HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-7-14, Page 88 11rv.e.Av, July 14, 18718. low THE SIGNAL : 9OD.DRICH ONTARIO. 7 �•atlt t CLEARING SALE. NU RI3813RVE ON 5urnrner s.Uoods_ ALL MUST GO NCIW I If you need anything in Buenos. 'War, Mgt, M 1 OA opportunity. 25 PER CENT. OFF MILLINERY. t 25 per cent. off all Millinery Ueda A *err oppopelnai4 to fix up at little price. - DRESS GOODS Don't miss these Bargains. Choice of any of the $1.00 Drees Goods for Choice of any of our 75c. Drew Goods for Claire of any of our 60c. Deem Goods for All our Prion are in Plain Figures. T 5c. 50 �. 35c. .GENTS' FURNISHING&._ Choice lot of Ties of Bowe, Knots and Derbies, rea11., gcinj?''960.' _-_ Summer Cambric Shirt., regular?bc.-Mr - 06 Special Men's Tweed Pants at. -A1.00 -7-7 Special Boys' TweedJou viae n ,•s.• .,•_•„•„. :rail • • ti .7q•r: .. •• •4Oi• tiffitttftfirtittttftrtritti Huron's --�: Greatest Store People ti'Ai are here to do business for a short time soluetiwes take the crowd. These heroes of a small occasion stay fora month or two, and then pull out with a laugh in their sleeve at the easy way they succeeded in persuading some of the people that they sold reliable goods as cheap as regular houses. Trade conditions in Goderich just now are such that there is no real value in Dry Goods ; and if you'd rather do business with a reliable firm, there is not one of them that is not prepared to meet your views as to values. If we are undersold in a single item we want to know it. If it's strife, we have all the munitions of war -the genius, the capital, the ability and the nerve. -------. "-,oto- da►• LADIES' UNDERWEAR. Summer Vests, regular 25c., for Benner Vests, regular 15c., for...,.- - COME AND SEE OUR BARGAINS. Organdie Moline at 10c. Latest Gingham., Piques, Linen Effects, etc. In Silks, a special 1.t of Blouse Slim, wide width, at 171e. -. A TABLE OF DRESS 000DS REMNANTS. All kinds, all lengths, ranging from :7:4.. to : Or. a yard, going at 15c. a yard. NOW- 1111 -THE TIME. "moi .. `8�gdiNl�CFli4ltary Cett;.lr..regntar 7e: fiervtbr 5e. - 5c. MITTS, $OBIflT and GLOVES, LACES and RIBBON$. The Greatest Valves ever offered. CASH AND -ONE PRICE. SMITH EROS. & CO. �A com.cLIBertLlrctazr- All-wool Black and Cord Bargee, regular 25c. quality for 15e. yd 7 yards double fold Cashmere for 75o. New all -wool Box Cloth, regular $1.00, for 65o. Another lot of Block and Colored Satin and Gros Grain Silk Ribbon, worth from 25c to 31io . choioe forIso. yd Indigo Print, best quality, 10 yards ter 750. 10 yards Apron Gingham for . 35c. 10 yards Shaker Flannel for 35o. 10 yards Apron Muslin for 35o. Braids, Das Trimmings, embroideries, laces. all to be - clemerttit-aboat--500c-onthe $. COUNTY OURRENOY. wt*g . . Wells Beidee lees are is WLstp.t velli • wised el dee berm. Yams : Ms. Jobe RAW. Pan I,1se, W lets ter e..ka.e Dells, be vtea h.r deyits Ms. Merrier. Zed..) u liM.r.das ► beel.-e+mss l a OA be see to ble eMI. Wawa, wise kw is t.or.N.e medtoal preowoe titer.. Wiegba i. W. I. liruok.u.►Irs, termer- ly at lows, see .po..d a peategraVh .e.dle .t 6661 Duda. swat, Heel Loader. Steam : Noise. Prier see peleesed by - Ivy as tried Beed ow July i./. wad aoad.ed to Ms bad to or.wq.e.cw Krug Dr. Ames essliseer IU se Ibe bowie of h`• p. net. 15 MolllWsrel, wham he .ad Mrs. Alts bed seise to speed . bot weeks' vials. Ssalersa : Jots 1). task, .t Peer/ Hope. ..bo was formerly srsedN0.L*iYbtb,r 1. the dry suedes bete, ores tidily' triode hers. A1hd.ld : Whale Tues, Rieke. el Ilei ws seven* .sslee, wits kering bay be Isla MI byse see.pessd Joh el tie Irwinsed Welts W seller bow pM.tos : Me. sad lbs. RHornedre- awayeelehsa• at Mair enter wedding se- sssreery. They were NW tried t woos, -I s en see ytb. 2.d .t Joy. Qt.t.e : M. Returns, el Delo*, le vW5ls bar old Minh h t re J. Mbit leeks jest as ..Leel es whet ab. wet • • reside/ Mobs.et aw.. user ye w ego. seelsetk : Dr. Fred H. 8.eee.., «. et Dr. Belem., .1 BMMrl5, W b a sppd.► d b... ese the d et Tweets gas enJ hospital MM e alum* ye.r. liaoes.: P. W. Wes, .r Derek base.5..ap.iYa.', the ea jerkier stat, while L K.ne heslesla yawed be .baa et 1edt.r keens.. Blyth : Ti. ymuwosi panes wise did • roes et ibe wee et Me W.A. al alit bore was 8. 1). Hleley..s Blyth, sot yet asv.sbwt poses et eg% sed and the movies rises Chabot: Mr. mrd Mew Jebs bra. e1 O.aph, Mn. Clark, .1 Br.ekto, sad We. Higgins, el Reakwed, wise 1. (shale. lam Took, peyiee ee.pe.le le til• sewed birthday of Mei" retia, �. Ashore : The hot et Mra Arthur eras tar samewisse e a leoeeds a ds,JJ... 30t*wadh to the raepY�wMe. el shoos .Lay Ree.te, MIs Y.I r Csribll. wes nabbed Pioneer, Mls Y. Reek to Closing Cash Sale Bd�t aad Shoes Owing to continued illness, and as I am advised by the physicians to seek a more suitable climate. I hays termined to close out my Boot and Biu trade in Gam. rich, and for the next Six Weeks all Footwear will be sold AT COST. The stock is new and first class, all kaying been pc. chased during the past nine months. This is a Genuine Clearing Bala as I am closing out my business in Goderich for the reasons stated. M. E. McNAUGHTON J. MoNAUGHTON, Manager. For Saturday Night. l0 (isnot Osis' Kid G es to b. mold at - b0o. pt Ta--`VaZGntt�. ae�.i<:. 1 .. o., yd veld at ,..i 10 limes new Chiffons, all 'Moro, to be .old at 106. yd 10 dos. Children's Hosiery, to he sold at Oe. pr The above are half price quotations, and the goods should be cleared out st mese figures by tan o'clock Saturday night. R. B. SMITH. C. W. ANDREWS, Manager. The Kensin toll FIlIl1�8 CO. MIS!b8 C1 Meek sad Impure lisimis Kidney end Liver Tsee,Ytw ..........�..I. sl. rid1.Mr.ewe. WANT DRY ELM AND BASWOOD 1 READY MADE CLOTHING MY OWN MAKE a t p lsh Ireres.rtaMt bot xa s. wt roe. 1e 'arse or •mi I gneatltles. They are al.o 1 the =whet for .Green Elm and Black Ash. A ea. te oesorteet of New Osseo ter Brima.d Hummer wear. NIL WM seta � H. DUNLOP Wweet. Tatler. next Beek Ms.tae.l. Still a-winntff At Wrbxeter, Ju- ly 1st, F. Dunbar, of Stratford, won eas- ily the two profes- sional races. He was mounted on a " Mc- Cready" Pink Flyer, which was loaned him the day before. To win races and en- joy cycling, ride the "McCready." They rQ Mol. :L_ ?le feij Bicycle CO., t1..tlud, (-}alasnso$ The CIIAS. J. IIARPEII, Got Gasoline Stoves Blue Flame Oil Stoves Ordinary Oil Stoves Screen Doors and Windows Refrigerators Garden Hose std Reels Nozzles and Sprinklers Hammocks' -. Bicycles, amp aid wooed hand Ora hat WE M►Iceammis..,,.. LEE I SHEPHARDJZP4 at VIZI haw Priors. mamba �� `r • MI bleu sr vales rives naw ear. Mehl PON P110 e We have ;rt resolved a ass' -IoM et tilled nit.... PRACTICAL KOREA sad NOT WATER FITTER Bathe, Closets, Bos, Hydrant;Bailees,Sinks, Sewer Oceineolions, Pipe and Drain Work, PaoPlf*LT • • WI AT P8101111 TWAT Td ON 1111Vel ss. pis a CHAS. J. HAMP M CTS SPEAK LOUDER T And this follows the continued great success of Reid's Great Conipi1sor FNM T B WEEK our talk is on the le re� beadle .ends en t I/ Yp.al es am - N TIE (WARM 8LI 2 PIPR..E DI N0i ADULMS tet?. o.ee..rer... TM,1IiC 1 F tf- Sa 1111111 S101 MI1 111111111 11111111 All well -made, ana in all sizes, colors and uric Here are a.es .,.:,..._. . _ . ,w, All and. prices. few prices : h = ) arc,; 7 Men's Serge Suits, to go at $2.60, formerly $4.150 ; 2b Mena Tweed Suits, to at,04, j rmerl $7 and tstilt.; 90 Men s:.Tweed Suits j ht anddark), to at $4 • formers from $7 to $9, . a grea e o Men'sy $8 he w Suits, from $6.60 to •• • .76 ; a line lot ofBoa and Youths' Clo ,_._ . ran l from X11-Wowl aTweed Men.' _ � g � �-xo- $tb the �t • we havelot of Men's odd Paste, firom 80c. to $2.$o --big v Boys' odd ua i $roam 25c, u a Our stripedup-just tom► thing for School and better wear. Linen Coats and Neste are going like hot Cakes, and it is needless to say the prices are away down. Bee them. While you must realize that these are all greatyou mist realize also that they oannot last long. you eannot afford to miss them, for The Dig ,hoods Department is still bristling with Big Bargains, and the snaps for shrew goods do. P d buyers will last as long as the ROMember, each and every article will be sold as advertised. If not' satisfied, your money back if you want it: �' Don't forget, this Store closes every evening,except Saturday, ; but v� in the morning. urday, at 6 o a are ahelready business swigsR,'r- Est- ,f r::- - - 4.---Estit JAMES ^ Ai- rifl_ i.. JORDAN'S BLOCK, OOUWr HOUSE SQUARE.