The Signal, 1898-6-23, Page 6• THE SANTIAGO -IEXPEDITION. The Transports Reached Their Destination on Sunday. CADIZ FLEET AT CARTAGENA. Death and Deµractio■ M.I.d Out by tee AO•ric•a Warship. Appallies Ho - salt of I. Bombardmr•t o1 wally.-Vudturvef Hoverheg Over the Soo••-sh•ilag of O■•ut•namo. Washington, June 80. -Officials of the War and Navy Departments agree In the belief that the fleet of t,5nsporta and naval vessels arrived at Santiago ds Cuba yesterday. Naval officers figured out that the ships reached their destination some time In the afternoon and they expect that the debarkation will begin this Off Santiago de Cuba, June 17. per the suornieg. Sons. of the troupe will be A.sefatd l'ress despatch boat Wanda, landed at Camp bloCAlla, on Guant•nanto Kingston, Ja., Saturday, June 18.-A Bay, which Lieut. -Col Huntington's gallant band of murines hold. 'Phew troops will be went In operations against Guentanamq, wplle the larger number will gu'asb.re at a point or polite" near Santiago and participate In the attack on 1e Ibe ease they must have hese wantonly murdered. The Spanish ntlgbtseek to by their death to the buwtrntruent but not • shot from the Atetween ships struck ibe fortes. Neither Admiral Sampson nor Commodore Schley believe that Litipt. Hobson and his patty have been killed. A dramatic Incident of the bombard - went was the act of • epaulets of Boer, who bravely ran along the parape under • heavy tlrv, encouraging his men to Mond by their gun.. Shut and shell rained 'about him, and after one terrible explo- sion be was seen no more, and the para- pet had disappeared. He could not have escaped death. Frew the foretops of the Brooklyn, 800 yards distant, the men In the grounds would be noticed, but • minute later dust and flying debris would take their plata, and when the smoke would clear away only a spit old red earth ouddd be seen. liens and gunners had hen swept away, It WWI the most deadly and destructive bombardment of the war thus tar. 8oaroe- ly • shot from the big guns of the squad- ron went aaUay. A BHUSH AT SANTIAGO. B eeooaolt•rlag Party Got ttlthla Hangs of a Bloekhoass. but brush between some Spanlab troops and a reconnoitering party in steam cut- ters ooeurred at daylight tbis morning in • Miall Dove wort of Morro Castle. the Maamobaseea' loam Duper, Ie that place. It is said at the Navy Depart - take of Li. Parole, entered the Dore to men& that the purpose In lending the aka soundings and reconnoiter. marina at lamp McCalla wee to hold I N'hen welt 10.1110 the Inas, a detub- Guantanaule baab'r for iha reception 1 seat of naalab Infppfry WNW an the troopships after their passengers balks Ulon the cutter from a blockhouse. The disembarked. the harbor furnishes an the was vigorously returned by the mar - ease real mei eschers's, and with Mel ln,s who were to the k(saashugetta' clearing. out of the enemy In that vicinity bout, and ale by mnemes wbo were In will be an Ideal place for the transports IM' New York'. nutter, which was In to remain. As moat of the transports now charge of Naval Cady[ Powell, and which at or near Santiago are w a used In the had followed In. The New York's cutter Porto Rican a to shun they w111 probahly was hit ten tomos and amarine In the remain as Uuantruaruu until after seam. cutter of the Maeaechu•.ta bat the meek ago has been taken, of him rifle shattered, but `by great good luck no one was 51t. aaal .g. Canadltlu,l Larded. f he 'Lein* opened Me with Dr six - pounders, and the Vixen steamed r1gh. trla.rra, done 10, 7 p.tn.-A private Into the cure aud_peppered the block-, despatch received erre 'rem New Yere house with ter rapid tiro tuns,_ woods, J s lana. ti‘140000,1tihele"e'w pedl euttee- bele.-qtr--Han Fl i. rutrented to the wd,.' landed near Sunt) ego de Cutin, ;rod will and the two steam cutters withdrew. ' attack the town Immediately, THE CADIZ rl-EET. Admirer t aaaTs•w 7mi tt admen a1 Cartagena. W,M►Metaala riallie N9,-. 1g meta* the almost- perfect system of obtaining information In regard to the whereabouts of Spanish vessels the Government has ascertained definitely that the Spanish reserve squadron under Admfrnl Camara, or rather the eleven vessels of the sixteen which left l'adlx last week, have arrived at Cartagena. YELLOW PEVBR RAMPANT. 1141-i1a.itr.k.■ out Aiwewg-*- A merleaa Merlura M PRACTICING ON GUAWTANAMO, Tee Cofer ttttt• Tetra galJMted M Psrlb.r D.etreetlon -Santiago Harbor Catered Mole Ht. Nloholaa, Saturday. June 16, 6.30 p.m. -News from Guantanamo up to this morning shows that naval opera- tions there oondnue most active and with the advantage On the side of the Ameri- cana. Yesterday morning •t 9.110 o'clock the American vessels reamed tee hem- bardment of tivantanamo town, and in the coarse of one and one-half hours threw goto tee town 75 shells, a Brest majority of which appeared to have beep rdective. Six of thew shells were lilnob projectiles, eight 8 look and the others were smaller. The men In the tree 103. amid see many of the .hell. strike In Be very midst of the Gown, while others fell among the shipping and ronimeeclal buildings near the water's edge. Smoke areae In dense clouds from the planes where the shelle fell, and It I* be- lieved that the damage, both by the tm-' pact of the tensile. and consequent oon- fiagratlon, was very greet. on Thursday evening the .hips had thrown four 18 inch and nine 8Inch shells Into the town. This bombardment began at 4 o clock and ended at 5. Much smoke and confurlon were discerned In Guantanamo daringthe progrese, Crowds of people and troops of soldier. were seen moving about and the vessels In port knrrledly ohanged their anchorage, Ventured Int. Maellego Herber. On Wednesday night the Texas pene- trated Into the Hay of Santiago, paused Morro Castle and poured a well dir cted pre both upon that stronghold and the CMtle 7orapa. Thl. tattle Megan anont 1 o'clock and ended about mWnlgbt. There was very little rtspnnse from the Spani- ards, and such an there was did hardly any damage. Nobody_ wan killed on the Atnerlcan ships In any of them aetion*- Two r(pentah ntMoor'e captured on Wednesday In Guantanamo Bay are re- ported to be on Marl the Marblehead. Work of the Veuvl•a v.v••- The -meow tfrlbe weyk on Wednesday night by the Vesuvius and New Drifting in Santiago Hay In confirmed. The Vesu- vfun put .hells Into the water to explode the nano', while the New Orleans en- gaged the fortification. along the 'More. The Alarbinheel n*el captured a Span - ah sloe' in Hnantanamn harem, and made elght'soldfen who were on board prfsmen. taut night the Texas again tired on Santiago harbor, and lntllrted ranch dam- age upon the fort on the 'tont shore, It In the general opinion aru.mg the natal nffleer, that, beyond the raptors of Guantanamo and the possible reduction Of Santiago, there will be no more large operations during the eummel.. w DEATH AND DESTRUCTION. Appalllag Result of the Bombardment of Santiago Vultures Hovering Over th. geese. Off Santiago de Cube, Saturday, June 18, noon, via Kingston, Jamaica, Hun• day, June 19..-A careful Inspection of the fortifications along the creat of the hilt. defending Santiago harbor since the bombardment Thursday morning, shows that the Amerfnn gunner. spread wreck and rain everywhere. Some of the belt term we,. demolt•hed beyond repair. The vultures which steeled on level wing. over OW 4414. re Welt ,w awgfinerg amend a chimney for hears after the fir- ing named fnPnl.hed gnletbome .vldenee ref the fataltty among the Spitnirh soldier's Hnndrel* of troops mould be seen from the Mips digging in mounda of -earth, piled up hy the elploalon of the props, - tiles from the heavy gena• for bodes, while thelr beads were fanned by the wings of the Merl inavengere of the battlefield. There were two spats, one on the teat and the other en the wast of the barrow, whets were denuded of toilers. The helms seemed literally blow' away. 'These marked the phew when the MO - mune charges of gnneethen blown by he Vesevly landed. The moat urethant tokens of death flew ken Macre CANla Tk. matron flag at was hs rinse ed for several hours. se rill is wet known. 111 to hatfmast legs, MO deem Apanah teethe was Med hew IN of aha A ilfis, tlYtwat ls. , the A•n•r1At/}.c 4-1..t ut Me mem ewe diet If soolt ti 11,114!dra7ii• - '.l',-..& n4 10 Sri-, melted here from Cuba. yellow fever is raging among the Ameri- can taurines encamped neer the entrance to Guantanamo Hay, and several trees of the disease are reported to have occurred on the ships of the ^'l uudron, The tele- gram deecr.l,r the heat a. terrible, and says the swampy condition of the ground has preientod thus tar the carrying on of 1 military operations in the vicinity of Santlego. In Ole Senate Senor Selmer= gave notice that be would Interpolate the Gov- ernment oonoerning the expulsion from Canada of Lieut. Carranza, late Spanish naval attach* In Washington, end Senor Du Booc, former Spanish Charge d'At- faire* at Washington, and requested that ) the docntnenta relating thereto be glvta to the Chamber, , Calsanera to B. Barned. Off Guantanamo, Satanlay, June 18, 8 p.m., via Kingston, Jamaia, Sunday. June 19.-C'ulan arouse report today that the Inhabitants of ' Calmensee lice strewn the stents with straw and.11, with the, Intention of deetroying tee- da f and fleeing to the hills. TIIE SOCIALIST MOTE Largely ;ncreased in the Current German Elections. RE -BALLOTS IN 181 DISTRICTS. The Ceutrisl., as Heretofore. Illowever, Will N.n4,t5V4alasee et Lower N'Itb 1.10 Seat - VOID tHeuaerdat Cly of tee Beplre Retards Throe Seo18lint• Pekoe ler mare& Berlin. June 90.-Heporte of estops in the Rehberg oluotluns from 891 district show the ,rumen of 119 Conservatives, 9 Imperlallaa, 85 Centrists. 4 Hetorulurs, 9 National Liberals, 9 Fr bainnbge Union eandldats, 1 candidate of the Frdsbnnige People's party. 1 Agrt,Ulaural League oandldate, 34 Socialist', Mt Peas, l Daus, 9 Independents and t a -'if-' sa.al iter Pennants' l.eagu,. In 181-t1111/elets re i,tllted will be neoeteary. Inwaste these nthatett,ollping will take plate on N'riday A few facts. however, stand out plain- ly. The first 1s that the Centrist,. will M heretofore, hold the liaison of pawn with 100 sesta, enabling them to sway the }tolo]etag In either direction. The sedond L that • Cartel majority will be next to Impossible, and the third 1. that the Sucleltsa will, •iter all, not only largely laminae their poll, which, it la estimated. will Perak 9.tOO,04.10 voter, M against 1,786,000 in 1893, but will also themes their repreeeuatloo by -10 or 12 seats. The inorese, In- the 8nohtit.t Tn*. iL most marked at Wsriemflnrg. Already 11 1. causing alarm among the Hamburger', who ars specially furious that the fleet commercial elty of the empire should be represented in the Reichstag by three Socialists, who, their opponents my, have no underitattding of the rlty's vital Inter- ests. A11 tilse Radom! finders, Melt' !ins Herren Richter, Ro•kert and Barth, will have to run the gauntlet of a second bell loi. The extreme agrarians fared badly. Owing to hes feeble condition, Prince ilan.arelydeltnot -roes: • "MISTRESS OF THE SEAS." If Great Braille Is Not egress 1. Naval ReetVt♦eaTb.s wuarata--,s l"s Ito s1 Ones.. eW .Y9ik..ai41414. 10.••• TataIowaas ewer-. respondent of the Evening Poet eye' "The Government, upparently, hoe yield .d to the Importunities of the naval alarmist., like Leon' Charles Hrresfonl, and the forward, section of the Minleteri ahem 'lu these Mr. Chamlierlaln'* and Lori Sall shury'a cohfeeslons that England dare not defy France and Kumla In d.• fence ut the policy of an open door In China and Num Afrla, wee bitterly humiliating. H, they argued, England le not capable of mating Franoe and Hussey on the seas, she ought to be promptly made to. Supporting them, Lord Hero.• ford streak the old familiar&tarmld note of French aud Hessian naval activity, declaring that whereas in I8*9 England stood. In the matter of ships, oomplete and building, with a superiority of 11 per cent. over Franoe and Hume together, now she stands in an inferiority of 10 per cent "To this Mr. Goschen at lad yielded. Ha statement in the House of Commons 'tunny eight Is accepted M meaning that the Clovswment lino derided on the new naval programme. which t1Mt ,Al metrial rewards declare ahonld caste 4 armored endows and 2c deetrnyert at a oat of not ere than en exam 60,15551,11,10 for Pens, to meet the Russian seven year appropria- tion of $$8,l,011,900." A BITTER CRY. "Send Os Provl•lene ur Huard• 1. Make Cnw•el' Ht. John's, NMI., Juno 90. -The Brit• fah sterner Arlon, bound for Miley'. Inland, to load or. for Philadelphia, has arrived here, after four days con3m.ment in northern Ice floes She reporte that the ocean le covered with les fields, and that there are thousands of Icebergs along the covet. She also reports that four tramp et.,am- er't are blockader) at Twlilingato, and that the mall beat Virginia Leake In alp blockaded and Is unable to reach VW'hlte Hay with provlalon* for the dentlrte dnherm in. Heartrending report. of suffering and etarvatlon are reaching this rlty from Fr'nrh 'horn settlement.. Seven persons, 1t 1. ,aid, have died of hunger In HL Anthony, where the poor are living oft dry tallith, doled out by the reddens.. If a steamer dors not reach there soon with food, it Itfgared enures will perlab, From Quirpott to Cape Norman char. 1. not a Carrel of flour. In a small oove at the bottom of White Bay six families aro reduced to half a barrel of flour. Fits men walked aerate the hey, looking for • trade schooner. When they found 111 they were like Being skeletons and nearly dad. They Informal the captain., who gave Mom ROMP provisions, Thesaid that 1f they failed to get hook within • week all their families would b. .awed to death. , Another nae. 1s reported where a lama Hy had been extorting nn a loaf of bread for sl; days. 1he 1ta,. John Ly Catholic pilaw, melding 1n Conch., sire. patched a messenger to Tilt Cove with a telegram method In these appalling words: "Send on provl.lnn. at onoe; If not, board. to make milting." 1)estltutlon 1s also repnrtel In Salmon Core, Perry Cove and other planes In the Nay de Verde ditirlrt- ..The weather 1. had and trade ler unusually d.prse.d. Gen. Lee's 1reretery Killed. Jacksonville, Fla., Jane 90. -When about to go In bathing stn Pablo Beach yretrrrtsy afternoon .lams T. Gatewood, prise,' stenographer to Oen, Fltehugh Leo. we. epno-k by lightning Dna Invent. iv kllhd Ole s•,N from Hlrhmond, Vs. API EIPLoan,,N OP DYNAM1TB =111• Threw lira sed INnollahee • Variety .t Danville. Danville, June 20. --The mining ma ehlnery belonging to the A.hests ('om pang bees wee completely dewtrnyr,l by a fire which oornrred on '1 nnraday night F•Mr.hoating..engines and a mewsil loco- motive awr-m Live area total gees Hetween 12 And 1 o'clork on Friday the dynamite 1n the eoapeeeA.r torte exploded and eempMwdy wreeked tee handle. Them men name! Morin, Alvan] and RAM were killed, The force of the ezpboelon ohs felt for mile* around. All the glees In the windows of the Asbestos, & Aelmatin Company's fac- tory were broken. The factory 1a 'Stunted a quarter of a mile from the moms. The expinelnn would have been attended with g reat Inge of life nasi It occurred during working boere. Menem BT A risme e O% MOAT. Leafs Reid Mea with • BN Q.edat AenIeat. Milverton, Jane 90.-A hat melded ha/prowl in IM hoed ea Wanner 311111111Cm ce 1(atfPday, when Iroule sold, • laborer, shoat W years of age, Anted en • 21em d mese whoa sting ha dinner. aballeIM Imf.Wwr"' In ematedy. The body was fatgrwA 1 a( the "aetbw sy here sheet f 1 .LIMA the .•bene e►w1nil. SHY ON BROTHER JONATHAN. Central Aeneeleee 1. 1.tes Believe the Americo. Government mut Inter - erne In Their Affairs. Managua. Nicaragua. June 90. -Thr Nicaraguan Congress declines the tweet, of peace signed between the o.nnmleelon ers of Costa Biro and Nicaragua. April 28 la.t, on board the United Sats war- ship Alert, unless the treaty is ales agreed to by the Congresses of Salvador and Honduran, members with Nlrarren& of the gnat republic, of Central Atueries, ace rling to article five of the organize - tion of the great.'r republic by the rural dent. of Nlear.gua, Honduras and tits Vador 1n 1856. It In very doubtful whether' ('oats Met, will -agree to Me c,ndltions demands.] by the Nicaraguan Cnnterena, bet really ut .pired by the ltzorutive of Niatragua, Menthe' the consent of the l'.nitg1ee,ee of Honduras and Salvador to the resent panty of pare between Costa 1H1.. and Nlcaragnu would bind Honduras and Salvador to •males Nfarwgna 1n cad. Nleerngna were Involved In war, The newspapers are loaded with roiek- leen discussions of the Monroe doctrine, many declaring that the United ream* Is unjust In going to war with Spam and expressing the fear that the American Government will ultimately lattrvene in the political affairs of Centre' America. --MANCHESTER IS PLEASED. With the Enterprise I)I.pleyr,l hy Our Government - Lord 1trat even• Lessem an Aneeetral %.at. Montreal June 20.-A cable to he Star from London eye that m,wh satis- faction In expreaewl re.pc,ting the retinae - Mon of the egre-'rni..nt between Mr, Southern nn behalf of the Mnn.hest.r Liners, Limited, and the Canadian Uov- ernment Inc an annual anb.ddy of forty thou.end donate for • fortnightly service between Manchester and Montreal 10 the summer and Manohwter and St. John in the winter. The M tncheeter Uuarilen nays this Illustrates Canada's enterprise and the immense posslhllltlee of the nhlp anal. Iword Mbratheon* and Monet Royal has entered the ranks of the Knglleh landed gentry. He has lased Knehworth Honee, Horttnnlehlr,, the aneeetral coat of the (Carla of Lytton, together with the shoot- ing privileges ovr the enterer. Weisel., M Not Caming, New-lrt,rk, -June 90. -Tia London ear - respondent of the Tribune prim The rumor that the 'hike of Connaught will be Viceroy of Canada 1s without founda- tion. The post hM been at the dlapesal of Lord Wolseley, who Is believed M baste Intimated that be would prefer $o remote eammander-la-eb.s. There 1s probably a ease ehap5er In current Motor., which win name day be related with authority. CANADIAN PACKRR$' ASSOCIATION, Tbej ■old • epeeist Meeting and Ser. Op the Slt.ation. Taranto, Jane 17.-A amnia ms•t1 of the CaswItan Panties' Asselelatien was held at the Welker Howe Presided W. A. Pewgosem, JfStt erten: ped the osier, and tits folles0Mg were pram,: D. lleCuly, PIets*; w1111am Wright, Pineal; .1. 18. Doe&4.na, fit, Ceiba/le.; W, A. Careen, AellsvllIe; A. McKI Wage Larne; J. Naha, Aylmer: W. • •r Tbs msadag was nulled pvlaeipally to Ili the pries far ala .early ass rot's lest- Clyde. to the Imsmugi awl of law material and produce, 1t bee been found meoeseary to quote higher preen The esparto reralved from the frult- grewlug Merlon were ere follows: The peak orup this year would be small ow- ing to the eaoeadve bearing 1n the Ma- ger, Maria lad wwwur. Flume, like- wise, will be .earoe, and the apple prop good. Regarding vegetables, ouwplalnts were general- own and tomato orop tela year will set be large, the tome, Mantel being SISSON destroyed by theses, and the oorn crap will be almost a total failure, owing M the use of imported seed, THUNDER AND LIGHTNING. Groat Damage Done Amend Elora sad Comber-Lightadrg sada • tura Comber,and Ont June a very heavy thunder and windatorin waned over this section between 7 and if o'olook Friday night, oarrying deatructiun In IM wake. The tin roof on the large Sellers House Bloat was lifted like so much paper and carried ecru." the atNeet, landing upon the roof of the residence of Mr. A. luyst. tllrange to ay, Mr. Luyd'a residence soaped Injury. The G.N.W. Telegraph Company's onto' is situated in the same block, and the wires were turn trent the building. The roof of a freight oar in the M. C-'1'. yards was torn off and carried some distance, and the residence of Mr. M. Laporte was struck by lightning. The fluid entered the chimney, but oatslae of upsetting the Move no further damage was done. Tres ware uprooted and farmers' fences were levelled. Fields of what, whlob 1. a heavy crop 1n this no- tion, are flattened down. Many fields are covered with water In the southern part of Tilbury West and In Rochester Town. shtpa and untold damage done. Ni WSPAPI _MWITE 11E f1M.S. Mr. T. B. Delay Propep.. a 114 -Roan' Copyright Lbw. London, June 20.-F. R. Deldy, the welI-known copyright expert, has made an li.portsnt proposal before the select committee, on oopyright.. He urg,xf that the vexed question of newspaper rights in I news be fairly =et by a :1 hours copy- right He pro18*d that his views Would be oorroloratd by the manager nr the Tams, whose demand for a perpetual copyright hat been a great obstacle to flits step. It seems probable that copyright In news will be established after 'early 60 years' agitation. *b1T As1oj1 AT l*MI1LTOK. !s,..I,r•lra1..7 drlcfaryrprp t)• M tee BSM . Hamilton, June 17. -The body of a mae drifted on the batch near the water- works late yeelwday afternoon. There was not a thing on or about the clothing to lead to the Menthe of the dad Man, wbo appeared about 50 years of age. His clothing was very good, and consisted of • rich black oorded wit, cream colored shirt, blank four•In•hend tie, underwear and heavy show. The man was about 5 feet 11 Inched In height, and would weigh about 900 pounds. A few American cols were found to hie pockXA It Is supposed this 1s the foody seen floating near Oak- ville on !fonder by the captain of the steamer Atacasr . Coroner Urlflln will open an inquest at Fitch's Hotel We afternoon, ALHA1IANS ATTACH CHRISTIANS, B.r.ls.g NIae Ylll•gee_S.Itan Appealed to for Prtt•elle.. Vienna, June 17. -Further details of the sanguinary conflict* between the Albanians and Christiane In the Uskub district of European Turkey. northeast of Woolen, show ,the Albanians have M - tacked and burned nine Christian vile ague, consisting of 450 houses, In ape vicinity of Baran, near the Montenegrin frontier, up to yesterday. 1'be inhabitants bays fled to Montenegro, wisest' represent - stens at Centimennple have made strong representations on the subjeot to the Salon. Selma Knight. Suing.. 8t. Catharfnee, June 17--A ease that N exciting a greet deal of Interest among insurance people Is the as -tion before F. W. Macdonald, Mauer in Chantry, with regard to the liquidation of $be affairs of the Select Knights of camels. The case binges on &big dlnpute When the :elect Knights Benefit Society went Into com- pulsory liquidation, there were a large number of per,oes who had dropped out of the society, one, two or throe years, and the reoei,er of the aorlety is suing these delinquents for six months' algae - myna. The ase 1a still In proems. road Infant Proud. Hamilton. June 17. -last evening 801. onion Hart, a driver for John French, handed the police the Ifaly of an infant, which he said be foun in a night Doll barrel, which was emptied ou a farm neer the city. Ile laid the Mere! wits from No. 288 Hugheon street north. Dr. ,Woolvertnn examined the remains, .0d said they were of a child about a week old. He thongbt the child had teen dead about a week. An Inquest will be opened to -day. e10e for Two Plague-,. Toronto. June 17.-Willlam Joseph Gilbert, aged lee; had two fingers of his right hand amputated In • ataluping machine at the fantory of Maisie.. l'nrner & Cn. He brought suit. for damages, alleging negllgeneo by the company. Mr. Justice Ferguson yesterday, in Single (Goers, awarded Gilbert 6100 and the ex• penises of medical attendance_ The Preaeher W,ulds't Pay, Halifax, N.H., June 17.-A clergyman of the Methodist denomination was yes- terday dropped from the ministry end expelled from the church by Nova Scotia Meth.w111p Conferrnne for failing to meet his obligations to bnwInrs people the guilty Ian Is David Walker, who wail stational In Sydney Distilet whlthr Meat laibaad. Toronto, June 17. -That diseased meat Is sold In the town and vicinity la the complaint of the townsmen of Whitby, sent In yesterday morning to Dr. Bryn. The citizens asked the inmost,* to In- vestigate the complaint, and suggest,] that a Inunielpal Mattel, be erected In the town. German armorer on the Reeks. Managua, 7 lenragnn. June 17. -The Germafl mptrhnnt .te.,mop Deidemnns has run on the nicks .stn m11,.s north of Corinth, on the PeelI .1d. 01'lnttragna The paa.engew and new have leen toyed. trainable Savo Htrnod. Mor., Juno 9O.---Ihering • thunder- storm In this vfeinity abont 4 Nriook Saturday aftrnroa the large tank ham of Mr, W. L. Gordon. lot 14, eonoprlmn 8. Pilkington Town•hip was drunk by tlgbielag and barged to the ground. TM tin aseneattd 114 head of pigs, a large d Itap ani ne,rh all his farm a 110s, • heavy one, 1st par(lowered by termism- abeet, ahty Y. Blast siva it Om. Paris, J' - -teesmltnmea with MM. ' Oa- le- inane yg-7all 4 QahbtM to emceed the IMM tllalslt>r, Pugigms Phan aeeapad as , WI rpl5aW. Jenne lit, *edgiest., My, ABERDEEN-ANGU8. Blah Daddies RM Feeing to the Omer" of Beef Breeds. Hers is as fine a specimen of the Aberdeen -Augur sire a ever was seen It is reproduced from The Br'eeder's Cir setts, The long body, great girth and beery fleet of the animal are remark able. He 1s demanded from a Turliug ton herd sire imported by Mr. William Watson, wbo did sumuch for live stock breediug iu Awerioa. This bull is the sire of 190 calves be- ltxtgiog to one bard. A writer in The Breeder's Gazette who has made some money buying and fattening beeves of this breed tells bow be prepared them for market: "With referenoe to the 17 steers which I geld in Chioago for 45,50, 1 would may there were two pure bred Aa- gue aud a Shorthorn. The balance were from one-half to seven -eighths Aerie The pan bends ware 2 years old ISOM ABIRDIKs-AsOtnL of October. They weighed 1,600 pounds the day they were shipped. The others were 8 past. I raised about ball of them and bought the others when yearlings at $9.50. I do not know their gains at different times, as they were not weigh- ed until the day they were shipped. They averaged 1,494 pounds at home and 1,411 ponnde in Chicago, a .hriuk- age of 83 pounds, They ran on good blue gram perdue. *ad 1 feed corn ou the grace Aug. 1. I ed them corn on gran until Sept. 16, wbeu they were then pct on full feed. They were fed in a shed on shock corn onoe a day and ebucked core at night. I think shuck corn the bed feed there la for fat Pining cattle " Caen et 811.4 Naggers In Sheep. Question, -What ailmmy sheep? One ewe, not quite • year old, eats bot very little, 1. apperomtly blind, as it goes arouud with 1ta eyes shot and bumps against wbateyerie in its way. It. eats droop, it rests 1te head on the manger, does not discharge any from the nod. arils. The feed is clover mixed hay, with a little wheat middlings and oats. I have bad them so before, and they are pretty sure to die in one or two weeks. -G. W. H. Answer. -The trouble 1s due to oon- /Upstion, followed by impaction or stomach staggers from • too exclusive feeding on dry food. Dive the affected sheep four ounces sulphate of soda with a half ounce ginger dissolved in • half pint warm water. Follow with injec- tions of a pint ct warm castile soapsuds four or five times daily until relieved. Also give one of the following powders twice daily, either in the feed or by drench: Powdered nut vomica, 6 drams; gentian and ginger, of each 19 drams: mix and make Into 19 powders. The sheep should also receive succulent food of some kind, such as ensilage, roots, cabbage or apples once daily. In the abetment green food ground flaxseed or scalded oats or bran may be ,riven. The healthy sheep should ale reoeive a ra- tite of maculae food two or three times a week, or a daily ration of ground fiaxaeod or oilmeal. Free *mem to salt will also form a healthy action of the bowels and tend to prevent ins - 'notion. -Rural New Yorker. Reinter& We present this picture of • Hereford lo show the extraordinary depth of meat from top of shoulder to lows: part of brisket there Is in the Improved beef breed*. When such an animal as this is 000 - treated with the old fashioned scrub nr Tette long born, the reason why Ameri- Min best has lately taken such a great step In favor abroad is quickly seen. Beyond a doubt the finest beef herds In the world are to be found in the rif'175F*gng HRRgPoRD. acrthweetern part of this country on the large farms There 1• no room for such herds in the oldir stats or in Europe. A drool; intnslnn of this improved Mood I. now met with in the range of the far west, but there is not yet enough of it to being these cattle up to what the American beef standard Ie to beoo ne la fotere. We in the United States area to tales the meet enol the beta i1Del 8e 61111. planet, and let all the world bear It in mind. He mourn Hier. A anniewha; reklcte youth who had unlisted for the war and had spent hie time in ramp In writing holm for money finally M'et this telegram as "a 'Hitcher:" P.rwm-L., shot of ni sham hates, Deed til feuds ynu Mn, To this the ni4 Lean replied : one- Oral know veer awerbr, bet erneaea ea ebe• M you by ealwe.a, ]g do.ea't fit, get -step etrperter to pblse IL. eM less AO vert here. -Atlanta OOBIltitetion. Fakes_ Bey • - Yo is eider. (wartime aparbitantt)-- .knd ly Mort alt the soar grim fan aIle, an.--Vbeelthild I shall w date on awe or three *ore Toe ere, 1 rrRat wadi 11hoe Asha b') Naito** -Ale doper. WHEAT'S DOWNWARD SAG. Last Week haw • Dlaaloallea 1a Prise err A11 Deliveries and Joe Colter Deep net of the Deal. eatttrd•y Itrealug, June 18, The weak has been dl.tlsgulabwl by minima breaks la the wheat market ■ ei by the et Joe Leiter trona the l'bleagp rd. ,Ou that market Junes wheat itag declined the per bushel ale Ni lest Sat July 14c, September 7. and December 6c per bushel. At Liverpool, la 15. saute time, spot wheat kas fallen le 11M per rental, Jly wkeet a. 554,'aud September optima J4ad. 111 Paris, the de clue hes burn to 3 francs, Ontario *brat Is 10. per bushel cheaper Dna • week ego, Leading Wbogt Martens l'ullowlus are demos prices to day at •pol'lan( cralrra . Cash. Jour. Jtit) . Chicago 5 to a0 to 721 New York .,., 0 7914 MUwaukrs , d e 0, I.ou111 - 9 75 .... 0. Toledo ...,., 079 07R 0 71 Detroit , 0 83 0 93 0 71 Duluth, No, 1 North. 0 86 0 P414 0 78 Duluth, No, 1 bard0 86 .... .... Minneapolis ••.. -, 0 83 0 113 0 OT14 Toronto, No. 1 bard1 01 .... .... Toronto, red 0 s Terence Grata cad- Preda.e. Flour -pull. straight rollers Iu berre;a, middle frelgets, are quoted at 54.351 to 54.40. Wbest-Trade is demoralised, cad, tbeugh holders are asking (Sl.•, wlddle freights, for red Qatari., Dryers say It 1. worth ouly 83r per busbrl. No- j Manitoba bard la quoted at 113ar, afloat, at Fort William. WALarley-Nothing dole; cad prism sow- - -- Oats-Mrs at sies to We weal Brae --hells et *41.''111 . ' ' at 512.50 teat. Corn -Canadian., 33i vast ass Te. os track here. Eye-Nenlloa4. Buckwheat Nomival. Pe .--DtN1 around 50a north cad west. Toronto St. Lawrence Market. Wgr•t, tittle cbaege. Too bushels vett 5d at re, re 83e for whl'r. Me to 954e for red and floc to Ji'.- for go,se. Barley remained ■t 34c, 100 bushels oil M Dios fell to 32c and 33:, with 800 Wehrle (tethered. 1'.'.s ruler ■t 48r to 52.- per bushel. Straw remained et 3310 57 per, teams are toed. In, - --' Fresh meats term at yesterday'. SPeter noes. Melee and Weed. 814.., curse 50 oat 5.... Pit. . -1 gre,. 0 08 Ne. 2 green 0 3,1i fallow, rendeLre.drrou 0 or0 OS 1i rough 0 0l'e l tg Kuerpetlua 1 1u 1 Si Pelt., reek 0 15 0 90 Lambskins 0 30 Caltaklt(s, Nr. _, j a,u u.i.. -0 IIs( --.. Co. 0 it • Wool. fleece 0 10 ., Che... Marketer. (lorowa8, Oot„ Juuo' 18. --At able mora. It`'• Cheese Board, 13 factories bearded 851, 2 Amrrk•.e, 1142 al state. The pee-. obtained .auw bow aagloar Bayer. are to get the quality of cheese add on this Mood Bidding wee spirited. TS.e. 7 7, 10A•, 714,'•; ■11 sold on beard at the latter Moire, Alexander get llus 410, M -Gregor 213. as o 4 eel. The Amer feu soil at 7c to Wood. Ten large factories registered, making ibe total number about 23, with the, pro.p-rt of a large n.alb.er joluleg by for next week's meeting.' N.T„ Jane 18 -Twenty-three lots, 1943 boxes offered: 71 -1st- bid; no sales. Later ou street 150 cold at thew erre. mdon, Out., June 18.- -At tee Loudon Cheese Markel, 2T fa. -heirs l...erde.l 1:1'1 boxes May, 3.,23 J.uee- blddlue brl.k. 5..,.: 210 boles at 7 1.10.•, See teles *t T4s'-, '2i. Doles at 7.3411e, 933 butes at Tec. large ■ttendaaee, Watertown, N.T„ June 18, -At the B and of Trade to -day, Dales, 6100 le .buses at 011ie to e14e; belt for Montreal.. lbweaavllle, Que., Jen. Ifs. -At the ('nw- aMyllie (Ilene Heard. to tarrnraes oRrr:ed 2470 boxes cheese; two cream -rice offered 46 boxesbatter; 111 boxes e5eae.r wear to A- Hnloe. for T4ir. 1122 haze. to A. J. Rryee for 7 3 -Mr. -Me boon to A. 1. 1115 - bard for 7!,e, 531 les.. t. H, 1-', Ferxtt*oa 7s Tr; nl bnxe. butt. -r went to (1. 11. Hibbard f..r 1ays. T4ml sold, 2111 D ,•hnwdte, 7) loxes bun, -r Adjourned to Jan. 8t 1 p.m. Bayer. prrnent r penult P. Verxosuu, 11 11. 1111 -ILIA. Jame. Hornet., jr., A, L Hibbard, G. W. it te-k A. J. Bryrr, A. Hnlmw- Large attendance: 51.111.., splrtled. Brltah Markets. Ldv.rpool. Jane 15,--8pring wheat Is gent. ed at Te 6d: red winter, 7a 2d; Ni, 1 (:at, no stack: Born, 3a 2%•d: -peas, Ila 2d; p..rk.31e Ad: lard, 30u: tallow IDS he heavy. I.c., 31. ed: light. 31■: do., short rot. 31*, cheese, white 3a ad, emoted M. ed. Lteerpol-Cl.r-Spot whrer dell, wits red wlater at 7e 2d and! No, 1 Northern at 7. ad: futures etesdy at 6. *(,,I for Slily, ARM for Sept, and :len 111,4d for Dee, ep-,t metre quiet *t 3* 2Nil: futures quiet a' 1e lead for Jely and 3. cad for Dept. Ilene, 27s ed. oNTA RIO'S CROP.. sn wast, Inc.e- , - O • p. Nev., Did They Premise Re.nit. Bette. In Jar.. Toronto, June 80 --During the pad two weeks ha., two interviewed many of the cattle men who Ganeregate here from all parts of Ontario, an to the crop pros- pect'. And from one and all the yam. answer Is received, that for all kends of grain they have never men ouch a pros- perous outlook for a bountiful harvest as there 1. at the present time. The hay crop, especially clover, of all kinds. Je simply marvclou4; and never In the history of the province has there hepta ouch a general report of a heavy yield as there le thin season. If present exportations be tweezed Can- ada will be Messed with a very tonnteouq harvest. The prospect of this hes already put gladness Into the Carmen' bearts, 27.0110 Il.n on eke Trull, San Frencleeo, Cal., June 20.-W, F. Berry of thin rlty, who tits just returned from a Rip germ. W hlte Pass 0,511, mays he did not flnd 'ondtnnn. then, nearly so Ind M had been reported- Three mils of the railroad have been built, and it 15 to he oompieted to the lakes 5y S(eptem- ter. Mr. Berry says the nnmber of peepeo- tore between the hand of Lindeman and Tagf.h Lakes U abaft 27,000. ,The for- ward movement to Damen began May 27, Alleged Mother Ar.weted. Hamilton, June 20. -Detests♦. Hle kl.y Mater -day afternoon arrested Hannan Lister, 17 years old, on the charge of dis- posing of the dead hefty of a child. Pre linnet Is alleged In 1e the mother of the Intent found by i101omon Hen In a bar- rel of DighesoH last Thnrelay. it Is alleged she gave birth to the otdl4 on June 9, The magistrate 11as formally re mended her nntil Tnewd:s, morning. On Tneedny "taring 'Cormier W0olrerton will hole in 1Hgneat on tba death M the rhlld Thre. Teepee.. Killed. teener?, a Ira., June 7A.-2Q(1'ffnik & pEmeiniger train No. 4 was wrecked at 111.44 p m. to day, two mils west of Rbwarille. Three were killed end several injured 1'5. 44011 are: Rnlgneer A. Horner, Reboot, Va., Fireman Rdwarl Padua, Brined, Va., Mall Clerk A. ti. Frnefy, Merlon, Va, The Italian 1R1a1N., RerlgDgt I1ome, Jane I9. -In the Cha>eMr at allitre Bafrday the Prettier, le. Mar. Restful, ante:mama vat the M1p- llr fimwbah was only termed es May 11, wine,Tile hones Miateary, voltrisa, Mar -_p ellentedlean to the Gbiaetbse et Degauss on ?Awed*, lest Bon. litreMr. t She el% et Ma Wee 55.5ta1,°.10 won.e MI - hid 4m•mMsw111 belr gy/ gtjs& - 1 RESTORE TIE SNAP, VIM, ENERGY, STRENGTH YOU HAVE WEIGH YOURSELF BEFORE TAELNG TREK. A HAILED GAI11. LOST. otrrLattte.- 1 have beet • great wgerer from ner- vous dyspepsia, with the W We l sy w ptoma 05 atom - acts weakness, lose of aD petite and flab, accumula- tion of gee, war risings, and bartburn. I used various patent medicines and other re eidb. without any favor -- abler results They woald lova temporary rope( 'ornerier, u ntil this offsets of the me,ei- eine wore off, but Dr. W.rd'• Blood And Nerve Pills over, cams aft themobstacles. 1 am batter In every way now and here gated several popsies to weagbL 1tpBBK1 MCTAVISH, HAMILTO1. :,rdvoruck and Demers al.. Price Doc per boa, p home for 5sea, et druggist% or if sot obtainable at your druggist, sailed on rere'pt d e by the DR. WARD CO. \'bgterte St., Te- state. Beek of laler.a.tiu• FR B. WEAK, lERVOUS W0 - faintSmiting front waterytion t ,hart, ete,r can b. readily mid A Mudd' Lily TadiAli dThere is saissaillatimanaw fat A1. women to be wrl 1 fainter 4 heart and mem • anaemia. or any of L....s health desk oyiag Mimeo* $o bar sex. Mil- - ee Sart and Nem Pills Lagelake the beet beat and mala it dmng and full, tone the nerves, enrich the blood, and relieve the pala and weakness front which ser many wane sager. Mrs. Ah -- ander Beteg at Pigeon BMW, Man., writes ea moment of her case as follows: I have great pleasure in glv / ri- voce of 's Heart Mai Warm Pills. Pit oboe* Ise year I was troubled with tY9Nbiy and flattering of the heart. 1 104 >1* dealer, and •eseral remedies bat Hem ell. them did me much gnod. Willy 1 head of Milbern's Heart and Nerve Pills and bought two boxes. Before I Netted aero` them I geld not do myboos work cad gar* myself up to d1R' asthought I weal never be curedNow I feel really aplsed d sines taking the ells, do my work, u my mals and hes as -if there was ntr thing in life worth living for." Milburn . Heart and Nerve Pills, sold by all druggists at 50o. • box or a boxes for 51.95. T. emburlb &Co., Termite, Ont. xu-thyr Pills ear's Sl Sisk IlleisetiFries vory!M. • U the meet rebates acrd effective limed) known Inc tiet•retie and euro .1 DIARawr*A, PVr,,.TRRT, CouC, CRAMPS. CHOI-RUA and SUM Ml11 COMPt-AreT. It eettla the stomach, stimulates the heart, S oothes and heats the Irritated bowel. Ntvg# FAILS. For several enema we haw re. pd on Dr. fowler's astr.ct of Wild S trawberry for all gummier com- plaints A few d.,e.. alwam' `Ire reliefed It never falls to cat,. Ws think It a very valuable 'aedlalgH.- se oes a 1d." Ns. P. G , Pent Hill, est P elee Ie Stave. hares gaNrrera rearm mmessea TWO WAYS OF LOOKING A T T- I- 11 A11 Iew Thing, 4115. Tlie meant w. an Onletwresting World. "It 1e • pity that more M us cannot et lti,ate the twofold way of looking at thing.," writes ifdward W. Bok In the Ladles' Home Journal. "Theta would he les trbtton In life 1f we did, and ■twree** sympathy, kinder undemanding, and broader and fuller living- The fact Is that Ivo Hever reser► the dignity of true living unless we do learn this all Important lesson. And that It may be cultivated admit' of no dnuhtit i• 'Amply a (MA Don of snMaling onwal,s no* to con- demn generally what Individually doss not happen to b' to our ks5.. 1f, for uampa, w• resew brown M • rotor there Ia no reason en earth why we.Bnnld madmen the taste of any 0Re wbo ore' Mrs bo wear green. What the vast ma- jority at s need l es be a limbs more aelf-poised, mon jhd lolal seg Millie, M mea gond to the taste at waste, /41 - though they do not phloem MP own par' Corder fancies. If we all eheneht anter, mad oho sums book', sew the seems plays. Went tee fan isalotw,',a wade he to eateseibbily lediamtesting world. "We mime see en Ming' In this wins WV. het we can mese near 80 Ostia and tame reepeo* by tltkleg a mated veer of things white still ree•ts5 Oar inst. hard Taws. Room a gerebts or use hir everything kk raa•e wee4t 1 i The teem lrrd, Obey wain t)gl eats at Wit assist toe MS w