HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-7-21, Page 5t.-`• .
.•.a v F!1!59
THUMWAY, ray irla.
went to Market
This little Pig stayed at Home." Etc., Ete.
How every child is awao d with this rhyme ; it nasus to please thew
.+stns to give almost as wuoh dthghL Why not make thew happy f We can
help you.
This week we are waking a special display in our window of Infants' and
Children's Shorn Hee them. They will interest you.
Rpdrlse •1 Moose le. Mims with oa WM Side of Sonars, llodriab.
The Inst Voyage • •
of Martin Vallance.
• MLA 30117 ter To UAL
4 ANN atTUUt Menne.
"tram begleoi g tft end o1 both your n•
perionoes, Waren 0ed re.bam run mob
other elms," recruited the math: as tbe
eM gofer... ; ".nd 1 moo. is ane
dead,cap years, Mr. Valiance, with regard
to Ike Aa1lopa About half•way between
hero mod Cape Lesotho we picked up roe of
her bo.t. with Gerais Or lgie and three
memo i. ber, .11 sorely spew. Ongt•.11y
there loth bees ten in her. Those were the
survivors. Md i as afraid, after what
you all tie .bout the other boat, that the
"fear with us are the only nor wbo bare ta-
oopd el the whole shoe. company. The
Antelope ought fin, the names eoreadt.g
se namely Ibrt any prewar one as regarde
provt lona, Mo., were est of the gatiou.
All that old be does• was to pull oleo of
ber se goon as possible. • trnbty gad and
D uddon arbour ! The men recovered, and
baro tithed the Alea..dr. ; bet their oop-
Ws L Well tt.dr the doctor', oars. Now
shall we non deck .ed see wh.t Major For-
tieoee's Irle.do aro dam ! 1 think," the
tithed the line, heary-Iokier old officer, as
et offered We ens to Hel.. " that 1 beard
my .ret i/ateasai say our shot seemed to
-= Men We teb•t eat ileo eau fist,
Needy • Me .way lay the Oaths Reath,
her three ater-wte said het for the Mgt -
sails basin/ is lamps .t their bade ; her
f.t.sell, !on-tep,p(1 snasil, sad royal wine
.11 .Mad .e ; Mead yard a the ass -
everything .bout her betokeutr parradr,
o..e.d*Yeo.l and complete. At quarter
sped only 18. Alexandra .t.e .d aloagsid.
..d bated. The Diablo Wl, desk -whiskered
olio., pointed the he tee Major ii ber the-
tas, replied, starts( turd at hie lass irptive
. :healing near the Bret l.meesast,
"Oath on board, ear," said The latter
lithe We tlwtla nMtleg to the llrgsem-
uei s arse .sd port bed beep ..ewrod,
'• sod brim this gontiemsa's property with
you : sloe year ship/ papers
I'. • Mush .shrot," (ige ate was
Va. Boers), replied the °thee oik`!le, with-
al Klrr1g : and I'll a what Hol.eyr
sad • Now of than have to say is the House
about my befog *het at, tint by lot.,"
p�s�/ Mme, " ted then by you. it this
frti►..d-ss y Lobi..."
" (:o.• m beard, air, ae me," replied
IM IMstawt aearoly. " Or do yea wish
me to .end . Ole •1 .arises alter you e•
4%eeag Me then was .o bap for it, the
eller gee eaM We gig, sod is • few minutes
_ wee a ds*eed by • gab i1eatenast b us od
the gwtit-d.ok, errying with him the,
M.)et'e .bse iosed 1.110*. •11 latent
the sore of sternal *cart-martiel
sow held ..a his by tee eaptala end two
of We li.N...te, the fellow protested, tot-
wttbt.ndl•g the indignant .some of the
espy Mame, hie belief tbu,wbm be pinked
Pas ■p, the later was no better then so
seeped meta who hod stolen both beet
. ad jjew.lery. 11, be argued. making • 4.
aided paae,there had bees say .hip's rase
nm. en the Me, be Met have believed
the Bary. Bet those with the gsadty of
,t,ld.as to her, the traces of ooap.ues
by several s•s, .td the improbability o1
ens veaset marrying .eh • oeaft upon ber
desks se auuerted Cy the !bier, why. he
Mei, be eabosltsed, as meet sepsis' would
have dos.. ole puce, As it was, he oar -
ter -bele bad been noised by a .hot from the
brig ;. W mese delayed by the action of
the manor ; med, making tillage .11 rotted,
be hoped. Mae he got bask be topetowe, te
roa.aesba.pfag damps Agatha beth the
moor et the brig .d the Government.
Asd, estwally, .hem Y*.ge creme to lis di. -
...Nd ear t y It ...s., somehow, that
Captain Von Bsomehow,eene' slalom was net wholly
without reaeo.. tar his threats without p0..
oibM (osedatlos ; try, that. in one way of
petting It, he bold the big end et the soak.
Ceptaz. Murray *vinosity thoy(ht se, fa,
afar an aside with the Y.jor and soother
with Vo. Boers. the Neter cams forward
sad apolagiad batd.atady to the Major for
Iib meet ..lrM..M mistake. And who
the Maier..•e.pting his exams, asked the
•.put to keep the outlet as sea roto.,
sot eel) for plaiting Wm ■p, bee for the in-
lay euonied by the Ooe.aa'.gs.rter ase,
I Malt every este loll relieved.
" A very palpable scamp 1" remarked
t%•etaea Merrily .a ere watched the 'British
w8jga✓ pathos eft a hu A(►. " Ad of we
hod the soot hp, Major. you'd have lose
lath beat ..d di.se.ds II thee heard o1
410 firm seaytheat but pertioalar.
Tb ehabeeb afire he .sold have seized the
brig and olemd salvage bre for a.. Hew
gqs�bkly he book eo hie Praia 1 You ase,
Maim. It'. sly ea w -.ovale that the
British my tera resp ever the merchant -
/Ma's desks sad Monies him half out of hie
lite. jr that fellow had het bees placated,
Torr q�.aeb�.ebl�1them s. Cap awn attorney
-.014 Mea p(0 1.11y IT.. 8 Y A Alex•
Mrs mere tremble than 'sough : sy, sod
voile likely tb.y'd move breaght a .etas
opines sur )we. fried here ad yonrsell,
ea reepehaible arm of the brit, fir sa ae
Bit Dpdd's Kidney Wlls win
Vet Renew Lite.
Thousands of persons di* in the
rime of life because doctors think
Fright's Disease and Diabetes incura-
ble. But Dodd's Kidney Pills cure
;hes taotw 'l'bey bon eared thousands
These (diseases and other Kidney
complaints are ss common u ordinary
golds. But a don't realize that
they are aMkted till the disease has
eater deepinto the system. Even
then, lodd's Kidney Pills will posi-
Tousands of tattle are dyitt gal
their feet, bat At root realist it. They
notice one (w more of these symp-
toms : shortness of breath, loss of
teemnry, failing tight, ravenous appe-
tite,p1. or reddish urine, with brick
deposit, scalding when mina
lcorlttiptinn, nervousness, pains
tllt Irene, Their only hope is
lPrt/d'. K Pili. They won't fail.
provoked and murderous attack on e boat's
raw. Really, the affair bas ended in the
best way it could.'
The Major belluleeoed, not very cheertully"
though H. wanted badly to teeob those
"ooaloun4ed Wager.' manners. And he
aver, to his dyssg day, forgot the indig-
allies put upon him to the Ogonna: fore
mink ; always, when .ptnatoa the yarn e
efter•d•ys. Malmo any mention of the
mobbing sad ante washing.
"1 Hoak. Mow," .id the oommaod.r of
the wr-.hipsteamed book to the
HeRea,b, " that 44 bet.
going to have goose
Mary weather, or I wouldn't mind giving
tbe brig • tow for • dal or two. But if 1
put tire beads sod • bo anis mate aboard of
her under Yr. Vdehw, hero, ea *kipper,
that number should be able to tote her to
Paps -town. t )t course, you and Wei M erm-
ene meat be m7 guests as far ea then, .t
soy rate. Both of you have had quite
enuugh adventures for • spell, 1 am sure. --1
am burry to my, Mr. Venancio,' he oonno-
ad.l1,, the Major bad tbaoklally emptied
the tdttfietio0, " that Captain Crowe Heal!
too low to botany one. He, however, *ends
his retard*, turd aye how rejotoed he is to
bear of your safety, and that he hopes to
meet von at the Cape."
This was all veru well ; bat the losing of
Helen's oompeny was somewhat of • fear.
However, what could 1 do bat acyuieese
w ith as good • grans as poseibe ! Also, hal
ehe not called me " Mona " twice ! And
when .t last the lurg.ge bad been pat lea
the moo -o' -ware boat, and the uteri.• those
for saying farewell, had she not said, her
head clow grasped is mine : " home to se
quietly. 1 40.11 feel eaoh day • month us-
brleN'tds mels AWwet yes an
Indse your detest believe but that
she win Lord you fees Ist her memory 1"
ea ea OONTI0('ID.
K1y1k : ,Toho Denholm shipped twelve
oars ot hey to Liverpool Met week.
Brussels : Fast Huron fall fur will be
bold se gravel• on Thursday •0d Friday,
Oclobee 6th •ad 7th.
Exeter: Wlll.er Cadmore left last we..
for Harrow, where be has ammo -0d • posi-
tion with Stealth & Meaning.
Exeter : Wm. Sall, sen ot Thomas Snell.
Hares street, who nudes In Loam, is sut-
tees' Ire. ea mote .JJaok of •ppe.diats
end is not ezp•o1•d to reoover.
Blyth : Dr, .1. N. Perdue is at present
oe • buss. sad pleasure trip to the
Northwest. His brother, Dr Albert Ver-
ierdee, is attending to bas practise i0 bis
Clinton : Thee. Ramball, freight olerk
ted operator .t the G. T. R. .t•uon here,
boa bees promoted and given too agency at
St. Jacobs, six miles from Waterloo aid a
the Galt bad Eur. brenoh. _
Blah : Armaments MN .bendy oo.-
stse..d ier a M.e .O (oarab..s► at Blyth
at as early d.1. The clubs from Brussel.,
Kincardine. Welkertea, Orgill and Wisg•
bash will be asked to oomp.te.
tMafortb : The Hurons, of Se/lords, were
defeated at football by Norwlob in • gam
played at the latter place on Friday last
The score was 2 to 0. This leaves the Ber-
lin Rangers oh.mpione of Use W.F.A.
Wild..: Winrb•m Orange ledge has
oempletei orraagemenh• with the Grand
Trunk hallway to run • big exoanion o0
Om L., H. & B. to Parole and Detroit o0
Saturday, Aug.. 2710, neurons' on Moedy.
Gd.riob towasbtp : .lobe Baker, wbo
was the amino of the.aseelt which created
mob • ..notloa • few weeks ego, f. suffer -
Ing from paralysis sod s eerloesiy ill that •
fbW termlatioa is feared. Hie present all-
o ws b alleged to be doe to the iajeries he
reodvd .1 the bead. .f hi..matleat.
Hassell: There were upwards of four
tbe0.•bd people from different parte
of the district in •teeu4•am at the Twelfth
of July oel.br•tioo held ber. by the IImage-
men of the district of South Hares. 'ibe
.111045 was i0 gala .tan. The .tree,s were
gay with evergreen nobes, the brtllist
d.eoraticse of the stores, and bantioq so-
.tiatodly depl.yd. l'ee pr.oession, which
Minded the 33rd Battalion band, the Park -
bill bra bred and • host of fife and drum
load., wee a mile in leotth. The formal
proceedings wen held a Moire grove,
awe spathes wore delivered by the local
Meru and by Rev. Mr, }lodging, of Se -
forth, and K... Wm. MoDooavh, of Strat-
18yt1: The anniversary of the bottle el
t8. Boys* was eotha.teatteally °beery ed
ben by the Orang.meo of North Hares.
The alUraa of the village bad their rr1-
donees and place of hotness tastily
detorted Ion the occasion. and then was
ample provision for supplying the large
number of visitors present with the wean
et the Inner man. After the preo.sston,
the Orangemen as.embld in the Agrloul-
turol park, when moiety master John
W ilterd presided over the proceedings.
Addressee were delivered by Rev. W. W.
Leath, K Wblteohuroh ; Rev. Wm. Lowe
ad Rev. A. H. Musgrove, of W isgham ;
Rev, W. Rigsby, of Blyth, .d Rev. T. L.
Arm.trom, of Dung•eooe. An t of
the day wee • baball matoh bet....
W Is*b.m and Bu& ter a parse of 160-
130 to the .toner sad 120 to the loser.
Wingh•m won by 16 to 13_ A anmr% in
the evening ended the day'. oelebr.►foe.
Last week warden MoKwan, manty tome
etilor Patterson, road oommiuiooer Ansley
ad waety clerk Ione met .t Wingham to
epee tenders for the new bridge to be 'rat-
a at Maeobester. Tenders were reoeived
separately for the exoer•tiet, the ooeorete
therm* and tthe iron snperetro'-tare.
For sgoavatisg, the following were the Men -
den reoelved : - W. Wheatley, Chaos,
rah : O. 11448, freessll, 1S'f6; Jnheeses
rad Kilpatrick, riMerloh, 1474 t D. 01e.
C11n1en, 1460; How.ee, IAwsm
sad OetnidesMo. Asher., 1647 t Jobe Lew.
. as. Auburn, 1626:. W. $vmiostm, Col.
bot.., 1600. Kidd 00mmpmhtd his reader '
with a totter saving that if he did mot .1
the Nesework, for which he was tonderamg,
he wonld not de the excavating at his 0Irh,.,
as the reason for ole bang so much lower
than the otbers ane that he ezpeoted to 0ga
the e•me tnacbeaery for excavating 11.5 he
weeM leave fee the stages. The emotion to
be ..vate4 es .hoot 1600 rattle, and the
eesmittee thought all the talent too high
(Kidd'. set being onrereraaed I, .mal 4eei4ed Children'. Baskets, ,lest the
to lee It eat by prime other)" The fee-
der. for the 410.0(•441 slimmest' ware : lm. new line of Toy Pails
15.•at•, Oelbnra, 16 45 per ea'ie yard ; i3. 20e.
KIM, 1d per eeh'e yard ; Frank 0.tteidge,
aaarogeb, M 1w molis yard. Ile tender
of the loaf Med was as ereet 4, Tea.
dere fee the ora sure were es
Miledemil0. 1 8 , , .
Klamath*, Os .11
k.et .muted A ser
swam. T. r tion 1..e flea that
see MI.rrs.►M tte}11.M .Mer,Distes.
From our own Corr espon4efib
fiber. Is Information Mn Stet thane' M
/..aver Aar wher. arse News of Hie
Omer '►•.mat.11e teperMd
M The Signal.
' t • Yew*@, Jsly le.
Yrs Mahal Bethke, of Woodetook, b
visiting ber grasdperent.,, Yr. mod Mrs R
Mn. R. Wblt.-ty, of Lu. kuow, has re-
turned home after • plewnt vast of • fort.
eight, the guest of Mn. Thos. Tiubber e, at
the Redlands
Mrs. Andrew Thompson, of Bay City,
Mich., end her bus Fred ere entoylag oar
lake breezes. They are the guest. of Mr.
and 01... David Lawson, at Cotswolds.
Henry Coombs, of the advertising d.,.rt-
meat of The Free Preen, to up from London
100 ha semi vacatia end is onjeving oar
lake *.ream. He is she vow of Mr. sod
Mn. Tobin at IAnadowus Farm.
Mies Kate Meodoumld te hers tram De-
troit on a visit to the parental hems. Dar
Mg her stay the will visit, with her bicycle,
ber may (mends in this vioialty. Her
aunt, Mrs. Trask, of Butte City, is elates
Isere also.
A large ■amber of our residence attended
the (natal of the late George Morris a
5sad•y Gat from Ma residence on ropier
Row. Ws unhooked -for death In the early
ev...p ` life makes • @reel gap in the
yammered Cstborme. He was • Rood
farmer, • kind notehbor and ever • mouth
host. Wit extend to his family or deepest
sympathy in their hoar of sorrow.
Fall wheat n•ryeectng for 1'498 started
here on Saturday tat, the 16th of July,
John tike Mealier she first shoat of the
season here. A. Allen's ten sores of wheat
was out down in nine hears with teres
borses by M. J. Tohio's matting with neat-
ness and despatch. The field oar be sees
by say doubters goy time, and those that
oto ezoel Miohael will please let us knew.
Our Minim farmers have always the lead
ad will always hold it. Mr. Oke ad F.
Allen shookd up the held.
Trssp•y, July 19th.
Members of Court Made Leal, No. 16,
C. O. T., sad brethren from Sealorth. Mode-
Ztele int of rh, HalmesvCopl. and Qoceago about sae beaded- and
thirty, sw.nbled in their hall last Seadmy
morning and marched its • body to the
Rat5abary street Methodist oburoh, where
Rev. R. MWyrd prseohd an appropriate
sermon from Use first Aspen of Romans
and the 14th versa : "I am debtor both to
the Greeks and to the brbarians : bath to
the wine and ajeheunwise." After the melee
the brethren rearmed la order to their ball,
sad alter the usual votes cl thanks were
over the brethren detained, feeling that
the ooa•ei00 was one most happy and profit-
able. Brother Joespb Wheatley woad as
marshal for the maths.
Tr,,n•r, July 1948, 1898.
Mr. and Mrs. Yotberagham, of Brea-
thitt rusted their daughter, Mrs. A. H.
Certo., .t Suoaystde, wt week.
D MaeLstrea end staff were bere ntare-
iag from Kiatail, where they had moved •
large barn. and did some oarpeoterisg work
tor A. H. Clutton, In the interior of kis
Moe foundation.
Fall wheat barvrtiog oemsesoad Bre
foe Wedneadsy. Horace Hates mod Win.
Ballard toned the fl.► sha•xma. is dentia
the way ler the header with the aredb--
net the kiwi that is e use for domestic
You've dodged the merry .00rober,
Aod the yawing, wavering sal.
Who puta the tows in torture
When she .rays • whirl '
You've danced • fr.stlo meaiaro
In the middle of the street
To avoid the doubtful paean
O1 • mwtioe with her lest'
You ma shun the hasty rider.
Who nitty•ooroer otos,
And the scrim --woe betide her' -
Who fondere in the rote'
Ree have you ever tried to steer
This aide sad that, but always oleer,
Of the .eel the none may ever heal,
W obblise
There's the Boasting oras*, who dandle,
Hie lat es near his bead.
Aod the am who spurns the boodles
And folds his rum Instead'
There's the sneak who ever tries to glide
The wrong hand of the road,
And the eyeliet with a jag Md.
And the foot who hu • load
But the deoarated vista
Of the man with eves amidst
WIII yield you to derision
For the wry you have te mime
The way and that, but always oleor
Of hies who never shed a tear
That ekstgh•way down has cheek meld
Meal -
wheel 1
-H.F.G., is Teresa Star.
Rev. Father West wee im tlwfertb Ike
Ke. M:tba Cram u vlsioag as Port
H 1L O.eot, of 011108.11, was is tows over
Thea Hawley, of Cbluago, h autism
t ; ederlok
Wob.Wr MoConaell. of Blyth, spent Yea
day 1a town.
Haar. Mrtte as visiting female Detroit
and Welks/ vine.
Mies Emma Eagle, of Toronto, is vista./
friends la town.
Mise Carrie Smith, of (.alt, is visiting
relative la Lows.
Mir Halloo Whitely wee one of the
Chimes uonntuaists o0 Thursday.
Mies Luoy Phillips, of Clinton, was visit
Int ham lase wesb.
Mho.. 01. B.ker sad Kate Campbell, of
Detroit, are rutting at their homes s town.
Mr. and Mn. S. Mottoes, of S.forte,
opens Sunday in tows.
Mies Sophia Pard arrived boos last week
from Detroit for • holiday visit.
Maes O'Reilly, head milliner for Smith
Brae., wont to Aylmer oo Mooday.
Mir Emily Stenos, of Cliaton, was the
guest of Mtge Emily Curren last week.
Miser Alm. .ad Luoy Stevens, of Ulm
toe, are the quests of 011h Emily Conn.
Hash Cunningham, of Tweet., has been
vbiNtg (reads in tows aas at Port Albert.
Mies T.we,, of W iaghem.. is visiting ,C
tho residse..5 ties. Themes. NOB
@ tree.
,,.M,it.OirtiTomato, in
.de swfead. el TTo�att..
s.. -....ss --a *iq-iMfta._4iss••wh mid
riot ------
- _ __
H. J. H. Delimit, of Port Albert,
has raleinsJ fro. • two weeks' waft to
Mee Wenn (iaaiwio, of Clinton, *peat
• few days tbe.pes week visiting treads
in tows. -, r',.•
Mies Olive Robertson eft on Friday on •
six weeks' trip to Ayr, Brantford, Hamalt .
sod Teresa.
Mies AIM Kriehm, .( Metes, is Speed.
fag • few days in tows, the gases of Miss
Mamie Young.
Mrs. Sickles and soo, Otto, o1•Port Huron,
are Melting the Termer'. Forgets, Mr. end
Mrs. Lewis Elliott.
Mi... Lizzie and Alice Twit.hell, of
Clinton, are the saws el Mies May
MoCrooth this week. '
Mies Gordon. of SL Hehmf; wet she guest
et Mr. ssd Mor. W. A. Harrison fit several
Hadati alost eteeks4""7."'w..-...,......_,1.
J. W. Van•tIer eft yesterday Mstehig
to That Kincardine and Weent. He
went on his wheel
D. Mot)ou.ld was in Teresa lest week
attending • rosette" of the ('aunty Cosi
Cloaks' A.sool•two.
Mrs. Brown, Huroo rood, .turned ea
Monday from • week's visit to 1rieede as
Wood.took and Logeeesll.
Geoffrey Holt, Peal Turnbull, Jim
Masan and Kovvstt Noltel are oamping on
the lake shore, s the rear of C. J. N•ttel's
farm, Goderiob too nehlp.
Thos Nairn went to Windsor on Moodsy
to that in he brother George's Kora. the
latter heath bad hie head one.
Mrs. end Mies Stracg left os 8ats1day
for • trip a the SL Lawrenh river. They
will be sway about two weeks.
Geo. Braes, of Ha itoe, was In
last week is the anteroom of the
Coasts Inas & d•viong Compaq.
Miss Sark. of Ridgeway, who bed las
viaiteg Mi. Mazy Sharman for several
weeks, notarised bene on Moa.liy
Uwe. Bertha sad Annie Dowdiy 1.11 es
Monday for Toronto, when they win spend
the }holidays with rels(ives and fried
Mn. C, C. Morrison mod son, M..►ar
SII dire, arrived le town on Monday teres
Detroit, m.00.penid by Mrs John Hawley
mad Mise Hawley, also of Detroit
Wm. Hepb n and two_uaw, Jobs asd
Will, of Stratford, en route to the sorirba
• wheeling tour, arrived is town Tuesday
anion and galled ea 01tr Skelton, Mr.
Hepburn's niece.
by using one of our
WiV B P. I.I1•TM3D •
. 8th, them is the "indite.
Chemist (Ind Druggist.
re have just opened a large lot of
•r T-'
Whit. Dr ui Ducki as4 114 ash Blot -
tags : soiree and desirable goods.
Ladies' Dressing Jackets, new sty
opened to -day, in new colors, including
the fashionable army blue shades.
jib- THE
For Ice Create, for
instance, and
For Cakes.
One is a Drug, of course.
the other a Chemical, and
there are still others :
Tao best place to buy
Drugs is at a Drug Store.
The druggist knows more
about thew than other
people do
We keep ',good drugstore. foss
and see.. 'Shoat "- Kitchen Drugs"
-±7. Y DAVIS,
hal. Pan. B.
Inspection invited.
Mir Hays returned home from `.•forth.
M Monday.
G. H. Nair, JamellNiditolidayg _with
Wm Lizzie Thinness" visited heresy at
Luoknew Wt week. '
Mrs. O. U Whitely is vi,ibiog celibate
ted friends is Laoknew,
H. J. D. Cooke, of Heiman, was in town
on Monday.
Charles Luise spading the holidays in
KisWl and other points in that Ioo.Gty.
H. B. Guest bas mound • school to Lops
towtmhip, hear Mitchell, Lone Elliott will
oto the school staff at l'ort Albert alter
the holidays, •od 1. Kilpatrick has the
Crowe pabllo gehapt.
Arthur ted Warner Robertson, of
€be.go, arrived in town Tuesday noon.
They made the trip from Santa on • tan-
dem. Tho boys will spend two weeks in
sown reeewlog old friendships
DT. and Mrs. J. Soett, of tyueo Cat.,
Mich., visited Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Va-
▪ tter yesterday. They had drives all the
way from Michigan, end were on their way
to Whitechuroh, Mrs. Scott's old home.
Melvin Howell is •t ()sondem', haying
been called borne last week on mount of
the illness et Ws tat ter, .bob termisased
ea bio death on Wednesday night The de -
sem we. thio ..011 of sunstroke. 111.
flower boa tide sympathy of hit ' ratter
teinithilseee to tib les. which he hie vie
C. O. F. AT CLINTON.- Tha following
members of the C.s.di.a Order of Foresters
to Underbids attended the Masai sermon to
the order .t Clinton, last *today, by Rev.
R Millyerd : J. H. Worsen, J. T. noiso-
me, W. J. C.rter, W. G. Taylor, Them
McKeede, Thomas Barrows, Themes War.
Der, A. E. Murray, R W. Clark, William
Youth, William MoCreatb.
Dr. Thomas O'H•r0o, whom our readers
w111 know as on of air Canadian pmts, in
.-vlaltleg Goderieb. He a the goes) of
Rev. Father West Dr. O'H.aaa is not
only • sweet doter in poesy, but is gifted
also with • Musical Moor votoe. On Sunday
morning last es meg • role to St Peter's
'sheath. " Hall, Foamy Ocean Star !" and
therwesieees of the rendition charmed all
who had the pleasure of heating it
Lunch and
Work Baskets
011.. Kato 1)esa end John Pinata visited
0114. Luse Dem. at Kie1ai1, on Sunday.
'Phan. Timer-- typo, pas returned to
Mir Tbe.000, of Detroit, is the guest
of 01... Tntkoway, Elgin -se.
Frank Sallow., undertaker, of Listowel,
drove down 10the funeral of lioorge Morrie
Wilbur Gem* is lemming the hardware
business with R. W. M,Keoxie.
Miss Noliio Cbry.tel retuned on Mooday
from • veil to Laokoow.
Arthur Chapman has arrived from Pike
Bay, to work with the Doctorial) Lumber
A port, d Gdenoh youth people pie
Math .t Hosanna. 14. niestild ,Feeder
YsK. . • , ., st : •,'
_fr '
- Mine Wage Overberry, of Clutoo, b vieit-
im a1 the iMidenoe of Jas. Munro, Cambria
Ie h gall that blackbirds re destroying
the pea orep in some mentions of Huron
John Skelton, of iNtroit, was in town o0
Monday that •ieleiog hue sister, Miss 01.
Chari.. Mttal., engineer .t the London
Asylum, is spending *is holidays ander the
par agal roof.
011. lleverley and Mass Wteou, of
Detroit, are the guests of Yrs. (Ceps)
McKay, Quebeo-*L
Thomas Wells and Dan. McLeod arrived
ea Monday from Tobermony, to spend a
few dose s awn.
The Misses Claire Reynolds and ele.trioe
(Arrow have returned from • pleasant vett
te friends in MoKillop.
Mn. Stnohan, of Louisville, Ky., arrived
1a time to be enema as the death -bed of het
father, George Morrie.
Samuel MaKaazie, of Aotoa, was celled
bete on.000uot ot the death of him brother-
inJ.w, George Morris.
Mrs. Wm. ().m'rbo11, of Waves ave.,
Termite, a voting all the nodose* of Wm
(}hiasphell, Qatb.o at.
--slim Chute, Harry Rothwell and 'town
*remorse Herten are among the seat to
solve the mysteries of wheeling.
Master Regis Hick, of Pearwo ave.,
Toronto. te the goof of his grandfather,
Walter HMIs, Gderioh township.
Allan Jeekell, who had t»o0 writing upon I
Ids examination at the Collegiate, left on
Uoed•y for his home near Exeter.
Gee. Buchanan, of Camroo. Holt and
Holmes' oMm, wheeled to Zurich on Satur-
day and spent Sunday .t his home there.
Hovey Howell, of Buffalo, N.V., arrived
Is town on Saturday to attend the funeral
.f be brother -n -law, the late (leo. Morris.
Wm. Ratan and Fred. Boulanger. who
aa engaged on the Government works at
hayfield bettor, were in town co Moody
OemMro". July le. tart
Vibre,,...-,.. ....,.... y 34.tp.gJA
, family. ger ...r- t 76 to 176
B are patent.to ton... OM SIR ..........w' 1 00 tom 00 lo 3 00
ton , 00
Shorts, • ton - ........ 1 00 tole 00
Oas. • busk ...,,,,...,ti.,.,,..,... 25 to 0 9e
P.aa • bush ,...,, 45 to 0 11
Hay, • Wt.,.....:....,,,. 50 to 000
P0504000. llebets-..-»..,..-..,., iD 10 0 69
Batter, ...... .... 13 to 0 11
MOM Fres► akpt.kdIN DOL.... ao to 0 e0
Hides. u0 to 700
relit 20 to 015
Lamb -Milne„as to 0 :15
Live Hors -. 25 to 150
Bacon. . ..e. M. 12 too 15
Ham. per lb. ...... c.:.:.:...:;.-.. 10 to 0 11
Chem. oar It,, ...... It to 0 11
Deem] Hoge per owt 50 to 5 75
Drowsed Beet fore qua/100 to 5 00
D eemed Beer, 0
hind 00 to 6 :,0
Darby. per bush to to ono
1 went S00 ton* of good Timothy Hay,
tbla year's oat,
le Exchange for Apple Barrels.
Lamb la '.'s delivered during July sada
Au,,uol, Ray to be premed during the
Fail and Winter months. Farmers in the
violet ty of Gdertob, now is the time for you
to spsealmte. Barrel. the Fall will be to
you as good as gold.
As this le • snap offer, It will be held open
only until the fltb ot August, en oome and
a or write at 000e. and thereby secure a
market for your surplus Hay.
Near G. T. R. Station,
Opposite Furniture F.otory.
A dandy carload of 2, 25 and 3-n. t.tuiN
T11.4 )see arrived. 3
dndertaker & Embalmer
N. A. -Our Charges hare l rrn ()really
15,•,fat'rd fa nr4.r In ..ret 1hr ,.npr,inr
,1. .sand for Mo,br&, Primer( Funeral..
I am prepared to buy this
Seasons Blip of Wool, as
usual, at the
In exchange for Manufac-
tured Articles.
Mar 30th, 131103,
- I am Agent for
- the► "Dennis" Iron Fenc-
ing ; also all kinds of Gas
Pipe Fencing put up sub-
stantially. Samples of
Fencing can be seen at
Mr. 8. P. Halls' residence
on North-st. ; also at Mr.
P. Lynn's new residence.
Prices and workman-
ship the beat. - - -
Give me a call for Iron
Rloi. Pio tt.11 ter table or dairy.
Mn. John Best and three 0611:ren, of
Sealer Lb, are spending several weeks in tows
They are the guests of Mrs. Promote 01r.
Best wines up to spend Mandays with hie
The 011eses Oram sad Elizabeth Wilson,
d•aghter. of Rev. Jasper Wilma, who had
remained a S1.tbroy to write apnn their
examination. at the Collegiate Institute, c-
raved in town on Tuesday.
The re.id.nm of Rev. Wm. Godwin, on
Newgate -.5, has bees lathed by James
T.Itohell, of CI'etos, whoa family is own•
pyla it daring the ah.mos of the former
sad Ei. family en their vacation.
9coday was prel»bly the hottest day Of
lite year to tar, sod we don't wast aoaheg
=may a w.e
mew am eft. it, TW
atwaary was flirting with the 90` msrk,ad,
''•--- .ee.rdl.t M eerie people, actually "Meted'
*5. s. *4. 1.71.7.
Lunch Baskets, regular !Sc., gale price, 16e.
35c., " " 20c.
50e., " ' ase.
20e., " " 1Oc.
25e., " 15e.
thing for carrying to the Beach ; also $
and Shovels, Boats, etc., 5e., 7c , 10c., and
Weiser. .Mor. Aa..•r .eagle , 6.30 p.m., eases fasterd•y..
Telephone 100. .. Court House So Imre, CODE RICH
M..v. Dueke and Mprtnger, of B.rlto,
ware In town ea Thered.! last. They were
on • wheelie( tow, had visited Owes
%oaesi. Kaa•rdla* sad other places to the
North, •d from here proosedd on their
way home, vi. Stratford.
We ostia. tram The Gimlet Merrary
that Iola G. Stivm• the dae.hter of
Ger/. stirs., • well knows former red•
dame et Gederieh,' 10 ono of th. enoeeesful
..sdidatas who wrote at Coolish foe
.n4sam to the Collegiate Iast(ate. Moe
Seven took a 11.1 plena on the Int, meat.
ise 740 .arks.
Rev. A. R. M. Thomas left on wtarday
M Mk• ep Ma work st kilovolt*. Mr.
Tbe.oas has set yet fully reseeere4 from
bis meet severe Ills., sod win net take
are potpie week ..til after next Sender
L ti. blokes*M, of (latae, amoeba ler
sed•y W. trust tMn Mr
'a health will .hew . ..sows..
imprevo.ont, end thea he .111 be ...easfel
Is the week witted M hal .ossa
this Season
._wiILfin.d_it.to their advan- .
tage to purchase from
this up-to-date hardware
I am selling Blacksmith's Hard.
ware very low.
My motto is :to please all persons
wanting goods - in y line.
I intend quality, price, and fair
dealing to be my best advertisement.
R. W