The Signal, 1898-6-23, Page 2rrtmoollolile ,-aee.a,awwe...a^' +aa.w.• ,: . ..... . n,1 arecee. The Signal «.�• as rnahlaaee ICV/ERY THURSDAY -MORNING i BY D. MmGILLW VI)DY. Terse of Naba.rlptlea t Ons month, In advance Three mouths, ., Ex months. 004 yaw • is se N) I IL • Advertleing Rates* Legal awl taller coned advkrt*.meuts, Inc. per line for Ong huertluu, and 1 tooda per atone kir each subsequent ltsertlu,l. Me cured by a nonpareil Male. H,ulnes cards til sit Ilse. and udder, M per year. Aevertl.ements of Lost. Found, Strayed Sit- uations a'g'ent Sltuatlolu Warted. and Busi- ness Chances Wanted, net exceeding tl Ilse• nonpareil, tt per month. Houses on lisle and Farms o u Yale, not to ex creel a linea 61 (Or int month, 71e. per muter quest mouth. Larger alvts In proportion. Any special notice, the object of wldeh Is to promote the pecuniary benefit of may hutivldual or eum(auy, to be considered au eslvilLtlenteid and charged ae•ordtugly. Local notice fin nonpareil type ohne cent per word, no notice Ieaa than alike. Lu•ed nuth•e Iu ordinary nadlng type two o rota per word. Nu node° fur ler than 6a•. Nonce. for churches sad other religious and beeev-olent Itutituduas, half rate. Subscribers elm fall to receive Tan MIOL&i regularly by Mail, w111 confer a favor by ar- qualnting tie of the (ant at a1 e(Rly a date u passible. When a change of address is delred, both the old and the new address should las Orals. - Publisher's Nolle.. J. C. Le Toulel, M Goderkh, has been Sop pointed Local Travelling Agent fur the Town. Nets of Oofrrlch, Colborne, Aandeld and Wa wamsh. Load peetma.lrrs over the district are also empowered to receive aut.crlptlun. to TH. SIGNAL. All communication must be addrrese�seedd j�. MtliILLICUDO'Y, "w..�",,�' Tua 4I,,•1 Ttttrl.rDA v Ole .1 CNE Sxr n V "t6OIDIf. GRAND TRUNK, RAILWAY. hilted `'--DAC s. Mall and Elegem.....^ ,:.. .._ p.�. • Mixed - (..nn. Mall and Expects. .IQAo tau. IaruT. Mall and Exp'es - 7 1'. n m Malt and Express r �, i r Mixed 3.15 p.m DENTISTRY. 31. N1CHOL*r I8, D. 8 IIOITAL •U*0IO%." Rooms opteelee the Post qac.. Gold Filling, Crowns and Hedge Work • Specialty. :K Year. EAteerlence-_.._... L M MAH1iF., • Surgeon -Latest and ydruvel methods fur all dental "Il"r•tiIms. I'rotervatlon of the net ural teeth a sLe.rlal�y (pDCA.,,�r ,11;eai.H.. `"" saw'ttf}eotsrai:''aalssett's7nt1'tt'est u J M. TURNBULL, D.D.tt L.D.B.-UF.NTAL • Surgeon. (Lately associated with Ih. 046un...f Moutreb. Gold and p,r•el.ln. arty Seta! teeth mounted on gold or aluminum 4...•., special attention given to, the preservation .f Mc mono.' n•eth. Oster i rime:1's new 'dock , ear MEDICAL DR. HUNTER-I'Hl'HI('IAN, SURGEON, kg. (flier: inure street, the r.•ald.-no.• '1atrly a'twplel by lir. Ml•Lan. Night calla from residence. Telephone M. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. O. CAMERON--RARRIBTER, HOLIez UVA• tor. Conveyancer. ac. Moe: On Ham- ilton street. r doors cast of Colborne Brna' dry goods store. /17-11 Et HNENT HEATON-BARRINTER, SOLICI- tor, Notary i'ublic. Canadian Bank of Commerce Chambers, the Square, ((olerkh. taw-ly Ej • CAMPION, Q,C-SARHINTEH, NOLiCI- kr, Nerler peke over Mrotlral Hall, M(1quare, derlch.' Se• M 0. JOHN4TON-BARRISTER, SOLICI- • tar, Commissioner. a,. Money to loan. Oakes: Cor. Hamilton and Ht. Andrew's streets, Ooderich, Oat. , im RG HAYS-BARRIRTER, MOLICITOR, • •c. Oabr: Bonbon., next door Swett oalte. Privets Funds to lend at lowest rates til later•et. S Me (YARROW h PRODproo'r, BARRISTERS, ILK Attornsyst$olkltors, ac., Oudetich. J. T. OarrowQ.C., K . Proudfoot. CAMERON, HOLT $ 1*OLMEN, BARRIS. tent 8oltel$ors 1*be., Ooderleh. M. C. Cameros, Q, Ont P. Hoh. Dudley Holmes. J O. WARD, CONVEYANCER, Ise.; AND re!wcommissioner all, afedavlt. or ng rlanlrm affirmed..., depositions or solemn declarations In .o on. eernlu any *educe suit or proceeding h. th.• High Court of Juane', the Court of Appeal for Ontario, or la any County or Division Court. All transactions o'arefully and promptly ...xe- non, . ted. Resld•nee and P, O. addre* -Du ngtt•. non, (fiat. 'aleft LOAN. AND INSURANCE. MONEY TO IRAN-06omn.en PRIVAT1t Funds to lend at le per cent. annually. M. (4. Cameron Horton's Blppt Block, omtte Col borne hotel, Ooberic0. MONEY TO LOAN -FIVE PER CENT Mandy to loan,stvate funds; also Ant tibias farms to rent or sell. Houses and lots to r�ttr r for vele. E. N. LEWIS, Barrister, God- �. SE fopP+NUn IR raneeoce, IMartishotel, Ooderich. MONEY TO LEND ON MORTOAGO AT a tree cent. Notes QQ s641s• sax (ace ()layette Martin's WAN,Serle• rigs F J. T. NAFTEL-FIRE, LIFE AND AMU • dent Insurance Agent; et. lowest rain Offlee: Cor. Northrt. enol Nquare, Oolerkk MONEY TO LEND A LARGE AMQUNT aweof Private Puncta for lwveetnient at lowes1 mtu. set first class Mortgages. Appy MOM!, MOW LL PUCCI/FOOT. e R L. RADCLIFFF GENERAL INSURANCE, Real Estate and Money leaning Agent. OM. Aral .-lar cnma,dea represented. Emmy to hand on straight loans, *6 the (.,wey rate of interest cooing, In env way tomtit the borrower. ((a�gte,•: Second door from Square, West .trent. Goderieb. :tsa5. tf `' 41211, ACHIME SHOPS. NRR MACHINE NH0PK-AL1. KiNlxt OF Repair Work dem at Ressonahlr Prices. Farming Implements for sale. Machinery. new and second -!hand, bought and sod. Engines and Holl.trs for axle titan(': Bates, old wartr.•n she,, cornet Vir$ ria and Trafalger'strse HAXTRR RL'NCIMAN, AUCTIONF.ERING. r(1HOMAN 441INI/RY, A('r-TiriAlte11 AND iA Insurance A¢rut, O.+Irrleh, Ont. Agent London awl l.a"aahlre !fire low (Mn. the Owe Iastrkt Mutual Ins. Co. Hales attended In In any part of the enmity. Ott ly _TOME KNOX, OICNI I4A1 A(4411 )NE1tR II and Land %NuMm, (j(Alerle•h. out Has- let loud eoteldera)le eatrrlens, in the atrtMn Irving tradr,,he 1. In a p,s((lom to dlarharge with Moron" sdtldaetion all rrmnmlrlMs Pie tripled to him. orders left at HaxkM'• hotel. or sent Ay mall to his' address (A. crlch P. (l. carefully attended to .I(IHN )(Noy, L: Maty Auetlnneer. Harr If smassmasses TONe0RiAL ARTIST, i 0, Orgel -. Tt o prSTAL A - Ih • del fk- 4.4 cm premises fuming, •ism sg, arlA °eery other rapairasent non - fen t.4. Md k,.h, ow .l. emonseb s lynl(a M, , 's hew With, neat deur N Eteh•nge Angel DOINWI DF THE WEEK ITIEE ..Q/ INTEREST FROM AROUND THE WORLD Praa.d, Pussesstod sad rree.r..d V Pithy Paragraph. for tau rer..aI of Prandial People - r.ro..al. retiree! sad Profitable. MU*ICIrAL NATTIER*. Wentworth County Council estimate* Its running expensed for the next fiscal jeer at $16,000; oinking fund 1595, in Nowt on deheotures *600, county eipegd (tore 918,314. SECRET SOCIETIES. Sheriff Murphy of 111oo,oiutn has been sleeted Grand Master of the Masonic Grand Lodge of Manutohe. Peterloro town council has refused a grant towards the int-rwtlniuent of the Grand Lodge of Good Templar.. RAILROAD RUMBLINGS. About 40 miles of new track her been laid on the Grand Trunk Hallway be- tween Niagara Falls and Hamilton. The Breed Truuk have .tatted wheels 01 instruction, mo that the trainmen may learn the new rules. 'the book of lnetruc- Ibuns has been distributed anions the men. TNM '(x110 RLeoRD, Charles W. Parkes's summer cottage at Oakville was destroyed by bre. The low will approximate11,400. A heavy thunderstorm passed over Wellington, Ont., Saturday evening. the lightning striking and burning Richard Trumpour's barn, to the second ounces - stun Oldie township of Hollowell. TNTC DEAD... J li'eDilai) , • V_.p;It, oondbotor, dropped -dna *'bag psMlager train near Pur Went, Qua Stephen Washington of Bowntanvllle erns found dep:l 1n • chair on the vtaa- . ah of D. A. Hru.'s residence In Lon- 1.om. Mr. Washington, who was to his 66th year, went to London a week ago to lilt hie stepdaughter, Mrs. Bruce. 111. death was due to bout disease. TMM RELIGIOUS WORLD. The next annual meeting of the Guelph Baptist conference -.411 be herd at !tramp ton. Hey. E. Brown of ~tonnes Corners, near Kingston, has preferred n charge of assault against two members of his coo greg•tlon. The corner stone of the new Roman Catholic Church at Merrltton, Ont., was laid Sunday afternoon by the Must Rev. Archbishop Walsh of Toronto, asslsied by several reverend gentlemen of the adjoin- 1pg *al4ahaa. CRiM- AND CRI( 1W*1La Hlgbwayuiem redlined John O'Dosa•U, a iumbernlaa,• of 1(00 near 8a1.M, Ttsuromty:.,,"w„eo ,..,v .. .ewes°., ,. Chief of Pollee Hughes of Montreal IA prosecuting Publisher Brierley of the Herald for criminal libel. Daniel Eason, • farm laborer, was robbed of 160 at Manner's Corners, 1n Otonabes, on Wednesday night. Word ha* been received from Mani - 'raki, up the Gatineau, that Dr. Mulli- gan, having made the poet-meree(n exam- ination of Maxims Hubert, has come to the 000cluslon that death yeas due M poisoning. '1'be content. of the .tomaob w111 be sent to an 'models' 1n Montreal. PURELY PERSONAL The Marquis of Huntly 1s bankrupt His debt. are $69400 and his assets 18, 460. Mr, John Hurley of Peterboro has been appointed Dominion Government grain ln.peotor for the district between King ston and Toronto. .1. 1). McKay bas resigned his position ea science master In the Newmarket High S_hool In order to devote his time and attention te• n04,, Pzpary, of which journal he to aiw proprietor and editor Miss Evangeline Cisneros, whose escape from a Spanish prison In Havana seven months ago caused a dotter ail over the world, was married at Baltimore to Carlos F. Carbonell, • Cuban, who assisted In her escape. The McCaul medal In olaaelos, the gut of the late Dr. McCaul„has been award ad to Mir Kirkwood, 11.A., '93. Mise Kirkwood hes throughout her couree stood Ctrsit In ela.sle., in a clans of clever students. She now has captured the high wt honor open for students of the (Wail. cal mune. CASUALTIES. Robert Lawson, a Grand Trunk em ploy*, was hurt at Hamilton by • hand car, laden with nils, pnatag over h1. Thomas M"Glashen, a deaf Mats, an. Voyed as porter at the kit. Ntchotns Rotel, Hamilton, was struck by a street ser and kilted. 1 . The 7 -year old daughter of Oerge Penny, • Grand Trunk employe, was fatally burned at Windsor while wetting lire to a pile of newspapers. John Blackburn, aged 60, • rnarried man, lost (11s life on the C.P. R. truck at Castleford, seven miles east of Renfrew. He was struck by the engine of the At- lantic exproes. Albert Knox, ern or Arthur Knox, To. mato, met with instant death Sunday Morning walla stealing a ride wlah'two either boys on the freight train between Havelock and Toronto Junction. Saul Wheeler, aged 13 years, of Toren 6e, wee playing with an Iron toy caution 1Tied with powder and small shot. '1 he foes was Ignited with the result that Wheeler received the charge 1a the tans 1. m., lose his yeelghl. Alvan Orton, an old resident of the Goefleld North, was barking • heavy Wagon out of the barn, when one of the wheels stark • stone which caused the tongue, which he was holding, to strike him fornlbly In the lower part of the abdomen, runtnrfng the bowels. An operation was performed. but In emits of the beet medical aid he diel Sunday. FOR MEN OF WAR. ' Santiago de Cuba le on the serge of starvation. All the food has been seized for the army and navy, end the troops and sailors are on half rations. Countess Casa Valencia, wife of a former Spanish Amhaaeador to Oren. Britain, w.,t.4 a Speelsh relief fund la don, but realised only 41,000. Roar AMnnral Satin peon has officially declared that the purpose of the bomhnrd msnt of Santiago do Cuba was to clear the way for the troops. The objoot ha. been attained. The British authorities `have not yet taken any slope towards the expul.lnn of the Rpaniarda from Montreal. Carransa's letter was cahled from Washington to the Ram Governmen/. Kingston, Jamaloa, 4 being visibly affected M three or tour thousand $pen yah refugees frmn Cuba, who here taken hip their residence then; More Spaniel abbey Is 1w elri,l.Non t►ere than Eng- lish and trade has greatly Improved. A militia general order Iwwted Thars- rd*y provides case the diabrlbatle°needaltd Told a to ti Adel ~•apolN M' Mann sit their &eplleatisles ~ MSR/ s 4 thous woe wood M M1(swI' tine Ship elle WM tog* suet 1.h. its aann a leasieelhe O.i. A desi.wwan et meek* meet be mate Were • lattice of Na pease by the kn.wledrlgqtritt 'ate plf.•*t'i.014 el will be f.rt,I1d,d a the department. Only one medal will be 1Bsed Se any individual With email medal Imre will ha's obey, eaCLA*striate. lanoosat women and oblides° have been mausasred by the Japan« sotdlen In the Hogan district. A ball and three cows were selected hoe the buffalo herd to be retained in Winnie The remainder were shipped At • regular meeting of (be Maritime Asoolatlou as Now York resolution wen adopted favoring a reciprocity Weide with Canada and Newfoundland. If Hamilton purchases Dundurn Park Shen 1s • probability that a muaoum and a soologloal gardens will b. established to oenueollou therewith. Mr. Flavleu Dupont, pen., has takes an action for 110,000 against the Orend Trunk on account of the death of !demon, the late Mr. Fleeter' Dupont. M.P. President MoKlnlsy Intends sending • message to the Hous of Hepreeent•rvea, teoommending the Immediate ann.la4oa et Hawaii as a military necessity. Friday's withdrawal's of Japenese colt from Lpe Bank of England nearly ex. Muted the back's supply of that ooln. Japan, however, will not take much tzar gold from the bank. A special despatch to the London Daily Mall from Cape Town says that a meteor that L described as slag ball the .Ise cd 8l Paul's Cathedral has fallen •l Port Alfred. It mad. • hole on the ground x00 test desp, 190 feet long and 60 feet wide. The Department el Justice has notified Canadian pollee authorltles that, a000rd- ing to the law recently passed, the pollee may photograph persons arrested for in dlctnbl. offences. Heretofore prisoners oou Id not legally be photographed till sonvloted. Hon. David Mills, Minister of Justice, entertained certain members of the prsel pilary .t the Russell House, Ottawa, on Wednesday evening. He med. • speed►, devted almost entirely to a detenoe 01 the Senate. He said an upper chamber was very neoeeaary, and prophesied that the provinces, Including Ontario, would each have an upper chamber iefere MMae, years rolled by. LET THERE BE LIGHT THROWN ON THE SUBJECT OF HOME DYEING. There an dye. -the world -famed Dia- mslod Dyes -that crown our labors and hams Dyeing work with parted out- come, add there are Imitations .ud wuattle•e dyes that bring ruin and dis- aster wherever they are used. Phare are dyer -the chemically pan and admdlcally prepared I)iumood Dyes --that have brought bleaeioga to minions of homes for long 7e1r•• and there are the vile preparations and mix- tures of 4Alkaturs who, as far as *ty'• of packade r Cva °'rued, get as near the Diamond" as they dare go. But what Mak be saki of the coi tents - the lngvedkent►-tiara the women of Gan- da are asked to dye with? Little more can be added to what has se often ap- peared to the pries of the country. These iznitadon byte ate almply de• eeptioos; they are adulterated and dae- gt'reua pceparetione, hurtful to the hands of the user, and destroyers of voluble gateteots and witerials. The manufacture of Diamond Dyes is reduced to • science, and to -day they are the only dyes that dare guarantee their work --that dare proclaim certain victory for every user who will follow the plain directions. Diamond Dyes have a wide-epteed popularity; °the,' brands of dyes are hardly known met - aide of the greedy. long -profit dealers who tell them to the nn*aepecting public. Avert all imitation packages as -s)ou woafd avoid *,nrious oohs, Prince Alexaadrovlloh Qalltaln, "do wended from royal ancestry," was taken from Bellevue 19osp1{al, New York, and lodged in • padded cell at Bloomingdale Asylum. Atter running the entire scrotal gamut, from the most exclusive house to the coterie of Bohemia, he passed Into the land of lost minds. His went broke several years ago. Now he has gone mad, and is suffering from acute mania The noun L abject poverty and wants ' HI SAW THE PARADE. at tiistldest O.Maes This Ms Thee )me Warmth ret Russ o■e. "I had s, wiper fallow ia. that ober a7," said the dentist, as be fit s new drilling bead Into his eaten Httle tnetrum•nt of torture. "A m• same In to have a tooth out --one those great, big. pompon., egotlstios chaps, Who looked as though he own tile whole oity water front at the vs least. 1 told him that he would bett lake gas, because the tooth was s one, badly ulcerated. Well, then y should have seen him I He looked at m with a kind of pitying snails. " •Gas.' he said, 'gaol Humphl Why my good men, gas wouldn't have an effect on me. 1t may work with mom people, builnot with me. Too moo mina, my dear fellow -altogether mach n.Ind'-and he actually tapped h tore orad with his (Inger as though held the whole Astor library, with til Lenox and the Tilden foandatton to boo "The old chap was w 000foundedl disagreeable with all his conceit that made up my mind I would have to take Im down • peg. " 'Look here,' I said. 'You let m give yon gas, and It you don't beoom entirely unoonacious .o that you don' teal the pulling of your tooth, 1'11 no 'therm' you • oent.' He miffed and pooh-poohed; but I notated, and after • while he said, 'All •tot; go ahead if 1t w111 be any satldeo- on to you. But I 1.11 you In advance hat 1t will not have the slightest •ileo{. (together too much m-' but I managed (R get the rubber cap over his es and tit him abort. He 'went off' with bis eyes wide open red was a thousand miles away In • few seconds. I look his tooth out and then stood back and waited for him to 'corns around.' The dentist's omoe overlooks one of • avenue', and the patient In the chair n see whatever happens in the street low. After about • minute," 000tlnued • doctor, "the Intelligence began to wn faintly In his eyes, and then It me back with a poo, end heist up and ked at me triumphantly. 'I suppose tea imagine,' be said. 'that I was under influent)* of that gas of yours.' I rammed that I hada suspicion to that sot. 'Well,' said be. 'you were never ore mistaken In your life. Unoonsclou.f umph 1 Just let me tell you that I naw procession. I heard what the band/ ere playing. I sow the animal. In their gas. Why, I could even tell you what as on the banners. Unconscious! I n it not.' 'And, would you believe 1t, although gum was bleeding and I showed him tooth in the forceps, It was some tome ore I °Quid oon•Inee hien that 1 had lied his tooth while be was dreaming t the circus parade. Queer, wasn't -New York San. ted lo of 1 ed er Nei b ri Si t A b 0 a th as be th da ea loo 7 the mo eff m H the w ea w thl his the bef Du aboa i*? One Thlu; "v,rlooked. "I read your npeeeh of yesterday," Bald the old senator, "and am of the opinion that it bean every mark of genii Ile-„ • Thr now member grasped his haat rapturmlaty• __••et rept,._ The thew member turned pale. "the proper quotation marks." oat ..f rt... t -..t P.Mk.t. A .Ingle banyan tree has beeu known to shelter 7,4;00 men st one time. The American soft Mt hat le all the rag* in the leading Australian eolon(es. The Arabs entertain a belief that Eve was the Wiese woman that ever Ilyed. In China hor.es are sweated on the right side, and ships are launched side. ways. The University Press at Oxford has appllnnoea for printing In 160 different languages. The United States paid 115.000 POT the cable melee to Napoleon III. to keep out of Mexico. The wall emend the city of Babylon at the height of 0a prosperity was 54 miles In leltcrh. Texas ell. have no ilmher In 15 years If the present re's of totting 1.000,000, - PN feet a ye'r r• ntlnnew Every night, fin every ship In Iter Mah•sts ntivl, the Queen's health is drank y the officers of the TOSIPI. The average age .,t which nein merry la 17.1 years, whib• he avenge age at width women mnrr) s 1t 1-1 years. Franco bas kept 26),610 leas of renal M Tonkin thew. 118, 6s he road, Cita' war Weed Matt! eat. 'Ile snows demon 04marriegoi Ito/hied Is 1111 M Prunes mid nee - min: 96; Mt 1111.5.1. Ile wb s"R 141.1 s rage rete km I b tr'0 tact ret leas •..w 4n 1'mYhrmt. QM Ai i'I'' ret Reel (71tr1 .. nee lees than three beers 1a Length. -- - A clov'er.fel! "Olt. ds tome had h[__' gra/Pelt s who tab ap tl6 a n: •'60!10 1s an awful tight gran on In our 'treed" "Who's fighting?' "My father and soother WSW. "How long bare they bees at Ito "Oh, half an hour." "Hut why didn't yon come sad tell me about It Weser "Wby, because dad was gettl`hg the best of it all along tip to ten mtautea age How's This 1 Ir. offer Oae Hundred Dollars near( ter as of Gtarrh that cannot be eased by H•711t Galardi Cure. 1 J ('HENEY 6 00.. Ws, the nt•der.lgu.- l have kauwe 11'Min - J. Cheney for the lent 1.5 • eery, and believe M n perfectly h --nimble le all business tr ems and Inanelall able to -grey .•t any trots made brebe1r arm Weer aTati tri,Whole.aleDry�.l�. �y�sjsa WALIMNO, EmEme • MAN •rs, tVhdesalt Dt� gists, Tuxedo, all's t" Cyt s lt blto W slid 454 was of are systrtL Twtlmo* 5M Nest ties, Price Tbo,perbotua hold by all Downes. F.r.ct Je•ttee. Bract justice le Commonly more coerce fel in the luig ran than pity, for It tends to foster in Men tlwae stronger qualttLs which make them g'ud citizens. lizard's Liniment 19r Rheumatism. Willing to Change. Mrs. De Tadd -The latent fashion is to have the plain built Into the wall. Mr. De Tadd lwearlly)-Wel, that's tensible. Lot's wall up ours. Quickcnr. fir Sores -15c., 25c.. Nle ra . u n$Mealt. When It (i necessary to keep • meal Mamma (aft the had punished Tom- hot 1or • belated turner do not set tile myl- Stop mating such dreadful faces. plate holding the foud la a hot oven, Tommy (bunting into tenni-I ain't. thus discoloring the china as well as dry• I'm trying to kelp • stiff MKT lip. Ing the food; Instead place the plate npoa Odds and Ends. Neither 0*00Je 1301 Nephaate,._seu pimp. 'There are always 5,610 BAWL Toueei at gra. Field rata are considered pod *sting ui rub& 1e:Ivphsbts can exert the strelytb of 31 horses _. Sava+'ea, on the whole, live hong,, than civilised people. A carrier pigeon •errice was estab- lished by the Turks A.D. 547. Orrtnaus weigh nearly ten pounds inch eau more than a Frenchman. A newly -discovered aput in the ann. risible now, as 30,000 miles in diameter. Thr heat of comets is said to be 2,000 titers greater than redhot iron. A church in Sledlits. 1n Bohemia, cote talus a chandelier made of human banes, In Clooa Rica canary birds, buHanches and paroquets are special table dain- ties. R is claimed that at present the 000 people. language is spoken by 115,000. 'Mr harbor of lbto Janeiro has M miles of, anchorage., and is the finest to the world. It was in Cuba that Adelina Patti song for the lint time lo public. when she waa 14 years old. It was at a con- cert, wed Law anccee, was complete. it is said that the phonograph is now used in the Spanish telephone serried. Messages are spoken Into it, and the instrument repeats them to the tele phone. They are •Iso received on • phonograph et the distant station. The microphone is being utilised for the educ•atlem of deaf mutes, and such persons can actually hear sounds Pro - (veiling from the tuiero-phonograph, and 000n learn to utter them. It appears to tie en efflcarlons method. even with persons who hare peened middle 11(3. To Clear the Cospleal.•. The scrubbing -brush treatment sure for those blackheads which are the bane of a woman s life. Be sure lou get a good Iso° brush. Purchase • onto of pure hygtenie soap. The brush should be tutkat night beton going to bed Im- mure• the beech In hot water. Hub the soap over It until • good lather L ob- Mloed. Scrub the taro carefully -not violently, but thoroughly. One minute should eumoe for the scrubbing proems. Rhes with warm water and again with eo.l.r water. Dry wl4J a soft towel. It tba.tin la irr:sated b7� Its/ umal frlo- Mon try a good cream or et he& emollient. The groa*y look will dlsappe*N under the hlMiorubbing brush also,-Chl��igo Trite. a;a b:.. Rasa. rant. About sena In a oniony of bees about swarming Yoe chert are three kinds of boom-A queen, the worker and the drones. The queen is the mother; the workers, of 0our., do the work. while the drones are the gentlemen of leisure. Al • gen- end rule there 1s but one queen, from 90,000 to 46,000 workers, and abs drone will number from • few dozen to as many hundreds; but these gentlemen of ; leisure are very short•ll•ed-but few of them aver live b see their mother and sisters safely quartered for the winter. The life of a worker 1. about 45 days of 1 actual working time, or about 30 days from the time the egg la laid until the 1 bee has died from overwork, If there has a been a flow of nectar. d 1iA':.axe gfl.14* �►U•>«�c.��t:� tt FAMOUS MA6NETH e e t's��'lwlth' ..tt Made la 8 ataes, sung J. 4 and 1eet wood. Will hey Foos IOAoo to tou,otw titblc feet. wilb 1'h7 fire leu, heatleg •wr7aOf. '''^4e tbatdour and auk pt : h'n1 H.avy ° hpe gess whh saw Acwithout ng' til the icer away hoe •vier lament Mat er IMI►..Y dr4t. a , P4t•[ ►•gw1.11.1 sad ct.eal as IES dead ir.. til boot ed Dns can be e � P•►s operated ( Bros rooms above. Made 1„4 h 1 brick on galvanized cum; ,. Vose CAM ked warm from cellar to gar h m.e, BO arrest Ind • Do It Cheaply HIGHEST Tt$TIMONI.L. /MOM *Ll DtAI[R: AND Wane. The McClary Mfg. Co. 1. faONTRf At, TrlVnr(ra wINNPe0.ad VANCUUI (.k. N your lout deals essie aepply, writes •*r Sepaatbpee. YEARS OF SUFFERING. Sruugbe About by • rail la Which 1N• I4.c6 Was Severely tapered - Th. Pain at 7 into. Aimee. Vab.arabi.. Mr. G.tuijeT aw�t a II4 , ir. *parted and wei( kuswn farmer of Four balls, Victoria Co., N,B., make' the following atatemeat: -Sumo mum ego senile working in i'barn I lost my balance and fell from a beam, badly injuring my back. bloc year. 1 stiffer- ed offer ed with the injury and at the same time doing all I could to remove it, but in rain. I at last gave up hopes and stop- prd doctoring. My back bad got so Md teat when 1 would stoop over it was allured impoadbie to get straightened up swain. When I would mow with a scy- the for .time tittle time without stop- ping k would palm me so that It WON - ed as if I could scarcely endure it, and I would lean on the handle of my •cyhe an order to get ease and straighten up. At other times I would to laid up en- lirely. After some years of suffering 1 wag advised to nee Dr, Williams' Pink Pills and dasiddtto try one bog. Before I1 had finished it I saw the pills were heipiiog me- I bought six boxes now and tate seven boxes completely cured ane. It L three ye.re since 1 tatajtspp�ppp,e Sickle's Anti-Cousumptive Syrup god, at the heed of the last for all diseases d the thrust and hinge It acts like mesh 1n breaking up a cold. A cough 1. lags subdued, tightness of the chest la rell.taa. seen the wont ease of cogepn)pllon Heved. while in recent case. I said never to fall. It L • medici4e7 mired from the actio. priuclpin or virus Of several Intalicival herbs, and can be pendad apoa for .11- pulmonary tat. philtres. Rod and lark Hair. Dark hair and complexion, In raps. well as 1n tnolvldttrla, signify *trio Dirk skinned races are always ate the lighter hue peoples In tine ctvlll� tloo, became the physical prtdominsr among theta to the exclusion of gm menta. Coarse, red hair India*, 1 marvelous physical endurance. : ud my back has not troubled me since. I)r. Williams' Pink Pills art an invalu- able medicine and I highly recommend them to any perwwi suffering likewise. I consider that if I had paid 110 a box for them, they would be • cheap medi- ciie." Rheumatism, sciatica, neuralgia, tar- tlet er ria1 parelysia, locomotor ataxia nervous headache, nervous prostration, and de- ment depending upon humors in the blond, such au scrofula, eelroolc erysipe- aa, etc., all di eppsr before a lair treatment with br. Williams' fink 'ill.. '!bey give • healthy slow to 0d sallow complexions. Sold by pal* e.lers and post-paid at 50c. a box, or ix boxes for 1:.".50. by addremiog the Dr. Wl1) ane Medicine Co., Brockv.He, Ont. Do not be Qerimeded to take awe sabatkute. How to M.•p a heat MK A Quotient.'.f rtgares. .'. - .. Little Majorio and Malcolm were trying one day to jump tea c•rta(n spot on the carpet when Mah•olu's mother heard him sal, "1 tea• jump ter. -fourths." Hla mother, thinkltg to bring Ina little arithmetic, asked, "row many fourths in a whole, Malcolm►" And Maloolm re- plied, "As many as u would take to M11 up the hole." -New lock Truth. Ie D14t Rsew. The justice hadn't married many peo- ple before; that was shy he felt 1.110! upon to be somewhat telema s 6. ece& skin. "Do you realize the full intent •9 the obfgallons that you � aesnmingt" he asked Of the groom "S-s-sh v• cautioned die bride. "Coarse he don't, jedge, er be'dlam* en ran. But what's that to your 'Tl*t't year business to scare him off, 1s it? Mini yon gain to glue • poor woman nel.how at alit" - Chicago Post. A D1Me•lt "It's pretty hard," the king of Spain. "I resign this position. •' " What is the dimoul friend. "I don't take enough t In pol- ities. I quoted a maxim bicb stated that it is reprebendbl. • daogerone to live beyond one's m a, and he threatened to have me p .eoattld for treason." -Washington Stat the tater b I'll have to thou Ind the "Now," said the i omel♦ after h. had puchased line, rod, bait nod oth••r extras, 'i want a quart flax 4 Ioadc-l. • "We don't sell liquors, 'dr. "Yon don't Then yon tete fin take down that sign which rend 'Every requisite for Fishing '('rips,' Quickcure for all Iutianlmatl; 1rr 25c., 50c. 4 111 A I're,h At "flare you paid lay hill at dint & Challj s yet, dear?" said Mrs. I)na.'y 1" her hnehand. "Yea. love." 1 . "Good; Then 1 _ran berth to w.re a neither." W A °eye• Celtl•...sa. Uncle Rob -"Whet'. the Batter, 'I1tht. my? What makes you leek so g1410R1 mmy-"1 don't think Santa Claus s a very sensible man I'd think lay one with as mewl aperience wouldtft give little boys pumps when their mammas woelda't let em pat any wet* in 'ege."-Keeper's Round Table. arsimassaimminimigaisactigreamssona MYNARD'S LINIMENT la the only Liniment asked for at my store and the only one we keep for tale. All the people use it. HARi.AN FULTON. Pleasant Bay, C. B. Too A .t Mlnw,•r Flat Tetinp--•'Ale"ea isa• the the over • pend boiling water, nov °ring the plats with • pan that will jute fit over the edge or the plate The food will keep hot and there will be enough steam from the boiling wailer in the lower pan b keep the plate moist and prevent It o nt1.Y bsooslag drier Plante V.ed 1a (ga..rete. I5 1s said that 9,000 epodes of plants are gathered and used for commercial pur- poses in Europe. Of those 240 nave a per fume that Is pleasing and enter largely lob the manufacture of wont. and soaps. There never was, :ani never w111 be, A nniverssl panacea, in one reeeely, for (a ills to which flesh is heir --the very nature of many curative. awing s.eh that were the germs of other and dif.•rently seated diseases rooted In the system of the patient -what would relieve one ill In turn would aggravate the other. We have, however, la Quinine Wine. ', r er' obtainable in ■ mound unadulterate state, a remedy for many and envious i 1 - By ate gradual and judicious nae, r h. frailest systems are led into convalesce•,n, end strength, by the influence which l,u nine exerte on Nature's own resbrrstie, s it relieves the drooping spirits of rh.,_, with whom a chronic state of morbid .!e- pondency and lack of Interest In life Is e disease, and, by tranquil tato* the -fiver• disposes to sound and refreshing sleep,` Impart. •Igor to the action of the blo.l which, being stimulated, coarses throm.I, out 11., veins, strengthening the health) animal functions of the system, cher hg making activity • necessary rear It, strengthening the frame, and giving life to the digestive organs, which natured, - demand increased etthetatrce--result, un- proved appetite, Northrop & Lyman • Toronto, lave giren to the public th . superior Quinine Rine at the usual re'. and, gauged by the npinton of soleotb.�, this wine approaches nearrat perfection o: any In the market. All druggists sell It ve hr Not e wish Professor Langley would burry and get his flying machine isv teeter! r' ••Whir' "1 want to visit some of my en,,,4,•5 In the air." llnrd's Liniment Is the best. An t,r.....ele. The Don --I know hew to manage my wife. 'lite Father -Yon do? They wily don't yen manage heel' The 800--Fhe °uteri' let me. lel 1'11)411 a 4 411.1, 1N ONE 0A Y. Take LA Intl,, Rro,, , Qu- Inn T'bb•N. A11 Druggi,ta r.!,, ,d th, rnn.•. i i It fn. a t., ono •:Nr "Pop. what's the hest kind of paper tern kite? "Er flv paper,' my Alam.d at (h. neat.►. Firmer 11th+-"TDen vegg.11ttable wall have to be sorted t•Tts' kerrfar, en they *A fettle' mighty pertletler down b t �•lirs. Oatbtn-"What sow, TTes.khbi" Farmer Ostbls-"1've jlst hen reedln' hat some pear feller's baa arrested ter soils' goes geode. it do beet en how tees ledsletia' sista' the t*rmasa" Des of Opinion regarding the luaraal and external remedy. Rel'larle Oa -do get, s ter 0. a=lai Th* Mnla.oay p0.1- cotlenrrent that t . to physical pate, elm ii.k pa .s •ad rheumatic sespk 1.00, sol ft he so neuss*tlag or other umplaseaat de. whoa taken Internally. immwegmew D7•DePeie or heligevtioe 1• us ssiea.d by the want of acti in the bllfary duets, lues of vitality 1u the .sumach tosecntthe gastric Juices, without which digestion cannot go on ; also, being 1.40 principal cameo( Headache. Parmelee'• Vegetable P111e taken before going to bed. for a while, never fail to gyve relief enol effect a cure. Mr. F. W. Ashdown. Ashdown, Ont., writes: Parnlelee's Pill, are taking the lead against ten other stakes which 1 here In stack." Quickcure for Pim ides; 15c.:'bc., 50c. Another Iticyel• Glove. There Is another bicycle glove h town.. it 1s two -toned in its coloring and is made of silk, with a kid palm. Such odd voice r"mG.atdons are tern as gray glove* with tern Nitta palms i and dark blue silk gloves with the kid part In green. Hct there are many of thew t wo-toaed °love, in better taste, Mr T. J. Hurtles, Columbus, Obloi write, : "I here been Afflicted for some time with Kidner nod Liver Complaint, and And Parmelee', Pill. the hest medi- cine for these dl,esvr. These PI11■ do nor cause pain or griping, and ehoald be used when a cathartic Is rrgnired. They .re Gelatin* Coated, and 1011.6 le the ram of Lteo Tnhreserve their purity. end give them a plenaant agreeable taste. E NEW IN�ED�Iff WHY IT HAS MADS Ryckman's Kootenay Curs THE WONDER OF, THE ADE. We justly claim to have produced � est Rheumatism. Stood end ' adlelee in the world 4 r* gnu et alt. Ins R and Ian jintilLesio Cierptaaa, 5 =1116 Est tllkkook .f a.t.mi� g��gs gmbolb ps essarrtostbyttiss, The -New oaadical fildrt.111at fb pin(1a1 j..g,• r Ig t r W.nt sotesay Cure Akko s treatment, to weaera s dsrfu1p, ills are due the marvellous wies whi.h ire Welt elected. Kormwar is soot a eve* tart the result of scientific 1* oe& and yeah dandy. is no medicine semilarty MEAN then coo be ma sobatisieso, or aro Memo Wit acres a04 or +t molt icer deerr,d tteserie st Versa insist rlrt. When used properly it cures ovary a% fbr k rooming the NNsw Tttoa$fntwr. You win know its value if you give it a trial. P410511141 per bottle, or 1 bottles for 1(.01 from year driven to direct Fra* The L 1. RYCLMAN WEDICINii Qp,, (Lnereub.) Reittivbw, ONt► Chart Len mann lies s • ins& PAIL dILLelma lemssln the T. bw Dieu with Car.. "Tee," geld the man whose narratl are almost invariably interesting. -1 had some curious exIierfeneee m dist mining country. One day I met OW childre* with the dirtiest tacos I ever saw. - -.-- "Poor things!" "That's what 1 thought I aid b them: 'Children, why don't you war your taewar._end ..yto .cif WQNtli 8. 4W.04*s°'t We`ve heves playio' ,d WDs beat claim. and he's liable to lees steamy if anybody touches s but the llnard's Liniment Carel LIGrIPJ1, "It's remarkable to wee how much denoted milk is being treed newe- lays,' mbrked the summer 1. co ries r. "Yes." replied the 'Weir,. dairyman as he reached for the pump b , nd1+ 'an bow much expanded milk, tow". Quickcure for Rheumatism-I5o. 25c., 50c. All fink". There "Pre glad to know." remarked Mir Cayenne, "that Sir rind Mrs. Jlnk:n are taring far more happily than 'hey were formerly," "indeed?' "Ye.. I am informed that they har..'t spoken to each other foe Weeks" - Washington Star. llnard's Liniment the best Heir Restorer. • Nat .IAurhed. "You seem to have to mend y0nr gar meats ■ gond deal, lir., Rugby.' "Yes. our •ilikerwotm•a Is two Wee larger than i am." A Handsome Bold Ring est WIDE Genuine Gannets aged Pearls FREE You lay nothing. .1.- rJ7 sed your Name and Address plainly wrltt,n. and we w111 send van Is pecker" II S000 0' lewnted elotn, a new discovery wnleh far surpasses any ether perlumefee for the luting qualities of les sweet and fragrant odor, to sell for ns '11 von coo) Meng friends at ker. per parkwSn et Whsold resit is the money, and w, send you free for your trouble lb, above di. scribed ring, which la ,tamed and warrant- ed Gold, .N with genuine Garnets and Perk -tend address at once, mention thb taper and 111.71t 7111*? N *? TOO w1T 44(5■ ( BNCO' andregrilrtd returnable Hand - will Bend 1t. No money We take 111 rbk. Ouods some premiums In proportion to amount gold. Marie *gooey. ed *•Gaal SIE, Toronto. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR -BOECKH'S BRUSHES and BROOMS. For gale by all Leading Houses. 0.04104141 at0•, a COMI'AMT. Manefae Vapor., TORONTO, ON r, TM1 QUEEN CITY 011 CO., (Li,. 11.1 ) Seism Rooms, President, T0 --ONTO. Ask your dealer far Shia 011. It's Cheaper and Better than Water Whits Americas (II. N .t 41..r M' d. la Caw A•la. T. N. 11, 172 a ra x rt V • �e.•g sae «werllta 0a 11• �• m aged T►s Nattkye <sl•er Col I.p 4. s °eras. Ds Tyesea went 1 k.ow wkr des m Mae•( Tks web 5 Aseseer°.r MC. A. r1s°rlt, OWNS gesat. Oss �r semmgr MASS Home 1 Seekers' 60 Der Excursions To tae Cauallaa heti west die 41*v011w roue• SUMS ... eon Only 141111119. watergiallisIF