HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-7-14, Page 3'DAIRY MOUSE.
g woo, nuseeeet teat, Mailer Irma
Wel ate Keel Olaf,
Tile dairy professore at Cornell uol
versify bad a andel the room wi Ikbo•te
oonaUnclad some years ago, which it
described in The Country Chnitleotaa at
Durability, O ereeMeDOS for work anti
• cheap wall, oapable of exoludlug cold
heat and moisture were wade prom nem
natures In he ouonruotiou. Bloom vary.
lug from ten pounds to ■ few ounce
were wed to form the toondatfoo of the
Dow. Tb. larger ,cone" were placed at
the bottom, the mare thoroughly sato
Behrens asslerMs et elm lamer se la.
Mad. Thema.
In me tutervieW with two live stock
men by'i reporter of the Omaha World
some u.clul facer were brought out.
Following lean extract trona the inter-
view :
"'TM-ldtMey of the bog trade," site
Ib. Mwpby, takiug up the narrative,
'la than lbs wan who sticks to huge
makes money. lu the cattle trade It 11
Ib oomwlsaou men who make 11.'•
"W bat is the oust of getting a bog in
ooudhicw for the market," After some
figuring the two permeated the following:
"A fair estimate is 40 bash.)m of corn
for a 350 pound bog. It ebould be sold
when it le about 10 mouths old. Heave
Pr bogs than Wit really befog no more
money -that le, enough to make it pay
to feed thew. But there are oases in
which it is to the owner's interest to
Veep his bogs longer, ea, when he has
plenty of emu he wants to feed up or
when be is watching tbe market, bold-
IDg bis hogs for a rise in price.
"This 40 bushel, covers all feed, slops
and ground teed. The latter has With
developed anon the drought Formerly
the farmer fed straight Dorn, but be
learued ,bat better or cheaper results
oould be got by mixing the ground
feed. We never had the siderite/ of hog
feed down to Due as today."
"If it take. 40 bushel• of corn to mar-
ket • hog. how do you figure the profit?"
"Coro in the country is now about 14
Dents. We will figure 1t at 15. Forty
bn•bela wuald tw.t M. The 31*00 the
owner would probably get at hie neaten
towu would be 8% ones a pound, which
would make the prloe of • 350 pound
hog !lb.7L31l, leaves •profit of P. 76."
"Whish Vey the best -hogs at 6 weir
oa If6 es•t Dora or bogs at 3 tante
fed on 15 cent corer'
"The 8 ceut bogs pay the best. The
owe for feeding • 160 pound hog, when
it is 15 cents • bushel, would be $8.
The bog, when sold. would clear 101.7b.
Wino core is lb amts a bushel, time ex-
pense would be $10, and the hog, at 5
Dents a pound, would bring $19.60, •
profit of $9.60, or 96 nuts lees than in
the other can
"Until lately we got a great many
ligkiwelgbt bogs, but now turn la so
obesp that farmers are bolding tbetr
Moak longer. But the time is Doming
when the blowy hogs will be di,crimi-
sated .Pgpinst. The English trade da-
wned* the llohber weight Tbe heavy
Flo. i-�yL[wa
rated with water, and all formed tort
the earth with • heavy wooden pouted
'Ir. A thio coat of gravel wag next spread
over the whole and .olidifed in the
same way. Whet thusleprstroctore
'was completed, the maoewaa again wet
COP d thin ▪ treated wits a COP mortar
composed of fop wen 'and and one
of water limes M/,. SW solidified p
above. When aelci.etly bard to 11.16
lain the workmen, the whole was Dov•
ered with a ant three-quarters of an
them thick made of three parts mend
and one of Itosendale cement. Akron
cement is better tbao water lime and
fully aa good a.lto.endale. After about
14 boar. the Door was sprinkled with
water, and also wbenever ,tbereatter 1t
peow co
had the aparaDOe of drying trap-
idly. The floor appears to depart o
satin trom a straight line, but a long ▪ d the e building .bows that this 11
the beat form. The decent from end to
end of the building 1. about ax inches.
rsthat 1t ie foaled be potloe at the labor ofape ping the floor alsob
Wino i. very mg
diminiebed by the rapid descent
A six ions vitrified sewer pipe L
planed at the lowest point. which car-
riee off all tbe water.
The till. are 4 by 4. the plates are 9
by 4 doubled, and the nodding 9 by 4.
b.g.. Ile a..tdw . With tae O.lebr.-
t1,.N .f tieDeem$...'. •trIYdap L
1111 Neat* P.rtteal.rs of la r.rpse.
mid Whet 1a Will Kama for Ile
The Pod O111o. Department on the let
et July this yu.r began • apeolel delivery
,ervtos, whereby • letter bowing, 1n d-
dltloo b the ordinary postage, a special
delivery stamp of the Mos value of Ion
MOW pond M any pore -office in Canada
and addressed b • oily port-omce Davlog
n ow tree delivery by letter sorter,ekall
be spatially and promptly delivered ie
the person to whom 1t is addressed, with-
in the halts .4 letst.
eosr►fer delivery, .1
poet -canoes • cue of the following poet-ooss fD
enure, vis.: Halifax, St. John, N.B.,
Fredericton, Quebec, Montreal, ontal, Ottawa,
Kingston, Tomato, Brantford, Hamilton,
London, Winnipeg, Viagra and Van-
couver. Wbllst the delivery of such let-
ters will, for the present, be reetrlct•d te
tee olty poetoflees named, they may be
malted as any poet other 1n the Domin-
ion. Special delivery stamps will be on
sale et all money order post -offices.
The special delivery stamp, as w111 be
seen by the accompanying out, differs
materially In, design and size from the
ordinary series, the dimensions of the
engraved worjt beteg 1 to Inches long by
7-8 of an inch wide. The advantage of
such a commit 1. obvious. The letter to
whlo\ • spoil delivery stamp 1s affixed
sen tone be a1 race picked out by ,bow
budll.lg the mulls luuluding 1t, and He
delivery greatly hastened. name
The design of the special delivery amp
>a wltbout any vignette, and consist*
eab.santially of • p•uel acrthe top of
the stamp, cont•Inlug the words "Can-
ada Post Otno.," with a lathe work bore
d,r around the other three sides of the
stamp. The centre off the 'temp is 000u -
pied by an oval, containing lathe week,
with the word "Ten" to the centre, and
the phrase "Special Delivery Within City
Limits" to • white letter on • solid panel
encircling the word "Tel,." On each side
of the stamp, tanner -Bing the oval with
the border, is • Miele with the numertoal
"10:" the space between the oval and the
bogs are almost l .hipped north."
"A few year. 170," and Mr. Ou k,
"I made a tent of the profit in bogs fol-
lowing cattle. I bad 960 hogs for there
months in the yard with 100 bead of
cattle. I fed the cattle 50 bushels of 94)
14 feel long. placed 16 taobae alert cent torn daily, 1W ]wands of otimed
at • ooetot $1.45 a day. ate tons of mil-
let, etc., a week at a con of $2.60 • day.
Help root me $25 a mouth. In 90 days
gold the hogs. They paid for themsel es
-,bat la, the first Dost paid ter anile
feed for the cattle, paid the hired help
and cleared X240. This was whoa bogs
mold for 6 cents."
These gentlemen aro looking for a
peat increase in the hog iudnstry dur-
ing tbe coming year. The demand for
bogs is already equal to the supply in
Omaha. When the new packing boss
1• added, they expect *weeds to be made
!1• tI-1DOP tab m the Kansas City territory, become
lb. margin between nearkets will be re-
forming a Ile story b•11dies. Tbe wall dated. The test* paid will be alo.er 10
the price paid in Chicago.
bas tome dead air neon torsed by three
die mimes of papet_p4aedprpe•d ionise
ly and the o ziak S ita-Taid&'6oiiding.
To contract the paper partitions t b,
Fig. 81 between the Madding strong
building paper was cot to halt width
and bent thus - and secured by nailing
common lath to the studding. To form
the outside and tatide 410111001(1 a.
Tag 8) paper toll width. reaching from
top of plate to bottom of sill and lapped
oe alternate etada, was snared by nail -
ung strips 1 by 9 inches to the tees of
the Benda. The rafts are so framed
that the air can pass freely upward be-
tween the roof boards and the ceiling of
the upper room (see arrow, Fig. 9), and
out at the extreme gable end& through
a latticed window Dot shown to the die•
gram. By this simple contrivance a
cement of dr lm kept constantly pew
log beneath the roof boards, which
keepe the upper room 000l in summer,
but not warm enough In winter to pre-
vent eremite( aolese there 1. • ere In
the room below. The windows should
be either doable er double glared. The
joists of the emend floor are atttelled
• i esoc-1M/V1i0 Do8Q0.S
Lampe come on pigs' jaws from ver
rices causer. Sometimes they arise
from bruises to the flesh of the jaw;
then the glands of the throat swell and
bardeo. Again, they may be caused be
aerofoil'. Ia that case there will bt
Minilar lumps 1a the bag'm internal or
gas•, mob ea the tatsnlnea, the liver,
lungs and kidneys. It is not possible to
tell tee cause until the animal is•laugb-
tered. If it is scrofulous. other lumps
and swellings will be seen at various
spots inside of him. In that case the
Beth in not fit for food. But it wbeu it
1. killed no lump. except the one on the
oataide of the jaw an teen the pig may
be safely cyton.
0'- 'rime - esseeeees uou WG
vie. rel-rARTTTt0N alt wALI_
with beavy paper on the bottom sad
top before the wiling and 4001108 all
laid. The inside of all the room is oov-
ered with matobed Georgia petro eel
treated with two coats of lard oil.
The cold room bee been found very
Satisfactory not Duly for dairy purpose%
bat for keeping apple" and grapes, and
wherever the objects sought are similar
to the ones sought in this case the ebove
plea is unreservedly re000imeuded.
An' so she slept, while the neighbors came
To the darkened house that day;
With weepin hearts they breathed ha 1111191
In the kindest sort o' way,
An' ncvu a one but through her tears
Spoke some sweet, lovin' word
She had carefully bottled up for years!
But the corpse --it never heard.
An' they brought her flowers rich an' tart,
Jut full of sweet perfume,
And wreaths of roses everywhere
Made glad the darkened room.
I thought of her life fn sorra, hid
An' the world of joy of she
Could a -owned them wreaths on her coffin lid 1
But the corpse -- it could n't see
An' here's a tip fer neighbors, dear,
Who would prase me gone, no doubt;
Ef you have joys to see and hear
Why don't you trot •'an out?
All these post-mortem carryin's on
Are proper -like An' nee,
ee But with the enc th1141 dual hue raw_
They don't cu any ice.
Re. Oka Is. Morph, .1 Cal.age leas
Void a Stasi t .ead La.tl•a tare for
T.Mred..M ty ill• ■rr•d•role 1.-
jootlea et Nitrogen (tae lobe time
Develop.. .f tae Leen.
A treatment lar ronsumptioo that
means perfect and tasting cure 1s the
Lamm dl.ouvery In the medical world -
the most Important dlae very of the gene -
or; and the ua»t interesting.
'ibis siatenwut must nut be rerelved In
the sceptkul spirit one nsasity trite the
anUO.DwmeDt of a newly found con Lump•
tion cure, for the discovery referred eo
markt such an epoch In the process of
treating tuberculosis as the dlsoovery of
Mins made In the methede of locomo-
Until this discovery physicians leave
The Monaroh oldie forest
Is the Emblem
er 1NN .
Monarch el Canadian Fraternal
'neurone* and Benefit seeietlea.
Order of Foresters
urs,,, ;tad and In.n.,..a.t,a
Head 0911.., - ®RANTFORD. ONT.
lavastao iio,sn,.nnr Romer
*nerds E.er„ Argot tat. ,a'y,.
iay..ardia t6. b. few:: Inaitudona m the
DR. fawn nt Canada.
M, sr ova. 14,000.
A Purely Canadian In.til.n.r having no w..ter-
I•a alhae.<. or Ivan c.r..n foreign and t,.. healthy
ammo*.. Full in(nrnouoo. rate. •U. ',sent o. ,
apeptlest.m tier to R. If 9.1rvri. H.C.R., Ire ertwti Oat;
Tao& WNtra. H.SBraauoad, Oat.: or ERNST
Goatees, Supt afelepo tsmion. Ym.de.a Ons. -
border 1e occupied by ornamental work
At the bottom of the sump, in the laths
work border, appears • white panel, with
the words "Teo Cents." The color of the
clamp 1s dark green.
The regulations relating to first -Claes
-•atter (Islami pod) will apply with
equal foroe 10 special delivery letters, the
only difference being the special treat-
ment which the letter receive, with •
view b accelerating their detivery.
The objet sought by the establishment
o f spiel delivery -namely, the special
delivery of lessers transmitted tnefeunder
--will be much promoted 1f the 'enders
et •11 such letters are careful to .direes
them plainly and fully, giving. if poesl•
bee, the street and number 1n every case
tlaob care will serve not only to preveo/
mistakes, bus also a facilitate delivery.
In use circular to postmasters tee fol-
lowing teetrueneas are slew sone iap
Osseo e• )alp fes: _
The hours of delivery to be within 7
a.m and 11 p.m. dally, except Sunday.
Them boars are -subject to change as Me-
taled by local ofrcumstanoa.
Drop letters posted for local delivery
and bearing iota delivery stamps, 1a
addition b the postage, will also be ea
titled to special delivery to the mum
manner ore letters received at the Pon-
Otnw by mall.
Registered letters may likewise cow
under the ooer0tlons of this mime of
epeeist delivery, to the manse way es
ordinary letters, provlded they bear spec-
ial delivery In the tame way as 111 full
postage and the registration fee fixed by
law, and the regulations respecting the
-*cord and reoelpitna of registered matter
ire observed.
Special delivery sesame will be sold at
It has been found that Dolton sed
row and just as nature made it is an
excellent food for sheep in the mouth.
It makes both wool and mutton and im
the cheapest Med possible.
The Lincoln sbeep crosses wine tbe
Berle° betterjban any other. Tbe am
el crone is the Lincoln ram and Merino
The well bred Clydesdale has an n-
inety tine and spirited knee and
A man who wa1 fattening cattle for
tlitarket tried the plan of turning them
eat in the lot every day. While they
Were out he put tbeir feed in their re -
Selective troughs. Then he let the tat-
tle 1n, and they went to eating with a
tenth without lighting one another.
They Muffed tber•glves, then lay down
Maddnlly and tsdk ne fat with unoo es-
WM rapidity.
Rept a.dlse? over.
This ensilage was, to be oxime, about
10youths In the silo. and .1111 was
eared with great relish and evident full
feeding value. (Jur plan of keeping the
ensilage l• to toyer to the depth of • few
Inaba. only with old, wet nod rotten
straw, tread 1t down as Arany as peed
111001d e0w a hashes of oats in it Le'
them grow and live a1 long as they will
.nd 511 the stew tenth riots, and eh.
4ead tope later cm This will make a
sort of slimy mar., god the sealing
seam to be all that can be deslreel
Last year we jun raked' oath lntn tW
bop layer of tbe 'tentage, wet the ea-
rns a little ant It t the mita grow «bat
they would Th s did Malt as well, 1x
• 1131 that • hair of rake name lriuu.-
somewhere and be- .owed lulu tits alai
nage from abs top, and Is naiad quite a
lox of *peep b upefl. mtey Gen
Pt.watf see t. 1e- observed With Magma
to teen.
The wrinkles of a face indicate more
truly than words the habitue) state of
mind of the poesssaor. Wrinkles are what
nobody wants, but everybody has or will
have, and they form along the lines In
which the muscles of the face are most ire•
que lily drawn. time beaming the bent of
character. Persons of an emotionless tem-
perament and an e0entlega life have fewer
wrinkles than those who are nervous, am-
bitious or easily influenced by the occur-
rences of life. To avoid wrinkles repose of
feature must be cultivated, and it 1s well
fj Rlt1 mind that the wrinkles Width'
Mie caused by laughing wed 1Dj fireman
activity are far km ditdguring than those
which arfes from fo,tlish grimacer, 111 tem.
per, preitahnetss, habitual weeping and the
'Magenta of brooding melancholy. These
age aconntenance before its time id rea-
der 1t eat .,ttractive. no ratter what may
be Ile abecratt beauty of feature.
The arrangement of the hair should le
changed from time to time, as when the
weight and warmth are continually to the
earns place the hair there 1a apt to become
Grin. The coiffure should always be loose
and light, no hw, y ornaments being em-
ployed. In arranging the hair for tho night
IL 'should be alknvod to hang loose for a
few minutes and should then ha braided
in a single braid std not pinned up u all,
nor should • nlghtc•p be worn. The nem
strain that comes upon the hair and the
mon, light aid air it rtwetvm the better.
A Dena% lk.gret.
O..ey--1 called one av them Johnnie*
a liar, an he airs to me, may, he, "To
gongnr " itow. twat might that mean?
Darnley -It meson " Yon are another "
Oe.ny-Fwat! Au I let nm get away
Midnnt hfttin om. Ah, that le feat
than gitn fur beta no edaratioa
OP Polo.
)stab. r .t
- lb* a aborttnt's lit. 1. meraared ere
'Ms" but it $iwrtebee long aweigh for
then to bang ib egg en the atm o.(
11M ".tabreDa" awl able the egg to be
even a bahot twviky 80 onlsnlse the
-_ tgtmg "Micas' beithlr *nap tip
An important morelosat for wearing
sound sires has been started by Irtnh
bores breeders. Many Irish breeder
arose tborongbbrcd stallions with supe-
rior common mares to produce borne
fee bootleg and cavalry wee. An asso-
ciation of each breeders bee opened a
register book for tboroaghJmd hors
Wed for this purpose. Each sire's rec-
ord most be aocompaoied with • veter-
inary eurgeen's ('ertifl(s(e that the ani-
mal is entirely mound; otherwise be is
refused registry. Unless, therefore, the
stallion's owner ran show the register
book with the accompanying veterinary
certificate. tbe farmer will know there
1. something wrong with his bores.
This practice ought to become abs oat -
venni one for stallions of all kinds in
oar country. It would insure oho tate
. ouodnee and improve the equine race
of America lmmeamrably.
The steep rather will neer) to look
ewe for Inaba that coma in mid weather.
The ewes shnn}d he dna warm pen by
lbrmeel0eh. It it ia extremely cold, the
'manful shepherd gen nee nights to look
after young things naafis.
second 11 f. -1 0 inches and the third 11
Leet 0 inches
• Clapp g(0e41 to have reduced pole vault
ell money order pone -offices in caned.
(wbleb may snare • supply of such
stamp. In the same way as ordinary
✓ amps are obtained), for wblob the port -
masters w111 have to e0Ornrnt se they do
for ordinary sumps, and on the sales d
which • total commission of le per cent.
. ba11 be allowed to panmaeters, except to
postmasters baying fixed sslarfea. Under
no circumstances will special delivery
sumps be 1.00(0ized In payment of post-
agA'or of registration t.., nor can any
ether stamp bo owed to secure special de-
livery, ar.spt the special dative', .tamp.
Special detente" aatmge nee the .14.00•
abi.. -
Inters intended far epeeist delivery sal
any one of the city poet attires above
mentioned, and prepekl se directed, may
be malted at any pest-offloe In Canada.
All employee of the post -office am ton -
'Mort to expedite, In every way In thele
power. the postleg, tranamleelon end de-
livery of letter Intended for special de-
Myer se Mies atom
To risen the thea of Oceanside, • piece
of cbamote leather b eksthnl, wring It
nsarty dry and wtps the els thoroughly,
701 lightly. Polhill the glass with a plena
nt dry ahamnls. Glided frames may 0100
be moaned with mlenhnl. 11 o11 paintings
nese Meaning thermply, dem, • wet
*doth In wenn water ti whine antro e1N1a
amp has len dle.nlr e4. Dry the painting
id thee, vandals it tight r with
erns clear, Freneh "wttonlehingg
traria. lit is w1) at rmanit an antra
with reward In 1e- beat varnish and mal-
ty pier '-A.tr*M tits last henna /e•
prvter 4'-•••r.-_1,meaum 141.
ling to a science. --en. 3..L Mt'ttrlir Or C=ICAO°.
Every nroOannent of his body. areas and et nge Nit Poise 0f
Treating OoMuopttoO,
haul; from the moment he takes his rust -
heOre platting the iNde an the earth te' hen traveling at thf slowest walking
then b Me..nkeepere ea Its eestaat.
Although the dining room is usually
mail) •d with gee '.r clime& lights, 1t ts
carefully audited. Clapp has method, flnar.pce, trying to cure consumption as
aalculsUon, wonderfully precise system, latae man tries to walk, every step taken
and when he takes the jurup Auld with hit being hindered and frustrated by nature.
pole lifts bIineelf in the air nearly 12 ftr•t Now, however, nature can affect its own
hit bode seem•.b literally Atli.are speedily and permanently. The pley-
Then for an Instant he suspends lmslf .Melton's work is simply 10 prepare the
over the iter, which be clears bMitlftlly, way for nature.
bed= the drop begins on the otter aider The man wbo has made the wonderful
discovery that gives nature this chanes le
Dr. J. B. Murphy, the dl.ttngulshed
Chicago surgeon. who invented the fa
mrs "Murphy aeauamosle button," a lit-
tle silver coupler by ' whib tt 11 ttasetbttr
to perform safely the resection of the
intestine. $ theretofors difficult and us -
satisfactory operation. His name, se well
.known among phyelchin5 and surgeons
the world over, has given his new dlsoot•
try much added weight and instant at-
tention and respect.
Dr. Murphy hes publicly described the
success of his 'gateau before the annual
Convention , of the American Medical
Association. recently hold in Denver,
where he asserted that he had by Its
moans cured both animals and men al
to berenloa.
Tb* dslocaor has t thoroughly equipped
laboratory In his house, No. 8,169 Mluhl-
gan avenue, Chicago.
One of his notable operations, which
proved entirely successful, was the re-
moval of one lung of a dog. The diseased
lung was out cul, root and branch, the
dog recovered, and wpn in good health at
the end of moven months atter the opera-
tion. At that time the animal wee 511301
in order to study the results en his other
organa, and It was found that the romale-
log lung had Mumma In site Dotll 1t
So light 1ha table bg meanie&
candles, preferably arranged in very low
groups. Each candle should be provided
with a little shade of MIk, crape paper or
pasteboard, of $ color whlcb harmonize*
with the table decorations. A pretty idea,
which gives an opportunity for novel el -
Meta, Is to have the shades made of thin
white pasteboard or silk, upon whleb are
painted flowers or twits In bright, trans-
parent oolars. Cherries, currants and
strawberries aisattractive .ubjecte, and so
ase seaweed', shells and little flet or
shrimps. Quarters of oranges, cut lemons
and similar objeak a r° sometimes seen on
the French candle shades, but tbeOe are
hardly eo p1015401 se the other subjects
mentioned. The simplest hut by no ,weans
the learn satlefactory design Is that of a
pink, blue or other colored ribbon, rip
nearly filled the cavity rtrmerly occupied
sille'y both Marcfro--wemnta el 1e- •psse-
'' lion were perfectly healed, and the entity
physical condition of the dog was excel-
Him wonderful success with the lower
animals led Dr. Murphy to try some ex-
periments with human subJeou. He has
not so yet cut out any human lunge, but
In many oases he has removed meting"
the ribs, In order to get at tin tubercu-
losis cavities in human lungs, and hes
had satisfactory results in the treatment
of such tears.
For compreesing the diseased tissue
Dr. Murphy used nitrogen gas. Of this
method Dr. Murphy had the tollowtng to
say In bis paper read at Denver:
"The action of the nitrogen compresses
the lung and gives It an entire test The
nodule of tub erculosl. becomes oicatrl0
e, .earlded into a eulld substance, ane
the new tissue Imelda up around 11,
"In one ease which 1 commenced te
work on 1n December Iasi the patient,
who bed not slept for months, on account
of continued coughing, slept that night
for the Orst ti ere. The nnueh disappeared
entirely, the night sweats disappeared,
and the temperature wee reduced to nor-
mal, thea leaving no sytnptorns o' the
dlesase. In April a sklagraph was taken
of the ease and the tuberoulnais was
found to have ett.rel5 diseppwred.
"In the floe case. In which 1 have used
this treatment cure was effected In from
tour to eight weska.
":ho nitrogen treatment saceedingly
simple. 11 cunaf<ns merely of introdue tug
a hypedermle renin-, throngh wbirb
nitrogen is intoned 'I he noodle Is aopr
plied with o sine cie-k, by which for
amount Introduced cert he regulated
There Is • merit lou of •bort-brenithedneed
for a few moment. 1n scone ewes, which'
lnunedialely dl•oppcar., and In every
woe Is followed by relief, perhaps for the
first time In years.
"At the ettd of a fIW weeks the nitro-
g en le withdrawn and air admitted and
the lung expands to Its ¢nual dimenalons.
If the cne0ir return. put In more nitro
gen and Give the lung another rest, whl'h
will surely cure it. At present there are
830 eomemmptive petieuta in the Cook
County till 1 ilo.•pltal et my diorama),
and they are all *Maly anxious to have
Nle try my new treatment on them.
wbleh 1 .111111 .10 se maim as I return."
• To those 230 patient* In the Tann(♦
Uospitel. and Ur. Murphy's orprrtmente
apnn them, the medical profe.alon Of the
world In looking for resulte which, if
e neemseful, will work a revolution In
Medical science which has scarcely been
equalled since Harvey's discovery of the
of»u1a1100 of the blood.
The Doctor folly believes that he ten
.makte good every claim that he hon put
forward for his .germ Further rearms
far We faith were than given In hie paper
before the American !tidiest Association:
•"1m repairing tnberrutar Infection car
11..000 hare m ire rest.tanca and n
metres power ten duan. That the
lung hail the grated orpnolty 10 th1s
particular Memo t5 .hdwn Ire the muerte
Marra wownLlWVt VAULT.
Thts'e is no prettier feat in the entice list
ed outdoor spats and no prettier pole
vaulter than the Yale champion.
"The hardest thing to do In making
your vault," said Clapp, "Is to get 7 sur
stride right. You meanie off your .0-3-e
from the take off and also measure with
yourme the spot on the pole your los, "
_. -.... f hand nowt wen when you throw yon1
body mer cluster.
Tann ural:e a quick dash of perhaps M•
feet, throw your body firmly and well le.?
wood C%'T the bar and clear It INtrlro" t '
ly. The Insrnnt you hnvepnswrl UN* IT O•'t
In the jantp where the pole can be of or
Ice to you y nor push It gently sway. Naim•
fain your balance and drop ea gem V nue
predhle to the ground. If you laud on
your feet, well end good, but If not .nr
are (Direly to cripple your anile. and tie -
matter end. there until you get well again
A drop of 12 feet M always danprote, amt
extreme cant Mn 5. relhired. "
Tra.'ked by Hie Thema, were.
An extraordinary example, of the sa-
ucy of the thumb int -eaten method of
kfenttflcatlon hie happened In Bengal.
e mne months ago the man.eer Of a sea
garden In the Dooars win brutally murder -
d, the murderer getting Olean away, as
the creme was not tla10vered until some
time after lee oowmlesfnn. For some
time the police were at fault until It wee
dtennverNd that the murderer, do rent -
triaging smite some papers of the de-
mand, lied smndped a Bengali atlas
With his thumb. The at1s was forward-
ed to the Batten, where the thumb
lmpreaetmn et felmine% are kept, when
It was die -owned that the impression on
use melee OOrre.pended vettb the thumb
record of a noted retinal than et Irmo.
The man wee arreet.4 ret this evidence,
e nd other evidence .ubeegoently a0rome-
1•ted te o0nsece him with ales crime.
We rho ream. find.
He wbo trate Ord now all pnedbls
means end promotions, and known Use
t hea he has the eight to ask Ool'a b1.M-
leg. No the rise the right to tat (Ind t1
promo, him while he reelect* to take the
mamas. for hill Oily sines are whale
Me reaps.
An Iessaseesesa
"I'm strode" end the Rpanlhk ruffian
ea he saw shell ether 041 101 short and
free In the Dema, ",het we haven't me
tempi abed •s *idea by ail the- stenting. "
"Oh. yes, we have," replied his superior
«ernrrlaltl(ly. "Elegy little helps. We
Mee wade the tele lighter so that we m
tea feeler."-waaihlagloa war.
irt'IAW VAT.
piing around the shade and forming inure
Qnlnr• knots here and there. A eat r
these little 'Under is an attractive gift to
lou.ekoeper or in mutable for conttrthutbui
at a fair.
A low, Bet jardlntere filled with .mall
ferns to one of the pees fleet daroritinns for
the table for daily nen and will I,ut In
pored oorietltlon for • ling time 1f 11 is ter
fluty ;entered and kept. In n moist, not tor
dark place when not in use.
The hat shown to today's 11ht.fretlen Is
of block sarin straw. it Is label at the
left aide. whose, anIII.terof rime 1. piaeeel
A large soft knot of yellow tulle nets
upon the top of lbw clown, while at the
back Is a Loris QUMze buckle.
301101 Onou.1T.
t. Ns OrNra-e* 0.Aw1 00.
Pow•no•-T am a couple atseklag love
right under the taeath te one et thaw big
Patrice --Tia gime Mel hear, my deco-•:
Pettettor-- T'ht• wore one or thou repeat.
'akjj;Ims--Teaks a Sa.ta nnam
4:.. ''. -tea• -
Paps --What dM you think of the must
btryrle Facet
Lines lion--DM*'t Wink much of It.
. • ltverybody mkt It w1• wonderf u1. "
' I didn't me nethln w.mderful 'tout it.
The one that wentred couldn't help win
nth. 110 fawned over m fur forwent that
be had M go like ltgkenin to keep from
lallln on hie rtes.'• -Harlem b.Ife
weeder'.* Y.a(a 9etf.ra'44 ter warwned
O. Clapp .t Vats.
Raymond t I. Clapp, the Yale pole Teethe
who invent Ip broke the rimed for vaulting
i0 lbs Amerieen manner wttbnnt obulg
tag ban& or "Abelian( the pole" data.
the watt, brie I1pee1'ed hl, awn fg7ee°
HI made a venni el 11 tint 9 Mehra His
pervious record wee 11 feet ti inches- The
bet► Sparv'1 squeal those sonde Tly the !114
tiyb eie4 silt; have es INA pee" 1s
illibwad clapp .too ahrw 00itatee
�Na The find waa a lot a Innen, Nur'
Nine -tenth• of all
the suffering and
disease in the world
Domes from the kid-
neys. Yet how few
peop:e there are who
take any care of the.*
delicate Uttleorg•ns.
Backache, lam•
back, head•ch••,list-
1e•eoen, all Mgt' mf
Sidney Would*, sew
• -•• ' ; almost, universal.
Doan's Kidney Pills
Tone and regulate the kidneys and help
them to throw oft the poisons from the
r. A: llrown, V. O. 0be 01'D01,
O nt., says. "ree years I mewed from
dropaloet trouble which caused me 03001
distress. I bard of Dean's Kidney Pills
and got • box of them at So liner's Drug
Store Before o. ,umeuotng to take *AM
1 ecu enable t botto. my .boas on
amount of my • ntle0 condition, bet b
the time I had d• bed the ant box 1 moil
do thes without r mv.,,letw•. I ENT. now
taken • r.00nd b. and have 00 be ltaneq
fa r.00mm.adln* Do.D's Kidney PIW ter
any Kidney or Dropsical trouble."
Pries too. • bot. 3 for age, all Drage...-
rage.taThe Doan Kidney Pill Co., Toronto, Ont
"First, by removing the ribsand a
ieg a contraction of the obese ever the
diseased focus.
"Sound, by opening the chest wall and
admitting air into the pleural graavity,
separating adhesions if they be pewee&.
and 1f adhesions be not present by ..par•
sting the lung from the obese wall and
admitting air.
"Third, and bat, by Injecting into the
pleural cavity some material, not poison-
ous, that can remain for a time and nee
bp absorbed and then finally removed.
"1 have tried it In five wase of ad-
vanced tuberculosis with unqualffled sue -
ease. As • remit I can ray with safety
that unties the lung 11 entirely gone a
permanent cure can be effected."
To locate the wvltlrs In diseased lenge
Dr. Murphy employs the X-ray. The radi-
ograph shows the whim holes clearly se
that the operator knows exsotly where le
begin btiefore be uses the knife.
Nttrdgen gas 1s pumped Into the plea-.
Nal cavity In order to compress the dis-
eased Moue of the lung and enable it to
obtain rest.
It 1s said that the terrible tough of con•
gumption teases se coon as the nitrogen
gas is pumped into the cavity. '7be gm
may have to be renewal several times,
and the treatment is continued from
three to four months But .iter remain-
ing gnlet for twenty four hours after the
ant °psetition the patient to allowed 1e
ge about Ms regular pursuits.
A yews majority of the medical pre-
-INulom agree ,Ant Dr. Murphy's discovery
1e an important one
Dr. Murphy thick.. he will supply am-
ple anti utlrtictory proofs In the near
future, end the 280 consumptive subject*
Aa Obit Trick.
The N 1111 racket was worked on a
New Orleans ltr,wt ear agefn 7esterd ey
This mime Isola enough to tort
orfulue0.1sper,mnIIL Th1.tl.- bongo,
It was nos the lottg sufTerleg cwndnctin
who gnt the abort end of the trenssetlon
1t was No obllting poseenger. A wen got
en a I'eyal gimes air and tender. d a ft
bill front which to t:.cu hie fare. 'the udn
dwelt looked at the 11111, wild ho didn't
Dave °hangs 104 handed It h.ok. ibu+
stranger crumpled It up an put 1t 1l, be-
pocket. The owner of the bill would bate
had eo get riff, hut a kind hearted fellow
paesengnr offered change. Thn stranger
pulled nut the crumpled up b111, got INA
chane andaftor the car ran • few' biotite
s leave. Of course the ma& 5$lu-
hod given change knew ft wee • *till
bed revived, but It ween', It wee 4 *l-
bill that the bend howled one had rube 1n
on hlu. Ile dldn t find It out, thous*,
ante tee 1mts. 'Then he wee jW&:L..sa..
end svearin4E-few Orhsea. Tlemeadaelos.
,. 'bees ern Tides.
A ermine" theory lately revived 1n Italy
le that the sap of O tree ebbe and Bnws w
sympathy with the tides of the ocean. A
grower df vines and fruit' tress gays that
no tree should be lopped or pruned eine,
during tbe bourse( ebb tido. 110 hes taken
14 years to onme to this oonolndon, amt
thea always 00. aspen tl The result, 11 b
gild, le that hl, trees and vines 'ewers in-
hibit beautlfol foliage, bear splendid 01'03.
awe dye quite free from the attacks at eW
lsuects wide)) d va0tate manumitting prep
erne &
emeses M.d.gsawe id the resat d
ladle there are short 1A OM) Heed., only
i110 ed «blob ars Inhabited, bet need of
whin est eatable el mpperllag s papula
ens renneetive tine lepselt In the lung
With ehrotle enM.mnhe1. See the mem
of ttsene thrown mit them so as to dam
ep end prevent the *prowl of this hanl►Ius
into the nelgbboring parts. Therefore we
know from pet.holednel lnveettaatlon
that the lig has the email power.
"How ten we aid and aim* the lung
!• its
efforts be throw eat settee Beene,
to pat It In condition to bam the greet-
reenset sower for the prndieMen of connective
prim! By pnttln. it in rendftlon so that
1t will be able te innapaottate the d•
etrtter, 10 bnlld up a ocer dam around
1t. to never him in entirely. NO he sats
rendes be injury to the enemas In the
.eighT.eAea1 Tule le sernspllehed by
nuttye by pl.artelr .(Tnetena enamors'
old enure a this in thN. wave
VIM 90nott a Gid tna MTt StRW S COAT
De 0yttRtAreit or TN( ALUNA REMOVED
05(10.55Nn,C(,IAS(D n55tit Orrome
tum Nit.8Ge'r5 0.10(80
A-nv'_J*(((1. iAt SL81!S e-rttURA.uv'T?
rr.a PO 3.IfCTIDIKOFNfi11af11MGAS Stela
In the County Honied IMP wexlous M
have him begin un them.:
Probably bis next public demonstration
will lie on a ilmi turd a monkey In
coln I ark. Chicago, 1 nese anemia are
mooning away with c,lDsumptloo and the
Park ( cminl•.loaerA have placed tneln al
Dr. Murphy's dlsomeel.
Mete Pretest.
"let uo nail our oolors te the mane"
S he %hooted. .
ICight women, jest reentering from w
holier r leant? It orgy, 1.,•141 lip bntulaged
thumbs. -Chad 13 .511 Eng arm.
1111.111. War )totes.
Ws wonld n11 enlist for war, tint we un-
derstand Wterolny season Is on In Cub.,
and ,lai are bard, and umbrellas 001'0
klg1 a are hotting up war mttanrIptlems for
om noble boys. fon far wet bene reitelved
two tone of treats and • trainload of
hpume We hope they'll have time to look
Over tlerrt.
Some of our men have not received their
uniforms, and 1t firm looks like they *111
have to march on Culla attired only to an
army rine and • palmetto fan.
Thew *11 liars ehonld have their por-
tton where the thermometer reaches 100 le
the shade and where the aide is 90 miles
Our warships threw shell. that nose WO
a shell. Oh, If we could just find one 1n
the sand and "Al 1t to the government as
half pek-et
if the war 'reedit jus. MO Min mares,
)has wonM ,mean sen "mdtrn" a day, and
When enuld Wen tote meal. se regularly
M stllbaalree -Atlantis femetteatlon,