HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-7-21, Page 2-
The Signal
s rt•m.usaD
Terms of Baberlp rtes 1
i1mouth, In advance t 16
tem atonies, ,o t le
month/ w
Gas year " IOD
Advertising Rotes.
Isaa! and other reamed advertisement*, s,a
per line for first Insertion, and 7 cents per Iles
hr each suleequent insertion. Measured by a
nonpareil scale.
Business cards of six lines and under, a per
Advertisements of Loss Found, Strayed. SIP
mations Vacant. Sttuatione Wanted. and Bust
ser Chances Wanted, nut .exceeding s lines
aonparell, el per mouth.
Houses on Sale and Farm/ on Sale, not to ex-
ceed 6 noes D for first mouth, St K. per subset -
quoit Month. Larger sdvts In proportion.
Any special notice the object o1 whish Is to
promote the pecuniary helmet of any individual
or company, to be eonsidered ask advertisement
and ehargal aecordingly.
Loral melees In nonpareil type one cent per
wgrd, no aotiee ler than Etc.
Local notices In ordinary reading type two
r1,11 per word. No notice for km than 'hoc.
udr,e for churches and other religiose and
evoleut institutions, half rate.
Subscribers who fall to receive Toa Sto.AL
regularly by mall. will confer • favor by ac.
qualetiug ta d the fart at as early a date as
V. hen • change of address Is desired, both the
old and the new addreaa should he given.
Publisher's Sotlee.
J C. Le T..use', of Goderich, baa been
Auburn Loral Tdhdltog Agent fur . the, 2dni.
ships ..f G,derlrh, Colborne, Ashfield and Wo-
Local peettoaslers over the dlatrlet are Abe
empowered to reeeiveJiabs ripttoo/ to TIM
Atl communications must he addressed
TH• Bete et.
Telephone Lail s4. --OnAeeteh: Chat.
THURSDAY, JULY 'l1, 1898.
Mixed 11.0 nee
Mall and Express Lao p.m.
Mixed 7.e, p.m.
Mall and -Express wee p.m.
Mall and Express 1.L'1 a in.
Mail and Express IRfr Vm.
Mixed LSI p.m.
- -
LV. BOL1i1HQ, i. D. -- _. I
site TIL musonott
Rooms opposite the Port Once.
Gold Filling, Crowns and. Badge Work •
Mean Experience.
Surgeon -Latest and appMved methods
for all dental operations. Preservation of the
manner meth • specialty. Melee : Cor. Wear se
sad goners (up /tan, Entrance oe West at
• Surgeon. (Lately Dr.
associated with
Dixon. of Montreal). GoM and porcelain. arN-
Istal tooth mounted bases,
on gold or aluminum
special attention given to Lha preservation of the
eaters! teeth. OS.•e In McLean's new block.
in zSH
•e. 'Ace: Bruce street, the reside nee
lately arupied by Dr. M,Leau. Night calls
from raeldencr. Telephone !a. •
tor, Conveyancer, kr Cake. On Ilam
Ilton street, 1 doors east of Colborne Bra.' dry
gnodasuus. It_ly
Vtleifire Mi.s'pe'd--•BANk1MPt3R;_HOLI
aA tor, Notary I'ohli, Canadian Bank ef
Coglmeree4. hambew, the 8pmae, finder l•h.
• tor, Notary, kc. Omer over Medical Hall,
Square, Goderich.
• tor, Commissioner, ke. Money .6e loan.
Oldest: Cor. Hamilton and 8t Andrew's streets.
Goderich, oat 604
• 0.e. ldRee: North st., next door Amstar.
oak•e. Private Funds to lend at lowest rates of
interest. a,60
Attorneys. Solicitors, doe.. Goderich. J. T.
°arrow QC., W. Prooddfoot.
tan, itoibltow la Clane'ery, he., t3..elerieh.
M. C Camseen, Q. C., P. Holt, Dudley Holmes.
• commissioner for taking and receiving
rerognizanrrs of ball, affidavits or affirmations.
depositions or solemn dreIantton/ in or cote
Verningg any action,suit or proceeding In the
High Court of Jues, the Court of Appeal for
On rlo, or In any County Or Dlvbiou Court.
All tren.set ons carefully and promptly exp.
cottad. Residence and P. 0. address. -Dungan.
moo, One soda
Fatale Wised at 6t per cent. atonally.
M. G. Cameron Horton's Block, opposite Col.
borne hotel, Goderich. M17tf
Money 10 loon,rtrate funds; slay drat
Wes farts to rent or arl. Houses and lots to
56611 for sale. E. N. LEWIS, Barrister, God-
• suranee office. opposite Martin'/ hotel,
6e. per Bent. Notes discounted, t,,. MEA-
GER. Oma/: Opposite Martin's Hotel, Gode-
• dent insurance Agent; at lowest rates.
Mee; Cor. North -et. and Square, Dederloh. 11
of Private Funds for investment at lowest
rate. on hat elyys. Mortgages. Apply to ()AR-
• Real Estate and Money Lessens Agent
Daly Ins -clam comps' .-. represented. Money
to tend on straight len., at the lowest rate of
Interest rola', In any way to sole the brewer.
ppgm�o� e : Secondoor frown Meuse', West ..treat,
Aoderleh. smell
Repair Work dere- at Rees rrsble IMees,
Warmine Im ientent. for ..Ie. Machinery. new
and errand land, Isnu:ht and .old. Engines
Mid Boilers fn ma e. mond : Rates, rid waggon
�ah� t,, r.trnrr Stmt'rle and Tntalps "mei. J.
Inenranee Agent, Oonullerieh. Ont. Agent
London and i.ancpassshire Fire In.. Go., the Gore
District Metal Ina. Go. Sales a 6i.dslt to M
any part ddie ..stay- see.?
Ef1iE1u XEEa
W antad • eNs�1a ilar•
r sent by toles -.. ••• ` . O..
carefully attended te. JO .'j' * '" . trey
r. tt
' 't611•OR1AL ARrn.
Jo 4 A 1T .mNet
1 erosnd6
nla ( to
r - -If at ia. tiefllal•. --
Prrued, Portrait.d and Preserved ta
Pithy Paragraphs fee tit. P.rasal sit
Praolleal People - Pommel. P.iltleal
.ad Pruatable.
Two business blocks a6 Colborne were
dwtu'uyed by lire, Involving a leas of
The barn belonging to Isaac Stubbs, a
termer near Alvington, was struck by
Ilghtntng and burned to the ground. soon
about /1tt10.
The annual oonventiou of the Baptist
Young People's Union of America will
be head at Buffalo July 14 to 17.
Sir Oliver Mowat will lay the corner
stone of a Dew , Methodist Church la
Jarvis, Reldfmand County, on Wednes-
day, July 90.
It is said that an a,.eeee ant has been
made between HAY. Hurl linen Loucks
of Photon and Hen. A. B. Jamie, B.A.,
of Napanee, by which they exchange tees
tor lee.
The Winnipeg lnduatrlr' Fair has
Essex county tobacco growers ezpece*
rich harvest.
The Esser peach crop will be immense-
ly large this year.
The acreage of wbdI* grown 1a
Michigan this year is, approximately,
1,710,4)00 acres, and the average yield
per acre in the state la estimated at
In :4 bnskels This estimate points to a
crop of about twenty-eight and s half
million bushels.
The vote to nem 019,600 for water-
works and electric light purposes in Lis-
Meret was defeated by a (majority of 71
votes In • total of 427.
Belleville will arbitrate ea to the pue-
rile., of the water works. The company
ask.. $200,000, and Mr. Chipman ed
Toronto valued the system at 1186,000,
Brantford ratepayers will on July 97th
cote on the question of spending 160,-
000 to prevent the Urand River flooding
the town; also upon the question of re-
duetug tete aldermen to twelve and elect -
tag them from the city as A whole.
Js ememeggll,1ba the skreagtb of the
Prinoees Louise Dragoon Uuards shall be
mhos' from 47 of all ranks to 87.
General Perez, the commander of
Guantanamo, has given up hops of succor
and the town could readily be taken,
were It worth while to risk the lives of
the American troops.
The detest of Cervara's fleet et Santi-
ago has wrought up the Spaulard. of
Mexico to a high pitch of exoltement
and ha. added W the Intensity of their
feeing against Americans to that eoun.
try. Advtess from the city of Guan-
tanamo show that the deaths from
starvation there average 15 daily.
JAIRRI Brown, wnolaeale merchant,
died at Bowinanvill., aged 66 years.
'WE: -Angus BethU0.. Tei -#nary years
Poltm Magistrate of Cornwall, 1. dead.
James Wilson, • pensioner, was found
dead near the old cane' between St.
Catharines and Port Dalhousie.
Rev. John Rogers Sinclair, H.A., died
en Sunday in California, where he bad
gone for his health, mon than five years
John a. Howelnu1k,uateel the eldesr•-;--
and molt respected settlers, died at his
home near Grimsby. He was 76 years of
age, and was owner of the magnitioene
. 11e of land on whleh the Grimsby camp
ground 1s located, and has
an hon-
od director of that lwmpany since its
Thomas McCullough, a farmer residing
In London township, was kinked to death
by a horse. Deceased was 78 years et
Mn. McCarty, Hannah street, Hamil-
ton, an elderly lady, fell downstairs, her
arum being broken and head cut In the
Friday afternoon the body of Stephen
James Chapman, the 11 -year-old son of
Oeorge fl. Chapman, Toronto, was foqnd
in the murky waters of the Don. Hs left
home on Wednesday and how he was
drowned Is a mystery.
By the capsizing n' • cat boat in
Poetised harbor , Saturday afternoon,n
five liven were lost. They we: Wlllfam
O'Donnell, 26 yearn old; Charles Sul Iivan,
18; Jemea McAuley of Bar's, Vt.;
William Mitchell, 17; Edward Vayo, 16.D
The Grand Trunk Hallway has jest
placed 96 new vestibule coaches on the
system. The new mashes are veritable
palsies. on wheels.
The Railway Surgeons and their
frames videed Muskoka on Saturday.
They were delighted, and say the U.S.
bas no such summer resort.
auuggle within followed, dyt.g thee*
of terwarda
Mese - '
e ese peg leg tromps bare bees
aested W data In ow,na'tioo with the
London murder. 'limy missed a new
of !errancy eIteadtag from Montreal on
the met to Minneia to the weal.
Th. Ontario Medina' Council held les
mound day's proceedings In '1'oroaeo yea•
Guard Matthews of the Kingston Ptah
tentlary has been suspended. He Is alleged
80 have vlstiwcanoe.l en ex canoe.
Tbe water in the St. Lawrence Hever 1a
two and a bell fret higher now than 11
was at title period two years ago.
English capitalist.' have secured e coo -
trolling interest lu the New Westminster.
• Warmed rn
ed Inlet Telephone Company.
Lieut H. K. Peary, the Arctic explor-
er, arrived at Sydnsy C. B., and eal}mLoile
the Hope In mamba of the North Pole.
It has been settled that Mr. Thomas
Code of !r Petrie, Montreal, will be the
French secretary to the Weber Interne -
Ronal Conference. '
Carletou ('ouoty (Memel Protese.ne
Hospital director. have decided to remove
the present medical superintendent, Dr.
Chipman, who w111 be replaced by •
medical superintendent and arestant at
ewu,bined salaries not to exceed 14,000.
That weather-beaten relic, the remains
of the Queens&oo bridge, which for the part
w ore of years hoe hung ever the lower
Niagara River, and serred as an object
of interest and curiosity to all, now 11..
at the bottom of the river. A new bridge
will be put these.
The eleventh annual meeting of the
International Aesociatlon of Railway
Surgeons was opened ye.terdag wurnins
at the -N'ormal school, Toronto. Uvea 900
members of the aseootatlon, hailing from
all tarts of the States, .re in attaudanx.
Great addressee on thnioal subjects
characterised the gathering, as well as
much Anglo-Saxon fraternal feeling. The
night was one of welcome, and Mr. B.
B. Osier, Q.C., and Hon. O. W. Ross
made speeches that will long be spoken
Ae Cleveland Maeara
s•s Dpet. Attempt
M Forget tm. War.
-There Inc Cleveland *an who likes to
get away every spring for a brief recuper-
ative trip. Ills favorite Maniples ground
1s e northern Michigan weeds. There
he hides ta
from the world and loafs d
Ashes to bis heart's content.
time he wanted w get away from
• s war 4opb. le.. is s X otsed of tem,
• steady diet, and he hailed with delight
the idof dropping 11 for a week or two, -
so when be got aboard the little one horse
railroad train that runs up to the lumber ca
comp be sullied with delight. He had se
• the e shackles
The train gut deeper and deeper into the
woods and filially 'topped at a wagon
toad creaming. Hen the Cleveland man
alighted and after a brisk walk of some
three miles found himself at • little clear-
dng, where him guide lived. It was • lone -
sone plena, made more lonesome by the
tact that the guide wasn't at home. But
the tired traveler turned in and slept
soundly in the rude cabin. He was awsk-
sed next morning by the guide himself.
''Helot" said the guide.
"Rollo!" aald the Cleveland man.
They shook hands
"Up ag'in, eh?" said the guide.
"Yes," said the Qlovelander.
The guide rtretedned bines'( and yawned.
I"Been back In the woods 'bout e0 mike,"
be .aid. ' • ltarted home ed 3 o'clock this
morntn. Rode • piece o' tit' way. t'ottldnl
stay no longer. Had to g1t back to -eke
down .o den anxious."
- • "What we -e you so anzkws about "
Miled ETU Cleveland man, with • sink-
ing heart.
The guide smiled a capacious smile and
shook hand. again.
"Golly," he said, "I've glad to see you1"
"Thank you," said the Cleveland man.
"But whet were you so anxious about?"
"What else could 1t bet" said the guide.
"It's the war, of course. Have they god
that dere Spanish fleet corner d yet?"
And for two .olid hours that famished
barkewood.man pumped the Clevelander
for war new■ and only .topped when be
had pumped him dry. -Cleveland Plain
A Raft of engineers 1s at work sunsy•
Ing the proposed C.P.R. connection be-
tween Woodstock and Brantford. The
road w111 be known as the Brantford A
Woodetook Rahway. Entranee to Brant-
ford may be had over the T., H. & B.
Through the reslgnatlon of Superin-
tendent A. B. Atwater of the Western
Division of the G. T. H., three new Ap-
pointment' have been made. Mr. At -
water's plate 1. taken by Mr. W. Cutter
•f London. Mr J. M. Herbert of Mont-
real has been appointed Eastern Snperin•
$endent, with headquarters at Montreal,
and Mr. H. P. Dalton geka the position
of Superintendent of Terminal..
Commissioner Ogilvie leaves for the
Yukon next week.
J. G. Turrtff, a well-known western
man, has been appointed CnmmU,loner
of bnminlon lands for Manitoba and the
Mr. J. B. Powell, Collector of Inland
Revenue for the Guelph district, mike
bated his 96th anniversary to 000010•
tern with the service.
Mr. Pblllippe A. Choquette, member
for Montmagny, and Mr. A. Dorton,
barrister, of Montreal. have been appoint-
ed judges of the Superior Court of the
Provines of Quebec.
Mr. 11. B. Angus has reached. Mon-
treal. baying ermined over wllh Air
William Van Horne • few weeks age.
The edition/ere dIreetor fights shy of
the C.P.R. fast Inns prneperts, bus the
feet 1s fail taking hold of the publie
mind that the company will anon tap
bold of the scheme.
The lis !'lento murder trial remelted 1a
the oomvlotlon of the Wenner Gallia -
Iona Kennedy has been arrested we
2',ytl r, charged with etase,ting • ohfld
heath le Terrance
Austin Rmlt\ est St. Cataariass is
loaded ep awatgwg trial fee two ..paeatk
themes of amen and theft.
Prier Romero the New York merdsser
•greeted at Montreal, eeedueted •
amtneerfatNng swdahltehesend while In
timer, Wilkinson of Cornwall. ape
tbmt 1n 11N Ri ekvllI. Ar inn*, etteeke•d
Ms keeps, and burst a Mood -rotas' in the
Overdid It.
"I like the building well enough," said
the house hunter to the agent, who bed
spent half an hour showing him over the
premises, "but I am not certain about the
surroundings. Is It a quiet neighborhood?"
•' Quiet?" said the agent, ' You can't
Ind a quieter place in the whole olty."
"Stele I suppose the newsboys corers
around here bright and early Sunday
morning, just when a man wants to sleep
the soundest, with their yells of ' Moruln
pa a -a -per 1, „
"No, sir. Newsboys never come on this
street at all."
"Then I think I'll look a little farther,
I want a quiet neighborhood, but I don't
want one that's dead. "-Chicago Tribune
Gladston. and the Aar.l..e.r.
Mr. Ula.lstone was asked a few years
since by an astrologer to state at what
hour on Decemher 28 he was Dorn. The
0. O. M. andwerel politely that he did
not know, but had feared that It was
"about breekfeet time." This informa-
tion wa.. slightly Indefinite, brit the seer
inferred that the time mime be about 8.80,
and oast the then Prime Minister's
boroenope accordingly. The learned
astrologer discovered thnt the "oriental
pneflibn of the nun" att the hour referred
to "was very eignlflesne showing great
rnooele and advneeneent In life."
Rare Peewees et Wad.
In Liverpool last week there WY an
alarm of fir' in one of the theaters. The
first intimation neeived at the nffloe wm
given by a man who, all hn•athle a and
tattered, landed with a bound in front of
the pay box shouting: "Theater's afire.
Gimnp me Bey beck l" -London Tele -
As inttHtahl. Fad.
"Rodney Is a hustler, I tell yeti.•
"What now?"
"He has bought the right to 0.5 son -
venire made of brass gun. captured from
Spanish vessels"
taveetlgatlon Rey be Made. '
Should any doubt exist as to' 1148
substantiahility of the sworn Sesta.
meet of Tsme. Moir, Grand Trunk
Haggage Mester at Hamilton, an in-
lairy may ho made and the facts of
the cast proven.
MOOTS erata.1101. ow 3Agp'mrm.
"I was cured of Lumbago, after 20
yearn' suffering, by Rt•cknaan'a Koot-
enay Cure. At times r could not walk
and for ten years could not stand
straight for over 15 urinates at • time.
Five medical men treated me without
oneness, and bad I listened to them 1
would have boenae a hopeless Invalid.
1 hove sow bees oared for over a year.
I oonacteallo{ely consider Kootenay
Cure • great tat y for bask and kid-
ney troubles, a I sive this swore
declaration wi iolid%•Non."
This tang a1d.others,
free as a rtefor chart
MS-p.r bottle. or 0
fV�Oet int, nr R R.
RYCWW IPM DiCiNtl . Unrhe4
of ewe Qe
Its Vlotla• Are Pal. la Color, aatloot M
U l
saloons. Palpitation .1 the R•art aed
tuner Dtatreaelag wyaptea,s. '
"UMW W T e Etat*, Platteville, Ont.
Anaemfs, vehicle literally means
btoodleuroess, is pnwvlest to an alarm-
ing extent among young girls and young
waiters' of the present day, and is a
fruitful source of "decline" and cote
suanpttou. The symptoms of this
trouble are many, but awoog the moat
attkwable are peanut' of the face, lips
soli gums, shortness of breath on light
exertion, digs/Mere, severe headaches,
weakness of tete vital organs. palpita-
tion of the heart, and dropeical swelling
of the limbs. The more of these syrup -
time shown, the grater the necessity
for prompt treatment. Among those
wbo have, suffered from annerula and
found • cure le )fees Emily Webb, •
young lady residing neer Wolverton,
Out. Mies Webb says:- " My illness
first came on when 1 was about sixteen
yeas of age. My complexion was •
pale, waxy color; i was troubled with
general weakness, dfaat•aes and pdpita-
ti(u of the heart. i was dated under
medieal treatment. but the medicine
prescribed by the dee.-tor did not appror
to do me tete slightest good. Aa time
went by I was slowly but surely grow-
ing worse. I was unable to do any work
about the house, and my limbs would
tremble to seep en extent at the slight-
est exertion that I could sca,rerly stand
up to my feet, Tbon my stomach be-
came en weak that I vomited althest
ere•ryittlag 1 ate: I gres-j8d.at a•d
famed 1 wdald not reeterem While Ila
this e',0411408 • friend urged me to try
1)r. Williams' Pink Pilla, and i follow-
ed. the advte . After I had used two
boxes I noticed an improvement and
my heart was gladdened with the hope
of renewed health. At the end of six
been. my appetite hod fully returned.
and with it strength, eider to my ,'reeks,
end iwightnees to the eyes. i M111 eon -
'defied taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
ttt,til 1 `bad taken in MI twelve hexes,
end I can triathlete' amen that I am
healthier and etronlrrr than I ever was
beta,. I owe this to Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills, and 1 would urn all girls
who suffer as I dk1 to give thein a fair
Dr. Williams' Pink P111. have done
more to make inning, healthy, roey-
cheeked, bright-eyed girls than any
other remittent. ever dive/wered, , astd
.y heft!-.ehoeld 'need upon their den/Pa-
ters taking an occeslnnal course of Bits.
medicine. Sold only In boxes. the wrap -
pie around whit', bears the full name,
"Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for rale Peo-
ple." Offered in any other form the
pais are snbetitntes intended to deceive.
Wreak Drew's Revel Scheme Fee a C8.sp
Rallw..y Systems.
' Mr. Frank Drew the elder told a goes)
,Rory rermntie shat was Illuetrative of the
gullibility or adlie srmpire of the rural
mind. Mr. Drew wan detained eo a time
age at a country railway etotlon. While
there he fell into t,mver,ation with a cou-
ple of idlers, the sort that usually Wing
around that center of excitement, • rural
Mr. Dew sized them up immediately.
He drew nearer.
"It's a pity," he n•ffectively said, "thee
ss much money 1s wasted In building
e allroa.ts "
"That's so," agreed one of the natives
"I've Rot a cohere.," mid Mr. Drew
drgarnfly, "for cheapening the (acct of them
at haat 60 per cant."
("Row's thetf' gtnrt'6 the native.
"Of course I'm not peddling this Wet
around," saki Mr. Drew myetereou.dy.
"Of mune not," mid the ratite.
"I don't want 11 to get out before I s -
ante my patent papers."
"To be sun," said the native,
"This 1a the scheme," said Mr. Drew.
"I would have Jud a 'bort length of track
material put together, and 1t would run
ander and over the train like an endless
chain. When the luorlwtive ran on G. the
rails In front, the last oar would be pick-
ing up nils at the rear and passing 'ant
along over the more of the can back to
the engine again. You see? The train
would be Wally laying Ha own track."
"Hy gulo," sold the native, "!bat's be -
"it strikes me an," said Mr. Drew mod -
u gly. "It certaluly has • good many ad-
vantages. It is e great tbIng to have a
train that will go anywhere you want it
That's so," said the native.
There was a abort silence. It was tiro -
ken by the other native.
"Soy," h. said, "what you gain 0, do
when you come to • river?"
Mr. Drew Was prepared.
Thai's simple," he promptly •newrntd.
"We use else, of course, in one endless
Reek. Those ties will be made of rubber
material and each one will be Inflated.
They will saetoin 17,000 time. their own
weight, and ynu can't sink 'em l"
The natives looked et Mr. Drew with
"Gosh," they said, "you've got a good
thing." --Che /lend Plain Deader.
WiIHem Warder, Spry, Out.,
sane Your Diamond Dye. art. excel.
laa 'and nothing could now tempt me
to age any other make of dyes. iii�.�jre6.r+ted
Dyes always give me entire t1e(.s -
t io0."
Mn. McNeill, Stanley Bridge, P,E,1.,
says! "1 have need the Diamond Dyes
with great sucoews. 1 recommend them
to all ladies who with to do their own
dyeing. For r•otoring dress gout% they
e rr just .perfect ."
Mn. L. Reid. Newr'satle, (int„ serve-
"We have used your htamon.l D•.•" for
the last ten yeere and find thew to be
the best dyes made."
The 1•wlllalir• rrefaer.
"Thi' book-"
The wealthy publisher frowned heavily,
"iw reek to the meet o' depravity!'
The author smiled
'1 can say in the pr, haee-•-"
He paulte'd to mark the effect of his
"that it is a novel wish a purpue!"
When'npm the piblieher resumed his
cheerful manner. end nil for the book,
101 It was a Brent msec a•!
Colic and )(Moot Difficulty -?r. J. W.
Wilder, .1. P., lafargevelle. N Y., write.:
"I am enbject to ...erre attacks of Collo
and Kidney flemcuity. and fled Partner
lee's Pi1ls afford me great relief, while
aU other remel,es bare failed. They are
tea bell. matbclue 1 have ever earl" In
fact so great i. the Dower of this medicine
toeleanse and purify, that diseases _d all
most every name mid nature are driven
from the body.
she Agreed. '
He- Iio )oiiiiiow filet I have never
tiered to kiss a glee in my lift? My
bashfulness Is poeitively painful.
She -I should say it wait-
Inhale Quickcure for Hay Fever.
!bc., 25c., bOc.
O. RI• Wit..
"What 1s your peofer'ion7"
"1 write -poems, novels, romances,
plays, etc."
And whet do yes live one' -"Fill
geode Bleeder."
'Surd's Wisest Cures Distemper.
lieges; to Mby Sash.
The Judge -Why did yeti beat this man
1& sae* ea tnbumenmetheleth1-'
Prlrmer-He called me • fool.
The Judge -Way did he do that?.
Prisoner -Merely bemuse I mid these
the authorities at Washington wore foods
for not snot log on Havana the flet thing.
-New Turk World.
To tY'rtI , 401.1, IN ONE DAY_
Take L. xtly. Br, mo Quinine Tablete, All
TJruggieta re'm,d the�mnury 1(11 (al /were. rote
Thorough'y Advase.d.
"Thnt Mrs. Bloomeroons Is a Might
women, but I'd bate to be her hue
be a n.1."
"Why e.r
"She sleeps with her bloomer, nn.le'r
r- -
The Mae WM Did 18 Ohlely F•Iwe• Iles
MY las.grtty.
The may of all the Kueslas 1s • long din
Mum away, but be evidentll het Ms epee
on us. When be mead that ao Anted -
ono built baNi11hiJ ked weds • voyage alt
13,000 ming demi. ideate ...rises Or
beading • rt sale phenamenal
lime that she tisolletetwarasliri6 esesid11
M was ammonia'''. Be told s num* dill`
!dusty to dud out who bulls diet woad
tut olalt. All a result Irving Yr Hoots, the
builder of the Oregon, has been Melted to
visit Se Petersburg and will probably
some back with nontracts In bis pocket
Mr. Scott 1• the buttal of the Cues, Iran
works of San Francisco, and 1t was In
that establishment t8. Oregon was built.
Gond, hones& work and sound, dewiest
materlsla be put lab the big fighting ma-
chine, for that la the Lind of work Mr.
Scott la In the habit of doing, whether
working totiV,Vnele Sam or a private nIM-
Mr. Scott was born 61 yews ago, Dat
Si, 1887, at Hebron Mills, Baltimore mea-
ty, Md His father, the Itee. John Bootl,
of an old Peuntylvanla Quaker tonally,
and his mother, Elisabeth Little. save
him • pi -Melees heritage -Integrity, • pa►
aloe for tnduMry and truth telling. Thn
explains as the beginning why he did not
build his government • worthless, ship
with defective bollen and rotten armor.
Young Scott was eduo•ted at • palettes
school In Baltimore, finishing his course
at Milson academy. In 1864 he began hie
career with Obed Heasley elf reaper
arosaisockeeee..la A367 he was r'A-g-d
Mur11.f 6a.slherat In the elechan
deportment of their Federal Hill engine
In 1868 Colonel Peter Donahue of Lha
Union Iron works, San Francisco, en-
g aged him as 'pedal draftsman end sea
h ire, west, where he became • codas tilf
California In 1869 be resigned and leek
up the ntanufaetureof mining eaattilaary,
designing new and powerful ore eguahme,
hotels.., amp mills and engines peeel-
)-edagled for deep mina But be n,
road Mika Union Iron works and In
epi heaeme a partner.
Be is well known on the P1eIOc Dome
as a leading Milian, having Newhaven's*,
ty mentioned tae hes peLittesh sassy
It Makes
reiee's Celery Compound Is the ser
trite apeti1e recognized at 1 eres.•ribl'd
to day by the weed able preeeteuoese
for all dlmesses analog from a &Orates
ed nervous system.
That eusiueut cardial professor jt.
Phelps gave It to his profeasheo a. s
positive cure for sleeplessness, waking
strength. dyepepala, bilkousueslt, eel"
end kidney troubles, rbeumarialn ale
ncunlgite and in every este It by
'r.umptted over sickness end demo.
-hen ell other medldtte. failed.
Paine's Celery Compound work. wase.
ere le the memo of oppressive 8.4. li
give vim, energy and strength to Cbz
weak, languid, irritable and morose; k
b.uWles all tired feelings, and enables
men and women to go through the en,
tine of daily toil with heart, •,cal ase
Let ue urge you to try thin mans!.
Ions medicine that m►Hions sr- talkies
ab.ntt. The nae of Patne'a Celery t'.y
pound marts vigorous appetite,
degesti.a, happy die roe
.rut eta.
tinned Brood heeltb. Feine's co"
Gompe,nd nukes people well,
Quickcure for Corns-lbc., 25c
0' 1 Praetla.
'?IIP.' are cleaning hoar at_ H1 gg.
ve this year." -
"llew doe. that 8appppa•ter.
"Well, whenever William gate • /h M
watt ret to he 1e•t louse et 1pata-t lest
him first to try his hand on a carpet
:ar back yard.
$Lassa Meme Remedies.
To bathe weak eyes, tilt water.
For croup, a cloth wrong out of het
Fur constipalh,n, but water taken tree
b 1.!. re bedtime.
I"ur enruche, a bit of cotton soaked is
ell and sprinkled with pepper.
For headache, aptot ioton of hot wt
ter to the back of the Deck and (at
For suedes hnareeors, a lump /g
borax the size of a pea dissolved in the
For cramp in the foot, pressing the
hollow of the foot egoist something
round and bard.
D.ltght• ea sb. Woos.
"Have Ar a healthy climate out here)
her head, se_ her, husband can't get Into
her pockets at •gM•" PEACEMAKER' LOVE.
Inhale Quickcure for Catarrh. -
16c., 25c,, 50c,
Prole..K Craintank-"Newton was a
grent philosopher. By (Amercing tbe
nen' fall of an apple he daetovered the
w of graeit
Rae then "I'6i1 i nolLing. By'dowry
• ■n apple Eve dteeoven,d the gray.
tis or law.
Be was old, she we. young and withal
fair, and more withal businesslike. They
steel together at the altar, he almost pal-
sied with excitement or drink, and she
eo,l, calm, statuesque. They got to that
pert of the mai-nage osreuuwy where he
"Wlth all my worldly goods I thee en-
"Uld you make a 11st of them?" she
asked In •quiet vette, every tone of which
was hard 1n that dark old church.
'-11ush, hush!" maid the clergyman.
"Pardon me," este said, "lout .'ether h.-
✓ eedit
rreeds out the echedule mid lets c\, -rya ow:,.
present know the value I est tut n,trdf or
1814 Ml.inase 1• off." And she w'tilt, d.-
1'lok fife Up.
"Pedigree?" echoed the applicant for
office. -'What's that*"
" Your anasetry, ' ,aid the chef of the
department. "Of roues you have snMe
sort of fatally tees?"
"Oh. yes!" rejoined die Ohio man. "My
family tree H a buckeye." --Chicago Tribe
llotattatt en.
"I'll get even with 'am," exclaimed
Blanco, -for .pnatl!ng the news that they
have our filet bottled ape"
"What are yon poing to slot"
'I'nl going to send a report to Madrid
that their heard of strategy U nailed
down." -Washington Star,
No family Heine In A Miran* ooantry
•hnwld he withonr i',rmelee's Vegetable
Pills. A few dime. taken low and erase
will keep the Liver actor, clean.. the
stomaeh end bowel, from all billow. mat-
ter wad paNMs Aviv/. Mr. J. 1.. Prier,
Skate, Mans On . end.. write'.: "I have
tried a hen of Pan„el.e's Pills wed find
them tM beat mole -ie. for Fever anti
kiss 26.,..v,, trod."
AMr the sategle.
M1.1sie1r--WNI, Rn8b , what do yea
want to t. wire you Blew rep?
Bobby (anffering from parental dire
Nplin.)--An plpb.w.
Lord's !Ment Cons Iwo 11 Con
There never wit., Will never will Ir, s
universal p'uacee, in one remrl, for all
ille to which flesh es heir -the very net tire
of many curatives being ouch that sero
tbe germs of other and differently seated
diseases rooted In the evstem of the
patient -what would relieve one ill of
tun would aggravate the other. We
have, however, in Quinine Wine, when
obtainable to a sound unadulterated
state, a remedy for many and gre•foes 11is.
By its gradual and judicious use. 11.
frailest systems are led Into convakseence
e nd strength, by the IuSueuce which Qui-
nine exerts on Nature's own restoratives
It relieves' the dronpeug',pirite of tine.,
with whom • chronic stare of morbid oleo
poodeucy and lack of interest in lite 54 .
dream, and, by trangpilixing the nerves
disposes to Wound and refreshing sleep -
imparts vigor to the action of the bi.xsl,
which, being stimulated, courier thronge.-
out the veins, strength g the healthy
animal functions of the system, thereh)
making activity a nece.'aary revolt,
strengthening the frame, and giving tiff
to the digestive organs, which neutrally
demand increased sularance-re.ult, im-
proved appetite. Northrop & Ly men of •
Toronto, have given to the public 1he:r
superior Quinine Wine at the wane' rate,
and, gauged by the opeuion of *Metal -t.,,
thes wine approet'ebea neerewt perfec:lun of
any In the market. A11 druggist, ..it it
I am afraid," said Senator Sorghum,
"that these Ilnwallano don't under.'trend
our pelletal system as I would like there-
to before annexation. Did you my the 1s -
lands reprernt great wealth?"
"Yes, sir."
"Then I cannot help feeling that I have
been deliberately 1gnorrol. They hay.'u't
even mentioned their financial abilities in
their efforts to gain my support."-Wa•b-
ington Star.
Tb. Proper Tine,
Dorothy -I wonder why June 1s the fa-
vorite month for welding.?
Ralph --I suppose as a matter of eon
mnthy-('onslstertr•y? Why. what de
yen meant
Ralph -it come, before the Fourth of
July fireworks.-I'p to Date.
Free and ease •Xp•ot uveae, love
hurl, relieve♦ and free, the throat.
Tung. (rn'n cl.ebl phlegm. need m ;nett.
that promote,. thio I, the best nwdtelne •
um for , ougbs, cold., Infiwnn rat inn of 1
lunge and ell affre:1 ion. of the tl, Leant an
Hied. This Is preel•ely 'diet HIPletr'e
Ant i.Copenmpt 1,. Settler „I 4,A "preiflc fou•..
and tehffrever mewl it let., given nnlette&
ed.ntiipfacttgn. 01111.1r.,, lite 1s'ac'r'es
it is pleasant, adults like IDh came It re
'levee and cores the distta.e.
TN New Treadmill&
Ignoramus (at n party+ pate kenos)
-What In the world 1 s he Metter with
M1se liwuty'a once h.vely arms? They are
of of horrid red blotches and s•'ratehea.
Scientific, ('peat -Oh, that'. all right.
She has almply hews vaccinated Against
onnsnmpt.lnn. smallpnz, typhoid Lever and
10 er e0 other dtsessea-Nes York Weakly.
'Nara Wheat Gus MpItbsyjs
Pr..f.f 88..^.aka_
Mee, Yeaager. Is making that cake
this Morning 1 liege yna were Ctarwfoi
not is pat gay 8.4 esu In It.
Matilda N'nwlall. i don't know,
mala; 1 hasn't tasted It pit.
inhale Quicken'• few Asthma. !b ,
110.. 30e.
Reeeatrteltl.e of the Mae Wk. Apologised
for the Was.
Alfred H. Love, the man who wrote to
the queen regent 01 Spain apolugtzing for
Uncle Sam and discrediting the war, 1s a
Philadelphian and the prssldea$ of the
Vntver,al heeoe un on Tele robs of In-
teraatfon•I pemomnakor. one to
fifth. Ae bi an otiglIlD11eans utas. He
hos decried war before and with disturb-
ing results to him.e•If
During the progress of the civil war he
Was a most persistent opponent of the gov-
eniment'■ measure. The climax cams
when he was drafted The man of peace
was horrified. The outcome of 1t was that
rather then go and fight be gladly aooept-
ed confinement In a military prison, where
he remained until released through the
kindness of President Lincoln
Peacemaker Love is not particularly
well known outside his native city, al-
though he received the nomination for
vice president of the United Magas (ted
Belve Lockwood's equal tights ticket dur-
ing the campaign of 1888, but In Phtl•-
delpbla he bee for yeas been regarded as
• aareahm earl d peewee pes.movel a an
amentAdty rather mon amwtng than
✓ elotia
If Mr. Love could just restrain his In-
ellnatlon to write letters, he would save
himself • heap of trouble. The &emeent
which carne from his pen In DOM, declin-
ing to run for the ver, precedency, 1. Mfr
kirks. It was typical of the man. H. end -
11110,1awa•Ae• ever seed
anal death Matt I've been here, sed"
sed to thirty y' ars."
Deafness Cannot be Cuftd
b Meal applications as they Canaresell fp
IamWsmmeedu et portion of the ear. There b old, }�
way ears deafness. and that Y by t-aaslah
femedlst Dee hem V melted by a
dam/" p/edeyg of the morons 141ug o1 its
EusUs8as 'law When this tabs as inIamee
you have a rambling wend or Imperfect hewn
Ing, and when it is entirely) eiosed. Deafness r
the result, and unless the laIammanca CAM es
taken cat and this tube natural to be mend
condition. hearing .ill be destroyed farevw;
sine rases out of ere are canoed by ata
which le nothing but an Inflamed eoeditloe et
the mur.,es arrant
Wr.,ll gore Dee Hoadred Dollars for nay
rase of D..tnem�.a�� by etarrh) that can
not nbe mired by ReY's .,6 Cere. Send le
-circulars. 1M41.---
F. J. MINIM s 00., Toledo, q
"Sold by Draggtgla eke,
.1 Rapid Tatham
Hojack-"What a chatterbox Nies
Freckle h."
'I\emdik-"Yet, her conversation Y
geared pretty high."
Illsud's Wisest Cores Colds, etc.
N•er..ary rrwrl.l...
Speaking of his rival, she add:
"Everyone tells me that hes is lone
"Of comrae he is- Nature knows en
business A farrow mind require. e
lung head.
Dana Sias -Within the past year!
know of three fatty tumors on the bead
having been removed by the applica-
tion of MINARD'S LINIMEIQT ail►.
out any surgical operation, sal
is no indication of • return. -- -
CArI'. W. A.?m,
Clifton, N. B. Gond•laPielF,
Watches for Boys. km r d :.tat
and Chain daring the .nmer holida.
rNing .sole wort myof oar to and 111e mond,-
g.1041 not sold reehangrd--no mnnry re nlrn.�ji,,
Meat. your father's nre•ottstitm, and we will •r3
the goods 1)ep't M, Maaafaetrene Agfa,
oo., Termite, Ont. t,
For Sale by all loading Howes.
• OEcPR RROs. • cOMraRTt.Maamer
tamers, TORONTO, 9P
Hare a Good light
TER th►n Watt,
W hIt• AMeri.e 011.
Aak year denser ler tY
TM Qum CM MI G.,
San'' Reeves, Prow, Termite.
T. N. U. 171
ALymtn n t.nv'L
denly dfsoovered one day that by being
elected to the office for which he was •
Candidate, even though the chief executive
be so harmless a cn•eture as BeIva Look -
wood, he would be plated Ireuthe perdtlon
of mnntenan0ng warfare. The thought
was horrible iso be saednwn and wrote •
letter of declination, addressed to hie
party, which was puhliehed broadcast
Love comes of old Quaker Mock, Yd
with the prtvertdal shrewdness of the
Quaker ism smaim d a fortune In Veda
He 1s an elderly man with • soft voles, •
benevolent feneand mild manners. Among
other things he is a vegetarian.
Dui XL Loin Bbde that this is • erns!.
warring world Just now and that pesos le
K s d6estiet. His society has been epee -
el bet and baggage bore the room. 1t os -
SWAM In Indepeendenee hall, and these are
11aay of his townepnnple who weal& like
papas the pemewn.aker 1n Mil
Had Le Grippe. -Mr. A. Nickerson -
Fenster, Dntten, write: "Last winter 1
lad La Grippe and ft left me with a
memo psls in the small of my back and
Mg that Reed N oateh tum whenever 1
tried to climb a tenet. This Mated for
about two 50.018.48..1 henget a bottle
of Dr. roomed roleebrto 011 sad treed it
both Interhally sad externally, morning
and females, three days, at the expire
t.inn a wble% time I was apeepletdly
tew6fee 6a D1..
"Re s'wnrw that tM Need me mars theta
he loved kis Uta" •
"Very 118ely, He was lined oars for
ttemptlng to remelt taisids."
B y anedleg Ow Northers 0.4... Conn.. Ones
yea *set esker. what is tamp lase
f'eiaw COarw booklet ..lies, wed (••r Atte laf
ramawsm et. wierh is free. C. A. Fk.l.s. Attila
an_,m. '1,
lit a
M, 1t
b Int
Mem �
1 et
y*et l
w et
led 1
13 Pe
'Du▪ n(
ell t1
boy 1
b fo
60 Day
To the
North Nest
M331a ' -
I�dilileiw Er.:::) a30
trtsaaT►D..k.ert' $35
g ,0RI5•---1} SAO
I warm --
Osla{ de. • M Rs taewiwi Vogt Aril h
IMM flail at e w *nava
us4A{ Italy ISI
ani Ram
t.eeat ./alp 1
e. Atr...w.. •,
usher w{ es.'" "IA.
' �.
011.3 ,feels 1e M srwpsg mows ale•• 11
IAff Rif! r Lw. AI\rt.esielele° "" other es agestI
Ai.•R i E1. w abs ae..ew j