HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-7-21, Page 7• • 6'J6:1 CRASHA1 ems W. A. I&AMCHYUNT. "1'd rather you'd not 'speak," begun boa, when the old man cut her short: "Do bear me to the end, girl. I've all bot done, and you know how 11 tires pa to talk. You'll ftud everything fu teat black Ips addressed to you to rave 'noble. Dou't waste your 1jttle money an.oy fuuerai finals for u%1. 1 ahoald pt do it tau yoar-uad 1 don't want 'em. G.1 awes a quickly as you oan, but poet the letter two drys before you out, ouly two days, le a Dot to give any one a chance of replying. It's just to say I've told you to go straight Mow people in Eugland, and as they don't love me overmuch they may want to pot off m7 child. Dun't give 'em the cbauoe, but you go. and when you're Mere I'll trust you to do the rest That's the best 1 clan do fru you. Lola you've bad ■ rough time between an e(d nomogram like me and a young villain like Pierre, and you've been a stanch, brave girl. Now let me lie down to bleep." Lola keened him again, and this time, sofkued by his atm wards, be kissed her band iu return. "You're a good girl white you like, Lola," be said. 'I believe you'd do anything on earth for the man you loved -rad alylbiue to the man you didn't," be added dryly. The girl watched him till be dropped asleep And then she at tbinklug over all he had said. Abe was really sad at the thought of his death. fax be wa the o>el, wing the bad emit loved in beg lite. But be was right when be solid b. was dying. In lea than a fortnight be lea in his grave, and she had darted for the new life in England, and de- spite ber regret for the old man's death the lea filled with an intense girder's that the old diegrednfal thraldom was over, as well as glib eery !•S1aip' tion of what the future Mild fur ber. CHAPTER I. MAD TOM Teat LOVE Or U1. "It's no nee. I've 'come back, you see. 1 gemmed you'd be alone now." Ami Sir Jaffrey Waloons laughed aa he the.w1 dow-d the o tel o text end'int Aeon on a low basket chair, which creaked ander the weight of his 411. powerful frame. Lola Crawsbay, who was sitting alcue at the end o1 the veranda, looked op from her book and first greeted him with a glance and a smile, which made his pulses beat faster, and then Omitted and said in a tole which implied re- buke: 'You said you would go with the °then , , "I know, and I meant it right enough. I always do when-wheu yeti making her plans. She meant to marry. Bbe bad beard nothing of the man who bed torted her to many him, and .he believed him dead. if be was still Uv - fug, 1t wit 8101088 impossible for bim to find ber, abe thought. Anyway she would take the risk. The homage which the meu all round the neighborhood were eager to pay her the bur .1 to her chi•, Ia and made ber wherever rhe weut aunt couvweed ber bootie sire aud ta11 w lovelae•at ooufu that she oould marry almost whom abe tion was due to the feelings which be pleased, and, es she hied long convinced had roused iu ber. herself that she had tau love to give led After a luug prose be moved slowly no reason to fear any yielding to 8 weakness of the kind, she carried 8 very 000l head indeed behiud ber very glow- ing and fire raising beauty. ed her bead and flashed a rapid glance Her fuel deoiuon se to the man she right into bis eyes aud theu as quick• would marry Dame as much by aocideut ly turned away, the but blood surging a design on ber part over hur face in a deep blush. Among ber distant oo01eotions was a bright, shrewd, goesipiug little woman, Mrs. De Witt, wbu.e married life was in Lola'. views • curiosity. The bus - band and wife bad missies 11 Comrutn, except that they were both lnteusely fond of the condone which money can give. They went nowhere together. If they met in public, it was generally •o- na6ent11, and 11 they staid at the same place it wits owing to quite indepeud- eat causes. llaacb bed a separate circle of friends, male and female, for uncon- ventional purposes, though both moved in the same social sat for coaventiouel wits burned lite drecl grams in the tierce, but firma of his paseioo. Thus he looked at her with the hot eyes of desperate louglug as she sat with ber face resting against ber band and hi -r eyes brut down, aud it was like ,1 tweet -delirium to believe, as he dui, that the emotion which had brought tearer to her and nerved himself to As he eat down clua8 to her she turn - "I want to end this suspense," he said iu a tone little louder thou a whis- per. "I can't bear 11 any louger. it's not fair to either of us I came back on purpose." There was • pause of embar- rassment between each sentence. Lola made no reply, but she was thinking fast what war the beat course for her to take. Sir Jaffray gathered himself for an effort and a resolute look came into his faoe, knitting his brows and Pantie hie lips fpr a moment before he spoke again. Then, forcing himself to be calm, he weut right to the point "1 love you, Lula and I want you for my wife." There win no mistaking the ring- of intense sincerity or of concentrated feel tug, i1 the calm, strong tone. and the girl felt, a flush of triumph ams 8he reoug- tneed it It promised ber a certain vic- tory. But the knew that it Was not to ir•was yet, and slot -played het pail with consummate ekitl. • - .Lt Brat *he turned toward bim with • look of infinite sweetnes. ou her face and with the light of love beaming in ber eyes, but she checked herself as suddenly. drew back and theu rose. "That is an insult, Sir Jaffrey, 1d a wrong which you at least mighthath spared one," the cried. The words struck him like a step in the faoe. "An insult? A wrong? To ask you to be my wife?" His tome was still calm mouth, b1# it rang with the note of angered pride. Tw ice she turned to him impetuously, Ss if to speak, looking her fingers tight - !y together as if Aghtiug with her feel - bags apd alak .*0 Atter the 11. which rose to ber lips. Then shifs clutched the rail of the veranda tightly with both hands, and, leaning back, se though at bay, she appeared to compel Imese1f to break the Mimic., which once Imeiteu wa followed by ',flood of words poured out with rapid, vehement rushes. She was like one wrung by the deepest pseaion. purpanes. The "little woman," as most of her friends called ber, beard of L.ola's beau- ty and went down to Moseoombe, the village new Wahines where Mrs Vill- yers lived, to see for herself what the girl was like and to judge whether abs could do herself any credit and serve ber ono purpose by taking her up and brloging her out In London. She was more than satisfied by her lerotiIy, and u Lola was careful to .how s some- what different side of ber character to her from that known to Mrs. Villyere -though not at all more natural -Mrs. De Witt carried ber off there apd J to London, protesting that such a girl must not be shut up in • country box, Qatet res ber fortune and ber bur band Lon on. At that juncture, however, Lola proved ber clever shrewdness After 'keying with Mea De Witt for a few days she relinquished what wit in fact inexpressibly del lgb tfu l to ber, the pleas - urea of the Loudon season, in order to return to Mosroombs and Mrs. Villers. 'By that one eel she immured famovea'ttle' affections of the widow, who would after that go anywhere to plea.. her, while .be did not leave London until Mrs. De Witt had seen bow much use the girl could be in making the boom attractive to men. She paid several visits to the lively little women's house, and it was in one of these that she met Sir Jeffrey Wal - cote for the first time. He bad been abroad o1 • tour halt round the world bunting and .booting at the time of Lee la's arrival in England, and she had thou only bard of him by repute. Sha knew, moreover, that he was to marry his cousin, • distant relation of her own, Beryl Leyoester, whose people lived leer Walcots. • Mn. De Witt bad spoken mach about bim, describing him always as oma of her chief intimates rad suggesting more >n ber manner than in ber words that tbere was an understanding between them of the diose and most oonfiden- N46e barelet's ger fell on Lola, however, he seemed to yield to the influence which abe exer- cised over men, and be never had either strength or Inclination to attempt to resist it Perceiving this and knowing intui- tively that any encouragement on her part would tend to estrange Mrs. Ila Witt from ber led being quite unwill- ing to have .o agreeable a hates eland against tier, Lola bold herself in the glsanges soave against him mad when pack me off. I got nearly as far a the town, and upon my word I meant to go right on and find the little woman and my cousin and atop with 'bent, just as 1 said, bot -well, I thought d this cosy veranda, and that -that you" -he glanced at her, checked himself end ,'hanged the finish of the aentenoe, adding -"that o1 ouch an evening Doe , gets such flee Hews of the sounsrye you bow, and all that, amd g0 helm I am. --4a/'ei1." And baud. .me fano to ber. "Yaw had no right to come heck," ✓ id Lola gravely and almost coldly, and ape closed ber book and gathered up the fancy work which abe had been dein{;. Then she rote from her chair and stood jest where the son shone S pot. her, bathing ber in golden light and making ber magnificent beauty seem almost supernatural in its dangling re- dfauce. trier companion gazed almost like one bewitched by the gierioos picture she made. "Will you let me pear, Sir Jaffray?' She asked, perpcaely avoiding big eyes. He jumped to his feet and reddened. yon mean yogi are going in? Have I offended you? Ikm't go." The lad was a whispered appeal, and he looked down at her and seemed to search for her cyte with his. After . long palm abe lifted ber face and turned upon him a gaffe which thrilled him till be almost trembled with the passion which raged in bim. Theo abe made se it to speak, but said nothing, and her eyes fell again, a though beaten down by the ardent look be beat on ber, and instead of speaking she sighed deeply sad tesmuloualy. She moved on es 'if to p'ss him e:it^- est speaking, bet he barred bet pr.:.', Ind as thou!) onwittindy the bre:lee' against bim, then .topped, drew 1.. '!; and stnrted and mirk down again i::;o her chair, Miming her eon on the vs A TROUBL§60ME INSECT. Tho Russ Hal Dlatlsetively a Grape Feet, bot Will !dt Any 0n.e Thing. With the blooming of the grape, an awkward, long legged, light bootee Wee tie about oue-third of au inch in leugth frequently appears iu ennrluoas swarms, at first devouring the blossoms, then the laves, reducing them frequently to mere akelelous, and later attacking the young fruit By the end of July these an welcome •ignore disappear as sudden- ly as they Dome Though now distinctively a grape ped, it was And known as an enemy of the rose, whence its name, "rose bug," or rose chafer. 11 attacks also the Dios soma of all other fruit trees and of many ornamental trees and shrubs, and, in taut, in periods of grist •bundauoe inept at nothiug-garden vegetables, Krause'', cereals or any green thing. At such times plants appear a living mass of sprawling beetles clustering ou every leaf, bloeaoln or fruit From • bulletin by C. L. Marlatt of the department of agriculture it is • rands and her hog en her hand and s'1 - ling quite still, like the etntln of eni barrasled and sEfatfemat Jnvelineslt Sir Jaffrey legged • against the rail of the veranda mod made no effort to sae t' e k for awhile„ content to feast his ryes upon her Instronw twenty and to yield himself up to the fnll e•ijnyment of the emotion ahe bad roused. He was toed far the lme of her, and the knew it well enough mud me+nt to be his wife. But she knew also that there were tffllcnitles to be mormj nnnt-d first and that the moat act warily sud oantiously, if she Wes to souse. it wemem_ then .19 Soenthg nee that scene on the thoSinemetotfed she had already made excellent nee of her time in England. She had found Mrs. Villyer., the widow towhom her,father had soot her, ready at first to give her only • very cold sad Comet welcome, willing to do for • relattvi,wbat the demands nl duty, aympathetieally inter- preted, might require, but unwilling, on account d the ill odor of Lola'a La- ther with him family, to take ber Into the home on the footing of as intimate and loving friend. Bot Lola Had amply jellified 14.c shrewd old father's judgment, and the winning tact, the clever lsefnlnees, the seppl43 adaptability and the patient temper which the girl never failed to stow won the old lady's heart, until the was almomt loath to let her out of her sight. A. the old man bed predicted, m0ve- evr, Mrs. Villyere' intrndnetira 'open- ed the done of every desirable bowie tit the 000nty, mord L* la's beauty and ohm -sedans Ehl the test. She was the beautiful Mils -Crawehay, and nobody ever tried to remember that her fabler bad eljnyed mad deserved a repetition tee 05011 111 eomd*et la had made his ChM. pionori him off no ro ndltine that he alter set tail in his native L#a elm SM Tenn take mfeen'er, 8. other t t ...........01848 an excuse an ret hoed to Moss.cmbe. The batouet soon Iullovt•ed her, Mew ever, and, Rotor to 'falcate motor. mnrh to the tielif:tt of his mother. c: be quite intoned( reload the rc:.:C3 ct bit return. began to stalk Lo:: with ire much p r'c erring peiirroo as Lo had been wool to. show with some titer. game. At that ti re she wee- en very frteed= 17 terms tyit::^.-1 L.eyrester, and her snick Wmuau's wit bad Clown her bow strongly Beryl. who hid iter -f ie nR*he- hied a mask of re.orve. loved the man whom. by the common desire of both t11i'tr families, she wee to marry- Noe at the time bad Lola the levet intention gr desire to come between them. How that design was Lea formed e_ e nevergotteeleatlyknew. The berouet'a persistency was ere great cause, while her determination bad been greatly helped by an incident in which hie mother, who had never liked her, had plighted her and ln.ohWd the memory of ber father and stirred the fires of that temper whh:h she knew so well bot', to control. Bot wheu coos the purpnee wee formal nothing could stay it and she eat herself to weave eueh a web of witchery over the man as he could not hope to break. She knew that the climax was fast approeehing, when. hearing that Mrs. De Witt and Beryl Leycester were going to stay at Torquay and that 81r Jaffray we in be there at the same time, she persuaded Mrs Villyers to go there ba- stion them mid thus made it appear that the baronet had followed ber. To he continued. HEADED OFF. what is known u the separator plan. There are many kinds of mm04601'in' tended to determine the amount of bat- ter fat in milk, and these have beau in •me, but it tattle to he believed by patrons and state official' that there was little docuracy or equity by *neon of the mamma to which they were used, and that, fnrtherwore, the benefit of all doubta were leo lamely in favor of the pruprietor, iu whose hands and under whole directiene the teats were nude. This led to the peerage of a law requir tug that the machine for tenting milk, std by the use of which the price to be paid fur the same we to he Axed, should be rent by the proprietor of ouch orollawry lo the experiment statioo at Amer, there to be thoroughly examfued, led if found .ccurate'and correct in its workings the °Ricers of the experiment statiuu would Mate a certificate to that effect. No machine should be so used in sty creamery that had not been ex• stunted and approved by there tinkers. The new law also requires that cream- ery men secure from the office of the state deity commissions one 'Mandan! milk measure and one standard test but tie to be used in connection with the particular machine that, has been ap- proved by the officers at Ames. This milk measure hails graduated or tabulated rule along oue side much after the style of the judicator on a therm, nu eter. flues the operator has thoroughly stirred the wllk, so that • fair setup'. osu be secured, he draves into this milk measure • certain amount of the fluid. .ba silk ii then tufted into s telt hot' tie, together with a certain amount of snlphnrit} acid, and the bottle is thea plated in the machine that has beet Sli ixf-,.'Yy. •81.4=2 TOLEDO CATHEDRAL. ILI:mini:Lilythe statin at Amu,• where dyts•kept after; ogt pttn Wirth Of time at a given tipeed.on'L. part of the lea ohiue. All the work of testing is done 1 by rule. There is no gueaew'rk. Asa SW. and lmproselveness the Imbedresult, there :e equity not only as be eathwiral churches of France. twerp the proprietor of the °reAmery About the high altar are grouped, a0• and the patron, but beCwe8D the 1atr.)8 eotding toe high a, she ataantorer e , o- themeelvea es the price that 0•119 er0afu• of the old kings and the new kings, and cry can pus for milk depends upon the the heads of pulsvue houses of which we quality of all the milk purchased.have never heard, and 'nighty warriors Thew, milk measures and test bottles whose deeds have escaped the recognition Ire sold by the state at 25 and 50 Dents, of hlstury. Here they sleep In the n we courts reepecivel be their actual vest of pesos whteh-mos.rang er The 7. i% of their trailing sword,. Here they carne whole aim Of the state is to e pertl with Mel; groat tanners; hero Our Indy such i carne of ps wilh g on the part bleed 1Mm with the blessing of her of creamery men a will give W the pe amfle: and hen they brought back upon Iron that which is his due. The office of thea shields thoso who fell doing her tier renecreiziry oommtrwktner 4s stasis, , , . . ahem forever near her shrine, ing.$1sOlthehtef•' tefine •h r these. ped,pillail tl)o sweet, of her pitying ryes. measures and bottles. , Every measure The cathedral 11 it tmre fi6'Ptilballs'towtT and bottle is numbered and the number the We.tullneter of Sptln. Hero all her is entered in the books of the dairy nom glories are recorded, and her each gen • eratlon, as H has passed from the stage, tnlmsioneu'so that he can tell instantlyato,.e,i Ile noblest dead COMPLETED IN THE YEAR OF THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA Hate" r1. First Carhedr.l we e1. aft Dotes Doak. to the arab C.ulur). moat 1t Was • Plato of Fraysr /attunes Hofore. Stephen Hensel, late of the American Legation in Spain, contribute to the century an arttole on "Toledo. the Im- perial l'ly of Spain," with Illuetrattons by Joseph Pennell. Mr. Bonsai says- To the right, beyond and beneath us ✓ iser the great basilica, the l Median . brio. built upon the touu,.auuus of many 8 strange temple, and upon corner * tours that were couw'vra tad to hi11 forgotten .reds. It rows tut of the I.,,t' lying swamp Land, and 'tears Its lofty spire far above the citadel that crown. the rock-bound height. But It is incou1 p1e1e, and far front perfect. Atte, all the WnWItlel that have p1 -wet over 1t. an,. all the generations of earn who have lit their little day !.bused 4pon It, we must accept it as a true picture of hu t1:111 aspinsttoa and endemeeer. alway* .cruelty and .trugeling, and never ettalning. first cathedral chit r,'h of tit. glary erect. 1. hero of which a mord has ruched u - Was oonscrat.d toward the coo -e of the sixteenth century; but even the candy,. and superflelal 8118)8tiolls which have boom made heueath the cathedral in recent years dl.cloie the fact that here there was a place of prayer long before the Christian era dawned...-__,- _.....- 1'hu present educe las eempleted 18 tits -ye x of the dlemveter ef-Amem'te -, first view of the bend 01101114* of she mighty pile is unfortunately tmp1tred and Interrupted by tthe,.urruu)o.l,og bnikiina* But If we patch together lalx)rleusly 1014. vro 'shhaallltl+r.laNes that. unlike any other Spanish" shrine, the Toledo cathedral equals, If -It doss not surpeaa, In majesty of construe Kidney Trouble FOR YEARS. Nothing did Mr. R. E. Pitt any good until he got Doan's Kidney Pills. Throughout the County of Leeds red the Town of Brockville there is no medi- cine spoken so highly of for all lentis. of Kidney Diseases as Dosn'. Niw..y Pills• As Canada's pioneer kidney pill, int rOduced by Mr. James Doan, of Kingsville, Onto in 'M , they stand to -day far superior to all the imitations and substitutes that have been offered the public in their stead. Mr. R. E. Pitt; the well-known con- tractor and budder, voices thew senti- ments when he says, " I have had kidney trouble for Years. I had tried numerous remedies without much relief, and had given up my back Ali gone for good, but since using Doan's Kidney Pills theresult has hcen marvellous! '1-1 e pain is e1) gone. I fee like a new man, and can highly testify to the virtues of Doan's Kidney Pills.'' Dean's Kidney Pills are sold by all dealers or sent by mail on rece.ppxt of price, So cents a box or 3 boxes for 818.25. The Doan Kidney Pill Co., Toronto. Out. rIJC1gD LLT, w1T1 atatLta. lfieed that the beetleiii- e.Wilibif therms from Cen8da soutbwaird 1o'Vit- ginia and Teunesaee and westward to Colorado, but is particularly de.truotive in the eastern and central portions of its range, notably in New Jersey, Dela- ware, and to • ler extent in New Eng I He also imams • certificate to every Eng- land and the central state.. As remedies the arsenicals are smite creamery man who pnr'haree these sup able ouly when the beetles are not very plies-Olnaha 134)'. 1sm0rom. (Kberwise their ranks are constantly rrla'mited by newcomers, and under these ctrcaln.tabaei all insecti- cide., however effective ordinarily, are unavailable When this im the case, the ih what creamery the .acne is in tree.. I remember with mixed feelings the two days 1 spent there, esoorted by the seven canons, each with his chain of clanging keys, who opened to mr the most secret treasures of the shrine. This favor I owe to the oonrteous conddern Hon of the cardinal. But I remember with still grater pleasure the days that fol lowed, when, isle front the courtesy of mr olcemne, In the disguise of cepa and straw sandal., I wander, undisturbed and ugenllahtened, through the wterert precincts. One evening, as I sat and 118 toned to the vesper song an open door In a stone pier which 1 bad never sen be fore caught my eye. I entered, and, 1 1 of done naves shard Keeping Quality. The keeping quality of butter should be considered in making op a scale of points for judging it. Few people desire only hope is in collecting the beetles ori to buy better every day, and if the hat. nee Leta... Ia Which the idttor's AIL in covering and protecting plants with i erday's purebase cannot keep good, vie. was Aosopl.d With Frost. netting or later in bagging grape. Ad- when properly cared for, until the next It le not often that persons with a liter- vantage may be taken of their great Saturday it is a serious fault. ary fever who are bent on writing can be fondness tor the bloom of spires, and And ore n believeevthat method his doesnohandling4. turned from their purpose, no matter how rows of these 8owertn; shrubs may be peed pn hopreler the outlook mIy be for them. A planted about the viney.,rrt to lure them Dram nr making the butter any more Boston satins, buwevlr, records •cats of and facilitate their collo tion. j thea upon the character of the food anti an ambitious aspirant for literary honors They may be gathered from these top water given or upon the healthy condi who was induced to see the error better his plants. or the grapes thetaselves in large ,, tion of the animal. We know that care way and engage 1n al gift.. le bK.ta adapted to his natural gifts. Ifs sent an .head beating opts, or by jarring into I less handling may spoil the batter from gMoetaeale poor awry to the editor mid said I latrge fennel shaped collectors on the abe hest mills in the. world, but we dr, In the letter accompanying It: plan of an inverter! umbrella. The latter ant Mom lingstirere Maley W*Y 40• eine "I desire to inmate In litaratoor If you apparatus should have a vessel contain- Acute gond batter from poor milk tainted think I have tallent enough to make it lag kerosene and water at the bottom to with the feeding of mussy fodder, dam pay. Int me know your candid opinion, led and kill the beetles aged grain, decaying vegetables or each titfor I ain't got no time to fool away, an 1t a have an unpleasant flavor. And im• so I can r ain't fortaI want to know 11 pure water is worse than toad food, and Seo I can Iitor In what V." we are not sure but impure sae tobreaths The editor wrote frankly to the not hisuld 1. worse than either. be anchor that e fly advised was i - po 1f that most important point in the "fort" and earnestly advised him to ''in- will i abort gage" in 'something else. erred mooring of batter, the Amery, is due to Three months later tttl1 reply came le r � bacteria, we will say that we once knew the editor: a neighbor to get the bacteria of • noioti I 11 know I'd Itoo you a led toe t into his batter by allowing a cartloed lee you know that I toot your I ha and !x 1 of onions to stand le tee baro Boor over- lK edleoor go w thunder. me I have aa- night about six feet nem toe cow's' gaged 1■ the money t blzThers mod ani Pn i i betide The milk d the cows was just gloryMaking k*1, 11et It There ain't M gory Is It, bat I reckon the ntnrn. taw a strongly flavored with the onion a giddier and bigger than they are in liter- was the air in the barn. That proved stow. so I am much obliged to you far two things at lasts -that the onions heeding me off the way you did, and K should not have been pot in thee, and r d lee ni ever 111 out this the beop that the barn was a rot well ventilated. sad ser me and treat you the bat 1 o He should have known these thing* be - know is pr fore, but be was young and more access• This M probably the whos instance y • to growltig vegetables than ke "beaded off" writer cheerfully or v� to the !Orfs d c tea,<, it d miring for sank oonera-Amezio.o Cul- tivibie. Wes*Iphlde or Carta For er.l.. Ursa. One dram of bisulphide of carbon evaporated to one cubic toot d space 1 kill everymelon louse o an boar. A dram may be roughly mean a nful, and it should be evap- orated in a shallow receptacle *poo the surface of the groomd, bat should not be poured upon t soil. The vapor of the bisulphide is heavy and finks. First of alt, then, t . im- portant that whatever cover input upon the bill should be forced a little into the soil to prevent the vaporfowing oat underneath totem ie fills tlse space. A lam shell makes an excellent evaporat- ing dish and has the advaalageof being abs. e o nes grstetully al well a wisely aocept.d the not roach matter; ties may be tgtiere, decldon of an r..s and profited by is.- oblong or dome shaped, though the last Damn Free Press. is preferable. Paper hay caps are very satisfactory, or the psperware tube that are sometimes seen It is pn.sible to make an equally effective cap nut of heavy paper or docko4oth. Melon vines exclaimed. 11e close to the surface of the ground, and it is dif8oalt, ewes with an under - spray norsle. to reach all "parte. The vapor of the biaolphide penetrates ev- ery where and reaches emery Plaut loose, no neater bow well protected. -J. B. Smith, New Jersey Agrionitorel Col- MECHANICS' IN81ITUTE. e GOIBAYNtl�eYr. LRRP APING �our. of :ret strost ted latest@ (n1.1a1Nt Open front I to a 1..1., sad tr,.'s T to la en. AMOUT -VtiL•It ..IN. LIBRA1T. Liedlag pail . WeeklyandInestr*ted eater* DEssifirstisulr Tlt'KBT GNLV 01.011e Granting tree use.1 Library and 15,'aims , Appllcad.*a for peluhrrshlp r, )' tired bp Librarian . lit .",' M. M. --<•iiwtlrirYtaYiii.�ara Ood.ncb. March 18 Im'& - rivet ?shamble rewss1as. "Them are burglars trying to pet Into the 'shirt!" she exclaimed. In an In.t.nt he had leaped Into his clothes and started down .tai re. "My diamonds"" "Shall I hide them?" "You might hide them if you want as,- he answerer', pausing at the dn, e. "Hut I don 8' think diamonds would ase much lndunement to them. 41y 1148.ry 1. that they've somehow found out about that toll of anthracite coal we bought yesterday."-Waehing(on Star. she When he found Lola was staying in the place, he did not attempt to conceal hie plcasare, and he wnold have been with her from morning till night 11 the would have allowed 1t; hot, knowing the diength of ber hold over him, the gent Min away enutinoally to be with the others, while the herself would .void him netentationoly. This treatment only fed the fever of his paasiou, however, and, ehtorbed in his love for her and desire to have her Inc his wife, he was perplexed by the thousand Inver's fear. and nnerteintiem Which the onquetry tit her manner to- ward him created. A hundred time, in 8)143 Bret few days Of thia visit ha had res11vPd to ask her te merry bim, and he sought to, melte as 0008.105. het always they seerh.d to be tsMreipS/ jail when he had began to frame the gesntion, and his wits were ton Amsted by his Inv. to see that little herself contrived many of the in- tereepticW. But on the day when he found hot alone on the veranda he had retorted determhted that he world wait so ten - ger. He wit hungering for the ktllewl- idge that the breadths. Wham she tom omit be mill think et seining sags. Aft mother's °Ova . M tis giarels s. Ids stye then 714 aarioo +ey agar ism11-�f l h.• Ir. t n,r. "Dear me! How little I know sheet plants and things," mid Mr. l'hym.tn. There's a wall neer where 1 live shat M novered with ivy. Beery spring 1 wateh It grow arson, the silent web of vine stalks disappearing gradually until Its ally It 1s (evered all over with a sheet of green leaves that tremble and were In the slightest breeze. " kvery. year 1 had noticed, when the vine began to get green, that there rains flrat not • very strongly marked Met yet rlrarly defined hand of calor extending from top M bottom along bite side of the end of this wall, anti until, the wall wee wholly covered this land retained Its prominence. And this year 1 discovered tho apse of the gee *for forwaadneas of this .trip of vine, It was doe to the earmt* s e1Nmn.y .that ran op through the wall at that point, extend Ing nn up above the roof " 'Why, 18'e the chimney (hat Inakev that *trip-er>aeere etre4v7.,'-4 said a Mrs. (:ttyman on the day 1 made the great dlsrtevery. - Why, rer'Mlnly,' she 4114. "She had known it always." -New York Oen. lege. • --- Wooly Wag ea A'sa.dar. Maly bug in not easily evercome when once established. Fur • badly in tested plant '11)4 floral New Yorker rec- ommends a hard syringing or hosing with alar water to dielotge as many of the insects as possible, and then soh off all the remainder with a we. sponge. A decoction of pyrethrum in .400hol (elite part, by weight of powder to three parts of aloobnit, allowed to .tanto for • week end then filtered, may be stead with an atomi'se'r with good re- sults It in hard to injure the maly bug, b'oane• it wears .a waterproof ; when it has been effectually ie robed. the insect turns brown and mud be rub- bed oft if it "till adheres to the plant. Dipping the plant in a whale nil asap gelatine. dilute fir tree oil or lemon ail nee other retneillet for obit crSilbte. taverl"blr the craw. Here fs aha testimony a Carroll D. Wright. United `(tales Commiselon*r of Lancer, whn can hardly be relied f.natle on the tempetnnee question "I have hmked Into a theneand home of the working people of lenrope: f don't know how many In this country. i have wed to find the hest and the wont. Ana walls, se I say. I am aware that the *M1lst exl.M, and a bad a under Aere env .ystem or 84 bed as In any age, never had to look beyond the Inmates to end the mous; and 1ti *1011 WNW. 51 tar ,s my not ebsseva8W0 goes, drunken - toss lea. et she battsgs of the misery. rad" Ant Me MM}lI eptNnm of tilt lige stl'fef ':gl,nd4100.4 +8arroending IbI IM/ gid their latrines Dalry Heti Creamery. -- Don't 1 1 the timothy or clover get ton ripe before you cot it fon the cowl. Cut bets*' the seed is filly formed, be 'Mane this fonnatlon of the framed take's away rapidly from the nutrition of the stalk. There is net much inn or enured' mend r a cow in chewing woody fiber Hay for cows mettle to be cat g'reeener and tenderer than that for homes. aernmer Flowers For Catling. • iris, in variety, .se ebrenwar-Rladtsli in variety. l.iliam anratnnr, L sp•rhn- ram album and 10hrotn. asters, .n•,ea pat, merigold8. dahlias, helieuthds (several) and allit-pods. The !Jet :nay bra prolonged y4t by the more, but the Ibove will furnish long stemmed good keeping fl"w.rs.-Amerian (;ard.ning. A ILTOR THESEA?�ISHAR1ADA. BATTERED AND BEATEN BY THE. LITTLE 'ENGLISH FLEE:. Th. nig Galles*, niddied With %hot sed Soot ' Hrtrtwg Tw+meds the *hosts-- Heggl..g !Adonis to.arrrndrr. "The Spanish Armada" is the .abject of an article In the Century, written by Vi'fltlam Frederic '111ton. with an intro- ru1. dos,,111fapi. v1 of the .defert_ot the "fin vinotble'AYa1Da:" _. In Spain the proems* and feature of the Armada had uaburally been the dile all•absorbing theme of boasting 08 000)eo- -ttlre; In palace and monastery, to street and shop. From every attar of the land fervent prayers for Its .neeer were rt.. Ing. The King hl,n.elf passed hours of every day epee his knees Beier ,tbu sacra- ment; Ind those In waiting on hint de- clared that he often rose in the night, sighing to heaven for vlceory. And now ams Ston lo.a'agOed news. Yet the King, feverish as was hie longing for ouee.00, was too old ■ player to pus .beeinte trust In his autbeinsador'• toa- tu.vd report; for the sanguine, magnllo- quent.Mendota had n reputation for "de- oelvtng himself." So l'hlllp, In an agony of conflicting doubt and hope. shut bins amending • spirt stairway self up in the Escorial, and would give aomsl which the cobwebs were drawn as no one audience until he sbuuld t.OSlve more certain tidings. While Mendoza's rtdlonlous rumors were clreujatlog through the courts of the Continent, the Armada was in reality dying, stippled and . miserable, into Ibe fogs and rites ditto dartos° (k:ean. For YbiLLp'1�avi.n18atoongnered. had been terriJtbly rliot itteted1uL17j 184 t0Dr. "- sant. deadly tiro of the Kngllgh gunners In the great tight off Or•velMee. tabes the Spanish admiral, the Duke of Nadine Sldonlu, counted over hie shim after the battle, several were missing, among them those of the two heroes of the day on the Spanish std., the dashing, trresl,tibl• soldier -sailors Toledo and Pimento'. wbe, having fought tlll,ln the words of a Spaniels ottioer present, their crack galleons were "knocked in pieces. and the crews nearly all dead or wounded," drifted in the Meet night, helpless, a rather unbelped, away from their consorts toward the Low Country coast. Yet the Armada had not oaten utterly routed, and Klteabe•th's captains knew, this fell well. In tho evening'. !net atter the fighting had ee,teed. Howard wrote home that he had "d!.tres.ud them much," and, thwlgn hedoubt.d not. "by God's geed a..totanrt', to npprems them," yet he would not "write onto her Maj.. - t7 '6111 more be done " And even jubilant Drake, *nee with the Insight et tote gte tmoat ; sa-capt•In, bed at one, amino. Its full extent the .ticcea8 aafeved letine1'One repeated to "wrestle * pull" vetch thet3pani.ru, iod leu keep• log a sawn' old upon them night and thick and 'trees as cords, tams out o the darkness at Isar into the light of a little chapel, all anther and alab8ater. I touched with reverence the heat of the votaress*. worn by the Image which stool over HUI deserted otter, -and on the mnmeol ft"-I''flm Octoher lease.. 1 never kn.atf„to w:^it taint the chapel wet dedicated. or why the cult tune leen withdrawn; and though 1 sought It often. 1 never found my way again 1Tth1' forgotten chapel. Wheu Due of It crow's teats seems to be ahri venue up and falling away seal er than the nett, massage it softly 1114(1 frequently with an ointment df half sweet oil and half aleohol. Use only the [test quality of alcohol. Continue treatment till impnuvetneut sets in. lflgoer tenet to luck in any part of the dairy humiliate, from feeding and clean- ing the oow to making 1111terand charm. One hundred pounds of iMIl that yields 4 per crit butter fat would make considerably more hatter than 900 pounds of 9 per tent milk would do. Why? lin-rune 200 pounds of milk will lose 111111 of the fat in separating and churning that the 4 per exalt would UNIFORM MILK TEST. Sews negatat8• et ab.dar'd Wepteed P»ws eop.ratuwm and Toot 8,.tt1.s. A new law for the reegnlatirm oat nrvamerlen and uniformity in milk ted Ing throughout the state is being put in operation by the state dairy nnmmiesion sr, sedated by the dairy department of the experiment iW.itm at the nnllege s Ams. Considerable trouble hos bene ex P1114io".4 to the post In arriving at the soars -Gantt value d *milk mit to a miliiiiertms as ears Dpi seal upon Con.lrt. s. Wood Th. anomalous %oscinele of a large gang of penitentiary convicts working In the open air iw presented everyday near Yuma, A. T. They are camped on the Colorado river. a short dietetics, 'shove Yuma, and they are engagepl 1n cutting wood for the territorial government None of thein escape, and none try to escape. Why do they stay" Heranse each man guards the others. Each man Is e "abort termer." none of them h:avina more than ■ year to serve All ere allowed a rebate for the work they d... When a cons let has cut two cards of wood he has earned a day's rebates on his t,'1311; Int shied 1 unr of the gang eseaf,e then every ratan In the gang Imes all rebate. Thus each man becomes ►1s brother's keeper. Wow HI■ attunes staled. "Mamma I've learned to talk Span- " Have pan-"Have you, Johnny? How much have you leermed?" I can say 'caratnb* 1' " " What dodll that mean?" , "It mtttio---!,• Whereapon""."7ohidbtj get tote gymnast spanking of his who career and his etndies in the Spanish language came to s sudden clowao.-"Chicago Tribune. atretegy fa Cuba. Captain Killem, U. K. N. (at Cienfn- gta)'--What's become of all thane blood- thirsty Spaniards who were to attack ns hen? Lieutenant Slick, It B. N. -I sent three barrels of grnb ashore, and the starving devils dashed off with 11 to the tnteriox.-New York Weekly. $1l 1.1.1. rmar 1heeder. Crawfish, swabs and lobsters Bre peculiarly sensitive to loud noises. and it e a fact that 11 loud and sudden clap of thunder will eau.o therm to amputate or drop their Targe claws and "pincers The impulse which seism thele when .uddenly alarmed 14 to throw off their hea claws. so that they mly the quicker *31117 off to • Own of .safety. (Cabs and lobsters can In ten days ora fortnight grow new claws ns largo as the old Inc.. 1'nr several week., howt•ver, the patient who I. growing on a new set of fighting weapons does not '.3)3)8x• among the armed members of his fa illy, because, his claws lacing soft. he vont,' not "take his own part," and would let eaten be hi. canniest brethren. -Gulden Days. An We Ceeld gay. The Jn.lg.--And for the betty with which yon have eondneted yourself tier- ing your trial I shall give you an addi- tional fine of $I0. How dorm that salt yogi? The VlllalneoTbat is what I would mill tetra tuna -I diseapxllia Sonnei. laodere Arr1ru,rnrsa 11raining. F,00atlon In all brenohees of farming will In •he,f11ture be nnlvtirsal. 'Europe has'dairy 'whole', and short onnr.tm in agriculture are being given at nearly all Of the experiment stations • In this o tun• try. The Rhode Leland nation now has a poultry department, In which pmpll8 are taught the inerlta and cheraeterl*tire elf the breed., fowl anatomy. dl0aset, artificial Inentevion and the brooding of chick., chemistry as applied to the f M of fowls, ennstruetlon of prntl•ry tinder's, growing green Mode for poultry, etc. Mow to Keep 0hb8*. Healthy. Charcoal, ermined and ground oyster shell cad -.Musa 4184 aboald, it_kapt 10 small shallow boxes where the ehleks an help themselves. Feed often, lint Only what the chicks will eat up clad" to say five rnlnewe. wad beep tbe,lsad-Ltalt-,*84-. drinking fo,nt.ln as clean as soap and hot water (omissionn11v) an make thein. The practice of dumping a lot of fond down on the ground nr on a dirty bawd M poor economy. It will ave time, but it will not save the nhfeks. I11. 4n spite of their exhaustion, the Spani- ards had raise inset) their eyes during the night after oiravellnes, fearing every moment to hear their ships,trlkd. on the treacherous banks which skirt. the Low - Country cast. Soon after JAC-bre-hetheir fears were all but realised The Hahn, bad gradually edged to the horthw•t111. and was now blowing hard imm the nortb• West. Thi' moot have been a fair enough wind for Cabbie; but Silenta had no stomach for another light, and. owing to their crippled *tete, hie ships, bad sailers at best, were now falling off to" leeward toward the new Ione of .halo. With ter- ror the ;ipanlante saw in front of them the great waves breaking Into gray foam on the 'smooth sand., awl .lose behind them the pursuing t:oglish feet N1dnnla was lagging, with his stont hearted lieut- enants, Heralds and Leyte. The pilote declared that tbesIhee't was doomed unless the wind shifted, and that speedily. Chlckeo heirt.d oOlean legged Sldonla b strike his rotor., snd at iteme-eave thine' end liver; but the admiral confessed him - .431. and raaolvat to die, if die he marl„ like • sane knight of the cross 'the rag Ilah, hnwever, *lid not *twit. believing, as the Swollenls afterwards' concluded, that the A.111a•18 *a. drifting of itself t1 sure destntctlon. Soddenly. bye mlracla as the Npsnlanh pintiely thmnght, the wind veered to the etttthward. The Ai - nude, rntrued from the shoals only'b 'guf1T8V t,nu't' Th-rfl , fkteyawl iie5g end .*nisi out Int.' aha dre,g Nurtb Ste„ closely followed by the Knells)). Shaken by tier terrible ettealn of eh. Isd 1411 -Rnaa, Slat- - nm► ulter41 • w*n.....i- M - ►he nerrewee'0 et 11,1* tact eueapa Mets the very jaws of depth, Shionla was 1n a panic of donht ami despair. .So, hastily aomlmning a council of war, he .•ked Whether he ought to sail hark Into the Channel. 1t we. voted to do so If the Wind name fair, otherwise to "obey the weather," and o.tl north abnut to Spain; for, it was urged, hulls wen laking at e thousand shot holes, the rigging wet ter- ribly cut up. and the .mmnnttfnn wap. nearly all eon tented. Promising to turn Met If the wind shifted, Sidnnta healed his ragged fleet for the 1(18007.; yet It may ire inferred th.t he had no wish b tea again .he devilish beetles of those heretto pirates. Lesi Wath .f Mee. The bey had enlisted In the anny-had sipped away from home and "fined the element," and the old couple worried over it until the tnot.her derided that the old man must Vatter him and bring him home. • Aft.? vreary journeys (*sold man reach• ed the camp mind ale his boy on dress pa rade and heard the band play "nixie" as of old, and he got enthneed and "hur- rahed" louder than any one else and patted hie boy on the smnlder and Ml.gnphed home: Manu -The dere thine leeks s, emelt lite old limos that 1 think 1.13 uta her myself. bead we fy old rel. as seafesm by sap ase Menearf teen. A Cere t• sememelt . "My wife know' mon abort the gong• esphy of the war than 1 de " "Ih,ean't that annoy your" "No. When the gets to 111owing off. I eorrse4 hie_ prnnuneletiM d tipli vrwis."-Obletlgo RerntlW