HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-6-2, Page 10111/71064 ;We 1, 1818: THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. 7111 WEATRER NEOS .. . The Latest 3:3zovsEs in Muslins, Ginghams, Prints, etc. SEE OUR RANGE, DRESS ORGANDIES, SPECIAL Regular 15c., for 10.•. Check Ginghams, large and small patterns, only 12}c. Linen Effects, with colored stripes, very new. .Plbfli Linen Batiste, Piques, Ducks, etc., all the new Summer lines. • NEW BLOUSE SILKS in the latest Checks and Colors. - -ZOO 'Yards -it new lot of Silks suitable for waists, jiniag., eta, Regular 35c., for 19c. PRINTS, See our Special at 5c. HOSIERY, Hemsdorf Dye, Special, 2 pairs fee 25c. GLOVES, -Tates R•ir of Summer Gloves. __ VEILINGS, SPEOLL, at tic. per yard. PARASOLS, New Colors and New Designs. SUN HATS, a special lot, assorted colors, worth 12ic. to 20t., gofsg at 9 Dents. MILLINERY. Don't forget that we have the latest, the moat stylish, and cheapest in town. LADIES' UNDERWEAR. Afraaig. range .it white Underwear. Night Gowns from 39c., up. White Skirts, Drawers, Cornet Covers, etc. Our stock is up -stairs in connection with the Millinery, where the ladies will be pleased to show our range. CASH AND ONE PRICE. SMITH BROS. & CO. MUNICIPAL COIJMOIL onlay t7 IS9e no court of Reenters .f the a esssmest nil far the Ip. of Colborne, met le the bp. Hall, all members baring qualified. Tke appeal of John Roesler of too high ammo - seat war brought before the ooutt, It was decided net to take my mate and eustaind the assessor otter making so e•mleatlon of the roll and • few alterations Nathan Johns moved, seconded by James Tey:er that is be accepted •e oorrsot. Carried. The rt Oren formed • cannon tor desp•toh lcourta et regular besieges. All the members were ewaent. tb•manmdtes•,gtithe pTr.hv• ofesIi..wealat. meanie were ordered M be paid t Join Jenkins, repairing 'Sven% 76e. ; D.•Java Gtaham, repairing ealvect, it 00 ; Jane. Jones, gravel. 46o. ; Ws. Symbyltos, bury- Zkoros,11.50 ; clotting for lies Shimmer rerambag him to.ths Hones of Refuge 114-00 ; Joshua Agee. imitate, cu:veti, 13.25 ; Rtes viatica, 16.20 Aseseor's eatery, $60.00 ; Amcor, Equaliyinr Gatos school sea, 00 ; John Barker, repair• tcyt Daatop'o UI, 11.60 ; John Barker, opening ava pit, 16 00. The Courted Br Mee ad]ieersed to meet agate on the 24411 d.y ot .7.0. ss 2 . .0 r.us. !. W. Mc.Detrtoa, Chert. 000IKICI TT. May, 26th, 1898. Connell met as • Court of Revision, mem- ber. taking neoeesary cash. Moved by T. Churchill, seconded by Jes Jobastoe thee appeal of r. T. Railway be eest•leed, thsl the •..e.smemt be reduced $1117. Sieved by Cha,. W Allam., osoosdd by John Wood. that the appeal ot H. J. Patton be . sMalaed, that rel. •..igwnsns be reduced 1100. The following names were pl•oe.i on roll, F. Naftal, M. J. C. F. Naft'l, Regio- •ld h. H. N•fta, John Gardner, Philip Emden. Also she the following changes on the roll, Job. Tames, lot 5, part 6, Mait- land Orli , "17 mares ; Je.. Jewell, fat Maitland Con , 15 mires ; Ch. lake., parOhm. ot Lot 13, Maitland Co... 104 acre.. Moved by uh.. Williams, emended by John Woods teat roll now revived end read be passed. Minutes of last mining of doused wore reed sad mimed. Oa mottos. Clerk was instruct. d to notify oonootl of the tows of Goderieh to open drain on Huron Road. The follow- ing accoutre were paid : T. MoC•rtby, .s- o e.e1.R tp-, 860.00 ; Asssor's postage, 81. Adiour.d to meet ma 20th day el Jam. Nixoe Swum. -Clerk. May, 28, 181111 Council mei pursuant to adjournment oe Saturday the 28;b day of May. Members all present exoept deputy reeve Minato. of previous meeting read and ap- proved. The ooart for Lite Rsvisrso e1 the Armament roll was oommeooed at 2:30 o'olook r e. the only obarge mad., b:tog Alex hichiedry .oared on the roll .. ten - met for the N. pars of lot 6 ooa. 13 W. D. To. followlhg cheques were I..ued Jame. Saand.ra, repairing approrab to bailee, 12.50 • H. D. Shield, plank, $30 00 ; s los., g J. Tra74e. t lee refine booth', 14'00 Trustees 8 8. No. 12 for polling booth, 14 00; Hugh McIntosh for polling booth, 14 80; John Loan, etre work as auditor, 1200: Jame. Thompson, oolv.rt on E. B , $10.00 ; Kenneth MoKw.t., oeveriag two Calvet.. 8. R. 3 and 4.11 50 ; D Agnes, covering bridge oe bos.dry. 13 00 ; Rcbt. Farris. ditch Coo. 10 rod 11, 81 110; Wm. St.w•rt, rilirine washout 8.P. 3 end 4, 84 00 ; John l,.Uiott. repairing culvert Con 2, $2 00; Wm. Brown, removing lam at bridge 8 1'. 3 and 4, 84 00 ; Jolts 8hl.lds, repairing *el- vers Con 2. 1.50: Matthew Ru•..11, repair- ing oulvert Ona. 4, 81 50 ; Toos. Garvey, twit trader drain., 85 00 ; 8. Martin, for plank, 88.00 ; M. MoL.od, Clime •pproaoh be briers .1 Kintall, 1.50 ; Jehe Knot., repairing culvert on L 11 , 11.00 ; Morena Dalton, to pay wheel. fee., 810.00 ; John H. Situp..., repairing outwore .oath bound- ary, $1 00 t W m. Hoge, drain. e• D. L , N 00 : Rebs. Hints. repairing advert ea D.L. $3.00 ; Minoan MoKasn, til. ter drain 813.71 O McDssaM, manna 1 aroma to kI4ie. BL 00 t Ws. repetrlag vote► L L so•. ; JoKba , data on 1.15 , 06 00; Jeri, Reidr tine 1pee ►ores reed 8.P. 6 sad 7, $1 60 ; Wu 114:Qoatd, for 9 loads of noes, $2.25 ; Ws. Daraio, repairing two oalverts D,P. 3 gad 4, 50o. ; Patrick Wattaoo, topatries oat. vhtIt. L. 81 50; 1 `ac. Ford, plank. $24.00• /Award C J cheviot. for advert and grovel R. 9 and 10. 115 00; Ws. Phillips, Iaoo. S.P. 6 rad 10, 12 00 ; Matthew Ferrer, equal zleg Union reboot, $20.00 ; R. A. O.rrlok, postage and extra work. $6.00 James Byrn, printing. $2400. Urinal adjourned to meet again os the 10th day of J ane. W. Bemuses, Clerk. AUC1 ION SALES. Ail pardon gets rug their ,ale btlle printed •t racial wilt ►aq a free .cites [..used la this list op to the time of e•4s, ON Mo:tosr. Jura 13, 1198 -At Gen. dry's Auution Mart, Hamilton street, four esoeedin,;ly valuable propeller' la the Tows of GoJerioh, namely his 91, 147, 560 •ad 552 and 169, on mon nt which there is a 1;} or 2.tory building. For farther partaoutare see bills. A reieelea Ytseevery. "Sore A+ellWth"1sae infallible, painless asd con-poi.omws remedy for the cure of Casper, Cartilagiooes Ulcers, Bore Throat and • variety of able also,... It Dares canner in any part of the body where the liquid ono r.tach 11. Sand fur otrower giv- es*eai.ratiee. how to apple lite Ugaid. Sold at 60J per pint and 30.1 per half pint bottle. MoLEOD'S LABORATORY. Goderieh. There was • oow gathering on Est street on Monday, a driver ot a delivery wagon b.vtng Inutated a call w .aoomedullly es to get some sixty aolualu to follow him. The • otics of the cows would hare delighted circus goers It would be well for the authorities to stop people from blowing borne when wed ding parties aro walking or driving .round t6. 10w11, s. N le sot cella an Moult, teat prevents many newly married 000ptes speed- ing their wddi., day in town. A residest of an adjoining tp. whir fs to be married an weak. oe being ukd N M would Nod 10 Goderich for the eeregeing, said ., Met we'a go to Laok•ow where gestalt are be ere - Jeedeit with lis ►.g.a .. - ': +' - ^.. . HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE Ditttnt of Uhanoer7 Diviilon. lite Ceara That Were ea for Trial -Yea. ■r. JasUte Teague' eweapled the ('hale The ieaalla la Iamb (Mann. BEIELI 11018BBIR8 Ohsoe )Truitt rad Oraartal Tri THE Spring session of tho Chancery vision of the High Court opened in tie Court Haase on Monday before Mr. Justice Feremon. The following o•seas were oa Lite docket. i[iYtig n. Squire et al, an eotloo to set eau •will. Pinky n. Watson. an action to est amide the assignment of • life lumuraooe policy. 9x116 vs Smith, an ratios for alimony. Pains et al vs Selmer et al, an ration to recover annuities under a will. Dalton ye. Ashfield tp., so cotton for wrongly dlvertine a water oouree Murry vs. tdoivor, an anion to recover • le{icy ender • will. Ronald vs. Thoma., on ..tion for sot isri mane property ander • covenant he • mortgage. Belt vs H.R;ts'Meion to set silt reg•' talo oo.veysser. Muir vs. Nene .1.1, was the first ore bolero the onert, and hinted till 'reeede7, elite Hie Lordship rewervd judgs's*. (Jarrow and Ganey ter pit; Wallace, Nes- bit and Dent for deft.. Amick ver. Soltt6, was partly tried as '1 need.y, but at the opening of las mart ea Wdneeday it was et•me• teal ea mei rabbi .gre.mest had been reached, gad the osm stood over for the preparationa the papers. Darrow k Proudtooa for p11 ; peso.. Halt k Holmes for deft. Bal vs Herr wee ..mm/ea by eatwal eon• gest. Uameroa, Holm & Holss for plfL; L. E. D•a.y for deft. 11•ttoa ve. Ashfield township, fres' sem. manned o.ljWdee.day mernb& 111141- 116111 not oeecludd wires Tee 8teN•L mob to pram. Cameros. Holt & Holism/se vitt ...aortae a Prnadfeee ler deft. STURDY BIOS. - TSH GROCERS, On the $ • Goderich. L+VEltt0REEN8 A SPECIALTY. Our stook of !tell 'herr being Complete, we will be able le 1111 order at .berteot notice, se we have the Beat and lead ns Varieties. of Apple. neer. Ma. Merry, sad remelt Tree,. • lee s Large Stork •r emelt /raps, Mird *semis* took sad be 'marimba. Stook of Choice Spring Bedding Pisan. Prim LIM marled on appllwtlon. A.ddreee JOHN STEWART ESTATE (boli U.Lii T.9. Keep only the best Heel le Otoelries and Pall them at a moderate advance on twat. Our stock of Crockery, China and Grocers' Sundries is up-to-date in quality, and at Lowest Possible Prices. (tom' Farm Produce taken in exchange. STURDY BROS- On the Square -Wast Side ALL FIPER The Bssuty of s Nome le (meth' sublimed by ram Paper Mille walls and celtrag. Igo matter how much pow •`or- ate your leges. mor- ate the *fled le Ioet sale.. the walla aro bright and Mesa, We owl paper coat rooms, Mit well and de it cheaply. L000 to and ase our Meek. All orders pro pUly attended to. GEO.-WATSON, Painters POPeritinger, SOME THINK Mat all Paints are alike. We know they're not, any more than all cloths,. Poor Paint 1. worse than useless, Mit talcs just as mock lime to put it !iris. Good nt, and is never sati.tactoer Don't experiment ; we know you will ►saasiafied with tit alof t -Williams Pitts N.he Ibe MeakeL ..- 1Niitleoal susert ` "boy are the lest we iu8iirir roto we've known mot of tient IN pit sio going W paint •ortbitnq4 trader Ito fain, lot us tsar it etrew with you: we csa help you. mast be Cleared Out! READY SLIDE OLOTHING. --..},•MY OWN MAKE All estalees Good gad weaned* ap. wi11 be raid at remarks low1linesq aisar it eat moa • Ise •tad e miorir000l r w0pe d Now MMP i i ip.l g ._,. ltiPdi 1 i fife DUNI:OP i1PSIiillir• d+^a+va•-a ti f r J• of "%-r f- grah SFR of Red Por Concha, Spruce Colds, H1+ofa chit's, Sore Gum throat, etc. Ita•nv. 11a7nos11 a N.. ewe.•wveas tlesvassa. FACTS SPEAK LOUDER THA And this follows the continued great success of DAVISON & 00., TIM UV -TO -DAT! IHARDWABL. Everybody Is Talking about D. CANT/MOWS F L OU R 1s bee Jett received sooner ear load Irons Mastteh•. In Ma now ow fear vend the uds of frons that LARE OF THE WOODS - AND - OGILVIE'S Wigle wtllhtr'rel GILL$, ]gads lam No. 1 Hard Wawa He ane b11M lie beet inroads of oaterio oar. P.op a buTtag now will do well by wWar on D. taloa. the ppersotical taker. •ad pp_ wilt tell yea bow to bt.ad the 1R)altoha sag O•tarfs /7oar teate.bor co as to have • beauti- ful Family now •t • rwesaeie prtee. Orden will be prespllty •arcaded be la PUFF PASTRY, ROLLS or OYSTER PATTIES Wedding entree writ •lawns Wog s specially. D. CANTELON. S Riiirs Great Compulsory Clearing Sat THIS WEEK our talk is on the 1111111 111111 All' rill All well -made, and in all sizes, colors and prices. Here are a few prices: 1„ 7 Men's Serge.$uits, to go at $2.50, formerly $4.80; 26 Men's Tweed Suits, to go at $4, formerly $7 and $8 the suit ; 80 Men's Tweed Suite ' • ht and dark), to go at $b, formerly from $7 to $9 ; a great range of Men's All -Wool Scotch Tweed Suits, from $5.150t6: :.7s, ; a fine lot of Boys' and Youths' Clot , ding from $1.25 to $5 the suit; we have a lot of '80c. to $2.60 -big value ; Boye odd Pants from 26c. up -just the thingfor School and better wear. Men's odd Pants, from $ g . hot p- Our striped Linea Coats and Vests are going like cakes, and it is needles to say the prices are away down. See them. While you must 'realize that these are all great bargains, you must realize also that you cannot afford to miss them, for they 'cannot l long. M_ 'tr- The Dry C Doc s Department is still bristling with Big Bargains, and the snaps for shrewd buyers will last as long as the goods do.. ra Remember, each and every article will be sold as advertised. If not satisfied, your money back if you want it. fosrget, this Store closes Orem evening, except Saturday, at 6 o'clock ; but we are always ready for business early Loaning: COURT MUSS SOM. Aad yet Re l 1► 1 •m t lire mit est Miter „ 11„' ,,,, ta .a t aA g . a. *Wall'.,. i i ;.}.q R,M h1,„ef _r=resin. .e