HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-6-16, Page 64 TIIVewDAr, J One The uroateel A4ppia. Ws viola° pleasure le We are Happ) In the fact that our g pleasure to others. best money elan buy, b good for our eaatomer You save time, m temper, if you deal he See and try the Ne we are placing in OUR LIVERY .. . this week. EMEP 2011 alc?OLZ glad BMW i Cfeie Merl 3ftwee exit taadsl DdL She Apo u rvnr.eartm EVERY THURSDAY MC IT V. 14ie110,e09111411T Terms of labseeIptter One 'Death, in advance Three months. 81x " one year. •d.-ertietas Kates. L,aga1 and other .canal tinadverbs's }rc 1Ise for t lasertion. and B ea rsr each sabseaoent insertion. est s aoapp.a1'vil scale. Realness oards of six lines and us 7-dvertisement* of tart, lre0id-- eltoatioss Vacant. tiltnatbas be �B,au�s,se ees Chancre Wanted not : MastltgpProetL.�1 ter i�... MOO on Sae and OW exceed B lines, 11 for tiro month, 110 aegneat month. Larger adv s. In + Ley special dbttoe the object of promote the pecuniary benodt of vldaal tar mom y. to le oonsida vsrttaewent and charged socordin&l Local notices In nonpareil type on word. no 501(055 Tess than C. Local notion In ordtn,ry reading t onto per word. No nodus for ler Not leas for churches and other rel b.nsvolcot 1or'itntlor.a half rate Sabsoribot who tell to melee Ti minterti by mail, will oaoler a by goatcting us of the feet at as early pa titbit.. When a change of address Is des the ad and the new address should br U.bees %stirs. J. C. Le Toural. of Goderteb, ha pointed Local Travelling Agent for ships of Oodcrlch. Colborne, Aahnet w•nesh. Local pwtmaaters over the distrle •:npowend to roc., we .nbwriptla 3115.1 11. Ail ocnOtan(ostlona must be addn D MoGILLI sUel teleohane Call fe Hoes MODERN:$. THURSDAY. JIM WHICH WOULD YOU LOCI, THE following from The 1! Kinnpire of June 10, is a strong le lecture in itself : " A Goou (rrizsN Ex' xrr V Gen ON A SrssE- Thar Ha I Robt F. ('athion pleaded guilts morning's Police Court to steak of opera glai".es and a hook fn Townsend, the King street at He was sentenced to one year in tral prison. Cathrom hos atread 6%e previous terms for theft. I+ that when sober he is an exemp ren, but when Fre get* on a spree everything he can lay his hands oouneel, Mr. Haverson said he it would he a good thing if di would send prisoner to some pia he couldn't get at strong liquor' time. " All right," remarked ti " he wont get any in the Cents' hell spend the next year." The Mr. HAVI/MOW who thought be a good thing to luck the prison/ none other than the well knowi HArsaioty, the guide, philosopl friend, As well as the salaried ao the liquor interests of Ontario. There will he some amongst the epee cranks who will think t HAvaftsot+"' opinion that the unf dranker' should be locked up, is a1 Some of them will so far differ view as to suggest that the liquor e locked up so that the poor drunks,* not get at it. They may be wrong. Herta/40N may he right, hut the; to their opinion when the prohibit& Domes around, and Mr. HAvatwos t to the magistrate, in the interest client, will help to strengthen their tion. " A good citizen excepting when on a spree -then he steals," says T and Empire. " i think it would be thing if he were sent to some plate he couldn't get at strong liquors k time,"HAvassor. " All says the magistrate, " he won't get -the Central, where he'll 'pend th year." Which should he shut up -the lu the man TRUE RELIGION IlNOWs NO THE good old Methodist chs getting mors Tike some ni the other off religions in'titnt.ions as the yet ranee. At t he recent (;onferenoe onto, one of the delegates was a v an.l this chairman took objsotion pteoonoe as a tlelegate. Why "inch s was takes at any Metliediet gatturil hard thing to understand, as Mob reeve/ea neither sale Muir female, b free, in Matters reltgkwst in the t brandies of work in mnneettes wi 1B.Uwdi*t, as well se with the other matted*, t1/. evebe0 AM heyoM) fit Arose Melon in the at„r•eamful work, it weft not for the encouragement gte Supplement to The Signal, Goderich, June 16th, 1898. • T Ulla RAILWAY. MTM. Wal., ILO a.m. Neil and Bursa ................wind . . tidLa pa Ma sad I:R'ema..itvasr..... . Mee p.n. Mall iad Sep raseu bat Mall aid ll: prose ..........10 tF n Mixed .......... . .............. sas. Lod pm DentlstrV M. NICHOLSON. L.D.S. Datrrat sone.on. Home opposite the Post oe Gold Mag. (lowne!a�� Wart a Spetdalt1. 36 Tsars Ispert use. M. MAHEE, 1). D.y TAL PO , L D.B ,-DEN• BL'EOA.-Lte5t sad , fee tai operations. approved ISM p obit, Omos top= �ss Robtst a's are r da 51005. oor SO est tit sat he Square. -- M. TURN 1 JLL, D.D.S., 1.1).8.- tP • Dental Harass. tLatey eessoHBT' oath Dr. Dixon. of Montrel1. Gold and Isla artlnalal teeth mounted on gold or Mum bees/• special •ttenUon givens o ftte ot the natural teeth. 7•. obeso'e sew bbok. Medleal. DR. HUNTER, PHYSICIAN, SUR- geou tin. omo.-Brpoe str.et. Ib. r.st- deeos Ltslf ocoupted b!)r. MI Ha bt DanrTe from rideooe. s&avu 1A1/at. M. G. CAMERON. BARRISTER, SOLI- titer. Conveyancer, etc, Office -un Hamilton street. 1 door* east of (o Florae Bros dry goods *tore. L2 KNEST HEATOT PuMBARRISTER, 1.1 Solicitor. Notary Hank of Commtros Chamber. theSquare 1 Godertcd E.CAMPION1,Q.t .BARRISTERtl O Wee, Notary, &o. Office Oresedias Mali. Sonars. Oodsrtch Ail U. JOHN STO'',, BARRISTER. -1.71. Moline, oommlesio0er. etc. Mossy to 0.s Offices: oor. Hamilton and St. Andrew'sWrests. Goderioh.Ona 506 14 0. HAYS, BAItItI/TER, SOLICIT• Lb. OR. &o. Omos Northet. nsxt.doon tlatKLL Umoe. Private rands to>lead- J M Icweet rates of interest. / ARROW a PROUDFOOT, BAR. .JF maters. Attorneys, wi0( toots rtoh J T. Ostrow. HELLO ! THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND Tlill MOST ScraMou Hard Coal IN TRH MARKrr Al sat mad as the Market Scales. maims >o 01be. for . ton. WM. LEE. Orden let •1 LEE / SS.iPHOBa'S Ston promptly attended to. CAME1t3N. HOLT & HOLMES, Bsrriataes, Solicitors to Chasms,to. Widened M. 0, Cameron, (iC.: P. Ho,lt lt Dudley Hallos,. G. WARD, oONVSYANCER J . tor.. and momentous" tar taking and re belvtog reootrnls.ncee of bail. at:Merits a smrmetlooi, depositions or salmon dee/are- Seas to or oomoernlug and' .eros• sols or Pm eesdiae in the High O.wt of Justice, the Oourt of Appeal for Unterio. es' he aa7 Oouaty adpromotiv aOeewottADivision Court, traws5rs•s sdz. -D sseasilw Oat. pla WWI son lfOaUranoe. _m MONEY TO WAN. - 1160,000.00 Privet panie ed at Si per Bout. aw- Bually. M. G. CN Notts.'s Meek Colbor 0od•rioh•A 6074f MONEY TO WAX. -FIVE PLR GENT money to loan. private funds ; abs lest o 1. farina to rent es' sell. Homes and Ian io rent or for sale. S. N. LEWIS mister. Dodo -ten. SCONNEYANCING AND '.J. Iasurasoe omoe. opposite Ma,tii.'e11Me1 Goderioh. MONEY TO LEND ON MORTGAGE at SI per mint. Notes die moatsd. a $IAGiI. aloe opposite Martino lintel. Mode rtoh. FJ. T. NAJTEL, TIRE, LIFE AND • *Goldoni insurance agest- at lowest rem Omoe---Our. North -et. sad Square, 0.d re MONEY TO LEND. -A L A R D Y amount of Private loads for tavestmeo lowest rates PARRROW L0PROUD .Apoly GODERIOH STEAM -BOILER WORKS. A. S. O H RY STA L1 liucceaeor to 0503 Fal dr Rhe& gtaaatotarar of all kinds of BOILLRS. Btplll> a Stacks, Salt Yana, Sheet Irer Works, etc., etc., Aid Deals, in- ldgilmw, aaohioory Cadillac', !a. NEWS OF THE DISTRICT. From our own Oorrespondeata Tisa. is Jatene selpmaere Twat °an'et Is pound Anywhere Ora -laws 01 are doe w'7 Breda"I a•/sebell ter the MPsI• All elms of Pipes and Pipe Fittings, Steam end Water Gauges, Globs Valves, Check Valves, Inspiratory. Ejectors and In- jecting Constantly on Hand at Lowes Prisma A spetial line of Steel Water end Hsg Troughs**. ass of farmers and others. Repairing promptly attended to A. S. DERYSTAL, P. 0. Box 37. Goderfoh. Nal, Canadian Pacific Ry. IS THE DIRECT FAST ALL -CANADIAN ONLY.- LINE use SADOLIFFE, GENERAL IN• Loaning R..a Agent. > A,.tKeaeloss rionmanolJ emendated. Mossy to Loud on straight .osns, et abs lowest tees et interest g0iDg ay way to salt toms. West 906ee-�eeo- ad door from et pb•u Ish TO TAME FOR LUCKNOW. The Limos Bet/tallest goes Into camp at Walkerton ea J sae Yls0. The Lnoknow Orangemen have decided to ro to Ripley oe the 12th. Wm. Wilson with his wit• and family have rasa to make their borne at Fort Wil- liam. They will be missed by a hest of f nest. M7.med Mea John Agar, Mr. sal Mrs. Reba.1<BBBIBBI. Miss noisy and Mow Clare MoLses btltpa Mise for • holiday trip to Manitoba. --o W... SenweekbeliffillMOffid from • three week's *testi of typbold leverandand�baround itg again, 37 pounds bler, b Boos recover the lest weight. While oyollsr as the street no Saturday 'leonine lest, Freak Duthie collided with • rig and as • result ties been ...Dfind to hie bed. His 'Diaries are not as saris, es at first anticipated .ad be te now around .gain swage. The o resedved for tant. ned WWI snarly $600, .et MO as stated last+ week• A. Nevin. et 'Centralia deuveeed • 1117 be Mame. 1lawdea sad McDOaell ea Satur- day, ansa tipped to melee at 1.860 lbs 5smsal WMMway has secured • situation with Ilse Verity Plow Ca of Brantford and will mows hie tamtly to Wet oily shortly A strawberry festival will be bold on Acid tfocietyfile Jamesnlo ge The members of the Independent Order of Foresters of this village and viotiae brethren will attend series is the Emilia church die Sunday next, Che 19th inst., at 11 o'clock. wags • special sermon will be prsaobed to Mese by the rooter, Roy. W Datais. The brethren will meet is ttu ledge room at 10:30 A. t.. The regales' parlor meeting of to Y. W.0 T.U., held at Me home of Mies Libb(e Me - Donald, Friday evening last was a decided wawa. Mies Edith Smith, vice president, oscupid the char. The meeting opaaed by sliming. winters reading by Moe Ham• itiolloa.nd prays* be lire Barry. lb, programme of maria •to., was very well ren- dered. MetbedtW Church. Capt. Reade. of Hlybb, was in town lest week msktsg arrangements for tskbg oke Exeter velenteee (employ be dam0 to Lea- den. They N ea June 22nd. Heanor -Winos. -P. L. Bishop, sea of H. Bishop, towo,wbo reo1•te• wear west, was 'Decried on Hay 30th. to Barthel.. y mac Woifi eat dasgbt.r et Mr. sad Mrs. Joseph of W i.alpag• 1. R. Carling was ewers in as berrlater sad solial►or is Toronto last week having passed hie (ia•1 eleminatioe, obtaining hon. o . We eader.tasd Mat be Wends prso- ticiag in Exeter. Dr. Aman, assisted d) several local phys- Mans. performed as opesatiow for appew- dioltu ea Mise OWe Questa' ea Friday •f lase week_ Prvionely tiara were but slight hops, of her reoevesy, bet SUMO Use opersl • ins .e is risking rapid strides to re:every from • disease wilob te g••sraI) thought to b. fatal. Manitoba, the Northwest, KlondikeandYukon Gold Fields. New Diaohine a61100e. _- 11C EW 1s' A(.'HINESHOPS-ALLKINDE 1f of Repair Work done at Reasonable Priem Panning Implements metals. Maoh- nn�aaerre77y new sadaeoond band bought and sold. case and BBollers for .al.. Stand -Butene Meta. J. BARTIR HUNCiNIAfi a tt LOWEST RATES. FASTEST TIME. ACCOMMODA1ION UNSURPASSED WINOHAM- Geo. McKenzie hes purchased the Walker property ea Josephi ves1., which adjoins ism own Judging from the amount of wool deliv- ered in Vi Mortara daring the peat ten day., oo. would think it was "sheep time' in tows. Phe workmeDgetting along rapidly with the sidewalk John -et. and in s few days the portion west of Jo.phms-at will b. ',emplaced The out'iog down of the hill oe Vtotoria street i. • wise move on the part of the pub. heworks eommittee, and will be amok ap- preciated by the resident. in the neighbor- hood. Rey. Mr. Y000ck, ton of George P0000k, of the place, has resumed the pastorate of t11e Clinton Baptist church. sod will give his ferawsll probably the last Sunday in .tans. A meeting of the Dir store ot the Turn• berry Agricultural Society will be held at Sw•rts' hotel pert Saturday, June 18th, st 6 o'clock r. Y. A toll meeting of the Direct- ors is desired. Geo. Stewart. who wee hurt .t Wood - stook some little time ago, is improving nicely and is now out of dasg5r. It will likely be acme time before he will be able to resume work. Rev. 1). Perris is iD Montreal attending the meeting of the General Assembly ot the Presbyterian Church. He will be away next Sood•y and his work here will be taken by Rev. i). MoKonzis. of Toronto. The Turnberry sad Etat Huron Arrioul- • tarsi Societies' excursion to the Model Farm on Monday, June 20th, will be • hum- mer. All wuhio/ to spend • pleasant day at the Model Farm should take in this trio. the return tare trom Wtngham Is osly $1. CLEARING WALL.. SALE PAPER FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS SEAFORTH Mrs. T. F. Coleman left ea Monday far Montreal, when else will visit for • maple of weeks. F. H, Bethune, of Trinity Medical Col- lege. Tsroa/o, u apendvariationr variation at his home i• town Mrs. Thome Gibson, was of Thos. Gib. sou, ex-P.P.. of Wroxecer, is the guest of Mr. asci Mn. J. MoMwhsel 1tiie wsek. On Sunday evening. •boat sixty of the i oresters m•rohed in procession a 80. Thomas' ohuroh where Re.. Rual ih.o Hod/iae praasbed the aan55(1 a 51555, C. W. Pawn's night wasassiassass W a on Wedapgiaw abbe • beautiful flower ops sad a Thursday erasing tress s /B map..d. tomsetc, tomsNews Seed., Manitoba bud-•BgWb Columbia onz -tile..._ The flowers were most pauses esa We will offer our Stook of Wall Paper at a very large reduction in Now is your time to get your house papered for very tilde money. and get Bargains. JAMES YATES BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER. Next io it to G. W. Tbotniton's Music Store. prices. 'owe The Otd. Reliable - • r41' Is on B�,ot and Shoe Store the corner of East. Street and Square. ',hew the Bibst MakeiM the LOW1111 %g i le Prict-' are eiWitykin stoll�. Onr Custom Work is noted an over the Dcwinion, and today in • The Jauior Beavers went down to Stret- ford, on Wednesday evening to arcs, *Mks with the Junior teem of that city in the the first mateh of the intermediate miss, result being a draw. 1 t. 1. A very pretty bat quiet weddlas was eel- e n.inz.d at the residenos of Mrs. MoGreger, of this town, on loeadav afterages, when her eldest daughter, Amb Reerteee w United in marriage to Michael Steele, M. D of T.viatook. On Saturday evening while W. 'Pbomp- tea, aoo mpaaed by bis little brother, was cm his rounds delivering bread for W. Clerk the bores became trightmed and ram away. It run at • furious rate up Jelin street as ter se Mr. Irviog'e when the little follow wee thrown off. He sostai.ed severs a- lert« to hie facie and was also badly bruised. 3 TO THE PACIFIC COAST roll i0Nrmaifon and ism blot "Klc.Alk• sad Y elms Gold Fields." tree. Apply 10 R_ I ADOZAIFF'ag_ bt�7oNT, - tq� AueuOneerina. 11ROK 00. _OUB NDRY. AUCTIONEER awd ee Agent, Ont. AgentGiro D1 :Voice' Ins. Oho. Balm M- ead d to in say part et the county'. Io -l7 JOHN KNOX, GENSRAL AU0- don.gr and 1.and vomiter. Goder(ob Oaisoba he'd considerablewill thoroopi b5eposition e Ito s O s trade, ha sin a •ootioncoin inleetose ee ted to him. leve lest .t Biliton's Hotel, or met isy ewe to bb sadism Ooderleh P.O., eesele117 anaemia tt11IT0IR 1[I10X Ooonty Longboats,. Ms 15a.nlan' Fn/fltlllte. CTTLE BROS. Plumbers Steam -Fitters Tinsmiths r1ODERIOH 30:011ANIOS' I11<I'I'I- NJI 7'UT11 LIBRARY INP RIAMMe IROOM. ear. of meet *wet sad 850.55 (MP Malys. Olen from 1 to 6 r.tn.. and front be ll T.D. ABOUT 9000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY. Leedom, Daily, Weekly Mid Ringfireted Dopers, Meyasaou, std., set Pas. MIMBERBHI P TICYET. O14LT $I.ne. batting tree see of Wesel end Really Room. Appllostloss roe treirbsrettlp 555.1501 b7 Librarian. in room R. OOLAOILNX. H. HAMILTON. OciSecretary. Harm Mar11th 1A86. PLA TflW MILL. Have removed to West side of the Spare, next Sturdy Bros. Grocery, where they will be pleased to Ree all their customers, and as many more as will favor them with a call. West side Square, EITAILLIINE0 1111. BicauaIi8 &Rinas VIANDS' AMMON s SASE, DOOR and BLIND Deems la all kis1. et LUMBER. LATH, SHINGLES L„nta.r Ani tts0/tin bse@A15T WIamyl dwarttra I , As a emerplief le the mese of a men* will &wale 600 ewes Its ewe welsh► 1a feed, dear illeil b a dowse. a'-ot�.exic]a. worn by all who know a good thing when they see it. We do not sell a $3.50 pair of Booty for $1.90, for we can't do it anti be honest ; and we won't put a $.3.50 ]nark on a 11.90 air to deceive the public. Our Repair Department stiU keeps up with the times, CLINTUN. Fall wheat is looking Ane, and u may emotions is well beaded out. Mr. Hodgson, Inspector, made an official visit to Clinton Collegiate last week. The old Salt properly, on Victoria bt.. will he offered for sale by auction on the 19th. Will Holloway has reor7asized to tiers band. sad the boys are patting to hard onetime. Judge Doyle had Division Court on Wednesday, but no important oases were up for trial. Friday evening, ,June 17111, McCool & Davie will ran oonveyssces from town to the lawn social at Holmesville. The shoe dealers have wood to close up every *vgise during the summer months at 7 o'clock, except on tSuterday. While doing some eroding on the farm of Mr. Fair last seek. Mr. Wheatley tarsal up a wirer watch which le supposed to have been lost by • former employee some years ago. The other day while Ere Helms, was wheel's/ down a long hill in Godsrtoh town, - The members of temp Caledonia, S.O.S.. sod their friends held • very s..oemtul social to their lodge room on Monday solo - A ledid programme of Bootek W1\./Z.. THE PRACTICAL SHOEMAKER G00ERICH. ing lid sp • music, singing. ear., was rendered. R.- stip, his leg or•mpsd, sae he was throws fratenniata were served during the evening eft slighting me his shoulder, which wee wry - and all present enjoyed • pleasant evenisg. array sprained. Klee Abates Cricket Club, whew repute - BRUSSELS. ties far deism everything first-oless is well known. parva• laving • Proneo•de osa- Th'l A.O.U. W. of Brussels K. hlare eggeearnuiBeage curt is the naw osrlbg risk on or about for • gardNn party on Dr. Ha1ltAeiwoh'e Aw Jea 214, sad are is eorrespowdgao• with sot ids West of good reputation. Owe ov.slat les week a couple presented themselves at the home of • local olergy • nun, sed asked to be bwrrldly ualtd 1. the bonds of motrimeay. Neither et them wege well hue as hod tbe nee. wary dsoam•oa�sad mwidetbey were ryp- .Ii she inhalator felt perfectly justified in tvfag the knot. The groom gave hie same as Sheppard sad the bride as Lad. Next day • ooepls wlte ° aimed to be the mob sad snot of the young woman appeared at the mislster's and raised a storm Wean.* the memos, had h•se psrfsrmd. ground*. Last tiabbath Rev. Welter Rigsby, al Blyth, Preeldest of the Loudon Conferees*, and Rev. J. 8. Allis exehaeged palette. The town band serenaded Arch. Haler, Id. PP. , on Monday 'exams of last week at hie residewes, 19511 con. An sajoysble time was put in. An exoeileet lamb was served and the boys voted Mr. Hilltop " .11 ri/ht." The direeters ot the Agricultural Sole Hee of Grey sad Morris mot in the oosnotl °bomber, Br* ..Ii. oa Saturdayafternoos at 2 o'olook. The basins, was te revialoe et the F►11 Show prize list sod disoaesiee of toptos of (morsel. A baaf •m esu reosived from Newsek, N. J., by John McC•llam, Brussels last Thursday morning oosveying the .ad (*tel• ligesos of the death of JaeM.Csliare, hie yeasgest sea. He was 37 years o1 age. Cense ot death. onoamouia. Brussels, Gay and Morris maaioipli ooasons are asking the G.T:15 for • better train service in mskie/ oosasotlow wilt the North sod L.H. & R. t hey waat the Lan- don evening train to ran through es Palmer- ston instead of rentatoieg at Malthus ail Dight. -On the evening of Thursday, 23rd Me.. the members of Western Star Lodge, I.O.O. F., R (weals will m.roh to the cemetery sod esearaeo she �iaTM of deceased Oddidlowe with flowers. Grand Seorstary Rtsg, of Brantford, will hs in •tte.daees sad take part in the eversion. The &angel meeting of Bast Huron }arm• erg institace was held in the ooeseit ohsmher, Brussels. o* To..d►v •iterue5a, President So -schen in the chair. After sin address the minutes of last WE MAKE��. Sewer and Culvert Pipes Ail Sere teem d�e� tee Ma b wn WRIT/ FOR PFHOSS. THE Oe° MTAAf 81JER PIPE CO ao�saloe e>T+C OIJ t hnitare 8�edsltl appropriate annual mooting were red end •depeed. Rainarea were made oy T. MoMillu• W. - H. i ern% Depety-Reeve Dilworth, R. Ed- gar. John iaweee..1. Rretbsael and others T1s Yo?1l[• ln(ln r IllllYllle CO, TR. ' The next posters @tempo leveed will Lave to value is the corners where the maple leaf ie now fogad. CBl$. J. RARPEL fisEDDIrg � are �e per�ect � '�TCNES �/ THE BEST 18 THE BEST IS THE BAST IS BES IS THIS BRSP 18 TfsE Bur 18 THE BEST THE BEET THE BEET THE BEET THE BEST THE BEST THE BKST - THE BEST THE CHEST TISK BEST THE BEST BEST BEAT BET BEST BEST BF •i1' BEST PRACTICAL PURSER A NOT WATER FITTER Baths, Onsets, Basins, Boiler*, Sinks, Hydrants, Hewer Connections, Pipe and Dram Work, PROPERLY DONSATPRIC88 THAT ENMPTTIITg ON err Set my prices. CHAS. J. HARPS*. THE TEE THE THE THE THE TUE THE REST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE' BEST' THE REST TOE REST THE RBST THIS BEST PAR BEST THE RE8? THE BE8T THE BEST T El I 11139? THE REST THE BEST THE BEST TSE 11ST EXETER. R. H. Conine has had • wild -mill erected DRY ELM M at hie reel/Jonas AND L H. Diehards lost • valuable posy feel ase.., lest wink BASWOO D Nies rt MSTygee was visiting fri'lwAe i. (lod.eh Let work. Fier is down to the old polos 82.76 ler. Its large es' erne 1 Q.They w .Tse nota ,what b.,4, tbb..a b tTlwlpigasfr. Tess r Bar Reay Smith lett last weelf far Terme' with the there""° Derham °ow whl•h a Green Elm and Black Ash. ee(d meetly 1m Hew. Tho. Oreaaway, WANT ti Is i e • • THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL IS THE MIST THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL 18 THE BEST THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIONkL 18 THE BI58? THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGDiAL 18 THE IOW TAE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL I8 THE THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL 18 THE THE THE HUT THE SIGNATHE BEST L THE 8 TSR >$18T THE BEST THE 13'18? THE BEST THE BEgT THE BES'r THE BEST T BEST THIE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE riZ9? THE BESTTHE 13 T THE BEST TBE ESTr THE BESTT11E BitflB THk H11BSTEIST THE THE BEST TEE Bg41 r TBR RES? THE BEfi1 THE BBi-T THE BST 'f4is BgbT THE BES1 18 THE CHEAPEST AND' THE SIGNAL 18 THE REST 18 'THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL IS THE BEST 1S THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL Di THE ,BEST 18 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL IB THE BEST IM THE CHEAPEET AND THE SIGNAL) Is THE BEsT iS THE OHRAPIEIT AND THE SIGNAL IR THE BEST .A- IN IN ADVANCE ! Ask your Se AM A Wonderful Twig and 1 401*11916 rwelc mar istipere 111,44 t-• s ribesi eiiMi . two oweereee..uawI. 111. SBaKft90. e/meMMIL POW. •