HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-6-2, Page 1tit Paint* aro alike. We know s not, any more than all clothes, ?slit in worse than u.eleea, as i0 Pt as much time to pat it on as aint, and is never u•tisfartoi r experiment ; we know you will tolled with BPIIIl-T1ll1a18 Paint4 are the beet we ku.,w of, hod known most of thein. 1f you are to paint anything under the sun, talk it o%-er with you t we %A11 'oa `1801 & 00se IWO $AaOwAllf. ody is Talking about OANTELON`S T., 0 R i PP eetreceiivved wither soaar pa er otoeedd Nle d"M Wiel.aanttds tR fwil rid eau protium. B OF THE WOODS -APD- OGILVIE'S nom WISalrVal aTLL. the hem Aa 1 Bard Wheat. keepsid• hese breads of O.tarl eying]g, the pw�Milll=deet �hll b & abgsals� e a hew eaMend the rrrMlr se Winekor mos to have • bean& Flaw ss • nses.•elr trio.. ✓ ill be pesspbly oaasdod to In PASTRY, ROLLS • or OYSTER PATTIES Ise lois with Alas.sd Gang a CANTELON. oer business, a la nia- is hind, the x at, q.v you can, at �r. MOM, .rMIMON...- h illb err- , w 1. • 11. FIFTY-FIRST YEAR. ---2676 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. - JUNE 2. fieriest Wasted -Mrs. Bt. (leo. Pries.. 1 Roel, Wool -J. OledtiUl.........-. Wall p'Der Though Porter.... 6 Girl Weatd-->We• Tba. Graham,,,.. 1 trite-Headereos Ronde (Js • • • . 4 gepss Salt -North Am. Chea. Co. 4 T'. rare Take (assam-Bso'rsea ........... 6 HM Weather -F. M. Dashers 8e0Mbins To 'Tisk Abort -Ons• W 9 4 Thomson• - sass. �. pned......s. ROB ROY. sew Aposl I1• -elft TOi1D1T, May 24.4 0sl bMioe--Jas- Robins**. ... ,�� Tgo late for last week par Salto -R. B. Smith oft NW IjCLrko visited Toronto, •ad tga la Muskier Node- 310111. - S , IoM nook. NIL egg gn.11limilir, b OM et *all Paper -Jag. YBt :`, ..... O Sunday with Mrs. W. Jesiii " . hem Speak Leader Tbs Waris -Drs Oe Sunday, thy 15, Hr. as4 Ya. John Jac A Reid 8 Clarks, a d•uaber. Coegratslaiigslt John. Mak Sosgg-Jae Wilson Matter Earth Fisher. of Massbester, wee visiting friends here Tbur.dmy of last week. .a Wanton Mr. mid Mrs. John Williams were the e e1LY1is McFs, *1 l'arlew, last Son. NOT „U W a,R AS a•Y EG G oS e ANTED . We aim bay wool : Hrs. Ju. Molts. of Gdsrisb. ws visit. reported 11 tests.1" batter, bac, C Ng friends bon, Saturday and Sasday of Oa•b « Tn lens week_ 0.)GKING J. H.s$Ymi$gtou and L Heathor11111 Drat the Nib, were Militia, friends and r0MM70 as &Magda' of Let. weak. . . '--` Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Henderson. of -Obsiiir, weirs the geese of Mn. B. H. Seismal! Thursday of sags week. We era pleased to be able to late that Mrs. Js. (,lark• la recoveries from ea in- jury whiob she remind semi Um am sad Y . Tx --1-23 L3-]t/`DINQ 1•TX3Wa$P.A-fart OP fIVRON OOVNT- ,t GiODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA : JUNE - ?, 1898. NEWS OF THE DISTRICT. Prom our own Correspondents Mere ts isfermattea Were Ilut Connell be 1.sM day items Slee-aewe of w • poumrl apestally taper ed M The Usual. %beaks for the many kladeemee received at the hands of weightier* and friends. During the passage of the f.aenl proM..Los, the hominess pieces 1 Rob Roy sad Dunlop were olewd. Rev. R. Heodenon, pastor of Carlow thumb, oonduoted the burial owe - modes, the pall bearers being Deo. Bean. jr., A. ores. F. Quold, 0. Backwell and Henr7 sad Jaw Oallaglot SLUEVALE, TOO LATR /OA I31T Waal. Edgar Coultas, et Ripley, *peat Sunday •t his home. Meow Polly, Rab sad AUoe Da[ visited L s1 brussels 1•week. U. Ambrose Toole awl little Edith have returood trona Tomato. Mr. and lir.. (NorthHudeoa spend a few LEEBURN. days in Atwood Wt weak. Tummy. May 31. - Jesse Zudeoa. of Drayton. 'peat Sunday R. Oke eajoyed He Qaeth's birthday is wits an brother. 0... fHosodon. b, was visit - The the Hub. Mise Diary B.. e , .1 Sow L. The lodge buildistEM Ir"straw* ' "stt gate No her oeookin " to the Point liar= WMen sold to JYspb Miss die Herbert played at liathe re- wheeled! Thompson• o1W rhk /eaa byBrnaselm• the D•p( D. Fotoerineb.m, of Taokersmitb, Let wo.� from home to help with the rules' '1 $C aeDAT, -- ies.t d tis t->atktS'fL R�i�SJ M ..$i. Aso. Rsrbert MMaia1898•nve le* Wednesday. Miss liable Hughes, d Morris;la learning dressmaking at Yrs. M. Bailey's. Four Blaevals boys, Wot Bargees, Jack Coulter, Albert P0t1and mod Peck Denman, won the relay rantisi Wingh unso • wedolek, and were each the p possessor lased a quarter. Another old reddest of Bluevele has paused away into the great Beyond, did vtis b. H person of Rebore MoHardy. ry •addsely last Wdoeeday forenoon after an llLer el *boot twenty minutes in whiob be thfferd intense agony. The dowered woo w6eaty-tooe.oace of..j.ail 1is"M • wile sad three ob$ldrento metro-61•ios. terry .t Oederioh, Jas. and Mrs. Jae. Aohe•oa, who reside L ltluevele. The tuners' took oleos on Friday sad was largely attended. The deceased's kindness of best and his knaesty of purpose having won him many bleeds W E HAVE JUST RECEIVED AN • TOe velar tnr� gr• sof asthma QI ss eon t the Is tat` ooti w• that It shad with a y tb yhst.M tun trill tole. Batter. ttWe are •till #buylag iSp In A.1. toesa more, sed Potato» •t Ibe W J. MORROW. Pub110 Notlo0- M EET1NG OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. NCI . The Hnr oeowIwilldmeet la do ossaml the in the Tow* of dode/1e1. on Tesshg {' •7th day of Jae• irgg. •t i o'ei.olr W LAX/. Clerk. lined MY t 0. Igo. POO SSOrV►f•► f�• 8 S Irseillewn Met BREDoth SpecApLLiON� fpm Mr. A. A. Telma. w►11 Matti M tr"nree et sur els Ramllten Ss. aoeris 1m IWO • duties Weedlaw* esti. mitt hi= 11001100. Terms. to to the W (p3 setter we are (tong as the YMorleh Tam. lag W bees welt .Iced by Weed/sm. one i•M• GUNDRT BROS. For Ina1i OP To ROO . able o be .bout 'megl b The farmers have bees qdte ele•aing ep their With yards sod thii .lens• ity is said to be i° a math better smeltery ossdit lou ties r tuned for this Yoe of the year. MsttsaT. May 30. 1111. ilesseroall M option' Mesds b. B. Wfilhuns, of Duelelpirillied Idols Ws 'Ailey of Let woes. , Will M*Pbee sad Will 'lassos. d Oar. sure visltsge 1 Georgs McPke.'. Tkurdsy L'1 te M d•oges- ouOeorge Clarke is reported for bra sly GL lila esy triesdm hap. Hedy reeovery. W •da«iy el ISM .wM wee . beep day st A. II. Clallein as be for • oath fetted&M . thw orktbe"" dng Mg ose by D. llel.ses. the well knew° Dominator of Sanford, assletod by bis staff of work - ms. ander the teesesssbii' of E. MoCoa- eet, of Port Albut. A number of our reci• dente also helped to heist the building. FOR BALE OR TO BEM .-106 mg• sale er te rest. the ill,' .ry 10150 e01- a the Derser brisamie Road sod interim SAMBA. R farther p511400105'5 - ply to Mia. 111.111WILL ea the ptsmiss•' -woR BALs os t TO Sling ea Nekoes prssroBALI to fest the dwelling !s U rooms, nMOOPied eo dr.we114 rem. MAIM room. parlor and kitchen. and W • Mous. amber d .heels. pantrl.. tad More a half s acre d lead s eipleate t with shrubs end fruit mete. lawn. Apply to 1. S MESTL. as the powpr mess. G0O MIC b TOWNSHIP T eepaT, Jane. 1, 180._ llinaou vaxt.-Je�l���ev�e Yue b iM D Waite ogler made/ ole •segs, - 1dlRee! statso, a g aele at John Wordy lath s 'ROIL The ooastry is looking (dao 1 001106. with prospects for an abuadaas harvest. W. b. Hak sod family spent Shdaiw. bb. tome of Mrs Came ship. 'Arm worried ii 'Snorted at the Webs farm and the proprietor a unusually bmppy. The little stressor has oome te stay. Bias &time°. -A substantial now bans was rained os the f•rmober f •gun hoo em oot Tuisd•y,a v'rY large au So the boa Charles Morris has the oeutraot el the frame -work. Tb. sten work was t by Mr. Swaged*. Sta.-About twenty wiigh6ga pa1M1ed an Monday at Bea ed %Puamosts felted shaisd with tarn prow jacks s Preparatory to building • tone foundaslou and stables fobs bletitbbas ie meant medlog tistis Imam and Hoary Bell Me the .eatree1 of the does work. DUNGANNON. helpful, especially i. the League sad Sab- bath Sobool. and whose social rel.Moasblp with the people has beta most oordial, be likewise Loluded to this resolution. DUNLOP Tuesday, May 31. IAae�aD W(,gd spent she Qoasa's Birth- day with relatives 1 leeesleh. Mr. sad Mn. L notate. and Mise Lily Rutledge. el W 40 eon. OodertcY town- sbyn mean , wethe at. el it. sad Mn. Then. T11.kesns thin week The old e•mpiag "mead o° Nightingale stress bee ite annual visit of gipdse for 1898 with their horses sod doge- The piste has three osmoses tants on •sr p.pstsr thoroughfare. • Among the iwiseent visitors last week Mea the Circular City we.rret,, Mr. sod Mn. Jena Martha Mr. .°d Mrs. St n1Omhoe. Old. Me. sad M. 0. Whitely. min mid Miss Pearl Videos formerly piagesim.-Mien Ella HMS, Masher ben la 1891,bas sow at W loolielea . Osis. who woo present se the Tuohere' la- te Mid L (lod•rieb, visited here Mon- day ea day et bat week. being the gout of Miss hash. Lsww during bet short stay. Theoleek d the weather the other .itbt showed that be liked to give others un- greetteedtor work seder tense by blowingleveling tt dews Ism the west. Tho •rohiteet was at., I • Ihoagh% by rls1.g early to giveat 7 r. is mere ....D.1 teak, hub lb mooed WINOHAM• The *reunion b Guelph Model Farm on fJess 20th rom W Logo m11is only 41 hummer. TM fan SpringboI, the running bons of J1 the Nw•rts was sot to It for the moue Queens pato ram on Saturday. He was not one of the bank number, as he suoosdd In souring fifth pia. Tesdon wen remivd this week by the Public Works Committee from • number of parties for the Lying of the gr•nolitbli walks o be built In town this •ss•o.. The oommlttee deoidsd to refer OM sash se the Oemoil .t lie next meeting. While coming` to W inghm es Tuesday, a young son ot Rev. E. A. -Hell, of Berme, met with • somewhat painful sodden*. !Some boy" reversed the oar that immediate- ly ly ahead.*rushing the young gaits badly between the homes. A wt ot swindlers ars said to be tending out circulars promising "in order to intro - docs their gods' to read to any address. postage prepaid, tea yards of rad, green or brown silk for 41. The eager viotims rs- esive ten yards of silk thread, out from the spool. Word was received at Listowel on Wed- nesday last of the death of Mr. Aden Trs- R14t sed Detroit. who did in that, „ci�ty very sod ly. Deos•MQ weds h. bhp ease of his age and wed Only Ul tee days from brain fever. Ys was • coach d H. B. Elliott 1 iMtewsi on Friday last. del the LOUR SALE. --01111 07 THE WEST 1 hr..10 Wasters °starlit lest 1.se°ege ston Me saden aea. Good ip o y es °. O1( (8 weterr- Ha been ocausttosMy L pasts. M 171' 1 et Mens large frame tan to W. hams 1een• sad kfteben. Mese sad P we W�preemiise sMM liinelbeat sraiulVW rro�ds.. SLIM0 sY+sth.1 1 s M DOfiveSAGE. M Meals agboso-. SA Mask aTweets. BA LE -LOTS tog bsAND 7 Eudapesn rbiebis messed • elsedwell- n0. �ymb.r, diet Awb te O *1600. 001.? a ISOLMTii. ALL AISLE TOW N PROPERTY FOR 7 SALE --TM brisk reaWme* _.10. l55 the river .W sign=formerlyM Os ts the ate d the met valuable and desirable gra peetlth, feim y frame dwelling nous.a Mouth sestet frethe Bet- lltpri sett occupied by Ms. 11, y► sod dbotaia( grow sear e e O.7. R. Sas formerly 000'O ea Prtees5lJ R. torr ef naymW sole. ap ply to 7f►att460OW ill P ou DP'WI' =Yfa11i. Necks, -The local eRso7 L G. weed for Tera eaWAt rat the ea•e d J. P. tenvq •no�t.0�.. wbo will ieoetve or- w/orbfog . eadeevaiuthiM� dA *.seines � missals mid tag the..m.. G A. NEWTON, DENTIST, OF LUCK- . now. will visit Duniaanea a 1st sad Mg ids of•s ez °°d tht inek in(. modernAll ARM" °� asz% door to Moil's eller shop. • w Seem ,ss 0 p.m. IO<1DAr, May31. CALL AT WM Vl000a1A.-tel at k- , s..'. olygra restaurant, West -es, end gels • isobar Mak, • dish of dchaioos toe cream, fresh fruit, sad some pun oandy. 8aslos or CousEIL -The Mnsboip•I Council et %see Po immesh met in the town ball en Mesad• the 30th and rhlldtar oust of revieioa d the •cess• agent roll the imam- mat,898. There beim' ,ooappeals .ad ponied by the Deal. is woo steep wort. with erdit o the ensu. The ..zI maim' ot the oou til will be bold o. Jai, 11th. Con/sa ASD ootso.-Mr. sad Mrs. Walker left eat Thursdnel ay 11 friend ds u _ y wtertheeas atsaded other to points .h bbs Tweet City rs Morrow, of Goderiob, formerly fords .ad umas rads. was in our vill•ge renewing e1d aogoalot•mme dariag lest Tess- weekater. ..... Mr. 041 b aod r may years resi- w•tor, aad torathlT dents of oar vnlsas, are visiting relatives sad friends here. Cosvnrnos.-Mrs. B..1. Crawford. Mn. B, L. Heston, sad Mies Sarah Mellouab. attended the masa! as.yeetiea ot the dm - trim, Woman's F. $ll.8., which was held at Clinton last week, sd report • very inter- esting and saeeeenfal meetinr. They took the opportunity while then b visit the oouaty Howe of Refuge and were highly pleased with the institution and Its beauti- ful .nrronndb.iS, also the Lienor. whiob reflects great satin o the inmates and those who have slags et M. and oleo 1M The rsddenos of Peter Watson, 8pr1°m- aldo pare,. West Wwanoeh, was the • of • brilliant event on Wednesday g May 18th, the 000•slon befog the marriage motel of bis third daughter. Jessie Am bride .s- R.bert Web ter, of Maim. The s'red the nom Imam ea bbe ores of her father and was aesebd by tier deter, Us - Mlle while the (room wee 'imported by his Mosier Junes Webster. The esremonv was performed by the Rey. A. Yotay pas- ter of bed Laekaew Presbyterta Obnrok, L the proposes of a *umber d {Bribed After the oeremeay was performed d � the eau l mirydown testi 1 pts.sumpow the si prepared by the boat •od lionise. The anwterOae and b.1a5fel gifts testified e's the y u g maple Is bid. The happy gantheurti to the mesas in sthering young maple Mr. and broke op as •leo bear wishing sad happy years Mn. Webster may les/ Yy of *be Q'eterfy sad Trus- tee Boards of the Methodist Chutrob, o Monday meanie Lab. the fallowing 1vd, Nes ,Sas .u.fmoeely adored : P -.o NM whoresthe Rev. I. Ilwd t�s�R. � le aeoet 1e b sve Out neat..,aril ---------- • t his widths s poster of ear eb.reh and WNiTSONURCH- mtninet .ate ear people, we de bender to M• 31, 1898. kiss our emaciation of the very voluble 'i'CasOAT. 1 he b1. rendered. A. • *buret we UMosi-It it war pedal dug , threat eervihave as rears of prosperity sad sub - eh. ted death d Mine Jeh..•t 6 , soos°d have had three yet The spiritual wads et Mowbray. sesatt•1 progress who sub - demister d Yt. and Yrs Ovensdoosda the people bare been well laked after. who pseafalh •wet 101 Yr. Jabs We bast had a very en .t4itable Lerwe eurek Levees. puma the sed woe a .tri the 6.50.4et misdates I.g'rit'l Demised wa woo •Teti n of amable a the Omsk very Jamb Improved. =tameel was teas►, Tiers d fir.. et the eMveY � Yr. /w alwle es swept sevennth a ds+wt t*,js* a •maot� huge 0M t~tlsi rwt�1ion s • PANSY .pprwva1 of his tnevgn plasm l! 1 s bub ieD toothed* end week rad eillarbi ��1de his people 1° lbs end emotion o • Hefts/ Minn .0* 4snthg ma Mith. Aso dee N°b Yrs. aall- end .M haver w ilia wheel armee and Mutases L all d. - W d bredm in thebr esi to bereavement. stoma ted steno week W been meet ._sacs . ..........:. 1- : b •,s.. -�-- .. i -,.w+.w..t,.m.,.,. .. .r• sass__ _ ..,,,' r�'Q>w,ec rS n.:,`r•'^".""J:...._,1M.yl►;..."..-'-.a,��,'f'_.�'':..R - MGIs RETIE CHUTE- arrdasts °d_ - lel ill t Ootts°Wki 14re • Omelet and Celt Dlre�rees. North street MorbodW Werth. Dederick. Rsdhlt Tester d Vibe ratters Sig Pipe QI>tea. !L*ON1. email atria netramests,�I!siam tsarists. Studio be W. McIMNZi igt a creel. Mac from f M a S1tuatiO4oa V&Oaalt. Goss Boo, -On Taeeds,, the 94th alt., Jam* S&obis, eldest d•°gbt r of Rob- ert mad Elisabeth M5Minlaa,rased •way as her peseta' reddenColborne ed' town - of two weeks' ship, atter • severe liber deemeddurables. Though deemed had the most anew .ur.Mc the best medial •ttead.nes sod the Amen wishes of • bone of friends Mr • reooverv..be armed the river, after ed with pahmarked the road to Carietian the fuss •ted lead. The deo.msed lady ws s ex- embettes yand wee al- ways daughter and sister. ways • friend to youth. and to mark ted Mem L whiob she was hold, see thirty papas ethe ppoblie school, with their leather, YBoyd, pithead eilensiy .ad ierfally breath tbs casket osntainisg hes romans to take • last fond look as the well - remembered, kindly tact of their departed tis Mood. The sympathy of neighbors parent' 1a their great trial ws shows by the pithy kindly ofoee pertorteed during °ed Wes Jath Sephlis Ulnae. and the large at - bandeaus at the funeral obargsiw, anthe Brook permit. desire o exprses their sinew, WEST HURON D. MCGILLICUDDY, EDITOR. LIBERALS They Conine at popa'ar dour wttY elle taw who will re- • gni his retirement. Dungannon. What Was Renes Ike Neef/sg-tileetles et freers -L TMrewgt di►tenl- satlN Adopted -A aeries et Resolutions reseed. CARLOW Tuesday, May 31. W ddin* Mlle are rintting. N. lecture rives in tb�ydathe d - day events* saw • large Bring the downpour of rain an boar bion. A11 were delighted with lir. ,lohnstoa. sublet* was » Sootteh Heroes of {b. C'burob and State. sad we trust to be able te hear hint sepia ea 'Ireland" or "Eng- lsad," 1a the sear futon. TUESDAY of this week the annual meeting of the West Haros Reform !w- agon wee held at Dungannon, the pried• dent, O. Mo(iUhouddy esoupvtog the obair. After some preliminary skinalahlog as to whether the oonveution should act on the new rules prepared ay bm esoatin:APD-., mites, • or•deitial committee ms ap- pointed, and the delegates took their photos by munelpalIYes - In addition to the delegable some 150 al- ternates and °abiders were present, and mon' $k latter_fall • sprinkling of Tories. ' After some discussion it was decided that Oa the meeting wits not to he for the °omin- atieo of o•adid•tes, ovary one present should have the privilege -WI 151104 on all Idles RUL Hooter has bees on the sick fist but we hope she will soon be tally re- r stored to health. Jso. MoKse, druggist, 1• boats a o_ m College of Pb•rs0Y, Toronto, re- lieve Gee. 8. Konen in Mr. Deadm•i s stele while he takes a few welldo.erved holidays. Mr. idoBo• is now in • position o *nose la business. EXETER. A number of Arobs,wb/r htub town stelesming rs dud monkeys meet with little en^ounatement day, 1 and passed on. Miss Adolfo Holland returned homy Thurs- day last, from St. Catbartnes, where ohs bis been studying in the Mack Traiaio4 School for nurser. BENMILLER. - erswrv.*... • Tuesday, May Jail• Fstt=Pfneract'e.-The show for frill} of .il kinds •round here is indeed m.g.lfie'nb• Apples promise • heavy yield, sepeSLlly Rtbsbeos, Kine and other slyly .04.11... Tb. late trait, .mob s Baldwin, Spy, eta, will not be s heavy as he phi• ll be aloal rop of two years .go, s' maks pests *berries a ea 1 tytrssi E e sib well, and the trees and Tinea, if w Gaeta appear, will sorry an immense led Se gleddes the hearts of oar fruit sem Cupid, .hat sly.lelh.w. bs bow Ostia* at (looks and drakes with oar yea Ming* of late, for no leas than three mailbags bays been sobmnisd during the past week or two, and if YOU can believe what you bear. there are mere o follow right away. Verily! verily ! oar young folks are right u the swim L the marriage bnatnw, and .Dens o think mo mon shout getting married than your average politioaa dose about entering • protest after an election. They both do it becsaee it is the right thing o do. and .1"o beaus It ie. fashionable. S*iIM Lt.as Worsen Mnu.. a-- �h Tke members d Sheffield Lodge. 8.0.6..big is all she go jooe now, •fetid Diehl* *trvlce L ODteno ee. wool i piling rap at the mill. TM grab o Methodist oburoh oa Sunday meroing. oome there this mason was "Bill' Blake On Tuesday Js. Stevens, of the bass from the 1st eon. with two Immense bundles lime, west ap te Ooderioh to w his sister, of testes of dandy long Lsioeser wool, olsan lin- Mortis. tone L ,ierioasly 111, as the n• end Woo, for wbtoh he got, of coarse, the rsoesby, top price of the market. Old "Jess," bbs salt of . fay snsMtned w.. u to his eyes In business ♦ few days since Him Mabel Harland bad woolen man, D Um misfortune o dislocate her skle, and whoa Ire aim et flannels, ., .nblank on has yarns. eta., hand an is eomp•lld o nate cratokss. 8be suffered seen. s pile for be customers, who maks ib • • cimller ieoldwl Som. time ago. tioe to visit him once • year, s regular- ly the mse.00 go round. GLINTLQN. -IHM. Masts. d 8t. Thomas. and Mies Orme Overb.rry el town, visited Bayfield beet Wedsaday• Several sew tmnestes aro expected shortly 1 w How d B lugs. s a mambos neve evened for Minimills Biddl000mbe and her sister, Miss Porter. left en Monday es • two months' vials es the Old Ooastry. Mien Eva St•vss•eo has kindly loaned a mtWlos t the Hoose of Refuge to aid 1e ths WNW, the Besday sermons c Alex. TE. =toms. s*p SERVANT GIRL WANTED -ONE 1OM 'MOIrRA�uteA Prk se - ,-"'"e_ A N((ooT•s rRD IMMEDIATELY, t. go • gB>fYHA�tJ, lt�.""gb eteest• WANTED - YOUX(+ MEN AND T f er &dee oath If M�tpno� .obit uwdwM}l Red ambltfous and to*trot+ v. mace Is . be Malay. per�Yib WARTED11121%A = kreerstattrreweZAI 1.70 WASTRO---TESOBERS OTKIls V le ewtry� (ve red 4 d � Ns nrtsN [61 *op. Mag'. tgaveyi. al W Ll e....e t '• oa t ss• • re 8,0ma,' There did at Susi oris, N. 8 , ea M•y B41b:-1'thr1tiae. bslowe valla-ot. W 4� �r -.. aged 72 years, and mother lit ,j.p Roes of ills place. • by Na taro. J. A. Str.ith, •oeompanted t ' little son sod daughter, of St. Thome. n. joLed her busted here on Thursday •ad will remain for a few weeks. Mr. Freak Snell, who hu bees roadie, la Ingersoll tor several months, has returned -' home to visit his parents for • time. He does not intend returntog to Ingersoll. The oonoert given in (bidley's Open Hous on 24th of May evening was very e•tufaotory se 100.. who attended..__ this noes" rni m rj41. a batter D yes •ooefd•d 1{. The health o(Iiew fa as bed wends and ointone will do well te ata that lee PubUe Health Act requiring all deetyi.s matter se be removed from Dellen, outballdiags and yards, is duly observed. The 15._ reiolted •-• Tb• •leeHoa of oar Lowy.-Prestdeab, W. PNadfool. Gd•rtob ; 1st Vies. R. Holmes, Chinn ; 2nd Vtoe, Jee. Young. Auburn : 3rd Viol. Moral° Dalton. Kiembrldge : they.-treas., Wm. Coats, Clinton. The imatltctlos, whiob had beau prepared by the executive, was m thorough sys- d las somber temrespects and passed, tem of org•ala•bion laetitatd. The Makatea brought before the moven- Goo the matter of the protest sash (}arrow's mean in West Hums f..r the Legislature, and the ceunter-Detitio° against the Tory candid•', and the Of sotiea wblob *Maki be A oris ot resolutions wets rasa me los': Previanal EndS(dU the Pinard ani �7overunagala Mp,,01msrna f navies& Tolle. M.Oilliou fer".YaM°1 work {� peiidsat's ohm, dariny lilt term of ofSee• The meeting closed with the usual cheers. How a person can gain a pound a day by taking an ounce of Scott's Emulsiom is hard to explain, but it certainly happens,. It seems to start the digeo- titrfe machinery working =lx. Yogi obtain a scouter benefit from your Yrs. John Caetninghe1ie met with s palatal maddens on Wednesday, canned by • orsokd goblet which she was "leaning, breaking in her hand, matting it severely. Margaret MBGutn, from Oderiob, an N- ab of the House of R.tnge sines the Hoose opened. Ind .n emigrant from Ireland. died en Wednesday of last week, M Father West bared the remotes a1 the R. 0. Cemetery a1 G.ereh o. Friday. She wag a g h years. with sen s00% that vigorous anmLb•k- sbla Lssb week • ample of boys appeared be fon the Mayes ea • Marge of wilfully break's, windows in the Public ',Athol. TM, admitted thou guilt, sad were ordered to repair damage dose, and were oleo to pay • fits .f til, it spend three hoofs in the hoak•up. TM Taranto of the boys were in- formed that 1t ws more in the pnblio In- terest that the 8se be not paid, to whloh they gave their mamma. end the boys spent the three hour to the look -up as • punish- ment. LUOKNOW. manly oonn0t 8ueones VL Mawlfa0 ow TAttilid 10- @wivls--The meothie bell bore Iamb week. under the •sepia of the Farmer's laseit»ts of W. Hams, was to point of interest and Mundane. at the ,eesiomo, patbienlarly the menhir os.. meet Rr•tlfying, se then were munition of farmer* with their wives, was mid daughters, citizens of Dungannon 104 Miser parte of the aunty, mom ot the Orem slid two of oar local olergymen, pres- sed- The president presided over the meet - Imo in bbs meal .3olenl weer, and the Secretary who woe present •t both eseelone hin demo creditably. At the ems- LR�eseaies Ito addressee riven by Me dif- ferent speakers Wee dt.rs•td vibe mode. recitations, nand dialogues, whiob were well mesived and applauded. Miss Mary P1101. lied, for her reoltetloD of "The Bishop end the Cow," reoelvd immense syphon*. The misses. 0Ih. Orewfovd and Leila Ai - stun. b bbs Malmo, "woe't you tame to my ts.•pert were duly applauded by the sedans'. The oboir did geed eervlea L making the meeting attractive by gots' appropriate and *sleet penes L• `ra • ir ot• fietend sad p1ossswerthy metmer. 'The oil being predigested, and combined with the h - 0hosphites, makes a food tonic of wonderftd forming power. power. AU physicians know the to to be a fact. An s.uerrN: 01'a' •• SCOTT A sowta, ObeaMs.Tynan Appearanoss now Indicate •pother vire prolitle orop of hay in Ohl. 4t.Ltiot this ear eon. Within a radius of tea miles of Exe• ter there are some as fine fields of clover •s • parson would desire to Will MoClookin hu *soured • situation with the Watton Engine Ca at sad leaves this week for that pimps. MoClmkln Is • clever young mea RRr COI so doubt rapidly be promoted. SEAFORTH Mw Mabel Howell ins beth ill the past week. Mine Id. Welsh, of Stratford. le t00 gar* of Mies (lady. Handsome. Wm 8Wpbensoa. of forest. 1e ASO* his brother, Hugh Stephenson, of this tows. J. 8. Le•bherland; of Sarnia. ws .111.4 home last weak, owing to the serious illness of his mother. Misses Kate Wel adJ M6 Fisher, of Ooderioh, were 'a er the twenty fourth. VARNA- MONDAY, M.y, 30, 1898. AS Hurreuc,L Rau'; -At John Man - sea's rand•nes in Stanley Tp to se histori- interesM al relic of more than psi R these days of beg pipe tame, madame by the tines exploits of piper Findlayeea and others in the recant Eastern Campaign. The relio L question 1s a sett ot bagpipes that were through the Peninsula war •ad were played at the head of • 8sotob regiment at the bat- tle of Waterloo where the piper ws woul- d in beth top aad bad Ie be takes off the field. The above feet is fully authenticated from the tact that the immanence t the pips in the first pleb, denote that they ars of • very old pattern ud show oonsidermhl• wear, and .00ndly In the meaner in whiob they came into the present caner'', tassel from • Som of d oe, havi•g been pure the original piper, named Yolierrigoa or some suoh Goalie name, during Mr. Man - sea's stay lm N. York pore the when t� and his son bed emigre latter followed the business of ehoemakiol, until the time of his death, when getting in straightened obroosestanoss, sold the pipes is the year 1852. The bag of the pipes, th- ing of • perm/lab!• nature. dtsppeard long age, bne the inetnmeol proper Deng pets' workmansde ot some hip, moount•d in sik wood. lverland shows that the instrument has had consider` able wear •round the finger holes. The owner, who a now living on bis Ins farm, is • Renlsl Scabbiest' and In his younger days was no mean performer on the pipes. bases his attachment for the pipes that re- soled him of the land of his birth. Tbs rode• are 00 whew at any time end ;he owner roole not • little proud when visitors ml1 in bo see them. Mr. Manson Is brotber-t.-saw to the late Peterdes in Adamson, whose widow, his Saber, saw Aaron Sutton. Loudon Road, isor ok- thawed from Nsthaiel Corbel► Stephen. the. iwT. land and premises situated on the weer sirs of the Loodoo Ro.d, b•ewoes the properties %!cassis as _< We had a girl l° Exeter named Miry a W hers she grow up .be drvppod- The volunteers in own have oommthod to drill preparatory to going to camp in London on Jou 21.1. A largely signed petition has been seat te C. M. Hays. manger of the G.T.R. ow he. half of U. Bethune in order to retain his am. Hose as agent born. Rev. Rural Dos !lodging went to Laos on Wednesdayto attend the femoral of his thole, reeve of the toiwoohip of Blddulns, who for ph,r ears was and Who died ea Tuesday. ' eg Aadereos d Thos. Halm$- .: :.e hes birth when she mon 'G M gsq and1ewM. shiens .00i•bly she cheesed the "y' to an S "e" and her tams was Ms. About a year ago .he married end now .hs has dropped the final letter and spalls It plain R. E. Jsksos mos with an •ooiden{ the day last week. He and Frank wen onhplaye g Netball, and while obooking Frank ran hut elbow into the former's side, which resultthree ribs being broken. L John booth. of MolUllep, root with • Nen serious and painful •aideol on Thursday forenoon of last weak. Ho was on the top of • large load of hay, driving is out of he barn y•rd.passingWhen passing over • aide bill d the leopine. _As it was going over, Mr. Scott lumped to the other side, expensing o land no hie fest.' Unfortunately. however, his loot ought in the wheel of the 'moos, with the result that the bons of his right leg was fractured about half way between the knee and saki". It 1e • oompoand fnotan, and the broken sod of the boas ed through the skin. making quite • wound. sass ♦ Waster te asbbsk Smatters. CSALOW, Msy 250, 1898. To fun eess5t Ma. Milroy. -Last week our aunt neigh- borhood and Sabbath evening worshippers wets disturbed by the reckless drlotto and insolent conduct of a few ly000uung men. who. Yon though. w 111 known hers. They evidently giog to our y are ignorant of the fent that they .re thrus °R upon themselves the streaa grip of the law rights of every y muis �woolen and hlld nth couture the respected, the blue book denunoietes s strongly on ennoyteg oondoot on the pnblio highways it doss on annoying oouduot is theme house nditprayer ter of enforcingor soy other iublie tf° meeting, very easy when the parties are known. BRUSSELS. Very rapid growth owtaght10_,..._•seeldse sad shower.. lire. 8. Pearson Is whiting her daughter, tare. F. Patton, in Port Huron. Mr.. Mol.an and Miss Ethel, of Look - 111f• visiting Mrs. Js. Fox. County Councillor Hays and Oce. Murray, of Me•torth, were 10 own on Thurd•Y• J. J, sea Mrs. Oilpplo spent • few days in Dr. CavmaRh'e ls{ week. A. E. Treleaven. of Dungannon, spent • few days L Brothels daring the out week, Toreson Watt, of the Ronald Works, has taken • petition with the Whterow firm at Brantford. A trio et Italians eau In own on Wednes- day with harp, violin and fists, de 011,5100 sweet musk*. Mn. tf w .tows hat week New trvenetmin- wing sur, B.C. , .1d actinide bloom. •former mor- Geor``e Wee{, of aid Dakota,rms visit bhfe MAT - shoat 01 Brawls. D•1 week. Mrs. West, who was • Miss herds°, is on the sink list In Resforth. Ls Aeknewtelgmout. CAsus. GST., Nth 100,1898. A. J. Pamlico,. Esu.. M.(.ging Director, Hams Life Ase'k et (anode, Toronto. (lot. Dear 811:-I beg o sek.owledge with very grateful thanks noelpt through year treat, Mr. ID� gin of fell•und rsaPfoli isy lON0i0 bein403'? payment On.ds 1037 to she Hems Life AgesetsMsm et on the 0. et John Corr my 1.s' husband. While under the terms of the pel1oy atuty days were .1bwed fey payment I highly 1ppregatetbe feet that Argue ws issued for settlement of tee o1•tm Immd• lately after sculpt oy the Assooistdoo of proofs of the death d the Neared should d� 8..k..fiefnotary premp0 sin sarv.dly commend the Aesoe odors to pit- e ous ly reliable assiltau eempanyfe inannithe b ma se age Hum Life A•soehMas of (Asada three. my sxperlouoi km proved Itself to be. I sa. air, very gmb•fally yeah, 8.1.s Geta, Bas d0.ry, Owen Bound •0 MOTORMAN O'REILLY CASE. Re wee f'wrad el Diabetes by sods's lila any rune. Dverylhlag else patted. Toronto, May 30- (By Telegraph) With refenooe o be eremitism, with Dodd's Kidney Pills. sad Diabetes, T. H. O'Reilly. Toronto Street Rsilw•y motormen No. 624, writes O'Reilly {.a� the report threesyun II suffered horribly, is *lits of .11 the medi- ators live the least I tri.1. 1 endured the torturot one of them e of maid - logrelief. Ing pains while urinating, and all the ether monies of Diabetes. "Finally I way iodoosd to sive Dodd's Kidney Pilo •and l. The 1 vet better and better first dose did me good with ease eaetwdinv dos.. Three coxes worked a thorough and oomplete sore." The North American Uhemioal Company's works were closet down on Saturday, and on Msud.y • isrg• uumbar of oe 1w 100 wick prspr.riDg tbIU5 tags carrel . putting 1a • new pea. n.t • 1 l M.F fill .-r ;rs 1`;Y. 1" l • P The fin alarm called get tie brined* es Tkurdsy morning, the cams Ming • fin 1 Angus Campbell's. *111 et. The Areenee were mot neos•e.ry, as the laolpteat blares was pat out with • tow pent of miter- Ortr. Old Neem'.. T. C. Rogers, L very low the weak sed his early demise will mot be as an.spsetd event. Until hat Dee- ds/ hhod hnot been eoniasd tobed. how. ever, and has given avidenea et woods/del .1t•ltty. Benham. Ree. of Eimforib. hs resigned the (hp0•l°ey el Rruseals Vellums l.e.. N.: 5, and will be soaemed bya•wee a McTMeaglrt, of Cl1abpt TWIN TORTURERS! Lumbago and Rheumatism made Harmless by Dodd's Kidney Pills. • .Lumbago and Rheumatism souse endless pain and suffering. Every man and woman who runs chances of getting wet, or catching cold, is liable to suffer from one or both. Our hospitals are full of sufferers from these diseases ; none are mon pain- ful. Every nerve is on fire ; every joint is a centre of agony ; every mus cle an area of torture. To move hand or foot makes the victim shriek with stony. Rheumatism' Makes more cripples than all the railroad accidents that ever happened. Twisted, min -shaper caricatures of humanity, who cannot walk without misery, are to be seen every day. The kidneys are to blame. 1f they are healthy you needn't fear Rheumatism or Lumbago. Dodd's Kidney Pills keep the kidneys healthy and cure Rheumatism and Lumbago. Dodd'! Kidney Pills ALWAYS C1fus. rtr r :.� - •.,r _- w. .-�"._ 4 w „ r;t, " _ , A lti0(tM4W(-- -.e nd, frjttlllilr Igawl Of i1►at it tt -, .. ttt(tyrsi sJ