44117 to .4.1o; e..4amtte, 11.144 le 4112:
heavy. $1.12; ninth., 6:1.:0 to 53.74: (riga.
32.73 to 5:1: pit+. 5'1.0. la 54.
Mier" and I.amhe-$rF/►y -rosy I'gbt 'tat
Ino ft. keld over. Market
"rI- 84.8t,ale ill.hldr-8Ynin« gt ea*tn
pfaiostaforto'8Inrg•'•7w h'•
*toady. former pncr. 141 r.t -t r n rr
t„ .' ra nee wr'bers. 53.15 to 101.16: lee k -
eye.. for. 13.241 to 51.76: t -alts, 5.'r to Or al,
51 to 53: ea eme rn Moire yearling", 5)10
(o /5.
Nattyc .-topped - ,1rr•p - (A.tn to rsI»wl-d
%other•. tl.ni to 0•-3:: ta'r to rb^Ie• in r -.1
et rep, 541 S to 54.44): wale .M Wanton ewe
sheep. 52.2.1 to 51.71 •
Ckeens Markmlr-
Wate•rt"we, N.Y.. ley 25. --sal'. Dirge.
wren. 44**., aN 7%vr aid 7'•8.4: bmlk. Jet rig a t
784,•::gn. e•m.i4 w5te, al Lnc; 14) .mnr. cd-
or0.l. at 7'44.
July 23. -The dry p•teturr and
extreme heat beg n to thew restlu OD gsau-
1Ity of cheese made: 'Al facWro's bo. r.i .1
114) white cheese, hof .444.,4 42 way Awe.•
.:.n; ■11 told rxrrpt two fa.•.or4183lo. '1 r
price pall ora• 734.: 34 Or•t'r, : Woo 1,
043; McNeil. 173. A Mand marked 4'.'r1 -
wall dlatr.c: will be nppt:rd f.r Ih • set••
t'ne, a the haver+ all ark,s•w4• dt • :be
totpelnr mutiny to 3-1.4 h.ne snl4 00(7 tza
tore. 041.11, the Leet 0.11 Iw miaowed '0
eaglet er.
newenerille. July 23. -At the mretine of
the d-arlr( 41 7t«1t•onl dairymen .n -,lar
hem- 3429 holm ebeme were boarded Merl
50 tuba baiter; 13 13 11:4 was offer. 4 : t
better. net at -metal; 40 8. ,.. .hers• .011
to lames Rnrnett. Jr., few 7'Il,r•; 044 to- -0
sr44 to Jamn Rer,ett for 7 7-141,-; :117 bora
we14 t., R. W. mock fon 7 7.16..; 24) h 1,•s
sold to A. J. Drier for 74ee• 'Foal hetes
•'d 134h. 111e1414v1 ..4)onr1y.l to July (ri. 1
Canton, N.Y.. July 28. -Five Ilwondred
. m,11 Obey*. 4,14 nt 7(4r 40 lac: toe" ' -t•
rhM4 and t True; 1401 et 7 t -ler; 1145) iebe
hotter at 3734'. -
LIverporr.l. July 23
-11lne wheat 1. ^'e •'
r WAIL ted .talaprr. ass M 10 ,1: 4
too . 1140.541114d: mrn,741'•44' pal,
Mid: rk.:1.1.1: 1'"1 •.'- •,. n• .•i•
brn'v. Lr.. 31. e1: )Irht, x'11. M, el••
. 4.,0 rant- 31*; cheese. wblte aoJ.('n!nr...'.
87. ed.
1.lrrrImoI--f"40e-Agee -'144*4t Wells n"'i
red winter fit Pe Mid g1d • n. '1- t4rte...e
at a. Mid; ?Morn gait .l R. ANA for J+I;'.
:n 111/.4 for Arnt. led 3* 714.1 fee. 14'e.
Spot matte t. 2d: Moire., 4+ 2.1 for Jell, 1,
14,1 for Inept and tie 44.4 for [Art. Fleur.
23. Old.
AIR W111.Ltttt ntENllte'?.
RIs W Visit lied No Connect len
With Bete War.
Montreal, July 26. -The tamer hay
been very settee find per.lstrnt for th,
peat three days that the trip of Sir
William Van Horn., -president cif the
C.P.R., to the western tallway orntre,.
had .omething to do with the nate war
Ant that gentleman says It 14 not en 1
*tory went on to ..y that the highe
official of the big ('anadlan road Ian•
so for no to settle the matter with 'Ir.
J..1. 1414), the leading men of th'e great
western railway Inyrwte. it wile n orate
Ment of that nntntll whfnh wan hsndml
to Sir William on hl. arrival non In his
priests car at Windsor street. 51.11,,
The Preeldent hadI r
jl.t .Hurl from the
west, the Sn 44. ..hewan being attached to
the 47hlceae- bans,_
I don't know anything about the rate
war, and my trip to the wooer Ives on
entirely dtn.4,01 bu+Ina**," was the rept}
which slit Willem gave. That wee till
he had to .ay on rho matter, and ought
to be explicit enongh to settle the report.
which Mare been fictive for anmo der"
Newfeandlan.l Pram. far • Comm! to tie
Plowed .t AL Pierre.
At. John'., Mad., July ts.-TM
reprr•rntatI80. of Newfn ineland st ti,
forthcoming Joint committee to meet a.
Quebec' te afloat the Inertlon. at 1*.n
het NOM the United Meatye and canerb.
will Invite the Canndlan .nmmeeloner•e t,
join In • renown to the Rrltt.h On,ern
meet en In be npnn et.tlnning w 14.11.1.
C01105tl .t :atPierre. to prevent tie
•1'4 4 5nnggling now g ii54 on hen,
the* Fre enh nal m7 to the roasts of
Usoade and newfonndland.
The Teeeher.
One cane of the low standing of the
teacher's calling is lack of extended
entered are not usually highly respect-
' ed. The medical , profession has been
cited as an illustration. Not long ago,
When one enuld be a physician without
special training, the profession wail not
very highly esteemed. Now, wben ex-
tended training is demanded both by
public opiri00 and by law, the polio, -
pion in respected as one of the highe.t.
In like mobile,. the teaching pretension
would undoubtedly increame in favor
were training of a high order demand-
ed In fact, we-11nd the reelect for the
procession varying in different a ountrieee
and in difteheut grade@ of the school
system aln.o.t in direct ratio to the
education and professional training re-
quired of candidate@. -Forum.
Olden Call Her Mary.
It is uailTthut the native servo/ate in
Iinwnli used b. call their mistreese@ by
their firot ram... An English woman
of strong will determined cm her arrival
In Honolulu that her servants should
never call her Mary and inutrnctr'I
them eareh.11y in the presence of her
huslmand. C.re day, when .he had visit -
ore, her cook put hie head in at the
drawing nein door and pditely in-
"What vegetables for dinner today,
my love?"
He had heard her call r
called that anti
apemen l:r' nal of mntrml rriug not tow=
ti[tgy.--4 tiw York'IriLune.
seavtag a
"i told rim I would not marry pas
Why do you keep on coking me?"
"i want ycm to nnder,.tmnd that i".
tot afraid of your ohauglttg your mind "
-411ie6go Record.
When pmaeh laves begin to earl or
Mater. they should be sprayed with
copper anlphate
From midlmmmer to autumn grape
lava may be affected by • little jump-
ing tnseet known •s the "tholes" or
leaf hopper The retntwty is to wprmy
with kerosene emulsion diluted with
nine parts of water.
Th• daily ratting elf awe greatly
hematite the Mishit* The bloom will he
mar•h greeter than where the floosorsa',
bit to withal- on the .rant
Thorn e.s.ma to be Ila inmost 011►
OM In dahlia .alta,
The 11~14 of De4etl..s`-
Daintiness 1s dust undefinable quality
is a girl welch onuses her to appear mora
°harmning In her young. sweet freshness
and Matinees than those around her, It U
M attribute which Is seldom Inborn, but
to result of culture. She is certain of
making • good llnpree Lon where others
Ignomtnlouely fall to do on, s feet which
causes jaloney and makes those who are
not dainty look on with envious adn,ira•
Mon and wish that they, too, pasesued
1844 sabl s dla.et. 1)iletheise,
enough not Inherited, Is the outcome of
8ablt A girl 1.- dainty because she bee
been accustomed to give thought and time
be bring 'agreeable to others. Thus ft
Domes natural to 8.r. Her weelth of hair,
always eo gloomy and carefully trained,
owed 11. dainty .ppearanee to the fact
that the bruabm 1t regularly and fro•
g.ontly, and not solely wben she feels In
a mood to do so, or when she desires to
look extra nice. Her pretty, soft hands,
With her shall-llke pink Palls, are always
to an Immaculate cindltion, for It 1• her
habit and pride to keel" them .petles.ly
elan. Her person appears to shed around
her • fragrant perfume, nelkate yet quite
perceptible. 1hl• subtle fragrance comes
from bee meaty way of putting her dresses
Into drawers which contain sachets of
sweetly 10n"Hfng powder, the sant from
which seems to he part of herself.
With Therm Whn muter.
We all need perenndl contact with ten
Who suffer. The most certain" potterer
of • Olen', moral skin and sweetener Of
bit blood are, 1 inn tom, tiom,etic hoer
course In a happy marriage and Inter-
ntermores 0448. 48. puma 4:Md%t4e .sew
appeared nobler than when he noel the
Bible to an old street sweeper 1n sa
Suffering frau, palpitation of the hut,
dizzy or faint spells, watery blood,
etc., can be readily cured.
A Manitoba Lady Tab About Her Case.
Then is no need whatever for so many
women to be the subject of faint spells,
bears and nerve weakness, amentia. or
any of those health .iestroying ailments
Peculiar to her sex. Mil -
burn's Heart and Nerve
Pills regulate the heart
beat and make it strong
and fall, tone the
nerves, enrich the blood,
and relieve the pain
and weaknen from
which so many women
Mre. Alex-
ander Setter, of
Pigeon Bluff,
Mar., writes an
scoonn$ of her
case as follows;
I have gnat
p&euiare is gin,
ing m epee -
Heart and Nerve
Pills. For shoat
Ion years I was troubled with throbbing
and fluttering of the heart. I tried fin
doctors end several remedies but none of
them did me much good. LatelyI heard
of Milburn'. Heart and Nerve i118 find
bought two boxes Before I started ,sine
them I could not do my house wort and
gave myself 0p to die, es I thought I would
never bre cored. Now I feel really splendid
since taking the pills, do my work, enjoy
my meal( and feel as it there wee some-
thing In lite worth living for."
Milburn a Heart and Nerve Pills, sold
by all druggists at 60o. a bol or 8 bozos
for 111.25. T: M.lbum *Co.. Toronto, Ont.
Log• -Liver lMl a Mee WIllewetes SIM
Meadaebe, aireffett10111. slid
Mpela.c. (4.. rePre.a.
e' * . h/7tiell 4 e o
L the wee reliable aed e1/0Nv'e
remedy teem, fee this relief and
etre of Iliee581114, flyitWTtaV.
Couc, CAA5(M. (•IMLK** amt SU*
N RS ("duet/a.? . it settles the
e tela*ak. stimulated the llsa*R
=5 tith
ad baste e tfrfltaat[�m
Lewd NI4Vt* FAILS.
"Wet several sesame w1 been tree
DIMAS Dr. Fowler's Retract of Wad
B Ka1Mrry for an 1,0401.1 e04M
plaints. A few mom •wt'
at. 7
relief • el It never len. to wente(p •
41nalltItt • very • valuable '4
1 F. C•
Vida• Fast Ra -1, 0.1.
Mier tie entire.
ISM 11Mlenes mem aapess•ss