HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-7-28, Page 1THE BEST 18 TAR CHItAPIBT Ave. THE S14 NAL 18 THE ONE DOLLAR A YEAR 1N ADVANCE Z..JI. ionat. THS] LEADINt N3SrWBPAa'EI , OP t7RON , t70UNTY_ FIFTY-FIRST YEAR ---2684 • 7J J 1a TO SECURE THB BEST RESULTS PLACE YOUR ADVERTISING IN THE OOLIIMNH or THE SIGNAL GODNRIQH, ONT. • GODERICH, ONTARIO. CANADA : JULY 28, 1898. TO A.DITHRTISERs. Notice of ohmage, mast be left •t this Omoe n04 later than Heturtiay noon, Th. Copy for changes mast he lett not later than Mon day Poon. oaosal Advertemema accepted no to n000 Wednesday of each week. PM1:5114 NOON, APPLIOATIONB WANTED FOR THE .esti =Maker.. w d las os:.b: ohm sed the wU lbe/.reOeived tau g p - 1[. mW trete regae i MI TOHICLIe en 155 law. hOTICE. - ALL BIC CLIC • riy ► pv.ro• •oearding to THOMPfEMIL tali: NOTION TO DEPOSITORS. 75• Iger. ell bums Lease* I.veetmeat o `t _ e N res a Oen er.m 55 demonise M ktoaltponsL baa stir the gut of 1a, jltftl 551 e•at 1.5 to be made al M.gHA OtN akbH Mor wt. Interest. Mitt MORACH HORTON. Wanted WANTED AT THE HAMILTON -en Iowans Mere. Bator and limp for t u•. W. J. MORROW. Prop. N T E D TO REuC NT-FKOM - W ANTED missal h, (0, three to six maths, trolehed hew. Mut to warm nM be* all modern ensvafesoes. emir to Mit8. AT MA Lost. L0 8 T- A KNIUITS TEMPLAR wateh elms. PlNw hied* rotas to O. A. RUNIER t NON. and receive reward. M -la Iihmad- , VOeUIiD-BATURDAY JULY >tOtw wICii mere Dr •• meaty. eY t pro ee i me ty. !or B111t1. or TO R.at. FARM FOR 8ALE-WT 14. Wi. NOE Sea 1 B.7101d Reed. f1., railer from .ederieb. Per p•rticabro *ply te 3A3110 WMUIBTONIR es the ,*.mise. or *drew 55.1. FARM TO RENT.TRAT VANN OI tel aves e. lit fa weavedee r t.wN. .t\$IMtt Mewer.yre °s.. TMrrd- orchard. fret .md el aw Ietwt mats w pinked that pto•Ml.s idler beearrmer. Iteele to FRAME et BRgR. "*-4 i V 1,1OR 8ALE AT A BAR0111h.-THAT r deer** the farm g( the tats nee Id Maw. Tows**thTows**ed °olter*s. nm 3 alas absdsrfah. es tamed grste road, eals(.tUg IN twee m • speed .fele of onl14- v.t$ . These Ir t I0 •mar N g k. iw000d Mum sed Men rort {, Gegen P.O, ebaslbugert ap, ell awl bHs Peen d-- - te by Out PUBLIC SCHOOL LEAVING More Examination Result., Graduates et the Village mod T.wWAp Schools el Wad .aria-Asmarb et l\e ex•ml.ore la Regard se the landldatee' were. THE following is the net of candi- dates gamed by the Board of Examiner. for W,.* Heron, together with the marks ob- tained by *oh. On amount of the uwtisfactory *tune of the questlo* in arithmetic, the Herd made an allowance as that paper. M.ny ei the eotraooe and leaving oaodl- dates,iid their work in drawing with • pea tiptoed- 1 s_ip d peewit. This resulted is Very retell ark to drewug. 7 be ruling in book-keepinr would he done more quickly with • load pencil than with • pee. The papers of many would bare bees teeter bad the r.li.s been des. Wath • good lead pencil. Using • pen cased many biota. A lege number of candidates obtained H. S *aeone standing, and H. M. en- tracte certificates will be sant to •oy of the* whe bare set already received Mem. axttriS 1. a Gee. B.gsb•w..., 614 Czar Rollin. 628 Chas. Wenuwsy 612 Ohre Hooper745 May Thomas .. .,, . 664 Aleetio .'..w-•.7591 lob.8pealias1 r 728 May Arme1141111 667 Lily Radgeres 671 ' sash. eelr„ ROW B. Did 661 Will A. LiMtaket 734 Jessie 11121ftb. 712 (les. W hyfg& 837 meter Bee W. Caldwell Edith Mame Alfred Carlisle morn. 1., W. Irwin 760 Harry Walker 674 WT. seisms. Frooy'M.Deeeld 823 T. J. O'leeabh. 670 c.ODITON. T79 626 864 Pew Bees tion. L•ww 1. cIIOTHAUA. lira 0. Thempw. • Pearl Gobiei.h sATlira. Anes W Wise- . t r As.n1M,m: V 111 6-Rktn Willes FR SALT OR TO REN'1.-FOR en w r 1e rest. the two eon Wail cot tt•'e a m the .mesa et Bataan Read and Meeh. Tor furtherpsrt4oel.rs se, N7 to Mita. BURWELL es the mambos. pus SALE OR TO RUNT -TOR SALE r or to Me the &weans res N•kiesst. at wryest eeire,lei by iMMa h ,dialog ti en. pa, bid i *g drswrH rasa, dialog roe.n. parlor sea Meseta. gra \... Ukrwry. number et M e. psidrtyhw *half dGn with drake est 8?dt weak o r. um ira I. vers, Ante to P. 8111181111. on the pro mime 10., j O BMA -LOTS 6U AND 70 L Htlirldeeesi Barter 1. the Town at Goil=>♦lgeme. wM oobb*le 'rooted• .pod d well leg laded Ile Apply to CAMNAWI HOLT It HOLME8. Oodriele m it V ALLAULM TOWN lgdPROPERTY FOR tis raMeen I f s s*11. 0 t7 sis A. N.eMrtsit see - .Mesa le Ckaioy O*..1 the mad vdesbe ..d Mensal. pro e mies ars twereeeep tame dwellers isYeinem IMel MWewllet .a.57 sad sidlelakey o ar • the O. T R~ttmstlon• terse*, os.$0 by the lase ladle hag '► at oli s lad terse et GAR t PRwD on 1114f S.bwlee.. 0Mmteb. Situations vacant: TRE POINT TARSI -HELP WANTED AT ON08-1 IS11 a4b for W 4121,neal•1em end s Meady 114.017 w Sods chores. L B0Y WANTaD-TO LEARN THE from 1s to 17 Yew*5 ha menses mesa glad, hTea Once. wAwNe.TID-YOUNtoMYINNAAND • at ti• t O .maga/les e ilalB, t l.tt'ee Mt le . sp aaaDg4 alr5.s p.r/•g NMI moat& GDM'!'y,• seibgwe vest . lir v. 'R I WANNTRD-MEN AND WOK=WHO we week bora tNbiy sad witsisa-105 ro0•0 »!Mthu .lone. s .weep tend wines ss New IDI ICO.. W AbNT*ER8 ED-TEA08AND OTHER 17 te eelMlt oral"tart I♦.O► b the el Cl'•at.,." la158.14. l'tl2 'Menem THE L NON' IMEZITNtralt. Tem* Ei.otlos Petition. Ne. 10 -Maggi. McDonald No. lb-Freek R. Soots Ni. 16-A.a. Hasty cOLiOiel& Na 1 -Ta. M. Jehoet.e Charles Vero* Na 2 -Herbert Oti,..t he. 3--01ter Drees Brame Robertson (00115108. N.. 1 -Wilfred H. Bell leo. 2 -Willie Wl31es No. 5 -Adak 011 Charles Newton N. 8 -Josephine 8Yrlieg HAT. Na 2- 1oka Todd Ne. 11-M.bel Jainism .rTA leLOT No. 4 -Hester Armstrong Helm Swim No 6 -Awl• Y. Fasts Ni. 14-J.Sa L Kyle Leckie Ot..dok Mabel W .haemo IN TBR COMM 01 APPEA%. FOR 0117AI KI, , Thome 0usl r& Osis s,a*d fleet..* dei. her ig O e Pae .lie • of tat 4Mdoriyg•MYe M 344. tt Irog flosallavli..f Outevk - tai tr.i. ides gni: ni : j Abel* a . Arid beasseme .1Z"" pat= trifinottleralt Diggs 111 Mtidf Tilt' N 681 830 969 710 803 642 621 640 664 aTlE15R. No. 10-8caly Wi1M (1110555 No. 1 -Joh Hortoo 614 Bdg•r Dews ... ........ 704 Lar. J.ckell - - - No. 2 -Alfred F. Johns Themes Kay Nems Madge Myrtle Madge. Lilly Willem' No. 5- Visions Wood Mamie Remit No. 12- W llli•m Merl* TeOtildeafTe Ne. 1 -Aline Drover Esse Ted N.. 14--0'orge Pybee sown?. No. 6 -Gm. C. Armetesg w, w*W*NOMI. ,Segs... 8.ha.L N.. 1-Osweid Ravi. 662 M.I.i=Leidy 690 The same of Albers Walters, N.. 8. CAI berm, was omitted from the on5•500 Ila lose week. 616 744 704 675 616 627 619 667 701 617 650 669 NEWS AROUND TOWN. Pslortso Yetis ADDaaa..-Tito Poet- Ofoe Department 1. anxious to have every sender of • letter writs or print bis name and address es the upper left hand oats* of the envelope, so that to ow of son-delly• wry 1l oa be retuned to the seeder. Bet- ter have us print you • box of eavelopes. Letters prfabd by ua sever I. .stray. Aek for °noes. rue CANADUo I iszos Exe-oaelos.-Tho (aredien Pros Asmot•tioa will run ea ez ourdoo to Port Arthur, Duluth and Mwktn- So. Iea.iae (blliogwood ea August 10. The round trip will weepy auto days, and the steamer ohs.* is the Mais l°. of les Great Northern Tram* Line. 8wear1 rates have Moe moored Irem the t:. T. R. and the steamboat eowpaey. Felt parttoulan may be moor* from the president, Robert Holmes, el Clint*. Ors Talisa EiPI.T -This to the way1he Exeter Advice*. refers to one mf oar esteemed townsmen : <s. Mol). Allan. of Udriob, Sas boss *pointed Dumioioo frau eammussionr to the Peru Exposit(*, whioh will M hold in 1900. No bettor mac in the Dominion oeuld have bean selected for the purpose. ha expert** in *reit matters being welt know., while the expert• ase• he naiad while se iotr*uooal fruit oomm►waer some yews ago will be of material a.Iat•ooe to him. MAI(. LAWN. DAT THS Civic Hou DAT -The following Item Tho ieeda Ad- vertiser will also co•y tb•grouod for Gods - rich : Labor Day -the lint Moeda,. to Sep- tember -is now • legal holiday. This being the Daae, there Is Dot the slightest reason M the -world for eseetmea1 the old " Uele Holiday ' in August We hope the mayor said wideness will arroyo to crank. the Ctvlo Holiday and Labor i)•y en the same dere. tamely, the but Moeda, i5 Septem- ber. '1'o dear* • holiday a August ..d en - other • few weeks later is • needle* da r.egeteat of businem. left.Wring 'It, MUwlcIrALITIIM.-(Chat- bam Plast : Mr. Justice Fergie* has hooded down • jad*ment in Atkinson vs. the City of Chatham. • taw of *wan to municipalities. It involves the payment et 5996 and m.1. by We div tor damages to private intim* ceased by lack of 10peir is • street, said lack of repair berg doe to the presence of • telephone poet pleated 1a (t The ides d.clad to coral relief ever agei.+o1 the Rell T*l.phone Company. l.. muse the *Is ww placed with the know• lodes of, and by direct oo ot, the oily auth- orities Thu moral is that the city is to oponelble for the state of the roadway.. sad cannot rid itself of such resp*sbinty. H it meats wmpaies or private .peot.l privilege. it must shoddy •11 the burden *eh /mete bring to it. 624 672 613 763 792 617 832 646 719 627 616 640 731 707 616 617 733 647 5 Wasted. -augur are iower. 12e. emit for hest Dairy Tem -0. R KStr, Mellow. Jilwlo. 55188 RUTIN CHUTE M188 Ontlea 510 end M Gottschalk herb Mia ill R be.SmeedtruugM Ttni'r mall erri5s*e Illbersesed m'ew gW. M=SW ter it 11. ctiN- Mt. Y tleii a..m .,,nor HOVE MADE EBsEN('E-9 RAKING POWDER. R..tpn or NANANA PANE APPLIX ' RASPRRRRY MYRAMINOR Y VANILLA RATiVIA LIMON W INTIR(4Ra0W PEPPERY INT (AYIIN Osr no. DIMS 11bq 5, Bee. b 'sees. W 1 PPn>jj k RtTIRU15I*ytl NMREe Oa 44 ABOUT (HOME. ♦ Toaea :OwNSNAN Goo. -Wm. K. Clegg . well-known former reeldeat of 0oderiob, died at Lae Mamba, Centel -um. so the 24.5 of June. The dammed was torn in this town end was employed tor suer years en the staff of Tam SIUNIL Heart miler. was the o•ure of Itis death, whioh caem very eoddeoly. Mr. Clegg was [thy -oil years of age. TH1 W Hsausou-N or Riot( wELI. Th. report °treats(ed *5.t ('hart.. Stook well. t he young mak elm went net en the bks in • .man toe" e• the •w on ma of the 6th last., and failed to rotas, was In Klm.ardl.o ep- ee*. to have bee* Incorrect The latest mews of his whereabouts Demes throagb Gorge, w of town stork Mlte5ll, who says bet saw kis le PIM Nora Me Friday fellowtog his departure Prem Guderbb. Mitchell stews that Stockwell was maim,* ,ketches sad rolling them ter • livelihood. Uoiiu r0 AUrr5ALL.-00astes Buret, so* of F. Brest, of the Cornwall meal staff, will leem oe the 20th last. tor Sydney. New South Wales, when ho bas moored a leers - tire paean* in the employ of the Dr. Wil- liam. Mediates Company, of Brookville, the manefeoturvra of the celebrated mdtoi0ci keown as Pak Pills Mr. Biome is on. of Cornwall's popular young .tae*, and his many 1rieede hero wash him abundant •00 oar in his new gold of tabor --Cornwall St•adard. Mr. Bloom u • grandame of Mn. Btss.1, Boat M rs& • [hue To Tag Haan or THS EDITn5.- New York Star : Hew dear to my hoar is •51 teas el • dollar. wbea .oats ilea sale earthier promote it to view t ft mac esse toil Or it may ..m0 tomorrow. a may .mase (rem other., it may .maw from you '15ei b g silver dela:, the round silver dol- lar, der del*ogosst subscriber, proemial It to view ' A rotted salvor dollar I hale* • treason, for often expe•sir o'erwbelm me with wee : 1 00001 it • ee5ree of *gaunt. pleasure, sod yearn for it fondly wherever I es. How ardent 1 same Il -•bat lovely round dollar, the root of all evil. -tis oem• wooly named ; loving messy b.doloi, man pimple tell us, tat the peestless printer oma bardly he blamed. '155 **Ham primer, heed workieg printer. keep' ..odle* eat pavers that interest you ; w hand to • dol• lar. the big daddy dollar ; deer reader. new will yes pretreat 11 to view' COHHIT►IOFTS TO GAOL -Castle Griffin bas two sew inmates, heti meat up by Mayor Holmes, of Clinton. Ose s • tramp who displayed remarkable agility in resting on the Weeks of a mewled tette at Charm 'Ratios. H. wasted • fres ride, bet the magistrate gaseee him aetead to privilege ef free heard and lodgh1 ter thirty day. aft the jell. where be will be .bk to take le e xercise i5 $ Is. d.yetree. way. The mber.Mrrlv5l is . bey set Wag est of hie tress, who endow* bail from New York City. He had been seeking sympathy ..d aid from the people of Climbs by showing wet perpoPt%d' to M • broken arm. Seme- body's sepWeYm led to the arm'■ bell* takes Dm of the .lane and baadmres, tad to the oa •dlevery that theaan young mwas 'effete' from mi illusion -the arm was all right Mayor Holmes rove him thirty days to reamer from ibis eallmea•N.a ISLIP a. CANADA'S Os.AT Exroatrr.oN. - Many new std 10greeting features 5111 be offered .t the Tomato esWWem bks year. wkfek ie to be bold from the 29th August to the 10th September. The barrel throughout the Darden* le god mid with the return of better times sad Ida seew5a11y low farm sive beteg owe by the railways may will he endured 50 obit (kis ez51W1.e who par bap@ would .ot otherwise d. so. The *trim In all departments will he great, and the attract**. offend will bed . eersoSr to draw. Amey the msey will be realist* represented.* et the pe.M.S sbmi-Ansrl- me war, the blook.de, bombardment mid battles ot S•nM.g., er Have.., 6nug .ad some.•* .I sbell@, .id.des of 55b-m.rbee mimes earl b10w1y 57 of versals a the lake I. front el the .xb►bities 500.4., a►ihi- tiesa by Maxim sad OWE*, sm bl5e eons, Ns., all el • ape0ally lersrn.11ag mann at the pews Mesa The promisee of at- Ir.e1e.0 premises tar to ....1 Meas .( I..t year. Mete is saying • good dee. The ex- hibits will (.elude many frees Great hale, 7,,.ee sae the Vatted Staten, .51314 alum* 'eery ...tion of the Damt.ies w111 be retwe.eetsd. Yea, W ■ Warr (i000 Rotes. -The fol- lowing remarks o1 The (..df.a W 5eelmse wesid **be .la.gotker whitest pots If ap- plied so (led.riob .t the pre55.t Nem: "14 tree set that the @eti.s el the easnoillevs of Osgood. tewsehip, referee' 4. le ear las* Sleet arae myrgwL4. red tib the hv'I.w db not prohibit bleyde clang altogether Inn merely istpged •.@s.ey on those wb.i shield rade wheels se 045.etk. wlt►4e Me suddp•Hty. Oegeeie tow5.545 ie. thm a the some feeder es • 45. s ad ether mNidpall4tes, sad the siw.pspn that haus been heidtsr *let township 5p n ndleek Would mete esesM. W. Mage to es that tew.e5Ip right wf5 eer reete% who was e.4 son at 040.4•..5 a5. trN m - it, ow ewers ever it te vase ss e.d5•r arras The towas5(p le imagist'. heeds5ste de what ether Mire - edge ham• has forted*. w5.M- iees to w 1b gMewalke evre though they say hd the reads lemem..10 . I. gem. villeins where Morons ewe bT'Msied •0 tbr eldowelhe It is es Isdiregesse MO% es me mire mid 5.15. pew teemel* NNW fats. *ewe. weak beetle sod defog mos dna- age la half se bet Mer *ban smdd la 1s • month. Bet tow era sm thesis thee wheal. WWII be alleges' h ree MIS Seal sy itheit" Whet so twee le pd tesla public, that lib. tight of t6o public) to have the highway (a • safe Goodie.° was *r- emount Lo the right of • motion of the oom- muotty to we tit htghwey for dr•In.ee purposes, sad that Mum diem*. works ea the highway would *danger travel the scheme should 5e aoadeenned. A Dist•... -1a reward to the accident to Musa Card uo the ...ming of Sete, d•v, th Pith last, (Serge Hdwyby, whose ria was in ooltieios with Mims Card's bloyole oo the oocwoo, states that he was on the right side of the road, and denies that he was raring or dnvtag at en iaordm•tey r.0,4 pace. limey Burg Hu. -- A Non *imago • w in McKd{p deserted hie alts. sc it le said, for the oomp.Dy of *other mom*. leaving the former almost penniless, and Milt two smell ohildreo depeodeot on bar. The wife basun* Mao ,topple/ with loond► la this neighborhood. and the other day t5• husband returned and asked that he wile .gain live with him. This elmpeltivdy re- fueled to do. preferring to look after her own welfare. - CIS*. New Era. HAv-s 41 001111*, To DASorA.-W•5.ve received weed that James Tbem.eu, who* *promos. of Cslifor.i• were gives la ea mmole whsle we published lees week, le .1 - ready movies hook to North llakote-.osa- what eeeeer them wee his intention at the time of the writing of his letter. H. her toaod that the ..scud boat it toe much for Mra '[hnmas.. ores is sateei.g toes nervous prostration. Their many (needs hyo will tape that the ohmage to • 000lr ohm**, with theoomp•ov 0t her eons, will restore her health. Ate OLD Uopeml'H(Hoy n Wxu.D.-The f.Ilowi.g free 1.'55 Cornwall Standard refers to the warn** ot • gentles*. well knew. in GederMb. the e* of Mn. O. C. Masson :-The wedding of Dr. Hamill* and Mw Mies Cline was quietly oelebntd at the resides°. of the bride's father, Mr. Hammel Cline, a Tumid* morning, July 12th, oely the Immediate relative* of the oalraoWg parties bailie pros*t The ememeey was performed by the Rev. Neil M•eNsh, LL D Tse mammas to the bride were very numerous end ousUy. The happy ample leis by the R. A O. steamer fee the Fest. UnereUY BAND Covt 111T -The followleg is • .Mtem151 of the receipts and expeodi- Pares in oo*secriee with the Godfrey Bad *soon it... ander the atomic* of 15• Oodriah Masaml riootet, as .lane 20th last. Total receipts from mile of ticket& $972 00 Oedlny's Mad u.selw.d 11706 75 Rah rest, eestiew, saes.... 42 74 Advertbaf 7i 85 Postage, telph6t:. gr•pk and l.oidsei3117 00 $853 36 Helen* to G. M. 9 118 65 -- 972 00 The sinore theses of the acarines are ex• tended to the citizens of (ldewloh and neighboring towns for their *serous sap• port C. A. Notes, Treas. B. D. OsAwT, Seel. PanA,. Name -The postal notes system will be ieengerst.d (a a few days The notes will oweietel16 drsemtnatioos nog• ing from 20 oath WS. Th. I:oversetsot's oommiseion wiU to. from nae oat ap se 40 nen e. Deeny .l the rata of 2 oats a D otes op to S2 50 •ad 3 oats co the fib n otes. The notes will be issued by post- masters throughout the moots y. sod will beer the date stamps of abs Mhos of ileac limy mast le os5.d weee& three matte of the date of their boss. A Casu.T m Goo.atcll It is with tie e mail degree of plower. that we observe epos the bet of .nos engaged to tate epeoal parte in the greet musical festival at 1rll5 *ext =moth the name al Mies Last* Aobesos, of the town. The people of (lode - nob have long knows Miss Aohemn as • p•rtioulely clever •tolinist, and the reoog. onion •brood of her ability will M • source of gr•li400300 to them, Mss Aohemo was regoe.td, and, upon o,osmting, has been enraged to take two solos at the Z....theorises She will also, we u,derataad, * net in the orohears work. We bays no doubt that Miss Aoheeoie's plying will be • medicable feature of the great musical occasion. Arron MANY Y.AON,-Two yearn ego last Easter, • robbery eine oommlltd at the house of Mn Taoest. St. Andrew's ward, while the people of the house were away The booty orried off by the thief included two pain of 1a curtain., halta doses sil- ver knives and forks and •ertons other arta Piss, meet of which ti longed to Mn Tan - est'. daughter. Mrs titewbors. No trace of Om mire* articles was toned at the time. Mn Seashore removed to Toronto, ant, retarsier • few dye ago to pay her mother • short emit, she sew to • West et. window • per of the stolen eartesse A **eh was mad., amid well* fa the db - °every of the long lest articles. Mrs Pest- lethw•tla, r., ;the oonupeat d Ws M. house, was takes before the Polios Ma - veneers, •oda atter • long *arise of *vi- deo* on Tuesday and •gain on Wednesday, was bound over to upper •t the next mar of oomptemt jrmdiotta. AT THI Tows HAu..-A speoiel meeting of the tows ...soli to *rider the question of load ampreveme.b Mader am new bylaw woe 551.1 last Frosty seaming. A11 the members were present erase deputy reeve Wits* and ooueelllors (.ohs Compboll, Freight and Rdofl&e. The Dublin works committee reported tee show very fall won- eidenno. sad after having had °oatmeal - saps with towns 557e granoleth(o walks they reoesseedd that the tows should 557 25 per Beat. et the east of *yiag gneollibia walks. Thee nine, bowevr, that before Boal *Non bo taken a eommlttes be eat to vise**, towns awl d.rf.e the benefit of their experience le Om laying of snob walks. The wrerdep..1 Dune, would be pet dome wholly at the con of the tows. After some dimmed* tho commit tee's re- vert wee IoM ever to U. sex( meeting of noesell. CANADA'S OMAN? EISIstTIoN -The sil- ver *Wee ot the Wooler. Fair, Lada, 4eptembr RCh to 17th, is going to be the beet in t5. A.sosiatna's history, •ori will' be formally opened by 84 Oliver Mowat, Ltente.snt-Oevew.or of Ontario, and In all likelihood the Governor Oe.enl and lady Aberdeen Mlle*. the Wasters • visit 5t - foto retiring from *bee. &sob are the e1• *statics. .t present. .ad will be icily mad. 55owe eta none* of their •oeept see. Application's for spa- oro bolas made .t * oh • rate that ..v.r1 depert.teste 5r• *arty fall already, and the *eo.rmI impress e on throughout Wasters Oaten° la t5.1, with He good crop. sew Ming buveltd, the farsen and their *sibs. will tan out se mems to asst • mud seeded rest and sup- port the Fair, which they have boon largely the m.•* of beastli r Io ►5. prod pgMYoe It NW bolds of beteg 10. mom mossof.1 la the Dominion today. Ile Innese growth has tamed the directors so end .f lessble le the past, providing props •000.n.datiee for the It* .teak ad .grteslteral laple meets is p•rti ulr Did every other depart- ment is *eserol. The additt.nel box the enemies to the carriage banding mid the nu.I N the maim banding for en will . uses them 1n ..pplyise %be waists .f the ssmorous exhibitory, and etre them hand. lags equal te lh. best. The entries oboes =bar 7th, hot u►he.poo.adstabile. allotted allotted in the nrdr the *ries aro made* It bshoeve.tetesdi.g.75454trs te make them ns .rely N poet**, ..d metre the shel* p.dn.m. rat. the .e.rmary. The. A Rrowee, for ialorms/M., prise tis*•. prtt.*•m.. eta A LARGE D. M°G1LLICODDY, EDITOR. EXCURSION f COUNTY CURRENCY• Takes Possession of Town. •yy 1,155 1*.Itare Holes the Mala? Presse ea .5105'• Seeks- A N► el Wiseacre le ramie Orem la - land smote. GODERICH was invaded last Fri- day by an army of 1,066 moa, wow* sad Ankh* tram aloe! the line of Oke W..(44 B. divl.io• of the Brand Truck hallway from Alas to W isg6•m. Leyton, Pal- meretee, Lietowel,,Hruasale, Wiegfam tad other pia*. ell f.rnisbod their quote to the storming petty. It was • bloodier •Iolery wh.oh the troop wbl.vd upon their ar- rival here, as It wen understood is *vases that they wile Doming for fun, .ot for oss- quest. T5e affair was under the •u.ptow of th. S,bb.►h Sobool A..00i•tioo of the townehipe of 1filryboro tad Peel •,d the village of Drayton, Wellington scanty. The spacial train oarrying toe eioursionuI drew ap at the station about 11:30 and the oars were yaiokly emptied of their ltnng freight. The bks was the objective point of mess of ►he. rumen, and au time was loot In reaching It. The Lbeow.-1 bream band of twenty pieces played .1ver•1 sel- e ctions on Meir way to the harbor. The varied attractions ot the lake front held the mslority of 15. e*cu10looist* moot of the day, and am was eat until Tate in the •ttr- n oon that many found their w.v op town and tufo theAdlelter of the try.. In the Square Tan Cita at London was on hied and made two tripe oo the lake, osrrying Verge Wee" fa the aitnta..o5 • *eerier at- tended the games to the Agricultural Perk. but the attendee°. ot netters there was est Targe. A. • gentleman e5ggestd, they oould see • ba.b•ll or a football gems •t al.moot any tame, but • visit to the lek• 1550 something out of the ordinaryIt matoh betwcee 15. Palmerston and Goderwh beer bait Lame ww wily won by the home team Afterby a goers of 20 to 11. Aftthe bteeb0 a mat oh, • game of football wee played by the team. from Moorefield and Drayton. An hour's play resulted in a tie, ewmer- ino side or- ino one foal. The referee was Cies. Kee. dart, of Brussel.. At the rink I.wn on West street, two rinks each of Listowel end (lodes* players had a *oaten in bowline. MOPS grS •t the the* being 59 to 18 in favor of Galeria. The. bestowed band wan at thsiltrrk dansg 40,4 d tbo garnet time th. ga Wien 5 progro I after sapper they played on the Square. o•*tn. many favor• able oommeote upon their minim) abilities The Hoke*. from nearly all of the pieces slag the hoe of the exoursloo were good for two days, and quer. • number stayed over .514(ley,ea l the .art .y, but the groat amity departed on t6. special Lain wino loft •boot sight .'.look is the evenly h•sex visile* win me *me*menext year. end bra* many others with them. LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF IT 1' A Oran IN, aTiINT. -7 het our •unt0re cot(°• and folly appreciate my 1m• proyement in the facilities provided foe •1- °unionist.la well shown by the following Ism in The Clinton New Era: " five commit. tee In oh** of the ad* planta of the Clo- toe Methodist Sald•y schools express them *elves* being very moot' plowed with 151 way they were treated by the (ldownoh Iowa o.,usel. '1'6e oouooil has built • kttehea in 00.0 0Moo with the pavilion is the park and provided It with • stove, boil- er and fuel. while right is the kith* le • tap from which water can M had. This is all provided free to picnic parties by the person in charge epplyinn to 151 genial olerk,Mr. MJto5e11, for the key. This should Man *dooms* to pt*io parties to es te (ledrioh, and 15. provision of • speoi•i oon- • Mbts is meetn7 • want that has beau real- ised for some time " 15 oome0tlo0 with thus improvement. the town olra is In rr osipa of • oommaeloatioo which sxplele. it- selt: Chasm J. C. hmereve, • former resi- dent of 15ts secs*, died • few days sues at Pioklurd, hitch., aged Ob years, Glideraoh TowLehi p . Carl Engler, brother of Mrs. tVe.ley Marquis, took dna• °less honors le mathematics at the Udver• i, Alban Alb : Mae Altos Hawkins, grad- uate of tb. Nashville school of nares, is borne to speed the summer with her rela- tives ('lions . Fred Rumb•ll hue bought the .wdl.ry bust** lately 000duoted by hie son, and t5o same will be uo0taued w the old stand. Roxboro : John Hose, *f Itozbtfso, who was laid up for savers( weeks with • broken leg, u mow able eu get around with the aid of crumbles.crumbles.Frew : Wes. `troll shipped three uer• loads of cattle to Montreal Moodo Moody -o• from ('.atelia, Poe *rem Liman and one from Exotic. Seslorih : '1'51 pupils of the Seatorth helots* elots* reoeutly -uonributed the sum of 49 for the .td tat the Hospltel tee Hick Children, Toronto. Seetrtl : Georg. Murdis's heifers were shipped from here on Monday Then n Mwe 40 ad, and they averaged 1,303', pounds e•uh, and were sold for 4i cents. - Grey township vote* list has bees posted no. There e a 1,016 names ie part 1., 122 in Dart 11 , and 3 in pert 111., • total ail 1,147. There are 736 real** to e ery• as manor. H.yheld : On .lune 15th, Mies Lillian M. Morvan, d.es5tr of John Morgan, of this village, was worried at Devil's lake, North Dakota, to Hon. Frank E. It. Mee. e ve, of Lased*. : Mn. Joseph Serest stn. ed of Tuesday ti ratia1e i i*ogabenett visit to her daughter, Mn A. J. Smith, of ,5 .. .*d•1M-Timm kais.-Tusrs $promee tint rip to the West. (lista, Jaly 20th, 1898 T. the M•7or and Connell, Uoderlob. O.NTI.r ter :- O. behalf of the union Metood4t Sesday school piesis from Clin- ton hold in your town on the 1445, we wish to exprese to you our hearty appreciates and Weeks for the efooat manor in whlob you have provided for rho oomlyt of just such pialcs. The pavilion 1ee1t. being • great oeoommod•tioa, is rendered much more so by the addition of rho kitchen and its appliances The thoughtfulness of your- selves io making them Improvements, along with the *total *wastages of your beaotl- f•1 town, should be the moans of drawtag many more excursions.Ag•k tbskins yea, we aro, on behalf o tbo oommne- em. Yours truly, W. W. MA'*.iuo, JAoo. TAYLOR. As larO.TAOT RIMING le Dammed' Law.-Tbe drainage reform, Themes 11.01- s1ms. Seq., heard • tem moistly -M aphamk R two teweehipi Is Lumbto. Cs. .less drrde was to res Swag the bade** benne. the Swe.htps for • disease sed Om seethedthrough Ruthenia to • ear- lttlm Greek. K+5M1• eppwd th• schema en eb ghwad, .loadl share, that the ask H •ween. ed wield make • pontes el N. blji0$)7 tear 45. r55k, whore the Nile walk tral5 ver travel. There 31 sew se award train alas 3515 read, Me Me of whig5 has salaried suns o..aersetl.a from 11 feet be 20 bel Ind., eel the !. Moe Um . terwaaed dmieer ae the ;It by 15r w►a4 mow amber WM the 1rale, ales ea she grand ed the MwasSip's owe 1whlRty ea • teweebip dell e5 wades, ewer. The referee ...*s1m14 EgSsst•'...4.5- 455,, e. seM aside the ee5smd wdpra- m agedlyg •hem g sss0. 1. ably j.dgemat the ratite* la miry emplmals Miss ruled AM the diet day el • es se0- .neMlp Ste Wag Ito btgawaye ea lar savelim Dine Or AN OLD KAILAOAD MAR. - There died rees.tly ha Toronto one who was Geos a prominent flea* le 0aderf.5, in the person of P. H. Carter, w1e somewbet ..ere thee • bore of years ago WY G.T.R. .1.tiee agent here. The deoeaed had been 1a reli- ned lit. far • pend e( forty-three years, end wee repel* so be the olden employee nl the Greed Trunk Rodway. The Carter family has hese one of eeeddenhb deem, - doe. The father et the old railroader was chief magistrate e1 St J.hee, New**ad• land, and N. brother le Sir Frd.riek B. Carter, Chid Jns14m of Newt*.dl•.d. P. H. (Abler wee bore le Newfeeadlad in 1814. He started le life u a bookkeeper is Hrumtlord, and his e,sosonoe with the G. T.R. beg* la 1866, beim) Ile rolls were ked wee .1 Torest. He wee ageet at Georgetewa fees 1856 to 1869, ye* at Lend* nein, then ages. .t Pen Hars, 1863 64. At t►b time the at.l15sueles of the R5d l0 004 Lake Hares Railway with the 0.1'. R took plow, and Mr. Carter pw• formed the deem of joint moat 04 Strat- ford. Hwa be Sed as operator the .1eard el d.etrieuty, Thetas A. Mhos. Agal■ he was t. Leedom se asset. sod Mee he Ode• tieh se the same 0•Meity wail 1876, .hes be was moved to Tomato. He made 0 hest of Meade dorms his beg mad soilyo life ems, and wee very 9opelar all over the 0. 1.1t. system. He left • indoor, • feeble old lady of moiety years, and f.* mea.. 8. C. Carter. ehiel rate sad perseetare Meek .f the R. & (; 8 Railway : Dr. P. L. Darter, of %Sub ; Joseph, o O.T.R. ••sle.er. sad JINN, se artist The Moseyed was • very eeargoee ma*, sed. ap M the ems ef hr bong Mho slim the stroke of e•r.ly.k w4Mh remitted le kis dest5,.51 • remerk.5le kers- -mall sed Seager, .145 • Sag, Bow leg white beard, sad, to mina et kis eighty- 's* ram of very 5pn*5• bwrle5. "Chew " 8 r le•kler4ar-. ia /n with the Sea- ls* leoroote (leas MI Petit, wa4 flet N • Ws Iran atom a tM. __ . .fa•' cow Vi infirm Mrs. B. Fly.h, .5., left hero last Summer for the Old Country to reside, has roturnod to town and will make her home here in lute*. She prefers Ilving in Ontario to the Old Land. Etat*: T. A. Hrown, muco te.ohr for the sty schools, `Stretford, formerly prtn• cipal of the pabtio school bete, has reigned his palatin• e, hewing having obtained mutual* is the Ottawa Normal school. ('lista : A quiet but happy event took pleas at the home of Re.. H. Newoomle. oe Wd*esd•y morning. aha hu ee000d daughter. Mess Annie Gertrude, was metaled to lobo S. Evans, V . S , of Tiverton. Clinton On 1'hurdso •y last • young u of Mrs. Porter, who was eojoyug the Manic ee liedrlo5, ezperleneed • sunstroke, and had to be brought bum* early in the day. He has nomreooyered from ate offset.. W iovh•m : Masten James, William and Samuel Yoahill, 0f Wl...10. % who hero been wlounute with their grsedpar.ate ie r* • Jp1r ■ 1er W pas ata mes4bs.-tsar for Meerf'Tbee,p tf.AFMMt►ptt4S :aksilty ineteleg. Sesforth : .lobe E Wright, son of Rioh- ✓ d Wright, formerly of this town, .ed now of Heneall, has *.curd the very important position of eminent .uperiote.dant of the I eroit, Ypollen and A* Arbor eleerio radices. I.odrioh township : A. Ifo(eirbey,Gode• ✓ ich township, lett for the Souris di.triot, Manitoba Theed•y. He bate slaters and • brother up then, and if the prairies Dome at all op to his expeotatbs he tzar deeds to roma*. Knitter : t'oodootnr W•mal.y, of London, who ba. been • faithful servant of the G.T. R. on this breech mmol 15. reed wee tint built, has resigned his position owing to 111- hmlt5, having suffered oonsiderably of late from rheam•tloe. Kipped ..Iasepb Gibson, while oslebrstmg the 12th at Howell, had the misfortune to hays his bioyole stolen. Mr. Oib.00 had Just taught it new this year, and it was an u p.to-dote one. He has not as yet get any tidings of 15, and thinks it rather an ex. po*Ivo day's outtag. Cnneon: Roben MoCoel, brother of 014 - vans James and John, who has bees poet - master and merobant at Herrington for five or ex yearly hall sold out tits business and is now •laming trend. •1 Varna_ There is • probability of Mr. Mo0ooi embarking to business in ibis ndhig. Fred. Keel. rotund to Toronto rester day. G. H. tire*, of 0•rborry, Man , i. In town. J. A. Reid has sold his livery business to J. A. Wilms. Mr. and Mrs. R are visiting in tows. lrreek Sbantr, of la town last week. Hugh Roes hes bought the Godenoh steam laundry from W. W. Hannon. Mrs Will (:arty, of hussies, was in tows too • ooiile ot dsye visiting friends. Mime Macdonald, of Alpena. Mich., 1. tbe guest of her emote, Robs Campbell, at the Ilrhtboass. A. Rayly, of Leedom, Revile, visited fri.ods A book Is Ming mooed oontainlog • 5i• ogrmphy of the late oondaoter Snider, with some of his pulpit and platform add,rs.es. The Iay51 7'emperanoe Legion will mut meet again until the Brat Monday In Sept., on **oast of the abs** from town of the superintendent. A load of young people drove to R.y8eld lest l'huredey sed epees the day there. They esw t5. Hayfield team Mat Clinton la a bes.b•11 m•toh. Mr. Robert rrow, $ooun4at In them'.. toms department et Ottawa. was y snug at Mr. Robert Mosrovee this wink. Mr. Ward Farrow, mail olark, was also ♦1.114.. to the vill•me. Worthy Master George Porter and Junior Warden W. D. Tye repremetd Maitland Lodes,Ne. 33, A.F. and A.M., at the most leg et the Memento Grand Lodge at Toronto last week. Mies Mildred Campbell gave • baoyols and "fed" party last Friday ..min*. A moors of the young people had • ria out the Biv• field road, and afterwards spent • delightful time at the home of their hostess. The young boy. *toed Porter. who name up witn t5. (Bata* ezounlu two week. ago end Mill. here had •n attack of iron smoke. has since recovered. Chas. Chisholm See *soared a mew merles for his raspberries 1m M*treat, to whioh pleas he is malting shipments regularly. He ie quite plead with the return. from the fruit be has eat Oben, whioh Mas sold at 7 and 715 o1. • box. SUMMER SPORTS Last Friday's game of bwball h.. tween the (iederl05 and Palmerston teams was not of the rd -hoe variety. P•Im,ntom west to bat first and made four rine to the first innings, but the Oderioh team soon oovrd that figure and imorewd their lead ..til at the end of the treater.' sag5th Tanney. when the field was *Ives over to the football players, the mere was 20 to 11. 1 1 1 4-6 6 -7 8 (od.riob - 5 3 0 3 0 9 0:-20 Palmeretoo- 4 0 1 1 0 0 3 2-11 Streak oat by Pnon(ngtes, 8 " " Earl., 4 i' " „ Wilson, . 3 R•..e on bale, by Pennington, 19; by Earle, 8. Umpires, H. Tilt, of (*oderloh, and .toe. Msokts, of Palmerston. The W.0 T.11 will hold their nest reviler meeting on Toeedsy, August 2d. Th.o *retention* will report work done during the year, seal the presides* will rive her report es the prohibition 000.sstion held is Toros* recently. All the *tenter" are earnestly requested to be present. 0. W. Thomson is in receipt of • eong, " 1'11 Think of Thee," the music of whioh is the eempee*Mo. of N. 0. Rowbeer, D. 9., d Wymilfsete. bleb. Mr. Hewbew will be remembered me the $..lalen* postmaster here este veers 5g.. He left Oed rloh to .4.d7 demiery. T►w.esr is dithered to the Mlehiga moral memos. and ..hetes , J. W. Rroderlok's minas cot sale Is the net for beret* This weak we will offer 60 pairs .f ladles' gee batten and Orford .hoes, dem 24 and 3, at hall prloe, and 50 pers et tea'. Bag Oboes, sixes 6 and 64, a1 half [lues. Bring slag y*r small fest G. Friday and R•tordsy we will offer ane mare job let at 60 rats. per pair. W O mea* Masi - sees, sed ism* to clear net the nook, week, together with the ready mad. Meth - tag .111 be *Bard .t greatly redeeed pale... Oleo libel tamp sale a eal1 ; se trouble to show gods. ,1. W. Rtmn3atex. The Gderloh baseball te.m goes to Wlo,h•m today for • game with the Win/ - bean elven. .lank Snell, the man who .tole six bases • i the Agricultural Park last Friday whin the baseball match was in peo*res, Is still at large. A Prireless Msmver7. " 5(nA c AND HwA II" 1. se mfalilble, odsl.w .n ( nue pnisonnos remedy ter th euro of Caner, 0•ningleu. Moen, Rom Throat and • variety of skin 44...1.. it tars. *seer In say pert of the body where this liquid can Noah 1t. Rend for sironuu gl.. tee Iusr.otle.e bow to apply the Uquld. Sold at 60o per plot and 30e per ball plat bottle. MnLKOU'S LABORATORY. (idet'Mh. 1 Na PLUMP. tsars. - A niesila7 for the w- ..euaten5 of the tows ler the .p (eg 'Me a the 0leMadt..111 M IneM le the T@mperoses Rall as Mned•y weenie/ at R •'owek. All neteremed ie the mime of pro. 111Mw. are .egwetei te ween. A Pia TAt.e A resident of 9t. 1).vid'e ward owe d• lately drove hie neighbor's sow to posed. This was enough to maks tamable, but the thoughtless pig made tet - ten were' by dying shortly after being placed Is limbo. le the ahem* of w ante• marten otatoteat by the sow to *pit* her death at thle partloulsr inn0tare, the owsw to leolised to plea* tbs blame upon 5le adghbor. He valued the animal highly sad wasted kb neighbor to pay the pries of ts. The would bo.e hses an eery and speedy way of settling the m•ttr, but rho ether man thought H wield he dee* meet as quietly by **owner's wadi* the tem him mlf. Reef pease sae he hrneght to mere seals ever the neightarheod is es.* yet d.- ermtsd, but the kerma may rot • fear snag ell peso pe en before the tole is g. - Shed.