HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-7-14, Page 6BOMBARDMENT OF SA NTI ACO. The Fleet and Field Battens. Bspan Work on Sunday. TpRAL'S OFFER OF SURRENDER. xt was Not Uoco.dltlo.al lad 0...,.) abetter Would hot. Th•ret.r., Utmost It K•Iafur•ome.ts t. lot\ Armista foment strength of the ('om- b.teut.-aampsua ...d 10• Sootingo Harbor. Washington, July lu.-Tbe bombard - Ment of Santiago by the big guns of Admire) lialnpau0's fleet Sud the aloge (putters and field batteries of the Fifth Army Corps began this evening, In aoourdance with teen. Shatter'e ultt0,a- taw to the commander of the Spanish fore defending the city, teat unless Santiago wax surrendered without condi- tows the plate would ba attacked by lard and .m& At 6 o'oloek a despatch came W the War Ikepnrtment from Urn. Shatter raying that the bomb/edition; would begin about 4 o'clock this after noon, and a few hours later another tntwwge informed the deportment that the attack had begun. lien. Shatter's ytallersi"- e•_` he weed* -.Mareep tofu. awuli on the town and Its defences follows the receipt of a eommunloatioo from Gee. lural, commending the Spanish forma, declining to surrender without term.. Yesterday Oen. Shatter 1n demanding the unconditional' oar render of Santiago had Informal Oen. Tonal that utile.. the demand was com- plied with by to duy the American feet and siege flatteries would shell the place. That Mlle threat has been carried out Was shown in moorages received this evening by the War tluparouset, the fleet of Which wan aa.tolb.w. Slboney, iia Ilaytl, 8.58 p.m., Jolty 10. - AdjuantGeneral, Weahfngton, Headquarters Fifth Arany Corp.. July 10.-1 have juts received letter from CMe.rai..T9tll._ dem luang unoomlltdnsal surrender. Bombardment by artily anti- nomy ndnovy will begin as near 4 p.m to-dav .s possible. Shatter, Myer -General. S►afor'. Fighting Toad Itl'un. Shatter is In better condition to take - Bandage than he to been at any tame - -ranee the Iper.tteOd, ggwtaN ,-Wee ale' began. Be wan »Inforoed yesterday by two volunteer regiments, the First District of Columhta, which lett Tampa on July 8 on the transport Catania. and the Hlgbth Obio, which sallied from New York on the anxllt►ry crulsnr St. Paul on Wednesday. Shatter has now a force of about 27.000 men, arid if further strengthened by having six additional field batteries and seven siege mortars In poeltlon, Th• Spanish Strength. The Spenae&s have been augmented by the arrival of 6,000 men from Manson• filo. These are the hoops nominally under command of Gen. Pando, but that officer le to Havana. There have been several report. of their arrival at Senn• ago and as many dentals, but the War Department hem now received positive Information that they did suooeed In reaching the city. The Spanish army In 8entlago at the time Shatter Dagen his operations oowi*ted of .tout 14,000 men, and with Pandit'. innate and ■ few ihoueand other bodies that succeeded 10 getting In the town Tom the western side, when the America ilnes do not ._et__a _ P3aa Tani ..has Aura A lama at.. about 98,000. The moat interesting featute et the bombardment Is the prospect it affords of an attempt by Admiral Sampson to take some of h11 ships into Santiago harbor in Apia of the then batter's and submarine mines. That Sampson will make the attempt 111 the bombardment from a dhance Is not successful 1s the general understanding 1n naval and military circles. He has been anxious to force the entrance, and naval officers believe that It may he done without great Inas of HU if a quick drab Is made. • wounded. W 111 bare oaoddeetble 80.0* w ulurmw, .Dough be completely block all the nada on the northwest. 1 WO quite well. (Signed) Shatter.'' THE OFFICIAL ACCOUNT. ep.ala► Omesr'• R•pert of the V..I.r• of Admiral Corvra'• ►1wt p has U. S. war.bipe. Uuantenamo Bay, July V, pot Assad - sled Press deeputob boat Cynthia. via Poet Antonio and Ktngeum, July to. - Lieut. Adolphus Kent.ers, eke .emu - give raaleer 0f the 8p.ul.0. .solar Cris- tobal Colon. baa written SO Spain an official account ut the movements or Admiral t:enere's squadron In the fight. '10. translation of his letter le as follows: A bout 9 o'clock the squadron got under way. The ships were one cable's distance from each other. At V. 10 a m. the infanta M..rle 'lluma cleaned the entrance M the harbor, without readying any fire until she had passed the Morro. The Viecaya felt the O» when at the Mad of the entrance, as wall as the Ctlstob.l Colon, red it is Demote that the Almlrente Oquwdo opened fire within the c0a0nel. When clear of the entranoe'the efts to'bel Colon went ahead at her maximum ' speed. The Infanta Marla Trow at 9 9U, when hardly clear of the entraucl, was men to be on tire In her atop part, and • few momenta afterwards • ras headed for the beach. A quarter of an hour later the Almlr- .nte Oqueud0 was seen to be on fire. mud she, too, was beaded for the beach at Oirime ati rat. -I fff-'Vtt eyenod iib ' continued to tight The former about I1 o'clonk. seeing herself overhauled by the Brooklya, manoeuvred s U to aye. and, without doubt, at that moment most have received She prujectlle, the fire on her, 80. same *1 ilei -" Other two Alps, and the was seen to bead for the beach, in order to strand b.,.lf. 'the Cristobal Colon slain. remained, sustaining the fire of the Brooklyn, the only whip within range. But n few moments later she observed the Oregon closing up and later the sense with tee other ship. Tile projectiles of the Oregon began reaching us at 1 o'clock and that, together with the fact that it was not possible to Sent with the atter guns, on aaa•nat of shit 4.1olos'1 lack of Wm calibre places and the certainty of being overhauled by the whole Amerinan squadron in • few hours. lett no other remedy than tel• run shore In order to avoid useless secritioe of 11f& The Admiral mere no signals while sd- ,we...hN4nuWoaa for foreleg .,be 4100,04 having been'glven the captain. ate rost- ing which took plaoe on the morning at the previous day. PRISONERS OF UNCLE SAM. Iacl.dl.g Admiral (' 11... Ag - Ogled at Portsmouth, N. e. - A Number Sick. • AH 1Hoaltul.tIT C4111i*T. � Amelia Smith.aR Cot\ari��p.- a•s. ray •"d of Isnrateg ate Arr aara. 611. 0atb•rfw, Shag July 11.-'• Aussie Solan, eon of Has. Jens Smith e1 the Woman) H11, created quite a mar Pen u0 Maturity and 1. looked up emit - tug trial for two separate charger of stem and theft. Frtuay night he atoll • home trona Volumed & Sons' barn. and .farted off lot the farm of hie aunt, to Pelham. About I o'olook In the morning Mrs. Smith heard • nodes In the barn, and thinking It wee tramps, sailed a neighbor, who laveWgetstd. aid dla covered that the straw .Woke, 16 or 16 fess from the tarn, bad been est oa fire. Fortunately the night was wet or the fire would have oowmunlo•t•d t0 the barn A number of neighboring farmers turned out and locust' In the search for Om Incendiary and tuotxaded In arrest - Ing young Smith and brought him to town. Smith Is alto women' of trying to burn a schoolhouse In Lath Township. 11.Ai1 At COLROSN8, Jemmy- Bs.heea8t6•eu.Uratessed 1aterdy -Lore 111141,00111. Colborne, Ont, July 11. -About $ o'clock Saturday morning are broke out an the dressmaking department rY the Hayek Mercantile Co. It rapidly spread to the lower .Iurey, and soon the whole block was a mass of flames. The adjoining office, occupied by J. S. Br1Utr11 & Son, lemuranon agents, tfietsion Court clerk and 0.N W 'lel,- g4,wl igMrta, War t0 _doetr0yed: Next came A.1'Kemp, tin shop, Un. Mallory and Knight's odo., and a photograph gallery. This block, owned by D. W. Simmons. wan also deatroye t, occupied by S. H. Scripture, agent for agricultural implements, and Charts McGuire, butcher. The Brunswlzk Hotel and the Presbyterian Church were euved. 'the loss Is rail:ated at about 120,000, covered by insurance. Canadian National 1'. E. 11.11y. Nsbvllle, 'leen., .duly lt.-pause enthusiastic meetings marked the ..tend day of the Christian Endeavor Conus n Hon and all were well attended. In the afternoon two great services wore held at Hall Williston and the aulltorium, and •e both meat -nee wreathes Of htalk'ceder were delivered. One of the Doable features of the day was the Canadian Nationul rally, held 0r the enth4sirstio delegates from tee Dominion to Gracie. Church. Alar . dltTTng yeeotutloas were saglei•wW►ddggaaM- aloseesidat me el all kind* between AngloSalon' MYeme• welsh Cool Strike. New York, July 11.-A special to the Zvwlne Post ttoru London sura "Thr South Wales coal strike, which has gone DO far towards paralysing English com- mon and naval strategy on the high PtMemooth, N. H., July ll. -The seas, is at last reaching a close. The Government conciliator 1■ now &rrang- auxillary cruiser St. Louts, with mon Ing a compromise. Meanwhile, the twee- ds/in 1400 Spanish prisoners, arrived la meet tome M on Saturday by the Portsmouth harbor et 8.30 o'clock Sun. Miners' National Federation for resole - day morning. The big liner left Guantan • Mop of wages In the eonfwvnce of amo at 6 p.m. Tuesday, July 5, and did employers. secured two yea',' trots teem not make • stop until she dropped anchor oral strikes In all dtstrie1. except South In Portsmouth barhor. Including the Wales and Nortliomberland. prlsotwn, there were 1,038 people on the boat, and of this number there were 91 sick and wounded Spaniards under the owe of surgeone. Admiral Cervere fe e confined to 01. cabin, having been quite H/ for the pest three days, although be was able to be dre.'.ed yesterday morn- ing. Capt. Nukes of the Vizcaya Is also quite 111 from his wound in the head. • Health 0tf ler Towle went on board *0 vIiI tad.tjta 1lgL. dndloi 8Oi 11117.1 of the sickness was due to wounds received In the battle. He says there Is 0o evidence of yellow fever or contagious disease All of the $penl.b commissioned officers have been on parole and had the freedom of the ship with ons exception, and he wan the (taverner of Santiago de Cuba, who was trying M escape from the olty on Admiral Cervera's flagship k, a competent legal authority here to when the we destroyed on that mentor ( day sod: able morning of July 8. He refused to From the desmlpttons thus far pub sign the parole papers and Wall cones- Halted, 11 appea» Chet Ia Bourgogne TORAL'e O►FF:R TO SURRIIN DER. Would Give Up If H• Could March His Troops Out Shatter Declined. the Aseot'tated Pee On board boat Wands. off Jnragua, Saturday, July 9, 7 p.m., via Port Antonin, Sunday, July 10, V am., and Kingston, Jamaica, 1(1.40 mm. -The surrender of Santiago was formally offered by the Spanish oom- mender, General Tnral, to -day, but the conditions attached caned a prompt refusal of the offer by (Jen. Shatter. • Shortly before noon to day, when • little group of Spenith oftieore, under a flag of truce, cane out from under the yellow wall of • the heaetged ray a slowly made their way towards the American Ilos, • detail was sent 10 meet them and they were e.norted to oomtorteble quarters, while the letter from Gen. Tont was carried to Gen. Shafter'e tent, two rnflet from the front. The letter woe couched In the cold, 00014.,us temte characteristic of Spanish communications, and was very brief, 1t tore the alghature M Om. Tnral, who commands at Santiago Once Gen. Linares was wounded. and stated that he was prepared to 'surrender the city, provided hie army be permitted to nupitn- late "with honor." Thle. he explained, meant thea the Spanish forces should be nn tested and go In any direction they wished with arm' and flying colors. TM letter oonelud.d with the bold paltnnent that surrender sudor any other arms was an Iuiptiaathlllty and would not be oOnsi,iered. Demerol Shatter Immediately cabled the fact. to Kenhington ani sent ,to Oen. Torso a refried) of his prop -teal,. but added that he world 0000unlntte with bis Ontrrument and would extend the ',Hormel ertnietfce until Sunday et noon. Her. 1'. S. Trop. Arrive. The second fleet o1 *ren.port• arrived off ,tnrngna thin morning Tearing 2,500 troops, Including • large detachment of artillery. Spaniards Intend to I)I• Hard. +11 nn.y. Jnly I Le--Refegert • trout N.nttago report Spaniel' orbiter. bray digging trenches anti erecting h•rrfentlee In the stream, and piercing hours with Inorbetio, lndlratlhg at intention to die bent, and snake a home to house and strict to street fight. The Pontine will he Tong and desperate, unlace Monsoon els get into the harbor, IA 11 1. not believed Ma guns will he offensive at the long range from off Agtidoreea. Rarene's's - anew show the Spaselards te be soma *tonally well positioned, though SO remota ern that they are dlticart end and half famlahed. Hamilton Plan's father 1. here making Ilrrangem.nta to tmk. his .on'• body home Tho enemy. 0,.as* M1N. 151111lI1gten, Jnly 11.-atxwtty after ai $a401 abs depwteneat gave Int the 1011owing dellsaa0 from 0eusral shatter: "Plops, Ott rets, July 10, Adjt,-(ieh. eshis/knm : lleedgtl"1r•, Fifth (feria. Jnly 10. w Maid lfire a few minute, poll 4 Igoe gaus, whleh wen Oone Mimeo by saw Very IriMk inn y Meg and the many tape y 10 • webs .NenOhgtNle. Mlles Mee dIgbtly Black Flap 1tl.l.g. Hong -Kong.' Tell 11. -The Brtt.b Consul et Wuohau. province of Kweng- Si, on the Weet River, west of Canton, has teh'Rrapbed raking tor gunboats. He lay. that the Black Flag rebels bare enooesdully risen •e Yung -Chang in the Meet sod are marching an Wuolau. The dilation is threatening. • RCNll8O TOC) 'tor. The speed of 1.. H'-,.rt,•cne was Too • l.reat and Violated Law. Washington. D.C., .duly 11. -In tom. 'denting upon the rotation of the liabil- iy of the French liner la Bourgogne for the lo,. of life In the minden of Judy quently oonfind In one of the cabins ander guard. The remainder of the prteonere were confined between decks and closely guarded. Admiral Carvers retrained to Ale cabin on the starboard elle during the trip: Health Officer_ Towlsvisited him and was warmly gieted. Ile .hook hands with the health officer. and In gond Eng- lish said be waft Mutated very pleasantly on the boat and had recelvd nothing but the kln.le.t and remit ronslderab treatment from both officers ■0d men ever dere be had been taken prfsosr. He presents the appearance of a broken• hearted titan. end keenly feels the Ice. of his tla.t, oonaintng the plok of tip Sp•nlah navy _ ,Gsse�r.7 is'trvTiO� Olaaing the death of a pis anger upon the high tea. Tohsmouth. N. H., July 11. --Admiral Conga came on deck late yesterday afternoon and consented to talk wlah the representative of the Aenoclated Pres, who came out to the St. Louis on • tug. Yon eek me," hs sold "how 1 1101 America, and I answer you that I hem always liked, and. I may shy, loved your people, but this war has leen my dory and the men under me. I knew that the American fleet clearly outelsa.ed us, but It waa a goeetlon of fighting either Inside or outaldd the harbor. I have many friends In Amirlre and have only the kindliest fooling* for them, lent st'a'y man hie • duty to perform to his ooan- try, and .11 Spaniards trtd to perform that dusty. Theta has been much feeling In Alain. and I want all Spain to know the truth, that every ship of my squadron taught until the last, and when we could do no more we surrendered. I have moots Interest to know the meet situation. Capt. Goodtloh hs treated nor all as well oe anyone could yutalhly be treated. My offloe» have occupied quarters in the saloon and we cannot oomplaln." Blame the P.s..ng•rs.' New York, .Tuly 11.--A large nnmbse of the crew have male mere statements M Consul-O.nerel Rrnwaers, repeeentlnd the Freneh Government in this city, the tenor of wblch 1s that the pitempgeni, Went nosy with fright end world not allow anything to he dons for them. • ITA1►AMk* MARK toswattf.. Arrest at .r. Them.. d. M..ntmag.y That M. Load to Important Roorlts. Montras:1, July 10. --The l4mlalnn Bank robbery .t Nnp►rts May now he .Mated np. The other day the Pinkerton agene, made an important rapture at St. Thome de Montmagny. which will limbed, bring .tract the solation of tole myeter7. Three weeks tine* the Pinker Mos were 1.0*,.ed M1at a good many of the stolen Unminicm Hank Mao werebNpg *Krmisted la Moms1, at0d, attar Maim thou, no. of the .Salley'e men semows1ep- is getting desafpSbn of the parson viten put thm nosed to (desolation. 1'hta party mut a Fhan.h •Cauadlas woman Mme M Montreal, hit who had lived In the_ Slats* far a nnmtr of roan wto the woman framed the detse• elves wow on her treat. .be left she tlhy, 'alt was followed M fat M for, i'bemae de Mnntmagny. where .b0 was ArvOrmd 1M h,oeght lock to 1110 1187 Se tar leer intim has net hook divulged. deleted rule lit of the Internattonel rules, which require. a vaned In a fog to dsow go M moderate *peed, constantly el Tomei.big hfog born. whether other ♦eel. ars heard In the vielnity or not She It 'reported to have been going aheuad at 17 though h was courts bold in the e• s of L. Nor e d that 10 knot. wu• . 0.04! a Hut . I6 gees sten fOrth.r, providing that when a *teem vee.+el. bearing apparently forward of her beam the tog Munn' of a Veal'', the po0tlnn of 'Witten ta not a*rmafned, shall, so tar +1e the circumstances admit, stop her .engine. altogether. She may then navigate with caution until the d*nger of collision 1s over. Under the g"neral admiralty law there is no ll.bWlty ter 11111 fie. for 11.ms.w& Parte, July 11 -Counsel for the owners of the British ship Cromaryehlre wbleh was In 0)IIio1on on July 4, elf Sable Island, Nova Soothe. with the Freneh liner Iia Bourgogne, te..ulting In the sinking of the latter, whth the les. of Over 6881 Hees, have lodged a .loan to- dameges .galnst the Compagnie G.nerde Traneatlantlque, owners of lo Bourgogne. MUST PAY WORKMEN. Opwrnmant's 8isp In Intert.sts of Crovv . Matt LabprMM. THE SUBSIDY HELD FOR CLAIMS. e,} .ra- M. MAURIC! GALLIA. 6ae ramie 0apeeltae. I)IrseMI Who Use acct 1. Am.rt..a, M. Iltsturtoe Oa111., the Emoot journal Mt alts has Men in the Vetted 88tm .last lis January wronging ter eloper Amerlean represnba$iuo la the Paris 7.1' posttlon of 1900, has outupls sd kb task W en. Mr. *l.ldtrg Hoe Hotted t\e Costae Mao Preside Railway Ca That Claim• tor labor Dust Bo P*►l. or That Uerer.m..t DIM Withhold A..oaat From Company's Subsidy. Ottawa, July 11. -The Government ban token • farther step with a view M potent the Inlereete of those who claire to have taw) unjustly treated In the work of tooi*rUcting Ibe (''row's Nest Paas Railway. The circumstances, wo, • ttaiding the death of the two young MIDI from Plotoq County, N.S., are t0 be W subjmt of a thusuugh Ipgalry qx r., a special ewmm1MIOusr who has hem eh"w for that purpose. In the »port that has already been made public respecting work on the Crow's Nest Pam and In the discussions that have taken plass on the subject it has been repro - embed that In many cams W4Umel employed on the road have been %mjngtly dealt with and suffered seven looses. la that Ons of men who have joss olalnr RR labor On the road is is believed that MOW remedy can be found. Him Mr. Fiddling, soling Minister of Hallways and Canals, has entitled the °media& Paetfl+ Railway Cu. that as ',epochs claim' of this Ohaxsetr, W Optlsumeet wig held lbs W and will look b ample jwNoe It done, aid that if H be shown that just claims far labor remain unpaid the Government will withhold the amours/ from the eempany s subsidy. Th• Talton AdmisbIratto The oflloal stall at the Yukonin• Istr&tlon 1e as follows: Wm. Ogilvie, QQPplttntisslouer, 85,000- T. D. Pattallo, IMoOgreph.r, $900; H. A. Fills, clerk, 1900. Mining branch -Thos. Fawcett, Gold Qon�OmislonerhNw .000: Osald, Flunk. Birk, - MIX; -Mr. Conklin, *1011 "$$003 Jos. Clarke. sbeoograohr, $900; J. D. McGregor, mining inspector, $1,600; H. H. Norwood, mining Inges/er, $1,600; Wm. Meddle, mining I0•ppar, 11,800. Timber and land branch -OM Iq- Geid, dad/fiat. -41,1300'. clerk, $900; Wallas Montgomery (Mag. - moil, ohrk, $900; J. W. !Mime, ln.peetor, 111,500; D. A. Melton. inspector. $1,900; F. D. MacFarlane, lnepeetor. 11,900; F. C. Wade, legal adviser, $$.610; J. E. Otreated, Begl.trar, $9,000; John N. R. Brown, * enogrephar and clerk, Poe. The offices of 000170ller, clerk and accountant et the mining branch and Crown limbar and land agent are not Included In this ltd. A STARTLISO TALL Way .Tet Hare M . Be Told About the Jamieson Held. New York, July 1l. -Th. London eorreapdadent of the Evening Post cablee has papas tallows: "Therein yet a startling ale to be told of the Jameson raid, If the little group of mon who know of it ever receleft sot7nlillt lndueement to MIL This weak another little corner of the you min been drawn beide by a report Ot the Home of Commons Committee on Public A000ants. The report conveys the aur - Information that the officers taking part to the raid, though 'struck off the army 11.4. haw balsa &warded substantial allowance', namely $1.600 annually of retired pay to Colonel Rhodos, and intuition of $6,000 to Capt. *Idea, $8,000 to Capt. Raleigh Grey, $8,750 M Major White, and $5,666 to 1la$i* Willoughby. These items provoked • heated battle between the Commons Committee and the Min Wry. " Lord A,t•rdesa w11: Open It. Toronto, .duly 7,-Arrangemana run progressing for the Industrial Falr. to to held In this city trop[ Aug 9V en Seps 10. Manager Hill tuts been baslly.mgagd tot tame time with a large staff sending .Ale prise list., the number of applloatiout received for those docemeriti this yew being greater than ejrat The Earl 0 Aberdeen hal kindly donranted to ope. the Exhibition, following the example ct Lord 1)nffertn 1n making thencetalonhal farewell public. appearance a. Uoverlar• General _ _. _ ._ _ _ DF.LRW AVE LEFT IN FLAMER A Cyd. LIn. 5t..m.r Celebes Fars Or Barno*at. New Jersey. A1antle,dlt:ly, N.J., July 11. -Tun Barnegat (N..j. c lite-otving ettett•rr reported en federate that the Mi td. LAR alhamer ImetawRr•rmeterle erVillMr for Charted nn and Jar "lent Ilte, wn. abandoned off Harn.ga8. N.J., se 10 3n o'clock the prevtans night, h911tg_e Ire. The passengers end crew, 70 In til. left In hate and on men, .rte Mesa 1.601401 by the Cedar ('reek lifesaving en*. All Were trnneferrarl to the Ino. holt Ocean Ring, and the eaptoln and twelve Of the erns were landed at Berw•gM. The shere w111 he 850.0 b New Yo*. The Delaware ons 1)011s at Philadelphia in 1880. She moldered 1 979 Ivan t6et and was 910 flet long, 17 foot band and 17.4 fed deep. He C.atrat 5f ose..ta, Lander, July 18.-41 00. Wase et O•mrn n. Friday, Mt. MMINthirsin t deet or e Regi rum i11 +mtal� rm1 the t bed he M arrange tum tin lntera•ttemd l - el enutmre.el with ..view 6t Media Inv the formation of ~ism fn fomhswffs. liallietnamat tea whale •• moths. 1..1 a lsglfsh eaplhsll.M hew moored a eras• telling Interest In as New wemrmlester • Humid inlet Telephone (:meta,. OUILLRMAIH FOUND GUILTY. M. Ma17RIC1 GALLIA. and Is about to sail for home. His tu0e important work was the orgenlx• :ion of the United Stater National 1'.: t:,a:.ent Exposition, the object of which i- to or range for oohatao.l exhibition of Arnett man products la Parts and .London Tbe lobe Meese P. Mandy, w51le In Pari. arranging for the American Inter este connected with the fortlt*utulnr el pasttloo, not M. (3.81* and am much helped by the efforts of the 1'nrisien. Coon the death of Mr. Handy when of the work be had begun was left to 14. Gallia to complete. and his •bait ams fou the purpose of carrying out the ideas Mr Handy had In mina. HOW FELT HATS ARE MADE. some F.atbeiabN4sr Terr ( gent Leading -lyduttn. e Speaking of men'* natal and the.? tan 0fact0re, a repr..cntative of ob< of the lrrfiaw arra .a: Felt lute include tbe popularderby and the various styles of soft beta, *11 of wnlcb are made atom animal furs. aha natural coats of the coney, hare, nutria, muskrat and beaver. To mYtpolate the 'skins of then animals so as so properly imports 00. tau ler feislog- Js al! r expert chemical operation, Is ti a wade 1a dealt, entirely df.tlnct hem that ul bat making, and 1s carried on by -betters' tur nutter' In London, the world's areal center far that work. The quality of product having been decided upon, the for la then cleaned and separated from stray balm and .11 unreliable gubsancs '1'hie Initial pror•en a a0tomlanlsd by a *Ludy machine, culled 'the devil.' "Th. next process. 'forming,' consists leetteo of Appeal -As A mess Lotter Threatening Prlwa•r'. tote. St Hyacinthe, Que., July 11. -TM GnlilensaIn trial wee concluded Saturday evening, the jury returning a verdict of g u11V• Uutllomaln will not be esateneed 1111 after tM argument on the point' relied by his counsel, notice of appeal having been given. Half reclining to • pillow, he listened to the addresses of wane'. and then LM judge's charge, which was, on the whole, rather favor- able to the soonest. Sheriff Cotte has receivd an anonym- om leper threatening Uulllemaln's life. Ti. letter, wbfrh was in French, and written hen, fa5'1s as tollows: "1 have just discovered a plot. Two men arrived this morning, tied they propose to blow one prisoner a braless" This letter 1s believed to M a practical joke. RRlTlSU .TEAM8R A/HDSL The Parklands Stere • H.1. la Har Fur - ward and Had to tee Rq•ebed. Halifax. F.S.. July 11.-A special from Pejmbaro says: Tbe British steams Parkl.tnda, Captain Carty. from Bodge for thin port to load arida for England, Went shon.yeeterday morning in n thick fog about two nilles below West Bev. the rocks broke a large hole in her forward, causing her to leek at the rate of • foot an hone and making her settle m muchforward that die heroine unmanagahle and the crew wen obliged to beach her 0M West Ray. !die Is a veinal of stteea hundred and twenty seven tone register. She sailed from Boston on the 8th, and waa enviously expected, as there won two million feet of deals afloat In lighten awaiting her arrival. Team to Come to Canada. London, July I1. -The ,olnnt.er artillery tram under lord Shadhroke's tonnrnand, to vllelt Canals tae the pus• poles of oompetlng In big grin p nctfrw with the Canadian volunteer', w111 prob- ably monist of two ollrers and only twenty-five men on amount of lark of el. flee War OMoe Inclined 80 grant an money toward. the alpen.es M the e x edition. The team w111 mil on July Sea pad will remain abroad neem week•. That weather bootee mile, the rennin* of the Qiieenston bridge, which for the past .sore Of ears has hone over the lower Niagara River, and ...weal as an ohacN of Intereet and curl.eity le all. new Ilea at the bottom of the rive. A new bridge MB be pot there. of distributing by means of air corrects a tight coating of fur upon the canter stir face of a r.volvina perpe,ilcubtr cuoo perforated with small boles. When fe: raises the cone eni8cirnl for one hat, it 1s wrapped 1n wet cloths and given a brief hot bath, then itrtrped from the 0011e, and. after the '.topping' procces o1 adding a little fur to weak spots, It wrapped with other cloths inside a wool en cloth to 'harden' it for handling By a proems called 'delete,' whish caudate of repeated Immeslons 1a hot water, t) 'other with rolling and unrolling, fold Ing .Od unfolding, Os cone %hoped mass Is rednoed se one-third 1a original sie:. It Is wonderful how each fiber will twit wmt-necamptaor 45444 images, souk. Was. other until the product 1s a closely wove,' mass 'TM 'body' 1s then 'shaved' to remove stray hairs 10 the fur, and then It 13*tItJ- enact with a costing of ■helta0, tbnrough Iv dried, and then Iui.)ocied to .Ie.uu, which *often. the shell,. and draw. 1t into the fabric When dried, It 1s im- mersed in a bot alkaline solution to erne the surface from shellac, and than In cold Water M remove the &Ikal1. " 'Blocking' .nerals stiffening. The fabric Is dipped In boiling water and plaod on ■ block patterned for the heal shape of abs hat Atter the dyeing pr, - toss Domes that of finishing, *hien eon dole of stoamlag, blocking to shape the i crown, drying. ranting *lth a .IlRaning mlatfon, drying again ironing out wriaklee, 'far wisk! it 1. poouoel with emery paper and .Ingml te remove the long rte and ll applied to nrmolh the D. o eurfaoe. The 'curling' department ruts the brim to the desi:•ed width, rail* up the 'idea and pinches. the, front and re.,: ae the style demands. With the prow,' i of trimming, consisting of sewing on the binding and bau.i and cementing the Hntng, the derby 1. finished If omit hat le desired the atlffcning process 1s - iY* tad." THE ESTIMATED YIELD. TM w►ou4 Mur0.50 were llaareaeed M Iodinated Ab.v Loot Wool She a Lrt..t thestallataara. aatordal DUO/Ing, J.87 R TW *beet etaraeta laay. been 0111.111 5.. dor the ladsemer et eke *What tbls aid, according as the reports !tidiest ed • dtrrerse er an 'scream le lbe estimated yield fur J6 8 gwtatluae baro goa• up or dowu. Op the Chicago bard Hada JOSS wrest closed le per bushel kWh., MAD • tetra •gat, will. the ateda leer and PI- craber upttuw reword a les of oyer 41. la Liverpool, July wheat b •I 114 res ecu' tat r'd Mae* last $stoa$, with the later eV - Seas down 914 to HO. emotee.teV- Seaswar- doe have c►au=•.: la se seda:,o Lending Wheat kiarkttn. Fullnwlug are the clotting prices D-day at hnpurtrrt centre : Cash. Jul sent. Chicago .........4.... 80 71 $0 T 01 New jerk sass. ..... .... V 0 7216 bdwaukee .. .. ..,. 0110 ht..... Tend. u $4 0 75 Detroit .. 0 W 0 Te Duluth, Nu. 1 lion.►., 0 e7 0.IIt Detroit. No, 1 bard0 90 Mat.spulls 0 Y Oei14 Torouto, red . 0 T4 sass sass Tereat• Grath snit Pred.en. leer -Dull. Straight roller In barrels. middle freights, are quoted at 46.1.1 to $s.t.4. Wheat -Dull. unit Ontario red .1111 gout. cd •t 71k ■t outside pointe, and Nu. 1 Manitoba bard •t IoM: to Ole afloat at Fort N llltam. Harley- Nothing doing and prices soml- ual. Men -8118. at M wet and sharia at 012.50 west. Corn-('anadlaa, Ric west and 89c on track -rare fess- quoted around 47e north sod west. Uatnteal-Car but. of r tbc4 oat. In bags ea trick at Torouto. 44; lo bbl... $4.10. Tsgwatw St. Lawlsse• Market. Oats needy: 400 keds seines at ;Woo to Ste. Hay meld a1 4. to PI war tabs ler tam toads or add and1 -- -- FM._._ Mods of ara Deliveries of lot erten nett; Ortean- neared.T Prteco were 6rm •t quotations for butter and egge. Sp1,ur chickens plentiful at 43e to 'Me per tuft. Brea$ ducts 80e to 73*' per pair. New potatoes 800 to 90c per band. Alder and WeeL Price list reared dally by James Hallam A Sofa, 14U Fruut-etfTet WO. Toru Quo. lodes. No. 1 green • • • Hides, No. 1 green steers..0 WO to s a s s H1de., No. 2 green steers ..0 they to s a s s -J6k/•air-J)•r--2• itis .. ....LLLIt to sass. Idea, No. 3 grecs • 0 tR to s a s s Hideo. cured ... ... ...... 0 11tte t0 0 00' 'tallow. rendered e e • "...o Olt( 110 18 0 1.3 T.11ow, rough 84 steeped's.. ... ..........1 In to 125 Pelts, tact . 0 . to Limitation, snob ... _..--.0 35 to s a s s CaltekW. No. 1 0 10 to . I1ts..e..._,,.„rum .10 ,r Wool, fleet, . `1 ' to .. Wool, uiwubed fleece 0 10 to • Wool, palled. super O 10 to 0 19 Choose Markets. ogdsabarg, N.Y., July 9. -There were was clot.hecae og�dreoain 4604 have slum was sold 1 teen sold at flat Corawstl, pct„Jialy h -Twenty factorise boarded to -day 1543 *tete. Wood bought 471 at T 5-17c: McGregor, 940 st 'tile. Am• rlcan, Wood, ir; 10 better, Wood. 168'. All sold on board. it tees derided to apply to the Government for a brand for this district, known as the Cornwall bran,l, and to apply particularly to all factories selling on this board. Barer.: Ayer, Alexander. Wsr. ' Worrier on. Cowuevllle, Qti.., July 9 -At eke weekly n.eeting of the Dlstriet of Bedford dairy m.. to-d•y here, repre•ratatb'M of 62 tae. tensa boarded 601T boles .bee.e sad tilt holes butter, from two 'reemerges: 2111 boxes .lease sold to A. Maumee for TA,: lln9 boxes sold to A. W. gawk for 71`r; 481 bosom so14 to Jamie Burnett, 3*., for T 1 -Ick': 1276 boles add to A. J. Rio -.e for T 1-160: ell hoses sold to P. F. Ferguson for Tr. Total boos, (loose Bold. *750. 10t offered for butter. nod ernnted. AAjoorn01 to 16th. at 1 p.m. Rny.•re pres.pt • A. J, Emu Montreal: G. W. Rr.ek, Rnttnn; A. R.1*... At..renrr: Jam. Bnreett. tr.. for Ales. W. Greet: 11, A. Hibbard for A. A. U tWy 0tvy o nr�Ri (Teem Torusio 0:ate.) THIS CERTIFICATE !Map forth • story. W., the artily that the health of the Ree. It A, Bibby h.s for months j been deterioratutg, and that he ie now sawing from severe nervosa proalsealoey end urgently moires immediate prolonged net. 3. W. McLaughlin, Id D , A. beith, M.D., L. Holland had, M.R.0.8.. Na Tills INTERVIEW TELLS IT. A r.psMr called on 1b. Rev. h. A, Bllkey, Mem 8t. Joltm'e (Episcopal) Chureb, $ewmsnyllle, Ontario, during • ohareb /YBtAnr end M magratulatlsg him on the great tangs tor the beau le hie .ppearnoee, the reverend gewUeman .aid, 'Ill is dm ao*ely to Dr. Wade Blood sad Nerve Pill& I suffered for over throe years trent extreme nervousness, weakness and pros Walton, and oould not obtain relief. A booms* month. ago 11 bam. only too .p- p.r o8 that extrema nanous prostration bad .d in, .. 1 IDN flesh and appetite rapidly. Three of o0r fools medical men pronoano.d see in urgent need of immedi- ate and prolonged reel in order to build up my nervous system, givin mu a owner este b Rs that .o1. About entime, by pare •.tided, Dr. Ward'. Blood and lterre Pills were brought to my voice. I decided to try them, and on doing eo dooidad ohsnge for the batter took place. at once. I have ethos oostinS.d taking the pills, with continued and marked bene- fit and Inaproe5M•a1. My appetite h.. returned. I am pining in fesh slntil and my gash halt/ ll now Further, I am sun that lbw results doe to 111• aoltoo of Dr. Ward's -Mer,. Pills. and I hon .vary .Dead -.s that they will do for others all that they have done for m.." 1r. ware's alma ma Mare mare ..M M! tee be . sr O M lrMrr. 0. (i88 nryt d rn r tantstoar e hieaa. raft,. INuier AMaiu. thie.wo, July ; t O.• .,.*italtio papc-. were p imitating to v.001 )ewwriny. 10 attruedypers who winos nvunll been 405 Mom and their plates eeppried by non - ink* rms. The Asmovtle. el •aw ate. Wu%In fes, D.C., Jahr 7. -The aa- Mtltlon of aaseall now is *e oreplf.hed, in far se the Instelattw Munch et the (kovornot.it tum eebceraed quite nom p.etedly tY LSnlntinna pm01dlwg ter the aIs•g.Mca of the Wanda were benght m • tate W the Aeneas lobe yeller ay •8ATfean and they were paned by the death* Vel ea 4 In St, Wellman'• A r rtle •1.ds6_ One of the most striking Taintless Veit have leen muds 0y Walter Will uon In preparing for his trip to the polo is 0:1 unique dog sleigh. Dogmi are the motive power always need In .^ctlo ever-110.*i. When eight or ten doge were biteMd b one stodge sine Of the doge 0.i.: it shirk their work. Wellman hoe Willie number of mall siode 4. kisch 1• of a tubelike oonetruetion of tinned topper, with ran• nen 00 1M awe sides, and so 'biped that If It Urns over It always comes down on WILLMAN'S a1Cr1C SLEDGE. one or the other pair et rennets. Mr Wellman will have Oft, of thea, eldres. to that of which a dog will be attaeheel. He w111 take advantage of that telt 08 dog nature whlnh slake* him ftpla:-tont• to be left behind. tie wants to keep Op with the proneedoo. het to do sou he mn.t work hoed. When the fond .toren la one of the sledges Iv needed It le ripped open ilk. • tin can and thrown 'way. 'the ring «bih hue drawn It, Awing no longer n..ded. Is at oma metered tete food far his fellows. Ye*e EtreeHre Wrk. "What drpa8t mast 00 you consider 1. dein the moat effective work In this wort" al signseethes department." „ Rlliee when" "Tho signal oink" department, The prow ean.nr.hlp la vested In shelk can't 11?"-Qkltago Po.t. - yoked Auto. B1aga-enw 401 they and one Sot he was • Spewh eon • $iggs-fie wont into • rOMorent and ordered mast pug, and the txpr•a.ttm • 015 fere when he' said " ' gave 1201 awoe.--Naw► York �g���� P /ver FI Mani.; filiteTAILZ sk;,41. 1111..r and HlhhaM. Very large attend. ane*, Tondos. Ont.. Joey S. -Forty -MT fartony ,,rvred n.714 box e. 3nr: nn ani.*. Tot ■rr.'ment (0 poll on market day only was Mot adopted, swing to the *ellen of the 1nger,oI( board In ref*slag to mei. roe's. the .em, agreement. last S.aalo Cattle H•rket. Mast Mugabe, Jul, e.-Catole-I4.ee•pts, aloe ars of treb Canada dotter. nal a lad of cattle head over from former re- ceipts of the week. Deemed fair from all classes of buyers, bet holders were bra for the few good cattle ors sale, and sort* ware sold, milers preferring to bold ore, for Monday'a trade. l'cab and Catvcs - Supply exeredingy"--. Ilght, only a few bead. Mar:jet about steady. Hogs --Receipts light Market opened es - cited and higher, whish was in fort due to light renlpu l;,and •0 Oyler Yorkers. 84.90 to e4.2:prime light Yorker* milted pnrkrrs' finite*, 84.10 to 41.11. mrdl- mn. 44,111 to $413; teary bogs, 84,11 .o 44,15: roughs. $3.25 t0 63.40: stags, $2.71 to *2.10; pig*, $475 to $1.15. Rhe.p and Lambs--Hecelpts were very Heated, and the market p1f'.'*1lt1ee11r en- rhaag.d, Rpring Iambs, eh.'1,-. to .ttta ewe. rind wether., 00.25'n es.:el: heck -Tr.. fair. 1.5.78 to $6: malls fags to good, 51.71 to 55 aa: 'ommon to Minify Seeding*, 01.51 to *75.35; native clipped sheep. einem to *Pierer., wether*. 84.46 to $875; fair to 'choice mixed sheep $4.25 r 88*; e•ila fa famous ewes. 52.20 to 81.75. "idae•Md,b dear At • leading New England college, some years ago when the commencement exer- cises were over mad the diplomas had bees dktrlbuted, mays D. 8. tad in The Atlantic, • mwber of the 'graduating d•ss.-whe had ba.aaos•dldiogui.hed Ig conviviality than .tudlousoeaS and who bad barely snowed losing his degree, ap pend upon the campus sad, waving the much prised pa clement over his heat, shouted glednlly: "Edoeated, by Joni FAu(ated 1" TM Idea expressed by the student, more in Jeal than in stlnalld, lustrats • notion of education Wad res hard The popular prejudice that .Sipa L something estimated from books, plain, up in a tertiary bell or • labor.00ty m• seised durlag the g..tfng years of ab'$ school or lag. Itf• is so prevalent that 1t becomes the obvious duty of the inked to press borne b the oowalou.nem of OF soy person the auovfction that on oblige - (Son rests upon him to undertake • course ei education 1•.ting throughout his Ills. Th. Ponsef.l ColmsoL Day call bin "hems I ' in Wader panne, Nit • "kanset' •11 .•rlx,ut, Dat be des DO private when war maw room Dot de folk* can't 6n' him call Tole bra, Ina a private dee, En one or de home 4'i d nand Dry hunt erbuut lr.r to 4.' him oat, Bet yob Ito( he . private Mal lf1'. "kennel" dile en "teasel" Oce. Mk de voters lag am about. Oat de war don't know whir be I/v6 al - Day Iles can't 0*' um eget r.iwt.s.d.w Su one r de hose g'a'd Meal He done, ter &W.'! He dm Lay low- _ Ick let, w a privatea dl - $rfeMO �fwe�eeN.. Llrwpool, July s-Rprtbg wheat le mei- e4 at ala WO; red winter at 6. 94; :f e. 1 Cal. 7. 24 tit 7s ad: emu. 3. 114.1; 4. 1tk1: pork. 61e td: lar. 27. Act: ra 1..w, IIM 61: heavy, Le.. MR: Ilgtt, Me (84: do, short tt, 20a d4: ea.'..., white sad enlnr.{ Bre 6d -- s l Iverpnnl--('lo•.. Pinot ,w 0..' steady with red whiter at is for;' N7'. 1 rat.. rat 7. 44 to 7. 2A. retro.* steady at 6e eV for in r. 5. 11411 for Sept. and 56 MJI4 for Dee, !put mala.. 3a 1748. Futures quiet at 31 I9vl for J•1y and ;M TM for Sept. and 1e S44 for Oct. Floor 24a Da. s ■11 HOLINESS Is ILL. So Serious That a Fetal Terminatlew May Como at Any Time. New York, Jule 11.-A London opts, lel M the gun rays: "Mat of the ICumpean Governments have been confidently adrfwal that th. Pope's health is now so colon. that a fetal termination May tome at any im)ttlent. Tub, destine the fact that Him Holing" mistiulet M tremolos bnsinew and realm Impertont visions. His runt trouble has been weedier of the heart and poor otroola tion. It is now compilnlld by peculiarly obstinate Inteetlnal catarrh, whleb le extremely difficult to deal with. "The Pope. physician, Dr. Capped, hs thought It mi violable tnuall the *5.sat- ante of the farming doctor. Marohltfava, and two nthr expert, who brave nnanlm- nmily warned aha Pontiff that M must impaloltly fnitnw their dtrenttona it he aorta M INe M .ee peeve Wetmore the Unmet Stats and Spain. As Shell happens M he the Pope's" meet ardent with the warning hae had some Wfrent. "The Pope's latest move In behalf d pores Was made at the Iwegtnnfng of the west, when be than -noted the papal nando at Madrid to "egg wraith fiery Spaniels n»latae to refrain Irma edvoat- Iwg the ontInua*M of war." Amaetnr EM.galore Iteed. Misdeal', Ont. July A -Mt'& Asn M iteksiiddr..om%foMrs OLarlids ..I.. ParassaaUlm •ad et Bala Mawr t1�b_o1s.e Mir 6 *.it mairller Maths lot till•.hel•�n a Madwbb Ike%,." UM* Irralw. a19 taill.sr «flee few' d�sp IN sled $$.6A sew for gitsgetig U pastor late Knde". Rase Ice Deed. Leaden, Jnly 7,--T)s. (brndfoe 111, I6t11401'beam. Haul nntnrjeb, ilea se Mi4Mwoalh M 6 o'olnak yes/aday 1610111160 .14 .;t It < • MOTHER AND DAUGHTER CURED. Mn. Lydia A. Fowler, Ele011r1e Steals N.Stestifies to pod theeffects of the new specific for all heart and naw hoods: "For some time past I have been troubled with • fluttering eatOdl405 do the region of my heart, followed by acute pains which gave rue gnat diatribes and weakened ow •t time so that I cold scarcely breathe. I was very moth rem down and fah nervousand irritable. I had taken • great many remedies without receiving an benefit, a friend induced me to try Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. I had only been baking them ▪ sbart time when I 1W1 that they were doing me puss goodso I 000tinued their use and now Md all right. I man heartily ttsoommrnd Milburn's'Hear6 and Naw 7111s for nervous prostr*ioo." Kra. Fowler odds: -My daughter. tow Meth years of age, was pale, lark and r tri down, and she also took Milberg e EuarI sod Nerve Pills for some time, and IB now strong. healthy and vigorous." Mllbarl'e Heart and Nerve Pills care pnlpiMt .mothering esneeiioo, •000 anti fljtiol ehpielsle, nervnaanrm, weaknaem. koe etc. Price 10e. • boa r three boas for $1 916. Bold by •11 drag- gleM. T. Milburn t Co., Toronto, Ont. • Mr. 6901,111. ■Idler, S.s.f.rt, Oatarb, says s "Lasa -Liver 711h made • aro gnaw of me. 1 woe tr.*hi.d with tadldem Mow sad palms M the setup .6 my Mare ltd Bator tablas Lama -L.1~ Fele by Mood Woe weeks Hwy IBlgbtoly eared me." (tics !Se. •11 Irwggldl. A Martyr to Diarrhoea. Tells of relief from suffering by Dr. Powkr's Hzt. of 7114 Strawberry. Then an many people lgad bowel aorapisthateDr. Me. Fear1Salm. hWoit$ dlliMnvlerri • hlsrimi them. i1 not Only ehr iolIDM6 Des maw old theteallwaind its$664 Wu* mast a�Abse �� i[00g61oBM Ont. Fath twoMan It Arai years 1 fait atom�lee�ii.oa. I Wad --T thumb ' • dgg4[ �I'111i��r 1�� titt;t1'1: