HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-6-16, Page 7tilt•teomei,1 iM t 1w -~' "f ;. THE SIGNAL : ONTARIO.: : -. Shoit Message b ShoppTo ers. N UT BERT Bl;l3T BEST BEST BEET BEST BEST BZBT BEET BEST REST REST RUT BEST BEST BEST Il BEST B BEST 1 BEST 1 BEST 1 BEST R 1dn8? L BEST t BENT BEST E BEST E BEST : REPT ; HEST 1111iST - 1 IMIST { BEST RUT MST Into? • 11 *SET 'MT E nir SOr 41110•1K You'll always find us ready and willing to show goods whether you wish to buy or not. This store grow. constantly, because it gains by oowpariaou with others. Paola tura /Eir:s2jf+ Btubbopn things. Ladies' Doeg Kid Oxfords. turned soles, new style toe, $1.00 per pair. Ladies' Trilby Button Low Shoes, turned soles, patent tip, $1.00 per pair. lien's Dongols Kid Laced and Elastic Side Boot, A 1 wearers, ;1.50 a pair. Mese Strong Working Laos Boots, heavy pegged solea, special at 85c. a pair. Ne do Roped: Werk, WWI 414 waq, West Side of Square, Oodwrtsb, ST. GEO. PRICE. TO ADYE;BTIBERB. Pui*IL d a useful carasr, tltlr follewi• ass the oalos,, snot : Praddeat, Mrs. Jabs Notice of ohnnge, moat be left ee this Sturdy ; viae president, Yrs. B. Packwood . Oboe not later than &bulky soot yr Bias E Gould ; treasurer, Mira" Wm, noon. The Copy far alsa0tg Whit*.Tf• .00l*1y will most mast be left not later than ]-- the drat Tuesday in mon month, day HOOD. tnotComsat todBass Hive. -Tb* base ball dub will play ba' $1. 8t Marys team here oo July First. As accepted 0u to noon Wednesday of this , woe of the best manor t•amirfi each week cultural Park on that day may make (su anads, pataeas of re the sports at the Agri DIED. ?IUPLZY - la Colborne. oa Monday. Jam 13th. X. Joints Temple,. 8r., aged en low sad t mamba IKE TALK OF THE TOWN. none ilse IRmperlM'n Wotabook W raw a Mate is s. Ter le. g goes We tat let a 01•tor. Amemag fills UMW Aisne an' MOM aiaf>te ., room n.--a.mo►. Jane is the swath of rain and while the rose bloom• so year pr tt face*1 . Photo - greeted by Ballow.. the gold medalist of ohs• tarso. wiltsThera oaten are Droplet who are worr at havtoa sorrow out be baatahwd by setting • anis at Pridbam'.. taw plan when both .Ida WWI *vsrytta s, Fuss rico Ft -warm -TM old bade, o. 101 Square are being Rind ap and it l laid .boy will bp mads motto -like, and Clod with ionised sdlabt. flowers. Cau. aT riZ Virebat, -Call as Black - man's Fiends wtataraat, Welnot, and p0 a o,oUng drink, a dish of delisi .. too cream, koala (rat, and some pare osady. GaayD Poolroom -Tin gnwfsg Drops is til. ,lousy memo looked boner at tide wase of the year UMW they do to -day, and ar•that there will bs an .headset gatheriagFon Gnamaxv.-Miss McCall has tin- dered her redi.attem aa organist of Katz church for the pawpaw, of preu.diaw to i;ermaay to study musts mdse. that Dona.• try s misbrand manage. As I*PORTANTPointox.- the ImperLJ Lite Assursaes C.sspsa of Commode/ has as important posii{aa M Odor for the ninny of Ilona as will jos Aborted on referee* to aooth.r part •f paper, tutu Armin Divlxs Stay tcu.--Mak• land lodge No. 34 A.F. and A.M. will °d. 'brat* the Festival of 8t, John the Baptz by attending St. thanes °burgh on So day, Jays 10. 2610, .t 11 .t,tr. Fuser is HIS YLR,-W* are pleased notice that id. A Booboos., • pupil of t God•rioh Callesiaty Institute, mood fine i modern languages 4. the first year at 10 recut Calumny uamiutione A Rio Ilintinnt%tortoni -A perms jest isnot nod from Bsyfhtid reports that • frog mwuriog .4gbt.e. ioobin In latrih and risme isobes iw width was romotly ca of as *zoning gams. Tho hems team halo .sods arr'aar.mm4 with Lb. Kumar - dim ball team to bring an ezcursios from that town on Jose 20th to hear Godfrey. Band and also to ploy • trot.* a1 the Agri - admiral Park the mate afMrsoo.. The Klooardins boys say tiny will overload the City of Lo.doos that day. linos Frau( Soosr-etyu.-At dusk on Monday ov.sing .s two lades reached the rink ootasr on Writ•./ from Waterloo, a a oydi*t pound on 1h• .ids walk from tin West, adorning, nearly running over the he ladies were not fair hurt, vv mob frightened, and ft was 5003111time before they won obis to proceed up, town, .o nervous were they mad* by the dying maobtne'a widewatk Moo in the gtssnrloi. In this ooamo0ioo, we think it'. about time our °turns• reported .very oasis of sidewalk wbe.lior, partioularly whim it is dark or Dearly so, SOLE OF SrJMMRR GOADS W. 6C8E3037 ,y SON The grade of High Class Goods we carry in Summer Fabrics is well known to all careful buyers as the most exclusive, newest, and of beat materials. We commence a bummer Sale of High Claw Materials et pdoas about Half Regular Values, and INVITE IMMEDIATE INSPECTION as choicest patterns will sell quickly at Chas; gaits• Wider Grass Dress Linens, in plains and with silk stripes„ beautif d goods, all 20 and 2$c. qualities at NIL ajd. Swiss Dot Muslims, 28 to 32 inches wide, in cream, and white, 23c., reduced to pinks, blues, mauves, lac. ti yd Scotch sled J M Oinghams, in new satin check effects, 20c. quality --- one-. ,-„v...-4-4....1,11, 2000 yards of Krinkle Gingham., in new pattern, dark odors and warranted Last colors, at 5c. a yard, regular valla* 10s. Ladies' American New White Underwear. Skim,-- Cover, Drawers, Exceptional values in large Apdk, WPL& SON Masi Parya%TAno:t.-AO the regal•r ae•tiag of Maitland Lodge Ne. 33, A F. sad A. M., on Tuesday ovmtttg, lmmed4te Put Manta Also. Cbry.ul was prseat.d with s solid gold pest master's jeweiL Th. presentation was mads in fitting toms by the junior P. M. present, and the rsoiptest made a [+•ling reply, thanking his brethren for the h•adeom. gift. Tis lewd is Monti. folly •ograved with the mine of tits receiver and was pr.satd to Bro. Chrystal by the enawb.ra who hall b..a iolttaled by him sad those who bad &Shahid during Ma mem palmy of the mastee's chair. Liam. -At Cawood" Hall es 1•0aeda las', Jsdgs ragman delivered judgment la Dallas vs. towas0lp of Asbdeld, an ao- Noa tried without s jury at Ood•rtoh, for damages for aegligaa Is the °coati motion tad malstmasooe of a midst culvert, whereby water was browns upon the plaintiff'. load, being the sus half of lot 5 to the Like Road tamos•slea west, in the bowosbip of Ash• Sold d*priviag the plstntiff of the proper and full um of the lend for the purpos" or oaltivoting. Held, that the plaintiffs ram• tidy (If say) le ander the provision. of "mo- ttoes 34 sad 35 of R S.O , eh. 285, and that V his slily nobody, and the action does not Lir. •OOD*RICH Di:TRICT. -The following is tis• Anal draft as made by the London Confer• o* Iease of tn. Methodist Cherish for the (Wo- riot D1atriot :-Godmriob, Nortb•.t., Jasper Wile. ; Viotur4-et. W. Godwin- Clinton, to Ratteabury-d, R. Ulllyard ; Ontsr4o94, B. In Clammt, Hoary A N•woomb., sapsrs.oa• o std. 8afortb, A. L. Russell, B. A. • Holm.•yif•, Jades Orison. Blyth, Wallet B'.pby, Wm. Mill. (St. C 10.rl es), super- sn.ua4d Ben L Hatton. B Ni., Moat. IL Ban. aatWer, Marlin J. Wilms, B.A. Auburn, C. C. C•az as Wilton. Albert C. Tiffin. Londeaboro, J. W. Auda.ww T.okaemith. J. Armatr•ag, trader duperiwt••dmO of Chat!• (O.terto-at) 11syfiold, E. A. Shaw. Yana, R. C. Bar- ton. W. A, Flaky left without • Ma- tto* on aosoast of ill health. Quirinal". W. Rigsby. Fla. &soy.. W. aided& aoht lo the r;vor 50 that pima. BAND Uovexao.-Over one thousand Par- sons ihteaed ►e **program played by 10e Uodencb Maths d m the &Isar: Th%I lay •Mbt. Tb. program was that oubli.0.1 is lest wsek's !traitor., ezooptin!{ No. 8, *Mots °olid not in rive• for wait of light, PASSIM Awiy.-Tb• death of A Wash• motor, of BowmaovUlo, a brother of John WuAlartoa, of this bows, took plato loaf week is London, at the re•tdeoin of D. A. Rruoe. when he was visiting. Tit• d.seas.d was Mrs. &sees stop-fatbar, Aad was 85 years of ads._ . Fria Minieorn•ts_O_er_r t.y -Tho adman plea' grain of the Whosieugm', Mas at Pones• boron/Lb will be bowed h • few days. to wit) b• tb..1NkaO titer ye* sent out Nty any meow oommltne Ie will give all lain. ms0ta relative to the ttt.H sad doings of the two days. All tms•tbon of tin C. W.A. will measly. a copy. Ti, Crews Asa 1 :, .t. Tam. -Last 01 tbe oouilds from .them pedestals ets meow( i0. GO.srs Hie Sgoan, std p•gplo begat b ww.d.► wa.rw •v was to bu kidder, hot d»rlag Sudsy 10o1r foster oaten was eo dhows. seLM at their roman' Mat tit power_ tie* ter, ordered them to be ra•boisted on life old moods. A GRAND TIME -Tin He parade all Na binels taint .4 Patsrber gh oa JOT 1.0 rod tad will 0a Headed by Bro. Jasmibes fond Jobs Ball en a tandem. The norm sod thiamin. Oho atenteN and Woken mass to town .►ill make up tin pair. They will ti* be w aseseding so flea 'slob for tho tira - -v isa(- of tie Z, gin sin imam* will Hard • lawn mid oa lis nig, tt o4 of . /M 1Msh Mil, Mi the eestif, • 7th MI tie reddase..1 Musa mMtlsssslen. Btnwkorrias sad ° tetrnbssonte wet! ia sare*d, sad a Mad. wilt ba re.dsesd All win bs Ootraty 8.8. Asn 0,L 0oaryornOlt.-- •tp too Hera Cltwaty B.R.rod C R , she aimmeal v t ole fold (s %vitator ea Jori fia.11R Rev. J. aa da a swab* d.Mar~jtramlma_1 Ohs etell. E.IL OIL swains aim Bb•ddart, at ° pew sum read • paw tie tib atom= • mini as M. fiB.d. T111taUAW AM Aa me •nssr-v--- -r A 8bocsasrct Fain -O• Thurda atter- 0000 sad steeled. tin Temperance fall was • saes* of pleasant to those visiting it, amid of profit to the ladles of Kaox ehureb mals. won, ter tin aloe, to oentrol. Ta. mom. sten tree a AAartb Fair, when metol sod fancy melons wen "old, Ma sad refresh - masts supplied, sad a literary *mortals. moot p,.anted. The hall was nicely deo. opted, flame being is pMattftl ptotuatoa, and the 1.04.s wen ezoeedi.gty tempting with their burden of pnnty ar0iele•, sod not,twa. osady. Denim she earlier part of Oneonta*, tea was permed to a Iarga, number of visitor.. The meal massa so ex - aslant one, eveyobing an "plows ooald wish tor bolas ea the bill of fan, and its serving made it the most enjoyable, for tin pretty waltzers. were drowsed in snob pia turesque ooetutn•s, as to make wee feel in semi 1Ntns nourished in a fairy bower. It V .aid thea the Fair resulted Io a net gain of an hundred and sixty dollars, a feature sus an ears, that was •zosedtngly plesamg to the lady arsaaKers- He WY PURSED, -1'b,+ following from tliai iaii iiia. of the Wellhead Trtbaa• will be Interosting re•dfaa to many rentdss4 of town and Saltford when the Rev. geatle• man, who muse wen fee d, bit so Lvorsf ly known. • O. Friday evening last ad4aq Pleasant and happy timbering was bold la the soboot room of the Drummond Hill Pres- byterian °burgh fn bosor of the fifth said. vor•ary of the pastoral. of the Rev. Jas. %Vilna. The gathering had but no objsps, and that was to bestow shown of °melot- Mations upon the rev, gentleman for the monde be had attained in this MI6/meat of his duties, sad in rwaembrano• of the oc- casion ho was promoted by the member, of hie nagrogation with • puree ooataltaisg three 110 aid one 120 gold pieces. R.v. Mr. Radalffe of eft. Catbariss. and Rev. Mr. f`rawford et Clifton, who were pressen, 0lded mmob to overflow's' t0..ojoyin mated, sod los oroam and oaks oomple Ohs loll in providing for the inner m W. trait that Mr. Wilson may masonwi no to be many times again w hitbly ho orad. servioe for the 000esion was a nodal ono and refleotd favorably on tisn tssabere of the ohoir. Rev. Wm. Godwin the preacher mod toe oompeot b.lwoes David and Jon• intim as a teUndatioa for his remark., and from this brotherly lnoident preached an •zcellett society sermon. At the oonoin• don of the service t0o brethren returned to Oholodge room where several metnkars spoke of the abltsooi•ty dlsooarm they had heard. Bofors *Courant* Bro. Jen. Tait moped, wooded by J. C. Martin sod it wet aasaimou.ly owiled that the thanks of Court God•rioh No. 32 Canadian Order of Foresters be promoted to Rev Wm. Godwin for the able .00t.ty sermon preached to us thin mershg, to ass shaft 1.. the wzoaiisna smote* of song provided ped to the trustee" for theme of the March, and that Bro, Jas. Wilson prepare the resolution 112 due form and present le to Mr. Godwin. TREY BADE Him 02100D,YE,--The mem- ber of the Epworth League of North street Methedl. °hutch gave an at home to the moaners and friends of the church Tuesday lass to order that a formal goodbye might be maid to Rev. Joseph Edge. who Maar a paston4 of four year. in Ooderioh is about to remove to Loadoo. The attend - moo was targe, the refre.hmon4 *rain mt and tis. platform enmities drat-olaas, t ! Mimes Cemnpbeu. Sharman Harris Parsons. of the evening. A short program was pc s• Prtoe sad hams/. and Chas. Cl.worth and tad Bao R,binsoa furnished the musical pro- al gram, with Mr., R. W. Loran as scoom. tis penult ; Mimes Smith and Godwin gave rent - M• unions, and Ron; J. A. Andefsonf God- win and Lb. retiring pastor, supplied the lar flow of reason m the 000ssion. Mr. hat Edge's reply to 1k• address was an of- . footing although not a tearful leave -ten. M ing. Hs baa boon in Goderioh for four years, and no man ever won for himself a * better raoord. He loan, a bort of friends It behind him inside and ont.ide of North s0 obomb, sad the best wishes of his many f Moods will s000mpany him and his estim. able partner to their now boon. The chair ty was ably oo.upi.d during the evoniag by Walter C. Pridham, president of the load league, who Mao read tho tollowiny ad• M drss oto the pastor : Tis Pm:user ADOr.I*H.D -A circa 'to taipeoton sad High Behoof prineip.M last been issued by the Minister of MaasM••. The most important annomo•ment that et taut abolition of the primary exam Ratios, No Chang* will be made in tt (work squired, but primary oertidoat.s wt net b. issued. The abolutton of tie penury examination will sot effect the rights o bolder. of primary .leading ob0afad in '98 or to a previous year, to attend Dorm Model schools. II a Poarolty of tsaobars should arias in .ray minty slur post year la mouregnmo. of the higher regalrerneu provisions will be made to moot the optimist 000ditima of she loo.lity. It should uod.rstood that County Board. of Rxamin ors are not allowed to award third oleos oenifo.tes to candidates who do not mak the higher perooe /me required by ngnia tion 63. A di.triot oerbbfloate .hall ao1 bit mooted under this notion of t0o regulations ales_ ohm* M a scarcity of t.aohen, and DLII she concis of the department has eea first obtained. Resowals, granted oder regulation 87, .re valid only is t0• county when Issued. The regulations Reverting the Pobllo sobool leaving, first mon, and junior and omit* leavtng simile - dons remain pra.tloally the same as at present: Rev. J. ledge, Oodoriob. 5e Diss.* Pna'ron ave Bao„ -on the eve of your departure from us, and tin .everanoo .f t0e pastoral bind whish has bound us to• • ether for t0. 1•s/ four years. no as a - League mann permit this opportunity to pus without testifying to you that then Is a baud .using between Ms which will not Le broken by your d.parture•-Obs bond of love, ped that through our lives wo will re- member you with gratitude, because of the lessons of trust and obedtaoe wbloh wo ban learned to liatemlag to your word and "Moiling year example. Daring your fear veer*' pastorate we 0an noted your willingness to do anything in your power Lor our League, your oheorful fulfilment of all duties mad your uncomplain- ing saoridoes for us, whim ws failed to carry our own .nspossibilttlse. Your adrift has mon readily gins, whoa sought ; dlitloultia have v.a4bd through your oouawl, and you have meta so baptises upon our Inagua whlnh wUl got sem in effaced. Bat, ab.v. all, we bag to plain on Acord oar r•o•gnitdoe of your l.hristtao obar.otar ; that while you have expounded priooiples for Christian gallium, whits you ban steins to guide us b the fast of the Great Teacher for !annuities. you have on nog - Mond to katal thaw ; you bare learnt and pr o5e•d theta pri•dpiee which you ha b u a Ar Divro• Sgwvics -On Sunday mors. lag tin members of Court No. 32l7uadisa Order of Foresters mot in their !.dire, and at 10:45 some sixty, inehtdlog a few vlsitiar brethren, formed in Imo and marobd t. Victoria street Methadon church to Dear t0. atonal Sumo& Although chern wen sot as many visittsg metbw pr•semt M was azpooted. on .°°oust of thresOi fag wonkier, a good itne was formed. and this Pretty badges worn by the broth•re wars an .ttr*etivs port of the parade. Armalite 61 the _harsh the Foreutars were placed in Lite meat ms•vsasant eats by attending ushers, nod tin sarvlos oossmm..d. The tousled Jardineres and Flower Pots. Another shipment of Jardineres and Flower Pots, Pansy, Rowe and other decorations, (also a few in plain tints), cheap enough at 75c,, on Sale TIIIIBSIILH B f and SATllHAL..j.. .,... ALL ONE PRICE ;` - Olsly 100 will be sold at this price, so look sharp. PORT[R'S BOOKSTORE, osiegntapts_ sZi! otaareaR et j,t'MON wo.agoVes i'Erra mer f ' r 4)iii «dhR7 lima Wonr•-prt-w- AAomid srsrrr tyilso wen 4t re be Lwasal 1 eine Lo.i...Wamiss.` ;;;•theta `star foil/dully endeavored to Matti into yoso ur 11.e.. W take loan of yea with oonrideoos that eke same God who has orownd your labor* amonwel as with victory will .till .sthw. Rl*Mously to ase you. In your future no. nasi we will njoioe ; in your blab we will extend our sympathise, and 4s your 'Miriam fora more oonseorated life, wo will all be sapplfaato at the ease Throne. ' in prayer of the L•agm is that the God of Pesos may ooattnue to bless and prosper you and yours, and wins life's bogy day shall bit spout, whoa night shall isroolalm oar Moho finished, whoa w* shall awake Irani the sleep et death, that w. may mom sae another " Good mo 1.R " in that Ever- lasting Home. Signed on Waal! .f bin Lessee•, WALT= L, PRZDsar, did riob, Jaw. tote, 1898. huskiest. LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF. Friday sad Saturday worn root don tor bMF r N mos neya tact OWL. 0Ae waterlog. Met elle ate needed. Orders ars owning in freely at tit °ode. rl k taints, history. Tia Royal tiny of Gu.ipb •ttx.ot.d moat HarmiW a Frsdsy- Th. rales of M. past week snare Mad hay ped rail when soma. The OtrI rteb Orson fa., i• werlds5 ea a b4R b111 ser tike h.0.r1..d. ll. Ttasda7 we b el as maty per.. 4. heat tike log wallahs staffers, 7g8 MAW moo odd at w semi.. MN week ter the Gook* *aside.. It V mid Mae mobs* hi made& kw every kat ammo et ape Telistio Court mous SWAM =warm barns amine Mtn w apes .a..1 t:. wt Housse-CleaninITime I ,. . WO 131 ". e01Re ."."*ta+ems-e_••s••• ie you need. May pea supply Tran 9 OLW&X YURNITURE POLISH Des's bay from pedlars. Tits r buster --makes old taraiter• is* ilk• saw. 96 (ANTS BEATN STOVEPIPE VAR. ISH Coat sbo pipes before putting sway-pseveaM regi. FRESH GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS --in packages, Gullet's Lye, Chloride of Lime,DTri Ornde Carbolic60. -all >usefuNl ddisinfectants, W. C. GOODE, Chemist, BEDFORD BLOCK. Sassafras Blood and Stomach Bitters. A fi ovolos `B4•od Puridor apd Minim Todd. IO freshers, ciao up. Taker a bottles or two. MOTH CAMPHOR, pIIRE INSECT POWDER, FRU HELLEBORE, PURE pARIs GREEN, FRESH CHLORIDE LIME, STICKY FLY RAPER, AND At FLY FOIIioN PADS loosl papers, or tiny would not and to be billed w ott.n for subscriptions over dmf.'" Regular msetin4 of Huron °bapter No. 30 R A. M. west Thursday wooing. amoral oars of oak timber for the eleyNre came from Muskoka the past week. Large shipments of pine timber ars ar- rivtag from Berrie for tin Elevator Co. Mian Chute will sing a into In North -.t Methodist church next Sunday •vent°g. This round bones and now cookhouse at the Harbor Park have Haan wanted rod. The plasterers have started on G.ld• thorw's two a•w dwellings on Gm brie road. The bowling green on West •tress is at present one of the attraoltons of the town. The briok work on P. Lynn'. new dwell. dgr-en Woterboo strati My started last 'rook. Mrs, Jas. Vivlao Is moving into hor oo0- tage on West street where she will In tutor. retde- J. Bachman, of Colborne, •ajoyd his visit to tin Agri:mitnnl College, Gttetpb, last week. Ja ,Ieeon Reed has finished the brick work oft J•.. J. MoMaib's new dw•,tiag en East street Jamieson Reid has started the brickwork on8tnughon's i4 story briok dw•lUn4 on Nelson .trees, , -- Sallows had a fine photograph of the tug Evelyn on exhibition in his studio window, t0• past wink. No. 1 company of the Huron Battalion 4. getting into shape for the journey to Loa - doe on Tuesday. Waterloo street is being boulevarded and whoa finished It w111 be $ groat Improve - mane to the aelgbborbood. The members of No. 1 (`sump„ 33rd Bat- talion will have target practice sear oh. binational salt -well on Saturday attsraoon. Harry Cooke and dawnier, Miss Eliza- beth, of Clinton, wen in town Sudsy visiting at the midmost of Wm. Burrows. A zombie of rho tn°andeeoent lights did not show up all Mmday evening, some str•ooling wire baring °roamed she tnoaader• oa0 ono. St. George's Churchwoman's Guild mot on Monday and perfected atrangemento for tie annual garden parry. Is will take place on July 14. Mrs. Davidson and child, who had been v sitfag rho Lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Motiaw, loft on their return to Vanoouver. B.C„ on Tharday. Comity Councillor Hays, has over 260 heed of prime oasto on the Maitland rails reserve, and be says they aro putting on flesh ab a creat rate. Buobanan & Rhynes have rooted In the 2 Story-, dwelling tiny are building few .1. Statham, sod it will 0e ready for brick yte. goring in • day or two. Th. North Ato•rloan Chemin' Calk Works wars la full rannloo order solo as Mondeo. Obtystal baying oompl.ted the n ow pan on Saturday. Miss Lizzie Martin. Rao. Father West's ioosek.eper, who has boon i0 for some tuns1 Past, we are pleased to state 4 oat of dearer, and will a000 0..nand ono" mon. Earl closing hag been adopted by many • our badness man and oar anis..s should ase that thou. who give their Marks tlmo for evening exereiw doa'O lase by tinfr gem• eraity. Last Friday eveaiag while the choir was at prsello. in 8t (•or'e's ohnroh, the light- ning Wooed with nob of the el.ok -lo Ilrhto in moll • manner u to muss a sospoosion of the praotloa- Dr. R. E Hooper, of Toronto, was a premlaml figure on the tenni' lawn tin puss week. The dootor's eppssraaos in Gederteh always mean_ s mint of tie favorite gage. Beye,Ml load. of .quare pine for tie e1.- vstor h.v arrived at the dook from Barrie tin past few days. A onnaiderabt. quantity .f land along tin water front where the old elevator Mood was washed Into the harbor la/ week by the heavy etas. Two of the new elevator employ.., 1541 foto this harbor whit. work Ina on the crib Tuesday ofternooe, bat tiny wan seem hauled oub, sad a day ravely panes withou0 roe or more going through the earns per• fer,nsoar. THE WEEKLY MAKAMT REPORT Ahem. ( mmissoa, JUN a. Tart!/, perb0 , sestt, pr awt....q.._.. 1 15 to s tes...r.r. ....«.. If 00 bin .a.a .._.r._..r. 1 .1 tole ,.,•NN..•N ._AI. t lb 00 • .e..nr.....n,...r.. 010 M it: &r0---10 (T..ram. onmele :, $ 6w • Nor. 50 M 6 eeewe....eta.t.. t II t.nibs tad I ..... • Der Wail •e'seuas•ua• SPRING REQUIREMENT$ "O* CLEAN>ING. •» l DISINFECTING MOTH CAMPHOR, CRUDE CAR LIC ACID, CREO CONCENTRATED LYE, CHLORIDE OF LIME, LITTLE'S PHENYLE, AT PRESCRIPTION DRUG i3TORE, *ase 77 get your mQO*1 book Roofing Eavetroughing Dairy Tinware Paints Oils Blue Flue Oil Stoves Coal and Wood Stoves and Furnaces Bicycles J. H. WORSELL FOS .A.LL =NIX 07 TEE =ZAP BTOVZ *AN DRUGS AND CHEMICALS "`R^ Ana 1a2D1D /MOT DAT IN THE ' KITCHEN VANILLA For Ioe Cream, foe instance, and BAKING POWDER For Cakes. One ie a Drug, of courap, the other a Chemical, and there are still others : SPICES, CREAK of TARTAR ETC. The best place to buy' Drugs is at a Drug Store. The druggist knows more about them than other people do. We keep a good drug store. Come acid see ors abort " Kitchen Drage." J. E. DAVIS, YiCAL HALL Fmi R 001 I am prepared to buy this Season's clip of Wool, as usual, at the BEN WOOLEN FOR - HIGHEST CASIt PRiCE OR tis exchange for Manufac- tured Articles. JESSE GLEDHIL L. *ay 30th, 1898. A. W. CORNELL undertaker & Embalmer SUCC.SSOR 7o A. 4. CORNELL N IL-Ovr Chirp* hate hem Groovy Reheat [a order to tweet f Ae portarse dr*tawd for Yodesate Priced lhwerals, Ohsotrlal Ards!. YRITZELY, TONSORIAL ARTI8T. Rot and cold baths on premise., ga Toamlug.thatnpoolna and *very other repWWM meat oarofglly attended to and none bot °oa- ppeetest hand* emplo ed, d'Ullam. old stand. McLean' new br , nos* door to Brtuabisx• °hang* Hotel sett SPRAY YOUR FRUIT TREES Buy your' Spray Pumps and Spraying Material at the Cheap Hardware I-: ALL PERSONS ,,.,.g BUILDING this Season will find it to their advan- tage to purchase from this up-to-date hardware establishment. I am selling Blacksmith's Hard- ware very low. ".My:motto is to please all persons wantingjgoods in my line. intend quality, price, and fair dealing,to be my best advertisement R. W. M°KENZI 01 3'U.c H RDW NUL ---'e'0e ,-,east,, ,, r.-rmitT. . 1 bafbe., be a nimble moon to our wheel Meta ei• M iyile we aim aelmotitis Illeationd. Att II las - da.s1. ter. tatsktelasalgtpsgrmr _. Jtilhs parr Atortit [iiisasdi i `lam+' -per. m MIR IOW Nisbet bare, Mis t elteesst of ib tnirXy, J. „ked sad farnilr lir ./pew to di% rt tests the terrors of his Pri i. a.d w a mai. fare leas .:.-..t- Jt ,4 rtrr ,.. a. •. ..w saes '' /3r• y2 'l