HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-7-28, Page 44 TaomtIDAT, July 28, 1898.
told ns the Other day he
had only recently found
out how easily our
wheels run.
He also chid the wheels we
had sold in his neighborhood
were the most satisfactory
used there.
We believe satisfied cus-
tomers the best advertise-
ments, and devote • good
deal of time and anergy in
bringing about these results.
if it is not already our
privilege to cater to you, we
solicit a trial.
We have • few Setwnd-
hand Wheels to sell et very
low prices.
Bloyele ad Music Hose, sad
Clorelaad Cyon. Livery.
e 9vety, .8ie.'. .:.`avrt vT.a
treats, and es with the Clink* folk
so will it 1* with every a xcursion
party which will have the pleasure ut
visiting Gtui.riob this year. The pub-
lic like to be traated decently, and it
Y a satisfaction to know that there
are in the town vouocil of 1SJS men
who aro wilting to throw bread on
the waters in the hope of seeing it re-
turn before many days. They don't
Profess to be philanthropists, bud they
know what is business, and they do it.
--The election °testable hai the
fluor, NO to epoak. ..
--Fear God, love your ueigbbor,and
be honest with yourself.
-The political situation is not
quite no hot aa that weather_
-There isn't any better place than
(.udertch during the burled tarns.
-It is only a meth nap half to
September Twelve, and then.--
h.i -
-The weather has been- more than
dry enough to suit a prohibitionist.
-In the political orisie the iatelli-
gent tutor hukl.thJty-ai.Min situation.
-Indy timrsear'r was right when
she said women did more than bear Arnie
Ott -bore voters.
_ t
moTbe generals and admirals get
.5 Tear
at . ieetrlasv t
THE way our esteemed Tory con
temporaries attempt to put flowers on
the grave of the late Hon. ALIXANDttR
MAcizwzls, would altoo.t lead us to
believe that when he was attacked oy
tram in 1877-8, for being a dishonest
ooreu$t pol>soma+ tatty
committed • crime and formulated a
series of slanders.
General Siisse*N, it is said, once
stated that the only good Indian was
• dead Indian, and it seems that our
friends of the Tory press never dis-
cover • good Liberal until about ten
years after he is dead. Be that as it
may, it is • great satisfaction to tbore
of as who had the personal friendship
of the late Mr. Mammals, and who
esteemed the great Liberal for the
parity of his politiml life and the in-
tegrity of his motives, to learn now
that the attacks made upon his repu-
tation during his lifetime were made
only in a Pickwickian sense, and that
despite the playful allusions made to
" Steel Rails" and " N eebing Hotel "
and other alleged jobs, be always held
• position close te the hearts of his
It is the opinion of our Tory friends
that not only is ALxtANDER MAcsaN-
zls dead, but that all of the Macken-
zie Liberals have pasted sway, and so
they believe that they run no risk now
in paying • merited tribute -tardy
though it le- to a stateawan than
whom one more honest and true
never breathed Canadian air. But
the MAC[.wEI■ Liberals are neither
dead nor sleeping, and the spirit of
true Liberalism which he kindled still
Lives, and moves and bas its being. In
Ontario this is particular'y the case,
and the MACsewzte Liberal is as vis-
ible to the naked eye a. is the MAC-
There are various brands of Liber-
als. as there are divergent grades and
conditions of Tories, but the MACasw-
LIS brand in Ontario stands preemin-
ent, and constitute. by far the larger
part of the Reform party. They may
not •lwsyi be the determining factor
in the councils of the constituencies,
but the winning of elections reed" with
them se a rule.
In some of the ridings, of Tate years,
there has been • rift in the lute, in so
fir as the MACKINzts Liberals and
the other branches of the Reform
party were concerned, and at times it
looked as if • more divergent policy
would prevail, but fortnnstrely the
breach has been closed, and today, to
• greater extent than in years past,
Liberalism presents a united front to
its opponents.
THERE is one thing for which the
town ooencil, and particularly the park
Tarsal harbor end of it, deeervrs all the
credit that can be given, and that is
epos the improvements in connection
with the Harbor Park this year.
The ohaagtag of the old cabbage -
garden entr&eos and the introduction
of • granoliehio walk at the gateway
were in the right direction, whilst the
erection of a kitchen and appoint -
Meats in proximity to the p•villom
wee & much desired improvement.
'hs., the chairman of the oommit
, kite bed tat KM • wigging became of
Me.peodme. way of graft With
Abe eseseise, but we ars plated be
Wee Met he .fill uvea, mod hie the
a these who aaeatled him and
w eeeiea.
column we p.bUigh from
of the Metes K. K.
etch elf the improve-
ai► *t tet K se oke mar blind the putt
who wino the battles.
---The Aspirant' in the political
Gild are now humming the tune, " What
will the Harvest H.
- Now, that the war news from
('ulna Ira.+ docketed, w. will Intake our
eel%ex to the baseball sthe tie...
- The voters' lista are matters of
moment thew days. The Aspirants should
ser that they are properly attended to.
-There is nothing like good humor
to enable .raw to withstand the slings mei
arr+irwae4-1t 1fll. to-ifAAlit,ae::
J. W. 8'r. JOHN says that Premier
HARDY should exhibit his August evasion at
H. J. Htu.b Industrial Fair, as an early
--With a plebiscite vote and two
election conteto threatetesl, West Huron
will surely have itu GU of pubbe diactueirrn
-When a man goes to The Toronto
(:lube and asks for the " fighting editor," he
is informed that that important individual
is hi Cuba.
-Rather than have all thio burly -
burly we would do without an election too
stable. He rover dues anything for hit,
money. anyhow.
.r -The woman who develops a boy's
bratu until he is old ruough to vote should
be almost antelbgeut enough to have the
franchise herself
-he e4 etereokype W thirty yeesw
ago, " The colored troop fought nobly," i•
again being made to do .er,ice by our
friend.. aeries the line.
- They any that AoUfsALDO, the
geutkeman who leads the in.erstetlts in the
Philippines is en curly -eyed that he isn't
aMe to look Admiral Deane straight in the
- -13y the straight talk that JOHN
A EWAN ns glvuug,(n, American affairs in
Cuba, we woeald not be surprinml to Iearu
that he is homesick, and .e working up a
mite for a writ of ejectment upon himself.
First thing we know Farmer
Mru.ue & will sere hark from Yew -rap with
a brand-new tail to his kite, of the K.C.M.
G. variety. That% what young CHARLIE
Tr vete did when he setrrusheul timpani
by his fine work at the Pariu Caifereme
An Ie1er..Itag Letter Irene robe by
merge warheeaa..e tab T.we.
Tho fullwing ie ft letter from George
Buchanan, eon of James llucbertane of (hate
rich, to a friend at the Moo
Mlsoszy, Ct-SA, .duly 1.-- fended froth
Harvard. (int very wet lending. M•r'h-
ed to round house at Jeragta Ira Co. 33rd
in action. Brought in two deal •a1 fire
wounded. Culotte very dirty and thievish,
wonder why we ever came to fight for suede
pesgde. Ordered to the front at 10 ►.M.
Marched all night. Awful hot. Hour's
rout at daylight. Long strings of wounded
pausing i s all night Volley in front.
Fveryone mitered to seek shelter. Marched
to front. No rent.
.duly 2. Pained all morning through the
country taken by the regulars, coloreds and
white, the (ley before. Mharp..honders
dropping men all along, nom in our regi-
ment hit an yet. i'eened Spanish pri.niere.
Small, good looking men. Awful sights
wounded. Forded four crake Soaking
wet. Regiment .ken behind a hill just
back id tiring hew. Modal about Rn Iwmr.
Marched to • gully up farther. BuIl-ts
cutting the heather' and un 4111• sllow,.l ,o
dotal up. Your men hit ,- o,u,,- in G Co,
Allen from Pontiac, Mich. Personally was
a, tired i slept oder a huh all the time.
Remember waking" up onee awl bearing
shells and bullets overhead, noel so tired not
oaring whether I was hit or not. Allen
shot through nook, tall coming out hs.
month : doing well hat feared will loge he
t 1wr'ch. Separated from Bailey anti Inert.
Mored bock to former position. Slept in
wet etot.hea. Raho down herr every dayy.
Nun fearfully hot. Paddy Taylorsunetruak.
More wounded, but teem to get used to it.
At 10 o'u.ek .rued not, to re.int rharpa.
Awful naive of ehella and rifles. Colonel
ooaplimsmIod us or faliwe iso end getting
rap 5o promptly. Waited for quite • while
AM ordered hark to ruiners.
July & Very hot.. Firing up till 10
o'clock A.M. IA1d around e11 day expecting
to be called up, then found that a white
flag had been put up. Slept on arms and
in wet 'kithe. No wash ninon leaving
boat. Amerioan fleet captured all Spanish
fleet tint one.
The (Harker Fourth. Had Rviod night's
rest het .Y1l seakog wet. Rhsrp-shont*rs
Aimed oat by tide Hem. Refo to go for
water half • m1lketrepMeerind battalion
ordered Muck he e i rifle hospital to drake
toad. Myself ordered to hesde.artem to
WAS eetlepetts end M stay there. Erse
idles Narmee, Trim ilsbrel and
P sijessIts, enkw brewers and guards «ah
der /freeing to eat all day. wait set ie
tWant Mee he afterirses t forage het fold
,actin m ien hied
sol1Mela apLp yINI here
Wonder howwade emir
and I walked bark to where tympany woo
Graves on rued. Aerie' smell of dead
korner crud teeth taut three mn. of tied
some hand tuck, happier over that than
over .uytiing 1 tour gut Yuur wale cavb
way suede muddy, s40 idea o1 K u1 the liar.
Creeks up W� _yomr knees. Wet now, bort
happy. (bed night.
Jvly & Another gout fright'* ret but
atilt wet. Very arid toward* murii ng - No
Aries all def.. Litt aroused tamp all day.
Ordered to move and ugnstortuaMlaL
About flvo o ulu.ck, 2rel and 3nl battalions
began digging pits or top of hill now about
164110 feet, for pridotVon from our own
July 6. 1/tooting more pits aril eoverwg
them with loaves and lxwnoh,e. Lurk now
like hotness Wad lack to tympany to see
Bert Found them ire mush ulnar map
than we have had and keying .. said tithe.
Out of tutem•n Som. fatties offering as
high as $5.00 per pluK t)8iuial setun1.
show 210 Aumericsels killed, 1476 weuwleal.
McNally and Paddy Taylor very- low with
tualarial fvuur, tear Mc!lislly will die Will
Frederick, Taylor, McNally moved to 11 *-
pi.l ship Spanish ('olool and other
prisouer,u takou peat under heevy guard to
exchange for ttuhw,u. Lieut. Midmost
passel through ,amp anroug other officers,
floe 1. oking follow. Marines in a wagon
behind (ireat.newp1,,uu Five lipauirnI1
brought back hlihUuldlwl (:. Becue.AN,
Nonage -The local agency in Desase•a
fa Tits SIONAL is at rho ort v of J. O. Ward
J. P.. oonve sop, to., who will receive or -
acre rot 8115•40111/110041pttoae, adveruluiee ad JoA-
work. and 1e authmi.ed to give reoelore for
mecums paid for the masa.
1...A.now will rich Dasssaas as la sad
3rd • rld.y of site► tuath, -*M IMIdera meth -
.ad. of extracting and ailing; laksisples anl-
thial teeth. Offices. next deer y)r/dd. toiler
shop. Hours. r a.m. to p.m.
Trsansr, July 1A. 1t10B.
Mrs Armatroeg and son, wile and
thud of Rev. T. L Armstrong, are visions
rinsttvs swath east of here.
E+xi.setitrru•AL -- LANA Sabbath Revs.
Swan, formerly of Uungasaos tirosit and
sow of Ripley, sad R. 1. Hutton exobaoged
t)ur pnnoipsl of Dungannon public cahoot
along wttb he wife and two daurh%sa,.her
v.iune relatives at Clinton sad -it 4 Nieis
recently arrived home.
Hvr WAos.-Ws esphesles a
sultry hot wove which ,are causes mush dissm•
tort, la oo0tegawoe of exoelleet weather
Wreaths tall whet le now io rapid pre -
gm., hoyms beteg about through. , A lags.
quantity of hay has been well saved awl
Tcs.SHAY, .laly 26.
RAs. -Tee woat of rale Ie badly felt.
The root mope and pasture ate sufmlag at
N5w MANus -The louodatia of the
clew mane has been wail and truly laid,
and rapid proems i• being made. The
euperstruotere will bx next in order.
Lutist, Lowi iertie -Friday lar, Jude.
Meaeee, •ed Lawyers Holt, Protdfoel,
Johnston and Hetes were i0 our vtllag..
settling np the business in connection with
the Wilson estate.
BAswuJ.. - At the match wheel) tax. off
Friday betweee Dungannon and L.ok.ow,
ear boys were the top notobire by -• seen
el 25 to 20. A return game will he played
.{ Iaokaew this week.
Council. Msrrpuu:.-The emit esseioa of
the W. Wawaoesh method will mast Toee-
d.y. Aug 2, whoa all boards of school Vr•
tees ars In,V*otod to have their estimatan
prepared for the year Irani.
IMrsovsussrr - A number of' our resi-
dents bays hoes bay 1ti making Improve -
emote to their property, which have added
oowmderably to the appearanoe or oar thrix
lag villas.
Oca NSW Ho.m,Aup.. -Mine host, D.
McC.ralok, has rtes es000nhl se maker/
great *spree/mea m the b.bl Which he
remotty peronased, ad Iso suooeeded in
weeklies up a good tine of trad.,both tonally
and with the tr•velliag pebble.
Savlaa Ait•IDENT. - W'01le repairing •
wheel at Saeby's grist mill Tuesday of tut
week, Wm. McArthur m.twub es eooidant
by which tbres of he Gegen were badly
lacerated Mr. McArthur has the sympathy
of his neighbors Io bus misfortune
KC.'LIaIA.TICAl�-- Rev. Mr. McKee offici-
ated Es Enke obereh Sueday everting last
le apply te Ree. R. Farbtin,H 1) Rev.
Mr. F•irbire ie expected home teem ha
vavtmoe in :fey moiety lhu week tn.1 w 11
py Frying* cherub pulpit emit Sab-
bath.SH. Receiver) 754 Manes - to the an-
tra.. eternisation list last week, Mies
Aoaath Milligan received credit for may
550 marks when she should have had 794.
It will I,, seen that the has roes 9:/4 Netter.
leafs out of six pupils from D.tagao0u0 pub.
lio school were t000mefel, whiob speaks
well for tesohen and poplin.
PAwign AWAY --Use of th0 oldest
women in West Wawaosh parsed *way
Wednesday 01 last week, from the egeate of
a wooed stroke of paralysis. Is the person
of Samuel Alia. He was in his 76th year.
H. remits@ wen iaterreJ in )en . ''0
cemetery ee Friday, beteg followed thither
by a very Targe moeonare u( eorrowisg rel.•
Wee acid 1stende. Rev. Maven. Hell snit
Olt*at oonddot.d the obs..atm. Mr. Alta
bad been a meet industrious man, •MI leer.•
a large family well provided for. He woo
a fine specimen of man, a gond olttexx, end
corned for Minion nauven.l respect. The
sympathy of the entire nit ghborboo4 goes
out to the bereaved widow and fenny
Corso AND 1,014" --Mn ilryJge and
daughter Ulm [,sora, of uoderit, aro visit-
ing bre at the mildest* of sire Brydgrs'
mother. Mn. T. Pentland, ad eniny'og
thsmsrlvm. .. ..Gen, 9tothe,s has roared
from business, and left Monday morning for
the Peoi6o Coat Mas tioanoj,y. of
the Forest City, who hes been oo an e'tend-
sd visit to Mrs. B .f. ('ram ford and Mrs.
6. Anderson, lett for home, •fur • moat
rojoyable sol cera.. _ Mise Margie Moo -
Kay is on • v.sis . friends in Blyth and
Hensdt.. .... Mrs. Little. wife of our
popular shoemaker, Thom.. Little, with two
of hie younger eons, lett here on Tuesday,
via (:odsrieh for Saul: 8.. Marie, when
she will ,road several weeks.. She . ac-
companied oy M el Disney, of Kinloagh.
Mr. ad Mn. Wm MoArthar have
as their guarts the l.ttat's father sed
mother, who errltei on Today from Mon-
TnaiDAY, July 26th, 1898.
Wm. Stirling has ouroh..ed a new Yoder
far the barmat work.
The Point Firm has already a large sem.
bee of guests, ksepleg Ile petal hest ad
Amities, with • large staff of aetetant., to
fell stades.
The We.an'a Missionary Seetety bar.
Meg la the umperse°, hail and did •
gam ofleronon'a wish 61 Metes far the
led*. mt.ioOe Io the Nerthweit,
J&.Iyy ab.
MW Tett' left Friday of Iasi wesek far a
orbit of ..,sect weeks to friends is Leedom
and Hyde Park.
Our wh.0L, 8.8. ifs t, leads h Colborne
Ie MIS le lkseeelm eo .twIaatlra raawa
ly bile. Min W* 4s Rem get Ma Melts*
seater elf wens di tee te....safel inhalers
NM pawed freer tem dlRerans steed wile=
• MM.Iotrahtp.
Macy of Me wok, am erokltes left
bare Per nol.rteh, te Mild • Metes. WSW
tertabi. vile kr Joseph Judie* en 541.
15,'1.14 Reed, week IN eetmpeisiso owner
kiteto nito the s,et}0g tourists M
Ilan a the eire.l.r elty of Rano. Tido
. eel the And Rem Mr. Jrdi.* has hells
Ise Ik* pmn5.a
Ire&'b Pent Net ter take er dairy,
A Ne*111sAL UupeWUSIN a.
H..li*mi Harald . Havlag called tee Leg -
Waters, of e.on. Mr. Hardy . ready t5
aka. k. baad,
HAS The eine
0111•1111C11111•11. Tet timbr-teed s.atle•
whit bdtIRd the Load's psitaamaa
would have made a oau...ful poliWml mo•
d data H. makes • good rue sad le great
.n 11v el ump.
* • •
Taa tuoNT rtut.•IrLa.
Seattle Pest-1aWU4Reour : C.a•da .ad
the Calked Stews Uvg and thrive mermaid -
sally of .•,h else. It is Daly a..s.•ary be
insure seeks as eadentandtng as shell per-
mit legitimate hwasas 1mu*iry without
Pine bore Eaammser (1041 of the brine
which supply paper to Jho Kingston W'b g
lot Its dally nail weakly .sues hes bee. lath
la flUmug a oarlestd seder, end writes td". ex-
uum : " the meat ay that aloes the Laurier
(i ,verou,oat ha wan the ueutdeooe of the
people ad (.ao•d• W rote ahead, we have
memo very buoy."
it • •
WHY I,1oDza TWINS 114, 5154 AD,AN.'RI,,
Totooto Star : 'rho Mail .heulds'1 be
silly to its colonel page. The advaas a
border twine le doe to the war, which ..e
off the supply treat rho Philippe's.' at • pee
whoa the demand 1. unusual. A tariff wall
to the skies or the absolute removal el a
tariff would not give Goads absepeaeltt•e.
ender .11.1,105 aifeatoatareoes. __. _ _._
s •
r5MYxg1TY WITH A JAMS " r."
Woodstock Yeatimel-Review : PrsspertIy
is sot oonttoed to td" sellers of dollar wheal
The.c•.00's fatery ulen'irp la Terwte
will tet 1a the aggregate a__these lee
1300,000 and 2130 idditional weak.,40 will
be employed. Every d.partmeat o1
ioduatty ad °outcomes u tolling the same
tale Uuoe the preepeme of another bouati
ful harvest are tally realised, we .ea11 be
able to hid hard times gis&-by• for what
we hope will be a Lagthrpstod.
• *
THY RANKS *SAO arms Nfe.
Wiadsr R000rd; Tb. Dominica Beak
*doers have et the Government aad moi•
oipal euthoritas a, example in theorems*
of the par.oae who robbed their Mauch at
Nepas.o Mat it wield 1,• well for the. Io
aka • note et. 1f the beak authorities
have sao.esded in captortng 'he HMS who
robbed the beak, they wall deserve the
thaks of the people. I'ber. a 0o grasser
dere est of a.sat.1aae.he th.aghe ghee e►•
when oei earth are criminals secure from
dotasuop and that bather mosey ter effort
will be .pared te eeptnre them.
Dundee Baser : Ferny millio. dollars le
a lot of matey. It is to be hvest.d le
bedding • roil way from A,'hicage to Wash•
mitten cod It u Bntee' Capitol. The Galt
Reporter an e paia baaae the mosey was
set Invested in °meads. We are put off
with poesy postage and told to b• road
little soya while the Yankees get the plums,
It says. The last two British investments
of any Dote made is Canada were in mei-
Denton with the Maws Falls Power Ce,
and the Esrddue suntan deal, mid is re-
gard to thew two cases hob • dtwraiefal
row was raised by the Tone, for party pur-
poses, that they •Dosed be ashamed to ask a
British o•oit•lmat to laven another dollar la
this country.
o e • 4 � _
AN(YTHsk 0150 015 also= wrist
The Weekly Sas : Some of the Ce•-
aervetivo aw.paeerc ere •Itribvti.r the is,
creased trice of Mad.r_Iwln. Le the removal
et the ditties by the liberate. If the :,fiber.
111 are to be held wposslbie for the in.
creased prim of binder twine they should in
all fauna*. receive arida ter the spiesdid
mep of wheat. They are lust a r.peasible
for oa as for the other. The tntb is that
the Increase is the prios of Wader twine a
not teles to the r.mev.l of the duly, but
in wits of us. It bas base brought about by
muse with which the tariff bas no ossaee•
ttoe: It bas brio almost solely tweeted
shoat I'y a oembieetsos which has retested
. lore portion of the raw materiel lased io
she ...nut...turn of 1.lor. The nee to prim
r. Cot (manual to Canada. bat is reneral
over 1110 whole ointment. It . only a 00.
(seldeooe tithe to Can►da the tsar..410 is
prim has occurred ehorUv •Iter the reseal
of the duty. Had the duty been kept os It
would My. bee. easter to corner twie. la
Canada than it is t.d.y, whets tease as be
.hipped toad fru be:+sun this pastry •sd
us.Uaitod States without rsetrloNan. To
del with the pra..at 'inhales we meat
outsider other gssettona clan the twin.
It. hid by Hass mite ars in the 00.14•
eon of the (ievsr.mset that Mr. Ewan -
turd, M. L,A , hMs again l•Mn &elected es
the Speaker .f Use Ontario Howe, mid V11
Net a ('abiest.l*ee later os.
Lout advt.w received ty the Go..ra-
mat from the Velma .tate that the ttooe
dietanoe between Victoria and Dawson City
L.. bete itduos� 10 e:even Jay, Ly 11. re -
coot trip of
oars; width toot the rent*
np the Yoke. elv.r.•
Montreal Deeette; Ther. are In the poli-
5ic4 siWtlan..me Esse *idols mak• it
possible that there feeadatmoa for the
rumor, os.tmr from quarters, to the
effect that an early parliamentary ebonies
Is within the possibilities.
Charlottetown. P. B.I., Judy 21. -At the
loon by.-deeties held is the ant d.V.t of
Prtnov yesterday, M. G.Hasa (Liberal) was
doted by 245 majority ever F. J. B,
the Coa.ervatie.
ate. Caneervattv.e
SYS oompletely re.tfa'les ever the result,
havhg omedatly exoed.d to carry the
wt. Provine.i politica hen ars umlsly
me en Federal liege and the, therefore, 1.
aw.tber Iidtattea .l the pepg.rlty of tee
Leader Government.
Forst Fra i'r.s. • It is Mated that the
C.werv4ve. of West Inmbtes will held •
eMvenlles early 1. August to slat • can-
didate far the vacant mat le the Hem of
Oemaan., het the date has set yet bean an.
. ow...d. Th. present Iodleatlos. are I het
J.1. Favell, of Warwtok, will b. the Coe.
SsrvaMve candidate. T1. Iadep..d.et.,
who gee mooed plans in the tbrie-oora..d
Ares la the rtdmr is 1896, are set likely to
pat a eaedldat. la the 9.14, bet w111 dn.ld.
their winos betimes the ewe end party oa.
Mame/ As Me Liberal oan*astIne to he
held ou the 17th of Attnoe% Dr. Johnston,
p1y,be 11► newhed. of Wyoming, will
Er.tar : While Jas. P:ekard wee abet* te
bitek op ht. .ors at the .table on Monday
last the asthma teak fright said ran away.
Os erseslag oat ea the street It minded
with a wire fosse, whim' helmet several
garde ants. Obe of the wise& es the leg
ass very drop. Rehr safer as the hat., 'IQ
rrgatring several Plashes te saw It op.
Ms•ferlb : W. W. ORilv., proprietor of
the Anurl.R milt key through bh.•mager
Mr T. O. Kamm, M sbesAhN an. et
$26 te aid is pwrsks*g • roue sleek, N
Ik• ',est of • slate whit a wod.e del he -
lag parekacad, let H • .Is with es Ille.-
ieted dial Is peneesultAlthrin Mon NO.
Wimihere ON Mr. Imola, .f Lower
Wtagitate, •tte5ded the walk in
Blyth with the Wheelie*, T1D
makes tee sixty -end Mae thee e. mile
has taigas part A • twelfth .f Aly ..Ms,'
Des. There tae few wee M *4.5 esu.try
Mae hive attended as .miy Oases. walks
as he 1..
J. H. Wiener visited Paisley the tome
Pedometer Oak waste Leaden this week
L. H. Disk..., of Sutter. was Is Iowa se
Sat arday.
Mies Agao Washer/too is ..hiss friend"
at Aylmer.
H. B. t:meet, of Muo►.U, wa 10 town
ever `Sadat'. _ _ ... -
*.t7saV`rMr M f,Mdw. Is vWt•
Li.M. iLkw.M I. at Lades attending the
Mllksr� $51s.L
Mn. ([5545 .ed obi d, of Ssalseth, w
vhitibs u town
O.., 11.... has rotura.dWfom a ' telp M
th. Old l pu0try,
Jr. Roes, el Climes, w.. la tea
bugbear cast week.
J. L. Killers., of ii..lortb, was in (I
nub Saturday last.
Mee. J. K. liras and .m Ion ea a cult te
Salortb on Monday.
Rest, of Sealorth, moat a few
day. is town Woe week.
Joe floury, ef A.• Arbor, Mich., is visit-
ing (reads in Gadseieh.
Mies Louder, el Termite, is visit,g at the
residuum ef W. Atheism.
Alex. Moller was la Seefortb oe Friday
takiee na the Maroon match.
Mn. T.N. Dnosy is 'main( her dauee•
ter, Mm leas, of Port Hata.
Me. Timone Stev.sea, of Cl1t e, 1.
visiting Mw Flotsam Turner.
K. bey mart was up Irons Stratford our
%aadap te vista hie heat. tion. ca-
ths hum. of Set0a.ela eset1..Tkl1111lia
eelativga h Gsderteh Iows•htp
Mr. Amy, .f Barked, .Lilt I relatives ki
Mwusbip over eleaday.
M . Duokbaa, el Chicago. is visit*., her
bather. U. O. nowise. berth of
Kra Robert Adair, d Mammal. le -Ne
fan* 01 Mr. •sa Mrs. We. Adhmos.
Mrs. Bedford loft as If.alay, by the
Corneas, vett her Neter te Dakota
Mr and Mra J K . Tom ad two okild-
rm are spa.dise • few days la belittle.
W. P. (;r•tta., of R.oblle, 111. left yo,
tardily after • two weeks' visit la tea.
F. Jordan ad c hildns, Eras* sad Kith,
are away oe • trip to Mentraal and Qa.b.o
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. MoGrener, of egrye:
bard, wire to town several day. tea:
Dr. Macdonald. M.1'., mid wits seise
dime front What'. at ea the extension lel
Min $.la ud, who had sem visite.' Miss
Hattie !Urge. rotated te Termite M'
Mla'll•.n Maraca aed Mrs Nellie Hr.
ria .4.4t d Miss 155 Holism at Charts over
Me. thole beeppa retersed es Moody
t* Leoka.w, ear • stray et several weeks
u town.
J. T. 1,trrow. h1,PP., ad MM. (:raw
hoe retesad treat their trip to the Atha -
ha Coast.
1's. Mims Mimi, &ad Hague Re...Il. d
Leda, have bean imitates Mie Edda
W igglae.
Mrs, Richard Baxter wait as far a 1)..
Veit with her budtad on the tar S.odferd,
tba week.
Melvin Howell ossa up from O.ad.g.
es S•terd.y tied returned borne arse an
110.14 Emile retuned to Termite se
Saturday. atm spading two weeks' holi-
days in tows.
J. A. Gregory, who returned to Keeler
that week, is to speed tiro weeks Ia amp M
Greed Seed.
Mn.'1i. F. atsireee WM. ;bawds
sn veithpetliwordi alrewlJeba Welker,
Names Neese _-._.-
Mr. tied Mn. P.M. Davis ad ahUdres,
e1 Buffets, are epandtag th*t, .• at,,,. with
the old folk•.
Mn. Klwood retuned en 4aterdoy Iron
Conwell, and will agate t.1e tip her se ,s -
deem i. Godmiob.
Miss Mabel Meredith, of Mesterth, was
the week, the gees% of the Mire.
Lena, V.tma strum.
Mrs. J. W. Peaces, Mho Maori Perm
tied bitty Will. of Brampton. esti the gw.
of Mn. J. W. Voaattr,
I'hae Iluaree, *he ha bass spading his
•501105 with the Mandy le tower, returned
to Loudon on Maday.
Mn. N.brgall, whe had beta vattlsr
a tows eel vlsielly, retarsed to her h..e
et Windsor yesterday.
Mise W byard, 411 D..g•emen, maned
Meads fa tetra this week en her way home
idler a week's visit at Emma.
W. H. MsGakan, the wet -Yews ex-
pert (orderer, .f Brussels, games taws
with the enteral. es Friday.
PbUip nirx (eft se • vire to Detroit
Saturday last; H. seeempaeled Wm. Sy•
wear, who was Wends, home.
Robs, hie/ileums. went t. Rreeebeld
Meedey mmoieg. Rob. tektite some holt
days for the benefit of t. bealth.
Mrs Cum, who had bran *IAtleg at the
resides.. of Wm. Hinton, 81. D.vid's•.t,
n turned en Friday M bee Mime at Aylmer.
Wes Orem OvtrMRy, wimp ha Imes
visiting o tea the pat tee weeks, es-
timated to her beam to Mates an T...day.
Mrs. Acute %vatees, who slate her retina
free Dakota Its bots visiting Mends h
Ged.rt.h, left ler Kl.serdh. T...d•y seer
H. I. Strang, ILA . and A. J. Moon, B.
A., aro at Termite azsahl.g papers of sae
& dates at the reseal departmental uxam-
Mrs. Wilma (fermrly Nis Edith Brsek-
auldin) and two obildr.. sad Mist Jeri*
Rreekeerid.., of Nerwea. Cans , are visit.
the le teem
Wm. Seymour has rottenest! to Detroit
arts ha mama whit to tows. No elate,
te Goderiob . w.leo..d mere uisoerely
ba . our termer t.wasaa.,
Mn. filberts and daughter, Mks Jasi.
Rhona, al Chatham, an OWtteg te sews.
Mrs Rb.rt. . rsveitlag eld secs.,, bevies
bass at one time a resident of Godsrtek•
Miss Gital, who had boss Hanby her
brother, 9 D. Grant, B.A., coursed la/
week to her hes. at Bre 5. , 9ke tank
with her • *olive pep white her brother had
moored hers te seed down to ins old Mas.
The germs of consump-
tion are everywhere.
There is no way but . to
fight them.
If there is a history of
weak lungs in the family,
this fight must be constant
and vigorous.
You must strike the),:.dis-
ease, or it will strike you.
At the very first sign of
failing health take Scott's
Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil
with Hypophosphita.
It gives the body power to
resist the germs of consUmp.
en. 'ad M.e+, el domino
*COTT I sowi,a. p,,.,tpe, Fm%
JULY -28th and 29th -JULY
Dress Goods, Black and Colored Silks, Laces, Em.
broideriea, Cashmere Hose, Cocton Hose, Bid Gloves, 8iik
Gloves, Corsets, Ribbons, Prints, Gingham. Shirting, Table
Linen, Table Napkins, Ticking, Sheeting, Pillow Cotton,
Parasols Um brellas, Towelling, Ladies' Vests, Sam.
Waists, Cottonades, Men's Shirts, Overalls, So:ka. Ti*9,
Braces, Tweeds, etc., etc.
Everything to the store marked down for July 28th and 29th.
A rare chance 40 secure the latest for little money.
Rilidet lber the Main thing -the dates.
We have a new stook or
The best made --not the kiwi used for paint, but some-
thing much purer. Price jest the same ae you pay
for inferior stuff.
FLY PAPERS ef all Made.
Tourists will find special attentic° paid to American
Toilet Articles and to Prescription work
Lithe Juice. Root Beer and Ginger Beer Extracts.
Spooner's Phenyle
The Met Powerful EQ..4ve Powdered
Yews Is Meme 6re.oa
Destroys ullsesitre O4so--Omeslhilab a lamb 14.. Pavese Oantagies
Da.ases, Smell 1�e1Msv_. elkillvef._MMerta. (agan Meg aotws.
Kpaest ea.Its,
M.sgett.es iea Mbs. WUl hal lass, Gears and Set.
8beeld.,., ad eery Remiss 01 the Now, este Piakg. la Berms Weed with Grease et
Fla Oil will drive the Herb Fly tree Caleb mid Hamm K11Is 8bop Thies. Floes et
Dogs. Lice a Cattle, Nita. lltek.aa Wire Warm. ea ().Wyse Issues se !feats.
Dewy* all Orr People trite thick er vales hwNlt 'A tae too needy.
it be se heather. It'. • 8al•stU8o tat: beyond d.s1M. Sol Niselri sYu*a .sd 5spl-
were esattea Dowry beard et Mahereedyy.ais ease .(n
and ler Mira o.5. Every He5.1, alWaaseak C $5.. Yams. Pae*ery,
Stehle, Hall, Theatre, Jail, Pvl.na, amid Pubis Masa ab•H 4. provided with apeman
Phenyl.. " C'h •bleat . next Io Gsdlts ..."
This is Cheap, 25c. Pound. Bverybody can use it.
The lode aa,esal 1• • basidel ites d
• atetwdld breed, and was meek
at the railway swam.
Mr. sad Mrs. 41', A terse• are.iseldss
la LsakS,. -
Um dehew left this week to *left Ter-
seto.ad (lamtagea, N. Y.
Nis Elide 1Awas., et SV►tfxd, 1• the
Irma .f Mies F.velya Crinis.
Roy. 1).a Issas. of leads, spent • few
Mys at the Paint Fay too wick.
Msjer Venom has same t. Termite be lake
• O•.rga 5. rlla,t•p°n as Stanley barracks.
Mies Hankies sat ►tater N .11m Hawk-
ins. d W.dgr, are v sits as Dr. Clark's.
Mi. Baldwir, daughter of Bishop Bald-
w•••'1.410, at the rectory the paid
Mia lam• Gih.o., of biplane!, . spud.
lag the bitchys with bur fried, Mi. Lltiee
8. Netley, of the I.o0Jon Fire Depart -
moat. wee be town o0 'need.,, and mje►•d
the emery alms the lake and river.
Mises May Pa. and Ethel V•e•stse
Dare up from Stratford Saturday IMOD sed
left next moratne en the immune? Carmen
for Port Harm.
Mrs. (leo. Cox has r'hru.d from • leas
visit to members of her faintly 4. the West
sad Weedy t• her son. is L.satmsts., sad
is sew ..vies with her daghtr, Mn.
Mn. Rothwell, of Pelsearston, fera.yiy
d Ooderloh, a Meter el town olera Mitehell,
a•.s to tows with the exo.,•te. last Fri-
day ad returned the 1.Il.wlg" My.
.lobe Mitchell, wipe fee • Rre.t asey yaws
fdlowed Me tails/lee trod* ie Gede.ieb
1'Aud•y [ for RooUasd. H. d•ss1118150•0set•
tr. Mies Nltehell, hawse this week ier
Tweets, where .1. w1I1 rs.d• m foray%
Stratford Beams : Mrs. Kobee arsi-
strong, of (:odemleb, sob has se.a
Nonfat the past tore wa-a- Yllleg
day ilea- se Mem.
*8.55, ilsm., isibism /ea., Andrew, Mr
,es., there is April bat, Irtive..rammed rift..
This. Ifctlillleeddy and daughter, Mise
Ndi* ars the most, el the wears Mehl.
y, Wells*! es. Me. WOW
aegis le sots lee best of Weak had le
trying the affect el the trash broom beta
stews bred eleeser.
We. lay and 4. Sellers, of ran Wlllha,
peessagere ea the sieseser Na. Arabes [see
se*, felled at (Ram. Pessimism nail
bit Mr Sellars tsiwikthe elpht. •f td" Iowa
sewer% ted, s see site bas several se ye ler wile w
Ait your Ilisan ler
Mond.afill T
beautiful, it:premame s delighted
with Jeder4b.
Oar .W friend, Robert Rte. .f Bend
. wee in Meru T.•y and dropped e
to on THS 811/14A1. He is Panted is .NFarm.er swe pisabaa$ make se M. Pelle Fm.
C -•S-
POMO Ai�1 M Mort
SOU NA - :I1.
Canada's Great
.d Industrial Fair
Aeg.291f, to Sept.IkY,'18
Naar awl Woaderlui *ttrso-
ti0a/. Alae rAn
The subs, -Am risaa War
ria lutist LavenWl's sad
I ovaltlaa
W parrs ss.
Bahian eBahiann Oleo Askant 555,
mode Meeerales. bete Sre�wbd"
:z W tatt.�.'Ie,, sYnaFU5
ia5. rrw..r
Li wow, LL
el-lt Prsldeile. - Mmeegir.'115rems.
is MOObebl
Ilme4101F to
Weak saved I Phu* /M,
Mame, • int Liver T+"iMes.
eeuwro.re..a a A. •. ■diKa.. esimaa. sac '*