The Signal, 1898-5-5, Page 9ye •
ek-flripg PO and high es-
oe ietroduced so many Dew
to ostler* that we arta not
that naval and military men
are tiepins that the otatfliest
be United States end Stain
Ish these with solutions of
problems about which they
ssly cosielirned. Superior
•silisi tbelleltelves of natural
1. such as the wind and the
the see,. together with the
'utilities of their men and the
their armsments. were gm -
• rug factors in determ-
tory for old-time naval rum -
Tim complete revolution,
brought about in naval war -
steam .eetrkIt1. asd mod -
meats has created problems
t of by the men of fifty years
thane before them.
i-fited British Admiral. elir
rryon. who periabed with his
i Victoria. •xpreteed a few
before his death the °Onion
s natal *Alum under modern
sa in whit* the °emoting fleets
moything like an equality,
old be a absolute rertatut•
• as to which would be ere -
As be said. "it is no tosser
on of meg, but of machinery
' Another distieugished Bri-
e officer declared his convic-
t the bursting of s shell char,-
nalinite between the decks 01
on o bleb be sph
eaking, A eel orttloon to pieces by a landing par -
t cor of the lima in etin; ly of 'marine*, but outside ot tbe forts
navy, would tad the fighlieg
;.f the crows at the guns.
Th. 1 Alemenerls see rains eue Sell
P armises�1Wbder. Timm -Tb. rents
Meg his Elle1.4 acts oe These - The
0I.. or liebraltar the Wirt Iraserros eir
L ase reseavy. •
. -
Demoted but still usiflischieg.marrison.
More thee 511,000 tthoiti anti 170 pieme
of ordesuce of large calibre were at
the dimmest of the Spanish Geserat,
sa4 an ingenious type 01 floating lot-
teries had been devised by the dons,
-oho expected great things of them in
the meditated assault. The numbers of
the opposing forma were ludicrously
dinproportionste. Beanies the above
wee:toned troupe and guns, the Spanish
posseseed aino line of lattle Stops, 16
•um or elortar boats, covered Uosus ruf-
fle rook remorkable. Instances of icient to laud nearly 40,000 men. sad its
born),„crnente rweelt yeeje were addition the 10 floating batteries.% hich
01 those el Alexandra sad Pans. In ecetpecree.tteedd (:)13, u Ile:Z:1107 ttihr:irsrsoe'devs_
but11 canes the attack prevailed eye* to feet thick, and the decks and guns
the defence. Dotwitbataoding that the screened with a slanting root of shot-
tunai,giwnsut those cities Werill int- Pran6°Iient Thee rd.": 11141dgiOgi:In"c arru-
mentely strung. The contest at Alex- " eau'reienneuteed.
endrin was abort, Wit deciante. Within On the flth of September, 1732, fire
ten boors the British fleet. under Ad- was opened 00 1130 fortress et a Ore-
miral Seymour bed effectatelly sileneed cocle'i 4114 iit eltfestrencu,1respa211srtiiyiltb.,uia1
every gun oat the abore Tee thous- and *mot. tbe "floe t ing lett eriee"
and shell and solid shot were poured inert, moored within half range and
00 the Eg Vpitlabsd a complete 'proved indeed invul
oerable to shot Ind
I° . an
shell. which lasted all night and dar
evacuation of the forte owe the result. •
until late on the 12th. On that day
Yet, earl 11.1. execution was duce by like garrison. unable to make any i m -
Pe c't "1°' which Prcit"ted the OirtTelfegileTt!n!g U4 .0
batter- rendor'-'d nsrmless 1.6. awl° inetei relearn. conc.eived the idea a
111-isc1.i poojettiles. sod it was only lo- boding their guns with red-hot shot
this veritable hail of iron, fur the great pression oat the fleet. whose efforts
learbed te 11111111•Wil Mq4 bl a PurMesuse
Cap. weedwitret nuseed UIs lee -Vbe
Illeenser's story. •
Capt. Woodward. of the British four -
masted bark. Dunferaneline, from Cal-
cutta, now lying at New York. per-
formed • clever bit: of seemanahip, at
the risk of hie lite, is the South Athos,
tic. Bo'sun Jobs Rosa told the story
of the captain's pluck as follows:
" We were in latitude 21 Ouuth. when,
•t four belle of the second dog -watch
there came a hurricasae which worked
all around the compass. Six belle of
the midnight watch. all hands were
ordered to take is all rails.
Only the metals end men to bea-
dle the hallyards were left on deek.
while twenty of 4Ut were strugglisi
aloft in a wind that strong It knock-
ed the breath out of you. But it was
too late to wive all time canvas. 'The
foresail burst and went ballooning be-
fore tbe hurricane amid was fotlowed
the topsails. They went with reports
like a bunch of rapid-fire guns. Bang
went the mizzen lower topsail, too.
As 1 was coining down the lee
shrouds 1 Sawa broadside of green sea
washj hatch No. 3 Moab off. "The Lava
Patina's washed off batch 61u. 3. eir 1"
I bawls out to Capt. Woodward. vebo
Wier of havoc mused by the [rag- end burping shells. which, though of
toilets at shells which flew amottoci ow- nutTttlet veryct,irbenopeneetrriatiageplaigoser: turazikst
allikatioompliabed ft, g 111 NI wooden *des of the ler nleships and
Caust -among the adherents of gunboats. '1W-DirC,'Nrtlithes very -few
Arei,i nimbi". joinedTe s aauwiagire beteg' every true atUt. hat'
that tjwir west ac any aim,_ taries lay quiescent os the water, a
01 ‘"11 useless mass of
left 1.6e fleet practically unharmed, BURNING HULKS.
the British Admiral. As every use 'Train ry prevailed over tine vast
The e yore sod energy of the de-
tbst the defences were relinquished 10
know*, tee toms were mostly all spik- numerical superiority of their oppoo-
•nte mot os the 14th of the mouth Um
desperately conducted attack was giv-
en tm and the Spanish tro.ips retired
to their liars. severely crippled by tbe
enormour losses they bawl suffered: win-
ter quarters o -ere liken up. the boot-
bardinent practically alandoned, mid
peace was declared on the 24 of Felten-
•ry following.
ugh machinery and bleb
undoubtedly introduced
rad 40 MIX10 calleo IlieriOtts COMO
h s into naval warfare. they
by so mesas obliterat-
eon. Wffoi Aker Above -doe* le
for higher qualities in the mete
lating these 4161L-sther thing*
equal. the History le battle
main with that side me
.d.hiniem_el all triads. bother
ied with the movemente of the
rt working of the armament. fence affelant eves these terrible Weir
,er in quality. • hicb has bees Mom aud there ran le !Lathe dead
[ter cared for, and with which that in the bands of experienced gus-
to mud oiheers are the better tiers, the guys of the harilor batteries
ate', or. it might even be said. would have given a much letter ac -
ire is sympathy. count of themselves. 11 is evea ea
ea questios Whether the fleet would
O .1 11500 li•CD repulsed under such cit -
✓ last considerations point to tbe
otos that so far as it is pomi- Th
e unabscanwat a Paris is worthy
e re should be few changes in
tacienel of modern skips of war 1"46" 86 ill"( rating *tilt measures
can be taken to reduce an unwilling
be) •re put In rommissios. Tbe
city to subjection. During the month
inter of a ship going into action
[stows his ship. hia officers •nd Janeary, 1971, the Prussian guns
...a tee fortifications of
and the machinery with which literally raised
a to perform the share of work ' capital title stemIDIIIY impossible
winters, netteme i number of 10.040 Jibe i hi each day, and of
at to him is the these more than 600 fell OD a daily ay-
ttle can give his nndivided at- •
a to it. having no anxieties as iaralla it" the 047 Proper; the detest-
itios caused by the latter in some parts
• inanser in which they will all
. was frightful and lib. fires in cones-
rm their particular functions- In
quesce often threatened to ruin (thole
rd, the more complete whet the ,
rh call the rapport betimes all 'walricta• man1" 'anus" and antis snr•
. nts. animate and luenimate. that
make the modern warship as et -
re fighting Imelda*, the wirer is
• hioh it eliata in Ube high -
out complaint to the severe regulat MOS !JONI!? I bed route me
great Napoleon mid of the veins!
themselves, the destruction was very
small. The presence of friends as well
as teen in tne city forbade an exten-
sive shelling of aay but tbe recognis-
ed native quarter. yet sufficient dam-
age was dose by the incendiary shells
to start a fire that destroyed almost
the entire loos. Ip this engagement
thei•enormous power of
tia projec.tilee of which weigh
1700 !moods, inks demoriatruted, but it
see also made tandem that the quiclio
ly throws up •vid inexpensive emoting*"
litifbilierad form sti tffrotne
ogre.. to win the victory. hat
Tie-weettillWie-line setemos Ns
bloods- Mb Was Fellow ell by 110.50001
rollawee seg Wart Weakness- Demers
Paid ane Could Net liereverr. DM la.
der Illor Ileeeetes Sisen-Wealila
u re Blood
Is 041111411101.
Without blood circulating through
your veins you oould n'd. live. With
out pure blood you cahoot be well. The
healthy action of every areas •deperida
umma the purity and ridingss of the
blood by %Alicia it is isourlshed and sus-
tained. If you bare salt rheum, a:ro-
tate mores, pimples, boils or aoy kind
oi humor, your blood Le not pure. If
you take Elood's Sertaparilla it will
make your blond pure and pridaptly
relieve all bbeise troubles. In the
airing the blood is loaded with impuri-
ties. Hence, •Il Disuse unsightly erup-
tions, that languor and depressinn. and
the danger of serious ilium's. Hood's
Sarsaparilla is Deeded to purity, enrich
ant vitalise the blood and protect Cad
fortify tide system.
doesn't.' hooltsee. -l.6"t• thilk -Ar"
Witter had bets *Sleeked out by tee
-first sea aboard. that captain gribe an
axe and • lag of wedges anti goes for
the batch He did hie work like a sail-
or as knows how. '1'
All the time the nese were making
clean pushes over the deck. While the
eaptain was hammering away be was
sometimes completely buried. I thought
he was a mine goose. but.. blow me 1
be made a shipshape job of it. and we.
weathered tbe burrirane under Main
and fore towel' topsails."
From the FAX), Wiarton. Ont.
Mrs. Jas. Overend. oleo limo -is
Wiarton, snakes the following state -
meet in regard to a remarkable cars
effected by the use of Dr. Williams'
Rink Pills for Pale, People: -"I am 10
years of age and have lived is Wiartos
for the past six years. Previous to
tbia, 1, with my husband, who is a stone
mason. were residents of Cbesley.
About four years ago t here came •
swelling on the right side of my nook
whicb grew as the time went ont until
in about nix months it had grown as
large • goose egg. 1 consulted a
physician and be Mooed it. This phy-
sician diagnosed my case an enlarge-
ment of tbe (binds. and said I would
get well after it mu lamed. This
operation gave sae temporary relief.
hut it was only a abort time before the
lump again began to grew and in .1*
months I was worse time ever. In the
meantime I had been prescribed for by
different physician' and token several
patent amelicinee. but none of them
gave me more than temporary re-
lief. About three years • o I left Wi-
arton for Crawley 46 76613)1 pro r
thrown, down by 16. georimion, so se to a change would improve my health. I
leave large WOO spaces where shells ooneulted • physicias there and be
could do Haile ur so damage. yet many Mid the trouble was incurable mad
• owe %W had endued the pangs of might rue fataUy. Discouraged I re-
tursed (0 107 home is Wiarton, muck
!winger in silence an I submitted with- worse than I was when I left. and be-
' Be-
lot tbe Couuniseary.-Gemena. for the fore left for eheehlY I bad keen lit -
le moral force in oar is not less honor and sake of "La Belle Fresco," tack" occasionally with fainting
no.. than when be uttered it.
' found it bard to restrain tears end iii- ePells; on my return these occurred
I ibtlith scientific Program 4017 in' i dimwit inn when on returning from the more frequently and of longer Mire
.. ite application in a neon Wel- front after a tong end bowlegs anis- I Lion With the least excitement I
leseti miles of M. LIMO U.
lreestmene •ir CaS111111156.
lUque else Orme&
Hood's Sarsa-
I.. Canada', Ureates Mediae% $ .!tt be all
druggLsta 111 ; Mx Oet es17 mete,
"004:19 3 Pi I s 'act' rtiptti:
Milte-Phwhat waste do you be get -
tin' now. Pat
Pst--One boondred dollars.
Mike-Phwat One boondred •
• month
Pet --One hoondred dollars our one
boondred diver
Weise ma row lgee Pease
Fen00, F011011P"'seeseet la hall •• WWI
W$ have the be -t mist soest practical ti see ow
e a-th. Irmo mil 10' it le use at the Experi-
mental Farm, Oueloh Ost. Bend for totem
Add.em Toronto Pleket Wire Penes On.
IIII Alm M. 'Termite. Ont.
ROOF'S ft end 11MM Metal Werke.
etionet: SLATS, 10 40005.
ROI or throw. (41.51* BLACK BOARD.' Me bur ply
Eta nal Web %at, Hoofing For, rites,
Ton..., Mos by ,sir bletal eel thiell,
,__Tsr. etc R MS Mee Nirrr they Boild•
�55. Rstiocilim tor wozic complete or f or
dowc met .1 40' country rhumb 1100
rtir4.10T• I • • 611111,11111011Annoter etil..Tereatis.
LCIIA BOP. the OM of Kik
pm*. (two mole.
Moclic. scoot. ',Abu 700% bay ,,trr
liardenm up t••••dist.. ,4(W
eased seeh.e ies.5100. elle fall
mit of .ltoolissicila, fur 511.541 bud
sad 12100, 4siterred free •Ithl,. •
radish@ di SO mile. of SoortNeal
Med for cairacthc•
PM alKAV aosinmea as,
Your name and address on a postal will
bring you a sample of •
.N.„,.,,,,„„ ifb.•.
Mention Black or Mixed. 'The hlossoort
Tee Co., 7 Wellington Si. W., Toronto.
- -
MiloTON L linitnnYJIIirrige„
mg Ookl. two. •
in wires.
IS Ig., bsoramest St.. mestreel. Que.
Dominion Line Steamships.
Mosteral awl {limbic iu Limo .1fge
4114 t'ai• '76,,„7,rr 1 or1shlre.
t0rverr........"31Um • ur riot rabbi. flee
earcabie void earagere.jej=
acitlill--NOW. My dear. how ahall. we r..,1741.4.111"logrit 0 to,„ ..,00rdioa to
-ItatlillgIrdbOUt church f NV* beiong iptemeee asdebeetia Sitg, eltisferniatios *ploy
different religioloodesonainaUons. yOUADAviD,Tra VAlgs kr7,..1(
know. Shall 1 go with you, or will 'op"'
COKE'S IMPROVED C11111.,11",!E, It Ir3,PS
est awards at tbe
The remarkable "accesses attending
the trent mentor the diereses of drunk-
erness and the opium habit, accord-
ing to tbe_k_irtonla. of Dr. Leslie E.
Keeley tbe inverntor of the Keel-
ey Core, has resulted in the establish-
ment of one of theme brat h-reator-
ing institutions in Toronto. The cure
Is prepared jay Or. iieeley--iliinself. anti
administered by duly qualified physi-
rime. especially Inetzur.ted foe_ 114.
work, to patient'? whiblive (forint/ate
time of treat inset in the Institute.
The Keeley Cure is the oldest and only
erlettill remedy for the liquor habit.
The application of the remedies is
mild sodtree
rom all injurious ef-
fects upon the syst em . By its A dress made of 30.000 canceled poet-
reconetructive propert ies it removes
the neceseity for stimulants and leaves ago stamps was WO r 11 at a masked hell
the atient in a normal and heathy in Baltimore. by Aims Antoinette War
Mir. They were lasted on muslin, and
represented various fig -urea. such as an
eagle, a giobe, a nhield, etc. The wear-
er spent three weeks in making the
11100 Reward $100.
you go with met
YoGu tell yloluirtelroliyncitsitehrowt welylofultairte.
going to my church and 111my
mintster that I am going to your
church. Then we won't be missed and
needn't go anywhere."
The face receives the record of daily
experience. Constant suffering from
corns will mar your beauty. Do not,
rook anxious and discontented. but use
Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor,
which will extract that sore corn in •
day without pain.
fttreet-car tickets in 'Washington are
sold at the rate of six for & Quarter.
hes been tbe motets .1er yessa.
An officer ot the company states that
tiCksts tittles value of $01.0a0 have (0.V-
0 0.0.0 need. Tne inference is that
Limy nave wen lost and destroyed.
"Quickoure Co., Limited." an-"
"flounce a reduction in Quickcure"
"prices pot ,ow 15c; sec.. pot 10'
25c.. and $1 to MIc. for"
"horses and catt's. from 50c.. per tin"
"to 25c." This reduction places our"
"remedy within reach of all classes."
!condition. At the end of the treatment
It Is claimed that the patient appears
• new MAO mentally. morally and phy-
sically. Since the introduction of the
Keeley Cure over 300.000 graduates of
these Instil oilman in Canada and
throughout the world have declared
themsolveti to be cared of 11te crav-
ings for I. nor and drugs. The Institute
ut 5R2 Sherbourne Pt., Toronto, is
splendidly furniehed. the sopointment
of each flat being complete. and in
tbe building the patient find' every
comfort of • first-class hotel and of
a home.
invincibie I would faint dead away. I had become
foe, he could discover nothing save the 106r7 Weak end could neerceir walk
across the f(oe) and felt myself grow-
. *ay, lkto principle remains the gle assioet an apparently
RUINS OF HIS FORMER HOME. ins worse every day. I again consult-
Durnes the American civil weir there ed the local physician and this time he
were matey furious bouthardmeats, but said It was spasms of the heart and
they were priscipally directed against that I would mot live more than a
inMortent tort*, and Ile case were couple of days. While lying in bed a
the ports Of cities threatened With de- iody of the town visited roe end eo.,
structice. le fact, tie wooded u I ly
email loss of 1(15 10 all these operations
dunes the momentous atiraggle of
1861-65 in worby of remark, as .bow -
(5( the oompleteness of tbe mere; ad-
rotect defenders from
ars' ear, ee, being admitted to
a question of machinery as well as
ion. the side posseiMag the Dela Pa,
Oil, handled by meat thoroughly
mated with it. Must win. The
Loeb fleet is notorteusly inefficient
Limey respects. The °fibers have not
• scientific or mecimeical knowledge
1 training requisite. The machinery.
ti when of the best, is so indiffer-
ly t it rapidly deteriorates;
1 !artisan politics enters so largely
n the naval, as well as tkis
atm idi ration, that the fleet bia
been brougbt to • proper stet*
efficiency for fear it might les -
to the instrument of propelled*.
.ntn I.nder such circumstances it is
t Probable that Smile could gain any
mortant suceseeree at flog, if her
usdron conoid be °pooped by others
metteleg In • high degree the vonal-
les in which her own are ao not -
117 deficient. The general conditions
ro tnn unequal. xeves if there
mot a moderate prepoeberence of
• suanters and tonselie of warabilie
roperly an called on the Speatieb side.
Toothless old people who find it (W-
riest' to mantieote their food, will be
Interested in a recent French inven-
tion. It is Notnething like a ooffee-
grinder. only much smaller. The per-
son woo unss it taken it in his loft
bee& drops the food into it, and it
is ground into small particles by press-
ing • swing. Then. with a fork or
spoon held in the right bead, the
received the hie h•
catalog** sod marsr.Wwril
Arnie warmed* Bli
mall propel. "Dar be atiftmese
Illasue.- with tousle. for 0 meta stasszereek
11~11 MOMS SOOT. IS d17407 IK. _
estabildiel lieleurners mairirregattag
UM. MOM Teed.
Royal Nail Steamship To• 1
Montreal to LIvorpool.
17a lee.
have st1*51
et with
such usl•ersal fa-
vor, that ether
are now mating
inferior isaltati•
Insist ea having
the Cos boy make
as Imitations re
as good or
the genuine.
The raiders of Oda ;mew will be pitneett
Mara that Mons le et (.551 05s dreaded dMiess
tbat scleses lute boon aMo_ to curs Is all it
, and that Catarrh. Mal Cs Catarrh Cu re
Doeltle• mire Meow. tO Lae medical
teatersity. Ostmark bola g• mash uttcdeal di -
deed. rig UtrelliteWWW uttonal treatment Hall
Catarrh Cure lobe a tertian,. sett air deicer
epee the blood pod mumett esdasee of Lhe
system. tliereby. SOD co, ins 1.141 feesdatleo of
(beet...ea sae glides the r • Ma street by
huddle, up the emosilautten aesorlag
nature is doling tte work. Thdi ergosislore have
ma amok faith Is go curative g °wan that tbey
offer Os • Hasered Dotterel he any owe that it
lath to our*. eined Mr Hat el , edam:bib
Address R. 3. CHENEY k CO., Toledo, C.
Ss* by Druseats. 75c
Rail's ratollyIlils ere the beet. '
gierusors rel from Moatreal y asturdeg
monolog oa arrival of tralas (mai 'tor 010 Mg
the West about • Welorl.
Cable MAO and upwridr ; be..oaa Cable
P4 sad line PLO; enewase LIverpued.
lesees, Hieesove. fleitast, toadoedory of
ishionomm; IPSO and SPA&
A red ueti os of 0,. Per meat to *now id rn
rooted trio gret sad emesill *alga (Whoa%
railings of steamers ur other intormatisa apW
1.0&ay authorised .est.
Beerlieir. 1 Slag SR W. Teresto.
er 11 dr A. Allan- nentseed.
ammowL08111. Ind ColleMultY•
&oboe Soleil
--"`"'Itietitil1111111113S66.. •
Nese SINitsMeasee OIL. Tyrone.
mime ellOses--Inisepeg was. teinenwer, 11.0
Ds. o scrs Modred *1 1.400051 sayable halt
helirlreiseisloss.1 firo,snaviis weed for moasy deposited for
MONEY •DVANCSO oo Heal Seat., at low
sal hammed and on favorable condition..
Land Mortgagee and lgualcitial or 5071001
Debentures purolimed.
Information may be obtained from. and ap.
phiwtloos may be made to
0. r R. Hmtois Oderral Agent, Wlonlyeg.
CsaLRE J. M•ItANI, Oeseral Agent, vap-
or 300•Tor.
In English coffee-houses. in tbe old-
en time, • contribution box was placed
grommet food Is traneferred to tbe against the wall, and it was customary
mouth. for assets to drop in smell donations
for tee welters. Over the box were
TO LURE A Garbo Ife of•E DAY. the word'. "To lettere Promptness,"
Take Laxative Swaim Qiiiiiiihr Tablets All Oise Fronk the itat jai, COMPS the modern tit,.
tier mime lb* mew 17 a hoe le Care. Ihr. .
TRAPPED. rebilos
Attorsey-You say thin defendant Hartford & Vim Tiros
kissed you in • dark room* _lee 011or • II Attelakio111. W. TioroMo.
' PI intiff-Yee, sir. .
Pink Pills. I thought it *ageism hut I AtterneyWill you please explain to
wised me strosgly to try
Wee reedy to grasp at asy mess' of the Court how you come to enter e
promised relief, end- so commenced to dark room with the defendant I
woe them. Before the mooed box was Fair Plaintiff -0k it wasn't dark
completed felt myself ag:tting bat, when ws sweetie. I turned the light
Out afterward.
(00 d 'emus tubelike. A few yeers ter and before I had flu my
lwfore, boweVir. duriwg the protract- enth box I wee able to go *loot my
ed *mg* .ot Sebastopol the combined own work. I coellnu.ed them until I
fleets of France and England bad em-
ometreted the penwor wad pcosibititiee
of the eiteseuts et the period when ar-
rayed la uppoinfien to even the most
elaborate and suientific systems of de-
fonoe. Ouly the seterity of the clim-
ate sod tlie extraordinary intrepidity
R 'ao Wadi MT, _..,j .14 them tn
The doctors of Melbourne gem
ismer to the City Xerespee_resestly.
▪ tly way . Joke, „Iad to make
he entirgue the banquet rupee. No las
illka whiel mans Wale** ""illiefa
ave lelo were utilised as tables. alto
he isotoniary deprefoleg *Imam of the
ilsce nf death gave way to nem aserry
nO9inc of ehmemerne corks sad the
ally amnia of 'fl•s Jolly Geed ma -
The higher officials of the etity
not flie Not'. wit It snob es 111 grecs
bet the eortmer ie likely to lame his
• 1
had used fourteen boxes. whenIwes
completely cured. The swelling has left
nay neck and I PM now as well wo-
Man its ever wee ha lay Ilfe. I make
the above statement voluntarily. be-
lieving It my dirty to that which has
saved my life end will if noceessry
make an affidavit. to the above Stets
lip:twirls allies at lay for such a long oat any tins.
depreved condition of the blood or
Usdotabtedly the moot interestiog a shattered nervous system is the, me-
an& by restoring the blood sod rebuild-
ing Um nerves. Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills strike at. the reset at the disease,
driving it from the memo and restor-
ing the patient to health and strength.
le ease( of paralysis', "goal trembles,
lommotor atexia, ecistiom rheuma-
tism. erysipelas, scrofolous troubles,
etc.. these pills are soparior to all other
treatment. They ire also a speolfle
tor the troubles whieb 'mike the lives
01 50 many women • buirdan and
Speedily melon the rich glow of health
tO sallow cheeks. Beeline of is:Sta-
llone and rahstitutes alleged to be
led as goed.t. Sold ivy ell dealers or
seat by Mail, postpaid. st , 50 sesta s
6.5 or 6 boxes for 1:2.50, by address -
leg the Dr: Wilfisune Medicine Co.,
Brockville Oat.
1" Idltelted alive is Maltatti
ke rehtle
The first t
▪ In Will
f e bombardment in the ret of moat ill* that afflict mankind.
agnate 01 warfare risco (AMIN were
first invested is that of the munweere-
fol 'Wand of Spode to regale Is 1779
tbe fortress of Gibraltar, which Fs/g-
lued had take.' by storm a few years
before. For *roe years sod Neves
month' the strosgbold was invented by
• large force of all arum. seed • prac-
tically uninterrupted fire front lati guns
iav-teding some fifty mortars of 13 -inch
calibre wan maintained helm rep 12,
17/10 till Feb. I, 1?811. illennerhile the
gallant little garrison Iva. but owe re-
lieved and eieffered all the pease oe
elarsatioe nee ealieiteitled sometimes.
Mkt a 1601101 of deigerdc. Still they
Meng to the gisentte eieek. repent*,
atter* after otliock with ledornitable
eserage mid reimpose. ..4 ieffitaiss
satortneue losses on their optiesente The
tatter, Weed, ere deserving of praise
for flee petflosoity 1154 yersevereees
with which they redeemed to the fray
thee after Used, isaituilted by coalition-
al reverent sml hopefel ewer ho retrieve
the dt4frsiji whiit.Zylnimett 16.Pre the III" put
The m laterestios 464 exciting o-
leo& duels( this long siege was the
ferneisse Attempt made log tbe Spent-
wttlet toward the °lose, w they
AIM.AINRD avant' mliev
odium, and aSildedllee the ittready
Ii!Taltiod Stakes
' to therseebr
In Masi net* comes when t boroug h
satisfaction is given the pu.blio. nest's
why Norville* sells so rigidly. Thoth -
ache is cured as If by attegie. Pais. be
tents] or external. finds a prompt an-
tidote in Norville*. Try it.
Frans Joseph DolinP0:n11 stimpat.
the senior class of the INIVersity
Tessa. end who °streaks itt bis clitit-
inetes, nes been totally blind sine*
be woe ten risers old He will graduate
with the ttightiet Minors at the condos
CASK OF N12111111lfT1'.
il1dgeirt--0141 sees. you've *mow
'Sedated4inrime.liatleot,ellolle 1(43.0.a& end
lds't yet suer if If omelet
a Metter Steteinte deed. I am glit-
tering for tie Me* of $10.
Blisdholt, relwar:It
est OR a Arbeed. a241teedkl=r1:1
to mho the flint payment es It.
'Males. old Whom
An affective rapid-fire gun is being
manufactured by the Colts Company,
or Hartford. It is capable of firing 200
!Mem • minute. and distributing thrum
over any desfrSd alpaca Oss of them
gene. operated by one MAD. 050 sweep
the (tees of a modern battle-ehip is
ten m1710,048.
and glowing complexion are unfailing
eridesee of good bealtb. By goody re-
gulating the Moseecti, bowels, liver sod
kidneys, Oeltary King kip the system
tn Dee oonditiOn. and time renders the
eyes bright and compleales clear. More
entaible theta ooseteties, don't you
think' Solal by all oissiriata or Wood-
enird Medlidne Co„ Tereeibt„ Oen.
• Tniitteleat stati-Poi.. Is an eirkfteet
en artist!
Pop. who has just had * new house
bulit-I guess too. They say artiste
are perfect ebil&roa stoat nosey mat -
W P C 916
YOUNG taints Worland 01001mhe 1141, im.
•Good• ploOMM. meow
moot Send 100. lic min -
s.' MIINTNIN } ilirs 1.4515545Lolled'
'a, Tomato, ost
Ire=LAWN wake WS oweatMr wattles eve
ter es, ooplereiest. Moseypleareet.
preftelds. Ileii4 WC ter wieneles. Ow !asepsis
deea Loeb • Oe.. OM McCown) MSc Toronto
FARM elt. ANS 1171711 howls& .0145.
eteetweigid. Terme salted
R. M. fete ft
. •-eni &Wit. sad
Maio', Newt. Mettoteak Qui
4. NUT UAW* 11•MISI5* arester_i_
'1111111111Pelleleggi mmmmmmmm os
mins MMMMM mainsenimsdn•issmma
The Page is a (Mee weVen is &fac-
tory and shipped in rolls reedy to be
stretched on the poets. That is why
business awn and railways like it as
well as farmers do. No patent -rights.
no expense in putting up. no trouble,
-as easy as buying sugar. Then yea
have the best and strongest fence
made. It requires few poets, and will
not be injured by suow-banka or ex-
tremes of temperature. Farm styles
t frogs 45 to 6.5 cents per rod.
For jTTpart itlirts
dram VHF Wel Pair (0.00 4.1151'.
nod direet-te-ss.--1111_ _
tleisig Oiattor-teiL • •
PE i1R fENtC011111"
P. S. -Be sure tees* eleff "ad." Le
next issue.
Tuts iii • BONA FIDE eller mak te letroduce ear Vegetable 5•4I Never
Seeds to elm cusetemers sled which we gsereetee ii• p10504 750. er the
asserist paid reforided and (55 55.4. given iss • porest.
At them prima we .515 clime offer the TarilhilMil aained below. Order to alliviser.
Buy what you want They see met by mall post pad. 15••1011 from 114 1.110 list i
V SOFT A BLEB. I* wave His.. 55,11 0054*
lOrder by Surebeel 17 Orites. tom rod W 4
M. omee, Yellow Globe .411111
Sgt. /MA Ips., reuse U Paresla 110110001.55
1 m lot weed 10 Rollie, 'wool' Broottool
1 11641.4", • RAMO. •w7 0.0
• Ot'oBrichwiob le. Sees* Hubbard
Scarlet U. Tamale. estre ette.Z.aireSie
I. Our* model el Tasiate, Demi
. limse..tie.Ming FLOWERS -
1. ovum oelewielt-suaebese 5. sews. salsa
lemem: lime It Ulesoweste. eves*
U. Herbs. 8..Or7 p. Psow. mired
11 germ Illarlorese IL Teisala Mod
11 twelves, 111wwwwil (0abbses1 IS Naldertharms. MO belbed
It Lcddross Dearer ilartid owlet) * ewes. Puna Mee mixed
le Merit mem sors eerie, Illeleese U. Wild flower. Garden Wise
rriostrag 3515 05050
SCUT OUT nerd reist te se web
an order for 11poloist: Mil
leehmde 1 motetm gOM.
So ealstgire:lraecit •
rid Charge TO ISM
W. will NOT ACCFPT AN ORDER et these prime whore
the gerbets see NOT selected from Use eliev• list.
Adenine an erases to N..0 Carrot. Half tees Nevem
Deal seed Footnote Stamina.
WxN"t' Elf3C3Ft'S.
Florida of the North -Rest from snow and the Cold North. *
Ilettee. Mess. Apples. Frisk. 6t.*s
TM IMMO 0111111110111010
roam Illerie Merbot Itelbeetra=4/Ve
That LUDELLA Ceylon Tee is the finest.
VitY IT, and you oral say do sante.
1,041°,840400. as, 40, so and 6oc.
Hotel Traymore,
Atlantic City, N. J.
311114intlinaram wassod. Ocennisipanningo Lea glivrobarzr 104.110642*
Rates the Very Lowest Consistent With First Class Service.
The TIMMINS is one of the longest established beach front hotel"
In Atlantic City. Homelike and cheerful and enjoys the cootInued pat.
restage of a quiet and refined class of visitors. Write for all informatbsi.
D. S. WHITE, Jr., Owner & Praviator.