HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-7-21, Page 8TIIMISOAr. My 21, Ie18. THE SIGNAL : GOt ERICII ONTARIO. Learing Sale STILL GOING ON I LIVELY SPECIALS FOR This WEEK: FINE IMPORTED GINGHAMS, regular 15 and 20c., going at IOv FANCY MUBLINS, regu)ar 15c., going at lou SP1ICIAL LINES FANCY DRESS GOODS, double width, re : regular '.c, going at 15c. Just the thing for Children's Dresses CLEARING PARA8O18 AT L1488 THAN COST. H08IBRY-Special Henna -tort Dye -2 pairs for 2&. LADIES' CAPES, a few kft, going at your own price. VEILING, LACES, RIBBONS, BELTS. Come and see what the Cheap Store can do for yo.i. SMITH BROS. & Hassall: A Heusi serrgspwiwt. tads sate el Jody 6, ode's: ono of tie, sroetest perfotmanoss os record was wit- sosnd hers today. Tommy H., owned by W. Doherty. of Clinics. paced • mile la 2:1.6 wlthat promoting of ay ked. Hia Feeler, J. L Doherty, predate be will be MN lastest guid.lese moor tar bis tesloisg en earth. Rederth : (M lb. t, •'(`it7�tR't'.rte. M Manila reticently, boys: (Ir..I Jones. (•hiti.aden, who has vessel for souse snare, son of W. N. Watson, Amriaea trop* on use fl Ausesissar 'from Sa were two Seafortb nephew of A. K. been purser of Ibo ad Harry Weteoo, who w.w with the way to ti+atla. THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST 'THE BEST THE BEST Teti BENT THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THY 'NEST THE BEST THE BEST TBE T THE ITEBT TIE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BENT THE BENT THE BEST BEST BE8T BEST BENT BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST THE THE m THEE THE THHEE THE BEST THE BEST THE BE8T - THE BEST THE BEST TRE BEST IMRE TIEN ob., THE BEST _ . Ti111 BEST 18 THE OOZAPEBT THE BEST 18 THE CHEAPEST THE RENT 18 THE OHZAPEST THE BEST 18 THE OH;APEHT THE BEET 18 THE CHEAPEST THE BEST IS THE OHZAPEST IS THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL 18 THE (BEST 1S THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL 18 THE BEST 18 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIONkL I8 THE BEST I4 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL IS THE BEST 18 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL• 18 THE HEST IS THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL 18 THE BE8T THE BEST THE BEST TBEBak THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BENT THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE bE8T THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE HEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST • THE BEST THE BEN? THE BEST THE HEST THE THE TBR. IN ADVANCE -1 THE TIRE ONLY s 11 1311133 111 13 $ 13 1111 13 $ 11 11111 13 $ 1 111211 Si $ 11 1111 *11 11 1111 .1111 $33 . 1111 $ir 1111 1111 1 - 1111 it $ 1111 $ $ 1111 11 $ - 1111 1313131 1111 1 ` 111111111111 A YD1�R • KENT WANT^ THE BPST -DRY. ELM_ AND THE BEST 1 AND T11.E 81(1�1A1. 18 THE BEST AND THR SIGNAL 18 THE BENT AND THE SIGNAL 1S THE HEST AND THE SIGNAL Iii THE BEST AND THE SIGNAL 15 THE HENT AND THE SIGNAL 18 THF. BE8T nnnnrrnnnnmmmmmr FIuron's Greatest Store People who are Lt re to do business for a short tine sometimes take the.cruwd. These heroes of a small occasion stay for it month or two, and then pull out with a laugh in their sleeve at the easy way they succeeded in persuading scute of the people that they sold reliable goods as cheap as regular houses. Trade conditions in Uoilerich just now are Ouch that there is no real value in Dry (foods ; and if you'd rather do business with a reliable fires, there is not one of thew that is not prepared to meet your views as to values. If we are undersold_ in a single item we want to know it.. If it's strife, we have all the munitions of war --the genius the capital, the ability and the nerve. To -morrow axa4 BE-tt-La.2-(5aazr- All wool Black and CoI'd Berges, regular _'5c quality far 15c. yd i yards double fold Cashmere for '75e. New all -wool Box Cloth, regular 31.00, for ,•65e. Another lot of Black and Colored Satin and Oros_GASS"- Stlk Ribbon, worth frau, 25c. to 35c, choice for.... 16c. yd Indigo Print, belt quality, 10 yards for 75c. 10 yards Apronliinghsin for 35c. Ill yards Shaker Flannel for 35. 10 yards Apron :Malin for ,_ 351_ Braids, Dre. Trimmings, embroideries, Laces, all to bet clearei at about 50c. on the 3. For Saturday Night 10 dozen pair Kid Gloves to bo cold at 600. Apr -t0-p sees V4eitif�►ale be mita 10 dbz. Ladies' and Children's Tan aii&.BIact Hosiery to be sold at Ibc.pr 10 pieces new Chiffons, all colors, to be sold at... Inc. yd 10 doz. Children's Hosiery, to be sold at bc. pr The above are half price quotations, and the goods should be cleared ontat these figures by on o'clock Saturdity night. e R.B. SMITFf. C W. ANDREWS, Manager. us HEST nain�ton Fanitare Co, Mlls1 he Cleared 011e ! HEST The ge BEST (Limited BASWOOD In large or 1111 I q mamma Th .y ars also 1 the market fur Green .Elm and Black Ash, READY MADE CLOTHING --MY OWN IatkItE All first elms (road•, and well nude op. war he sold at remarkably tow prices to clear It out nun. 1 Irsy • Jl. Kiuherdess, see of D. KWh - erdsou, Lok. •U ooller boss while playing wttb ha osapesio.e et sukool one d.y 1.1e- ly end hes bees eo.1sed a his bed ever 11505 Uebeen.: W. Heokesy, .f U.borus, seer lratgsbar, has pawed his heal.asmtnsr.es before the College .f Physicians and Sur- e e.aa of Delano, and 11 now • lull fledged dootor. Morrie : George tirewer, who went 10 the Oki C.ontry a year ago, ho. t.iuroed. H. ,conn11 home o. the ' Sootauls " H. bad a .Alloy this yieit to the old laud and was nook improved 1. his health. Brewb' : Mrs. S. Hinds" a.d Mks Mary Hiodes, of Whits Diver and Subri.lor respectively, • are reu.wl.g old fri.ed.Mps to end arsuud Brussels. They like North. . ra Ori•rto, wbes• the lousily i. dotog well. (11.y to the ahr.so. of Der. Mr. Yel• Ind. she new Methodist minister, owing to his meeting with a •ooadeet by • Sick from a bi re., hu sopoiotm.ots were take. so ospt.b;y by loom preachers McKay sed Magentas. (iorri.: George W. Perkins, timelier, son of Henry Perkin*, postmaster ut Gorru, dial of twig trouble at hls father's residence 00 .duly 5:4 hi ilia 30th year. Decennia was a citieso of Toronto for tbo past hint u years. Seafurh: I)r. Frank Scott, septum of Ur. Scott, of this town, who ►as just com- pleted hie term as house surreon to Toro.t{ ge.eral hospital, hag gone to l:ampbeflford, shero he takes charge of an old and e,t.e• glee medical nreatlo.. Brussel.: (to Monday evening of Inst seek Gr D. LMvid.oe, of Brame(., sad 11)4 L 14ie 6. Csuara5bam, of Sia.stavilla, ai.loe of Mr,. .1. G. Skew, were united in larriege •t the rseideam of the bride's mother by Rev. G C. Pidgeon, 1t A • Tuok.r.mith : ()o Wednesday of last seek a young ns. of Totktnmith, W. Irornry, won engaged around the barn with a waren and rack ; he and a oommslw were loading the wagon when the beams .tarred 'lake rack struck the young ems la the heck /to serterely that he lived only U boa s. Grey • Os Wednesday ovation, him 2918, the home of Mrs. Matthew Gibson. neer Jamestown, was • moos of ,r. 1 salt. its owing to the a.smblmg of 100 gusei. 1 witnaai the tying of the matrimonial low between Anarew Pollock, of lot 10, cos. 1, Grey, a welt knows ys.aeg geotlemao, set/ Mie. demi Matilda• seasM daughter of tie mums Closing Cash Sale - OF'- BoOts and Shoes Owing to continued illness, and as I am advised by the physicians to seek a more suitable climate, I have de- termined to close out my Boot and Shoe trade in Gods. rich, and for the next Six Weeks all Footwear will be sold h The stock is new and first class, all having been pur- e ased during the past nine months. This is a Genuine Clearing Sale. as I am Closing out my AT COST. business in Goderich tor the reasons stated. M. E. McNAUGHTON, . J,.-MoNAUGHTON, Manager. a -winning At Wroxeter, Ju ly 1st, F. Dunbar, of' Stratford,, won eas- ily the two profes- sional races. He was mounted on a "Mc- Cready" Pitik Flyer, which was loaned him the day before. To win races and en• joy cycling, ride the " McCready." They run easy. A floc a.00rtu.ent of New Oo de for :timing Irllq The Hendersoo Bicycle Co , and hummer wear. - i Unified) CALL AND deli sir. H. DUNLOP' i Hutu Wert et Tailor. neat Bank Montero! t30DER1oH- I J.RATnteveCI MONTREAL. ANOTHER NEW D=1 1441 to our Largo Line of STOVES We liana elided tea iw(le� wide known Happy -Thought Radian.; RadianHome W. hare Dole control in l:oderioh of these sad all the other Tines of Book's ,Stoves. W. handle .l., the goods .1 the following Woo arms : Gurney Foundry Co. Gurney -Tilden Co. Burrow, Stewart & M1lne Clare Bros. Omnia y.,u the choice of goods from five if the largest 'ad most popular makers in (Aped 1. Let us Piyaro ea your Plumbing. Basting. Troughing and Painting. CIIASI J. RAIIFEII, ASO PRACTICAL PLUMBER HOT WATER FITTER Maths, Clo.eto Baains, Boilers, Sinks, Hydrants, Sewer Connection., Pipe and Drain -Work, PROPERLY DONE AT PRICES THAT KNOCK COMPITITION ENDWAYS. toe set my prtow CHAS. J. HARPER. WE Sewer anT Culvert Pipes Alfons. beim .la ter i Wee/Ter FOR PRIMO. LEE £ S H E P HR D I THE ON1ARIO SLIVER PIPECI dol AM.Afo.lt Ste el,. Wever nes earners '1 91iiOldTC 'FACTS SPEAK- LOUDER, THAN WORDS ! followseoa cn;a eooWa cna 000eiouegreat success of Reid's Great Compulsory Clearing Sale. • - THIS WEEK our talk is on the 111.1fIliff 111111:11.111111)111111111111 All well -made, and in all sizes, colors and prices. Here are a few prices : 7 Men's Serge Suits, to go at $2.50, formerly $4 50; 25 Men's Tweed Suits, togrange o at4 n's Tweed Suits (light and dark), to go at $5, formerly from $7 to $9 ; a great ran eo fformerly $7l and $8 the SuiTweed30 .t►e, from $6.50 to $8.75 ; a fine lot of Boys' and Youths' Clothing,ranging � Men's All -Wool Scotch en's odd Pants, from 80c. to $2.50 ---big value ; Boys' odd Pants from 2bcfrom $1.�3 o $5 the suit ; we have a lot of �r striped Linen Coats and Vests are going like hot cakes, and it is needless to saytust he thing for School and better wear.m While you must realize that these are all great bargains, you must realize also that prices are away down, See them. ey cannot last long. you cannot afford to miss them, for The Dry Goods Department is still bristling with Big Bargains, and the snaps for h pods do. p shrewd buyers will last as long as the Remember, each and every article will be sold as advertised. If not satisfied, your e eevery evening, except Saturday, at 8 o'clock y money back if Don't morning. this Store closes Yf to you want it. mo g ck , but we are always ready for business ear1� Est.t aseYYiciiiiae..zar.. ?,e '-e.. as:...r: qtr A. JANcES .. '.alwa•.S t: b. .._ .,. ..... .. .. ,'5,..: { .._ .r.. r.. :. OOU&T ROM IiQUAR .