HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-6-2, Page 3NES IN A
„urs teras Ahead oar Owe C.etga
nest $avail., Mor Masora Ayres. dad
pert attar ellen. C gems g sad
swede/ twitesr lbeiMag.
r. John Readrlr ori Haoiites is
*aliens Reeves, aged 31. was
death et Moa Weal.
r r er roto to pa
t. F. MttGlairhaa, aged shirt
'tt.d suicide at Montreal.
'hilip Catalan (mind a put
31.100 on his terra near Team
oho L)tlloo of Montreal belie
nett to the Earldom of Rocco
Le Muatreal Herald w c
h Criminal libel by Chief of
John Jenkins. a six -year-old
ran over sad kilted in To
t Brockville Cyrus Seymour,
of ltd btgsmsist, moss glows
re in the penitentiary.
wu thousand (ire hundred ear
were destroyed by • prairie
KM River. Men.
be Ogilvie Milling Co. bass
yaern's tannest slide at Win
wilt dotage their cap.olty.
.4 puma ansa armed Oakley, au
to belong to Tomato. was seri
Arai co tb. C. P. R. at Souris
Mary las Blackwell, 11 nen
the through
of M t i at
y -five
vee he
de of
_ f1a'e
stater ateten are -to he
ileo salaams. Livers e iab iso
her plena where flash wate
t is
Tie•Kingrtaa Hoard of Trade km:. -
the Govern/seat to oboe the
aril Oa t4inday catty from oast. ha •
At Montreal Frames Donnelly climb
an electrdt light pole to t000k at the
Ter. Re toadied anvil wire sad was
At Ottawa _ Eiyssasa,
ars old, was drowned la the
tinge bath and a lad aa4a1{-.lis
as drowsed in the river. .
At London the little child of ear
hoe. Copeland. who accidentally dram
quantity of oarlrulio .e1d on Batar-
t. died from the effects.
Tae actor Thomas W. Enna was eo
I at $tuntlton that he diad to email
'' engagements tad go to New York.
bre an Operateon for appendieit.ia
11 be performed.
Setae of the peach trees 4 the Ni-
sta district are affected with curl-
iest the leaves marling op and fla-
Uy dropping off. It is feared the strop
be injured thereby.
The Goverameat great to the city of
teem is lien of taxatten os. Goverti-
eat ro#erty by the city is to be ia-
reamed tt is asoriu*osd to #60,000.
ereir.fore it bee bees shout 1125.000
r amuse
('.404...0 Vertu/eon A. D. C. to Lord
'truer. wbo succeeds Lieuteaant-
' rel Montgomery Moore in coin -
"4 .4 the Imperial fore.* in British
urth America, has arrived at Moat-
Owing tothe failure of arra.gemeata
t Ottawa Messrs. Meaasaxle ft lima
eve notified the Initial* Colombia Gov-
nonent that they canna carry oat
heir railwy ooatraet wit! the Pro-
While most of the Indians Oras the
/Min reserve, 1n Cowlehen, were in
"ictoria, B.C., to participate it the
aeea'a Birthday Oeletwaa.ioa their *ot-
toman was ectir.ly destroyed try (ire,
ed an old women of the tribe burned
(he 8t. John reediest men, who roma
t'%rago had one Harry Bobarta. of
ge. Bermuda, seat to Trs-
m a ted
r. hive ta-
ired word pit arrival home, the
recedk authorities finding that the
mao was not &platted with ieproa •
Daring Roberta' detention at Trundle
he was not as inmate of the Laser -
•00, the medical officer there hav-
tor easpicions that his was set e
g",.n,net came.
tern (the n •°MIK ehar-
for Canada, ,r..._.
The Irish Local Government hill
land the committee stage In the
Hams of Commesa rim Tondo!,
The report that Greet Britain bad
sect s net. to `)Hein,as
Minn of the ooac.ntra[oa troops
the omehborbood d hoops
ticiali7 dented. Oihrsltar is ot-
Ut 1TBD STA1210.
One hsadred .0114,.. wen bort
( h!`
tr.rolleen Of • grand stand at Denner:
At dalbdittry. lid.. Carfisid Kis4. a
segro, aged about 11, was taken from
gaolhanged to a tree and shot to
The United States Supreme Coart
has decided oenviotioan under the oleo -
surgeries lawn of Pennsylvania sad
14tev Hampshire to be invalid. time
ter the laws trarsaatitati.ral.
Rev Daniel L. ft. Llbboy. of Water-
town who hag been contend to the Rt.
L wrenee State Hospital, at Oedema -
burg rommtttad amends on Studies,
Aging himself is •tiroom le roowit) a
toes stisolatity that there
t hsa, 11. Cramp of Phil t1a•
In d #t1Rfi
4 E0 0r4 d oosaolldatioa
1l;teemsa ompany read Viebra. 8s gdk
les,( > /Vr-• n-PIIrnraae
tatted i a JAN Ate' moo until reeeaffj7,/
' ' ( Neta ry of State, *HI
1'4'6 Weelliagtoe with this week in MUM
'd the l ate. Rhermsa for • tear
West. They .onset t0 trail
t! 7jWru, se Sithe Alaska. and reg
the feet of August through Cato.
MTI'&- cnalalidritne in anncaanea.ri of
0. C,.,,p 811ipbnaIArOff tampOUV of
ret n 048 amt VMk. rs' tiles A.lif4it:
narrow co Fro twee hag . hit*
wee grMt shipbuilding
►Iltsam it perfected, will mike emthe .1
kind tis to pow rful rorporatlobe of its
Thirty Malin have Weir recovered
front the Zolleru mine disaster la Prue -
Tib Republic of Hawaii Use M1ars4
hereelt unoonditiona!!y to 1r\ United
13sonedetto Brie, hairs laepeotor.
tioaaral of Naval R,agtneering and Kra -
tater ut ]Kerins is dead.
The asttoaa' aubwripti,n to human
the strength of alpe*Lth naval fern.s
has auw reached twelve million pse*t-
05. W.4gu,000,
Thermo are 40,000 toot ut anal at Cadia
and 30,1100 tons mons are expected tie
week Ohre firm has *attracted tot 150,
OW tone tut Calix.
Gustavo /luck. the milliunain Havana
cigartasker, who has leen trying ton
through the ()looked* into Havana an
wbu is alleged to be s oolonel of Span
(s► volunteers, will sot be Permitted
go. •
Atoordtng to a despatch from Gibral-
tar the Austrian orniaer Kaiser Fran-
cois c*.l,b I. has arrived there, and
on Friday will sail for Cuban waters.
with the armored cruiser Kr !serine
Martie Tberesa.
The United Blairs Goveraseat is emm-
aiderahly embarraa•ed is the sending
of reinforcements to Admiral Dewey,
Diving to t11s"Dick ottt4II3ppoorts on't
Paden, and may barer to I fpmres/ wea-
sels foe that Gervais.
Efforts are Ming made by the ao-
tburitier to provide an adequate sap-
Notes of Proceedings of the ale&
Jan Hoose of Commons
Hamilton Srnrth'r Yukon Railway bill
Mss read the third time in the Senate.
The hill a amended provides that the
oonstruotion of the railweey lr sot to
be t until leave to du so la ob-
tained trust the tloreresr-Nenerel-in-
Councll. tales& the tern.7 at the
!Lead of the Lynn canal L declared turd
&drained to be British territory, mr ea -
hes the United States ooaeedes •autos
• !models/ privileges over the territory
lo que.twn. Ali the directors must alt
British eubjsotes.
The Government purposes to advance
to ib.W0,000 to the Montreal Herbour
Contnusuonere for the completion of
the Itrrlwtu works there. The loan is
for w years at 3 per tent. 'l be eosa-
mlasiooere will deposit debentures to
an equal amount as security. far.Field-
ag gives nut's. of a reeolat1OO to redtet
if; the agreement.
Notice ie aIao g'tret aGovar__mt
bill to ratify the botiajarien
as recently agreed epos.
ply of food for the reetdeata of Havana
and the soldiers, provisions baring be-
times mares winos importations from
the Caned dtatea ceased.
A deepatob from Gibraltar ease that
it away be positively stated that there
bas been no movement from Cadiz of
the tinuaish reserve squadron.
A third call for volunteers is amnia
to be lamed within Gas next two
wee(), rays a Washtagtea despatch.
The Pennies/Chas: ti ei y eenrieeed
that the military fore.. tar i n vane.
will Ove to he such Started. els'
estimatee it will require t115,t100 men
A(M1 fur the _phi! tnea,
O hl MAO for Porto Bien, Weida/ many
for beam defence.
A Remi Eaae aunt
alirat Dewey-ir •
Mad, in Mania bay, salter the
n el et t 6e e°tranne to the harbotir.
and otherwise preparing to receive
any elpanieh fleet."
The unknown Mesmer, suppow,d to l a
be a Spanish auxiliary crasher, sight- t;
ed by the Wilmington sad Bancroft, j
shoot fifteen miles MT Key Wert, ear -1
V on Thetredgy overtime. was not cap -I
tared. The Bancroft gave tip the'
A Hoag Kong cable, mays the polis
raised a quantity of .toren supplied by a
The bell to preview Mira pspslar tial 1
gh. t
on the queatioa of prohibition was
en 51 third reading is the Hous. The -
vote u to take plaoe as early in the
tali se poesib4, but the Government w
recused to pledge itself to any courts'
of action &Mould tie vote he favourable
tole - -
Why of
a he muted t
own native errant
Indeed. risme ter dap. of N
no man has Lived w huge ague
travelled so far and so wide ov
mean of the sari h nu man baa
ed whore neon ahem sr, deeply
the hearts of .o many millions of
It lo. I agile!, equally true
than a wagUMmoat marvelous
tal seen alive t1 as which the wort
seen a& t, tea s4,o-usrtaialy the
most active. sad
neat universal. This last half
tory is *hick we lies has p
afferent wslkk. at of it` 5. 104.,, stsum ir
but otbe attention of the world at t
be aim who have i1!
ed this age, It seems to me that
the eyes of posterity lour will uu
and outshine all others--Cavour,
Dula. $irmarok sad clladrtuoe. Coteau
Carrier was sadoabtdly a stater
kaon of aterrelloue skill acrd presoi-
enee. Abraham Lincoln. eltkoown
to Came w ben les war elected
to the Presidency. exhibited a power
fur the government of men which has
scarcely Leen surpassed in any age.
Prince Bismarck was the embodiment
of t ceultite continua seam. anther
de termini+t.ttrtu relentless etre
inuring onward to bis ends. cru..
everything in his way as uncona•e
ea late itself. Mr. Glatistooe and
wile manned everyone of them.
bad in Mm peraca a con4Leuatltm tot
va varied powers of the hurnrn into)
arra.' --- -- •--- -
apoisue, '
MOO. (,aN,( J..tk.. ear• "Ponta 4 an *cameo se
to gay
owed w ate.aeme tae ete4.w.aer or
iT RAT $` Intl.
A Weeple, Maio Ysaeswh Ob !.les or Oa
Logo aroma Pgsaaeaer (elebreseg at
teesteeMemer eat aaaaeary.
A despatch frau l.oadon, says: -1
Weetau(aoter Abbey. to the .orther,
traarept, when England's' artistes
dead rest, the body of the late %(. * 1 I iam
Ewart t 4Wstune was entusnted on Sa_
urday with the oereinuales 0t the nee
float he had served and of the churn
be bed loved.
His grave is beside that of bra 1if_
long adversary Disraeli, whore tnarbl
men -
sec tome.
d bar
utast A des :atc0 from ltraoebrldge says:
the _For the reread time W. J. Hammoad
redo d bar been found guilty of murdering
It, in his wits, Katie Tough. His third trial
ea ()relight t0 a ouaclualo° before
argot, own/Judie. Meredith os Friday night.
in At a few minutes to tea o'clock the
tlive jury filed tato the court -room. The
Lin- pirtsaner was immediately brought in.
The Jury erre thea asked if tbey brad
agreed aeon a verdict, sial (key re-
plied that they had. Asked what it
was. the foreman said "Guilty."
The judge thea asked the prisoner if
he !tad anything to ray why the re•-
teaue of the court should not be passed
h(pg upon him- He said. "Eggnog. ray
4fttb. f.ord." - •
rued 8i° li• e4dre.Nng. t1p prtset-
uulot- or. mkt-- Y0 have had a trial *Inch
He has been tiapanUeled in this province.
the Yon have twloe been found gulite of
lett the murder of your wife. tt'orde can
scarcely be found to describe the
helnoneaeeo of - your - *rime. You ill
toot a wocean . and promised to
love and cherish her. It la hard to
convolve that humanity would be guilty
0L your crime.' For the poor father
his Lordship repressed sympathy. He
referred to the ability with which Mr.
Johnston had conducted the defence.
and at the same time said the Croon
had not presented anything against the
primmer unfairly.
The boatman was that William James
Hammond be heated on the 16th day
d 8eplernber next.
The Daly triaad of the priroaer hers
tthroughout the trial has been Ma fao
herfor whom Chars is much sinner
e indi-
•ldntal.'He haditad us one the imaginaitive! (0. i( -
lawpoetic ronteption of things in
wf4n6 Count Cavoar was deficisat. He
lad the aptitude for boniness the fin-
'-'`'' ability which Cavuur never
bibltsd. lir had the lofty impulse.
the generous inyriration. w Mob Princes
l 4n1arrk *twee,' dtensrded eves if he
did not treat them with men. Re
-se at the nine time ao orator. a
statesman, a poet. and re man of bu•i-
nam. Greet, however, as may be the
sots of the alas. atter all he was of
human (teak and tor hon. a* 'for
verybtady .les. there were trivial sad
ow duties to be performed. !t 1* °o
&4geration to say that even in thew
w and trivial dutie. be was great. He
noble(' the twtetaton realities of life.
is moa., alcove al; thugs, a religious
mind. wiesatlally religious in the hi h -
GA .4'. est sense of the term. Be n.0 a man
'atnueg and pm aJLctiuna- of biag
e ad- end lasting friendship.
Gouts- • -Of hie domestic life. nu words of
rgety tee can to adnquatety r{,oken, yet
was simply ideal! beautiful, and to
latter yearn of 'Ine life as toue:hieg
At was laaautital. There was tree
alt which en prominent in his iX
eat hire which marked the man inure Mr
"stactly thea may ether. it wee _Akita -
rue humanity, hie paramount seam
right and intolerance of iaJuatioe,
rung and Oppression, wiser'ever to be
in_ found. or in wbrt,r.r elates t bey St
show tbemrelves. Jujus' us, wrrooag.
trict uppressiou. sited upon him se it were
nor- aaschanicelly, oron.ed every fibre of
r of hie being. sod from that moment to the
the repairing of the enjustice. the undoing
os- of the wrong and the drtttructiun of
to the.opprereton. he gave hie mind, his
rt. Isis soul. his while lite, with ss
nergy, intensity, and vigor perratitefed
DO nnaa unless (Ota, the first Napo-
. (nrounisteaoles there were nese
big bite. H. had been brought up
the most unbending &'host of Tory -
He became the aunt active re-
or- former of our ow timer'. Thus be woe'
In_ twos• devotedly. lovingly- attached
to he Church of England. 13e loved it,
he said h(ruself in many of his
Perces. lie Adhered to petabllehmeat
Fmltlaocl. but the very reasons and
umente whin() in his mind }untitled
e.tat,N.hm.nt. of the Church i,
tend ori apelled him to • oil/toren,
se an far as that Church was con -
reed In Ireisatd. , In England to
rob was the Church of the majerlt
The Government has deoido4 not to b
place tae admin(atratioa of the Yukon es
district uo a popular bases for the pre- d
sent. The bill W establiab the new ter -
*ethyl Pas eaplaiaed by •Mr..N i
the Senate. It provides that th
ministration of the affairs of the
try shall, for the preheat. rest la
with the Federal Government. The aye t
:tib( of go, P m,rat provided for is the -!ma
1111} is framed atter the law giving the tr
t to the Diem! -11'
E41iitorles, though differing from it in to
Mem particulars The newdistrict will of
he known as the Yukon district. a nom- w'
inimioner will be appointed to .dm
Teter the government of the die
oder Instructions from the Gover
engem-in-Countctt or the Mtninte
be Interior. Provision ie made for
Pputntmeat of a council. to be c
posed of not more than sir persons
assist the o(za loner in the gores- Mew
tbett of the district. it re proposed to e
confer upon the eeesmhesloo.r end the in
council, powers to take ordinances 1"I
aitailor to those conferred noon the in
xecutirs a( British colonial posses- in
teleses. These or/Menne will be sub- 'am
to d aallow•anre by the Govern
sal -in -Gunnell. se are the ord
--"e& d by the council d 4he
urth-West Territories. The powers to ilia
• exerrlmd by the menmiaaicaer and
oamriesioser-in-oouncil shall be in
rata time to tines decided upon by the erg
-error-General-in-Conseil, and stall the
ver be larger than thane possessed Fag
a province of the Dominion. The anti'
sing regulations will be made at ow
Girl Power is taken to appoint Chu
an tbap one judge with Superior la I,
Court ra as a court of record with wino
alumni jurtediestioa. tate
The bill was read a emoted time. nem
By a mailman' vote, the House of Bo
Oasamans paid formal tribute to the rho ram-
y of Ragland's dead statesman, he"
It.r. W. i. Gladat.oas. Ties rsaolutloa the p
'4 41414. 0s. motion of Sir Wilfrid ado
Camber, asocaAed ►ry 01r CharlesTop.
per. was sea follows.— of
tit Htrwss of tons of Cenrde
a-' (.,sti
rseord their prof.und a
sena* of the bass the Empire has ane -••-
tanned in the death of the Right Hoa. a enter
r[tfisaa Ewalt Gladetoee. , Bek,
For period of more than half a foe o
Chimes mrrchent to tie Americas 't
suri(iary cruiser 7.atiro, which ar-I t+aa
rived on Thursday from --
Knowlono 14y. where she reeled andl
Rear -Admiral Dewey bee informed t
the authorities at Mantle that be will
hold thorn responsible for the life of Le
the captain of ths gunhost
Cellos. asPtored hi the Irditsti States! n'n,'
fleet The Spaniarde hare beim threet-1 s•-•
ening try shoot hien for surrendering
although confronted by the wbole Am-
erican fleet
The London Daily Chronicle. refer-
ring to the Vaited Steteenen: "We
have ao doubt whatever elharisuccent
No people a tougher grit ever fought
for their piece in the worla. but it will
greatly *hairiest% and shaidifr their
took, assisting tbe work of eivilisatimi
It• Use; aro aseunsd that British di-
plon:*ey and the British array are act-
ing ex their reserve tonic"
inteemen Alsocaglaa Sao Oral at
A despatch front Paric says:—The
Mena says oft Friday nowninni—"In
view of the eveatualitin a the Span-
ish-Ameriran war. X Lebon. Minister
of the Colonies, Aillgairal Beenerd, Min -
toter of Marine, did General Billet,
Minister of Yet, Met_ in council!. Mt
Therildelys Meat the prorldenoy at
Faure, to decide their respective
spheres of lit?.
"It was decided that General illilot
should be exclusively Merged witb tbe
defence of Freon, Corsica, Algeria, and
Tea*. aod that Admiral Stranard
should undertake the protectiou of the
al France sod of all the cel-
. Lobos accepted the neeeseity of
hers. sad decrees to carry sett these de -
elisions will be proentimidted
• dogwatch front Madrid says:—Is
de Rivera. former Captain -General of
tbe Philippine*. defended hi* &Minnie -
(ration of the colony. Ile said he could
Mt bellows Ina ears whet be Mt, told
Of the diaastet at Cavite.
"net rig called tbs _Aportoso Dag
shell *Mr Mat over tba walla a Men-
ge " Tim Philippines. ha woitineed. had
t had adequate means of &dean He
=led to the Government to supply
but the Goveniment answered
*et Um Pope bad Intervismel, and tbat
Naga was no fear et a rapture The
Committee st nestle asamined
pinion sareDellt wed reached
mineinsion thet it was quite ire -
to offer battle to the *Merino
illindbeimilienkene are drieolvielf thaw -
Weep" Menke! Se Ravers Molars&
wee to the ‘oteritioe at the Philip -
rity. aed therefore ise did not heel-
. Elie noun* was closer. He re-
ed the one Church end maintained
tbere umy ba much to say, per -
this is neither the ocoamion nor
rissant. bat not solved. He seen -
friends. power, popularity, in
r to give that supreme 'manure of
tain UpOn the policy of Home
every man, whether friesd or
the measure. must may that it
ot only bold. but it woe a noble
hi_ that of attempting to quail
teat in Ireland by trustirig to
honour and Irish generosity. Now
eo more. Fingleatt is to -day la
but fortunate is the nation
has produced such a men. His
is not done. his work is still
on. The exarapie be gave to the
will live forever, mid the seed
he hag sown with shch a oopi-
fruit under the tull light of
Charles Tupper 'simply *wooded
reeolution Mein/ had ati Maar-
ren • former occasion to pay a
• to Mr. Giadatoes.
• the ftret railroad in that kingdom. la
, extending eighteen miles from 'UMW-
lum to Mauro. was opened to trainee.
• erressean twain. of tteroelOna. mut
Iblit41111ADS IN SPAIN.
ISOM Mileage &vial SO Vac oilier Wolohan
There is not much tedebration et say -
thing na Spain this year, bat if there
visa, she night. reletirate the metui-ces-
11,! the neighboring country, Franos, bar-
ite at riot WI Me period a railroad mile-
age of 1,600 sad Great Britain 3,000.
Iiince then there las teen a slowly in-
termittent iticreme of what is some -
14 notemaietessiiire methods el the inhabit.
- ' este Med soon:mous engineering daft-
; settles. Smits hao been ii holly &nudist
i, of forests at the headwaters a river;
!eat owerflowa. tarrying with them
ii Ames trestles and senhank-
; There are now in Vein 7,550 milail
; of railroad. lese than me -third of the
• number in Greet Britain. France, sli
Rossi/L. skaidtpes thee oaa.fourtli of the
proverbielly slow. the rata of -express"
truism being twent y -five miles sa hour
' twelve to fifteen. They seldom run oa
The amount of tuagipige aligewed oink
rued is sixty-six pounds, but the rail.
roaris are not responsible for its lose.
secuad-ciass trams.
portly by private capital, par tram
fi.r,•""&at-niess_ttautraisiimia.4an:Leatoentslantidsmie initiosilt _
though the radioed.. of Spain ager dir-
meat. an I although about one-third' of
their co.nstruct;on was paid by tbe Gov-
ernment, they are owned by private
companies, and about three-fifths of
the stock of the Spaniels railroads is,
(maid in France. French Inveetors
have gradually ahem -bed the securities.
;24 at tterest. French and Fet-
ish mailmen: superviewed generally the
rinatruction of Sepanlieh railroads. hut
he "stattenti" or terminet facilities of
los congealed ars the productie of do -
meetly industry. as any observant but
orbeating traveller will admit.
The Spanleh railroads, desPite the in.
erliir facilities which they offer tot
revellers. depend More upon paseeng-
r than upon freight traffic, carrying
n a year a much larger number of
paeseugers t hen they du tons of freight.
$7.000,000 passengers, but they carried
nly 12.000,000 tons of freight.
The difficulties of passenger traftie
Spanish railroads are enhanced in
ome partioulars which are rather ton-
ing thaa merlon*. Pas/angers are es-
bpecauteadatobouarrrive at the statioa at lent
order that eufficient ellowauce may
nude for the dilatory proondings
the railway officials. During part
epoh dee NW ta some oitise the tarp -
•r pert ori each day. the reilway sun
I tams are clone' and the th*et offing
eUigy Make down ulna it. decked with
the regalia. *Mob Gladstone hat Me
Two future cos. a Great Britain
netted beside the greet Commosier'
coffin, and all the nobility and learning
it the nutteliareuritted it, though tit
wish of Gm tionneed had been for aim
pIkky. Tide official funeral. nal
first awe that a Lord Palmerston.
mug rendereel am imposing spasteolis
by the guagaificeinere of Gm building
fin rested on an eievated bier, before
the altar', ita plainnese hidden beneath
• pail a white and gold embroidered
with the text: "tegument in Pace."
Six tall treadles bunted Made it,
aed ma eitber side stood the supportere
a the pall. TM Prime of Wale.s and
the Dube ol York, were at the head
a the (entire and ranging Milled
than: were the !Uremia of Salisbury,
the Earl of Kienherley, Hon. A. J. Bal-
four, Sir William Vernon Haneurt,
the Dein or Rutland, Lewd Reseliery,
awl Mr. Gladetuasa two old-time
friend*. Hann Handel and Mr. George i
the chanoel moral the Dealt •
gathered the cathedral clergy.- the
Archbishop of Canterbury. and the
ararlet and white surpliced choir. fill-
-the the chalet -
The mourners. wrier eat in the stalls
eatert to the bier. were Mrs. Glad-
nd other ineamere of the faintly, with
The Primess of Wales and the
Duchene of York, occupied tbe Deana
in tiers of temporary seata in the
north end south transepts were as -
75.000 MORE NEN.
MehAniava Woad 4414 for !WWI Matra
al mildews.
A despatch from Washington. nays:
—The President's proclamation. Mooed
on Wednearniy calling for 75,000 ad -
therefore, William
MaKberlaAt Pmeidasit of the Vatted
States. by virttie of titer -fewer- vatted
in me. by the cureetitutkin sad the
laws, and deeming sufficient occasion
Ind do hereby call forth. volunteers to
the aggregate namber of 75.(n0 in ad- re
dition to the volunteers called forth:
by my proclautatIou of the nrd oil
Apri), in tne present year: Alia same anni
to be mporrioned. OA tar as practio- ef
able, among the enverml States and ga
Territorin and the District of Coluta- _Pa
bia, according to population. and to L"
serve for tan years. onleau sooner dia. us
charged. The proportion of each arm 'el'
ted throJettiintenosanatateat and or- It (
ganigation win he . made anew._ of
through the War Department." iso
One hundrod and twelve thousand In
men have now been mustored into the *
volu.nteer army of the United Statee. we
and the official reports show that the 010
bled the members of the House of
rho end the House of Cantilinfla the
*yore of the principal citien, dele-
tes froni Liberal organizationa. and
premenstives of other oleic and poli -
41 orgenintiona while the lung t
ve was crow- dad with thousands of t
and W0111.0. Ilimonfc them being
nf the celebrities in all branches
Engheh life, and every gallery, bel-
ay and niche high up among the' t
fters, held • cluster of deeply inter -
✓ officials, whom regalia gleamed f
II t ly from this 'sombre brick -
Thousands thronged the equate out- 00
side in order to oilmen the peerage of la
the funeral procession from West:nine- us
ter Hall. Nurnerows fakirs mingled
with the crowd, hawking Gladstone i
souvenir', refreshments and toys.
A double line of five hundred police-, in
men kept an open peerage for tbe
funersl cortege.
2ad edition
g r number of theme are ready to
move to tb• front. Oier two-thirdsi of
the States bee* entirely oompleted
le their musters. The failure of some of
the States. notably four or five in the
South, to furniab the won called for up
to this time is ascribed to a belief.
probebly shared by many of the Na-
tional Guardsmen, wbo had home tin
*ad connectime which they could not 1
well afford to give up that plenty of
other pereons not so encumbered would
readily be found to take t heir plume
Should any of the Stateue default. the
probability is that the fact %ill to re-
ported to Congress for action by the
Secretary of War.
°eatery lifr. Gladation ben been one '71,441„,„!
ef the moot conspirimeis figures in the '
Parliament of Great Britain. , Mama
roar tiniest Premier of the United 6,
Kingdom, Ma tenure of offke was "'"
sound fiecel and political reform; of ;
the greatest and mist far-reaching "Tic
cherecter. and Ise panne away full of g",...,Inult
the moot Illustrious a hi* gen-
Tho people of the entire Empire are bear
his mourners. and the House ot Com- heave
mons of Camila lays reverently on his
Si r
bier this tribute in teatimony of the '''""
respect and affection with which they tulaitY
regard the great stateeman eh', has tribut
rat mewing the *detain% of the reso-
lution. Sir Wilfrid Laurier spoke i
'eloquent and jonebing language of the
departed leader of men After refer
ring to the respeet and admiration i
which Mr. Glaristone was universelly
. "Pa BMW 16,111.1.10 Vfaa 1111W eidd
wen obeeesee se ever.
A thermatch from Shanghai. 'aye:—
held, Sir 'Wilfrid said England has Int
the loos is aot England's &lone, nor
which soknowledged England'e auger
ainty. nor eve* to thee proud race
which can claim kinehip with the no-
pi.- of Ragland. The Mot the lose
of mankind Mr Gladstone gave hie
wholo life to his country, for the work
which he did for hiss country WY con-
nived and Nettled Dirt oft prioriples
of mart high elevation. far ptirporee
so noble este lofty, that it Was not
his country atom., bat tbe wboie of
mankind that benefited by hie work.
It is no otaggeratfon to my that It*
hat robed fhe atomotard of civilisation
better for both the preempt sad pito
*maple of title life. His death is
motarmd tint alone hir gate/aid, the
lend nf hie birth *or be Scotland, tbe
lead of his aanotors. eor by Ireland.
for veleta* bp did eo marsh. and atientitti
ed to do so meal more, hut kia death,
is mottrated by MO pimple of the two
the notairleme of Esrey*, by the poly-
pi* of the finnan Islands, whim Ineke
donee be seritrwd he the peepie
t Wei -hal -Wei had been evacuated ,
the Japanese. Tomo)! Chinese arrived
I there on Way h snit took ponmesion
-; The Motel, or Governor, landed on
May 2Ist, end was received - loy the
• Japanese general. The Taotei hoe ed
and said, "Thank yoa." The general
heeriquerters, where he handed to Om
I enc. reigned throughout. The Tarrtal
melded upon reoeivisa each plan. he
pronsedinge looted WI ea hour. 'the
Javanese left Wel-haieWet
The British (mother hotelmen arriv-
ed Wal-hei-Wel as May 201b sad
leaded 46 marine, oft Me; flat. takieg
poetegalon of the plan. the Chinese dee.
ware erected cm the west fort. No
flag wars hoisted. eltbasgh the Oro -
ink appear to be III tug reepseiou
Seitriee have hoes peekit mod the suer -
ism err moirtereel le the barrack*. The
gum have hem removed. but the forts
The Vienna correepondent of t
London Telegraph ways: —F re
dintartuaces appear to be in prepara-
tion in the Fleakerns. lo wiell-informad
oinks the possibility of or complete re-
volution of elinting cenditions shortly
official said :—"Tbe greoteat source
deg r Hes in Herein, where the (threa-
d, d)naoly *paean entirely shak-
en tea the one hand by the rat urn of ex -
King Milani. and on the other he fin -
meted diattress of the MOM. baffling de-
scription. Moreover. there he the cif-
ratnatancs that King A brander hes
a es a vistim to an incurable malady
"Prance Nicholas of Montenegro i
encterartiu.ritng to utilise the eituatio
by the realisation a his ancient pis
oll founding a Balkan all isnot!, in wale
the Servion rlyntioty would not he re-
do not open Until an hour trefore the
hne sieieduted for the departure of the
loin. closing a querter of an hour Mi -
trent before he is permitted to eater
• am room, and ea this tidiest
lust eon ilteen minutes. at
before the train starts and as the
lla may be anywhere from an hour
three hoeing late. his opportunitin
*et acoording to the di/eau-tetra
. then to the rule on Americas ear
Drees t he railroad nompegot See,
meets. even reeardlese of the
sold passengers. In what is einat..
es (*Howl "(threw)" railroad travel in
in many of the paresengera ride 11111
roofs of the eerie hat whether it
o enatile then: to see the country to
ter advantage or to egajoy greeter
ort an be von Gotten te not
ow -ti. In some Spaninh railroad eta.
a. notwithatimiting the moderenagi
heir seconamociatione, an admissiop
is charged. similar to theatre, R
g the theory of Nome of the Span -
railroad officials that tbe eager -
of mem portent to find solar
seem is assails* Air Some Illeaa• of Wm- tr
sayable rose.. to
es Toe Mart rid correspondent of the
Logsdon Times says:—"The dominant 1:Pu
he note or public opinion here is a desire '
sh to find some say torhonourable peace fa
as Spain ha. nothing to gain by an In- 101
definite prolongation of hostilities. Ali tr
far Foreign Affair*. o ill find
Idea that Frapoe sill intervene, how- '
ever. la now aroanuonont. and hopes are an
Reed neon tbe porsibility that Mat
fitting MC11111011 on elakh to take the "Fe
sr, wad the isle- ur_T
i terialista believe that a Cabinet Wine *„__TAI
a ' leiter a Marine. (teetered ia the Cortes `"P",
ti I would not fail to do He beat ta, befit. ""1"
n on Thunaday, that whets en oppor- :tic*
shoat an honorable peat*" cern!
of t
' The increasing ill feeling in Berrie
and Hulaitrie, dd wtil as this disordered
oonditivei Sonia has favoured the
plea of the hfriertanogrin ruler, who
politm to become King of all the Mir -
winos. No intentioo exists at Vienna
or St.. Petertharg to contract to, sup -
gangrene the dolly inereemeng Reiland'
4 Servile"
53 DROWNED 111 0011.11110111
artfloa Ilacansor Nemo Sash by pH
I 'adults.
Tumidity, while the Ileitis% India Roman
)/selestine Company's steamer Mecca
wee towing ber sister ship UMW&
whose admit wati broken, Ilse hairier
parted. The two vessets came into col-
tish* anti the Mecca was oink. her osie.
time sad 5f others beteg drowsed
Further particulars regarding the
disastrous eollision between tbe
/sills Steam Navigatioa Companya
steamer Maces sad leer sister *hip t b.
Limuja, avow the former bad OM per.
ems ea hoard. The managers wont
554 She Dasoblas Previa-. No, op the
imam Sofa ki MOVP faros Oar 4 naorloo es twin
The Loadou Chronicle Nay s, trader a."
wooden henchoi; of, railway statie
reserve, that France has loaned Spilka' ho
400000,000 framer of which amount 44.- be d
1000,0h0 hence have atrearly been fur -
a item of are ah • termite not
!Dished. Tbe paper suggests' that Spare
aa esourity.
It le impOssible ie ratty the utory,
but it seems to be a re.enho of the re-
port that the Bent et Paris. sad the
Netherlands had a,dvanood a large sum
to tee Spathes Treaanry.
sung PASHA.
Ili•saral of taw floadiaw
A despatch from Perlin tbe feet -4
don tetanderd mesa it is deolared that
Maths Pasha will he appointed (lover -
arm Gentili of the Sondem after the
tterSetre of kalaMO1411ala. Goat of the
Iterate!: power, by the Angio-Hityptiste
eel madman ef Gael
Oovernor-Seeeral will be at Khartoum;
No‘i, said the man evbo had been leo-
tariatt, there are many theories as g
ideas on that *abject.
Yea. replied the candid acquaintance,.
Whet kind of property in emu' ope
51 as: oot i te 4f. onotogh,eps:Itnimestolvirresthar, (het, .gviirea. „testi 1 .Intralets4.
taken an inventory to dee dllah j
7.• g.elinppoilette. 1.41t/etey. sad Slime ars bete
tact. Why f
other Hera