HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-5-19, Page 10TavisDAY, May 11, lags Friday Bargain Day And every day, yow will find our Goods at Bargain Prices. Just now we are making special efforts to make this store the best within your reach in dry goods values. CLOTHING VALUES. Yen's Tweed Suit., regular $10,� 00 for Fine Tweed Pinta for 1 00 DRESS PRINTS. A new range, regular 10c., for ....5c. ORGANDIE MUSLIN'S Regular 15c., for 1Oc. Dress Goods 1)o you want a choioe Drees Pattern in Silk goodRegular 75c. a yard for bloc. ; regulu Drew, Patterns for 75c. HOSIERY. Ladies' Fast Black Seamless How, 3 pain for 25c Fine Imported Hermsdorf Black Hoge, regular 25o., for lbo Children's net Black ..Sea; _ sizes, for. .. , • . tio Mixture Designs. All new g1.'.'5 and $1.00 per yard GLOVES. The latest shades, all sizes, in Nevys, Greens, Reds, Tans and Black Kid (}loves,rsgala11,11.25 for . $ 1 00 A fall line of Silk, 'meta and gloves. — — Tull assortment of Ladies' and Children's Tan and White Hos iery. GENTS' NEEDS. Cashmere Socks, regular 253., for 20c Nioe Underwear, per suit 40c Braces, regular 25c., for 20o se COMING AND 001140.0 0. U. Elliott was to Blyth W•daseday. Mn Ito1►wsil spent fiend., he the Quota Idles Bailey is vleitlai rsladvos to Wood - stook. Fred Sharman reformed from Bayfield ( Friday. J. E. Davis returned from Wiagb•m en Friday. 0. Sesser, P. M. epee% Sunday in Ontario's o•�a. gis.�rr7y Humber, of S.alorth, was to ea 8uad•y. Rashes bell wheeled to the black Ho's ea &today. Dr. Brunt, of Clinton, was in Goderioh oS Monday. Mr. B.ajamtn, .f Montreal. spent Saint.) is Gederlah. Wm McKay, of S•sforth, WJ4 in the oo. tem' Friday. Mn. Rawl' left last week 1.0 vise trice Is is Brumfield. Ger, Carey left yesterday foc hu borne. Lourdes. Oat. Jas. Soon. barrister of Chotoe, sou in tows ea Thursday. l)r. Steebury, of Bayfield. was la Gode. r:eh Wet Thursday. Mis MoNeugbton, of Clinton, we. in town the past week. Ltoeel Parsons spent Sunday with his brother in Stratford. Jas. 1l. Lone paid Uoderioh • alias tr p f our 0,L wheel Seeder. See our special at 10c VEILINGS. Special line, wide, all colors, at lOc -LADIES' UNDERWEAR. A full range of White Underwear up -stain. Night (}owns, Corset Covers, Drawers, Skirts, Chemises, Wrappers, Aprons, etc. Moltand Humber wise to Snit lord th s week, visiting his sista. Barrister M•loomson, of Luokttow, enema Sunday at the old home. Deo. Aohe.oe sou in Blyth yesterday at- Medlar bMedlar a ohnroh n »ting. Gordon Henderson, of 'Loretto, visited his parents here on Soaday. 8. H. Trom•nhauser returned els likinsillay from • visit to Uioneapolts. Wm. V1 mikes L stililmrigeteing pleatedto he able to r , we ars Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Taylor. of Exeter, were in Uoderich yesterday The Huron base Esti Qisb will play the -NO n �t �t/� Varsity a on Wedaesdey ext TRO' BLit TO SHOW- ODOM Ex-neye Jas. Johaetoa, of Rest wawa - flash 'pent Friday la Uoderlo!: s • Me. J.yat, of besterth, visited his bro- ther b Goderich last Monday. F. H. Holmeeted, barrister of :..forth, was la the oo. town o0, Monday. The Latest, the Most Stylish, Messrs. T. G. and H. F Mooers, of King= Millinery and Capes .•.srwaa._::•:�►aMa...+.-r----a7.e anapest Vlttt:cur~ is tawot -...,. otos. ernva0J,P nwa si Monday. CASH IS KING - In this store. We buy for Cash and sell for Cash. These are conditions that aro full of meaning to every shopper, and give us a lead to be the beat store within your reach. SMITH BROS. &c� Mist Joel. McDonnell 1.ft on Friday ea a few weeks' tour of Uoclo Sem. Dominion Englaeer Brough returned from Bayfield se Frtdey, and left for Toro.to oe Satur• da,. tespootor Joo. E. Tom was visiting schools is Ib. southern portion of his distrait this week. The MI0,s Acheson had • 1,,rtbday party up last Tuesday mania, where all presort had • aloe time. Mr. Emerton, of Goderiob. will prebab- SPRAYING TIME CARD.1 Sprtngvelo. (agar H•[envll.). w.da.s. ly take lip kis residence with his sour here. day, May 2616, at 2 P.N. John Holbrook's Now MeErW►.ttsey, after a mowtb'• vkdf b rd Appeleetrea et 1555-t'reyladal dx• i erebsrd. perlawratal epnrtas• ralaNvse is town, left for home, Woodstock ea Tuesday. Mr. aad Mn. C. W. Ellis, of Loudon, ars this week visiting the Indy'. parent, Mn. R. B. Salah. Mrs. Wynn. M".. F. J. T. Nsttol sad Mises K. sad M. Netto) left ow Monday Atobcnlbargl Thursday, flay 19th. at 2 r.N. Kdward Yatton'' orchard. Dutton. Friday, May 201h .1 2 r. It. Job Hodder's erohard. Port Barrel; Saturday, May210, at 2:30 r. N. Freemen Chute's orebar. Tor the proasolloa of hoary hese, spraylag while trees are In lull bloom is prohlbt•d by law. Penalty, $1 to $6. Anyone wiehiag • 16 page bullottn, " L- struKIcas Is Spraying, 060, elite's' a copy free by •pplylag to the Calorie Department et £grioelt.re. Toronto. TOWN AGINIS:--C. J. Harper, 0, F. Emerson, Davison & Co., Johnston Ino'e, Lee & Shephard, J. H. W6reeU, G. W. Thomson, Cattle Bras. The McCready CANADA'S FAVORITE The Businessman's Friend The Tourist's Delight The Ladles' Joy The Raosr s Ideal POPULAR PRICES Model 7 and 11 - - 12 and 14 • 6100'841y Cleric - Common Sense - Huron - - - 865 6601 At the price the cheapest 840 f Wheels in Canada. See that your 1898, mount bears this name plate ; it is a sign of goof quality. Did you ever nothe hoe happy and contented the riders of ": McCready Wheel. are' There must be a reason why. It's _ because they are built on honor, by men who know their busi- - 0,11118, and nothing but the beet of material is used in their construction. W hen you deal with the maken of the Mc . esdy Bicycle once you always tri1L They.know how to ""last you, besides yen get .nerefor the i est -ms sy Huts sup— . No matter what you require la our tine, write ss : we are }'oar dte��oettl. Our twtalogue is ready. It tells you allabout the wheels that are "just a little better than the beat," and it is yours for the asking. THE HENDER ON 811Y1I110., Limited B�YILL MQM81R118 mudc" fit 1 ta EV�E�RGRErENS ruit �A SPEUTALTI-. we Ywil he *eh to ALL memo ma beia .MOesurbeM astios. as otwe bar. tM DIN fad Leadtag VarietiesAmple. Pear. Plea. Merry,sad read Teem. Ake. a Large Steck .t mull watts. Call and .xamlee Stook sad be seevlaoed. Large Stook of Cbotos Spriag Bedding Plante. Nrloe Lls1 mailed ea appttoaY.a. Address JOHN STEWART ESTATE saswu.&D IP. O. WALL PAPER The Beauty of a Home meetly sahaneed by the Paper ea the walls assertive'. Dose. Ask r edeet 1s Met decor- ate unl.m the walyour W b aro bright and clean. We ma Qwper .oar 5000,5. do It well and do it obaply• luok la .0d see oar Kook. All orders promptly attended to GEO. WATSON, - Painter and Paperhanger, -Wei the NOW. • atemwstateset. STURJY BROS. THE GROCERS, ---= -On the Square, - - - Goderich. Keep only the best lines in Groosriss and sell them at a moderate advance on cost. Out stook of Crockery, Coins and Qtawstzt,•Siasdnes is espbo•<iain in quality, and at Lowest Possible Pries. fry' Farm Produce taken in exchange. ST�CTR��" BROS. On the Square—Wast Bids. foe a few week's visit te Toronto and N wan Falls. Geo W Thomson returned ow Friday, from a visit to relatives .ad meads la btnthroy and vleiaity. Messrs. D. McUo.ald and P. Holt wen in Ki.oardis• Thursday aad Friday taking evidesoe u a caw 10 the Huron RIO' Court of J.Kioc. Mn. Jos. D. Lope (nee Dia &Sows) is visiting bor mother, Mn. Robe. Sallow•. Mut be Cleared Oul! READY MADE CLOTHING MY OWN MAK&.-•t All lirwtelase Geo�dde�,, lad wall aaba he sold at reahar'ke dy tow pr*sN to 01 out eon. _ sad all old frteads armed Poplar Row sad Smith's HCI. L. C. Peaks, of Termite, representing the :Elsa Lite Iswraat±!.So. was is tows Fri- day and fl.lurday, paying a ample of me- tered sedowesal pedalos. Kra Grimm, who has beau spiscliag No peat en soatbe 1. New York City, re- turned to her boss 1s Goderieb on 8ater- day Inst. 8be expresso herself as delight - •1 with her .ids FOR PRINTS Also PtimreI sSUPPLIES i7 .v SOME THINK A coo amertemat et Nock Osage tar WON sad Summer west, CAI I U. H. DUNLOP that all Paints are alike. We know they're not, any more than all clothe*. Poor Paint is wrens than uae1eut, as it taken just as much time to put it on as Good Paint, and is never settafeetoty. Don't experiment ; we know you will be satisfied with Th' Paiute the beat we know of, and wove known most &them. If you are 'Aug to sada the nu., Tet us talk it over with you ; son ,au help you. DAVISON & CO., T101 UP-TO-DATE HADDWARX. Everybody is Talking about " DAANTEL018'S TY It - fgabelletozcssind Hasowj Wort-st Teller, 0,W Mask Mastr.wt. OF THE WOODS — AND — OGILVIE'S ssaa tumor.*. ■IL1a. Made from Na 1 Hard Wheat Ss also keeps He bast brands et Octads neer. rMsr will d. wan 1r uspr ee�tt..l baker. wj, I v.o bsw 1. 1MM obs Ilemltab. tsllstoteNber se as to hare a beasti- few at a vesswot. prim Oratec w111 be pr.0,pW sambaed se la PUFF PASTRY, ROLLS or OYSTER PATTIES Wedding tate' wttat Ahead MSS s .pemalts. D. CANTELON. COMPIII,!10111' CL�IRING S�� ! 4 Est. JAMES A. REID. Advertising prices without clear information as to the real Worth is one of the plagues of the Dry Goods business, and you will find merchants using apostrophies over a really valueless quality at a cheap price, that would do for a proclama- tion of martial law.only There is one common sense way of understanding prices, and that's with the goods in hand, the quality stated,and an examination of style and value. This statement applies in the widest sense to Our tress Goods Departmeflt,.. = --- Our Hosiery .and Clove Department, Our Men's Furnishing Department, Our Ready-to-wear Clothing Department, Our Carpet Department, in all grades and qualities, and every Department in the Store. The Prices, Assortment and Qualities are a surprise to all in our COMPULSORY CLEARING SALE. • Remember, we are positively giving tip business, and if you are not satisfied with the Goods 5rou buy here, you can, any time, bring them back and get your money returned, but so far we have not had one disappointed customer. MASS $LOOS, OODBT HO= BQUARK .— Esq. JAMES A. REID. • f MN Nilo - sooners hall e1 .•