HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-6-2, Page 7It's House -Cleaning Time ! We base some things you need. May we *supply you'? CLIMAX FURNITURE POLISH Doe's bey from peddlers. This le baiter -make old furniture look like sew. 25 ChNTB...... BEATEMALL STOVEPIPE VAR- NISH Coat the pipes before patting away -prevents rust. FRESH UARDEN AN D FLOWER SEEDS -in packages. Sassafras Blood and Stomach Bitters, ' A Bnt.olw Blood Purifier and SpTonto. 1t tre.bens sae ap Take a bottle or 1110- 60 O 1 'Te- Oillet's Lye, Chloride of Lime, Crude Carbolic -all useful disinfectants. W. C. GOODE, Chemist, BEDFORD BLOCK. HOT WEATHER MAKIN YOU THINK Or PUiTINo AWAY . a Tour Fara . BUT DON'T DO IT UNTIL YOU OIT 80010Y OUR MO'TIE CA1\tttP230n wince is Fame AND F. M. DUNHAM, - Chemist & Druggist, vel Weft/ / him unmeroiully with the bats tad d tib• whip. As le happened there was nobody else in the oftee at the time, but a lady soros" the street hearing the noise raised the alarm when a couple of man ran in. When they appeared Oaken tet ap returned the whip to Twitchell'" and went borne, but left immediately after Mosier. Raker'o tojuries were very severe anti he war a shocking aught u he, balf•dazed, stag- gered ap the attest. Dr. Goon was sent for and cheesed the rounds when the injured man was tak.n to Mr. Blake's where he re- mained until the followingsvoniog. Short- ly attar the encounter Chief Wheatley ar- rived open the soon* and as soon as the necessary doeumeots could be obtained ha started after Oakes who suooeded in Siad• ins him but be was arrested the following d.; voimaranonalipowmwsaisos THE WEEKLY MAHwt 1 REPORT Fall Wheat GoDupicu. Mar 9', nota. to 100 w t 00 P1onr, teak r ...• a 30 W 3 50 R to too MI � ....Ill OD tole 00 ()•o", boa► 10 00 toi' lin DaaebalE::.... .......•.•.• ., i 550 to 5to 0 , w0 Hay, i tau...r.......... 00 to 00 Potatoes, i bash .... „ . 0 60 to 00 Mutter �• ..,els to 11 luxe fresh an •••••••• -•• sums: F leH..... m 8 to 00 Wood ........ _... .......-...-... 0 0o to Hides. ...II CO Pelts •'" 0 e0 10 70 Lamb•ekiw 0 00 to 70 Lice How �.. , IS to 50 anon .+..�.0 1r to 15 Ham, per.lb_ : e..r,r.::. _.-..... 510 to li ('Deese, tier bb 0 11 10 11 nresse3 Hotta, per owt 0 50 to 75 Dressed Bead, fore quarter 3 00 to 00 Dreamed Beehind 6 00 to 50 Barley, per bush 035 to 35 THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. How . • • About It Y Are we going to get s larger *share of your trade in 18881 This is a matter which should interest you u . well u us. We guarantee what we tell you to be right, and at a leer than you get elsewhere. Better test this assertion by giving thia store a trial. To are always welcome here ! Men's Woes Working Boots, double soles, bellows tongue, regular prism. $1.00 :,ver prioe 85 eta. Women's strongLev Boots, regular ,1.00 ; our prior 85 cts. CLYCEROLE POLISH 8fillgla ST. GEO. PRICE Wept Side of Square, Goderich. custom Work and Repairing. TO ADVERTISERS. Noaoe of changer mut be len at this Office not later than Saturday neon. The Oopy for change. must be lett sot later than Mon ,lay noon. Oasual Advertisement* aooepted no to noon Wodnerday of Mich week. MARRIED. RBTCHIZ-MARDXL:B - At the residence of the br.d,re toolbar. 11th ties., b, leer. 11. Hap, Tub Marla" iltsesktr to Miss Commas tAMR17- --- -- DIE D. He MILLA N - LJakeeld, Mas frnd, Robert u. Moltitlaa, sated I. tears sad le e•oatb.. !WE .ThLB OF_TH.E TOWN. From the RepOeter's Notebook TF Tryw--srirms4sa!-.liakmodoo. 1 retie VA tent K I a 11111101111 Among Ie Takla' 1r. p1' blab Till l trios 1$.---Rurne. -ummer Is at bent, but a Joan Is sot prop erly prepared to meat std ear. Jal and August splendors without ase of Pr4ham's fashionable summer swim. Billow's tabs show hes been seen and lo.t to view. but the M of tba pretty ones that"sad. up the lovely exblbition out tong be • memory of artistic photography. WOOL WA.rrgD-20,000 LW --ot wool mime. The uod.rti;,cd will ply the highest price Is ash for wool delivered at Ms warehouse. Hamilton n. y SLOAJtIl..;, 1r Timm -It's time t1.e boys that re. prewat the O. B B. C., got dews to hard work. This playing on the Square Is getting to to a chestnut. O r. Tan Moos.-Tbere is ase bM in town that to yet y noticeable, end $Mho that all the dogs are we .ring tags. Great by-law that. Tb. town conned had better try the oatfew ball next. A FA1RWIU. -Oa Friday evening then will be • farewell to Rev. Donald McCall. my who will shortly return to his mission field in Chlaa Is addition to addressee there will be • nice pregnm ot mesio tad readings' in Knox (lurch. TNR Fitter Dmitri' --Tbe following is the tet draft of Oderioh, at Ibe London Lan tortoise. sow martial/ at Chatham : Gods rich, .tiorth-ot, S. Reed ; \'notoria -et, W. Godwin ; Sesforth, U. W. Wilson : Holmes. vine, Joe. freak ; Nile, R. Halls; B.amU- ler, J.;Mos ;T•ckersmttb, E F. Arm Wrong. Etas/rim' LrurTvr$.-The regular so sum meeting of the West Huron Farmers.' imatitata will he held at the Nile on Tae.. day, Jane 7th The president and wore - wry will ache their reports. direotora and otBesre will is elected for the ensuing year, also valsable papers pertaining to farm work will be riven. CHAT LIMO/ TO BRAN AND Oka -Charley Wools te, in answer to • onaUo.s that appeared • few wok" .feu. says he to prepared to maks a match with either Ream or Ohs to shear one "beep, or to .hear sheep for • day ; the number of animals shorn and watn.ss of the work dose to de- cide the oestest. O• these terms • matoh ma be made for any reasonable sum. WILL Arras° Divzes Sums -The boat body of the Canadian Order .f Fenmt- en will attend Melo" sorties to Viotorta street Methodist ibaroh at 11 A.O., Sandy, Jane lith. Member* el the order, Unity brethren. and member@ ot sister Forester lodestars cordially invited to moos in For. esters hall at 10:30 A. N. "harp that day, aid joie with their brethren In the march to oburoh. A 8rarro DINca -On Monday evestng tee was • erring duo* Is the Curtiss sod boast Rh k, • selene party e1 valise peed, bavIs t.k.s advantage of the prawns .1 the Iwod.s hereon. A. may be Itemised the mule war perfottt sad the mamma barber devoted osa.fder•bie time to pat Wage la soder thw, proems had an enjoyablellrss. Lipbt refre.bsneste wen served daring the eresln I. A RAD PALL. -Os Tuesday while ('bs- ter F;ifob, cis eft 0.111.. was taklsr • run along the elevated walk at the pia his foot c• t Mabtst a peak .tad be foil off the 'drumlins Mil* ben* w toe nock. He was assowfoss tushes pinked P. bat 11 now debts w 11. *amt. wan down fishing with his father, twsi skilled war sold to tabs a ria is Rod eve se the walb for Mist PAtwe TILS Poses.--O.r street. would protest a myb seater sad trere et*aitivs VO p re If the tatyrseb rel eleserlo 1 *SOI patted. I. some et eat trim tbs.sas.Q pees • by- te have taWOtM.paIat.d*wales Rp ed bas 1. ear.) me for ler town fathers to lysate a move M this dinettes me4 km* /1b vita ewrdiil. A Nsw ilius-Oloadlrn w�Yee wJWi- Dials mare bloat. Wks s. the Umbel thetas will b. bt1arwMd a bin* that the 1mode ° a.:� tib h w. w w free be beet �,,/ "''M' Fs? oww . dellelefeliht e �OM Werke .se • i be keit aria iee NOW ru w OWN tort temporary one, not exo..ding three days, fretted duty, upon filing a notice and rave iag maker's name, number, and d.soription of the wheel. Tres Memo's Sins Losge.-Quite an •:. dtbtg game at bowls was played on Friday •ttarn000. and as there were fire on each dale there war oonaidenbl• yon. The fol- lowing shows the players sod the sooree made : R. G. Reynolds Jno. Galt W. Campbell Dr Hunter J. D. O'Connell F. Jordan W. L. Eliot A. Farrow Wm. Law Dr.J.R. Shannon skip. 25. skip. 15. or0ATr01b Rat:EA.-The 6t.h annual meet - fug of the Su•tiord Turf kimmoi•tion will commence on Tuesday, Juno 7t). and goo - Moue the three following dayr. On e•oh of the named days then will be three raw", either trot or pace or both, and the pure. fur "soh west will be a $400 ess ; thus too tntai mitt be 7100(b--. .tsasowyoo, thonfYb successful al -llw previous assume ineetingt, will try 10 make that of 1898 • mooed on., and as many of the best animols on this oontineot are already en roots for Stratford, it seems likely the A.soouWoo wilt be on top. - - Corot or Rivisiox.-The Curt et Re- gimen for 1898 mitis the Cloth's ones at 14 A. M. Monday, preeeet-000se'iilVirs, I)�sp= lop, chairman, reeve Campbell, 2d dseppnnty. reeve Holme, and couro,liorA. P. MaLun The list contained 18 appeals for too high as. ssment, and 5 against dog tax. Atter considering matters in connection with the appeals, deputy Holmes moved, s.ocodd by A. P. McL•ai, that the court adjourn to Toe.day erecting at 7:30. On the motion being acrid the court adjourned. The court met on l oesdmy acoording to sd joars- meat and made a few alterations. J.; .NOTHZR Peer. -'1'he Department of Ag- -.,:killture has emit out circulars regarding the appearance of a new pest, known am the gall louse, wbioh affects spruce. The insect attacks the 1..! and enters the immature bud, and the only really effeotive remedy is to alto off the (calla, which form during Jace and July. After the prdna.rs hare pass- el out of the galls there is no course avail- able but to cat down the infested tree. The deportment r skein ' that whoever finds the galls on their trc.e. should comtrunio.te Me fact mid all the particulars so far as maw. Itouted to the Bureau ot Forestry, Puha- taint Buildings. Toronto. A RUNAWAY -Oa Saturday evening a here attached to a boggy bad lust stopped is front of the Hotel Bedford, and while the driver was getting out tis• Salvation Army drummer struck the dram and !rialto - "nod the animal. 1'h• horse made a saddens Bart tor the centre of the road, helping the driver out, thin made for the square and ran between the tent* and the ohottoats barking two of the latter. Tim baggy turn• d over sad war badly !Oared, bat the horse was anhurt, as be was stopped by W. fhhn, who ran across the road from Les & Sheppard'.. anis I him end held him until he was landed in the stable. MiTHOnrar MAuAzrsg AND Revrew cos Jose -This strong unmoor oompletes the fortynven•b volume of this magsaise. The timely article is Mr. UII•dmtons hu eleven engravings of Howard's Cantle and park, portrait", into A well illustrated ar. Mole on ••A Great Canadian Industry," de- scribes the Masse] Harrta factory, whish tures out a complete machine every two minks. Other artiola are, "Tia Love Story of ltliztbeth Barrett Brownies," with portnll mad typiai prams. " Famous Hymns and Their Mahon,' by Rev. Dr. Wittily. " Selby'. Theology of Milers Flatten.,. "Jemsph Chamberlen." • ober- actor study. "Methodism and the Irish Rebellion of 1798 " Reviews of Oeorge'e W. ACHESON & SON DRESS GOODS LINENS CARPE T S We oder special lines in the above three departments this week. DRESS GOODS Heavy. Pure Wool Cheviot, 46 inches wide, in all the new shades of Blues, Greens, Browns and Greys, at 50 cent., a yard. regular 75 cents. CARPETS English Tapestries, 27 inches wide, in new colorings and patterns. Largest stock ever shown in Goderich at 25c., 30c, and 40e.; regularly worth 30c., 40c. and 50c. LINENS In Napkiaa-asd-Eads. ..A malsnfrtictn` i iatuage4 or SQ 1, a# sassily }fit p v... W.!.CHES�N& SON "Political ID.wsmy,'° D.nte'e '• Mier Comedy," "Cbristain Life in Germaay," and other important hooks are gives. "Motor Circuses," L Illustrated with five elkravioga, and "The Progress of War" with segnviaga and map. Toronto : WU- iiam Briggs. Montreal : C. W. Cates. Hallux : S. F. Hult's. 112.00 a year; -,1.00 for six mootba. FOR ,11E FAIR Stk.-Alt •worse" ride graoetully but few man dismount in any but as awkward manner. A woman's wheel M an awkward machine even for the moss graoefal to dismount from. There is • right sad a wrong way to dismount, so Gtr as erase is concerned. The awikM'atfi'tessy, though the one usgal'y taught, is to slow down, and as the left pedal reacbss the lowest point, to dip to the ground with the right foot. The greoefol way, sometimes tolled the " Freon dismount,- le to stand on the Is't pedal after the wheel has slowed up, sod then step to the ground on the lett side of the wheel with the right footAll women should adopt this method. THE HAnson PARK -Improvements to this evening resort of our re.idents ere still proceeding. and when the work is oomplet- d it will be something like • pleasure re- sort. The loth from the vats to the down- hill steps is hotelier], mad is well done. A tree bas been moved from the estraooe, and plotted olose to those recently irans;`Iantd, but apparently the more will not be a enc• suss. The old wtrattce has been cleared away, and replaosd by a nest iron orae with two large turnstiles, and over the entrance is " Hums? Park,' also in iron. From the altered positron of the entrance tt am be seen for soma distance, and roosting from it is • pi.oe of neat fence made of iron pipe A sew board walk bar been put in front ot lee Park Hoose, and the end near the en. trance will jots • granolitbio walk that will extend • few feet on either side of the turn - styles. The improvements will poet mosey, but it 1s money well 'pent. for the park and the estranas thereto bar been A disgraoe to oar pretty park. Goniaten TowNaHle AssArI.T CAST - Oa Freda, Ike Jones was beton P.M. Sag- er, abarad with assaulting Henry Okay, hod after formal evidence • remand war granted till tomorrow, Friday, to allow et John Bakst, who is charged with Jones with await, bat was too ill to be present, appearlag, and alio to allow the plaintiff, who M also oontin.d to the boons by braises, to give svidetoe. rti. said that Jones was *Maid by Baker by holding plaintiff while he was pounded with • rail Os the other hand Baker oomr'd.. ani Jams corroborate his statement, that he *Ay interfered to stop the fight and was in no other way responsible for tee damage to Oakes, injuries vo severs indeed that he hu since been confined to bad and the report got abroad that he was dying. However the pounding was given, the light seems to bays been of mutual armerd, both mem leav- ing their fields for the highway for that par - pose. It wit this melee which caused George Oaks" 10 mttoek Jones on bis arrival in L)Iinton nest day and on Saturday he fob lowed this up by • most brutal assault upeo John Baker, a grey-haired man sixty-four years of age. WHIN Dopram Cobalt -Two of the pleases time will he given by Lt.nt. Dan Godfrey's bend to -morrow fortnight are his world -lamed "The Guards Waits," which he composed for the ball given by the offi• all aper thoughts. When you are thinking of Wail Paper, you naturally think of the best place to buy it. PORTERS' Boole ,STORY always seems to anticipate the wants of those requiring Wall Paper ; that is why we are always busy. A few lines to clear at 5c. per roll. New and pretty Papers, with Borden and Ceilings to match, at 6s., 7e. and Re. per roll. More artistic ones, in all the asw shades, with Prietxts and Ceilinp to match, 10o., 13c. and 15c. per single roll. Gums in and see them. Not neceesary to purchase. PORTER'S BOOKSTORE, Court How* equates OODERIOH ox:zoo.a++w ton of the Brigade of Guards to their Roy - a1 Highnesses the I rince and Prino.as of Waists on their marriage, and solos for the prinolpa: soloists, moat of whom perform their own compositions. (There aro over twenty composers amongst the forty men whose solo compositions are played all over the world,) and the oelebrated " British Army Quadrillee," which has the following synopsis: -In camp, daybreak, a11'. well, patrol going the rounds, the reveille, the amp In motion, morning parade of the troops, the infantry regim.nts,the dashing white eargewt, music of artillery, field ex• "rinse, music' of the oavalry regiment", the .trot, the cantor, the charge of the heavy and light brigades, night. tutee+bt the rem- , meats in camp, Lights out, go to bed , Tom. the false alarm, "God Save the Queen," the alarm, trumpets call to arms, troops heard edvanoing in the distance, the rifles, the British Grenadiers, the Highland bri- gads, advance to attack the enemy, the bat- tle, the rattle of musketry, roll of artillery. victory, the British army triampbaat, See tbo Congnerin($eru Comm, AN t.ysNtsu's ENTETTAtNme T. - The oonoert held andel. the auspices of the R T. of T. loot Friday ewntog proved the suc ores it bad promised. The attendance was not large but the program as. an •xoelleot one, and with one erorptton was given se bad boon announced, Mr. Grant's reading bring withdrawn owing to that gentleman's unayoidaule absence. the recitations by the Misses Tye and Godwin were rendered In their Ulna! fine style. An instrumental du.tt try the Misses Campbell and Sharman and • violin solo by Miss Moksozie were also very'lii . e:.+`*1t, •pre their port" well, almost all responding to cocotte. Undoubtedly the star of the evening war Miss Era Aobetron, whom all her friends were glad to welcome bock from her musi- cal studies in Detroit She war is splendid voice and gave her number moat obwmingly u well as her encore. Miss Carter, of Cline ton, also delighted her anthem* by her sing- ing. She has a voice of 'Treat strength es well as metathesis. Mars Mary Price is • young linger who.. sweet voioe promises to develop to great booty. Her rendering of "Fairies" was obsrming. Miss Whitney Arid Mrs. Campbell and Messrs. Logan. 1'bemson, and Stoddart contributed their solos very aoceptably. " God Save the Queen" 0000ladd one ot the most enjoy- able njoyable concerts of the season. • • e A JONI a. - tVxnnt A larva portion of our feudal,* population gas prevent In ' Knox church on Wednesday moraine, to witness the marriage of Mabel, fourth daughter of M. C. Cameron, Q C., M.P., and R. A. B•y;y, LLB., barrister, of Lon- don. The church, when filled, war a pretty asses, the summer costumes of the ladles, the charming floral decorations wound the pulpit, and the handsome bouquets air. tied by the truest' making • brllijant pic- ture u the bride entered the edifice, to the melody of • wedding marsh. Almost u the bride entered the groom took hu position halide her, and the marriage ceremony own - maimed, Rev. Ju. A. Anderson, B.A., be- teg the officiating minister. The bride won • dress of cream silk, en train. with tulle veil, •Ld carried • handsome bouquet of lilies of the valley. The bridesmaid' were dressed In white silk and orr•ndie over- draws', with Nile green cubes and stook ooilarn, Whore hate, trimmed with Nile green ohiffon sad pink roses, and Darned bouquets of roses of • pretty Ptak. '� maid of honor won piak silk •ad carried e b.akit of roses. The bride war attended by bit sister Gran sad the Misses 13ay1T, dip ter of the groom, and had es maid of heat. her-sieros, little Lot Wilson, oleo of lit des: Ed. Bayly, solicitor, of Tor- onto, assisted hie brother, and Dr. Hun- ter, of town, and Seaborn and B•yly, of London, were the effielene ushers. The meet° misdated by Mae 41.0.11 during the eeremooy was admirable. The church doors were not opened till 11 A.M., bat lou before that time • crowd had gathered, and by the trine the seals eo•'nesed there wag a blasts ooagrsgaties t. Knox to eom- memorat. the gut nuptial osremo,T with. la Me walla. Mr. sod Mrs. R. A. Rayls lett by the afternoon train os ahs it wedding trip, a large number of blends Maier Dorset at the depot to altsess their departure. At the oonelaelos of the nuptial eereesesy Itis bride war promoted a ith • handsome bible. In oommemor•tios of the first msrrtye oarsmony In the oharah. While Nes star - nage party were sipia, the register, Dr. Bayly wag se a solo "Angel' erer bright mid ta4:" with satob expr*.lol sad swiree• res. Tees :'uxTOr Ae.AOLT eAaS.-On Friday Ons. Otos weo ebarrd before Mepr Relates with vis.etly waltfag Jae r Tbe •..sail woe ..pad to pave bees eest- mittd in rimer. 11ee.'s brother Harry bsvlsg, is 1. said. hors badly maftrestd by a mss ssmid Jett. sedated by Raker. The wsee. feature .d the altefr Is teat ail the soaks at lube assault. am relativist. Al the *swat .1 * of the ens abs defeadaat was Maldl1M far trial, bet bell was •1Mwsd. 1!r iel4wteg k Me Yews lewd asssN Ss tless.l0. M/�,� meet Dr. IllatIkeln..di.. 141b ' u ..w, west a..e he mowed • waw�el +Tlefesmad booms shop owl as • eareelrmlllltlledlitbik mislibe to *beeddmWM eIk a • • 00 I 0 CD W Qa Z ro' 0 PI o I 14 tw CO0 0� th rip 111S m EVERYTHING tea,,. pa 'tPRING REQUIREMENTS '° CLEANING AND DISINFECTING MOTH CAMPHOR, CRUDE CARBOLIC ACIlk CREOLIN, CONCENTRATED LYE, CHLORIDE OF LIME, LITTLE'S PHENYLS, AT • -WILSON'S PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE, where you get roar mote, back if not satisfied. C Iqnariers roxi ALL -- BIND$ OF Roofing Eavetroughing Dairy Tinware Paints Oils Blue- Flame Oil _ Stoves Coal and W 914 Stoves and Furnaces +wf r -re Bicycles J. H. WORSELL TIDE OEZAP STOPS MAN C-ODERICH THOWIT, Jane 3, 1898, J5 I DRUGS AND CHEMICALS ARS RIMED MET DAT 1. IN THE - KITCHEN VANILLA For Ice Cream, for instance, antl, BAKING POWDER For Cakes. One is a Drug, of course, the other a Chemical, and there are still others : SPICES, CREAM or TARTAR ETC. The beat place to buy Drugs is at a Drug Store. The druggist knows more -.__Obout them than other people do. Wo keep a good drug store. Come and see us aboat " Kitchen Drugs.. J. E. DAVID----, MEDICAL HALL. PHIL. R I am prepared; to buy this Season's clip of - Wool, as usual, at the OOIJER MIIJr FOR HIGHEST CASH PRICE Ot _ - In exchange for Manufac- tured Articles. JESSE GLLDIIILL, May 3010, 188. FUNERAL NOTICE A. W. OORN ELL t1nderiaak€ 4En'tbalmer. • succasso* to A. B. CORNELL N. R. -Our Oharpea Rare beet Ornsety Reduced is order to meet the popular deitatd for Moderate Priced FYaeroie. oneortal Artllat, FRIT'LELY, TONSORIAL ARTIST, Hot and cold baths on premises. Ihn- toaming,elampootng and ever" other require- ment manfully attended to and none but come ppetent hands employed, Williams' old stand, MoLean's new block, next door to Brlttah•Ex• change !tots! 98-tt SPRAY YOUR FRUIT TREES Buy your Spray Pumps and Spraying Material at the Cheap-Har_dwa r e Store. ALL PERSONS contemplating BUILDING this season will find it to their advan- tage to purchase from this up-to-date hardware establishment. 1 am selling Blacksmith's Hard- ware very low. My:motto is to please all persons wanting goods in my line. i intend quality, price, and fair dealing to be my best advertisement. R. W. M°KENZIE 01 MN OSSAP RARDWAU BTQRJ,, •