HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-7-21, Page 3TOMORROW'S PIS
we Rohl el We olubt'. Peart
19Me stela of WI ntsbt's tart
te tie tooth that 'wisest last year?
where lite lost Ploy ii IP
sight's riddle Is all made elate,
•,rtew laughs'? the long past rata
we teat relied bath lost 11 paL-
'e whet our troubles grow to
„peed the start of yesterday ;
y wore, Ills we sf rive away.
r►, sol what is brims no dlrrwys
post est proem. sorrows,
• I,urd•ue that rrkm as groan sad
oohs. that make es ?one and. fret,
ro o„uKs that fovea'{ hepPrned y.t-
pt.+ that we'll
And tomorrow.
-Robert Borders.
e aro gorse people In this world who
rtivdfued by an unreasonable and
Wahl') fate to endure all the tete,
ad contutuel7 allotted to human af-
Thal such "luck" is utterly undo -
ape nit, no atte themselves sIrenuoue-
lo admit, no matte
jfe•Lt'd friends try to argue with
gslnst such conferslon-
ap• ltpurr db000d wr pi period Tow Wilson,
to the village
sorer, , O. 1t was popularly sup-
tp•4, pug Wilson was his another. At
Ng was chief castigator and tongue
extraordinary to his redheaded high -
Peg would scarcely admit that Tom
leen born •t all, socoutemptuvtle ottwee
d bee regard for him, end if then 1 Reverently Colonel Miller approached'
ooh an Impulse as motherly affection and )toted the tKinglyd folds of the tlag.
ugb wenn" 11 mod have been Tree was no mistaking the freckled Laos
by her as the holy of holies, as it and red hair of the little man laying
certun+d so tenderly that It never there, though death -such a death -had
expression thewtgh her Bps traced there a smile of can lto
dee and con -
must have been t Tom tried her tentment that shamed human conceit
for he was ss American boy. with ' Attached to the belt was the revolver a-
lit such designation lmplfea He bad ways carried by the little drummer Noe
is mane warbles at "keep. as as7 • cartridge in the cylinder, not one In the
d had blacked the t F shot had gone straight et aha 1 t to the windows I thought you had too in
teekwerd, bravely though the color guard
fought A Confederate o peeln 'Lori
forward, aiming • revolver at Colonel
Miller's Isere With • shudder the lawn
fighting about hint saw the cot •nil the
falling Of the pistol's hammer.
But quicker then the captain were sm-
other bend and eye. Colonel Miller turned
suddenly, his fees burned by the powder
from the shut, and beheld the stripling
drummer, wbu, dlpbeyl°g orders, had fel-
lowed the very Slitter of the regiment tutu
the flgb6 Again he turned arid beheld
the l'unfederate captain wildly endeavur
lug to Slee arum this spot where he hal
This shot net ugly ...d the colonel's
life, but Roosted su important dlverwlon.
The enemy lough) as bravely, but two M
enthurlastlally, for • dertng Mader had
fallen Suddenly the tattered flag seethed
to spring from the gruu°d and rush right
into the Confederate line. Will was lbs
cheering as the boys followed It the Cale
sloughs beteg so vigorous that the foi
gave back, wavered, retreated, after firing
one leaf volley at the oolur.
The old flag.eewed to reel and flutter to
death agony, settling down like a stricken
bled. until It lay anent, rent by skirt and
bathed In blood upon the field of glory
"Who bore that flag?" screamed Colonel
M I l ler " Who's the rear )sorrel"
None answered him
"What ells you, men? Are you all
dumb? Whose the last color btnirrt U
he don't Ret a captain's commission. I'll
resign. Who is he?
"He has his promotion. colonel," an-
swered Sergeant Black,. whose powder
smoked cheeks dread) showed suspicious
traces and gutters. "His comwWlua's
new Three 6aedred lasatts Teets s
A towel ng madhouse resod) rolled INCONSISTENCY.
over the fertile psatrles of Illinois It was
the flight of the demons Msduen
tnsntac women had s ghastly excursion.
Normal winds devised means of transport-
ing mental 1ueou.petents Sane men and
women role In the oars with lunatic•
'They will never forget the ride. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace have been mar One of the peculiar characteristics of
The stWlshmnnt of a new asylum for rood five year& lap to 1;.st week Mr. Wal. Mr. eotwfn's spm'x:hca, w}'r Aluewurth It.
the fusane at Rock !eland, ills., u,wlo the Wee wet, of the opinion that he understood hp,offurde t° The Attaudc, mal the very
weird journey nuc*rsery Orden wea4 .kir wife. pretty well. Nuw be 1s wonder-
trequenttntnelucttonuf. rlistura phrases
forth flat duo inmates of the Kankakee tog whether he ever will know anything and lllustrati .s Hisrnrly reading had in -
asylum must t) moved to Jacksonville •,,out her.
Cum -
and Anna. How to do It was a nobem.cltuld the Bible and "lila•krwuu's
P Wednesday evening Mr. Wallace roared mentarly," uud the furor must have
Various wbnrus were devised The deet- • air of glover. They were pearl gra} wtulu the tweeter bupra*rluu 01 the two. I
Sou reached was that special tan roust be •rel probably had not been worn upon
have heard him when defending a poor
-eonrtructed. Old emotes* were primed In' 'bun one«. They looked small and dainty, °nwepalwr reporter its Cincinnati charged
Would Return se Menses, Reeasee Wel•
dao. Offered ' Pali tl• Rad loud, bet
Was Delighted to Obtal■ • Cowrie Hen
Self 1a a bl..11or tasau.r.
Pulling themselves together for • las/
great effort, the New York exempt tww-
ned the brake' Fur a minute th. two
Weenie remained at equal height; then,
amid unbounded implore, the Nino York-
ers sent their stream clear above "that of
their cuuturtaute and kept 1t s0 mail the
eud.-New York Sun •
Dim Wit, Vegetate sad gsreeem 1s tae
0..... of wpreseMMtt*ee.
to eurvloe. Men wurked day and pig
strengthening the can to guard against
the escape of their mad peseengera Bars
were placed soroes the windows eud heavy
prism locks were fitted to the doors.
Dr. Emmet F. linos, chief phyrern,
and the other onto ars at Kankakee were
mirror as the hour of departure ap-
prosobed. It was a new experience. Neve
before had so many insane patient been
aired stemma.
They carefully prepared the inmates far
the trip Those capable of understanding
were told they were to take • piedmont
journey. Sema were delighted, others
raved and fought, while some olung to
their Iron beds or to the window frames
and begged to be permitted to sty.
The walk to the station was s short ora
On the platform were s few reletiv's and
trends of Inmatsm. sad Need witness of
the ezodua The full corps of rectorate
remained until the lest of the patient
were 1D th0 ears. them in.
1t was no easy matter to get
Some fought and other were seized with
paroxysms of fright at sight of the snort-
ing engine. The greeter number were
docile They mounted the reps wonder-
ingly The most eerier trouble was
caused by the fact that all wanted sesta
Capes, 50lrts and Il.ti 10 the Permitted
\ Petty n„Ydt v 1., the eats. deseendtng a
little telew the suet. not clued In front
and so cut as to form large. 181 inl lack
se,ere lu u. r w1111 the ,_»thee Alt mail
capes ere lined with Bela silk, changeable
taffeta, sural or statin.
Tui ler wale rklrts follow•the di,tutu of
the moble, whirl o0tuurrwds Hutt skirt,
and Wallace, arguing they might fl1 hlr before • leu1Wd !Sates court with aldilig
wife's' hand, kook them lore and gore In the escape of • fugitive slave, after cou-
them to her. vulrfng the court with merriment at hU
11 n. Wallaceo looked crftleally at the picture of "the wejorty of the United
dainty gluons fur •moment, thou said sr States” in hot pursuit of an unhappy ne-
terely: gro waking toward Canada as fast am his
"IA here did you get them, Howard?" feet would carry haw, turn the fun into
Mr. Wallace it truthful by restore. Had solemn silence by apt all auionsdrawn from
eber heen otherwise what follows would oar the gulden rule and the sermon on the
er have beep sed. mount.
• I found teem in the street oar," be tk,rwln's speech 1n the house In 1840, 10
sold. 'They s soot to be ale ut your rise, reply to General Crary of bllchlgen, who
and 1 thought you might be eels to weer had attacked the military mount of Oen-
era) Harriett, is still often refereed to M
�he laid the gloves on the table; then, • fine example of irony and armoire e It
turtling round till the, faced him squarely, covered the uuhllppy Crary with ridicule.
she darted
him with colts of )Ightnl11g and even hu shute and serious John
that darted fnat her monde' eyes. Quincy Adam, ?hon 1n the house, referred
to the vietliu immediately afterward s5
"the law Mr. ('rery." But there were in
sly every or of Curwln s rpeeehee
some scfntlllatlone of wit ur hunter to en-
liven the ordlniarily dull debates, and
eels* toult the fluor the members
were [ager to tlsten.
Speaking upon Internal improvement of
ovens, be said, "Your oon*titudoa is a
fish that can live and thrt.e In a little tide
creek which 'a thtrery nto.qulto rend
drink dry in s hot day."
In ridiculing the southern claim of their
right to dissolve rho Union if procluded
from carrying slavery into New j4 1too
and adjacent tcrrltciry, he described the
great American desert se s "land to which
no burin creature could rates either corn
or cotton= -t land wherein for over 1,000
miles a buzzard would *toffees hewinged
his tllght unless be took • lunch along
with him."
"arts you trying to drive we away them
. your 14 you.went mete • home to - ' -
er, why don't you say so we with yogi
wan instead of tortarieg
cruel Muter'
- -
-"Torturing? Went Toa tan!• Bess
to-your-wotDer?" ' repeated Wallops
Nauk ty.
"That's what I said," she went oD with
tnrvresed Tel oIosAO • "You 11- soon pro-
voke me to 1t, whether yeti want we to or
Dot, If you keep on tht. w•ey mucks longerr
If ve• erytbuy twtw,WD the depot sat think.
he rue, ••dvth. lase had saved his ooloDel's I D Only 18 attendants a000mp•nled the tut, Howard -for nae, your wife -to offer
a W vtllap to the brlckysrd N ire life They left the flog about hlru, just as trainload, of imbeciles and maniacs. Three lee such an insult. I di.ln t think you
11 hail lle
fan. 'imply detaching ala staff i wan • guard at th
each door end on e plat- were capable of such • despicable action.,'
drifting •long. ss lning ma°7 They burled him upon the field They fonts The train pulled out, and for 1110 ' •q'h what have I doper" faltered Mr.
nes. fighting his way, Tom reached wn,te hie epitaph In history deeply: mils the air in Its wake was frightened , Wallee•e.
gent 16, Juat as the country was elm" "Tem Wilson, Drummer Boy. the Hero by mingled songs end ourens. maudlin •• plane?" she retorted. What haven't
1 with the newsala intnding war.
of Stone River " vaporing. and demoniac laughs. The
you dune Oh ? to think that 1 should
eras like other toy, to dr by, aged The town of Chnrvllle turned out to queer pyrengen were safely lodged to the I have married such a nnrn,w minded,
How the meandering•of the awkward solid roar to do boner to IL dead. There . whim at Jarkr,uville. _
d as 11 drilled upon the village oom- were dowers and spar.bs and tears.
In fact, with an u dour , There were re e s at
Id born) and
1 d deserlptluns of
Ir of chair rungs he bad beam* so Dohle deeds and great sacrifices At the d A GIRL BILL ANTHONY.
.ougbly familiar with tee best, rolls, deletion of the mayor the entire populace ' -
gsand timings of the roes eyed drum- marched tee the home of Peg Wilson. when' Mew lathe A1ls Oliver Repsrted
who.un-sash .uessdinit Muufnb of ..there•egh spuken.wuwan, inure irritable Dreadful Tragedy.
' -fad drodbled willow ball, 11 1 than arras. act.. hestde an did AMU' t Us shim- at.aeda that
is MexioaO war, and who ?sow Crudi- .lune with her grief. 1 bili4s 801 Anthony loo report -lb COb1.
for the new company of borne guard, Beautiful girls adorned ler home wltb , clog words to Captain Slgebee the blow'ng
h, Tom, could march short as well flowers, breve nwn eulogized the bravery up of the Maine Alloe O1Rer, a 10-year-
0-yearray of thein. of "Tum Wilson. the hero." It was Ilke d old girl, walked up to the desk of s New
n. day In the summer of 1861 Tom an enchanted dream to poor Peg, and I York mince station and announced one of
vigorously beating the long roll upon from that day she never larked warm and the most terrible tragedies of which beg
faithful flour barrel. when Peg slight thoroughly sympathetic 1rlends. ohtldi.h mind could conceive
ipon him like • spirit of evil: After the vfdtors had gone poor Peg Courage bas no geographical limits-
res. In Crehan waren and New York
Flyer y'ar again, y' redheaded brat, gazed long and .ally upon the old finer
mein that Me ball I've • notion t' barrel e. bons "Tom the Brat," bad learn- ?Dement, by brave marine said braver u y' Into et so head 7' up! Hysrl ed to drums. Sadly .be turned away to 11e maiden, the splrtt of heroism 1s shown
are Urn"- take up the duties of • life relieved from .like. Allo. Oliver carne upon the text)
Oh, ?tarn"- the annoyanoe of Ilse "bar," but some- of her mother, deed by bee own hand, 1n
tut the chafe tangs had weed under bow It dad not sett• their hums Her little brother and deter,
old meat ex and were destined to teal ••I wtabed -no..1 mid 1 wfahed-that' playing to an adjoining room, saw on i
aelney man! If hes • wanted to make me •
present of gloves, Why didn't you buy new
on,•, Instead of coming hetne with an old
ilrurmuut pair that 001110 cher woman had
thrown sway? You knew 1 needed gloves.
You heard me say so this morning, and
Instead of bringing tine something decent
ime go j.ukiA$.Arunnd in street tars 1111
you flea teed-tlieliL�6Jtd-ttten-wiTRema"
your oontet,pt for m0 by offering thew to
'me. Why, don't you know that I'd no
more put on a pair of glover that anybody
glee had worn than i .1 fly to Egypt? I
gpj,)ree you u,'v,+r thought of the danger
I'd los eriseee,l to in wi doing."
"No."'Q.td \Canoes meekly, "I didn't
ops" no wore forover.
Now got along ouzo IDls. IPJ 1 ketch
-04 1 wish y' could go t' war an DEM
,e bar k e'
Ion heard it and said nothing. Peg
ut her way, but sombow the clothespins
re harder to hold, the line more kinky
1 the soot flakes thicker that day thaw
✓ before Not that there was any
asuo for it -no, indeed. What had she
d that should make s strong .• email
nous? Surely 11 was no harm to wish
u freckled tmp In Jericho Besides bs
sldae.ma eo war. But what's the the of
8t111 Peg telt "nervous like" for saes
Ts. while Tom salt very littlr
Tb. shrill shriek of s fife broke npon
• midnight stillness There was • memo
ed rolling and p•rfcct timing to tD.
are drum aocurnpanlnrent which as
minted the natives with the tact that
Apr Smith, the erre eyed Mexican vet -
w, was DOS handling the ebony racks
aver did "T1s Obi I Leri Behind Me"
,ad with • weirder meaning. Never
he'd go to war an never come back," 'eb-
bed Peg, "but why did God hear an an-
swer It when be knuwed 1 dldret moan lit
'Taln'e ID' drummer buy hero 1 want:
ya1D'i th' boy '1 saved th' colonel's life
I want my Tom -my 'brat)' "-Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
Litepry Amerlea
♦ goslping paper on literary America,
written by • Mr James Ramsay, appears
ID an Knglleh periodical, The Windsor
Magazine The Anwlrley sums up the at
etelett►til►4lemfal fashion
First. -Emerson, Rae thorns and ilk:-
- Mr.
rho--Mr. T. H. Aldrich 1. America's
Isading port, but be will rhyme "more"
with "gone."
Third. -Mark Twain's work ti grown
•Id. and he htmeelf 1. In Europe.
Fodfrth.-The humor of "John Phcentx"
(•'This ler Smiley's yells, one eyed, ba-
nana tailed cow," etc ) is also old and too
calm for these wakeful day&
Fifth -Mr. Frank R. Stockton d1s-
00 year, of age and writ,. slowly,
al then • Cheerier dru heir mi 'Ile pongee laughter from Morristown. He la
oma guseds batt oReeeed their minims. 'wall.
ing an hour for a word"
Sixth. -Mr. W. D. Howells leads to Be-
llo.. He now etches his books In New
York Instead of Boston. "His thick. solid
/et genial face Is all appropriate mask
from welch $ hive of quitters and aboli-
tionists look out upon the world of tole) "
Seeemth.-Mr. Frabeta Hopkinson
flnith ta • first rat globe trotting author.
He le the worthiest representative et
ad resolved aril and were marching to
he front
' What's the row?" asked Peg as she
bruit her nlghtoapped head from a win -
ow and balled • drowsy neighbor.
"Comp'ny goln to the front."
"Is that old foes, Major Smith. gsh
rlth 'em?"
'' No; Jake tells me It's the new drum-
°er pl•ytn"-
"Well, I'm glad my beat Tom bdn'I " Anterior curiosity.
'askew he'd be stray A drum set Mat Enghth.-lila' Mary Wilkins and MUG
mid tYouhe
jag ought to"- March pens Jewett are IDs kalyard wom-
But IDs Defghhor knew Peg'• rad se O10 41111 es SUMS date. Miss Wilkins' favorite
but wity, and IDs window clos,d sstt� book lo..� Mls'rables," and the busier
Dat with lose eMdeD,s of de ole his heath;
aim Jewel gets the more time she finds
Chsryd d awoke and ate his break•
slept. ' to read the Waverley Dovela
Ise? So er Leg Wilson. But the broil Ninth. -Mr. Thomas Nelson Pap 1. the
and ID. brat
r414 t the sac. hearth I vindicator oftheolduoeth,'seedels"Marge
and the Drat did not appear with his Chan" made Henry Ward Beecher ary like
healthy appetitn a child.
Pro became nervous w 001 Ism? and went b Tenth. -Dr. S. Weir Mitchell Is In dan-
ID room. Tom was not was the
flour I ger of (minding s great school of Amori-
1*1osteo Iofr the !Icor o the olv g•m hlsi rlcal ror..anee
barite sed uatio acro' Pegthe lab) even the •Eleventh.-Fa,ersoll, Hawthorne Sad
education of aI enabled her t Thoreau' are dead.
declpMr tM letters in chalk:
"Gone to 'kelp Jeff [Menet"
So the brat had gone to war, for there
wM Doerr In town who could drum sod Boa
well as he, not amen Major Smith Many ! els....
Alkees face no shadow of the awful sight
�e$nrot more alluring playthings she
IL tkem into • room farther removed
trom the shut In, haunting horror --
“Shall twet go for car
ewdteach of the
e maid
in cheerful tons-
little ones carefully. and the three set forth
1n the stortn More than 80 blocks dis-
lrtant was the home of a friend Arrived
then, little Allis drew the woman Into
the next room, whlepering, that the youn-
ger anes might not hear: •'Will you take
etre of the children while 1 am gone?
Mother has killed herself."
ui Into the storm earn werdr
grown under stress of sorrow a woman.
Her bead did not reach the dtwk upon
which the sergeant war writing. He did
not hear ber tined little voice. She had to
repeat bee story
Excuse me, sir, but 1 came to tell yea
that m7•mnther ham killed herself."
She gave them the number of her yge)Si'
gave them her father's name. dulll<10M
the details of the tr..g dy and how ebe bad
tried to hide it from the child/nit aM
neighbors had told her so. Poor Peg) I HO/16Af�'1L des hg• • Yankee be could
She had meet difficulty In swallowing .
food that day. She marveled that the fool entwhlstle h111tfsltd blew sway 51 • patrs-
chlckens could strut around contentedly otto Sp•ntah tome for four hour.
and gad down Dorn, $ recital at a flans. WInle -Wil, did the Americas that
Things were awry and the solar oysters ! biro? Hs started to
seemed b move mon sluggishly Ila• 1 F•unere -1 should say M.
usual. Bat the redheaded brat woe gene end whistled "The Union Forever." -
The strew. d stone Raver , ,. one Philadelphia North American.
that tried men's soul*, even men whose ` artet•b• Somewhere.
that would always haunt her Her terte-
uperiens In the field had been of the A DI •'war wan, told Her dnher was dna
kl11d The Jack -i hear that she speaki 'very eud
The gallon' Heaeeer.
A ssilorman Is fund of pets, but • ship
le no platy for auim& life However,
there aro tow ships, sail or steam, that do
not carry out of port a coop of hens and a
rooster. These seen to be for txanyany or
rucl talon or something of that sort, for
the oldest .s.elitter•6ettbr *matt 0rb1e
the hens being killed for the these, end •
ben at sea absolutely mouses to lay egg,
and small blame to theta. -`
The hencoop 1s generally placed on the
forward deck near the fo'c'sle, to which
the Ballon live. They have G box of sand
in which to roll and are made as oomfort-
essasmrasv enter),
Would you Wish
As a Man
To Leave your Wife
and Babies HelIp ess?
Emphatically, NO you say. klul don't
you know that the unprotected widOti
and orphans are the spore of Pato-the
driftwood of humanity. -What can theyhem?
do when you are not there to help
The question demands an answer. The
answer is starvation or degrmdation.
The remedy is Insurance. Add to In-
surance brotherly consideration, care
and attention, aid and help, and you have
The Canadian Order
of Foresters.
They offer Insurance at just enough above
cult to insure absolute safety.
liet.ore the On On Oa
Ages of *goo
t8 W .S yyc, ."' w. 9e•• ,,,,{tom
es " y...:. 4..e7-.:..- 6t••. ----
- ta-"eft... sga.,..Nr•o• tete t.yr .._.. w
r • 4: Fun teforo.atioe seat es sp;dicatiw to R. EuaorT.
tr.-e.g.. ier....u. QM.i.Berk. weera,.•1'd_d.
Hrsw,f.,,d, ant- ; et Kier tsttvutsa. SttP1. a _.
Otgan,tauon, Brwtford, Oat.
nrrt:eubuttaaatMT. el
shall finer euddonlY iR[t tltmd" " T- -
son„♦h,ner rnthertyle,.of thethapwof a ,__....SrUj41M.�R FURNISHING.
feather du.ter. -•The' _ "'"'
around he hips cud to 'the knee., but
_rand 14re4�eloth Covered
from, there drawn the .fen Trim. ltrnlr • Greets Usk luraltur..
pee• lw r s are out ipon th at all, but be- 'iib the is Oaktvaiug of the dream,
neat for support upon is apmade with Most of these xklrts are made with the ineretsitg fervor of the sunlight
n deep yoke, upon which Is mounted near- and the corresponding ripe of Sleepers -
same •
flounce, which to I sometimes
of the "Ire_ Tilt regard draperies --whether lace
drepor depth all around, sonl.attnse mtteh .� ��_at our v, itiluwe as ja5i ab
deeper at et Pack than Li front ain't the wee too frequent
With the tiny (*potter wake of e M and 'rtW the graceful hangings of
little Anpu•tn the [ashlun uf tulle strh,g, breeze,
while sewed on at the back has return). Bleck. mantel or doorway are tranmforwed
or white illusion is ho pnvtlost, The from Iki+iatiflerl into. duet- repositories
Ortega ore hrulitbt-around to the.tronl in which in tukeet
sled flex) in a bleat, butterfly cravat low. ..,The Standard Designer, the source et
Light gray 1. very tnshloneble yund onto tLe cut,- advises: "The lace and silken
whit soim roan. A ouch of taller. with Wins uud portieres cut Como down
whist fl 1. n et A touch of paw gown ►r, ••tis will be all the better for a period
leiditlon 1* Iintst eff,etive. an
The picture. shows n Shepherdess hat 0 of req?, during which time they
tulle to match. A drapery of the o u�l" new aose
Away Ahead.
Bove you heard of Amerlo•'e
over S.a 1Da'
Bhat was that)
T..ey looked nice, and 1 supposed you'd be
glad to have 'stn."
.•(aah" derisively. "He supposed I'd
be Glad M have wear. That's why thnot ey
for been
had ltnn thrown sway. As I .old before,
If you are not tttble(and
willo buy my
gglovesI'll go o
me With all those things without grum-
bling about te."
Wallace tried to defend els repre-
hrnriMe condor est in further, but his wife
flounced out of the room and retuned to
The next evening Mr. and Mrs Wallace
went to the theater. They were late In
leaving the house after the play, and the
lobby was almost deserted when they
Tamed oat. Mrs. Wallace paused and
looked about her. There was a pair "f
gloves lying en the floor now the entrance,
then. up.
Tnd she xg and
were gray eud showed signior much
"Well, if I'm not In luck," she cried ex-
ultantly. "I don't know when I've found
anything before. These are the very things
I want. I can have them cleaned and
they'll be as good as new."
•• I thought," said her husband wonder-
ingly, "that nothing could Induce you to
wear gloves that had belong to
eine. You threw those I gaveyou
garbage box "
Mrs. Wallaoa regarded him disdainfully.
"Oh, well," she said, "that was differ-
ifferant 1"
It probably war. Mr. Wallace couldn't
she for the life of him when the dtffernnoS
lay, but he muppsxe.rl It most be there...-
here.Chicago Tin."' Herald.
711AT MT alOTllt:tt ae*1 BILLED nensetr,"
while the torrent, hardened by 110 yeah
of I,s,king upon stn and morrow, blinked
go often and .o frowningly 1lee. be could
not see Se record he war writing, Allots
d i 1 softly from her chair And ley, • 11111.
✓ ntpw(ul heap upon the Mew.
The children had teem spared the eight
t ougher and more dangrrou,
long roll had 51111 14411`d fur the Third brl know n language.
Cede, 'thee Colonel hinter of the Seven•y I Tow-Mudsmr,r ke. lost night I
se▪ cond, noticing the ...Hidingdrnnte u.ar asked her . ab0 & lain. -lurk
eddrnasrl him In the- kindliest t manner "yea." tad . said
"My little man, this is no place for yna . TM Lifts
All that you can do has been done Or
to the rear and seek • safe hiding plalo&" How Mertens H..deeh• Mor Ike Relieved
'' But 1 Belong to" -
"Never mind, lou retheaded brae' act
110 the rear, I tell you '
TD. drummer tensed sullenly rearward.
AInmdy the Seventy-second was forming
for the charm •-na7, even worse for the
fon watt ;,Averring to the death',Mullio-
n, • n r, gnaws In vv. but a brigade. ou
1' • nnaedfate frt,nt or Colonel Miller. It
s wild, fiere e, hnp,tuotu onslaught
Men fell on either ddb. Ilke wheat before
the reaper. Other men filled their place,
and the wild wave of war ebbed. flowed,t
enrged and )shed andel the fury *'notal
!Men went Serweent Robinsen with the
emcee They. the colors- were no •elw-
Many threats end thee 17 re
nervous beadanhse by washing
hie In • desk solution o! limb' Th. ehe went heard her open s drawer and something
click. i know now It was thornier. She
came Into the sitting room looking
orange. She said we children should go
into our bedroom and stay until we were
celled. A little while afterward I heard
komrMtag fall, and R went out to see what
1t was. I went into the kitchen and saw
sty mamma lying there and sew the knife
sad heard the strange sound to her throat,
and ?ben 1 knew whet she had done 1
abut the door en that my little brother and
tar Rodd not nes her."
Shu hcd (•Int .
Nn. ONver wait the victim of hereditary
In.anity and tools her life 1n a fit of 'nor -
be brooding. The story of the tragedy as
t.,,,1 by tittle Altar 1s as follows
Mamma had been to the sten, and I
saw when the came bask that the was
worm. I watcher] her She went down
stairs and came back right sway talking
he•reell. There wasn't anybody there.
and wet -r. Somli ISM are ►ImYst whcl y
eared 10, ten nitwits. by this tempt'
remedy. Others fin.) It of the greeter
benefit In the saes of "rme aolu," the
Ind lenving waite
g of the Mlre t
AU drew of after the finirtshould
be steeled till the head 1. idiateg1Ete
waving Fetidly and ddaatty. LortuTea
Jenkin. suitenlalm.psell andfilrag far
ward 10, 00 , Ms s im e• `RADS
meeker, ea humanshags > wtai stered
helplesslyb the pronot
grubbed se all. ephatered staff, bat death
was edekm them markt energy, and mea
went then' ss rapidly as the seesmpts were
meld �Tha llgtMwh w>feAeg wren morn,
tbut hi ie'edtetwoe resew 1e.bM env
sed (root wtw
draws -, a.d'' tLa • g fl'
tits'aM1eg war Wed* W
Moll b %so k. Amid °Wee
drolpil the Onedidonow MOS dr tie air
sambas illeen The ethanol wee earth
;ter Riad .f Powder.
Tins largest Settle lady. teem, tie
neighboring dime mlase1M, looked into
the draggsdt's show ease, "Yon don't
sem to love the kind of tar wash t'm
DWI M buying," she salt, turning away.
„We've gas setae fleet powder 1n toe
Deck room, melee,' replied the new
'dark, fearful be one ellest b lo.. • gala
Reek 014111 07 Neva.
Serape twelve good -dash room of armor
plants or sellefy end throw them at onto
Into enld water. Cat Into thin Niton*,
ro.er with One quart ed waterand
d bank
gently for es beer, ar
tends. Add • east el mldk. awe Me-
t pegefame et ?alt • t tro-
hl W pagoyW, �'� ::./WWWIele.at
▪ agree wieb .Tatar wdMt---lltA �O.
T. neer is Ne teller WAIN Sewn*
eud in their Omega can $°
surrounds rend coven the crown, and 1 which some clever person li b beds triad
frtiened In front by s crystal beetle. A' -enough to invent. Thu ropes can be bad
the 1.11.1de isagroup of light beige eogn' of any desired rotor to match the fqy-
d i .l d with cluster of wi- hi, wring cot • room,
oom We. if
of m vet. at nice pis nit or pul
teras and at each side under, the hrin, u1 e • desired may be obtained th ti
knots of mixed toiecuit and le tee telt e..
secured fp the middle by a crystal jewel
Wistaria' l also leave) at the right set
tinder the tulle drapery. Jt Mc CROLISI,
Before the lighting of the 501'eets . ' ew
Orleans at eight with oil lamps, which
important wrinkliest innovation wee or-
dered byrBaron - At.-£,arondele't, then got
WOO/ et,-tha: prullatxn et.tlle Cruets of the
town, exxept on moonlight nTg-hii,-Tver.'
In Cimmerian darkp••e. If orris women sion re-
quired that motile, especially
an entire family, should venture out in the
Inbuepitubl' and only too n,,by frequentlymuY-
dystetthe•irwaows' piloted
ant bowing a lantern. But in thus.
days there was littlegwidlogether in New
Orleans. "hardy to beenloriew the rule,
and, ex(xpt for the tiring of the 9 o'clock
�yr1n 1n the 1'teza du'Itnuta+, the roll of the
curfew drum atm- -
hourly cry of the sentinels at the forts an-
nouncing the hour and the hooting of
screech owls in thu trees in the plaza, them
wan little to disturb the silence after dark
of the streets of he Now Horne" oe the
banks of thH.•Miwieslppt In those days of
Its dole far nicjI1e of the expiring Spanleh
domination in l.oulslan•,-New Orleans
able as possible. After one or two voyages
the hens become excellent sailors, and 11
1. • queer eight to see them balance them-
selves on their sea kegs when the ship toses
and roils.
When the ship is in dock, the fowls are
always driven into their coop and kept
there until the ship 1s at sea, when they
are released and given the freedom of the
deck At night they seek the shelter of
their coop of their own &cooed. -Kansas
C1ty Stas'
The 'garret Battery.
Ugly to this century, in 181% Colonel
John Stevens conceived the Ides of the
elegructlon of an Iron plated vessel of
war with a.sauee'r shaped the a rot
by 'thews so arranged as togar7
motion to the strict ure. The battery was
to be of the heaviest orinate of the time,
and the plating heavy enough to resist the
shot of similar guns at short mange. The
main purism,* of the craft was *harbor de-
fense and the plan of action wax 1.) moor
the vessel byaehaln leading down through
the bottom of the ship at its ,enter, and
to nein it around thee oenterrsflring gun
after gun as 1t canto In the line of fire,
thus anticipating the later Timhy turret,
which In turn was the germ of the Mod-
ern "monitor" •nrorthwl. labor
was actually hunt halt s century 7
the Rusdan government and was a good
representative of the. tient Stevens battery.
-Cas'ter's Magazine
threads iutetuiingled. Only shales need
be used .t the windows
thethesee c n the
rope hangiugn.
drawn up after the sun has net the
Useable Contest Retw.es Ready Heade
sad 'team to New Tort City.
In what are sometimes called the 1)a1•
07on days of the volunteer fire department
et New York thou woe a prejudice re Rains?
Arun use of eun pre
Tie New York firemen 'volleyed
the work of ready Bands
and proved the
einoerity by challenging an Ohio Inventor
of • cream are engine, nanmd lotto, to •
public trial of strength and ezcellnnox 10
the olty hall park. The challenge was
accepted, and the engine mashed New York
ow Feb. s, 1855 On the next day In the
city hall park In the presence of 90,000
spectators the trial of skill took place. At
the request of the common council the
Exempt J nein., company entered the old lista
with hand engine No 49, y
wagon," and proecded to twmpete with
the Latta stoma engine
A match was metaled to the kindling
wend to the Ohiosteamto
amengine, which Ila
0 4 minute" brimpump
and ge
water thmngh two large suctions. The
"hay wagon- led off by throwing a
stream of water toward Beekman street
through s 1 1 8 Inch noazle, the steam en-
ggl!mmee followthe with • stream to Rhe *wm5
dlnetfon through • 1% Inch triengulet
morale When measured, the stream of the
Ike roue' Reward.
Trump -Why io yon treat the AN/1M
ea? You errs M hews • grudge against
Ornme-I have. 1l It hadn't been for
him i wouldn't hove hien tnemrable time
last ton years,
1'rnmd-what did be do?
Grump --He gavel my 11fe In 'NIL
nese. Mods.
There are some prones wham te meth
always afterwards glrot ort. • creak,
edurnperlottkape, ss M tem !leve who
IMO sae Maim
Pretty Things to, Ile Worn at the Msa.Ide
and Mountain..
(3renalines and etawlnes entree so large-
ly into the 'turnover wnntrols' that 11 i.
hardly poedhle to write of e,l0thea at all
without memrently recurring to hem.
The gn'ntelfue' rare eoc r"l with .Ilk fig-
ures or have plaid-, end ,tripe,. of tblckcr
The ghee temotiea.
"So yen think It ahvdutely necessary
en you ride
your wheel, have bicycle h
do you?" asked the cheerful
"Of course," said the youngest bonnier.
"Then would you wear hurwah,tee when
you rode a Dorset" -Indianapolis Journal.
former was found to be 1 In the com-
of the latter 1x9 font Aga
engines played. At • dl.tans of
.tout 1100 feet. a party of small toys stood
Its the greet aantingly demanding t, be
drwrobed The Clneinnatl engine unmet•
eamdnit7 endeevftwd to gratify them, hest
when the New York engine hegon to Ow
they fled In the midst ad •dreoebing'how
et bath. ClnelnnMI,vAe bream Donn
• third tett ti'seedsred
Shared ,d - We. f0 the aged Mee of bow
Howard WIN do fore el ~mole .coat►
• ,t
st.etMti h'..• do ''.rel. le,.
A revolution In the methods, of venti-
lating warehtp' is imminent, and beton
long the ludicrous and ebjaellonable cowl
will bee tme as obsolete as the spritsail
yard. The use of elentrfctty enables •
complete spire of ventilation to be car-
ried out, which wee never before possible.
Formerly well fes had to be provided
with 11. owe steam engine, and, to sal
eotbing .t the Arco tenthat
easohtnee tut up • gooddeal h apace,
there were dotting 01 sltnhtlons quite suit-
able for • fan alone, but most unfit for s
steam engine. As electrically driven
horizontal fan, with Its motor, can now
be fntrodueed into the thlokness of • deck
with Its beams, 1f need be, and, in porn)
of foot, snob tans nee any be lens i ed hosed
e.11ent purpose n 7 p
ship where the an deemed deelraMle.
A ROTS Lew11RonrIN.
effect of the 11ffei'eoit - strands of the
rope swaying with every gentle breFtn
is . not Duly call, but very pretty.
doorways and arches the rope portieres
are far newer than the bead affair
which have been popular so lo� n01
course, liko the latter, they
much' of a shield, but to take away
from the vacancy of appearance they
are just what is needed.
"Of all cool looking (and cool feel-
ing,'tto) furniture the grasaeloth cov-
ered green oak is the best. The green
in itself is a mutt refreshing, summery
color, and the graaaclnth never becomes
dusty and conveys no idea of stuffiness.
The grascloth can be obtained either
plain or ftgnt'ed and is exceedingly duns -
ble. The addition of a little brass trim-
ming to the green oak makes 4It ft.r
handsommer. oak (which
"At first,, when the green
truth compels os to say in mom often
thin not merely hard pine stained and
varnished) came into fashion, it was
need principally for odd hits of furni-
tore, footstool, corner chairs and the
like, bnt now almost any dettimd article
for the parlor, dining or bedroom ran
be obtained of it The latest addition la
a very pretty desk, with drawers be-
neath, suitable for a library or parlor.
It has brass handles, Racks and trim-
- min geand isaltogether amost attractive)
piece of furniture."
Ferment 1M.: ret.
The work ,,we. n• all • nving.
In Mt. 1'0, s5rw, 1.41e Ver,
Bet n,) , ,rn ottani me lest* ma to salt
The oopnlntmeat •" . reeeiver.
-Brooklyn Lista.
•, aVes
wA1.R�ifa Lvr7`1ibt.
Meavy The design 1..Aftsoenriched by
the addition of embroidery, black *none -
dine with Nadertd etrl'11W,Mrrp compwing
sorIe most effective °r etutnee to which the
silk lining matches the tint of the em-
i)eeorntive belle continue to form a most
Imp. rtant item of &tttre. The rdnttnua•
Mon of the faahtrm of round and bionic,
waists and ,'hemt.ettea ni'*i*uItates the
wearing of Ia'Ite, end tree are often eh
one ornamental feature of ther oetrimer in
the rase of p ,
gowns. A great demi of money 1e 14l100 nn
rurtrme 'seek lee and slides, which are pre(
rrnhly metnlli' end jeweled, tt pr' duo. w
brilliant efrn't, tot meMluc ribbons are
loge empley'rel then formerly, grosgrain,
satin or kid 1xdns better liked.
The picture glom today Phew* a walk
Ing costume of mastic clothhe nirt 1.4
g wt
plain. Tho open jacket, close
the hark, has a high vales collar &nil
Inrgr, pointed revere, the whole being fin
laked by, et itching. The janket is declrat
ed with *tel button& The chttdllht.te of
errwm gtrlp'„ae ha* • soft belt and collar
of golden brown velvet, The hat worn 1-
nf brown straw trimmed with mere trier
end ydtow flows., ;Item CINALET.
Rak• the Roe, of One 10.tber.
ivory one has hie week pint'; every
etas hen his faulte. We baay makm the
wort of them; we may fix our attention
osestantly n -es them. Hut we may also
make the best of one another. We may
twelve even as we wish te be forgiven.
We may put ourselves to the plow of
mbar*, and ask what we should wells to
be dens to as, lied thought of as, were
We in their plane. Ry loving whatever 1s
lovable In those around e, love will flow
beet from then/ to es, and life will bs-
eome s pleasure Inatead of • pain; and
earth *111 brume more Ilke heaven; and
illy Mall bse... not unworthy fellows's
of OkrW. eye hatter.
VUynn•olL Mea tet .iwepemem me
1.Ml1•t• nu the Mena.
"I think this war will help rmr rah
'YFlq repert.11y if it mnnweda In ren
Ding reet•nrSnt Frrn -h rant 11 the conn
SALT"i had Salt
bc u
kind,as our family
doctor called it,
and could not get anything - to
cure me. I read of Burdock
Blood Bitters, and determined to
try it. 1 got one bottle and be-
fore I used half --f it I could tell it
was doing me
rood, ashnd after
taking six
I was per-
fectly cured, and
to -day am a happy woman at being
cured of that terrible disease." MRs.
B. B. B. is the best remedy
the world for Eczema, Salt Rheum.
Tetter, Scald Head,
Shingles, Boils, Pim-
ples, Sores, Ulcers.
and all Blood and
Skit Diseases.