HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-7-14, Page 1•
18 THE BEI)rl'.
. - It
way -,r=
Nouse alt elliampo mast bs lett at skim
Oars net Wer Miss Saturday
moo. The Oop': tar Maces
west bs kelt act Wit dna Yea
day soca. Qaseal AdrerWanatm
aasspied see w noes Wednesday et
...k weak.
Wombs -R.
Cast el Remelit-"7811thebthi
Boder Terme-R- W Itei<omsle.....
Olearkg Sale --J W. Beek** ..
(,fides P.fly_-Se. Ceerp's Chunk
Fans fer 601.--J. H. Hills.
lky W-- B.1..
This LINM Pam -86• ties Pries
ukase f» 8W. -M. K 1WXsegkrsa
Jost Reeslv.d-W. Ates f, tea
Make Tal.. -N. D. Barites
Lead lktdss-Uw. Peeler
lfeseles-J. H. Womb
Pmemigelsoe-Jes. Wiles
Apple-limeh ll MetallMetheelimene-Il
MLL. .m l01.- B. Stunk.
pubes We
TAWS.. C greed 21 •nos! L ELM L�
et w s[ m. M� rtmt.g
A. dh t s bya•w wen"
lam dweredt*g m
the Chem of *solos of the 2... et
Tat Me tosser lode, $sore.
boats JJ.4a5•ef tie Ogees, of hew wt11
arid • eamf Mi- Me s tiers. le the Ocean
g.s.m isd.l.s. in Therallev, the OM lay
rill Jolt. IM M *Week ...e.. 1 us ha.ad de-
s.ltat All os tai ChM d
>�to Mbar%
Tows (land t et the Oesrt.
Wei otdsrieb. Jany Ileo. Mel. msii
TMs Stile. sed Bra Leas and l.vemmeat
p1�p� ASU redoes the twos.. ea desats
per meat team sad atter be fres eat
t,,• ge��el.. a� seL.OmfAyN..
sieve. sandal ieamt.i t~erus.
w▪ Darstted bypdteOsisath Wefts Werke
uverre. WM. OASIPHoiti. SMirlMiMa new
W.dme er lbws ter
Ossh. w J. M
Far HMO or To ROSE.
sw• ath gWed. z-2
Nis koro. /ark
le JJ ie,wM
let liesont.m.. a m.:M. oat
re Merbee.daaks..Wrrruyys sed. bevy TM Moored. sad �egtq Isom:
newel ._situate. h tube be seed
,.lobar wither rq%Met this raisin's nn•o.
n.ei4 renew velar sol Me • olio eared.
t,.nie owl forth•. oar. 5.$&r.. atom.) to wit
w 4AUAK. ane 5•. Mesa-.,.. rieoldi.
..'e or to rest. the toe otnn trek st-
ore es its terror ..t B hood hod end
do wler of .,t. rM (arrher parUculeeS •re
tit t•. Mita. BU$Wl1.I en the premien
.I' er to Lunt asISIStra.the h tate'. at
gertad =it
iSillee sattlra
°VW" ....... jams
1.. ▪ OM
i the edpre
HwmMscmlr DOM/ a the Tows of
9id!r1M, rips wad is teswed • tae d eaa-
. 11:1IR ft OWES.
TOWS' 1011011112T 11011
In mem.
the lorte .Jaargr•.easei9
rtu0Mie idIgt�ery., T ■.�
• /era
Thar Last Regular M .Ung.
N 5sw•lh e•We$e 5M*. M he M.pp.d-♦
Local Impreveno t eytaw pat
Tate.. ether Iwpeet1se
■■etolpsl aldoses.
The tows ..saa1 mel Friday .'stag
kerb There eters present mayor Thompess,
roves W. Campbell, Wilma amt Holmes.
mad oo.sdllere G .011, Maris, PraMe's,
McLme, NMbsis. Deets, (1•U•
( p''d, OribillMILAbaloie ed tW.
sae . The mom e�bg u1 the Mea.
The treasurer's .emeritus° 1.r Joss, se
was Mewed M the Wow ow-
B.lano fns May .. 41463 68
Swam -
Tea es 442400
Water IMA 262 07
Memel° lltbs reels236 42
Reload ea s. el limy 60 00
Lasa peld off 791 26
Justis.' bees 8 00
Bilis payable Intsemal) 5000 00
Mleo4a.w.. (error) . 1 00
Mutl.ad eseswwry31 60
Sewers lee. d Harm) 350 00 47164 pts
Dw_ '-.•- N007 9B
kl.etns 11R� mes'a's 1 7615
M.celaa..ss s1
8mkied iced 791 I5
Su&oul a000sM415 12
Molt -load °.mossy 2M1 50
W.lerw.rka... si. UN 73
Waterworks, Goeibel. 20 43
Mak tawsstt:.::rt•r:. ea W
Mu. voyage (imaAel) 5000 00
Cheney..... . 12 26
Pwbl/o work. 299 18
Fere d.partm.ss... 666
Priebe( mad advert's . 29 10
Sleeks 199 56
18166 83
Below M Beek $ 11 62
CM on Mand 430 47
442 09
Miopi 92
A statement by the Irene fir l resstpss
Stead •zpssdltieres from Jewry te Jam,
law are was referred he lee Imam am•
NNW Theea4.est is se Mll..s
J flew 1 13 60
Weems m a m a 734 62
8..ern 350 00
Taxes 4366 00
NeeresidsM ands 9.37
Malted a etery • i9
Wm" rows 1111 44
ilsstra I4 * 1707 07
Markel . .. . 10 00
IMms1M hem trm&L4. M.` 5
BaerMdeity . .r .
Watermark* Gam/
from OoI 50 00
HtalMnCl111S Va..at.
"rte ks.1era tisee: 5*M wr
.�' 7 a 7'w. a5as
t+pga, swam
m elder we 14'titl v� k
Gln ,geYpwe. .seeder. Address
n T H I N 0 ASH 01111.&141110. -WET is etaM
Osseddi tire.
111864 60
saswa nsrhsol $ 100 00
R.6.1 266 63
8owerw mama mama - mama 427 68
Pang works 1040 76
0esasil sharer and
.So mews37 70
Iaterals a delimtnto 2712 37
Rook lathiest 471 17
Maitland Cemetery 86 94
Moonstone* 437 48
1'-Ist,eg and h i.ert'• 164 73
Ktenioa mew' 96 00
Fire deplrtwe"t 66 01
Inouns** 1b 00
Paolio *rheas 9632 86
Salaries 1307 25
W..,wors. supplyter. 131 49
Eleettic light 'tempi se. 528 60
K*s.*.a light m'i'ss. 793 61
W.Mrw.rks mu5t'tes 3442 Olt
--$14938 34
Pala t .$s Su.asr caress te sets
epee the sewn she .dyaabUlte. M maw
Paying for what you get
of the resent swiss assaults epos vomer
u tie streets el the hews. of &talks ewe
additional pellesema (W dn4oreeRs., d
awe this roe possibly dies. the
Uey .t the mtemes.u. lie a.Y.s was
taken late .Mer.
Moved by Maria. eeseaded- ie' Cd.ell,
slat nares be petted sad advertisement*
he puW.Wd a the
bloys1WNs maks" rldlee ea the sidewalks.
♦ soweeskallem fro 8. M.erw, °.-
risula" of dslpNvs drerur. oa Wellies -
Ma .seer sad making that .sawne be
takes M baseirre lt, wee. en Mlles .f
Prid8m ad H.Im... referred M rMTeMe
works etwattes with power le a4t-_ --
T►e wow of the psbla Wool kt.ed -4
16,000 and that .f She .1,15.45 *Wel board
ler 4460, ler .sW.l parpem fie Mk year,
were referral a the Sews ue.ar66...
Comm Berk lise woes te Infirm the
e ommoll that the sem el 196380 is required
from this masolpaliy tam year ler only
ol Mfagimtraer Se.ser wrote arming
1►. pewee% .f his i.. .f 110.00, for MINN;
the ere inquiet Wit scrims. CesmlLer
Minims save .Dews .f motion *hat the
& moist b. paid.
Wilmer With wrote aka. Ions • peak
sidewalk be Weds Buss eines, from We
stam to the Samar.. TM paw. works
w sattoo nes inetrsd.d s report spas
the maser.
Mewls .f J. & Davis. fer diesseriar,
44.70; W.. Methsghs ad W. Kirk-
land% far drying .re he... 110.00: A. 8.
Okrymml, wash Mee and .IMe es stead
312 00 ; James Bases, Net bur.,
; O. N. Deva, smoking .Mme far park,
*M4• s fir sae, e1e.. 411 86 • Eds. Meer -
we, Pentad omrmsn1 mad kibmr.61.09 1
Tem beau, prim /km, 3250: W. •.s.,
pacer Sent. M dusk, ii'•!B 1 rima Iilsres,
p, 0b55 ; Hesdsrssa 8..yete Co.,
' applies hs pompom osis. 463.42 ; Qum
City OU Os., 1118.06 ; Wis. Ream, lumber,
17.90 tad 441.48, were .sat le the aa...
It was ordered that, Wm. Lee's .rens$
ter tea. 8637.88, be paid ea beim ear abed
t The water sad inns .admits reported
that the Mask Is Os alabs pipe bad btu
r.plred M a satkibsMrl .aaer. O a ems
of &Mee 87411, sad that the .Med Nee heed
tees these glkly etesnd sad all the
svdems4 property Reeked. fished. The O.d.r4M
BM.ator C..p&ay had asked for the MTs.
of Mdtawi eraser Mama to give their pw
perN pmet.eYs from 6r.. .ed the 5..•
maw Weal ler power to sorry mi the
.uhes .f the .swpany. The esmmt*s
.o time power to eat is the .Neer.
The Maas ec..bw r..smm 5414 the
p•y..nt of tag weenie of Md.eil Beam t
C.. , 59410 ; Tem. 'v ides, 16.13 ; J. B.
amerms. 138 00 ; w.1. Saab, $1 50 ;
North A.•rsan C>-isl Os. 16.16. 18.
esus5'.e egged that online twat aft ease.
Metres mf 110.00 sed ewer be pawed alas
by the nasal Milseysemed aril rpt She
es.r masa Saha
amun% sly when leorMed
that May have les eased by ssuam1 ;
the .Mirme..1 erwlrM.M/ however, to
ham astheray M Wien* M1 acre in
writ*/ to mote .14... fee sem less than
410 00, tf the matws wrerYag whleb the
.Were an gime have ham lerr d,b' them
by the owed with mew M a5', M4.
mtherity te be awed ripen eaty shoe
rimmed°v regairse ion iedatII rawest, sad
the Glenn to report s.1 mob orders .r ski,
first .ab'.g..st mestiet of mail. The
comm tteie report was eonpted.
A vary import. et mme.ur.,rs the .Moe of
• loel Impwrrinrot 6vl•w, was put
I6r...k all 1,, .' ta.0 by this serial l and is
mew h feriae Hereof'''. • portios of the
• 11 .f Itaprevemee• • .mob as sone wIthio
Gs some of the bylaw will be awe$ed
w ham tM pi.psrly b es6ls.d by yeah im-
provswts. *sakous for low improve
is all right. People
usually have to do at. Some-
times they don't pay at all-
atanatimes they do. When yon
tris.00ze than you get it ie
61e�a.e game druggists have to
charge you more because they
whack *prat the end of the year
with the Doctor they engage at
a sant of 20 per cent of their
profits to parade their name
throngh the country.
We pay no Doctor to "holler"
for our Drug Store. We attend
to that end of the business our-
selves by giving good, reliable;
honest goods it • fair pries ; by
having the Dispensing Depart-
ment ander the enpervwlon of a
qualified chemist at all times -
day or night, and by guarantee-
ing satii&cUon your money
We 611 any Doctor's prescrip-
tion with any other druggist's
name on, and if yon are not sat-
isfied bring it back and we will
hand yon back your money.
Terms strictly Cath.
119e1E'e Pructipti1E Dreg Sla+a
�jOME WDM_"1118R1C48
Kaari.,. ea SAHARA
• P
{£�t Y
tog per e. Basion. Pewit., 11111.a peed.
whine i.. ;51
pitiaoW I Fiammo mar MAS,
It is dlaa5ti s•msllmss M dealt. wooers to
Ear a =Meteor
erd n mo
lows. work is deer" 55.5.0.
TI. drake& M.5 N .dm11 But
yir akin Is tb•e sSWMeae1 bPri E.a�i.o.wli
N.n.t1M It k• mantel • pb•tagtath tLl-
bet$11K iso lo days retort M rima got • •1M soak soli bis the
11=Diere Wan, Herres. -Oe aa4rd•y
leo.., Henry 112.144d, sea of 8. Hal.ewd,
8e. David's serest, was hayloft sew fun
l■ the tarok yard with • •bat-goa. He bed
fired & ehtbs, sad crus pre1g is the powder
fee maim Mame whoa the .•:parried
happened. The barrel hoe hews 8.d tune
le sed, the mods Weed W splsdsd
k his Wr Ferbseateir the lad's yes sp
pear M lave earsped injury. bet Ns hes is
badly bars./ sad bisokessd.
Tee iermil n Brise.,. -11. ealibise
had espeeted M be adct to five era ifs 5F
.alts et the Blab school ma'am ez•mlas.
Meas this web, bat the umber of pagers
to b. wowed this year use large tat the
publication el the names l the saoe.wf54
c andidaw w had is be pommeled all sett
weft. 450 emadtd.t . wrote upon the es-
trum aced rabbi Wool l...tsg •samoa-
sees, 91K d them, Gent .mdtd•w ter
seresse. T8.11N joy be looked ler is ear
size Tema
'lo Vons aft H'.Lmos.-Aka. sad
U.a.M Yield. .° Ambs lay, were ie lows
yesterday. They lewd M.Ms Mil week
sass • kip M 1o.Mmd They team ever
Nom lay.rsao+aire more tum forty years
ago, obis sisal and rut year* .1d •nssu/-
1747, and the family moved We the wither.
aha •s4 helped k the essksment of where is
sow the kiI.ween4 d Aehiad. The
two b.abmm haw M roam sea ISM ad
MGM mei1idp piti616 0bisfaes swum
se m le *MAW .'aikimle mot now Me
Mikes of •aM bnli•.
Ret'nveD • (bttralor. -The two ente-
ell of Bemapems Ism week oeesidaed sever -
.1 pr.p.sit me fee the 11g6My of the seisesm
l the mos, sad deeded to amiss the air
submitted by Peru. ,arm, Lel ora w
mills of whish J. W. Poen. 5 homer
..0 -kms.. i..*.' Oates\, Is • mem-
ber. The sttsm[al %.dram are es
resolve MO • lame per massa tor 1500
.meds -power BILts. They .U1 pass •
modern are dynamo le their .411, .ad tf
prowess an se.. else will pmt Man im-
s.mdeeosnt .Mss Wo sad undertake to
ltau wares sad private helsss
ear. oip.d14,.udy. The roomer. we
hove wised for Swim eat .sly errs -doss
pri.a.g will be .Ull farther sabred b
the me .f the more modern.
Maitre 615'
bar. hoes Mod is the ethos We Mead
he eater to ear lacee adverlld.g palmate
also. by pietas toes..Sa sire mar Waster
th....y best sarvice powible u tb. tats..
As in the peat, on stook et psp.n, err,
sad e.. p 1st tat .MN.sery of all Inside will
ba kept fully .mse..d. Oar yam weal
am the dewed of the Musa
llgroaius or MS OW 7 ter■ -Wats
New Bee : Coma Whitely, We le • m11..
.t the meaty was, says MEN the teeth Iwo
week .t Cape. T. N. D.s.y, • ewe=
Miser .4 that Meg. pets him M • ssaime
seat mood and winds 81. that the . old
bey. " are sorely beeemist .sake .f the
pest 04 *8is. .6. w.r. bo,..8.. 8. .55
• entailer sea, be mm Walt of bat few .8.
Gan *till mower be the rel1oLL Awes
°storks, to wail as their trimds dos far
• ad sew. This year, rioted to the present
.Rtasllsvel Peewees, It is @sported to be •
reared breaker /ad • decided 8s.uoial too
ewe Th. emee See to bead program Nle
to be thdr Silver Jubilee. 1t le thirty
Teen near the beret Weston Fear woe
bee ea 9.e ooerlw the Pro.tsolsl Awooi•-
ion demoted its right to bold their .bow
M Leaden, es *►4 M motailly tbe twiny•
bleb ooeerestlr ewtbWo of the Western
!.tr Amodetase. The caw .re September
8th M 17th. sed & general tnvtI.w le ex
bonded M all. TL..sor.tary bee boo nod-
ded by the r.Uwy companies that .:uhlt-
on must have • 0.640.*. tram tion *o eel
Ns •damtyee of do MOW return Bolan
Mos allowed, mid N aka Mme of reshipping
later would sot be l eibly see. The special
fewer w111 be •4.srlYed In this paper
later, bat it Hese .hoes wyty they will
be geed.
for os.. ohe.p. A11 sews. mast be mid
at Gsoe. J. W. ltredarak.
Beam w rant, immiable a C. MoKsy. �.w tM r..4s. part' se 16141.1111141
ex O►mpbell sad H. Herma.1.1 Dr J. 3ksaaea Mks rrstq
The last time Mr. Malay mw GK 1J..Yss.M-asd 4be .idea..., /ioniser
D•owy, about • year ate, doomed brou5ht
to Wad hee he bad saved the hie of an eid-
er brother of Mr. Whitely. This lad of
about ton years a1Mopiod to swim Mm
the old .eats pier te the meth {taroad W
..meat of the river earned ed bum ambito the
ak. C.pt54m Damwy amt loom. Bow.
.6o wore &Imus° d.ht yarn older, swam
out over • mils •rod Moor the lad is. them
sestet b4 life. The ..p.4. was .11 expert
s.tmmr sad seller ; he wee a shipbuilder
sod o►tp.wmer ori weary lease, • muss Ro-
tator, av4 did yowls strew for M. )
Cameros is several 6Uy-ooatested eses•
Hoe To Chas CATAaaa.-A New Yak
4entls.m .he red thee • Porlt p6ydolan
wondered law jdee a menthe own 1w
morsel womb and who was . wirer frim
.rise 54.55. M• Mat M aro ahem a: 1'
lomrtered • Was •sgso..d sass • ger
rod t the jaw of one of the pima Omagh •
toff.e soothe to keep oat w weds and
fibre, .ad added se mush Mit ae Goold be
piled es • alter amortise, elltas the goblet
with warm weer. As Itis • popwlar belief
that if • dews of this were is drives from
as. pert of the retest It reappears to m-
etber. I gargled and swallowed k•U-.-doses
mouthfuls to kap the farmO and stoma.
fres from Mottos, seed mated the wain -
der vigorously sp the metria, prams •
eager wane the sortie •leere•kiy daring
the orrNL... This woe h the saoral.g,
jus bake my regular daily bath a lapid
eraser. Alter the both I DM wtad.It • rule
to rub my dew, •Wises, theses fie+ head
with • mares towel saffte e -Uy to gee op se
wive Weide oaculatem It Se naw menthe
Wee I have sem the slightest symptom of
m•eal.searrb, mor bee the dreadful disease
reappeared M the stemmob, the throat or
my ether part of the *Totem.
Tae leer Ups Tante.--Aeras BMek•
well, • Tey Eylsama'. well Mese
around tow, weal .men its lake M a
mesh beat W ed...d.y .medar of 4.a .melt
mid was set .em er beard of ler several
days Iter. As m.5stries made ler bum
ailed to welt k the dleovery of kw
w ►ereeheate, s.1 was feared Mat 1. was
drowsed, a.ul word was tested that he
was in Klssardioe. It tampion now tout
he waled ewe taw ago °bee he was .Mag
le Mem 0.drw6. bee il be bd;i... Wien
*8. 4.s..6 515-e4n4 W •
w' satiety might harm bass Weirs.
RsrtataD coon res Day 1100D• Bowen.
-Atte siormes l mesas work is
the dry grade teal*. J. H. Calibers., mar -
mans partner l Colbert. We.. Me Mired
tree that Ute l bei.*.. •ed, w mks,
stand, will hareltr derma himself entirely
to gel.-bayat• The retirement l Mr.
Oelberse re..ee es" of 4h• Most we
shams frees the Square, for nearly • more of
mare to • 1.5 life fair any UM of bears..
Mr. O.lber.e during hie moor hes peeved
h o elf to re tot only a live business mm
but • progressive elm is, sod lei. • sat dee
two for his (Heads to know °het the tows is
het be lues the smug, end bows Mot that
he is u.deabs•dly powee.ed of.
stet* Weld 1. sassed of rw.-MMS d 6he
whew, reere55SV W N tent Mkt le
value of the real pr.porey M be ka1ted
by 4h. m.
proymed ireoem ass Jy
erre se be reee4754 y tM nes dark. wise
dem le Moll is 1• .x,145 .8seher May
are ..M' -1y lead es kid Miss in the
haw. Pastime. whether s.SsMsiy
aloud er taw, ante be headed to the res
yawr, who ierll report apes the advis-
ability of edreakka the proposal work:
1. tum .f &s otpreesmsN boy d.4dd
upen by ..real Mame hamkg been peel -
Nerd for by • inkiest unaber d rate
payors, seises • 1111ien *mime the pro-
posed week, *sad by a majority of the
repose" mwwr@, reprusenMS(N asst see-
erWt is value el the MI pros my proposed
M be eimes'd, be promoted es the mmamdL
the wowed Mor.mms h te 8. etgga�
out. Upon the Gomplattse o1 the with the
.0541 le to tesla the ees•m•ry wok' es-
ussemass open Ne prseery Ism 5556y
bm.ett.d. Provides te trade fee &posit to
the mart of revision sad be Ilse *maty
)oda •5511 sets essesemeal It is ..-
Swated that be properties l toe 6.W
met et 115 I.pr.va.Sste te be paid bythe
preplan omen ses1e' 7 bt
be stoat fifty Let at. IM wsep ysro .a
ars. Mertes the Maas d she to pease
TM abohms d eewwMM- were In-
structed to smooth see MW 1Mse snows
1st, .Mw.msew of the probable .zpeednw»
aa their several deprt..M kw the dr
...eh. e*.mendwg July let, se thee the
aim....mm.tttee My he elk te report ea
the ithh of Aroma apes tie ams rary tet
rats for the year. �wmre s� aigf�
A meths sited 4.115.
wM.b.es Ys Mew EMM M M
d t 38 of bylaw N. 8 of 1876 is
Wag sewereftheth
The ;mew meed Bight 0...1166.e wus he
sit mgMd M report epee the Maser of
pally lights a the erazilLfee the Med.
TM tu11011 the. ad
Rotas rot H.moutuw -TM ANer.y
ower.'' Department hes boo isforaed
GM N. Mops 4ermalitw b.n her btu
observed in regent to awe/ e1 -
:.M__., mea . ea .f rete4Uone bee buss
' sit te every shrift is the provisos. Thea
regimes. primed• that ezeoaws. shell
Mem peas se 8 ams.; tW the mode of s1•
teaks sad IM womenial Weeding .WI
be the ems es M.eefere le see : *het •
8het flog Mill M MOM in the m mss% of
ezass4s apes s'Mf pissed es an dsw•Md
sad cssepi'asus pen of the preen sod *ball
remota there (ear ea Mart gnat the olds et
4h. Meas. era S tent es_6 am be .de
fee *has perm's. Ow boil of the parish er
.ober slghbering +tri, be idled few lb
MANSION before, and 16 a5.tea afar, the
01 Dedd'. Mew 1414 Owed Mr. C.1wd1
.' 1.Mn*. DiMw.
leaned*... Id, 11- " I. It Meq Mr. Oel-
wei t that yes Mee bas oared .f HAMA
Dame by Dodd's Inde y Pti4 t" ter w
swat abed Mr. R. P. Colwell. jswala.
of 111..10els a 8►, Moloy.
. 16 6 MINA" we. Me .sewer. I wt.
fad ewewpk B.�t'a Das.... My
had ..Md en We eft 1 bad aafe4 •hilt
peke M s7 Wilco • 1110111111616 far q5..
sad 5111; Orbs nes wry dp.k•tdemi.
Tier a Ilse I add dad s• maelly M d.
M my geed. BIM as imp • hired UM se
he had Mw owed ef Me moo Mamie by
DedM� Lissy Ptia i bombs •
A for bees anted M Memealty."
Edony N.. ewe •H Way respl.sk.
Oafs rare fed Mr MW , delay.
,.. sed My* : Ser. E. H. . d MTM, bee
willrr taw! iw aM�.1rb Iiir a:
ink OM flee hakes of the Saoodes (Berth)
W ok ef Maths sad fssoy dry goods. All to
be sawed out se 60s. ea use 4 IL 8.
f.r.ere.-R W. M.Ke.sie ie selling
the os4breNd Oald Medal header t.a.,
alio ether breeds was by the some 6rm.
Prises down be that et Werth/ goods of
other makers.
The baseball mates between the old
olds sod the bachelors did not take plea
tea nextoven Ta km the p15( .s .
wW mess
next •y *wag &4 the
Atrwsltaral Park,.0.5.01.g .harp N 7
e'ebok. The bend will be in mwdess.
the player@ ME he stared t..ew -o.4..
sad the adealerbs lea will be just fin haat.
Go 1 _ •!s
and these use de el 01=1
gem ere. Everybody phased wilt the bit
bsreal.a"' We ureal w ate tole sale
iter rip and have Mooed on the tablas to
the owes of the Wes . lob let of banes sad
Most Your Meas .f Ma Mt °sly fifty
oats ser pair. It's 65.188 s, ha they mase
go. Shoo Wokete. dew obese and tables
Ise Owswoe Twez.m.-18. Unser
gees of Odes& o•abrata the 12th of Jly
by wow an essusmew to Pert Hyw-.
The Olay of Lemke left .t 1 .'ela.k TLes
day mer.Mg with •bees two hundred ea
bears, odedkm lha/J.deri5 Merle* Seed.
At Port Harm there were sm.r•1 theorised
Oramge.ew - '4. be .•hberM the day.
The 0,4.4.6 Band. the sly Gnadaa
hand tie, mm beamed pm heat *VIM
the fires pass 1a the pro.susis. Jets
Reid, M ease d his feeble health, west
ekoy with W ezeurustsaM and added hue
mere M the 4ne more of Oman edMe.-
Nene sa Masi be has taken part. It was
3 .'.lets yesterday mercies whew the
enamor stored h port with it, lead el
paesssfvrs, who reported having had • rood
t,. oo the trip. ' At *8. Hmult
e.aheNoa *avocet oyolite from Ood.rtob
ware proem and ..a...dd r taking a
g odly .Daher of prises. Io the MYmile
5mateer tea. Alex. McIver wee firm and
Ed. Belabor wooed. lm the ea. mile
.meteor delver was trot again and J. W:l-
lams third. Williams woo 66 ave mile
w awa we, Md.er his barred. T.
Umber, .t Stroked. was tee hall 54t sed
the .Ile prdmsimrl moss
Mea Qum A CI.rn*p ,as. -Tic Al-
goma Plane,, p.nl4.8N id OMB gee. bee the
tetlewles k wlamw tete mildew d a
termer well.kaewe reran* .f our town t
The Wages •d laserremate p1ba M
ewe Nen ars se be Seen a.lbe pra(' bow.
IA His Honor Jade. JohMse se 06.nt
attest lm 1816 tho plat was es esmmees as
N•tere had side it, sad pigs ow and
hors.. asaptd and did4erd It. Now
there s a epsoloue brink Mese and cwt
Waild15p, wall -kept laws and rowelled
walk., Noised tree., throbs sod 6awer@.snd
• small, well-wookd pate\ Ur veritable, es
e no sae mad toy where is Iia three beedred
yew old two. And the ledge le Ns ewe
s.rdeer, demist and swim The nal,
deem of (lhuro6 .trent fira to he oongr5ta•
1.1.d O hoist mob an sterpr int tad
preeresdve *sigh hu, and the maga Mould
al*fid • tofu a spier er•rleas ted reed.
Sed wearer Were to Mks this
?taw bomont Bohan. -T1s beard l
Pak Wool irs.les. est Tl..edsy 175-1.4
ash • There were proem* trustees Bell (1■
the their), Aa...., Nleboles, R1Gheea.,
Caiheea. .d Melees The prtndp.rs
.5-681 repeat awed . seal .f 601 s the
✓ oll of esho4-- boys .d 303 Orbe --
sad m •eesmdeem el 846--272 ban and 274
skis. a preNetw ef M ea o66endeses. The
ptthdpl she r.semessedod se.1MrWtle. fee
the baler 6.664. d e.. a) Mc easel
New. TM ese*n55N sa..tesc wee
.11w pew be met atm * $4 shaken& Bell
is We s mMr. Mi. Rusk was oyysd s
w pub 1pd% aniseed dorms des mail
e asel *ea ea Me Ms term. m las* am.
TM ese.s6 of W. T. Welch. 13.76 H. L.
(A di.1a, mad A. B. Dmsass, 411.w,
Mee 5.151 M he led. 1* win tmdwd
Mae 111,000 he toMd ler hs. the Mae
semen M Mws. wpm MM year, sad
the malthasel easedMM wee ls5s"Md M
ferry eat sews swift he the wheel v.p-
tMelle Olaa.lr 8afede7 Molise.
Aadrewe tire. & Co, *hipped • carload of
boss to Calix wood yesterday.
Wlagb•m bakm have nduoed the price
of thou bread to dm onto a leaf.
A some .l loth pissiokers from town bad
a god Lase a1 *4.nmUsr ea T.esdsy.
Mule Clara Shares makes weekly vitas
s Beam*Uer, .hire she gins
moue to . number l pupils.
TM employees of the UedertM HMI."
Co. am work./ mortar a an often to
k..p up with s\• weeks heed.
1n. Merles 8•5441515511.4 sweet mars
a the Name ea Thursday .e..og te the
maws, of • rias somber of peeps
The moan M bite ss.w ether, awed
1.y the deem. of T. N. Dewy,
has hese
fold by the •ppo1m.
tat d D. C.81ra.1..
Dien •r Wnrerreo.-TM sissy friends
in Ma* waked J. 0. Carrie sad hie oria-
•Iis tally, formerly of Uedi rg.8, mill re
era M leas l the death ef Mr. Urquhart,
the husbesd .f W. purrs'* mowed d•s.b-
ter. Res•. The WMa4p.g Tribes" of Jl7
w has Ns flawlsa meatus el the eatimr
ly toss : Doted Berri Urtsebert, barrier,
*Ms My, dad at his r@iams. Wardle.,
memo. this ....meat, •Mer s We 11120.
fess Other. The deewwd was well
Mews le Minips . emesw.y k 0011540
stroke, having made • NNOM A record N
36548.85 allege •d M the mim0relty ..-
•akMisem He sidled for the LLB. do
orae N 4h1 ems Mme a M wee MIM.
ha 1•w oars sad pod es every wades
with hew. His meaty won tee great,
Mowewcr, .d his long ted eatM.g *Males
esder.k.d ./ health to nab se extent
that shorts.) 4Mr hie moose. as • Modest he
wee ewpw.od M leave be iso with midrib
he was measled, that et Attlee, Calvert
Molns•ghes. Attar Iivag ea a mama
ran. for sem. Mas M grew Wenger. •d,
retarnag to the dry, worked for 11.5 blew
Is the C. P.R. ..Il.4Wr'l .S... Hire, •pain,
hie health felled, sad, 8.44. keg treabw
had developed8. went te Clattered. He
mem r*fsaed ba health, sad six .she
ago he r tursd to Winnipeg wither heprs
of merry. Deceased new 31 yew of see.
.rod Imvo • wife .ad Mid, father sod
mother, se w41 as may ether Mono •ad
friends to .sen his death. The tussal
takes p11.. he 85. Jager' tsesobry *werr0.
tatesmee, *sed .411 be .ud.o6d by Rem.
Prof, Bead, 5f Manitoba soilage.
metered AwlettlrMrepr. -f, gum
time - 6..b' d.sr4awr of Tea
Stews. Me boos ewwsiy Med w N. *e•
eareee eMrs Imo shooed of the Mop
yederap AIN drib Me joh trlaelws dm
Me bas Iwared M 1M pplsasna..
�111W ma a alew le dM bee..ided
laliody to es plaill; ma Ode Sri we Imre
misimsella eamse1001 sat MOW=
Memo aMMorMn N WNW tele
he swabs .re ertwises work
Wises. the taw pastor at Naatio1. .karst,
sad Mn. Wilson. The Marisa Mad rem -
dared • doe aha Its melon were
moat apprad•*ed.
1n the atoms of Rev. Wm. Godwin,
wbo wttb hie family le toktom • v.aati.
Btass.We. the potpie of Victoria -el.
Mat►.4M6 *berth wee 000.pid es Send.y
by Met Peeked. of Ripley. formerly at
Despiser The mowing emgroiatloa
was good and in the *imam the o8orob was
wooded. Nest 8s.d.y the mew will
be ouodaoted by Robert Youar, to the
m orntog, m4 Re.. Jamas Hampton, to the
Tit. Presbytery of Harem met In Kam
oburob on Tuesday lase. 11e11. Cek
FI.*ob.r, M.• , el Taws Road, was ap-
pointed moderator for the seat els months,
amt etsiodtm4 oseame .s for the year were
emelt. TM oosmissimers to the meal
Assembly held ,a Mistrial warted .kyr
dtltg.a.. Re. Mr. Duskily, orator M
Roy. Dr. M.Dom&ld, of 8eatortb, M.tag d. -
livered hs trial disoonnes, woe given •
Bow be pirrob. Mr. Marhe..., she ae•-
dont who le supplying tor Rey. W&tmr
Mair, at Broo.ald, appeared before Ibe
P,..bytery amt Wagged s saran apo..} -----
se mblros. The sex* ressisr meeting a!
the Presbytery .ill be held In Chaos .efr"-
th. esoomd T...diy of September.
R.O. Jamas Habits last week passed.
pard In the While* oe46nt.on u owes.
Mos with the Preobytaruo Mambo of
Avsbank and Motherwell, Perth Crusty,
of wblo6 his father, Rev. Dr. Kamilla., la
the prior. The 8t. Marys Argue gives •
lengthy mount of the celebration, from
which we rather *mai (stereettng parttua-
l.re. In 1848 the are leg ohurob woe meet -
d , the wails war for two yore before
• reef was pot es. to 1860e broth building
replaced the log .truotmn, and to 1890 the
handsome edifice to which the Avsh.ak
oo.tre5aaoo now wer@hfps was er.oted.
Rev. IM. Proadtmt was tndaetd o 1848
.,red ministered W the oo.irega►tea Mad
1862. who. Rev. _IIsi.-Qsrsa took bks.
reams. men 8...01ass 41168 •".aa.,n,e-
Hamlltea has boon la Mae/.- • purled et
forty years. 8t. Marys awe In 1.555 and
Motherwell i. 1867 were *rooted .ewe lea
from the woo oo.greg•4os. The 4.,s.-
eaiy celebr•11ea took plow Beaky and
Monday of lea week. The eerweir N the
onuroh oo Sunday woe delivered by Rom.
Dr. Coen sad Rev. Dr. Paddler, former
pastors of the •sa••gac4o5 ; whir Rev.
Ur. Turnbull, .t me time of Knox Mimi,
Oderiob, dictated •t Motherwell in the
sussing. On Uooday the Presbytery of
Stratford mat and tendered to Dr. Hasidim
an azprewiea of ft* baa wishes Almost all
the members of the Presbytery were a
hoed, showing the respect and aweam M
which Dr. Hamilton is held. la the after -
n eon a Mao was held, oma addressee were
delivered by Re.. u. Proudfot, Re.. 1)r.
Cavin, Re.. Dr. Tornado, of 0.$ph, mod-
erator of the Assembly, Re.. Dr. Tomball,
Prof Reola.on, of Knox Collate, and Ohm.
At an s.mr4 ma4Mat to Mebane wpesMlly
the fortieth aiyar@ary of R.O. Dr.11.m41
ton's Moeda an sppessisuve ddaes wee
prw1654 to the reeaeeM gmalemsa,
with a pane GetMalle it ►sadred def
has _ -- - -s
Waiters, of Uerrltsa, is here eta'.
see, tar Sandford, and will take her
sway shortly.
A row of emir has boon driven ler the
protection of to O.T. R. *sok ae the feat of
the bask joet .oath of the mho of the mew
Th. azourelea on ties Cay of Lords ad-
vertteed for Satardev eroo.mo wan, as r-
oams of omission whether, peameaad M
lest ,..slog.
The .oboe, M. L. eeoek, Cape. D.
8ntmerlamd. &sobered fie Ms per 8sterday
nigh*, and lett stain Money seeing.
The Cep4a's family went abenrd M Mks •
trip with him.
The steamer Comer wee le ea her dews
Ala. MoL.ed is swim a harken collar
Mae, the Ault ed • all while bioyoldi on
the Attrfwlssr&l Park leek, lea 7ridsy
A epecisl s.ioo of the Ontario
Legislatom haw been called to meet on
August 3rd. An interesting time may be
The agent of the O.ari. Publishing C..
of Iue"reoll, was in town tale wok to the
moron of . dtr.wory pedaled by the
The Nest Surma mad South Kam
eleoUs protest wow have hem sit for trial
at Galena' s O.tob. 27 and October
31, respectively.
Titere will be ae evemina's sport et the
Airrsel1ral Perk os Krld•y evening. Pour
good Myr, reuse are ea the program. Go
and enter the fan.
The bleokboard..6 the 0.1 .gate Instit-
ut* ham all been maimed by Walker, of
Leaden, with ba bltwk•heard oompowad,
mad w tow a splendid eed161...
The Willy of Ker. 0 F. 8546.., of the
C.nlmsery °hors, Hail°.., at or Ste. of
Uod.rtab, rue meson 1 le.gthy may 1*
Urlmeby, where Mr. Bolos 11 'nag • series
of six Worm
1. ear Mice W1 wok of the death of
Capt T. N. Danny, we were Is error a
ertM4 IMI Mee. Hansom. of Leedom, the
meager 65.4815 et the diseased, was set
Seem Mrs. Barras was wooer with the
ether Members o1 tk5 family derh4 the s1
days .f bel &Mr's Illness and the worvlss
Mk. Mond span his death.
Friend Clark., of TM ?natant Wake.
w. Me bon at Press W Mor the slww
of the humus sulphur gerbille. We etre
hlad M know that the Mahe --x, ea he1,
imself. the rest he bus bad -have Mae
fitted baa, sad still ewe M see that " the
r8.aw*w " have ser taken ell the sweet
mem out mf him, sad that he Is &bl. Bess
M " eajay " ole sedation.
The frost early Monday morning .gems to
have bas pretty amoral througno. the
Promo. The 1/Le protects Undorioh, and
0 there was any fro* awe t4 was very
.gilt Nash k the township. Dene slight
dawn wed den.. while ter.. trios. points
is the heelball ..e• reports it quite •
seamy freas, 4sks dmPM . a;.ry 6.
wees, 055*, bewares mad Otter garden
.toff, sad k sow wase ee orals ems.
8n.vze Juntas on Tse Wawaem las.
Los so., -This gram Ln aids .ad Nei-
sulterd show is, perhaps. the main wow
fl of all M Owed• today. The Morse•.
In the somber of inhibits W boos simply
mar7els. Leh year the dinners w
Gln upp.sa M ,;tend the WNW'.. be w
aware M the sddltamsl dewed far epee
There hem bees 79 b.: Maas added fer the
Meese the vise. The earriers bsM4a4 has
been Wreath by ever 5,000 r9We Net.
The win bMNag;. beam Mese tee smell
W '.me yeas 9M s M Mise • soon
ended suhadls te lbs rise., of 50160
hhele d st. Med he sod se re /'rinsed for
e $inlay M Gel le Me God g sea ve
wt lthk win while w m.aaemm�t to
rwgwys the saw le eve .1a beadles
prem. M •eo.SodW the dewed el the
.sd.dlanss Gad MwpMaa. The MO -
.Oe opeadbig sots M wkscwlod4d M he
the heel ler Ota & feed sow Mlle the Cee.
alba reeed aced *\o sesmuet-
mem he mir k bwrlh
Gas he srpasmd. 1Mwtrwl Meshed ad-
MINN bei lees wand is the Moe Met
�.y�gwwy, sed • mater ef Mdmm• opot4W.
.6.54 M 1lssdeer A1d.kna Imam.
N. M.. .4 Ma "Waters AC" t►►
mead la Me Mese oal
M rile a5 Mare" 6 51wqe bon
ald by 6 brp pMwdepie el Me mews of
T. Mo(Iillleeddy, el Tomato, .t11 prowls
M the Basket Nano, Clines", on Someday,
94th lean , and beton the following Mon-
day wady.
Rev. Jaime Mom. of 141mar. Elle
Soak. AIL take "Mrs .4 the swims is.
Leos el M' for the art feat oak.,
toffy the thaws of Rem. J. A. Asdetrs.
rip ea Suede'''. and WOW ee 7be.d.y 5I4N
the way welt. She brosght m IM
tripith •lamnd w
aware of parsgwa fee
The steamer City of Loudon ick ewe
kindred ps.esagert Sen the Ormge guar -
Ms le Port Heron ea Tuesday. Today she
is to make tripe on the lake t, the b.o.66
of the ersnionl.t* from Clara
The Me of 4h. Mw elevator prom% .
busy some thew days. Over she Modred
men w moored upon 46o work and,
j.d0y4 from the .mount et bard moor .:-
jaded upon it, the fouada64.s tee the sow
building should be ate and 5.6.4anta1
The eoaore6e btu tor the big Maw bem
btu oompl.td. •ad the foundries for the
Negate Is tow bring hatl4. A peg of men
an at work spike the orfbwork and
Wag 14 ..U4.
The Maw °aroma, which made Isar
Stet ow11 for the saran at thh port last
west, bas been ther.sghly overhauled sfso
lam maw, and these Mee have then 4he
.pporsslty of Welds, rot her are moat
pleaved with the Improvements effoted.
TM Osrmos" .&r01.s so Ingo* Mw, and
the .sass thus released le taken on by •
set and oommodi fie dining roam ; and
this oboistn in tarn lanai acre able room.
Other alterations oleo have boa made, with
the efhet of Improving the boat Mterally.
Cap% Thomas Murray, of Toronto, M M
oommsed, and le .14.Nd by Wm. Becrom
Maxwell, first mato ; J. W. Darling 0.1-
lingwod, mond mese; ('has Harm, Owen
8oand (who Ms been wills the Brown 11..
over Moe Its sr5•aln eemasesd .tsak4
op lisle shore), rib ward i O. W.
Windsor, weer Oe. M. Amok, Term-
s, WsdeNr; Goo. Myi...ssr, Barrio, .sa
e ds"mr ; Jame o
Brews, W.Wbog, and
Warmi.oa4, M•z.r.U, firr.ea. The Cor- •
shwa Intends 6. sell •% 0hderieb Twee-
dy s fits oorthorn trips, and as
Pd sy. s Its way dem. Clevohnd •ad
t he Seo are the srmint et the raw the
Raw. father Wee hes Horsed front 8esd-
wM►, where ha had boos NMd1 ' • retreat
at L'Ass.ptls 0.144., sad se *today
ersd5ted lwe ser vbm se Bt Pinars and
s1 a Maaye,
The Rywerth Lieges of North -.t. Meth-
odist *berth w Melee Garde with • list of
the sepm for the m5.sem o .f the atter half
of the year. A peered d the 14• will shim
tar dz .mstbe' hued week W Mea
rasped eat.
lir. Daniel, .N. sad Mild, Mims of
Perks, are Osaka k town this week. Mr.
Drawl is ta Ala tasty roohkg an ede-
mks N Kara College Terms, M whip
81m te mesa the s..p4la ►M anti,. land
H. addrered the MAN.. Riad..ver Is
Rom Marsh s Teesd5T .mutes.
A Prtroless Worm.
"9o*& AND *w4Y' is so uf.lhbb, Worse
and nes °•sous remedy ter the eon .4
(15..r, Uaetllaein... Ulos, Sere Tbs.•s
rimed a variety of akin diorama. It Gurus
.user is bey part of the body *ow des
694d ams mob It send for amide in
k mow eslemble We wee hd as the pr
den party Idem by the seise of liertla.
.s--1 sh...h ea the mew & et T.
Saes* as ',they weeks. A here suss.
bel two ppmwt, aidway
ay to 8 0wi
el the egwbaNy e
lar 1 .$..abrin. h.y to apply the Hata
Sold se 60s per pot and 30e per halt pat
M.LI10D'8 LABORATORY'. (i.dwteb.
law's Pen Milt for tam. or Miry.
Varna: CMAs* Takagi. e1 Tarns, Oat
W. s Thursday ea W reasrn M °Snags.,
8ewared. Ile bon Ma Midtks k We em. -
try fee .boat • year.
Wkt4a: Mas Dela Sp•rllag has ,a•
trod hem. from Tersto Uos.orv.lory for
the helikes She eras..eeawfel sa pawls
541 her .tus•s4ma wet 8.mer..
Wiseman t Also. Yam& of Taw k
Paean. Me par5Mmd the monis ski61/1
J. Carrie. ori. M tar.
Yeas'. via web dew as Mims M