The Signal, 1898-6-30, Page 44 TIUMDAT, J nus 30, 1098. The Swell of Cycledom The new McBurney di Beat in Wheels which we have re- cently placed in stock aro oerti.idy the swollen thing in town. Everyone is de- lighted with them. You can buy one for • little more than others pay for the oomwonest grades. OUR LIVERY continues to prosper. Wheela that are fast enough to win races on are good enough to satisfy the most parttouler. That's the kind we keep—and guarantee sat- isfaction. EMERSON'S 11 rvmas,m EO_ERY THURSDAY MORNIST nen. meenia0M1 SODIWOH. THUBSDi•Y. J1J1101_1111,ifaL THE TEMPERANCE FOLK. THE temperance people are getting together, and if they keep that way, the ultimatum will soon be issued that the whiakyItead must so, in politica as in everything else. There is no room anywhere nowa- days for the man who drinks in the profesitob , ; Lh Chair, the places of business, even in the die- pensing of liquors in hotels, there is no room for the man who drinks. In politica the people are also wak- ing up, and the people favor men who don't drink. The temperance senti- ment will be felt in West Huron when the next election will be held. WHAT'S UP ? gar One slyer feels better when the corpse Is out of sight. liar The crooked politician, like the poor, is always with us. ▪ A politician is far gone when his mouth won't hold soup. jty• There is such • thing in poli - laden Wog indoori ep stirs. gar What baa become of the In- dependenoe of Parliament Act Cr Every man has his price, and some get more than they aro worth. ▪ A man may ape his father and bet become an hairy -parent himeclf. err Honesty i. the best policy, and few there are who walk that way rr Political obsequies are always 'mournful, eveu when a T' wake n. held. gar Wast Heron breathes easier now, and her people rejoice and are gbsd. lEr As breath to the nostrils is the scent of omoe to the time -worn politician. gar Beau sold his birthright for a mem of pottage, and there have been others. Bar The end of it all will be the placing d an old sack of Clones in a woolen box. gar A cocked hat and satin knick- ers won't cure a man of insomnia or heart- ache. 13r Hansel was • fine type et the average politician, and he got a high placer at last. rr Do the memben belong to the constituencies, or the constituencies to the members ! ta,, The law of heredity in politica is bowed in the leg, bent in the knee, and crooked in the hack. EA. If money and position mean suooe•a, the late Be,iorc.-r AKN01.n was a vary .uooreeful rear. ▪ If a man is to reap as he sows, God' help some of the politicians who.° neer are in the sir at present. Ili. Some politicians are never hatteretie#ed than when their ambition. are knocked into a cocked hat. • What a frightful amount of hood-natnrad Ding is to he found on toed.. stones and in farewell speeches. gs. What a gathering there will be when B1lusscs, the father of liar., Beta ap a hounew$rming to welcome his children. the scheming politicians. ga. Lying and .bic.eery will never help • politician when he is dead. That's why the schemers devote all their time end attention to it while in the fl..h. q, It is • sign that the LAURIRR tirlwhenetelt M • .trKng one when it can afford to threw overhourl on many of the al. lead strong leen and still undertake to mi, the .hip of Mate either that, or the alleged strung sees were polities' pigmies. SNAP SHOTS. —The Mail and Empire hasn't pureed it's " Km" from Tampa yet. —An exchange speaks of a public says, "Hit bed not been for hit.other amid set be where he is today.'" And lie prmYst r nee has taken emir thele ween THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO Terms and 40 Brite. That is different free 300, you know, and goes W prove that the num in the wain ahuukl lie stilL — Our esteemed Tory contempor- aries are trying to make out that Hou. Mr. Hear, in the recant Kiegehon riectiou, pulled the strings through the cordage OWN. paiy. Of cords, it newt so. - A wertern newspaper recently re- quested answer to the queettou, " What do you regard as the most common fault of present day young met!" The slower that struck the bull's-eye was, " Proforeuou for • white shirt job." —The efforts that some people make to deify Sir FLANK SIITR, when a quetetluu of dollars and yenta oo.uem up, would alwust stake ue believe the gallant knight wee of •Lth•ater anal the other fellow. eery nude of mud, " as it were." —The quiet reepectabi'ity of NAR - TIN J. titlrnw, (iRoausJori,TON sand J. N. LANAI, and the effurta they are making W awpsar uou-partisan hi their work is um. of UM grandest results of the advent to power of LAVRIKA and his colleague.. —Outside of the fact that it slivers OW of the plaudit' in the liberal platform, the appointment of JArsa LINTAL. QC., to the Bench is a good cone. }le is a eau sect brain ansi brswu, ansi won't b.Roaie either e crank or a chump, as many others have If your children are well but not robust, they used Scott's Emulsion of Cod- liver Oil. We are constantly in re- ceipt of reports from par- ents who give their children the emulsion every fall for a month or two. It keeps them well and strong all winter. It prevents their taking cold. Your doctor will confirm this. The oil combined with the hypophosphitesis a splen- did food tonic. foe d e,-®. uii4 0 jM.. SCOTT & SOWN*. t-n,u.I.n Torw4. mama them saes of the ,'ata to whioh the tee milhon Treat Walby •• ditch'' beilo•ms Coatroom which bed bees les and the works aeto•!ly in progress W be consineed, and further expenditures art be undertakes hereafter to complete them Hut • stop mast be put to sew usdertaknge. W • do at need new railways and canals se maoh as we seed • ttoaootal rat. Ever sines doer who have bueu pktted on the Bettt•±tye,sfeder•ties we have keitprolmaed ata Here's to you, Jw ; may you live lung au dye happy. —The impression which Liberals hold _of Lieut. -Governorships today js the nam. ja that which has beewbeid y them always, via., that the juh. arc icedeos rusting planer for decrepit polo), wit- a Ian have shot their bolt. bound men like I. I I Davit., ,nudge Jerre, Jams M, Mci.L... and others take n, .lank le tie 1 lipot• 1111. or tiaasl.trappungs. —It is announced that JANAa Innis, the veteran proprietor of The(Iuelph Mercury, is !bout to retire from acti.e Isi.ining' in favor of his nephew, J. lam. Mc1NTooi, who has for mom. mare heck been private secretary- to Hon. J. IM. .op. The retirement of Mr. lv<nitwill take from Western thiteriu the Nieto! sit tle- }enrstlffiattl,aodd-riaspa-arealtsemeirte en- ructioHn is that he has been able to put by 'totalling for a rainy day, that it is goal W ha.e. As one of the buys of the oki Mercury brigade, ver fling a bouquet to the,Old Man with the hive that " hell live a thousand years and weigh five bun rel pound. CONTEMPORARY OPINION. AND Tra e.(/..aa 10 rim.rn '1ANN. Ifreskvlfe Them : Alas, It is too tree that w, tie at dorsa In deso ibtam heal en - t erminmeete cad in writing obituary ..1l7ss, but the went wbea•me of all ars le the thestriel sellae. HEAR, HAAR! ANL Ar I'I.AI'.e. Tomato World : W. are Americas. ; we are HrttWi-Amorloaae ; w. are Anglo -Am g rimes ; w. are Mee of the Northern -Loo. ; bat our meet dietio.M,e nine, the gee wbleh we Mead so•e to make meet h000r- able ast..g W •access is t.Luadisos. WHINE Tilt '.IA04. ,.IR Torb1Tllrn Guelph Mercury : Duncan McKay. Kia• ell, Hama, was armee the exourdenlete yesterday. He was from Dan MdiilB- osddy's mereitsssey, and though a thorough aooteman, mays that he will always Ruppert • Reformer we • blew o' his bellows. THAT 1L11r6L1 01.AINOTON1. Mahal Reorder : The GderIeh SIGNAL, 1n rlerring to the death of Mr. Madame, my. that " Ooderioh has • greed old man, . LL KINDS OF the survivor of the quartette tte of ssoa see of Hera, in Naomi Gibbons, who, without doubt resembles In 'anal exoreosami the ea the empire now mounts." Thi' olalm for (,odertoh may be right, bat the township of Leese *toad. pr-embset 1. amok a claim. L.A_. has. in oma of its old- est dtheeny Peter Campbell. Eva , the strongest reeemblamee b Oledatow tat ooh be fend Is the Hurn distrlet. • • re. RI►TOm'6 J01NIr1NT GONNA 01? O.elpb Mromry : The judgment of Hoa. Mr. lithos W lees berm out with referases M the Klemdike Auld. book. Whin the ttet•Ir g et It was gives to Mr. 1). A. Rom, o f Tsreste, the GemmervaMve papers howled because the muatry was to be robbed and Da Rees was N make his fortune. It now term est that the publisher" only mound o d►eelsHes e1 about 40,000. the urns in (treat Brit•le was a failure, the publishers makleg saikiag est of 1t, while the ()merri- ment have had 10,000 copies, whlah doss tam althea. We eu•ret.e that the same Mr glue's lodgment h the proposed Mane• M.Kenxie Yukon railway bargain, 11 the .eheme bad sot been blooked by the Semite, would boom proved moth nearer the real foots then the parttime eetimma@ o1 Term editors. ei iavmk .xpemditure o1 lte sewed mosey It would do es a world .f jssd if we would now butte to rodeos this tar too heavy debt. Then is no resale to doubt that tan mad he eeempliehed The !»idler tertff has mimed t. Ice a good n reaue Widmer: and it will matinee tadsdottaly to be se By k.splog down the easel .xpeaditure • considerable surplus might be used mat year to pay off md.btedsr.t Reduction e1 debt mr:tos further reduction of mama .x• peodtturs on taterest aooeuat, and ea r- oreeatus aase.l surplus for the further re- daoates of the debt. Tke two years yet to lapse ',dere the amend election ahold witness the s000mp- ltehmest of groat megrim in this direction, and the Liberal teak and hie all over the oomatry will be bitterly disappoint.) it there he failure, TM Ministry as • whole, sad egeeislly these who ays obarge of large .peatierdepartreata, should, during the reorw, go tboroegbIv. tato Mu whol. matter, and resolved to meet P.rhamsnt seat emeien wish a budesR nide lorwly el sheat meat proposals. Work on tbtA Ilse o•aoot be beans tae eros or kept up too ,W[eumativ to pleas leo moofhchel Ltbeiat and boasat the whole poop'.. Colebrook' : lura R. Brow& and Mies Maggio left en Wedeeday lee Wieooaeio. They wit' wheat in Dakota •sd M•a1oba be- fore retereieg. Londahoro : Arthur Smith, youngest nos of John Smith, maim foreman, has received the appetotereat of aahet•at at titaness Mallon on the U T. R. Mateo : Two of Olioto•'e well llrwlt and exceedingly popular younagg peel &MON married in Tomato last week,Ii ties .f Ogle Cooper and Mise Naas t.�lark. RIC[S MOST Pee TABU)! 'Arra AND rams Use PURE SALT NOM AMMAN CIKMKAl Minim SOLE MAKJPS — GOOteun.oui. HELLO ! THE OLD RELIABLE. .10011N*1.INTII AND PO1.111,1ANR. Orap Seethed : The oompmrtees that. wort tett M he h.Mtet.d between 1.11.•1.1 petitioner and Liberal newspaper siem the party was .soosesfml at the polls le deolded• iv In favor of the latter. There is a ohms of °heap lad natty politiolaam—vernal cid malty themselves, who delyht to nothing, quite es much s eastl.g slurs upon pabllo jemrnmle and journalism, sad them meet with mansion ie ooustd.ri.g the relative meads e1 the two ppeeltttesi 10r0111.IS the Hear of Os.ws.nos net ore !Ab- end has stood M hie place to d the ettrvegaet eipemdltmres of the Govern- ment, and call for the observees of pledges gives before the election. ' • Not see decreed the Yukon deal exempt Mr, Trek Oliver, Y.P., of Edmonton. And'e It hes been all through the two famous me. Mem that have peeved. On the other heed, 'ever! of the most preso.seM "Ahem' papers have desomeod 1. tM mese .atpbatki terms oerttin evil features et the (overntest's policy. Ammar the Inst are the Hnntinetoe Gleaner, the Msetreal wbm.es, the Simms Reformer, Ilio G.derloh HtoeA1., acrd the Toros o Ma. The eoesparime M letereettes, as showing the gator .laerrlty and 000rage of pabllo jenraale than et pshlle mss. e • • '1(on t@OAIOI1T TALK. ItrauMerd E.peslter (Ms): That wAl- kmews *meal, the Hel.oayeeee Isd.peed- et, krill dew. empeatteally and mxgeiv- orally that the Wel duty sew drvelving o. Ne Lester LdieMYrsIm. r N keep dew.. and If pamlltm Wei Mos. the reblm .s• tossdltarm d (lessers. The I..db. r ss- resssedly sudors MN sesemWs. W. have hem a.esdMg far too snob ea eapetsl aeswat, Nes loorometeg obs pables MM we hem hese apamdlag tea w1 con el nerea.s every vo.r, tines petting M sue N oat power to paT of Gey oesddeseils pit of oar d.bs. The Uberle war pat IMO Aso to bring *boot • Assn 1. Nig miter', Mesa for lieu have made Wale prgstbb the Wye to No' s efslu, Ibesilatlb .n.1 7 I10i be Ise. mies 1101 �umetiiltr Own N•. Welt COAL ALWAYS ON HAND TH1 HIT SCI11tOfl A MARKtrT Bard Co INTH All ('ool weighed on the Maher Seabo, usher you get SOU Ibe. for • ton. WIC. L Orden left at X. b e Store promptly att.edd M. The Kensington Funiture Cot I IAmltrdi WANT DRY ELM AND BASWOOD Ie tarp or meal gnmatltlea. They are ales I n the market for Green Elm and Black Ash. WE MAKE._�w Sewer and Culvert Pipes 4111/1 Rotas Mfeiwtte. M _ Arh WPM'S POPP erne . THE ON1iARI0 SEINER PIPE CO SOi AD.A1Dr 5T. R.. eaerssv *0 was. 1 AIIONTC PLANING MILL. [iTIetIIMFI ItU. BDchaoalls& Rhyirns SASH, DOOR and BLIND Malmo hi an khan a LUMBER. LATH. SHINGLES AM Madge. taidadal .l may decal si , •School Furniture a Specialty GIVE IOUB BOGS THE BEST. We have a new dock et BERGER'S ENGLISH PARIS GREEN The beat made --not the kfad need for paint, but some- thing much purer. Pries just .the same as you pay for inferior stuff. PURE HELLEBORE, INSECT POWDER, FLY -PAPERS o<s ws— Tounst. will find special etbsahlle paid to Amerioap Toilet Articles and to Prescriptive work. time Juio.. Root Beer and Ginger Beer Extracts. W. C. GOODE, Chemist, BEDFORD BLOCK. McCready, Common Sense Huron .�d and Thetis nothing made-. at any (rice for ease in running 1& excel. t The Best S er Goods Gasoline Stoves Blue Flame Oil Stoves Ordinary Oil Stoves Screen Doors and Windows Refrigerators Garden Hose and Reels Nozzles and Sprinklers Hammocks Bicycles, new and second h =um' LEE1SHEPHARD The g ode Co., Lied t30DffimimoH_ Aust be C1ear8dOnI! READY MADE CLOTHING MY OWN MAKE A11 trot elms Goods, sad well made ups will M sold at remarkably low prices to class It out Doe. ASoo i sartmeot of Now Goods for spring sled Meer wear. CAM, AWNS colt. H. DUNLOP WAt-et Tailor. nett leak Montreal. Cray's $yrup of ForoldCs, ron- oncha, Spruce C chida, etcS,ore throat, ABORT, woman• Fe.. e-..eeemea. r at ?tar Low Prices, rlsmbtaa sod a7idag di VW ep.old a11em- Ilea. We here Just received • car load of hissed bile and naw. We handle Torahs 041; 1t is equal to 11111. erfaaa - CHA. HARPER -177 AND PRACTICAL PLUMBER HOT WATER FITTER Baths, Closets, Banns, Boilers, Sinks, Hydrant*, Sewer Connections, Pipe and Drain Work, This Week: Ca° b�' xx.clikvy Oto ... We are giving extra value in Dress Lengths, the best value ever offered in Goderich ; also extra value in Parasols, Ladies' Linen Skirts, Lustre Skirts. Just received, extra value in White Duck. Next Bargain Days, July 28th tnd 29th. JA.310ES ROBINSON'S 1 SELF HARDWARE! PROPERLY ggDONI T PRICII$NOCK 'Tie COMP'TITION IENDWAYS. • my prices. CHAS. J. HARPER. BERYILLBR BOB3ERIB8 Choice !reit and Ornamental Trees at Indio Prim EVF.RCREENS A SPECIALTY Oar geese et Pratt Theta beim Ceeptst., we win he able to all omen at ttMrmet e che., se we have the Beet and Leafier Varieties .1 Apple. Peer nem. Cherry. eau heel Trees, rase • Large peek et Mail trate. Call and s=amtne btoek sad be osovlsoed. tarp 'Stook of (;koros Spring Neddia/ Plant. Price Um mailed es aPellostlon. Address JOHN STEWART ESTATE 1111111111.1.11111 P. •. CLEARING WALL SALE OP PAPEI FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS We will offer our Stock of Well Paper at • very large reduction in Now is your time to get your house papered for very little money. and get Bargains. JAMES YATES prices. Come That is my business, and I intend to stick closely to that business, in the in- terests of my customers and to my own in- terest. I have bought a testier Mair at ,- a rate the will be .. . _ _-.__ _.. terr to customers, and with the large additional stock which I am receiving to supplement that which was in the store. I am ccnfident that I shall not only retain all old custom- ers, but increase my list of patrons. Sign ,yt The Padlock. N. D.R-OUQVJE:; SUCCESSOR TO DAMON i CO. , FOR CUSTOM WORK FO? REPAIRING FOR THE SLATER FOR THE BEST IN BOOTS AND SHOES give SHARMAN THE PRACTICAL SHOEMAKER Being • thorough workman, we cannot be shoddy goods, and we do 1:ot buy misfits, damaged to sell as firetclass lines. We keep the LAIDLAW, WATSON and tan they are nplent fi styles, yon should give them ;a- -a call. imposed on by Wien of good% or bankrupt stooks SHOE CO'S GOODS, Iters, and of the detest WM_ S�aE1� �A1�T, 0m111R Or RANT WAR= Ann sou Lea 72t. Tw • PRACTICAL SROM 1111A1, AND BOW ARNDT FOR TGR PAM ROOT. C30DZIatIOH- BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER. Next Joor to O. W. Thomson's Music Store, •lhidekA!!•s!!! Strong Halthy Boys should sever M put lets WEAK, ILL-FITTING CE.TIIU Bad for the boys Bad for the clothes Bad for the poctet-book Shorev's is made in almost as many sizes and proportions y boys arc—.end t TO WEAR they are atyT'tith sinanBt•and NO they are made for oydsIi good hams wear and will last until eR 'joys, grows out of them. Sherry's de not ask le to hr at one particular shop. That system tisoirsonts cost more. fiery good dealer sella orey's iltA dy to wear Clothing" and guarantees it to give satisfaction. Yee NMI fled trio Otnrestie Card le the pscl et. ,boY f.,. Geo. W. Thomsoifg �t 80IBTHIBH TO THINK (BOUT : If yen had M important saes Were Overt, you'd .m�1sy • skilledIf yes were desperately al, d 1104 roe the brat Ifossou in towns � If yes wait • Bispeie, yee'll hay • s "Crescent" FROM GEO. W. THOMSON. Why ser : r �e Donee: they that you'd employ . an* eke &Mew y Your Itte M they knew bleb hardens, you rico int a poor mtaattine. -& 'F121181 LI.30 , " Crescent,' e ' i leCread'," "Common 8e118" and "Han ALL GUARANTEED AND HiGH G1gAtle 11 Agent for Canada's favorite piano—" THX W ORIIWI'.T$" and the "QODEBIOH ORGAN" GEO. W. THOMSON. Verdepour Ilee Wonderful sad "nail kidney sod User iv :+rural senmlastlumsp.r 1. st. •reamer. ellll,