HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-6-2, Page 8A FIGHT WITH KAFFIRS.
"Take the *nip and atop tnem along.
Jack. I'm going to ride up to the kop-
jie ' The speaker. • youth ut seventeen
banded the long whip to hie comtatr
Ion, unhitched a b,rve that was tied
to lbs back of the wagon, mad jumped
11ghUy Tato the .addle
"Hes Makolo were back yet 1" asked
a weak voice from the Inside of the tent
' No. tether; but I'm goiug on to the
kopjie to have • look for him and
choose a good place to outvpau. How
do you feel vow r
"About the saran. null bey ; the jolt -
big is awful."
" It we get through to -night we ought
to have you sate into Shoshone in three
days; thea we'll its able to lir you
up better,"
tfie rode away toward the bill, soon
laving lbs wagon behind. 11. kept
sharp lookout. and carried • rifle slung
on his back. A revolver just showed
in his bat, and be bit self looked worn
and- Leached.
It was little wonder be looked trou-
bled. for. stare bis father had been ser-
iously wounded. on him devolved the
teak of getting the wagon. hie father
end all their poseessiona back to spline
of safety. To have to pilot and Pro -
toot a menu heavily loaded with ivory
and skins through three hundred mils
of bad country, water scarce, so roads,
the wheels often • foot deep In sand.
or jutnping over boulders. and day and
u,gbt expecting as attack from some
hostile tribe of ICaffirs, with no belt)
except from bis younger brother sad
three Cape Kaftire-that is a hard task
to set man; it la an awful responsib-
ility for a boy of seventeen. But he
did not abrink from it. As his horse
packed et o'ey rp db.-hoiejiie be I.r nt d
anxiously for liekolo. , He chose a place
to outapan for the night—the strong -
Ralph has ezpasdtwf *ere bullet. Ha
has eo time to load male and lbq.twe
t be club end of We rifle to keep beak
the rush. Hluod is flowing from his
arra. sad bis lett lett. but he fights lila
• demon.
AI every point the fight is fierce.
Jack felt* with a groan oa one knee.
iwo anneals whir past hum ; be times
his that cartridge oa • men who has
mads his weir half over the 'exceeds.
'fie man falls over the top, sad anoth-
er, leaping lightly on his fwd poises
his •wapun to strike Jack �ls his
hour baa owns; let no. a rine shot
from the menu saver hint jam in time,
and his libe is given back to hie► ono.
wore. Se aceramWes tip ow to bis feet,
half dated, and, laming $arrest a rook
reloads bis revolver mad rife. Than
seemed to be • lull for a moment. Belph
and Jack had gun to look round them.
Four toren lay dead is the inclosure:
they had torsed their .wet in say to
else was speared oa hie own stat -
I i W f assegai; be must have tapes oa it
way B(rTTIfR WILL' NOT 001101.
A clergymen'''. wits oars wrote to
the dairy editor sailed that their oow
wan e,psdted to calve in two or three
months. but still gave quite • meas of
good intik which was very hard to
chars. Site treateJ her cream ea aha
had always dow, and churned et the
marl temperature, but the butter
would cot oasts. The editor replied
that it was a common oompiaint that
the cream of cows which bad beau a
lose time in milk was hard to churn
that there were several remedies which
dairymen believed to be mora or less
aa he was shot, and hie tare wee die- effectual. but ben best plan was to
torted by a horrid grin. Ontdde Un1 tende bar cow with one of tbe deacons
could not see bow ,weal thaw had ao- • trash cow. If the de•ioa reins
counted for, but of their own number for
none had camped altogether. They saw ed to trade. tben try Nome d the
M a.kolo breathing bsavily by the w•- world's people T. story enda right
IMO tear ant,rj piece of broken •Nregal tore, but it the woman succeeded in
which struck ea him lett arm. His tame
too, was coveted with blood and dust. trading for • fresh oow aha probably
Over by the turner one of their two 'churned in fifteen Wades or teas. In
clap edfof an `in death termed is
Dh•oda attU or brad as thtficult Is .►arsiltB uvea
But it was truly a atoneeaterl 1.11. WS" Nis ao elinalTr1w n11-4-1°n11-4-n11-4-1°°°11ll
and soon they were aat it as hard awn in • herd of foazbsen. The tae
as ever. It seemed impossible to keep fresh row supplied the " leaven to
them back. Lucky it wan for them
Neuwhole lamp," or mon Pre -
they had Neu all• to reload. ani
in the gond light they never wasted Pali' speaking, furnished the batter
• .bot. New and again • .bot from globules which were sticky enough to
e *won end of *won told that the melte alb Lb. others adhere together
heater was still alive. The the
.htent et tis • sold masa In alit explorers* with
wagon wee mutat all over with sere tees
The fight was getting hotter. flamer. hand churnings. the batter "tomes"
It seemed that gnu could net hold oat or separates from the buttermilk. but
longer. Each man had determined nen- will not " epithet "—e little particles
er to It, taken alive, when Ralph about -
ed out, with aawill not stick to each other. but re-
" It's all up Jwah in his voice: k ; here come some main floating in froth. H e have had
more of these. Goodeby, old chap." came where the butter globulesr
tad . near -
But But what was it io the appy try as large as bird abut and, as round,
mon at
ire body of o *hhe esus 1 8a
they wore shields of cow -hide They would not adhere to each other. and1
were—the white shields of the Ram- I skimmed them out into a clean pil-
efd rtes. low uses. squeezed oat tbe bnitettnille,
"'hey are friends," he shouted— erupted the butter out into the but-
" ffrom
oldriends chap." Bheseeng ! Keep going, . tat bowl end worked it with the ladle
into as tine a roll of butter as was
ear .ape Hatters key Aead••as r own diary. says • writer, we nee -
tet plans should they be attacked. He Just then the attacking party also
wan glad to And a good stream of fresh ,taw the new -.c here They were within
ball a mile now. The cry went round
among them and they fled. Over the
stockade, Ralph scrambled. and •1•d
tried /to follow, but neither
strength enough left to i' n ; hut they
saw tbrir enemies being chased away
over the plains by the group of friend-
ly natives.
SOON of the new -comers advanced
straight to the inch:num! They were
his journey, not tar from the Kalahari a hunting party, had beard the abets.
itnshmpp. and stilt 10 the cunntry d and had come oa at once. Lucky for the
tbe chief /ran whom they were Ane- boys tlwy bad been an near, arse "lel
must surely have been slain.
ing. But what a sight met their ayes in
the wagon aaa fixed up for the the small inciceure! Heating with his
a,gep. ldlitseweg wa&I partaken. sad lead out of the end of the wagon. a
darkroom seta uu therm before Makolo
assegai through his beeaet. but
still grasping his trusty ribs. Hunter
arrived. Hs wan (July • lad, but. about %el utn lay dead. He had fired hie last
mend as the youugee of the two broth- shot. fighting against fearful odd., tad
an; but they had perfect ranee on was dead before be knew that help had
him. Once Halpb Watson bad saved come.
his lite; since then Makolo bad served A sad morning Indeed tor the two
Ralph and Jack with all the question- brothers. for aot only were they fatb-
lw fidelity of a dug. His deers eon- erlees now. hut them, lying beside •
anted only of • monkey -skin muohi or heap of slain, lay Makolo. Was bs dead,
yrcar, and la his band be oerrted a ri- tot Ralph knelt down beside him and
fie. lie sat doe n on his hauacbia, and. lifted up hie herd. No—he wasn't dead;
replytn to tip queatioaa of the two he smved his lips.
lads, told tbes that he had beet to • One of the friendly natives gave him
kraal distant "lout hours' run" for water from a gourd. He smiled into
• mac, and that the Kaffir, wero drink- Ralph's face.
Wag beer and dancing, which looked bad " We teat them, bora." he whisper-
hisperIt was not • big kraal, only about twee- ed ; " beat them -six against maol—
V mea; but they were bad men, and good-by—boss Ralph."
he expected au attaok. He smiled again—and his telthfal
Wben do you think they will comet" black bead fell book m Ralph's shoal-
"aaked Jack. der—and be died happy.
"Just before the Nin shows," said On the top of the kopjis thew but-
t Kyle, red Hunter Watson. ud left him to lea
" Come along then," maid Ralph, "at there amore the plains and hills he
any rate we will die hard." had hunted over for years. Beside hint
Makolo took a hasty meal of snort of theburied Makolo and the other
porridge and a long drink of water, Kaffir who had fought o well. Thee
then beeped the two boys and the otb- with sad hearts they turned away
ea Kailas to out lows a lot of cacti from the spot where they had lett ta-
to form a rough barrier in the most
unprotected spots. The oxen were driv-
ea in, the cities loaded. and everything
mads ready for the expected tray. In-
side the w.eos Ranter Watson lay
h alt -unconscious and burning with fev-
er. Atter a good trading trip with hla
two silos along the edge of the Kala-
hari. be hal been forted into • quarrel
by • emelt independent chief, and.
wounded badly in the thigh. he had
only been saved by the pluck of his
two one. Bitterly`t had often regret-
ted that be had consented to allow his
soca to adopt his adventurous mode of
lib. mad now it seemed that the end
had tome for all of them. H. could
not stand, and bow could two boys with
only tires Kaffir' withstand an attack
of • herds of yelling savages t
Tbey all bad a couple of hours sleep
during the night, watching in turns,
but noon atter tour o'clock each was
well awake. They tried to est • little
food sad than took their places. 'They and Cuba has l,ieh, teat relict, almost,
could be sttactid an alt sides, but they of her once world-tenpire, opsin tame
wean on the top of the hill. with afar near parting with both these possess -
ground all round them. Hunter Watson lose during this very 'notary. Queen
*di managed to shift his position o as Maria China -not the Meng wid-
to be able to assist as far as possible oar of Altos* XiI., but the wife of
from the wagon. and just before the Ferdinand ViI.. was noted for her
tint streaks of dawn he silently shookreed. On her a ceessice to the
Inadr with his two sons and waited. throne ate found the Spanish treasury
They had not long to wait; the toe o depleted that she s.:hrmed to sell
were on them on all aides --tally thirty bath the Philippines and rube to
of than. Freac.. She forted Senor Campaaano
" Don't waste it shot." shouted Ralph. to nad ertake a mission that was ex -
"Por God's sake. keep cool and kill tr•emely dilastn(nl to Ida Spanish
every tinea." pride. When he opened Christina's
A shower of assegais fell into the proposition to Louis Philipps thermal
*closure. some *trtkieg the wagon a.d don struck the table a heavy blow and
some the oda, *bo began to bellow muttered. 4,41 curse. The Qnee■ pro.
with fright. The shoals .onaded all posed to hand over M the French King
round them. and the Doming rash 01 tbe lalsed of Cuba for M100.0110 reale,
human wild beasts was only a shadow
is the dim light.
Three cines spoke togetb.r, &sewsr-
ed again by horrid yells. then mother
and *bother. Thee revolvers dame Into enougle to pay the price for Cubs, bat
Thank God fog thum metes objected to the sass asked for the
hssbesl" thought the beta. $►d they Philippi**. "Several ratified of reale
se0 bees there stilet coal/ have em- la my afar." he remarked. "or else the
' CM tits 1alla•t late band of dander,. unitrsot must to throepinto the firs.'
AY was mots. of strife, the crack el tiro• T*llynead. wbo was present, was about
gimes and yell of pain sail the to req •trate; but as he graded
a battle, ilea bmlbvwisg of the tenth Whaled to take the Qusea's pa-
ean the hard b eethieg of per, Campanno leaped to bIa feet,
htiu� mats• Heel Tseised the contract. eraopped it is his
The H ineri.tsw ears i b•adao and tw'eleimed : "Tont lit
• lii.ks/ Kafir *bobby r the le rltht. '!he eostr et le welt,
s.a*((,y Btu, 14 throws Intel
Skw. aedl it M he .dvssees emu nee ,tad elf he
a�hs��hs.Fr l •lama tram li e,
x -" 1*. t 1i jt1A tp to
..rite among the rocks. There was lit-
tle vegetation except oc.ett ; but below.
on tie plain. was rich grass for the
cattle. Away in the distance bu could
ase plunly the hills round Shoshone.
the stronghold of the friendly Batuang-
wat.os, but hs knew that be was now
la one of the most dangerous parts d
tber and friends.
The friendly natives treated them
kindly, escorted them Lank to Shoshone.
They admired the pluck d the two
white bays who bad fought like men.
and wben they were rested and recov-
ered from their wounds started them
on their way south. asking them to
home back and trade in their 'reentry.
They mane back and did well, for
the trading stations of Watson Broth-
ers are knows eves to -day in the lead
of the Baarangwatos.
canasta. Triad u lieII Cana and tae
rbinp,Ism• tie, tN.ees e.e.
Manila wart built In 1581, and bas
for over three centuries bees the sent
d Spanish government. Bat tenaci-
ous aa her hold upon the Philippines
ever seen. Keeping the cream until it
is lappert, or very thiole as well as
spur, and ansa ~mine to seventy
degrees beton (Aurigae. we have found
to be an advantage. The butter will
be whiter tor churning so warm. but
a little batter oolor put in the cream
before churning will maks it yellow
enough. The old remedy tor • herd
churning• when witches were believed
in. was to throw into the churn a red-
bot borne -&hoe. A neighbour says that
• quart of boiling water will answer
the purpose Just as well, mad u hand-
ier than a horse-shoe. Kr. Geo. 1f.
Scott ears that in Name cases the ted
of the cows u mere responsible than
anything else to prevent tbe proper
separation of tis butter, and that mix-
ed hay, core fodder, beets and pump-
kins is not a well bslanoed ration. It
is not well balanced if too large a pro-
portion of the leets and pumpkins are
ted. they heing too laxative, but air
'cording to rite experience there is no
better fodder for milk production than
well preserved cornstalks, and beets
and pumpkins ted in moderation are
just the thing to supply the succul-
ence which the cows crave after they
are taken from gram and put upon
dry teed. Moldy, half -rotten cornstalks
might street the milk injuriously and
make the butter hard to come. I agree
Mout Si,IMI.000. sad the Philippians
and Puerto giro for 10.000,000 reals.
•beat $1.000,000, or some 04.000.000 in
a11. Louie was vutlllag
with Kr. /ott tbat corn and oats two Leel. The wash should W applied
ground together and mtxd with wheat
bran is excellent to feed 1a addition to shout the middle of June. or • little
bay and oorn fodder, and when ted in earlier, and the trunk must be kept
moderate quantities will more than re- well covered with the wash during
pay their Dost in the increased gush- June and July. A simple remedy is
tlty of milk. Mr. Scott thinks that described in the " Conntr7 Gantle-
too much nipenind age may wase tbe'' man:" Fold a newspaper three or four
hard churning from the two owe near -1 thicknesses. remove the earth at the
ly dry, and suggests churning at least toot d the trees two or three inches
twice a week. If cream 1a kept in al deep and wrap the paper from the bot-
cool place it can be kept • week with -1 tarn about the stem for at least • toot
one InPeriag ase too mach for ea*/ above the `round, crushing the paler
churning. and in the winter mast he in o as to Cit all depremiona where the
brought into a warm room for a day insect might creep in. Ti. all tight.
• Ht 1fC
cur ,wi
Native trompsis the Philippines are
enlisted Nader the ismer et Spain to
the number of many thousands. Their
service in described. bowever, as not
altogether whole hearted. Bat the dis-
cipline of u .*rolled body of men is
not lightly throws oft. The Spanish
battalions. too, are • corrective again-
st revolt on tbe part of the native
asaldl with t(beir bhom rethren es r4.' leo.,
God treatment and geed pay is the
rule also for native soldiers in the
Philippiaee. As to the high character
of the fighting qualities of the native
•ldisrs, there is air questiion. They
are game to the last. When Great
Britain captured Manila over a cen-
tury ago, the native tiebters resisted
dospsnteiy the flaal ansalt. and in a
sally whirl was made, it is stated
'may of them, is their dying agony.
hit .eleeia4,lt„p eAlele ,s1 Ogles t7
r>t111cb they wire tranerleat
i e present. Keay d our private gar-
dens lack the plan. os. d the swat
delicious family fruits. hasanell
of this little difficulty, to scal-
ly not as as is usually .u*id•rsd.
The advent the. Japanese
which have salt thus far bees Semen
out by the esrealio. has. to • degr'sa
lent enoorimmaient to the planter; bat
there lute some of t'he old varieties tbat
could sot be well replaced. mad it will
be found profitable to give • little oars
to them rather than sacrifice their good
When the borer has entered a tree
it may be eut oat ire &Armed with
• pointed wire, but it eaasot always
be reached in any way. The female
may be prevented from laying her eggs
on the tree by covering it with strong
alkalise washes, as strong lye. soft
Mmp, eta., Dr. Lint ner reeomszende a
wash made as follows : Into • gallon
of common soft soap thinned with •
pailful of hot oft water. • pound of
trade carbolic said is stirred. To this
is added, atter it has stood for • day
or o, 10 gallons d cold water, making
• barrel of liquid. This material is to
be brushed over the trees from the
surface of the ground up for at least
before ohttrnirig in order to get it Hoar ly with a string trail enough to break
eaougb. "Who span decide when doe -1 when the stem shell expend In mitt -
dlsegres t" Mr. Beett says: "With- summer or later, and bring the earth
out the thief basis of milk • liberal back and tramp It in at the foot d
supply of protein, it is out d the quer the tree. This simple plea I have fol -
tion to produne • elms d milk that lowed for some wiz seasons. and no ba-
wd. churn out, even ander the test er has entered • tree thus guarded.
oars.' Prof. Wood.. of the Matas Err The wrap should be put on early in
May and need sever he touched there-
after until the same time the ermine
"'prise. where the protesters is reamed.
peritnset Station. says: " A pound of
butter contains no protein. int i 11.4
per sent. tat." and " whole illk is 87
per cent. water. 5 par cent. tat. and
II protein." The two deetors are not
agreed as to what eoastitutee the thief
buil of 4131.
The algae alt attack d the tumuli*
mad the course to be permed for Lis
riddance ars well knows. batt mutini-
ed inquiries as to the tease d bray
d lausatnre plum fruit stow the se -
sanity for repetition. The chief see-
The siesta d streak of the mouths
mad its ravage" ter a while sawed e
o.adatles d pleating this fruit la merry
esetiona. but with • little attention
snob as all traits will require, serious
trouble eft be avoided sled eeriest
trait her. Perhaps the oldest plan ter
ridding the trees d the peat is to Oa -
testi, jar the tress. with • Sall. pad.
ds�l log. from time to time after the
Se Parisi •I is etas reamer, Thee a sen -
Pr Ray *1i..
'fhs land of the baagers, sad the
wombat, where the mameal woe no-
thing lees marsupial, till the Enrepeas
arrived os the .osaw may now bs call-
ed the lead of horses. 1* /few South
Wath the sight eft • bsgp.r es beret-
back ezcites So sal'prtsa. The peened
tattier has a nag of two of Me eerie.
mad his children arty bre sees riding
to ohool like little brae. A oar
horse to -winkle would be 1*e.seelveabls
to a mantra where each village. al-
most. ins Its nice seseitite• With •
melattan mangy ever 1�ION. the
mtll.*y owes more than 1ekeell berets.
And she now exports borsht e• b
lead have •ppaaredc whin baa feast- MIT isetnllplkg Peale. Ile UM tilt
would t appear. 4 .heel arjsst oar .xpoItela 108$ hermit d the weds
d to the tiara `s.telss the i*. meted vela" cif 111,741; 1a INN the
sector t WI by the jaerlagt stat was BIM value 4111.150; and
Ire them eolleotetd�aand
this pealed. the torsi ters
et If 1 i[taat
treatise! id se
whet e� Mpoaitid finest. 1* Wales to Vittorla, New 9►waland. Wer
great re—It is said at the rate of tare Asetr.11a, Fiji. the Strata Set-
tee •fry by nisi temala. Wee V tleane*t. Jays sad the Philipp(** 10 -
▪ private iv•te erehasia it le now be. wase.
rag Segni adv•n tmess to resort 4•
the egrertag of a troll trate earl
Ity elan, it w111 be fogad equally Baer' A FAMILY MA1TER.
realest to nee this sod et
thew in A *duties {�emit
=Year there was a further hareem
A iadib Wag the Iasi esstaner. Aug
Philippep I troika hems boleg band admirably
a• •dente les military she parpre.s 4 Haat
link Bent d tea British re. Sateen
te est. are exported alms from New South
Priede Dna-1 de sot ate how
laarry late
b tope words t Pam Ves
lcrdcrwe epee the ILS.• sat toted Parl. et.ea..vrsltlt Ise beelines ssttr to ei -� 1'a met
d,.eneeet with ,lbs long* le thin rale. esd tttrlSN st th. stag lag to4oa ty t0 kW , [�, tint 1111S.11111111 alk1 den/*s.thet tight: me.,b atrtrr►eesee•.
Ill shoved wee 4 a•- saal Teat -The De-
we. No •cents se a,Naeb 4..ereaseola
sew seem TTW-Tse a.Iseee roar AM
Se eeesevee efTsar clean.
Liquor baa aril mostly played so
importaat a rel is warners to the
horrors of which it has in .o small
'measure contributed, that the tact of
Sir Horatio Kitc amer'e reoent victory
at Albans being been won by a force
composed exclusively of total abstain-
ers calls for serious consideration. and
attention. It 1. probably the first oc-
o-casion that so brilliant a feat of arms
has been achieved by a body of white
troops wbo for months previoesly had
not been permitted to tomb • drop of
any triad of stimulant whatsoever. For
if '"Tommy Atkins' d the line, and his
comrade "Sandy," of the Highland re-
giments, have released from alcohol
Int any form whatsoever, and have
restricted themselves to tea, Time juice,
and Nile water, It cannot lie attributed
to any oosecleatiom scrupled; on their
pert or to the sadden development of
high -fledged priadples on the more of
drink. but solely to tie establishment
of • sew system by the Brinell" mili-
tary authorities whiob is exciting •
good deal of interest on the part of
the .War Departments d Coatieeatal
It seems that for Mees tier, by ord-
ers of Field -1 arleltal Lord Wolseley.
the British Cees•ader-in-'Meta oers-
ted sad exhaustive eppperiment■ have
been In progress with • view to near -
tatting the relative effects d alcohol
and of total abstiaenoe upon the physi-
cal endurance and staying qualities of
the troops. Advantage has been tak-
en both of the Amami anoeuvres, as
well en o< these patty ware of which
lllegtaad We a few on hand is one
part or other of the world almoat all
the tits•, to examine carefully the
gsustioe. One regiment would be de-
prived of every drop of stimulant,
while another belonging to tbe same
brigade would be allowed to purchase
Y usual, its malt liquors at that can-
tnea, and a third would receive • sail-
or. ration d grog is the form of
whiskey. In each taat•nw the experi-
msat went to show that, whereas at
first the term which had received so
al[owano, of grog surpassed the oth-
ers in dash ud i■ impetuosity of at-
tack. yet atter tire third or fourth day
its members began to show notable
signs of lassitude and a lack of spirit
sad endorsees, The fame manifesta-
tions, though in a minor and We/War
degree, were apparent in the regiments
roe Hetet' to malt liquors, wbereat
the men who had been kept from every
kind of 'Unclear increased in staying
power, alrtams and vigor every day.
The result of these experiments led
the British War Department to deride,
not on the ground of principle. bat
so*" ftfr Kis sake of 'maintaining the
powers of endurance of the troops now
engaged In tbe Soudan campaign, 'ot
til p,erntit q single drop of atiaalant
in camp ease for bo.pital oma. Wise,
spirits,' and malt liquors have been
barred from tin officers' Mees table
se well as from the regimental can-
teen, and from generale in command
doers to the drummer boys and the
ramp followers liquid refreshment"
have been restricted to tea and oat-
meal water.
When one remembers bow devoted
the Eagles/wee (5�bit Me bear and the
Flab tt Ala
rete et
s .4
tali dew;,
is the .p-
il.etislged aa7ougn to
the the es
act • *aories, but se actual emeriti
naris• et Lb, the troidne.s •ad ltkawlqs
the dlUloaltles of the imamattoa will
to appreyiat•d.
Bot, the scheme has fulfilled all ex -
Pedaloes. Melaka to total eb.tia-
etne. fbm min knee teat able to Bake
formed mmrehes of the met ostelwr-
diasry character seams the bathing
Mein and wader a blesiag nun, the
bat of whose rays oar only be appre-
ciated by thm who pave lived under
the equator.
TROOP'S FREE l''lt011 811`Kb WS.
The I4esdu is famed fur ifs dead-
ly climate, which either tills or pre-
maturely ages the majority of white
folks who penetrate beyond its fron-
tier.. ledged. it has otter been niok-
named, sad with good aeon• too. "The
amen eating Boadaa" by reason of the
tamest of white lives tint it has nen-
ilm,esd. Tot. is spite of `Tata. 111a4
lair sever beim • campaign where there
bar twee eu little sek*..s. where au
few seen have trees ooapolled to tall
oat, even in the longest saarobas. mad
whare the troop have bees got feta
Nisch magnificent physical sad mural
training` that they world actually cov-
er tkirty miles of send with ranee
water bottlek, without slaking their
Christ once from the begtaalag to the
.ad d the march, at the oleos a which
they world still find themselves aunt -
neatly freab and vigorous to win •
had fosght victory each are -that d
01 coarse, all kinds of devices and
tracks were remrf.d to in tits earlier
stages of the present oaopslga to de-
feat this innovation of the war depart-
ment, and owe wily Greek liquor deal-
er even masag.d ro one 'mows exact -
1y bow, to get several wagon loads of
spirits up beyond Wady Halla ter
the purpose of retailing them to the
officers sad masa of the .x edition.
But fortunately Sir Horatio Kitchen-
er obtained an inkling of the affair,
captured the convoy, and caused every
bottle and barrel to be miroilessly de-
stroyed, t be liquor sorely serving to
poison the mead mad slake the thtrat
of the ever parched desert.
Orden have recently bees toed to
the eommaaders of all Hritiak msa-a-
war In oommiasws that is lieu of the
tiplHllit..esthete ei isle locttie'1/-me+eal
oat is the crews whoa gulag rase me -
gas. an a drop et alcohol* Uglier. no
matter whether spirit, wise or malt.
is to be allowed when tbere is •t1
fighting te as done_ .Im\order to
satisfy the thirst emptemikadWieesgeteu,thee
heat. *airtime and aoske
flute a naval combat. suppliers d eat -
and water for trim -king orb ar-
saseed all over the ship
This. of coarse, is a radical departers
trona the practice, which bas existed
anti) quite recently, and which still
prevail in the 'metes and armies of
every continental power of the Old
World. ss* it is a step. whleh le ren-
dered Imperative by the extreme im-
portance of sighting with the atmcet
feesof exactitude the glans and
rifles .poo the precialoe d which the
memos of every echos. no matter
wbether at mea or land. nowadays do-
pree d&
It is no loafer fierceness. fury and
reckless dash that aro required of the
men, but camas= and collectiveness.
In naval engagements there is little
boarding to be done is these titres of
ironclad warfare. Veseele are no longer
armed with tier mon tier of small
gums. some of the mea -f -ear of the
early! Victorian era bariag over •
haadred of them. Modem battleships
sad cruises ere equipped with giga•tle
Pieces, relatively few in number, but
carrying projectile' of mimed w.igbt
over a reap of several miles. It is
ao longer atloeseary to pepper the hall
or • m .-ot-war fall d cranes ball holes
in order to sink it. Thie cin to ach-
from as t grcos eat glom withwhich
the warship of the preset day is arm-
ed. Everything depends, therefore, IP-
era the prsckrios d elle misery. and
the bel) rest whose every shat ear -
rtes bowie is practically certain to win
The day.
ha•, in fact.
r.00gnined this by forbtddiag the see
of liquor of any kind cm the day when
ekes ars going tato adios. and no
ass need feel .arpreed if the present
war leadrs to the grog reties being
abolished altogether to the British
fa the me of bo.tlle operations on
land the same coarideratloa prevails,
and must weigh to the baleaae d vie-
io-tory or defeat. It is not merely that
the soldier's staying powers are ant-
taest.d by total ahatiaence, but like•
wise his aborting hie improved. Is
three days, especially with the new
gaiek-firing rifles end gnaw, there is
a tendencyon the part of the troops
to are wldly aad to squander their
ammunition at the outset, of the es-
gagement. (radioed, the one object of
the offerers V to -keep their mea calm,
cool and collected and free from ex-
citement, en that they may mauve
their Ere for the proper moment. and
then lire to hit.
Indeed, what amend moat admira-
tion at the battle of Allure wee the
(elm and rollactel manner in whir*
the Highland rsgimaata stars seed
gimes OR ballet -ewe% plain iB trout
of the Dsre(h aerobe, appsretly jest
se free fro% Odour - e=citeosest, mad
cooly beeping their format.tes with as
much esactitnde se if they bad merely
hien nn the drill ground.
And lastly, it may be well to point
out 1bat the speot•ele of bloodshed and
the noise and din of battle are quite
seffkrient in themselves to *roan all
the latent disposition to revagery that
lar* in every human breast. This b.-
ing the at.., is it wlee er polite still
t rther to 'omen the redsletions of
civilizations by the ants to be esfereed
and hecebme of surpassing value. it 1s
in timed of war both on land mad at
111170VG0 RATi1 W.4RA.
Petro*. 1■ •'%satern railroad eta-
tlee-3lmtse a ticket to Gslchtew*.
Ticket Clerk—Ysaeir. Seven as' t
Patron—Seven dollen ant' a halt to
Oalebtowa f Why, that's only • few
atatloso from hoes.
TI�k•t Clerk, sharply — Hevesehalf.
U neer.
l t "iirt'1 week it. Give Ise •
ttekst -tar Chide l wry of Oak*
taws. _
of jsflBlllls +f 'ins on,
""41111411111611"4-4, w 4•
r Oar t*.
rare Wert Molly
ri�tut el
ere ea le e
44% t jot Jo
IMIneN. M Plod Three nonemo Peewit Mho
Mad la leaden.
A quaint adoertiasmgt appeared la
the Leedom papers • 1ew logs see, 4.
e rtae 11,00 for ilitleematies hearseto the recovery et' a vast tortaae I.
legd to hay. baso tett by • German
m•rnheat, who died is Lemdom, lutes -
tate, at the beginning d this esatury.
A Lawns Daily Mali reprussatative
has ebtaieed tram arise d /he survivors
er the laercbaat's family, living the
n eighborhood et Hamburg, the follow-
ing royoamtic story which led to the
insertion of the advertiaaatent.
Baas Jamb I. the merchant is
taeatica was holm la the pariah et
Htetabeek. sot tar tree liaabarg, is
the middle et the last ecstasy dome
time abost 17711, es aa expedition in-
to the aelghbering forest, for 'Abet
purpose is sot known, be bad an se -
master with a forester, wbom be
killed. mad with ounaequsatly oeospell-
. d to fly the ooaatiy. 11. eeugrated ts
Africa. merrid the daughter d • rick
n ative obisttatn, mad atter immune
owaidera3l wealth mein hie wassian
to Eoropq.gsd establ4it,d Mmaelt. wi-
der as assumed ammo, is Condos as •
*agar raiser. UPI" 1* thi oeatury.
Sank paid a sexed visit to tete bow
peening a taw dela there with a
triad of his youth.
To this friend he related how pros-
perous hie oireemetoae.s wars slid
after his dspartars the sews aaturallg
oiresleted among his relatives. Daring
the troubles.ears et 1M61114 wink
the Elbe woe bl okeded by the hag -
Leah and Belabor' is the beads of var-
loss foreign Powers, very Little news
pesetr*tsd teem abroad tlh.rtll .iter
the peaces d Paris. neeNn'ar Worm -
nos reached Stelnbedt that Seek bad
died in Lu.don. intestate, *arias •
torture d threo+a4-a-batt milliea
This was corroborated by a slu rs
oaptsi*, who, is WM. e.ugkt oat tie
bears sad informed teem that the ta-
be/Laa*n was waited to be elalaed.
'sha'teante; erne bad beet esepetiaste
Lammers. baytsg Woos. imgro eriisbed
by the lesg bi.akad*s sed ware, Gould
pot oed4ot messy *tough to faho the
ieeaemry stops to obtain it earl the
aatborlttes were too busy to interest
tbneaelves in privet. tanners. The
few aged members d the family woo
etU1 live •_l -_*Mo Mist lily dbiio.W
remember bsar'iag their eiders talk of
a letter arriving at St.isbeek, presma-
ably from the British authorities ea the
subject of the label-ileaca Thu letter
ltad to be refined, as the reLstives were
ad is & position to pay the heavy
postage. les., os it.
$tmabak, like all the oesatry mead
$•mbar g eats thea Land territory,
sad come et the old people `et it into
their heads limit the D.aih Clovers -
meat 'maw more d the inheritance
Una they ears to aaba.rrl.dge.
lageirn*s have mars tear anon bean
est ea toot to try mad tied the enact
wber.ebosta d the treasure. wheel' is
generally supposed to be is the *ads
d the British Court et Chaseerry1. but
the dsewadantri who are all in oktreare
circumstances, have .videstly nets..•
the right way to work. Me atter
semis sow to be taken up with mire
system and a splendid oppert aatty ot-
teerrsmfor u) me interested is aaravell-
leuot . reported to have shows his
gratitude to the country of kis adop-
tion by promoting 420,000 to St. Peal e
Catb.dral. There abould be no dit-
(iculty in as .rtaioing whether seek •
do.atios was made, and 1f this were
the Dass, it would be an importaat
All the facts narrated above were dim
Healey la the recollective of the ald-
er members of the family, wbea ,he
tut inquiries were instigated tourism
Years ago, and though most of these
persons have since died. the treaties
I. still fresh la the miads et the pre-
sent geseratios.
Tar Wer It I. tear 5. Items *aeM-•
tae nterfra
The executors of the law la Heroic
have beim swift to seise epos discov-
eries in science to help them to run
dovrn criminals. The British Drug-
gist notes a curious use of the nicre-
aeops which wee lately made is Pros-
e*. A barrel of specie sent from tbn
frostier to Berlin was robbed. aaa4 fill-
ed with mad. This was .nnpoeed to
bays been done on the way to Berlin.
The eminent chemist, Protegee? $br-
esbergh obtained sample* of all the
sand hear the stations 'breath which
the barrel pmasea and by metras of
the blowpipe end microscope, tonal
sand of the station •t each it had
been emptied and filled. The thief
was afterward discovered and arrest-
re France noted rogues ars td est)
Photographed. but weighed std mama -
and carefully. and tasted to Web
and sing into a p wars -
went before their from
priaos, that they may be tilled
afterward in any •ttempeed crime.
It baa alai been noted ter the ldgatt-
fic'etioe of criminale that the one part
of the human body e hick in sevr dup-
licated in man or woman is the mark-
ings on the skin of the th.reth. The
face end figure may to altered at rill;
but lb* lines on the tl;ur b—never I
4lw' the deteetio* of criminals. as We'
prissiest of the them') Is deapd es -
re Met.
A mean le told of the Primes' of
Wales. She was neve showy through
the 1501m at Heotland Yard. cx,a
refloat[ remainsthe photographs of
Mil alsosone of the methods.
eniestitie and legal, for treeing alien
sad far p eteliog 11.
it le all very olever," .aid the kind-
ly prises,.. with a sigh, "bat It the
world wire as serious to'1b.Pver mff
award tee fond mesh ap it le Ohm 11d.
what • gement plmie It weal' tor
Dore fire. Nobility always ',give with
her liuMyili t
470St abed tell is with that if be
i►+a11 t• 3111k tete a ei.eevri.