HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-6-30, Page 3a COULD SCARCELY ARISE NIS HAND. Yet took care of seventy head of stock. The farmer who found a friend. scrims results often fellow a Malts especially pe arkes s so liablMimes 10 strata asg,sBio .1 people who , Iromd lilting to day. The tweeter various lends,)5 strength. rarely oust ore rtaaea Fa- miliarity with the clan of wares he land dew enarafts eo 01 100110 putei to ranyexces ie v W e lona be burden on blmsell. Hut w1U the farmer It is different. He is lifting (cads of such earyfoa weight. and under such varying cooditioas that he Is very liable to lift a little too much some day, with injuries 1.1.114 Many serious elect*,.• of the great ,rises bI the body originate le a Persia. It was ea la the case of Wee W. Bentley, of Towner, North Dakota, A @lois eo.ulte4 10 serioea trouble with the !leer. How be recovered and was enabled feed,to et him tel) bimaeil ck during the welter "About a year ago, 1 ssi.fnedas Witty Is my back an4 shoulders by lifting • beery weight. Alter • time, .1 ver trouble ..ma aa, which so weakened me that I could scarcely lilt my hand ds to my heed. De ). 1. Ayer. Pili. nand besets st De). C. Ay immediate benefit, continued avail I was cured of my complaint, so that I was able to take care of severity bead of stock all through the winter, which shows that the cure eras mot temporary but permanent.. -$. R, W. H , Towner, M. D . The settee of ter. Ayer's Pills on the liver makes them inealuable for those Beteg in malarial dinette. C. F. Alston. Quitman, Te..., writes; "I have found ie Dr, J. C. A en's Pills ea lmval.able remedy for constipation, bio io s.,.a, and 'Omitted disorders, peculiar to miasmatic loe.Iltiew Taken in small and frequent doses, these pills act well on the liver, aiding It In th rowing of mrlu fel poise .. and restoring its natural powers. I could mut dispute. sob the use of Dr. Ayer's Ville." -C. P. Aunoa, Quitaun,Tw Dr. Ayee's Pills area specific for all die. of sibs liver. stomach. aed bowels, they promote digestion. cure coustjpa- tion and its consequences. and promote the general health of the emirs system. Tbey should always be used with Dr. J. C. Ayer's e.r.ap.rlil11 w k.w•.-estb.rtie 10 required. More about the pills la Pr. Ayer's Curebook. Sent free. Address the J. C. Ayer Co., 1.ew.)l, Maas. OF FINNY FAVORITES THE BROOK TSIOUT, HIS HABITS AND ECCENTRICITIES. Mew sad Nenst Danica. Lr saarlaL wary Prey -A Sethi Eseb,o awl WEYLER'S WIFE A PEASANT. 1asee..$I. Marriage el tee Mao Wile Made a Cb.reel Mess. of Cub.. Willer the "butcher" had a romance 1a kis affair of the heart. Ne Wey al lads meerrlag5 hi told by • Madrid oorreepondent of the lwendoa Telegraph, who rye that the famous tlpi.ulsh officer bad attained the rank or lieutenant-oolunel and was In uuenumnd of • crack Infantry regiment when he fell deeply to love with a singularly home NMI gird -like blmylt • native of one of the Relearn' tales -of bumble origin, be- ing the daughter of respeotable, hard- working peasants. She bad not even been taught to nail or write. Weyler did not chaeloee his matrimonial projects to his family and friends. while making ever) preparation for carrying theta Into execution. Twenty four hours, however, before the time flied far the oelebratken of the wedding oerywony the officers of kis regiment received from him written requests to meet him at •oeraln obureh door early on the tullowlog muru- fug. At the hour Indicated they found blm awaiting them neer the main en- trance), and when they had gathered •round him In a respectful semi circle he addressed than a follows' "Brother °threes, none of my people know that I am to be married this morn- ing. I did not tell thein for reasons of my own, mainly because 1 detest useless discussion. But I was not going to the As a general rule be who passes the alar on my wedding day unless moons - most time upon the trees streams knows panted thither by my good comrades. So mote about the habits of trout, yet no I alk you to sand by me as witnesses man may arrogate to blmsalt that Its and frtenda And 1 want yon as take knows all about theta. The nab are as note of what 1 shall do when the tleoat• capricious as women. and quite as ing priest shall hate united all Id 1117 difficult s1) understand. As • rule, the 70ung bride-" large flab will be found In the deep i This Wree speech was hailed with oord- poole. babied large racks and 1n the I, al aeolam•tions, and the miliary cortege quint heavy swirls. The entailer fish are Sled into the church •1 the heels of their tend ill -the efiallower waters. At times commanding ofl''er, to glue btm fish of all sisee lake to the Ansa t their full support end eounesnanee and to p e.A-Flles of steel • es, O pair s It a rule, denouem•Hvid the aolom" mystery. At 1enis sidl�andeappaegptly tr Ge A-!bbl■g Aeeerding a 1 habitat, and, although theyrunrap and less Ft F'FI:NIIAM'S RII►r:. WHY THE POOR 01.0 BOY DEVELOPED INTO A SCORCHER. /*loner, the Orem Ityed Monster, Mona. thaws Ones tiled Acts !'.wares, mud Putreoboe's tiperieeoe •t Lett Put Wire 1r to•dltlou For aoorebl.g. To say that Mr. Puffent)aln wax merely aulaeod is to give the intelligent refiner bat a faint ooneeption of the state of that gentleman's feelings. He was staggered. absolutely staggered,. • hen o n turning in at one alai of the lr•ace•ful thoroughfare in which he aisle the spectacle of Mrs. Puffeuham end a wale companion bikiug out at the ether met his a.touuded gaze. It wee true be was not expected, for he had rett.rund front a solitary cycling tour a whole day earlier than he had originally Wended, but that little circumstance did not teed to 10)10 )e hen. Who the deaoe was Mrs. Puffenham's companion? She knew no one in the neighborhood, he was sure, for his wife being young trod vette wad Polonium middle aged and jealous he laud pur- posely set his fuoe against her making friends in the vicinity. And here she was riding gayly about in his absence with a masculine and youthful cavalier In attendance! Mr. PU$enham told but be says he saw you were in trout le, bimself that here was a mystery that and thought yon must be looking fur a ONLY NATURAL. Mania pladerewsel, the Colored Porter .ad the Harbor Pb..r When Paderewaki was "'eying in New York, he put up at ode of thee, gigautiu hotel* oontaiuing eoluethite like 1,000 roma. In the morning the pianist had been down to the breakfast saloon. and by way of exer'ise tbuukht he would walk ap stain lignin $ohisowe apartrueut iu- stead`of chartt.Iiug the lift. The conse- quence was that he loot his reokoniug iia {he maze of corridors and was owe - Whey at fault. }in Was t,amtiug desperately tip and down cue passage, serntiuiziug the numbers over the doors, when be vial observed by n black servant of the ho- tel. Noticing the uniform, Paderewskl 'boned out hie number. The black fel- low looked at the great luau. grinned all over his face and said, "Follow me, soh." Rejoiosd at having found a guide, Paden-wski followed him dowp oevt•r.,l flights of stairs and along two or three o (rrielore, until the sea u stopped at • door. flung it open, and said, still mea- ning, "There you hub its sten" "' It was the barber's shop) The irate pianist complained to the manager, who, after interviewing the blaekatnoor. apologized and said, "I hope you'll excuse the ignorant chap, required looking into at once. At this particular moment, as the thrifty tweed the Donner. the lady half turned her head and glanced down the road. Puffenham via 100 far off to see her give a start, but start he felt _ the iegtinceively she due as she caught might 5y heal• H Th t•reb have • iced ■ot • little cunou.. ax to the eventual Of him. lie caw her pedal tense-erne lably the end of the religious ceremony and known the cir•uuistimcee of thein die I Approved Aetherities. Now that the trout mason is here .od --.Ne loquacious Haberman who had been fortunate to get • Mance at the moun- tain brook is relating his thrilling expert• Wee with SIM .9.00)ef beauties, • few Pieter" on Dieing fashions In this year of moo .re probably apropos. Hods .0d reels, nooks end lines, leaders and leads, elm and note. grub worms and glory are all, as usual, proper Oohing furniture. To da) the split to m to° sa'• Is at the bead of all rods. The last 1., yeses has .sen 1t d1.a0cs all rivals, noel the men who 'Gabes to be up -to date will .elect • split bamboo. They ate made of six and also of eight (Wipe le price they may be had from $1.95 5p to /110 and more. Most of the rods are to three Joints, and those are by all means the beet. In selecting the rod i.. that It has an even "hang." That means that whets U 1. strained IL w111 bend In an even curve from butt sone. Care should be taken that there are no imper- fection. 1e the cane. The cheaper rods are made from inferior . material the manufacturer assorting his bamboo sem/ding to the grade of the rod he wlthet to produce. Alf expensive rod should bend .o that the tip touches the butt without breaking. A roil that la too limber w111 not out well, while one that Is too .tiff 1. apt to place too great a strain upon the fish by is quiet reaction. Ring guides are mostly preferred. A rod for fly fishing should weigh from six to sight ounces, and be from nine to ten end • half feet long. The .reel set should always be below the band on a fl) rod. 11 ball aching le $ la indulged In • heavier rod W Wduul*1 01 Ina a new material 0,011 4r 00,etttIO •t•.uat attests •tit0u.r down lbs dream. t,ey w over return to their favorite pools. During the after all the miliary wltnesees had signed roam.. WryIer church with very. The next u,onteut both gtnrkeII- warm months the 11.11 seek the cooler the telt the waters l till head the e y.re•m, as flout bis wife en his aro) and, followed bb]y hie Oldtheirpace and were gone out of sinii five 11) water tb,t efi is dner shah 011.001, marched her oft to a neighboring sigh t fb degrees. Trout feed upon the larva omivenk. where be delivered per Ipto the .Test hit A moment Mr. Pnffenham al bugs and butterflies that are deposited charge of the abhors and took leave of hesitated. His wife had never before her wttb ,oidlerly abruptness, displaying even him cane; for distrust, but this prey the stream for of their own they air no emotion whatsoever. Tben, ;erring obvious attempt to avoid recognition aped the )sung of their kind, to his ,,nudes, be rid: and n especially fond of front and "Querldos bermanos, I bay. married «a open to the worst construction. salmon en !t b a well-troutded loot Mr- Puffenham resolved .........4... give chase, lbs maiden because 1 love Ger and ane that Imffienee nomhere of trout follow loves Inc She has had no education and For a man of his weight end years he tete rlmo� in grounds an migrations to the Ina not a bad rider, and in a couple of therefores t t reeenl ler to wex;lna ' pawning they fall and devour the et Theon no a p u soon u they fall from the female. Theon eq1)a1 acme with your mothers wives minutes he was again m sight of his favorite food of the trout, however, are the Mow bssties sod grasshoppers Maktett ea tits surface al ale w, ,i • • this habit of seising Its Todd upon surfocs of the water that •lords such sport to the englur, for when ash are on the feed they eche the artificial lure with the same avidity r they do the natural Mew Generally the mornings and evenings are the beet time to flab, although this varies as to the ttme of year. Early and late In the season the middle of the day may be found beat. sometimes trout will be seen rising In all directions. striking at minute mldgea that ficat over the top the e water. At such times 1t le almost impossible to make them notice any lure. Keep as much out of sight its the rasters of the ground w111 permit and Ash with the finest talkie that will hold your 1.1. The finer the tackle the more skill s tegalred In handling the game. In cast- ing do so trete the wrtet end forearm, the e arm quite eines to the olds. Do not use • longer line than you ran cu1 t neatly. The y should drop dtreetIv over the spot where you think the Seth Ides and 'Mould strike the water drat and as lightly u pivailde. Only persidewb ke • Pkfllfnl fly -caster. and 1)51001 or to ileum In 'society as 1115 quarry. But they, too were evidently writ of your colonel, .o I have arranged that 'he shall remain Ser two 7e•» under .- ears et these'wonity mite, swim Smell her all she ought to learn and eventually tarn her out a credit to the regimen% During the Interim I shell not disturb her studies by my visite, though she is mine and I em hen. Have 1 done right?" The answer may be taken for granted. "Then come along and let us all go to breakfast " t71/114ran ma in retrlevine the line It 'should be with quick, rather jerky motion, bat In sending 1t forwent again care should be taken that the lies are not .napped off. Should a 40h else to the fly, &alight turn or jerk of the wrist will fasten the hook in his mouth. Should be be . small one, be may be "yanked" out at once, but the larger fellow must be handled carefully. Let him have &11 the Ilne he wants, steering him Mem of weeds or rocks as much as poeslbis. Keep a light dray, on him, and as roan u you think advisable commence reeling In. Should he neat" another apart, let him hate the line again, repeat- ing thio until he terns over on his side Don't play • 1.h too long, and large fiats should be landed with a net. To do Chi* bring the fish as Mom to you an y00 can, and quietly but quickly put the net under bin) Don't flaunt your net se if you were leading a rharge In tattle. in playing your H.h be sure you always keep • taut Ulm on him, or he w111 surely di,'otage himself- It should be the angler's endeavor to always keep his rod In poeitlon that he may strike. It the and le held tee, near the perpendicular the power to strike is almrmt wholly Met, and there In danger of breaking the rod 'Mould • large fah hook himself. If halt 1e fine,, graaahoppers, worms, and the white grubs' that are found beneath the look of decayed spruce and pine trees are R oil, lint for big 11sh there le nothing like minnowe in ring bait a plain hook ehmili he used. It Is now oomeded that to Bah down stream -1a by tar the Meet pan Oftentimes the evening affords the best sport of the day, wet -chilly in the fnll of the morns, when the 11.h neem to Mae at everything that falls upon the water. Night hehing Is not eon.idered sports manlike and In Nome places It 1s pro hfbtted. ThIR Acs eKYA0's °reel? - salad peddle wood le being 14,00113 mended, but until It 1s proved superior the spilt bamboo had better be adhered to The steel rate pot upon the m•rke some years ago seem to give little setts - faction, and are not need as much as when find tntr lured. Yet, notwith- sanding this fact. She ctrl rod hes greater posethllltiee hefnre 11 than any wood rod, and Is likely to become the rod of the future. The problem seems to be simply one of perfection of manufac- ture. • Io fishing for treat • multiplying rod Is to be avoided and the preference given to one that le narrow between the platse, with • drum or spindle of urge dia- meter- With such a reel the line ee' be wound up very rapidly. The b 'idle should be of such romrtroctlnn or me protested that it will be Impossible to foul the line. A light rliek Is beet, and is whirr is sweetest musts to the ear of the angler. Thelender Is that part of the tackle that is attached to the end of the line and to which the artificial flies or other (ore are attached. It Is used on account of its In0libillt7, a any line, no matter bow delleatI, would aeon+ the lash. Larders an• made from silkworm gas. and the tort lengths of from three to six feet. 7 he four and Ms foot leaden are tae n10st .ervlreable. Leaders are stained In many dllereat "hales, varying from • light mist ocelot, which, by the way, le meet often owed, to almost • black. Mnrh study has been given to this subJeet of staining In order to make the leader as 111t1e conspicuous se possible. It is an seeepted role among anglers that when fish well not rise 11 5 always advisable to Otsego the leader. The most vexatious question that preeente Reif to the trout angler to the one of film Of room, dtfferent wets» require (rigatoni Stoic The hew seloaHen of, Ales will Meted* the gray hackle, coachman, protegee'. whsle miller, Dunt gnat and royal nosehman. lluoh specials - Ilan bas boon Indulged In as ie why so wary • fah as trout will mime an artificial fiy, *blob, s. • press majority of seem, bean .o rw.mblsset M anytbias oa the waters or In them, It a tarn that mon fifes aro intended to re*twaet psrliswler inalsd , but Ohm them teen elatedly made well de se tall easeo11se e• the Bert della/.. The pgtestas .1 modern Sy belts to is rte Mehles bsNsr illustrated than le til reader et dile& The braided, ammeistRHue le by no moans til hoot Igo with wbirh It renders sut. & Wad MIu Ms, all make.HaN ill Mama" This te • no lees true than pretty story. sad Its sequel has been all that Waaler sold has wished Jt m b.. • RODE WITH THE Keee. As Affable Mwareb and a Ooldler Who Wu ie a Hurry. A few days ago. says one of the South German papers, a soldier was returning to the barracks at Ludwlgsbnrg (Wurtem- berg) from .n excursion to the snburbs. It was near the time for evening drill, and he «u In fear of being late. Sud• denly • small vehicle, driven by • man Inoirtll.n s clothesd appeared. jj ,)Wer '1 �+os axe the varant et•Ilt it! Mir .145, Jli'P''°?lliaeS the soldlar. "1 im er Mall Is nee thee «bleb Y baewa as t< is stent need., althea. save tsse • heavier 1111. btganes 1t essle hatdretempMela btu MMIM-. TAM ,Sia. gee sande "levet" Met. !.eagaied." - The Meal rte test 1n pain of tAQ117• 1ti1Ms le • 11eeasm Bait rod Nr �sre Sables it teas 5 maga M .alai late for drill-" "1'11 be glad of your oompany," casae the reply. The trooper took the seat. A few min- i stn later, looking at his watch, he grew gala "Pardon nm." he went on, "bat might I aak you to drive faster? L have great tsar of my captain, who is • .trlot d1s- ciplfnarlan. 1f I am a minute ate be will put m. In the guardhouse." "To what barracks do you belong?" 'The K- barracks.' "Very well; we shall arrive In time." The driver whipped up his team and In • short time drew up before the gate of the Wracks. "Thank vou, sir," said the soldier, 1n desoending. While the son of Mars was still bowing his acknowledgments the ottcer on duty at the armory had ordered the guard to present arms. The delver of the vehicle was the King of Wurtembors- on the alert. The instant they awoke to fact that they were being pursued. 'kett1ea -Affe) •te"rfde tn remi- sed, and Puffenhain saw at once that the ohase would be long and stern. ' But het was their eighty roused now god set his teeth and pedaled fur all he knew. The' way lay mostly down hill, place to get your hair onto" -Ally Sloper. „ < Coat of Ulser�o��it. "What makes n man kook stn mneb' like a martyr when he has his photo- teksD'• •' __Refit_ e_en 11* help it' 'Tho Artist 11211111/101H004-7_1410 an idiot-Pad_skttw. expects him to pay for it." -Detroit Free Plewa He's 51111 F. plaisias. Yrs. Youugliug-Julia, do you eve - pose you eau hear the baby from where you are if he wakes up and cries? John (whn is rending the newspaper/ -1 ileum). I hope bot. -Cleveland Lead- er. Fkld Obeervat{osm. "You're cutting a pretty wide swath," said the rak'. Yew' rep utted the scythe with a sigh, "bot it goes against- • the. grain TORIES OF THIERS, The t much etale.oan'e Cewardloe see the Calb:el cad. of 1t. Tnon a01 stories of Thien' oow•rdlas which his granted aelmlrere and sincerest friends) have never beau able to 000tre- dfet. The mewl uttfrlal aocount of hie arrest on the emitting of the coup d'etat would reach the acute of torulcallty but If you have Puffiness under the Eyes fors seen, enacted at liorleaux afar the or Swelling of the Feet. rpltulatiun of farts. Ho was then In If your Urine contains Sediment of mortal terror of being apprehsndel by any kind or is High Colored and Oautbette, .who. for the space of four and Sully twenty hours, seemed prepared to sot the If you have Coated Tongue and Nasty Taste in the Mouth. If you have Oisz Spells, Headaches, Bad Dreams, - Feel Out', Drowsy, Weak and Nervous. Then you haw Kidney Complaint. The rooter you start taking DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS the more quickly will your health return. They've cured thou - Disordered Kidneys. Perhaps they're the source of your ill health and you don't know it. Here's how you can tell :- If you have Back Ache or Lame Back. whole world at defiance rather than con- sent to the peace which put an end to his dictatorship. Those 10+1)50, though In• tensely twee°. puled before 'Thiers' antics when tear ;nada hlrn the araller fnateed of the assailed. No Ile was too glaring, no pretext too flimsy, no step too mean, 00 combination too should that held out the slightest ehenee of satisfying hie awBln.lwu Left. ._ -- lolete of Rceerbyaee. - "These photographs are hidcosa They are just like you. " This proved 100 much for the 11.5501011 � Cooeequently for three fourths. o the "No. they uanst la' like yon. They Little man. A tush gang of lnformere year the abundrnt rainfall, about fifty - o` Ductal!. "--chicago Record. « i ordered W the Cafe de la falx to • Intimidate the Uuperiellea 11 posslb.'., - wrath and allaying his white livered poi- sends of case+ of kid- treonory- And, inasmuch as *11. meet ney trouble during the subtle of hie devloe5 were too transparent past rear. 1f you are to bn,pose upon the merest child, his anger increased nut at their frustration - for no one troubled Le frustrate them - but at their being eubllshel. He never forgave Mme. Souher tor lug made blot the laughing stock of the whole of France,. When the "vice emperor," as her huetend sow Ironically called during the empire, took up his residence' intoe more 1n Parts, Thiers tm• MECHANICS' I1saTITUTI!~ msllak•ty dispatched a number of dotal,- _ -- __-- fives to keep watch- One evening 1t .oda - - - denly poured "raw and dogs," red Mme. t",tfD LIBRARY tellMEt'111) H B(' ' 1 ef ltT II T U Ter• Rouber sent umbrellas fur every single ed Festerre' n (AfDI%o detective, apologizing at the same time tap Irri d rem., and hum,. pe le r.r for providing only mitten ouna. "Madame 1 RiIU1 AU) VOL'S IN LIBRARY. a sufferer they can cure you. Book !hal tells all about Defier s Kidney Pills sent free to any address. The Doan 'KidneyPill i Co., Toronto, nt. Rg1Ma." sold the servant to bis subarea issaM e' but clines are too had for 012es- She bade me tell you however, that when the elppsrer returns you have sift ones ei watch fit. '1'hlen." Tb, imperialists at the ate de he 41d_.still hotter. They treated Ole' )''0d73R" 90 -report u dotage Him fes• •-a..0 brothers. 1.. Lowther LallHyY. Weekly .54 Illustrated Taper'. :. .. - -- 17.1MHF.RrIHITTN'NRTt►N1.tS1.41* ' BMW iug free ale ,Tulursn• and ttearthgrat-- )5o.nt rerelv'd ► Application for membership y 6ndeneb_Meese LI telt., _�__ sited them w juin their company all. supplied thein more than liberally with POSTMEN ON STILTB. refreshments. Then Thlem burst out Into - franfie neige. "I teeth) believe thee, A Unique Saralee That Obt*lma Irl tll e mountebanks of imperial;late are try lug! -�-------- Pima& la Old Yrs.**. matt a foul of neo' he screeched till II lbs southwestern part of Franca, night at the top of hes falsetto voice to dretchfus along the He) of Biscay for the lisrpeN Phfilp{rs d6 man.. who,. some seventy miter and running leek though an avowed partisan of the fallen along the rivers emptying Into it, roelme, was a frequent vlafwr .t the between Bordeaux and Bayonne, Is a presldene•y at Versailles In virtu, of his strange tract of open country called the mother hating married the !'oma Roger ,.Landes." It formerly consisted of low (Du Nord*, a ranch republican and sandy plains, mostly covered at nigh tide. friend ot.1'blen. As the marque slid 001 by the es,, but now umeh of it has been answer, lidera screeched louder than ever, re,,lalmel and planted with pine trees, expecting his Int,•rlue•uwr to deny the which are cultivated for frac sake of the, • impeachment- ' 1 really believe those rein extracted from [hent. The melt 01ng te male aT01 rat lith" IiAteetutetyibfi to LpO.Dain° 1s eawwilif aer7. aarlfat-halge.., nom lied of a mixtn» of sa11tR eSBT President," wasthe quiet reply "They organic dehrla restl'i on a anbsoll d are not only trying, but succeeding." organic which Is Impermeable to water. Leek log Abowl. "Look at the lnveetieenta we have In 1pnlnl'•' said one Fr'ioh Meander. "How are we going to got even with America If we ksie throe?" I don't k now," replied the other. "un - lam we underttke the management of some Paris enu.do hall singer. "-Washing- ton Star. Weeder !emelt. First Robber (who formerly lived boarding ho )-Sh I These people moat be rich. Second Ito W»1 First Robber -I went into tortoe pantry and found • strawberry strawberries In It. -Syracuse Herald. The FIMiSlpe T'...0.s Absent. "I -I am notqulte myiwit tonight,"she murmured, muting languidly, yet with a veiled tntereat, Into the magnificent mir- ror. "Not quite myself." Indeed, as It to corroborate, her trebles 1Ay as 0 that some two mew Were Clnaln0atl Enquirer. Iweetot 1,005 •t.ry to Literate!*. "Wherever Mrs. Browning trod, what- ever she touched,- berme endowed with the sacredness of her presence," writes Clifford Howard of Robert and Klizabeth Barrett Browning In the ladles' Home Journal. "When kir. Browning returned With her on • visit to England, after an absence of several years, be repaired to the little church In which they had been married, and there, at the entrance, he reverently kneeled and kissed the paving - stones upon which she, the light of hs being, had stooped. And 1n after yeah, when the light had gone from')ils life. he sought this sacred melt on the twelfth of mob September, and In the duck of the evening shadows paesOms by m1,[ht have seen $ white haired man kneeling for a moment as If In prayer before the door- way of the dark and silent church. Yet little would they have thought to recog- nise in this man the meant Browning, he whose mystical writings had led the world to regard him as a man of austere na- ture." Gimes M..4.4. "Weil 11 seems to be pretty wan nuttier) that(pal1's guns are of no p•rtlrul*r meta" "Oh, Dot ae•esusrlly. We can say peel lively that her g11n0 are not effective until ggaa=hold of them who to able to bM'-Cbicago Peas. AT tHE ATHLETIC GAMES, HAMILTOK SHE. -What a wonderful jumper that man is 1 -but that big gong while he'. making itis jumps? Har -That's Jcroamon -hr's from Toronto, and he itna'pinrs he is getting out of she way of a trolley cu. but at any rate to .',it•h the old sane 1a a flagrant neglect of duty. the imperial- ist.. however, would not be intimidated and took Dare that the friendly detectives sboald not be caught. The imperialism had out mile been warned tn time of the contemplated 11)00'. but of the exact me - `went for itaJzerutlnn. On that mentor• able night W erem'n.tpue etorlu broke over Paris. As the hour for the expected •ppearanee of the newcomers drew near the others were informed of what was going to happen, and they arranged to meet their oolleagues outside in order to show them that there was no neigh:we of ' duty. But, al*.. it was raining in torrents, and they tial no u'nbrullac! Thereupon • Willi known Importdiet went In a cab N ,- English: estailidement an bought a retina ttizeri articles. Next day the bill was sent, not to the president of the republic, but to his Ffdus A, hates, sturtholemv Saint. eflalre, with a request for reimburse- .. ns men1. The letter ech tra'tertrtto. "You. mnomleur. who are reputed to be the only sun t‘ ('nrbonarn in Iran's, Most know how hart It le for it Pp] to be drenched to the skin In the 4.1 41111on of hie duty, and We tenet you will point this out to M. M i'rslident of the repub- lle. Albert U. Vandarn In Saturday Hey Icw. Hasty Words. why do they ketp ringing W. are told then we ought to thluk twice before we speak. Sontetimw we are can't do his bed mpg pts edvfeet 11 we are 'emit ng unkindly, to count an before vie open our month. Yet ha+ty worts ofttimee 1y from 0130 lips, and the pace they took him along was terrific. The hedges lathed by, pedes- trians scattered in affright, doge barked, and chickens and chiltiren ran wildly from the track- Mile after mile they sped on thus, yet try as he would the distance between himself and the hunt- ed couple did not lessen. .. Poor Puffenham's heart was beating wildly, his head «a in • whirl, his thrcet parched; and his eyes half blind- ed with the flying dust. But vengeance urged him on. and just when he felt hi must at last give up the awful chase fortune came to the retiree. The lady's machine suddenly slackened aped and wabbled ancte+adily, then its rider jump- ed from the Paddle and bent over the tire, while her companion also pulled up. Hurrah: a puncture! Pnffenham tented afford to take his Sine now, and in two minutes ho had swooped ups,:' the pair, and - Yee, dear. render, and disoovered that it wasn't Mea Puffenhant at .11, but the newly engaged parlor maid, who had borrowed both her mistress' ma- chine and costume for the afternoxm's trip with her intended and was natural- ly anxious to eso.pe detection. Puffmham is now seriously consider- ing going into training -tot,the,ainateur long distance chempio nehip. He thinks t o onglit to [stand a very decent chance. -Ally Eloper. Lim. things. Little words are the sweetest to hear; little charltIes fly the furthest, end stay longest on the wing; little lake. are the 1 stillest, little hearta the fondr*l. and little farms the best tilled. Little books are the molt read. and little songs the dearest loved- And when nature would make .nything especially rate nod beau- tiful she neako1 it little -little pearls, little diamonds, lotlla dew. The Sermon on the Mount Is hide, but the tart (WI - nation dis enrse was nn hour 1.11. le male op R little': death 1e what re- bales of Mem a11. 1)av le made up of little Mania, and night le glorious with 11111. stars.. 750.1 Bad lhsere e 1110 -Ana naturally theme meddlers le dal play stormed that fortress! He--Wd1, they've Md prwrloa1 e:perl- enee- Sbe--Streaming real funs? 8e -Nn. barn stnrwtlmtg.-IIP b Dale. fe.If1•e•n4 III Mess �e+ttg _ I10M 1 1 t11�- at SOWL sdlt aaMl,Idia, Dr. Je�11�I1M1 � Mr. Moelsl tr--YM I War Idea WWII IP kW Me s•oel>gte' yea tosoor. - WWII leek A `1.s, Care.t_1,4•40nrr. To e away with the 1)0* of tucks in laying carpets. a new resumer 15 formed of meal hlox'ka, «hirh are tnaevtednodal the alas of the carpet. mod hate gr ooved sections to enppoes the code of teethed lode «hints hold the moven 111 pi. es VedlgNeed. A Teung Lady (1004(0ting fur a arena be d t.rieing • rejected .utter) -He Is sol a tyrant, not exactly domineering, but - "Dogmatic," snggeot'A her fretted. "No; he kis not dignity esso0gb foe that 1 think pepm tlo would eosltey lay umwming admirably. "-Sichangs , plasseeele•Ily 17 rusk "Awl thole ewe Mins over .t the 50trd tablet I'll b.5 roe might oareh the sty diad soot Dad ewe esu et law.. _ t • ', .;airy iii''. saber make eller. for ...,Olmy*nall Enquirer. Blab Lights A girl's idea of bliss is finding anoth- er caramel after she thought the bag via elHpty. • The Lon is called the king of besets. but a man whose dinner isn't ready on time ran remr balder - A literal .due ,tion is one which leaves a j'oung Wean money enough to keep him until he strikes a job. If you alet.ae the town In Which yon .make your living, it proves to lieteners that you de .'rte to starve somewhere else. The first baby gets its phnteeraph taken every three mouths, the other ha- bit a are lu. ky t" get theirs Laked (Mee in throe years. A man often derides that he cruet af- ford to marry, but when he termly in lot-, he marries ami dotewifeitri Tie = er he tan. afford it or not.-'4,lifoagtn Reourd. . 1n the moment of excited feeling, and before we have time to think twice or count half of ten, 114 harm le done, the keen wont has flu:had like a dent Into •Dune gentle heart These hasty words are awoken, too, most frequently between those who love earh other. We control our speech fairly well when it 1s with strangers or ordinary ecqualntaneee we 1gL1V&lt1So THL MAIL- flve Inches, unable to filter through, rests on the almost level surface and mane - forms the country ins, vast marshes and .tnorwes, which later. under the heat of the summer sun, partially dry up and brooms breeding placer for melarioue !even. For these reasons the population te vera sperm and confined to a few scattered villages and groups of dwellings or hon, the inhabitants of which are almost wholly devoted to the care of their twits of sheep, which in season and sustenance on the (voerse germ and broom sedge which cover the hest part of the plains. For this service and traveling from place to plo''e the peasants make use of long stilts, which ore tied to their legs. Mounted on these eight Or ten feet strove the ground. they can watch their flocks over a wide extent of the msrsh and crows the slouch+, pods and bogs without difficulty. They curry with them • long pole, which serve+ as a balance when walking and a Ruppert when resting. Th1s country t+ provided «lett a :eviler mail srrvloe, and the po.tmAn makes um.:of the ewe cuntrivancse 1n g oing their rounds from 0111age to Tillage, both In summer and winter, only In the latter 8ea'n when the marohes are covered with snow and ice they fasten to the bottom of the stilt a kind of wood ahne.kate by which they am enabled to walk and glide along the ' now cruet without breaking through. With his menial and hie largo white cloak or "capol ' lined with eheepckln, with which hie lege are aim covered, ttalkfng along through she marehe0, miles away from any habitation or human being, he pre•edta probably *4 unique a figure see 1. to be seen In official Bb anywhere In the world. Al Camp Wank. "Why, Mr. Fl. a,: walker. who would ever think of meeting you here? How fiII!).Jon look!" Floorwalki7 frill guard flat7fnrirel time) -Eh, yee-er halt and give the countersign. "C nn lerhirr.if Ole. yes, of 49011110-. bow 011110 - bow stupid_ ' Cash !' "-- .iklyn Life. Hatt a Romano* "He proposed to her on • pasta turd. " "How aboard!" "Of mum.: but what made the pod - race clerks angry was that oho replied by letter, awl now they don't know whether she accepted him or not" - New York World. ROAae•s firm. "Theses now all wool drerne almost sell them,elvtet" "They eeme weettlr giving themllelV S away. "--Cincinnati &.anter - Throaty\ Rate War. Patron tin awc'eteru railroad etattorli -Gitnme a ticket to Gulcht"irn. Ticket Glerk-Yes, sir. Swim au a half. Patron -Seven (bullus add a half • Gulchtowu? Why, that's only a Sew stations from bitre." Ticket Clerk (sharply)-11eveu a bnlf. Lively now. Paten-Dru't wast it. Give ole e ticket for China by Ay "f Crulebtown. Ticket Clerk ('eri.klyi-Hine yen are, sir. Five dollar.. -Now Yor:: Weekly. Vnrlssa\.h1e aims. 'lbw acs f tfe}i lir. Maly whew be "Illi boa ar Wait 1M5 Prow Ce eelest. "Well," aid the new recruit, "ire a satisfaction to know tint. 111 i1) per feet health," • 'Yon think th&I--Te examtnatiou b a! •bees'• . rhttr� at: aiY-rii sl:, u, rourte 1 sty ?ht' Jd tr'1eut tray err. tut lee i the epi:lion of the phy.i...:eta a 11'au hint to be • good reaps to , through least v.. .. t;itlllo.t wee.. poeer•tioe.'r--Wae..:uyton Star. are .peaking; but with those we love the best we are less careful. We let our worry or our weariness mike us irritable, and then «e titles hasty words which. five minutescall. B , we would give t l we have to )eon such word./ never be recalled. 'they nosy be forgiven, for love forgives till seventy tunes seven times; but the wounds. the scars, remain. WHEN THE HEART IS HEAVY Fight Agelnat Allowing Tehrself to We __ ••• saerard_hysiereonal chiefs. "There le alwafa a remedy for a heavy bare," writes Huth Ashmore in the Indica' Home Journal. "It may be 1n work -it oftene.t is. It may be in think- ing nut the Jove that have been given iso you, and the sorrows from which )on have leen saved. It may- 'be In helping others by sympathy, or in whatever «ray help is most needed. But the heavy heart des always Its made light If self 1s forgot - ler{ and the needs of others are remem- bered; and, ae far a port/Utile, relieved. Not one of ns can learn to heoome tight - heaped in a day. or a week. or a month, a year, for it 10 the lemon of lits, this knowing how to lift our hearts up and glee from them help mite thn.0 whn are in need. 1t 10 a gond fight -this one Amon., allowing 006'8 self en be mute merged 1n perenyal griefs -It 14 a gond fight, And oer ref is-Youcan omen con- queror If you w111. "Do yon Intend to (lie up the tight and fall by the wnysfde overcome by a heavy heart, or to go along through life as a brave women should? You most drithin early 111 J0�r UfaUfaAnd 70n we1MdeP i 1'�! M eta that. wllei le right, and 1ben your heart will never be heavy nor your nnnscfenre dieturte 1. n' lee. "ml fall- And when von fall. thank t) 81. 7000 ei•1 "leave Hee again If Yon keep up n erten heart " meatythought I heard a sound es 01 firing," remarked the ,x•eurnet of roCen No. 1,534, stepping out into 1111 corridor. "1 hat's exactly what you did hear," replied the Petite?. "I hare not been kicking . 20u pound loafer down the esalrway. "-Chicago Tribune If She Laces 01.., 511,'11 haus. tt. One of the mmstiafaetory Ihtetgs of TAW .WoesQ" it kt•ldtfg-sa- waeopi.M'e through • veil. -Cerrito Newt .Mt -.Help. --._...-._.. Fight your own 'Attlee. ask no favors of any one and you will .ierceetl a thou.. mind tittles better than those whtf areal - way. beseeching .0mi one's redrawn*. No one can over help yore as tnttcan help your.elf, because no one w1)1 be so beMrs- Ily Intereetel In your affairs. -The Stet owe will not be such a lung one, perhaps; but. carving your wry up the mountain. you make one lead to another. 'Alen vibe hem fortunes are not three who had 15,. Mg) gluon them to start with hit started tale with • 14.11 earned dnlln: or two. Men who have, by their own ezertione, &ogitired fame, hays not leen thenst tete popularity by pule begged or paid for, or given 1n friendly spirit. They have outnlretohed their Weida and ttrnnked the p0b110 heart. Men who win in ince do their own wooing, nnll we never knew • man to fall so Signally nm one whp had 1n imeed hie effect Meets" ernmlmamna be S peak for him. Wile' r c ,o work for fame, for money. or for necthing else, work with your hetet.. h, art ;mal brain. tiny "t -win," and own. day you will oonquer. 050.0557. "My wife spent 10 cents on the ran going down 1011111411)' the ga. bill end 111170 R eaters discount." "H'm-two eentt owl" "Were• than that -she belt a $10 nm- br.11a. "-Detneit Free Prete. Pr.saaters Anae5nremeet. "What • pretty sailor snit your little Willie 0116 )int N1lmaon, said. Willie, whet* ehill'7*►Itwear ,lt,.p-, r+._l.L, r il111B1B1 Se - 1 l. Pnerelr,t 1 ..d I". 11..ga. The fact thnl a 11the grain ted ea bore while at papier. «111 retie• them to grow rapidly. ehnwe the :ON anlage of some . ,i.eulent fond for the pig. rations. On17 a small proportion "f It. food •honld be et this chareeter, ter oternnlenry gene»I1y mane large hulk with small nutritive value. In winter there 1. no better sup- plement to the grain ration than beets. They are beth mieonlent and twee, and are inuoh easier to digest than the raw pout,, whom earbonaosonr mimics le in the form of slwtcb tt•111.45 I5 Aeyth/sy. One of the New I'roprtNWe-ltball w• ca % • sign, "This plows beg eLwnged aha prep Mar ltiepssMr-Na It 111014. ireltex:1404ttlie