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The Signal, 1898-5-19, Page 7
yolFEfill BOAT flESTIOYEIS Are t6 good thing to have in case of war, but better yet aapair ot 'riCe'B OOrn-D9itroyiLg Shoes • 1', .t ) on Call ass any time—war or no war. No corns where Shoes tit the feet. Ldiw' Fu o Droigola Oxfords, Fumed Solea, Patent Leather Tip e Yen's Fine Dongola Lace Boots, McKay Sewed Soles, New Toe $1.25; $1.50 A Large Shipment of American Dressings For Black and Colored Shoes, just arrived : guaranteed not to injure the leather. ST. GEO. PRICE, VW'ect Side of $ghat., Goderich. Custom Work and Repairing. - TO ADVENTI8 Ra. Notice of changes must be left at this Oflioe not later than Saturday noon. The Dopy for changes mast be lett not later than Mon day aeon. Casual Advertisements aooipMd so to noon Wednesday of each irk. 1'fTALK OF THE TOWN. ?!om the Reporter', Notebook [f Terre a ,ate le a' Ter Coati. l role Te lest Ste s ahoy* Resew Te Takla' Seger. an' tat,k soli _ . meows et." --Serres. Talk about the e'.ae-et Manilla, wb7 It wee 14311 stege of Ballow. studio wi.- .w a p tetetgr wags -hie �a�esret-tic• army of beautiful babies were in l/a., Pridham has been `Orloff the results of thi hauls, between the b, d. aad 8paln and the sad le sot yet. Sot his batt,e with badly Si. emsmsad tong prima he. been waged and kis patron, are benefitted by ids vetoer. DINTISTmT.—At the rowed defile' exam Matisse at Toronto University, A. R. Rab ertsoe passed in aaatosy and ob.mietry. Prtr•rr ticrPLy.—Rev, Walter Rigsby, of Hlyth, will occupy the North•st M.th adiat .hroh both aserafiR sad sousing aext Sabbath. Tut Rota CALL. —TMtM►thl roll call sad 000.sasties will be held at Viotole-.t Epworth Lupe next Tns d. evening. eyelessTheyelesswill be led by Mime Hillier. 'fila Cow craze. —The Cemetery Commit- tes has had the C.met.ry feam repaired, ad improvements have bees made that adds' oeasidertaly to the %misty of our city .t the dead. ittr„ttTasT.—Doo'. fail to ase R. B. I Smith's special dl.plsy of ready-to-wear sfllinery. TM wee, window will bold 150 waling bat* and.sllor., ready to wear, l.r 45o. each. A CRAM l To SAys Cost's.—We are reediting all the amounts es our books, and expeot all a.00uets presented to be settled by cask or sear. J. Wit..,, Pre- scription Drag Stora. A GOOD LOAD.— Os Saturday Sdward Wall, of Ask/fold. brought • big load of eat- to tows ata geld than to Wtleoe & Besets. The lead oontaleed 147 bushels ass 15 lbs. and netted the owner over $50. Nei t. — AAt:c,ty, Conatrrrss.—The harbor mom• Witte* met on Monday evening end proceed. led to the dock, Mt.. examining th town pertion, the committee 'agreed to putM four stabbing pats and repair all damaged and worn part•, Veal' SATts,Ai-TORY.—At the adjourned meeting of the Quarterly Board of North -.t Methodist chn•sh held last Friday Spent'''. ' its treasurer's statement showed that the finenelal stain of the ohareb were in a atlrtaotory osedition. ATTIADTD TUB DISTSICT M&ZTtltii —Rev. J. Edge, pastor- of North•et Methodist church, Rev. W. Godwin, pastor .1 Victoria. Ili Methodist oburob. sad Gee. Acheson sad G. M. Fallon, as lay delegate', amended the inertial of the Gederioft District, held ie Blyth Tuesday sad Wdn"day of this week. GODaaics " AyuATIC " CLra.-011 Frl- 4av madag lest • meeting was bald Is the 'Bae Hall Chili rooms for Ns pume of form - 1104 a yaohtiog olab. Tho f llewlag oSo.n !wen . Isobel for 1898: Commodore, Mr. Boyd : Vige-Cemaaspu. Was Marlton t Mr. pnitte., ' Shames`a.dd Heather. - Ora New IM0041n —A1 the meet r' miestinds at the Pharmacy College. Talm- o, four Goderich boys west op Isr the Seal net tis+y all pawed. Chea. Walesa Ines mead la • slags el 1 '.5, avid eh1•ised three medals, the Roberta fled two for eeb- Abraheo Pow aid W. O. Williams with beige, and H. Is. MiLeen as pot • geed peed*, is the pew lett. Was Hasson Poss.—The Pahl"' Weeks mittss did net lis say tiem, is startiae • Improwemtsat at the Herber Park. •a • sieevesiest tied hese w been bout aide the Rewsds, sed • sew read stead on wheee the aid ese steed. we are other hafterassata is em, laeladi g a Haeme 10 theu sad ies gm .re ii tial lbs wUl be nosh mars essysmlemt ler ex- A Cross MA':og.—A abslllrigs sane as It was played as ohs bewlitt tree* Oat- s) Nevem ddee shoes by %Nitre Mime bed sheriff HtyMlda, mod seg resdi wee a ekes melee he beer a the Moms .ky tv. 'them. The �sg were the players. W. C.mphel J. 41.11 A. F.rtew It, Nebo, Jae. A. Sheppard Wm. Lase W. L. allot R. G. Hos.W skip 18 AO 16 A Precut Masson —A Need e..etl.g of the Harr lllteyrs Chis no timid IA the E.B. beeiai OM resew w Iltesdpy erdaisL. the peeeideet is the dale Alter tlhs trdt- ea't1.s SI (hha� sent :gall.e beghay the doletraskaipeglisg el the O. W. �..S,�NIIMfIkb Im trek ars thiH:IMItII''">lilttreald IMF Oat arta dattailea W. ACHESON & SON DRESS GOODS LINENS CARPETS of 75 We offer special lines in the above three departments this week. DRESS GOODS Heavy, Pure Wool Cheviot, 46 inches wide, in all the new shades 2!ues, Greens, Browns and Greys, at 50 cent, a yard, regular cents. CARPETS English Tapestries, 27 inches wide, in new colorings and patterns. Largest stock ever shown in Cloderich at 25c., 30c, and 40c.; regularly worth 30c., 40c. and 50c. LLN,7; -. unanimously12"14-1 11e�- alightly sines to bare one, and ! In Napkins and Ends of Tablin�, A ms�n`tu..-1-14 t4dased•y even*" was obey°•' A strong Damaged or soiled, at exactly half prise. commlift. was appointed to visit the wheel- meet of the town for the purpose of lucre.. - in. the Web will rend the club decided 30th to ACHESON & SON affiliate wits N. C. W.A. The nest meet- s e[ the olab will b. on Monday the W. st. , in the B, BSS. C. rooms. - Tao BANDSMAN WINDOWS __9t Peter's church hes al last assumed • oomph. e'y flai•h.d appearance, the last two trotted windows that remained having bees re- placed last week by bandeame panels of stained slam. Oa* representing Jt. Anthony of Padua and St. Michael the Arcbing.T; wee donated by the ladies et the oongregs- Mon, and the other, the gift of Patrick Navas, MI a representation of the vision of St. Domingo: The windows are the ntoet hasdeome in the ohuroh, sod were made by N. T. Lyon, Toronto. Andral. F'.-rsaio`t.-'Tbe anneal ateat- stes under the ample* of the West Huron Ferrate lasrltots to the Royal city tR- Oulpb will take place on Tuesday, June 21 1898, from all Cr. T. R. stations in Huron and South Broca. There will be • $1 20 oats i.,,_ f o ke•wa.:il tQper9 R'i °1 d Referees. and from Goderieb, � mees- rille, Blyth and Clinton, one dollar will buy the Uoket. Children under 12 will pass at half rate. For further particulars apply to Wm. Bailie, wee., Nil. P. 0. or to Id. Lockhart, *my., Auburn P. U. loommfttee to dbcid, on the program for the day, and to appoint the neoeesary Commit - teem for earring out the arrangements made. Tb. members of the executive present, the Mayor, end Mean. Martin. Pridham, C. A. Nairn, Crant,and W. -'I'. Marney, met and after considering several suggestions ad- journed to meet at 8 g.'u. Wednesday, thepe'grem would Ei decided on, and committees s-pointed.a New Citr-H AT LosnEst:,ttoraH —The Methodist people of Landeeborough have oonainenoid the erection of a mew cherub, and the services in 000neotion with the lay- ing of the-oorner stone will take place next Sunday and Monday, May 22nd and 23rd. Rev. Joseph Edge, pastor of North•.$. Methodist church, will preach at both ser,• se,.,r" . Re r, Win. God- win, of Victoria-st o itch, i1ITiTio'3t /sear' lent at the entertainment to ba held on Mon- ! day evening. The corner stone will be laid by John Neelaads, of Wisgham, at 3 P as., Monday. About all the Methodist preach• en io the Godericb and Wingbaui Districts, as well as a host of laymen, are etpeoted to be present on the 000esion. SruiriDI. Paoert•-ri. -- The warm showers the past week were very opportune and the warm weather following will brio/foe the spring vegetation with a rush. The seeding he. been completed under ex• ceptloaally favorable conditions, and the prospect, of a lig yield all around were eaves better at the same until of year. Oa all hand. we bear farmers express satie- tactioa with the growth of their flocks, this as being teses.oiatit -et kaiser. haif+t Prospects ware arse heightgk' than at present in nearly every line of eg- riout tura. EsrsaTuvira.r.-1 iotorls•.$. Mathodise chnroh was crowded on Friday when H. C. Brewer, of Clip oa, gays a grand arereopti• coo eotereainn eat. The wanes thrown on the cssyats were really rood, partiiialarly those rspreee•tiug Uoderioh. A somber of hymns were thrown on lbs canvas eo that then was no need of books, and many of the views were helped by • reader. The best part of the program was " Curfew Shall Not Rini Tonight," with Mies Rusk reeding the story as the mem were oat on tits mamas. A vote of thanks to Mr. Brewer and God Save the flaws brought the entertainment So a aloes. A TOUR or Iusrac'rioy,—On Tuesday F. H. Motlalggaa, General Superintendent, E. H. Fitzbagb, Losal Superiateodeet, F. W. Mores, Supt. of Motive Power, W. D. Robb, Aerie Supt. of Motive Power, and H. Fer- goeen, General Road Supt., arrived in town by specie I train. The magnates occupied two offioial oars and were on a reenlist tear of inspection, and after viewing the uptown property, inspected that at the hat b r, pay- ing coaaiierable attestiom to the portion where the elevator will he built. The affect of the visit M likely to be alterations at the dock, includingsite miming of the trash all along tie G.R. dock. DOMINION DAY CILIDRATION.—At a fair- ly attended mooting is the Town Hall on Tumidityevening, a start was made on the 1898 orniel's Day celebration. The Meeting was *remised l,y the election of Mayor Tbompene as permanent chairman. Hie Worship having epoxied the meeting, In •aoord•noe with the usual rule appointed oonnoillors, Martin, Pridham. and t tantelon, to repre►est the council on the committee. Messrs. Greet, W. T. Mersey, and C. A. Nairn were then sleeted by the meatier, to for■, with the noueeillare seminatcd, a t (lx TUE HA'ty.—The Goderich Baa Ball Club go to Clinton on the 24te, where they will play the Toronto 'Varsity team. On Wednesday, May 25th, they will play the same team here et the Agricultural Park. Patrons of the items will remember the high class of bill that these two clubs put up here last year when the soore was 3-4 in lame of Coderlob. rave tbe hese a good skeet as their tires same and show them that you appreciate their efforte in bringing the bast amateur olat.e te be had, to play again.$. Mayor Thompeea will toes the 'first ball over the plate at the opening game on May 2503, and is now taking daily prat• ! °tee to get his arm into shape. The home 'team play in Kincardine on the 3rd of June See the ' coos " battery at the Agrloultoral grounds May 25th. H. Malady is back in town and will Dover second bag for the horse team, WATiR AiD Lzr.HT.—'the Water and Light Committee met on Wednesday eves - lag. Present—Chairman Nicholson, Can - teem, Wm. Campbell and the Mayor. Ten- ders for unloading oral were put is by Jas. Hays and Wm. MoSwaia. Moved by Campbell, seconded by Cantelon, that Hays' tender be accepted. (Carried). The followiag tenders for lead pipe were re- ceived : .1. H. Worsell, $5.48 per 100 lb. ; G. N. Davis, $5 85 ; Lee and Shephard, $6.85 ; Cattle Bros., $6 00. Moved by Campbell, seconded by Cantelon, that the tender of J. H. Worrell for lead be accept. d,oarried. Moved by Cantelon, seconded by Campbell, that the clerk be empowered to order the supplies requested by the engineer. (Carried). Moved by Centel/in, impeded by Campbell, that the water bat put in for Mr, Slllott on the same teres as Lewis and Sturdy. (Carried). C ostiteT.—A meows Will hi held In the Temperance Hell, North St,. es the evening of Pride!, May 270, whish promisee to be of • very interesting char Iter. The fol- lowing ladies and tends..es have ooaeentd to take pert : Mins Bea Aoheeoo, Mies Car - tor, of Clint.., Mien Whitney, Mies Pries Mrs. Colin Campbell, Miss Mabel MoKessie Mime Tyle, Mia All.. Sharman, Mise Mil- dred Campbell, Ml.s Millie Godwin, Mr. Jae. Thomsen, Mr. B. D. Grant, Mr. W. W. Stridden ; also the followise wit) amt r are armlets : Mn. R. W. Logue, all.. wait Papertill too late. T1etslieal► INA The choicest lines are being picked out. You can see nothing nicer in the whole of Can- ada, and our prices are as low as possible for new and stylish goods ; they range in price from 4c. per single roll, and are shown with Ceilings, Borders and Friesen to match. We know our business, and can assist you in selecting ---only a pleasure to show such swell papers. PORTER'S BOOKSTORE Court House Square, ©ODERICH Mies Laura Aoheien, Mia McCall, Mia m Capaign., and Mies Mitchell. Others of our local talent are also expeoted to assist. The object of the entertainment le to assist la del/eying the expense, of re -roofing the Tempetanoe hall, which is costing over 9100. As will be seen by the talent, the concert will be ties of the beet it has beau the privi- lere of a Goderioh eadn,00e to hear, and it is hoped there will be a targe turnout on the 000asioo. The date is F, :day, May 27. The admission will tie 20i. ice potters and pro�t&Mmes for further part.cu!ara. Geo. m W. Thomson le fnre%bad ing a i dbi:40. p.vt piano. La none Arrstcfrrrp.—At an --- burned meeting of the Quarterly Ohoia) Board of Nottb•st Methodist church, held Friday evening of last week, the following _married —. " Reel)! red : That we place on record our high appresari :esteem of the saresteem sed seal oontinually manifested t v Rev. Joseph Rdge dodo" hie ministration in North-st Methodist onuroh. The Lord has owned sad biassed his l.l,or. Our church, spirits- , ally and financially, is on a higher basis, sad the membership has increased. Tie Refuel qualities and very practical interest evinced at all times by Mrs. Edge have been most helpful, and our personal regard for both is snob that we deeply regret to saver the association of the past four years. May the Gd ham who bso signally blessed their efforts amongst us go with them to their new field of tabor -"a BAND A+e-tanto:+.—The paid .° may be interested 1n a synopsis of the annual meet. big held fn the Town Hell. bandmaster reported :—Instrument■, 6 altos, 4 tenor., 4Encomia,corsets, 2 basso, 1 Dtlo, 1 611d trombone, 5 clerfemete, 1 pair oymbals, 1 entire d55*, r and 11 duck suite, the last from proses of minstrel show. 1100 are received himthe Town Connell, which guns to pay Bead - meter Frank ynil'b. As he piste in three, and often four nights a week, the money le evidently well earned. The band was pati for servicer during the year shout $140 ; they reoeived personally $115, bat. item ato hand of the Society. No. of mem- bers is bead proper, 21 ; Na. u preparatory alas,, 10 ; 5 bray instruments and 3 clarion - eta have been purchased new during the year at a oast of $140. 12 more duck suite and 24 cape to !sleuth have been ordered, w that a respeetable and even smart appear - anal on gala days is guaranteed. The total value of instruments, music and sults may he put at about $325, the l'abilittes at about $wwag 150. The ale of es Iliad on is $2 for whole day, $1 for half day, 50o. per evening, but $5 an evening for oburob and charitable purposes Special arrangements were muds for a serfs, of service,. Only $32 were oolheted from members of the Association last year. An earnest effort is to be made in the first week of June, by mead, of theoe promenade oonrt, to increase the paid-up membership to 200 and wipe out the debt completely, Out -door playing kill begin regularly in June and continue till cold weather. As (iderich is already the ()mintyt iwn said the cyclist's paradise, and aspires to net a mannfaoturing and distributing centra, and to addition to all thea, a sum- mer resort, surely the citizens will appreoi• at' 'he neeessslt ity of oivstlny and main - fait a geed town band. One thing le oertaia. our days of fake bands are over, and al- though the Bwnofal situation Is somewhat strained, the outlook is decidedly enoonr wine. THE WEEKLY hymnal REPORT r.0 wkest or muss. kr is. tree. Flour. bonny. .•.... 3 e0 t. t 00 t. ppeero.srt........... 300 to 9 00 • . W b 7 110 14 r raf I Oh ft IP ten. Mti ammeired. S aa." 111 1~i it' lT orsit toe14 b 6 o00emea� atoors iii,::. ».._ ••••••••••••••••••• ...... , owl sorter CIIAS. J. IIARPEH f Ire PRACTICAL PLUMBER HOT WATER FITTER Bathe, Closets, Basin', Boilers, Sinks, Hydrants, Sewer Connections, Pipe and Drain Work, PIOPIALY AT P16t1Ofl8 THAT ON area ay mess. CHAS, J. HARPlfSL It's House -Cleaning Time! We have some things you need. May we supply you? CLIMA_Y FURNITURE POLISH Dos's buy from peddlers. No L better—makes old Wafture look like aew. .... .26 CENTS BEATEJIALL STOVEPIPE VAR- NISH Goat the pipes before putting away—presents nut. FitESH GARDEN ANDYLOWIR SEEDS—in packages. Sassafras Blood and Stomach Bitters, A flret-alas Blood Purifier and Spring Tonic. It freshens one up. Take a bottle or two. 50 C W 'T8.. Gillet'■ Lye, Chloride of Lime, Crude Carbolic—all useful disinfectants. W. C. GOODE, Chemist, BEDFORD BLOCK. The Best Spring Medicine and Tonic COMPOUND EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA. LARGE BO - DUNI AT, � m t & Druggist, cf) co �n • PRING REQUIREMENTS >� CLi A l G D DISINFECTING MOTH CAMPHOR. - CRUDE CARBOLIC ACID, CREOLIN, CONCENTRATED LYE, OF LIM& LITTLE'S PEIENYLE, WILSONIS, PRE''CRIPTION DRUG STORE, wba ase you not satisfied. money back DRUGf,S AND CHEMICALS ARS SESDSD NVSST DAT IN THE KITCHEN VANILLA ... For Ice Cream, for instance, and BAKING POW DER For Cakes. One is a Drug, of course, the other a Chemical, and there are still others : • 'SPICES, CREAM tee TARTAR, ETC. •---The best place to buy Drugs is at a Drug Store. The druggist knows more about them than other We m z r P2107 tl7 H� (i) 60,1 rdltis A 2 _z m r7 x FGR ALL $WD5 of Roofing Eavetroughing Dairy Tinware Paints Oils Blue Flame Oil o Stoves x Coal and Wood Stoves and Furnaces a Bicycles J. H. WORSELL --- .. _ .. .1 TSE CHEAP ST0v2 MAN CODERICH Peeress ¶ANTED! — I WILL P.tY— $1 to $2 a. Day for good men to purchase Harvesting Machinery at my Warerooms. As it costs money to ,travel, I propose to give the benefit to the purchaa:rs, and at. thtt eatu.f. t O ave time and month for iioih-pai''ties 'by calgJat m...—.."...-. rooms and examining the Stock. NOXON Seed ills, AMr,, Horse Raker, BindersDr, Disk Harroowews and S i gin • Tooth Cultivators. e • a . " s of every description. ADAMS Wagon, Paris, the favor- ite. avorite. BUCHANAN Hsy forks and • Bt0 .AUGHLIN High Grade Carriages. and Buggies. All Goods Warranted. JOHN 5 NOX, Agent, Opposite Hutton's HeW, (lodmrioh, FUNERAL NOT1:02 A.W.- ORNEL undertaker & Embalmer SUCCESSOR TO A. H. CORNELL �. B.—Out Chargee hare leen Greatly Redneed to order to meet tA, popular demand for Afoderafe Pried lhwera .. Tonsorial Artist. • FRITZELY, TONSORIAL ARTIST, . Hot and cold baths on premises, eea- toeming.sh,mpootag and evert other require- ment carefully attended to sad none but com- petent hands employed, Williams' old stand. Mohean'e new btook, next door to Hritishl5x- ehange Hotel glint SPRAY YOUR FRUIT TREES BSpraying your Spray Pumps and praying Material at the Cheap Hardware - Store. ALL PERSONS contemplating BUILDING this Season - will find it to their advan- tage to purchase from this up-to-date hardware establishment. I am selling Blacksmith's Hard- ware very low. My:motto is to please all persons wanting goods in my line. I intend quality, price, and fair dealing to be my best advertisement R. W. M°KENZIE OF TSi OZZAP HARDWARE 8T02 24 .e.. ...r.r. M• • S