HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-5-19, Page 1•
FIFTY-FiRST YE All. --‘2674
D1VE 1TR SE MENTS. MAY 19.1 NEj y1
sweat Masted -Iles. A. M. shepherd 1
Coen Coen e
Cof R.vtI' ' A.=`s•I!
Do° ... 8
CM is podrioh-T• J. w
Days-Jas. Bob- 4
Waster Bagels ...............
moon .... - _..smith Bros,
pry Goods and MI1t1tMr1..... 8
T . -Sturdy Bros
Qpm 8`rarmu. jr.
Thhee Ilii Rel ehle-
»po,,or1 8.._F.u.
1•*t. J. A. Reid8
$.B. end H.M•-lie•. F. Eleanor4
Torpedo host Destroyers -St. Oso. Pries 6
Des's Wail Till too Lite -Oso, Potter5
Drstd sod Cbwei•s'le J. K. Davis 5
--�.+rim@tr7 t. rtr':;rm...'-•.R..�„+�•.
From our own Correepondente
111MgosgrggSprra•lee■ fere That cowed Id
pose Anywhere Stse-
gees .t the ••-
. ban', Specially l.Mrted
for tae Signed.
good atteada es.. 1 the teeter* was well
received. The lecture was soder the au-
e pioes of the K. L
FARMER"' INITITIns.-Oa Friday. May
2701, a mooting ot Mo tsneeri Institut
will be held in Dungannon. As important
addressee will be gtve• by prominent speak-
ers, • large •Mesdames of those interested
le antloipated.
(:Arra DtLIv0RID.-013 Monday there
were quite • number of nettle delivered
bete for shipment, wbioh had lean pur-
�chased from the farmers in thio vicinity by
looal cattle dealer*. There were goon
splendid specimens among them
Infirmly au 4TS.-Messrs. ,iit.son and Ce-
sar ere. with Ib* nee of the paint brash.
making • vett change in the appearance et
oar vtU•ge. .... a number ot our citizens
an. by putting up new leucite, meting our
village mush more attrasltve
William Wilson is harm/ many improve-
ments made to her property.
Tysons,. May 17.
Tho l'. F: S no.' meal at 7:30 Let.
Daring this weak tete bars R. .Jlst•
ton will be reseal some 6.'1E10s Giese
fousdatlorl to Le yet under 1L .Wee
of Seltford will do the lifti•g.
DOB WANTED NOT LOW/A AS. lire O'Brien.of L mien, after a pleasant
to R/ al° leaf wiil oinuth's visa to her pererree. W. end Mr&
L( reported. 11 (♦i1 • Whales., of
• cob To: Trade z O. YIN • .
• order for two ear -loads of Urate Putter
• as soon u the butter L 811 uniform in color.
W• want It mixed with floe dairy esti. rets,
wille.,a Hatter. aW1ed arestill the
Potatoes at IM sash
l7t' made the BIR Meadow.
.nes sed TarAvid/.
or s. HAi ATN.
For �errtN•
Woodl•ws that we Mie tritely bane(
Nona lir. A. A. 'ares• wit eland for 8sniss
u oar W Wm Homilies St . Oode If you aortae
scenes. Teresa te lasers. Mt.
ooto eta the
dlaws eels. get him triol Fes,
taus, we oro Irvine •t ZOO
w treses ed hr wtodlswa. tai ;ago
DRY f01
Per Sale or To Seat.
Foley. returned bene oe Saturdev. Maria/
her stay Mrs. 0 Brian visited tideless at
Dungannon and KiigsbrlJge, and her
numeroae friends.
----- .__ Tnesldy t&ii71b.
Mr. and Mrs. Fulford visited is oodertek
his week.
Miss M•oKrrae, et tioderlo°, was the
guest o1 Mite Quaid this week.
A. C. liselN aald attended the Preabytery
steeds, of Hunan held at Cliotoo on Tues-
day, last wo.k.
Harry and John Quaid, of Port Albert,
enj..ysd • dancing party held during their
stay here last week.
Several twit t est i Herr lied. Liaderieh
wow''sItar'end eerspisg
bwne►ip, to see the eyespot
ot oroha-d trees by an officer tram she gz•
peel:metal Deportmust of the Udine Oov-
Friday afternoon piled week then
• reed turnout or wTisi"i1l 0ar'bral
for • rag bee at whioh all present had •
eeo•, The war and cermet gwtions
the day. and the beet awed of promo
C•udi•n oommeres lays them an time
talking abash their oonrtag days, 1•
e we,* ling aro•
(Tr To DATIL-S0 far no mita of 1
note bee aswereei the challenge of Re
B.aa sad John Olio for • ,beep skean
neatest. Both think, now the shearing
sea Mat hood some community hoought te
.es to meet
forth a of api
t•aa dare, les him used • oard to Doslo
O. or onear to TRI SIONAL next w
ITbey olio meet John et Robert and
errownsioots 010 be made for a non
the rules governing it, De1sr1 Padres,
p P.
of to5eeted by P. t 1s sesuts5
u Nelms -et. at
.ems It mom infidel drawing nem, dabs
drier utas 0. sad leas a Blrarf,
salter oyf 1elese s. gastrin •04 • ea acre et Med tesimi' odor.
Thum isMuted
with ,brsbo ead trait an 01001/01
lawn. Apply to F.BM�z•. sen the Per
add. .
1 trine a Wiesen Osterto. Lee 1.111155-
(es t. townshl of Oslband H 5 0.50
Macron Geed May 100. 851100 wools'. Boo
15.0 00 tttt sa00517 a peados tar IS yews. ant
N. Pomo house
� kIMiea • •frame.5iO4 P. es a yr odd*
Itv.dlant gravel roads i11 cosh. bairn •t
mlrat0I1. w� r 10 J. s. Mc
DON AG E.. dlados St. wad Tomato. tt.
'MR BALK -LAM bf4 AND 70
1' Untehfnwsly Se rener is the Town d
O.derteh. Moo wild is emoted • nice derell
Dteated itb 8ementb-r.1116
• £ Ii 10 CAMERON. HOLT t HOLtgitz.
Ate recast as* of pat tattles* and papers
at the !lteobael0S' Institute, It was hard
tarot a bid for THIS SIIISAL as nearly every
person present WWI • subscriber to that joer-
•aL The other p+pors. on a000untof their h
soaretey in the neighborhood.
staersbte oou netitiod, one °minty paper
going as high ss 50 cents for 12 months.
COWING AND Outtto.-Oa Friday last
Siegess& McM•th arrived home. after as
extended trip to Detroit and other Rola*.
Mr. Cunningham, in/arena, agent,'
Gore Uetuel, was to our tillage last week
D. McCormick has removed his family
into les new premises. He is making great
improvements i• the hotel. which bereoaK
iy puroba.ed Miss Lela Berry and
brother John, of LooknOW. were in our vil.
lege as Sabbath last, the guests ot B. J.
Crawford Herbert Hotbed, teacher, in
200011 visited bis par0•te, Rev. B. L. and
rs_H oa Saturday aHut•
wd of YrooklM. N.Y..* Mar
s vieitlog al the
parsonage and roo dons his health.
at o'olook sharp, Rev. Mr. Jobwtea, 01
London, will Iodates, our young people are
prep - g a very flue programme and every-
thing is being dons to maks it a grand sac -
l'he :sissy friends of ,I.
pleased to hethat ewill
he is able t.l• around
Mr. Albert Ferguson. after an share* of
tour month., returned home on Saturday
The store ooeupl.d by Miss i fresh
improved in appearanceY
• out of paint.
Mae Boyd. car teacher at N. No. 1,
was called to Lotowsl by tie very sadden
death of • }risen.
The re,ut*r aostisg ot the W C.T. U. was
held at the residence of Mrs. Wm. Bettors
on Tuesday .,00M..
Ger. McKenzie and daughter returned
dare from San ir0ectec last wank. after •
plasma* yuan to friends os tbs.Xic'6o *out.
the ever ad tender__ '^'
A. M is mut 1 ,aw�mskLII-The held residence �
Oe• of this mate �w+iwas�
penes latexes.
L The tws4tsssr
Math hetet tmt premed S b
Yr. Andrew e0es11••
11. =a. teelawfb
k�i The dwsilsl bests ass ddidedaS
near the S._
prltes lase end tsJIBille
rstsT of rsenrols. so
Nr a leuGAIIRO t�j� )O19vd efeb.
DiANO - MRS. R W. 1.00114 HAS,
L tared •...loss :spa.
an bas Loo AvIdo lb. taw
���thatr.helk Idris
toad wilt,Street
A. T. Cooper. of Clinton. ior.try o
Huron County C.E. i:oion was in Wngh
ea Friday makieg arrangements for the 000
w.otion 10 hs held here in June.
The b•s*ball end football teams ot Wing
bum have seoured the ..true of Ne
York's favorite humorist and buffo -bee
J. Williams M•o] for their e.trt•1om00
oe the rusting of May 24th.
Rubor • wetly runaway occurred o
dotards', last. Pr Mr. Armour's egg wage
was orooacg a culvert that was befog r
potted, neer M . Golbsy's in Morris, th
bones took fright and ren awl,
off several peau of .ggs and
ooOte.ts along tbe roads.
On Tn,wday 1)r. T•mlvn was out on t
Bluevai* rota, and tot out of his buggy
pat op the obssk tris. Soler* ha oosld v
Into tae vehicle •gain, his hone took adv
taro of the bows rein and Dame down
Diagonal late tb town at • pito* mon no
than sets Crosdag Jo..pbt.est., it dash
down anima e0. pat( the aootor's resider,
hrongh a lase into Vle ialt di.e O hunt
the earner *oto Jos•pbinr.
overturned. Fussily the whole outfit oam
to • middies stop by ho horse falling flat
the edge of the sidewalk •ear Shaw's lire
8t. Peal's *hotels, W inrham, .obod w
hymeneal "Adams ea Wednesday, It
the common of the marriage of Miss E
Mary R., eldest daughter of H. 1).
ooU•oter of customs, of this 1050, and
Are you going to ('Untua on the 2411 t
The ries in bread loosens Ila downward
Tte G. T. B. pay oar eau in tows o0
Morrow .hips 2C00 dozen eggs to Mon
tr. al to-dey.
F. Ntehoaon is building • pretty oottege
on Cameron street.
(fees. the hooey kind, seem exoe•dingly
numerous this seises opens o0
'Ileo Julia •aosion of the peaes pe
Tuesday the 14th prox.
R.gutar meettng of the town oonnuil to-
morrow, Friday. evenicg -
The dwelling Mr. Abe! is *rooting is sid-
ed, and will soon he occupied.
The brickwork of Jas. .1. M*M•Ih's new
dwelling 00 Feast 'treat, u finished.
Regular meeting of the Huron Lodge No.
62, I 0.0 F. th:s, Thursday, events*.
The two
b Uold6 orpee,re 1eig nR hicg •d
bria Road y
J. Morrie is puetiog • spring everoeat on
the Temperance hall, 1. keep out the water.
The Publto schools close this Thnr0day
aftsrs000, and re -open on the 26th at 9 4.5.
To-dey, Thursday, A•o•slon day then
will be servtes in St Geergs'• church at 7.30
Y 5.
Geo. Thompson', sales the past week in-
oluded 7 btoyoles, 2 sewing machines, and 1
piano. two 1 story
A. ie s onobbis 101 next upl is putting two
• A «1051 within a easel," u two fate
cyclists remarked whoa they ooitided last
Sat order.
Wm MoCaoghan's edditlos to kis hones
os Ksy•st M • great imprevsaest to the
Chrystal hes finished the boiler of he tag
Oeterio, and it will be "aka. WM vessel
whoa s u 1•nn0LSd r al
Among tb. tmpotto swallow.
riF the Old
doses rimier beer hoiden tum
Country for our local factory.
Commend° on Meaday the stere 0oon-
pter by tbs eel. of Jas A. R.ld will otos*
at 6-r w -aMly .oaapk on.l3l 4UX Ii! . -. .
8atrday was the busiesday
in of O .1
far this spring. a very large
en' wives and daughters beteg In tomo.
Kinds' the Clinton Queen's Birthday
prorrsm published in another oilman, and
you will admit it to be an similes* one.
for he purest of toe cream. the freshest
of fruits add the *Mi.wb of oonf.ctio0ert.
nail at Blaoksto0e's restaurant. West St.
Next Sunday at Victoria--?. Methodist
church there will he • song service, consist-
ing of solos, duets, quartettes and .peei•I
The pupils of the Public School" attended
w heal on Saturday to make up for the day
between the towbars' oenveotton and the
Queei s Birthday.
The teachers of South Hroo will meet in
mooting will betim rrow and held In t Saturday.
the Collegiate Institute.
The Licosa* t;emmiesioosrs met at Ice
erector Paisle,'s (Aye, Clinton, on Monday
and granted • three months' extension tai
Alex. YOOnr, of Kint ail. stet would look
The Cort Hoose Sq _
trach pretty
hey re made more ugly tt not for the y
t1• neatness of the lawn. out list
The road masbine was brought
week and made a great improvement on
West street whore it was used.
k now b good oondiblon for 0.yol• travel.
Dune's Report tor the week ending May
12th, 1898 records 24 failure' In Canada, as
ageism 25 tor the previousding eek of 11897 uveas
best for the oorrssp°n
At 8t. Peter's oo Sueday next therebe els
lee low Mass at 7:30. Then will as Rev. 00
ether service during the da], s*revce r.
West goes to Clinton to hold
10:10 a. r.
I1 was laid that the abroduetdon of the
waterworks system would kill the pump
Mama la tees, but judged by the piles of
1•mra0 bought by Areslreae Bros. the
oat is not a sight. _
A aloe wide path le being made from
Harbor Park entrance to the step•
the job Is finished, let s bops there will be
so unsightly trunk' made a imitation of
the Court HHoses Square.
The management of the Or.od Trunk has
d.olded to oos.trot 250 refrigerator oars
for the geDerel torrid. of the system. They
will be hulls h the Meatrial fall trade. -bops, and are
tobeready tor
Ge to Mims Yate.' for he neatest shapes
a Panama sailors, turbans and fumy MM.
Also the neatest shades it lowers amid obtf-
tess. Children's bots and babies' hooped in
great variety ; all to be sold *Map.
Oa Saturday the 0.T.R Co. gave n.tlo)
to tbe lumber dealer. dot a future shay
world sat be allowed t0 ppite and keep lum-
bar oo the Co.'* dook. This order will like-
ly reduce the lumber bestow of t°a pars.
The eolleotore bays bees will
the O.derlob U.zioal Sotheby
and you • call. (live them a dollar, get fres
tickets for the promenade meow,
00.15 a pattasr a the meet entrprlst5R in-
innie,@ in town
TestDAT, May, 17, 1898.
0. Gtnn's house is beteg Improved by the
applioatlr of a coot of palet.
Wm. Edward 1s peep•rts' to re -build his
bsrws sad make them more roomy and ooe-
Mies Maggie Rutledge bas returned iron
her visit to her sister, Mr., Lusroyd, of
Mrs. Ward sed viand(fame„; of ew asd York, ars
arsviand( the lady' per
m. Geod.
Rev. B. L. Batten, a tormer pastor, who
•ooupied Me Zion pulpit on Sundae,
preached an eloquent sermon.
We would advise that young men who
oars* lase Sanday .vwtag from a tittle south
of Ood.rloh to the Soros road and took his
young ;ady for • drive, to bring the win
pinworm os hie next vbatb.
A new road has bows oosstrucbd 10 the
Klondyks and benne can now draw the wood
across the river and utthe
roa ro de
Wm. Monk's property to
thus reducing the dutanos one -belt, to Gde-
Tbs following prorram will be pretested
by the Choral bootsty In the HelmesvUle
Methodist church tomorrow, r riday, .v.s-
Iay. The grand choruses will be made up
of 70 expellent singers.
Weiesme," ..
t7borcw p;at.esvlW Ch ral Sodal7.
8y1Lbis flimelmbrotirelleales
Recitation.-" the Old Man and Jigs,"
O. I. rioter.
Q••r*�•pttt� m " Swan and Low
I[Les6'. Pickard sod A. i. T•bbwt,
Marr*. onvdl and Ptskar'd.
Glow-. • • " Pretty Littbe Dalot."
Choral S.ubtl'
R.ottetto0. - The Regrgr __Hasse Miry
Miss A. rsals�wk�..' ,}
1idies T.•Ptett•rd send 1. mssnmanea
Sema( Cbors•-' Oh, Thesis Mads.'.... .
Choral Society.
m7 To-
Meese bebah Minna and Ten (dale
Meessa, Poor and Ttbbatt.
Reottstlemi.-" Peter Sorghum a Love," .., •.
Miss Godwin.
Doss.-" Nearerw
God. to The -
Mrs F. Ilford sed Mr. nates.
Recitation. -..G. W. Aobw00.
poo. -....^ Ines me Goodnight, Heb."
Choral Society.
Nonce. -The local as*so7 In 1)a010aoos
for Tan es:NAL sat the oats of J. 0. Ward
J. P.. 0m•e7aslr. an. wbe wt 1 reset Ye or-
ders ter sabsortptioes. •detrrmn ou for
amounts paiand d for Me sates rised to at
sow will visit Dong•
red friday of each reseal. All modem meth-
ods of
math. extracting and
400, to Medd ling. end Miler
shop. Hours, t a.m. W 3 p.m.
treeDAT. May 17.
Oe Mesday then were some bens yon
In the villain. A. M.1-
We were pleased to see Josephlest able to be rut St* many friends
ripe be will esstdone te get batter.
L111w1esa.-O• Monday .vests an later -
toting Motors, sabjeet, " Loy, Courtship.
sad Marriage," was gees is the Methodist
sero* by No pastot. Rev. B. L. Hutton,
J. Robed bide eb.lydds. Thor* was •
tdet At trip friss 1 t.
Situations Vaeaft.
w ♦P111.11D IMMIDI�AT10 A'
If; (H1LP wAu, ~ mese(
Se ones If /till
melt, se ole r�t�a
assigned wlfb_t�61_serll&P •
meta • mtsq
ep to •
From �ney �Dodd's Kidney Prevented
boars dd17 f0ktlt i w5ok4-
slid y r
oust t with res dMisrs
NsW IDSA4 00.. Tersats.
1 spot .ilia foo vgo•dcset the a sor"'se
THi LieOVtstry Ms•as>�7T�1�'
Overt of ljjjjrtoioa.
The 0015. or Co. is erecting •aloe .teles 1J•11 Lomb•rtw, 22. and Maurtoe Lomb•rtne
.1 ►b dock.
Many goodstraq. of hereat were made 19, brothers, of Aebfleid, were brought as -
peat eta days. ! fora Horde Horde. J P. obrg
The eohoonor Sarah wiled on Monday ter 1 tang Michael Dalton of lobs same own,
town -
i ship. E. N. Lewis appeared wed
the Bruoe t'eatwata•
1'be eoh000r Cur meads wiled on Tuesday
for Oen Bay. to load Iamb or for Godertob.
Jae. Hays and bis gang unloaded the opal
trom the schooner Kolfege for the wafer
Sunday afternoon the south pier was
crowded with our otlizens eajoylsi the lake
t• Kidney Disease." Do you know
what it means? It means that the kid-
neys are either roma, or rotting ;
blood is full of poisonous, death•
dealing corruption ; that the Kidneys
can't do their work ' that the yvictim is
a walking -house ;
that hours are numbered ; that the victim
MUST take Dodd's Kidney Pills if he
dies not want to die. Disease? U
Have you Kidney
skin hot and dry ; memory fall -
breath short ; urine, reddish. or
colored ; does it scald when
ng ; is your appetite changeable ;
do your ankles swell ; have you bitter
.(sell0 in the mouth on getting up
mornings ; is there a brick -dust de-
o-posit in your urine ?
4n' of these signs is proof positive
of Kidney Disease. Will you be cured,
q will you die ? Dodd's Kidney
Pills are the onlymeans on earth that
trill cure you. ey never fail.
• He who laughs put laughs beet ' some-
time@ •$lis. to • boat race --the vaoht ram
on Sunday.
The boo season opens to June 16th, end
these fish taken lit fore that date are takes
The taws Seibold and :lea King wore em
ployd the past week in oonneetton with the
her bur dredging.
A number of boys took advantage of the
warm weather Md took • dip in the Mail.
land on Sondi
Our fishing tags ere now mak log lifts from
the Northern reef., the distances oeoesdta-
Ung • eight on the lake. daya1 the harbor.
Monday eau a busy
2 opal boats, • cargo of lumber sod Doe ot
cordwood all uoleadieg•
The .ohoo0er Sarah arrived fa sort on
tiunday from Golden Valley with • oargo
of cordwood for Wm. Lew
The *chooser Cortsande, from Thermion,
reached ler desk on Sunday with 310,000
feet of lumber for N Dymwt.
The Ood•riob Lumber Co. 1555 gathered
up all its loose logs rad its eat the peat
week has lowered its stook oonsidrably.
The schooner Hotfoot sailed 00 wedou•-
day morning with a cargo ot wit tor Mid -
tend. The Kellogg will load oordwood for
.11e tap Plurals arrived is port on Sun-
day from Port Elgin, and will attired on lbs
dredge Arnold(, until the Ontario is reedy
for the work.
A ,umber of yours people enjoyed '.eke
trips the put week, the oapt•t � Sea
tiled Seaholdwhestelemr
often haying a fair passenger list.
The sobooner Ko fags arrived a port on
Sunday sight from Cle•.lead wilt • cargo
of out. the deekload tor Wm. Ise and the
balsa tor the water works.
A large number of men wore taken oo by
the Elevator Co. oo Thursday t0 clean out
the .to. from the old drib aloon the lake
front, to clear the way for the fodadabto0.
Ths tag Bowman with 'chooser Giesler
in tow, arrived to port on Fri •y piercing
from Tobrmory with tor 30,000 dsteeples
her10,900 osier poets
bar Co. The iI.nfer was unloaded a time
to leave at sunset for the north.
The captain of the Arcoldi says that the
dredge does good work and works bettor
since the alteration, He also says that In
his long experiences h. never Dame soros*
harder bottom than the blue slay along the
front of the O. T. R. property.
The tug Evelyn steamed a few miles
south ors Saturday sveniag, and tak eg the
•ebooner Craftsman in tow brought her into
port. The schooner brought 200 toes of
out for the *weer, Wm. Lee, sad 600 tone
for the Orges and Bioyol• fetor(...
Oo Saturday our old friend Captain
Baxter opened out tor the boating season
and did a fair deye' bu.iaese for the opening
day. Captain Kexter bas • flns Beet of
boats this season, and anyone deeirag •
good sound boat 0 a row
wit. m
be L000mo-
dated by the Roulet
The O.T.R. wesokag wale arrived In
town as Friday with • number of bands,
add ase wthat
h r ..way the been on the 1d iron
sea m•ohlbory ry
lasat t fall. The whole ofbor 'Woe the vbbs was
brie was
taken away and the train lett for Stratford
stet a he evening.
K. C. Bays for the private proeeou A!
J. T. Grrow, Q C. for the defenoe.[r
row After
the chugs had been read, Mr.
plied tor bail, but the Crown ubjou dig; , the
defendants wore tomeoded to Woodsy at 11
♦,.e when the ow will nom• before the Y.M.
There have been many reports olroalatd
M to the 000ditiou of the Injured men. but
the exact nature of the irjarue from which
he is •u8rloa sod bow and by whom ►nfliol-
ed will nut be known oorreotly until the
preliminary bearing of the aoo•e day. At
the trial the prosecution objected to bail lae-
oause of the serious a•luse of the wounds
inflicted 0r* Dalton, wntle the defeooe nolo
that they were bot of mach a nature as to
prevent bail being allowed. end it was .tat•
ed by soma present that the doctorsh
od examined the wourded man,
sorbed Med that at present there was every
likelihood that he would be round in 1
days. From esquires made, It appears that
the families wen not on the best`bi terms.
and that some time Epos they had • suit in
cert over • line tenor. The present
ble oocureed on Friday, when the Lombsrtw
boys saw 1)elto0 driving their father's oat -
tie to the pound. What happened then, we
will lea,* to the witnesses who «MU give
their evidence next Monday.
Two Creaser. -The ooneladiog meetly(
of the C.I. Literary Society for the term,
was held in the Auditorium oo Friday even-
ing, tb. president, Wm. Stoddart. pr. •idurg.
The followln/ was the program pn.onted ;
lastrum.st•1 solo, Miss Tye ; reeding. Mier
Masson ; solo, " The F•trlee," Mus Prise ;
question drawer, Mr. St1a0 : resItetiea,
Miss M, W •(herald ; j.,urnsl, M r. Jeokell ; solo.
" Nen Torso," Mew J. Otbson ; reading.
WseRhyeas ; las.ramwvf w01o, Mo. UMies
Stewart ; God Save the Qu�ovod lees
h. Tye who rave a pima solo. K
sell an •dminble pianist end talrl CVs dow,yed
the hearty .doors .000rded her ;
Mos -
...'s resib.ed& was Mtreo La • MAW Y�
added to this yeaog lady's rets
an eleouttedt.t, and Mus Price's eel*, "The
Fairies," was obarmingly rendered and loud-
ly encored, Miss Pries I. evidently a Div.
*rite at the Collegiate, for her sweet saga(.
The gaestioo drawer by Mr. Strang gave
the students an interesting half hour as the
questions were varied and this animus most
4elp the .tudesta in the fortbooming
exam,. There was oa* that did not bear
on .dustton, • student hevinv asked how
the praolpal's sympathies were 1r* the U.
S -Spanish outset, and one 115.1 Um. Strang
said was hardly fair. Nev.rless he admit-
ted that his feelings led him to hope that
our kith and kin would «1e. Mise Wether-
sld was next on bb program sad gars • se -
citation that was much appreciated, her
delivety and gestures beteg all tbeb could
be desired, then lir J.okell followed «11h
the journal. The was was a good one,
though we think it w*e not up to the stand -
rd of the two that preceded it, but for the
term. the Collegiate journal has been the
beet in its bt.tory, and at to next elootioa
the society should re elect the retiring edi-
tor. Miss J. Gibson then gave • solo,
•' Hill Come no More," and gave it meal-
eally awl with mush expression, and se
might be expected was heartily moored.
Miss Ethel Rhyne, followed. her reeding
being given wish enuoh elocutionary a ability,
and Urs Stalwart .lo.ed the pr
playing • piano solo in a manner that
showed trim to be • gifted muliofen. "God
Save the Queen," with Mies Strang ass.
oom9aa111, elated the evening and the arm.
of W ingh•m's moot pope se yoa5g lid
to Chariot N. Peaks, see of Lewis
Peaks, of Toronto. The pleasing cavern
was performed by Venerable Arehdea
Davie, leaden, mask of the bride, 1w
by Rev. (Jauoa Davie. Sends, noel* of
bride, sed Rev, W. Low*, of Wing
'!b* 'bawd; was very dowdily d
with &Penis aced oemtort•bly filled
mohair of the rest sty of town. J
Davis, of Godenoh, brother
e•f the
yn, b
and I)-. Chas. Campbell,
*eosin of the bride. were beet men.
bridesmaids were Miss Middle Pee
Toronto, .ist., of the groom, and
Maud Davis, sister of the bride.
o'clock to the ,trains of Meedeisso
weddag marsh, puled by Mise
Davie, of Mitchell, the oosbraotlag
entered the o►uoh. The bride. wb
given away by bar fatter, looked as a
loured «kit rttk wearing a Udine
harnausg, la a go
yard wblte silk.
veil. She torrid • lovely brogan of
geese sad were a 1►ea.Mfal add cowl
gonad pendant, the `tit e1 the groom.
kridd• ed& W. bwabtl*ily meet
Ulm Peaks berg *Mired a • gown o
silk, with bis* dad trimming, over
Davis were a figured organ
die silk with peak trimming, and saob w
opal ring. she `ifs of rte groom. At
esremo57 had bees performed Miss
Peaks meg a beautiful Delo, Lag o
Uy Shepherd ls," In tie veto). T
vtt•d'nests than repaired 10 bb rtes
of the bride's father, (Nous et., an
the oastostav7 o)dar•Mk'ttese fro
gmwts, all partook of s detonable
The dirty wedded o, amid do
rid and rood from their
Moods, lets oa the sets C. P. R.
ter Termite, when they will
their rssld tiro. Tb bpr N were
sad •ostly,tessfytae
which the row eespis aro bold.
the avndl (neem were :-Venesmible
dawns Davie sad wife, Leedom
Oanos Davis and wife. Sarnia ;
Peaks .ad wife sad the Misses Peek
sate ; J. S. Davis, Godard& ►
Mrs. John MTI T1.rsub. wales
Joan Owaybe
Br5eblys, N. Y. t Mn. N. .1. D.
Mie Rhino mild Mabel Davis.
by •
. E.
TOWN ' l * Kof
A siwsMsa
. ell. gt!latiri
Han at
t onrt of Rev
Dated May UAL 1S1s.
=Mg d the
PuMte 110111 •
Tats wsr�tl&.at RovlegMIsplhnr(
•Tb a• ,-;.-1-1.7
tio s[ 1W.
SET' ~ 1
tat .wow . ma wa�wl. o attiswaelall I�POp�•
0.10w. lily` iI, tile■
a ooti n Petition.
E1, ° (M tiTIi 0N.
rata is betabl d bleat Joseph 9501.
tut predutod • Widen to the ooart d
Appeal for Warta. soder tis Ontario
oa•trovertsd zbe5Mss Act. •gs►as1115 raters
.l James Thomases Garrew. M. as
mesMr.1 the Ptev1001a1 inglidat r• ter tb.
1)1ttrlet 0f West Bars. std sWstaI the
seat ter demob Hook.
Doted at 04dmreb. bhp 19th day K Mmi7.
Rending Gaesr•
At 10
o was
ens of
k lade
y dla.
a meal,
1 blue
0r* an
ter the
f Love
he la-
4 after
m the
wen of
Mks ay
este•. In
• RAT.
Leola C.
e. Tor
Mi and
Oasipb.11, .1
via and
Widen ;
Parr 11.
D•krt* Mov.sseats a Odd* Orotund. •. • •
Moms eedwa and 911L
astho.,-.... ' Row
Mayr sSiantlW .
Recitation.- ...7. S Oesstltd
Q••H•► wreak Bolt IW Dawe- . ..
Ware ObPIGMY. - O t7mr C ..
eole •.d g. F. Oakde •kd tbolr7•
Rmoit•bIoa.-...." Ossor as the Bat."
Miss Gal.
Double (Roma.-" Oa a Beset/ ; EMIL gat.
Choral So01ot7• [•►.
p •oltettea,-"' T11a l'b1•R" ."'
Dust, . " The pps�,
Mr. sad PMra°o0.k..
Molt.tboL-TM Mad Bridge of Tay." • • "••••
Wm Led Aldred.
Marriage LMwSSs.
/Q rift Ss°w•aa. Oakes sed Mahood.
MaleR.dat1•.-'• The Trouble In Upchurch." ..
J. e, Mbteans,
Doable Chani,-" Niel. Nod. Nodding•"ICCoohhn
901) 0Ay■ ,vn gnaw.
WNS, Musa Oil MAA 4O
e Lteesmrs. Gdansk.Ost
T J L Peaks and wife, Toned ; Mrs.
Sdwis Peaks, Toronto t les. Weir,
, ; Mr. amid Mrs. Alex. flaw,
Mn. Tr.pkiae sad Miss Tompkins. Mod-
1, Rev. Wm. end Mist taste,
MONDAY, May 16.
Miss Tubb visited In Gederieh lass week.
WaltonJsokWalton wear* a smiling fans. It
is • toy.
Mi. C. Tides), sped Pinsdav odder the
parental roof.0
Jobs Johs-s. of do Oederleb C.I. spout
sasd•y at home.
Mr. Jas. le
Fracas s the stos•-wpek of
bens s
kis beoeed. visited the Tye
Mn. Mills, of Wedded,
dais aiddo5 last week.
old asWamsosskipe area
M. Jas. lose, of Magda, is nlswds[
herd w
As •stirenment will be bold hese ea
Mendsy orad". May 23rd..o.mdndlsI
Mr. asd Mrs. W. R. Dada.Mr. and Mrs
..a P. Davis,
Dr. amid Mrs. Barri* M*te*sll. Mr. sed
Ur*. Thos. Gough, Modred ; lids Ha!-
keose, I;IIBora ; Mie Li. Basra, New Yorks
Mn• Ale:as/•r. Mastoid ; Mrs. J. A.
Laird .tad A1.1. Laird. Seim ; Ilk* l.atrd,
New Hem`org: Rey. W. rod Mrs. Lowe,
Mrs MoKihtion. Walter MoKlbbes, Mrs.
Sills, 0.o. Sills. Midas Duffield. Porter and
Oleadsoto1, filo/boss. The ..where were
Dec Silk. W Isgbsss. sed Dr. Chas. Camp -
wit. of bsplyp.5ss W odd a
with he bap in w Fat's of bsp dads sad
h. -Wisdom m Tames•
Fred Dada. l 11. Dada,
On Saturday (bsbso-IAo Huved n
Dredge` Company of Oedk
order from the Dominion . Govern
to oommesoa drodppar
• cork .aaotest for lobe largest ships
that navipte this side of the lake, and as
soon as the fou.d&Mes for the elevator la
Glowed he job will he started.
Thelee a greed opeetsg to the
ine.b tsof the lodre h
5larMmim' Satiety In
the rink w111 takeh. b trod 1 Jan. promenade *encore
and the members et este ...As." may look
forward to a musical trust.
Os Monday fes sad news of the untimely
demise of tamale Bell, wile of
of Stratford. at the early age n1 32 years,
*.me like a blow to the fr sods and rola-
Idris in town Doodad was a daughter e0
K. N. Bret, of Ate tows, sad was barn in
The elevator was started last week, the
dredge havingo: to work and a number of
map bel" •mp400yd .b•rin" out the stone@
from the Drib along that portion ot the water
Irons when the building w11115 snoted head Ileo)
far,* been , the work bbn push
the start, sed it* likely he loss bytA a le
watt will be mon than made up b7 Ps
of the eosIr0otere It seems that the new
buildingwill be • oensiderable rod wt
of the *d
ll extend
Into the harbor. It is tion of t
or theh harbor part
that the dredge Is .1 work clearing to •
depth of 18 fest for the 5lroeg orib week to
be plaod for the trout foand•tlo1.
The Mrlt*s ( Lake Huron )r'dgiginast w k.
received orders. beginning
dreits• out the + elevator
and started ns he job on Thursday. The
first *bowel full was loose roil but before the
reignited depth. 18 feet, was reached, the
*hovel strook bard pee, hens the week was
not se rapidly nettled out as the Co. wished.
Oo Friday and .aooe.dlas days the mine
bottom was met with, though eteeasto••lly
mares gravel was brousht op, he latter
dropping into the harMr from the mit.
The shovel met with sets blg boulders and
say quantity of timber. bat hauled op .eery•
thing that It same serous. The gravel rus-
ting into the barber was sot expected u It
was thought the epilog outside the orib were
driven deep into the olsy, bat a downto
d• • that they ulteed for the nearlyot inundation.
the depth reignited
CorstdeVSole delay is o•usedhbyt a stlegho
stun of the blas Olay. the
he stopped sitar almost every lift to allow
• man to drape it oat.
All parties ridiao thole solo bulla rinsed as
MO ~� N soft tree
a tido 1to1 ti to
On Saturday, May 21.1. 1898. e0mmeso.
lar at 1 P ir. there will he sold at Osadry .
Amities Mart. Homilies street, 2 saw you'
hat's barites. 4 new road waxen-, i sow
D•gpierat , doable Seated. A sum -
kir sf sew *tsetse of otter makes. A
IMMO aft. 3 yeses •14. a brews sine, 8
years did• s mer.. 10 years old sed 4 sere
el kaiser.
Inst Thursday Jno. Bmnterds roeei•ed
through Odierinh noanoil Ne 157 0.0 C F.
• shook for (*refloat* hold amorist
d in the *octet (*refloat* his eon the
late Wm. George Emmet toe 14r. Rrnmer-
1.s thrashed tbo order for the prompt p5y•
meat of the amount the
T1. •eses
ser'1 rotors ter Blyb# giros
fellewino Information t - Rost p1.portY•
property, 919 076 ; t.x•
abIs 1* 0 : l � 1 5„d p.r.nsal prep
arty seems, it number
of taxable Thep. S215,666;tion k •seely
1f awes,. Number The itdO wind he
tos11s of wed 16.(109; browns 7 and 13,
116 ; bided 16 and 21. 70.
4 Mr.
4humors, et " IN 1 Pills •ureddibecause
Is"onoU. May 16. -(Special) Ur. Iran -
ear Stewart, living at 444 King street. this
tows, is the happi.•I mad alive to -day.
He 1a "god for" many years of healthy, use-
ful lits, whereas, only a short time ago, be
was in the greatest dosser of filling an oa•
timely grave.
Dodd's Kidney Pills oared him. About
• year ago Mr. Stewart bed an accident, re-
setting in severe injury to his kidney*.
Kidney diode* developed. The toot doc-
tors failed to help him. many remedies
were tried without avail.
Finally Dodd's KidneyPick were tried.
At ego) • Da
• re began. A few boxes eon-
pleted it.
To -day no healthier man H used Dodd's
weeder his happy.
Lidnsy Pills. •
Brussels obsess factory oommenoed epee
aeons for this season 155► week and is turn -
toe out from le oboes* upwards emelt day.
Mr. Harris will take his new pooltir se
buyer for the Bellaaty5• bra, of Mendota.
I in June.
. --.....:.�..... ___
Nature makes the cures
after all.
Now and then she gets
into a tight place and needs
helping out.
Thingr get started in the
wrong direction.
Something is needed to
check disease and start the
system in the right direction
toward health.
Scott's Emulsion of Cod-
liver Oil with by phos-
phites can do just this.
It strengthens the nerves,
feeds famished tissues, and
makes rich blood.
tet. sad (11.5• ; dl druggists.
sCOTT ! SOWN*, . Clammy, Toew•-
A Pressler RI*5Ivery.
eiriAR ADD SWAB" 115* t.f•IBhle, »alnl•ws
Kai non-polenne0I remedy tar the oars of
Conner, Cartilaginous thews. Sore Throat
and • variety ofskin
framer Ilk .s7 part of the body where the
liquid nen mash It. Rend for etromiir give
Int Instructions how to apply the liquid.
Bold a1 6Oo per pint and 3110 per half print
McL1201Y8 LABORATORY, (lodsrtob.
_.�... ....�. ..w••..
.::ewll2ltit�ri"l1�r•w.w�Y.. �fi:arm.a.