HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-6-23, Page 7AN- -OLD BULLY. People who live in fear of his attacks. now to avoid him or beat him off. 11 Ohm sseee isn't the belly of the body 001 what is wase oats bill gala Lha sipper hand you don't dare say Pour hack is roar uwu. "Don't you dare eat that dish says bili or you'll e what I'll d.' You tall* nu dare sad yes M sfee or rattler feel, the upright of the beile. ,moor = acts:bit s he bead open andcbshut scie. The ales •cher sot ache. as dell, If thy wen hal with ids ag Imlet. Tb* •tomack (KIy bored by a g .. The whole bead ne.bles wits are sc • kidth( whole heart oree t buedreds of ipeople who live are Is seder the bmbioa d th • bully wiliest that thdare There s win need al wiliest his permissive. C. � such ectwlly cars lance) •iw., Ayers Pills •spar fifteen years I kava send Dr. J C. dyer's Pins, sad and thane very elective 1. all hied. ed Wiese complai�nts. The/ are wild Io operation ow/05t,adk.. Purer tree to • rY pin, have ,.t 'o se- the cue where they eave tailed sere." -a. awaeos•, Texarkana, Ark. "t hive used Dr. J. C. Ayer's Pills Is sakes o1 bilws.aex*Aad.pC.ii l dime der• s1 ase stomach and bowels and have Mead them a tee stereo reliable. The ars les, liable to gripe than ether purgatives. and although mild 1n •ctlu., they us. thorough 1a operatics. They are the hest family Rbysic that cube bad.'• -r J. Durr ockport. Texas. . Raving used Dr. J. C. Ayers' P111. for yur• and thoroughly tested them, both as • p Ire &ad cure ler bill , I can truthfully say that 1 believe them to be the best medicine for the purpose and they de all that is claimed fur tient"- Jam g. Sou, Shark, Ark )Illoasoeu is la g 1 het • symptom of • more stubborn disorder, constipation. Constipation 1s the root et almost all phys- ical evils, and Dr. J. C. Ayers Puts cure almost all these physical evils by going to the root. They cure constipation, sad the consequent maladies, bill , heart burs. palpitation, shortness of breath sleeplessneu nervous irritability, foul coated tongue. and • score of other miserable melodies that have their origin in constlpatios• Dr. Ayer•• P111s see the t and so/est remedy for •11 di of 'the liver, stomach. sad bowel. Send fur Or. Ayer'• Curebook and read the sic ry el cures turd by the cured- Free. Address 111 J. C. Ayer le. I.ewsu. MW. A GHOSTLY GUARDIAN. Blind Dr. McKahan and- lit Spectral Companion. pj1(TBPUL DAT AND ,thallus THE LISTENER. Huge Goethe, swell known young trav- eler who recently made • trip through (mural Africa, bas been killed by am els phut. Although be le 110 yeast old, George Ja- cob 11,,i, take 1. busy delivering lectures Iu lowieu. He is 1n o .',deet henna and takes en active interest in the attain of the world. The Iate Senator W]thall of Mlwbesippl was noted a. • heroic and dashing readier of the Cunteder.ey. In defeat his rte•d1- new and resourcefulness uf111 saved an army from utter wreck. Prince Blamer:k has very unpleasant reuolleetion• of his flat school, where, he says, the waster believed 1n • kind of "spurious spartenh.r" and provided very tough meat with parsnips for every areal. John M. Tomei, who has just resigned the position of Amaral manager of the New York Central railroad to retire on a pension after a service of 40 year*, beth his railroad career se a station agent. He i. 70 years old. Emilio Aqulnaldo, the insurgent leader of the Philippine Wands, 1a greatly be- loved by the rebels. He is a Iegtsday, which means • full blooded nativo'in die Unction to e half breed. He is said b be young and h•ndsurae. Lead Salisbury /.mated i aplhgnifloent during the jubilee festivities Persian rug from Prince Arnlr Khan of Penia. Ki- lda spiritual ones were opened and hie life- pert' who have recently examined the pees long friend greeted. It Is • part of the ant pronounce 1t to be of the finest worlt- meushlp and value It et about 54,000. the other ballet art anal wire, from Amon the Americans wi s have already the world la constantly ny hovering ( ;one of ttendtng the next Nei us. Some Doll It conscience, some en signified a purpose �t pderstanding of right and wrong, end meeting of tM'Brjtlab ]tssoclstlun For the Advancement of Science are Professors Henry F. Obert, J. P. Langley, li P. Bowdltos, R. A. Fee•ertden, R. H. Thur- ston and J Streik Baldwin. Tim (ether of Adjutant General Corbin le still living In the old family honieslcad In Ohba Although more than 80 years old, he manages tics term -epos whlca4h• (eneyal g ealiskle- boykood and where he -Whom term K honor, but we Relieve the "rIHI small volt*" is that of • departed gest "who loves tut i.pd would keep our , ilent In the path of safety end honor. In 7 s'bustle and care of everyday life •t• Qs.- eopne so absorbed to our duties {Det the •pgotopttngs of our Invisible protease are drowned and we oftentimes go aatr•7- -_ease dy, however, our minds k eke Mysteries' A• imasd leers �� Prem the mem Weald es.' Merely SIM emotos of • mems ed MI•df-Whee geperts mem se ly. Dr F McMahan of Clarksburg, W. Vs. e protected by &ghostly guardian. Though bll*d, be sew It hourly. It Domes to him . u1 of she dark *DMA gloom walks by bis side Pel• be sits elms in kis room, N lathers. ors. Ia the midM d W family circle it H MSF -WINO 1W walks along the street. 18 walks with klm-a human {°eta, apparently clothed la human ga2A• To • It L invisible, bat to heal{ =breathing lrreeal Ina letter tit }easel on every vee stopped hewn( corn to cella es a priests see In a condition w receive this .plait'• tmfivfo•• Some of us hearken to 1t much oftener than others, but the busiest and most worldly person at least Duos every day feels the presence near He may Dever Wed M. sever admit it but le come' jug' the same The unfortunate doctor tell you this. He nays it pas a human form and 1s elwllyswith him In cloudy weather and sunshine, and, to dispose of 1ta being • sun shadow, says it 1e often on the same side with the run. Then he states that it is only on his walks for exerotsa that 11 comes to his side from the gloom Why 11 that/ Because be has completed his labors with material things end goes forth with s restful mind His whole being is ready to resin Iia genet, and be weiceetttte 15 and lends an err to Its prompting& That be 1s not • 'Vette/dist 1. readily seen, ea bkalks foto enteasee expiwnwatow. nor. Ituall•m Is • science much derided and lit- tle understood, but to It 110s the only explanation of Dr. MoKabae's cam Throughout his whole 70 yams tie p.c. once has bees there. but be has refused Op recognise It, and even now Le ser' 'v knows what It 1a It wUl oonti..cu t..:h bim to guide, connate and comfort bpm just as ids flesh and blood preeenoe of tie original would do were It possible fes le to •000mpaoy tie sorrowful mac on ile lonely strolls. Dr. Carl Bonk strange tan from the point of view of an oculist. Ho rays the tueluclnation is of brain origin. There 1. • specks of phenomena oftee met with to the practice of oculists and recognised by them as subjective 11011111b - Urine of light Persons who are totally blind and to whose optic Emmen no light can penetrate think they sea esthete and sparks of light and even the most beauti- ful colors. The sensation of foram pump- tem eeeapteam 1r never present. however. The re. - en for this is that the irritation of the optto nerve which causes the ■eneattons is coffees. It 11 not caused by any particu- lar form ef .utetaoc a and therefore no sensation of form 1s prAAuced. Thies mom Wee a fens - lite halleelnatbn, therefor*, dans not mme under the head of subjective Imps mion., but L purely of brain origin. D would not my that we see with the brain end not with the eye ft 1. probably more nearly mrreef, toasty that we see with both. Certainly sight is impossible to one with- out the other. All we know about sight is that an inverted Image L pbotogr•ph•d on the retina, whirl U simply another name for the optic nerve, where it spreads out to rendve the impression_ From the retina tt 1. flashed alone! the optic nerves to the brain. if the optic nerve . wind be severed. total blindness would ensue, even though everything in front of the retitle was normal and the Inverted Images were photographed just the sante on the retina On the other hand. though the optie nerve is all right and the connection with the brain not disturbed, if disease .but. the light from the retina absolute blind- ness ensiles, although, se 1 have said irri- tation of the 000QQQttt10 nerve may produce sub- jective .ens of light. A iteokiaw pmts..s moldier at the outbreak of the rebellion. Do Roto of the Pasteur Institute an• flounce' the discovery of •a efficient cure for lockjaw. The antitetanic serum used In Germany would not work 1111 Dr Roux hit en the plan of Injecting 11 Into the brain under the membranes His plan as been tried with comperes success on e &0. Messer Rmlth of Danbury, N. H., who 1. said to be the only New Hampshire sur- vivor of the war of 1818, was 100 years old en May 16. The event was celebrated by public exercieei In the town hall. Mr. Smith was present and drummed 011 the drum uad by him In the war of 1818. He Is • native of Grafton, N. H. Sari Russell, who has just entered hl name In Gray's Inn and is sttunddying law, ° is. the ascend per of B•( quelled for the bar. The other one L Lord Coleridge, mon of the tau chanomllor. Lord Rummell is a gr•nd.on of Eneland'a rsa,ut premier and until he Inhrnt.•.1 his Otte made his Ilene as • joule:, ....Ain electrician_ WOMAN IND HOME. SHE MAS REACHED THE TOP OF HER PROFESSION BY HARD WORK. Women Cesalegi to 11th. Prem• -Hew tc mean aac.radallr --The Way 1■ Vault, Pain -How 5. Pack • Trask -Married Worst Sings the days when, .bortly after the ere, Just' u placed an ultra bandage over her eyes and bell "way within the grimy Walls of the old "Ituukury," the figure of Mn. R. Howard Kelly has been •fattener one in the oeurtruotue of Cook county. It Is rattier .n Iu.pu"iug figure, too, tall, robust, animated, the embodiment of splendid Mehl) and energy. In those days 1i took a fair •molts► ut pluck and deno- mination to work Iota the profession ut a court stenographer. But with necessity and ambition beblud the desire to amine • court stnogrepber, Mrs. Kelly deter mined to oocupy that position which le .1 - ways on top of any honorable profession. With that Ineenllve and a wonderful fund of self reliance she has pushed .bead to that coveted plasm until ■t last her worth was recognized and she was appointed to the responsible task of official reporter it that branch of the olroule court presided over by Judge Murray F. Tuley. ' Mn. Kelly Ilkee to believe that her sue soma 1s largely due to two Ideas which have dominated bee,raotlons-first, dist on no eocouut should her sex be used In any et fort en, secure businaw, and the lawyer who tried to flatter her by giving her a ease because she was • woman was Ilalk to be Informed that •be sought busieess only on a strictly oompetltive basis, be causes she °mild do 'the work es well and ea satisfactorily as "any other man of IR. a' AND 011 ONOSTLY GUARDIAN Ratan says: "1 am blind trod have been. since 1.Sr0 I am In the regular deity habit of walking on the street for eXerrt.e, and In thew walks there comes to me out of the darkness sed gloom of my perpetual night • phantom meadow It has a hu- man form and takes its place by my gide. As I go &bong 1t goes with roe, when I stop N Mope, when I tarn about it dose the same sod mite like • sun shadow, but that 1t la nota ern shadow I know from several fact& It 1• darker then • 5011 shadow. Ming black. and tootles on the sane, *Me with the sun. It b present o11 • cloudy day or clear day and appears even en the darkest night It 1• therefore clear that it is not produced by any exter- nal light There have been eonetent visit- or. of some kind dote total Foes of vision, and they have come with more of km rep 111orIty ever sinus. 1 would he very glad to have a•clentll * explanation of therm phenomena Ir Arthur E. Mink, • St. Level rtes- 0010(1st, maintains to The Post Diep•eeh that the teem 1s retie of optica, hallucloa• ton A hallucination le a false p rcep tem se dtetingulehed front an Illusion, which 1s s perverted perception. Desitin1 are healthy hallucinatlnn& They are calmed by • normal mnge.tion of meeiln brain cella The dream norrwepnnde to tbo mental Im ons stored In the eon -eat - ad cella are two theories as to the assn of waking hallucinations. One I1 that they am a tied by irritation of t . e Crrrhral aortal, m.4 am other, bow by Thevdnre Meynort sad others. is that it 1• doe to Irrttatioa of the whoa ttoal PM" ilia, In which the optical nerves end We do not mer with the eye, bus with the twain. Th. eye Is .fmpiy • e•nter'a obscure The Reuel portion, or storms along with the ery.talltne kens, represents the photo- graphic. lens Tbedelicate expulsion in the leek of the eye retirements the gime red elms. The hiack choroid represents the bleak cloth. The brain is the Peen- He onnel11das that the man Y atmtoted with a OPrnhrel ir•MSation d some sort, which fret calmed tie blindness and l now mooing the helltmin•tfon. Persons whom sight M 11neRa•ted are rose as 11abis to have optical hallucinations as bleed pewee Lather had a hallucination of easing the 8ev11, and It was M reel to him that be buried Fin Ink MOM M ik Napoleon when wmtlght ip tlls�t8 be saw W star ref drstlne. e.t�bie thought he mw the sword d a.i M Tbses b.11a- n1n•tleegarMasoTM tree Whi- n e of 1 Mbar* they are MOMS d.G e>t nhtlnetmt�wmillereedgeasa Men ohm e tandpot*$ d nommeanas three is its phencassmeape del Vliet ills ems at 1ren. . McMahfib M�pRwMw rsal ted friend, mat be guide hie A i him mmlllfy .weeM )lot Ml 1211 l=".h' IL se, Ail esnM• atop. Hrull pork chops lu the "me way. t ter lu brominlwJly waled tins, it prop le turning • broil Hever stick •furk In to the law part, as this allows the delicate flavored juices, upon wbio6 1M eaoelleuue la greet part depends. to mr:ape. A sus eosins of pepper, mustard, barba, ouiuu lobe us she like should be added live wlu gala before tsklug 1t off the Or, but east 11be last thing before eery lug. Serve on It bot platter. Place a few bite a soft but ler ea • bus tartans. await uu me ride of the broil. lay tier ride downward, add more butter and salt and serve. Fish should be salted before 1t l• broiled. splines of halibut or other large fish should b a•aruuud with salt and pepper, rubbed o0 both sides wltb invited butter, then rolled In dour and fried Immediately. 1..7 salt mackerel, skin side upperwuse, In meld water eeerulght. lhy with • cloth, cut on the head and tip of tall, broil, move on • but dish aid .eaauu with butter and a few drops of lemon juloe ur vinegar. Salmon and other larger nab should to freshened Pi hours. Oyewrs should be wiped dry by plsclot thew between the folds of • towel and pressing Itgbtly. Then roll in brawn egg and brad cruel». let them 11e 15 minutes, then broil on a groused gridiron. -Country Gentleman. Tim Way la Waalty Pair. When $ girl bets throttled herself with a band of rigid linen that paralyzes her nook muscles and saws • crimson line benreth ..ber obit); when Min bee out off her breech Ing power abruptly at the waist, burdened her tack with a ponderous mass of swing Ing, drsggieg cloth, pol.ed s winged and ribboned umetro.lty on her bead and dos sled her eyesight with fluttering dots and dashes, she look. her very hest. She le chic, she Is good form, she pleasing our dis- torted vlsioe as 00 exponent of nature's laws ever could. Seeing liar ooun0g, one recognises et once that gbe is "powlble"-that la net there is no outer reason why she should f erly prepared, germinate no poison. AP soon as opened the einem of Ibe, ABM Da lib. tin. wttb the eel -Het the Mteo•pM••, begins. and an a short time the result la • deadly 'token This brief treatment of Us. question •buuld be roturwbered by every one and Its instructions followed. -1x. change what H...wes .t the at■date. An artist Solves • problem which bee to • certain patent troubled many people What beooume of all the art students, and If they err never heard truuj after they complete their studies what is the geed ut the effort, and haven't they wasted their Uwef That Hae the quertleu, put in few- er words, that one artlrt asked of another u the two petered through en art gallery where there wee •11 ezhlblilon of student work. Every one knows that not half of the number et even the art student" to be Lound In New Yurk are ever heard tram by the public after they II Muth their etudles. But the .awed weld answered hopefully, "The greeter number of three students are menus," be said, "and they help art Immensely by getting married and teach-. lag tbejr burbende. "-New fork Tithes. Wag. R. 0O W 01t n KELLY. woes• fur that matter," and, seeond, that absolute reliability le ex ellthrial " Mi In any business lied partlnularly so ill ken, where promptness[ an Preserving Fruits sad Ygget•ble. An ingenious housekeeper In Brooklyn baa applied the system of Pasteur to to- matoes and other fruits and vegetables. Thew ate pared, washed In water which Backache THS BANS OP MANY A WOMAN'S UPL A Dahlin Lady Toll/ - How to Gat lith of Its • Doan's Kidney Pills The Remedy. Mr.. Eliza Reit:, 3 Welen'-toe St.. Berlin, Ont., mvs, " For ten yen., 1 have been afflicted with ..idney and heck trou- ble, suffering greatly Irom dizsines*, ner- vousness, weak eyesight, loss of sleep, sad e, and an almost constant tired, wPea1P feeling. In February bet I got a box of Doer► s Kidney Pill. and received an much benefit from them that 1 continued their use until 1 had token three boxes in a11, and was completely cured. They removed every vestige of pain, dizziness and nervousness, and en- abled me to get restful bleep ; so that from being a sick woman I am now strong and well again." Doan's Kidney fills are the beat remedy in the world ter Bright's Um`e�i me n{ b th• Dropsy, Backache. lirevel, Urine, and all Kidney and madder Liseaa5S Sold by druggist", or scut by meal on receipt of price, to cents a les or} hoses for 5res. The Doan Kidney Pill Co.. Toronto, Oat hem been boiled and then put Into jars un • -1-.. ill the letter ■re almost wildly gleed. MRCH4BItW UISTITDTL. They ore oovered by water up to within r quarter Inch of for mouth and aro tiro ( I,I RieH)IKt,HANft'y' IN11? 1 t'TB put In trough• oaf hat wr[or wed kept •t • �g LIBRARY AND KEADING BOOM, ear. temperature of bout 170 dugn.r+ bur two of cast noel sad Square ,upstairs,. beers. Th. jars are then sealed with wr• Op,. from 1 to 5 r.M., and front 710 1r 0.r. terproot paler. Treated 1n this manner ABOUT VOL'tl IN L1BRAl7. they will keep unchanged for • long period LirdlaN Daily. Weekly and tRoaatraterl Pipes, and are almost indistinguishable at the Magazine'. ter., on File. end of els ,uunthm hum the fresh •rtlelce _"MS11IBRB1HIP TICKWT ONLY 111.O0 Bhe hem triad 1t upontomawes, lltHellrrcn' f{n,ting fie use r,utlteary and Ineellh?F - - not belong to the sacrad inner circle u peas, young lima beaus, chill peppers,AVpll.rdw[ ter wcwls•rmhlII art-eivovl by Vaulty hfr. The lwpswihle watch ber cauliflower, bruised* sprouts,_ asparagus pep with funk envy or with a labored in and •pplee.-Brooklyn !;ages. N. tul.YUa11S 1,Ibrmrle. different* {bei. letny tics same feellnl The socially probable (those who very -wee.. Tiot-taam. " likey`belo+w( taseFebelallean ter• >•• 'woe mew eraeteb•s suffered tf•r7 ward 1n their broughams to see ft she to little from the competition of women, al- dol a perwI to be tdUmee W Thaw who though the work is partloularly !nwrert- he social world moat her graciously ' to end beslthfuI and the,gmilitlw mom rale t and glue her w pale chant* to prove herwdf se� to • successful Oorist are those which are said to belong peculiarly to women. The annexed district just abote the Harlem le probably an exoeptlun b LM role. Then are four women florists with - worthy of their set, where an equally de- s•rvl:,g perw,n with an easy going collar and an unrestricted diaphragm would be passed over indifferently and [Huai out her way l0 through • thicket of pride and In wn blocks. Mn. J. W. Wakeling U prejudice 1f she b 1 enter at all. I perb•pe lee most conepicuuu. She wan• A girl's other dealt forst • . $ sociaf signl ages w attend W her store, wake up pit- expert e to, eu , though It takes • ■rsey lows and crosses and such things fur fu- nec reed ft with rat ea •o The 1 nerals, look after her two children and do 'Inconcan milli Its general meaning. The keep 511 eye u0 her greenhouses at Port Ohester.yNew York Journal. ghee w c.maearelal Traveler. ---Mtas-it$rglnie-Pepaaf--Bufa' Ararat. for • Phllslelphie company which sells more valiantly she has uorllfoed perwnol comfort be the torturing laws of ooereot feminine gearing the more the masculine agsouwr wants to know her and to have 1t seen of men thee she knows -lith: gulok pave sets her beers to pounding an• and r.urelk• for domestic animals tl•HT $ use learner• end a- pesmislll. weed j I� _. swirls her into a helpless maw of skirts, end pita. Rbe'ni1ltesbWN'bYdiasfillerwaa' i 1 thinks that women are as well qualified d •cosr&ay but she never has to straggle mania count for so muerte. with a beavty swing door or push an We'(` for commercial travelers as men. She has Twenty years of lyhardbring went sloop an1000i kw 1100ot1 do atlt• crow teddn Bouu Kar wife. traveled The ' Butes, ('n .nadaasanti ly Ilparts of Mexloo •ndd United a good Tines mdse enc ocess. Mmore than • modicum of snots. Mit Kelly laugh world steps aside for her, and she walks deal abroad. She was engaged severs l THE KINETOSCOPE. Ingiy says that she 1s a much better *tet unjostled In a glittering social base. She yeses In darigning favor" and bonbon ,grspber than • bookkeeper, and she Beds s velvet cloak at every puddle. Sure- boxes and bec.rne en expert In handling A smart of eic,'•1d air costs 52.410. It to would not like tp be bound to the se cul Intl ly bodily freedom 1s; not • high price to I confections. In 1h89 sbe superintended too expensive n drink. -Beaton 1 rete. balance sheet which, by niece tribute pry for all ale-Munwy's Magazine- the Installing of sbe first store In London aces et tie close of each ; In welch American contentions were ez- D.waon City he. the ice. lie.: is hest, yon. she prod How to Papa a Trunk, eleshely sold. ear's work, 11010100 allowing for "F. K+^+� Pau Dispa of them •aquas' r..esl.---t3t O E." if the ipoome tax law had gone' Lae aside your modals. nightdress, ! else owdervttaads Forestry. Paul' Lt•p•taD• biles arttcltr, rnrdtefne and egos dressing I Miss 8*..Bartell Jones, • dnughwr of Mn If tunes may f i tele/( unfriendly, { tory Frederic Rhinelander Junes of New York, this • peace Iul b blockade it meanesty s musk led earns a gooelly living from her knowledge ba•pears blahnde n Sta0 Rs musk t h k which she much en es11ahsde to a of forestry She Milk up the study some hail singu»lC does ngtoc rear' io7 1 b 11 1 lyeportfngpf conventions, Fou wo two or three years ago entirely as an The public does not ogre vain finch b trainees t general ro ennaDada so It f• beat amusement rind because she wan w fond whether the t, envelope cos env holds pprter which per d Into lice truck Those with d trees and 'lowers. She studied Weil will stbc or not, but DC hope Journal. Ial envelopes Mnd11. Ill° thoroughly, and today Phe Is so well post - w111 w tat the daational 1 u II 7 hl ed net she has nu duticulty In demanding Now that 1 National Congress d h brings icer foto con Bat as p 1 goof prices fur ber serene' In tureetry or Mothers is to ys incorporated.tany Dal ted bh All dellceb appnrol ateuld he DPrd t edeeaVe gardening. wbodoea not have an fncorp,rated mother ly 1 •eparetely In tlssuo pnpet or to u. 0.._ will have a right to feel aggrieved. -Has- d the sleeves of R .. ttisesolat • Braes {ted ton Glebe. i b b en and wish newspapers. oleo tics We are ell tory partial to hero bode and In seta of war and crops Texas manages 1 ail sad bonnets efwrwhlc.htheymal p seldom think it furnishingartial1,1h our houses to bold o but a of those election ole oldu ni-girls fyleodrhtpe g ill forest le b king without thew, yet every wawuen bail hon- ey. Texas is nae of Chow versatile old (deb Melly declares ••fly confessed that after she set up one It who can do several thlnp well slmn1- income to M d reef •boot d ts remained a td Ib apart which would Dot taA ciu clubwoman News. - Ilttl A1greu d pts t ed after- ward. adjust Itself to .he rapt of the bedroom's A clubwomb0 fn unge men has be® d may bebreadth skirt to prettiness until "he began to drew it up In parliamentary a club of young men lessons t. against 1 I unison and sympathy. The Ont thing to last, tnenary oke of fleece l at this 1 tl Its crease, ft th other do It lour house Is a cottage intend or at Iasi, standing at stroke is amore le simply ld It b not of g PU seaside b to select a pretty chlnts or cep - a sswomanb bars had Al husbands tonne with use garlands, for Insane+, on A Ken In woman has bad two bustards o0t. drowned to the same creek, sod when ad never of klettf • white ground. Flt the spread .crow the th *lets In foot join an a8 Inch bauve, plain dimity bot she has 7 the 1 in • lovely shade of mauve, and wipe bah ver Ped. op Ith sides of this band with the sante lam en -- arrest reward of $1,000 t offered for the 1 h 6 DODers brefeax. Put a plaited flounce of the erst end mnvfofeon of • Id wit humrtta welcome • l hose, undergarments, to toy he resod °hints around the ted, stacked to the Iron bank premieres es efw"ondtd heti areal frame, and flush the bottom with a nnr $60g0e0. I• la en idepic that the authors- oomstry. 1 The ,nets palet row band of runny() cloth covered with the ties are determined to Dunlap that man'- Thus fart gentler be confine, l b keep h f 1 pd kl0g =brothel'. send lei the spread fall partly Cleveland Lauder. Deo balky over tide ileWsco. The crowning finish U • round lei's:ere, chintz with mauve ends drawn Into n center rosette of lace. -Jew York Commercial Advertiser. L�haa filar -......... ' SAYILTOW, �yye�qa.ry. ookeirbJ/�au�if. _ Into effect s few years ago she would bate been obliged to add another tem by an additional tax account in tier ger. this, but l0 trees of •shower A pert n her mor would not know what to do with tb, • • t h o :e a to put the latter • branch of the nm new oadjustable are best for king. •Pack in layers, having everything as ever the country and,wible. This ectnorn zee room. wrapped Mot with • ,sgstthe too•/ intelligent ret m • she. wed attd religion, beeline... religion, social or olhrr ideals an fine owns wbeMM-beatsant>sr's` crowns of brae women a b.. cue wn t such m he 1n• women •he bas cemented many w• u e Takia 1t all in a Mrs that while e comfortable b byno means underesti- mated n er mated 1t weighs comparatively e as deposits of friendship, respectan •ombade•hlp which have come into her dally life through business associations.- Chicago ssoo • ons.- Chtsago Times -Herald. our travelinghag. It l Wise to take an umbrella. to the band. Some strap the requires ulnar skill an therefore 1■ generally well pend. This work calls her to lntereetlnR points a f► PEACEADLE FRENCHMAN. Deer Free' Bro.o, Sherbrook, P. Q.: 1 moll! write today Be.''bout six year "ince las' we met On deer ole Caned'. An se reason mart 1 write you. Joe, Is tell you I'm goon home; I'll ban on State 'bout lung 'sea. Bo I'll do some lye Lome. limper yeu'1l *hew der letter roan' wbere new.pepor earl sero. Cis l'11 bev reason lege' die piece, An prop. de; 'll een' for me. Dow Yankee what's men' hereabout, From brvkfnr' late same night, He's gut ONE subjec' talk .bout. Det rubjec'-"Bpaln mus' llghtl" Yea tie/elle' w1 1 Tricalt'`bearr- State?ne Tree •. He's got blow up by Spain, you 'no _.....d.AIA.%( 1.14 00aN (JET attar. 1 dogrel want teeth Jur( smm w birh r.'antrr bear ; BL:b hole he. good snuff fur me; Bake bean u bed for relit. But one sues' fact 1 11 sorry for, la stoat my tree's what's slain (You no I'll work down Leu Sidon An Rand many town nun' Maine), An when ell hear dat slate blow ep 1'11 remember good ole day When I be down 'n Lewiston. An n, .o.'n 1 get my pay - 'is... I'll rp.lt upgtreet where my 1-ottla. Bre Waffle roes' ne deer. lie .eve her Pete in ton' embrace, lnton' .rp'rate no m�7 for mo, Oh, dose wee happy But n v I'm fill with pain To think dot *itemised get so trash As hl..w up state of Maine. No mere l ll sero my fon' Louise Nor lintel Beecherd'• song, Aa ev'ry night I'm sed, Firs' Joe. As sad re whole dry lens. So nos, dear ley, Iia• It bee' k when, Iw„n': - strafe 4 it orromarch along • Kith bullet on se air. I4herllr.-,k he's good snuff for Pete. We ranee he's gem ■-ream. Write ,sen to me .nd tell re boy, Pole flat.haw'. °main home -M.ttltuw E. Mullan In Boston Traveler. The aon'try visitor at the dime museum was gating pblgtngy et the freak in the corner, who ed to be brooding over some deeply binYRe trouble. "What's the mMYN[ that poor feller?" be asked tete D14 M, . Look• as if he'd goo the colic Gss_le rtes r• genie He'd o11(hter be more LRfnl What be •� this warm weather." , That's wot I tell him," was the monies response " 'Twern't apples, though. That's Tommy Flint, my glees ester, an he ain't got no more judgment than a hen. This forenoon some blame idiot oi'e'red him one o' than fancy afdy'{�nw ormisin motor lamp sbades,un he than to gobble It all down -right atop of a Wens:mtw bulb with the mero'ry In it too. i don't weeder he feels upset Tommy'■ got to shut down on confectionery winder n such high toned grub an keep P leb ``lass If he don't want td loss his }ob."- New York Truth. Bofors be hes int ,-��.r�• 11s 5151 wee es Ibike crowded with aepr't•n w' ,t1_ gad cies. that .o was given for the nenifell iogt d e spirts being Now thith be lives is Agrkesse 1110 mixed rupee abed abileim M. sal IS warm ter eamedgeg ta fed 0011•4411=_.___ tide. Ikea *bonds Mbltd, line bees b PAIWme aid ~ 11t. RPM ad isa aws14 hate ogxedielemUse MOM Remarkable Reit 1dersee. "I admire tie remarkable bravery of those &ristoryetls'S.5 lg8w Terkel.* who are going with �lltistt{te�q Roowvslt'a rough riders?" "Why, is their bravery any more re- markable then that of the other reerultsf" "Don't, you se./ They aro going far away from every opportunity for getting their trousers pressed?" -Cleveland Plain psalm% THE ROYAL BOX. Tbe sultan at Turkey spends more for b e Sabi. than any other human being of Modks*fir ancient timer --$6,000 daily. Tba'orown prince and the crown prince= of Greece will be away from Atien+ for a year. They aro to divide the period of their absence between Germany and Den mark. Priam Omar, son of the kluged Sweden. l one of the •'mission preachers" of th,• Young Men's Christian association of Stockholm. On a recent Sunday evening be with hl wife preached to about Ilene peopia- '1'bs Primness Lonles (Marcbinns of Lorne) has modeled a statue of the queen as her majesty appeared at the opening of the fine arta exhibition In Manchester in 11161, When the statue le ernnpleted, It will be placed over the western parch of the Manchester cathedral. From all &mounts Czar Nicholas II is really very fond of his wife, much to the Dowager Csarina'l deleted, as die On,l. sibs 1d not the power behind the throie that she expected to be. 'Their imperial majesties actually exchange endearing phreeed In public, a thing previously un- ease' of In itue to A Twe Uud1.d M•sasaer. People Who .Hood around looking •1 men clearing/ sp the debris of a torn drawn bollding wan interested In the manner of wielding • two brindle' hemmer whlrh they saw In use there, and to the hammer itggl(, whish was bigger than any one men ggeja have bandied. Its two kaadjm were MeddIn It 1111. s spokes of d wheel (1s. • We, sad obey spread eat like them. T Mar were Mid eeeb by a man, the ter. Ina gti edtfsg 1lM by ltd& edge 1gwMr wee sod 1br.1 n break Me flip skies 06 Mei l{ essM be handled Irl. s the b5Mster bed bed 1st 1.11, two orae •eemil by tbe Mlles lifted it and Mee 1t bash bg 1M MOM= as ewe men gaigkf rain • MOW' flee besting book the dIM r 158libel. two amen Mid j5 *slob.ne tie other wide _ r Me goofs Awa aid holding • MNIs s.1 W Meme/. Abse ' ties enited labor of all the big hantlwor bed •pin tweet poised In the der, Me men to frost atm& aide and 1t was mals Id fail spots de Mese-New York Iter ww•s7 ego tag/ase. One•twMM of the people a wows mom. snalek Pe - '{ A BUDGET OF DEFINITIONS. Woman, lovely Wooers Combat to the Proal ave woman, 11 making her influence felt In 1oes1 rallwny trines. Her as been quiet and unc,tenta cue, some to stay, andt genera consensus of Inion on the peri of the managing railway officiate s t that • Is a 0d useful adjunct to the army of railway employee, 1n til• section of the he sex • its invasion to the appropriation of •ucb positions an those of minor ticket agents, eslegrapb operators to signal tower and g'esogrepbers. A000rdIng to the views of prominent local railway official., it 1. in the lad mentioned clam that women will prove most valuable. A girl wbo bas had a fair education, the high sebool variety, for instance, end who foot the ordinary seamen and hrlght- nem which distinguish the daughters of Mother Eve, can with little prompting pick up the threads of relined vernncular and operation. Sbe proves accurate and quick end. whet 1• much more to the point, evinces • desire b do her work un derd•ndtngly. A well known paeaengeragent of a focal railroad In discussing title subject said to a Leader reprmmnuitve: "A women ste- nographer, granted she has the basis of a good education, Is a useful adjunct to the office of the railway official. I have bad several of them, and they were generally ••tlefaotory. When I sin dleteting • large number of lettere at • rapid rate, I do not want to feel that I have a steaogrephir wbo will fall to correct any small slip* that I may make either In grammar or in matterml pertaining to railway operation. For Insane, In s burry 1 may give • wrong train number or a wrong station. Now, my stenographer moat be posted and able to Instantly norre nt such a mistake without interrupting my dictation. 1 mire found that women stenographers •re very careful and have retentive memories for inch Item., and therefore they are slaps able •safgienta." Women have been intrustwl with the position of ticket agent by the Penney, Tania lines, the Baltimore and Ohio, the Pittsburg and fake Erie and the P1tto burg and Western In this vicinity, and, while none of the meteors 1. one rt great authority, they et111 require oeretul end conches work.-I'It.t.hnre Leader. Dlvotoe--A denrr that always unman/ a woman. Baby -A coupon clipped from the bonds of matrimony. Bustle --Something that sen • quirt woman 1. apt to make. Unoerttnty-The only thing that be ter tab strut lovemaking. Duty -'fie t.hIfs • man tries to amid doing by asking ad. ice. Indulgent -A wile's lien of • hpshanel wbo never tonnes borne ithasip-A female who ran make five by petting two Ind two Mertlwir. Polbey-Aomething that's more often to blame for • man's honesty than prinotple -Chln•{e. Yews - Double lop and with an embrodeux or faro Medea sled to move away from the mor. emus eke top •instead, I L1H • square in the °enter. D0 lice sides and (teeth replied, •th ., long n' the Lord sent h tl glvdh sod taketh away I won't." -Den- lag to hold Lreeir.s Fold tied (hatplet') to the bottom or Were of hatboxes to keep them from • ■ and other high■ ornmen detached,then sawn on ward. Fold the front ru of • then It will not look(instep], I. rent Importance e o mer breadths are creased. They soon shake doubleoverthe bottom •e It 1c longer than the trunk. u e from where them s nos am- u e w - side out as •monthly as possible and stuff not the loops of large bows w few.- e . cut to tuck Into eornen and sperms to keep she layers from jarring. ■ smooth surface o pecking, planing layer upon layer, andw articles •re put In bulldlog around the n noel you have a smooth surface *gala. Never crowd breakable articles In eh' WM. nerd or sides, rather weep Ment la w•msa, p•pds end piste among the clothing. Some may advise you to emery bottles ft your trunk. Don't do 1t, unless, of •ootree, they .re done up chemist fashion. Ws bar• carried shoe drawing and preserves among leothlne emeriti times, but the led time It era Luta encase, and w we ad- vise you 10 take..muoh ankles b7 ha0d-nl'. Mak by th•moelves and serol by express -New York Ledgerof the Bork mf the house herself. She floe. not ev,-n it elm her own bole. To be sur,, Married V.'.. e•'. Worst afilings. they aro only pulled open, the clothes Laziness. -1t Ise married woman'' first thrown over the foot and then pulled lack duty to do e11 she tan far the comfort end again, but the one meld has to do 1t. And b.ppin0•e of her husband and obllaren. I have known her to call this one girl lashes& hada to slnvenllns and Indlffer- trout her general housework to bring her See. A woman Indifferent to tic condi • ghee of water up ■tele• and take the Mea of her home 1■ • woman stay man glass down egnin, and she does not hest - would do well to avoid. it la quite 'moos- ate tonal! her to bring her n ape measure dbie for a lasy woman to perform the du- or something that she needs for her sew• Ilea of her position satisfactorily. Ing. She expecte immune' waiting upon Neglect of Personal Appearaaoe.-There 10 addition to all the work of her home!. V •omething contemptible In s married Wecannot expect servants to be renennahle woman'■ neglect of personal appearance. when mo nni•h that 1• unreasonable -is 4. - Having succeeded 1n winning bar hoe- mended of therm." end's love, she Imagines there 1• nothing more to be gained by making the most of Per ttre■alneaa of Rhin. ser looks, ones elm Is safely married. A Ore•.tnaw of the akin generally arimis man h ry right to "'Pei" that hie '.145 from leek of olemnllnew or debility of the should be as trim and nowt as the mold be skin. Only an .stringent has nny effect Wooed. npon It, and d very simpler end entirely Jealousy. -The woman wit* give■ will Lasnless one may bre made from one pint so nnrwaaoneble Jealou.y risks losing her of rtsewetor, half a pint of white wine husband nd s tote end ru'p"ot in let urnvinegar end a few deep* of the edsencn or Jealousy ktlis con. roma fidenos without hwhlrhat tmarriage leatual trust ' mean• a soft lineapplied with n nig or • fine sponge. IngleeS farmm. Inhoepltellty.-Thr women who nislect • pDTh�eYoung 1.nd1..' Auxiliary of the sto entertaining her hnsbend's friend. . ' phis Health Peon -rile. .5eo1la- honm. practically fern-, him to seek tl: tion 1s a greet help to the older menthe n, ■oniety at the club end el•ewbere. A, ‘.They men in the r�ptIona and in the who would blame him? D DI.,.yetty.-Tho women whole in th.• $.ttleg the World *1rht. Holiness 1s the overtime attrihnts of dsiey. Justine and judgment are the feendatione of God'• throne His love and merry menet be exerelmd at the expanse ef H1s betimes and Ruffles. Helens is also tbs supreme. element in hnmen ih•reeeer, for wlthmt hiplines& no roan shall sm the Lord, The nnhleat faculty of tie 5111.11 soot le the faculty wbfob dl.rwlminaMr bstws.a right and wrong, indignant17 dlsyptervini the wrong and bene* y egmeeleg the right. The men IMM taingwasaartiou set burs seated etreng-dnime sed Meese Mmln1$s le nee kindled by she.o.napossdefasw « 11110 _ 54 mmesse freed Edecatlea. "The more' 1 look Into the aubject of bons. I. ,1-I .01100.." sold the women who is ',mime the subject a study, "the num I see the no d of ref mating the mistresses. The an mint of work they expect from e single seer not Is marvelous. I know one worltnn who 445 • isms, faintly and one servant, ant elle doers net expect tci4n ei y ONE KIND OF COURAGE. !1s. *al That paled Two 'Enemies Pee . Confederate Weatena.t "Courage un the battlefield is not the only thing that- makes a moldier," sold an ex -Confederate umcer to a cerreepondont "It 1s very easy fur • wan to he brave when he 1n shoulder to shoulder with his commies, but 1t 1s different on other ore careens. 1t reminds me of an Incident that came under my note. during the late war. One day the papain of • com- pany received wr,rd that the ('neon soldiers bad taken psmnrslon of a big mansion, and 1t wets thought that some of the sol- diers had been left behind concealed in the building. A lleutrgq! a and two privates wero Immediately (knitted to make an In- vestigation. They rete- ed the place easily. The lower floor was emitileal, but noth- ing spp'ared to be wrong further than the rewo*•a1 of • few *nll,nbles. The family had fled et the approach of the enemy. The men crept up the stairs and looked over fib• second story. It wee the same as on the Met. In the hall, however, there was • ladder leading to a trapdoor in the garret. The der was swinging down and it was es Went that wine one had climbed up to the ceiling. The lieutenant said thee the Barret wawa have to is 'earthed. told a private to go first. "The privn(e refused abeoluaiy. -He mid 11 was certain tenth and that If he was • saddler he did not expect to have his head wombed open simply to look for a Union spy. Ile acid he would take hl• punishment at the camp, but he would not stick his bead through the trapdoor. The "mond private sail told to dose the swinging door. He refused. Ill. meson was that he bad • wfto and children •t home, enil it wag not bravery to Wok hie bend in the Ora. "Without n word the 11 ' -tent climbed the ladder and poked his ! •.•l in thedoor- way. It was very dark, e. I he shut his eyes, expo:tins every, me. nt to have • big nit aleph out his brain+ He remained then a half minute and then came down, elostng the door afar him. He told the privates that he would not report their eowardlei to the captain, but during the remainder of the war those two privates were the 111t5ere.t rueiillee the lieutenant ever had. It was Nonan nature, I sup- pose. for them to hate bpm." -New York Sun. Haw to 'troll eneeeeefelly. To etre meet the del 1010U11 flavor she' latera le of a broil avid brew" the ~taw. ID quietly thet none of the dentate jute. swaps 1. Impo.*ihle on • fire that has Jo-, WWI mended or thee seeds not jets 1'b, A bol, Blear fins la indispensa gridiron should be grrnp110a51y .1.1111 ami MOW thoroughly before the broil 1s pmt as It Grosse the belief the 'retiree vele deet ase kltrhmn fat; never with hatter Meet need• plenty of flare, Deb but lithe Pnt meat s sear the fire that N will be 1. the flare which the fat drop• cause. A• soon the the surface o0 one ride is brnwnenl turn and Armen the other side. After til turn frequently and remove a little free the fire to finial Mnktng. Bawl •n Ilei IhIek w111 require from 16 a 111 minutes beeline. Trite off the skin from mutest, *nor* Mays only f.t moues to make theta =table shed Moil 'bout len misuses v am • bet dei sol put • glees et bat habit of dleenesing her husband's he' If black count plaeter is applied ina sore, with outsiders. of comparing hl'u • hlat.lt mor often remains. Cut ere a other le"p1e'e hil.bafidSor mwntt....lug n-' wbtte'plMtel` tbeeMNgaiyeoeim gag if. Sarno silghtingly 11 dlslrn•nl hath to hie' ruptkm; {ben place • larger block one and to hermit. The woman who an ler ever 11, loam her dignity es to do this de.ereee M' True lore .how. MOM 111 m Mfid(et forfeit Weekly. h0respaeAof M+rfrN+nde.--(3Lyoty thoughtfulness in time of trouble rather Weskly. ___.• then In a dlepneitlon to MN away and Deemer in Tina. wait until tiro nun shines out again. Open • tin nf venation, sprtmt•, sherries or any otber frnlb-for ■11 fruit le •cldu lone -let it stand for w1m0 tum., and the fruit snide end the tin are ready hypo their work of Weaning. A detentes' kl�iilite OM tells foot how the dengsr*M tIs®- pound 1s emitted l onneowsnry ben IlveMinee of the Aril. The rule to follow Is sever 10 make lemonade or other tredve drinks In • en reoopteole or allow Ibsen to stand in moth $ ve■ael, and In tic f� a uOf ng the Mil 1MT1't the ned ernes or fish atesttr ay Opera apes set an eor4benw•fe plats or Into • eel • sees drops ire lemon 31111. M 5551 ^ �tpoe $ taa1M s.5 ••g �lg� �p tee .tc/ '.t mR e"�iF t�•k •.►itril•"i,t7e.Rtadll When the clack reftlaee to run, take sal the works and place them In gremlins; let Nand a few minutes; take out, oil, re tern eo tics sleek, and 1t will run. The tole* of • women 1d widlhl In n balloon at the height of about two miles while that of a mon hal nater reached blether than r tells Me women are as Motored whoa they ladle 151. b Indorse • nheek as Meng). (N were signing their own death ewer Not Abashed M A11. The actress tells shoat 1k It wee one mummer when "hd"wee away at $ quiet place for n real rest. All the people In the house where who was stnying were very quiet, an'I shm had not die ideal the net nee of her pro/Melon. Spine ore might tx shocked ff they knew Mere was 00 noires& in the hosts. But monis, one dhreuvc'red bet. no 00.110 01111 IlIFI7g-1d2,11e. a': oho re, elved a •urpriee. It cams (rano: the syn let, sr. 10051 demur', nor{ itnrt"rawry ahnck;il old ladies fu the bon,{ '1l" -y came l0 her In n 5lnlnii' "ia It true," they mkfd alemeeelese e- Im•msly, "thnt you em nn extreme" "1. ' she menrited.. "'l ben do con," 1'11 1,1 r room mei set us • sae nee" tray a.... - New York Times, ^' I Paris and Marseilles are nnnnecttd by telegraph lint entirely ,mrlc'rgrnnnd. They are planed in iron pipe., and h11riod four feet beneath the enface, with man- holes 41,000 feat apart. It mat warty 2E500,000 to bury the wirna