HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-5-5, Page 5SUPPLEMENT. Ln JI is. 'd. FIFTY-FIRST Fy IRST YEAR ---2672 TrawelIng Osumi. -;i.1311111E RAILWAY, mane U*,r 10 2• / Jm• 1f•fl'd pQAter. Dendlitri *.f NICHOLSON Av • Room. O 0016 Mag. Crowns 16 Years Expert ate L M. MABEE, D•D•8 r L.D.B.,-DEN• L .11 dwt).1 opur •et and • Preserve d for •11 dent►1 Ota• pet os of the *aural feel • / e1•ity lel overlies; Rehire es dry r de store, oor- aer et Kest at am Ite Sasses. sr tlM. TUBS I JLL. D.D.B., Lo iS.- . Dental 1111 asae-1 •...12 and poise- Isle. oco► 111.ed vrith&� 0gold or slum lOre• to the 11as t w eilere1 tooth. Ott t• eIw•• a sew 7.16 a.m 2 ts) L16 o.m M[edloal. �I1. HCNTER. PHYSICIAN, SUR - Irate from r otdessa• 'ash e. emu irem reotdes.e.elle di LOSILL L4 0. CAMEROle, BAR 00,0 t ttreet ..r. ease Ines.' dry good. .tore. ERNEST HEATON - BARRISTER, 9oltdter. Notary P• ante Canadian Beak of Commeres Members. the Square 16w - y ECAMPION,Q.C.. B KK 8ToyBR>.M a .1°it.r.Irr DMA. Souses. MU, JOH e=seeest BTOq YEaR, . colter, 0 .mfsslIllswia1s ands` al. wA Owens. oed rl•h• Ont. fai R C. HAYS, EARRISTIKR, SOLICIT - +w Oftdoor Seag. be Ornrelent* x thindAa • too lend it Avesta. rates Or interest. 12* flARROW Lit �� CAMEIt3P, HOLT a BOLI[E8, �y�, aelletter. In Cheseery A•' Seoerlohaarr. ret. 0. Cameros. Q.C. : P. kMI Dad ley Holmes. O. WARD, OO1IYIYANQER ssa:Ire.en. 1, 1.' la 1n7 a ttysr 1t► Nam i. oe fr t Oeea" J.= n'iM ben ar in any biog. 4 . essiing to e 1taAaw• 1- ' ''' w D.ostose• f be 01141. TevasPaT, May ti, 1898, THS-] I.33.A.DI1T N E1WaPAP E a OF HURON OOTTNTY_ D. M°GILLIC UDD Y, EDITOR. GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA : MAY 5, 1898. H ELLO ! 1NEWS OF THE DISTRICT THE OLD I From our own Correspondents • RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND THN BEt$T Scranton Hard Coal IN THE MARKET All Coal weighed on the Market Bailee, whish roil get 1000 lbs. for a ton. WM. LEE. Orden 114411111.11P28 A WM'S Stare •spotDptty attended to. GOD1ERIOU BEAM BO1LIRlWORIB. V A.8. OHRYSTAL, ss I � LAMS Sad &II/WTa>ZO MuPiv �T�ua 1;, et hi 00,000 CO Privet C to y onelli *nilly. ILO.t% 1f *melte ONb.rse IA ON TOa wApr private t,a S CENT able Orb b mossysem 10.0 lotto. fat nibs end t orestt saw• be sale. L N 'LRWIa serlISR. C. SZAO KR, CONNEYANCINO AND t_,_._... odes. .ppostte Martin's Botal Got ONEY TO LEND ON MORTC3'A(3Q b1GIL U ,,; ti l .d. doh. F J. T. NATTItl•, TIRE, LITE AND erica. egiE erica e•s _ lagam •4- -O� )LONIY TO LIED. -A L & R G Ii lewa.i et Private tee hives= R'I.s.alar Itis, Mord "= ..,. *.A ,- 11[esq te Lewd 0 pu.�fMt bonlie nett.. .t the lows* vote et ts.e•. •I an door beet tai wan to lIgnerts. W •r as ees Mgr Mb �� �t.1! e0eaeaserto Okrestol _ - nuta.faCtnrer et all kinds of BOZL E R Smoke Stooks, Salt Yana, Sheet Ise. Works, etc., etc., And Dealer la- Engtsos, Maobin•ry Castings, k0. All elms of Pipes and Pipe Valves,Stoma and Water Gauges, ere sad In. •a Valves, Hard at Lowe• A .p.otal line of Steel Water sad Hog Tten�e for use of farmers and others. Repairing promptly attended to. A. S. OEATBTAL. P. O. Box W. Sadesl.O. There le later -aide Bete That Cosset be /mod Anywhere Lies -Rewe et the rye. "y Specially seperted Per The $ipal• Idly bride, who was baadeomely attired in a be attributed why she should take her own travelling suit of dark green with bat to match, was assisted by her sister, Miss Anne Donahue, of Emmett, Mich., while the groom was supported by his brother. J. Lannon, of Ashfield. Atter the osrem•ny the bridal party repaired to the resides's of Mrs. Lag*, the bride's mother, where the wedding dinner was partakes GI. and on the 4:46 r. a. LH. & R. train Mr. Dad Mn. Lanolin lett for Detroit. where they will Ills. Mrs. Kent was • daughter of We Griffin, and bad been a resident of town tor ma•y years and was held to blip esteem by bar large corals of Irmads and acq°untanoes. LUCKNOW. • The annual mooting of the Locknow 1'0b- 1le Library was held In the reading room Monday evening, May 2nd, at 8 o'olook, when officers were elected, reports received. take lip their residpoe. and other busineu attended to. The members of the Crieket Club tendered Dr. 1). R, Bone, of Chesley. has bee& .p - F. W. Terry a farewell sapper at the Hotel ;misted issl,eotor fog Bose trod Grey for ClarenMy don 00 ..a. 0100108. It wog 00 applytna the tuberogas NateWee for ex- BLYTH. enjoyable event. - port to the United States. Tart week ter a tw geed HaggMies Higley has returned from Goderich. Drs. Bleokall and Ball have lately made week. for tnD. C. 1deMorren, the director of the Nt was on the sick list last aattteaL. tests &maim oattle u this viotdty Muslaal Society's band, of this villa*., was ,erenloeb, hint so far bare riffs& Te Called over to Paisley- w Malcolm Somers has returned home frost discover its 511114000. days to ass his mother who is very IIL W tertoo. Alex. Visitor left last week oe a booboos trip to Manitoba. -r The Blyth brickyards have cominfleMlil operations for the season. The regular monthly melting of the Biyth *moil was held on Tuesday evening. N. H. Young. A. S. Dickson and W. W. Sloan have returned from their trip to Ws- eisslppL Andrew MoCaa. fattier of Mrs. (Dr.) Sloan, of Toronto. Is seriously ill at the resideooe of Dr. Sloes with paralysis. Dr. Chisholm, of Wiagbam, was in Blyth on W 0I0.Sltatton with Dr. Tait en an else. the palest being e why beg bels ill for S wMr. sedum John Dreimased, est - swam. Leu 1)..Msod, left Blysa alY Friday statues. They will visit ter a these with rillat-4-ixtiateed end . laebtoo and Kest eeonties beta* tads1 up their residence •t Atle•W0. hE CLINTON. ' There Woe • meeting rInna Dohe morning f 9 Perrin Block. co y' o'otock, te re-orgainze the mania club. Jaa. Steep, aceomp&nied by bis son. Harold, lett last week for Dian Head,f cane els Al- berta. Be took along o of live stook, implements. oto. Rev. Fred smith, M.A.. one of the epetdal deputation sent out trout Ragland, delivered a looters to Bt. Paul's oharsh S. taboo' o* the Jews on Tumidity evening. [8t. Joseph's ohuroh was crowded on Tues- day of t. S week. M witthe • piab of Mies DY Smug Jolts eielas .ad - Lee - see, et Detroit. '1'be esr.m00Y was Per- formed by Rev. Father Wise The far 1 Canadian Pacific Ry. i I S THE DIRECT FAST ALL -CANADIAN ONLY LINE TO TAKE FOR The brickwork en the new Doherty fac- tory will be oompleted in a few days 1f the weather still keeps floe. As many as 191 persons were employed on the premises, in various °ap iar es. al one time last well. Mr. Doan has retial Steep's °old storage building, and bas Present using it to com- plete sense week he had under way. He will still bay bides and skins, as formerly. but has net yet decided what( he will do towards rebuilding the tannery. WINGHAM. Miss hila Deans bas been very ell for the pest oouple of weeks. At last reports she was oa a fair way to recovery. Tb. May quarterly services of the Matt- hew Methodist cobweb were held last See- ley. The pester, Rev. fir. I?hseos, as halal. of the bicyclists of town was SEAPORTS,. Yid OR Monday night, with the view of Battalion 0 lab In month order ter tete pby 0 list°s33rd os May tow Meted te leatee Manitoba, the N c rth west, Klondike and Yukon Gold Fields. NOW Ma.bIf. dhoys. VIi:IEM lh et y, ALL KINDS .,. obis the -� *4116 le L_ LOWEST RATES. FASTEST TIM[. ACCOMMODAI ION UNSURPASSED. 3 TO THE PCARS C FIC COAST Buchanan@ & Rh) Gas, of Goderich, have Hen awarded the °entreat for the Bao new 44,500 ohuroh the Presbyterians are, erecting at St. Helens. The building was dos/rood by W. E. Smola*., of Listowel, The new dines will be fitted with the air - color sate, and will have bot the same •000mmod•Won u the churoh this firm is er.uting at Londe/shore. At the Board of Directors' meeting of the Malone Breach Agrioultural Society. in the Mechanics' institute on Saturday last, a *mutat* mastitis, of President, Peter McKenzie, and vies -President Peter Corri- gan, was appointed to go to fdamilton sad wafer with the owner of the Agricultural Park as to Its purobaee, and if satisfactory arrangements *scoot be made for the pres- ent park. the Satiety will purohw new grounds elsewhere. AGENCY -FOR CRESCENT BICYCLES GEO. W. THOMSON Same interesting facts regarding the output of "Crescent " Bicycles in 1897, by the Western Wheel Works, of Chicago, Illinois. 1In 1897, the total number of Crescent wheels sold was 83,000. The number manufactured per day, 750 complete bicycles. 350 miles of Tubing was used. 780 miles of Wire was used in the construction of the spokes. Steel forgings used in the rough weighed 113 tons, and when finished, 21 tons ; or 92 tons of waste in drilling and finishing. 32,084 square feet of sheet Steel was used in constructing the sprockets. Crescent Bearings required 18,997,300 steel balls. 1'77,883 square feet, of O - gig Saddles and`Toni Bag.. • The-Gestioo as to the otwine at the Nares The tint foot. ball match of the NUNS will be Played In town on Saturday nen-1W- twines entwi es Clinton Collegiate institute and boa. forth. On Monday eveni51 lot the 33rd Batt. hand played '• Erin and the Brennan', in Cerdso's hall. There was • good audience. .re. views were fair, bat the eloontl000ry powers displayed by the man who explained the different views were not up to the mark. One day Wt week, while I;am•Boole end Iwo Puresll were driving out ot the leas in the rear of Aedrew Tooge' • grocery 'tore, an accident betel them. The horse estates frightened and m.king • bolt up the rod, the wagon upset. while turning the corner at Jobs -et. Isot,loor0pa°te were thrown out, but ..caped eerune +°jury• of town at 7 o'oleck each evening, may Saturday, has bels causing come talk on the street daring the week. Qeite a number of the members of the 0aaadien Order of Foresters ot town at- tesded the funeral of Wm. Caesar at Bot- gnre on W.dneed•y &harness. Court Maitland, No. 1 9, �0mbar+rya s pleasant evening Wends on Wednesday of last week. Sostel eeeveres, games, .to., were indulged un- rmthe til the °baian. Dr. Kennedy. meeting to order. A short program was this rendered. Margaret Kent, relict of the late Edwin Kest sled on Sunday morning last. De. mead came to her death by polecat, admin- istered by bee awn heed. bot no cones cos TcaOit'ro, April nth. lfea WE OTTER AT TAR SVOJECr TO ALLOw1•ser $100 BOND AT 5 PER CENT., INTEREST, $70,000 5 per cent. 20 -Year First Mortgage Bonds OF THE BELLEVILLE CI 1 Y 1 LiI:CTRIC RAILROAD. I.tenoltrayabls .eml•....•lly, on tee fleet day or way rod November. s,o,pons payable •t the !Rank of Yeatral, TeWeida r'ea&e• Asada of Onsde•omin.t*• of a/Oe each. dated Apr., 16, 1.ee'The bootie Op.,/to.W� by a rat the limortgage heedoped, ad* t SO. T ad, Corpora..leis of Ont.rlo, eft the entire *.lief. franekt.v, prop• y. Limited. .t MUsvu Fall tetorwatieale•d141Apply to ee dMolds." d Yokes Sold ed. R. RAZJOLIFFf], - QOD1aRZ08- ',ilio or nine months oft e Y �C>♦�I'Q'rr tldl,ge en this property cons11t of stone hosts M y os. bol et lAl- re red 1t(. o t srlo. gloats will bo received far the above lure in amounts to suit pure . r appiloat/ow blank below. chasing or leasing thirty n,rea of land rr,rest rMi-i•ad eeolpmshc hoot to 189 3. a Atting up for a Perk, as hereafter Two miles of track bay already bee. mentioned. • told; the e,eaat.weUso u flnt.cis,., EZTENIIO1(S AND IMPH,OP'77.7Te. -It Is Road -bed. -Macadam\ tone ballast. proposed to extend the line from Frand ont street west to the yropoaed •*.aril the. Ties.-5.640 to the mile, hemlock. cedar cemetery, which will run, and tamarack, in good condition. whole Way, through a thickly settled 'w- and were and tion, and will Dave on the route the t3ov- Italls are bonded with copperernntent lnstftutlon for the Ilwat and cross -bonded every 126 feet. Dumb. the mineral baths, and the Agrl- Polee-TblrtY feet seven Inch top cedar cultural grounds. polo" to good condition, set In rock five There are no parks at present IBelle- tangent., ethe rt on ell e, but wlthtn three mNe feet or dirt six feat, 100 feet apo eertlre of the city. on the &hors o[ the tangents, twenty feet apart o0 curve.. flay of t,tulnte. n.ltuItg the eee h' *i loeIhe alignment. cemetery. all In good city' akte, the Company have seilCted (ver -head Censtructfon.-Span wort la about thirty sere. for a perk. onye of the good condition. guy and •pan wire, Yrin• most charming spots on the. bay. This f - stranded galvanised wire iron, trolley thirty ale cre e. oto be uruck., he itt *strew --0- copper. _,l,he headings 0»•ie tacrnese and baseball grounds. A a» situated coon t t nb of the Moira • amusements b to bevtdon for mbuilt. ents and pn- river, and are In good repair. The corn- whteb Includes EECIZPT$.-At prevent. only two mile,. of ase own the property, , track being la:d. with termini at the rales t the beat mill sites on the Nver, t and steamboat dock. the reot- gas o easily 100-h e• for caD•Dle of generating h ear ,rete road depot dentist portion of the city le not reached, and Ott reeelp'• are derived from "Wase connectlona only. - JOHN KNOX, ONIINSAL ADO- N.po. sad Last ♦ M rim red .Oi-l)sage -. te mlestoue Burtoa' VO�odpd.rta& P. O., e OX Oosnsv A as� 11[IIShalfaS' I1tOflltUte. CTTLE BROS. Plumbers Steam -Fitters n O 11IIOcalf1A astAHiod' �Ab1l1Y Wit/.•e e..1 nee greet end Ile/ Osseo teem 1 to t r.m. and Moe 1 to le lase &BOUT MOO VOL'S IN LIBRARY. LeeiiR! Deep, liiolip ted Illaterdall heart, Merefise, ego., se Tac busio sorlgteurr.011117Ift.es. ambler bee M Mem, mad `sedtaa Y =M* ,,U 1J ' tens*" s#attp rsssever ill, R. SAI eN Iw�M� *Ugh MIL bas ler-room 30 x 60. separated by Mane separated frerri eagitte-r wall; .ter5hew5• 40 : 16, attached to mals butldj.S, square brick stack. sixty feet set seobi•fiveuIon, nue a tochee square. Immo feet ,,quare- doutill two -sterol brick houwe; a one and a half -storey brick house. cross Powe nd Brows 11it 5'13 x 20 x I0; one compound let 'mein,. 6 1 a it iI; one horizontal tubular bolter. e2 x 14 It 3 tubes: brick foundation and setting; one vertical holler, 30 x 6; one duplex steam in rump; all necessary piping, hefting; 1 Canadian O. E. generator. to, t .W.M-P.. 560 revolutions. Me volts; ane slate panel switch board. complete. 200 600 voice. The Present power- - _ n rnleh , entitlement t.As artiPlY euft!elent ro a ` turnl.more power than Is"Ti1t2HdtayY'r•r the proposed extension. ear Equipment. -Ono twenty-one feet eloaed mater air. equipped with two twMgty-Me H. P. 0..E 100 motor., end two series *reit* ..0trell"114 Will No. 21 truck; one hlxtet's feet cloned motor .'nr. same as abot'e; two ten -bench open car.. converted Int° motors: The pro - 1 r..• rl •xtenslon will neceseitnte the 'a:l* IInx of about three wiles addltlbnal read, which. It is intended to do in the I .0 Detantlal mmwtern and Improveanti tn d ,; with the most car service Have removed to West side of the Spare, next Sturdy Bros. Grocery, - so here they will be pleased to see all their customers, and as many more se will favor them with a call. West gide Square, C+ocleximl '3. TRUIfRIIE-'rho trancfil•e 1s frit twenty -: ear.. with the right of eve* exclusive c&l for twenty years Tenter; lsi right on an the meds and I,rlA1r11. and asoptp4* the company front taxation: deb0 lint nregq1*l» to pay any ps'rcentaRr ' of the t.c0Dt• to the city. end eitow5 the optlefiermatr. tit ' , p.hrr,iring ers Paying by Total weight of Wheels eel in '97 wen 1,381.8 1, pounds, or 1,191 tons. WesterWheel Works turn out more High (trades Wheels this any two factories in America. PRICES OF `r CRESCENTS": $`25.000 $$ 0.00 50.00 $60.00 for eight months at least, say 1,IOt AM days. .... 00 WOO 00 The e.tlm:+te, which has been car, fully gone into, Is „WY conrertative, and, based on the lowest post:ble results, 111,2311 � shows a net profit of nrTELEI'r ON ebbs IE2IIE to knee tee PEE CENT. BONDS ' ., EET LITER PAYING ALL CHAESEI _ 11117,039 at We have carefully examined the above the rli t twocyears are the gqcorrect, •ppts for also be- lieve that the estimates as to future earn- ings and expenses are conservative. (Signed) S. e. LAZIER. Local Master Master of the Supreme Court. CAMERON BROWN, t the Dally Ban Publishing Id and Printing Copan JOHN J m B. ?La , Police Magistrate of the City. DAViD B. ROBERTSON, City Clerk. Dated Belleville, city lof Nellsyflle. In the yunty of with a population of about uty .0 0. }lasting., 6lulntelabutl1201miles from Toronto. sad 200 from Montreal. It la et thrlvtng, busy piers. surrounded by excellent hest markets Inthelands. province. has on and e of the The buildings are principally of brick end stone. the prf:ate residence*' bette superior to those In places .f much larg- er sift. The streetsand the pr. good macadam- rinccipal sidewalks lard roads, s, are concrete. It has an excellent system of water *apply, gas. and electric light. Shops of the Grand Trunk railway are Minded here, Belleville being a ivisional point of the rds&. The rallSst! depot 10 located at the north-eaht part of the telly, about one and ono -half milts from the man centre of Front street (the principal bueintunt ��.���� 1u about two miles from the .t1athboat'Aolkk. - --- The following places are worthy of no- Itre .-`Three colleges, turtent In- .... DOrte umb three Juveniles, - - 20.00 Adults, 40.00 Tandems and Chainless, 75,00 All " Crescents " fully guaranteed. A. shipment of " Brantfords " is expected in a few days. Asa shown by the books of the company. from this patronage com- pletewas yearrealised has been In opera- tic,'" *11.12.42. al average, Per o,61M Tt year o[ It to estimated theft the ro = n to be derived ttta e a;on_ Park and *10 atta*tloM (only estimating twenty days for .peclal attractlofts and 760 at- tendance) , 2,740 00 00 Car rervl:o Ce to Average' •'oily attendance park and cemetery, May to t.Y00 00 Oct.. 131 day*', 2027 -_-0rdifftn'Y-twee asseea-al .para_ -- ----- end tr1n. 'sty per easy, "..th,.:0,, 5.150 ne Oars , I16"°06 27 5tnutlon [or the • I daily n/wapaDeT• thrlo foundries, two e shown by the k*%k, of t e romps"}. fila exP•b en, canning factories, tour flour futile. 11101 for y.-th. two ywM have been, u0t(ti tluwnre factory, three cabinet fnetortee. per Year ere furniture factory, one paper mill, ono •,ter fuel to On 00 carnage factory, and one woollen mill. soretee loan r,s,wectfully. ft not the ftie je mel Theion socharter e mole* _• � Th. Drewrd• et the ow of g'hs mead swift of the Seat k bi�wb 11O la wee fteN se deo Grip loess are to be used to building three p urchastttg e1tr.►A es al - A os7ei, st bit w."::4116. fait C 0 ptr5 nt t11• lats•t Improved a�...�.s+-.� "nee aM.As/ -"• *.Liken& to seenmmnAata the Imran,.ed t�sss , 041Mt t W.E. Pow*, T10. kplill.lgs of ile mmp °1. err.efn� n 1 iAe lve.snt two g_ttpa��,,r_-_��_- w li ,i ni. M'levee - h a trap.. latrZall a edge m > ff.•slw a Hehtp l)M7 Israel t ,A/Overres, and sit Safe,. gel 1Mtt/E G_ -RT_ TT=TOMSON STURDY BROS THE C3-ROCER8, Is the store for :- FINE TEAS, COFFEES, LUNOH "DELICACIES, SIIaDRIEDFRUIITS, HAMS, BACON, GREEN FRUITS FLOUR, (all the best brands.) Our stock of China and Glassware is well assorted, and marked at low. est possible prices. STURDY BROS. On the Square -West Side. AddItlenal new torr, est Car AAdtttonat 1p. 312l day WYATT & CO.. Contingencic5• • gimp* lliemberToronto Stock Exoh(nt., trwllt (Which or E. L SAWYER ,e6 CO. CANADA LITE ELM TORONTO. When the dim It N at upon pr 0 It *111 *'n v1 pet In $wt4 ito.... BELLEVILLE TRACTION BOND . • FORM OF APPLLICATION. WYATT It Co RniWi"t�Tero E*charge, Moeda Life nr F Shirts* k Co. Canada Lifts AnlMlnt. Toronto. Rondo. of par rolne of 2100 each. G l,1 1Rr • i alai•" 1M1 tens ooftt m.t .,• 2.• * .day of INC wIterati you �Mrl In IN 1o,.A• Tar Il the BellerlllwTreetttoo t',mtpanThl/mlte4; and April, aagee to Mr for s.14 Aped. tie altotfll1M. i mien agree to eeeept any 1eswe amount that sof ba swear tinned inc. Name in run... .... ... ........... ane The . L. o inn he wMnI, telher by remitting' Altrentthawthrongh year bank.tewith with attunes to draft T itIDllgRr.et or dot lttwettter- MISS CAMERON,. MILLINER HAMILTON STREET. I wish to announce that, having been unable to dispose of my business, and in order to reduce the stock and at the same time keep up the good standing of my business, I have secured an as- sortment of - all the handsome New Shades in Trimming Effects, also the Newest Shapes, all of which I purpose selling at very Low Prices in order to clear out the stock. A call respectfully solicited. MISS C &MERON. has SPRING GOTS AND SHOES TMS SHARMAN, Jr. an extensive stock of Boots and Shoes on hand, that for quality anti pries cannot be beaten in Ontario. THE FAMOU; SLATER SHOE al -I • still holds first place, having made a record by its Wearing and easy -fitting q.lalitiee. OUR LADIES' OXFORD TIES are the best ever put on the Goderich market for quality and price. vvnsz_ sH-esa.R .A.zs, Usitie THE PRACTICAL 8KOEMAKER, GODERItU. ear aro. Popeo--Pp