HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-6-9, Page 8• e kE*8 OE 1M1 WDM nth VERY LATEST FROM ALL THE WORLD OYER - r, Sal* g 'boo Abut 0., Ows Cuastry. Orem Meals. tb. Usut.d biota.. road An Parts et t . Qka.. Goodwood sod Aesert.l M lleei Reams. CANADA. The new aoepitel at London will Dost about $55,000. Gold In Loafing quantities brie been Lound in the Pesos River district. Mrs. Elizabeth Cr =ler of Altenburg was lined 6160 for illegally aaulac- turing cigars. William McDonald, a BuKalo sport, was robbed of $490 in Hemi!toa on Monday eight. St. John, N. B., bakere have advanc- ed tbe price of bread one cent on a two -pound loaf. The immediate delivery of specially stamped letters wUi be oomwanced about July 1. a Actor Emerson, who abut and kill- ed James Tattle, at Loado, will hal Lord George Hamilton, Ssrretary of State for ladle has &Baro been men- tioned in connection with the Govern- or -Generalship of Canada in succes- sion to the Earl of Aberdeen. The sense of the Duke of Fite, sou -is -law of the Prince of Wales in also discussed io Um same connection. UNITED STATES. A trade treaty between the United States and France baa been arranged. Tbe steamer City of Worcester •truck s reef in a thick fog on Sun- day in Long Lased Sowed. and bad to be Lee hmd. The directors of the New York Mer- chants' Association have passed • re- solutiot affirming the necessity of im- proved trade relation with Canada. Mn. Stsraemrn will begin an action evilest the Metropolitan Life Insur- ance t'ompauy to get timeeriun of the $1 009 insurance on the life of her hus- band. By the explosion of the boiler of an engine nn the Hooeatonie tunnel and Wilmington. Vt , Zephaniah Douglas. the engineer. and F:real T. F'aulLen- er, the fireman were killed. Several persons sustained minor injuries. { A lend of Indies& baa been found In- Northern hflnneeota suffering from a malady resetrublimi leprosy. As ('anadisn 'Indians have been mingling with theta. an inve.tigativa, will be made bi tbe Indian officials at Win- nitieg. tried at the fatt Aegis's. The Irishmen of Ottawa are taking steps to relieve their famine-etrlckee- coantrymen to Ireland. - --� Hamilton Council W iealded to take step towards securing the (entre, of the local street railway. At Vancouver. Sella Adams. cut-tbe tArcat of ber mulatto lover, ebonies Menoeid. Kincaid u dead. '!the Mugtreeal (+orafnrence. after a lively debate, refused to prohibit min- isters from entering politics. A disease resembling leprosy has made its appsaranoe among the In- diana of the Raley Lek" country. Hamilton license holden who were On probation will have their licenses extended for the whole year. Miss Brown. aged twenty, of Poplar oPuinL_ en.. hoc& stir/chaise, in igis- take Pot gaits and diad in a few men - etas. The 'Montreal police raided bicyclists who were out without lanterns Twen- ty-five were gathered la at one police station. Dominion Bank note« suppo ed to ba a portion of the -premeds of the N n ee bank robbery, have turned lip at Winnipeg. August 8th has been chosen for Belle- vtlle'e Civic holiday. The Sons of land will have a large demonstration on that stay. _ Ilse Customs returns for Ile port of Montreal for tbe month of May am- ounted to 11601,075, against $408.246 for May. 1807. A retort ham been lent in to the De- partment of Forestry of Ontario that • bug is catty up the boxwood maple is Eastern Ontario. A two-year-old sun of Mrs. Wm. Kemp. Kingston, fell into • tab of boil- ing water et a neighbor's and died in • comae of hours. Tb. War Eagle Mining Company has declared a dividend of one and a halt per cent. per moth. which is equal to lb per cant. per annum. is Kingston the Civlo'boliday is fix- ed for August re h. when bicycle races will le bald. am well as the annual races of the Canadian Road Club. The officers of the Ottawa and New York Railway expect to have trains running into the Central depot, Otta- wa. Ireton; the first of Jaly. t The Winnipeg City Council will call br tendon for the supply of pump - lag machinery capable of furnishing foul million gallons of water per day. The carpenters of Winnipeg have commenoed an agitation for an inc•reat• to their rote of wages. The highest rate paid et present Is 25 cents per hour. Madame Dandurand, wife of Senator Dandurand, and one of the olevereat of Frenob.Canadian writers. has been appointed an offioer of the -French Academy. As moo as the Victorian Order of Nurses Committee for Kiagaton secures rat It will engage a distriot nitre. Coasiderable opposi t ion is met thereto the •obeme. The Attorney -General has been ask- ed ler a fiat to allow an notion to be bro.lght sgsiast .the.. Kingetsue Street Relway Company for runfling its cars os Sunday. R. F. Robertson, of New York, has lsedepted the poet of Government min- eralogist for British Columbia. Be IS s C>eaadian. sad highly recommended by .Dr. Dawson. Share, four-year-old daughter of Thomas Copeland. London, died after toting castled salmon A few days esu Mr. Copeland'= little son drank carbol- ic acid with fatal results. Petitions are Ming circulated In smilton for a pardon to A. M. Boad- , committed to Kingston peniten- tiary in 1905 for seven years for as- ✓ aeltteg H. M. Arthur. Juerph Ord, 86 nor. old, living near Ortttia may bare to answer to a charge of murder. Dnriag a dispute be stat - bed big stelsloa, W. H. l.awrbsee, whose life is deapairad of. Premier Greenway, of Manitoba, who is in Toronto, "aye that Its prospects for the fanners in Manitoba never •Iboked brighter than Oily do this Bea- son. The population of the province will be increased by a largo Itflet e1 immigrants. James Ptvsttiee, section forswore of the Greed Trunk between Partaiale; and Toronto. fell from s gravel t op Tuesday aieht. and was lnstaa iF (tilled, his bead tieing out oft by the wheels. He was married, sad leaves • family of ten children. Qe Gaits 11.5 years of age. David T. Hanliary, d Mocha, ling., has loft Winnipeg for the far north on an exploring expedition. H. will aireed the Inlet to Raker L.ebw/ which le Wenn territory. but berried which la s. hi ed 0.14 ot'bitbarti utexplotvd. tetrtter .. -114e. llnebury -•wail• speed the Here remainder of the femgret returning to Edmonton after the hiker freeze over. GREAT BRITAIN. Bares Looe PlaytMr is ebe die han. ed Partacusetarrl$''at died ti I l *-.. . -. . v 'A GENERAL. Tbe new Italian Cabinet is a calor- ie/is oombinatioe. and is likely to have difficulty io finding • majority in the Chamber. The proviso ma of Tacna and -Arica, long a subject of dispute between the Chilise, and Peruvian Governments will be submitted to arbitration. Five hundred Mohammedans who were taking part in a procearion near Bombay were ordered to atop. They re- fused. and attacked the police. Thehrad constable was fatally injured. and sev- eral others received severe injuries: Prince Kung. brother of the late Em- peror Hienfung. of China, and President of tbe Council ds c',ead. He was born on Januery 11., MM. For twenty-three TC-MitE1letttto 1)1R% ter war -Primer 'Minister of the Empire. 'Then be fell Crum peeet. tali latec.trseasas yptla'ieci fIueatial. ANGIO -AMERICAN ALLIENCE. • M We01111 Lad die wcrid le sordes and It. Debts Weald se (tem. What gigantic possibilities would en- ter the domain of the world's politics, buuld the mooted alliance between Great Britain and the United States become an ecmmpliahed fact! 11"ith Spain. Freauoe and awsia,rom- btaatd against this great anion of tbe Angle- izon race the latter would have a preponderance is the world which would practically render war im- possible end give an incalculable im- petus to all the machinery of modern civilization. The territory controlled by an An- glo-American alliance at itastart would be 15,040,400 square miles, or 6,000.000 Squares miles more than one-third of all the land of the globe. The population of this territory is 458.684,000, or 200,000,0111 more than one- third of the globe's total inbsbitanta. THE TOTAL WEAL'fH of the alliance, exclusive of India, wound be over $125,950,000,000. 7'he number of miles of operative railway la 258,246. out to speak of 16,- OQO miles of steam and electric railways in operation in United States cities alone, enough to encircle the glut* sev- eral times. The proposal of tbe United States to upend a billion dollars on the en- largement and perfection of its navy would add another great suet to the alliance, and the completion by Eng - laud of the railroad through Africa. from Egypt to Cape Tuws. would cony tribute a link to the chant of empire of untold value and sigaiticance. The annual revenue of the Anglo. American alliance would reach the sum of $1.717.745,000: A faint amceft tion of this auto can be gained from the fact that it would purchase 42,944., 000.1111 loaves of breed. a quantity of food which would keep three million people from starving for a period of over 14,313 days, or thirtyrsdne yearn, with a fresh loaf of bread for every man. woman and child every tweaty- four hours. The tonnage of the merchant ships of the albino. would be 14,775,000 tons, which is an amuuns equal to the weer lined weight of all of the inhabitants I f the Ro■"ian Empire, with those of France. the Netherlands. I+4ypt, Italy, Spain, Ifrasil, Portugal, Sweden, Moo- ney, Belgium, Bwitsertand, (}recce, Denmark and Venezuela, allowing the average weight of men. women and tbtldren to be figured. at 150 pounds. '1716 total value of the imports for one year into the territory of the alr- Hance would be 4,170.500000 thin sum .'- it converted into ondofslar bins std Isla earl to end would form a line of greenbacks over 556,565 HILES iN LENGTH, or Sufficient to *Aeirde the earth over tw•entyt-tbree times. l'be total exports of the Anglo-Am- etie•on alliance evoaid be over $1.579,. 1641sw. not tacluding anything .:port. ed• fetes Cubs.• Recto Rk'o. Hawaii or tits Philippines. •Tisa total indebtedness of the aIii- live would st.bunt to ‘17,1104.660.001 of only oneretltb of ell the Itldnbted*e.t of e'er pantry it tbe *Mild come puled In -Obs hemp sum. and which 10911sslWeots to $j7,400.000,000. be eegela a of the Anglot-Am- treeing st�-lta a peace tooting of 248.000 sheat Orgealeet with a natitorm.- >.,1 sad abor hl ergotised and drill- ed reserve, which would easily bring the number up to 708.1100 officers and ?shrew ' tif8 be ready to tight. id Rtrew d=ye. Illihcomplete is .the volutfeer system label sad +tttssru:I'tbnt 111.09 10 u cont'► M railed by them ititirte r' L A+, ' - Jam- . .•ole. w .. ry'. a, .41 Tr MEM PIRLILIIT: Notes of Proceedings In the Canadltta Mouse of Commons. LIECT.-C:OV'E1tNOR CAMERON Sir Wilfrid Laurier, in reply to Mr. Foster, stated that Mr. M. C. Camer- on. =member for Weet Huron. has been appointed Lieuteaen(4iuveroer of the Northwest Territories. GOODWIN'S $73,000. Mr. Blair, Minister of Railways, an- nounced that the sum of 073.000 which the Exchequer Court declares to I t' du- to the contractor for the Soutane - es canal has not yet been (aid, as the Department of Jtstioe is ronaidering the advisability of entering an ap- peal. The Minister anticipates that the tiwlene's canal, which will Dost five million dollars, will be open for navi- gation next spring. A BILL WITHDRAWN. The Sons of F'ngland hill. atter mak- ing its way through the Commons in face of a strong opposition, stet with disaster in the Beaking and Com- merce Committee of the Senate. Mr. Fitsgersld, Superintendent of Insur- ance, and J. M. Courtney, Deputy Min- ister of Finance. both made strong re- presentations in favour of inserting in the Sona of England bill the clause placed in the Foresters' bjjl requiring an increase of rate*.'By`vote of 11 to 7, the committee decided that the metieure could only pass with such limitation. and thereupon the promot- ers withdrew their bill. MANITORA'S CLAIM. Premier Laurier gave notioe of a mo- tion bo credit Mauitob• with 11284.463 settle ibe Ctaim ter legialauvhnitd.'- ingw, and to pay 1241.890 arrears of YUKON GOVERNMENT BILL. When the Yukon Government bill waa before the House, Mr. Davin said it met the requirements of the dist- rict inrict pretty well. He admitted it was'', pp per, at present. not to give miners the control of the Executive Council, and to retain such appointment at Oh tawa.. To make the Council lees anter cretin, however, be suggested that the judges be ezpofficio members. This suggestion was adopted by lir. Sib - too, who moved an amendment, making judges exbofficio members. of the Ex- ecutive. He said the Council would have a great deal of work, a. the pop- ulation of the district was now 40.000. THE RAIJ.WAY COMMITTEE. All the various Yukon railway schemes for entering the district through U. S. territory, incleding Hamilton Smith's hill, were withdrawn in the Railway Committee by tbe re- quest of the Government. Mr. Blair declared that after full consideration the Cabinet had decided to opi:ose the granting of these charters. Bills to ins corporate the Alaska and N. W. rail,- way. ailrway. the British Yukon Mining mad Transportation Company, and the Pa- cific and Yukon Mining and Navigation Company were withdrawn in conse- quence. Mr. Danville'= bill to incor- porate the Ybkon Overland Transition -1 tstion Company to build a waggon road from Lake Bennet to Dawson City was defeated by a vote of 91 to 27. POT ATOMS BY WEIGHT The Government bill to amend the Weights and Measures Aot was read • third time and passed. with an amendment declaring that wherever potatoes are sold by the bag such bag shall contain eighty pounds. BILLS PASSED. The following bills were read a t.bird time in the House and passed: - Respecting the Demme City Electric Co., limited. Respecting the Saaketcbewan Rail- way and Mining Co.. and to (Mange its name to tbe Saskatchewan Pacific Railway and Mining Company. To incorporate the Ottawa inter- provincial Bridge Co. To revive and amend the Acts re- specting the inter'uetiosal Radial Rail- way Compaay. THE NUPPLItMENTAR1ES. Supplementaries for 1898-90 were brought down. The total to be voted is $ab0l176, of which 11.1110,492 is chargeable to capital. sad $1,161,19$ to income. J. G. Colmer, of the High Cammisaioasr's office, geta as innre•r of WO in salary. There is an item of $1.000 for int roluetthg the Bart i 1 I oa system of identification of crimleala in Government penitentiaries and fitting up oentrsl bureaus at Ottawa. The sum of $2,50,000 is eat apart for defraying the expenses of the plebiscite, and $1,000 to sestet Mr. Kingsford in his- torical rew•rcbes. An item of $6,000 is for a new rifle range at Hamilton sed $25.000 for new ng ground at London. As item of is tor medals for militiamen who served dur- ing Fogies raids of 1006 and 1170. Cd. .John Gray. of Toronto, gets a gratuity of $1,498. The sum of $6000 is given towards wiping oft the Ilebil- ities of the Risley building. sad the i owinion Artillery Association re- ceiver a farther grant of 14100, of which ►2.000 is to entertain the English team. The sum of $16,000 1s voted for elter,ng ten million rounds of 902 -(nett smmanition purcbaasd from the Home Government and $146.000 fore:penile* and Day Yukon mttttsry contingent. f For obs atereolosial there is 511,002,- 1M. •0,a Item of $10,009 is nit apart for .-eimetval of superstrectnre of Port Dal- housie piers, sad $:9,000 to renew the I)et.srl t. dam and bridge. Five thou - seed dollar. 4a• asked for ynrpps. of Railway Cemadeelen, and $A 0011 for summer fortnigbtiy movies between Montreal. Iteasttee. and Meucbester, said a wintst service esteem At. Jobs and Halifax and the British port. The request of the Royal Society fora' ma- rine biological oteerveter_y to the lit. taw renals ea granted. $7.190 i eing gives for obs purpose. wbile $11,000 Is asked for a new magn.ik ebe.rvatory •t AgRinrnnrt. Reensieinngg netts% ler-lurk 118d0406 for dragging Yiagswn harbor. 1.•0) tor noire to pier and dredging st looltetas. $10.100 tor dredging ap4R .err., ,,�..►,. t1 ie11 • harbor. -(/10.001 tee- sisanieattan sad itaproesvests of Slickest' river from Fort Wrsagel to Gl.aors, oto., 16.000 for trail from Rdmoatee to Y u - district, 1126.000 for steamboat and launches for use of Government offi- cer. in the Yukon district. $28.000 for payment of tnlano. of judgment and roots of litigation commenced against the Clews is 1604 aria 1996 In cases of Canada Sneer Refining Comiany and Toronto Street Railway Company; $10.- 607 for coats in oononetios witb the Manitoba sobool litigation. U. S. ARMY INBA D SHAPE. Gra. yea telteualrs 11 Is raprepared Ire Ardfie t'amlttalar 1■ 1 Was er r.ri+ Olen. A despatch from Washington, says: -General Miles intimated in his de- spatches; to the War Department that be finds the volunteer forces of the United States wholly unprepared et the present time for an active cam- paign against the enemy. No official report hes been made yet by the gen- eral, as he bee nut by any means com- pleted his tour of inspection. The volunteer army is lacking in the many necersariee that would be need- ed in a cansli.sign either in Cuba or Porto Rico. Many regiments have nu uniforms, and many more regi- ments are deficierit iu "hum, hats, and underclothing. Although every ef- fort a treeing mage by the (iovernmant to supply the truopa as rapidly as pos- sible with first-class equipment, the authorities find 'themselves greatly hampered by the lark of facilities 1* the United States for making clothing for the soldiers. TR(itUBLE AttUU'1' AMMMt NITION. There has also been some slight 81111• nutty in supplying the army at such short notice with arms and ammuni- tion but this trouble is being very rap- idly overcome. Bide have been called for from the leading cartrijig%com- lwniee of the United States for large quantities of revolvers red rifles. Thr l mots Metallic Cartridge Company bas presented bids our- .45 End :60-'csiibrw cartridges. Thin company estimates that it ern supply f0u.600exastridges in fifteen days, 20J.000 during the follow- ing ten days, and 25.000 afterward each day. The Winchester (?ompsny and the United States Cartridge Company have also presented bids to the War Depart- ment. Both of these companies esti- mate that 'they can supply targe amounts of ammunition upon short no- tice. There is no doubt that tbe Ord- nance.Depart.meot will make several large contracts .for cartridges within the neat few days. THREE CAMPS FOR VOLUNTEERS. Major-General Miles will probably recommend in his report to the Gov- e rnment that three large permanent camps he gettable/abed for the volunteer army. One of thew camps will un- deubtedty be at Montauk Point, L.1., another •t Chickamauga park. and a third •t some plane in Florist& not as yet deoided upon. The troop st Camp Alger will probably be distributed among these three camp. Already the War Deportment has decided that no more troops will be sent' to Camp Al- ger, and the order time had been is- sued to the Thirty-fourth Michigan Regiment to proceed to the camp near Weehingtoa nam countermanded. The Chicakatnsaga National Park Cammisslon has been instrooted by the Government to provide accommoda- tions for an army of 76,000 men. There is • strong probability that the camp in Florida will be at Jacksonville. LATIN VS. SHAVING. Sir Jobn Sinclair once •eked Cochrane Johnstone wbeiher he meant to bay. • sus of his. then a little boy, taught Latin. No. said lir. Johs.toae; but i mesa to 40 somettang a great deal bet. ter for him. Whit i. that 1 asked Sir Jobn. Why, raid the other. teach him to shave with cold water, and without a glass. A BAD CALCULATION. I thought I would can my daughter of an extravagant fondness for candy by letting her clerk in a candy store. Well, how did it work? Here's ber employer's bill for what she ate the first week; either be is • rained man or I am. FAMILY PRIDE. Said Phelim The O'Toole. gn a great family. Sure, wan was raiaed to the throws of out/ OIreland. And wbat's that to the O'Roana i said Pat, for the honor of bl" family 'Tina O'Ryan they nivel to the hivena and made a coastillat.ios of him And tens he is to ttkia day I GREAT ELASTICITY. My bicycle rens like a thing of life this morning. said Mr. Httnker to Miss Flypp. That ie because you have pumped Its tires full of the bracing{ air, replied the young lade.-` THF: ISMALLE.ST FLOWER. The rmelleat flower known to the botanist is said to he that of the yeast plant. ft le microscopic in sins. and it said to be °sly nee bundredth part of a millimeter in diameter. .A IOISG TiMI. When did the Rev. Mr. Hennypeck take orders/ Let Ins see. He wee Married in '79 std he's ben taktag foam ever sines. FAILED. The !Mee -What beeams of that cat- tle oar yon invNtwdf The Inventor -f couldn't get the railroads to take any stook In it. TRAGEDIES OF FRIENDSHIP. Alice. why have you slopped apeek- iag bo iOIlsf Because when 1 laked her N my bat wool straight she said nothing shout ut bark hair bring 'reacted ors'. my lett ear. tVUAT HE FEARED. Harrigne-C1 tow you oat Se more .ince you married Dotan's wieldy. Do yeti ears no more for the club 1 11- G��artlgn.-It's tbat very thirty; 01 ads MILLION IN TB LOT GREAT BANDS OF ROBBERS IN CHINA AND FORMOSA. l'bsaere tir■b..l Moira ep-F•pa►a•s of rests&.• wr+eaOI up h eat. weesp7 .1Iaa.rewt l'e•atrymea and Maples Weenea, .A despite& from Tacoma auto -The .teansahip Visitorte brings Hong Hoag advisee to May l*h. The spirit of re- bellion and riot seems to pervade many parts of the Orient, Five thousand robbers are assembled is one band la the mountains of LOyang., Kin -Chou district. neer Canton. Throe thousand are natives of that district. and the bal- ance comprise groups of marauders from other plater. They commit crimes of every description, plundering. rob- biog. obbang, and killing as their fancy dic- tates. The local authorities are terror- ized, and dare not oope with them Reoe•tly the bears off, an influential mandarin was robbed. The mandarin offered rewords of l036 for the, capture of each robber. Sena robbers were captured, bat the waadarut retuned to give the rewards. The dishonesty of the a+*.clarin has made the rubbers bolder titan ewer. for all poor people ben made up their minas .not let inter- fere with their plundering. because tbey claim the rich cannot be trusted. The (laatos authorities have offered rewards Loi the captain ut men known to be supplying arms and salmlusItlee to the robbers. On April :18th a .mall tend of brig- ands attacked the games of the magis- trate of Klimicag. They carried sway valuables wurth 1110.000 and released the priscoen conflated is the yamen. Four Chinese mariners were burned fatally by an explosion aboard a .mall Chinese gunboat. which was practical- ly blows up. The gunboat was near Wo-Ol se trotted from -iMsatring • Canton, with pay for the Cantoosee lreop.. t1ensisg to • tomtit? ealmapal by pontes, the Captain ordered his men to load all the Inane in neediness for an attack, at the name (Arne cautioning them not to smoke opium near the powder magazines. This warning was disregarded, and the resutt was an explosion of the magazines. by w bath all the guns were discharged simul- taneously. The captain succeeded in resctnng three woueded men who jumped tato the river ; another was drowned. The bull of the gunboat was badly damaged. REBELLION IN FORM(1SA. The rebellion in Formoss has been confined largely to obs central and nort.bsrn parte of fes islead. Now an uprising is expected in the southern end. according to a corne.pondeat of the HoagPress, .who writes tint tba feeling. o the pal al=oe (frac nava been wrought up to the boiling point by the butchery of assonant country- men and helpless women and children by Japanese .olden in the Hogan dis- trict. igtrict. A company of Japanese. soldiers followed a band of the Formosan rob- bers obben to their lair in the hills, but the robbers escaped by means of a secret exit from the big nave, in which they took refuge after firing into the sol- diers and killing several. Maddened by defeat, the Japanese are said to have rested their fury and third for Wood upon the peaceful village o[ Loonal Ting, several miles distant. A IIDNIOHT BRUSH. Amerlew• Guam Proved Tee Mow do Nllt Ude Vowed, we reopened es s• 5.. treat. A doespst eh from Rey West, says: -I learned on Monday Meet from an officer just in from the fMet •t Bea- tiago details of an attack made Friday aiglit on four of Admiral Bampsosas ship. The Dolphin saw • long Mack vestal stealing toward ber when she was &boat taxes miles east of Santiago, and made bet! oat at once to be • torpedo host. she let go immediately, and then three other warships cruis- ing eastward dashed up to her and •11 four shined began cannonading. The last at which tbey fired proved as ebunive se a moonbeam. It scooted about se tbough a phantom. hut its speed, color, Yd movements made them stn the Spaniards were tryoog to torpedo them. For 20 minutes they kept up the fire, but their forget daab- ed. sway as soon as the gunners thought they had their pieces trained tel sma"h it. Time and again it start- ed in toward them, but s shower of .bills forced it to retreat, and at lass it vanisbed in the darkness off Rhone. EIGHT DAYS WiTHOUT FOOD. TeeelbI. Repereewee of Two /saber•.,.■ aerie 1e • Nay. A despatch from Ht. John's. Nfld., rays: -Two seaman from the °lixtces- ter Galan schooner Atlanta were rati- oned an Tuesday. and landed hen, af- ter having passed eight days and nights& without food. drifting in • dory on the (aging banks. The men will probably recover, although they were restored •tenet to the condition of aksletons. incoming vessel* report numbers of esthete/in ahmg the North Attestlo ahippiag track. whine . are very dangerous to navigation. WAR MEANS SPAIN'S KIR liar web 1* lbs epS■I.s Mise Ambwd•r fa Ieades, Count de Ramon. the Speni•li Aso Malodor in London, who h.* best he terviewed on the .abject.. admitted that war •Maas rain for Spain; sad be said:-'TThl slatimatt is groW'tag In (avow at eielil.s en kolorobIs Pesos, which Ageseigh conaid.risg ber ma- preparvtlisss for • war of I.vashon, would probably also welcome in gene tower te • i*�W�♦Inmere ed roivitgg levy of ess..nd indos Teta tgiing .e, crepe whorls of niiieMsediag may be found hooding , 5 PELAGIC BEAUS° TO BE BIDED.. Wsektaet.a Aath5rWYes Mob ttleterlas Isla DIt*saltlsie Woe be mewed. A desp•tob from Washington D. C., Gays: -The Canadian negotiations n- asally concluded !Mare led to the siga- ias of a protocol *bleb formally agree♦ to the erect eabject& to be submitted te. an international commtasion- While the protium', makes no preliminary agreement on the several questions* yet it is the general understanding among officials that Lie Sebring Sea question will be adjusted and finally rotted by tbe auseplete terminatio$ of pelagic sealing. This has bean a source of controversy for many years, the United titates seeking to put an end to pelagic .eating, and Caaadd, through the Imperial Government. con- teatipg agelpst this termination of an industry very profitable to many citi- zens of the Canadian Pacific coast. During the recent negotiations. how- ever, it developed that this industry was practical) extinct, and was no longer profitable to any considerable number of Canadians. It was stated by those well versed in the shatter that only two Canadian vessels were engaged at present in sealingopera- tions in Behring Sea. Ssreta_ tors the Canadian sealer. Iv i to the Behring Sea be tie a.ad.sds. zed it was impossible for Canada to stop the industry without paying these sealers ▪ very considerable sure. running into the millions, for the extermination o1 their industry. Now. however, under the changed conditions. it is said that (Maeda has only a few sealers to deal with, and that she is, tberefore, in • position to meet the ooatentioaa of the United States wittiest seriously is n e ing a large eatatrfistsd industry. Wile no agreement towards giving up pela- g ic sealing was reached daring the re- gent meeting, the discussion was along lines indicating that the coenta. con - mission without Writ:atty. and with due regard fa`' the [stare/ea of both Governnnents, could put an end to the Behring Sea controversy by agreeing to a complete suspension of pelagic sealing It L awAwraton 4 also.. - that the pret000l specifically recites that them shall be three representatives limit sock Bs'iwtiaysernt in chi'' tattoo' Man -America* communion. i0TfER8' DB LEA INCIDENTS OF THE RECENT RIOTS IN ITALY. nod woes tomer ae Wooers gas Art saMats-AwAil *rear, Lc." .. The eLgsal of the recent brta4 r is Italy, now subdued, was gives by moths with a child starving at breast, et Bari, one 'Isar mora,•g April. Berl is the Italian city w'bery the saint of Myra, whom the pour, tis wretched end the ill had been isn ing for months and munlbe, says Paris writer. The mother had no sooner gives signal than then gathered grams a howling mob of women They through the streets like • river, - rying devastation and deatb Fn the waves of its rage came at int vola file tremulous cry 01 a child t the murmur of • brook. The child held at ar'm's length •wry frog t dried up breast, like a missile to thrown against bayonets meter t hoof. of cavalry and the wheels of eta. Other woad, olutch l (oft grass to show what their food w others carried draw twipt, rwjs petroleum. and net fire to tee of palaces, through which tbey afterward Jibe an invasion of seeking terror. A Tong girdle of C CLEW is 1.1011 wake, illumicatong rui darbesing the sty with smoke Modern Italy from thin beam was TRAVERSED BY RIOTERS. Who overthrew everything in their path became the grand popular r stirlod had owed to be inrnpIred-to be atfeeted by the tamer of art. There is nor 'leered tins sow as there wui,haa against the ins0sdlarr and the pite b+ to of distraction am 1 ppddbtlfi f ,,,..Mid -cauldron of amesita. Pt01 os, Milan en4 wbere. The forest of Tracie was saver' in flames. and so mortal ere ever s s;sectacie so terrible. Then were Mrs of the burning huiidinr. gay ftamiag fa the parks, ezasperatod of victims and persecutors. Tbe Archives were ransacked. d • of grassier* were torn from t hinges, docllmeits wen bunted in •• tempt for bureaucracy Lad food Piled up at street corners. fit Florence. I saw, raid the Gant with my owe eyes on is Sign square. the brutal mot) unseat I Del Laps and tryto destroy nt veto (allini's "Perseus." Here women took off their w sad ramie bags of tb•n. •kith Mel with wheat. Qeiekly they g lied sad devear.d the prey. isos with fe5iaiae tams bowled with !Wieland snout Ms. ''bey had through fire. rack mad ruin; thief black with Loot.rnprinklad with sa ragtag desperate. On the shore .t a sine of people in silence, save panting breathe, on the land were e CUBAN INVASION AGAIN DELAYED. Pre.ttdrat ■gal■ler Wast. =Mer 5.5 B efore 1 adea.ntag as, sad They Nast n r Drilled. A despatch (trop WsabIagto..' .075 Not untiTas army of 100.000 men is tborougbly organised, drilled. sad equipped will the maim invasion of ('ate take plans. Thio is President Mo- Klnley's decision atter careful ooasid- eration of all the ooaditiots and the dittkttltiss which obs army uld es counter is att.ackiag ttteia'wsostrtlsg- esld he H `Wise• tbbf army will start is a question which has not yet been decided. bat Lha report of (itaerel Miles, when he returns trim his pre- sent tour of laspectioa. may attest - much light on the subject. It is fatly realised by the Admialntratlon tbat ties making of as effective army of 100.000 men cannot be aoeompliabed in • month, even if a oo*.iderable portion of the mea have bad some training in the National Ord. The progress of events made it esoe•- e ery, however, to sand expeditious Me Manilla. Santiago ds Cobs. and Porto Rioo in advisee of the main ezpsditspe against Havana. ♦s a oon•sgr the regular. lett for tbe main expedi- ticn agslast H will form a very stall pert of the invading army. Vol- unteers must he relied upon almost en- tirely. It is highly probable that the expedition will sot embark for Cuba until agar the end of the rainy season. General Mt1e., upon his return from his tour of inspection, will have • more clear idea of obs condition of the vol- unteers and what can be expected of them than be could obtain in Washing- ton from official reports. it is his parp0eP at the cogclusioa of hu ton! to joie, the army in thetild is est"! g oo. and devote himself to its organi- sation sad equipment. while General Merritt, General Shatter and General Brooke an nosdactiag the operations at Manila, Santiago de Cuba, sad Porto Rioo. RIOTING NEAR BELFAST arr■aemee arwb ap • IlatlssalMl Prete.. aN■ •M Aledek 1M rel/ve w11b al...'. -Troops tailed Oat. A despatch linen Belfast says: -Lear- ing the celebtatlone of the anniversary of awe 0. MM1, when seven civilians were shot os SW& Hill rod by the oon.tiebniary, the Nationalist prona- tion, while returning era Monday even- ing trots HaananeUnra, was sicken up in a riot. Several Ibf111bedOrsegemen in Else Shenk Hill toed attached and overpowered lb. tone* sad cbtlaidi'lYtem back into the Brpw Square Ferrari's. Several mounted oon.tables were sev- erely injured end one had his leg brok- en. The police reinforcement& -which arrived were compelled to threaten the crowd with their revolvers before they were able to rescue their comrades from the (wry of the mob. which tore up the street for mi"siles. The troops were then called oast, butthe mob cheered them sad sang " $sale Britan- nia." At a late hour in /he *voting there was renewed rioting, and the troops mese oaipelled to dairy; the mob, *osedge leg.o.eerel theorised. The rioters lammed the pollee and troops. One ooesteble who fell frown him bores wee.•vvgeh beaten with steam. Whoa Shank Hitt Ira. cleared the crowd. la- thered is the side streets. Altogether this war the worst Holism tbathas so- oarr•d here rises 1WO. It woo ed until midnight, sad the efts ig 1 la a dangerous state el ezeitnment. Ov- er fifty polbamen have beau injured and twenty-four have been takes to the hospitals with fractured stalls and Meer* etrlp wounds. Many civill- aas were injured is the m►bears nb•rg as, sone dangerously The cos. staltic Gabe was thrown from h'& tiers ie net •rolSMd to recover fermi be Ia- ritie. Tae military are Gare► is Vele, swl ...$11$14*. 0(A Hili. RUING, SMOKE AND TEARS: Beyond were the waves of the sea. serene In the setting cous. it was elsewhere than at Ban, t it wee at Messina. Naples cad NIi At tMeade& a popular young w Qifrvsssi M fieri, made of her • standard radiant ia the flames magnetic eyes led an Istoxius crowd; made it bot, feroclohs. any The soldiers hesitated, and the cr. of woolen out oft the legs of 1 horses to make meat of them. They tis ed their breasts to the gee. laugh- ing maniacally as they provoked des they placed their cbildres on tope of barricades; they Maned at eye of tiles thrown at LIMO; tbey dyed tbeir wooed. sad r5*uracod Maths. I will sever forget the spectacle d Flor=ae atter the bad mind it on fist l.aasatable day -never. Never may Mils AIWA leave my mind of the time greed es and of the stator ander the light, while the' temalteo a bis smarms attached them whoa the airy repulsed test they tors el•wlibe nails pilasters sad Then they threw Moses etc stat rankly with one tag base el Pa .{td isilioti.g a wetted IMAM figure Mars ptroedly. OW OF GOLD. One of the misname thing& in world is piste truth.-Bulwer. Variety is the very spies of life gives it all its flavor --Cowper. Well arranged time in the mark of • well arranged mind -FM' man ��...�.�sl Newer was the voice of coaltttt/eN wooed without wiut retrihstion• Mrr Jameson The desire of appearing eleven prevents one hstwning se.-Rocbef cauld. The tree way of softening one'. t hiss is to .telae* these of others. - es Msintetne. Pride, the moat dangerous of taulta procwtda from want a muse, want of thought.-iftllon. ''A man who possesses wealth I eddies p 101 it. i. a powev' to .Nl as wailower. as good. -A. 14, Roe. 01 all our infirmities, valty is d.aso.4 tees : a lean will store* other elms to keep that alft'e.-Fra lie, Wb.n we advsse* a little too, we Aad 6ba1 the tg u. of marea ..arty .l1 the mtoi•chiet i e t.lsan. w o -Paxton Hood. I give it as my deliberate asci ss,1. eoaviotion that the lodlvldaal eh* hakteall7 tardy in meeting se valetas/et will never h. rwtgrerted Successful in lits. --W, Fisk. .A Lib merely of pleasure. or chiefly of pleasant Is aaweye a pew end wltrtlr i.oe Iib, not worth the living; aOwnr• raortadactbry ip (17 eevaree. alwa miserable f. Ina End.-l'hsodole tear Sr teat rare roofs solely A*4 $ v»•eve,. well ler apMnsh'a►1P rave H rd soot CA AD Off n eel OM t furl lee it V to at We It Ir M 71 ri ,at tai ,r b. NY to ft 113 e m ti 0 s a a