The Signal, 1898-6-23, Page 4T "15- - T.. Ys J t, DAT, June 23, 1898. The Swell of Cycledom ehrWervIla The new Mellurney di. Bet- tie Wheels which we have re- cently placed in stock are certainly the 'wettest thing in town. Everyone is de• lighted with them. You can buy sue for a little more than others pay for the oommonest grades. OUR LIVERY abntinues to prosper. Wheels that are fast enough to win mote on , re good enough to satisfy the most particular. That's the k ind we keep—and guarantee sat- isfaction. EMERSON'S BLoyols lead Music Hogue, aad Cleveland Cygts Livery. fht igaaI, 1R TOLttl;atn EVERY THUBBDLY MORNING at ea. NWiat e RODERIC& THURSDAY. AER St. Ifni ENLARGED. THIS week our readers will observe that Tut SIGNAL, has been enlarged by the lengthening of the columns, thus giving nearly four columns of addition- al space. This hap been necessi- tated by the crowding of our ativer- tigers, who, in the seven weeks last past, have oomPelled us to bring out a supplement each week in addition to our regular issue. The advertising patriiti e..attd ant scription list of THS Mutest lire fee, tures that we have reason to be proudms of, es they have developed theelves in a sure and legitimate way, and without any attempt on our part at hot -house methods. The business people of the town know where good value for their stoney may be had, and no taking or chasing is neoessary on our part to keep things moving in • good normal condition. In the course of a ft w weeks other improvements will be made, which will put TMs SIGNAL in the front rank of Canadian country journalism. We have •(ways led the procession in this section, and intend to continue to do it. THAT OTTAWA TRIP.ro TH ERE has beeu • gat deal of talk about the codof the trip of the town delegates to Ottawa, and at the last two meetings of the town council con- siderable time was taken up in dis- cussing iecue ing the question. Following is an itemized statement of the expenses of the three delegates which wee pre- sented to the finance committee, and duly approved by that body during the past week ; Hotel expenses. ..935 00 ah hire 800 Street, car fare 2 00 Pallr.•n caret 12 00 Railroad fare from Brockville to Ottawa and return........... 20 00 liundrles 18 00 !96 00 ABOUT SONS OF FATHERS. A GOOD deal of attention is being paid to sons of father's, both in Can- ada and across the line at the present juncture. The war has caused the eons or grandsons of Gamer, Bumf;LoGAN, and hundreds of others Of lase note, to be pitchforked into dikes be- cause of the pull of name, and as a re- sult a good deal of thinking is beingne doby the Iso fortunate ones, who have nothing but their own merits to recommend them. Here in Canada, we know something of the strength of the pull of the father, or father-in-law, or uncle, when a question of patronage comes up, and the son of a father is often trotted over the oourse, not because of any merits of his own—in fact, often in alts of demerits of a glaring charac- ter—but simply because he is a son of his father. Efforts have been made to make successful politicians out of the es seof party leaden, but in every ease the attempt has aided in Wham sod it is now oonoeded that to ran • man on the shape of his nose or be- cause of his name is not always a guarantee of sucoess. mime, e, it is natural that • Esther should endeavor to advance • son's in tenet, and if it oat be done without Meer individtaas or the public stiffer- *, any getlwt, no great et. will be takes to it ; het whit Mates lafeht a sen lib a poe- t he is not able to do credit IND Mee the iitsdtabis Mead to Lalli ether side el the edam ef MileMilebig man • a>i.idildli THE SIGNAL: GODEIICH ONTARIO 8'bo hall • common -plica Sofa viewed the situation : " Lieutenant - (several onset a 117.sra t d 4n.1 answer this letter as though 1 wee not J'reidett, but only a friend. My OM, Iorw al hie 22nd yeas, having gradu- ated hum Harvard, wtehow to we dollies thing of the war before ,t enols. I du uut whet to put hue in the raukr,tot yet to rive tom a uonsuureurn to which those who have already Nerved lung are bettor era titled and better quaJi&■i to hold. Quid he, without embarrassment to yon or detriment to the sense, gu into your military family with •etre nominal ran, 1 arxl not the public, furnishing the Iteeesary meow ! if no, asy all without the least beeitalion, hxstsuae 1 ant ae dedpll y Interva ,.I that you shall not be omen' as you tau be yourerlf. Yours truly, A. Lincoln." THE PROFESSIONAL TRAMP. THE grsateet fraud and the most ir- repressible nuisance on earth today is the professional vagrant, and he is be cowing more numerous All the Teary roll by. On this continent to1Ly there are tens of thousands of I•ry loafers who have become so seasoned to vagrancy that no earthly power can cause them to do anything outer than subsist by begging, and the schemes that they resort to often show an ingenuity and painstaking thought that if otherwise applied would leeks thew useful mem- ber" of society. Who among our readers has not met the waliugerer whllk_with the did CI • little vitriol, has - so bldktered • e and defaced his arm that the very •P peiranoe of it was enough ti extract quarter dollar from the pocket of th unwary 1 Then we have the deaf mute with • oomplication of internal diseases, who has to write " Thank you," on his,slate, for value received, but when he strikes the nearest tavern and imbibes of the stimulating bever- age the tongue beoomes loosed and articulation becomes an a000mplished fact. The blind man is •Iwap with us, and • apsdmun brick tur .Alt._ . Goderich and spent part of the past season in Goderich jail,,..} tgtpanied 41iy iii pal. The alleged blind man was named George Barrett, and when in jail he miraculously recovered his eyesight and shed Itis goggles, but immediately after his tent expired, and as soon as he got outside the hail door, accompanied by his pal, one JAMaa Musty, L. wr once more stricken with ids old malady, and re- sumed his goggles. ()n the first day out he claimed to have matte $4.511 from the gullible townsfolk, and eince that time the precious pair have been doing the soft-hearted fanners in Col- borne and AebI.' 1(1. 13AMasres story is that he is a moulder by trade, and bolt hie eye- sight by sand being blown Into his eyes at the blast furnace. Should any of our readers cane across there two vagrant fakers they should iw- mediately place them in custody, as they are of the [nearest type of pro- fessionel tramps. Perhaps the beat, way to get rid of this class of human pests is for re- spectable people to harden tlieir,))etg and button up their pockets. The professional tramp must go. SNAP SHOTS. —Germany would like to be in the I'htllipine buaiuer as well ea Uncle Sam. —The crops in Huron are in such a fair way to to put heart into the ogre -ill turista. —West Huron has not been Netter represented to Parliament in several years than it is today. —The •liberals of Huron are in goodiettla. What is wanted now no head- eeadpo will leo& - ___— —The question of the hour v, had the oort.tables at the polling booths 011 elec- tion day the right to vote --German legislation in favor of Canada, under the favored natio clause, in now riot " made in Germany." —Now is the time to see that tl vote's' time are right. Elections are fought out on the results of the hate. —The Senate is good for an- other year, at any rate. The date for amending or ending has not been annoutt girl. —The era of the political "saw -off " is upon us, and the fiat of fighting protests bait been reduced to sixteen. And there are mora to follow. —For a nation that used to iron- ies it could Tick ell creation in short meter, one friends Koros the line are travelling to mighty slow music. —There are several planks of the Liberal platform of 1803 that need elope at- tention at prevent, and now that the nasion is over. it Is to le hoped some etas will Ise bestowed on them. — That 000undram which was sprung o° the (joniworeative rank and file daring the election (notelet of 1806, " Who is yrntr loader I" has not heron sat iefactorily anewerotl even to this day. —There is quite A talk of a political deal hiring made in West Heron which will effect Federal ii4 Lo& pohtks We might herby notify all 'csteertt.d that the Libor. ala rat West Sarno ars at preemie is ne hamar for say rad. deal•. ------.•.••...r, --'ahs seal of tbs sehard Ogler* Papery, the guns salad pi Batt ltlidelee t- eta'k sf fl a, IS leak gold and lPles. ad %alehieb deoAt cm the ir+n_of the f ibitite J ntrMswat. wYilllprtf«R lftlsf pramh.evamaa% wprdIMMUeet th yii.w thing the tk.,,My was*, and .n Minis amid abettiui the Ida. Rosie G. IpaaaoLb in his wild aril weird ortdew.ur to thruttk pub- lic opinion. Al Cad. lsustw,t.t. haw always boat opposed to pruItt10I.ry legislation on every queetiou, we fail to eau where Mr. l'aotry's alleged logic teems in. However, " Cb•r.ge, CMiami, charge '" sod you may have W take it out in charging. r THE JUNE SESSIONS. Aminal and (SellOWL Sentence..• tae .eefe ata Arw s Caw aad Utae •s$.Id. tiadertri Fp. aadtee A.ss■Its-lead/es. Clvea !e lam Cavil lasses. Give Baby The °ply food that will build up a weak cons - a ,titutiun gradu- Chance guy but surely L Martin's Cardinal Food ia simple, scientifdc and highly tritive preparation for infanta, licate children and invalids. weraeon • •e . vise. McCready, Common Sense and Huron THE court was in session when THIS titutttt. west to pros Inst week, and held lose sittings on Friday and Saturday. met oa Monday for a short seesioa aad adlouraed tell T.ssdsy when Orem vs. GoldtJtorw, an WWSW for wager wee heard, thus oo.oludl•g a very long senior. THZ CIIMIJAI. LIST. At 1:30 A.M. oa Thursday raoeen, , the lacy iii the t3eator►b arson charge returned late °oars with a verdlot of guilty. with a noommeadatioo to mercy, sad the prisoner was afterwards aeuMroed to adz untruths to the Central prison with hard labor, the aec- ood charge having been withdrawn by the Drown. E. N. Lewin oonduoted themes for the crown and she prisoner was defended by J. Mo.Bask el Sealorth. The Queen es James sed Mannino blew bat tae. assaulting one. Maurios Dutton, 4 .,. THE Blurt. tag go w the petit Ivry the &trealt. deatplead• cr_`y0ll liard coal tag Rattly CO ewmmon aerali Jas. sora 1 NN1(jtY111f 11' Irl eeeMeod to pay • dao of 75.00 and Maurine ear er Ae 00 sad both were booed o'er tar` HELLO ! THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF There's nothing better made at any trice--- for ease in running they excel Next Bargain Days avis 23rd and 24th. EXTRA VALUE THIS WEEK: COAL" Parasols, Tie Heider:8o Bicycle Co , Limited (-3-ODICRIC H. ALWAYS ON NAND keep the pesos. J. T. (:arrow, Q ('., a peered for defenMaou. Phe Queen vs. Geo. W. Oakes, saul'. be defendant watered • plea of guilty of oommee arrow sod it being euoepted by tae Drown preswostor be was seotenord to pay e fine of 1a5 00 and bound over to keep tb. peace. The (lasso .g:tta.t Isaac Jona. and Jao Baker, .ee•ult, ileo escaped the petit jar as Jones' plea of guilty to oomaua assault and Bakvr s of not fatuity were accepted by the crown. 13•k•r was therefore disohareed and Jones tined fifty dollars and bound over to kap the pesos. THS CIVIL blah'. y Bttwdiok vs. Banes, as action for breath of ods 1 p1 on the lease aad working -at herd me township of Stephen, was began oa Thursday moultsg..-.. After the evidence had Caw beks ergameat was $dloaraed bo it day to be owned. R. B. Collins for pit. ; P. Holt for. left. Hestia vs. I)ocbledee, an action ter so- emoie. l(y consent the matter in dispute were retorted to J.A. Morton, of Witottam, el referee ander the lot respeotinf •rbitra- Non. R. Vamoose for piR ; E. L. Dioken- sou 1d deft. Watt vs. Themis, an action for wages. Judgment was entered by consent for p10. Wm. Staetair for Off.; Thos. Brown tor deft. "Spier vs. Tasker, an action on a promie- wry note Trial pueipou.d by ooeaent till December seaelona. Sinclair tor plff.; Col - line for deft. Ronald ys Thomas. an action for twice -et maobiuery. teff. Ming 111, t► wee postponed tel (tubber wort. , mo tr for plff ; Thea. Brown for deft. !Sickle v.. Marrsy, an •°tion for damages for ,n iajary aimed by detendsot leaving • road maobins on the road. The jars ren- dered • verdict to favor of the plef., with 940 damages J. T. (Sorrow, Q 1'., and J. M. Rest for plff ; ('offline and Hoimeeted for defy. Sperling vs. Sp.rliag, an stilton on two Promissory note.. The jury rendered a ver• dtot for p10 , and lite Honor ordered ludg- meat for plff , with °net.. J. T. (Jarrow, Q ('., for plff.; Mr. Reuse for deft. Vewtoo. v. !trimmer. an action for wrongful diamis al of plff. Verdict for plff., 11178, and judgment wee recorded for titer. amount and wets. l'm11p Holt for p10.; L. E. Denney for deft, (fres. ve (:old thorns. wee ■ilooroed to be tried ou a future day by the judge in ohambere. A Feted's, Itleee.ery. "SOA t. ANn..i .in' lean lefellible, pilule.a and oo.- •Denoe reeMy lot the cure of u Cancer, leeinnns Uloete, Sore Throat and a vatie.y ,.f .kin diseases. it Car.. BBAMILLBB AURRBRI13 IN THE MARKET All Coal weighed or the Market &ales, wber you set YOW lbs. for • ton. WBS.- LEE. Orders 1e11 at LLB 8 SEZPEaitD'0 Store promptly attended to. The Kensinl on it -nitre Co, (11s.tted WANT The Beet S in Shirt Waists, " Sumer Corsets, NAMES-RtBJNSON. . ___ •- • er Goods Gasoline Stoves Blue Flame Oil Stoves Ordinary Oil Stoves Screen Doors and Windows Refrigerators DRY ELM AND Garden Hose and Reels Nozzles and Sprinklers BASWOOD__ HaM11110ckJ3 ..w Bicycles, new and second hand alkENITA A >O- DEUGHTFUL CIGAR That Makes o f' ' one whoTrie. it failionvve g Cr MONTREAL. In large or sirs I .ioant,IWs. Ther ars alto In the market for Green Elm and Black Ash. Everybody is Talking about D. CANTELON'8 FL0TTR He les last received &anther car load from Manitoba. H& has cow on hood two of the bat brands or roar that the world can produor. LASS OF THE WOODS ANI) — OGILVIE'S rtoas wiagipta. SHILLS. Made from Na 1 Hard Wheat He also k- ape the Met brands of Ontario Flour. I sople buying Floor will do well by calling on L. Centston the praotical hater, .rad he win tell you how to blend the Manitoba and Ohtarfo Flour together so as to hare a beeutl. tui Family Flour •t. re...onew. prloo, orders will be promptly attended to in PUFF PASTRY, ROLLS or OYSTER PATTIES ttedd1ee fakes Nen. AI[reed lrlaa a specialty. D. CANTELON. cancer in any port of the body where the liquid oea reboil it. Seed for caroms* Rig- MOW' Fruit aadwntat Naas log instructions how to apply the liquid. at leads Mee.. Sold at e0e per plat ind 30o per half pint Mtue. t. 1' ;it RENS A 8FRUTALTY. maneder1 Our rook of Fruit Tree. Luing OamatNe, we will be able to Olt Mea.rooka1 ab.rwt sal fwe have the Ent me Leading Apple. rear. rlwo. el - •s4 Pea en Trees. • lee • lase gawk er WWI Frans. Call .ad examine Stook and be convinced. Lars. Sleek of Choice Spring ReddinPembaPe AddressPriUmUmbl4d 011bppltosttoa. _.-- MoLEOD'lll LABORATORY Od ob Witt. Aiming° Dtvt.s SsaoH's,—Malt. land lodge Ns, 33, Alf, and A.M. will o.4 abets the Festival of St. Jobs the Baptist, by attending Pt. (horse's ehurob o. saw day next, Jame lbs 26th, 1111 A.M. sslc,youroeal r{or PURERICE'S LT BeitfarlhbleSAMiry OODERiCH 8TLt ,BOILER WORKS. A. S. CHRYSTAL, m.o... to Obpeiar • Meek manufacturer semi meal of BCILBRS, Smoke Stacks, Salt Pana, Sheet Iron Works, eta., etc., Aad Dealer ts— Baglnae, Maobinery Oasttmp, &o. All sir.. of Plea. sad Pipe Fltthig., Steam sed Water O..ae. Globe Valves, ..k OhVstry, l t)sotan sod Is j.etst. Oossss.uy on Hand at Lowes • A speaid Nue of Stasi Water aad Hog Trw i. fee see of farmers and ethers. Ittpatrlag proetpttr Mended is A. S. 03AT1lTAL. P. a An h. Roderic, PLANING MILL. (ittlattt.Ei IfR. Bllcliauaiis&Rjjynas BASE, DOOR and BLIND sad bow. iibaYrial a. avers deetrtglins Moo! tinitue a SMART 14.2 Via ON DECK I BICYCLE LIVERY If you want to learn to ride the wheei, Clo to YULE'S. If you want Repairs, you will find a vulcanizer, a beerier, an enaineller, and a competent workman At YULE'S. If you want Good Wheels and. Beat .\ ttention, be sore and go to the old and reliable Linrunar KINGSTON f Gan had LEEI SHEPHARD • at V017 Low Priem. ►IeatNag aad nuns" given special slue. non. We bare i wt reeelved • oar load or Glared Tile aad Piled e. We handle (arab 011 t 1t is equal t• Am erioan. CRAS. J. HARPEII dei ri4C t Pt HOT WATER FITTER Baths, Closets, Basins, Boilers, Sinks, Hydrants, Sewer Connections, Pipe and Drain Work, PROPERLY DONE AT PRICKS THAT KNOCK COMPETITION ENDWAYS. Wallet mr prices, CHAS. J. HARPER. GeaW. T omson'sbieupt 88iITHII9 TO TRIM -ABOUT ; if you had an important MSS Deter. Coast,ou'd em It you were desperately ill you'd seed far tt the Det Donor loy . &tog 1• town Aftteraev 11 you went a Bieyols, yeahBay ws Crescent ram., GEO. W. THOMSON. Why? Murt 68 Cleared Oat! READY MADE CLOTHING. MY OWN MAKE All Aret-°lasr goody aad well made ap he sold at remarkably low prices to oartlt out ono. A One sweetmeat or New Goods for Herta( and Summer wear. CALL Alfa( set MR H. DUNLOP Weetet Tauor. treat Beak Montreal. For the ...ma ramie that yard salols) a hated•.. Altereey er . geed nectar : they kaow their beeiales. You rusk your U r• riding a poor machine. A FINE] LZIR " Crescent," "McCready McCready," "Common Sense" and "Hurons" ALL GUARANTEED AND HIGH GRADE. Agent for Canada's favorite Piano—" THE WOBIIWITH," and the "GODERICH ORGAN_" GEO. W. THOMSON. higlup•j•• maw r. Ileipikibl Tim awl , 141)1111 tille Immadir Weak aad Wean 111601.0 IDdney and Liver 1andlilr► - J. ■. aleeLCOD. ets•satses. ewe. a BANKRUPT SALE COMMENCING JU1NE 25th, 1898 Colborne Bro's Stock, hought at a low rate on the $, together with a large Ci* Beinkru,t Stock of General Dry Goods MILLINERY, MANTLES, &c., WILL, MC OFFERED -FOR 60 DAYS AT SLAUGHTERING PRICES as EVERYTHING HAS GOT TO BE SOLD, MAKE! 13/G BARGAINS I COT Mal I Sevvvier and Culvert Pipes COLBORNE ER0743 OLD ErrliNV. AIM flan ebriatwele ea. Mit ' - THE ONTARIO SEVER PIE ..401.4,0•LAioe Bitter sad Begs Wanted. M'CILLIVRAY, GRANT aiskreipt Stook