HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-5-19, Page 3.h
18i NEWS Of INE Will
rite. ►LKY LATEST ALL Ttie
,st ,•alas
it. Abed Orr Owe Oer•try,
Orel onions. sets Vatted stets,, sad
AY Peru el In• Olen% Ceedaaeee sad
Asswesd for Bes* lgsraws.
A seriatim apicismio of me,uslee is rag-
ing at Tweed.
Stratford %sill spend $11.000 o. tfi
Public schools this year.
Pelota's Hugh School was badly dam-
aged by fire u. Saturday.
Engineer Baker and Fireman Sm the
were killed on the C.P.R. et Moore Jaw,
Brantford Jegialators are talking of
eatodishing • civic electric lighting
11.11 C. Fitzpatrick las lien re-elect-
ed I.atunnier of tin her of thk dis-
trict of Quebec.
Mr. W. B. Mr)turrich, has* been ap-
punted to Worms the Mien Mere law
at Toronto.
More than a more of Kiondikere felt
through the ice near Crater Lake and
were drowned.
The CO T. R. will construct 250 re-
frigerator cars for tiro general *orrice
of the system. -
Mr. F. Bouresea. ex -M. P.. knew n as
"the father of theCaaidlan House tit
Commons," is dead.
A. F. Mchuagell, brotber of Judge
Ala•Dnrgall, Toronto. attempted to com-
mit suicide at Winnipeg.
Abe G. T. R. has accepted !Montreal's
offer of city lead for the erection of
saw G. T. It. bead offices.
It la possible that the ahipbuilting
yards of tbe Bertram Company ma be
neared from Toronto to Kingston.
-diem hos tines received at Montreal
of the drown " at EingelrONtelet. et-
T.Jf.if Kvaaa,V. P. ft. agent at Liver -
London's City Belteitor holds that the
ower to rias
'woe or c' r pai"hy Te
The report that there is to be •
generat deduction of ral•riea on the
0. T. R. is denied by tbe management
at Montreal,
The bargee Crofton hall, from
Dundee for New York. ie a wrack off
sable island. The crew have been
brdoght to Halifax.
Fire destitute children, whose par-
ents had deserted them, were found in
St . Seevenr. Quebec, Tuesday, halt
dead) from cold and hunger.
Hamilton work,ugenen will ask the
lt•srd at Education to give the teach-
ing of dameatic ar•ience atrial in on•
or two of tbe Public :kbo,I..
Fin bandied loan of coal sank five
feet with Smith * company's dock at
Owen Soared on Saturday. Fifty yards
of C.P.R. track also settled.
Alexander Milley, traffic manager of
the Richelieu • Ontario Navigatiea
Co. at Montreal. has resigned after 50
years of service 1a L. eompeny.
Ina Tomato Hoard of Control baa
decided to recommend the appropria-
tion of $100,000 for the provision of
&.lditional aohool accommodation in the
An Italian named 5unyer aur resp
'esteemed at Nanafmo, H. C. to im-
pris(ttenne Mt. fete lLfe for wounding a
man nano Jams at Belle Cro• tia(
with) inbuilt to murder.
Angelo Oliver. an alleged New York
murderer, traoed to Halifax. has *lad-
ed the autbnrities there aa • result
of a false description telegraphed from
New York.
The Kingston Board of Education has ,
adopted progressive ideas in regard to
cheap school hooka, Each l will
be supplied with an outfit hooka at
• small yearly fee,
Twenty -lour tkomend six hundred
besiege of Quebec potatoes have bean
at1[�Isd iota the United eitates sines
list hhturda . Tbe increased demand
is a result Otho war.
It is reported at Vancouver, B. C.,
that an Anglo-Freuch company in-
tend& W 1,atid a telegraph line from
Vancouven to tlawsnn City. via Ska-
W es7, Dyea and Wrangel.
Wm. Hematock of !inflate was found
dead is hie uncle's tack yard at Ham-
ilton. George Goodale has been arrest-
ed ola a charge of aggravated essault
on ile,netook. An inquest wilt to held.
K C. Gildersleeve end W. Moore, et
Kingston, are organizing • party to
proceed to the Klondike. Already five
young men have signified their will-
ingness to join the gold hunting ex-
A Besieb, Man., correspondent writes
that Hon, J. C. Mickel bad informed
him that the Canadian Pacific Railway
had pturbnaed tbe Great North-West
Central Railway and that that Ilse
wmtirp Its ertrnded nt least twenty
miles gbh year.
Adam Thomson.( late city clerk of
Nanalmo, B.C.. who pleaded guilty at
tbe Anatase to having falsified the city
accounts and stolen $100 of the city's
fund}, has been ssntenred to fifteen
ntont + with bard labor. He lass wife
and child end plashed mercy on their
waa held Tuesday at Bucklaghes t
Palace by Queen t'tetoria. Her Mr
}eaty was accompanied bythe Prince
and Prioress of Wales. tDuke and
Durham of York, Princess Beatrice,
and Princes' Henry of Prussia. There
was a Large attendance
'lune Leiter. the Chicago rain
king. la held reupunaibte for the bread
riot,., in Italy.
Over one buadlred cottages at keen-
dmga Park, Fulton County. N.Y., • poli-
utar eantlner resort, were destroyed by
tire at midnight on Tuesday.
1'b. Arkansas fiver bas left its honks
causing greet loss of lite and damage
to Property in the neighboorbrod of
Little Rook, Ark.
Edouard Remenyi, the Hungarian
vlotintat, dropped dead at (be orpbeum
Theatre, Sea Francisco, while perform-
ing on Saturday.
Bram, the murderer kit Captain Nash,
of the barewentinellerbeit Fuller. Ins
aotttied (be world that be will sc-
oept " the last jury's verdict; tadprtson-
ataent for lite.
Former General Manager Totae.y, of
the New York Centre) Railroad, re-
cently appointed aaaistant tq Presid-
ent Galloway, has retired from active
}e pee, with tea uauai honor Df s pen-
Tbe United State. Senate Commit-
tee on Finance hue decided to increase
the la on nose factored tobacco to
la rents per pound. The War Revenue
bill provided tors baa of oply LYoente
pallet. •
At Washiaeteil oto Taiiiieta�_fedge
Magner signed a dsetee granting
i'ranceu Flodgaoo Burnett, the novelist,
a divorce from Dr. S. M. Burnett. a
well-known realist of that city. She
is permitted to resume her maiden iYAlton was educated at a prince
name of Bedews. school at Blackrock. Ireland. and a
Tbe Board of Railroad Cummiesio.en school in Dublin. When quite young
of New York Stet. issued an order ex- be emigrated to (ear ac and attended
the Rarrie Grammar school. Having
erupting the railroads from the law completed hie education be began to
compelling them to equip ten per cent. study law. and was called to the her
of the freight cars each year with con- of Upper ('arida in 1859. He went in-
tlnuone power of air brakes for theto partnership with his father and the
year* 1917 seal 1108, late Were Boulton. Q C. Quickly he
'OUKICAL, •• -..•_ aospitzei„l..leems practice, and by his
Austria_hasdecided not to suspend brilliance took a highrises asteengi�.3hathisnat eturare' insurance Company„ inhere is s powerful and generous
the cora duties. other members of the bar. J. -les Burner •. Bennett, Wad)ithelles "'•,�' emeot,'-'taeyaler. Sham
Fourteen hundred fishermen were wan appointed a Queen's Counsellor. l!Pread Prunk,-and Johnson v. Petrolia ,, language bred of our racy,
�sr iialwnod off ja nese coast. � and was also wade a leacher of the Law He will bo greatly mivaee by the term %ar,ng Tnfereyta tdentiral wltlasrs; 1:
'pa •-,--- .:[ldii 4L tarso end a member of who looked upon biro a, a clever new- would go so far as to ray that, terrible
1Rawia and Japan
a n have • tet�3 nor tem .xt uiivi`i•BtCEMT'Ot`thw as war uiay,lio,, even war itself would
to interfere with independent Corea. Bar' Aseoeiatioo. In 1870 he removed Deoewd'Wed Dre-itldL•ar or''tbr-M.--- M fid_
floodlit will not allow foreigners to from Barrie to Toronto and establish- Cartby Lague. past president of tbe n,.ble cause the Stars and Stripes an
tend at 'Port Artbar or-Ta-t.isu-Was ed the legal firm of which he is now Canadian branch of the Imperial Fad- the I. ni, o Jac* should wave together
eitbent ramparts. i • a metnher- 6ratioe League, and was alio a men- over an Anglo."aiuii alliance." (Pro -
It is reported that rioters have Oulu- ft. was in 1872 that Mr. McCeram baro(the coltn0h (tithe British Empire longed cheers.) it. is one of the most,
ed the Apemen. eCemaatate at Shashi, made his first attempt to get into League. He wesptwident of the Coun- aatia(a .tory results of lord Salisbury's
lin-Pei province. Chins. Parliament. He was a candidate inttre and Hatt Club, Toronto, and wan pr,licy that al the prr.rnt time these
Blurt).Silncoe but was defeated. To edreoa oesdingil-.iet. horses. A►'ben he teen great nations understand each oth-
protested against tbe unfriendly atti- 1876. however, be was successful in a had the time be always attended the er Letter than they have ever dr'ne.
tude of the German Drew, towards AsaLuring - bye -election in Cardwell. his insets of the club. Mr. McCarthyw since over a century ago. they were
erica- firnt aeaeion in the House of Commons also aprominent member of the Royal separated t,p the blunder of a British
be distinguished himself in the de- Canadian Yacht Club. Socially Mr. Mo- Government, !
baths. and was hatted as the corning earthy was a prominent figure. In re -
OydThe Ooeaaie Co..'steerner 5toanr. lett nsy. NS.W., for San Francisco 0n n
man in the Conservative party. Out- II ios belief .Mr. McCarthy was au An -1
Wednesday with a gold shipment of side of Parliament be did much for' gRem. Mr. Chamberlain proceeded to draw a
610000 sovereigns. the Coneervativea. He undertook the Mr. McCarthy was married o. Otto- gloomy l.icture of the attention in
The Queen of Belgium, who ,s a work of reorganization for the party. her 21. 1817, to Emma Catherine. daogh- China. "where we have to uount with
daughter of the lets Archduke Joseph rind was made chairmen of the lir'teen- ter of :tie late Edmund Tall Of Bar- Haeme. as in Afghan, e.cept that ie
of Austria. while driving near Brussels . titre Committee of the Liberal -Con- rte. His first wife did in 1870. and on do not peseta an army of a defensive
os Saturday. was meet in a lake, but asrvative Union of Ontario. Mr. Mc- July 15, 1878, he married Agnes Elim- freetier in China. and cannot therefore
reecued uninjured. Certl yl had legal offered a Celenet beth, widow of the late R. B. Bernard, injure Russia. without ao ally. 'the
position. but refused. He also declin- who aurrlves him. He leaver also two fats of the whole Chinese Empire Min-
ed an appointment to the Bench. children, Mr. D'Alton Lally McCarthy. volved, and our iutereats areso snot-
BROKF. FROH THE PARTY. and Mrs. James ince, and two step- moos that no more vital question wsa
In consequence o[ the position taken children, Mrs. Poplar, of Barrie, and ever presented for decision to the Brit-
-_ by the party ceon the Mercier Jesuitsken Mrs. F'itz0ibbon- Dr. McCarthy, of iahnution and a British l:ovewment,
Estates Act Mr. McCarthyin 1889, Barrie, and his Honour Thomas An- Unleae the fate of Chins is to be de -
TERRIBLE FiRE AT THE ST. HMA- tJariny Maitland McCarthy, county ' tided without England's yore,, we must
broke from the Conservative" party.
CINTHE HOSPITAL.From this time he had assumed six in- eeee s. of I?ufferin, are brothers of de- not reject the ides of an alliance eel
dependent attitude. Be became the oOMgd three lowers whose interests are eimi-
leader of the "Equal Rlghts" movement ; lar to ours."
and nn the hustings during the pole- IS POSTPONED.
itical campaigns tbat followed Mr. Mc -1
Cartby opposed the proposition to re- , -
estabLish in Manitoba the SspersteUreal states nut ♦.1 Leave Tesape ret
school. that had been aboliebed by an: Iwbrtr•
act. of the Manitoba testate ture. The � A deapatob from Tampa, says : -.O
downfall of the Conservative adminir Thursday night readiness and anticipa-
trativa. which had been is power since
1878 as the exponents of the National lion, were the dominant features of
Policy has been attributed to the at- Damp. Tampa's streets, o• late peopled
thuds assumed by leader. of the party by breve and pleasure -loving soldiers,
on the Menitobe school question. and were those of $ deserted city. Man
wan in fat due to the agitation ini-
tiated and maintained by, Mr. McCar- wore rigorouslytvoufined in the camp
thy. Ever since his memorable speech and were given orders to instantly cone
delivered to hie constituents at Stayn- pieta their finishing tenches. Kits
er in 1884. Mr. McCarthy has occupied
s aide bear h in the Houtlle of Commons,
the meaning of which wan. that he had
cut adrift from the ties of party, leav-
lag bimself free to act independently,
.Dnrind the later yeah of Conserva-
tive government et Ottawa. deceased
disagreed with the policy of the party
on the trade question. apposing the
continuance of the National Polley up-
on the ground that it bad fostered is-
dustries at the slipcase of the con -
samara. Hs was also an advocate of
preferential trade with Great Britain.
.-It" the list genenti__.is.-tiw.__,Mr.
McCarthy was reelected 1* his old nos-
atitueney of North Simms, Width -he
had represented since 1878, and also
in Brandon. Mao., where tib was the
candidate of the party which was an -
D'A1Rt.o lMtt'erthy was born near
Dublin, Ireland, Ott. 10. 1836, and eases'
of an old Irish family, Fila father Wen
a iiitbliu Nolicitot and his grandfather
was Bucknell Henry MoCartby. a well-
khowu member of the Irish bar.
other case in which the public were
greatly interested w,,s that of Mrs.
Fisher v., The Georgian Bay Steamship
Compariy. It ooeatsnoed its 11181. rad world. teferrin,g to the twiicy of
arose over the logs of the steamer
Wartime() in Georgian Bay.
There were strict i,oletlua that England ti pure
several stilts, all of which binged on sued since the Crimean war. he remark -
the result of this one. The plaintiff ed that this had lien "perfectly justi-
tried to prove that the company was' (fable," but, di -added, "the time hue,
res mails for the tags of lite. arrived when Great Britain may be
McCarthy was for the defence. Atter Y
two lengthy trials the juries disagreed
confronted by a. combination of tow -
and the cases were dropped.For years era and our (self duty, tb,rajore. is '
Mr. McCarthy had been before the draw aft pparts 01 tbg Empiretato enure
Privy Council and had figured in the unity, end our nett to maintain the
following came recently in England: 1.On.is of unity with our kinsmen actors
Delap v. Charlebols, Johnston v. Con-
oo- the Atlantic." (Loud theses p
semen' Gas Comi•iny, Anketell v, I ANGLO-(AXON ALLIANCE.
ray Lsdrr.trad tiara eller areal artieli
NW Ile l.sleast,.* NJ a /erblaatlea of
Power. al .le, lire.
A despatch from Looduu. „axe: -'rhe
Hight Hon. Joseph t'bapnlerlalb, Sem
rotary of Stats for tea Colonies, wade
SS important speech on p'4bti % affairs
eb Birminghiut on Friday evening.
Mr. Chamberlain. alter deprecating the
tortetent aaerrtIone in certain quarters
that Lord Salisbury was "discredited,"
a44 the Government "weak and %mil-
iating" said --"if foreign nations be-
lieve and act epos those atetewenta,
they will find themselves much mistak-
en. kind that oourteoua diplomacy and
graostui conceewiune are uut incompati-
ble with a firm maintenance of the
country's honour and interests.
S'i'A'fb' MENi Ub' FA.CTS.
Then declaring that he intended to
llmiha "a plain ,.tat,eweut of facts un-
lettered by the mysteries red ,-et kenn-
ing' of the diplomacy of half a century
ago. which, without revealing serest
negutiatiuns. should be uUde raluod."
Mr. ('hambar(ain said he wuul.t accept,
the �adgnteat of the people an wtlliugly
as that of the wisest diplou,at int in the
thilinmsh Mtwe s Mate sad stere-10elso
•.r/N tilerkadltts sios•bres.
A despateh from Key West. w►ya.-
Mattera leave- been ordinarily, brisk
during -Gm last tweet y -four bier' in -
aide the lines, of the Bevans blockading
Saturday *Bermes the gunboat Oa -
mole and torpedo boat Emmet* had a
lively akirmisb betweco Cojiniar and
Havana "with the :Manch euldiere on
Cameral 111 taro no Meijer fears that
Moana will he attacked from the era portent legislation of enure then local
Admiral Hammett and his big battle- oharaeter to come down this session.
ships and formidable monitors no loug- The infere+ger from lbie to that no new
Yukon railway pulley will be pith
pounded thte session. '
The Bunk, and Commerce Cum
The great Week coal stilts will be
witted this week la a eepspromise OT a
complete victory tor lbs
Board el Trade returns for
Advil, � aa
an itcrae in imparts of
$2.14 $11 31. to a doorman in exports
British and interfaith papers. faseiml-
ing The Haw York this w•isaty sue
dorm 'the propesed Anglo-lta7iae
anoe. Praees and Puma moult 1R
uniteg to the
war. the at;Vatted Jesn Baptist* da.is117 01
W ntrest.r. Meas., has deetded sot to
ealehrate tThe ie hitch of Jape tM. year.
Leigdly. ti[ Wuilllllt b asaal%tai�saalt Ito
ninthiwkOlin et Ilnalaisaira'�f ti Toga.
P ter welt 'to
Ilan, a ted Shipowner.
Lieut. P.aaolt. af[ Sr 01111011111111 Attu.
tory, at 11 a �tl l
T• dgted. l> lib 3itnrn !.
The i bird drswlty-rsoget tills sawed
The American students of Halle have
Moe lases Vlrl. %early Tknrea Tbrlr
lbevlate lemma ire heed -Met■ or
lbe rice Gebotea.
A despatch from. 5t Hyacinthe, Que.,
say -A terrible calamity hes befall-
en the alt Hyacintbe hospital -the loss
of eight or tan lives.
Monday morning about one o'clock
Chief Cbenette net physicians here
were informed that Metairie, se the
hospital term building across the riv-
er is Called, WAS on fit*. Permission
had to be secured beiforo the e.gise
oould 1,e takes outside the city lim-
its. When the firemen arrived on the
&Dene. (0. atsi■ building was ,bowed,
and they set to works to save the out-
in ihte meantime moat of the .100
minium in the building had mode, tbeir
exit, tett aearoh was made as thorough-
ly as pnssii,le, lest some should have
been unable to eosin
As emu as then was light enough
td see. people set to work to search the
ruins. Among the bodies foume--ass
tUe'ensia+ ort two boys of St. Pie,
passed Beaucisemi.i aged 10 and 18.
Men: people had to jufrlp fried the
third and fourth storeys, and all es-
caped with but alight injuries except
Dr. Chagnn's wile, who died a few
minutes atter jumping from the third
storey. Ur, Cbagnen helmet! is In Fell
lifter, Mass,, when be has been prac-
tising for several years.
Three young girl?' who were nearly
through with their novitiate, and
would some have been nuns, perished.
There ere alert tour pereena still irtisr
Ing. and Although they rimy have es-
eeped from the burning building and
sought refuge in seams house. it 1s fear-
ed that they, too, bees' lost their lives.
The origin of the fire istlfatnown, le
may have started in the chapel. M-bere
tempo were Mtrnaeg all the timers. it
may have been set by some scan -oil
The building war valued at 1ft0.016,
but was pmt immured.
The Milnes of thew who perished
are: -
Two lesucbesein toys.
Elston Alesaedrisa. Phllnmesa, and
Des Ag..s.
Mrs. Guertin- bnsrder,
Mrs.•Dr. Chesson. e,f Fell River,
The anew of the miming ones arse, -
Melia llillotte. &arrant.
Nottette Kos.ieer, servast.
Mrs, bertbfaates hoarder.
Mister. 8osuisr &id ince.
-Brtd. -tient a tw4erraes (rant papa
Bridegroom. eagerly -What does he
Vatted M1ate. 4a10wr111e+ praline Taal
Tart' Marr Their Work teal bat Per
A despatch from Washington says: -
Havana's capture will he no Mummer
holiday excursion. The autbort! ies
here know that during the must year
military supplies of all kinds have been
sent to ('ut.a in large quantities. A
great number of Krupp and Arm -
were strapped. and the highest v°Aret of strewn gun. have been purchased by
expectation reached. But Frid4 morn -the Madrid Government and sent to
Ing alt hopes of an immediate move I Cela with large quantities of projec-
were shadowed by the report that. el tiles and smokeless powder. Most of
Ebasisb fleet was epproachitg. Martial -1 the new 11112t.•, sent to Cuts have been
que. rad intine.ting that the invasionmounted at Havana and immediate
of Cute was again postponed. Hers, I neighborhood of that city. New bat -
then. it stems that the army must wait tares grave been erected commasding
until tea pbanttan-like Spanish fleet flee approaches tram the sea, .0d wbils
has been dealt with.' This ti the gamut -1 only very indeGnii(g information eon
kir belief. but Tampa is the borne of I be obtained as to what has traaiplren
many rumours, the mart ridiculous be -
Mg that we ire threatened with t.um-
tiardrnent. JLTtbot}gb for a moment
delayed. there has been no withdrawal
of previous orders. and all that is re-
quired in inetrsetions to proceed south-
ward. At pr.aeat nine transports, with
their burdens of ammunition are afloat.
at the' city add at Port Tampa, to
tagenietic of the re-establishment of which twelve cNhers ars tie route.
Separate school.. Mr. McCarthy chows --
to represent his ofd eoastitrents. and
resigned the seat fbr• Brandon. Dur- CAUGHT BETWEEN COUPLERS.
Ing the present aessien of the House
of C ommona he jfa01 been absent moat Thr mead .1 a *admen. Pablo kewaMy.
of the time. l l entree requiring his t.5, s „�.
presence is Greet Britain, and quite re
oently he appeared beton the Privy A despatch from Perth. (lent., nays:
Council for the defendants in tbe ape -A terrible accident happened at the
peal of J.1'. Johnston against the judg- Comedian Pacifie Rahway Company's upon Cuba with a sufficient force to
melt of tbe Court of Apgieel in theshops here on Friday afternoon, in , ,sake Lint eatnpaign short and derisive,
ease agt►iast the Ctt
onsmen' Gas Co. Little relime w
eill he placed no the
BRILLIANT LIsGA1. CAREER. ! whleh Mr. Philip Kennedy Inst 8ls lite. Cubes iasurgenta, The deicer. of the
During the last year ski. McCarthy Kennedy' who' bad completed Itis part • navy as a rule have not thought very
had been unusually busy with his le- of the work on a car. was talking to highly of the army of General Gomez.
gat work. The present firm of Mo- companions engaged in adjusting the Thai think .till Les• of 11 since the (111.
earthy, Osier, Ho.kpp & Ctmlman was ooaplings t0 the almnst finished ear, um of the Garde expadltloe.
establiebed is 017. Mt. McCarthy was Another box tar, almost completed,
a tneraber, and two years later moor-! wan eight fest distant oo the came
WI te, Toronto, )14. Meelwthy's first track. and rlsrwaed'a heed was in aline
great legal case was tbot of. &Mars with the (implore when. without the
r. Canada (antral Raileay Compasy slightest ei arsaeg. the aleuntfng engine
He mewed a verdict for (Lein*ter Mae- struck the train of cars. sending the
taros of 1100,000 for bluing til Imo- two together with great force. T'he
her yards baftied by a apark from a 0ottplerw mgeht Kennedy's
Caned. Central Iraise. He ooadurted
another rase for Senator )f•cherta, is
which the latter claimed the right to
the exclusive right to drive Mg. la"
the Misdadppi river, Tbe Privy Coul-
ontoil, hewsysr, held that itwas a put*
lie etreatm, and the deeislote of the Her
prase Court of 0*aads war rennet'.
Is 1804 Mr. McCarthy appeared '»-
teff the Privy Cosertl os '.half of
the Provisos of )t*aitoba, ehieb stet-
ted the wasters brooder, of Osterie„
Te the Immo your be watt' part is the
mos ef, germ v. at. Catriovises mu -
fait add Unbar stain oaff, wbbk *dr
:bride. ' 7`- 11-"iiadias tit.
red' -ilio sat mime mese w+.. -....+.. "^t'aoa"ro. ass• as+r laslas taw -
yl will Ire tolgl•eies
in the bound since the declarator of
war, it is ,believed that considerable
work has born done in strengthening
the defences of the land approaches
to Havana. 'Iteporta that General
Blanco is short of ammunition are not
creditedbete„ especially by the Navy
Department. Ile has shown a Myren-
tion to use his powder and shot against'
American ves.ets,�,rf all descriptions,
which seems to Indicate that his sup-
ply is not running short. That. Hav-
en,. can be taken by a combined land
and sen •tinct, no one here doubts.
butthere is nn disposition to under-
rate the teak that the army and nary
will have on their hands. Prepara-
tions will he matte aerordingty. and
es soon as the Spanish fleet has been
demised of an advance sill he made
In Persia. sown the aristocracy, •
visitor muds a notice an hoar or two
before calling, and gives a day's notice
if the visit L one of greet Importance.
smashing it to a jelly. Several other 0e 1a tn.t U ..roasts bw1txe 116 rwacb-
meinses narrow' .soaped with their esthe boas*, and other enasfdaratloos
lives. Deceased wee a widow and
A Haemostat meonfaet.r.r bas es-
souned his federation of sending both•
Paris Reposition la 1810 a piano torte
of seep eteeptloltal sonority that its
haat will hegs7raea[adr�at a ddlbstateme of
mix miles.ent
1e prolapse. migo Ytati Sl rpt *tee wait&
are ebown him. &emptier to Ida rank.
Foreman kit Torrent Bogies Company{
of Podutk, gasitsg at the smoking ruins
but speaking nbeerfally.-Well, bays,
we saved the them!
Rerrdar--e s abs. esti. f
Boa Mist Mist rem- Doti enter at it,
fir. taeleMsws. 4'i have rose know, alt.
-.- that this hash is madallf very eapea-
.,.......,. adtitmss,
Notes of Prooeedtngs in the Canadian
House of Commons.
die Wilfrid Laurier aatoaneart that
flee Government intended to bring in
a 'bill bstupe the 'close of the setssiun
dealing with the organisation el the
Yuhu..territory. It would not be w
eoletpletu mtwture, he said, beoadas thin
Government' did 'igtit yet poems* WI
iefot•ntatioo se to the regoireruintetsd
the a,untry, Out it would be legisla-
tion dealing with oo*ditlos so tar se
Mitten. This, he Weld, wan all the Mir
er haunt him: they b..ve disappeared
Blithe) known not where ,bey have
gone, but any aplepeta nsion he might
Mice entertai ,d went nab thew.
.East of Morro, unit halt -way up the
elope that" r�(I t) the old den Ibs11u
fort, is a naw'-bstieyrbeatdtlp qp .
apprise* aloeg the stress-launa_lht-
1' mit-
tee agreed to. tba ineorporatiue at tea.
Suhsidiarf High Court of the Anoi-
ent(lYder of Forestry. fur t purpose
Vi kit _ seseeament eminence bee-
.Tbey,did Nu un the understanding ----
tion of Matenass. This battery is t that the F'ureat.rra will provide s r. -
Wit being completed. Tu -slay 1 could eerve fund .n regard to new turinese
see soldiers throwing up big sand em- i that will le eltirtuctury to tete lu-
bankrnents to protect the guns. it con- suranoe Department.
tetrias tour 10 -inch rifles. two of which The Sons of England also applied
s#!% mounted in barhette. for incorporation tux the Mme purptbo, .
These preparatiune allow (Lief Bianco but dertirled 10 accept the condition
Me not limn sleeping. The Nen de- inquiring there to eeUiblsst a reserve.
fenese of Havana are Inc.w"tie strong
as they were it month ago. Lately;
however, Blanco huh tn•gun I e (env an
attack by land. For thia he is not so
well prepared, but be iwldiesrs are
making extraordinary eftorw •to
strengthen the lane/ deteucea.
Kmcapa'r proemial defence from as-
sault. sly teed is a troche, which ex- 88r Louis Devise rated that further
Waite -arse t -torr -.al au.,gyerag4..' astioa.inthe emit 4(_Mesa-
oe, o1
now of te-lienee-Fast of Havana fiUo Tii•V iamili" "clad" iohios--
this troche terminates al •r'IJtmar. fiesta -wale -seised some -two sr thele
wlwre there is a battery rweep,ug the !urge ago for infrecties of the fishing
Om we like other Mime had been deterred. wading the
trochaa. olt y mor N ro ,T - to the -Pricy
sista of a series of stone forts: with Council es to w .et . r
barbed wire harriers atrium betweea'the inlaed fiaberiea u vested in the
en4' protected -by. rifle -.tits mod earth_-__, f_aoaain►ua or the previ w:ea
works . - [J31tl PRINTED AY-M'fTAWA.. -- --
BL.tNCO GE'i"C1!etU'R,RAm. ',hs k'ratlotise bill els amended in
For two weeks.kttakee has* het thou- •n important particular. At the in -
bind o1 iOldiers writhing to strengthen ,tare ,i[ the Gowrtanraut amendments
these ligesu( detenee. He bus been Were inserted to provide tor the print -
constructing an inner line of redoubts tag of tete voters' liege for the whole
and intreucbmeuts. 7 his wilt be cum- Dutntniuo by the tlueeu'a printer at Ont-
pleted within two weeks- ;taw u. Within tan day' atter the Iinit
llieaco bee evudeatty expected an revision of the voters lista they must
A uuerkan army land in Cb►e' b• 0111 o the Clerk of the Crown in
thin, judging frtou, hie preIsrationsubefor, Chan►^eryt, who will forward there to
For the Mat week be his ileen moving the Queen's printer. 'Ibis will take
large bodies of troupe an field art- :place every year atter the annual ties-
Uteri- from Havana to the outer line t shin. Any officer having charge of a
of defence. The movement of there Provipsofrl list who hila to comply
troops hail been plaistly discernible from !with the law is made liable t4 a fine
the gunboats. which patrol cio,e le- , ragging from 1100 to 'LOW. The bill
shore. For convenieuce, and probably wen finally put through committee.
in tieu of better roses. thouaa.nda ti► SALARIES OF COUNTY JUDGES.
$l.aniab soldiers march along the The Government propose to intro -
beach. They keep • sharp lookout' Tor dune a hill providing tbat after July
gunboats and genee'alfy retire into the tt, 1890, the salaries of the county
woods when one appears. t judges end Junior judges es of Ontarita
THE BRUSH WITH HE EN1seMY. !other than the judge o' Yurk ehail be
(sometimes they shoe their teeth in $'"000 for the first three years, and
a funny- way. Captain Purcell of the alter that 112,400 per annum. Facts
Osceola olrNerved a body of about five judge of a district court in Ontario
hundred Spanish infantry and cavalry shell be paid $500 a year for travel -
marching eastward along. the Leech, ung allowance.
about tour miles west of Cujimer. Clip- NEW RATE OF PAPEiR&
lain Purcell signalled the torpedo boat Mr. Mnlock now froposes that only,
weekly Tapers pub,lurbed within the
ten -mile sone shall enjoy exemption
from the are' rate of belt a cent per
pound, fa moving the second resting
of his bill to amend the Post -Office Act,
Mr. Mulock said the reduction of the
domestic letter rate from three to two
yenta per ounce, would mean a lone of
but they rerried their Bill-
The Senate threw out the I;niuu 1.L -
big Lill. By a vote of Se to 15 it past -
posed eu.siders iiun eine die, thee die
posing of the ni..au.re for this &maim.
Frierson and the`teo ato'xl inshore at
full speed. The Ericsson had opiy three
small gunsand the Osceola, being one
of the mosquito fleet. leant* of one $-
pounder forward and a Catling aft.
They did not look very formida'Ie to
the Spaniards., who drew. up un the
beach and waited. Whegn within one
t homeland yards hot h bonne opened a it h
shrapnel. Tb. first few ebells flew
wide, and the Spaniards defiantly re-
plied with rifle volleys. Bullets splash-
ed like bail shoot the 'onto, but did
:ao damage.
After a lee shots our gunners got
1660,000 a year it tiers was ao ia-
crease to the number of ashat a
re,lu;lion of reeve invariably resulted
LS an fncrsise of coma: indene, oft-
en to awl] en extent as to make good
the deficiency. Alw,ut sixteen and a
the range. In rapid enccrseion lb. bait cantina Pounds of newspapers were
ebells burst among the Spetaiarda. wbolArried last year, sad fire million
promptly broke ranks and took to the ; jksuri4, of letters. The country
woods. The Spauiurds are known to • was peeing nearly five millinn+ for
have font half a dozen men billed and • a eervlee the baulk of which consent -
wounded. It wail • brisk little stir- ' rid of the free carnage of 173.000.0N1
miah while It Tined. • - . 1 new'p per. the leters sumbertng nn.'y
Saturday morninpgg bodies of troop) 113.010.0:11 The reimf.ostttonof a -past-
could bet oecaaloniilly seen (marching age cif urge -half a cent a giound on news -
emit ward
ewteastward between Havana and Cojimat, pipers would amount to about $81.1110,
but they kept well nosier cover. The ' The total ecemption. made on account
Osceola steamed slowly along within ' of the ten -mile znns would. hnwever,
eight hundred yardsof the beach with involve a reduction of 117.(110. Since the
a chip ore her shoulder, but lbs esemy Introduction of the bill it had been rep -
appeared to hove tost *bele tsetfsation muted to him that it would be wise
to fight gunboats., to limit the exemptions eontetnpinteet
'11. rainy season has begun in Cube. 'hy the hill to newspapers published
Tbe last three days heavy raise have weekly. That. meant that daily news -
fallen in the interior. and big Meek papers would not enjoy exemption is
clouds continually bang over the is- the.tan•tniie sone. He anticip.atedthat
land, ret the end of the present fiscal year
the existing deficit in the Pest-ottirs
T� iertment would be redeemed to DIM -
6(10. and that by the 1st January next
the department would be aelt-eastaio-
ing. irrespective altogether of the re-
venue to he derived from the reimport -
don of the postage on newspapers.
Tees te.eeehle ■ 1.1111f aaIuu,I wik*
t aew. Tltelr 8e'.lb. he 11r laser,.
it. to ins incredible that '-.n srn.11 and
hprmiew •,n nnimat as a art"mr.' is able
to frighten an elephant almost out eel
bis wnsoi One little moue. in the
hay on %%hi -h they -ire (darling will
stampede an entire herd. In their na-
tive land there are little ani,nale.
known as chncasru, which teed on s
small, sour berry of which elepbs.nta
are very fond. Tbey live in *etlle-
meats, something atter the raanneii of
prairie dnga. nailer tbe berry hnshee.
Whes feeding, the elephants trample
the Little towns, and the chacanas. in
their fright, run np the tubes of the
elepbsst+' trunks. Their Lang. sharp
claws catch in the flesh end t bey rein -
sot he ejected. The more •inleetly the
monster blows tbr.ugh its coiled trunk
the more firmly the honked claws of
the little animal beams imbedded io
the flesh. t.tlasemation snit death
are the reaalt. In e.pllvity the ele-
ph'a.ta think they net n deagsrof the
deadly ehacauas whom they w a
nAaW .
Mime of the !teateel amore imported
ham Oermaay to the llaktd Htataa
AM sonde of hefts*s.
tee. realer*.
Welt -Meana Tels$,spl1 Operator Killed we
105 t.. T. R, at er•tereed.
A despatch from Brantford, says: -
John (byte, sten M William Doyle.
sbnewskrr. South Market street. rad
a well-known telegraph operator. was
instantly tilted net Friday musing ty
• G.T.R. train. Isnyle, who was only
twe.ty years of age, had been a ,mar-
tyr to dytq,epnia, He held r gond tw-
ailinn with ilea O,V.N, Telegre,ph Co.,
of Hamilton. up to a senath ark whop
be wan forted to give it up red enols
home. Since then hie lite bee base
mia.rsble earl na eletarday taut he wail
ordered to the hospital. friday mores'
lag he Want oat in the `rounds and
rat doves beside the G T.R. track. The
10 fel Batfik train snowing striae, Doyle
seeMd to become dated, rad walked
is front of the mains. iI. was streak
rad throws to one side and terrIWy
injured. He died ie p few minutes. As
inquest will be bald...