HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-6-16, Page 9EDITORIAL NOTLS. Sabbath duy, or seventh day, has observed for many centuries be- tbe beginning of our era, and am - people quite uninfluenced by the of latae!. In some ruse, and to gme varying with different pee it has been a holy day. In some the sacred cba,reetsr et the day sot considered, but It was • time vel. for cessation from the regu- oocupations and the customary gilt of the week. And possibly out kis admitted Deed grew a mat- t which culminated in revensce iuuday, and a final setting it apart ady. dedicated to the service and worship of the Deity. Romance of a::omanQueen Cornelis, the daughter of Clans, was found 1 dead her eyes ed with look t h bar bands up- I more loyal end universal • and gmty. and in ne tar Y THEIBELOVED PHYSICIAN. MTHE MOSQUITO. Mow Ilw e a■ane May tie Pa•Uy *Wed. Some Inc/Stole la the Lifc •r ate amines The rttntrner months will mon b1 rllmpe•a. of wt.Lu-,;a. upon us, and it behoove, us to equip viols the' days of Sir Walter Scott, ourselves is a mangler Co meet the oma oyes o a haat perhaps no Scotsman has commanded as mmanded diaoureforts of the sermon with patience wide opes .s llooking toward the sky, till- Mottos) ws can w • o urror, er (Mo' all grades of people than Sit escape them. held as if to ward off •blow or push One of tbe most annoying /matures of the latter it:maths of the summer along tbe tanks of rivers and on the sea coast, is the wusquito,, sad any- thing helping us to abate the nuisance is important, Apropos W the subject says the Monthly Retrospect, • reoent number of The Public Health Journal observes: "Two and wee -halt hours are requir- ed for a mosquito to develop from its first stage, a spook resembling chol- era bacteria, to its active and venom- ous maturity. TMs Camel u all its phases may be instantly killed by eon - from view some awtul object. In her La1parchment letter Signed Jul James Simpson, who first used chloro- form as an anaesthetic. Whet) • title Lap ay a ro, nt a er came to him, late in life, he took for pus Cinneq who war then in Spain, I his crest the heeling rod of A.aoul•Vlus saying, although be loved her tart, be and for his motto "Viet° Duluro." bad decided it was better for him to wed one who had more murrey than she. 1t must have broken, the girl's heart, for then was no alga of disease or pain. afford a tee, but sass too honest to en - Un a couch is the Trinuulininm of courage times wilt) bad no need of Paasas' Douse is Herculaneum, Pomp bis skill to spend their money melees- iris. elee` iia Uolabellr, tbe Homan senator, lay ly "I'll see you in Princes street," he dying, Deride him an imperial soldier, said to ome patient of this description. and in a *bedew list Aid and faithful Take • walk there, daily, is the ann. " "Tell Suddenly .r said to the soldier : ,Tbe lady wt) at first indignant at tbe "Tell Julius gilts, th that 1 forged tbe'doctor's bard -heartedness. but finally letter W Cornelia, the daughter of Cin- ,took Lis advice and was cured• B$-aak Lim to forgive me it be can- I It was sometimes difficult to get for 1 was as vicious to Lim rssn The &whence witb him. Tbe importunity Lamp gave a vicious spotteo and wept of tbe great availed nothing against out, leaving •snaky colt of greenish , the sturdiness of the unyielding janit- smtlke. ors. A 'well-known author• was once la the Forum the Romans wept as told that no more patients were to be M. tiller a go peem.unced an oration sten 00 that day. "But 1 am Bore 1 landing lite food and virtuous rens[- may be admitted." ale urged; "be or's lite. 1(pows Pae •• With the first blush of spring Julies , the (Omen. "Doctor Simpson knows Cinnero, the tapeproprietor we of ather Spain re- ma'am.,, was the rejoinder, and the turned his steer teror's Rome cove door closed on tbe discomfited lady. calve from the emperor's bead • civic, lie loved to be tbe bearer of good crown. tidings. A lady. said to be stricken Glistening in the morning some an with a fatal diaesee, on00 came to armored soldier stands silently before him accompanied by her mother. IJoc- the gate of Winged a Victory.ead of bis le- ' for Simpson saw his patient, and then glen', •ppronehed. something in the Julius Cinnero, at the bead turned to tbe mother witb* • few words. He u Dry abrupt," said the soldier's pose arrested his attention. inv4Gd.._ Saluting Cinnerq the soldier made , "My dear." said her mother, "you did trot see the pface. 7 on hi. fa. 11/ D elia and the perfidy of • him acquainted with the death o! Core Dol till•• f111e A * Station& ut 110 slows growth u in etds estimated without regard causes for their establisbment tout wandering the reason tor r origin. It bas happened that tbe bath day lost its bold upon man in age when eneratioa had abated, human reason wt) enthroned e only guide and arbiter. But back can's little judgmieat was tbe great IW ggleessity tor that very ordin- s. 8oiy`ow the interval was fined Y,jsiy that the weariness of six d in the repose of the seFreese tried one time to set days of rest farther apart. and onea ten become the rule. Hut tbe re - which ages of experience proved ore revolutions were possible was reason still when the Hostile fell. d the bead and the heart and the mans d of myearfor the one day . rO-end returned to it. What man could have a prouder! He gave .dviue free of all thought of recompen.e to theta wbui could mut as tnd it wnot- alone repose which re the day eta warrant. It was not a matter of physical exhaustion, [ugh that was • potent considers - a. 1t wee the veneration of •deity, ivgnition of • a sacred day. the ap- eciutlw of one season different from her seasons. That saes sad is at the of of Iberon essfor the S.1 tillii re the begiesing of our era. and be- nd the inflows ot Judaism, just it is cow. and in Christendom. Man ads a change et tboeght ag& J L= s and • break im the monotony of Listens. Coupled with that senti- ent which brought reverence with the ly was -logically-$ tendency to betgar- emsapparel. Man put oe hr fairer gar - es that day. He found a sort of (ashy in the act. and it made him there He expressed and emphasised v ii�tference between himself and the Donde beside which he bad worked 'rough the week. He was a nobler reature. Tbe Sabbath was made for on. and it blessed him. ed n ryes well" with lean"wben mini Not a muscle quivered, not a somadnotherwith moththankfulter, wlreselhose son was a ea - escaped him, but a deadly color .lowly -meat aeaBu_ James. paw him at • eta" tion, but with quick abort steeps be spread over his face. When the soldier hurried to a cab She overtook him, The mimeos of Sundriy has never hanged from those distant eras when he one day in .even was slowly set part and recognised. 1t calla to rest. est the rest that be utilises the Ay ea that departure from tbe thought ( tbe week, from the plasm ot com- non occupation. from the study, the are, the very amusement of the otb- v sir days. The rest that bast blea- r, man Or the resolute marking of this 8a different from other days and otter cud holier than they. •• ABOUT WORRYiNO. A VERDICT REACHED •y the Vote of Multitudes of Polople Must stand. This verdict is that Hood's Sarsap- arilla absolutely and permanently cures when all other preparations fail to do any good. Thi. verdict metas t0 you that Hood's Sarsaparilla is the medicine you should take it you went to get well and keep well. tact with minute quantities of per- manganate of potash. It 'is claimed that one part of this substance in 1.500 of solution distributed in mosquito manatee; will ssibl., that ncier the development of of larvae impossible; permanganate will oxidize a ten -acre swamp, kill its embryo- insets.. and keep it free from organic matter for thirty days at a Mt of 25 oents; that with care a whole State may be kept free of Insect pests at s serail est. An efticaciolus method is to scatter a few crystals whi`idely apart. A pinehI it. I;.pgllect the pgr a -Pulse • g par in a t ou -LY killed ail- *be Corn Extractor.'8eid be all germs in a tbsaeen g on tank." gists and dealers everywhere. The belie( has been generally bald that the fitting in of the b cities would ws witb the sabers from near -by prevent the development of these pests, and tbe providing ot & place for the ashes would be another good. It is doubtless that the potash whets would leach from ashes will -like a solution of the permanganate of potash- ren- der the development of insect lite im- poesible. Hood's Sarsaparilla d by all draggtsba, El..tifor is ()eMonty Hood.. Meals PIIV sure ooa.LLMMoa. 11 oeet•. STRENGTH OF SPIDERS. Naturalist.! say that is proportion to tbeir biro, spiders are seven times as strong as lions. t.uxbiOned the cook dead 1" „Sir James 1 wash I had been busier, said on on of his Met days on esrtb. "I base done • little work, don't you think la he n added to have It had been occupied six ordinary men. It was hard work that bed advanced him. The gen- ius with which be was endowed he did not depend upon. QUADRUPLETS HONORED. The Mayor of Fogia, Italy, reoeatly granted a public holiday to the villag- ers of s hat old town in honor of the baptism of the children of Signora Rosa ''orlon who has presented her hatband with four sons, all born on the same day, and who are to be call- ed Dante, Petraruh, Tarso and Aria" - to, after the four groat Italian poets. • 'Streak title 41/11didatg. Neatly describes the position of a hard or soft corn when Putnam's Pain- less Corn Extractor is applied. It does its work so quickly and without pain that it seems magical in action. Try • APPRECIATED IS. ENGLAND. 1♦aaN[ten Totesse Leads wherever 1* DSM. The London. England, Army and Navy Gillette of May 21st, contains the following referent* to oma of Ham - . slated to retire Cinnero'■ hair sagas. sating, "Tell me, will my son diet' He piton's products: tried _ es,his eilwe. srwibting.,,49nes :, f,_, The smoker who has not yet white as soforget -oecrs9as110liatf you wbeig•11 �t�'•vwf' e, B. Mutts cut-tehae.o .hes "I will not forget that I am a Romat�-. Did I ever fail to Igoe before ,him in the use and a soldier. No one shall know this l'� good news to give yeast Dear a new pleasure i friend. your toy knows. Nature told of "the weed." An i.fvestmeetll bat mg emTbe imperial edict air. ;Aden' be has told you. Her message furnish him with the means of giving -11, the name how oomly-softly to patient and 1t a lair lest.. Let us advise him to from the senatorial tablets was a mya-•"trKnds when there is no more homes- IOM the experiment: be wNl Lied - of life here." tobanoo to be all that its thousands tory. He bad unconventional but effective of friends claim for it, and they are • "Julia. if I mistake mot. Cinnero e. lay bas wayi of compassing what he wanted. fart e.s�tngy to Sop eyes for naught but theD.lbuttfut daughte• r." "Dear fattier, as 1 live, 1 love him with all my beart." , • Bicycle Tiress$4.01pa■. ar wvi6LUIWOI4I'li 1 11UNSUN i r'ys o tY P 0 924 •EuEs IN CHURCH. There pre 15 churches in London S where the sexes are diided during vine worship. • In All inti , Mar- garet street, even husband and wife aro not allowed to et together. the. only London church wbere this plan is enforced. HOi:im PHOSPNpTEPOWDER their from raises. ought 10 be pleased with such • recommendation cammendati ho from such • source. just are interested in the progress of Ham- ilton's industries will be pleased to know that Myrtle Navy has made Rome was bid to tbe wedding ot f Julies Cianero and Julia, daughter of Escalapiai. the pbilosopber. Tbe em- peror himself joined their hands, the poets tuned their lyres, the oror lera- e ot Dclphi had spoke. or The story. ed to Escalapias Slowly the old philosopher began: "Some time ago there was taken from the tomb the body of a beautiful girl, who bad been buried only the day be- fore. Being removed to a secret chm- ber it- mei -et ogees pieced on a warm marble on • with crystal e hands and feet restdiscus. A slave womang crystal with leather, woman rubbed the when there became audible a of faint crackling sound, blue flashes from tbe body like ht were Mem igto jumpinof Jove. the Lightnings ria "A rosy tinge overspread the girl. a sigh escaped the beautiful lips. She was not dead, as I bad reasoned. YEARS OF SUFFERING. "To her, then, did I some secret herbs administer, blotting • from out her mind aneght howl by • Fall ti WWII Me meet the pest. Quickly ale came back to was severely pisses -TM Pain at health and knew me only as her father. Times At•ae., vsteaesNr. and she whoutands before you now as _ the hte of Cornelia, orn W Lhe daughter not f apected and sell. F. eknown fahighly rmer re - daughter, daughter, Ir. nteggieten Trees MU maid as • teem for rte fore or r4 "Everybody tells us;""bays Mi. Rog- gleton. "not to worry. Tbey tell v that worry never did anybody any good, and that on the other hand it. alalolutely impairs one's capacity for aurk. and au helps to aggravate the very sit *ties that we are worrying ever, This u true, all of it, and sound advice it la, too. and it Inas all been said many time.; bat it should be mon often sapplemented with detailed in- teractions as to how to avoid worry- ing. Now let me makee a try at it. P.rbaps I .hall repeat things that I've said before, bat if I do, it will be be- cause .1 think they're good for hu- manity." "A prime necessity of our permanent freedom from worrying is the posses- sion of the personal quality commonly known as sand. it a man has not been endowed with sand by nettare he must pick It up for himself; nobody is going to give him any, but be can do this eas',r than be thinks. "Most of the things we worry over ere only bsgtsars that fade and dis- appear upon the first attack. Herein n lies the lint secret of sereee at- tack; -and the gnat secret Iles in, per- sisteme, in keeping always at work. The man who actually doss this, wast- ing no time, will And, the first thing he knows, that be's stopped worrying. and be laughs a little as be says to tumult that be's got so time to wor- ry; std the mixt thing be knows he finda his sandbox is ao longer empty 115'5 artnally got wren, mad of his own, and then he 1s somebody and b. ins to find some solid setisfeetioa in li ." An assistant bad uP 't a bot chloroform on the tlooe and the supply ran abort when it was most needful. Doctor Simplon calmly cut and Sha square of drugged carpet. kept tbe patient under the influence of the anaestbobio. Goad as be i E�.*ght chloroform Doc- tor"Mmlisiin always had • homers that be might discover something ef- ficient. He was once found insensible id his room,as ther esult of one of Iola experlmenu. ' On another occasion his servant. Clarke. -who took a lively in- terest in bis master.% investigations. -fleeing the doctor and his friends trying to indoor consciousness by drinking a mister. of chloroform and champagne. harried down•etairs wand gave the cook 1" richt glide , waaght" of the draught. The result was that the woman fell flat on the floor. Co and Clarkes flew upstairs.ying: I've "Come Soon, --- STATTTERMA INA l $LONDIKE AT HOME. 10..,,ar. dl mosey ears s6. Power sad pumping mill• sowing machine. suis. hard ware. bicycles a hard time priors. Send for ratalegne rod price•, The Malley asetaidees 0... MO5TKZAL 3fwui0, >•wa>fasaar. X15' . And other Produce to The DAWSON COMMISSION CO., limited PAID 5, OAPITAI, - - • *30,5.1. Oer. wap Market a Colborne St.. Toronto. Rubber Stamps .ad Shipping Cards sup p11.d. Corre-pondeono invited. Since the death of Gladstone: Sena- tor Justin Smith Morrill, of Vermont, bite ,oJdset.. jiv nguEnglish-speaking st.atesmnn. There as ii ttt..._MEa' months difference in their ages. Inhale "Quickoure for cold in the head. 1;�. '1 ,�_" - --. SAME OLD THOUBLE Mother -What, are Richard and your father storming so about f Daughter -0 Dick's .tutag to Tatar the wind again. Quickoure for pain in the back, 15e. 25e, 5)e. itallerlass v delicious everySever ut an•adverUsir sr 1 8 a.m. NSOON INDO-CEYLON T14 10 pat op is wed memoir cal Dropa pop ea.,ari..r Ot Mle els, TI MM , e s TaA W.Q. HARRIS,Toronto Pays the Best Price for SCRAP, -- - --- LEAD. PAINT op Yo.w�:wneod� CHEAP Mlrsi. . �i7 k•,ldlap- VtY6k�11Y1a w ra o loud •1'.r rr let NurwetMayMloo rMtanN• �rM o t wevarel re Ye• a Plot owes, a. Poles Tenet Dominion Line Steamships. MeuW.al ►•.t Q.sbes 1v Loerpool te ... •r. tans and 1.1 18.■ OP WO alammo t,p• ' Labrador ' V.o- couvor,' ' Domloton,' •Sa.Wmas.' ' Yorkshire.' Superior acoommodatioa ,or tent Cable, B•.• and Gbla sed Steerage P.•'esgere. aatss of ss -mast Cobbs. Mete; roweled Calla, J1; Steams. Mass sod upwards aosofdlas M steamer and berth. Pur o.l tareretattse apply te lewd Attests, or DAVID TosaASea a l o. Gaol Agents, tf Bt. Mcram.at 0t.. Ileai►as1 CANADA PERMANENT Loan and Savings Company. I}il'ORPOLTaD rale -ass oapetat o ;OMAN giblets 11,800,011 • seas Moan -Toronto St., Trento. IMssa8 OM.r. 51111p.., Man. VaaeWver, o..0 Dal 051Ts received at in, seem pa)abie Leif yearly. DasIRTVRM issued for money depoetted for i hree 5r Its years, Moi•ST ADVANCID oft Real instates at low rs5. of 1•tarsa&g d iso f vOrable conditions Land MortgtlEIM Mit gametpal se 1.ebool Reheat arm purchased. 1.formatloo may be obtsin'd from. and •P pllwtloa. may be mads to q wlo/lpef[ Q. C..i1 Li1Ytt'S, °emera) Agent, Win Pa/. Cua!8 J. YMARANI. (;.metal Aost soarer. .r *r A a1Ms5T MANM, Mse.sl•g arrests Taenia ST. CHARLES, ATLANTIC CiTY, N. J. OPEN ALL THE TEAR. FINEST HOTEL ON THE CO&8T. San parlor goo feet long overlooking ooeso and beach esplanade. Vacuum .teem bestingsystem. Elevator te street level. Hot and oold, fresh and melt water In all baths. BOOM ea .db. bathes attached. JAIME E. REILLT, Owner .ad Prog. EatablI.b.4 O et.amors adtrregallty 14041 Toe*. ALLAN 11154. 1LINE Loyal Mail Steamship Co., Montreal to Llvsrpool. Steamers 411 from Montreal erorl Salstda[ morning on arrival of trains trout Tomato marl tae Waal about 1 o'clock. PATOS OP PLUUAOO Cable 113.1.0 sad upward•; IS•cend Cauls pee sod sad 336.26'Plumate(' �doaderr Landon. 018•ea�w. Qosamite Ii W M and 117.00• A reduction of Ove per cent. b allowed on round trip first end second cabin tasked. Pee .ailing' of .reamer" Or other information apply to any authorised agent. ■. Bourlier. 1 lung at. W.Jgrr.ata sr IL a A. Alla", Ilt•atr.e1 1/frl/ilt ,etweieut. AstiSS*raMr SWIM. 3l7i0� s�� OFFICIAL REPORT OF THE EXAMINATION -op- Mutual �teserv�und -Lite Association BY THI NEW YORK INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. a place for itself on the et h'r aide of EY EYES OF SPIDERS the ocean. Personally, i b- Times' I tobacco expert does not agree with Most spider. have eight eyes, al - m a Ea. 101 sus hq t military thonT6 some species have only six. tx►attera, but bolds that the "omit" makes a cooler, slower and generally more sat iafactory smoke than 1 he "cut " always provided t hat l,ot b Mea . 1898. VERIFICATION 0 UAL REPORT. "The examination shows was substantially correct. The variations in certain of the figures as between those contained in the report and those shown by the examina- tion are so trivial as not to warrant a reference to these differences in Quickcure for Wounds. 150..25c, 50e. this report." -Report of IsAAc N'A'nIRru!L, Chief Examiner. BOOKS PROPERLY KEPT. MEXICAN TAILORS " The method now in vogue in the recording of its transactions h hl that the Company's last annual statement are Myrtle Navy to start inion. The Eatt;nhaisel• has •.asst long )et op kern with reard to the 'solid com- fort wrapped up in Myrtle Navy. - Hamilton 'Time*. EARRING DOCTORS. Is the early days of Rome tbe ladies of i1L city were such heavy earrings that they made the ears sore and some- times tore the Iohes. There weredoc- tan whose business was chiefly to heal ears thus injured - TO CURE A GVLD IN ONE DAY. Take gyy refund the re Broomew•..y if It 0.i1. 1.Oaw Tablets Ty All Do. THE BICYCLE NOItE. - The bicycle nose is the latest develop - but Oorne , I Four Faller Victoria Co.. N. B.. makes Canna. - meat of the bicycle crate. 1 he dm . • • • the following atatem 01.: Some from the roved .ocuenulatee in the top Julius Cinnero became emperor, and I years ago while working in a bar's I part of the *ortril, being driven there from cares of state they in winter oft los? my balanoe and fell from abeam, by the rapid movement throsgh the badly in wino my book. For years I air, and in the end. it seems, doctor's' suffered with tbe injury and at the help has to be applied for. same time doing all !could to remove retired to Alexandria. where unattend- ed save by the aged philosopher, the emperor, hand in band with his Roman city 1* their hearts' content. red about the beautiful NRS. BILLTOPS BUYS ONE. Where pen Mr. $111510 *wen. meta west 1'pwm B; Io... ►fatter.. "Wall," said Mr. Hilltops, "after all tbese years Mrs Hilltops has bought a glass pitcher. 1 never thought she'd do ties. but eh' says she's wanted one all her life 1 suppose that that must be dna aloe int lettuce of heredity -bank p$,swbere among her ancestors somebody must have had a glass pitch- er. r1 don't Oscitate to say that I have glees pitcher'unce.tors of my own. My recollections of a glans pitcher as- sociate ' it with cake and preserves, and that sort of thing• and place it on • tea table set for company. And this A GREAT GLACIER. 'rhe largest glacier 1n Europe 1. tba Joeiedaleree, In Norway. With it" anmemue remnificstlons 1► covers an I. cif idle pear. miles, just ha11 as big again as the eonst of Middlesex. Thug enormous field of ice sends its branches down the valleys is •I1 di- rections. often coming into close pros- im i t y to the . rnfields. One of the roost ec'i'*seibte of lta bra$ebies le the Brigs' da;broe From a distance its attest Ie sxtremrly grand, .nrronsded as It 1* wile dark, bate nousta1ss, • rcb tr'et�•--a pirf.et settllis fbt. ht5 mase of snow and ins. 4r.(.ngb, i`.. Mese+.,,• . i.. brings to my mind an old and happy horse, and gentle, steadfast hearts, whose loving kindee1Res never flag- ged, and whets °sly thongbt was for the heppitlness of otbera. "And so f don't know but what I share Mrs. Billtop's fondbese for the gists pitcher. And this ons that aha bought is dot a big one. It is just a little one, a milk pitcher, one of the conventional kind, bigger at the top than at the bottom. And it's on tua [[ t breakfast table now, and Mrs. Hilltops to pass me t Q milk. and oft bands it to me be lase pitch- er. we both smileand I thank heaven in in my besot. for of Ms." Hilltops all the other blessing" it. but in vain. let last gave up elopk es rind stopped doctoring. My got me ted that when 1 would stoop over it 1055 almost impossible to get straightened up again. When I would mow witb a scythe for Borne little tome without mopping it would pain rn•, so that it seem as it I could scarnely endure it, and tlI wou o lel o y on the handle of my scy gists and dealers everywhere. gee east' and at ralgbten up. At other FASTIDIOUS. Mexican tailors bring the Dew cloth- es of tbeir patrons to their offices or hollies. to be fitted. Wears or Onto, erre or Totsoo. 4,%, Lucas Co: rmr. d rISr . )ne chile firm ofPAI, makes o J. CH av a. Co.,th lb Imi is darter part dote/ hominess In Ne City of To edo,O,ruety and St ale aforesaid and that said firm w111 pay tbo sum Of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every nae" of Oa' err that sa.not be cured by the eN 0' HALL'S CATARaII ('VRI, FRANK J CHENEY. Swots to b,foTe sale end subscribed la my preemies. We 6th day of Deoember, A. D. IN( { I "Catarrh Curets takes Internally and eels directly on the blood and moron' .urfece. of the system. Send for test:omelet. free. F. ), CH EN EY ar CO , Toledo, 0. Be1d by_Deo g1.ta, 75a Hall'. Faintly Pills are the best. Struck Nidi tlgittrUtg. Neatly describes the position of a hard or soft cern when Putnam's Pain- less Corn Extractor i' applied. d. It does t dols its work so quickly arid that it serene magical in action. Try it. Recollect the name-Putnam's Pain - lees (horn Extractor Sold by all drug - time& i would be laid up entirely.es advi0 er some years of suffering [ ed to use Dr. Williams Pink Pills, and decided to try one box. Before 1 had finished it i saw the pills were helping me i hongbt six home more and the sees boxes completely cured tee. It is three years since I took them and my back has not troubled Ilse •since. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are an in- vul.oable medicine and I highly recom- mend them to any person suffering likewise. I consider that it I had paid 110 a box for them- they wooldt, be a cheap medicine." Rheumatism, sciatica, neuralgia, 'mrtial paralysis, locomotor ataxia, nervous headache. nervone proetra- ;ion and diseases depending upon hum- ors in the blood. such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas. etc., all disappear beton • fair treatment witb Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. Tbey give • healthy glow to pale and sallow complexions. Bold by all dealets and poet paid at Sec. a box or six boxes for 12.50 by ad- dressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co, Brockville, Ont. Do sot be per- spaded to take some substitute. Alf ARMY INCIDENT. A French engineer Lieutenant, sear Toalonset, beoams eeavisosd recent tlllat one of his men had •Mien. the soldier would set emcees, the Lieutenant ordered fiat to he shot, sod I� Mm thigh all rho forms .f a military exeoutiou, sae that the firing tattoos mad Moak cartridge*. The led t.{.attta•at htg boos co+r�•rtia1.d cod ssmtoused to two months' itmpris- 'r �•�, A. W.OLLASON. glut. Notary Pub.la ..Tt'OTH ER (JOU RAE. Smallbird. gloomily -My doctor. says I must change my diet. Mr. Coldbottle-CbangS your doctor. '.res gYl wheel 0 r IJ6-iradlis BloyCales--ot Osnra N'lll tw •ant for la• Photographer - That 'Mittman who just went out. was very bard to please. ;the selected the first proof I gave her - Friend -Call that bard to please? Pbotographer-Yea, she sat for seen more before she mad. up her mind. lethal* (enickoure for Whooping Clough. 15c. 25c, 50c. FAiR WARNING. Why, Laura, said Mr. 8nicke e, the wide humorist, is that a pistol b1 of your plata 1 It is my dear. replied Mrs. 'clink- ers, sweetly. It le loaded, too. We hoe biscuits of m1 own breakfast. and I wish to discourage criticism. LOOKING OUT FOR HIMSELF. A boy 81-2 years old, of very poor Parente -0o poor that each child (no stator bow aenall) had certaim work to de, wt) required to bring 1m the kisd- ling wood .soh dep. One Sunday be 414 sot seem ineliped to do his work. At last him mother spoke to ►Ila tend mkt: "Orabsl,a, w dga't you Wag is your wood / All tips others will have their word dame before you start. The boy wt still. His mother addled : Gra- ham. ra- ba . why don't you obey I Go at ossa. This the real reason Deme oat. and I wyon't Worts. 1 t r golhe had d t•° heaves, If this rest et the legally 't. 1R..°hln+'1r♦"...-,,)',►.w:r .n Hartford & Vim Tires H,.g�- s AdatelesN w -Tamara epee"er on 7T1.2of til. whish wilt a dlowe I f tri bl heft M I w .5418 Metal S nglr nrdon etc r E. 0 pair. 014. 10.i. lea, se* wore IIt,Tw.1Ms PROFOUND RESPECT. Geggger-Why do Tet "Mtge to bare any business transactions with Wag- ger /gagger -I'm strand tib �to a man cro am& sharper G r -•Smarter r Is wised way, old Men If gay wife sad dklan that's all. LAW from day to day, may be said to be a concise, exp llnt and t oruug y inlet'. �iltttAoiil ' l ••--The condition of the hook, material- ly expedited the work of checking back entries with original vouchers and lessened the time whi:h would otherwise have been necessary to make the examination as thorough as 1 believe it has been." -Report of ISAAC VANDERPOEL, Chief Examiner. ASSOCIATION SCLVENTPANDAIAID IN EVERYFL. HONEST DEATH "The result of the examination shows that the Assoolatlon Is Solvent and pays In full every death olalm that et lma prop and that. er charge upon the mortuary funds oontributed by eta mehas been /suohlas to make iement or oot the duty �of the character the tmanagementto protect the members against unjust demands." Report of Hon. Louts F. Payn, Supt. of Insurance. MBI. M & 1110101,f0l.s, Heed -tar; .tar; •td.,resmlled to We.Isy,Ilidge.Mole mood M. W.. Toronto. BOATS and CANOES. Write No m1.lsicw mom Nasi, - Mit, /Mao sL mo /.reel/. JINLRALs TESTED Writs 'MIL 'ON 1.. HKHPI:Y. R. A no 11 St en asr•,ea s'.. Mnot.re•1. Qs.. FAR AIM [STAT[[ bought .014 a ei,ban td. Terme mailed 5.a. R. d;Ml'rioN. R•. 5.1818 sed 71n.• &AI Asoat. Mon, real, Q :r Fenoe, e,.x,vne 11 kW. we 51.11 we bate the t and most praotlesl boas no earth. Rat 1n1 moo' It 1n amt at the 1. peri• meatal !'arm, Oael• h unit. Bend for prima.AdA'.el Teeemto Pieket Wire Tease Oe.. 111.1a1.r N. Toronto Oat. ‘S'1(llin1'Il(1101/41 1 1(111 11 1,4. („ 111 d • 1r 111U1la 111 OTAMMERERS. O'mIIa01's A117MCI IWWATtlTL .t ,T «mad►WARAMIIIL RooFINo sod ,owmat "�. y2 X H _ .sr /.r �. ess.tens Adrssl.sN6.,"s ass.r:wfs. THE Nt9NEY MAKER RIBBING ttACHINE Every Day of LUDELLA Coyle* Tem. Adds to tbe long list of drinkers Words may no. .onviece you that it is the fit, but a tr�.ial will. Lead packages. S, to, ! o • M[T CASH KNITTING MACHINES. OLD AND RELIABLA asta0Mt..d tut Tm■ MI Pas m-- Ciotbs your family fresd Oot With our e•e MONEY MAKER Prices only 815, 020 030. CREELMIN BROS., Georgetown, Ont. IND TTPtWSITOS• COM Iltl What ? "AMBERINE" .2'A18 vier s00 ■t'. Imhof 1 I1 11a)t1UUolp. Herr 1000 fo Toro/ &i L.oi elcno. Removes Dandruff in One Week. Cures Itching of Scalp. Prevents Breaking of Hair. Stops Palling Out. ro$IT1VELY CROWS HAi% or ism weSIMMIllti MK ,�.. Ir^.iFrEg?'°�,g7iN.Ft+•ii.I' Met al1�Il` ♦ r+r:isamm A • m wiles.t w oft siMiM• busts nee staled 1•w saes '• IMO • 011111I0 ?Mail , M is. ■ w .sus arra i _ he i (fgt 10. 1 1 we wefts. deln b est .. u ..pw....8•.t .w as. •sees+.w raw• be bile Aare a. is medlar tM telt. i. T.reabas year .wee.. ram ....•.••••• *nob Dosht y Mae palls MMge *C S1 vn1•ge moth et hare, te the Mts. ►t 111r. J. *sword sad , Mr. Jews 110.10 wreeascs. nts •to waking dreams of trtolly.e 1 to blies yet fears the terrors Ilia He Noy S blostd,Inift f, • 1.•