The Signal, 1898-6-30, Page 6FIGIIT AT LA Q[JASINA
17 Killed and 60 Wounded in
the Spanish Ambush.
taet.11s or the First Land Battle No -
Mama £ sloe. mad Spanish
Tempo 1n the Idwd of Cabo-
Am.rlo..,. ('LI. • Victory
and Ray tk. Spa.l.b Low
ttY He..,.
Juaragua, Cutty, June 36, 4 p.m., per
£bsoobWd from despatch boat l)and7,
trio Kingston, Jamaka, June 8)i.-(10
a.m.)-Th. Initial tight of Col. Woods'
Rough !tides, and the troopers of the 1st
and loth regular cavalry will be known
In history as the tattle of la Qwulna.
That n did not and in Ibe perfisteltglj -.
Sr of the Americans was nut due to hay
D tlsoalculatlon in the plan of the Spani-
ards, fur as perfe:t an ambuscade as was
ever formed In the brain of an Apache
Indian wall prepared, and Lieut Cot.
Roosevelt end hie men walked squarely
Into 1t. For an hour and a half they held
their ground under a perfect storm of
bullets from the front and side ,and then
Col. Were' to the right, and Col Rooms -
Telt to the 1.11, led a charge whloh turned
the tide of tattle and sent the enemy fly•
Ing over the hills towards Santiago.
11at..a allied. gime Weasdad.
It L triad. nutty known that 17 mem
se the American side were killed while
110 Were wounded, or reported to he tis. -
lag. It is Impoislble to calculate the
Spanish los..., but ft 1. A.own they w.ue
tar heavier than those of the Americans.
ret least as regents actual lo.. of life.
Already 87 dad Spanish soldiers hate
been found and burled, while many
otters are undoubtedly lying in the thick
underbrush on the side of the golly and
on the slope of the hill, where the main'
body of the enemy war located. The
wounded were all runoved. A complete
Bat of the killed, wounded and miming
on the American side, revised to 4 o'clock
tMtur ay. shows that one officer. five
Donaornmi..toned offloere and eleven pri-
vates were killed; wounded, five officers,
.two non-commissioned officers, twenty-
eight privates and one newspaper comes
pondent;, dee" offlo4F, one OOD •
commleslon.d officer and three privates.
Th. 15.111. amino.
At 7.80 a.m. General Young gave the
command to the men at the Hotchkiss
guns to open fire. That command wee the
signal fora fight that, for stubbornness,
has seldom been equalled. The Instant
the Hotchkiss guns were tired, from the
bWslde commanding the road came volley
after volley from tbe Mouser. of its
Spinier'.. "Don't shoot until you see
Something to shoot et!" yelled General
Young, and the men obeyed the order.
"crawling along the edge of the toed, and
protecting ihemmeIves as mach as possible
from the fearful Are of the Spaniards.
the troopers, some of them striped to
the weld, watched the hate of the hill,
and whet hay pert of r Spenlgld became
visible ober fired. in the noontime, aYray
off so the left, could be heard the Bruck
of the rifles of Col. Wood's mss, and the
regular deeper -toned volley tiring of tbe
Walked eke Trap.
Over there the American tomes were
the greatest. Col. Wood's men, with an
advance guard well out 1n front. end two
Cuban guides before them, but apparent-
ly with no flanker*, west squarely Into
the tap est for them by the Spaniards,
and only the unfaltering courage of the
men prevented what might .malty have
been a disaster. As 1t wan, Troop 1., the
advenos guard. under the unfortunate
Captain Capron, was ■Imont surrounded,
and, but for the nlnforesrnenta hurriedly
w era
1 forward, every n would probably
eme been killed or wounded.
Col. Roo..volt's Story.
"Than must have been nearly 1,500
Spaniards 1n front and on the side of as,"
said Lieut. -Col. Roosevelt today wben
diet -easing the fight. "They held the
ridges with rine pita and machine guns
and bad s body of men in ambush 1n the
thick jungle at the sides of the road over
whloh we were advancing. Our odwsnce
guard struck the men In ambush and
drove them out. But they lost Captain
Capron, Lieut. Thomas and about fifteen
men killed or wounded.
"The Spent.h nrfng was .0rurate; so
moourete, indeed, that 1t surprised me,
and their firing wag fearfully bevy."
When the Bring Mean, Lieut. -Col.
Roosevelt took the right wing, with the
Troops G and K, under Captains Llew-
ellyn and Jenkine end moved to the sup.
port of Capt. Capron. At the same time
t.ol. Wood and Major Brodie took the
left wing and advanced In open order on
the Sptiileb right wing. Major Brodie
Wal wounded before the troop. had sol•
word 100 yards. Col. Wood then took
the right wing and stilled Col. Roosevelt
to tbe lett. its
A Gallant Charge.
In the meantime the are of the Spani-
ards hal increased in volume, but. not-
withstanding this, an order for a general
Marge was elven, and the men sprang
forward. Col. Roosevelt lel the advance.
On the right wing Capt MnClintoek
suffered a fralture of the leg from a
machine gun ball, while fout of his men'
went down. At the same time Capt.
!.,roe of Troop F Inst one of his men.
Then the reserves, Troops K and E, were
ordered up. Col. Wood, with the right
wing, charged straight at the blockhouse
800 yards away. and Col. Roosevelt. on
the left, charged at tie tame time. The
men olid not stop to return the fire of the
Spaniards, but advanced with a deter-
mtnatIon to capture the blockhouse. When
within 500 yards of the coveted point, the
Spaniard, broke and fah.
Remit ton Fish the Fleet to Fall.
Sergesnt Hnmllton Flah, Jr., was the
first men to fill. Hb was shot through
the hemrt, end died Ingtanely. The Spent•
arta were not more than one hundred
yard. off, hut only oncenlonel glimpses of
them (mild be Been. The men continued
to pair volley after volley Into the brush
1n the dlrv,llon of the wined of Sp.ntsh
Masts, but the latter breams more fre-
meal and seemed to he getting neer.
-11..11. es Mposee ftwwrew. . .
Cept. Capmn dyed bebind ht. men,
revolver In hand, using It whenever a
Beamer! exposed hlnleetf. HIP elan wan
sure and Iwo of she enemy were 110011 to
fall ender his tire. .lust es he wee pre.
paring to take another shot and shouting
to Ms men at the name time, Alm revolver
dropped from his gr•ap, and he fell to
eke ground with a hall thmugh hie body.
He wan carried from the field es soon as
pomthle and lived only • few hours.
1lnr1.1 M the Deal.
KWh the .ueptkn of Cape. Capron, all
rg ]edge Riese* 1n ymwr.layal
light age bared Mie morning ml the
field .of hash*. Their bailee wet. land In
one lean wuamb, each wratipei 1n a blas -
ha. Palle braves lined the temo'h and
tr°a over ekm Aged.
'f body woe hrenght Into
..,_.a.a_. athrar.on, het It was
sms.•,tlarelrw te
amid the re)nalne
eh.JnIt rt
Mar idle
*btrewe Mee.
la Ike .Mete0 s,ersI
_. eta ibl *S hese
the troops ahead of rtes, and the Atha,
loan lues la due to this fact. A. soon es
alto position had been changed the Amer
leans pound a more keelOu ere than ever
Into the Sp•nlards as they get ahem 1010
.note open oo*ntry and °Gold see Rem
Destroying tie manna.,.
While the land fumes were Og►ting,
four m11011 °orlbwee,. of Juaragua, Ad-
miral Sampson learned that the Spaniards
were endeavoring to destroy the railroad
heading from Juaragua to Sentlago de
Cuba. This road rens west along the
shore, under curer of the guns of the
American Sea until within three miles
of kl Morro, and then outs through the
ntuuu4t10■ .long the river into Santiago.
When tbe attempt of the Spaniards was ,
dlw•uver,d, the New York, Boorplon and
Wean) closed In end cleared the hill and
brush of Spaniards. A portion of the
Second Maasaohuesats was sent out from
Juaregua during the afternoon to repair
the track.
The Armlets Now Only Visor Mlles DI..
-. ------$* /from kook Other.
Oa beard the Aseeekited Pres despatch
boat Dandy, off Joaragua, June 96, 8 , via Kingston, Jamaica, Sunday,
June 96.-18.90 p m.1-Troopn of the
United States and Spain are almost face
to face, and lee 'than four miles spiral
To -night the picket lines at certain points
are within bailing distances of the enemy.
It seems certain that the battle of titntl-
ago must 00010 within a week
The troops are all ashore to-nlght here
and at Balqulrl, with the exception of a
fad scattered companies, that have gun.
forward. The supplies aro sufficient to
[sable tha..rmy to sustain a wtwk'a Cam-
paign at both landing planes. Then is a
eon5nttal promea as of assail bums Mime
on the beach through the pounding surf,
and, es one week's isseeoe a iilready
landed, 1t 1. bellrved the required muppllmu
will be all ashore by Tuesday, the 28811.
liener.l Wheeler, In bis official report,
plass the number of dead at Serum al
re and the wounded as between 70 and
50. No attempt hes yet beento
prepare au oriole' list with the Da of
the dad aud wounded. The blgh gllers
and bushes of the battleground make 11
difficult to find the bodies, but an official
11.t will probably be prepares' by MondM.
Camara at Port Said.
Port Said, June 27. -Admiral Catnarm's
.quwlron Is In the harbor, awaiting
orders. I; conel.ts of the buttleshlp Pel-
hyo, Admiral ('amara'• flagship; toe iron-
clad EmJarado Carlos Quintal. .two
armored (, three torpedo bats and
five transports carrying 4,000 troops.
Bpet■'. Crista 1. On.
Madrid, June 27. -After a visit which
Premier Saga.ts made to the Queen }1e -
gent -Saturday afternoon It was reported
that the expected Ministerial crisis had
Tho Lumbermen Hate Formed a Union
sad the Tremble May Break
Oat Aerie.
Ottawa, June 27. -The Rockland sulks
question came up at the allied labor
unions Friday night. Relegate Maooun
reported that the mon were working that
day, but It was doubtful If they would
continue at work. They had gained one
ooncesslon-tbe doing away of the abom,
Inahle trunk ayntem. The speaker hart
gone down, and as n result a union bad
been formed. In two hours over four
hundrgg. men had been enlisted 1n the
union, and paid In twenty-five rants each.
In all about five hundred joined, and
MIs.,,. Fauleux, Quayle and Magen
were elected delegates pro tum of the }Wet-
land Union, What the men wanted was
encouragement In organisation. If !tootle
had gone to help the strikers It would
have lasted all the moonier. Delegate
Qpayle remarked that he hest no hies
that the Scrip my.tem was anything like
such a .7.tem of Injustice ss he found 1t
The Battleship Illo.trloa. Balls for
L1sb.n, Portugal.;
London, June 27. -The Brlttah fine -
dam battleship illustrious, of 14,801 tons,
11111011 Saturday morning for Lisbon,
Portugal, under midden orders reoelved
last night to protect British Interest"
there In view of possible war develop-
Will right the a.a.w,aent.
Ht. Catharines, .lune 87 -Of the 8,500
members of the defunct order of Select
Knights over 1,100 will contort the efforts
of the receiver, Mr. H. J. I.eub.dorf, to
onllert from the a,..ements for six
montho after they ceased to meet the
levies made npon theme. The defendants
have consolidated their ramex !Moons test
ase Inoue, which will soon be heard In
the Court of Appeal.
The claim of the receiver Is haired upon
the fact that a member In default Is el-
bowed nix months' after caning to meet
hbe obligations to the order to ensure his
reinstatement. The defendants claim that
M having voluntarily dropped out and
surrendered their rights to the claim of
the benefits of the order they should be
relieved from lieohllgetlone.
Clreslare bel" been sent to all the
member" of the order In Toronto end
throughout the province appealing for
oontributtons for a defence fund to fight
the case.
Is the Fmporer R11.d T
Berlin, June 97.-'1'he$ukunet on Sat-
urday pnbllahen an open letter from IM
editor, Hort Harden. to the Emperor, In
reply to the charge of bee ninjeste,
brought against Herr Heerlen. The latter
say% ill. Majesty la wholly mlet»ken ea
to the antral state of hipline of the nation
towards him, and he add. that 1t M a
misfortune that the Emperor Is 1110d.
Naval '$ amen rrro Aboadoteed Batches Of
.•-••.•. ager
Gen. McMahon of New York
Makes a Proposition
The lrlskmeo of Montreal K.e.lve tee
Unique Proposal 1■ elle... A Re-
grettable apeek at te. 1700
Cent elebroll.e - nig
Commlwlon raid by ()mete
Sant -Ra New.
Montreal. June 27. -'l hose wits have
wondered over the United States' trans-
portation bill of 115,000 000 will hove a
little light thrown on the.ubjeot when It
is learned how much commission, or
boodle, M it 1s called In this ooantry,
was to have guns into the pocket* of cer-
tain meddle men to the Unik.l Mates
who womb interested in the sale of tbe
Beaver LIDO stamr Lake Ontario to
Uncle Mon'. muoh-bled Government.
Whether the deal has yet been
mated remains to be seen, but the facts,
as related by an enilnena member of the
Montrcnl bar, aro a* follow:
7'be Madinat' was done by two Mont-
real lawyers, and out of the sum of 1400,-
000 whloh the United Slater Government
woe held to pay for the weasel In ques-
tion, no lees sem than 8910,000 was 10
go to certain patriots from the other side
of the line, while the balance, 11100,000,
was teeTeal tem whieb the company
were to +ueelye for their ship. laser such
• 'Ennm►ctton u tkte, It Is eat al all sue,
grWag fast U7tglitt4 >tii_'i__tren I
lmI-1boald-7em* seek 1lm.adeerkel'•••
The trl.h Cemtesary.
The demonstration yesterday 10 perpet-
uate the events of 1711)4 would have been
fairly successful had it not peen for the
tremendous nlnfall, wbieh Interfered
with the ptoossslon, composed, as it was.
by all of the loan Irish national and
benevolent .coned.. ThA.peech-maklr,g
took place on the Exblbl1Ion Grounds,
but the crowd did not exceed more than
a thousand, so the two -starred programme
was reduced to one, and mon of the
orators were local wen.
The speakers were: M. J. F. Quinn,
M.P., Hon. Ir. (Merle, F. Carbery, M.
P.P. for Quebec West, J. 1). Orem of
Ottawa, and J. Grattan MoM.bon of New
Tort, a grandson of the famous Henry
Grattan. Mr. McMahon went it very
strong. Be mid the iirMg'Rme'
all right, but they wau'cd nothing 10 do
with the t4allsburys, the Balfour', the
Chamberlains and such like. The Irish
people were a cultured nationality when
the English temple were wearing buck-
skin. and were in the depth of barbar-
ism. He ridiculed the .o -called Anglo
Sateen alliance, said declared that the
ultimate destiny of Ireland w0e to be s
portion of the American Republic.
Mr. Quinn, the metnber for Montreal
centre, also spoke and took exception to
r. Mcaluhon's foolish utterance. He
ridiculed the New Yorker, and told him
that 1' Ireland changed her position she
would rather ha•oyte a Pyrt;?U rat Canada
than of the American Hepu*.Lo.
MIM Mabel Dawson ofol.oedon Run Over
b7 a Trolley Car.
London, Juno 27.-M1.1 Mabel Dawson,
daughter of Mr_ J. C. Dawson, post-
master, wa. probably fatally Injured Bat
'today be a trolley cur. 'I he accident hap-
pned Just In front of the RC. CALMdrol
on Hlrhmond street. The unfortunnw
young lady did not notice the approach-
ing gear until too late. the fenffer sulkiest
her, and carrying her half a block, when
Abe war thrown under the car. When
picked up one leg was eomplekely severed
from her body, and the other broken
Sbe aloe received tome severe .alp
wound., and was otherwise bruised about
the body. Her puree `raA found cut to
piece,' about half a block from where the
accident happened_ She was removed to
the hospital Immediately after the arrival
of mettle -el assistance, where she now lies
to • proarlot2* condition.
the Welsh *tela..
London, Jnne 27. -The coal strike In
South Wales paralyse. natal and maritime
England Ina way that would 1,o nl,rnt
Ing were s .trite to h.ppen 1n time of
war. Tee'nsual n.,,T manoeuvre* had to
be abandoned for went of oral, while the
mall steamers are losing newel because
they annot get -the South Wising article.
let, such 1s eh . state 01 the 1ew, that the
Government cannot Intervene with 11
until one or the other port, t, a dispute
implo a to Intervention Neither party
requeete, so the detente t go on, like
the engineers' strike. till tbe heat of the
trades anion 1m ataa,lusely brnken for
want of money. The .mpMyerw, of coarse,
have a boon ties.,pnrw
To Pot... the Cot.
LoaSes, Jane 97.-A portal desgaihb
wxeeived here from Veena Monday after-
noon says It Is reported there that Count
and ('onntem Zoanol, said to he meter,
eerily nhamh.rleln of the Cato and the
testy In wolfing nn Ceartna, have been
arrested and (thereat with an attempt M
pntsen their Majeetle.
10*. TJlbtsrr+0rfr'1a1111r..WRBft
Pat* :IMO 87 -Mr. Islas M. Leese
et .111 *we t'M best •ppeintd prineipsl
of elle Celiegla5 Inetl*0te et WtiaOMoak,
the lea Its: D. H. fen$'.
If British Property /s Damaged by the
Bne.bard..eut of Hmaolrla
Ban Francisco, June 97.-A Honolulu
special to the Chronicle nays From a
source blgh In the Foreign Office, 1t I.
learned that the Republic of Hawaii has
aenr•ed the British Consul General that
In tame the action of the Hawaiian Gov-
ernment In offering herself as an ally to
the United States should result 10 the
bombardment of Honolnlu, any damage
done to Brltinh property or interests
would be paid by this Government.
It is also repnrtad that the Gorman
consul, learning of the matter, demanded
the stone guarantee for German mer-
chants. The Hawaiian Government has
not yet replied.
is 1s Said He Suggested His Appointment
n O -General.
Nita W.Nd-loosed CMOS.. Roast Dosing
ed by /be w Oaada7-Dets0111
.f the rheas.
Nlagan Falls, Oat., Jane 9T. -TM
world tamed Clifton House lies In ruins,
being totally destroyed, together with Hs
.out eta, by lin Sunday mornlug. When
the Issues were flet noticed, they were in
the rar 01 the big buten, In tee ram
over the kitchen, and, eithough the alarm
was promptly given and tbe entire On
dep.rbrmoes from both dries of the rive,
responded promptly, the water supply la
this partiouluar portion of the town was
not liquid to the demand.
The Ore was noticed about 19 o'olo0k
and horned tletooly caul 5 o'clock. The
flames that shot out of every window and
towered high In the air, seemed to Lugo
at the futile attempts of %be 'addled with
their toy streams of water, and when
they had eihauvtsd their fury the large
fourstoreyedbetel, with Its shady veran-
dahs, supported with Immense pillars,
stood out a total wreak, the walls only
standing to mark the spot of the world-
wide hostelry, time had been the borne
daring the summer -at its Meta fwLles,
of America, es well *a Europe 'rhe halal
counted amongst Its many guests M1
royal families r>t Kurope who have visited
The hotel were fouratoreyud, large
stone roughcast faced building, of let*..
"L" shape, with a °ours In the centre
that contained a regular greenhouse of
cool and study protnenedea. 'the building
°Detained 350 [wore, which were all very
expensively furnished. and uuly the very
best of the travel was catered for.
:Watley morning 06 guests were on the
reneger, and all of tem, with their b. -
longings, were safely taken out of the
place without a single hitch Amongst
those on the reglsir were: Mr. and Mrs.
r'ie m reterfjg: ; Ir. Larva $id'
family, New Orleans; Mayor Taggart,
Indlnnapolls, Intl.; Mr. James Mackenzie,
Sarnia, Ont.
The hotel proper was first built by Mr.
Haruenlus Cr..lmr, during 1436, whit
named It the Clifton Bou.. It afterward!
got Into the hands of Mr. Zimmerman,
who made quite en addition to It and
brought the plere as • fashionable resort
before tee sightseer at Niagara. Its pees -
suit proprietor,- Mr. Georgy M. Colborn,
has controlled the place for 30 Teen pmat.
and had everything to do with the f.m•
ous name the hotel has throug0oat the
world. Mr. Colborn Is from home
In Philadelphia, but has been apprised
by telegraph of his loss. The hotel was
owned by the late Hon. John L Bash
estate. Lou. to building 1100,000, partially
istetw rurwoes; coe5ta5 osd faws-
labings, 00,000, partially covered by In•
sur.nce. The muse of the fire 1t unknown
as yet. The de.tructior of the hotel will
be a big lona to the place and will throw
sono 100 people out of employment. The
fireproof Hotel Lat.ystse, which stands
close to the Clifton House, mood the hat
Montreal, June 27. -The Star cable
from London says:
There In no doubt of Lord Woleley's
personal wish to go M Canaan, and I
am told that he himself suggested hie
awn appointment to the Governor Oen-
'might!), but the precedent of *elating a
vilifier for such a high civil appointment
needs the careful consideration of the
Colonial Office.
Captured the Fee -aped omelet -
Toronto, June 27. -Tom Carlyle, who
escaped from the Genteel 1,'rl.on, was
mpterrd 4n Saturday morning at 15 S.
Petrick quare. Dat.cttvne Slemin, Por-
ter McGrath, Harriette and Policemen
Mievlon::id and l.ougheert surrounded the
house Porter and Slemfn overpowered
Carlyle, who Was sinned with a revolver,
and handcuffed him. He gran taken back
to the Central Prison.
Won't Nave 0 *oe1.11mt.
Paris, June 17. -in consequence of M.
PeytreI's friends Maiming that a redleal
Socialist mn.t be given one of the dura
fntta. Mr. f)npuy, M. Lerma end M. de
Llmbre have declined to enter 1rnh a
Cabinet' and_ M. J'4trild, therefore Jane
abandoned the teak Of fort6ing a Mims
71.. Men Drowned.
Halifax. N.S., .tans 97. -News was l..
when Were Saturdel of a drowning acci-
dent through a nannies, In the Straits of
Magellan, by whi,h four ..limen of the
Halifax .tamer Alpha and a :knits Woe
were drowned.
wig Lnwdnllde.
V.nrnaver, Jere. 17. -Ono to the r/re.t-
srt land and ttmher alk1.. known M the
eldest methanol's 1. rwpnrNrl from I.m)gh•
hnrough Inlet. The elide wee sherd dime
motives M • mile long end half n mile
.1t1. There was two miles of • .nIld dr,fa
of Inge in l.mtghlx.rnugh Inlet aft, the
*11de. Whole farm. slit Dies -wank...
Polioefaen Twohey's Slayer Has
Not Been Captured Yet.
Anise. of One -Legged Moo Who Did Not M,swer the Dserrlp-
Don and Who were to
O.. -.The Poet -Mortem No -
teals a Rarprl.. -The
London, Jane 87. -Interest to the
tragic fate of Patrolman Michael Two -
hey, who was murdered b7 • tramp on
Friday n.ght, continues unabated and
on every hand people aro eagerly walling
for news of the culprit s rapture. Chief of
Police Williams 1s hourly In reoelpt of
telegrams from various places as to the
presence of a one -legged tramp in such
and such a vicinity. Detectives W. Rider
acd Thomas Nlokle, together with tbe
Chief, have had only two hours' sleep
"Ince the terrible affair took place, but
the search fox the murderer has so far
proved unsuooestol.
Word was received here from Streets-
v111e that a one-le`g.d tramp had been
arrested there. He, however, proved to be
the wrong man.
Last night Detective Rider went to
Part Huron, where another one legged
-vagrant eau arrested on suspicion, but
hi. dasoriptlon did not In any respect
tally with that of the murderer and he
wallowed to go.
The number of one logged tramps who
have turned up at different points .ur-
rouuding London since the murder le sur-
prleingIj large.
Coroner Flock has ordered that nothing
be and about the poet mortem until the
inquest, which has been postponed until
Tuesday night. The post-mortem exam'
'nation was made by lir. A. MacL•ren
and Edwin Sestlorn. 111 hes beam ascer-
tained that Twobey wars not shot In the
bred and the mark eoppmed to be the
place wirers the bullet entered was noth-
ing mom than a nasty wretch which the
unfortunate man sustained when he fell
by coming 1n ocn1Art vette! herbed wire
fence. Both shote were fired -Into the lower
portion of the body. The first on. (Interred
the policeman's watch and the second one
pressed directly through the Intestines to
the skin on the right side, nearly opposite
to where 1t entered. The revolver was
held Clore to the's body, ell the
powder penetrated the skin. The Millet
retained Its shape and t. In the possa.wion
of ir. Maclaren.
Rend/vein of symputbfeIag citizens
visited Twohey'a house ,study to tike
a Wit look at the familiar 1 -flat they
were disappointed, 15 the .*0 tc not In
a ooddtllon 5. he viewed. The room In
which ti.o remain,' 11e Is literally filled
with floral tributes from sympathising
moieties and mnnlfioent Mittens. Among
them la a handsome pillow front the
pollee, with the word "Comrade" In
everlistinga. Other* are from the A.O.U.
W., the firemen, e" -Mayor Little end the
Calhoun Order of Fnrperrr.. The amen ell
w111 1.e hurled thin morning by the haste -
flee to whtrh he helnngrd. Reference M
the Sul event wee made iunday 1n many
K the only churches. _
"'bred Mast, MI loitered.
Bloc; Clt?.t L Jets I7. - M.ny new
-*wakes ertw Jnr..;. weer» ..LAW -'.Serra sr*
edema lett wet i1.liMer.ereed on i-torl.y.
The dead famler throe and the Injured
01. Of *be Weer t0 are o$deslly base
sad erase w lb m w lila
The fealties Rr..sgbt Ie.
Vletorl•, Jane 27. -Hon. Edgar Dowd•
eery, who returned from the north by the
Athenian Saturday morning, brought for
ream totem to the Previte -lei Government
• petition from the puhlle meeting sI
Glamor's ',Mt a wagon rad to Tomlin iake
ho built at Mire. 11 appear. that the grail
1s In good rurµlltlon, but 1a not adegnate
for the teasel offering, and Holesa a
wagon read le soon prorl4.d the attempt
M enter Iles Yukon by the Stikine ruts
moat be ``oven up, setae% by thaw env•
e111ng iight.
Lyon Warts • Jere.
Bertha, Ont.. Jaws 97-ldWIlid 1.yen,
formerly earesaker of the pralnelia., bed
• hearts. before Judge Chlabelal Friday
night, sad •tented to be Niel by jtery,
wbleh Main. kis 114.1 will welt take plana
till emit fail. The ebonite lie whieh be 1.
:.z1"!:.'ac'filamaIMal'+_5.J. p.Mtllk IG' !1(
lin ,Si* pn$41T(!n. depe/'IIsi5aa IB 'lb
.naentlme stale will he amts M assure
,all, th0uge It is wit deeded whether
maws fedi be areapta.
its GIre1tses nests l)1at1■etly Trireme -
11 De,erlbes a Very irregular Lase,
net stet Wilkes. a System, se It le
hold - Rarely 1. the Some Plows
Itetruoomers have long suepeeted t+.5
t hen was something wrong with the
earth's axis. During the lass 60 year or
10 slight variations le the latitudes of
some of the principal astronomical obm rv-
atortes have been noted, which upon ex-
amination were found to be so systematic
that 18 meowed hardly possible that they
could be dee wholly to errors tot observa-
tion. 1l is, however, only within the last
tan years that astronomers have become
convinced, meetly through the tnulerly
treatment of the sub)ect by Dr. s. C.
Chandler, that terrestrial latitudes actu-
ally do flucttue• to a dight extent, In s
way wbieb an be automated for only ea
ibe .apposition that the torte's sits of
,olatloo ts one rigidly fixed In H but la
subtract to • continual shitting about IS.
man poddop.
To .tate the ase In a way which will
be more Intelligible to moat persons, the
poles of the earth -the two ends ut the
imaglaary .zis about which it turns-
e-. rem
4,3104 .,
Vessel" laws Ia11 Off Is tentage ea
MMsdq - Little cassava em *be Nome.
pool Market 7l" Teles.
Smoothy Beating, June 116.
Tke world's %neat markets MP. this
week .50we cuurlder.ble .regularity. 1he
peke of taab wheal w Ch1:ag,t, atter row-
cri0 • rause of 3. per Muer', hues rill
rr..4ed the figure ■t elites It °Meed �t
Baturdey. At the same time oke .poet kr-
11c1. has Motility tante) off la Liverpool
atoll It is new quoted 44 to 04 lower tuts
a week ago. July wheal sad tie tater
°Pitons have beet+ subject to euctuatluuW
rellyieg one day trod reectlug tea aeas- w
both Atha et the Atlantic. 41 beta Uv-
erpoul .ud Chicago futures to -day e,is.ed
weak and at a decline as co...pared win,
last Saturday. Th, decile at Chleage 4
from sec to lie. per bushel tad at U9sr-
puul Hid to tied per crural, Markets u.
the ,ontlueat of Europe alt.. Ouctuating
euuadrrWy uuw *hue little chaugr from
• wort ago.
Outeri° grate m•,krts ars dull, with 00
export deluded, and very little doing vete
Lead/aa Wheat Markets.
Fulluwlag are theme poems to day at
e a.h. Juue. July.
tedcaao.. ...... .•.$•--• *80 00 7115
Nen tort .... 079
Milwaukee .... ..... 0 8754 •
... ere
lit. Laubr80
0 81 .... u
Toledo 0 alt 0 63 0
Detroit-• 086 083 0 71
l'ulutb, o.l North0 ort 0 ID 081
Duluth. No. 1 hard0 84 erre erre
!limitations450 8915 0 (8
/'oruutu, Nu, 1 hard1 05 erre erre
Toronto. red 0 81 erre erre
Toronto Orale sal release..
Fluor-yyy5I t. Btralabt rollrn lu barred.,
middle freights, are gIuted et $4 to $4.13.
Wbemt-Ther. Is no export demand, and
Mb). deisg wets makers, with testae -le red
at 101c to 31., white at 70e weer and gar..
at 73c west. let 1 Manitoba bard is quut-
.4 tiered 116e Alleat so Feet William_
oste -Wknruoted at .Te t. 2t+, west.
Iarlejxot_b ue dolu4 a.d priors NOW
kna--6ella at to west and eksrtg aS
,,'lest -wvef i
aro not always at the same points on the
earth's surface, but continually change
their positions. Should Lieutenant Peary
or Dr. Nan.en or any other would be dls•
coveter of thu North Pole succeed in
resettle( the earl of frim ssplratWms, and,
baring the mans of determining the
pedalos .t the pees eaaotle, eksalel be
mark the spot, as he probably would do,
by planting finely there his national
banner. the next explorer to retch the
spot and to mark it to the mine way,
and with equal accuracy, would plant
his banner In • different place, and the
next would find the pole In a different
plan still. it wanders -not to any great
d1.tance, to be sure -but still sufficient-
ly to afford room for all the national
banners that are likely over to be set to
hark It. And 1t wanders, too, In appar-
ently a very capricious way.
The diagram given herewith shows the
track pursued by the North Pole, accord
Ing to Dr. Albrecht, a German astro0•
timer, who hes recently publl.bed the re-
sults of his Investigation of the phenom-
e non, between the years 1890 and 18518.
The region covered by this chart is sixty
fest square, whence we may judge read-
ily of the distance to which the pole le
liable to depart from Its mean, but rarely
occupied, position at the centre of 16.
diagram. The Irregularity of the track
snggee . that the pole staggers badly an It
travel. Ne one save ■ mathematician
who had the atmott confidence In the
sobriety of the pole would for a moment
think that there was anything like .vs
tem In a movement repreeented by • line
so strangely coiled an this, and res Ir.
Chandler has shown conclusively that
then is undoubtedly system •bout It,
though the cause of the movement can-
not as yet be maenad, and the movement
Itself has not yet bee■ determined fully
In .11 Its detail.
The malt result brought out by the
analysis of Dr. Chandler may be prement-
ed thus The point at the centre of this
diagram may he called the "pole of the
s.rth's figure." It is the precise centre
of the flattened area ef whloh we have .11
beard, as characterising each of the
earth's plar'reglona. It ought to be also
11e polo -north pole -of the earth's axle
of roitation. but It Isn't. The "pole of
rotation" travel. ,,Fount+ the "pole of
agues" wttb a moven -gent of wbleh the
complexity, an shown in the diagram, la
doe 00 the font that there are two ' sno,e-
manta superposed one upon the other
Fant, the moving pole travels, in a dlreo-
tlon from west to u.t 1n a small circle
of about 98 -feet diameter, In an average
period of 428 day.. tadlondly, this circle -
its antra -performs a circuit, In the
Mme dlect100, about the "pole of fig-
ure" In an snipes, of whloh the longer
diameter le about 26 feet, the aborter
eight fest. The pole of figure la at the
centre of this .thea.. The avenge period
of thin second revolution 1■ one year.
This 1s the fundamental wham.; but 14
M modified by systematic variations,
which appear to have • cycle of about 66
years. The diameter of the circle varlet,
from 16 to 86 feet. end the period elf rota
Hon In 1t ranges between 488 and 481
day. The ellipse also Is probably subject
to variations, though theme bay. not been
determined. That these are the true
movements is shown by the close approx
!merlon of the tbroretleal tree*, One de
rived, to the ersnnl track determined
from observation It Is needles+ tore
mark open the skillful anelysl* which
was able to deduce Chet simpllelty frrau
such apparently Inextricable complexity
A Polyglot A..wmbly.
The rlpenish Cont. 1. made up of met
M all mets .ad condition*, end a glen";
,j`_ 1.
,N/$a*R. Stevie* 7'Ira 0ONTr,
at lbs illn.trethh w111 hying Ihla foe
.1,ldly to mind. Nese the difference 1n
the matetres of the mems e,, a they
I *eat the ('he -ear
Ten Loan.
"Tits Dewey puna have loot their tlmel•
ClevelanddPfatte Deare allss� por bewey'••_
Ste as r., ata. s
Cleat -,5.510410 rears Meet I mama
Isle friar empl.yl1.*' I
Prinetbal-T M allowe how psl*eus I
ml► -i 11seend. Skitter.
."". .7" y r►'- 0.:.717 T.-, .o r e S
• .7;*'n,r.d ADtedefiT
Orem Goode /after deep thnnght}-i
elaaslambK W names, bat he was • dews
-.Ude York Weakly.
track ler,,
Pear -emoted around We north sad west
Oatmeal -Car luta of r,Ved orts le baps
on track at Toronto, 14; i1 tibia.. 51,10.
Toronto ft. Lawrence Market.
Otos steady: a lads sold at 33c pea heel.-
el, Oda being all tie grain offered_
iacoay bud Strew -Prices unchanged, only
one load of the former being on Ibe mar-
lorrssed begs scarce; prices Arm at te.16
to *7 per cwt.
Vitt p,tat.e. 46c to 50e per Mg.
Nutter firmer, se./fug at 14e to I3c for
pound rolls frau farmer"' baskets.
Eggs eraser, arulug at 14e to 150 for W.
Witter timer, seeing at 14c to 13c tar
pound roll. from fartuera' basket.
Kegs firmer at 1244. to lk per Nee.
091114 ,4rekea realer •t 40e to 119e. ate
etetd111g W qualite, .
Spring docks, 5450 to 4Oc per_ p0Te.-_..
Maga R.aato Cattle Markpt.
East Buffalo, .tine Ifiaaliallthe.20114Wilbitelet
0r01.1s were light and all composed oe
1 scads et,m'kere, full) six lads of three
e hllr several loads of fat cattle were atilt
holding over from yeslerdee'e and loaner
receipts of the week. Trade d.11.
Hug. -Receipts light; market stronger
for pip and ligbt graded, web other% full
easy, Good W choler Yorkers. 01.00 to
114.10; light to peal, 04 to 04.03; mixed
packers, $4.10 to.*4.12; hear kept, *413;
roughs. $3,15 to 43.50; stag., �73 to 53.10;
Dlga. 0&40 to 0t.
Bhsep sod Lambs -Roulet' espy light
m��* t fell rally to lower fors ring
fr-m51 iltb utbrre about steady. Tem -
Iambs, choler to time. OA. S. to F -..du; to good. $5.15 to 113.40; cell, to MD -
mon, $4.25 to $5. Native clipped sheep,
choice to selected wethrra, $4.80 to ;CON
mood to chine. mixed sheep 11,50 to ,76;
common to fair, N to $1;40; .alb to cum -
sea them, 13.25 to (),3,111.
Cheese Markets.
Ogdensburg. June 21. -Twenty -Are tote --
11116 boxer -offered; Tike bid; no sales; 11
lots, not registered ..b1 to have been Geld
at the 'ruling prier previously,
Watertown, N.Y., Jun.. 25.-0.1w of
cheese on Hoard of Trade to -day. WV bot-
tr., ■t 755.• to 144.-: belt ■t
•• London, O.t., Jane 61.-Tw•wly•nlae
tale� offered 441) bu.. Jen.. gales 1R0
lour at 74yr, 103 at 7 11-16c, 15110 at •711..
LL+iirie attendance.
London, lint., June 25. -Thr following re-
solution was rarrled Reno., llanlmouel
' Itr.ohed, that In the opening of this
eaten Iatio0, 1t Is advisable to adopt the
principle of selling on market day, 1.d
ender the ran system only, provided tb.
Irgrr.dl, Woodstock rk and IJ.teeel weir.
Iota are brought under the same area.
meat, and not otherwls• and salt a
agent t0 come Into ,fust o0 the nth (ley of
Jet, next, and that ti's market he eon -
tinned nailer tie present .7.1... until sew
agreement .romp. Into p7•w."
Parried. noir three voting against 1t,
('nwa•avllle, June 26. -At the Cnwanwtile
(7wra. ilonrd to -day 41 fat -torte* offered
51'41 box.. chew... Three rreemerle. of-
fered 121* Wise. better, and 5411 hose. mid
In A Holmes for T4.•, en hoops .acid to 0.
W. Reek for 719-16r. 1312 bop. sold t0
A. J, Bryce for 71tr, 40 hove. sold to A. J.
Rrv, .•e for Wee; trent mete. P.0 have., Wee
offered for better; no MIM. Ademeread
to 1.1113. 1 p.m.
nornwatl, Jane *1. - rifer., lart.Apa
Marled 1042 :Iwo Arnprlesn. 1.13, Rutter.:
Wood, M.•Gregrer, nere..hs noel M.]otl.
RI4• •--lie k^".e •amen P•r at 7':r,7
Rr. 01.10.. 54.'lh ror ',tong M, Wnn4 1112
Arnerlean. Wows 47 .' 71w--: all 0.14 seeml-
eem1-lug to rales .51c,, nrnSlhu m Ilbuoe0 :be
board, and ire titre -qv adhered tie
Pettish Market.
rev0nuol, June 23.-Rp Inv wheat 1. gIbM-
ed et 0. lei:.rr1 wInter.4. lets; No. 1 Cal.,
7n ed to 7. 1M' corn. es 1454: peas, Aa:
port. 51. Ad: lard. 2na at: reiMw,1W 011•
beery. 1.r.. els 6d: 11gbt, ills: do„ alert
env, ala: (-hew.,
white. IMI 6d: colored,
SM 64.
Idreep0nl-(•l010--open wheat doll, with
l"0. 1 (-al. at 7. 0d end !CO 1 Northern at
7. M: futures gnlet 1' es A for 3011. fie
liked for Rept. 0(4 a. *141 Ibe Dee.: root
Piaui. QUIP, 111 age lee. futures quiet .r As
laid for Jele riff Ali P75d for Sept slo.r
ISR ed. •
A Complete List or Sha Candidates
Momlomt.d on 'slard.y for the
Legislative Assembly,
Vancouver, June 27. -It was nomina
Hon day liatnrlay. The general election
will follow on July 9 The following 1a •
complete Ilse of candidates in all the con-
stituencies; Alberni. Hoff, Government;
Neill, Oppneltion. Como". Dnn,mnir,
Governnient; McAllen, Opposition. Oow•
Schen, Mutter, Government; Herd, Oppo-
sition Esqulmalt, Poll., Hellon, (lov-
ernotent; 1117gln., Haywood, Oppeettlon.
Nanalmn City, M.Orrnr, Government;
McKeohnl. (lppo.lgon North Nanalmo,
Dryden, Government; Heiner, tipped Win.
Sonth Nanalme, atelkem, Government:
Smith, Oppo.ttlon. North Vletorla, Booth,
Government; Patterion,Opposttlon. Knuth
Vfotri. Klerk', Government; Tates,
Mills, Independent. Victoria Cin; Tura
or, Helmlrken, Hall Mcl'hlllfp., Govern-
ment; Gregor, Stewart, Bellyea, Oppm1•
ttnn; Beaver, ind.pmndeet Cariboo,
Rogers, Hunter, Government; Kinchael,
Helg.sen, Opposition. Caaelar, Irving.
Clifford. Government; McTa.Jsh, Car-
breath, Opposition. Kootenay last, North
riding. Neilson, Government; Belle, Op.
poeltMn: Ko*Ots0sy Slats, R4Uik. Sial0g,
Baker, Government: 14.illle, Opposition,
Kootenay Were, RohRetoke, White, Gov
etnment; Green, OppoMelon. Kootenay
West, Nelson. Farwell, Government:
Rums, Opposition Kootenay West, Rees
land, Martin, Opposition; M.'Kane, in-
dependent. I.Illooet, fest riding, 11ad
daft, Government; Presidio*, Oppoition.
',Monet, West riding, Health. Govern-
ment; labors, Opposition. New West
mingle, City, Brows, Opposition; Hen-
derson, IDdepdedeet. Vaneea,.r, Mao -
Peeress. Owessuefewt; Startle,
1 (lards k 1lnwoer,
M, ' 44Adea.' Tints* "
W Cbhtlwaeb, Terser, (lnv-
QeOe6*; iter'," Oppneittee. we*tmin-
a0ep, Rink•. Peeifi$. 1 Heees,n,
lW N .isms, DewdnM',
Opahttion i Me1rld e, inde-
pendeat Waantionter, Rlehmo , Kidd,
'1.11++Ti. fflrp
Opp0Anla. Vel* ' aret5, Menlo, Tiede
*n rat; Deane ,dhip/swoon . VW W,4
Iltat1y, Oovernrn*ttt; riertnl1., OPpes1•
ourself before
1 have more faith in Dr. Ward's Blood
and Nerve Pills than anything else 1
have ever used. Since using them 1 have
recommended them to revere! of my
friends who were troubled as 1 was, and
now they are in splendid balth, 1 had
been a sufferer, like a great many other
women, with a disease peculiar to my
sex. I tried everything I could read or
think about to belp me, but was getting
worse instead of better. My condition
was terrible -I was losing flesh and
color and my friends were alarmed. 1
consulted a doctor of this town and he
staid 1 would never get better J that 1
would always be sickly and delicate, and
that medicines were of little use to me.
Hearing what Dr. Ward's Blood and
Nerve Pills had done for others, I de-
termined tarry them myself, and to -day
1 weigh one hundred and forty pounds,
while before I weigbed only one hbndred
and eighteen pounds, and now I have a
constitutioa that is hard to bat. 1 have
n ot suffered any pain in months, and
earnestly hope that Dr. Ward. Blood
and Nerve Pills will reach every woman.
e tdkring-ns 1 did. Siao..wlyyour*, MAW
bLE; Simcos, pet. Dr. Ward's Blood,
}ogee pat boa, -
5 blase 11r Si.00, at druggists, or mailed
on receipt of price by THE DR. WARD
CO., 71 Victoria St., Tomato. Book et
InIotslation free
.1.s/Mr Parke ee Lame.
"What ie your objection to women',
31nbs, prnfel tr? haven't they as g.s,d
aright t000r-venire themselves int...1uhr
toil good t(lluw.ltip, eternal entertain-
ment or i11 Iru&itotl as men have?"
"Ob. ye. madun I don't question
their right tads) anything they pirate.
My objection to woman's clubs, if 1
•Mw.••apcy,.ia•-164 toehr4 l Lb. slab
women I rta11p'r•n to be acquainted with
pronounce it pragr'm."--Chicago Tris -
Levels,, telts4eey lime.
"All ill. " declared Science positive -
b, "aro canard by microscopic genu."
Beauty laughed with the air of being
mach relieved
"That lets out cossets and candy!"
she exelainted, and protested that Sci-
ence was pvrlcotly lovely utter all. -
Detroit Journal.
3..e.U.e Merles e.f the $eeaes.
Virgil occasionally indulged in hu-
mor at the expense of his friend Mince.
Da. He made .t one time a pilgrimage
to the oracle at Delphi, and on his re-
turn said to Morena', "I wan awfully
bored while I was away." "140!" maid
Malaella. "And what was it that bored
you, aa1earr maser' "TM angers. of
course." wasKirgtl'a quick response.
Thu incident geed far to prove the in-
ventive e. nine of the Creeks and ifo-
manS, since even at that early date an-
gers sell gimlets had come into sum -
Hawaii City :,lar.
.Savalctram being* a Nervous Wreck
!or the breeds of Canadian mothers.
who have daughters who are weak, pelep
run down or nervous, Mrs Belanger, 1st
Rideau Street, Ottawa, Ontario, mad.
yaaOlr the-
statement, so that Do nae 0.115
rough ignorance of the debit
remedy to ass: My da=ghsr .doses
Very marsh from hart trogb*gg .t Itm16
Often she was so bid that +1 mold B55
It1pe0k, but had so sit and pm Ix 111'005.
ilkso extremely tamale 501 be
Mabe would fairly shake and tremble.
Frequently the would have to knee school;
and finally she grew so weak that we were
much alarmed .bout her health. I gm
her many remedies, but they did not seem
So do her any good.
Then I beard of Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills, and got • box of them, and
Obey haws tadsed worked wonders wife
Me. I c.s recommend stem wry hi�1
se the bast remedy I ever beard Sf loge
tompplainte similar to Iberia fzom ulab
myd•nghter suffered."
ilburn's Heart and Nerve Pills Iwrt
toil to do good. They ewe palpitation.
faintness, dlautnees, smothering .msetiota
weakness, nervonunem, eleeplsmaw, anew
min, female troubles and geserol debility.
B old by •11 druggists at lOo. 6 box or
three boxes for $1.56. T. >tllkarn a 00..
Toronto, Ontario.
uaII-LIVER PILLweftS- is
aur easy and natural mlaaasr,
rewtovlwd all poisons aced ha -
purities. They our QNBtlpae
flow, Wok Headache, Meer
mess, Dyspepsia, Seer Stony.
ache Jaundlee and Liver QeM-
plalnt. Price iia.
Should always carry with
them a bottle of Dr. Fowler's
Extract of Wi14Strawberrye
The ebange ori food .rad water lowlfe6
threw who travel are wkjul, Dasa re-
dness an attack of D f1 M
he longer and di aoA R� stay
he dengermta. A belles di rewrite*
F.xir et of Wild Btrswkeery in yoer SAF
1e a guarantee of abay. Oe the Ord la"
dictation of Cramps, OoHO, D1arthee r
Dysentery, . leer doe will oM11110f.
*hook farther .drones of thew
II is an rid,
6W mostly, . wilt'
over tarty year's' et
esru te ice a div,
nem nen Y ow