HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-7-21, Page 1THE BEST 18 THE CHEAPEST too THE SIGNAL 18 TER HIM. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR IN A DV A NCH c. Zbe • .11011111.,,, TFLE 1.3aA.DINCIr I\TMINATt3P.A.Pign OP 3.1V1102•7cootyriir. FIFTY-FIRST YE A 11„---268.3 TO ADHS/IETEMBRB. NOtloti of changes sunlit be left at this 081003 not later than Saturday noou. The Oopy for changes wart be left not later khan Non lay noon. Oatmeal A.dvertimenente accepted eu to noon Wednesday of each Meek. NEW ADVERTISEMENTIlle---, JULY 21. selling 0514. W. Broderiek pg 1 Cord of TimokNotth-si. Meth cherub I,.4•1' Aid .... . 1 Clawing Este -risme Bro. & Co 8 Tere Karabin Dare -Jamie Rekunitea. 4 4 rem le 11405-dtesek Bellows , , lietisten4ifes4.-ii. Denham , Window fleimge--18. W. McKim:is.... 5 Nuns flirt Wast -Mr.. 'thermos 1 Servant Wantsd-Mrs. A. M Shephard 1 Satter Wasted -7G. X Kum. Wliaithani 5 A Bey From the Coating T. Eassreos 4 Another Additles- tin& Shepherd . 8 Pubtlo Notion rilAKK NOTICE - ALL BIC1 CLE I riders are herein asetlotted against riding tio any of Om mutate the sews o( Doderica. All 901000. InfringlaltOe the by-law govern - lig bICYCIIS will be prosecuted according to law. Br order of the Council. W. MIT('HILI . U. THOMPSON. Lima. Bluer. gelleemb. Jeer MIL OM - - - - - - - - 1 ti--TEIE MATTER OF APPIALIROM tbe court of Revision of the Town of tied/etch Tabs nutlet) that lila Honor JeW Mimeos, ountr Judge of the County of mesa win hold • ,ourt is his chamfers. la She Court time, Dedench. on Thunder. the feth day at July. 11.. at IV o'clock •.11.. to hoer sod 4,- 11.01151 1990.11 from said rovrt 01 iuseydp.. All partial Interested ere requested to attend. W. idtPCIIIILL, Tomo Clerk end Clerk of the Court. 11.1.1 (406.1154*. July 1114*. 115. 8411 NOT TO DEPOSITORS. The Herm sad Bruce Loan end I • yen n t compluey will rodeos th• tannest on deposits to threes per Dent. freak and after the dim or July. next. 1.0 • 715.4 Los.... • 1 security matinee to be made at live, sad dye sad a half per east Interest. 21177tf HORACK HORTON. 11A IVIN ti HORSE WANTKD - L P Wanted by the Glederloh Marble Works • nos Driving Horn la alphas(' lora new anon. WM. 0•1dPSIILL. Dederick'. 41. -WANTED JILT THE HAMILTON -ST. rile atom Rutter gad Alp ter CM*. . MORROW. Pre. POP Illaie or To Rost. GODERICH, ON TWO, CANADA : ' JULY 21. .1898. isimerewese-r r w' • • r TO 8E0URE THE HUT RESULTS PLACE YOUR EDYEETWNE 17.1 THE OOLUMMS Oft THE SttN11, • ' tiODERICH, ONT. n4 D. WGILLICUDDY, EDITOR. ON THE PACIFIC SLOE. Letter from Major Thomson. Ile Ils New Is Ilenlber• isliferala Dad Cleat •I• intormisleum Where the Orange Illimeenss dile. •e Thisbe the Old Yews. AN intermtiog letter was received recently by • resident of Coderich from Jmuts Thumeon, whom way of our readers will rememher well 11111 a prominent /norm of this town many years s., Mr. Thom• his wife love belertor two se three yew. le California, to which State they re. leaved from Dasotn, with the hops of im- proving Mee Thomson. hearth. !'lovies, where Mr. Thomson is cultivating an orsine mob. Is Is the southern port of the Siete, near Los Angels". Mrs. Thomeon's health is still very unostudeoterv. and she was to ire to the sea shore this month, to try the effect of sea bathing for • maw" of weeks.. They find it rather lonesome in CNiitorne, away from all their family, and may move back to Dakota next epilog, if they min make te to have their ranch taken tiefe of. lo regard to this reach and the emote growing industry in general, Mx. Thomson wrikw. ••W• have • nice home here and were lover se oomfortable. Our rso.ah 11grow. isg Moly. and will Monte beer this year. It bore • little last fall ; 1 ROL sihmit tan hoses of oienges. Thlarymar t.st puce to get 150 hazes, and esob year sill keep on to - orgasms.; but netball, coss °ammonite for dm amino* of ear boys Here we-Mitil Mem out of doors every day to the year. We have part of the house ooyend with roue vines, ma winch are 'wean/sir. or REATTIITI. W. have also a honeysuckle aloe, the finest I ever sew, end the perfume trom it is grand. 1 him the orange blemems in the months of April and March are indescrib• side. The aroma 611. the whole air. Vet for ell tato my wit* nines fur Dakota. She would wooer run the risk of 40 below zero VARY TO RENT. -TEAT TARN OF ✓ tee scree es let 6. nessen Cotheree ,con ship NIOsI, eareellre Mearad md In • esma note of eshisolees. Ten scree an In era** d. es e~ fr es Meese sad farm boiniteas are aid 11 atellreem- dittos. Iseconteg tense% wW hew the privilege of doing fis 1 eionbisa eller wise. nos ro,ther metionlare ay* to FRANK 11•1.1.4.*W18. 41. tailloweL 11 I./1 SALE AT • BARGAIN. -THAT ✓ datinefeesugerer. tbe fano of the labe ,d WSW, _ Is lilms To esehip of Coleorse. i miles frees lignegese. on • geed gra•el road. eontaialng 111 5. is. good state or ruin - There te Mem. 10 acres of hard wood hush rematnieg. Weill watered by living vtiriatto. Good peahen.. I.(. brkk house teed bans barn. Tor terms end lostilmileze &Pei' 1 H. MILLIAN. or to J. B. WHITILY. .111 Vtecutore, Ooderich. Ont. - - F11, Id FOR SALE THE UNDTK signed ,ffer• f.w sale that deairritae (arm twos f, Coact. leo, 4 °horn,. (mooning hundead so-ee01 n IOP loam. f Isad is beside eit cleared. moi Id in • good stem of coltivothes The recut will he seed .4 *or with ufwjbou1 Ibis senors now tiond wing • serf • I the icor snood. rise terms end further earitmenro. ta WM YKAO AN. No. WI. ftrune.14.. Otederloh. FOR LE OR TO KEN I. -FOR leas os the earner ef lirlateals =I sad mile or te rest, the ewe eery oot• Waterloo sir -sI. For further inrtleslare sS- p171011116. BUSWSLL es the preaeloss. Volt HALM OR TO RENT -FOR SALE 12 or 10 0151 the dwelling on 71.1.0111. 1* primer.1 nespeed by T. Ones& It eastakill I s rooms. Meted nir &swift mow room, parker sad Winn, end bas eumber elowste, paalgios tit:sr Mwe is half ea tors slimed with shrubs and fruitneels,_end se ense. i•wa. Apply to r. 9115 8. ese Mee sr niter. 10-im DOR SALE--LOTIS 69 AND 70 L Hutobineonra Servs In the ?owe of 0.411.4*. gin wideb la nested a aloe dwell lee hems. Dses444k 911154*01.106 lattiztly to 110•111RON. HOLT k HOLM,. eb 5511 Ib.. Ltv• California in th• sualm•r, whoa it is from 90 to 10.`i for months Weepier oentinual haat and Riot* of the can are asythina but photostat to Northern people. lihs has oome 10 the oonfolueion that Om alienate is sot for law. 1 have excellent health 1 work my own ranch. I have had so help, but 11 se continuous work ; you no sooe..r get all over it sod get it in apple pie seder theta you hews to otatnetanno again Weds seg allow • single weed le grow, be- muse owls weed is • pomp tables moistens est of the mend. We Imbd 1 very dry winter. wee yenta. Me 01 00114 firkilik!Pat w• had PONE hoes lenre lra leaf that 1 thiak will Genre l• amedi a ureter for purposes during the Seminar. Orange) are very low at present. entwine wily twisty emits • box. Still, the orws of '97 end '98 brought a fair prim. Some for• tenet° individuals *old early sad bargainsd for their °rep on the trees Oni in had oo• and • half sores be mold for 1750 ; am• other neighbor had Mese eine be *old for NEWS $6.000; mother sold be mop trate tea acres for $5,500 ; but the great majority sold through the assooation and have not yet got all the returns, but 1 thick they will average hex. This is not bed. for 1.1. • year-old orchard should product, • oerloml. or 330 boxes. to ths men is lograor years 41 50 to 42 00 • 1,01 was generally realized ; but herd times, wiles OM poor man cannot afford to boy them. have prevailed au" hot yesr. Then tie export bee dole up from 10,000 oars • year ago to 15,000 this veer. and 1 fully expeot. it will be 20000 this own• ins year, for there IWO hundred@ of young uroberds miming 10 eaoh year and the older ones ere bearing more heavily each year. Jose Mink "Mat an imam the two lime of rettway-the Seam end the Southern l'etcific -have They at present have THE 110107OLT OF MOUTHED!' CALIVOKIALA. They Merge 6300 • mu to convey the fruit to the Eastern market. 1 endorse the Pop- ulist doovrtne of Dovierameol ownersbip of tbem, although I have ....r voted that ticket. I am sure it would pay the roads well at nue hall that tam end Isere mme• thing for the grower. but se it 1. 101 they put the frienbt tip *0 .11 the fruit will ltdor. They are having • out rat• war just now on poweineer. travel sad we meld get hack to Inlets for $32 50. Vi' ben we name it met 547 90 and the sleeping oar $6 extra." Mr. Thomson expreeess the wan of himself end wife to speed • month again in 01.1) voles " if they ago Spored • few more years --• wish which (NMI he heartily wheel by their many friends of the old time still remaining in 'lode -rich in disonseng the weir. is reseed to which the writ,r elates that he is in so• eprosetny with the Dented Staten he predicts that the Spanish flees at Santiago " will never ere Spain unless in the mem. time, bolero 11 11 t•kes, Spain shall aucoesd in Inslr peso" tooron.'• This prophecy was written about • meet!) prior to the de- struction of Ce 's heat in toe vain at- tempt to memo tram Seatiago. The Thom- son 'mys Dennis ore ell well and doing well. Their OMB were looking well and prospects for geed prime this fall were bright. AROUND TOWN• The lack of rainy wrathor does not interfere with the taking of photographs. Al! the same. It. IL liallrers is that kind of man who would not °bleat to • shower to help out his neighbors. AeythIng io the shape of Bummer suiting can be had at this .1.1014u00 01 F. J. Pridham. tee leading tallsr. The goods are excellent. and the make is sure to be the bet. . Foes hrTATO GROWelie -Don't Pei Paris geeen on your potato •inge wb le they are blomoming, 1.1, bosun it is ionrious to the potatoes ; 2ad, Wearies it is harmful to bees which gather hooey f rota the blossoms; bemuse it is s vielstioe of the Iso. Niers Tit is he Padmester Gement hes mann rerneettect Ono the mews sod address sf the writer .1seeder of • letter or elereel 1.1 placed oo -the upper loft - baud corner of all envelopes or wrapper', with • view of fmilitating the return of suob in owe* they are net wild for by the party addressed, and thee savior the .end - tag of than to :he dead letter f1130. Bra GAME - GOalph Mercury . Mr. Geo. Steven, 01the Beak of Cotpuseros, reported to Mr. Alex Stewart, druggist, Otte morn• tog that hi, No 1 tanglefoot had metered • terve healthy kitten which had got so oom- pletely woui .1 op that i1 was helots** veluel, s preteration is now oarefolly re wded leen some of the clerks or customers slitial1 he unfertunste enough to est caught in . It las been easiest ed *0 lir. Stewart that it might be theeeseltilly used to oatoh borne, Written, vagrants. etc. ABOUT bargained for. end the document turns out en order. to Mr. Dummy* owe he ro foetid to sooept ths tree., end the lirm DOW try10( to foroe psymeet. The 'mount le 47, but may mean ten time that before settle& l'bis should serve; d warning to humus to be °mobil watt horn they deed Exeter Ad v ooate. W LAT lit'ILON Ki.x.-ritto (lass. -The first step in the West Huron election protest will he taken this week. Om of the judges of the Court of Appeal will impart Lae ballot', papers and ether deco:meta in the case. HATCHILODA V0 (ILI, MAIDS -The gems of lombell between the bachelors and old maids Coudray lest resulted, au oo tha previous tomato°, i,, fa•or of the former. This woe We more .toad 10 he 6. The re- sult will Ithely bring moos. Tent Leer roc?... -It will, we believe, be • supreme sotisfection to the Ladies' kid' of Knox Church to learn thst the Mosta and plates mined after the below wart. discovered. Saturday last, carefolly plated sbrwoaLyite Ws own store, by the owner's b.r. Tuts Omuta arf IN Li% The ranks of the lo,al devotees of the wheel have received • recru,t in au less 1 person than :.*Am Lee, 4, ail the tog/tail. Sam walked tate W fboo,auo. more Satur- day evening, put down the cash. and de- parted the proud pomemor of • tine Creecest whest. Sum then he ha. been acquiring a mastery of his mount ander the oaretul guidatim of " Daddy " and has Monty soedria-egedtiable... prestrees55*0 - hasn't had first-rate health of late, but his wheel may now be relied upon to keep him from too close attentios to collars sad fluffs. V ALLAKLE TOM% PROPERTY FOR V BALI -Tb. Wei residartes overlooking the river and eke formerly occapted bY the WO 4, Mee nernett seq.. Ideate" in chimes,' One et the most valuable end desirable Mt parties Wrote.. I. The tirtostorey frame dwelling hones on Mouth Mims linmettlanle ed.lnelell the "r" Oh Etchings Wood at preen* occupied by Mr Andrew Weddell. S. The dwelling house end sdlolulog grounds near the 0, 1'. R. Menne, formerly weenpied by the late Jade* Toms. Prices •n4 terms of tosyment retainable. ay My to °ARNOW it Pitoti prom' 75.11 Rottener*. Ooderloh. Situations Wawa. WANTED IMMEDIATELY - GOOD I torrolkt• APPle te MRS. A.1M, ML) 1514 11551 lt NURSE GIRL WANTED -A 00111• eatent nem girl. Amide 10 1111 SHAW NOW. North et, it Moeda \INS RETTE 0111118 (Indust* end Medalist Gottschalk Lrrie School Chicago. °ringlet and bole lame rem Non Street Merhodlet C n•oh.tlederich. Teacher of Voice tcreliure, Sight Reeding. Pips Orden, Pismo. iiiirmony. mese stringed estruments, esd Italian leuairmote. Pleer wood Techelose for piano. sad Dallas method for •ction Melon% will pantie Tonna Conser- vatory mural at lately. At le_to S. Studio at the resIdemes ZUG. Brook ehrest. 441. pm BoY w A It Ts ty-Tog LURK THE rem st Ire, whip bee end 55110005Mistime benteem. 0..r 5511000516 to 17 mem. preferred, Anil/ AS 111111115L ()evil a. WANTED-YOUNO AND W rit. et satleell wove*. or Mier .111 068 te • motiow sad mans kis meat ta wood amokwtUi 081 per esseiraistd to a . Ralf. T. a. I11,701-17=1 Pay* for what you get WAITED -MEW AND WOMEN WHO TV ma work bard tonne sad wrist:Lima 4111417 fpr stipse: week wed bi metes wits ma weette. • ries 1111m 1D11/18 00., nest& WANTED-VIACOM AHD OTHER beret OM 1441.4.611116- te este* fer " al titiotra4.1* is OM Dy ohig sad DVIIIIINO AND OLALIIIIING.-W HY la ....on zr...g ttrIsirla 6;a5i▪ ttp. www45560.55 W16.t.s is all right. People . usually have to do that. Some- times they don't pay at, all- sotnetimes they do. When yon pay for more than you get it is because some druggists have to charge you more because they whack up at the end of the year with the Doctor they engage at a cost of 20 per cent. of their profits to parade their name through the country. We pay no Doctor to "holler" for our Drug Store. We attend to that Fod pf the business our- selves by giving good, reliable, honest goods at fair price; by having the Dispensing Depart- ment under the supervision of a qualified chemist at all times - day or night, and by guarantee- ing satisfaction or your money back. We fill any Doctor's prescrip- tion with any other druggist's awns on, attd if you are not sat- isfied Wag it back and we will hand you back your money. Terme strictly Cash.' libeettamaipties keg Stem 11011 MADE 88411.N15E6 *00) RAKING POWDER. HOMg. wee Weep on 110 homestead. The funeral Moodily last was largely attended, in ••ideiso et the k ndle relations tint had existed between 011. dimmed and his former neighbors for so emote years. l'h• enrvioes were 000duoted by &Rev. R. Hendenipo. of Smith's Hill Preshyteran church, of whioh ler. Morris had been for years a faithful member. l'he pall bearers erre (thee bit/Hardy. Wm. Clerk, J ohn Tithe, Thos. Sellows, Kenneth Morris and Charles morns. \ - 'rowo At eorney Lewis has beea busy lately making hia returns oi the orinunsli bonuses of the past six coonthr of 1898 114 the six - tem mess tried before the (amity Judge's Criminal Court end the General Seems. of the Peso", only one primmer eras fogad Wet Relit,. The orlrine_oomprised arson 2, lourghay 3, shaft 4:icTid aggravated assault 7, the geoteooes rauguir from 2.3 °moths in the Central Prima to three montbs in the common jail. Fines to the smoant of one hundred and seventy-tive dollars wore sloe imposed. 1“ RAcIS The mm - mite in Merge of the binyole rams at the Agrioultural Perk lest Friday evening amp. ly fulfilled their promise. eo provide • good ovetong's sport. The riders Were out to win. and, with the exoeptios of the toys' ram, tha oonteste were ell siondingly keen. The places were woo es follow* Quarter nolo opeo- -101, Alex. Mayor ; Mait• land Humber 3rd, Oliver Rhyme. Boys' halt -mile, in heats. beet two in three-lst. f lotto- uniuniattrlett, --Fred-0%11(1mq: mile opeo-let. A. hlolver ; 2.4. Ed. 11.!. ohm ; 3rd. Maitland Harem. Two mile bandicep-let. Alex. hlelvor. soratoh ; 2ad, Ed, Reicher, 150 yards; 3rd, Idalt. Hum- ber, 150 yiuds. Time, 512. • •Tbii• laat the warmest in the buooh and created great tetanal easeees abe apeetahara. The .Mm Band was in attendance and there eras • fairly good crowd.premot, butinot as meaty es the merits of the program and the mall- ows of the adonasioo fee we:noted. Th• The metnbers of the Mlittliflee committee give tbeir services gratuitously, and it would in some degree rimiompricure them for their time and trouble to ese • larger num- Mr of the townspeople turn out and show their appreciation ot the efforta made to provide wholesome sport. A Swint. Millirris“. -The meeting on riWoJileIelealeref Carets 146, of the °sow diem Order of me Circles was of • rather Informal charaear. .14 was held at Mee Warooca's riesideace7sRIViert street, wittiati attended by • large number of the members and their friend'. 'rhos. MoOilltauddy, who is the leader ot • oircle of the order to Toronto. wee present and gave. very • talk ea the •4005 sod benefits of the order. His hearers heartily enjoyed Mr. lifutbill.onddy's address. The initiation of • member wee • feature of the meeting Refreshments were served sad • pleasaut time speot in a gm ail Way. Hritilte•Al. -The marriage of Mies (Alt, daughter of the late John 0.11. 01 Ooderich, grsad•claughter of Jelin Galt, 0O well- known novelist, and mem of the tate Sir Alexander K C.11 G., sod ta' Sir Thotna• Galt, of 'foronto. which took pleas at Elm Ridge, Dorval, the reeideem of her sister, Mrs. John Seems, was the mon Moe of • very Oswalt gathering of essay old !roods from Ontario end elsewhere, Mr. and Mrs Savage's hospitable oisaiitry Mune being filled to overflowing with eatele. . he bridegroom was Robert Clerk, 4*501551- '.f the Bask ot Montreal, of Monet Jo, N.1. - Tereeto Globs AiiCIDINT.-batuirdey night about ten o'clock, am Mime Sophia Gard wee wheeling Mr. Craig to trils.-raph to Loads* for it, "'Hind thn Sntinin. din linn ran dnwn by nt...• /stoned all right oe l'haretiay. vebiole driven by (nerve Sowerioy. et Gods - Oyer te end umbrellas are not very 04 15. returned when left in that way . A Cosegtorrinia Acr -Bramble Post, : Q.Ner people, some of them reeldoota of Clinton VVbat do van think they did? Stele Yaws from the cometeey in whieh dowtws had bow plead OD 11 Irate. They must barely he Dear relatives to the fellow who stole the ooppere off a dead maa'a eyrie and kicked him bemuse they waree't quarters. A tight board fence, six feet high, should be put around the Cloaca oemetery or else the contemptible thieves should be phoned within • et -Jos -walled ell• aliment leotard la tloderieb. . THE ENTRANCE EXAMS. List of IluootrisRal tJantlidatoo. Tie hays and Girls WOO are EllgIble few Aluminum at tee With arlisials Nest Wall- r. a. Learns Re- melts Nest Week. THE following is the list of candi- dates passed to the limed of Examinors for West Huron, together with the marks ob. Wined by enth. In ocidition to those who had obtained the full retjuirements, viz . one third oo each subject and one half of the total, 1 modulates who had the re. eitired total, MO marite, tat bad faine • little iolow tn ale, or, et meet. two subjeote. were, in s000rdenai with the regunitione. passed I.y the Board 00 .000014* of their age or other ciroutnalances . Cords giving the marks of the cendidotes will be sent out as usual. Tb. results el the puldiu school IsevIng examination will be wino in next week's mue, the Board having found it imoossil,'• to bev• them reedy io time to go with tho i Lavigne' A. entronos. Harold Masson -t 71 i.inigKicit 110011. itCHoOL Joules Morns l'"'" 70 hese Aoneses 576 Janie& 145.500 53 Jennie _NatWest 593 J. Maud Spence 62 Ky. Dunlop 674 William Elliott bl Manninge 718 Rata Elliott 60 Flo. McLean -• 588 Lexie Setherlset 58 . ,.....or Ake' Natal 669 -May Newton 58 Mary 'fait 662 W. Herbert Taylor 57 Hugh Andrews 646 6'.1i. Ty. 55 }ferry -Get . 8-11:thallfauom ' 66 rooster Farrow 588 Evelyn Vrairie 53 1. '‘ 'Lewitt •"'•-•*"'"'"L",gst, ww...iohnstoo Darius Sallow* .550 Thomai shopped 637. Olive Rates 618 . Irene Dickson 662 Clara Hall 689 bottle Morrow 561 Bertha Million ' 644 Mabel Strang 844 Lillie Webster '592 ir-dward Craig 572 Herbert 'Nadine 561 Jamie Garrow 567 Kneen .lordai, . 758 Willie RobinIwo . ''..,, 586 Wilfred Williams 1. 4... . 649 Jelin Duff 560 Jacob Hewald, of Zurich, 23 veers of age, was drowned Stnelsy afternoon while lasth• tag in the lake. Is is supposed he took °reams. Wanghem : Mn. Molntyre with her family, has roo• to Alexandria, Mm., when ith• will join her huoload, who lett here nomei tIED• DEO. Mr. Molott re has been obliged to throw op his poettion Branaeo on account of illness, end has gone to Alex andria to reside. Seaforth: The other day m W. D Bright was retarniev from Wingbam, he left hie overcoat in the car when he left the train at t ;noun) W heo he re•ohed Seeforth, he gm A Forgo BOY'S DIATH -Crustiest greset, ton of Charles Bates, dise early last Sunday morning in his thirtmoth year. Charlie had been a cripple end in a weak state of health generally since early ohildhood, hut his death mime entirely without warning. Saturday night he was apparseelv as welts. eve., at three n'olook nett merniag he seem• ed to be all right, bet at six o'olook be was found deed in It'd. Although debarred from t thing tartan many of the joyf of ohildhood, be took • keen interest in the doings of oth- ers and wee tun illy brieht and ohm/ ful. Hie rotative have our sympathy la their bereave - merit TR• Ci.rmrox Eximastorr.-Mix hundred Cliatesims mine to Dederick hiet Thursday u pon as exoursioe conducted ty the Meth - *diet Sunday schools of Clinton. they did n ot 'Wool the rainstorm upon which we and to he ahlti lo count en th. meanies of their annual visit, although there were hard hearted people among our residents he would have rejlioed at • damn:icor - net to spell the feu of our visitors, bet to gave the oorporation wsterlog cart and make the gardens grime &gale. However. it wee • warm. bright day -the right eon of day to spend In the park or os the water, sad that le what the exenirsineteta did. The owl of London made trips on tne lake and carried • large number of people, while bathing stui omits" also were enjoyed. The make brew hone mme along aag triads masio for the plesiokers. rich township. howerby • horse and another were going at • eery rapid rale around the Square, sod some of these who entwined the sooldeat state that If • drivers *ere *ming. Mies Card made an effort to me out of the way, but bar bicyole was weed by • wheel of Sowerby's bossy and sbe was thrown to the ground. Sbe was tektite into Ooode's drug store, when ebe q ilokly reoovered. The TOKIO, 510111411 is severely bruised, and oonsiderable damage was does to the bicycle Dien 1.iiii.ohoronw. -The sews comes from Torment of the death under die Noisier circumstances of R. D. Moffatt, M. Id, son Rev. 1)r. Moffatt, well known is (iodic -tab ea the asset of the Bible Society. De. Moffatt hod ham having trouble with tile teeth and went to • deotiet's ofhos,whers it was tound 1,1.1 .41 teeth would have to lo int noted. • doctor was oalled 10 and ad• ministered chloroform, but before the 4..' lilt bad finished he operatios it was notiosd t hat the pottiest was collation*. Sinned doctors were sommosed, bat before my of them oosld arrive on the Seette Ide had de- parted. Dr. Moffatt had been id poor health, and was not in • fit state to underro the admislatertng of the druri. He was • married maa and had sae small child. Ifeerses or BANANA PINE APPLE RASPRERRY NTRA W R Y VANILLA RATIF1A LEMON •• WINTERORMIN EXPTERIO I NT " CINNAMON 106. per mt. Bilkieg Preget, 95e. a monad. *14 .54. by es, eel Iteneekteed, er 06517 554011 .01.5U011147 W ILSON'S rtICEICRIWAAUG RTORK,44* lather reakel• 64*4 Daniel headers 568 George Sanders 611 No. 6 -Mollie Cotter. .. ..... 581 No. 7 -Lydia A. rinkbeissr 691 No. 10 -Moe. Sherritt 560 Myrtle Wiens 727 US1101141. No. 1 -Ida Blietchford 656 No. 2 -Jessie Monteith 716 Rhoda Premiere 650 Nellie Stewart 624 No. 5. --Wilbur W ood.... All Ne. 5-les1te Itootaeon 666 a e.se u AWaS1011 It. No. 1-1Maggis Mathews ... .. 661 Winona Kirkpatrick .... No. 3 -Irene Woods 606 No. 4--,Jostoti Carrel. ... .... 682 Maggie G. Clash, 683 Charlotte Took 560 No, 7 -Eddie Mbomou 61:N Mired Naylor ...... , . .... 623 No. la -Hoary Martin ... „ .o 744 Hattie Well wood - 609 Sepiolite Sohool-Aaguskine Linehan" 602 NAST WAW %NOSH. No. 6 -Eve Wightmon. • 566 teedierieh Celleginte kisstitete. Too followtog are the peroentsges oh• tweed by the pupils of Form I. .1the lune promotion examinations Bengali , The lionsall race amok is befog need by .1. 1. Doherty, of (1,0100. who is training • tioe string of horse" for the summer meetThole doing good work andei the skillful guidaare of the owner in- olade moll well known boasts as foamy H. 12:2411, Hoy Prank 12.250, Marguerite, King Mouton (2 2611 Jenne Stanton and Fred H. The laves and well.. quiptio.1 stable of W. B. Mcl eon furnishes the hast of accommodation for the valuable limits. FAR/MILL To MISS 11. Coll. -Thursday of last week the ohoir of Koox °buret,, of whioli Miss Mot .1o11 bed been for about • year the effioient said popular organist. bold • gathering et NI•oesetuag l'ark frit the purpose of saying farewell to the young lady prior to her departure for lalpsio, flernaoy, where she will pursue her musical stadias. Molt of the member. of the choir whesied out to the park in the afternoon, and when the oompasy had assembled • splendid sapper was wooed ie the l'ark Hotel. slipper ended. • troop photograph of the oompsoy was takes, after which the woods and the beach had sursotIons for the young people. After dark nem bad fallen, the hotel parlor wee the scene of • very pleasitot gathering. 4 I of them pre- sent gave monad salsotions and the com- pany dispersed after the similar of "Acid ;sag Syne," Mho McColl left Monday morales with the gond wishes of a host of frietide, who hope to he able to greet her alien 1. Goderich •fter her phsenos of • year es the Contiosak ANOTItall TRAM) -ratetetil Menuld he es ths look -ant for • sliok.tongeed fruit tree agent who is" doing " many Ismer" is Usk semn' of the mese, MBA *..s* tineedsmill fraud Chin Massy, lot 14, eon. 10, Stephen, ix es* of the yetis', bed will doubtless pay dear for his experimee. Tb. mode of presider* la as fellows i-115 mills at • farm home sad gots off the .151 harangue about trying te sell trait trees Net being &hie to afoot • sale, and always(?) brine busty, he asks the farmer If he out ameassedemo hien with • meal, la nears fee whieb be will give twe ee three Wales trees. Of ream tbe farmer is .,,Slly tickled, and to slew hie gratitude glees hie /nest the best is the house Before leaving, however, the farmer 8, 5510.4 te stirs a dominant te allow 1.10.1. 1.44 angst took dinner at mob a plays. and en ardor for tyre chaise trees. The sewn deserts, and in • thew time • large weeelgement of fruit trees 001515 1. the IMVIEINO of the farmer. and it is thee be Sok oat Nat be hei swore "ober» fruit" time be Harry Wiggins • 51 Reggie Hurtste..: *T. Edith Acheson Eitel!. Acheson Mary fdolionald Everett Femen Coral Vivian Ailort Dickson Sybil Knox Loa's Mclean Nisbet Tom Annie rollsy Seaforth :Friday last, the Huron,. of Seaford% got evtin with the Kerlin Reagen for the defeat at football which they re osived on May 24th. The game was played at Soeforth, multi:ay 3 to 0 in favor ef the Hurons. There wee • dispute in the 111101 half of the game over • claim made by Berlin to • goal wbioh was disallowed by the referee. The Berlin people had a special train, with a brim bend sad • crowd of football sathusiasta line it was all in vein. Ashfield • T. Murphy had been using his mower and got don a behind the nuichine to fix tometbinty, when the horses started to beck and he wee kept beneath the machine in such • way tha* it, was moos sihis tor him to cell out for hell). He Wee durcovered io thus conditios • few minutes later, suffering intensely from • miler boos so badly fractured that It protruded from his breast, while he had other internal in• juries. He has been under the constant care ef two doctors tiro*, who hope to pull him through all right. ‘401,11LICH Me? %KATI ficri.. Nora Dean FredGalloway It•Y/1111 }enacts Footle Chas. Ferguson . Robt. Batley Ade Roulet t '1 MILADAAA.I. P. II Murree 714.1 -reisr mom ....., 551 553 627 573 573 563 550 Renee Cninhart Hort Elder F.thel Uolwslt ZOILICK P. N. Milford Faust Iliss• Richboil liars Koehler Ethel Williams nueeSe ... 1. R. Willie Glean Minnie Dania Gore Roberta Roy Litt ia Menet h MlIligac DUNGANNON. Noricz.-The local agency in Dungannon for Tin Swett, is at the ofnce of .1. 0, Were veyeam, Ice., who will reosive or• comers for sub•Mdptloati, savertising and job work. and le authorized to litVe reeelote for *mounts paid for the ems. I A. Ng WTON, DENTIST, OF LUCK• V?. mow will •lelt Innmennon on 1st sod lird nide" of each month. All modern meth ods of extracting and filling, and rumen, ant. &dial teeth. Offloe. next door to Medd's tailor ahoy. Hours, 9 a tn. to 6 p.m. TudinAr. July 19, 1898. berenester - The remains of the law Mn. Mary Woods, the beloved wife of Thomas Woods, of West Waffesnoeb, were interred Io Dungannon oemetery, on Wed• needs, lest, being escorted thither by • large orsamitom of sorrowing relative", frieods, asd slow a large number ot acquain- tances. The deoweed w5, ewe of the most respected and industrious pioneers of West Wawseesit, and woe aged 75 years. Rev. 1. L. Armstrong pliorfortned th• mimeo obituary sorelees. She has loft sorvi•ing her to Moen her teddies departure, an af• fectiestste, aged husband. there daughters, viz Ans. Jane and Matilda, sod four .,.ns, Thomas, cm the homestead, tInorire, portio school teacher, and two eons in the North West. She will bo sadly mimed is the hone eirele, especially by her ireserable and levant' ifesband. also tin the ehereb, of whioh she was • constant member, sad in the miebberhoed, in which, sloes with her bereaved family, she had lived for many years. She was as affeetionate wife, hind mother, anti wee highly est sinned ea a selerbbor and good oiliest). Tho bereaved family have the strioore sympathy of the rernmenity at large In the ead 1ereavent0.t- One or THU 01.0 STOI K.-Oor venerable freed, Maurine Dalton. of Ashleld, was in Sews Tuesday. sod THI 814714AI. had the pleasure of • basibleith and • good word with him. Mr Galles le Kr years of age, hat is as lively se a °Ticket 154 15 hearty se a bey to his teem. He risme to ()made in 1837. and to Hines ie 1941, when the die triat was • bootleg wilderness, sad by energy seri industry sneeeeded is getting a geed boss for himself and Nosily From 1/461 unti11875 he was • member of the ooset• Opnootl. and ban always taken a dam interest is pahlio matters. The scribe reavie4e4 Mr. Deltas the ever basely 75.11 540, whim he meld 51.5 le sedierioe • " tasemnf rate Irish jig." end the old gestleinaa ressoadol.“ Faith. I *am 4. 14 yet," and wire • "arise of steps that it would petals • NIBS fifty roars his tenter te mrseete. W hes we pseud with the weedy pieeser there was It fervor Is ta• maa.51.56 ..a • teriok le in **eye, 40.1. 11 wire to be hhows bemuse Kerry and Kerry. Ittere's Pim sots hos' 1.55. i. dilal. 54I7EN P. P. Florence Biseett Mb.! Font& 1,n11a Roos Olive Wright Wm. Muir Samuel Thome" Mabel Brook Lorraine Hooper. Franois Rowclifie Walter H. Gregory Daniel Roadie CREDITOR PUBLIC icstrola Ira Preen. a Chas. D Brun Lydia M. Fink Wiser . Ceara Kionzle Carrie Kahn Lily Trate Magi& Tents Mary C. Yams ogieramst• runt= *meet - Albert' Callas. Lillian Elliott lAllian Salton Lima Willson Cedrio'Hill DUSTS! Or 010111111MOS1101 -.Tbereteresed away at his borne is Oelborse, The y of last week, an old 1.1respeeted roam* of the township, 8. 40. poem el Geerp. Mor- ris, after • brief Masse, hetes. bet We're flays He was beta ta the telnisbip of As- sailer is IRM, mad own* Colberse trial his parents whoa lest toe year old, where BORN be brig oleos ,..1454. Is 1868 he wam 81,04N In Myth, da to Mr. and Nei 10 .1weete R. MoLeas married ta 1155 (Catherine Boyd. and Iv" W Mese. • Woe, 1117141414, NOW ell the fares open whelk lig Mot 0110go. 2-Weslay Meted Throe &mestere mistiest Ilre llitreshes, el mania in oniberue....thneada, . $e. 1 -Ida Joe1,0040101., y Ky.,eag Yam 11527 est MIs. Jet 14.11111. (Nene Morrie. egiirli=1. Hiles Heaver Na 1 -Bert Counter/hem No, 4 -Margaret Finlayson No, 5 -Bertha Gardner No. 11--Allos Dougherty No. 12- Wilber Cathoert .... . Thos. Pritebard Bella MoKeoz s No. 13 -Adam H.mil'os Fred MoAlludisr ..... No. 15-Dosald Modeseld ..... Annie K MoKessis. 602 631 71b bb6 674 befi 610 574 812 710 774 637 560 werSnew5. Frank Edwin! Olive Turner Millie Godwin Wellinstes Daytona Catherine Webb Mamie Monteorrery Harvey Deutrutit Lis Koox - Orville Godwin Albert Coraelk Ernest Hotta). Philip Kiel, Lizzie Goalie Montages Coil/eras 1,5.5, 14.71... Id. Thaw •-‘46511...1mmi..61 Emily ?thephacd Herbert Buctuutan Emily Vile" Mary linrie. Frock Saunders Ethel V &natter RATDold• Percy Tye. Nallib Brown 49 lieerge 49 Bert Martin 48 Laura -.rail/ 47 Wilfred Naftel 45 Clan Wella 44 Franklin Maumee- . 43 Mead Sharman • 636 571 568 706 666 610 b72 630 567 638 552 573 649 554 568 581 638 566 558 561 609 581 bh2 614 47 47 47 4.3 42 36 36 31, 30 74 73 63 63 61 60 60 _ 10 59 58 57 ,,. 57 56 b6 ' 56 56 b4 53 62 b2 bl so Willie Stothere Ethel Sneyd Harty Worsen 41 40 ao 32 Rice" Pure Kett tor table or dairy. A new printing offioe hes been opened on Hamilton street by Messrs. Chisholm and Turner Miss Marton and Master Allan Robb, of Seaforth, are visiting their prandmother, M re. Oliver. Idles ,Oliyer, of New York, is visiting her mother sod sister at their home on Elgin avenue. Mn. Gook weed, Miss Leak wood &ad Master Norman Lockwood. of Guelph, ere guests at the Park Home. Hugh Ryan and James Tigert, graduates of t•oderioh Collegiate Institute, were sac - °metal in the May eiaminstione of the Normal College, Hamilton. Wanted. -Butter not lower. 12a *ash for best Dairy Tube -G. E. King, Wingham. Several of the boys wheeled to Tutt'. Bey on "isturelay, to ,lett the campers there. 5,53 Mrs Miobsel Dalton, of Kintell, hes re• 694 turned home after • vont with Mrs. Mo - 562 °rattan, of the Huron road. Mrs. Mdirst• 586 ten has had • severe illness the past six 596 week., but is now, we are pleased to learn. 562 beginning to recover her accustomed health 604 sod merry Her nephew, Charles Dalton, 5.4 is staying with her. 620 550 5.52- 01,01)155 No. 2 -1/6•i Snyder .. 568 Nn. 3 -Maty E. Rom 56.3 No. 6- Wesley McLane 509 No. 7 John Durst . 61)) No 9--Whiale -.ham , 635 itterisotr. No. 1 -William Dryedsbe. 'rhea. Salkeld No. 2 --vaward McRae Fawcett Sturdy No. 5 -Flora Connolly Benson Elliott, Glen McDonald No. 6 Arthur Moilleskey en,, Samuel Mollwsln 588 No, 8 --Anal. Harrison 673 wragt,re. (Solon No. 1 -Emily Drysdale. No. 3 Stella Rothwell No. 6 Joh. MeAsh No. 7 George Elsie Ns. 9 -Alla. Meier. Balla Thompson No. 14 Nefleini Reyes ('hall.. Whiteouts Exeter Dr. Ames sootiness at the hems of his went' in Mottillieray, where he and Mrs, rime bad pee to speed • few weeks' ride. The committee in oharge of teat Friday evenior's binyele tome were mutated in their prize -Riving by the generosity of seven! of our bunnies men. R. it. Sallow@ eontriiinted half.dr, 'in °shine1 photos, the Henderson Itioyole Co. • bicryole saddle, and the Kensington Furniture Co. • fine rocking chair. Other awhile@ were Riven at cost or tinder. The departmental examinations which 708 had been going on at the Colleelate 652 Institute for two weeks were oencinded oo 615 Monday loot, and the iondidates have die - bob p.rec,I to await the verdioe of the 561 examiners. As those who wrote thie 738 summer mem to he pretty well satisfied 836 with the papers eel. before them, the usual 563 period of suspense may not be so distressing as canal. Raw ember tha lila selling out ot shoes ma reedymade olothing at J. W. 569 Broderick's. Customers me that wet mean 651 business and are selling goods as adverthied. 670 We want to ober one the stook and are 679 selling vary obese. On Friday and Setae - 5513 day we will eller •nother fob lei of boots 7611 and shoes, at twenty•five and fifty meta per 636 pair, and if you want • good snit of elothee 560 °heap, attesd this cheap sale. J. W. Broderick. No. 3-Lio Riohardson. ..... Emma Digatin No. 14-Col4a A. Walk WICK allatifTIL 1--sooloot J. Coolest .1.mm Toed ••• 51/7 606 677 5'74 5434 *150 bog gelf dr • Priceless leiseevers. "Moat AND MWArl" 4. so osfalltbIs, alnIs.s and sos•poisonem remedy tor the care of Cuter, Cartilaginous Mows, Sore Threat end • variety of skin disease* it cures °anew la any pert of the body where the sortie leo mob It. Seed for coroner inv- ite inillnisidese beer to apply the tkisid. SRI EilOspo plat ..a 30e per hell Met bat* 11•14110IY8 LAHORLTORY. Oedema'.