HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-7-21, Page 4^ rm. TSVIMIDAT, July 21, 1898. THE SIGNAL: GODERIdIrONTARIO A BOY FROM THE COUNTRY told us the other day he had only recently found out how easily our wheels run. He also mid the wheels Ivo had sold in his neighborhood were the most matisfactory used titers. We believe satisfied cus- tomers the best advertise- ments, and devote ,....good deal of time and energy in bringing about there results. If it is not already our privilege to cater to yoe, we solicit • trial. We have • few Second hand Wheels to sell at very low priors. with hill wipeout'', and will continue to be good-natured. THAT, HEATHEN- HARDEE. •ParraD " riatrrurt 1. J • V VIC (0) . • 4111.14J1I. It WAD .1ugust tee Third .timl quite eat were the skies, Which it might be inferred That H•illatil war likewites, Hut he pleyed it thist Iiiy upou Wfter.S111 And ine in a way I iteepitie hieli we had quite • game With a very full handl "fwas s ehultie -the ratan lie del mit understand- liva he smiled like thtidd of a gable ttlielethe sun is arrowd in the land. Awl the way that he'd unite As he to k in the tricks, It yellowed our tale e$erything liut h gathered in all that was g tfug, And our measly portl.,11 wa 111%. --Wile. it t, define l'he ..stsultles' votes, We had to repine. .- 'For 11t. 4..1.1 110 like shut..., And he made the bill retroettive; .ttitl therell he sawed all otir boats. %V heti i,wfty I remark, Anil my language ui pkiru, - Thebtlei iiii-U'reffilf ire- -dark - And tricks that ..re vein • -That licathenneeebar, Which tlie-same.1 shall ever ariutaiii EMERSON'S Mu Sipa 9 IU POIWIMIlia - EVERY THURSDAY MORNING IlleSSAILKWIMPT swim& TIMM:4T. IiTLY II: VII A WORD FOR THE COUNTRY EDITOR. THE pact played by the provincial preen in moulding the political and wild thought of the country is getting to be more fully recognixed. During the general election" hundreds of teady-made let on paper or in boiler plate," are urged upon the country editor, who uses. adapts or rt 'meta these lucubration' of the party. hack as circumstance's or taste will permit Many of the original articles appear- ing in the country press, like more - _pinkintious utterances, are made to WI certain auuount of spate, and are more or leas ot the tinkling cymbal sort, or a wilderness of words. But some of the writings have been models of stirring and impreuive appeal, and have had effect in rousing to action or reaction the local constitu- ency. The country editor may often be formal, and ocicasionally dull; but who ca u always be at lugh,water mark 1 But if be hallie times of barremieu he elm has his periods of terse and timely expression, and the brilliant city editor, scanning the rural sheets, finds mail • clever point' or apt expruen which is appropriatea and revamped to ornament the party " Thunderer," and gain kudos for the man with a big name who had the discernment to play lion while using the humbler rural scribe as an unwitting jackal in providing editorial prey. The coontry editor has much to di- vert his attention from fine writing. Ilia reading 1. hurried ; in fact he ham no time to read, and only scans. His literary aorta are only a part -.com- paratively small part, sometimes -el hie work. He has frequently to write when his mind has been diverted by trying circumstances ot a ousniebt 1r, mechanical nature; half -a -dozen office olaims are being urged upon him while the editorial COIUMII, like the hone - leech. daughter, cries "Give !" 1s it any wonder, then, that the editor of the town or village paper fails often to do his beat work in writing editorials? If all were known, the wonder would be that so much good matter is ground out under the circumstances. The country editor may well quote the plea made by Dr. OLIVER WIINDELL HOLMES on behalf of those who use the pen: Dui gently with IIA, ye who real, Our largest hope in uhfolfilled ; The favientser still outruns the deed : The tower, but trot the spire, we buikl. Unr whiteet pearl vve never Heti, Our ripeet fruit we never reach ; Thom dowering moments of the mind Luse half their petals in our speech. Thin in flesh P Perhaps it's natural. If pesfectly well, this is probably the case. But many are suffering frOin frequent colds, nervous debility, pallor, and a hun- dred aches and pains, simply because they are not fleshy enough. Scott's Emulsion of Cod- liver Oil with Hypophos phites strengthens the diges- tion, gives new force to the nerves, and makes rich, rod blood. It is a food in itsm.`", .11 &rpm, SOTT& ts0Wells, chewier.. 'I prom., Gliri YOUR BUGS TH1 BUT. We have a new stook ot BERGER'S ENGLISH PARIS GREEN The best wade ---not the kiwl used for paint, but some- thing much purer. Price Just the IMMO as you pay for inferior stuff. PURE HELLEBORE, INSECT POWDER FIN PAPERS of 49 kind,. Tourists will find special attention paid to American Toilet Articles and to Prescription work. Lime Juice. Hoot Beer and Ginger Beier Extracta. W. C. GOODE, Chemist, BEDFORD BLOCK. STILL ON DECK ! ICYCLE LIVERY Everybody is Talking about D. CANTELON'S FDOla IRD THE AUGUST SESSION. IT is passing strange that the Con- feryative leaders shoal l tak exception to the early session of the Legislature, In view of the fact that for months back they have been stating that the H•anv ROOS Government wag OD the Hut, if, as 'ma alleged, the Government were tottering to ita fall, why not welcome with acclaim the naming of Ib. early day when an Opportunity would be given the loyal Opposition lo Mae the bitterer, hip and thigh I ""POr ean it be that all this talk about bolding winning cards hes been mere Umber and bravado on the part ei eau Conservative friends, anti dist ?like Moses, they ars destined net be *eater Use Lead of Name's 1 Pee ourselves, we Iio not sem what is to gals hy Ib. Bummer sew outside of seaktal the wombat" ifirlitilatfry by the ewsit of MY el SNAP SHOTS-. _ -What is wanted now is Harmony in Huron with it berg° " H.'' -Santiago is Spenikl fur Jim _ towu. IL name very near being Mud. -That. will be an August aa- eleruhlagr when tlw Lege -datum holds it. Summer 111,341olt. -Piaci out vilest lour opponenta waut you te du, and do it, is 4, true today ate tbe day it Wu written. -It is announced that IPLAIA WASP. es -Primus Gituur, haul eid tine 01111*-egimilletualliffillosce-.1/4%,:r4idist:14 -The outcome of the British - American cmtifereiwe will go to 'Mow that the Men of the Northern butt. crin bold their own. - - -- Premier HARDT has called the LegudittUre tAr meet it August (so that the metuirens may have a chauee to see hew Lie 1:4 it team make home rum. --If it were decided that the eon/stables had n right to vete, .lirelY our Comervatire friend', would not, be amain enough to take advantage of Ore numbered ballot to we how the delinquents voted. -The hired man end the Opposition leaders in the legislature- are now doing the kicking. -the former heeatiee " auti•up" comet. too mirk it the morning, and the bitter became two reessioug a year are too too itumerous. - There will be & lecture in the Baptist Church, Clinton, NItnitiev twit, Mt " flutuely People." If the lecturer WNS IA; "Homely Peple,- a Mg hall would be elated. (Me thing in nertain, the Mayor oil Town Council ahookl be prevent. - An arrangement has twee made Ity vvhieh the Legislative ehember Will be filled with votil air e%ery twenty MillUteS during the August tession, but n2 arrange - 'tent Mit le made that will hinder the Opposition leaden' from getting hot under the toiler. -A-weery funny coincidence oci I urns! i.i311 ;Illy 12th. CLARKR wap giving tliC 140 a 'word at %Valkertoti awl went over lieltriltawee ,,tor ) olout the Grit Government seeking the influent, of the l'one in the settlement of the klanitolia SCho..1 )11 lite SAW day Sir and Bishop Inst.itvie wt. e registered tit . a pity Hon. CLAIIKE WAIJ.Al wa., not male aware of the eiretionetsuree. CONTEMPORARY OPINION. vie COLutia Myna NO it/STUeN. Toronto Telegram : For months the Ham- ilton Spootator has been advertming Hon. J. M. Gibson's want of a oonstitutiocv. If the mut aforesaid is still uosatiefied the Spectator oan Its no great shakos 01 00 ad mortising medium. It 1 0 SIORROR OOLTRINIL IS I -MILT TO V•110411. ()olden, Smith : The doom ol Cirrus's Best wu certain. His mason for sallying out very probably waa that hie men were sundae, a ooadition not calculated 10 im• prove their fighting qualities. Thelma Bght, 41 11 oan be so oalled, was • repetition of Mulls ; once more rotten hulks were de- stroyed and their helplee• °rows were slaughtered by an enemy ensueoed in In- vulnerable iroaclads, without any danger to himself. What sort of 5 battle, and what sort of a vlotory It was, is shown by the tacit that ally ens American wee killed. • • The alliance to In desired, if It could only he brought •Inut, is not one of race, for the purposes of Joint donna:don mid rapine,under specious manna, hot one of humasi: y among Ib. honest and industrious ymple of all cioutrIes for the purpose of putting • step to iiegoism and preverotine it from makle• mutual hatred anti spoliation the law of the civilised world. Sp&n menet poesilly hope to vital& tribe even If she cmuld repel the present lawbeine Nor can she wail hope to retala Porto Rite. Aa to th• Philippines, she may possibly ob. Ws WOO term' by putting hamelf 101. 110 betide cot Sas European YAWN'S. llot the ne• essetty of Baldly renouncing empire and tenting to the work of mlf rmioration aoti Mee development of her domesiie researees will he as eartalnly le het • hIssitine is die. gal« se empire has been her bane A. Amerierin admiral. it seamt, ha. eons to bentbsrd the most towns of Simi°, Mill the smok• of hia first gas will vanieh the Mures dostries. If Amerina troll net let Sumps alma, she esenot •rpeot to be let slue by Europa. CHURCH NOTES. Rev. Rtes. Geoleis will nacre (telt Kilitassill• We week sod n411 swolsliewmpy thet=ei Vistraitat W.11041. elisro sit h nett. Rev. Jasper Wiley', -n Studer moralise seek la )Iersh-et. Idetinwliee shush, will = Peter ermiliw sepersisHe ta the nue employed at reale" ef the larssweh 'Asses of Narsarvi. elinteh Vier Tassday meal VAS be a laresesa let W Evan, Vesper service at Si. Peter's olitiruh oe Sudsy ,was marked by • bass solo, 'Afraid of Tema" rendered powerfully and with 1001 IOIO. ity Frith Shannon A missionary tea was give& at the home of Mrs. tDr.) Taylor, on Tuesday evening, in the intereste of tn. Wovrian'e td trunary *piety of the Preebyjoriao church. --Thy-- Ladies", Atd Society of Nortb•st. blethediat oburon ask us to •ipress their certified* to Mrs. Smooth for the use of iser gewsieda ter the hoidiag of the lawa kietel on the evening of Frid•y, the fith teat. • studmit mimaionaty worker, la behalf ef the forward movement in INIVIIP1111 Mimi Chute hair promised to give 1 -1W -et this meeting. The Hemiltos Spectator says Rev 1; F. Salute, Ph. 5. wbo oomes to Conteuer ohuroh altar • suouseful Si. Thomism pea Loreto, preached his brat sermon 10 the 1.g Methwitetliuditortum hut Sunday morning Mr. Salton is. oomperatively 'puking, • youoir urn. rd. lodging from his appear• mos and pulpit style, be has stArted out oe good grounds to make • brilliant sures. el life Ile is credited witb beteg • octet% orator, though ries would not have dim °ovum] this from hia morning sermon. Thu, was more of • plata, straighttorward talk to the members of his n•w charge. le St. Thomas his record te tir.t claw a• worker with youeg people. aud his face 1111. durum, thst he should be a seiner aloog Sees lima Lasetilet new pastor will hawses aid h in hie wort. If you want tei'learn to ride the wheel, Go to YULE'S. H you want Repairs, you will find a yule:v..14er, a brazier, an enameller, and a conipetent workman . • At YULE'S. • If you want Good Wheel* and Best Attention, be sure sad go to the old and reliable He Ira Je.li repaired amosther ow lead from Itaultota. lie has Dow cm hand two of the beet brands a rum ow re world caa produce. LAKE OF THE WOODS • N _ OGILVIE'S * KINGSTON STREET. GODERICH. YULE'S BICYCLE LIVERY PLAITING MILL. ESTABLISIHO Bohm & Mims ST tl*oiutl'it Careen OPILD Ganiint. PARTY -OD TROIrldily WA the mega' VIU- des party of the Eoglish church WaS held as the trued@ of Dr. J. It Shanties, whiob were kindly loot for the purports. The eve. meg was •virrythier that uould be wiehed, lia• aud not too hot. bet hot *sough to make the ioe cream fly. to the mutual boss - fit of tbe fair vendors and tfie oossuoiers. Nor wqs there anythiug lackior. Excellent tes sad goatee were served oat of the dialog - MOM windows, and beneath the trees the homy table was laden with tempting ar. Ude. tor sale, the work of the ladie• of the ourregatiow, What • osody stall peered • great attliMemesrehe swell people, who munched ib.4 sweet@ to th• strains of the Ooderich need. And the band did well, as they always do, making us all feel oul with their white uniforms. Hut they were pot without competition in the must° line, for et the baok, under the !rum, Hr. Boyd dare pawed selected pieces from ids geaphopbone at the low price of ti•• oenta • "go' A sew feature thle yrr was tie electric light which was put ia the garden for the seam Dios, making the sous look. es • little girl Pad. 'kb. • bit of fairyland.' Everybody who went ,oted the evening • enuese, sod es dtd the treasurer of MI. George's (hu,oh Guild when she °minted op th• money next day and discovered that the net profits rierated to over 8160. - terse quantities of cherries sr. behre shipped by uprose from i,his station. AskyourDedier for RICE'S PURE SALT Be5i for Tableand 1. CATTLE BROS. Plumbers Steam -Fitters , 'Tinsmiths Have removed to West side of the Spuare, next • Sturdy Bros'. Grocery, where they will be pleased to see all their customers, and Ms many more as will favor them with a call. West, sidoSjuar Canadian Pacific Ry. IS THE DIRECT FAST ALL -CANADIAN ONLY - LINE 7) TAME FOS Manitoba, the N rthwest, Klondike *yid Yukon Gold Fields. . LOWEST RATES. FASTEST TIME. A000MMODA11014 UNSURPASSED TOURIST CARI A WtEK 0 TO THE PACIFIC COAST R. It .A.DoLiFFIS, zi•r. ceor• Mai OM - DOOR and BLIND Dealers la all kinds ot LUMBER. LATH, SHINGLES And baildar's materkt1 s•ery deu-tititie• School furniture a Specialty HELLO ! FROM wiIlil ILLS. Made truce No. I liard Wrier CODERICH BARCAIN CENTRE 13ARGAIN DAYS JULY -28th and 20th -JULY ALL SUMMER GOODS MUST GO. Dress Goods, Black and Colored Silks, Laces, Em- broideries, Cashmere Hose, Cotton Hoge, Kid Gloves, Silk-, Gloves, Corsets, Ribbons, Prints, Gingham, Shirting, Table Linen, Table Napkins, Ticking, Sheeting, Pillow Cotton, Parasols Umbrellas, Towelling, Ladies' Vests, Shirt - Waists, Cottonades Men's Shirts, Overalls, So:lul, Ties, Braces, Tweeds, etc , etc. Everything in the store marked down for July 28th and 29th. A rare chance to secure the latest for little money. Reineusber the Main thing -the dates. U. also Ivess 1. beet brands of 081•1411 Flour. Nosis berme rem will de well by ?a o• D. Commies. the verher tical r. • will tell yott bow to bkrad ilmt Manitoba and Oarrio Flour turether se sr to bare • bruit tul fatally Flour ala resseaeole yrioe, Orders .111 tie promptly encoded to la PUFF PASTRY, ROLLS or OYSTER PATTIES Wodellais Cakes alibi •hweiall king • specially. D. CANTELON. BENELLIK Choice Fruit and Ornamental Trees at Inside Price - EV 11-14.k I.: A .A LT Y. Our 111001I of Itialt Tree heir to.txasir w• will b• abliesArtiti0100111 lit Apple. roar. Plum. Clitery, sod r resat Trees. •Ise • Ione *Weft et small Fruits. Call suid 'sawn). Moot mid be oonriaced. Large Stook of Choice Syria' Bedding haste. Price Ltst milled on application. Addr•es JOHN SaMERT ESTATE P.•. JAMES ROBINSON'S rittiMIttrIttIP Headquarters.... , POR - Binder Twine, Binders' Gloves, Binder Whips, Hay - Hay Rakes, Scythes, Snaths, &c., &c GODERICH STEAM BOILER WORKS. .-THE OLD RELIABLE. A. 8. OHRYSTAL, ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND THS FIRMT Scralpi)jg, Coal All Coal *Dieted os the Market Scales. wher you net VA) lbe. for • to.. VVIVI. LEE. Orders left at Litz & SILIVELBJD's Fn.. promptly attended to. Successor to Okeramf &311111.• glimatacturer of all 11.4.51 130ILMR.S, amok. Stacks, Salt ram, ghost Imo Works, etc., etc., And Denier Is- itugtos, alsektnery CestImpi, la All alms et Pipes sod Pipe Fittingr, Stem sad Water ueseas, Globe Valve,, Meek Valves, Inimiraters. Ejectors sad In- jectors Cemetwatly ces Har I at Loves Prioes A spools' line of Steel Weber sod Hee Troughs for use of farmers and others. Resalrhte Promptly Wen led to A. 3. OBSYSTAL. siale P. 0. Bo. 37. Go larloh. CLEARINC WALL SALE or PAPER N. D. ROTTOVIIE, &Latch FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS Wit will offer our Stock of Wall Paper at a very large reduction ia prima Now is your tivae to got your house papered for very little moner--Ossie and get Bargain& JAMES YATES BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER. Next .boor to G. W. Thoinson's Music Store. FOR THE HOLIDAYS: At- -flr'CIRT30-13r PROS. the correct thing is to have the best for your visitors, and you can get the best GROCERIES TIIE SQUARE, GODERICH. The Dressy Young Man who a few years ago boasted to his friends of the high prices he paid his tailor, has seen the error of his way and now delights in showing how well he can dress upon half the amount he used to spend. He is able to get Shorey9s Ready to Wear Clothing hi every Fabric, Style and Trim- ming that the, 90 called, swell tailor gave him, but costing very much less because tailored in advance of his order. In quality, make, finish and fashioti just as good. In short, everything the same but the /wise, le the eneket he finds She:trey-1 Guarantee Cril !Which mum that I'M' clothes are not satisfactory ie every way ha marline his sessey refunded. OR CUSTOM WORK FOR REPAIRING gi VC FOR THE SLATER FOR THE BEST IN BOOTS AND SHOES SHARMAN THE PRACTICAL SHOWMEN colt Being a thorough workman, we usenet be imposed on by sellers of shoddy goods, and we do rot boy misfits, damaged goods, or bankrupt stocks to sell as first-class lines. We keep the LAIPLAW, WATSON SHOE CO'S GOODS, and as they are splendid wearers, good fitters, and of the litat -styks, you should give them a triaL 4072..E. SZLA-22.1\.C.A.2\7-0 sseii, or MART Priterr Till PlitAcTleAL a41011 KA,. Ma Ma ASP arnallli. AntiNT MU Val KAMM 1•11141 G1-01DICRIOJEE. Geo.W.Thomsou's= 80/1ITHING TO THINK BOUT If yen had as important eats before Court. you'd se 'ploy skilled Amman, : ii you were desperately Ht, you'd mad for tits bent Dorn* la setts If yell wan% • thoyetri, yeall WY • "Crescent/9 Why? FROM GEO. W. THOMSON. Vet the isms o.siea tars raved sinelsy &IttreSsIsis Attorney lood Doelor I 140 .7 kaevr their besilsons You risk your life riding a poor maohIna 411111. • irrram LIZq 0. Crescent " "IcCreadj," "00 .moi Senn" and "Baron." _ - ALL GUARANTEED AND HIO H GRADIL Car Agent for Canada's favorite Piano --Pas TEl wop.mwrm," and the " GODERRIII ORG/df." GEO. W. T13011130N. Ask your Bruggfail ler A Wonderful Tads snd 11101•••000 Weak as/ is IP" Ins" Wasp sadt r Tosidilulk .., 4. esses.teek erieseea, elk 1,vit