HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-6-23, Page 11
441 sag •
that ,11 Paints are alike. We know
tbey't. not, any mote than ►Il clothe,.
Poor Paint is worse then uaeloe., tie it
taken ltrt •a much time to put it ouCloud
Clout a at t and is sever sonsfactoa r,
=pm we know you will
be satisfied with
The Sherwin-Williams Paints
They are the best we know of, tun
We've known mon of them. !t you try
:air talk paintn to angio under the .
r wit you ; rte asot
T8>t UP-TOATZ 1ilABO W A Iia
Everybody Is Talking about
Re has Ja.t mot mod mother oar toad
from kanitobw. He has sow ea bund
two of thm best brands of floor that
W world sea PIedeee,
MOM W111a1p NINA -
ltaado hem No. THard Wheat
FZalso keels the beet brads of O.tarta
buying riser will do wail by mire'
1 °sstaarll. Tto.r Mw her as nkiCrti '• bruit
1s Fleur at a ewsssagM pros.
Orders will be p: a eptly ataas4od t. is
or OYSTER PA1wflr
aDmtta 44 . wins take. Alo•.nel inter e
d $8 the suit; SO
oI Scotch Tweed
we have a lotiof
and better wear.
town. See them.
;o miss them, for
at as long as the
rant it;
r business early
18 THIS Mit
f . .a
/Nubile Notice.
The Huron aad Bra.. Loan sad Investment
OompSsy will redox. the Interest n deposits
to throe per seat Rom sad atter the ere: of
Losse at A 1 tensity esStitue to be made
at ire, and t1 re aad • halt per wet. tntorest,
Butter wasiklo, lila. All kind* tats
produce handled. G. IL KING, Wligkam.
order for two oar-)aad. of Gram Rutter
as sum ea the Ontario all uniform IA color.
W. west It dud with dm dairy soli We
will turetak firkins and pay the hlgker grim
�- ter A. t. R.ttwr. W. are sUL baylos hats
-- and t'otate.e at the cosh stare,
For Sale or To Rent.
coal Wide. Owes water Yg
fruit fists, ��g, fig,
So. 1 bas tttkflt tosses.- wkY 4:2284
Doe of thou awn le • bodment dews stases.
.d tke dinlsf room ; are Nes
&ad .omrorefe °Mem A 1 *111 kbss wig-.
ea me ..are tea an t a prMYei 1/I
ea me coo awe tj.
sweet. 71.15
ears tor sat, that desirable
e 0. ti•.s. bermbean containing
awe Wad 1e�1le7aafe+dtt, an our lease.ad
1:• god M and o to .good
/rate of q farm will be end
elma_. UM season's . rop,
aortae wares ear
■rltl�e ' roa.d_
hirthgy tarp Per
ant 0,1sod, No. 7ftirsL a merfeh WM
�• 0 R 8AT.n -fit.-FOR
eat es" M nal W ten. a kgMk elit-
ismea the miserof 8!Imanfa man tad
Waterloo firsts. Tr tv,.a MKMlan ti
shag Mae. a JSWALL en tae. &ambo
A or to meat the dwelling es Neieoaat at
roost seensied by F. Breda It metals"
1S resett laded se dregrim roam. dialog
roam IMAM mud kites'n, aad he. a Wintry.
fealatete.•gued cellar
There t me were ot load ly planted
with nod tont trees.oad ea exoetlent
lawn. Apply to r. s11H. ea the we-
re lam. 10-10
L ('K BALK-WTb 69 AND 70
L Hataklaesa's firma in Um Town of
area widish is erected • sloe dwell
tae Wyss.
Dated 1tb eestaob.. 1811
Oo �oo Z
Bet ea TLe brisk rendre* thhe
req, . yr aid lakemet iN the
.1. *.. Mao1).. .tt
Ase of srsslM ahod 401 tial
I. ash
portionTis v -. .
&pvypna Versant.
WA1f(TED-A Ot lifrifgAL 8 YAUQItR,
Idgelf M 1188.tlr
Oolleigr ,treat, Modern&
Wast PIOOtini'OOTT tip
flobette,u. Gedseteb.
vaat gat
NMky. ti MSS. tsWLO AMarket Orion
Lamed mem A►pit K 6TEAM
1.aUIGDRY, Hasiltos serest.
ss wetness. or hider ohm. It stall young 1n
,,p or, of andoubt,d character. go.4 talkers.amotltpae end taduetlout. Dan dad employ
.meotio -"good eaenr, with te) par month and
u pwards Tomas.
to •bully. REY. T. 8.
ansa wortWklis and wensw
Immo daily far dx a weak sod will he
meteor with tae .ask17. Addram
NSW 101148 00.. TsawsM.
men for v .flea 01 p,ffgMet-
W b eeMptt fr Oase % : AA
ef ibe Comity," i• Ave repeling.�aarfto
THZN� PU81.i Ilei tYltd .
moo 'tarn canna.
QradSab sad keModenaa Qottetkefk Livia
Organist aad Aslt 1Mdrl Nputh atm*
Teacher Mos. NOW ledldClawPipsOrseu Mao,.Smel1
he FW.
)IeKZNZO*, Brook
it root At atom from t to 1 041.
For 8.Pvies
1 Weodlswn that we have lately bngght
time Mg A. A. Tenni. will stand for lsrvilocee
at our Hatailtea M., G•d.riob, daring
this .oases, te Marna:1 You lean
• Woodlaw wt k1m to win the
fu a er fes Mike mice Fair.
ion that beat t by Wssdlaw.. say :ego
au mom
Diwllt •$l*,
lrlttl"GARE BAIZ
oh, o• toady
Janet b, .. a 'son tketo will D.us,4 Rnt d TOMO Warks, t
be nee by. �In- M SOW
Ottawa, Jo. >a Ill.
erodes of Me the
/r D7S1 *' and OIMn111R•
oesaty of Horeb.
President Boyd on the !Subject
tilt widows rpesaated to the Ween M.r'en
Iwseber,* Asneteuea-The •sistto.
Willed Ottawa. L$.vas-Stouts
ratur.aerag Past.
FOLLOWING is the annual addrelts
of ti R. Boyd, the retiring ?match/at of the
West Horan Towhees' Latium*, given at
the lase sesame a1 Sim body
Iodise sed utiel11m5e,-
Ia these days of war, gold term •sd elm
eMela, ss ata khN little time to
takestesh, bee mhitiineTie iibould saw oh 0
IOW emission from the routine of rbool lila
M •ussrtais how ho "Weds with Ma world
With this sod m view, 1 have chasm Ir
the "abject of my .ddrese the quesuoe,
t Ham Mather* say t.Isanus et prWesatso.
•1 spirit lett •" Some of you may say it Is a
trite ysesuoo, other, that it to Impertinent,
nevrthelw it o.11, for an answer.
1 shall make throe dirtaioos of the end.
1. The possibilities of abo aeacbs"'s tntIu
mos sad professional .putt.
2 Tb" low temperature and pr.surs of
them today.
3. By what masa/ we may r.•oh w ideal
1a all oast. and trades of society ovary
man and every woman has .a inBuaooe,
woe mon-some ler. As pine moves on
oar ieflueow is b.00mtng mermen and
shallower or wider ltd deeper. As a man's
tafiaaaoe uore.aw he beoomes • rooster
power for good or evil
Wt+we.n ibo mean" ens hams at oar di, -
mufti to become powerful •moos our fel-
lows ! I know of hat three and, with Ur.
%toL.Uan, i "hall os11 atm lstsltat, Sonat
MOM aad Natation, or. batter still, perhaps,
tboagbt.pow., bert•powetend •rill -power.
tat as sae to what latent the teeoher may
aetre! then levers whiob move mankind
Toe teaming the averse• teacher undergo,*
should paws the way to iystadtauo and 000
sated thotint. - bogies! thiahiawss reasons
hag The prows" of firing rel.taons nowt
lead to enlarged 0000eptiow. Man thou de-
veloped .nes himself as • lot. of uaivaree,
a man is • world of sato. H• first galas
oontrol of sell, lbw cobtrol of other*, and
thus it goes 00.
Now no one esti! dent that the te.ohs"
hes etroogr lndnoement to logia.l thought
than almost any other dam of people. He
sem the prows, of intelleotaal .voleuos
from dy to day. Not nota the dilfieelua
whlok beam the student a he reaohes oat
Maw the iofioite. In mathematic., the tole.
ties el. *very probit& stile for • retinal
sgna150 from premiss to rnsoI0.... la
1b steely of the tie' hon sad tAelr wort,.
He Mettler menet tai to breathe with be
Fat is absolutely neces-
sary as an article of dict.
if it is not of the right kind
it may not be digested. Then
the body will not get enough
of it. In this event there
is fat -starvation.
Scott's Emulsion supplies
this needed fat, of the right
kind, in the right q;Iantity,
and in the form already
partly digested.
As a result all the organs
and tissues take on activity.
*0 rod $, .0. all drgtacti
SCOTT & SOWN*, Cowers, Tweets.
-- Tendetre"�Ili�sated•
the undersigned. aad endorsed " Tender
teroomDtt,oe of G'tderleh Werke,' wilt be
r.od at this sane until leraday, 16th July
next, tnnlidvely, foroompteting (be harbor
worse river works In orse of reconatruotten at
icb, Huron County. Ontario. oordlog
to a pro and .peoieoatioo to he seen at the
afire of the Town Clerk. Gderloh, at the
ofIloe of Mr 9, A Oray. Resident Engineer,
Coa(oderatlon Lite Buildtrg. Toronto. and at
Lb' k, meta of Public WerOttawa.
leaders will not be oensldes d enter male
on the hopsupplied and signed with the m-
ost sigaat.'es of tenderer'.
An moap�ttssd4 bank et w. parable to chow-
der of the 7 tobtr MOW,' P, Works. for the
mom of fire tltobea0d Sollars 1A,000) most ao
oompanf each leader. Trail Outgo.«(11 bi
forfeited if the party de lino the ooitraot or
tall to oorupia s the work antmeted for. and
will be returned in ease of nog ara,ance of
trader. Department epgries o
ment donot bind itself to s
Dept the lowest or any tender.
Ry order
X, F. 8Ret ecrary.
r -i--
• e .
tree ear. •a4 •0o.,
Iweety mise and .e i.•
foot ase I, f mad 1, in
twgave ee eenme Weir.
▪ S�se�t a foo ato
Tr teflIlr We
sMll �� ane
em v y�t
TEGNA/ Yiht F N�emRLSsMs .
Stella v
fr IC 00
lepore eheu ttte:t, ibi M1whtie
should anyone in
we to hers 47.4.5 or
Ors SOS dye
�r�ddset �et, 0edafi
ent te
s0Yyt7 0161 UHEY. frowner,
p,;(11 APPLR
EAS)ti 4111RRY
ward, w be • Mather IImesatarion of pliee Was 1. .
deist also, and we mama he .tad ani Whet
out 'sauteing thought. Rho. me • p0010.
who u habitually thumgbnlut. aad 1'11 show
you one who L $0dueuWal in boos, eubool,
ohuroh and state. The teacher has some
leisure to aim at a Robb plan of thought.
All of ns renews, daily, gems from oar
pupils, weioh it polished off and mounted
would woke our world a rtohsr and a
brithter Doe. What might we not attain
along tbts line ! What do we attain ! How
many •utbore of note are to be found in the
ranks of our &&hist !
Again, the oeaohr, by pious himself on
the vantage ground of brag • leader in
thought, would b.00me • strong toter la
moulding public opinion. When • perplex-
ing questoa on sociology would aro., many
would dunk around to 11.4 the opinion of •
*stout mother. The woods" would he,
and tall the wonder would Wrap on grow•
tog, to know bow *ooh small heads could
carry so mash, instead of, it, at prows%
how sob lute heath could Darty m little.
I shall drop, for the present, the maws
11.1 instrument called thought, and take tip
the secant" levet whiob San may use to
move man. viz , bean* power. This 4 • &M-
oats subplot ; most of you know very much
more about it than 1 do. Yet 1 do not wish
to slight tido important factor. W• all
bare hearts. Most o1 us halo big beano.
W bile it say he kw that SWIM of as ere
tbougbtlese, It would be wan ta.all
heartiestt. he!. stere, Mretology tawshss
ua that a man's heart is about the sire of his
tut, it wrist also teach us that • twenty'.
heart o infinitely bigger than the average
ratepayers let.
Sons o
1n •
grandest g moa of soy age hay
been styled worthier because they lacked
the emotional warmth and fervor of others.
nympany to the bond, to sweet, whiob
bonds man to roan, and moo to woman for
+bat matter. It u the •Brvssoe.a of •
full heart. It seed. the misdoouy hurry•
in/ ever land sed sea in lift fou taatty from
the miry slay aad oleos it oo tbs Ktrna1
Rook. The greatest Teacher that the
world has ever known amid rejoios wit')
•pas glad aad weep with lie ad.. lions 1111
truly great and indaeatiel who aro sot
Agan, I may, the tnoh•r is atom favora-
bly situated, not only to d.velop and exr-
oue hears power htms il. but also to bot.
the .treoptlo sod dire/Moe of tbm..ysaesthet
Ito current In utb.rs. How moot we sold
do and should do towards drawing the child
out alts" good. Oh ! Ir moreAroold• is
our ranks to semi se outs" "thole duty. Are
an the poet's words true, which say,-
" The drying of • single tear
Hub mon 01 be.est tams,
Than shedding seas of rets."
Why 70 tato snob saatsoy ewer wars and
rumors of wan, trod the !storm of m•s's
blood "nosily, and my so little shoat tb.
J.adamg of man Moon nm nobler paths of
pesos to . mere sublime •xuteao..
Dear old Frost»1 ta4Pest•lozz made tie
.suck• to intim at ohilite s a hearts ;
sad you and 1 m maks so thunders u per.
featly( t0* plan of ides/ d.►.bpment whiob
they bras. And Mt set roar heart -power
Le pat up within the Iimite of the soheol-
tam, Go out to the homes, g*t. a word el
cheer, • word of &d vin, a word of emboli.
Your Lenrt veal b•eeme tl1 ate larger
the.isroiw, and hod's plan will ba aecom
Having dial thus Misty with thought
power sod bars power, I shall now o.k•
the l.ai demean Of man's 1 fold tmyrs.-
Will.powr. Hare the teachers of ()start*
to -day this power` 1 nuke the oharge
without fear of oontradtotteb. They have
int. If not vary thoughtless r very heart-
less we aro very wiltl.s. We tie as daily
as dock.. We lack the' .neer which ..y.
" 1 do," and it i. does. What is the
moss of this lock of s.eontive tory, in the
teething ranks to day ! 1. it beware we
Irak in meatal culture or .tt•tnmeat. • 1.
it because 1/a have not loving and ,ympathe-
tlo hearts? No. Rut it 1" beoau"e ens ere
deplorably d.8ci•btin that •tardy Individ
witty to prominent 10 the pioneer teachers
of 20 years .go. We look in a •M•ogth of
mallow* «hiob saps " Ibis is my *Males
and that is sr.vi roma for thinking so ; make
the mat et 1t.' W. simper and bow mud
scrape sad bar lest wet should give oSeam,
to ratepayer Jones or Waste. Smite. W.
take into oonatdarauon the politiool and
raligb.s leanings of nese before we apply
for appointment We are afraid to my
right is rirbt and wrung M wrong, We
have not moral amrege enough to come oat
and wov,tts for prohibition lest wo might
offend • wbiaky noosyr. IA . mast tub.
mit to • thottssad fn,lienities just Mammy
we are too *airitless to stead out and my
that 1 •m • public errant and not • pahlie
slave 1 am a British subject and • Cana -
hien oiUtea. Therefore mast diseases
evil and proclaim good Lot n• roealts
look after thetnulves. I fear bot. It la
my duty. if we hod map sad women of
that stamp wholly within oar rank*, Mien
we should rise to Che true dignity of a s
t :•etob
If the meek and miming Nether were
supplanted ny me of strong, resolute will
power, would the pupils suR.r and bosoms
bold and Impertio•at ? Nay, they would
be ooarapata iris sot aooemarily meq
re. pupil will ries or fall to the Broil of the
0saebr la power and virtue. •
Mea and women are leaving our Berry
trade to -day and going into other eoovjs-
time, earrytag with them mach raooe.dal
toll! aad experience. Why?
1 Baum their worths not truly nth
mtrod and ampeesa0ed.
2. That the average rotapayer says by
hie action that • ohlld .an tomb wheel as
w.11 u a man or woman.
For them two reasons, child -training
beteg largely loft M ohlldtnsen. T
your, teacher frowns es a and says I
unjust. Elise with m. sad 1'11 p,OYe
11 In not en. To llinotyata, • her .r
of 18, whop admitted by tho two ef
load to be to immature to utast a vote
alga • note, is shout to be married. A
of�wiedp s is asked Me *Moles of the
Mr. Had tr.fltie 11 td, dprtiwm.s
the searrlsgs as s mime of *Midis!
Teo yor.,." says he, " 1. same'
reep.setla4Utles of married Ufa in
words, Um the per..s la queries is Cee f
tun te ..drtake lee rearing and
of ahlldres. That wee e►ening,
emir gem dews to the seh.ef �we�
with tits Mier meabers of the
rep a plaid ef 18, for the wafer
twat tisitifilyeet rod thou at
a..ta.. Ir gar areett ..t t
pane task ore *Ctrs praspererro
mw of 4 .$4wrs pares* than he 4
milers ef his ewe s6Nlsg. 11 Wk.
Ogg sehset l.1/ saps •• thee •
thwM arenas gosh
}.e.* .,
- •
i.eneaoe sad prefeemssal *Wit soma me
is a want of sot -stats- W are stet thing
to • sot ot nobodies. We know it. We
f..1 it W. admit 11 by the miserable piss
tanto we eek as ea manta salary. The
general public Take the hint and say well
perhaps it Is as much M they an worth.
It they were worth more they would surely
know enough to oak le How Iamb &ow.
gy' bow much tot' bow muoh tadlvtdusl-
ity ! bow much author" sod obarsoter Dan •
section expect fee 1190 or 4200 per annum
or shoat 0b. or 90o. a day.
You say the marp}oeutioo M keen, sad
therefore it 1. a •urvlval of n. fittest. It
is sot so. 1t to a survival of the oboapeet.
TM trustees, who are the taproom judges in
•uob ower, are in very many Inetaaoes m•
oompet•nt to judge the merlin or d.m•nas
of the numerous applicants for •ppuahte sae.
Tim bait la a tomptlig one. Hen le • long
lot of those who will do it for es much. H.
simply performs s• sot of eoeaomy without
oomuig the cost. What does the trustee
Unto do, wAtisgly or a•wittfegly, for the
children of Young Gonads ' H. thrusts up-
on them a "wow aad forapertenadopenon
as as ideal type .1 m•ehood or womanhood.
He r.timathem veto • nrrowsr plain of
tie beet oktata•ble. H•
Mashes young Canadians to lath In faith and
renown for saihoeity. The algid know.
by Intuition +bat all nem rias seau•nwots
are Bahl• to u. raptured at any mammal. for
the sake of a few dollars per annum.
Wheat dose ekes trosios do far the bashed
He Mks, all tate spirit out of him. He
makes ham rattles. and nervous from oat
malt wino/dulness to better his oondiuoe.
He lowers the noble ideal of his o•lltnr.
Hs takes away the sin.. of war. He sakes
away the fool which keeps up the Br. of se•
itinerate, which the timber so mach seeds.
Ratepayer, 11 you web to vet the ken oa0
of your horse you must fed tom. I1 you
wish be got the best of your teaobr you
must food him, or give bio the wherewith
to feed bireaal. How tan • person wraU•
Ing with memo "alarm be anon ealhot.
"tatty to develop the soul of the child. The
preacher is safeguarded in this way ; why
sot the towbar •
Mural ta►s►•ra *odor ere In a state of
beggary. When wheat was only 60o. a
bushel farmer* mad they could not afford to
pay high salaries. T1er• may be tomo
truth in that statement; but sow that
wheat as twice 60o. • hnsee , do you know
of way .tosses Making the larmw to
double the salary of the teacher. 1 main -
tam that a t.aoher'e Salary should not fiao-
tunM wish the prion et wheat. The tallo-
w"). ot his work mama gyp short of the
side et the shores of etr•ity.
You say it to demoralising he talk of Ob•
teacher from a oomm.rdal ioadpotnt lou
say we put two meet+ ones mos the ones -
Om of salaries and sot enough upon the
education of your ebt4ren. Time was
whoa we had not to seimeon salaries within
the w.1la where our oonvmtiotis were hold.
I would 11 were so sulk ,F'utkful and true
to ear trust, .e have ear on from year to
year ds0awag reourriq decimals, partl-
cipeeaaad phe.ios, sills the interest of our
paptla W. 1st the look alter thom-
selves. Yea balm Wim today. Ili*
time has Dome w . • meal attend to the
question of salary, 1 we are going to bav•
an exietesy,. Oar •Mance hos become a
tv word la Ontaefo Professional mew make
mak 01 lo sad ls h sod say we bar. no
preferloa. Amid t they my is true. We
hen no eativ or ;;•.isatin as a profes-
sional body. We derbid and an4ai
our fellow Mao- Examples are sot
weather. There add to het a0 hoeor
mama thieves, 1 thou is not mach
ascag teachers.
1 do not ledge 1 the reeponsibiltty upon
tb, ratepayer, o7.t Spon the teacher, but
the Ktuotian 1 . Meat itself mutt come
In for a share.
By some ohs • or Stimson. th. •dont••
tionot system h become part of the politic
al a whine. I stature not whether the
Liberate or C. ration oontrol th..flair.
..f the Proviso he same thing obwilo. 1f
th. Opposition d otossed over to the ngbt
of the Speak• s would have 0o addiMoa-
sl atssamow t oar whites would be com-
plied with. c berm about the meadow
of the Brine • tutees, sad the special
advantages moa �bl. Government.
The 1t
Dbpselmesi of Ontario te
not M 0th, satin tear of the
word. Tb Wider ef QdamWom, be he
R big or 1 , eta, if be nt., he as auto.
stalls as Chu of RttA& He 000 go
forth with sl.tlose NNW one arm and
'a0ater.r lotions' feel.e the other, and
he own - either or bask• and who can
dispute h igbt Thom vette have the edo•
cedes* te of the Province at heart
and wbo ow math shout tha requirements
of the e, roe of the means hers ane vole.
in .syln het is beet and what shall be.
I)o w yea v.imora to rase our redoes
& ra 1/a ',• prevailing moil or a molotnns
Mat •. . Oh, yes. We pole resolutions
her. sant down M lige the tra.ms bas-
te ea • . Jame& lig•atte." To. Minister
le not ad to lutes M oat appeal, and be
des • Uses. Why do sot the High and
Pahl' hurl teohera have an influence in
pert r the 1'. h. eyeless so ably heron
by 1 {rtes Rv.nes, and oensidenbly
pro. ., by Hon. (1. W. Rosa! We are
the - sad women who educate 96 per
ce, •f the people of Ontario. Why are .t
oil while po1111osas roar ? Are wo made
•m, elm! Do we know Ir. •teat the
sed oboes. of too velem 1 It le not
with all dethrones to nor Local totem-
I make the et. i5ent without fear of
trad4Ue•, that than are •ars. of Hirb
Publb !Reboot t•sob.n who know srm
t the donation.l adminstntioe than
•vent. M,PP. And why shoq)ddi we 7
s'. ser duty. It's one "amts.... This ad -
hied, why tie we not have mom. vein in
ow we .re golened eduo•taonally. Rat
you say "Yea have as EdosaUeaal Ooan.11."
Yea, we have as Edosa0on,) Cannon, Lot
a. 10 it under the "horoscope :-Twelve
stallsborm,eas High School teacher, so -
Mated by the Deportment a oho -1). S.
imparts., appelated ; use 1'. A. Lacher, ap-
pointed ; Mia* university men and others,
apphebed-all aaooinwd. Nei one roper
* 0504 es" 5emher is that op.s4vo beay, as
far lo I know, who s sleeted by n1. (*float.
The Mlusor adobe lust as well issue his
siend•tee from ens mouth ns frnm thirteen.
To 11insMat the contempt seas of our
te kenY sW w4ems-
le, present Ed000al es-
pr.mlw•t Masher, set
• thess•.d miles from Imre, mu offered a
sant by aite4*0ae0 b void (oused, sed be
refused, sayMg. Could I obtain the east
be with the &wide&m hod vote rot my fellow -
bombers toes I ekattld deem 10 as honor,
bat as u le I refuse M tempt ti. poettlea."
fa, Kr. Pester te seek N 1
Ase (Jessen, 11 propel, Masted, weald,
be 1 WIN% be • rttlsai1S amiIsar east to ear
tio.tias.wlfiM sten 0501•
tour members for a term of one, two,
or four years. 8. with the High Sob
Se with rho' Public &shoots The
•vlsble would be sleeted. The Mime
beads would be reitrioted sad yet sum
toed. The thirteen together would tet
the root of the matter.
Having pointed eat what 1 oonsld
more .fftouv. stoma of •dmialeteri.g
educauoeal affairs of Ontario, 1 shall
endeavor to outline my plea wb.nby
ideal may be toothed. Th. work of ea
position u not simply be find fait, but
to tiud remedies fee *Mahar ,vile.
la *00(108 sty vaso structure, we m
look well to th. fouoda11ea. That u w
is wrong with our system today. The ed
rational auperstr0ottue is too gnat for
foundation. Let us gather round and Is
sew and broader haste tor our system,
while we are doing es 1 wish you to i
that we oleo .r. maklog oar lnftwooe
prolemloaal lift both wider .ad deeper.
We mess u oo.teatl.0 here and •
where .50. 10 ►weirs lsug soayy. Som.
he an lake Is getuna hen ; some lea
early, white tomn dou't get here et all,
though mob of thou offenses 1. en
irtag.meat of the regulation. We m
ladignant speeches and ors our aonu
rro.n wbioh is embodied in those ea
resolutions. We reader our papers or mac
our subjects, from wblob we gat more
ler inspiration. We appoint our delete
aad Ply our fees and go away o00rratul.(t
ourselves that we hays done .put we ooul
Now, I wish to point out to you Choi
trove not begun to do. 141. Lint,
' bare amt' and ' helm seta,' but as yet
bays not ' oonquwed.' Hen a my plan
Thae this Assoota11ea tomorrow divi
Mr. Tom, la.peotoaate of Wait Huron in
a number of dutriom -say 10; that th
executive oommmmise of rho A.sooiauou
o.sposed of o.. member from e•ob domain
'that thew member he empowered to sal
all tbe teachers in their re.Deottve districts
ioretl►.r o0, say, 49. 1.t 8atarday of em
0100th. (Meeting tob. held It some sopa
room aeotrally @twisted.) The object
these meetings be (a) to oomeandate th
coacher* roto an orgaaWd body, worthy o
the name of p'oteseew ; Obi to develop
best methods in t••chlsg ; )cl to advents" el
eduoatio.al interests, both local and odea
al. That a full staff of officers be appointed
at the drat meeting, .•d a minute sar.0er
who shall keep • record of the proceedings
of every meeting, and forward an ala
of the mmw to the aunty secretary. Tba
the In.peotor b. prenot •0 a meting 1
each distrust during the year, ltd that b
be elected director of di.triet meetings.
hat sabjeots of a dittioalt Witure be dealt
trite oo th• block beard with ole.., just as
in oouvea0tan hr.. That each district bet
respoaubb for ere item on the program of
the menet ocomea0on held lu Godrloh or
Metter. Thee the trwten be urged to at-
tend tmm dietriot meetings. That all remla-
tioo. pawed in the serious district. be.
handed over to central oommit se whish
shall report to tb.. oounty aseeoiaMaa. and
tb0a we min arrive at • some -ms Of
optsim. That all ambers primal pledge
themselves to do their semee0 be assure • full
.tM.d•.a at each aad .t.ry 5/esigg. That
w. send • strong d.pu0 *40 to the Easter
mtotangol th.l)etuio F,dasatuwl Aseau-
lion in Toronto. la a word, that we Meow*
auoh • bomogerwoue body that ether tnsp.o.
tones, wring the growth in ishaence and
professional spirit e1 the t aeien of West
Harem, may go ted do hk.wl... Theo our
objeot i. aoampliebd.
Wha: aro Lbs advantage, whiob *ball flow
from tbia unity of rota and concert of
action ! 1 claim the following
i. Mor• skill la our work.
2. Make the standard of West Harm
3. Bring High and Public Sabal teachers
more in t000b.
tine, isolated rural tesohen together
and establish • feeling of ammoo brother-
5. Show the ratepayer and trustee ►h•►
we mean business.
6 Light u'the l.peotor's labors.
7. W sold regenerate oar Coeaty Con-
solations by having each item in the pro-
gramme thoroughly prepared lit the die -
h. Would ensor. • s*ro.g.r and mon rep-
reseay4ve atuodaow at the Provtodal
9. Would govt no one rotoe, strong, clear
ead anmtatokalile.
10. Would gn.Iimid beginners • Mit.,
theism to ams to the front.
11. la• word, It would rive us extended
ioloence, eortoh.d knowledge, greater abil-
ity sad usefulness. Ia would lift our 0orly
paid and humillatt. labor up bo the dignity
of a prof.riea end make us proud to say
" W. are Teaubera."
Teoben of West Harm 1 Dan we afford
to drift any longer ' G not oar spirit and
influence protiwll y rare' Are wet an or -
mislaid and well diwiplined army merobing
to viotery, or aro we • mass of raw remit.
destined to suffer dd.at. Defeat? Why
should • body, such se I s0s before me to-
night know defeat! Have we not the
power to make or mar the nation ! Surely
we 000 make or mar oariels... We have
marred ourselves, and the prominent gaes-
04*. sow is bow ma we make °timely...
Make ourselves! - body rook that the
publio will remoras, our worth.
Make ourselvrt So that the three learned
protemions shall be pleased to welcome a•
within their ranks.
Make tramline*? So that the F.doo•Mou.
•1 Department will be impelled to rf.. a
control of our own Text Rooke, Rxamina.
bona and Profession.
Make miming ! So that we oso trans.
tribe' Byron and eay " We love o00 man 00.
Mao but teachers men for these oar inter-
lout ane thick ; let ne sot ; let no be. If
the scheme 1 have prop.ed is not prm4-
etble, let as 4.oretop one that N. Rot let
as have a plan, an aim. Not failure, but
few .tin, leorlm., Oqr alae ls too be,
Ibrefon we are ortminals. A0 a reea10 win
mast be punished. We we punished. Now
kd us apply the remedy. Lot us exercise
our own thought -power, heart -power and
wlll.power for the edifying of our even make
and then the maks of the wiles.
Ledir anti gwblessa,- Pm set • pes-
simist. Like meet Velemw I'd rather
laugh than weep. Kot I Berea leek ahead
and sea far fatalism • Morisse future solea
Aim Mks immeekits Mee.
ie oo.olsdon I test *ash you for the
panes% hearts, yea have give 5• es this
semuwhst tesgaby paw. I sustdro thank
the Meshes of W..o Dome for the bed-
ew you have .bows me.
1. In •ppahtiag Se two l.o eadvs years
M Ike shah.
h Ii wildly me Militate Tamotsu roar
!! ( minas. ks e*nttibelt.
•r a
Ito -
IA -
1rr 111
From ow' own Correspondents
non le Iafera.au.w mere Thal t:aia•t be
Dewed Any waiters luso-&ewe s1 tae
Mow 7 epeetallr 5.p. .d
lac The Ngo al.
Pias EW Healey noted at t'urtr, bill
lass week.
Newton Blake, from near Duar•ainoe.
wee • transient visitor here last week.
Oat Nat oi"t5epaisg,bad a visit from la -
spotter Tem, Thursday of last weak, who
•tanssed himself will pleased with the
auditable treading u ail grades. Th.
scholars were rather dteapotnNd at not ma-
tins, . hall holldn•• but soon forget 1t whoa
that timber told them there would be • pia-
nos of Saturday afternoon of this week,
weather fevorabls,
Tokau.T, June 21, 1888.
Au toe cream social wee rives ea Friday
eyealog last •a the Zoos ohuroh in Colborn•
township. A lam audience aseembled and
rataaled ahemwlwr wick the edibles witch
the ladies of the Epworth (wages had pro
vided s wren abadsaoe. The pastor,
Rev. K. Olivetti, betas •heart through ill.
nem Rev. W. Godwu was requested todu-
obsrre the duties of ek•irmao, and lntro-
duoed the following program : Singing by
the oboir ; reot0atton, Miss Roes Henn ;
1.rt.00, mesbete of the choir ; inatru-
meatal mono, H,mtllr orchestra ; mtgs.'
tam, Mtnhte Mitchell ; duet0, "Come Own
and Belo Us' ; r•ett•tien, Mise Ferguson
duet 0, Meana. H1odorlok and Humber ;
singing by lbs oboar ; solo, lire. W. (God-
win ; tnatrumeotal, 8..eulr orchestra ;
quartette, "Christ Shall Reiss" ; recitation,
Jeer imams : dwaet, 04*..ie aid WOW
Stroughan ; solo, .1. W. Brod•riok ; reaita-
ttoe, Mus Fergana ; singing, by the choir ;
music, lieamtll•r orobeetra ; raieatios,
Wille "snughan ; yaartette, "The World
Growing Hotter" ; imaging, by a hands
*oboe, ohm ; tmgraaenaat, 0..stllr ea-
ohestn ; '-(sod Save the 14011010." Proceeds
of the evening, 131.00,
Tompar, June 21st, 1898.
The beat of M. Foley did eyt0y lair
last week.
Mark Horton who hr been in Hallett for
nom time returned S►lurdet of last week.
The wieldy prayer mono* will be held
o. Friday •realer Mond of Thursday of
the week.
Mies Rapeon acid hrother ,lamas from
Ooo•taooe, vttted their ooau0e here and
ab BbeDkardtoo on *today.
Henry Orem and James Horton •lowered
the roll call with the jurymen at On Jame
8eastooserid ie tiederiot last week.
Mn. Wm. So.l1, nes Hetes Dixon, from
Hruoefield, with her mother•tn-law Mrs.
Owl/ .1.ited lamb week among relative. and
friend. hen and is Dunlop.
The mrmoo of toe Rev. Mr. Hamilton
was deeply intortotiog last Sunday. H•
*poke of Saving returned from the resent
synod of the Presbyterian ohuroh at Mon
treat, ita delegates repreeeoting oven • mil-
lion to cumber.
The meeting of the Woman's Missionary
Society east • good attndwne sod • new
quilt was made far the Indian Miasma of
the Northwest and one of its met -cher" wilt
motor's] for another. to the net► future
the society will seed • box of stoning out
then. Two new members liaised the so-
Cyan's 0o1.i,1V1 Eyluptn,-- ygliy of
!lot week at St. P.ter'. R.C. ohuroh in
Goderaoh, the Nev. Fr. West tied the
oopital knot Ia marrying .lame. MoN ammo
of leafrth to Charlotte, fourth daughter of
the late Toa. Carney. The bast man was
Wm. Mao/:rath, of Seafortb, and the l,rldes-
maid, Reatriw Carney. After Che ceremony
the bridal peaty returned to Miobael Cer•
acv's where they were met by • large Orals
of relatives.
Ntttln:g.-The fooal wooer 5 Dungannon
for Ton lomat is at the oboe of .1. 0. Ward
J. P.,00eiopria's, &o,. who will r•o.ive or-
ders for sabacripttoia, advertldng aad Job
work. aad is astkorf,ed to give reoetpte for
amcunts paid for the sante.
Vfnow will mitngamon on let and
5rd Yridst of each month. All mod.rn meth
ode of extnoting and filling. and mating( erti.
6cia1 teeth. Ofi'lw, nett door to Medd'. tailor
.hop. Hoon, 0 •.m. to 6 p.m.
Tvimo.y, June, 21, 111911
W 5Aruta -The weather ls .1111 kaapleg
very propitious for Oh. growth 01 Deep.,
which thus tar are excellent.
ILN-W• regret to have to "tato that
Sergeant MoM.tb is unwell, we bopet how-
evr to hen of bo recovery in the nate
Btryetg Sem-Some oniine south of
here took a spin oo the wheel to our village
daring (int week sad memingfy ,cloyed
&w.rnraRnc*r.-Mears. 'I11 -"--T- U
Armetroeg and T. E. Durum are attending
the annual stolon of the synod whiob is 1» -
Ing held at Leaden this weak.
Ptacnnaumo to. -The new Manse is grad.
Willy proemsi.g toward" er otiea, The ma-
terial stn, la Ming provided, and other
work dee* in preparatim for its areotion-
iu "ant naivete. -Soirees) of the progree-
sive farmers in this district are making Im
provemoats in their outbuildings and farms.
Amocgat whom are Mawr*. T. Andirons,
David Ninth, Tho". Wigging, of Ashfield,
Alex. Pentland, James Nivins et al, of
West Wawanesh. James Ross, implement
and geeerel agent, has tmprevert hit reel -
denim with having alt sxoelleee miler f• ead-
a4on undo it, as also humor improvements
*Molt add moot te its ooevealeace, appear-
seoe and comfort. .Jam.. le • busier in
his line of business.
i'o*1110 AND 0O(R41. -Mr*, (loissnan, nm
Mir Monte Tbempees, of Forest, aid lor-
m*nIT of i)aagaeakiu, M visiting her mother
aid other relatives. ....Mar M•gg1. Mo.
Key s so • vielelso met te relent... at
Homan sad other points. S. D. Harv..
rf Rtroam, Oat , was here tut week adve-
oaMa, the tslar..ts of th. 17hesee Yetaule
tetyy Mae hila Ratty, of tl a
v arthhater
Imre, is the onset ef Mr.
.1. (irawferd ,andt Mr. Jeers
Walker aad
,�. letn1 rabbi
:F'!1/ weptlta
week to Southampton• which woe ander the
impute of the A O. ll, W. aid report hertng
enjoyed it immensely.. A large unmber
of lloagaitwnitee took is the Godfrey mnst-
oal satsrtaLameit ; we have hoe as yet heard
their report, but presume that they were
well plowed, if not with the entertainment,
with the beautiful apps& aiue of our County
capitol, wblah is indeed very •ttraottve.
The A O.1I. W. had an excursion to
South•mpto. last Frioty.
Mn. H. Bourse, of iieoeletoke. 3.4 , r
'rutting her another, Mre. W. H. Miller, et
the onuses
A thseoiag of the I)irmotore of tis. Kiolaas
Branco Agricultural Sauey was held to the
Meobanice' Institute on Saturday afternoon
Comoaoy No. 3, 32nd Batt., trembled et
the armory at6:15 A 31. Tuesday to prepare
for emborkiug for Walkvtoo on 8 A M.
The regale, moonily business meeting of
the 1 • W.GT.1L was held ab the +tome of
the vlos-President, Slim Edith Smith, on
Frid►y evening.
int Obs Goal dealt of mations e< too Meths.
dist Cohfsreooe, rho Rev. 1. B. Wellwia,
B.A., goes to L*amingtos, and Rev. Joho
Leotard, of St. Marys, aures to Luokiow.
The anau•l mania under the auspice. of
the lathes ot the R. C. ohuroh, Tseswater,
will take plaw this year on Jane Will.
Pinar Archie Anderson, of St Metall. Witt -
furnish the mumu on the 0000atoo.
The Oddlellowe of Laoknow, together
wlthltheir brethren and trteude from Her -
vi. Kiaoerdine, ktpby, Underwood and
Tiverton ietecd having a grand picnic at the
Blank Horse lwki on Friday next, .J un. '44,
in hasor of the 25tia Srjv.raary of Luckaow
Dr.A. G. Elliott had s narrow temp.
from • serious aomdaot 013 Wednesday.
The reach of his huggy broke while palming
o•er a omitting on the math street, pod the
body of the buggy struck the ground, but
the doctor • good horsemanship soon brought
the animal to • staidwu(1, aid b. Iola re-
1.aasd from hta perilous piel0%m,.,r,
J, G. Kmigh is building • 20 foot addition
0.10. (:ommerdal hotel stables.
W. iLMaLJ.,de, 10 t1y of 1417131. lately
of Gerrie, has goats to Fort William.
Roy. A. MoL..n t• in Montreal &treading
the (1nh.,1 Assembly of the l'resrtohyte
The emus! pFtonlo of Trinity ohuroh San.
day whool, Iielgrave, will be bad in Ronan.
duet's bush oo July 1st
Dr. Alex. MaK•y, of Uungen000, was •
visitor .t the rrld.0oe of Joseph :gathers
fr &lew days during the pmt week.
The mmay friends of Wm. Radford, of
Eastk,, Wawmatt, rejoice to en him able to
be out again after ho seven Mimeo of five
A g.rd.s potty uodr the alt of the
Trisity e►h ar.timid will he held
0o J. B.
Tiraoy'a lawn in Kam Wowanoeb tomorrow
1 Friday) *wooing.
T'bo Orangutan ot North Harm will bold
the odaul 12th of July oolebration to Myth
this year. It its eepooted that Macre will be
15,000 visitors i[1 Blyth that day
Mir Plummer its at present paying a
lengthy mut to bas brother, A. H, Plummer
Mir Plummer is • trained nurse, sad for
the past four yearn bin been • random of
I'rovtdeuoe, R.1.
.-k raw terry festival tomorrow, Friday,
evmoing oft the lawns of the Methodist Per-
inea* and H. (gory. Good program.
Mr Brent, who is 00 wooed Mr. Stewart
as manager of Brunelle Hrsioh of the Stan-
dard Bank, arrived to town of Monday.
Owing to roe *liner of Mn. John Iwokie,
of Toronto, with measles, Mill Lucretia
Oliver «eat to the Queen City Imp weak.
Mn. Cliff. lues Cooper), of Toronto, and
formerly of Brussels, with her son, wen re.
moving old frteadshipe in town end yiolnitp'
Inst weak.
Rev. Mr. Abey 000duoted the regular ear•
no.. in St John's ohuroh last Sunday.
Communion was .dmtslsted at Mb. morn-
ing Service.
'The preliminary steps an. b.log taken in
aoneotion with the proposed flew towers
and tee wort w111 be po.bed vigorously m
soon m got moving.
Beattie tiros. hod t0 kill one of their
bore.. 00 Monday of last week, ea the ani-
mal was tajured tome tame ago and showed
no signs of resovery.
Helmets 0.0.F. have aooepted an invita-
tion from their W Ingham brethren to pain
tha5 in attending their annual tarn out to
ohuroh on Sunday, 26th inst. It is expected
that 2.5 will go from here.
thirty members of Brows K.O.T.M.
drove to Dorris lamb Sabbath morning and
loierd with their brethren' of that plane and
surrounding Tents la the analrer.ary service
which was band in the Methodist church.
We notice by the Winnipeg papers that
A. W. H., eldest sen of ,100. E. Smith, of
Brandon, formerly • well known merchant
of Brussels, is provtog hie ability to oope
with the bas. At the closing examinations
of Manitoba Vntvntty he oaptured • 1120
..holership in the retinal Arta course, and
is well to the bead in nearly every clam.
Ott the Altar of Diabetes, Saved
by Dodd's Kidney Pills, Only.
Hardly a flintily in the country is
free from Diabetes. (treat thirst,
failing sight, numbness in the thighs,
bleeding gums, swollen ankles, ema-
ciation, nervousness, pale or turbid
wine, loss of sexual power, decaying
teeth, pains in the loins or small of
the back, are all positive signs that
Diabetini is in the system.
Do you know how it erids' IN
Dears, A premature, horrible, agon-
ized, pitiful death. The victim has no
peace, no dee in life. His days are
filled with tortures. His nights are
waking dreams of agony. He lonp
to die, yet fears the tenors ot his end.
Het dies, • bloated, fetid, repulsive ,
MO 01 carnation. That is the ode