HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-6-16, Page 1t..
Foe Otis Yuan.
1 HIM 1
rl Bowey►gglsJ--•O• ,
moor Sale oMawe'.'at, Dew Prleef Iaem-"Oten.a !!i 1
Betts ............ 6
I Won
r,o Bootee Ter Sale --B- YMsw 1
wasted, Two Lasedrww -- W. Wa'w'ls' t c umnese'e-Mesalnattsa oil
1 ecce tet "IS -A Mow ligan terMo-
garruW. W. 1 Osseo lsrMp-!he chs
r.. GO4Niet0 Steam Laasdry - ma's Add MY MM.
Rey Dye ON t Towle -Joe. ChM- 1 ,
toot Wanted -Mrs. R. W. Lego ... 1 T11rBxDAY.
about - 0. W.
!ham on Walt0`. Tho esaecll met at 10 • N , panasat a
Thompson sesa, ,the words. is the ohair.
recai..d Flower Pees -Go. Far, of j.drnm
ten «+ I Meths reported ell prow
IW.rial Life Aaeatmesee Can -R. J 4 Mlauws of previous motto' reed sad bp•
Pelb110 lliOtLtso. Loehr trom 1) French, asking w_�e,u,�v�l l__ �le-
NDTiCS TO Dfa;rallvBs organs of salary for ailment ..d siweeaok,
was read sad neat to the 5xgeatttu sem-
TM Hata and Oros la sad threatened nuts&
Deltas C wUl Mees Wool l sod oo
Moved by Mr. Hula, s.a4eJ by Mr.
• w Dent. from end atter Patterson, that the Domitfng officers for
J,ly. nett. L 0 A N a . the several districts for the next sleotioa for
Leas. os A 1 eaom•111 .tins• to be made sooty owesillors be as lollows :-
0 eve. sad live and a hall per eat letrest. No. 1, W. ðers. Balms.
'MUHORACE BOSTON. No. 2. Jea. Camp
No. 3, Fred Hees, ',with.
No. 4, Chester Prosily, Hay.
Ne. 6, A. J. Smiths, H.aea1L
No. 6, F. S. toot,, Bru.e.L.
No. 7, P. Porerfleld, 'Warnock.
No. 8,11.1)= b Cowan, Wroxeter.
Sent 00 oommin ee.
Moved by Dr. Rollins, ssooaded by Jas.
Swell. that the Howse of Refuge maatttes
be inked ou .open ea the edTiawtw!et
raising the pbysiofaa's salary, at the alk w•
seer, if say, for drugs owed by the physio -
i.., sad the advImbility of changing Ito
pbyddsn p.rledls•Ily. Carried.
Oa molten t Mears. Cook and Miller.
the seamen tediewiesd till 4 r. ter.
110 A.r., the Warden In the whales and mem-
ben all present.
Yleatee of Thursday's meeting ran tad
waw Try
1017 ANTED. - 100 TUBS �.DAIRY
glees �' S. T/Lsttlta-.
cadet for awe mrdeade of Geo Bums
as ems es then lattw� ail 'hoot• emsy is We'
We gut (i Gad pal the highest prise
trill tv . W • are still Myles imp
Ter ♦ .l.
sad PotatetM at the gen J~ MORROW.
lige Nate Or TO Hoot.
ter d mMbee o.10 he, sho
bia, oto, Serbia miter &ad elate- It. aloe
pears and apples.
Xaa eight memo with, two clothesdmall:
me et these grams is • bedroom dews sues.
of the dude. is ; are ssm wear
sal essoreee antra. AU will M esi4 obest
es the ewer le Rgl1vthg .p betrbske py,g• For
New els., 0A4 es the promisee. ti/wrleo
rawl Who, M sake, that amlr•ble
bra. icm L• et I a. 6. MU., �h.tnw. 1eat.0tw
,MIM el oyatd t3oabed serged�,e�is/el ry Way gym.
rYlrr era Y la a gee
Swat woo M cord
with or wtti.at ads resesee'5 Drop.
B eal sestina wow ail the tear rem a Far
Immo awl furthervartioahte. away
/LOAN. iso. M. Braes -et- Seeable.
ege or to twat. the two leery brisk .M -
we os the ewer et Brahma* Reed and
Waterloo woo& Far firths, MrHoais w
ply to MR& BOSWELL entre pressing.
ssrrees.oesa1 to rent the
��dwelling ea Meimeht. at
T. Woes* Is onitatas
poor p5.Metal1gr songego yssy,gw esd roam.
Tamper s[_ _ase t � Wish.
There Is ted
withshrubs sad t w�e5ss.�0�4� a. Ment
lawn. Apply M F. 113M, a the Pew
mists. Win
r Huletlaneti airless/ hi this Town sf
te0Ie.rie0, epee tlbleh r greeted • ales!
Swat ig Ouse.
W1aesewb0 1
Belrl�l le tt
ThO JUDO 840001011 001101Uded. 1'6e doomed oa molten edloaroed to mot
again at 2 r. e
2 r. a.
Tho Gannon resumed •000rding to outdoes
of .dioarDment, the warden presiding.
The report of the .gualizatien committee
was read and moon west into oommittee,
Mr. Hays la the chair.
The committee row tied reported that to
report tie amended by raising the 0meesmewt
of the'wwnship of McKillop $100, tied the
revert as amended was adapted.
Report of road and bridge committee wee
read, pawed through committee tad adopt -
4 r. s.
toenail not persont be ad ws04aL
An levitation tress We Ladies'
wee ezteeded 1e the oowaoU be viae
The House of Retain Committee report
was reed.
The report was bakes up in oommittte of
the wkeb, Mr. McLean, of Tookeremlth. In
the chair.
Tess oemmlMw rose sad reported progress
Ia omen the report was passed, except
slaw 9, wtloh was referred for dlseoesioo
W1 next Mglhg of mason
The Edeostien report was read and taken
lip In esseaittes. Mr. Pontotoc ;ia the
The °amebas* nae when the report was
.doplsd in .ou,01.
- Tho report t rammee nominee wee tak-
es up Tie 010111011 moved into ooamit tee,
Mr. Cook le e glair. Th..... rose
Dad reported. _ The warden rammed the
ob•tr, when the- -lie oleos 37 war
Later from Ernest Reston, asking for
• grant of $50 00 for the Children's Aid
Sealey was reed sad referred to Ez.outide
Os sties et Robb. McLean, 10
Wm. by
I1. y. the ooaadl adjourned
o'oioek A.rr. en Fddsy.
()moil ate parwtat 00 d journmene, 00
Report of Exsoativs mmmites was read
passed through oommlttee and adopted.
Report of Spacial mmmlttee read. went
to committee of the whets, and was then en
opted to ooasoil.
Repro of notate committee was read
from elaass 38 43, referred to oommt►tes of
Out whole and adopted b omen.
A etetement read by the alert, .bori.8
that the •ppropriatioos to the several Collo
glees Institutes were satiafactory, wee or-
dered to be 51.d.
Oct motion of Masers. MoLeas sad Rollins
Ute t oenotl adjourned o ~ 8 r. a.
1 BALI -The blot rwN00 1 ovrel b7k101
to riate ver Desi. f�eergaeeu a ester to 5me.r7
tlfeett the mole valawbM11cod deshei0e wro-
ela tors.
tambours. beam dwelli:Ziret:
Y ��k..�� p
at an+/ DI
Itr. AhdrrwllnNM
t T►w a.nan iAu set aiies
Deer the a. T.
ber the IGq anise
.lYtto tTOW tlOp lrROliDlOOT it fiodorls5h.
INtunUon+s Valmont.
WA N T E D -A F11(8'? CLASS SER.
mat earl wasted lasted. AP -
f! 7 to 1OIS. A. W. LOYAN. lark street.
8 r. a.
The cannon ass.mbled .wording to .d -
meat, the warden in the obair.
Report o1 (aunty property oo0)mistee
e%E, tenon resolved tteott into oemahttee
K IN whole. Oommillee rose and reported
thee oleos 2 be amewdd by adding the
wards, inolodoo all plumbing and other
works oomedtsd tMnwtib. afar the weed
goal is ,cooed line, and the oleos extended
b read, and the warden to have the work
proceeded with at mos. That the words
ander the supervision of oonnotllrs of No.
1, be added be Mouse 6. In atoms 6, that
the words, the work be done, but we leave
it for your eoa.iderseien, be struck out.
The report as .mended. was adopted.
The idoses of Feianosaommit oe'■ report
was read and adopted.
O. mottos of oounoiUor. Trraace and
Holt, the clerk was directed to notify the
wish of the several municipalities of the
county to levy the nate tor the oousty a0C
to bead statement o1 the souse eo levied,
not later than Dsosmbr 1st, 1898.
Oa motion of ocosoillen
Mot on. the engineer gramdirwed to sa.
that people ebbe had dumped retests ata on
the emb.nkmeot near the Clinton bridge re-
move the same, and U default prooeute
Meatless won made to hold next session
of Conned In Heesall, Seafortb and Gods -
rich, the final vote beteg in favor of the
country own.
The moult ties 'adjourned to meet in
Ooderioh on the tint Tnsed.y in December.
rehesteera when out at drill The report
was adopted.
INCAL1xaD AssznaiI SNT.
Altos several long sittings tits egast-
Ised •ssssomeat of 1898 was adopeed with
the addition of owe dollar per sore added te
Grey, g616.000 added to Hens•11. and • re
dooMoa .f owe dollar per .on in West W e-
w•aosb, the remit being that Gra] is
762 mor. than lest year. He0s•ll $25,
more, end Wale W•we.osh $41.725 loss.
The amend voles for 1898. is 532,283' ,119,
oa .g•iest V32-236,082 for '97 At the .1tet•T-•
Frail our own Corrs.POUdslata
There is information lases Thai Cannes M
hand Anywhere titles -Mews w the
n.aey Ipso is t•peteed
00, TO. atgaal.
ewes sitting tloKUlop was n'•d $1.00' M
Your oemmitt s bei to report ae feYowe :
1. That act oaten be taken W regard to
Arasrewq'5 preservative paint.
2. That the questlen of oonoeotiow with
Ms sewer from the gaol be lett in the kande
of Mr. Mosley, Mr. Lane and the oouooil-
tors of No. 1 division.
3. The Dumber 01 prisoners in heal (2)
agrees with the garde oleo it and r
the gaol and found emuythtng
good order. _
4. We tound everything satisfactory at
Mi. registry ofoe.
5. We recommend that the ot6os formerly
trouped by Jude* Doyle be k•10oenimed
end painted, so that it may be used as •
jury monis futon.
W. have mood pleasure in stating that
the Court House is kept ib exultant order
by the caretaker, Mr. enMcCreath.Data woodwork
6. Tends for pen
sad brickwork et Court House were re-
ceived, and we send them t beans twithe J.
J. Fisher. of Clmson. ($437)
M D. McItime, Chairman.
wadaly at STEAM
4t oYor saga It 10obaramr..11�1�e°� in
ambition' -lied eentalkes
tmeetsidsts �sp�ee��ngas 1107per �t li 6
LiNBG01-P, TM..Mt
wan • wfworek�hoed talkie! sad
boon Oar ter 1 count west cleve2212
er M loon for
1 one
0 to seuch Ter cassia mere'
try rthe Ca.ty,, la ate
Tiff L oltlD0'1`l'
'I F 8 OQ,'R'orswte
If you are ill you need a
doctor in whom you have
con 6dence. .
If you need a remedy you
want one that has been tested
for years; not an obscure, un-
tried thing that is urged upon
you, or on which you save a
few cents -that is no consid-
eration as against health.
For wasting in children
or adults, Scott•' Emulsion
of Cod-liver Oil with Hypo -
phosphites hu been the
recognized remedy for twen-
ty-6ve years.
- -- -.. yec- .si4t.00, tag sermon
SCOTT a SOW$I. O.nI4., Tero•.er
fitssm Laundry
Mores 01 egrVGL
Report of House et Refuge o.mmittee :
Gentlemen. -Your committee met at the
Howse et Refuge os Marsh 23rd, and ex -
.mined the hesee and farm. and consulted
the keeper se M the hest way to outlive
the fare •
1. It wag goaded be parobas • seed dri
agrioal/aral boiler tor boiling clothes, •
palper sad a distnlsotant apparatus.
2. The hells and kespitet ward wan
diced to M k
Mr. Coats was asked lo .Hand so
pureness and employ Done parson to
work ordered.
3. On the 6th d this month your
suttee again ata .cod had that d
given .t a meeting had beim
4. We have to report that ea both v
the hem ase farm appeared lobe
memegeThe meg Masted int year .ad the
114.1.4 to be pleated this yen are
wen sad the tars Doak earl rove are
peed e•adittes.
6. The tamp." - was asked to pnrob
wire gam to a a tier screen dose,
'wisdom. • leo newer and ..pes7 la
7. The be .sof the How far ebb
up be The end of May, mmaeno*Dg
mouse No. 401 lip le 461 were .tidied
lead *Irrlot. We have referred •em
422 d J. R. Hovey to yea tor
From the 1a.paeer's beaks we Sad
total expense amount b $1286.26,
seedbed 1rem Dale d farm pardon $975
'bowleg • an expenditure fes the
soothe d $1011.11. for the ads
B. Fera ot tldl asylum •t (.illi.
wf D. Brludly to the nay bio end
been ailed upas fully as p e I r comm!
warded some days age
more the removal e be sad. eon.
9. W. have eseddese4 the mon
Meeea. Rollin. sd Snell bad advise
se bens. be taken b the mater d
to salary of PMf0aias. Is aspens to
supply, we dna clot the quueMs will
lip is the [spurt el Times Oasmlttoa
mash report le advisable le change
M 1111111/01114.
elan ALEX &MUAST, Ch•lrmwa.
or -
own -
hits carried
foe -
ea of
lard -
hundred and twenty five goeea'teein gree-
t s► The nnmerow hod useful presents re-
oelved showed 00. high esteem In which
bride and groom were held. Among those
present from • disuses were Petr Martha,
e1 Buffalo. Mies Megele Martin, of Detroit,
Joe. Orlttin and the Mimes Griffin, Mr acid
the Misses Hurley, of (lodertoh. Mr. Mu-
tts b . member ot the choir and ot Branch
No. 82, C M.B.A. We extend to Mr. and
Mrs Martin out heartiest congratulations
tor • bright and happy future.
Nonce. -The local agency In Dungannon
for TH,BWNAL is at the Milos of J. 0. Ward
J. P., eenvs actor. Ike., who will rewire or-
ders for su�ptdoas, advertising an4 job -
work. and is authored to give reoelp1 for
amounts paid ter alta emcee.
. Dow. will visit DUng0saCa en bet and
erg friday of each month. All modern meth
extracting and filing, and mating aril-
teath. Otloe_ next dor to Medd'. tally
Hours, 5 a.m. to 5 p.m.
TcssDAY, Jane. 14, 1898.
ZocL1e1AATIu•L -Rove. Armstrong, of
Dungannon, and Franklin. of Ripley, ex
oh.s4.d pulpits lest Sunday.
l0NrilICKDIIOTLD 0000TH. - in oow-
quenm of the 000tineons mobs weather
slam the month of June oowmenoed, an
abundant orop of all kinds of cereals and
vegetables f. antiotpstld.
STBCrr larIwvensure. -Pathmester J.
Medd, with his staff, U doing good work in
repairing our side walks and streets, .leo in
pl.oinp • new rowing, which will be &opts-
oi.ted by pedestrians, on the west side of
Southampton -it
BOAR AIrD 8111111)1.
Your oommtttee beg leave o retort as
follows :
1. 'that we examiwed three belendters for
ereeWg abutments (,.'neater ids.. d
we recommend the tender
for $5 50 per yard be sooepted, it being the
2 Regarding the Manchester bridge, we
reoommend that the span on the West end
be mad. 100 test long .ad the oommismoor
ask for tenders at once. for building the
.hutment and Dew iron eopentrUOture, ..d
the part of the bridge not required, be re -
mored o Dyers on the houndery between
H.Uet1 and W.wsnmh,'.nd that the war-
den and D. Patterson sot with the Rod
Commiesioner in sooting tenders,
3. Re. the two smell bridges mentioned in
the oommissiosw's report, we recommend
the commissioner have them re -built as boon
as partible, provided the ornery of Belle
pay half the out.
RespeottullryV, submitted,
D. PArr1aMote, Chairman.
Pleat ;Unified's street will be reads
fez opu eaua sot, the 10th Wt.
Dyotng and Oloanitlg•
Abell yl ood'r,eh eat d
tees `mttlb�it wur7t
to biro reerlaing dim Mem
ties /t C
meal .Wert st.tma ham
ed• se deliveff_lt�gew ittlwS Wort s •
. p.sMity. JOHN 0URS1. preRwor.
Mortgad+ Bola.
mega. lk▪ ere wW
M Were
Exctlt1t:to.-Quite • number of farmers,
with their ems, and also • wat.ber of beeatt
and belles, ;in this isogon of the oou.try,
took in the excursion o the Agricultural
College at Gwelph, last week, and report
baying bad • good time.
Naw Misers. -Walter Stewart, of Luok•
now, has been awarded the oostnot for the
erection .t the new mane., for Rev. R. Fair-
bairn. His tender being the lowest it was
.000ptd. Amount of I..dr 2965 00.
The building 1s o be completed on or be-
fore Nov. 1, 1898.
COMING AND 001100. -Wm. M•llough J.
P , and wife, were visiting relatives .t Kin•
o•rdine during the put week Mrs. J.
B. Crawford has returned home after 0 two
weeks' vuit with relatives, at Luokoow ... .
Mies Maud Brown. formerly of Dungannon,
and now of Toronto, te on • visiting our to
trieode and renewing old acquaintances....
Mr. R. Hector end wife who have been for
►h. past two west visiting relatives here,
left for their borne. Teesw•tr, on Thursday
' Tuesday, June 14.
Jae. A. , et Trouto, spent
Sunday •t the old home, Carlow,
rho Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will
be dispensed in Carlow ohuroh 0n the 26th
last , at 3 r. r.
Mies 8trhng and Ales. young have been
•ppoluted delegates by the Carlow Sabbath
school to attend the S.S. convention to be
held i+a Wingb•m on the 21st inst.
Do you wane L oO , ole•n straw-
berries! Oo to G. A.Elliott's.
A new firm owning to town, MoUillivrny.
Great & 0o. bankrupt asook dealers.
There will soon be lota ef bsrgaios ie dry -
gods w McGillivray, Grob & Co. are
bringing In • city bankrupt stook.
We hoar that Moen. MoGiUivray, Great
& Co have purchased the stook of Colborne
Bros. at • low prim and are addlsg • taro
city bankrupt .bock to it. Testy expecte to
open shortly, when greet herniae may he
Ur. Moi)onogb and his brother, ,ino. A.,
of Toronto were visiting the old home the
put week, and were heartily welcomed by
the old residents, u they are always glad to
shake bands with Toroobo'e leading M.D.
TrasDAY, June 14th, 1898.
Among those who went to see the Model
Farm at i1aelpb were Jo.eph MoNevin,
James Ll.kl•tr,'Wm. and Arthur Fulford,
Mr. sad Mrs. James Chisholm and children,
IL N. `Slaw and others. The day esu en-
joyed by U.
1. In reference o the will of the lite
Chas. Dioksoo, we recommend that the
terms of the will be sooepted by this toenail
and that the clerk notify the executrix et
the will that upon payment o the county
tress. of the 51,000 mentioned in the will
K.renk0ppuoh Dickson be admitted to the
Hoose sf Reface.
2. Ia referenm to the oommrnimtioe of
F. G. Notion for dosstioos o the. Hortl-
enitaral .oeiety of Seetorth 1er the years
97.98, we recommend that upon proper
proof being furnished, ot ezhlbitioas having
been held. that the application be dealt
with u provided for by the report of Ez-
cative oommittee of 97 98.
3. es o the application of D. H. Martin
for ennuis o she Guelph Agricultural
College we recommend that his name be
•ooepted and that be be notified D000rding-
1y4. We would mamma that the oounty
paroling • type -writer tor the use of the
Hark, sad 0hs1 the trios .hall not nosed
6. As to the .pplio•uoa ot Mr. French
and Mn. French tor homes of salary, we
rammed that the desk tmgidre se ,to the
salaries paid caretaker and metros at ether
HooHu of Man In the Provino..ad .be
as le what duties they perform sad the quso-
tiq ot land in oone.onen with soh Hooses
of Refuge sad alco what amount is
paid for hired help, and lay the acme before
this *omen at IM meeting In December.
6. fa edema 00 order of Ell. Mager,
as to rmatatUesew et the three Duran
oblides', we have had the order redlined
from $1.50 b $1.00 per week for est child
and we recommend that the oouhty lay the
7. Am to the by -1005 s.bmlated by th e
dark, we rs.o. mond that the same be re.
tweed so • committee went 0004 y
eoasaillr Holt, Dr. Holmes and Wm.
Lase, who w empowered to revise boa,
have en lade: prepared end 100 espies,
w110 i 41.10, printed for the sensed.
8. In referesoe to the application d Foo-
tsie. Naylor for damages maid rt have tae
enseioed at GOaly' bridge,
thee se ankle be takes, ed we love with been
Webbed with eafleest proof et damage.
9. We would recommend that • grant t
Ini5 be age to the Cbtldree's Aid Satiety
et the O...ty d Hares ea the applioattos
o1 Ildne.a Ham.
PHtue Hou, Malmo.
mu Mao
1lOMN 9IIN, riff t
Dior ANXIETY. -Deep anxiety prevua
among the fair sex because of the non -re-
turn of the tell laird who went to see the
Medal Fara rd ably are persuaded that be
will some back lath r 'parttfet'la whish he
wiU use • ring, iwtebd of • pen to seal the
C11 scl Ncnsa.-1,o divine service on
Sunday mowing. ....1a the afternoon •
Christian Chtopic
Courage, Mr. Shaw lead
s . g be
nesting. On Thursday of the week,
the W.M-M. will bold ifs meatili tseetla8
tit 3 P. a.
Remember the Cordes Party under the
•uspioes of the ladies of 8t Pear's Worth,
Thunder...lane 23rd, on the 'rounds of W.
T. Klety, Nelson et. A light ten will be
served from half put five till some o'clock,
M lbs_- Raireskmedts Jarred .11 *penia;,
and band In attendance.
Norio' -It hu been arranged that the
friends of the Ho. 11. C. Cameron, Lieut-
enant Governor of the North West Terri-
tories. will present him with • banquet and
address at the Btitub Exchange Hotel oe
Wednesday evening. the 22ud tut. Anv
one desiring to attend can obtain . tiokeo nes
appltostion to the und.nigned. C. GAa-
iWW, sedrelary to committee.
BICYCLE' RAClP, Aa interestiag aeries of
noes will be bold ea the track of the Ag-
rloultor.l Perk, Friday eveaine, as follows :
Qu5rt0 mill dash. epee : halt mile for boys;
ons mile open. Alex Molvor barred ; toe
mile handicap. A very tine range el primo
have been proctored,.nd the services d t0
town hand have been secured fee t0 M! -
oasioo. The band will meet on Di Ilga.r.
•t 7 o'olook sharp, and wooed to the At-
rioultur.l grounds. Tickets loo ; Ladies
and children 5o e.ob. Mery body oo.e.
TC1eDAY, JUDO 14..
Miss Jamie L•w.os, ot Godertoh, enjoyed
a pleasant visit hen on W dneedsy of last
MARTIN. -Another break was made in
the list of old inhabitants by the death of
Melinda, widow of the late Hoary Martin
after • long and severe Illness •t her reel•
dentis, Bina' street, the past week. The
deceased lady was a member of the Stafford
t.mily, well known Godrioh readouts in
the days gone by, end her pre-d.osesed hus-
band being • loo' time resident of own and
vicinity, Mr. and Mr. Heory Martin were
Included In the list of old lohabltanta. Tee
late Mrs. Martin made a host of friends by
her ever kindly welcome of visitors and in
reoogoiao0 of this trait of her character,
mepy travelled long dfetentes, to stand be-
ide the lot resting place of their ever sin
owe friend. The funeral took piece from
The farm i6ree-U--itidlpwood, the rest- her late re.idsaoe-Berens street, o9 W dues•
dense of foreman Robt. Young. bas been day, the internees taking plane to t'0e t.•
repainted ly plot in old Maitland. the coked being
Robert Stirling, Sr., from near Porter's placed beside the remove of her do0.eed
Hill was • transient visitor, on Wednesday, partner. Rev. Jas. A Aaderoo°, B.A.,
oondooed the funeral envfo.1 at the house
and grave. tad Major Beek and kissers. S
Sloane, Wal. Potts. Joo. Aohsen, D.afe!
Ferguson and Joseph Whitely were the pall
bearers. There was a wealth of flowers on
the casket ; they 000)1 trom far and near,
and Inoladd some lovely offerings to mem-
°num. The surviving ohildren and other
rel•tiyes of deceased; have the aymp.bhy of
a large olrole of friends sod .cquaiotanoes
in their great hereavemlot. All d.mased's
doubters, Mesdames. Bailey and Walter
Senate, own, MoDo•gb, Carlow, and
Whiteley, Woodstock, were present daring
her last inoses. as won ber goes, Vancouver
end Hosea Her sons. Allan, Klondike,
Trdrba, Dakota and Charles, Manito0,
wire cable to be present. Mrs. Allan
Mares, of Detroit., was • couster's abun-
dant se her relative. and Horses 11011.,,
draand of Woodstock, was 9(1.100 0t the
1 r
STBAw1EKRY FaeTtvAL -The choir of
Vtotorie-sl Method ist oh groat, harlot) moored
the spacious and •t,tnotive grounds .t the
residence of John Andrews, Bayfield Road,
wilt give • strawberry (estival on the even•
tog of Thursday. June 23rd. An e,ms11. t
program will be furnished, oonelsting ot
soles, quartettes. duetts rsoitetioD., in-
atronental mob by th5 oelebrstsd "Sun-
.hine Orobestra," of Oodrloh, and an ad-
dress by Rev. Joseph F:dre. name, for
the ooaveyanae of friends, will leave the
Square at taterv.le dovish the evening.
oommeooing et 6.30. Fare for round trip,
loo . dmiwion to grouted* and refresb-
ments, 100. _
MI lime moo
5 0� la�� riand rebate
acne*H. 8. E
First D.y-Tu0d•y, June 28th.
A. M. 8:45 Reading Rego iatiouts
9:00-11.00Feslieh Grammar.
P. M 2:00- 4:00Composition
4:10- 4:40Notation
bess.d Day-Wdneday. lune 29,0.
11:00__.-. Arithmetic
P. M. 1:30- 3:00History
Third Day -Thursday, June 3010.
of levee week.
Mist Quaid b.' returned after • pleasant
vista of too days to relatives and triode at
Port Albert.
A another of the gypsies that were hen
• few days ago returned 012 Saturday and
pitched their ant. on Nightingale at. In
their •demos there was a wedding in the
A leading employee of the Headmen tlM-
oyole Works, of the 04.e*Isr town, has been
in ear midst 1•taly, giving some advice
about b.vine • °hider path made en Night-
ingale street besides ether matters.
Year oomml/tga report that :
L Ase sepal teres pissed before es fres
the Trueloves d S No. 9, Tiekrusitb.
10 00.wdor'the regale el poMIw 5.eserie
totroolge soodl t T.ukenM0 e.sMat
lots 17, 8, 19 ase pan d 90 au
e. 4w', Rad.
Is the towawitb.4 Tusherehtp.
We Peeomaee4 DOG lie mein be 1st*.
2. Abe 1s appal boo 8. 3. No. 2, Mena -
why d Hu, ooldosthat sel erbi*ser be
amoialied 'welsh s by law QM wag
posed by Hay te'wrMp 55as'n, eet4a1 ens
• me* setesglmelee ehebwaea . 10
la gidIlan 101 4MM.
me &alma.
All or w Router ti.Lna,
TM spook( stomper eworted M Inver
5f odloollsoo the solloo
alb mppt0Moon Hllmeno d
Yae08 sal
tmta, Me asst 51044,, sd
fib ettt.,i to j51a w1MHaltom
wool too oo of 31*. mpi. dor to w
The downpour of rain brought quite an
bib, of visitor" to the Ezohasee Friday
sight, when then was the largest somber
of lodgers ever gathered at the hotel b Its
Money as an inn for the brevetting public
during arty years.
Monday of this week Mn. T. A. Haugh-
ton with her daughter Mrs..' a. Williams
left Ooderich by the mid-day express for •
mouth's obit to ber son, the Rev. E. Haugh-
ton, Dunmore, rectory near Scranton, Pa.
K• route ib., will lee the quests .t Mies
Rose Langley. of Toronto. for several days.
The camel statute labor work in the
math one of this burg. with the help of
some Leghorn oiticens, was oo•mpleted tut
week ter 1898, ender We dlreotton 1f E. N.
Shaw, t Lesburn, as pathmasser. This
season • now pit has been purchased by the
tp. of Colborne. mer the sun bought some
year age. for gravdline perpoms.. The
sewt embalm three acres sadmissed
by John Bakes, for the ooanen. In oar
hen. Joseph MeoN.vis, Wm. Tools, •cod
Herm Horne, shoveled the first load lm
the qulek Liao et 66 mooed,.
TvmDAs, Jam. 14.
A weddbg may be expected in our burg
Mr. George Clarke bee recovered ml•
Goleotfy to amebae him lo be oat sada.
Charles MoNell sad bibs McNeil. of
8altf.rd, flatbed treads Mrs on Monday
Mn. Jobs William' left tat Monday for
Soton0.g, P• a an emended relit to her
br, tear. the Rev. Ed Hearken.
Dadaotor Hem ell. the Mery et His Rag-
an from Diabetes.
Tomato, June L3.- Amnia) Mr. R.
newsy ea gra* (No. ows emAA1071 w o lar boa been
Hoeg, the eirege
aired d sag
a very severe e of Daberm. by
D.dd'.1tltaav Fibs, has wales. a follow,
be the Dodd', Median, Co., Limited.
"My safferlep swatted overs prod t
Woo yeses. sad grow wartsdsy. 1
Gould RN wits/ to ohen iwoo
to pooh► ay bleed. Finally, the
mo, d I Row so Gasoitt-
ef Moo I log to aids week.
"A trod .1.bd no to ter Dedd's
!Ill1W -
cGy s. I ksug051 Gt 000. �w I had *ted
Mute or amity 1 Soh bo s. to lot
itJ 1� I_�g
Dedd'o Mewl 7111.• ThsHo ek deg, du Mos -
e ottol w anarol7•"
Dss,'a newt obey, 17 MMMM 5. the
week oralloi Jou 0. si Ibo oorwq'edkep woo! 011330
FISHER. -'l he death of Samuel Fisher
In the swine cm Kart street last week
shams bow love of the old town may be
deep la the hearts of those far away. 0400)11
tweety-five years linos Saw was • well-
known figure is Goderioh, and he would no
doubt have remained with as had be not
had an oiler that oonsider.bly improved his
position, and for • long time he resided in
Chicago. The last few years hie health
had failed, and se feeble tied be brooms that
he knew the end was near. Some (debt
days before death earns he mused nla at-
tendants to place him io • chair and finding
he mold stead the shifting he at Duos made
op hie mind lo prepare for the rotors jour-
ney to the old town to dis. Deceased start-
ed es the return lounge, In apparently im-
proved health, but the delays and obmages en
the journey no doubt wearied hint and he
warned to be passing into the sternal *beep
all the way op (rem Stratford, but when he
heard the 'bout, Godsrtoh, hie eyes bright-
ened, and • saedying *mile stole over his
laoe, a smite that oral Wei se the vital
spark dlesepearing, left, Semite Fisher, " et
home." The funeral. largely attended, took
plana on Wednesday •Iterm000 from the
resldenoe of MW Bloat. Vio0ris street, to
Celbrme Cemetry. Rev. Jas A. Andersen
01. A. was the officiating minister and Messrs.
J. 0. Mettle, 1) McKay, Ed V nK�ytha
Mem, Wm. Aohssen, end M.
pall borers. Deoessed leaves • widow and
nosy relatives ei town and township to
mom bis departure.
A. M. 9:e0--11:00.... English Literati' e
11:10-11:40.... Writing
1'. M. 1:30- 3:00.. , . Physiology and
i femperrroc
P. 8. L
First Day-Tsesdey, Joao 28th.
A M. 8:45 Rsetilud Ron ethane
9.00-11:00Hookah Grammar
P. M. 2:00- 4:00F:ogllrh Composition
Second Day -Wednesday, June 29t0.
A. M. 9:00-11:00Arithmetic and
11:10-1220Drawing lileaasr's
P;$' 1:30- 3:00History
3:10- 6:10Book•k sill( oat
TawonAY, Joe 14.
Jetts W1DD110.-A happye'v0t 000srred
to St. Joseph's aural on the 710 la.e., Ming
the swrrdsge of Mee M oldest daughter
d Mr. end Mss. John Heim. to Stephen
*Ala, ea en1519115lwe rows iman et the
p.r10, b7 q1 reopened pester, Rev. Fence
Dinh The Arlie was tastefully attired le
white eoaburn, Ma hat he swell,sad woo
. ssi.eed by the gra.a's ober. Miss
ef Deerotb, who looked .hsrmis4 (e blue
11. The ROOM wen enppe5014 Sy the
ds'. brother. J.Ms. Aft the auptal
Mame the brldsl party a the base
.1 the bride, where aaaiii���t qty relative'
dM ample !'same be • semptMeS dwiea w.
The .oweu woo piw.attp Asst with
st the ego.
*1041sww J
t optiou soot 011 was M U la
sow •yowl
Toomoft Hoot, Cowl, when GNU on
f^- -
Third Dee -Thursday, June 3010.
A M. 9:00-11:00.... Algebra sad Euclid
11:10-12:30.... Physiologand
P. M. 2:00- 4:00.... English Poetical
air Rodeo may be takes OD the above
days at Groh hours as may sale -the convent -
ears of the examiners.
Ail genies getting their sale hills printed at
tato Oboe e will inserted
to the time of sales.
Or'1"tn5DAY, Jule/ 2141.-Cemtnendwg at
1 r w. at the premises mi Brum at .od
8•ltfrd, there will he geld try pnhlie ami-
ties four gest-olses onuses. the 1 rw.ehold
furniture of one et the nonage. sod t he
Wok betel in Salttrd. Tato.. (it. is nig Y,
A Lotto Lure -The application' teeived
from aspirant. tor mon-proles.too•1 teachers'
mrtifoate. mike • pretty long 1st, some
one huodred and thirteen b.ving entered
cheer names to write •b the collegiate lo•
saute. As B.ydsld, Faster, Dungannon,
etc., aim will have candidates writing on
the same papers, f1 Geese thele 1s no
likelihood of • scarolty of itiereitilidif Is the
near tutors.
V. 0. t. --The lost buts of tee Sew el
iaglead benevolent moiety .old Oates'
Watillatia will aerostat tibiae oorp's *rah .1x1 eso n
ie St
Als mI, he
19th sot, lire will be epeolsl mato oa
re sero.
For Victims of Bright's Disease
is Dodd's Kidney Pills.
Not • day passes on which the
newspapers do not record the death of
one or more persons from Bright's
Disease. Already its victims num-
ber hundreds of thousands. Day
by day the awful total grows larger.
No class is safe from this destroyer•
War and intemperance, with all
their miseries and fatalities, are not
responsible for u manydeaths as
have been caused by right's Dis-
ieease. Yet, there is a way of resisting
it ; of drawing its poisoned fangs, and
making it u harmless as a summer
breeze. That great medicine, Dodd's
Kidney Pills, has cured thousands of
the worst cases. It never fails to
cure, hopeless as the case may seem.
Would you safely shield your loved
ones from the fatal grip of this curse
of mankind -Bright's Disease i Then
use Dodd's Kidney Pills, the only
Cure on aka fbr this disease.