HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-6-9, Page 7THE SIGNAL: GODERICH ONTARIO.
THUMSAT, Jana 9r 1898. e
How . . .
About It ?
Are we going to get a larger share
of your trade in 18981 This is •
matter which should interest you as
well as us. We guarantee what we
tell you to be right, and at a leas
price than you get elsewhere. Better teat this assertion by giving this store a
trial. You are always welcome here I
Men's strong Working Boob, double soles, bellow. tongue, regular
price, $1.00: stir price 85 eta.
Women" strong Lace Boots, regular E1.00 ; our price 85 eta.
Custom Work and Repairing.
West Side of Square, Goderich.
Notice of changes must be lett at this
Office not later than Saturday
noon. The Copy for changes
most be lett not later than Mon
day noon. Casual Advertisements
acceptsd nD to noon Wednesday of
each week.
BAYLY-C Ia East Chetah. on
Wedewdaf. lento IM. 1811. by Rev. Jas.
A. .t adereea. B.A . itb`aed A. 11•717-
ey 17.
ddaaughtteeraM.O. G Idabel
on Saturday. Joao 41h. 1366. by Rev. Jas.
aaderes --Bch-oaeeee- F+nsame--et
Celppree to hip, to idlDale Hamilton of
West Waw•k10rA.
FISHER .-Io Oederioh. os 'I•>Jame 71b
Ms, . Samuel Irleber. Isle of C !cage. LL.
■red 50 years. mad 3 months,
The funeral will take place from tbe resi-
dence of Miss Sleben. Victoria street. to-
w, Thunder.Jaam ftL. at »J t•.7 .. to Gol-
boree cemetery. Friends and acquaintance,
aro respectfully Int Itcd to attend.
MARTIN - In Goderlob. o. Tuenta7. Jane I.
Ingo. Melinda Stafford. widow of the late
Henry Martin aged ds years and 5 months.
WEIR, - In Goderteb, ea Bentley. June 5th.
Ian, Alexander Weir. sand 53 item
HCRRELL - Oa May 31st. st No. 1 W,btng-
ton saner, Toronto, the realdenoe of her
brothenin law, Dr. 6oMiotine. \tny
Howat Harrah in the 71st year of her ase.
II/.NEIN-1a t'olborme, ma Friday, June Sed.
lab, lige Jean a. aped 13 Piero and 2
From Um Reporter's Notebook
If 'RC,. a Mae to a' Tor Cease. 1 redo
re teat H t a Ciders Amens Te
Takla' 164.6. aa' tante 16011
Prime Ilt,v-surae.
someway el !.•lima moo. The most cot
tly oireder a busilas man sends out dies in
lees there day ; but the enterprising news.
paper, oaotainuig the newt as well es the
business wnouncements of manufaotnrer
sad merchant, Is a daily or weedy remind-
er that ought not to be garitated." Aod
Pater Cooper pit t uitefkb in smell-
er span.
I.O.O.F. Dtsmtcr Maasnro. -J. S. Platt
wheeled to Henson Friday to represent
Huron Lodge fro. 62 I.O.O.F. at the dis-
trict meeting. A large number attended to
bear ()rand Master Young review the work
of the order. An lnitstion was conferred
yery aooeptably on two candidates by the
Henan lodge !Sett district meeting will
be held in Soefortb.
$1 00 ♦S D Souls') Ovnx -' In b ridgy,
Geo. H. Okn was charged before Pollee
M•gisits Si•3r - Willyantaattt gr Islay
Jones, sad the obarge b•ing proveo, Okes
w.A Ape4 9,es dollar, and oasts and bound
over to keep peace. The defendant ie
the penile who was •:ommitted for trial the
ober day by Mayor Holmes, of Clinton, on
• charge ot assaultio,i Joo. Baker.
WILL ATTgND DiviNv SERv'1.'K. - The
]mal lodge of the C•asdisn Order of Forest-
ers will attend divine service in Iotoria
street Methodist ahuroh on Suoday morning
at 11 A M. Memt„ra of the order. Unity
br.three, •ad members of stater Forester
lodges are cordially invited to meet In the
Fontaine hall •t 10.30 A M. sharp. and join
with their bretht's in the march to the
Sorrell whoa* death to recorded in the
W. 8011E13ON & SON
The grade of High Class Goods we carry in Summer Fabrics is wel
known to all careful buyers as the most exclusive, newest, and of beat
materials. We commence a Summer Sale of High Class Materials at prices
about Half Regular Values, and
as choicest patterns will sell quickly at these figures.
Wide Grua Dress Linens, in plains and with silk stripes, beautiful
wash goods, all 20 and 25c. qualities at 15c. a yd
Swiss Dot Muslin, 28 to 32 inches wide, in pinks, blues, mauves,
cream, and white, 25c., reduced to 19c. a yd
Scotch and Plaid Gingham', in new satin check effects, 20c. quality
for 12}c.
2,000 yards of Krinkle Gingham, in new patterns, dark colors, and
warranted fast colors, at ilk. a yard, regular valve 10c.
Ladies' American New White .II>a wear. ' Skirts, Gowns, Cogiiii
Covers, Drawers. Fureepd11111114111.1111.6hibelp new stock.
It's House -Cleaning Time!
We have some things you need. May we supply you?
Doa't buy from paddlers. This
1. better -make, old tursitan
look like tow.
.25 CkNT8
Coat the pipes before potting
away-prsvear root.
SEEDS -in packages.
Gillet's Lye, Chloride of Lime, Crude Carbolic -all useful disinfectants.
Blood and Stomach
A iretrslase B1eei Purifier and
Spring Teale. It freshens me
up. 'Take • betels or two.
60 020 NTS-
under the 1mpp.. Js that the parties to the
mit would ante N an honorable •rraag.-
ment. At the adjourned hearing the P.M.
addressed the defendant at some length. and
plaintiff and defendant eeeming to 1a11 in
with his view of the matter, an adjourn-
ment was granted tor one hour. When the
patties returned to court, defendant and
plaintiff were man and wife, for to the time
allowed by the court, the parties got • mar-
riage ►+oeuse and were married by a town
tataister, rr the ogre tell toree*h• It 4s'
n eedless te add that all the parties to the
amt were pleased at its satisfactory ending.
TWA t S. COUNTY. -On 'Tuesday there
was a challenge Mame at bowls between
town and aunty, The leaders or skips
were F. Jordon for town, and Wm. Lane
tor the county, and as will be seen by, the
w ort, the tows team_ wars easy winners.
The following were the players :
W. Campbell Thee. Hays
J. Galt R. McLean
A. Allen T. Miller
Dr. Hunter Dr. Rollins
Jea. A. Shephard Dr. Holmes
F. Jordon Wm. Lane
sk'p 21 skip 7
L BOARD. --The regular meeting of
asaal colomu, "at a resident of Godertch t i. Pa lio School Board was held on Mon -
ter many years. and is the last of the elder dsv svantng: preesnt, tom. Aolasoa, H.4ty.
breach of the Kirapatrick- family. At cne
time theca were four members living is
town, tamely, the deoeaed, her sister, Mrs.
(Dr.) MaMioking. •.d her brothers, R. ti.
and ,john, who in the sixties ran the aalt-
fwd tannery. 304 'iris, mod an aysraga attendance of 528,
RIGCLAR MIETI,G. -At the regular 273 boya and 255 girls. '1 k• principal re•
monthly meeting of St. George's Guild on ported tint the floors in the Cental would
Tuesday afternoon arrangements were made need repairs during lbs bolldays,and that the
for holdine the annual garden party early new clone board f.oce at the ante school
in July. Committees were sppoiated ,o needed painting. Tb. oontiagebt committee
prepare the program, and while the Guild was requested to inspect the Soon and re -
was in session • a.esuge was received from port at the nett mania*, and the fence
Dr. J R. Shannon effneiag the on of hie palnitng was referred to the same commit -
Ball. Jas. Buchanan Sr , J. H. Colborne,
aad A 14. Cbryst•L Masten of the last
rerul•r moieties were read and ap-
proved. The principal's report for May
showed an •ttendaooe of 605, 301 boys and
property for the party,an offer that was tea oa
With power to act. Aoont., *ergs
heartily aooepted. Unil farther notice the Porter $11.10 and Star $1 00 were read and
The piece fora good Dominion Da u tad. lurid meetings will be laid at 7:30 r rd. ordered to be paid. An application was
rich. aad the plass la the Doenlalyoa to set THEY WANT ♦PHIL Rgcvcn. - At the reed from Mies Sharman to be appointed
suited for that day is Prldham'u when you on the ezamiatDg board. On motion of Jas.
get solt.that ars snits, not shoddy, tel-dtttrg cemetery last Saturday,• number of visitors Bncb•nao, seconded by J. H. t'o'.hiroe, the
g erman. ' were talking about the want of • cheap con- appltoant was appoint+d.
Yes, the the whiner .lesion of the Dom•y
lolon v.Ance to God's Aare, when one of them
Parliament Is over and mellows' session has ...carted, " I wish we had • Phil Reeves," AN ELOcI TtoiIST.-The following, from
commenced. The /ret division at Photo- alluding ot course to a departed (Aare who the Detroit Tribune, refers to • y0005
lady well known in Goderich, end whose
innate won at one time residents of our
town : " Mies Martin, elocutionist -the
clever little laly load;y greeted by her
sodi. os. -These who quarrel with the elo-
oution of the schools of oratory would find
much to critiela in the r.oital gives by Miss
Elsie Ure Martin at t'ohwaakonky's ball
lset evening. but the g 1 public) likes
that Dort ot chiag and • large and repteeent-
atiye gath.rleg of the vivaria public were
ptwent but evening, and assured Mies Mar-
tin by repeated plaudits and encores *their
entire and oordial appreoiatien of her efforts
to entertain them. Two of her readings
were drametio in eheraoter. Aalat d
by Mies hiesoors Murdook, of New
B•Ilimors, she presented two wenn trout
Mono and Juliet, between Juliet and the
nurse. She appeared alone in a reading
from " Medea.' very high tragedy, rupee
'ting four different characters, Mottos,
Joao. Crain and (rouse. with good saooaa.
lassosLt. SocuAt.-Lot 1Hdsy evening
• nubile farewell was given to Rev. Donald
Maoglllivray M.A:B.D., who has sow be-
ereprr's hall was. on Pictorial Habyl•nd and
the vote was 100 eo 0. the members present all
being Judges of artLnlo work.
CAU. AT THE VICTORIA -Cell at Black-
stow's Victoria restaurant, Weet•st, and got
a cooling drink, a dish of delieiuoa toe ore.m,
fresh fruit. an I seem pore comfy.
DP-rmer Mtsrtx.+. - The semi-annual
meet'o for the di,trlet of flora oaoty,
Royal Tempters of Temperance, will he held
at i1.nsall to -day, 1'bareday. A number
from Godetich are 'spoofed to attend.
Tin Donn-Cempialnte 8. vs' baso pour•
mg into the o18oe about the duet; and so
bad la the towable thee the tent will have
is gob as extra sprinkler, or take up the
inch of dust resting on mat of oar streets.
AGAIN AD.toualr.D.-Oa Frid.y 1. Iona
Rai Jae Baker appeared before tbo P.M.
es remand eMaged with aamoltag Hy.
Oka, bat els* plaintiff being still oo8aed
to hie bad the caw was again adjourned till
today. Thursday.
Scoots Daus.-Aatnwl Fisher did sad -
daily in a carriage se East+ -ms Tuesday.. The
deceased, who resided la Chicago, being ex-
oesdingly ill, was returning to the old
oouoty for a qulet pegging sway, but the
. od Damm before renohiag his relative,'
cued to take pamongsrs to the este of that
burial place, tor five Dents, and tate them
hack at the same rate. We don't think we
shall ever have another Phil Reeves, but
some of our liveries may tete the hint and
give cheap tares on Saturdays.
COLl.E,+IATS IN,T1TVTR Ro*aD.-The reg-
ular meeting ot the Collegiate IMtit0te
Board was held oo Thursday week, present,
F. Jordan, ohsh-man, Sheriff Reynolds,
Judge Doyle, 1)r. Un, and Jno Acheson.
The minutes having heat read sod so -
proved and an account ordered to be paid,
Jude* Doyle moved seboaded by Dr. Uri,
that Mus Motion Shepherd sad Mr., Boyd
be appoiseed se aunty examiners tor the
Adenine scholarship. The motion having
.b.es sdopted the board adjourned. '
-A Mas charred time
sines, • young man aged 23
fore the P.M. under the Criminal Code with
harts, deeelvsd • girl aged 19 under prom-
ise et marriage. On being milled on to
plead, the defendant answered nob guilty,
bat the evidaooe being .gatmt seek • on-
30.tlon, the magtetrate adloand the one,
GARDMMMYARTT.-A party will be
held tie Jose 23rd, ab a grimed' and resi-
dents of W. T. Moly, under the auspices of
the ladles of SL Peter's ''atbolio oheroh,
where refrM►wteen w111 be served sod
music of an enobeatlag cabers nosy be
THE COURT Roos. -The entity seati
most have felt neefertably cool 1a the
conned dumber at the speedy , f the Jane
' don os Tuesday, as the rotten. sleety sr.
ranged and &.oersted with dowers laked
more 1 ke a bsttdelr at • summer resort
than • changer where sold intim is often
served wt.
Toawes. -The Royal Tsaplaw of Gado
nal. poblidy salaams their thanks to the
lull.. and seetlenes she es ktadly •eisted
them 1. their eosmrt. AMINO" Bor yeti
a ioes.td llesestallp, Mho
is beat sus d lbs $ .
ssdiettee has had the phew* et-
8vtnaasrot 1w Law. -E. L 111
b former student with Ottrr•w •
woe.eded r palled hie deal engtlsMM
at t8. Lw fished flea ors ahisti1.1 to the
Per ea Friday. (3. Ills Ilselanes. i AMMO
Tits (antaeas. $sill lkelan..erns.
bet yew law esesik aiim e1Mt lr; aaam,aa sed
use • t.w 8swlnt.blp.
(loon Anne,-P.IR Oberstt, at Pew
Tod, we, Ia hili Weise e • me el Med'
hetw ash Mae meaMma
th. tome wham ab 110161111110
M tl sr
every ens amid r4, s
Z y the hlwl boa b Idle 1N M •
4a eaa IIA the WWRu M s pa/awe
Paper thoughts.
When you are thinking of Wall Paper, you
think of the best place to buy it.
P0RT14B8" BOOK STORE always seems to anticipate the
wants of floes requiring Wall Paper ; that is why we at
always busy.
A few hoes to clear at 5c. per roll.
New and pretty Papers, with Borders and Ceilings to
match, at 6.e., 7a sad So. per roll.
More artistic ones, in all the mew shades, with Friezes and
Ceilings to match, 10e., 12c. and 16o. per single ve11.
Oome in and gee them. Not neeseeary to purchase.
g ull Ms return journey to Ronan, China, as
• missionary under tate Presbyterian ohuroh.
The meeting wee bald In the notate room
of Knox antra. Atter devotsoa•l oxer•
cues by the pastor, • musioal and library
program was rendered ociegistiag of vocal
numbers by Misses Gibson end Wilkinson,
and Mrs. ('. Campbell ; Instrumentals by
Masters Tye and Campbell, and Misses Ty*,
Buchanan, ted Smith ; a recitation by Mss
Godwin ; on anthem by the Knox ahuroh
obotr_bed addressee by Mown. Seundera,
Strang. and hove. T. `odor's aD
ea. Mao.
giilivrsy. Misses McCall and Competes*
acted •. mcoempasfrea -• la the. ecame d
his address, Mr Saunders promoted Mr.
M•oglltivrey with the resolution of Knox
churob Sabbath school to support a pupil in
the mission sobool in Home. He was aloe
handed • oheque for that amount for the
first year. During the evening an extended
intermission was given, which afforded the
people en opportunity of saying good bye
to Mr. M•osillivr•y.
DIED ON DcTy.-Dr. I). W. E(.erte, aged
42 years, eon of Mrs. '.V 1). ' Ebert•, of
Chatham, died at Montreal yesterday, of
olood•roiaoniog, oontraoted in the course of
his protessioaal defies. The decea.:ed M.D.
had many friends in Goderich, ell of whom
will sympathize with deceewed s relatives oo
his early death.
KNox Cuos.•R Y. P.S.t:.E.-Th, follow•
tag offioers sad oonvaner. of committees
hey' been appoiond in the Y. P. S. C. E. of
Kuox smirch !for the nett six months :
prim., Rey. Jas. A. Anderson : 1't vies.
Elswood Campaigne t 2ad vioe, Edith Wig.
gins; reoording secretary, Minnie Stracbao;
oorrsspoodlog secretary, Loads Gibson ;
tress., Clara Bleat ; missionary treasurer,
Bell Wilson Committee conveners : Look•
out, Haigh Bala ; prayer meeting, Nosey
Kalea ; social. Mand. Murry ; music, Jen.
ole Nairn : flower, Minnie Craigte : mie-
& Weary, Edith wigging • relief, 0bas.
Shaw : literature, Miinnnie Molvor.
THE SGCARE 1'R0ORAx.-The Band will
play the following program on the Square
this, Thursday evening, weather permitting:
1. M♦w:H-'• The Scarlet Letter,". Kbun
2. WALTZ-" 00 the Backs of the W abash"
3. Maacw-" Bleak America," ...Make!
4. MRDIiy OvIRTCRE -" Uooatowa
Capin," Ch•ttaway
5. MARrn-" Stars and Stripes Forever,''
6. WALTraa-" Wang," ... Mere*
7. MEDLEY OyEETrRE - " Jolly Night,''
8. MAEOH-" 1he OR) of '99 Ziok.l
Members of the Band ars requested to he at
the band -room at 7:30 o'olook so that the
Band can get out and cowmasoe playing at
8 o'olok sharp.
A TIN Mfx,. ROAD RArc.-Os Friday
iterating the sndersamed wheelmen entered
for she 10 mils road rsem, the course being
from town to Taylor'. sokool bow, Gede-
ri88 township, and return. It was a handi-
cap, and the start was Stade as follows : 7
P.N., W. Uniop : 7;03, S. Seymour and C.
B.11 ; 7:04, E. Bobber, A. McLeod and J.
O'Connell ; 7:04i M. Humber, 0, Shannon
and J. Brown ; 7:06, J. Williams ; 7:10, A.
Mayor. the first to rstgn to the starting
point was 8. Seymour, 39 ; the second
Alex. McIver, at 7:401 thirdlwas Ed.
Belabor and the fourth Jaw Milano. with
the rest Mese behind. Chas. Shephard and
1). Johnston were the judges at the turning
point, sad Noble Smith, W. A. Rhyne and
G. F. Emerson were the starters and judge,
la tows.
At - •.- N pA D
S ..:..._
Shortly lifter the ,rogram proper was
through, • few of the bandsmen st• t.sd the
hewers, and soon there were several seta
danoinr meetly. A volae followed, to
which over • hundred ooupls kept time, and
thus the day was ended. The demos mosio
played by the band w.. really good, and
shows that we need not the harpers for a
dance, in fort more than me lady desoer
declared the musio of the Marine Band
superior to that of the visitors for dee no
purposes', a'we cordially endorse the ver-
dict of the lair ones.
FORGOT. -About two weeks ago w• seot
oat oar enecceta-_£uatomsra.JrQw1KQ. J0
oall sod, settle. Some oams, some forgot.
We ere seeding out man line week and
'belie ems eeatemen welt 1666w tea earn ye
pay the.oconnt1 when pr.seoted. J. WIL-
SON'S Prescription Drug Store.
KNoz C
)sot for th
Kent church
•• what th
Work," Hs
Tti orkeka 100.
Court House Square, GODERICH
Ile Moirreasa. -Oes el the meet flatwiag
settle.., perhaps, ever wended to a male-
s! pafermaaee !. this country, was that
gives by the Montreal Herald to Godfrey's
Bead the other day, the Herald said 1 "Yes-
terday sfterae's and .veaing the far -tamed
Lieut. Dan Godfrey sad Ms sets Grena-
dier baldness made their appwr.mce 8. -
tore Montreal midtowns, sad Ran • par -
torr.aaos than was as admirable as 11 was
surprieiag. 1t was surprising beens.e it
gave as 1e Amucks • sew senoptioe et
bead stole. It revealed eh. neatens
Moodie* et tome, ef wish% we bad tbss the
se wok erg..lratiea capable, Os AMMO*
light sled shades. Ma melts MMlle MOW
Dent .aetteMl qualitI* .Mair ors atria
look ler In mere betsitrs1. MA stttt7.latT
sNdole roomy. Lissa O• bay's !leaf
mil mamma was w.Mbh► mere IYr
• messes. It was a telgyb, • 0s.4ssst.
That ae to8a Me L sessilki t
h eart of Meanest is a gam sad
mils____." Leat. Dan (entree's rad Ms
femme used appear i. Odarfob ea Ilea
dry wrests, Je.e 2206.
T.. WtotraWADa CoresiT.-Oa Friday
essay see dimmed p..pls ware
a Me ,seswi is w t7w.rll►..r33ftseh t/ 6.M!
SUR. 't.P.B.0 E. -The enb-
s meeting of the Y. P. S,C. E. , of
on Tuesday sussing will be
• School Sas one to our French
Herbert Stoddart to lead.
" Bey •rater " Tette Wby be Leaves Mae
far rrevlarlal relines.
Mr. W. W. B. Molones, M. P., who has
decided to quit Dominion politics to enter
the 11. C. provincial arena, has levied •
manifesto to his oonetituenls, from whtoh
the following extraots are taken:-
Upon a number of ooeasione,more or lees
Important, in the exercise of the right of
independent actioo,whioh I have always re-
served to myself, I he refused to head the
crock el the ;warty whip and opposed the
propositions submitted by the ,lovernmenl.
10 so doing I aoted oon.eieitlously, along
lines which I conceived to De to the ultim-
ate lot reat of the public, and upon prin-
ciples consistent with my ideal of true Lib.
It is, therefore, with feelings of regret
that I announ0e to you my intention of re-
signing my Dominion seat for the purge's
of oonactlbg • oonstituenov in the •pproaoh-
ing provincial elections, I nave arrived at
this determination only after mature delib-
eration and upon tbo urgent eolisitation of
my frt.nde, who coosider that at this oritioal
time in the development of our province,
• larger field of practical usefulness pre-
sents Rail( in the Local Legislature
We have reached • oriels in the history of
our province. The eyes of the world focus
upon us. Our wonderful re.ouroes and
magnifioeot opportuoitiea excite universal
attention and envy. The time' impose tre-
mendous reeponeibtlltiee. It the awaken-
ing to industry, exploration and develop-
ment is happily aided by timely legislation,
the possibilities ars unlimited and bewilder-
ing to oobtampl•te. Should, however,
mediocrity, timidity, or greed influence our
legislation est this time of glorious sunrise,
then the headlines of the tutor* are squally
certain. A swift oarolea of plunder would
swing for • day, amid ruinous and union -
mountable folly, and draw to • olcee to com-
meroial chaos and • long night of black die•
appoint moat.
Onr province male for ite beat men. II
needs their heat service. iet us, therefore,oa
regoirw it to be our supreme duty at Oda
oritioal hour to eat aside the miserable rare
of an imported partyt•m, and u British
Columbiana, united and oonfident, grasp
our opportunities with wledom, vigor sod
hops. Above all should we oeaoentrste
our efforts toward securing from all partial,
*Issas and s.otlobs-without small or sel-
fish distinotlon-men strong in hope, sound ac
in prla.lple, and safe In tion, wherewith
to form the strongest poe,ible Lerislet.rs,
boast ▪ the meo.pable sod bot Admlals-
tr►tiob. Thus only can our unparalleledw
heritage be safely and fairly adm(af.ted,
per -
• mad. t8. baste of as early. full and per -
meet prosperity.
,,. de seae.rta° 1'M hued Y
ear 1 reams, made es at ens am
seed es. sett rmy p mem se the Ike erne
wiled. Tam seems wee limed the
bene 11'M1 ma more Mae summed at
lItseeh lb bsisigammeme
am aSass
the saim ail rel
p..i s. le bee erns • wry saleable al -
mem Ward. b. We eimpes. kS. Maw
Sala es W seam se baelverseee, int the k
!alms el the km/ MI 1.16/ ape piles►
LITTLE'S PHENYLS, I am prepared to buy this
- £ Season's clip of Wool, as
JtPR("RTPTTON DRTTG 13TORA4 l usual, it the
If Lfled.
1.ILIAN Balt AND THE (ir.An--"Kodak•"
an sot pormltitd within sight of the Con
of Beasts, sad 1a le ooadde,ed the mon dmf•
dealt man le all Europe to photograph.
UnYrs Bell, who le In Russia for The ladles'
Home Journal, pasa•dsd the Raines
o®oials to allow her to be os exeeptloe to
the role, aad she saove,dd In photograph•
leg so oleos that the Rasmus ansareh
jumped at the click of the batten, WWI
V•11 will tall how she got her pboterrapb.
r M. sa>N bee* of the inmost.
For Ice Cream, for
instance, and
For Cakes.
One is a Drug, of course.
the other a Chemical, and
there are still others :
The best place to buy
Drugs is at a Drug Store.
_ (t, druggist knows more
about them than other
people do.We keep keep a good drug store. Come
and see us about " Kitchen Drugs."
where you get your me e
not eat ^ .,-.,,......
BNI1LER .- --.
ahem en. June.
fail Wheat Q
Maar. family. per mw1.... . -, 1 le
test. per art.... r. = lI Na
S0`• --..M u 3583
riZa......_. __•• 4t»t. pp
jtbmrt... -- e• :
to 00
70A £X
ze 07
Blue Flame Oil
Coal and Wood
Stoves and
bus ..,.iris rima.`
is =skiing for Manufac-
tured /Lowe&
May 300, 1888.
indertaker & Embalmer
i'. B.-Owr Charges Anne berm erearty
Reduced is order to meet the pandas
demand for Moderate Priced FVwergls.
onsorlall Artlat-
. Hot and cold baths on promise'. Saw
foaming.ehampootng and every other require -
meat carefully attended to,and note but com-
petent land. employed,vtlliams' old ease.
McLean's new bloot, next door to Hrltuh.fLz-
oheoge Hotel 30-14
Buy your Spray Pumps
and Spraying Material at
the Oheap Hardware
ALL PERSONS contemplating
BUILDING this Season
will find it to their advan-
tage to purchase from
this up-to-date hardware
I am selling Blacksmith's Hard-
ware very low.
My:motto is to please all persons
wanting;goods in my line.
I intend quality, price, and fair
dealing.to be my best advertisement.
0! TSS 0 11f Dp mita.
:.asst tit►Q': " iiJeill Mft e_..lcul,-;"..:?` iRn"` " a)•da#!►?" "'.