HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-6-16, Page 8■ . I . , _ _ _ '- - _ » swum a strong foundation, it is fro. As soon as cash roads dry up abowinf jag, on a badly graded• boldly drained TWO ROMAN BRIGAND TALI& PHILIPPINIS' IMPORTANCL y " ROADS• Qraeatly wing tis a ea tib ander ajens of biof ,a fairly te mater to it is turn mem• moltlaes°wI& L&rin the use of bingr��WsWE WANT GOODrainm Owing to the weakening effect the duty o! Sae► pathma/ta gra• TM v...a al yst, s aN w Nr*sese w wino. v yl we lyes Cass of water on clay, also to the retentive out, Say is the month ort June and to replaced the u.trow tires which are ttlsabr •eisasts. w fasten tI1Ws est aero, JIe 1"ta•ta • nature of Clay. that Soil u usually most the aslant of him ability, with that at• r • aiq . is need of underdrainage. In graved to to I&hor &t bis dupnsmi plow apt the now found on farm wagon•. a great Brigands have began to appear t The Spanish frac! tq the Philny{daas C. �` /� and sand, water is nut ordinarily so d•- aides at this rand is tits facet irregular part ort the toed Question will bet Soly- in the Romana Campaign•, and reports u • very trail thief. and it would sat By A. W. Campbell, Road structt•e unless when acted upon by manner possible cad than with drag ad. Narrow tire• of two and os• -hall of tta.A�t of persons taking tri y t» t W tabs laaohi b brief It to rote, te frost; at the same time, these latter scrapers bring the earth towards the taches in width have only one halt of otituols the oft walls are titomi !sobs Commissioner of Ontario. soils usually provide better natural Castro of the rand and there dump jt the bear' on the road yrbicb would y °t Pall 1411 Gmrette, Althauc► the eP.a usderdrai e, as they are more nor- so that aaoh son r lull will Stand oat be provided by tires of proper width. common. A young widow, well known Lards have bold the archipelago rune nwa,gg the road By referring to the supporting power in society at Rome. has been the vlo- ry wlas our. SpA artificial means of und•rdrain- separately cad •one. making 7 this and of lbs sixteenth ceatu t NM are usually loss necessary surface as rough and Lmp&emable as of soils discussed in the paragraph on tlm of an emtarassin edventute in The creat Need of This Country Is 000d Roads --How Ucderusuisage may to had by meant p(res�ble. wherever such earth is ' Foundations,' the effect of this• is t it was taken overt With the rest of tins t0 Build Them Economically Explained by an of nderdrfield tile. It is usuallymnt bruuebt from the side of the trade it more apparent. By the use of a six oo'nsnqueeoe, She %out for a day'• Poetusuem douslinion&, they have best Common place two such drains. one os appear to be unwriRton law that inch tire, the roadway will support. outing to'l'ivoli, accompanied by a gal- or possessed more than the mate fringe each aide of the rbsdvra uader'neath it shall be done by gouging with the without yielding, twice the lead which I t cavalry officer, who had been -the coasts of the great Wends and s Expert- Hints and Diagrams to the Road y and it could support with & throe inch tire. 114 the open drains. One tile drain placed Scraper so as to leave depressions PPu courting bar, and stayed so late that few posts among the smaller. 'fill ttte Builders Of this Country. underneath the Castro of the roadbed is pockets, which will hold water. Where Narrow tires cannot w too strongly sometimes used. Thio extra oast of two a road bas bean gravelled, but ja the ocadman". They out and grind the eb' loot /he last train book to Rorty_ State day the commercial ail. intereCt. of drains is largely reduced. however, by spring beoomew rutted. with an 0004- road, plow and upheave it. Wide After bunting around for some time iIq•la were, a1loiMt ail. Toes eke tis BROKEN STONE. drawing the earth out of the ditches the Lester cwt of excavation, since. 06 sional depreesioa, offering an Oxon" tires on the contrary, are a benefit her Companion succeeded in finding an pre to omgrpst Protective buttes in cr. Then are localities In Canada where with a screw; so that them about- the majority of road alluwanoesi deep for repairs, it appears bo be that Policy rather than an injury to the road old-fashioned post -chaise and a gran to der to draw all the trade Into her owl food gavel c not obtainable, but ,den that turned outward seen!, old- open drains now a:int, and the •oil is of our roadmaken to till the rate iwgrquo6 as they act as rollers to pre- drive. The started late •t night, bat bene, but the balk of it still belongs Whom -tope can to had either an bed' w the graded roadie& without toter- softer and more cheaply handled than with the marseat gravel Obtainable- 1 i carve a amootb hard surface. Lc some rook or to field boulders. Some tot.a tering with the drarn. It. however, that in the hardeaed centre of the road. Wberover there is a slight depresajoa !Coalite" wide tires ata objected to un- after a few miles were stopped oa the to England and Germany. The satins shops have used arose broken a hand. these ditches an sharp and deep. the It u very unwise to excavate and soft- they ,jump & load of gravel large en- der this argument tb&t they increase highway by five men, who demanded population, larroily of Malay blood, is but a slope crusher. with a by h &t- loosened earth may drop down so u Y the Gardened centre of the road ouch to fors- a mound. Should these the draft required to move the load. their purses and watches. Unfortu°ato- independent. Around the Spanish oat but asSto affords . much cheaper � to obstruct thin water is which Cas• when it can be avoided. an settlement repairs fares the traffic to the aides of Thin may ooctw under oertai0 000aa Lt will kava to to tbrbwn wro•s the to very slow. At the as. time, two the rood, the *Drk u oo•cidered sum- ionsl conditions of very wet mad soft ly the officer undertook to resist. This tlemsntc and on the vast Cefotan hr method' drain to the made til b band -a pro- drains are more effective. carrying plate, except that it may be thought roads.But wfsaa wide thea are uni- entered the brigands, and, alter ov- Aul ging to various nligioas orders The stone should be separated into,' y away water more rapidly and tbor- • further t to la rails, lugs ttndam according to els•. the comrmt sk11edlat seldom necessary. a�loe&si r T verse!!, used this objeotiare will die erpowar[ng him, they stripped the two there r • halt -bawd population d stotls to co la bottom of teir� usually & suffioieat depth of grav- oughly ; they intercept the -ooks`e we- stumps, eta.,• crosswise on the aides of I appear. as the jmresaSd draft u die travellers of *very scrap of clothing Bpatts" &" N&IAT_Jrd d Chi•MO W road, and then![ nor at the top lar from the ad tai land before it the ro•dw• 1 in the travel to fol-' Tbba !1 will be found noon these roads, re- jo' rat y eIe g to the rats and mad caused try Burow gad, a of the atone, is done try meam►_ytlrong only that the centra should pagans under the roadbed low bon osatre or take another road. ti ret and prat them in the Chaise and order- Malay d fi braapl wR the roe► calla or Lon -crena attachment. if the ruf&•d by cutting off the sides. After Any thoughtful farmer who knows It is absolutely essential to the main- ad them to drive on. They reached Tocab. TIB 1vt taede the »helllit stoo•a are placed is the road with,ur{'11tts lo dose as above described. & US" the affect of usdwrdraiaieg in his fialda tenanee art a good and eoreomical eye- UAMENSION8 OF ROADS. the city gates after L oblook at sight, surd UMO-im 4140&reatIFTma& 4-8tear- will at once recognize its usefulness in to of toads that provuioe i e made by being graded in this manner. the &malt- o non ting of clean gravel to fill the rub the tow'aahipt t their repair an e by For the avecwge Country road, a and there were inspected try the Cu-1egad b7 the autbtesY of the war wit or atones wear more rapidly chap th • I and depressions and restore the crown road -making. In the fall, water will tarter and a [sigh surface results will frequently make an excellent road. be rapidly removed from the bed of the u signs of wear appear. However e� graded roadway twenty-four feet is toms House officers, who, after mak- the UsiA States to begin again. I1iw Lar &foams at the surface. moreovje. [CONSOLIDATING THE MATERIAL. road and the destructive antics of frost traracmat it may appear at tint night, width between the inside edges of the jag sure that they were ocnaealirig Do- we have only to look at this poeitios Urge lessened. in the spring, the frost will drains, will be am to to aceomoo- ars more apt to become loose• to roll P t• to reoummsad that a sena be constant- gena thing contraband on their persons. � to ate that it the power of Spain ie d► a m flee eorsvto teat or the wheels• I The road covering should he solid come out of the ground more quickly, ly employed to so Over such a mileage date travel. For the average read. it vada the9road there should tea and compact in order to shed the oat- and each of those periods in fall said of roads as bean attend to, devoting Iths Central sight feet a metalled with kindly provided them with •few in- �etroyed another apple of discord will countryFoe or. Under present methods. the gray- spring are shortened, when. with the big whole time to the work. there can Xg�ravel or broken stone, it will be out- djapeembie garments, Gossips got be rolled on the table jn tbq tar east placed in the ivdbod, let, a layer of Si or stone ls dumped In the centre of foundation and surface thoroughly sat- be no doubt that it would in Lbe end ticieat. 'Ike depth and width d the stones such as will through a Y 1 -St drains will have to he versed by hold o[ the story, and now the unlucky.. Van_ To wrlike that the am d do& Inch ring; 'hid, on t gal.". a layer o[ stoop the road cad lett u it falls. a mound o[ orated. the roads are q9t only impa"- (a the most economical Lae. It is the uDwarlilos race who ars hated and d.e P I widow u known in Rome •& tit• "V•n- loose material, avoided by the users of able on account of the mdd. tent an ante system nand b railwa • in circumstances. 8affi�jeat ca:,&t icy must I Pyad other tribe. end who &q such as will nam through •one inch the road until late in the fall whim the injured b traffic more than in all the y y y les rovided to carry away all surface as o[ Trivoli." ring; 11rd, os this a coatest of stress- J 1 the cars of their roadbed. and railway P muddy and rutted stat• of the side of remaining mine or ten months of the corporations are noted tar their eco-- Seater. Tks depth must tad ndent A difterenl story Comes from Gros• vided i° syttnlrtJsLs between ing•-that is, the dust and chips Croat � �d them to drive aloes year. Cps ed in orvaW ape F�a.,7ear's statute Ialxrr suite omical metltorS. Inserted also on the tall diteisable With tile fate, in lac swamp! lands near the � iso and Chinese strai°s amorst then. °t• this mound. GnduLlly it ls flattened the annual appropriation, speat in Pro- Uadeedraina deep open dit4mon are sent selves --could establish astable govern. Care must be taken In choosi'ni lbs down and, after a year or to. daring viding proper drains for the roads of Aman coestemtly employed jn t►ustone to be Used, Sams limestones which time it IW bees mixed largely tat province would do tenor• than can way could fill up ruts and wheal traeb T to drain its Coed with egba the railroad between Risme and The am or file dost nasi wifh tae Legbor. Oraremto lately had water- meal in the tThilipyipes. u am9bsurd• Make good metal; but limestone of a with the soil beneath, IA arum" the be dome in five years with the present as soon as they appear. beton water deep and dangerous Cgs- dttc�ea wtooh worim and an aq•oduot ounstruoted, ity. The expulsion of the Spent" slaty nature, or Itmmsto'nee whieo d•- 1 - bi lac ba. been peretjtfed to Staab as teas could throw the archipelago open to Cay rapidly ala a posare to the air Ps �� � °� j d[ roaQs mtilB A ni Iii TSi may otherwise be nee6ii♦Ty. The avow= btst`d+lf rw•sm arae• Detvtaes LAe paws made in this way b largely wanted which appear, with gravei or crushed to aaenst t° deepening them. A decay- at � �d should be such as to gilm authorities and the contractors as to should be tKiected. Sandstones are Roado must be made for traffic, not stone, ed plank would tie removed from the thequalityof lbs wort, and a Com- , the enterprise (rf all the powen sub brlttlo mod do not unite well In the i b It s loll of one inch to the foot tram . roved. GrNdo t unite w llAIn he Jr tsdardrsisipi and grading should be culvert of bridge before an accident mjsatou was a paaced to nttre the, am now holey with spheres of infla- wan cauatied tat sad tbelere the owrm �e edge at the ditch pQ� re ay Inns o[ Canada. maks good road This loose stuff absorbs (be risio an carried on simultaneously 1 aloes , ft"� dit[lCallj.'wtttrfittfbor ftomaain, O.P. }naw rand etiiiMtw of iattaeaot. iA. N metal Trap rook u the !rest obtain- It (&Its even before it is cut into ridges drained, the traffic during the ensuing weakening of the bridge at this point HILLS, + ty in P4rliament, an Chairman. Sianor The Americans aamrt that they dei not ebb. Gneiss b very frequently a by wheels and the feet of bore" When Hills are Lmong the difficult Poctioes Romaoin, with the other commission- istsad to occupy the idasds, and they scod rock The eryat with other it bis boon cut into ridges It acts as • of the road to oonstraaet, and are s era, and some Laborers. the party cos- may well be believed. Any such es- oardateeS-r•re fveRss�y Lound �rwoeptecle to hold all the moisture its r. �y oonate'nt wct[ca of expense (or repairs . sutint of thirteen parSoaa fat out Cas terprise a'n their part is highly cm boulders atteted over the soutbere' Surface wtir reeArs. Is this way the reason of this usually is, that the ( [tae morning to ieape•t toe ostued &At jL they dmLruy _what part o[ Canada. In using field bould- whole surface and foundation of the , ,t,-,�; dsainage a imperfect- Water i& j Tb•y Laid entered a path six feet wide, govaraoent there is. they will nab •res can must be taken to [eject such road u softened is readoty cot up and brougbt long distano" in open drains I running between the aqueduct sad the it necessary fax somebody else to sup stones as an evidently softened by at- destroyed. I _ Il the roadside cad Pawed clef the I River QMfWooe, ween they Dotieed • pl the toss. powro, are ev which crumble rby a The beat remedy for this waste in _ _ fills, frequently to flood over the wbela !Oust man with a duable.ba rallsd It in is the last degree nalikely that ander atleansive blows u a h readti readmating. is to spread the road met- - _ _ _ - _ t surface. It is not anoceomon to find gun some distance ahead. When they candidates ready to undertake the task or which show iron stains when broh- &I to conform to the required ourfal♦ - _ - Z 1 the cede of � r� aver the hill got clear hits hs tWoadlit the gun up Will tr• wanting. America, to begin witk ea should b• Iran s • i A len at- or the finished road. and then thor. - I-- lower than the open dvajns at its aid*-- to his shoulder Lad quietly asked them has a very real interest ja the late d patience will Quickly teach & little JUdIO - oughly consolidate it by the use of a it there are drains at all. Tiro natural to get together 1,000 lire at once or I the islands. They handle 70 per cent madman to detect boulder atone which died roller. It can be largely reme I A GOOD ROAD COVERING.-Cromw4ection. result.is that washouts are cocisbatly, , hs w'oeld fin. The oommiesion nearly of the trade. Sed 8o Per Dent. mans. died also by roller cannot proper care of its mcurri . For conditions of this kind I tambLed over bookward, bat as no one export trade. Then Dune the Germara loThem mast bunfit for road e u suP fficient body oil in if a the loo" material into the rain sa°cl an lTile gccaiay t and th0r� thio ando l� the smallest at the aarfaoe, trN from P spm allowed an inclination to fight and who have near! the whole of what rakQ the aim era uta dl of the' 7 t y broken stop• to consolidate Into & com- and wheel tracts as Cant as the • a+. Y water beloce of reaches the hUL by ooa the Path suss too narrow for [itht, di- dos not belong to America. Commercial pct layer. A sprinkling o[ stones l l veyjag it d ouch the adjoini Gelds I •plor�y was brought into play, and an interests of other nations ars trifling Duet the surface is ciaslssre. It merely nearly the same end will he accomplish- autumn and spring will usually leave bad caused other portions to be de- if necessary., The probability thsti offer of t00 lin was mads. The brj- but it dose not therefore follow that ed but lase pl.f0i,tl , and requiring a • graded road am shapeless and rough strayed. An obstructed drain would !! however, treated the offer with none of them will be Lound to loop impales travel on what might other- longer t[r'ne The tint vehicle D as a pioneer wagon track Can be. if be opened before injury resulted to the the greater &mount of water hale beat i gam• f caw be a good dirt road. f3ix inches �r the road does comparmt(velYlittla. nod there ill he a foundation for roadway. Loose Stories would be ra carried in deep ditch s Past water -1 s°orn. "Moa are very fine tegtle with the byre is desire w the Philip• et' broken stone is the bast which injury; It u when ruts have been form , the gavel or crushed stone to rest o° y Course atter we,taroourm is order to seen," said he to Romania, "one of the I Pines. There is Jape. with its as should be used in making a durablew moved from the road where they are dispose d it ower tube bill; therebgl dsputtam who steal millions. Fork bit- to tound a swat island empire. roadway for any parQCm ; and it should ad which hold water. and other wheels' when applied. rolling under the wheels and the lost avoid] the necessityof ConstructingI out what you have stout you, other. which would be perfootly r"dy hr step d the aim frig oonacuu te thicken this follow in chem tracks that the grsatr A< poleBlCW'WkSti Site a sTeonge, reG►io+ of homes. Loose gravel and stone would drain farm land to lbs natar- wjSw i won't give you time to Say a into the vacant place; •sd no doubt covering an circumstances will per- eat damage is done. V its texture. by attraction, a reertain be kept raked into lace until it had I �ou� 'Hail Har The deputies hastily other& could he induced to try tbs i •mount of water. When water jn ex- P al w drainage wi Tlhe secret o[ saccamr Katy.'', " W y fait I ♦ SMOOTH SURFACE. become ooesolile ted. BY these and fol dni wits respect to roads, int red out tet ooete'nte of his pocket- acme adventure. In (bort, here in am- case of this u added. it oinks to the tint saga PLACING THE ROAD METAL. i It Is evident that a smooth surface impenetrable strata, and from there maul other simple tie means the roads be o re it of wain a small b&gd ei I k a. the path and was allowed to other r Cash of d amble thrown rule V eesentiil to • good road. A rough, it rises higher and higher until it finds would he at all tinier kept f • more before ut can gain lose and headw•7. of to the rear. One Commuaioeto this tare rami sersmoll s the ruts To know how gavel or atone would r t g serviceable condition ; end of rester after another was tone nailed out to c[ Spain dos& indeed colla{es. tti'e uy hs placed ars the road, It is Decessary, surface is necessarily muob an will im-I a lateral outlet; just an w4 importance. repairs would be made Is Another common occurrence u to find' do the same. but the laborers were nothingof the chaaoe that the sight to have a knowledge o[ why it is plan-; tie the flow of web[. Acts run- I ter poured into • pail will rime hi b- Po I water cos from the eurtaoe of tat to urs the road. This u •matter to °Ing leagthwa • wltti' the ,cad form Iia time to gave the rad from injury 'y'e ;spared. The part then withdrew a lo( her w•eaitneSt may tempt some Coe 7 er and hither, until it finds as Dat list which could not be remedied ; and in road aro hills' Tbua u especially •ss• , few hundred yards tack. and, turning to strike is teforle the actual collapse, tranchas to cut o f the flow of water y eg which •eel few of our roadmakers have t I in the side of the pail, or until it flows time to "re mach labor end expense l tloeaWe atter igen trust. leaves LLCM! around, res the robber snake out their I ls come. It is, in tact, most probable from the centre to the drains. To pe `ivem slightest attention. and very over tow top. Undordrain ng supplies is making possible repairs. -Dots' The nstaoe u sort saki ape•g7 I porikethooks and take the money. "Not I that it will be. through the Philippines few oonld give as intelligent answer tee, ab rpy cutlet for this excess I rated is oat readily by wheels. 8oci I Cosa 1•000 lire (>{YOO) is the whole that the Cwt of the world will M to the question. 'Lha popular idea Is i� .�, moisture at a proper depth from the home municipalities have adopted the Mlle should les dtaieled by placing a' that the stone makes a sort of carpet Surface; it " lowers the water line." Plan of employing A foreman and a Liss d tits down each side a[ the rade barely 730. I am ashamed to have had l dragged into the SpenieIl and Am-ri- for a while; in a short time it will be With plastic clays the process u couple of laborers to devote their whole grey between the gutter and the graw�I agYthiat to do with you l" be sibouted can conflict. Every AmericCommerans o in forced down into the soil to form • slightly different. Clay will absorb time to the roads of a district or Lawn el carrying theme uad•rdrains to proper, at test°• torsed his took on them, and which co is Americans to at bottom; on this more gravel or stone I ship, and in such cesan, a grader cad soon disappeared in the swamp thick- on tat alwrt in China is at senor!! ane -halt its bulk and weight of IA• oatleta Cries drains should urs Ia1d is other toad mschiner u employed. stn. Tbs oommi"ion rhes went b&ak, I hand to Ione them to keep will have to to placed; and that this . f water. in drying. it Shrinks and is 7the ort spot leading to the nide ancon , rooese will have to he continued inds- I torn in different directions. The tie Rhiatever the details of the system, the denies in a di pied up its emptied pocketbooks. and ' welch on the Philippines. Anwrehy e Q agoo►t oars&. Well coo- ` PI p°O would give th+ mailed fist finitely until a good road u made. � - !' @Ursa thus commenced by a ti)• drain principle should be the same through- I caved `atten should be made an each I ^used to Grorseto, refusing to con that region g There is even a very general heli•[i become new drains to load water te the out, that wear must be repaired " alda of the roadway soil aR regudar I tine, the inspection of any more of of Germany Ills admirable excuse fir tont it is &cot necessary to drain • til•, and w the prboass of oontZt.isg son° u signs of it appear, it economy ialervsls catch lasiu should be laced that aqueduct. deseeading on • dosirahle possession is road- but that the only means of so- i and cracking continues until a net cad good service is to be had. to arrest the flow of water inthemI eastern seas. It is not h macT Sear. osrmpilahing lbs desired end u to Piul „ , work of fissures is produced, and the ROAD GRADERS. gutters leading it into the the undet- Sieoe Chs quarreled with Spain cw•o on gavel year alter year; and that i stiffest clay u thsnby drained. drairea i 99SA0QS OF TRIUMPH. the 900100 islands, which oro aloe t water, unless it actually floods over THE EFFECT OF b'R[)3T, A road grader is one of the most n•- the Philippines. As for tow JaPsne.r. the top of the road. has little to do AN EASILY MADE STONE CULVERT. The TInjurydone T :Cada b front u r7 P P The roadway 0• L halt should b• w•U I the are at Forwtpm• alrwady. and bine with the matter; cad that So loD u y Cease im lemenb for a township to mov►aed This will draw the water new Rmeas eatNn cad tiese'ai. MaM y B -Cross-sectio•. Caused entirely by the presence of we- Possess• To depend upon manual lair I but s step to Snake to f Philippines the actual surface or the road does not ter. Water expands on freezing, and or for the first grading of roads, and quickly Le the drains at the side follow the A,as...erd "ItIa TGinnie«. -with wast raw . cal of German g,wri pt wet it dome not matter how boggy road instead trig permitting it to fallow I will oro all tnrnv. Take it altcsgwfher. IC may b• underneath. I such roads rain is always an injury. the more there is under a rand. and the repair of others that regnlre rs rapa 4 t Caear: "Veei velli, vicj" ([ came, them h demo to watch the Phil - toe wheel taroks, deepening them to In the intelligent construction of a With roads property built, on the con- above frost line. lbs greater is the in- shaping u • °aeleea waste of latrorand good o In freezing. caster"expands. The qey. y rain I Saw; I conquered.) tar & In Improved read mai So I IPDipes. road. the into tion of the travel or y• toss data of rain will flash j ry' i' To Be Continued Sobieski: "I came: I new; God con - in coati ie fA form • wearing y Particle* of soil is immediate contact r great a Saving it rosteam t g s b i naso the dost which Sas accumulated- P• te the sob[ hinder or the steam threader ga,r'ed•" ort ane protect the oil under- soil which it it remains on the rgad tD with the -water are first compac d_ - THF. FF.MiN1NE OIIBEAVER. ape When room for expansion coats within to farming operations. To neglect to Turenne announcing the victory of stone Of coons. latter and broken, times of •toady rain and slush. acts aa, the rod of the soil ttselL the surface ate a road gradwr ip as unwise as It at.ODe cannot as a matter of tact, be l a-Po°g'm to absorb moisture aDsl soften y BRi(4ANIH IN ITALY. Duncan over the 8pa°iards; "line eq- ♦ woman never forgives the men who entirely impervious; but mo far as the the surface of the road. is upheaved. When thawing takes would he to return to the old time emy Came; was beaten; I am tired; forgets a promise made to bar. Conti of them materials does pr• KEEP THE ROAD DRY. place the a'ni,-goil will he found bonny- Cradle and flail. It every ratepayer Brigandage still flourishes In It - ng combed, ready to settle and sink be- took tie Same perspu•I interest in the good night." Love is the chief frond of human sym- vest the water passing through to the Keep this roads dry, and with very Ill- atoll, ffie. It is therefor• of the toads that he does in tl+ farm, no must Sly. As Signor Romania-IaCar, •well- then Huwarrow, to Catherine of Rus to ridi a wheel is the sett. sub -&Al. it lul it• the greatest por-I tla attention the will remain cod E. palltiee would to witboat modern ma- known Deputy, end a dozen otter man pa l ng tion of bb mission. 7 t utmwt importance that tat soil should ei Sia : "Hurrah I Protan. Suwarrow." A moa often toss into mourning for I roads. A little moisture does com- I he relieved of the ,Aster of saturation chinery for mad wortt,, The grader in were going toward Grorawtto the oth- To, accomplish 4" te t�• �reatestI partitively little injury. Against some ae quickly &s possible b underdrain- the hands of a skilfnt operator will or day for the purpose of inspecting Catherine to Suwarrow: "Bravo,Fietd hu wife try dyeing his white whiskers possible extent tUn- aro-- �ps-I& pointst moisture It Is impossible to guard. But The impmewbl& condition of moot do the work of fifty to mventy-tivs Marshal. Catherine." fa the" terms black. which It is necessary to pay attention with proper precautions, the axes" rroad& in Can ads during the spring. of- men in grading and levelling the road- a newly constructed aqueduct they Suivarro , received his promotion. Why u it so leas women like to Iive W let. the road must be crowned ori Moisture can be removed before great ten arks dee with mad. lo to he at- Wei soddenly met a man, dreamed like a the name of their dressmaker to their rounded u in the centre; Lod, the ma dam b done. The daeans to be tat- p Bir Charles Napier, after Hyderabad P age ttihated very largely to •wast nab -soil A ROAD ROLLER. huntsman. ,A•Ilu levelled his title at trlentlsl terial must be as compact and u solid) on with regard to the actual surface which ban boon honey-oembed by trash and the Capture of 9cinde: "Peocav), The Most exasperating tbimg is td A mutt valuable implement in rand tonna and ordered teem to halt. They u passible; bed, the surface of the of tole road have already been com- MAINTENANCE. f baud 8ciade." 2n the dawn of the I have it clear oft wtea you haus draas- road must be smooth. ment•d upon. oonstrnetkin i■ the road roller. Cs obeyed, whereupon the brigand rom- CROWNING. THE OPEN DRAIN. It is not merely uecowwry to make town streets It is indispensable. To MA them to empty their d•7 which was to e+e the !rattle of ed for a rainy day. the roads good; they mast he kept good. tborourgIlly consolidate the gravel or P y trete I Meaaee, he said: "if I Sarrive I Almost *very rhkument regardisg By having tab road crowned or The apse drains at the -idea of las It u not sufficient to provide drains; stone Into s smooth. hard layer, before Strang" to any, sot one of them made shall soon be with those I love; if [ I women is boon! to fiC some o tihaels rounded up In the centre, water is at road should he sufficiently deep to care must to exercised to keep the it can be mixed up with the subsoil, the bast resistance, and as a result as in variety the weaker sox especially once thrown to the aid" where it can hold water In times of treahete, and drains apes mad tree from obstructions rendere the surface coating more our- the brigand obtained a few thou+sod fall I shall moos be with those, I have I •lost&. becarried away in the drains. If the should have a sufficient fall to carry It b not •south to merely place the I able and serviceable in every way. A loved." War Mw a much more ouipbatic sit` road is flat on the to or if bollow,; it quickly &WILY. The fall should be ravel or broken atone on the road as steam roller of ten tons is too expen- francs, Deputy Romania-Iacur'm invol- i nificaaore when Some really dear man p, ` { Oen. Daeai: to Na Lass at rea- as many roads of Canada are, water uniform, not a series of rings and falls, it ought to be pissed; can must be , dTe for the majority of rural moot- notary contnbation being fire tank C: The battle u loaf, but then a yon know marches away'wbll• the hall stands on the road. soaks down through knolls and holes. taken to sea that the Covering is kept j eipelitiea, tent in Same IgstasreS town- 'notws of 1011[. each. Hain` ewcured g rla a, " The Girl I Loft Behind lie, the road covering, and softens this wit Moat important of all. in view of in place. It u not sufficient to build ships could rent from a town in the t.6im booty the fear robbor disap time to tale another." T� girl who a dally plays tire bas m,th. Then the trouble urs iaa. y I district. which orwas nee. A horn roll- iwiared and no trace of him has mince Henry IV. of France, Lt Ivry, 1600: and g the neglect which It ueo•irea, the oat- aulvrte; it le farther necessary that, IpeS comes of golf, teoes, ate., oj Thera Is northing to support the lot mast he ample, and always tete the eutvertS be kept in order. it is or of six or eight tons is IoM expensive been found. On the following day a "if the flags [ail pin rally to my ride• Centurion on her cbainloos wheat gavel. no that woe° a loaded vebi- ttoru obatrnetjoII. It I& uswleas to d[g [bill to traild rcaAs prolerll if they and Some mu'nicipalitlsre may See fit wealthy landed proprietor was stab- white plume. You &hall always find can never without awful fatigue ever ole page" over It. the wheels are forced i & drain without providing an outlet for' are afterwards neglertwd Said allowed ; to purchase. Is the Construction of bed end robbed by a brigand within • it in the paths of honor and victory"' dust her own room. down through the grovel and Into thee, the water, a thong very commonly to remain out or repair. Every (armee I broken stone roads the looms stone Con- few miles of Rome, but fortunately the Lawrence: "Don't five rap the Chip!" _- OW. The soil is lo+red n mixed i does. The water meal stands is the knows that it then repairs of his taros, ' nolidatea under traffic less readily than polrc• w-sro near at Lund, and they Marshal MacMabire, after the Cap- p P• y pa y arroO*d the miscreant before be Could tan of the Malakoff by the, French GOLF'S ADIVAAITAGES. site the gavel and the, serviceability troach. anekm into and softens the road• cis onthoaS", and his teecws were egg- I does gravel, and wttMnt rolling rte- during the S" of Sebastopol: ' J' of tits road is largely destroyed. ! Md. Unless, a drain carries the water Noted s. is the repair of the roads, a moist for Some time very looms and esC&Po. An this victim is said to bei °t "sin Pe : y Golf is each an etpeesive gams that suis; Py rests." I am here. I remain I dally Can't afford to play, nig The moans of providing • proper away. it ls aselese. e>ae.t p weal 'Of Weald result. roggb• mortally wounded, the rhegoes a g hen ( bad crown must nd on circumsts, ier.l FOUNDATION. Probably now 'Of tole `reate&t datM!te h 82ME CRUSHER. that the criminal's career Is pr•otleaI y 1 Mrs. Quiver[nl. depo of the at et road woe"rao- ended, Poli spin a after fes g the ie at the at m►► Fru se average ooimt`ry road 011 wT1feI1 prow' •yeNo � That's where you make •fro • radia machines is uteA the hwat Ths fmportseos 0l keeping tae Coed- tion is that tat reads are not r• ired g irollss is Warsaw dari•f las ieutrreo- take. mid Mrs. Dow I have toaad grading bad dry, oasnnt be Loo taorou Illy im- ar VirreStelt for mean o&ngbt i cad, tion of LOW: "Order reigns in War - method will' he to first round up thei P Clnl iq !pack beds, w� dry, ghee the IteeceA of repair [int aria". when StaN r crnebimg Is obtainable, Saw., t It a great eoosomy• don't bit's to natural Solt giving It a le" claim will support from' t to 0 toes r Unless is a vary dangerous atate, work a stops r is mast useful. Stone DRAF AND DT)MB CORPS. kosceP a aurae ae more, as the Childras Po lo dose on the roads onlyonce • r bra s Hen Lt* tome other pithy abort m� � ass t1tiiD it la letealwA the finished road' Square otot, of Surface, according •to year can be by this means at a prix• A (iwa[ asl bomb CCr o[ the flsl- t Loomp are always e• t Bebe with me. at the time of performing Statute late- I within the range of• ever well- Pe Ins ahrftf war that are eta Wilt heves Thin costlpletad. pass floe! flat quality o[ the Clay. if only molar � 7 DbP'u- at don't have any more doctor's bills; asii grtuMer ever one midw n[ the dsatte, ately dry It will wpparrt only from f or; ruts, hollows and other 6111"ts ate , lated township, althbnfb a very axpee- Talion Army has boon orsf►afsed 1■ present, besides all that, i dealt have to tie cutting of[ the, top cad turning the, to t ,,ons per squad toot of surface permitted to remain without attention Cion weft when pwrfbr®ed by hand. A IR�kha m. Swe imin Th• member DD�tyfig : ag man that ruslis atim Lay � e*@naive dolleaaie , tO tsi Increased dirt to the Side; then Mse j,[ the clay is wet and soft It will yield and when tbese defects oosttdelkM they 1 crasher can he operated by the steam rpt tour times a week, and it is quite hadawamay hang ataith (lkmwee, in My btustai•d,s • its. Ho talks M the radar beck slog the other side. to almost ae load. ifiorwsa+ with groat rapidity. Culverts engine used for a threshing machine interestingto tvatcth LM movewfita had ir"q charged h shield oowt the , la much about his gams at dlamer tel `` l are permitted to fall to ieme tot wast ttrowioogg awn his ShloM at fife lent t8rmia this loosened dirt to the side. nova(, it well orrmpaeted, forms a De P which can generally M rwnteed. A of the Angors wawa as Interesting cls o1 Cbavoeeia, 1158 fl. C.► he doesn't tow want he ls acting - This w 11 Lave a flat anrfaoe In tb0 ariWy y at repair at tea ,proper time. Drains crasher will theme u Ming diutatmd. stronger roadbed. u Iwte {lelA- I prepare from 10 to 16 centro of the ro%Awa along eeeb side beoiot" obstructed. and the ro VMY is cords [ Marshal Same: "We ore like cloaks POLITIC. 1• to tea nation of mouton sed for Ds daV• of which is a oboaldor of loose earth. � allowed to be (loaded and Saturated for -one thinks of as only whoa It rains.'• m • g. s tr eves tet a thin surface want of a little timet attemtfoa. A rotary So"wa attached to the -,-.w (gold of the soldier alter peaty was Mr. Walter DLgg-•ia[t•r. neat ' for el a uballow tr sA. in this tat, �u� ut the vac tat road •one l crasher will m f1OOD OUT 01t EQ'TI. Chards gavel should le plstoed,spread with I !het. Igat the real ctrwsgth rat tion 1l.paln ars made cmc• o year a paste the stone tato declared.) got to Nn s nares girl to t►ta C,1151110- ! rounded surface ►rad the loo" dirt tad Must lie in the sataoll. Vegetable that at a season wbea least raqu� grad" according b else, roe* to be PatMmtr•-I'm afraid I iso peieosed, Alexander the Great to hat diwffsa• of this bowlkst Infant d nights M thin sides levelled elf to co•totm is bavisg a twwdmaoy to oiestroy, tie ua•- Nand aro the road V layers. the mars tad soldiers: "Go hems Lad Inv Al- MCA. wailloar y-Batthl&roftls tis Slap• of Lis roadway. rgeulds asA .I1n.IL1 tofu an INv- doMor. f arae watt i supposed ware tnlmess rg lbw read &t tat only floe ar be lbs tiotbom of the road. uwdwr to oo•gtfer tat world aloes" • • jog a sumfaising power of only orae• mrrsdrooms at. ♦ tablud'bot• dinner. tb4or IOU to arse fns neige •toot! a•d when our roads can be called sarvke Wllit em: A great ma itry San r, Walker ikagsy-►Ht a 1 Ol ggwvel roeda ars b=1= ly flat ry♦(101f TIRiTf! w (• with can sbmildsra at tb• � sq aMa. the weather Is dry the am- Dieter -Did yaa drink the glee that >sra no atn+h tbieR M &little war." paaN 1 I'm in for peaces at any Pr1N aq f r titin rsasCa it ea Wali to removesWritill is wmslet rho avill•all it P(MM4 Banat M 11 81 b was wArvd with k Marmbai May: "Olamy is act.to be �y� lbs Altehsa Inti ills Secs Mortriat, If pDeNblas, a trawl. Canada eii A tAM bsEt, plain L to eat elf chi abCulAftTo or eased lb - _ pcaper st•Pc• Y as aseelbat roadwa to reeds Y an twetnr7 to goad Jkmefor-�M Joa'll be all ritlrt y�LNgaDeKt.. y 1flMP;ll e� sSS"{1 wlhhw5rBt1 FI'ftN4....,,.. -- - nova! 1 Li Marshal lboost : "No ore but a ils.tts11nd loon ---r syr,. •- 6rsvel or broken atn•s Is toe petsoes oil oat M aft air LO caul beast thhrt )b Y1ar ktaew vaaiels-tart AsotaeM".11, st oat. Lha fwd Yavt•f graded by d ofdat tfn roadbed dry, ►•djo�M -, r mis•ce-previd" mCOwrwls0. latisely wiabout pass Spread Saab ot.osr. sears flLty pet ao•t ol- _ - �. • a,,..,..e..,:.�• a.._.._ -.... - _ __ _--. .......T .: _ _.r,-.___..-.__._ _ _- . _ �1 , i . , . `— w. F. . wr- M p, a as• .1.., n,ir,+ta. ( Aad yet .. a sstwfy stn rev Joppl U� f^>t' 10'"-s e raw• 1a•te. lattloa 0 s M d ti a.n e+�t 1,.if of ,refs --�.. — . oto�i.et- a NOTLS 8p/yIORI AL QI file Ssbbatb day, or seventh day, bas beea observed for assay centuries bo- t ord the beginning of our era. and am- fur (pig people quite uninfluenced by the wi p&s of Ismel. In some seam, and to ed &,w varying with different pec be plea, it has been a holy day. In some fr, sou the sacred cb"&Cter art the day 4j Na not COnaidered, but It was a time in or real, for oeo"tion from the regu- as •r oocupations sad the castOM&ry ha boofbt of the week. And possibly out W, i this Admitted wed grew a "Dig - swot wb,,b culminated in reverence It; Wr Sunday, and a final setting it apart Y boll, dedicated to the Service and p tke worship of the Deity. is d, Sestjtetiass 01 so Slew & growth are a, smtettmes estimated without regard to u the caumee for their establishment " without Considering the reason for 1 Urrr origin. It bas bappeued that the n Sabbath day lost As bold upon man in If as age when veneration had abated, L when humus reason was enthroned an t the only guide Lad arbiter. But back I of mania little judgment was the great kspsn nm,"aity for that very ordin- I aces. soitakim ty Interval was ttMd I an wlssly tbtat tha weariness of 1112 t ,hp,e s satisfied in the repom of the _ aysath. France tried one time to Out I the days of rest farther apart, and one Ia ten become the Wile. But the re*- eGs which again of experience proved behve ivvolutiow were possible was s,naso, still when the Bostile tell. Amid the lived cad the heart and ilia SOW of mat yearned for the one day in mevea—and returned to it. And it was act- ,lone repose which pve the day W warrant. It was Dot all a matter of physical exhaustion, though tort was a potent considert- tiea•._4L.=ae the Went ra.twn of adeity. yeoogaitioa of a sacred day• the aP- preciatio• q4 one _easea different from 0ther.mrs0.0s• That wa aDd u at the rout of t ovesson for i ibb the lb b•- flirt the bagianing of our en. and be- yond theinfluence of Judaism, just as it is now. -and in Christendom. Man aeedS s change of tbought and of la- bor Lad a bask in t.ht rmnotonY of ekis4nes. Onsipled with that menti - ret wI" brought reverence with the Any ws*--ICgically-& tendency 4obet, tet apparel. Man put on his fairer gar- ments that day. lie found a sort of worship in the act• and it made him better. He expressed and emphasised the oidference between himself and the an:m„ld beside which be had worked through the week. He was a nobler creature. The Sabbath wait made for bun, and it blessed him. The oission of Sunday has never changed from those distant eras when the (.pe+ day in seven was slowly ant apart and reoognised• It Calls to rest, Bat the rest that beat utilizes the day is that departure from the thougal of the week. from the plans of come mon occupation. from the study, the care, the very amusement of the otb er sir days. The ,eat that beat blew as man is the resolute marking of this day as different from other days an( better Lad hio1Mr than they. • ABOUT WORRYiNO. 1r. atsgateiem Tries 1r0 aatad N a” hr Me e'a" of IL -Everybody tells US;' gays Mr. " gleton. -not to worry. They tall Is That worry never did anybody an: good, and that oa the other band i stsolutely impairs one's Capacity fo work, and se helps to aggravate tit Very situation that we era wtirryin ever. This is trivial all of it, and noun advice it is, too, and it has all bee Said many times; but it should be mot often supplemented with detailed i'. straction, an to bow to avoid WOrr ing. Now lot we leaks a try at i Perb&ps I shall repeat things that 1` said before, but If I do, it will to t cause 3 think they're good for b inanity." "A prime no4asity of our permane freedom from worrying ls the poeS( Sion of the personal quality common known as sand. It a man has not be endowed with "ad by nature he far pick It up for bimmlf; 'nobody it go[ to give him any, but be can do tl easier than be thinks. "Most of the things we worry ai are only bugbears that fade cad d appear upon the first attack. Her lies the first secret of mw,006,-in tack; -and this crest secret lips is P aistence, in keeping ►!ways at We The man who actually dean this. wig Ing no time, will And, the first thi he known, that bola stepped worryi and be laughs a little as be says himself that bola got so time to w ry; cad tb. salt thing he known finds his sandbox to as longer em ire's actually got somas mad of his w and then be to sonwhody and bei In find some solid satistactioe In Ii. A GRJe.AT GLACIER. 'rat largest gliet&r in EU=Vo le Jn,cledalsioe. to Norval. With ail -row ramnifleattees i► pow er@ or- of 11110 square mdise, ,last bol big •gain ea the must of Middle Thin wanarmoas [Mid lee sands branches down the valle)rs 1e &11 rectio°&, often coming into close P ImitY to t.ho "rafioids. one of then aCcw,vble of its been* Ip the Si da;rr,pe From • distance its •free extremely wand, surrounded as w'Ih dart, bafe mnantalux. It w h I itch tree•• --a perfect "ttf rbty roses of rocw and to /A1001 - I'M Slav"