HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-7-14, Page 44 ¶'NfMat, July 14, is* . The Swell of Cycledom The new McBerney & Beat- tie Wheels which we have re- oendy placed in stock are y the sweUeat thing in town. Everyone is de- lighted with them. You can buy one for • little more than others pay for the commonest grades. OUR LIVERY continues to prosper. Wheels that ars fast enough to win races on are good enough to satisfy the most partaouler That's the kind we keep—and guarantee sat- isfaction. EMERSON'S Meyer fend Meer Hesse, sed (.lreet.sd (jai. Uvery. m rvm1111Z1110 EVERY THURSDAY MORNING no Ms ISIOaaea..w oOMMICIL THUSIIDAY. JULY U. tell WHO WILL BE Test NOMINEE T NOW thee the day has been set for holding • Convention to name a can- didate for the Commons in West Huron, the political wiseacres aro casting about them for man who will be We to carry the constituency. LAM* Mmes are iIdeleiMed, and 'ailiii olibt.e _might ,fig well have remained Sememsd. Most prominent in the list h1 the -name of Robert Holmes Mayor of Clinton, and editor of The Clinton New Era He is an honest Liberal and would make • good candidate. Hs is not a machine politicise, and for this reason every effort will be made by a osrtain elm.ot to hinder hi. nomination. J. L. Grant, of Ashfield, is another good man, and being a practical farmer, would, were he better known through out the constituency, poll s strong vodi. P. HOLT is, we understand, also an aspirant; and his friends are load id' his prove. Wm. Coats, of Clinton, has also been spoken of, but we have not heard that he serionely contemplates being in the running. There ape other aspirants, but we feel satisfied that up to the present the foregoing are the only tames of those seeking the position that should have • ghost of a show before the co•- ventioe. No matter who gets the nomination be will have hard Wedding ahead of him. The best man in the bunch will not have many votes to 'pare on elec- tion evening, and care should betaken that • poor standard bearer be not chosen. One or two d the aspirmate have placed in the mouths of their friends the statement that should they be chosen to carry the banner of Reform, the Tories would not put an opponent in the field. If any of our readers meet this story they can brand it as sing entirely without foundation. Phe Tories will fight West Huron nod what le more they believe they? an carry the riding. The run that WY made by Mr. BICE in the Local 'Motion campaign bas put ginger into hem, and they almost believe West Huron is thein to reach for and take. WD believe that West Huron can es won to liberalism, but then are 'Mw men in the riding who can win it. The number may dwindle to one, and ! Afield be the duty of the delegates N the oonvention t) see that their eyes be not blinded to the proper nran when the day of selection Domes around. Not every man who saith " Lord, Lord I" shall inherit the King- dom, we are told, and not every man who believes him.elf to be • winner will be suco.ednl in securing the vote in election day. AN OBJECT LESSON IN DRINKING• ,EVERAi, lessons hays been taught the world by the recent engagements occurring both in the Orient and the Oooideot between the navies of Spain and the United States. Those inter- ested in gunnery have received much instruction. The relative merits of the fast cruiser, eerily mance teed, and the more ponderosa and slowly - handled battle -ship have received oon- sidarable redinstmet•t in the minds of experts. The torpedo boat, that ter- ror of the hours of darkness and a ,till, cramped harbor, he. proved to be mere of s nightmare than a grim real- ity. Maury opinions have bean stayed i mos pre hells ham herb sagpma to be absent er eseilone, sad MENA sreldtaet of today her al- desided to comet a tb elm linritM At, may of the deyMess emir erase approved d by {seh yyMO lbws testate. ser Nogg* IlliFeseet 4.7...satmeira Int broiled broogbt avid by the rrt'ent fights me both the Pacific and Atlantic is that the use of intoxicants of any kind previous to or during • ueval engage- ment is a snare , that, to quote the weirdo of lioly Writ, on each ooeamoas wine is a mocker, strouq drink is a brawler (It. V.), and whosoever is de- ceived thereby Is not wise." When Dews?, in the giey dawn of May 1st, cautiously felt his way into Manila Bay, be had his sailors braced up with • cup of coffee, and, wakeful and alert, the watchful gunners, who had been standing in their places the greater part of the night, were ready to take aim whit a clear head and steady hand. Wine Saureou opened fire on the forte of Soo Juan, he also issued to his ai!ors a libation of coffee. Rum or other into:ioants are not served out to the United States cavy. Bat it was different with the Span- iards. Hunted by their own author- ities from the Santiago trap, Cuts mu and big officers forgot to oopy from the up-to-date American sea -captains, and, following the traditions of the European navies. issued general imp - plies of wine and strong liquors to the desperate sailors in that forlorn hope. Heavy with intoxicants, the Spaniards fell an antsy prey to the enemy, who not only outnumbered them in ships and io men, but in seamanship and in that morale which is a better and safer thing in peace or war than an extra portion of armor plate, monster gens or torpedoes. Had six American yawls, manned by a coffee -drinking contingent, issued from a long -pent harbor and tried to break through doable the number of ships handled by men as ddied with wine and rum, they would Iwo got through, or, ship for .hip11M d.emy weld haus gone to the bo4boli er de the beach. The cause of temperance has been aided by this demonstration at sea of the benefits of abstinence from intoxi- cants when serious work is to be done. The coffee cup has knocked out the wine glass and the grog psunikin. SNAP SHOTS. —Now let us put on our armor and prepare for the fray. —In local polities, as in everything else, a leader's duty is to lead. —Hoesoi's Cork didn't hinder Caveat from getting a bad spill. —The elections nowadays are nearly al won or Inst oil the m.ke•up of the voters' lists. —Kieg Wia.i.isre bra orwtMi-Ada Boyne per thia year, and new potatoes are beginning to come M. What more de you want ' — Premier SAoAaTA, of Span, has reagndel. He would have shown more . agacity if he had not lot ked horns with Oriole Saw. — Well, there is ■ pretty solid Orange vote in Ontario, and Curing WAr, tres holds it down in great style Did ye see the Twelfth' ------ - - - " Fighting Jos Marne " has shown that he cannot he kept down in poli- tic*, and seems destined to become the lead- er a( than British Columbia Local Govern- ment. —Three days have been allowed for the Went Huron election trial To hear the yappers yap one would think that it would take about three years to finish the trnal in- stead of three day. — The duty of the true Liberal is to think and then to do. If he finds that • thing is right it is hie duty to support it ; if, on the other hand, he discovers a wrong, it in his duty to denounce it. — As we expected, the recommenda- tion of the executive committee didn't eouut. Should there be any more vacancies n the riding it will not le ne(areary for thorn to get tegetber spun. —The anxiety manifested by the reentive osplmitese to he the date far holding • •smhallos saventa is West Hares prove. esselsaiveiy that they did air give the tsesgkt that war esemeary t. Me queries. There a,. • geed any reassert why the date siteeld .at hays bees demi se 1b pretest tearer* —As different versions' have been given d the •ctien of the executive rtes• mitten last week, we may state that there are Mx members on the committee, inclnd• ing Mr. Geesow, M.P.P. A. the vivant office snot • Federal appnintn.ent, Mr. (lAa- aos did not attend the meeting. Mr. (:oAte was rolled away on hnsinees, and there were present t he pendent end 1st, 2nd aol 3r1 vice.presido.tw. The prsi- dont was in the ,hair and the ether gentle- men present voted unanimously that Mr. YATm .ho%M receive the appointment. After the vote had hen carred for Mr. Yates, Mr. Paomuroor stated that person- ally wigwam, Mr. O PI M%A W. CONTEMPORARY OPINION. Inert Ain awn[, Ceradlas Tresesen Mr Mo(Ytliesd'y, es .1d Rhesiesla•, has M night TO San. maxim to the tem eeleb of embers jesrsalr. • ravens veer. W ?Shaw : Thr. Y Mimes ream fes Se tans wbiesris M,Itr•. sf seaway, bet abase is as Isaacs roma is Owe& §r *s aeaals* et likes *OM made say bad bat Omega dssfi • e . ie wt•tv'v so •.wave. Vasa, Yss y : AFM 4 ire rev NSW Etthe O.Nnmeat'u Mat .Nh Mr. as.. be be taliteatita is : m §if sh. b Sod hes its leak IOW tee ev.,,m.r, Mao Il Mt w, i:magesail d,, ,dl . THE SIGNAL : GODERTCH ONTA.Ria Many persons cannot take plain cod-liver oil. They cannot digest it. It upsets the stomach. Knowing these things, we have digested the oil in Scott's Emulsion of Cod- liver Oil with Hypophos- phites; that is, we have broken it up into Utile glob- ules, or droplets. We use machinery to do the work of the digestive organs, and you obtain the good effects of the digested oil at once. That is why you can take SQOtt's Emulsion. 9..443.44, an 4.4001.. SCOTT & DOWSE, (h.wrn. T.a..s.. There was c greet emery reamed by Tory re- pos as the greases that 1a gtvtag the book 10 Res h remora for 10.000 Itemise the Gov- ernment had " ribbed " the Dosser, • • te give Row • tartans," Now 1t turas oat that Ro.e has net made anything oat of the job. The boat did set •'takes" h Brirate, and only 40,000 ooptes were net out by the publishers is t?asada. The O.vsnmest acted wisely ; f1 has tie .tome far estWag sr M the book MWlahlag beeiaees. nava to supply It. seeds as a Government. Willi is oosld gee • supply s nob terms it did well to take w chasms. • • • 411101& WOULD NOT esGMAT Qe.Ges Telegraph : Aa exaha.gs says that a Women' peeaeber recently deoesawd nude figures " on five dollar bilis as " h- deoaet " feed It very truthfully adds --"1'.r. bape eo. but we have aerie had *se of Uta bills long .rough to examine it very orris - ally. Bat we doe't think 'suds hang' w ould .hook es vary mach. Ws have attended soon! sstertitiemaats w hore the ladles were nn " 1011 deem" and wore but hill. more With a oesk0m above the belt, and still we lies. The ewe e• a live delle, NU which has the meat for os L the figure 5 G1iX IOUR BUGS TBR BBBT. w. Iwo a new stook d BERGER'S ENGLISH PARIS GREEN The beet tame -not the kind used for paint` but paw thing tenth purer. Price just the same es you pay for interior stuff. PURE HELLEBORE, INSECT POWDER, FLY PAPERS .r .It heads. Toupets will find special attendee paid to Amerioan Toilet Articles and to Prescription work. Lime J uiee. Root Beer and Ginger Beer Extreots. W. C. GOODE, Chemist, BEDFORD BLOCK. STILL ON DECK ! BICYCLE LIVERY If you want to leant to ride the wheel, Go to YULE'S. If you want Repairs, you will find a vulcsuizer, a brazier, an enameller, and a competent workman Ani • i -LE13. If you want Good Wheals and Best Attendee, be ears and its the old and_treWble YULE'S BICYCLE LIVERY KINGSTON STREET. GODERICH. e • • ,ulr,§hies n0 NOT cosiel ITUT IAttm '1 h. Week y yea • The Horse Exporrter is apparently of ortolan that the u dl. tore to ooaeeuues with Government House ei Tonsts r ate many bra • peeper "style and thirty" m.y be malatalasd. Ws do e st think slut in order to m.iatais a proper dlpley 11 is aeeeeaary to keep ap • sore of meek oven for Toronto sassy. or that e Lliiersaat• Governor should the masquerade rigged oat like • tdbxksy at a drops at the openreg and closing ot she Legislature. ellm- pltdty of Ids and plainness of carats* aro t• keeping with moot perfect dignity, and p•rlsmote tars gowwowst to Cooed• would sot suffer 11 we hod more of is. "Speeobm from the Throw," and ate fearless an, as Coition painted oat, sWeiy eat of plan 1., the Now World. They have sot their roots is our peat, bat wen imported alone with oar system of gevernmst, of welch they aro not by any mesas • Deosesary pat. Notwithstandrer the copiers of oar good Mend, the Expositor, we are still convinced that the wrest mass of tis people Ocoee, disapprove of war Oevsr.mst Heave saps- ditars • His PLAN MAY ea 4:00D. Termite Telegram ; Perhaps 1t woad be as well for the OsnervaMvo papers not to make too mesh et • gri.vaus est of Hee. J. Israel Torte's ocemeseise with the plan far im,rsvtag Msstrsnl barber. Thu opposition of Th. Mat.] Miters h 1ha only far which o•.eot easily be re- eleseee with the theory that Mr. Teruo ns hfbhtg • hard Mare sennet the Aline, ng rhe, w6A preview be toll the trade ot the oouetry through tut oo•trel of •hipuioe facilities In Msetreal barber. The Wither does not anally Iselin, 10 the side et meeepoly, but It played tete the hands of schemer. out the 1'ekes piastre, and may b. doing Wirers s the Mstrsal barber gsaettoe. (ea.srvativ• moors had tetter reserve their are until there are signs of diabs..My is the expendltsra of pantie mosey apes the Memer.al harbor improvement.. Aa ea- prejudiced erprejudiced esteeider imp early 6.d rears to believe tb.1 Mr. Terre plan M more be the interest of toe oesetry generally Was the plana adefateed by W mires. HELLO ! THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND TR. AiuT SC1I11tOII Sara Coal IN TR* MARKET Al Oat weighed ea the Market soaks. whet you est Me'to. ter • ton. WM. LEE. Orders left .t L1113 i 88312E,LAD'O Store prsmpely attended te. GODERROH 'BOILER WORKS. A. S. CHRYSTAL, dhamms.r1oOar*Mtl a NINO ■..srrtw.r of an Owls or 0 IL:1E RS, awoke Stooks, Salt Pans, Sheet T Works, ac., etc., As! Deater enties, Ma.bhery Ceetsags, he. AB cies of Pipe. and Pipe FitYhgr, Slam and Water Gaers, Glebe Valve, (heck Valves, Iiupissikrs, Ejectors sad 1.• jItaars Coa.astly se Haad at Lewes pr£ ..p to Use of Steel Water •ed Hee hwgha far see et farmers sad other,. Repair' es prampiy attended to Wel A. 3. CEATOTAL. P. O. Hoz 17. Oodar t. Canadian Pacific I8 THE DIRECT FAST ONLY– ALL -CANADIAN LINE TO TAUS FOR Manitoba, the N: rthwest, Klondike and Yukon Gold Fields. LOWEST RATES. FASTEST TiME. ACCOMMODA1 ION UNSURPASSED. 3 TOURIST CARS A WtEK TO THE PACIFIC COAST V 1 ef atam tae v.mpbl. ' Klesdiks and Yoke• dal! n.Ids free. Apphy to R_ RATDOI4FF.E. C3ffiNT, — CSO 7D14IQS, R•CI_ yrei PURE SALT MOAN AIIfISW4 Cta[AL flAkrseu SOIL FIAKI.S — fli011oWuW.eP1. Everybody is Talking about D. OANTILOF'8 F LOVE ie W /set vet .sn atis , Mae hum Meal He hes sew es bed ib enthe d ma tis•da of Flour test LABS OF -TIM WOODS 0011aVIR'S MINN waatr.a sesta Mode tree. Ne. 1 Hard Wheat He also tongs 11. best bead. er Meads Motu. Patois buying Plowwilldo well by 'Min es D. (]tat las. the epi the he will tell les how t. blood Ontario Hoar together s as to have a beautl- fat Ihmhly now as a rea.o••ole price. Orders wfa be promptly attended ala 'PIMP PASTRY, ROLLS "— or OYSTER PATTDIS weeding tithe. with almond heti • epoctatsy. D. CAINTDLON 4 - This Week 40:et /G09 litlaN \t?6)*1 We are giving extra value in Dress Lengths, the best value ever offered in Goderich ; also extra value in Parasols, Ladies' Linen Skirts, Lustre Skirts. Just received, extra value in White Duck. Next Bargain Days, July 28th and 29th. JA:1138 OB5ONB CLTTLE BROS. Plumbers Sty -Titters . . Tinsmiths smi ibis Have removed to West (tide of the Spain, next Sturdy Broe. Grocery, where they will be pleased to nee all their oustomere, and an many -more as wili favor them with a call. West nide Square, 3-od.e=ich BBllEI1Bk IUB8BBJBS Cholac Pratt >andea_ Trois EVERGREENS A SPECIALTY. Om rho* et Pewit Teem brag Complete, me well be ass to tan eras, M seems CAW a ere kava the Beet ..d 146611.m apple. Peer. nem. Merry W Pease *vee. •Ian • Law Ileeeli of MOM YreMs Call eel eemele• eteek W be eer•vhsd. Lary Seek of (AMD• Spring Saddles Prete A/drwiiM Lir moiled ee esanstios. JOHN STEWART ESTATE azauraaie r. e. CLEARING WALL SALE OF PAPER FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS We will offer our Stock of W.11 Paper at a very large reduction in prioes. Now yourBargains to get your house papered for very little money. Cows sad get PLANING NELL. RTAIRIV ra 111111„ SARH. DOOR and iLaIIiD Orient Is alHlotysf LUMBER. LAT ,'SNINGLES Art atrasm'h viatee d w ems Martstea Basil Parnitand $ieoialty JAMES YATES BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER. Next loot to O. W. Thotesseee Music Store. When appearance is a consideratioa I SHOREY'S Ready to Wear Clothing become§ a necessity. Who can afford to ignore his personal appearance? A large manufacturer er who studies the want of the people, and Muse WINE. depends VON IN•gdyieg thew amid, nip rive better eitimile duo • War whoa!pp aor altlis gd local. od dialer ti H as sot in•p -'Immembes there —Who to s ars.tarpnl+dg slapvirre. M Mit Mae/§ &renew Gerd UM 1111 01110 tb., .tea. Walk m Headquarters 10* _ _. Binder Twine, Binder& Gloves, -- Binder Whips, Hay Forks, Hay Rakei-av-_..-... Scythes, Snaths, &c., &c ROINIVIA. iltottertolt FOR CUSTOM WORK FOR REPAIRING FOR THE SLATER FOR THE BEST IN BOOTS AND SHOES give SHARMAN TME PRACTICAL S$OEIIMS v.—a call. Being • thorough w0d1111B, ws cannot be imposed on by alien e shoddy goods, and we do mat bay >eis/ly catuagsd good. or bankrupt Amok. to sell as first -clam Mete. _. We keep !`s LAIDLLW, WATSON BROX 00'S GOODS. a nd at as.ani__., good Sinus, and of tie hid ' y , you oho 34, give f6sm a trial. noatea Or BUFF nage Ain SQOAaL lleS raMITICAL eon MIS, Alp riOLI AaaNT 101 SMS NAM DOM,, Geo. W. Thomson' S)t 80ItslitlN4 TO 111111 If yes bad •ase crbepies. am. (Nse bal" mid em s dined M ese•,► II roe wa a Ri.y .. pan bey•1417 he lis beet IfsMss be town i "Crescent" .um GEO. W. THOM80N. Why ? Fee tis Deme maim that you'd .m/iq • loo -41••• Aoroosy 11ithey p r You riot your111dtor H'22E>0 LZZQZ "Grant," f1IcCread',it (`Common 8enae" and "Insane ALL GUARANTEED AND HIGH GRADE• 11 Agent for Canada's favorite Plano--" TEM WORIIWI?H," and the "GODERtIOH ORQAIL" GEO. W. THC)MSON. FOR THE HOLIDAYS: the omelet thing Is to him tAo bed for your vbitoio, and T40 trip pt the best GROCERIES TEE SQUARE, OODERIA At. t 4 .:.. ,a.