The Signal, 1898-7-14, Page 7CIl,1BSIIA1
py W. A. MAyt(;HMOi1T.
pROLO(dtTt: 1.
TfI Davit'* IOt171G
c you're in sarnoM, ,les Font awl
r Seam it this Num?"
Ivory syllable of weary Ovoid."
steely -saes ntter.tdwittk the Migp
rice cd deterluluatlou, and Lola
es es she spoke la>ksd bee bas-
in the fact with set daebdon in
Ties of her Fenn!, beautiful feta.
kasbeed, • slim. faire good lank -
to", sneered provokingly as be re-
d her Baas. He *thronged his
,dies as he auswered reedit, and
jy, tbOogh with • slight foreign
ptsmy word. 71u really are very
Lola. I'm not a bit surprised
other men fall in love with you.
ly soul. I should -it you weren't
rite alr^ady, of course." He ended
• laugh that might have marked
>base of tesliug, but tbero was a
veiled in the Bebe toile OL the
,ion which followed. "And what
(care not what then," was the an-
spoken with angry emphasis. "I
r what you min, and I can sotb-
You mean that you will add fin-
er to your otber characters and try
led my father to the galleys. The
I *Bldg which let mx llv. (e
r58S you lelltl -
sy father's safety.
d dared you at the first and
;his cursed tetter on my Iffe." Da
plug tseered, wit* kir fund':
nog as she ',poke.
r basbuud eyed her curiously with -
*sting any gigs of annoyance at bee
V appear and replied with the air
le who is merely balancing the pros
cons of a given merge:
I wonder WI did make • mistake
never staid at any but the twat bunts;
yeti spend what you like ou drew;
yo0've any •mogul 0f beers. What
be• multi do more thou tb.t?"
The wife made uo reply iu words,
bot her eyes lighted with auger.
"So long as you don't go too far with
any of them, I never say a word, and
the fact that while they are makiug
love to you I am making Emmy out of
nem ought to give 'a salt to the busi-
ness which you should appreciate. Don't
be a tool. Of coition you ,rant your hys-
terics io seals Some er another -all wo-
men do -but don't let 'see lead you oven
the Rubieou. This German pig that
we're stalking now may be the Inst we
sed trouble about. He's rich enoagh
to yield any amount of gold, and if I
know love in a tut tool's face when I
see 1t he's mad on you and he 11 give
half his wealth if only you give me the
,tetanal to handle" -
Stop!" Dried the woman hotly.
"May I rot if ever I move • finger to
help you again. If you want to rob
men, go and do it like other thieves.
Be at least • man seed don't skulk be-
hind my petticoate. I'll never speak to
that (iermso again, I swear."
The man turned a shade pale now
and bit bis lip. Then he swore ander
his fair mu.taehe, and his voice was no
longer steady when he spoke. He began
to fear that she was in earnest et* this
made him angry.
"I will make you do what I wish."
be said, and be laid his hand du herr
I you when I stopped you going on
starch A speech like that to the
ought to draw many pounds a
it 0) any house. Yen want a trine
gtore. If you're going to ay it
a, either bold-bit'1he'tltttee"lett
at it 1n my fse'e or duh it on the
Ind. The gallery likes gesture,
't forget. Bat you'd Netter not ro-
w here nee red the reek is not lay
and i{ yos chuck moth of -
goy •bwangf5lp of it's prxlty
ail down into the gorge, and
over there won't come op again.
there! What's tbe used for me to
let your powers of acting? haven't
p you lead • down men on-a,a
to the very verge -os. ly for us Wass
up in the mei? You're a born so-
t Lola,witb bmitatioul and in aear-
nee." r-
1'11 act tea longer, then,.." returned
girl, tee e1e was little more. "Yon
torr way. I'Il go mins."
And your father can go him, eb?
old chap Yours very bard o0
Lola, very bard 'indeed. To lend•
to the galleys in that way, and M_
age toe.,'
be cold, sneering indifference goaded
almo.t beyond the point of endur-
e, bat .be toogbt down her rage.
'I have come out hen to tell you
d this kind of life mast end. I" -
'And a devilish uncomfortable place
t've chosen." be said. interrupting
and laughing. "Here we ern on •
x17.. Crag,. -walk, their yille1non• fir
ss on cue ride Abd • .beer dip right
en to the bottom of the ravine on the
or and ■ sky that looks as though
,ling snort of • miracle could atop it
ding down buckets of rain inside five
sena I wish you'd be • bit tbonght-
L If you want to do an uncomfortable
*3. yea migbt at least choose • nom-
ubls place to do it in. Look beret Let
go to some hotel .ud bate it all out
re quietly over a bottle orf wine."
'1 know what you mean W all thee.
e think to weer L:e oat of my pewi-
t stood I mean to speak hexa and
1. I came here on purpcne."
'What! Here sap on this infernally'i
yak Devil's ruck, attack right in flee
dale a the Schwarzwald? What rwb-
Ilab l Do los think I els afraid of
per' file cried. 'Do you tbbbk 1 bare
ever done whit you wisbed because I
feared anything you coaid do to me?
You poor, conceited fopl. I'm no more
atrald o1 you than of a ret!" And elle
laughed derisively.
At this all the Dolor left his face with
rage. He gripped her wrist firmly and
bell it while, with a titre«t. u:uj brow,
be amid iu a voice harsh with anter,
"Casey that at este or your faller
Mall rot in jail."
"You coward!" stye dried, and, string
try the words and the gesture into a
iluogeeao of rageLyhe raised the Hot "1 hope you don't think I'm going to inablar:' sites" 1'e plater for news -
whileumbrella she was carryinR`bnd stePerleeke n tool of myself about dying," he pepen, e'1, lr0typirlr, eogttvtng, easti'Wtbed' « > lseeerwe amain a Aim
him with all her forte across the fare said querulously, potions; her manner. of printers rollers, and iu Artie aY tart It L anrprlalag what cau be done
while wrenching her wrist from Mu "You wouldn't have Ilse turn white kinds of suprr aced in printingned,lry way of rejuvenating an old printing
grouplivered ■red wed for •pack of priests LuhGahins.po►The cornpany's retmtati.m l sac4lne• With .kilted workmen and
wee standing cJpsb the edge of and pretcud to wipe out all the record for high -claw products in the way of proper maebtner7 and appliances an old
As steep rook, with his batik to it, and of • full life well lived aGiiwelt enjoy-- typFxnd presses- eettooliteitooto ua either tires can be .53.41 ad good as new. The
ed with the cant of half an hoorl Pshl departments. For Inatome, dobe mann- Toros-tit
andol rat ffnofdrr0 kmen sprcnaTlly
inkinglTLa.00oabout aelf',+itYYAmen +['0o 'a �t•:ib.,.lwi P
thinking muse about you. What will only modern equiplteent is the Domi-tn')o i:N'1ptb1 till "as*" li:issllt: its
and has faciliues to supe y screed tout! loneness in rebuilt printing machinery
toe do?" oU daily Th proem
A. has become very extensive and its, re
I have made no plan. yet, father. I liar) r lou of as the Vu
bete only thought in far that you and I
Neild be much happier together now."
'"Then it's time you did the ek, that'.
ale Your face and form are good
enoagh to win you halt a kingdom if
you only ore them properly, and your
pluck -well it's as stanch as mine.
You'll go far it you choose. Only mind
don't try to go too fast."
"I don't want to talk of myself-"
"1 don't tare what you want," was
the testy reply. "I do, and I mean to.
Listen. Drop the name of that infernal
scoundrel and set as though that part of
your life had never been lived. Play
the beautiful ingenue. Be my daughter.
Lola Crawsbay, once more, and as soon
as I'm dead do what thole cursed ma-
lts of mine would never lot are do -
go back to England. They'd have .topped
my allowance it I'd gouts back, but when
w you is the garb of the mourn-
srpliin-pIobIbly &earl for the
Bind --they'll take you in as sure-
ty yes will them. Pee written a W-
eer one emcee,r.�
who ever .howrd she hal a heart, olid
Mrs. Vi1!ybre, and if you play yr.ur
• eds se my Child ought to you'll woke
ber home yours and her introductions
be the menus of starting yOnr ear--
psign. She's en d3s'ils dull and reli-
gions that the world will cash her intro -
elections se ride to any amosot jest MI
bank. will •Rothccbild's c!>eeks. I've
t':ongbt s11 this out, e,pertirg treat
you'd probably ren away fro'n that
brute as soon as I was in my c(Pin, nod
I've written down be :t list of :e'! roar
Elie& lttlutivee, wit's '.rich hints as
sssarred to nye of tira�iest DaaY of got.
tntutele over o1i ,, and yet the devil
Suds • soft plate somewhere for them From Ocean to Ocean.
tmi tall. If I'd been there," he added
grimly, "I'd have had him found by • ' `
those who'd have made sure be was •
dead•" The Extent of th* Business Gond doted by oho Toronto
"tie is dead, father. never fear. I tell
you I went back and staid at the bole! !Type FOYndf� Co.. �171(teYl..
close to the plate for ten days, making :i•,.
cautious inquiries everywhere. If be
had escaped, I mast have heard of it"
The old man was silent • moment,
muttering and mumbling and shaking
his head.
"Bet you dotal know it, Lola You
baveu't fouud his can'nra "
Well, bel. dead to me at Guy rate.
Our paths shall waver lie side by side
again. He never held me at all, an you
know, save for my fear for you. I am
not afraid of such • thing as that"
She toned hes head with • gesture of
maim pt.
e'$Jrk my words, we shall never
bear of him again," she added.
"1 .haU not, child," said the old
man. "That's why I sent fur you."
The girl rose impulsively at this, and
laklug her father's bend kissed it and
then kissed his fete and cotbed some
of the white looks wbiob had strayed
down from under his skullcap over his
He suffered rather than enjoyed the
carers and shook his bead with a half
petulant movement of Impatieuoe.
"You ought to be glad I'm going to
die at last. Lola," he continued. "I've
been an unoosacionable time over it,
but that foul d&Dr. Lubin says I can't
last now mere' #i6 h week or a fort-
`�` (brew the Tonnes) Globe, June Ju )
The leading Oatladiaj a11w1 In the lice of bb work the products of Bnglaud,
of supplying the seeds of printers Is the !(lermatty or the United States. To at-
Tutonto Ty111 Foundry (lmipany, Lipnil tato ruch a puslr+uu nu a young come
ted- The head owes of the cv53pWy Ir try like Canada it was of emirs.• arse*
at 44 Hay street. Termite, where the Bury for the Torbuto Type Foundry to
large five-eturey warehouse is staked secure the brit agreeing iu the worl4
web a most complete amortme*t of sud out attempt to rely ablely upou its
type, printing prc.aee, paper cutters and oeu manufacturer's. Its
the thousand and one artistes that go to uu..oe., soonest en.
snake up a Vendor office. 'lbs buduess
of the oompxuy he very large and ex- use of the clweet kind with the leading
tends all over Canada, from ocmo to . 30anutacturere of the world iu routers'
wean. gouda. Amoos the many ageuek'r cow
the )•.secs u..o. i trolled by the oumpauy may be Lemuel
the Americsu Type Founders Co., C. It.
of the company's again it iii the heads'
tentrell ek Sous (b., Duplex Priutine
of esperteuctd and capable meet air., pram Cu, Golly l:uirersal 1're.ows,
Jelin J. Palmer, Presidt•nt of the t'um ,Harris Automatic Preset ('halleuge the
pauy, has been a lifetime iu the bud -.don Presses. Ault A Wiburg In►r, ble-
era. lits earlier yours were maid in lite Printing Press Co, Weetmau &
Canada, when hr eppelied many of teem maker, Machinery. Tbeee arms are. m
.'der ohlce* with macb.u••ry ttwt it edge their cusses, easily the foremost in the
inn good lervIee stilt. Later Mr. I'alW R wprld. The beautiful type facer of the
went to (}tlifornla and estebhshed in I American 'type I•'uunderr' Cumtatny' an
San Francleco the type tuundr heal- Without peers sod that firm is u30vrn,.l
nese pf Palmer A Bey. That Arun Ind le acknowledged to be the leader iu type
We Medias burintss of the 1'rcifie coast! tuitions. ha type et etude of copper
unlet 1891. when it sold out to the Antalloy metal, the moat durable known to
•exon Type F„uoders' Compan7. Mr. , the type found4-ir, and every foot of
Yalaer then returned ted '1'ornuto, the' the type is put up to a "scheme" ad-
of lett ,Tooth, and cast kis ret opted by ■ joint convention of printers
pv.rmarentl, In with the Toronto .' ,i,M;a,d tape launders*. Ouse duty it WIG
:•'nuuiiry stmt takes ss' act.•.• part ,u wail, consider carefully the proper prupor-
night more, and if I do I can't get out affair.. Mr. J. T. Johnston. (esersit for each character in a tont -at
of bed. • What the deuce is the good of seer"
kring, I should like to know. caged up
in a bola like thin. andJI..We and not
able to have a scrap d' deoint food or
a drop of wine, nothing but • cup a[
nasty stuff that might be pig swill for
all I know? If that's the cave, the pos-
er I go atter Pierre the better. I only
wish I could let you know [bat he's
there safe bound. We shan't be fat
• spar% over there, 1 expect," he added,
with • smile that made his wrinkled
features inexpressibly ugly.
Lola said nothing.
Manager of the compenY• is the tam type; The work of the convention wail
us, the business and has had a wide ea• admirably performed, and the result le
meirface » catenhig to oho print T
went•. 'These geutlemttR1, with t lreundere typo.. •is not burdened with
eompeteat •tuffs of as•latants, are well timeless "wets," but can set up fully
knew'u to prutrn throughout Ortliatla Lauren per cent. more matter than with
and fully enjoy the t'Oubdence of the' touts supplied fr..nt Great Britain. The
tirade. beauty of design and elegance of fuf•b
•• a. bin's aur the Pettier'. of American t'y'pe Founders' type are
the motto of this euterprtsleg else' wi well recognized that for fine tub
puny. 113 afMitiu4 to the typo, �' printing hardly an7 other le surd. I13-
e:biner and materials required be i1*Td It is quite impossible these days
printing -a large business of 1!telt-the for the printer to do bu«snare' w^thout
Toronto 'Type Foundry does considerable the type end products of this company.
1 randy prints,, kpuwn also as 'latent; ttebu.ld+ou naeni0er,
A.tonl.►!ut LI y as .t aeNae
1's.&Frew. Leg Up «1oJ 1' -
Tee saviour's, WeadwrIlleg.
Can 1t 1e possible that • manupnitpar
really written by the suered hnnd of lbs
Saviour has been fotu,11 Have we of the
nineteenth century lived to see Ile
Sure of ti„ �.tvwur affixed to a prayed'
written by Litt own hem!, and new ties
earthedcu a tlturev parchment, dug up
In the ruts of ancient Jcru..eIin'
That both of these Intensely uuportenl may be an,wereu 1s' the :Minim-
ally' le the contention of the eminent
arhaeologtat and explorer, Ur. }freeload -
bah of W'endbro.l, Germany. Dr. lirues•
.•leach le the greatest living expert to the
1.1.1 of Dibilea1 Inveatigetion. Recently
he reported another remarkable di•eover7,
the diary of the gatekeeper of Jerusalem.
noting the arrival end departure of Jesus,
the "God Alan." This war the *art sue
thentfoatcd instance of a recond of the
Saviour's movements that has ever been
brought to light.
Hut, tar more valuable, and from a re-
ligious point of view Oar mon precious,
Is tier discovery by Ur Hruesaelbech of a
Tote girt stamped upon the mart's tektle,
strained Angers.
In his surprise and dismay at the blew
he stumbled hastily back, and, losing
hie footing, slipped over the edge. As
be tell he managed to catch with toe
bend at the Ie;R. of the rock uod ram
maned hanging by one hand over the
dark, deadly aloud.
For an io',taot be hong thus, looking
ap at her. him face salt white and wet
• Lols1 Do heoowaistent. Wby,wben ! with fear sad rage, while be 'cads
s train started Ibis aswt3R we had frantic efforts to get a bold with kka
tan inkling that we should be brought it hand
a standstill at this rtadeiue station,
th three both to wait for the next Before he could do this, however. t' e
lin, so you couldn't have come on par- girl, mad with the rage he had stun .1
se. as any fool can see." in her, raised her foci an•l stamped Lor
"When I knew we had to stop so
og, I evolved to bring you here to
fwhat Ihad tosay."
"All right," was the 111111R4re ells_
e husband glanced round as 1f Iesi/E-
g himself to ea nncomfr?table espial;
re. "Devilish dramatic sarroundingv
Id devilish dangerous, too," he mut-
e d, alining over the side of the rock
to the abysm that yawned below, 10100
le or 300 feet down. "Might be doe-
Ish convenient, too, if you wanted to
it rid of an uncomfortable friend.
'ell, wife, wife, go on," he mid, sit -
tag down os. • point cif the rock and
eking round to shrug hie shoulders
lain and wile. "You've brought me
tee dismal depth of a SWOOP wood in the gorge, bot • alightly prbjecting
der to thrill the with a terrible tele 1 . let of the cliff prevented her from
' ddance. Very well; thrill away• ;.,R k) the bottom. Finding that, ahs
He seemed determined to make lie! : einem away and went to another spot
f the interview amid to mock 0: - ^s: a- and h sed to pet A Rump.• of the place
mita'/ indignation and (unction. Bei 1,>to;w-be•h he had fallen. She tbodfht
a watched bee all the time, eicepits big she iwenId stwi him lying far down ben' -.v,
wule0d indifference, with type eyed hat 1!,e light was thickening with the,
iplalnea• .li,nlwingetorm, and she was not ref:.: `.
"1 repeat, the lits rh Mrd.'' #f Bat she made no effort to get :lei,,,
vied, aftet a mnrnetit'I par. ''.'hnrrtillg sod. when !he hart waited tuntil the
ltd gelek, vehement, entente/121 niter- ame for her to leave, in order tome*
leee, "Shall end, do you hear? 1 will the train at the station she walled away
u your decoy no more -your slale-
our tooL I will mo longer lure met le-
s the melbas ed' the set your oriel
last« .f+tead for their rein. Yoe mud I
!hill part. Do you beat, part, pew and
or always. t will be no wits of groan
fee Le future, and if I can avrdd It, 00
sun heavtm, I'll pevat knk on your
I.' -NI fest again."
The men lt,tened in eileaee, awl
w het' the teased wafted beton answer -
Ina, looking at her with hie head a tit-
tle em one aide 5041 hie eyes half closed.
"Ali right. flood by, " he said K
length, turning (way to whi.11..
"What, not goes yet?" he added aft-
er a panes in • tone 0f surprise. "Pray
don't atop on my wrwmnt. Any show 0t
pnllWhaw battle/011 to would be each a
oepergptty rot tnnllsh ptet*dee." And hoe
reenn ell bre whd.tllag , •
Presently be stopped and, Rotting ep,
went dew to bet and spoke in a diRer-
eal Ione, auriooelp ped dleently•
"Look here, Uhl 176s'a feet
ret yereetelf. Yoe elan'! Yee'
know that well waoeRb. YX silence 1s.
heel with all her force npou the man's ang
white, strained ers.
lie uttered a load..barp cry *1 -ppamt .
dne1, nunlike to •:Redwine bold. (.trap-,
peered over 10" Nee oi the peek..
It happened a> anddenly that the Eal
Tonne wife atcod gating a0 the nce
where he bad fallen like alts duscl
with boner.,.,
Bet it was Daly 101 en WWI!. thea
s1. drew herself tip and r.:iesel het head
re 1f with an Weibel of (ador(adore. .
She waited enure tilde apd littered.
Then she bent forward and Called RI Min,M
'Pierre, Pierre!" t the was pleacad
when no answer camel Lying (lowu at
ftllef bond length, she tried to lnok down into
1 heli N Fled' egerir Me*,
of perfect r yrs talon for good work in thin line :%
(Ord s that teen J e of the bighted. It has always on bawl
"Gailing [fun process" the carne s.1 need
sb' ud other la ore eau extensive list of rebuilt printing ma-
papyrus in the handwriting of Jesus, •
signed by Him. serer M••rore has the
mud, rii wort s seen a sterile wird from
the pen of Jews We bevy not even wen
env writing In Aramaic of the first i-ent-
ury. the language in «blob the uapyrus
is written.
In a pamphlet published by Cl. A.
Hahne, Crofeld, Germany, Ur. Brussel
tails the story M.ikLLtiJKOtig, o!
Ley: When I weht )ta eb■,1nu ; short
me ago to Dr'vsden_HTe -=['•pen si-ns.'+
dersu.nding of the M, f became 00n-
vinctd that Many of ales 300+1 remarkable
were - iaaM: Otoorwered Maly
by the FeIl.heen roaming over the laud,
and uspoel:tlly by those digging deep be
In New Yurk, L tease, ■ chluer of ell kinds from a web. press,
printing centres in the United States -
capable of printing a 3! -page daily newt -
nn Nsr.p.p.%r etre%.. root, I paper at 211,000 au hour, dost to the
also tbe mt:st modern macbinery a01 man killing handprciia. upon which Mt
appliances are need and the best .Oral+. an hour is mighty bard work.
ne el* :n the avrld 1. placed before' A D•suuf■r q'ora
Canadian pablisheri T.•ront11 �YSIa' r the erintM'e art hu t'ecentl7 been
edit mai argue eat aoeud ismatea 10-
sieciaey cast for that particular work irwed by the Toronto Type Foundry
known to the trade as the "A. P. A. the way of a hnm
udeoe and complete
series." This type is made of the eels iepecimeo bookat-aesrty 700 pages. Title
:d by the Am ' magnificent volume le claimed to be the
hated copper alloy
erican Type Pounders' Company and, len ndat complete work ever issued by any
the handsomest sue most durable $o- t)anadian Oren as a catalogue, 1t is 0i
man type in the world. Thorne type- icoourse, printed in -the merit perfect man -
setting machines are used,oeark 3%,000; her. led were sin a tyle tyle
hat t for t.hedbe absolute
a capacity of setting up employed,
"ems" daay, equal to the work of live i perfection of the materiel em
avJift compositor+ working by hand in which the book is desiip a
ted orthy of illustrate.
Lite old-feehioned way- -"Newspaper Every face of type
ptereotyped pieta" was too tong 51114 a modern priming office is shown in
yj<towe for the ready -witted priute'r,1 the boob, as well es beautiful enemy'
and whi(c-recong kenjf'Z1Rty rt4a't`tKrtf'y?♦t,Rw R'
+neeF Lao{, a -e1 n .
be WAS not long fn finding a aborter pliance required in the Rraplr.c arts. hie
nn me for them, "Beal •8 plate" seemed work cost many thousands Qt dollar.,
suit the cape, eo boiler
and the Dame isplates n
likeyto' ing it has met with wenterprise
publish lo
• "for over sieves' years 1 ..d
terribly with Dyspepsia and tried eivery'
thing 1 could thud' of, but gut ttojr/ltef
until l started wing Warderck Weed
Bitters. 1 had ably taken tae bottle
when I cO n renced to feel better, aid
after taking fise or six bottles was
entirely well, and have bces so ever
feel as if •B. 14. R. had saved
est life." 11es. T. G. Joecv., Stanhope.
a B. B. B. cures Biliousness, Sick
Headache, Sour Stomach, Dyspep-
sia, Constipation, Coated Tongue,
Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Kidney
Disease, and makes the blood
rich, rfd.aud pure. It is a highly
concentrated vegetable compound.
One teaspoonful is
the dose for adults ;
to to 30 drops for
children. Add the
water yourself.
'-0 1faa(A Y ANDkE& LNta Or 8TITUTIr
8003*. eo
of Deal Street and ellearr (u3Malnc. •
Open from ltoer.s'..and from 7role rr.
Leading Daily. Weekly and Illustrated Papers`
etag►dnr, hc.. e!. [nM.
jagfrerr SHIP TIl'1iF•T ONLY it Olt
- ees-s °f Library old toadied'
R ib157
AP1.16,e. n for 53«mberWlp received
Irby •see. b ; - -.
a. ut,ll., _ g
0.4.rfeb. rareb la Ire '
low the anthem In Ih• Interest of the
various Paloetloe erplgrrtlen wrfetles.
At Jerusalem and l.,cl,iab they have
brought up from the depth; of, the earth_
tinny Anda, •nnounoed all over tee
world, but none, It •..ems to me, so im-
portant as this bit of manuscript bearing
the Impress of the ?avtour.
"This rnanuvorlpt is a small Guano
p•g3, written on both .ides. '!b. writing
1s almost entirely ,'Raced, or so Imperfect
ae to •menses e4ptplete-:simalsefun out
of the question. Thie much, bnwelyr, can
be o.tabllahed with certainty, thee It L
the prayer of an oppnwited and persecuted
spirit, written In Aramaic. The writing
Is peculiar in being inscribed below 1n -
Amid oCliteni the Thiel:
"'l'be best preserved rection is ghee
Bo M.•011.7 spoke up the eraoksrl*Ck.
And ani 00' sould-etltt.
"Thwarty t.. amttto creek.
1 Munn 1'11 have to shell it."
go out he got hie mighty tense
And no one dared W .top 1t.
"Va. I've • queetloa for them clonal
I tlelak 1'd better pop It."
A runner wretched h1• shaggy band
And 11- ur 1s. (0138. of narrow.
"Ohe do' t to e towel" h. said.
Said echley, "Ws are to Morrell',fu
So then be_Pet .1.rh 's attain
rue rumen
ei ..,le'• all Held
^1M.a-•r-•--fuse soles
name of the rsvtour, spelled preemie se
upon the record of the gatekeeper at , flea evoke the gun% In vnieee hist.
Jerusalem, published lately. Down fell the ewmla•rts spindling.
•etle,.r epllaters abut,' red user"
"On the cousin h the manuscript mkiry
soother hand, neon the square ol,allleao "0i.r 1"vu for Spain le klndllnst"
characters, has written the wont 'ear- .
lour ' showing that Its first owner con•• And then hie voles they all meet hear
atdered this the manuscript of .fesus. The / ".l
the Yank.•% cheering.
pond "aviour In the Galilean Animate of •I feel." he cried. -like pioneer
Wire makes his virgin clearing pionee l"
that time, t• expressed This
writing belongs to the Met century, as 8. sat rh.'l them meals the Rats will -
«111 tea admitted by all scholars. steed,.
"The tnnntserlpt la very brittle. Line ♦red sat for it sarprterd Meat
Hired of the foo-slmfle may be rendered, "St. Jsgu i. a met. In-:c«d.
'and still another stigma as a stain, In I know 1've. a�_«�alc, d him!"
Mrseeutlonl.' The -Cleveland Ptah Dealer.
meekness under (1
whole le • plaint concerning persecution, mutate war Delete everything and every one 1s &genii Alger calls for 5a8,6'0,86a.
him who has the div Ins treesnre and Secretary
stands Alone. Every one misrepresents We believe Alger is a good man, but we
the words he ulnen: he 1s treeden down really can% "[digs him this time. We are
like dust and ashes; darkness 1■ round abort ottrseh-ee.
about him." We wonder It the preys censor w111 take
The "Palestine Exploration Fund," a holiday on the Fourth of July and ear
which is supported ,-10 England and able us to get out enough "extras" W pal
America, has made many dl.oevertes dur fur fhecrd•keret -
ing the past few years ret the dew men The !Anvil' war chaplain writes th5
Stoned by Ili. Bru•aselbeete 1 he nervy- be is doing • inset work at the front.' He
eTng Or egg ruin. or -imtermtrby-for-1 'a-1nlelk-and.lakee. ups oel-
Bllw has been 0110 of the most *ntereet- lection after each hymn...
log of modern excavations, for be has We •lway a said that one Meal boys would
found la that mound, sextet "tell elegy" b. beard (ram In the army. They hadn't
by the Arab., ne lust then eight clues, been there a woek before they drew on um
Th•• .fetish, >•rierer built one on the mins of the ntaer, go
cannot withstand the beauties of its beck to - --• „••^•• o , before the otos Thank the Lord the government w111
P.lewtem own so much property when the war's
Deady Prince
pages end the symmetry and trace of when see l.rarnr.e. ram. w
are also an important teatime of the Nen woe found a Mt of parchment ore. that some of us oanTun for governor
Toronto Type Foun.lrr's bueinew. Thew i the type
designs exhibited in R. lie asorltosd ,o Moww certainly a vee likely when we'll have more chance of "getting
the printer chose to deb "meti'nt insides, l ok■ into k and et straightway A n- place for it, no mattes when 13 was taken there." -Atlanta Constitution.
for the reason lob his .Me was sap sowed with a dewire to be oke bappv there. The manuscript looks very much
plied to him with one vibe all ready towner of the meaty good Wings w+ em like an Egyptian papyrus -but upon ex•
printed and edited, and one aide lett ticiagly payed before him. The printer arolnlnR the inscription It Is found to b•
blank for him to fill rep with home nesse• a•bo dn.,. not fall a victim to the •booms Jake in other hitherto known. It Y■ welt
This method of prodnteng hewepapn•r's of this splendid work must by a sloven tan in the pritultbve Hebrew script.
greatly reduces the expense and makes indeed. The dee line of the beading of this
it pnuible for small towns to have their nwrne•-h 'v�.reho°.e. 1 ankle Is the signature of the rair0ar ID
heat papers that mold otherwise not Animate.
afford them. The very excellent week where fall stocks are kept oa head key
of the 'Meanie Type Foundry in this here eettldisied et llalitex, Montreal
Moe has dao met with the medlnl sup- Winnipeg and Vancouver. These
Lott of the tele, and the company now branches etc lender the lmmrliate charge Digitin abased by aTbit rens the muses
red are a ger it
or all we could stand.
supplies upwards of a hundred country
papers In various parts of Canada.
ninth stir ty Caaal1.n
of onmpet,'nt managers, a R.glbh JNkar 7..d *1..s..
convenience to printers in the diffe:en'
erection of the country. in.lerd, a Min Saturday, Jnne 25, saw the geese of
nese of the ningnitude of that of tb' Washington Park Club, Chlcngo, after
The Toronto Type Foundry fe a dile Toronto Tele t'oundry meld eat be having been closed for foot years, sari
tiwctively ('mrledi*u entorpri." *ad a handled seeet nf*ly without thon,nghly opened to the public, sed the beginning
credit to the country. It. affairs are ••quipped brunches. Perhaps the nam! of the mos week, known as the "Amerli
conducted open strictly honorable hnsf- important of these brnuches are tbo.e .nen Derby." The revival of the aporle
nets prtndpies, which fact hes had a ret Montreal and VClnn'.peg, although thi with saddle, Mt acyl spur In tbl. hlstaM-
great deet to do with its sweets, Stant[- Venrnerer branch it roi,rdly .
Mg well to the front rink of similar way into prominence. Vnurnuvrr is be
enterprise. in Cnundn, this company in aping a very impnrtent dltttabneing
magnitude and *Cope of 117 trainmen. more, and is shandy being spoke., o,
fele? outstrips men, of the !tried con- aa the i.ivcrpa•I .ef the weal. Hee
ceras in any foreign country. Through eetfite for printing ottlees rel the T�Ytei•
its enterpracte Printer* 111 Canada have dike t'onutry heve 'been supp'lie'd torn
been enabled to .eciere the very best Vancouver, as well he prat -Welly all the
appliances for their feistiness at teatime egttipment., f"r n. ;sleeper *ud pnnPn_
.hie lest. with the reeelt that the (:ens•, tealres in the;eit theme of Breed,
dean printer now rival. in the *Keenan*, ceivinee. _-'fornntn t;I h.-, Jttne !e.
N In
etre between to and omit willtpblly.
bat you anal break t /ad Jeli
0' a that Pili hue fwtft jf Bl'''eat' 'WV
leve ea the berg d theeendt yns've
lib. was glad and her bewar
beating with an infinite pleseere that
(he man «ore had gieonu.d and rnhti
and deadened her`yOnag life wee
He had been tea-1,nd a tasklnae•ur
for ber mit to be thrill. .1 with a we,
Of pl°ascn at the tbr>agl,: ret fresdoL..
SRL AT letter.
A fbrlelgbt after the inoidomt not the
7858!1'5 rosk Ids Portion and her te-
ther sat in close orm.nitatitm in the old
men's bedroom In • hotel in Neufchatel.
The old man was sitting op ea MI
bed, propped by pillows, and his wrin-
kled, parnhm*nt entered skin looked
yellow and dingy against the mew
white 1>eebtlntbee Pia voice Ova ea'
(ring and thin, tmt his Meek, y
eyes shone with • light that seemed ell
the stronger and stranger k7 eliDtra5 -
with the weakness af hiewtthersd hely.
"It's good notes, Lula--nal lend
news. I hope the brats la realty dead!"
The bale with wheel' be spoked the
deet man lent emwtrpted ao.rgy t0 Me
votes. Irbil. hie leen, erooksd fingers
Iryipri1 the lesd.ktth.a with • peters
gyg�a�gr et ble Haling.
l stab I'd, been with Tull, g1r1, to
herr mate sere taps plait Won ern
Y!ls peel saddled, Ata[ hit 1. dropped
ting round lien. Pre ern :ratty to give
n exalt will* bank it -.:es, but I e:un
Bite yarli halite, ebilr'., ad rood u : iy
fb 1luelaod. dud ItJ' a.don't make year
Ova ;
with theta : ot'1're not my cblld. "
Olsete the Oars.
Yrs. DIx-1 was ashamed M you, iSpb-
r..lm. to 4o.- you dust the chair you sat on
at :or, Renshaw's? I IOW her little toy
w•lc!.Ing you.
Ilex --rias him too. I'm boo old a flab
Int NI Onabdt CM • bent pip I-Pearenn's
Weasif• -
-• 1,Ossitle Stat.
ltt.7M da13 soyas
' err me in • brand sew dress
filer hit het, twee eke, •' Aad -Vint ".
170161 tgtu. tte'gwc� 11. thine'
Th. pretty ..I4i z•iewly speaks,
et*, set" Mr sate "•.r eemeal weNer"
-tie tenoir
w.. Tem Wee tetters.
Predatory Calekses In a !leek rMsi Ilse
IS.+ne or Contention Au VItImetnm 1s,
seed-Arbltratloe Agreed to Atter •
(inset Deal el Demme to Meth Perlia..
In this hinterland of my house 1'
BlonmsbUry I have s small hack garden.
toweled on the oast by en .eh pit, wi:d c
Hie tii*fIlWest hs JfAwrt' hoed: garden, a,
refect door ne!rthhm•. Tho lane which dI-
vide, MIT ter;.;-orlce by a 0onventien .t
1:,'Jq we agreed to regale se a neutrei
1801lis-ba+-lewmg -te else repeated Stene.
shoat of Jones' fowl. for purpo el of ub
atietplies conalderaele uurreuppnd
rite passed between us, add on m7 mord
Ing eh ulttmattnn Peet Moseley week to
Etetlotion. were .. ret 4etely hmkan off.
• 1!11 !Wray, I batt psev3tnly pnreheand
dog Fetich ems gtrnr:tnitwd to hark '-arc:
sawn, dur»g M,r nicht. ems enease stnt'!-
had as much esti se my hnn•ennld re
gritted depletive, M my track door free of
eimestte by Hie Jarmo end by the Rtfiin
sons. who tie* heyst tee Ain.* hetellftlr•
have Irmknn ,ret eve het been dg0laced can •
trabnud ret was, and the Bohtllenne halm
ceased throwing 1t In, as they dc,-Io:red
their position to be one of MOM aentrsl-
• Though a middle igsd,1aw abiding rite
.:en, I am not a man fur peace et.ny prim,
Tied the stories* ate of sanc,0e.lon Ts',
Jonas' cocks anti hop. had determined me
VW, awns time to iffiest down my mailed
114. Trestle• have team deliberately die
togarled. The policy of the open loo"
thrvetagh the lama, whlnb 1 iodated on, b,
he. tes.r•1 times treated with contempt
1 o wive lite fate he hat. Indeed, male seine
slight ecrte.eafone. hot his .'stem of
eareeerw" hike at teat Mawevne intolerable
Alt armed peeve ie 130 !Myer 10... war,
1M' the injury dere In my dower's and
JAsudae (to elan who WWI jure blows
MWfieS &on't sem. down bewail PI
droit ger a lett Mev
p ---M
vegetables alone, without counting t1e
moral and Intellectual damage, has ad re-
duced my exchequer that I have just Issued
t per oent bonds to my grocer and book-
maker and Aoetrsl • loan of 15 shillings at
my filth, redeemable in coin 01 15 years.
I shell not hesitate to repudiate thea. It
I have to go to Lw, for 1 regard It purely
+• n war of eebt defense against eggre•Ilon
and Interference. My prtwent arma,nent
Is two 8 inch catapults and one 6 Inch, •
epide and the supply of anal above noted.
,ty Argun 1. oftbe most modem type. 1t
throws a two tonne projectile with prr'-
timlly no trajectory at a range of 80 feet.
Ay en ingenious arrangement the retell
rehsidm 1t, and 90 rounds tan be tired in a
minute. in weight of metal thrown and
mettle velortty we eland about equal.
Jones' armament consists of:
One brush handle (186; pattern).
Three muar10 loading ger en bone
Two path boots (obsolete).
There is OW Jams' wife, who la as
green' as a bengale mule and Inas a fare
that would make • cluck stop and ren be
celled owl ea a reserve MA my own help,
meet, a a weird lira of elef.nes, will tale..
a lot of holding. no deg does scouting
d.tty along the fence to Intercept the fly -
Ing squadron of Jones' fowls and out oft
War sopplles.
I had thought of announnetng to the
neighbors • hlnnked0 of the lane, for Jowls
hee never rude any effetely* occupation
whatever; but. ea It Is one a the prinetr,
pat trade mutes of the Robinson'', any In.
terfe ears «Iib 1t might lead to retsllattve
mementos, and I have circulated a manf-
re•tn declaring that neutral goods pawing
ep the lane shall be free hem *itemises
[fee- Tin casualties on Jones' edam tar
are enriched wounded sad Iwo Plymouth
Reeks killed. I have lost one eat, wound-
ed (dsngerossly), and en* kftrbanmeld
killed, but bap pay was several month* In
*mars, an I bare no reason for taking •
prwelmistes view of my chanties. The
morale and nrgsntest.inn on my side are per
feet Maga for my air gen have given mat.
but i am rwldng an Internal Man to tory
euwe. My mind le made up ens war -war
• •neves'•* e
• *alleles% Ri••ei.
"So you are not going to marry Herr
"Hardly. Pepe is tot alteogether satis-
fied with hie position. Mamma dreeh't
like hie family. He doesn't .trite me as
quite .tylish enough, and, besides, be
hasn't &skied me 1"-1/er Flub.
-�. De.pleg as We_Itew.
We are got done with Nle M we 11ve
It. we shall meet our acts and words and
influence* main. A man will reap the
same ss hos sours, and he himself shell be
the reaper. Ws go Orn mowing earel«msty,
never dreaming that see shall see our
needs again. Then Atte ray we come to
an ugly plane growl*ismisewbere, and
when we auk, "What M litter cremes the
answer, "I am one of Fuer planes. You
dropped the seed whfoh grew into tee."
N'e .hall have to ant tie aped that grows
fnm one .owing. -1:... J. R. Miller,
Bally beautiful place was the ide11At feel
attracting all the noted rare p*optc to one '
of the finest treats In the United State*.
Over 51,000,000 have now been levered
la the grounds and borne of the club.
The stables are marvels of comfort, and
the Iawn, the p•d.lnet and WM'intoner
e t the club represent in allreeNvenete •U
that wealth esn do. r,c
Hut, more than them, Ella plMesl5llls "'Df'
Tod Sloan, whom reline to enplend
Made him world femme. addrel an inter••
e el to the "Aruolata . Darla'
Although Bromley ai Co. 'a .tnhle, which
was at Washington Park Club thio year,
h ad the first call on Tnrel and the second
en Simile It was only ne a .pertain? Diet
the latter appeared gpnn this oonaiton.
neutrally Peeeller.
Cbolly-Ry Jove, thet's fenny)
Algy-What, daub belt
Cholly-Why, when a feline tarns nlgbl
Into day he tells hie frlomls he made a
tight of It -Up to Uees.
• I/M oral Hae.
"Thee he did not fall on his knees when
le preposede'
"No: he stood on one tool. "-O1m10D-
nstt Engntrat.
When • 10-7.arold teeny has an reread to
ds', It takes he tnert.her and three strews to
are btin a1.rted.-l)tilr+sao Nowa
nest Dar .1... emelt
A London pep*? thew/ Id attee& Is the
most durable wood le: :era for structural
end mnnhenlcal mope-. It N band. yet
light, easily worktel, ,e:. 1, though enroua,
sterns 504 lasting. --'• t* soda smarmed,
shrink* little. ami ' cense of 10e 4113
narrire Rew rrnrc tn,^-+'teetr. In otwieth-
sastnrn Asia it is • •rteh for .hlp
building e.wond-an frequently airdlei
e rent' ie- fit ° e. eat' rind thus se -
pooled te, OUR aid v, end It meemona more
rapture flew tyles eW grebe,
Maw to Mane d C.per'. 3eektetestw
Take a yard . a ere of oilcloth, tee
kind ooninionly 11'..., no • kitchen table.
Cut • .1rMRht et... in the renter long
ennngh for the ' 111 lin pees th-• ntk
molly. Folded, ft.. tkr-' a emelt p•eksge
molly carried in tine pocket, end when
naught In • shower Ivy slipping It over
the head it will shad the rein end keep
the wearer dry and roe -leaped' and will
not Interfere in any way with tieing the
Gat. Him Penes,
"Feder," said Nome Janine, ei his
parent, who was about to chestier, him,
"I vnnld hart you r -member dot vh..n you
131ta me •n herd wit lot allot yen stare
eat mine trnuwrs l Tamil poets
want• another pate: /is will be 4e fifth
*engin' ten half Rival tee file veek.
Fader, for de asks of de menfolk, panes!"
Mr. Mopes paused