HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-7-21, Page 6.wrrwt'( THE NAPANEE BANK ROBBERY. r le or hew howtib a,. large auger and ase � I41A 111 G L(1 R Y 11 l' E5 cul a piece of board large enough W ad• t lull. slap body d • !emu. fhie gave MOM. lo the ball of the bank. The doors were not Metal. The burglars opened the vaults, secured- 1 IR Triumph Over Surrendered booty, changed the tombllrtlouse ear•fulty larked the doors and ~aped f Santiago de Cuba. witbout leaving • trete of their crime WO i Four Persons in Jail Charged bind them. The tvbbery was out suspected when With the Crime. SHAFTER GROWS PICTURESQUE. tbe hank era Opened fur W4111464 titter - day meaning. Thu oomttinutien leek of the outside vault had been out of artist forale'tou r Utterable trouble. � {h• Yrrqul.hvr• anis vita frr.wl.4ed EX -TELLER PONT0N0NE0FTHEM I and frequently pneeooar'The Term• a. *Malty hissed Iletwe.a 'thecashier went to the vault wheel The surrender Completed add the bank was opened. and, finding trod - 18.. .0 Troupe avant Their Pere. tb• Prot..Aow*l aargi.r, n bin In working taw tombinrtht. trolled Hie Cooled rrrtr. and Tails the awry me an expert locksmith. 16 was believed Arm. Before th• Aru.rleau* of the ttubbrr) -Puuwr Taks H1ii thotlonar oueouter wouldvault gtve no tropttetrG a that -Lat•rt War News. wrre.t tars Coolly Proceed ' White working upon he door of he Washington, July I8.-Tbe War lee Inx• Before CI. Mtral•trr1 te I outer vault 11 was discovered that the pertinent emits the tullowing bulletin at at '*Panes. • tronbin*tlon turd Teen chr o edt . Attlee:sigh et o.15 .ut.. yesterday: uta, July l7.-Adjttan►• ' the inner door wail expec open Napanee, July Ie. -Yesterday at 8.80 0111.4 as soon as amass had been gained General, U.SJ., Washiu8W(: a.m (iootge K. fare of Manchoeser, N. to th , 4t was found that thecombinatlou I have the honor to au•ouno1 that the H., arrived In charge of Superintendent u!tem lock had abet been 'Ihis en cotltpIIc4.I l ,,,*Ltersethat the o'eluck noon,, boatel over . American Ilea ha* been this tile huuee Instant, f the Q'tlowd of that Clclty.korrs worked until late Sunday evening civil government In the City of antiago. The party, comprising the prisoner as an entrance was effected. '!be• An Immense t.+tnrourea of peopleV tstoreno t n of ce.alry and a regiment of See detective+, drove at once to Mails. note Dely's bowie and aroused the elder- ly gentleman from his @lumbers. After biotite furntehed with It, Mr. 1)•17 reed. the indictment. "George K. Pare. you are amused d breaking into the Dominion Bank at Napanee on the 17th of Auguet, 1897, and extracting therefrom some $38,000 to meta end 1411*." - - . . Pare, "Yes, s11'." The magistrate then add 81st ate wo.ld :emaad-PM b the said'. 7Zt t dar e 1 the truth W... known. 1be bank was On , * abort .64,000.N). stay t nntIng arta+ and tend play 1'he lent people offered a seri* t fes due a national alt. Light twittery Bred wards, amounting his was x00, soon 0 nig tom! 1' aIntoalt1 21 1 TI11. y municipal order p tle8. twt.ng tow : Five government. - lows: Five thousand dollars for infanta- Distress 1+ very great, but Mete 5 c nor stun beading to the a pencil of any l or other. small gunboat td aboutly any y200 seamen lett llow fever, A son concerted, .t a penciled wise, In the theft; Os,(wti for Idforeta• " ti7'l'rrE ern Admen surrendered to apse Ob. .11411 Ie llhe to -the terecies•Y Of ttl'e-rltenry; idellefl of* hrelahebngremoved g intfrom lb. Upon como the and In like proportion In oar any part mouth of the money wan recovered. A reward of t•Ity 1 have dl.rovrrd a perfect untangle• I MO was rte offered for the rettsrn41. meet of defenses. Fio_hting its the Spent - the unconnterntltned 010 notes, end in ' girds did the ant day, 11 wonld.have omit like proportion in enne.0*17 pare of the live thounaud lives to have take 111. Bat - notes _were rrwverete .--,.r_-_- - , t.ilw4e of epanlde uncle This money stolen woe In the Motioning 1 "-i81ng ane+'*ince darleht In the arm denomtfauunr. or), deer which 1 have guard. tieneral Three bundled and ten dominion Bank 7 oral formally *urrendrr the Palau" sod note+ of the denomination of 010 each. ail *etre* et It \n1. Major-General.. One live hundred and twenty• W. K. hatter, tour Dominion flank twine of the denorn• thetins of "5 *eh. 4--STORY'OF THE SURRENDER. to omtnatlon of $20 each. 4:••"••••°""*""""' One I>omtnlou Bank novo of the dee. -• 1st Olve Way to •solea ' 1.1M00 rinse turned la yesterday and e0,• OW cartridges TO END THE CONFLICT. Tb• Madrid Correepoudeat of Loudon S undry TIMN Asters. Mals rolaa Have Mimeo Agreed CPm* London, July 18.-Tbe Madrid none poedtut of the Spoday 'timer says: "Ile' spite onicial dentals and preparations for a continuance el detains, I have the beet authority for saying that puma is immured. It le beyond doubt that the main volute bare been agreed upon with the suhorf ties at W'ashtngsm. 1t b undereeout thee Sumps velli mecums Cuba, the Americans undertaking the transportation of the troops to Spain. "Spain, through th. Mexlwm Minister. has rupreeentewl to Amerkt that sbe time artily decided on pear. explalnmg the difficulties arising from the opposition ot the Cuban volunteer* and 4plala'* total ezhausttcn through her enormous i.eae. "l he political situation t* moat criti- cal. owing to the agitation In the princl- pat lOWUL" CAKOIIBM PASS, .41* matt. SAUCIER ttow la 1,4l_s�Nal!•ate. until a suitable time arrived to hold a preliminary examinnifnn. Mr.. :auckr, the Miter of Pare. was brought up to night (corn Montreal, and is lodged In eh* fall along with her Aso' titer and Mackie. of Bellevtllu. W. H. PONTON ARRESTED. Tb* ra-T.11rr Odom to Ottarge ea oath,. day Evening sod Lodged to Napalm* Jett. Napanee, Ont , Jiffy 18.--M: I. Pen• ton. who was teller 1n the Dominion Bank hese last August at the time of abs robbery, was arreetro Saturday evening by Chief of Police Adams and Constable Huff, at Maesueaga Point, a summer resort on the Bay of Quints, near Belle - rifle. Ponton was brought hare M the mldnlgbt U.T.H. expedite and lodged In the county jail. If reports aro true a declaration swore to by Pare. the man that wee circulating the unsigned bills in M.aucheetor, - 11i:H., watved erteedtNnwymt-wee last Friday night, lntphcatee 1'onton Just as deeply as any of the others. Including Mackie of Belleville. who is also in jail Den. If reports are true Pero In his oonfos• don at Mancheatur, N.11 , went into every dot+d In connection with the Dominion Bank robbery hast August, explaining ■1 their movements for months before the robbery was planned and ezecUld in An - fee One who should know, rep4r*m that are nays that after the robbery the money wan taken to l'onton's room, where It was enema,' and done up In an oil cloth and put In*ide of a biscuit box.a and then taken half a mile eget of the town on the 81.1'. H. and buried, the spot being marked with he letters t1.1'. K. be- ing cut on one of the fence board* right above where it wan burial. After that was done they dtaperwel, fare and Holden catching • freight train going emit, up the steep grade at this place. Pare nay It wee underetarwl and agreed that the money wee not to he molested In any way until late .lane, when they would meet and Menlo the *poll*. Pare r7* when they did meet In June Ponton admitted taking tete from the hidden box, For vtolattng the agreement he was fined "2,000 and only received es,000 u me plasm, Inserted of 05.001. After Pare had Blade hie eenterlen in Manehe*ter, Det" tivee Dougherty and Wilke* of the Pinkerton Detective Agency Dame to Napanee and were acrompanled b7 one or two citizen* W the *pot de - toothed by Pare, when the Tenon mark* were found without any dttttrnity and cite* by the empty bl.rult box and oil cloth that the money wee done up In. When Ponton war arrencd at Maseaa- sga Point, be wee an cool and apparently unenncerned as though he had never heard of the rnhbely, and, although brnnaht to N-spenee and lodged In fall. *1111 presents the .nine nnennorrned demeanor. The citizens are greet), excited oyer the turn affairs have taken, and Ponton'■ m0*t Intimate Mende are very uneasy and alarmed over such a nines of cirrnmetan- me as are tl4lmtwl to be contained In Pare's rnnfes11n4. .. The nrzt mnvk"to tae mesio In the eztrn- dttlnn of Hn'.den from Roden, Mass., to liep.Mee. 1n1e no doubt will he done early this week and he will be brought .fere. One bundled and 10[11 fi 1)011,111100 .11 Hank novel of the den hpr.fab MAWS. Wlatelt Had rto,.tnt ter t rnr. Dower nomination .. r i-** - Sintiae3fl• Cuba. Sunday, July 17,- Fetel ktsade legal tender two 1].0013.---= ion o n of 111;a legal vendor nutea, datum• ill k. i ever he GovernabeePalree flag is floating button of 11 .each. - lu tel ph hicKibbon has at 1wd leg hundred and 0110 Ihtomina of b,rntta44.dl euporGateau! military Goe- t'anada legal tendo note*, denomination ceruappointed The eerenotny of hoisting the 12 each. Three hundred and efghty•Dva Mar- elate. and Stripes was witnessed�lpM -TleeY-6a•t1(31lt cuter ? et-nreels8eeplq One thousand One nupdhld and Anima ' of the old ,•nthulral rang out the hour of Bank of Montreal and Canadian Bei of t 12 the infantry and cavalry presented Commerce note*. • ....}jerni.. Every American uncovered and Canadian allver to the amount of $043. 'apt. Mee: W ork hoined the Stan and I United States geed off *lldenominetlonre Strip-.esile the illiaagain t fa olds unnturiod lt7 to the amount of t_,eN10. In iddltlnn, a number of -drafts, I $b. cavalry bend broke Into the strains ut cheques and notes were eaten There "The Star-Spangled Bonner." At the were aleo 1,000 Dominion Bank note* of same Instant •the pounds ofbad stint 1110 each. dated Toronto. Jane 2, 805 tttlll'ttg o 1 guns, drifted prifted 1n. When the music crated. from all directions around line tame floating aria the plass flee rrlralh. ot the regimental bands, and Use =utiled. hoar*, .Mere of the AmerhiVin troop• The infantry Mame w "older arms" • moment later, atter the 11* was 09. and the band played "Moll? Weird the Flag, 8oy.." Instantly urnerol McKibben called ter Oeekt.t Honorable Pewee. Madrid, July t7.-(3 9e11,.) -A member of the Cabinet in an interview to-dayW asserted that the Uoverunient was stack•- X• ung an honorable pews with *he United k. SWtea. $ THE STRENGTH OF WHEAT •X. •X•?; 4.(4. • q-X-$.(-*->C-X };(-5.( -XXX•? 4 X h X X X••X-* . • X• '• • e+ EB SMALL'S PREACHIN' " ?.{; X• •X 'X 1 X• X X• X. •X t •X •X •X 'X• ,x• elm- by the Motet• et flew W b«at-T he Friesen -=tarda, Event _ There have been ledge mew _ea8.r.t- at-aeasess-l:.aited-e&4 Fret tee maireamsa there, dl aUuu* et e• allege:Oar cal torr reason. have dented.. Ai wheal. Ou the 8' 8.eaid Ju!) wheat doses List week at ye. S1{..loser than lest Bee- uNa7, the 8rptelabvr delivery censer et 871{c• a net lust 01 lire for the week. and to. imerubor velem toed* up at 8,88.1. a pet lora of .tar. Other American markets have acted ,e compel,.). '1'84 U4'.11eere'i ward records a d,Nlate of iced per casual ill J ury wheat. Id lu September wueal and0881 In December wheat 1 ,httu.otai markets hate likewise •Luer weekue*s W wisest. !n Outarlo urw wheat 1s uderlus around 73.- north sad west, Imes Worts err pot offering over the Porth and west tau • ea port. Leedtnee .Wye -et Mirket*. leollewlug are the Norma pried to -day *1 Important teatte ; (.aN, Jule. oRent. Chicago . ... ; -I...- 10.73Ye MI Glee New York ...... i.. - 0 *11'. 0 rL Milwaukee....... ..« O •11 . • • • Three were unlounteleigt c, ash Mind corner b7 tits cashier. are -• -. Ci;ftf<A AT ArN.t POLIO. - • 1pinl.pwl.hed apwaeard (uarteosety Cos. dtrtet'd to His Prises Mme.. Annapolis.. Md.. July 18. -Admiral Uen era, vita retell onnmanaa cella 89.0156 meridiem wbtrb was deateeysd eat 'hart cheers for General Shatter, whish Bandage, and about 10 Spanish openers i were given wltb gems enthuneem, itho were brought to tbf. city on s*tlkrda7 j hand playing ao0r 5 "The Stars sled and are now prtaonere of war within �. i Stripes bore•er.'• ktnodc precincts of he trine! Stains Th. Ontlal C.Pltel•elon. St. Louie bro g Tho rvi crulesee i Official endorsement of the 1.*1*1 elf tg 8t. esChesapeake B the foreign8..A viral !see i Capitulation WPM received from Madrid o Cheterbeiv lou*, 7oi Admiral fet, 1 at 1t) o'clock yesterday morning and 82,• p1)4)n tn$ of the on Ui jigf the lit -fwnr im-,1* v*Itew terve 71etded thirty *w t an with,' r a o nwniiiagaagwa7 of 1 crone to their American conquerors. and the shim idely.Wtew tread. - ' the sovereignty of Spain In Eastern ('aha Imt Qoverlp following rettola him wars w I has ended '1ee Spanish ofHnere remised recent (Inverter .vi, ,T 1. a*, 1 the Capt. L? 01 *8. I their aide arm*, but the reedier. et.oked ate is tae .l oomph, tiro he of them of see . their guns before the Ametlrau hoes and Spanish uduck bot most thha step were placed under guard, either to return furnished a duck Uniforms A that had bees - to Spain under atnvo7 or (o gtvlt their tu('hairs them been the Americana. oaths to remain 10 Pana as non -cont. r the teen pmvlded *1 the roar.y ants. :tltven! reglutent+ of Oen Bh.tter-s the tug fur tug era, ed here they army are now In possession ot the fallen mut white the tug steamed up tb the quaint old city of Annap0ll . At the 0187. • What will be done with Gen. Shatter's detawharf Commander United White, with • force is not yet fully derided. The ph7.(. wa. aweitI of I'nlom ltatat revived owin to the esu. ea•,.Iting their coming. He rrrelrod 01ana declare that the army, S t1 Lt,Dnlral In person and eaeorted bIm hardships and the fever, will not be flt immediately to the snewrintenttent's ear- foregol ftp duty for some time to come, Mage and drove to the reeidenoe of Ad- a101 (1430, 081es 82 belte•ed 'C 1* sitrieusill infra! McNair, the Superintendent of the considering the propos itioof leaving any immune regimens to bold the bon 00401 derv, at A Arte[ edeamencall was gusted province, and return the boxy of made there, at wlch l McNair were es- the forego to the United State, sending changed, and Admiral !gement +that ad other Immunes from there to reinforce to the visitor. thh irrero,nfo (. Admiral had the Santiago detachment it necessary. been made for their comfort Adullral dewrees of T.Bow Fever. ('eaves was then escorted to his gnat• r__ ._._ (t Nva, • plain brick structure d three , NOW a•M d yellow fever ien aro now under continue to 0(0x47*, In whnt In known as Rumhanan appeary, 7 Row. The other oMeera signed the parole treatment, but the disease le a a very and were conducted to quarter* In Stiehl- mild form and the physicians any It is leg How, which is Weil by the ceded In now well in hand. Only eve death* have Nam time for drolleries. i occurred up to last night, tits low n.qr- i talky being rentarkable,and nicer encowr- i aging to the physicians, who batt grave II death Is psi the end. and settles is ler keeps. If when • know dies It's same es white ha sleeps, 1I this world's all (hats Is fer tee .04 every man. Stele seems ter me, we ought ter d• the but we cant We'd ousht ter try as hard, we'd eusht ter climb as Alois As If we 'd be repaid all through the by and by We'd ought tee -strive ler seed, 11 1de Its but a whiff, - I ain't a-sayie' •tis, I'm *ey say8' "We" 1f when we die we go ter heanslom of the Blest,•• Where all is perfect peace and Paradise and rut, It this world's put a vale of seats and el strife Tar tit as kr the: next. the higher, better life. Why, still It seems tar nes. u lung's we're hers at a11r We must be here ter work, not loaf uatil the call, Though through the grave we gain our state on ileawa's Mice 1 don't say as we do, I'm only sayln' elf." It His Is all, why then, be thankful you 're ekes. And set your aim on high, and do sof des mad strive I 11 *;teem comes beyond, be manful -like and brave, And Tasks your heaven shim • bit this side the grave t Don'tss around round tied brei about what's goire ler be, .X▪ . But maks year kis • light Ise other men ter seer . `- I deal Wry tsblrl N b - I'm •-M- Irapa' a Y." #rnlyde"L Aa u -ii t -a S ri troll .. a 7. Opp 1mhH6, Nn.•1 Honk. O AS 0 Its 0,8844 Delutb, No, 1 bald••. 0tr7 �• MINI S�' Mlnneep"ll■ .... .... .... Toronto Grata and Peedim.e• Toronto, Nn 8 lin rd. 1 e4' . . • • -• Toronto., red. ei 0 fl r'I„nr-DoH. Rtralght relloese.la kt*. 'lAdle treigeto are quoted *r !kW 10 $l Wheat -Old red want •r Is hod ' at 77C to 'Pee high freights, north rud Wert. with (01,� bid foretat ele teto ar. No. 1 Manitoba lard stat et Fort William Vie. B*t.N iasNd_ Harley -Mohler: deka sad prime wont nal gran -sets at $'0.111) to Ila writ and shorts at 112.:0 weer. Corn -Canadian. Ste nest and 78.' on track here. y,r high freight*.,Peat- Quoted amend Ismmeal -err lots of rolled nat., In lenge ea track at •Tnramtn -Sia In'bhl4, Salo - Tersest. •t. Laws Markel. Saturday u.0 quirt, a. usual ,eu the war , MOW JACK "RIGS Celt/RCM" tte UNCLE SAM'S NAVY. trunk of rather generous prupor0CM► leo divided tn*ide as to afford specter both military and civilian attire There is a place for au 01loer's chapeau and nue for the silk bat of a civilian and roost fair the different clothlug, and the trunk is large eeougb to admit • sword stover $n/ee ea -131.8011.--••• *d • bid diagonally. A trunk of this sort is Vetted Plates )1aaag-wag esti Maw 7t is • made out of sole leather, as might be -.Met' Condneted The Cbarek Basica Sad la • =pismire', to withstand rough wear. but Uar Nr►seae Me.meg Th. Chaplin.. with a rigid 'Fame, n that it ext I The question la milted by many •Area loped or strapped ea tow load or pack laden cool, o Is shalt 1 do with heavy When there is seen flying from the with other things piled oil it in'the ex- I burdens! Thebe anhall are with found N gaff of a United States man-of-war a ' j cies of wagon or other tran,rpeuta * f Wmall, white triangular pennant, bear- tion without being crushed or aged. 1 t 11 cher rig on iia field a blue Greek croft near , -New York sew the pike or halyard. it is • signal that THE BUSHWHACKERS. divine service is being held nn board. "Rig chgrt'h !" it one of the n telae ne- Sunday morning. Church is "rigged" in various places lose• -Hiatt Not so lour. What newltt according to the coustructicw of the ves- sel and accorditg to the weather condi- tions. it the day is fine and not tod cold, the quereer deck will p rnbthly be selected, *1,noteei in some skips it 8t customary to bold the service on the forward least of the gun deck. In stormy weather the ilerth deck below is ustd, where abe men may be nudes shelter though they are more'cr•mped forroorn• Assumiug that the service is to be held on the quarter deck, the arrange- ments for it will proceed about like this: When the bugler gives the signal tke "church eneigtn" is hoisted to the gruff, and mime of the men, under direction of an officer, bestir themselves briskly in making the simple prepare-. Hose which are necessary. A table or dealt, covered with the American Ong. is placed at the end the quarter deck for the chaplain. A few wardrtxwc cbatra ate best++r wnri vmcgt•re side, where the officers are to aseemble, sod beeches er rapntan bars resting est buckets wake stats for the crew on the port aide The organ -tor every ship that halt chaplain i* provided with an instrument of tine nature -la pat in a convenient place. If thole is • band, and its eery. ices are desired. a few mundane are the se- lected and a0ltioned hear by ship's bell is tolled for about five min- utes, giving the ottl.rre and men, wher- ever they may be on board, sufficient time to*ine•mbli, if they are soluclined. The boatswain may call down the ha! 1t is a noble pastime. - - hatchwaye "Silence, fore and aft, der- Jean --It u incised. my Ja1aeseiw! ing divine meeker but it is well on- land Hate Dewier. dereso od by the entire crew that the ship must be goiet now for about three- quarters of au hour. Finally the 81 U step*, the captain, after • glance around, matte a sign to the chaplain that all is ready, and the service begins. How it ie conducted depends npon the donomivation to which the chaplain belongs, and various sects are represent- ed among the naval clergymen. The singing, seeompanied by the organ, which is played either by as officer' or by some musician among the crew, is generally tine. The men enjoy it. and their voices ring cit strong and fresh is the open air. During the prayers they are required to remorse their caps, but throughout the rent of the wervice they may remain covered. When it is over, the order to "Pipe down!•' is given. and church in "IInrigged." 8omtetimes an evening servlcee is also held. but this is not the general custom. Attendanoxeatchurch on the warships 1r of course not rnmpnl*ory, but the offi- cers are expected to attend by way of furnishing an example, and most of them tonally do, accompanied by per- haps about half the crew -sometimes more and sometimes belt. But by no means all the ellipse( the navy are provided with chaplains. For the 80 or more war vesml* now effective for service there are fewer than 80 chaplains, or less than one for every two ships. They are attached to the tar- red and moot important vowels, where their mintatratilma may reach the great- .et-nnmher of persona. A queer incident happened • few yeses' ago, when ono of the modern cruisers was put into oommissicm. It bad Men intended that site should carry .,chaplain, but when the officer.' quar- ters were completed it was found that bis room !mita . entirely overlooiped. No Rotten en for him than treeing availa1le, the ship put to sea witbeut a chaplain and did not have one for at lout two years. In en actdom the chaplain's ditties are with the sick and wnnud.d. 0oc *i re- ally, however, his aid has been rwgntrwl pt the gena, and in many instances the ohaplain* have pinned themteelves herrn le fighters se well u gond preacher• in the old days of the navy the **plain wore the toll nnifnrm of hie reink-lien tenant, lieoti'cwant /xwnm•nder or nom mander-trot it Is now customary f(w him t) wear • emit of black or the rags Isar oertnme of whatever rhumb he rep 1• if Can't Sleep. The weary vigils of the night, anxious hours that 'drag tike days. How okra they conte, and how unwelcome they are. A system robbed by alerpleasuene of statural rent cannot be vigorous and strong The nerves are at fault and Meet be built up. Dr. Ward's Blood au4 Marva Pills are the remedy that eared MISS EMMA TVDtir !MSC 1S WHAT SHC SAYS: At Mat, after eight months of pbYdgtl Weakliest and ner.••ue prostration. carred by over eterttor and want of rest, - during which limo l *offered greatly on *4.00411.1 of the .hatter.d condition of my nerves, and "aur which 1 was tillable to and any relief 1 have found • medicine ,11r. Wald'a Blood nod Heart PAL1 th*LiJ t t"T mem" made q7_- D erves strong, rem04.11 a Vireo's* frotible., built up my physical system and mad. ole ■ trong and well. They removed despon- dewy. acrd In a,nasquence of eking your whistle* Pita. 1 look forward to the foist. bge[ally. I have to thank your great cure •je% Ngemiaosu sod bodily weakness for my g.gttoO.k.alta.•ad •t magth. Youn truly, - Mesed, EMMA TEMPLE. Ha•tiag* Oat. Dr. Ward's Blood and Nervy Tills are sold at so cents per box. f boxes forat druggists, or loaded on receipt of pry.. by The Dr Ward Co , p Victoria 8t, Tu book of l.turuaatee* ttea. .1 tat erpeeestie W 4r41114 saw La►La-I. w ser -s wee at 31c to see, and DA) 11uabrls ut 4,44 tt ,0Leat Meagan tette•. 1.errtpta In nay aulull. "J) load*, ■II told, eedii11+{ at MJ to 4l irr'r tea; 0 bends e f hew Ivry were d,.posed if ut frem s,, 10 W. only - torsi . f *traw was brought lu, 5hd 8* sola at te. .tisuete rn wsl £coals, teems tir1..:laiU W:ehanxed. OUR RIFLE SNOTS. teen that. the death rate would 6e heavy. The formal eanetlon by the Madrid �- 1 The of. the terms of eapttul•tlon Ca..dlwwa meowed t'p wilt•era eatmidmf ywt0rdq unravelled the tangled ekeln of -Hen. err. M alae, a Visitor - at the Deaggs. Higley Camp July 17. - Saturday morning opened bright and clear, with a nice steady breeze. '1 he ramp was visited by many frena London and elsewhere during the dal, nulling whore stn. tion. William Mnloek,- Canada•e Poatmask'r °emirate The good weather was an entourage-. mens Ln good Rh,*Hing, and In the several evrente for widen the Indl•Idual nwin era if the Was Matured they did remarkably well Shooting for the Prince of Wales Prise took place. It U a oquadded oompetltinn, single entree, open only M winners nt N.H.A. gold, silver and bronze metals shall crew pending the agrennwntof final (not recruits' model{). The aggregate eapttulntlnn. value of *h. prise Is *300, of which *100 'the orotund that the eapltnl'tlon tn- Is giros by N.N.H. 1'•Inote of Wales, and eludes all the Spanish fora•e and the sur- e badge and 2'100 '14)114 by eh. National ' render at •11 war material within (he pre - *111_ Aznol'latt.m. The lenge IR 2:n) and -demand*.o innd commander*,ande whichetween threat the opposing sated Saturday to end the wegntiwtlnns and compel a return to arms. After numerous rwnferenole brad remit led In the iseffecment already sanctioners try General Blanco, General Total deelded Mrd the approved of the Madrid Uovern• Ment was neeremary before he would leave the city. General Stinker maintained that n0 Ruch npproval sane neee.rr7. The whole matter was clen•ed up, however, when General '1'ornl received the no.'M0*ry sanction from Madrid. The Agreement. The agreement ron.ist4. of nine articles: The Ono deelpr.sl that all hostilities Cale*ae 1.1.+ Meek. Chivas.. July lb. H00*-E5twWlerl rr- eelpts today. 111,1.),: lets o(er, M.O. fairly •0844.4'. -. vogue'. 114.01..betas'',,,,..1 tu'ti f°: spied. 441.1*) to 7e, rn: rough, $3,t0 10 tent. Cattle, receipts. me. Steady. .few Tork Live atoen. New )ntlt, July 1G. --Barye*-lierelptr,01'2; •0 trading of lo.ie,t'1a11er.; feeling *trash. Disports. 1406 cattle and 701 stilarter. of beef. 1'elvrs-Srcelptr. 1.'15; slur null lna- er. Tame, $ei. 'i 10 *L2:: no buttermilk or sr -Mersa. and Lambs- Ileo p 0. tato, (beep steady: lamb. lower. 8.h'••',. to 74.43: l.mbe. 111 714 to Ifftell, .rev.- fie celpls. 10501: *toady 11t'*4,21( to 18.:(' ■rials Cwttic starlet. Market Ituffele. July nh.l arm. light Yeats sed Caivv*-.Ite4"41ls II5IK ; Aatkrt eked, mad Wm for (roust ours. with 1.-11 urw of thy. .1o•. e•n hoot. - T(•p* raid •t gym hr for tonins. Be11ev110, Ant. , July 1v. -William H. Penton eras 4atllnlay night arrested at Maeete.sgn Springe near the (qty. whore he wee ramping, 1n rnnnectlnn with the Napanoo Rank robbery. Mn. Pot.toe showed no excitement when agree Alda me was meet to 7 I0*e by' and ('nn*tahle Hoff, whn made the ansae, after • thorough e,•ntnh of hls romp had been made. re7)1J78'% tr for the vele.new wae shown by a creed on lrront street, by hontln4 and r *1I8 at the infidel{ when thee were taking Penton M • veld tauraut fax refreshments. Ponton wise npmrleed of the feet Met he was to he .rrr.4tet by a friend. whn Wheeled down Memel bat! ah hour ,.haul d the empanel police. }I. simple N- tnwrkwl' "Well. I ant heed when the? eOme.'• HI. mother le 'lotto confident of her eon's innocence, and. although vary 171, 10 hearing np wonderfnlly. The r rant on which he 8. arrested g he mems eherg. ea th. previous one. THE ROSS�RY. 75 to to 1R• Mis r., fit 70 to .RS. !lugs --slur:... o}.. ,.gid ...nit a lilt demand * nd pricer ler llgu: grades steady to a d ude lower (baa patriots/C. ewp• (10od to choice Yorker.. 14.1:+ to µ.1y; Priem light do., .10 b, $tel•): tolled parkers. 14,10 t0.4 ' mrdln0Jl4,L'r to 78.2.6; h.•e+y bog*. "4.1 ; rough, $3.W to i-1 tn, .tag.. 12.75 to l'' `late. (.0,M to $1.10. Sheep and tenet--Re•e'Pl1 moderate -1u light • ain, *ad market reed without to ex- tra Aping•, liming lamb., eCe: ones: ewes and wrthrr*, 85.io to Mo, rye*. fair. 71.76 to 11&10 call*. fair to geol. Nl4.�714 to $5.50: common to choice vendee.. 84lSO to $S.�'Srntive otilrpe,l .h.en, fair a rich to or/peed weber,, $4.•.. to 4.75 chnire mixed *leap. 54.7'le t 3 to $3 75. evilly sod noniron ewe *ere. 82.2. MN) rent.. urn *hole at enrh dietaries. Third -The tran.por•taailnnof the tramps Limn Hr1wrteon 1* a tar with five others I to i-pnln at the earliest.pmrdhle moment, for the prize. The tie will be rent off on each biro** be embarked fit the neared, Monday. In the eompettttnn for the Fiche) ('hat- Fourth -That the Spenieh of loresshall knee shield, open to cat tea". nt right - revels their .1de arms and the enll.ted from h;1gland. S,•otlnnd and Irebend, 15 , men their -N'r.unnl property shots at tam, woo) and 1,00N) yard., Eng- Fltth-Tke•t, after the fine; mpltnb- larm won with n settee of 1,096, tabotland' tlnn the tmmmendlng ornowr *hall fnrn the inquiry In the Bible. ere. or testance. we aro sold flue o • , every man must "boar bye own burden." There 1s a burden of personal responsi- bility which cannot be shitted or evaded. must tea borne wltb fdelley, courage fortitude by everyone Wkb would be In reality • man. Then tureber, we are •dmonisbeed, "Bear ye one another's burdens " Hera an addittonal sort of .loon --limed I have winged another y bunion �ea to view -that. which by Weed Yankee pig. . gmp*1817, helpfulness and loving devo Jose -Aha! It is fine. Tell me bow. Mon on • soul may at lease In one part Sty Joan. lift from another -the burden of care, Jtusio-I crept up in the bashes, oh, grief and need. Beyond all then pnlvts- I close. I wriggled rloug like a soaks. pons for burdened souls coulee the word: Hleaktd m7 way from tree to trent. j "C..t thy burden upon the Lord and There was a Yankee pig In front of his He shall sustain thee." The burden et 1 aimed et -him- t:ar'efully, ( sin, et overw'e.lmf0g sorrow, of anzlete hilly. Ha, ba, I tired. ( and of toll, May be laid at the fed of the lose -And � y boaster, brought to His throws of grate, you kill him, deli and put logo 111* charge. Thus Uod Stan? answers In lits word our inquiry as es Jusn-Ah, how could I tell? I creep our hoidens. Sway •o fast. And you, beloved one? Ire Nettled. Them Jose-liar-r-ramba, the luck was not h toe. I creep, grasp, creep through , Larva -I do hope *8). will the ditch, and I climb the bill in the i boll rync�N'n to thePhilippines.hyt lnwhat w- are low' long gigs, but a Yankee pig was throe, intelelll interested In the Philippine •Lki8* walking, and I ran back How Lure-(:aoege says that It they are .till it with Buy and Lopes and Ilan- In oto possertloo next spring we'll go there sa oar wadding trip.-Cbla$go News. Juan --Not inn gond They creep, they Mama Me tree. sneak -o they crawl on the betty, but they l ire aeaha Idea rroisrc.-Tbe'iifew•ete terxwegratele--r his wutdst Lip they cry, "l ome out and fight us ' Heves--No He turned oat to be like men.'' IIA hes ha! (% 1 (11.8. We .ns of those fellows who would rather fight know • trick worth ten of that. Alli than sat.-Ctncinuatl Enquirer. but tonight, my Jose! We go out 1,000 r strong. And we creep up clove. And in MAKER the dark we tam byre, there, everywhere A CARRIAGE -always toward the cured pigi'. And 1,840 and Ireland 1,505 Ish a complete Inventory of ■11 arms atidhs NO 1HLTH iM IT. munitions of war and • meter soldier* In the district, _ Me.i•cnttn-1'hnt tee -Plata*it nal t)feeee Mar4ete. London. use.. July In, -eighteen factories boasted M la.xe* Jude. babe. : MRI at 7.1tN:. 315 el SIM, 73 at tesc. Market not P.?) active. t.owau..slst. Vete., July te.- At the t ee,t• dna ea r. •.,',.tea• e1 .,reiTUru u.el 11 bore to -day .11 tae.0rae* euetrd lout tenet sha11 he Permitted lin take the tl 81ttar7 Ctrs word 1, vat I/rwl, alot In lard. 4 amlike* and retroed* with Aim, Teeth 811 Wood Health. ; Eighth --that all gumlike and Spenieh Rada Path, Jnly 18. -There Is 00 'emgulent elan be permitted to remain In truth in the annommement telegraphed ' Culla, if they 5n dirt Eking a parole M Perla by the e0rreepondent here of a that they will not pigskin take up arm. newsmsper of that cite that ('Inca L. I agnIn.t the TTnitsd Sutra Weed, formerly of Detroit, Mich , the Ninth- The Spent* Abates aeall M diverted wife d Prince Jneeph of Chlm•7 a.nmltted to march oat with all the bon A OI... awl au..I.et A t at Were the Dead Wm 13r..rd sal Carder. gtit. Naeanee, JnIT 1R. -Th. method 0f rah Oaf the IMws*e4M Bank her. lent An tett wag a steeple ono 'there Is • psaa. egoway running from *he m septan, A*wn OM elite de the hank TIM see 0,00.4 doses inn ane 1a 8.* into a wore/ - read hehla4 the beak. They Mem lowed -4 and ('aram•n, **dead. She U to the elt7 . re of war, depositing heir nen,., 10 h and le in good health. bre Bewtt, Dee& Cohen -toe lint . Jnr IR -In. Jobs Natty, few et yews a rro(dsht A•rr, died leaNnlae morning. In hl* ranger Aare D r. Matte had a very ,xtenetve moiled praotine in this •lelnity Ne was Mayor In Han, when the Prima d Wales visit- ed Cal mist, and for many tram MIA a very settee pert In entitled sed mnnete pal .ff•trs, ea well r. In mettorellonneM- sd wlSb *he Msthndl.t 0h1rrh. lag wtf* SW thetas *1180* year. 14.4. slue' ,Mer'44' Tiara R M71A wt*rrdel life Be. MARS, halal tee 4•agMers and new 110. And the when we fire we run 'away. n Suffered ten peal's from weak heart 081444 look for as, atm, but they 1104 as action and nervousness. sea not. In it not a merry game? Jase._Yre, my Juan. War is pleasant sport. No dauger, no anxiety. It is like I Cured by Milburn's Heart hunting big and foolish game. We and Nerve Pills. sneak• we shoot. we run away. Iia, b*. re. . .,104 ,,,tend o., 10.11 La11.r; l8eturfered •tor better; as sales; ut buses 'cheas.• sold 10 1. Burrett, )r„ ter 7Me; RO bete,. sold N A. 3. Myr. tear Poe. S:re *.h1 to A. 11 phases for rne1total pfd, cher... 143E bottle to July 23, at 1 p.m. ('arnwal4 one, July 1e.-Tbe ('ornwn0 ('8)..'.e Hoard was one of the Iargeot ever held here, there betas 72 fecterler sod toree new 'one. registered. Alt ne,ld eye ..et Amrrieen tor 7rvre,Alexa••4rr getting d'.Mn,• 0,08'r 47:1, Wool 720 and 173 in -rho. t. leaving only one feetory 'node, of CJI, tine. rte' 11.1p015. Werrinttnn. Ahezendrr anal twee.. tt erne 4.eld owing to the •n• for n (.urlor ire r3irl a 1,01,1-" eTMde rmork. nod 0,rernmen' rectory. Ad}.enrn.4A to meet again nett Rnrnrdn,- et 1030 ern. OPlen4her1. N.Y.. July 10e- lertren hea- drest rhre*r were nffrrei on en to este: 1peal -dA et Tete. Watertown, N.Y., Je r le.- Pelee en floi.rl of:reeAe (n -Any. (yen Wives, at II.r 8o 7t.e; MAh at T. Cantos, N,Y. July 17. --Ten theme -eel cheer. s.,l4 at fr: renter; a froetlon hied....: 1.(0t toll* end horn. of batter Sold: bete: hoers, 1314e. Rtr*(terO. Ont.. .Tnly 15.-A meeting of the dlrertore of (hr ('hee.e ,nA 11,1e''8 Makers' **mention' of Western Ont* "o w.• held here (.-.our. leentl to pones•• President T B Sullen, YI1e-I'reeldent (1 ti Pert, Directors fl 3: ((�j -y ,,4 John t1••, Ale. 'l' fu Rev.('`1*veea�te2on end 1S' W Preece T11e prinrtest .. ebIoet of tor 'fi0Tfln1 w*t erel.nring *n egreemm( to Lr n• -I between cheeses end •e,.tler ranker. ted f^e terlrrrlrn: anon .steering a Mint wirer. Is hn1A thorn minim* mectire. 1i.e *n.*"*' meeting will be keel It. Lj.lnwel nn Feb. 1 sad 4. 1800. dl.pmed M tea the United 'oast* In the future: the Amerlean e•Omellesemer■ to rennmrnend N their fnvar•ment that the Geree ht the .OMterw be retnesed so those "Who en tweedy defended *hen.." The rondo. were signed 7aater•An7 aftwrnnnn atter a four bones .stns of the eemtntrwlnwrrs, whn agrees that IM) Mems nt nspttnl*Son should .wall the Swett* ,.t the Madrid rtenment. Teeeoe Ie the 71r.4 Bel. W•.k)ngtnn, Jnly �{ At 1t scleek Met nl4Tit AA1t lien CreR fn merle pehlle the following ramie f from Gen ehwtter • Hamdgnart.n Arm? Srntle.Rn. Jny 17 -lb nedlras01 ease* ee.lor1 ►bort* * Sesl•1 Deitaeettee. 1%fawde or procession 1s exempt bum �npe or derangement of the heart and lots Tb. pressure of work and the Md1.1 worry are bound to products serious gasqueuem sooner or lata. HNl4• elarkefs. TAverp ol. Only ie. Serle* *best M emot- ed at e.e (,4; red wlnee•r 41 C.• N•1. , 1 (;a1 . To 1A In is 2A; torn, tie 1"d: pen*, 3s; pork, a1. SA; peal. 2Re ad: tallow. belv,n. navy.te.. 311.: light. RII. ad : An. short rat. MM; cheese, welt* and rninn'A. MM ed. l,lrerpnnt 4'rrw+-- Rpnt wfiewt .tw4y: No, 1 (41., Ts Id to lee 2A; !More* unlet et Ile lei for Int} Be PTA for Sept and he R l for Ike (pet melee, A. flt,1; referee. la 2A for Jel'�. Its Med Mr Rept. and es 414.1 ter net. neer, 24e 1M. Deow wed *1 Pleb.rtn*. Plekering. Ont. Jnly IR.----0.osw* Lir rmmn., • miring man yeA M years, ors drowned •t the month off the river Aero Friday Mee .The bg4t wee tasayspd to dent half an Aver by Trot. D. W. 0. rementa, *mmet(meg with tbo lnalgn his rank even his ahem. -New York T4lbene. t'M Asea T0*. Tb. army odins 's trunk, widths is sol article re limited bet meter ealfTfe wrigbt and refry effort mode t* must pears time•. Ming and chiefly to ischii tris. Ili., he* *Mom. amp lar *testy officers, U • stmt, wall mad, Chimmfe-Me fadet's a soler, an he wears a uinform all day Billy-Fergit it 1 Me fader's a wait- er, an he sleeps in a dress suit I -New York Journal. Move fatal Thus Realplwg. Mamma -Playing Indian is so rough. Why are you crying? Have they been scalping you retain? Spotted Panther (alias Willie) -Nis mamma. We have been smoking vhf ;fie of peace. -Stray Stories. A Cada Browne --They make three folding beds to resemble everything now. Towne -Yrs. I even saw one the o tb et day that 101embleda bed. -Brooklyn lir. Donald Campbell. the wall-koowe carriage maker of Herriaton Ont., midi eI bamboos troubled on tor ten yearn with weakaction Of my�heart and nervousness. Frequently mybeertwould palpitate and flatter with greet violence! Often alarming me exceedingly had sharp *nein my heart and meld not sleep well b night. I pia box d Milbarn s Heart and Nerve Pills and from them dee rived almost immediate benefit They vie stored vigor to my nervesand strengthened my en ti re syste m, removi n g every sym p0om el nerve or heart trouble, and enabling til* to Ret restful, health? sleep." Kilburn's Heart and Nerve Pills ears dation, throbblng diszy e0 -*d vfein• Pltl ts, nervou*ner, eleepl.ro NOW female troubles, after effects of grippe bit. Pries e0o • boa or 8 for "1.16, OW druggists. T. Kilbaru*0. , Toronto, Ont. Laxe.e. VIQ P$I.Ls oar's g}e0.tlpr e,ts. Troy *tea ripe, stoke* �sm. vary ti e persly. A neneeal t hfa.rlt1. This tit, wasn't all made for ems gotta$ pW4 A few things go right. bets tete peel* 4( sn wrong. Ire (nil rt dilemmas that tares deep Odrem. Yoh lone prrriests 1m. while ton Mt awe ars 4.410.1.. The momenta are ese(rg. ' They'll reef A torn. ' A eM.ie impending me often A1o•ern. sou yon lrelpMs*I7 ,normar, with dealt sed .alt, "1 light to do amnethl•r• bat what'll B let" R.0.eta, the knave in • very gore- putt. mei fano defeat, going forwer4 .w Met. There's Empresa William, whn eawnM tn*erel Rte terror et hieing lett oat of the deal, MBA AOateises idea woe1A enure forth le trios n psis M th. game moo 1t not for the pasta 5 her .wing In ea,�erw•, mid they .�M, •. A eaglet to deco 'nothing, bet wMY 8* t•' Rreestle speaking. the e•.mrtlal eiter- mt,s tenVoin men -haat ehipa and Wale - •pips is that the former are dadetted IS carry their loofa or prinetp•l poroma thereof low dont in the hold, whereas w*rehl9* hay* to awry their heavy tzar den* of armor mad *rlaaeastet hick op se their shim DR. FOWLtER'S IXT WLD STRAWBERRY MOUS DIARRHIEA, DYSENTERY SUMMER eat COMPLAINT. Iltdreletritest. ell .ewe0 w.•w+rrtr.. erre. *tie