HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-6-16, Page 44 TeuwDaT, June 16, 1696. "Yee greaser happiness coIeuee De giving pleasure to 'arra" We are Happy In the fact that our goods give pleasure to others. The very best money can buy, is none too good for our customers You save time, money and temper, if you deal here. See and try the New Wheels we are placing in OUR LIVERY .. this week. EMERSON'S DICTOUR and Ed WOO HOUSE Cleveland Cycle Liver, tr WNW sat Panel Salivary. the $iuI, POOLISKID EVERY THURSDAY MORNING at s. NedILLICIIIIAT Terms of aab.ertPdSa One month, in advance le Three month. Six 1 M use Year, •! advertlslea nears Legal and other ental adv ills ,fee for first Insertion, anal*On each .abeaauent Inacrtioa. a ...oared .rad cards of sax lino and under, $6 per en's of Lost. Touad Strayed Vacant. Situations tv anted and Chance Wanted sot 1oeee110g 1 j1�{ 0 i1 per month. aYe, {l•yee lrtftlaa dew, nee 10 e ub- s▪ gneenntlmonth. for larger ad v.e.t top portDSc. Der ion. Any meets] Antos,the object of whteh le to Promote the peoenery benefit of any Indi- vidual cue nompany, to be oonetderwd an ad- vertisement and oharred aocordiest,. Local notices In nonpareil type one oast per wot8.-8o nonmetals/two 1a,. --- Local notices to ordinary reading type two t ants per word. No notice for les thee ISP. agile.' for churches and other religious sad benevolent Institutions halt ruts - Buboes -Mee who fe11 to reoelve Tats 9rowat pq irUng by of the fact as aslarly nail, will rby eerly an dao Y po rt Die. When a change of address Is desired, bots tee o:d and the new address should be ven P. bilabe r. 1l sate., J. C. Le Tousel, of Ooderieb, has been ap pointed Local Travolling Agent fol' the town• .hips of Goderich, Colborne, Ashfield and W. wanosh. Local postmaster. over the district are alto e.npoweeed to res, re subecr:pttoas to Tnn Sestet AU eeMoleatton must be sddremed D MoOILLIOUDDY, THE Sweat. rstreasse Csl l t0 O demob tut. effort* put forth by them, many of the churches which now proudly rear their heeds would be oat of existence. From pommel obeervatioa we know that the best workers in the church are to be tourd am.xtgst the women, and if they are, merely to be pack mules of the church with- out being eligible fur positions of honor or trust, our Methodist trieuds are taking a long step backward. Fortunately (or the WHIP of religion the opinion of the Toronto chairman doesn't hold gond outside of Tor- onto. In this oorner of the vineyard the womeu have first place. They occupy our pulpit, much to the edification of the male hearers very often ; they take the lead in the prayer -meeting ; they are foremost to endeavoring to lift the debt on the church or in raising revenues for necessary ex- penses ; they are the first to aid and Resist the weary and heavy laden, and to relieve the diattera of the sick sad *dieting - If the woeten went on strike and with- drew their presence from the church in Canada for one year, the men would not be able to hinder the des from being locked or the shutters froollialig put up, and the preachers would starve to death. We refer that phase of the case to the reverend gen- tlemen who endeavored to draw the lane of sex at the Toronto oonferenoe. OODIIRICB, THL'aaDAT. JVllls W. 1IW. WHICH WOULD YOU LOCK UP ? AN OLD STYLE REFORMER. WE learn timet Capt. A. K. FRASLR, one of the old lice Reformers, of Huron and Bruce, hes parted for the Northwest - toward the Klondike. Capt F&Asilt will be remembered by all of the older the Liberals of Huron. After the over- throw of the Mackenzie Gov erunrent in 1878, he removed to the other aide of the line,' but always renowned his allegiauue to Canada and Canadiar. ieteresta, and on more thartonor+ ' "n IA= 31-er-_Ole_ line to take • hand in the election contest -iia Huron. Though up in year. now, htk 4 still haply weal sahuat. and him comb to the front again in many a cam- paign for good Government. In leaving his present abode he says : THE SIGNAL : GODERJCII ONTARIO «friar a oobisse -1.,war'11.1.1114a"" I THE JUNE SESSIONS. .puss..► dor-k wNhosk rrevMisg..nd base nmLded the 1s the dues. he Ie W e wars • • • TM$ sawararee's nue'Liontls. 11.IMvUM I teltlwosr : Tb. tea pagan eta aewwafeer reset Pe.1, steaks. bens. rack, esekrsesba. typ geaphisal error, ea- Asatas Asad, book esay.aws, dellsgeet oobeertbre, sad the man who always knows bow to rue a paper better than the editor, Tete sNZMS TO 51 000D LAw. HarsUtos Times Dos't elope with as - ether w'e wife is .ap-t.'on that the Statute of Llmltatlose will atter six years preterit you from ureeeaatton. It wall not. lir. Judie" Row, la the Batley v.. King ease, has decided that is snob oases the Sue one of Limitations is aver appilosble, •• the wrong ooatiaues from moment to moment so long Y the defendant continues to keep the wife away from her hesbesd." This is good oommoa aortae es well Y good law. CANADA'$ HISTORIC MUSICAL. EVENT ! The Owasso Set Down for Trial . • • loaf GL061 TO THs TROUGH. Toronto Telegram : The Woodstock Sen- tinel Review blames Daniel Heti Ilieaddy, of TH1 Knows SIGNAL, for l seeping the strength of the Liberal party by the pes- tesed against certain of the .oa of f1s lead. us. The truth is that the Hardy Govern- ment was endangered by Ile disregard of pri.oiples advooated by outspoken journals like Tut HURON SIO`'AL. The deaf, dumb, and blind partisanship of organs like the Woodstock Sentinel Review brought. the Hardy-levernment to the very gates of death. 1f there hod bees fewer papers like the Sentinel Review to be counted os, sod more papers like THs HURON SIGNAL to be reckoned with, the Hardy Government would nets* have been led into errors in the handling of patronage whiob weakened it to w many oonetituenofes. The politician. never think .o, out a paper tike the Sentinel Review, whiob is setlstied with anything ate leaders de or say, is the pasty'* worst enemy, and the paper like '1'Hs Entre SIGNAL, which alarms its leaders before the Govern- ment Is boDelon/ y on the rooks, is the party's beet friend. The attack ot THE Heaps SmeaL on M C. Cameron was justified b every co.aideratien ot velvets t in teed •v1 public duty. I1 the editor of Tar SIGNAL wanted • position in the publio service, his claim on any place in the gitt of the Libel " I leave these part., however, with no party was stronger than the alums of Mr. re rt, having seen the politi.•al princi- toss's Ceaseeteare son-in-law. plea witTclt w* sin T6ng toogbt such • final succor all over the Lominion, an feel sure.lha,t the progress aisd pros. i perity of our beloved country w b con- tinue under the guidance of such an able leader as Lay KIM" There is a patnot, tor you. He is cue of the men who helped to snake the Reform party in years gone by, and is worthy of more praise than many a big wig who used his political pull to feather his own nat. THE following from The Mail and Kmpire of June 10, is a strong Temperance lecture in itself : " A Gina) CITIZEN Ev. err WHEN Hs Gera ON A SPARE- THIN Hs STSALa.- Relit F. ('athton pleader) guilty at Oils morning's Police Court to stealing a pair of opera Oaxaca and a hook from C J. Townsend, the King street auctioneer. Re wax nenteneed to one year in the Cen- tral prison Cat hron has already served five peel -lone terms for theft. It appears that when sober he is an exemplary citi- zen, but when he gets on a spree he steals everythinghe cant lay his lands 00. Hie counsel, r. Havertem said he thou it would be a good thing if the colonel woad send prisoner tau sante place where he couldn't get at strong liquors for Nome time. " All right," remarked the colonel •' be wont get any in the Central, where hell spend the next year." The Mr. HAvsa oia who thought it would be a good thing to look the prisoner up, is none other than the well known Jaen HAvsaxola, the guide, philosopher, and friend, as well as the salaried solicitor of the liquor interests of Ontario. There will be some amongst the temper- ones emperones cranks who will think that Mr. HAvssmoN'x opinion that the unfortunate drunkard should be lur ked up, is all wrong Some of them will so far differ with his view as to suggest that the liquor should be locked up so that the poor drunkard could not get at it. They may be wrong, and Mr. Revelment may be right, but they'll stick to their opinion when the prohibition vole comes around, and Mr. HAvaasoe's advice to the magistrate, in the interest of his client, will help to strengthen their reeolu- tioa. " A good citizen excepting when he gets on • spree -then he .teals," sacs The Mail and empire. " i think it woukl be a good thing if he were sent to some place where he couldn't get at strong liquors for some tine," say. tar. HAvexsON. " All right," says the magistrate, " he won't get any at the Central. where he'll send the. next year." . Which should be shut up-tbsa liquor or the man TRUE RELIGION KNOWS NO SEX. THE good old Methodist church is getting mon like some of the other stand- off religions inatitutione as the years ad. ranee. At the recent Conference in Tor- onto, one of the delegate's was a woman, and the chairman took obleetie r to her presence as • delegate. Why inch • coarse was taken at any liletbowfast gathering is • hard thing to understand, Y Methodism reempoi .s neither tae nor female, tweed or fns, re hatters rehgioua. in the varieme brwsebae of wink in menet-tine with tie Methodist, as well as with the other denote - teatimes. the women are herd 4e.,tios Arms fetes. Co the semesstdel wesrb, end if it Wow ilei for ale ewsemrigmsat green ser SNAP SHOTS. =The politicians are worrying about We'.t Huron and North `1i ,oe. They need • not worry. -It looks as if - the long distance fighting between the United States and Spain was about over. -The Hog, CureottD SITrow hasn't died the death yet, but is still going businese at the old stand. -The Dominion House has pro- rogued, and the members have returneel home to assist in getting in the harvest - Why don't the militia men and lawyer- sell upon the Ontario Premier anal ask for the retention of Colonel G i.soN -Sir ADOLPI7 CHaPLL&O is dead. Even governors a:,d ex -governors die oc- casionally. Death is no respecter of per - -The Mail and Empire'. columns refer to Hon. JOHN I)RYDIN as " HossoN choice." It begin. to look as if he should 1. a " H tem annual." - If that lively Irishman Sir GAR - POT WOLouLLY, becomes Governor-general of Canada, Old Sir CHARLES will need to keep hie tongue in his cheek if he doesn't desire to lose teeth. -The Tory newspapers are telling .lout tifty thousand dollars that were ex- pended by the Ottawa Government on ad• vertising during the peat sax months. As none of it came our way, we are anions to learn where it went to. -That talented statesman, NICHOL- AS FLOOD DAVIN, the, able and honorable member tor Pile -o' -Bones, Northwest Terri- tory, ix, we are pleased to learn, rapidly re- covering from the Aux of language which co ero•eme him at Toronto reeently. flee crtasfaal tesea, Tea nal eaei-Tlie Oran/ J!ttrT-mss a•aer I Mune- The seeleelb Arms Marino - The Anma1t C.ses. rrHE Jute session of the County of Huron opened ea Teseday at 2 r it., before Ms Honor Judge Manes, with the 1•llew- ing *antes set down for trial ; Ca1l11NAL. 1, The Oases w, £egueaua Sparliag. At- ereo, 2 obarges. 2, Jones and Maerioe Lombartus, assault owning astral bodily harm. 3, The Queen es. Geo. A. Oskee, mann causing banal bodily harm. 4, The Queen vs Jai. Banker and Iwo Joao', sasault oa.aaf setaal bodily harm. CIVIL TRIALS BY .wag. 1. Hatter ve. Herbert, .0 .otlsTMr tres- pass Yid assault 2. Benediok vs. Banes, an, aolioa on w promd.ory note. 3. Niokle vs Murray, en action for an injury to plalatlff, oaused by defendant leaving • reed madams on a road. 4. Sperling Ye. Spading, an action oa • promissory note. 5. Van.tone ve. Pfrimmer, w within fel wrongful diemiel of pl•tntif. -- - wrrHOLT .7 CRY. 6. Watt vs, Thomas, an .atlon to re- osver wage.. 7. Spier vs. Tasker, an action to r.00ver the prise of a bore. 8. Ronald ye. Thomas, an action to re - *over the vales el some maobinerv. 9 Gram n. Goldthorpe, an action for wages. 10. Hanna van Doubledee, an sectiou on an aoosant. Alter the patty - eery had been sailed the following answered their names as gond jurors, Thomas Bolt, Turoberry ; .aJeaaakao Bentley, R. Wawaaosh ; Jas. Slier& Turn - tarry ; talRtset &wards, - tltb.esa' : .1 at. Fraser, Hayfield ; Henry Green, Colborne 1 Jas. Horton, Colborne ; Richard Headford, Central:a ; Jas. MoClinobey, U.borse ; Wm. Neil, McKillop : D. D Sa.aderese. Row Ick ; Jaime Tigsrt, Asbeeld ; JM Walk - The jury hav:ag retired and elected Jao. Fraser as foremen,bs returned to court and were addressed by. Judge Masson. His Honor spoke at some length, pointing out what constituted the offence. charged in the indictments that would be plao.d be tore them by the Crown, and the *roper oour.e of procedure in the ostentation of wit- ness, s in each ease. He drew the jury's at- tention to the heavy orrminal colander, and rcyaested them 10 proceed at ono, to the consideration of the bills that had bees pre- ferred against those charged s that there might be no delay. Before ooaoluding, Judge Masson informed the jury that it was usual for grand jurors to visit the goal, and if they wished other publio buildings, men- tioning the same In their presentment. On the retirement of the grand jury a pout jury was .wore, and the first ease on the docket, Hatter ve. Herbert, was proceeded with When the ooart aijourned the ease wee not concluded. HARBOK AND RIVER. Yee, you may (1f you caul catoh black bar today. The Goderloh Elevator Co. had sixty meg employed at the harbor on Tuesday. The tug Huron is expected lo take charge of the *cows and the Arnoldi today. The river was. very high Saturday and Sunday, oaused by navy rain inland. Tee Elevator Co. hen built • .pile driver, and will won have it pleoed to position. Many ot the logs that Dame into port last week have been used in the crib already. The loos crib for the elevator front is being plashed ahead and will soon be com- pleted. The .choosier Tolman is now ready for her mute, and they will l., put in position in a tew days. Don't forget that there is a law that pro- hibits the taking of black ban low than tea LIEUT. DAN CODFREY'S BAND will gine one Gland Performance in the !,katii g Rink, West at., GODERICH, Monday jou evening,20 Next Bargain Day ,roma 23rd and 24th. "'Che greatest Military Band in the world " -London Figaro. The opportunity of a life -time. You MCI. afford to miss it. PL2l3f`•A?'PORTER'$ BOOKSTORE. EXTRAYAIUE THIS WEEK : in Shirt Waists, " Parasols, " Summer Corsets. JAMES ROBINSON. SVPERIORITY WZDNLYDAY, lailits inTenath. - f -b• .ears opened's- Da3G A.-Iw., and eller -The Howes are a great family. One of there went into Santiago Bay and mak the Mernmse, and now another is en- gaged in endeavoring to raise the good ship JOHN DRTDOIr, whish went down in the great gale of March lst d the present year. The Stella made a oouple of tripe last week that showed .he is a speedy, any. travelling yacht. The tug Ontario. barring been almost re- built, has bees re named and will be regis- tered as The Huron The schooner Corot, with • oergo of luta. ber and cedar posts for Wm. Hutson, ar- rived in port from Johnston'. Harbor on h rielay. On Saturday one ot the tugs returned to port without lilting nets. A thick fog on the lake hav:og p:everted her buoys from bel.g seen. The town authorities have pooled ootioes forbidding bathing within the town limits soler bathers are olothel in proper bath- ing meows The Goderlob lumber Co.'s mill at the harbo hen been running full time the past week, and hen turned out oonsiderable Ignore timber for the elevator orib. The orib tor the elevator front was ea bottom on Tuesday morning, and several hundred oords of stone wore dumped into It. The balance of th. *bootees will be of pine A. lI will now be ester to work on Holt will be pushed tea finish. Drunkenness is not only the ease' of Grime itis crime.' -Ruskin. "Among all Dano' of *rise, (at.mperanos steads out the uaappewsoMble chief." -.leas. Noah Davis. " I ea keep u• terms wtUt a hilt that fills ear jails, able destroys the eeesforts of homes sod penes .1 families, end debases .ad brutalises the people of these islands.' --Mindanao. Uolerides. There is a superior in everything. The McCready " Bicycle demonstrated this fact at Brantford on the 24th of May. It Won the 18 -Mile Race. There were 1+rge numbers of all other makes, and only one celebrated Mc- CRLADY PINK FLYER. It won first prize by one mile, awl third time :,�. First time plisse rightly belongs to this wheel also, Mclvor, the rider, slowed up at the suggestion of an of- ficial, who said. "Don't show the others 'up too wut `_ -____ _ _. It was another complete victory for the wheels that are built to give at�tiL faction to their riders. As on the track, so also on the road, MCCRLADY Bicycles first in everything. There must be a reason why. Send for our catalogue. It explains all about the wheels that are " just a little betttr than the best," and " just a little fast- er than the rest." The Henderson Bicycle Co , Lined c-CDICRICH. HURON'S GREATEST STORE The next attraction in tee dry goods arena will be the dis- posal is 30 days of the Snowden (Berlin) stock of Dry Goode. bought by R. B. Smith et a low rate on the S. Ladies' Blouses, made of American Challiea, fast colors.. 25e. each Indies' Hosiery, The Snowden prioe, 40c., our price 25c. $ pair 8 yards of American Ginglfam for . Double Fold Cashmere, Snowden price 900., our price... , . , 12 1/2c. Bicycle , den rce 20c , our price , ...:=..r . 12 1/2c Ldies' (:onTseweedt/, ...de Snowal pori ee ti6�e. land price. ve vw's•rs . !Eels:; :. .... All -wool Serge, Black and Colored, at 22 1/2• a yd Blouse Silks, Snowden; prioe 85c. and 75o. our price abs. Skirt Linings, regular 10c., our price • •.• • '7 s Gram Cloth, regular 15c., for yard Ladles Cotton Harass Snowden price 15e., ear Wide Black, White and Cream Laces, Snowden price, 15c., ours 7 t Baby's Bonnets, halt,,rDinlar prices. 'All Cords and D'i u jj''t'1R18cti1egs at about halt pries .. RIBBONS .. . June is a great Ribbon month. There's a splendid range of Ribbons from the popular No. 5 Ribbonnt 2io. a yard to the wide 7 -in. Silk Ribbon at .'2ic. per yard. Every dress maker abould see the great value we'll show in wide Black and Colored Silk and Satin Ribbons at 15c. a yard. .,.MILLINERY... We are conspicuous in the race, as usual, and will sbow this month the greatest range of Trimmed Millinery we have ever offered. Flowers, 6 boxes at lta'f price. ;Sun Hata, IOc. awl 15c. Nish, worth double. At these prices we can clear the stock with a bound. We shall be pleased if our cue tomer, will make an effort to visit ns as early as possible. the jury roll had berm ailed the grand jury prevented true bll'. (2) against Augustus Sperling for arson. The civil suit, Hatter vs. Herbert, was then resumed, aid lasted till shortly before noon. when it was given to the jury. After considering the matter, the jaey rendered a verdiot for plaintiff, end damages 1125, and for defend...et, on • 0000te1 olatm, 115. R H. Collins appeared for plaintiff, and Mein Gsuo:•, Q.C., acd Glaciation !or de- fendant. At the opining of the afternoon session Augustus Sparling was arraigned on two charges of arson, and pleedtaf act gu.hy ; a jury was Impaneled M try the was Sev- eral whereas were examined darter the afters..*, bat the ase was not ooaoluded when Teta SIGNAL. went to ares.. RICE'S -There is no reason why say of the hyo -elections .honk, take place ena1 after the buts for 1898 are oompieterl, and the vote rain be taken under the provisions of the new Franchise Act. What is wanted is to have the lists properly revised in every muaic(pality, and with this object in view it would not be a had idea if each of the aspirants for the Comn.ons pet his hand into his pocket and helped to provide • fund for that pnrpoee. This might lemon the nam• bar of aspirants. CONTEMPORARY OPINION. O IMIS TPAreties' Irrtteeatrca. [morias News : Did yes woe soda that (a rsswlsg a deskd pslst 1t 1. best to re rfgbt to the hreatais-bond, se the ebur as atom Megane., TI• the wbrdlssMo shoo .es } To Ita.twato : ThermTrifle hoes goat award steadies la all at rlaet Ottawa sed Thsi . 11a ban" .,way. lama Its e.aapssaiilett easy oaten t. Is- BEST FM TAM$ WRY AMD fats use PURE SALT NOOTiI AMMAN apM[AL IQLrleira SOLE MAKERS - GOOtMt11.041. R. 13_ Geo.W.Thomon's''° Repot SOIBTHINU TO THIBI HOU!: It you bad an importsst tune before Court, you'd isapyloy a skilled Attorney 1f you were desperately W. you'd send for the beet Doctor in tows ; nye* want a Bicycle, you'll bey • STILL ON DECK BICYCLE LIVERY If you want to learn to ride the wheel, rescent" Why ? FROM GEO; W. THOMSON. For the mane rases that yso'd emptoy • firetelese Attorney or • geed Dieter : they jtaow their banner. You risk your life 1441111r a poor machine. .A. FI1 1..129 .10 " Crescent," "McCready," "Common Sense" and "Huron," Go to YULE'S. If you want Repairs, you will find a vulcanizer, • brazier, an enameller, and a competent workmaa At YULE'S. If you want Good Wheels and Best Attention, be sure and go to the old and reliable KINGSTON STREET. GODERICH- YULE'S BICYCLE LIVERY The IinpriaI Ltfe Asnranec Company Canada. HEAD OPAICH,--t6 KING BTREST BAST, TORONTO, CAN. Capital • $1,000,000 Government Deposit 250,000 being the largest Government Deposit of any Canadian life in.mr•noe owmpaey. PAESI 81R OLIVER MOW AT, P.C., (l.r'.1f.11. Thia Company desires to secure the services, .s a permanent District Agent for the County of Huron, of a geatjesean of ability, energy and intsg- rity. An experienced life insurance man preferred. bat previous experieuoe not absolutely essential it the apptisant pommies the above qualifications. A liberal contract will be gives to s sltlkdbli rano. Applications for this podia* V I beWOMMIed oonfidentisl it desired. WYE OMSK 's pittoon:a M N AAMse. The Best So er Goods ALL GUARANTEED AND HIGH GRADE. Agent fpr Canada's favorite Piano-" THE WORMWITH, and the " GODERICH ORGAN." GEO. W. THOMSON.1 Gasoline Stoves Blue Flame Oil Stoves Ordinary Oil Stoves Screen Doors and Windows Refrigerators Garden Hose and Reels Nolfsles and Sprinklers Hammocks Bicycles, new and second hand Qin bg had The Dr LEE 1-SHEPHARD at Pal Low Psima rlswbNs aid nurse ghee spots! atti- tlas. Welle We have 1uet ~aired s ear-iosd of Weald Witw Waft iaatlte.ss.a«1 I It N anal to Am - Yoe me polo tissegi tib. seesaws M Woo Hatbr Park atter tbs besvtosi rola .esllli rntelmowirlag seedy Meta, Omaha lo Ms. r Young Man who a few years ago boasted to his friends of the highprices he paid his tailor, has sen the error of his way and now delights in showing how well he can dress upon half the amount he used to spend. He is able to get Shorey m ' g Ready to Wear ag In every Fabric, Style and Trim- ming that the, so called, swell tailor gave him, but costing very mach kgs because tailored in advance of his order. In quality, made, finish and fashion just as good. In short, everything the same but the price. 1a the pocket be fads sbr.ey'e Oturest a Card wbleb meas. &etNth clews see son rett/salery la teary way ha slay hese W Mesaly,Janis.