HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-6-9, Page 1Tbe THA I. 7ADINC3 NEIWBPAPER OF HVRON OOtT TTY. ONE DOLLAR WiLL PAY e'kiR THE SIGNAL To. Data Y&io. FIFTY-FIRST YEAR ---2677 GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA : JUNE 9, 1898. NIW ADVERTISEMENTS. - JUNE O. gp..w Geode -Lee ..d Bbevhar44 Millie Disk -701x'. Bloyege Livery 4 M for 8.1. --Wm. Foams 1 )yslk O eepher--l. M. psalms 6 piyimg lip Be.t.i.s•-Oeiber.s bete 8 Hmree'I (Neatest Biers --R. B. Babb4 Dale el 8e..er Os.de---W. I,s isee,;t Se. 6 lost Beryls Dap --Jas. Robison* 4 Ramie Wsseed-D. H.1.... Osp1.b Ne. IOtt 1 Di yell sad Meek Hesse --u. 7. Um - MOS 4 Wartime -Mrs. AttIW.... 1 Wasted -Mrs AMgtll 1 5ust0bt4 to Think Attest.. -4. W Tho..°. 9 Girl Wanted -Mrs Barka 1 Neem to Depositors -Berme Herten 1 PuMie Notley. WARNINO-NOTICE 18 H)RREY tlWMM_ - at 1 will allow .s one w hake bent mer I.AM M days* so will be at - mend ftT7r--ande. pesemted. M Rid .w.od Park. lliOnCE TO DEPOIIIITORB. Haan.sd BMW Lean and investment Ommany will mhos the hoarse on detestt. to Wes per os.t from and atter the ere; of Jett. sect. LOANS. Lease os A 1 ..cuetay ooatilsOa to be made st emend eve sad s halt par oat. Waren. NNW HQRACE HORTON. Wanted. RECRUIT 8 WANTED -WANTED • few ter No 1 eampoey. Med Patti*" le to Leedom Camaro" w e tats le le awes toD. G O S W ANTID - NOT LOW eR A8 reverted. it oasts. We all bey wool ; sr Trude =tub batter, Ilk. Cook. 0. X KING, Wtatds. oL WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED AN older for two ear -leads of Oran Butter seem M the better t0 .11 mittens in color. We want It talked wttk ms. dairy *1, . We will furnish fistful sad pay the ilgbest Trbe ter A.1. Batter. We ars ssfll Bing Xfp. and Potatoes at the es* Moes. W. J. MORROW. FOP dale OP To Rant. F A K M P011 BALE-THs UNDER- farm.1 Oar.l,Musitreel einem taOo' cthat .Yg o.e bemiredIMsry/t _ ooIp pnod bbusty 02a7 Ilam. sstattet amarls ° Tile Nino will bis mid d, and le ts d tither with or without this *..we'e eros. Good sorter wateee' 1 ream hewed. rye teems and further prte iw., ts W x. rtAOAN, NBrs Ito. f0. .soerr., g d II F 0 R BALE OR TO REM. -FOR brisk oot- tae 00 skeereajte,.rs*Per et two Mery No* a*Pit to M sale Pp$W 1.L ea theta •p .LFOR BALI OR TO RENT -TOR BALs Prom' so ey...0tset a dental*,!s asthma. at 6tabse 1 soma Holed y Brawl g reV. s .ddt 'umber teens, rad and hes • U.ay. There Y spantries and a ester. a sere of land so s44fl plantedwith .krn and trait asses sad an e e'lleat ew*a APO! to P. WITH. ea the pre- im mises. w8AAI--OOaN.et OF LT 8 8$8T pion isobar's. eOM eiaf ii l welIr .5 t... omit saillsd7 ts erre tee rLm. lM aims amps eel Btheilest or s. home verged, 140 ![ DONAOei pzt Qri lir a J. A. Ya DoNAa10. Y No aMt. Tereaut tL POE 1' 70 Hutu ls leLE-LOTISl tbo ToANwn n .1 Goderto6, ems v1%1M to Greeted • sl.. dwmn- Ieq 6otta,. ed p0+ (- te ottr OlI. HOL? * HOLM*vo*ert"s a. tl ALUAIILI TORIC TROPERTY FOR the river f betteetral-i--1dre ate A. McDermott " One of the meet v.i and Jahn 1The sear the thWiettsbilie ply to .a =sallied !es= prod ••e*Oe•4 by t7roVia• a' , Oederisk. OW111114OMa Vaeant. W ANT RD- A GOOD GIRL 7011 Ifamtl •trw"e M YRB BIIX9'flll', W ANTE 11 6100D WOK -Nd rMeteAge eR/i TlrIai Pork. It ANTED-YOUNti Wal AND wrtttMp, lir elj•6 MM it mBi Writ, of ae•bitInee moot In t • AmNpT EtD-»rt ma work mare content Wilk MEW DAUB WANTED -TE AND OTHER le tooyyehl`t try ` Hv sal All ali' NEWS OF THE DISTRICT. From OLP Own Obt7bilpondonta There Is farer..asuea Mew that imam be Ns 4 Anywhere Oso-.owe,d She pem*ey a.eebt4 am•tr1M Pim The Neal. DUNGANNON. Nterres,-The loot' amber la Dmt"e•aaon tor Tnie SPINAL lea theei J. O. Ward J. P., easy sae*, 1e., w50 l *tool* or- ders for sssbocrlDtlow.. advertladne and *b- lank. aaad Y suthaetasd to Si* r ootpta ter ammo field for the same. A. NEWTON, DICNTIST, OF LUCK- hlday s aow, will vials Doi aaUoea ea 1st and sank 000.6►- Amuga. math - ode a[ extracting and filling. *depot** .rti- dotal teeth. Moe. sen door to 1ledd's tailor shop. Rears. f a.m. to 6 p.m. Tv *soot; Jane, 7, 1898 Jots Larltao-OM-Smensiin road nom• w.Wesere are burly egmeed la letting oon traces fee 1-yre.bng Ike meds. PmersUss Oamenne.-Th. ereiteeide of &beadest greys lige dal pod, however a moderate "apply err iriblel o bsaserris' se we have had Dere tor about Ina days, A.x.aru1T STATLITI.a.-WNW Wawa - nosh - - - -- et for 1898 is, as rive* by the *a"sa"*t: Ae.erusd value of property, $1, 119,300 00 : pooal0Ues, 1,999; number of meths 3,670, sheep 2,016. mute 1,295. hereto, 1,067. )doct.esuerfau.-The Saeram1e$ of the Lord'" Sapper will be dupeased on Sunday next, Jago 12, in Stokine oburob. Proper. story pervious will be hold on Thursday 9th se 2 r... The ..roto. an Sabbath eem.es- mse M the meal hoar, 10:15 A .. berme/zee -The remains of Mrr. Trw- Warem. N11ot of the Late Walter Treleaven, were tethered to Dunr•snoa mastery on Friday lust, beteg moo** thither by *tea► sorrowing relatives. Meads, and sogoeat- mesa. it is bat a abort time Moos her rum- baed dammed. COIIIVO ASD Gouge. -Mrs. Ii. J. Cran- ford is visaing rslsllv.e and friends at4 Laokaow Mous Kato Saddr sad Master Kay r*lbelee are •Lined Meads le the Crusty et Grey Robert sad Mee Eleanor, Paved with rela%ioee m (odertab tows sad township on Sunday I..t. DUNLOP Nn. D. Neville. et tederiob, visited bees Les Thursday. Mn. Week, of Godericb.and Mrs.Kslgba of the Nils, were trensreot visitors hers let week. The township fathers who were oat 1a full umber lotting Jobe foe road regain Isere on Wednesday of last week, dined at the heehaw.. Forty planters of potatoes tell w that the well-knewn bug sad its rather too numerous greeny have ow* aid are making big bane among eke vises The Rev. Mark Torsball, /senor of 88. George's, Oode lob, enjoyed with Mrs. Tsrebill a pi.wat visit Mn Tuesday aftertastes of lift week with their hose.. Mn. AIL., sod ether Moeda. TM party bad an 'enjoyable time gst6etriog torr( a our wedl*ode. Lar BarrAt o. --Oar telbw-townamao, Marti. Finland. was a transits visitor last week. He has sow settled to agrfoeltural permit la AiDl3.td, .ad fa the sear futon will sledge -Oaks a partnership is width . Hag wilt homed Gaited d. pot) to make 11 • letleg bargain. Tuesday of lust mesa Wm. HookeM, of tea, had • weed bee, drawleg weed 'to the silt works se 8eltte.A Over 34 tot erre a it. The bads aye, - egad from a lord sad a qualm to two cords, sad woe the largest dew of wed L. the saline history of galtfeed. LAM week was made Lively by the pre". sem of the Olpstm a out midi*. The ex. Maws of herees was them Tithe • awe - be o6asgieg head.. This party 6.d net Delicate children 1 What a source of anxiety they are! The parents wish them hearty and strong, but they keep thin and pale. To all these delicate chil- dren Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with Hypo - phosphites comes with the best of news. It brings rich blood, strong bones, healthy nerves, .and sound digestion. It is growth and prosperity to them. No matter how delicate the _child, it is readily taken. see. .sits.., in er.eilsts ACOTT ♦ DOWNS, Chaos... 1'o►ea(t. Per ..rate. JY>I Odessiblit Ledo e 11 as.iese LWasoes. `rw• LANK. i88UUS 07 MAR* 10111 • lases s a eMGriob.Ons. Oak 4,1 .4 a r+ I. bee. in Dodos for four years, and surprised sem old oSeooenere to heroes by Mewl a that they dtda't de business os Sunday now -s -dart. Amiss the to..st .t *eters last week were Yr. and era Ors. tStewitl. of De.. Miller, sad with them Mrs. Jams Maoism. of Buffalo, at one times reside* here. GODEHIOH TOWNSHIP WRDtx*DAY, Jely 8, 1898. Deo. Cassell, of Clines, S..d•yed with the !.ally of Jolla Sturdy. Trawls Se eettt and wife, of Ooderlob, 'dotted relatives !a the Oowwklp ea 14ndey. Oeo. Tobbott end wits, et Holmeevitle, .pest Soaday with 6t. brother Att, Homo road. A large aerobe( of our oitix..a Lead viatfoe the Oatarlo Experimental Farm at diaelpk as Friday next Daring the •beam at ootfereao. of Rev. Wm. Oodwis, the pulpit ef Zion eburob WM ably ocoupld on Sunday Iut by Mr. Nott, of Odetriob, who prteohd • forcible end *loathe german. PAae%.-On Tuesday ere*I.r 01 lag( week Misr ...o.ntaily retsina the les. now baro as she tars of Jae_ YmlU, • targe num- ber of the young people of the oosnmutlty mattered as lb. gestl.man'a raids..* aa4 'stayed s.oril deooe which did not break up tell the wsti.e' boars of the morning. LEEBURN. egjasio. Bat.., and hi" sister, of Baybeld, with the guests of Mr. sed Mrs. R. Fol- ioed this week. Oar junior *Mao* est.rtatsd a large Medi of their friends at • dowsing ley o0 Friday debt at lad weak - The fotlowi.g were at the oseveat iso of Redeemers as Dasgarsoo as delegates from Nab. divides 4. Co ; D. Cumtni•e, J. 0. Stewart, John Lawn°.. SAriN* 000Dsys Aunts. -The Row. D. Maogiltirray wee oat bare Tharsday of lest week biddiog ped bye before leaving slain for the Howe missies The Ray. Atlemaa preaohd hie Ares sermon hers to 1880. He was amestmrdd by My. .*d Mea James Stewart and their .oa IIn. entracte NOT111.-0a Susd.y then will be co dirt.s servile* in the morale*, the pastor b•tng abets& et the synod to Moat - real, bus is the atter** •s 2:30 the C. E 14 will hold • speotal .eating for every. body to attend. The preride.t, A. H. Clones will oo.duot the service. The new oaken .f the C. E.S. for the amine half year are ; A. H. (Aattoo, pees.. Arable Bee. tea, moopre.., Joreph MsoNevare.. e.o'y., Edith Buttes. oer. see., Moab Shaw, trees., daM.tle to the Wia4haa C. Y. cosiest**. *. R. N. Mew, and Jetta Lamm. NILE. A Jrva Wi*DINO.-11. borne of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M.Kat-hs was the some of • very plemant neat w'Anode! evening Jess 1, It being the marriage of their sere - mid daughter Aggie to David Johnston. The bride wee insisted by her slater Sarah, sad the groom by Ms brother, James Jobo- wk.a. The bride and bridesmaid both band very pretty In dreamm§ of white oash- mesm, with thee tad ribbon trimmings. TM IreddiO4..rah wee played by the bride'. esttwi., MLN =is Mo Whimsy, Crewe. Altar the oasmwy, wake was performed by Rev. ids. Hsadaeos, Abhors, alto* hie h -edged invited sae J.wu to a eamp- teees tapper. the tablet were cleared, the Teasg womb amused thimeaves with d*re ao and .Neap .--seamses until an early Mer. dme. Abeam was Me redpie.t Of .(any very pretty sad odd presents. We wish Mr. and Ilia Joh..te. every sue - cm" std haprasses 10 their am hie. IHARBON AND RIVER. Perth are MMU ea their swim deep sabre vial*. The dredge Ataoldl started deepening the harbor yesterday. There ate • few Mae sallies/ ysekls owned a awe jest now. Crowd' et boy. took • dip is the dale, Lod at Baton/ay stag Baadsy. Jae. Heys has beat appoi.td sight w.eN.an at the Mester works. Sit*rday and Suedsy the harbor Nan, trete srowdd with promenader. Rabe. Clark 60100.4 nets, as the boat Aaiiao haw this port does hos pay. The dabbg lap pow make two day trips white nee.sitabs • aisle et the lake. The Odetleb Lamber Os le @hippio" large e*astities of oft dud them d.ys■" . The meaner 8t. Aadrow lett for Midland 0o Tuesday eight to load for Lake Superior. The Ittetootor of leaeha.ry was hi tow. this week and .xa.iod the Milers of the ' St. Andrew. The teg 8e..an, with a raft of loge not. Salable 900,400 feet, arrived ea Nb pare yese rd•y m.r*a4. Bum this time twelve :oaths, the bomb elf dia6b'. b a8isg hostm has tor.a..d tom elderably Lk ward•. W. rather admire the look of the Simms Jews, for it MOS Man w'e. seeking Jewish sheet ber alterations. The .Monter Veg... from Toledo, with ewe of Geed ter Peter Meswaa arrived is pert oa Tse.d•y waisli. The .eloosar Caritasd& ..fled oa Toes - gay night for Themal.., with 600 bees of oats ea/ 100 beards et w*. Tits *6s.rer, Oeri sad., with 310,000 f., .f lumber Ire. T11sesabs for h. Dynast arrived is port oe daday sywbg. Zhe omen •f ad towhee bade eepe dite the Desaabb. Day oG..itbe OE give then a abeam es the 71.06, Danhease A Rhyme who have the .sa- trasl he pada 1,500,050 het of Umber tot the deader, bve .dimly balthed several ear leods rawer T8.. M. a4 the Galeria ha - hr (1w. who Me sire ow • bods bet week. is repartee M tate GolI MINA fedi ea, of lumber. The Mg. Hetet.._swo, will be ready tor her trl.1 Stip ss 8M.6ia er MG.da''rr ata the M 'atomise. with am.*Canny, be .eke pretty pod Nae. TOWN COUNCIL MEET. B[inutae of Rbyfular Meeting. The TrrasareY, Statement - romwaatem teas -assort es the ttaaaee 0e.. mutes--/eeo.MNa ea liar. bee 1mp.evemeats. REGULAR meeting of T , wn Oouccil was held last Friday armour ; pre.eat, Mayor Thome oa. to the chair, reeve, dopy. reeve, 2.d dopy. reeve, oo**eWor, Colwell, Ptid6am, Nloboboa, Dunlop, Colin Camp. heli, Canteloo, (reigi..od RadolJ.. Minutes of Dei im meetteg Maris* bean read and approved, the treasurer's Mete - meet for May was read as follows : secaters. Salaam from April $ 3964 97 Lma........... ....4 860 00 Nos -res. tats. 936 Msisl.oa ..meery .... 37 50 Water rates 339 80 6leotrlo Light rates 346 60 eap. soot 33 00 BUle pay (reaww.bl12000 00 Mortals*" 350 00 Lloaame 7C9 62 14684 77 'falai 417949 74 .bapaa.YxNTs. solarise Tin dept Pabllo work, Rated Debeatere interest Bills per. (renewal.) Bk. Utterest .. .. Water week. Cap..c Maitland cemetery Wither weeks mai** Pablo seheeb. Bbktag toad Semen BTM. Lis63.ain:oe.... Release is beak ..... . Balanus ea Med ...... $ 189 55 9 90 296 44 77 38 1626 62 12000 00 167 92 3 00 46 74 621 06 432 96 360 80 427 68 40 30 317 53 16496 06 1310 09 143 59 1463 68 Total $17949 74 Sappla.e*tary report showing in detail the item .taeeliaa*wem id Apel nport : F. F. L.wre..., telegram .. $ 2 44 Thos. weir. dee tag. 7 80 Jso. Galt, postage - 700 Gm. Porter, "Mumma* . 7 40 C.P.R., telegrams 97 Wm. Campbell. to Kueardtne 2 00 (hip ttetioa to Ottawa 96 00 Teal. 4122 31 A 00111111111010412 was read from R. Cam pioo, solieitor for Wm Mclean and Joh* From Now until Jan. lst, 1899 you can get " The Signal" for Fifty (50) Cents. Moleaa, swag mime of .Wm foe j. -sews of aooso.s of Was. Mama is6e a b.1e ever the demo* on May 2606, 1898. P6.- ... referred le pe6Uo verys sdeli ie be r port, .s ..e6M..1 s.soa(ilers N Deem and The 6..ee oem.MNm's report w.. reed ma witched ea fellows: " You ooamittes hove 'boatload the fal- lowiag.oeoan6s wad *gasSend their rey- meat:-Tse 8to*IL, $8.181 J. H, Jobe. Men, 4E49 ; The 1(oaleipal %Vertd, 67o. ; 1. H. Waeell,1464 Job. A. Raid, $2." The / Dewlap lied betraid wad re. tonne le dames sertllm,tdtrtbide Bros., $29.77 ; 11•110114 01 RMM.M Gp., M.50 ; Star, $9092; Werth Ameba Obssfad Oo., 16.26 ; Osriehere 6. Co, tev 06 { 8... Most' Co., ifi0 94; Gees 1 Maelasery Ce., >9 ; Us .iu. Maori. O.. $4. After a dimension as ate t.prontisats made at t6. Harbor Perk, the mesal . pd - ;earned. A TORONTO OONODOTOR Saved from the Ag ales of Debet.., by Dodd'. Miriam PIM. Railway provides ameba dint this Toronto, Jnaw.tt'6-tM Toronto Skeet d' - olds eye. the p K6d*.y Pail. w the sok ea "reit fee Dislat... Mr. H, Hagg, 41 Tails seeet. sendasta' No. 207, hes bees d.rlrhs g iesurdsuret .s eiegrhb seted by liedie'wsdoey dalllN*.Yllir oeellee t bar~ ss ce11M "warm" " MA Meetly Gad.Mr. Diabetes sae lapped M.sde He bed bw / bt wait, MI immoss.t of dint..., les. mC Lee tt.d InrMrheg makda-. AN eater mom dice that he moll hada* bawl be »'Mass a Mead. le by lbellit bitbead dlec d ersst6,as there (tri asewe LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF. tined edveao.d • OW last week. The dust w.. timely .mussing on Son' day. Three.e.6 Wel jeMorrow will be Dom - taloa Day. no dreg mow ibe *.sat. for 1898 kas been played. Some. .*mgjltg parties are already be- ia. arranged. Tb. dear U*.1e impede still do guard over the water basin.. Jaok Frees, itis add, will not visit 0a 1211 October Tkaaka. Dymeat made heavy shipmate of lum- ber she put week. Cornell'. two dwellings at the stades ars ready for veeneriog. los Cream .ed coolies drinks at the Tempesasw hall to -sight Some of the beldam have not yet made the acquaintaaos of kitty. Elliott and Mlttihell shipped a oar load of bogs to Toronto yeeterd.y. • The Chosen Friends will meet in Horton's hall this, Thursday, evaded. The publie eo600l promo** ezamiaatema will nommen* os Mooday week. The Eatraso. sad P. S. L sxaminatio* commence ea Monday, 27th fast. The graaolit is walk at the Harbor 1'ark it 8alehd-a resat Myra. meat, P. Lynn's dwelling oa Waterloo -n fa shinnied and ready for Teacara0. Asdr*we Bros. & Co. shipped a oar load of bogs to ColUsgwood o0 Monday. Dant forget the obarob fair in the Tem- perance hell tkl. Thursday evening. Reviler meeting of Heron Enotutpmeat, No. 28, LO.O.Rvetts Meade, evening. The God.e4ok Knitting Works are s fall handed. 064 are workup o. orders. CbrysW will finish the pan al the North Amerieen Cbemloal Co's. work., to-oi/►*. Sane grows* say that plat.e wall not he as obundes% as wan at one time pr.dtosd. Ba.h.w A Rhyme will do the olanine its ths_allMher, come million and a hall feet The Model Sobool poet!, are 000alderlog ways sad mesas tor a plonks in the near future. Godfrey'. Bead will be here on Monday week, the 20:.0 test. Have you got year ticket ! Don't forget the auotioo sale of tows property at tivadry'e mottos roomy on Monday. Maltla.d Lodge No. 33, A. 1. and A. M will ..et f* regular session on Tuesday .vsl*e. Peace and useful articles for sale at Knox &hrob lair in Temperanc, hall this Thurs- day'yotng. P. Tierney, caretaker of the kswlf.R green understands how to keep the green side opwsrd.. Don't forest the erourston to the Model Farm to the Royal oity of Guelph, tomor- row. Friday morning. Mr. Granolithio has been ietrotiaod to t6. Harbor Park ; how long will it be be - ton 6. visits the Square. Captain Holmes may be seen et the arm• ory every evening getting No. 1 Company tato shape for the outing. Hoe would to do tor the town council to present the cupid. to our boat owners for Ague beads for their vessel.. till Tea will be served from 5 to 7 in the Temperance hall this evening by the lady 0Nagen of Knox *molt fair. DrInkteg Daps were attached to the Her- ber Perk foantaie on Saturday, and on Sans day visitors mold get a cool drink. B.Ut.g at a great ragmen.., oar large stook of Melon and trimmed hate_ Call and lnopeot. E 81118.,, Kingston bt Saturday sensing the Square weeorowdd with pedstrlars; and mast of the stereo seemed to be doing a resider Miasma We are pleased to see that the •aresaker of W lawn on the square see out the ares *oder the sesta 'okra it ousbd the beards off. the ohostcote monad the Square look baa*dfal, and yet there were • few //Tumid. ors whet) the lase E. Bingham summated t6. planting. Th. ereateet of all sales will be the .le ata rate at the $, of the Snowden (Berlin) Stook of Dry Goode booths last week by R. B. Smith. TM Ooderioh Ogee Oe. .hipped i6 or. ger to various parte of the Dominion the pset week, sod s. peewit* a big bill for the old wintry. Today lust J. J. MoOhe, alert of the Privy Comet% was la town to swear I. the ex-.s.►or fee W eat Herne as IMat-govere• or of the NerthwMt The Jesse **aloe of the Peaty for the County of Heron, apeom is the Court Hon.. es Teesday, the 14th fust, before Hi. Hotter, Jade, bassos. TM Grand Trunk authorities have gamed the waltl.gR room at the 'tattoo of the sdvertidng as>rda and ploteres that have e n lone oo .red ile wally. The Hemderse* Bbyel. Co. believe the McCready two pleas wank axle will be and he every wheel mad* he kneads' sexs year, g o (treat L he preset .*Oast.. .1. E. Bedroll, High School Isye b., .lo. Bled the Uolleglet.Instils* e* 1...d. examined the several *Immo and a.ysetsd the building sed school appenss*eee - Ube Mara., the evaasn6.0, 'FM labored .. .*oeeefully In Itertb 81. )ltethedLl eeurek lass Ney.aMr tied D.ep.b.r, pree06d is that Mires beth warning sed evades of ts6 Healey. Ash may M Man teeth of our residents Mv. Mem mfsed a the mamas for sob - e arthen, than lw.ag Meir nasus as Per tees bookstore will be added to the rob. eerlbere' UN for the Odtrey eoe..t The Ren. apsolabolortnitiamt beat . waof fted 1p nit burglars, bey ailed18 years of age, oleo hawks about teem boom to b00% appsrcntly sorbs .at the lead. As the amebas of the Wasters Drawbar Timbers' Amen -leas. hell la Dourest ata D. M°GILLICUDDY, EDITOR. week, Mise W ilhaimiee S•egmiller, of Is. Aieuspolhe, and wail knows to many 1. 8wfort6 and Oodertob, was Mooted yloo- ptMtdea:. A Chatham despot* reostvd last evening states that Roy. Jasper Wilson is to he elm wow meter o1 Numb..*. Method2., *mob. Th. retrieved gentleman Y sow stationed at Slra8broy, where he had beta invited to roman for the fifth year. The reliable, progressive, sod up-to-date dry -rods house of R 8, 6.116 has pur- chased the Swowdes stook, of Bertin, Oat. Tr.s.odoes values la ribbons, Inose, em- broidery, blaok and oolord dr... Roods, millinery, and all /may dry good.. Wishing to est obi of my present bold - Ma to do the coal oil trade sz0lu.tvely, I Wald you all to help me wed rot something oat of my stook. 1 would like to dl.po.e of it la ths'i'iisy. This is no obsta,t. 1 really meats bushel* sod 1 want the •o. coasts of the preset tie. Mooed. N. DAVIS. COMING AND GOING. Mrs. 80.., In visiting to Hamilton. lasp+eer Tom wee la hayfield this wool. Mee B.ily was in Toronto yds week. A. F. Beyly, of Louder, ares, ♦sadly in town. Mas. R. ti. Smith is reported 10 ne lm. proving. P. H. Wood, of Clinton, spew Sunday in Goderioh. Israel Taylor. of elution, was in (demes w Friday. $ F. olmeetd, of Seafort6, was in town "F. E. Downing, of Stratford, wM in town this wail. Rel: let. ,Busby, met Dip* toes b sown , yeeterday. Dr. Cooke, of Cawley, was in Ooderloh, yetsrday.. C. W. Ellis, d'Ad.a, wM in sees the past week. Tho.. Liadey, of Lesk.ew, wan la tetra es Meadey. m WTbum..4L.. rettisol,goat h1. Uetroil visit y. Rtow. . H. last (1*1 e..k., b.rrinter, of Exeter, was to L H. Dickies, barrister, of Exeter, was to towel last Friday. Min Halle Smith, of Ego. adyilte, via,.e-J friends to town last week. Mies Fraser, of London, was a quest at the Reotor/ the put week. R -,ht Molnar returned oo Monday from his broncos. visit to Montreal. lir. Bay ly sane a solo at last babbath's morotng terries/ in Knox church. A. E. Forte, of the organ faoWty, is now on the r, at as travelrr for the firm, HerbSte.idir& left.. Monday for Brant- ford where he hag .soured •'situation. Will Ruts* returned from the Penin - •u* „o Monday oo b lard the Kolfage. Hy Ratson *turned to Bayfield on Tues- day to resume his job on the harbor works. Lieassoaet Godfrey, of Landoll, England. will visit io 0odertch Slond.y, June 20th. J. M. Best. barrister, of Seaforth, paid the county tom* o professional visit last week. ,John Campion, of town, left on Monday for (bat, having secured • situation in that town - Jas. Latouzel left oo Monday for Ses- forth, and will paw a week or two in Tuok• anmith sp. W . were mimed to .es Wm. W allaco up bows a Thursday, after Ms keg and seri- o.. illness. Mn. Jones, nee L.Touxel, and two ohild- tee are visiting at the family reeldeso. West sweet. R. B. (Bert) Smith, of St. Louis., rew6ed h ome last Wednesday on • tour week.' visit to the old town. Geo. Evans., who tolled from Maltreat on Saterdsy on the Scotsmen, was ticketed through agent Straiton. We now get our drinks through the whole leach of the intake pipe, and the water will ner1a1017 be cooler If nee Maur than time hitherto served to the tows. The dredge, Jno. R. Arnoldi, commenced work again on Friday and Saturday, the tore Sea }Wired Etrdm bertha the wawa, es the Seven J"ewsfrlm Tat ready for the work. The schooner Kellett. with lumber for es,. Hayfield tougher °estreom, arrived in port on Monday event*. and ea 9a.sdsy morning dropped to Beyeeid sad delivered her °ergo. The steam*, SC Andrew, arrived is port no Hood. , from Fort William, with 39,000 boatels of wheat for Richardson. The oar - go was reloaded at the Big Mill elevator end the St. Audrey left oa Monday night MY Lake Sopterior. Ther* was some talk along the deck of the di.., Ming employed to to down and see the toumdatioo tor the elevator oldie, but u the under water worker left tows with- out being called on, she talk was evidently without authority. Our old triesd, Ceptata Baxter, la the meet rerelar aetendant at the harbor, and hie prams* L teoeseteted by his 'norms hg b.eteees, se the gallant oaptein keeps Gradient boats for hire, and dose the right tibiae with hie tntroaa. Major Or.y, of the P.bN. Werke Dept. Termite', wee da *wa yesterdaya comma.Moo with dredging the barber; twaetery stranpemeewte were made with the Marlton - Lek. Rums 1)redgle Co , M dredge the harbor to a .0Aleh.s dept to dew vessels drawly 18 feet So loathed at the elevator. The steam yacht, Stella. ergs put in the water Thursday, and the Mang evesesg .8. steamed out of the basher toe a tet of eyed. Uatert.*ately ba ..elateery lid net work with*** faked ow tee seed trial trip e.d es he pwlpmd. l'be abab, bem ever. pored te he am wsss.dagly oaatest. ah6a im me she boeled so lightly and se Remora Res desk. , » R'eaa:,... '., . ,.,,. t ' Via'. •w. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Jun. dsmjon Commenced. A alagameor l:e.r.. aI,*U ns -1 tem 6104 er Aooe*a4 Irreseated--ear aesre- seataNvea Tate a. Arte mea* Tris to ••.caester Srldge. TY E June S.s.iou of the county oo.00il opened a0 3 r. r , the Wadea le the °hair. Members all proof azoepb Mr. Cook. Minutest of the last meeting road and ap. proved. A oommentwiloa from the county maned of Halo. requ.sti.g Herta Cooney a as operate in the Domiolo* Uoverumen0 to inoreaae the pay of our collies forth. Sent to special committee. Letter trout D. H. Maria, of White- church, to be appointed ooanty student a0 the agricultural college. sent to ez•oative *matinee. Copy of will of Elisa DiokM., bequeath. tag $11100 to the County of Huron for 1ko support of his ..ter, K. Dickson, to th. county Home of Refuge, was read and soot to the execrative committee. Pennon frills the trustees of school .m. Wilts No. 2 Hay end No. 9 Puckeremith were read and referred to educed. ,a com- mittee. Letter signed by the mayor of tot tem of Ood•riob, re. bower et Viotorla•.t is Ms town of Godertoh. was read and ordered M Se fill. Trac On t$otlon of Mews. Holt and Hi.bp the waned adjoarod t0 most at 10 A Y. Wed - need •y. M -IDN xnDAY. The oouootl resumed pursue* to adjourn. meat, the warden presiding and members all pre•..t. Minute. el previous means item read std approved. Later from F. Narlow reed, claiming damage, for soold101 .t GoU.y's brides, be- came F Waimea' and Morrie. Seat do executive committee. eommltme.• et Lotto t rad Flossy 1>uroln of the town of Lederiou to the oath of the Ch 1*:..'s Aid Society of tee county of Baro), and ebaigiog the coup 41 50 per week fur their matt t enaCoe. Sent to exec- utive committee Report of the clerk ro the purchase of a type writer wee taut to oho Meno 0013111311 - ler . 0000111 - lir. County wdltors' report was read end Mob 84 the finance commit;ea. Keport of 000b' y a mm *noose wee read and ',tut to road .od t ridge eotcm!ttee. The goaler'e report oat lewd sod sent to the foamy property re mmitt.0. Thirty seven a0000n'e were reed and sent to finance etulmittto. As requested at last meeting the clerk re- ported respecting the conenlid.tion of the by-laws of the county. The report was .e t1 to the executive committee. Moved by Robt. Mclean oeooaded by lir Snell theft this °ousel! at 2 P. n. to -day drive to the Manoheter bridge. Car. led. Moved by Mr. Cook that la she event of an appeal ft -rim the equalized arae mens of this 000n'y, that the Boil tolealimtion be lett is the hands of the 00001 4 dp. Carried. Moved by Mr. Matinee. ,soot d y Mt. Hays that this council now .d otyr8 till 2 o'oloek. Carried. 2 r. K. Conseil met pursue*, M aditlglpwhit, the warden in the oMsiR.- Minutes of moraine -amides read and aF. proved. A otter from the secretary of the fieafe,eh Agrioultaral Society, asking for the county ono* was read and gent to the exeo*Nve memo Anse. A oommunioatlou from Hy. Armoires*. referring to the Finch Preausvative. The letter was accompanied by temples of wood preserved by the paint. The oommunioatloo was mot to county property oommlttee. leo or three a000nnte were read and sestb to dnaoo. committee. - A letter from the Provincial auditor, In answer to a oommu.ioation from oho ooasty olerk t'edardi.g the omit of •a audit of the accounts of the county for three years. The letter wee coot to Beano. committee. Moved by Me. Miller, seconded by Mr. Fattenw, that the *anal now adiouro to meet et 10 A Y on Thursday. Carried. DYING BY INCHES! But Dodd's Kidney Pills will Yet Renew Lie. Thousands of persons die in the prime of life because doctors think Bright's Disease and Diabetes incura- ble. But Dodd's Kidney Pills cure them both. They have carted thousands of cases. These diseases and other Kidney complaints are es common as ordinary colds. But people don't realize that they are afflicted till the disease has eaten deep into the system. Even then, Dodd's Kidney Pills will posi- tively cure. Thousands of petit are dyiet ars Mir feel, bud de not realist 11. • They notice one or morel oft symp- toms : shortness of breath, lass of memory, failing sight, ravenous appe- tite, pale or reddish urine, with brick - colored deposit, scalding when urina- ting, constipation, nervousness, pains in the loins. Their only hope is Dodd's Kidney Pills. They won't fail. They never do. -